#Grey John Dory
moofy117 · 8 months
Dory Verse - “New Chewtoy”
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Feral JD belongs to @draco-after-dark
Grey JD belongs to @ijjstlostthegame
Brotherhood JD belongs to @0ketlyn-s and @tea0w0stache
Royal Council JD belongs to me
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arkad322 · 8 months
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Grey John Dory belongs to @ijjstlostthegame
When read the dinner table this came in mind
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juksanr1 · 7 months
John Dory's design from my fanfic "The Prisoner of John Dory au"
my ao3 account:
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draco-after-dark · 9 months
They made a discovery
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Crystal Dory AU (@tea0w0stache)
Grey J.D AU (@ijjstlostthegame)
Feral JD AU is my goblin B]
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liliavalley · 9 months
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branches!!! (ft. au where john dory shows up during movie 1)
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matmiraculous · 8 months
Grey: So. Who broke it? I’m not mad. I just want to know. UnusualBrother: I did. I broke it… Grey: No. No, you didn’t. World Tour? WorldTour: Don’t look at me. Look at EY. EldestYoungest: What?! I didn’t break it. WorldTour: Huh. That’s weird. How did you even know it was broken? EY: Because it’s sitting right in front of us and it’s broken! WorldTour: Suspicious. EY: No, it’s not! Crystal: If it matters, probably not… Brotherhood was the last one to use it. Brotherhood: Liar! I don’t even drink that crap! Crystal: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier? Brotherhood: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Crystal! UB: Alright let’s not fight. I broke it, let me pay for it, Grey Gray: No. Who broke it? EY: [whispering] Grey, Fratricide has been awfully quiet… Fratricide: Really?! EY: Yeah, really! Fratricide: Oh my god!
Grey: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it. I predict ten minutes from now, they’ll be at each other’s throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. Good. It was getting a little chummy around here. Fratricide is @rdostuff 's Crystal Dory is @tea0w0stache Brotherhood AU is @tea0w0stache and @0ketlyn-s World Tour is @year2000electronics Grey JD is @ijjstlostthegame Unusual Brother is mine and @ijjstlostthegame Eldest and Youngest is mine
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rocky-dangerbuff-art · 9 months
Psssssss . . . @ijjstlostthegame I like your Grey! JD AU so I made some fanart on my interpretation of Grey JD.
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I hope this is okay. I saw you answered an anonymous ask on people making fanart of your AU but if you want this taken down just let me know I gotchu
Keep up the fuckin awesome work tho grey JD now lives in my head rent free and now I'm uncontrollably cooking up my own JD au.
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xxnomadsxx · 7 months
I can only imagine your Branch giving the most disturbing gifts to show he cares. Ex:
Floyd: Oh man, I always worried Velvet and Veneer are gonna come back at some point
Branch: *Man, I wanna make him feel better hmm*
Cue the next day:
Branch: Here Floyd, this should make you feel safer (Man is covered in BLOOD and holding an even bloodier box) 😊
Floyd (about to pass out): Oh thanks B… what is it??
Branch: Velvet and Veneers vocal cords 😁 (He genuinely believes this will make him feel better)
Floyd: Oh… thank you Branch (He doesn’t want to reject the gift since it is one of the only occasions Branch has shown any of the brother’s affection)
His gifts only get worst from there. The brothers one time mention what happened to the Bergen that ate Grandma??? Branch puts Chef’s skeleton up in display for them to see that there’s nothing to worry about and that she’s been avenged. Meanwhile , BroZone: 🧍🧍🧍🧍
Poppy mentions that Creek betrayed the entire Troll kingdom??? Oh yeah, he tells the hilarious story about the time he was roasted alive and eaten by the village and even offers Poppy a tuff of his hair as proof.
He associates threats being eliminated as comforting and so he believes proof of that are the best gifts, he has good intentions but wtf he’s gotta work on better love languages.
anyways yeah BroZone loses their shit every time this happens but don’t have the heart to tell Branch to stop since it’s one of his main ways to show he cares about them and they’ll take anything at this point.
Honestly no one in the village is good at getting appropriate gifts ESPECIALLY Branch (he’s been living with the feral trolls(?) for years and their love language is violence) so you’re gonna have to forgive them on their very gruesome gifts.
All these situations are basically canon now because the idea is just so funny to me that Branch just pulled out all these corpse parts just to be like “don’t worry you’re safe😁”. Every time he does this his brother are just going through every emotion. It’s sweet that he did the gesture for them but also terrifying when you actually think about it (when he’s left the room, at least two of them puked and Floyd passed out four times) When Floyd is given the vocal cords as a gift the only thing keeping him conscious is the adoration that his baby brother got him a gift, but once Branch left the room, he immediately put the box in the closet and proceeded to puke on the floor. (Originally Branch got the vocal cords after he found out velvet and veneer took Floyd, but I find the idea of him going back for round two just so he can get a trophy for Floyd to tell him he was “safe” even better)
When he showed the skeleton to the brothers they were just too shocked to actually understand what was happening and kind of just went numb for a few minutes, all they could do was force themselves to focus on how happy Branch was so they wouldn’t have a meltdown.(when they later registered what they saw they just cried) When Poppy brought up how angry she is at Creek and how mad she is that he up and left again instead of staying to face his problems!! Branch laughed and said “OH, don’t worry we handled it😁” and he pulled out a tuff of Creeks hair, and hilariously explained the “funny story” of Creeks demise.
Everyone at this point just stops talking about people they don’t like out of fear that Branch Is just gonna come out with their body at any second. They like the gestures of the gift. It’s just the fact that they’re basically just corpse parts in a box that is handed to them with a smile 😊 saying, “I hope you like it” (he eventually stops when explained how messed up it is)
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leonisloresmith · 10 months
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Finally came up with more about my take on JD’s husband. His name is Drew
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ijjstlostthegame · 8 months
Seeing your post about the bunker hit my heart, do you think that Branch once he gets to see it loves it? Big bro Jd needs some love
This has stayed in my inbox long enough, i wanted to draw a comic for this but ny ipad got confiscated so imma write something for this instead
"and yeah, that's the bunker" John Dory said lifting his hand from the elevator's lever once they arrived at their next destination, trudging forward nervously he opened the door to a room and motioned for his little brother to tag along.
"and this is your room" JD said waving around the place.
Branch stepped inside with aw, looking around the room with a smile on his face.
"i tried to make it as comfortable for you as possible" John says, "so i customized it to suit you!" He continues a small smile cracking on his face before it falters, " or at least what i thought would suit you... " He continued, the silence that he was met with made him feel uneasy though, and he felt the need to add more.
"You- you can change it up however you want of course- I mean it's your room- this whole place was-was built for you- i mean, you remember the hideout and everything-"
His little spiral was cut off when his baby brother took him into an embrace, his weak drained body leaning fully on his big brother but still holding tight.
John was taken back by the gesture, touch and hugs weren't his thing, they stopped being his thing a long time ago, but he had to force himself from physically jerking away from his baby brother's hug.
Especially when he felt his jacket getting damp where Branch's head lied.
He reluctantly raised his arms and wrapped them around branch, giving him a few pats on the back.
Branch chuckled, then came his voice, "i love it John, i love it so much", JD relaxed at that, Branch loved the room, so that was good.
"and i missed you" Branch adds on.
And JD stiffens.
His grip tightens around Branch, and he can feel his own eyes burning.
"I missed you too, Bitty B"
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trolllsss · 4 months
I've been trying to articulate this idea for a while and I think I finally got it.
So there's a troll sickness that only affects Grey trolls, or trolls that had been Grey before. When they lose their pigment they also lose something that fights off this illness in brightly colored trolls.
Modern day trolls don't know about it, thank goodness some of the kingdoms kept good records, they just think Grey trolls die young. That's part of why most kept their distance. They wouldn't be able to camouflage and be eaten, or they'd get sick and have no one to take care of them because they pushed everyone away, or one day they'd just, disappear. Three to five years is the longest most trolls have heard of a Grey troll living. There was one country troll that made it nine. A stubborn, crotchety old troll named Willow who became a grey troll the same day she became a widow.
The sickness only takes about twenty percent of Grey trolls.
Others are too scared to leave their homes so they starve to death. Too numb to do anything but sleep so they die of thirst. Too despondent to see that they aren't a burden so they walk themselves into the beast filled forests and never come back. That's why colorful trolls almost instinctively avoid them. Because they'll just end up dying and knowing them will make that hurt and what living thing doesn't try to avoid pain when it can?
Sickness only takes two out of every ten.
That wasn't so bad before every troll in the world went grey. Thanks Barb.
Trolls started getting sick, then they started dying. The mortality rate is at about seventy percent. Funk found their old records and luckily, a potential cure. I'm calling it Grey Away because I think I'm hilarious. It's a bit of a drive to get but Branch immediately volunteers. He doesn't tell anyone that it's because trolls who were grey for longer are more susceptible to the sickness and he wants to get away from the masses.
Naturally Poppy joins too. The brothers, who were visiting to make sure Branch was okay, all decided to join too. They'd get there faster in Rhonda anyway.
Cue road trip of reconciliation! Proper time for the bros to come to terms with everything that happened and how rough it was for Branch especially. They get good at brothering too. Teasing in a way that's funny (usually about Poppy), making food and then stealing bites of said food, playing games and taking them way too seriously, and flipping the table when they catch someone cheating.(It was John Dory, he was feeding Rhonda cards. It was not subtle.) (No one ever catches Floyd who'd been cheating since the game started.)
The first symptom is losing your voice. It takes a day to realize Branch has stopped talking.
The next day he's grey again, another symptom. Poppy mentions that it's a little weird seeing him like that again. She was just getting used to his other colors.
Bros have to put in more effort to understand their youngest who was pretending he wasn't such because he was worried if he got to be too much work they'd leave him again.
Cue healing. And. You know. Saving troll kind. Again.
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ilikelookingatthings · 9 months
Anyone else kind of hope in the next Trolls movie they might properly adress the trolls becoming Grey thing?
because in the first movie they make a point that Among all of the trolls in the village Branch is the only Grey one due to the trauma of feeling like it was his fault his granny died and he felt it was the music's fault because he lured the Bergans over because he wasn't paying attention. He avoided hug time and seemed to put up a front to push the others away...but by the end of the movie he was okay with hug time and was able to bring back everyone else's colors and got his colors which were much brighter back.
and we saw all the trolls go grey and demoralized when poppy got sarcastic and felt hopeless....but Branch was living in a relatively peaceful settlement for ages and wasn't doomed to be eaten and was atcvely doing his best to prepare and fight against those type of scenerios...so its not just the hopeless factor right?
but what I don't get is Branch goes from super grey to super bright blue...but then in the following movies he was bright but then got darker?
like on one hand in the second movie he felt a bit off to me because he was supposedly more positive due to not being grey anymore so felt like he had more difficulty calling poppy out..but what I don't get is he is clearly much darker in this third movie then he was before? what happened to his colors? why did no one bring it up?
like does it come and go? can he shift his colors now depending on how he feels? but we also saw how there WAS a bias about him being kind of weird and grey so why does him being greyier not get adressed by anyone if those bright colors f his were so hard won in the first movie?
also what about his brothers? I know its been a while since they've been around branch so they don't know the specifics about him being grey before(which feels odd they never brought up) but do they not think his colors aren't as bright as they used to be?
also his brothers' colors (aside from bruce/spruce and maybe clay's hair) seemed to be not as bright...like their bods seem to bathc but werent they all bright colored before on the body? did they just naturally fade?
did his brothers turn Grey at all?
cuz honestly it seem difficult to get a troll sad enough for them to be grey..let alone stay Grey...and considering all of troll villaige went through the trauma of having been systematically eaten for a LONG LONG time and the only Gray one was Branch...like maybe its because he was a impressionable child it stuck harder? but I have questions...
like they make a clear point that princess/queen Viva has strong similarities/paranoia to Branch but she also clearly hasn't lost her colors...is it because she was forcing herself to stay positive and be strong for the other trolls she was protecting? but what about Clay? he has bright hair but has his odd sad hut he was choosing as his room and is the one who seemed to be doing the fire exits and the like..and Viva seems way more traumatized....but they at least seemed to semi listen to him...
so is it a socialization things? like everyone in viva's kingdom still seemed on edge so Clay got to actually feel more listened to and included unlike how all of the trolls kind of brushd off all of branch's warnings due to his 'the red coats are coming' vibe and his dismissal of their choice to cope with trying to forget and move on?
Bruce/Spruce has the love of his life and his family with the muppets so still seemed pretty bright....but i'm definitly stll curious.
especially about John Dory...because he was the eldest child and he left but when he came back he literally thought EVERYONE had died...and he had no way to know if his other brothers were alive either. He seems to be pretty upbeat honestly with some similar vibes to Poppy...but he definitely seems duller...but we know branch turning grey definitely was connected to seeing the grandma die/be taken...but also since most of the trolls had to deal with the bergens they all must have lost someone at sometime to the Bergens but they weren't Grey....but if Branch turned Grey over the grandma...its hard to imagine John Dory NOT turning Grey afetr thinking every troll he knew was dead including grandma and bitty B and most probably his other brothers...
but did he get his colors back recently after hearing about branch and teh pop trolls after they were discovered in the second movie after complete isolation? or was it earlier due to taking care of his catterpillar bus?
like...I'm kindof curious about how they can adress the grey aspect.
though I am applauding the implication of them showing the hug time aspect isn't just for socialization and care...it seems to be a biological need as basically having all his energy sucked out/talent...floyd came back to life after they were all around him giving him a hug...it wasn't even a 'spray my talent on him to see of it would bring him back' thing...it was literally hugs that saved flyod which gets so interesting thinking about all the other hug times as well as the affects on branch who avoided hug times as much as possible when he turned grey...also...how come we don't really see the other genre's of trolls with the hug time braclets...
also was it just me or were the trolls using their hair less in the third movie?
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thebeloathed · 9 months
Trolls obsession made me write fanfiction for the very first time (the first chapter is short but I'm posting the 2000 words long second chapter tomorrow at some point)
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juksanr1 · 2 months
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draco-after-dark · 5 months
Bunker JD's but they're plushies
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Eldest and youngest JD belongs to @matmiraculous Grey JD belongs to @ijjstlostthegame
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ldrabbles · 8 months
New Fic "Grey Heart Never Better"
Grey John Dory AU Belongs to @ijjstlostthegame (No I'm not tagging him I'm scared of them)
Edit: They found out when I was in class that was a fun small panic
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