timesjombang · 2 years
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JOMBANG - Kecamatan Wonosalam selain terkenal dengan destinasi wisata alam di Kabupaten Jombang, Jawa Timur. Kecamatan yang terletak dilereng gunung Anjasmoro itu juga terkenal dengan duriannya. Buah yang termasuk dalam spesies durio ini tumbuh dan berkembang dengan subur di Kecamatan Wonosalam. Maka tak jarang jika penduduk setempat membudidayakan buah berduri ini. Hasil durian yang melimpah serta mempunyai ciri khas tersendiri. Membuat durian khas Wonosalam selalu menjadi pilihan kuliner ketika berwisata dilereng gunung Anjasmoro. Musim durian seperti saat ini juga menjadi berkah tersendiri bagi warga setempat. Salah satunya Ismiyati (45) warga Dusun Sumber, Desa/Kecamatan Wonosalam, Kabupaten Jombang yang kesehariannya menjadi penjual durian lokal khas Wonosalam. Pasalnya dalam musim durian seperti saat ini dia bisa memperoleh untung hingga puluhan juta perbulannya. "Kalau musim seperti ini kayak ketiban berkah. Perhari bisa memperoleh untuk ratusan ribu rupiah," terang wanita yang akrab disapa Bunda Iis, Selasa (3/1/2023). Baca berita selengkapnya di timesindonesia.co.id #TIMESIndonesia #TIMESJatim #TIMESJombang #bareng #wonosalam #jombang #ngoro #gudo #diwek #mojowarno #perak #bandarkedungmulyo #ploso #kudu #ngusikan #tembelang #megaluh #kesamben #jogoroto #sumobito #mojoagung #peterongan #plandaan #kabuh #kotasantri #kotaberiman #ringincontong #jombangrepubliksantri #kulinerjombang #wisatajombang https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm87HblSPC_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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claire-starsword · 2 years
Shining Wisdom Guide Translation
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While I take a break from the SF1 guide book let’s take a look on stuff from other games. I did not find scans of Shining Wisdom stuff online but someone on deviantart kindly sent me these. So let’s go, starting with a prologue of the game:
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The small country of Odegan, at the northern part of the Parmecia continent. Surrounded by mountains and ocean in all directions, this country has lived a long time of peace, without invasions from other countries or natural disasters. But, there's a legend told in this land since ancient times.
A long time ago, when the gods still lived alongside humans in the land, an evil giant was born in the depths of the Demon World. Calling himself "Surt", the giant who carried this dark blood began spreading disaster through the once peaceful land. The gods who watched upon this grave situation used the power of the four spirits -the Earth Djinn, Water Djinn, Fire Djinn and Wind Djinn- and sealed Surt in the Demon World. However, even as Surt was being sealed, the giant retaliated to take control of the four djinns' minds. As their last resort to prevent destruction, the gods sealed the four djinns in labyrinths deep under the earth at various places around Odegan.
And thus time went by. Surt's name became just something to scare children who don't obey their parents, and the true terror of the giant was long forgotten.
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One day, deep in the night when only the night guard should be awake, the king of Odegan and the minister were in a room deep within Odegan's castle, in an unusual discussion of the country's situation. Their discussion was about the surviving devils of the war at South Parmecia, which were said to have secretly slipped into Odegan. For now, they concluded they couldn't be planning anything big with their little country, and thus settled their talk. Suddenly, as if dripping from beyond the wall, a single shadow appeared! That shadow was the rumored devil, the dark elf Pazort. Turning to the terrified king and minister, Pazort flashed a shrewd smile and began to speak. He had cast a sleeping curse on the king's only daughter, Satera. He would only dispel the curse if given the Djinn Orbs in the hidden royal treasury, and after the following words he disappeared:
"Listen well, this shouldn't reach anyone else's ears! Especially of those hobbits from the west. If you say a single word the princess will... Ohoho, I'm sure you understand..."
At last that evil presence was gone, leaving only the silence, and the standing king and minister that wouldn't dare say a thing. The next day, Princess Satera did not open her eyes and continued to sleep, and the people of the city began to question things as the guard patrol suddenly became harsher. And thus the story begins...
The name Surt comes from a giant in norse mythology.
Next on are some short character bios.
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Protagonist - Mars
The only son of the hero Giles who saved Odegan from a dragon ten years ago. He was raised by his grandparents who were a bit overprotective, but is sure to become a great soldier serving the castle of Odegan through this journey. He's still only halfway there, but is a lively young man with hero blood in his veins.
not sure what part of "go grandson ram yourself into some monsters!" is overprotective but you do you, guide book
Princess Satera [aka prepare for one whole paragraph of pure misogyny]
The only daughter of the king of Odegan, beloved by the citizens, and the love interest in this story. She's targeted by the dark elf Pazort at the start of the story, but when a girl in that age goes around showing that much skin, it's natural that not just Pazort would be making a move.
[every word of that hurt as it came from my fingers i legit did not want to translate that lmao, but someone would ask where Satera's part was anyway, also there's no hiding that this series was garbage to their girls anyway]
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King of Odegan
An unusually gentle king, but still from the noble line that has ruled this country for generations. However, his  beloved daughter, Princess Satera, is his weak spot, and at times he's just a doting parent.
An advisor to the unreliable king of Odegan, he's a bit hard to please. Lately, plenty of incidents keep happening in the country, so it seems his troubles have no end.
A good friend of Mars's father, Giles, and the captain of the guard, aiding the king of Odegan along with the minister. Also Mars' direct superior.
A new soldier who has still been around for a little longer than Mars. To be frank, he has only a minor role, but gives some advice at the beginning.
A fairy that supports Mars from behind the scenes by the orders of the sage Ishaha Kat. From her devotion, you can feel she's not doing it just as her duty.
Big note here: the european version romanized the sage's name as Ishaha Cut, and I don't blame them as it's as good as any other adaptation without further context. However I found the context. While I haven't played Shining Force 3, Ishahakat seems to show up there and Camelot themselves gave this romanization, because read backwards it becomes "Takahashi", the surname of Hiroyuki Takahashi, producer of most classic Shining games (with only Final Conflict being produced by his brother, Shugo Takahashi, who also worked in the other games).
With that said, unlike SF3, Shining Wisdom does put a space in the name, so I reflected that in the translation as well.
A kind tribe of half-fairies who live within the forest of the western region. Knowing of the incident at Odegan's castle, they went out of their way to check on the situation.
This is the first time I see some attempt on defining what hobbits are in this setting, and they do have pointy ears like fairies, but didn't in previous games so I doubt this was always the intention. I'm gonna go off-topic a bit here to ramble on Shining's hobbits and dwarves. Here's a wack line from the game itself:
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"Cultural exchanges of the hobbit tribe! Our friends who crossed over to Granseal Island might have become Mithril craftsmen."
This seems to be a reference to the Mithril diggers/craftsmen from SF2. Which are very clearly referred to as dwarves in that game. Also Granseal was the name of the kingdom, the island is just Grans. This whole line is a mess. It is possible that they meant "cultural exchanges" with dwarves, but since dwarves aren't mentioned anywhere in this game it doesn't really come across that way. Besides, several characters of previous games are inconsistently labelled as hobbit or dwarf through different manuals/guides. So my general point: don't think too hard about these races in the Shining series. They did not care much.
Back to the guide:
A couple of elves who seem to be acquaintances of the hobbits, but seem to be hiding some secret as well. They don't seem to be a couple in the romantic sense though...
I don't know what hurts more, the fact that they aren't mentioned by name or having to see what they did to Kazin's hair up close. Oh yeah Sarah doesn't even get a picture. Hooray.
As for the "hiding a secret" part? Yeah I don't know what's that about either! I don't remember a single part of the game where they aren't acting together with the hobbits. They do act a bit suspicious at the beginning of the game but that's it.
Might as well take this moment to mention something I learned from this guide and haven't seen in any playthroughs so far: there is a very easy to miss scene with these two at the start of the game. After talking to them at the castle gates, if you return to the city's inn and talk to the owner, you can see Sarah and Kazin returning to their room there. Go up the stairs and the rooms will all be locked but you can overhear them talking, and as you leave the inn they'll comment on Mars, which I guess is when Kazin decides to leave Mars with the vigilance amulet or whatever it's called. None of that really matters to the plot in the end, but it's a pretty hidden scene so I figured i'd mention it.
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The dark elf mage working day and night in the shadows to revive Surt, with an elite four under his command. His magical power is said to be one of the greatest in Parmecia,, and is very sure of himself. Perhaps because of that, he leaves plenty of opportunities for Mars to exploit against him.
Canonically incompetent lmao
If you follow more japanese series you might be familiar with the term 四天王 (shitennou) used here, which translates literally to "four heavenly kings" and is frequently used to give some flair to groups of four characters (I'm fairly sure the SF2 and SFCD antagonists are referred to with it as well). I borrowed Pokemon's “elite four” translation instead because it's better than referring to a group of devils as heavenly and leading everyone to overthink what's just a regular flair in japanese games.
One of Pazort's elite four with a peculiar appearance. Unlike what you'd expect from his huge body, he's skilled in aerial battles. He seems to worship Karry like a goddess.
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A sexy dark elf woman. The only woman in Pazort's elite four. In contrast to that beauty of hers, she spins around an iron ball with huge strength. Also known as the Wrecking Ball Woman.
[Her nickname in japanese is "female ブンブン丸 (bunbunmaru)", which in this context seems to be a nickname for baseball players with strong swings. I don't know enough about baseball to know if there's an english equivalent and Home Run Woman didn't sound good at all, so I gave up on the baseball and just picked what's a way more obvious nickname to me. It took all of my strength to not just call her Batterwitch. Except I'm mentioning it here so actually i have no strength.]
An elite four with a plump body resembling a frog. He talks with a lighthearted tone, and is skilled in magic to control people. However, when in places without water his magical power is halved.
With muscles atypical of a dark elf and a frightening iron mask, he stands out the most among the elite four. Such grandiosity is befitting of the title "Living Volcano".
The literal translation of his nickname is "walking pyroclastic flow", except that's way too long in english to flow like a proper nickname.
The rest of the guide isn’t too interesting. There’s an item and spell that i’ll be posting separately later because the text isn’t important, but Mars’ pictures are adorable and deserve their own post. Then there’s dungeon maps which, I guess I could post if anyone cares, but it’s not worth translating, as they only give hints to some puzzles instead of a complete explanation. The most interesting hint is the Sarah and Kazin event at the inn which I’ve already talked about.
Perhaps it is also worth mentioning that they divide the game in three chapters, despite there being no such division in the game itself. So if you’re curious they are:
Chapter 1: The Kidnapped Princess Satera (from the start of the game to Karry stealing the orbs)
Chapter 2: The Freed Four Djinns (the first three elemental dungeons)
Chapter 3: Seeking the Shining Sword (from freeing the hobbits to the end of the game)
At the end of each part of the guide there are sections by the Fairy giving some extra tips or trivia. None of them matter much but I know people would be mad if I didn’t translate the third one:
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The Fairy's Advice Corner
Part 3 ~ Behind the setting of "Wisdom"
When you travel around the world for work (?), you'll meet many other countries besides Odegan, with their own incidents and troubles. Let's take a break in this harsh journey to breathe, and talk about those other countries as well.
What are the connections with other times of the "Shining" series?
This incident with Pazort is big trouble indeed. But, if you take a look at this big wide world, plenty of other huge events have happened as well.
For example, not too long ago, in the western region of this very continent of Parmecia, there was a war against the devil army led by the demon king Zeon (Shining Force II), the elves Kazin and Sarah played a big part in it. And the tribe led by relatives of those hobbits have also helped human armies time and time again it seems. Besides that, from what Master Ishaha Kat’s crystal ball showed me of the future, a grave incident will happen in the country of Thornwood that has just been founded (Shining in the Darkness). Perhaps you've heard something about that as well.
Thornwood is called ストームサング (Stormsang, yes “sang” not “song”, this might be in some language i'm not recognizing) in the japanese version, no clue why it was changed but i kept the change so more people could recognize it.
Zeon's name is mispelled as Zenon in this page, but it's correct in game.
Let's continue the hobbit discourse. The word i've been translating as tribe so far, 一族, is kind of ambiguous and could be referring to the whole race, not just a tribe. So that line might be saying that hobbits of other games are related to these guys, or it is just the world's most generic comment of "hey the other games had the hobbit race too". Either way is a very vague comment.
Shining in the Darkness
-The first installment of the Shining series. You can read about its setting, the kingdom of Thornwood, in a bookshelf.
Or you can read about it right here because this post is already gigantic but i can always make it worse with my collection of 500+ screenshots:
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"A rising nation, the rich country of Thornwood! This country has been quickly standing out and is a thriving spot of cultural mingling between species."
Shining Force II
-Kazin and Sarah first debutted in Shining Force II. Kazin was a mage and Sarah a priest.
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"The war on Western Parmecia! A battle between the Demon World army seeking to revive one of the three demon lords, Zeon, and the Granseal army led by Bowie."
-The war heard of here is the story of Force II.
-The great enemy in Force II, Oddeye. There seems to be some link between him and Pazort...?
Finally, only at the very last of these sections did they decide to actually have fun with the Fairy's narration instead of just writing out tips, so it's worth putting it here too:
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The Fairy's Advice Corner
Part 5 ~ Secrets of Equippable Items
Found in one of the secret rooms in the overworld, the legendary off-road car "Toydona USA". The truth is, there's an unbelievable secret about this car. My advice corner has some valuable information, just for you~
Become swift as the wind! The Time Attack mode was found!!
Breaking news, breaking news! I'm sure you've got the ancient off-road car "Toydona USA", right? With that car, it seems you can go have fun in a car race. Uh? How do you get there? Uhhh, you see... Oh my, I'm sorry. I left Gudo Valley in kind of a hurry, and completely forgot the way to that race. First of all, I guess you have to get on the Toydona, and talk to someone somewhere... I really don't remember, ahahahaha. Well, let's put that aside. Anyway, they say that if you get a good time on that race, you'll be given a wonderful prize. Shouldn't you try the challenge at least once?
-Having the Small Orb would make running easier...
-If you manage three laps in this course in less than 1 minutes and 30 seconds, you'll get a certain item.
With the Monkey Suit and the ****** Orb...?
Hey hey, more breaking news! In the main hall of Odegan's castle, they said a giant monkey appeared out of nowhere!! Oh, the minister and Sir Kaipa were super flustered, and the king passed out foaming at the mouth. Princess Satera had her eyes down and her shoulders trembling so much... She must have been in shock. Oh? You're trembling just the same... Are you laughing!? Eeh? You mean that giant monkey was your doing, and Princess Satera knew? That was way too far for a prank, go apologize to His Majesty right now!! Huuh, you're saying it wasn't on purpose? You mixed up the Monkey Suit and... hmm, hmm... and equipping both at the same time by mistake you ended up turning into a giant. From here on, be more careful, alright?
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WA: 0896-5297-9519 (Bu Diana), Toko Rumput Sintetis Gudo
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0896-5297-9519 (Bu Diana), Toko Rumput Sintetis Gudo
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BAROKAH, Call 081-197-5649, Tempat Pembayaran Fidyah Di Gudo Yayasan Rumah Bintang
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PRODUSEN, WA 0812-1748-5952 SUPPLIER Kurma Ajwa Arab Gudo Jombang
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PRODUSEN, WA 0812-1748-5952 SUPPLIER Kurma Ajwa Arab Gudo Jombang
Kurma Ajwa Arab Gudo Jombang,Kurma Ajwa Arab Jogo Roto Jombang,Kurma Ajwa Arab Jombang Jombang,Kurma Ajwa Arab Kabuh Jombang,Kurma Ajwa Arab Kesamben Jombang
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obatpenggemuksapi · 2 years
WA 0821-2345-5940 (TERLARIS), Premix Sapi Terbaik Plumbon Gambang
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WA 0821-2345-5940 (TERLARIS), Premix Sapi Terbaik Plumbon Gambang
Langsung ORDER KLIK WA http://wa.me/6282123455940 , Premix Sapi Terbaik Plumbon Gambang, Vitamin Untuk Sapi Agar Cepat Gemuk Gudo, Jual Vitamin Ternak Sapi Pohwates, Vitamin Penggemuk Ternak Sapi Sumbergede, Vitamin Sapi Untuk Daya Tahan Tubuh Sumberoto, Vitamin Ternak Sapi Penggemukan Tlogorejo, Vitamin Untuk Sapi Pmk Turigede, Vitamin Untuk Sapi Pedet Woro, Vitamin Kambing Biar Cepat Besar Banaran
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MANFAAT: Menambah Nafsu Makan, Meningkatkan Produksi dan Kualitas Susu, Mencegah Defisiensi Mineral, Mempercepat dan Menambah Berat Badan, Meningkatkan Fertilitas.
Hubungi Indoternak: WA 0821-2345-5940
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iskratempestmadness · 5 months
Meeting there first born baby for the first time X3
He is happy and in shock. But Baki is now unsure of his abilities. Like, can he handle it? It's a big responsibility to raise a child! Is he sure he can handle it? Just tell him that everything will be fine, that you will raise the child together, that he does not have to take full responsibility for himself and that you can also be relied on and everything will be fine. He just needs words of support and an expression of joy while he holds his child in his arms admiring him. He will be gentle with him and attentive.
He looks quite calm, but in reality he is overwhelmed with emotions. He already imagines how he will play with his child, how they will spend time together, perform ordinary household chores. But then another thought strikes his head. What if his child fights the same way he does? Moreover, what would happen if he came to the arena in the future? What if he also becomes a yakuza?He doesn't like the idea. He would not want his child to be somehow connected with his field of activity. But looking at your pretty face while he's rocking the baby, he can't even think about it.
Joy, pure joy. He's really happy. The child is so charming. So cute. But... He has a strange feeling lurking somewhere inside. Anxiety. What will happen when you grow up? Who are you going to talk to? What happens if you contact the wrong company? He has a swarm of questions that have not yet been answered. Distract him, please, he's driving too much. He will probably be an overprotective father in the future. He will always give the child the proper amount of attention, he will never neglect them.
He's pretty calm, but that doesn't change the fact that he's happy. To be honest, he already has a lot of plans for the baby. Like he's already thought through his life, what he's going to do, who he's going to grow up to be. He would be glad if his child was also engaged in martial arts, he would be happy in the slaughter if his child would become a successor to his gudo. So he will do his best to make sure that his child grows up exactly like this.
He's happy. Really happy. His baby is so cute, the sweetest bun in the world. He doesn't quite understand how he's going to raise him yet, but he knows for sure that regardless of gender, his child will NEVER practice martial arts. His child will NEVER enter the ring. He will do everything possible to prevent this from happening. In principle, his child should not see cruelty. Perhaps one of those parents who are fixated on the psychological health of the child.
He's happy, that's for sure, but he's a little worried about this situation. It means that he has a child. Well, he's seventy-five, it's strange for him to be a "young father." But on the other hand, he will be one of the best parents. He has lived a long life, he has a lot of experience, which helps to avoid many mistakes. He probably coddled his niece when she was little, so it's OK. He has perhaps one problem.This is his fear of not living to see his grandchildren. So he will put pressure on his child regarding the wedding.
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roccoco-co · 5 months
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a custom for @lavvythejackalope and an outfit design for gudo on vgen!
commission info
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soudasouda · 5 months
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House in Gudo II by TENK Follow Souda on Tumblr Source: https://research-lighting.tumblr.com/post/747515563456282624/house-in-gudo-ii-by-tenk-follow-researchlighting
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timesjombang · 2 years
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JOMBANG - Bosen dengan hiruk pikuk perkotaan di Kabupaten Jombang? Mau healing tapi males keluar kota karena macet dan sebagainya. Mau Ngopi Kafe, bisa menjadi solusi TIMES Lovers untuk menghilangkan penat saat lagi suntuk. Kafe yang berada di Jalan Wahid Hasyim ini menyuguhkan sesasi nongkrong atau ngopi yang berbeda. Pasalnya, di Mau Ngopi Kafe, TIMES Lovers bisa merasakan sensasi nongkrong dengan melihat pemandangan kota santri. Melihat lalu lalang kendaraan hingga melihat keseluruhan aktifitas masyarakat di trotoar jogjanya kota kelahiran Gus Dur ini. Nah, kafe ini juga tergolong unik sebab, letak kafe ini berada di lantai 3 dari sebuah gedung yang dibuat semi out dor. Dari kafe ini juga kita bisa melihat pucuk menara Ringin Contong yang menjadi icon Jombang saat ini. Selain disuguhi pemandangan kota Jombang, pengujung juga akan dimanjakan dengan hadirnya live musik setiap satu minggu sekali pada akhir pekan. Supriyadi Owner Mau Ngopi Kafe mengungkapkan bahwa konsep kedai kopi yang ia rancang sedemikian rupa untuk menghadirkan nuasan ngopi yang berbeda ditengah perkotaan. "Jadi para pengunjung bisa menikmati indahnya gemerlap lampu-lampu kota santri dari atas sini," kata Supriyadi kepada TIMES Indonesia, Sabtu (24/12/2022). Baca berita selengkapnya di timesindonesia.co.id #TIMESIndonesia #TIMESJatim #TIMESJombang #bareng #wonosalam #jombang #ngoro #gudo #diwek #mojowarno #perak #bandarkedungmulyo #ploso #kudu #ngusikan #tembelang #megaluh #kesamben #jogoroto #sumobito #mojoagung #peterongan #plandaan #kabuh #kotasantri #kotaberiman #ringincontong #jombangrepubliksantri #pesonajombang #wisatajombang (di Jombang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cml8X6ZyeGb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ceramiccity · 5 months
Modern Interior: House in Gudo II
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House in Gudo II by TENK - Modern interior with white kitchen, wooden floors, large windows, and natural light. Follow Ceramic City on Tumblr Source: https://research-lighting.tumblr.com/post/747515563456282624/house-in-gudo-ii-by-tenk-follow-researchlighting
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starswordartblog · 10 months
I'm helping out with a Shining Force fangame!
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"Epic Shining Wisdom is a remake of the classic Sega Saturn game, adapted from an action rpg to a tactical rpg like the other Shining Force games, using the Game Maker 2 engine. The concept is very simple: What would happen if instead of just Kazin and Sarah being sent by Granseal to help Mars, they sent the Caravan full of the heroes from Shining Force 2? Thus, Mars can recruit the beloved heroes of Granseal while fighting alongside Wisdom characters like Princess Satera and Gudo Fairy."
Game is being made by Didakus, you can read more on his website here. He approached me months ago to commission map sprites for the game (including all the ones you see above), and as you might have noticed he's also using a bunch of my battle sprite edits and portraits as well, those have always been free to use and there they are, being freely used.
I'm honestly having a blast working on this and very proud of all i did so far, I'm very happy I get to show some of it now! So keep an eye out for this project, and if you're interested in helping out, Didakus is looking for more people to help with pixel art and Game Maker scripting, his contact email is in the website as well so shoot him a message.
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lord-bleed · 8 months
What is Frieza's special forces like in your version?
In my version, the force is cold and as if it were a gang, they conquer new territories for themselves and can explode and steal whatever they want, but only the best enter. Frieza is a mixed heir, his father belongs to Japan and his mother to Brazil. unfortunately, cold did not know his mother, she passed away on the day of his birth, so since he was little he grew up in the middle of his father cold's mafia. Cooler and frieza mess with different things in the mafia, from stealing and killing people to even making the police afraid of them... Frieza likes to separate his men into categories, thus placing them in different divisions of strength, intelligence, and physical abilities. Its main representatives of these divisions are: Zarbon and Dodoria as vice-leaders, Ginyu the captain of the first division along with Recoome, Gudo, Jeice and Burter. They are famous for their cruelty on the streets and several illegal fights.
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research-lighting · 6 months
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House in Gudo II by TENK Follow Research.Lighting on Tumblr
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PRODUSEN, WA 0812-1748-5952 SUPPLIER Kurma Ajwa Arab Diwek Jombang
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PRODUSEN, WA 0812-1748-5952 SUPPLIER Kurma Ajwa Arab Diwek Jombang
Kurma Ajwa Arab Diwek Jombang,Kurma Ajwa Arab Gudo Jombang,Kurma Ajwa Arab Jogo Roto Jombang,Kurma Ajwa Arab Jombang Jombang,Kurma Ajwa Arab Kabuh Jombang
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