creature-wizard · 1 year
There's people out there who will be like, "What if Christianity never happened?" and come up with the most fanciful wish fulfillment scenarios instead of actually examining what other spiritual and political trends were popular in the 1st century Greco-Roman world and looking into the histories of countries where Christianity never gained predominance.
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ltwilliammowett · 7 months
A sailing vessel gripes when, by poor design or imbalance of sail, it tends to end up with its bow into the wind when sailing close-hauled. The sails flap around, forward progress is halted and she is very hard to steer. On land, the term means to complain, complain, complain ....
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1988- Cuando te encuentre, te poseeré.... ese día, o más tardar al siguiente, aunque no quieras te llevará a la cama. Sin pedirte permiso, me acercaré, tocaré todo tu cuerpo y te poseeré sin compasión. Te dejaré con una enorme sensación de cansancio y sentirás voluntad de entregarte al máximo. Lentamente te sentirás erizada y te haré transpirar profundamente. Te haré gemir y hasta llorar. Te dejaré sin aliento, sin aire y tu cabeza conocerá fuertes pulsaciones. Mientras esté contigo, no te sentirás capaz de salir de la cama. Y cuando yo termine, me iré sin despedirme, con la convicción que.... ¡Un día volveré!  
Firmado. "La gripe"
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csphire · 1 year
One big gripe...
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Take his pants off here, Larian you cowards! pretty please?
Moments like this I really wish I knew how to mod. Tav wakes up buck-ass naked the morning after and god forbid we see Astarion completely naked too! I genuinely hate it when in moments of cinema there is a nudity imbalance. Full frontal male nudity? *sarcastic gasp* "Oh nos... we can't have that!"
Silly me to think those pants would come off once the game launched. Ha! Hahahaha! Nope! Did BioWare shy from showing us Dorian's ass? No, no they did not! As for the following dialogue with Astarion, after he turns around, they could have adjusted the shot a little so his dick wasn't hovering through it if they felt that was too much. They could have focused closer on both Tav and him a little more. Kept it higher, but no let's keep Tav's butt in the frame instead. Honestly, who wants to see their character's own ass? If we had to choose between Tav's and Astarion's ass obviously we're going to pick his! Right?
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yuriichumsworth · 1 year
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welele · 9 months
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No es repost, es remake de este.
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narfoonthenet · 7 months
Y'all ever come across a story where the writer claims that it did or didn't do something (like explore themes, how a character is presented, etc) - except when you actually read/watch/play the story they wrote, it proves the complete opposite?
Like, there is a clear disconnect between what the writer is saying vs. what's actually in the story? Where you legitimately question if they paid attention to what they were writing?
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monsterblogging · 11 months
There ought to be a special circle in hell for people who say shit like "that's so random," "you must have spent a lot of time thinking about this," or "are you high or something?" whenever you exercise a normal and healthy amount of creative thinking.
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electronica-1 · 9 months
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Ni de lo pelotudo/a que puedas ser...
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sweetdreamspootypie · 7 months
Ok I'm hangry now
Tried to use the staff food court and even the sushi had gluten in it
They only had 1 gluten free option, and that had bacon in it.
I also have it as a running gripe that I wish pork products were labelled like allergens are. Shouldn't have to read the fine print or Google the names of different kinds of sausage to work out if it's pork or even non pork but uses pork casings
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creature-wizard · 1 year
A very frustrating thing about researching obscure topics on the Internet is that actually finding anything often requires you to hit upon some exact set of key words. You can type in something very straightforward and obvious and get nothing; it's only with the addition of some additional word or using a synonym that anything useful starts coming up.
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mbrainspaz · 9 months
Night of the first big texas freeze (2024 edition) and the 'manager' has the stables in utter disarray at closing time. He left hoses running and went off to do something else—flooded the barn aisle. I went out and shut it all off and squeegeed the floor since he was nowhere in sight. 5 minutes past closing. I went back into my stupid ranch house, shivering. Immediately got a call from the high schooler hand who's the only other guy on duty tonight. He asked a really dumb question about feed prep, which told me the 'manager' is letting him mix feed despite the fact that he only works <10 hours a week and I banned him from doing feed after he made too many consistent mistakes months ago. FML. 15 minutes past closing. Texted the 'manager' asking if they needed help with anything else. His phone is probably dead. It sucks so much to watch him f*** things up like this. Every damn time. And to know he's the one they've consistently decided to reward and repay while they treat me like shit and cut my pay. I want to scream. I want to warn all the boarders that this place is falling straight into hell the minute I really let go. I should just let go.
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1438- El amor es cómo la gripe, tarde o temprano se termina en la cama.
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ardinwriter · 28 days
I feel old saying this, but I hate how fandom interacts with content and content creators these days. Or more specifically how it fails to interact.
There was a time when if you were a content creator in a small fandom, when you posted something new other members of the fandom would interact with what you made. And not just reading or viewing, but kudus, reblogging, comments, etc.
Everyone in a small fandom used to understand that if only 5% of the fandom is creating, then you should engage with them if you want to see new stuff.
Also, that was how you started conversations and built community was via that engagement to some extent.
Now no one really does.
Like, okay, I'm going to keep writing my fics because I enjoy doing so and they're gonna play in my brain regardless, so they are getting written.
But if I'm not going to find community by doing it, to locate the few other people into this thing, why should I put in the work to format and divide into reasonable chapters and post to AO3?
It's just frustrating.
And everyone who might respond with "you just want validation", that's really not the thing for me, but even if it was, so what if I did? That's not unreasonable. If you want more content and a creator wants validation for the work they put into their content, that should work out fine.
But if you aren't going to interact with the content that is created, especially in smaller fandoms, then don't be surprised when the content stops showing up.
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starista · 2 years
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Una pausa.
So... that was the end of any october challenge
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lena-in-a-red-dress · 10 months
Just spenting the second hour of my writers group listening to a bunch of older writers debating the topic of singular they/them for side characters/npcs whose genders are unknown (think anonymous gamer types).
They were coming up with so many different work arounds, like establishing that all gamers are required to designate preferred pronouns, and like....
Just use they, dear fucking god.
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