#xylophone lessons
ask-chef-teruteru · 10 months
He's a teacher's aid thingy at his college. I was there for like, ten minutes. The whole board is just full of random notes/doodles/drawings. He said it was there before he started so *shrug*
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“I’m half tempted to start a poll on how all my followers wound up findin’ their way here. I mean I’m assumin’ most of ‘em either looked for me by name or some such. Shoutout to everyone who found me through that board specifically, glad to have y’all.
… Never thought I’d be advertised alongside xylophone lessons.”
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adipostsstuff · 7 months
Some ideas for what instruments the characters would play:
Haruka: main drummer
Yuno: main keyboardist, backup TouchPad thing player and backup backup guitarist
Futa: main guitarist, backup bassist
Mu: main flutist/woodwindplayer, backup pianist (I headcanon that she took instrument lessons when she was younger and went with the flute)
Shidou: main violinist (another headcanon that he learned how to play when he was in university but doesn't anymore)
Mahiru: main pianist (probably learned to increase her "feminine charm"), backup keyboardist
Kazui: main brassist, backup woodwind player
Amane: main percussionist (xylophone, glockenspiel etc)
Mikoto: main TouchPad player, backup drummer and percussionist
Kotoko: main bassist, backup guitarist
Es: director and does backup vocals (like in Neo Neon. Yes that was their VA. They try to fo an older woman voice and Kazui is astounded by how similar they sound to his wife). Can also do basic audio mixing.
Feel free to add to this! I love hearing what other people's headcanons are.
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moonsheen · 7 months
Bluey Cuntiness Rating
As I have a one year old, and an Australian mother, we have been watching a great deal of Bluey. I enjoy this show very much. I have also watched enough of Bluey that I have started to rate episodes in relation to cuntiness of the cast, in honor of my Australian roots.
Episode: Magic Xylophone Cuntiness Rating: 7/10 Explanation: Bluey needs to learn to share. Bandit serves an extremely good level of cunt in response to shenanigans. But a lesson is learned and therefore it is not as cunty as it otherwise could have been.
Episode: See-Saw Cuntiness Rating: 6/10 Explanation: Strong showing of cuntiness on the part of Bandit and Bluey and co. in taking revenge for said cuntiness in the end, but the power of friendship and learning that Size Isn't Everything keeps this from a higher rating.
Episode: Swimming Lessons Cuntiness Rating: 8/10 Explanation: Karen is a silly old watermelon head.
Episode: Dance Mode Cuntiness Rating: 4/10 Explanation: Inadvertant cuntiness on the part of the family, but important lesson is learned about not steamrolling people. However, this is a very rare instance of Bingo cuntiness, and so therefore must be preserved for posterity.
Episode: Butterflies Cuntiness Rating: 8/10 Explanation: Judo, being a biblically accurate chowchow.
Episode: Bike Cuntiness Rating: 2/10 Explanation: Sweet episode, but y'all don't want to help Bentley down?
Episode: Fairytale Cuntiness Rating: 10/10 Explanation: Kid Bandit. Stripe. Rad. Gerald. Whatever your name is -- it was the 80s, man.
Episode: Mini Bluey Cuntiness Rating: 9/10 Explanation: Double Bluey means double the cunt served. Bingo technically serves a mild amount in this episode, but it's for the cause of cheering up her psychologically damaged sister, so most of this is still going to Bluey.
Episode: Library Cuntiness Rating: 10/10 Explanation: Muffin.
Episode: The Decider Cuntiness Rating: 8/10 Explanation: Australians and Rugby. It almost invalidates the rating system as this is just How You Get during rugby season.
Episode: Verandah Santa Cuntiness Rating: 9/10 Explanation: Personally, Bluey has been a bigger cunt in other episodes, but I'm rating this one high because in this episode she chose to be a cunt to a literal baby.
Episode: Ragdoll Cuntiness Rating: 8/10 Explanation: Bandit made a damn good showing of being a right cunt this episode, but he was a fool if he thought he could out cunt a magnificent chow chow like Wendy. Morning, Wendy.
Episode: Chess Cuntiness Rating: 6/10 Explanation: Chili serves a respectable amount of cunt this episode in teaching Bandit he doesn't have to rush the kids to adulthood, and we stan a Queen in this household.
Episode: Faceytalk Cuntiness Rating: 10/10 Explanation: They tried to put Muffin in Time Out.
I will update as I and my one year old continue our research in this subject.
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lovely-lotte · 1 year
As Aria grew she became smarter, she’d worked out how to sneak out of her crib, figured out tip toes (thanks to always watching the corps perform or rehearse), and could climb things with ease, there was little to nothing that could stop her from getting what she wanted when she wanted it, especially since Erik allowed her to do almost anything she pleased.
Christine had become a heavy sleeper so she didn’t even hear the sound of their doorknob moving earlier or the feeling of Erik getting out of bed, but now she saw the two of them in her new room on the floor, a tiny xylophone in front of them as Aria dragged the stick across it to make a funny sound, causing her to giggle. It made Christine laugh too, not because of the noise but because of the face Erik made, clearly he needed to work with her on her music making.
“I can see that, and is your prodigy doing well in her lessons?”
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lgbtshannon01 · 1 month
reasons why rewatching bluey helps with coping with stress part 1
Bluey, as a cornerstone of childhood entertainment, holds a unique place in our hearts, serving not only as a delightful pastime but also as a profound vessel for introspection and emotional connection. Its ability to evoke nostalgia is unparalleled, transporting viewers back to a time when the world seemed simpler, and joy was found in the simplest of moments. By revisiting the episodes of Season 1, Season 2, and Season 3, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, unraveling layers of emotion and meaning that may have been overlooked in the hustle and bustle of adult life.
Season 1, inaugurated by the episode 'The Magic Xylophone,' lays the groundwork for Bluey's exploration of family dynamics and childhood adventures. Through the lens of Bluey, Bingo, and their parents, we witness the joys and challenges of everyday life, from sibling squabbles to imaginative play. As we progress through the subsequent seasons, we witness the characters' growth and development, mirroring our own experiences of navigating the complexities of relationships and responsibilities.
What sets Bluey apart is its authenticity in depicting the highs and lows of family life. Each episode is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, demonstrating how love, laughter, and a touch of imagination can conquer even the toughest of challenges. Whether it's a lesson in patience from Bandit or a moment of vulnerability from Chilli, the characters of Bluey resonate with viewers on a deeply personal level, inviting us to reflect on our own triumphs and tribulations.
Moreover, the act of rewatching Bluey is akin to revisiting an old friend, each episode offering a familiar embrace that soothes the soul and warms the heart. With each viewing, we uncover new layers of meaning and nuance, deepening our appreciation for the rich tapestry of emotions woven into every scene. From the playful antics of Bluey and her friends to the tender moments shared between parent and child, Bluey reminds us of the beauty of human connection and the transformative power of storytelling.
In essence, Bluey transcends the boundaries of age and time, offering a timeless refuge from the stresses of modern life. It is a testament to the enduring power of childhood wonder and the universal truths that bind us all together. Through its colorful animation, heartfelt storytelling, and poignant lessons, Bluey continues to inspire and uplift audiences of all ages, proving that sometimes the greatest adventures can be found in the simplest of moments.
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goodbyeapathy8 · 2 months
An Elderly Millennial's week on the internet...
my first Tumblr post went semi-viral (I used to work in marketing so... anything under 10k reposts/views doesn't "count" for me lol)
experienced a whooooole lotta TERFiness with a side dish of racism re : 4B movement
surprisingly, learned some life lessons and felt a lot better about my own life
Yuri on Ice? something? got canceled? saw a lot of grief about that, had no idea what it's all about
Watcher? something or other? also did a thing? related to Youtube? made a lot of people mad. also do not understand what's going on
moots on Tumblr got to see Jeff Satur in concert and I was happy/jealous but mostly really happy to see that they enjoyed their experience
another Tiktok of mine went viral, this time about the Sewol Ferry Tragedy (it's been 10 years)
realized that 100,000+ views no longer fazes me, ever since that one vid got 1 million+ views
started rewatch of Legend of ShenLi (and posting about it here on Tumblr, regardless of how many people are interested)
offline, I've been trying to get everyone to watch Legend of ShenLi and have successfully initiated convinced another person with glee Anyway if someone wants to explain either the Yuri on Ice thing or Watcher thing to me like I'm 5... this elderly millennial would appreciate it LOL but also, I'm not gonna lose sleep over it. Just another Internet Thing I don't understand ^^;;;; (like so many other things, including that rat? mouse? xylophone meme here on Tumblr?? I feel like I barely understand the crab rave)
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takerfoxx · 1 year
So with me getting back into Evangelion lately, and since I'm always thinking about Madoka, and since the two have a lot of parallels, it got me thinking: what if the Eva pilots met the megucas? Like, if they had to team up against some big threat, like if Walpurgisnacht merged with an Angel or some shit? How would they get along? What would their interactions be like?
Then I realized that figuring that shit out was way too much work. Like, there's roughly five on each side (six if you count Touji and Nagisa), so figuring out each and every combination would give anyone a headache.
But there is one interaction in particular that I'm certain of.
And that is Kyoko would absolutely eviscerate Asuka.
I mean, think about it. The two are basically each other's closest counterparts, what with them being each team's feisty redhead with parental trauma giving them a tremendous attitude problems. But where they differ is that Asuka is the living definition of dishing it out but can't take it. She's hyper-aggressive, a walking inferiority/superiority complex that lashes out at anything that irks her or doesn't live up to her standards, and her list of triggers is practically an xylophone. And you know she would absolutely act out during the first team meeting and rub some of the more hotheaded megucas the wrong way.
But Kyoko is different. When someone pisses her off and offends her sensibilities, she doesn't immediately lash out (unless wasted food and/or disrespect of parents are involved). No, she takes the time to figure out exactly what makes the source of her irritation tic, find out just how to get under their skin, and she goes for the fucking kill.
I mean, think about it. Asuka can't physically dominate Kyoko the same way she can Shinji, and Kyoko would take perverse glee in verbally breaking Asuka down and leaving her a seething mess, knowing full well that Asuka wouldn't be able to do a damn thing about it.
But then, that would also lead Kyoko to finding out about Asuka's mom, which might actually initiate empathy from Kyoko, maybe turning from trying to hurt Asuka to showing her tough love and dolling out her admittedly questionable life lessons. Though if Asuka found out about Kyoko's family, I'm not sure she would be so gracious, though I can see Kyoko telling her the story the same way she did Sayaka.
And Kyoko has no problem showing respect to those that she feels deserves it, and Asuka is certainly a capable warrior, so I can see her getting tossed an apple after everything is all said and done.
But of course, Homura would just as likely get fed up with them both early on and shut that nonsense down, while Shinji and Madoka both silently wish that their teammates would stop being such jackasses for once in their lives.
Actually, come to think of it, Sayaka is more likely to get offended and pick a fight during that first meeting, with Kyoko going in for the kill later on.
And Mami would get exhausted just trying to play peacekeeper.
And Mari would just be egging everyone on because it's funny.
And Homura would share a silent "You see what I have to put up with?" moment with Rei.
And who knows what the fuck Kaworu would be doing?
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The Impact of Learning Resources Toys on Child Development
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Childhood, with its boundless curiosity and innate desire to explore, lays the foundation for a lifetime of learning. In this dynamic journey of growth and development, the role of learning resources toys cannot be overstated. These thoughtfully designed playthings transcend mere entertainment; they become essential tools in shaping a child's cognitive, emotional, and social capacities.
At the forefront of this developmental orchestra are building blocks, timeless in their simplicity yet profound in their impact. As children stack and connect these colorful blocks, they engage in a tactile exploration that fosters spatial awareness, hand-eye coordination, and problem-solving skills. The seemingly simple act of play becomes a canvas for the development of fundamental cognitive abilities.
Educational puzzles, another cornerstone of learning resources toys, offer a cognitive workout that is as enjoyable as it is beneficial. Ranging from basic shape and color recognition to more intricate jigsaw puzzles, these activities stimulate critical thinking and logical reasoning. The joy of piecing together a puzzle goes beyond mere accomplishment; it is a celebration of mental acuity.
In an era where technological literacy is increasingly paramount, STEM-focused kits take center stage. These hands-on experiences introduce Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics concepts in a playful manner, cultivating a curiosity for the world of innovation. As children experiment and build, they not only gain practical knowledge but also develop a problem-solving mindset that is invaluable in the real world.
Interactive learning tablets, designed with the needs of young learners in mind, offer a tech-infused avenue for education. Age-appropriate apps and games provide a fun yet educational experience, reinforcing basic skills such as counting, letter recognition, and early language development. The digital realm becomes a supportive environment for early learning, preparing children for the technologically advanced landscape they will navigate in the future.
Artistic expression tools, from coloring books to drawing pads and craft supplies, nurture the creative spirit within every child. As they explore colors, shapes, and textures, they not only enhance fine motor skills but also learn to express themselves visually. The arts become a language through which emotions and ideas find a vibrant form of communication.
Language development games, in various formats like word puzzles, storytelling cards, and language-building board games, contribute significantly to the enrichment of vocabulary and communication skills. These games foster a love for language and storytelling, empowering children with the tools to articulate their thoughts and connect with the world around them.
Musical instruments, whether simple drums, xylophones, or keyboards, introduce children to the world of music. Beyond the joy of creating melodious tunes, these instruments enhance auditory discrimination and rhythm recognition. The language of music becomes a unique avenue for sensory development.
The holistic impact of learning resources toys extends beyond individual skill development. These toys also lay the groundwork for essential social and emotional growth. Cooperative play, as children engage in building projects together or collaborate on solving puzzles, instills teamwork and communication skills. The joy of shared achievements becomes a lesson in empathy and cooperation.
In conclusion, the impact of learning resources toys on child development is multifaceted and profound. By providing a diverse array of experiences, these toys become catalysts for cognitive, emotional, and social growth. In the realm of play, children discover not just the joy of the moment but also the building blocks of a future rich in knowledge, creativity, and interpersonal skills. Learning resources toys, in their various forms, become companions in the exciting journey of childhood—a journey where every play session is a step towards a brighter, more informed future.
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beanieman · 2 years
i think if shin played in symphonic band he'd play oboe. do you agree with this yes or no
also if you have instrument headcanons for everyone else i would like to hear them !
I could see him playing the oboe! I agree fully! However, I also have some instrument headcanon for the rest of the cast. 👀
Sara Chidouin - Sara can't play any instrument, but she could pick up one really easily if she tries.
Joe Tazuna - Joe can borderline play the kazoo. He bought a cheap one once to make his friends laugh, but whenever he was bored he picked it up and messed with it. He ended up learning how to play.
Gin Ibushi - If Gin could play an instrument, it would be a xylophone.
Keiji Shinogi - Keiji can play the guitar.
Alice Yabusame - Alice is just to uncoordinated to play an instrument well. However, he has tons of other talents that would be great for him to focus on that aren't music.
More Undercut
Reko Yabusame - Reko can play a ton of musical instruments, but her favorite is the electric guitar.
Nao Egokoro - If Nao played an instrument it would be the trumpet.
Kazumi Mishima - The music teacher at Mishima's school needed a substitute for awhile, and that lead him to learning how to play the triangle.
Q-taro Burgerberg - I want Q-Taro to play the banjo. So I'm going to say he plays the banjo.
Kai Satou - Kai can play the viola, but doesn't have many chances to show his skill.
Kanna Kizuchi - Kanna played the recorder a bit in school.
Shin Tsukimi - As we've established, he would play the oboe in a symphonic band!
Ranmaru Kageyama - Ranmaru took a few musical classes when he was younger, but nothing ever held his interest longer then a few weeks. He wish he stuck with the guitar lessons though.
Naomichi Kurumada - A part of Naomichi would've loved to play the drums in a band. He thinks that would've been really cool if the boxer thing didn't work out.
Anzu Kinashi - In an AU where everyone lives, she asks Reko if she can teach her to play the bongo's. She thinks they sound super cool.
Mai Tsurugi - Mai would play the flute if you played anything.
Shunsuke Hayasaka - If Shunsuke played an instrument it would be the piano.
Hinako Mishuku - Hinako snaps to the beat of songs and she considers that an instrument.
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athetos · 1 year
When I was around 13, I joined the high school band because they needed a xylophone player for a local competition, and I was the only one who played it in the entire school at the time. The song was overwhelmingly difficult for me at the time, and featured a couple nerve-wracking solos, but my teacher was confident that I’d either learn it by the competition or “they’d give us extra points anyway for having a kid on stage.” So I practiced the shit out of that piece, every single day I’d either have an actual band lesson, lie about having a lesson, or just straight up skip class to pound on the xylophone, because I was not going to fuck up in front of a bunch of older teenagers. I got a bit shy at the actual event, but I nailed the solos, and we managed to get a trophy of some sort.
I don’t remember the name of the piece - it was a Latin one, and I think it might have been a Spanish word that started with F - and I’ve never managed to find it online, even though I’ve done plenty of searching over the years. But what I can’t forget is that stupid fucking syncopation; I practiced it so much that it haunts me. It’s been nearly 15 years since I performed it and I still regularly find myself idly tapping the rhythm while I’m in an elevator or on the train. This song will not let go of me.
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mckinleyrp · 3 months
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*xylophone chimes*
To all the lazy idiots and Freshman 15’s that have now developed into Sophomore 30’s or Junior 45’s, listen up,
As you know we have our annual Homecoming event approaching quickly, unlike some of our “so-called” McKinley Titans who can’t seem to get across the other side to score a point. It’s a great lesson for my Cheerios— to know exactly what being in the presence of what failure smells, and looks like. Anyways, let’s get to the topic to which you all future alumni care about: Homecoming Court. If you didn’t manage to win or even get nominated for Homecoming back in your high school days, well— now’s your chance to do so. If you’re interested in running, then you better tell all your sloppy friends around campus to nominate for you considering this seems like a ridiculous popularity contest to either boost or hurt your non existent ego. The winners will receive a free lunch/dinner at Breadstix, have their own float for the parade, and a fake plastic crown the Homecoming committee bought at the local Party City. Go Titans. *xylophone chimes*
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NOTE: if you’d like your character to be nominated for homecoming king or queen, send me a message either through the main or through discord! it’ll narrow it down to three nominees for king and three for queen, it’s a whole first come, first serve basis. if we are missing a spot, someone will be chosen at random! our official homecoming post will be tomorrow!
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Put On Your Raincoats | French Sex Lessons (Mulot, 1980)
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I’ve had a mixed experience with vintage French pornos as some of the ones I’ve seen had an air of condescension that I found off putting, but I generally enjoyed this. The ladies are gorgeous and the proceedings are directed with a certain amount of style and humour. Some scattered observations (and mild spoilers, although this is not a plot-heavy affair):
The first scene features Brigitte Lahaie in a leopard print dress as well as a leopard print sofa in the room. The décor in other scenes is similarly busy, but doesn’t achieve this level of synergy.
Lahaie looks great in aviators. Well, she looks great in general, but you didn’t need me to tell you that.
The premise centres around Lahaie getting busted for running a brothel and deciding to open a school to teach women how to have sex. I’m not sure if she really has a talent for teaching however, as her lesson about stripping turns into a lesson about sucking and fucking pretty quickly.
Lahaie slaps a student’s ass when she finds her eating out another student in their off hours. "It's forbidden to mix pleasure with studies." She decides to teach her a lesson through a bit of light domination, which is pretty spicy stuff even if the movie unfortunately cuts it short.
For some reason there’s a history lesson.
A plumber accidentally walks into classroom and gets pounced on by the studends, which highlights the flimsiness of the conceit, although the movie arguably flips the tables on the dynamic. The girls all make a point of complimenting his plumbing skills, which he doesn't demonstrate at all. There isn’t even a “laying pipe” pun, but perhaps that was lost in the English dub.
There’s a scene featuring a Rocky imitator while a knockoff synth Rocky theme plays.
Dominique Aveline AKA French Super Mario plays a xylophone with dick.
The movie ends with the girls putting on a recital and reenacting fairy tales but with a sexy twist. The best of these scenes has Cathy Stewart as Little Red Riding Hood and Celine Galone as Snow White double-teaming the Big Bad Wolf, who puts his very phallic nose to good use. I thought it was pretty cute when the girls took a bow after the show.
At the end, the inspector shuts down Lahaie again, but then suggests she go into making movies, which doesn’t seem like a bad idea at all.
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poetdreamerfool · 11 months
[freestyle poetry] 101 swords
I. when the ops eyein me I'm moving like lion be silently if its antelope violently work hard like I don't know what talent be where I be niggas just roar there aint no growling we disciplined like this Shao Lin the beatings continue til you find zen when they give 100 give a 1000
II. these ain't punchlines this kung fu I'm van damme bruce and jackie mixed with monk who taught Sun Tsu thats what a life time of trauma wins you when a limb is cancerous its a cut like Ginsu excalubur sword of omens masamune with the scabbard with the runes my family toxic and I'm Mr. Manhattan on the moon cooking up the dreamscapes III. never save em edna mode no capes! but I got a full vape hit it twice my soul escapes then its found on the microphone channeled through my pen my words hit you spine like a xylophone
gun to my head I couldn't spell xylophone but I can spell g r i n d m o n e y on my mind over matter mirror mirror on the wall took my gaze and shattered cause my likeness is paradoxes and anti-matter irony and the shit that goes bump in the night
me and my demons tight like the grip of a shark bite getting chewed but in this story like the apple gave god a bite if all I see is tunnel then I am the light born from a darkness that says I can't cast a shadow right even though my shadow like a ninja in a shadow fight how else could I be so fucking bright? how could doing something wrong feel so fucking right? V. but its a loss-- karma isn't automatic someone has to to pull the string knotted to the thing
VI. growing up is the accumulation of left over pain fibers clumsily woven into armor for the elightened warrior who puts down the sword put your rage away lick and seal it like an envelope hope is dope they ain't lynching niggas but they selling rope the sword in my hands feels like a homie's handshake forgiveness isn't noble its a passage to a giant blinking neon sign: Dream big or don't live
VII. the weed jar like a koi pond blunt bridge we burn those other people's lessons we learn those the next question I'll ask my parents is where the urn go? ashes to ashes dust to dust to the fire to burn is to exist and existing is just so giveth the tree shine and be free.
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rurpleplayssims · 1 year
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The following day, Tyler got a phone call from Althea, who was requesting an update on the business spreadsheets which were due a few days previously. 
“Bugger!” he said when he realised. “Sorry Althea, I clean forgot to submit those! I have updated them but I’ve been distracted with having Mads here. I’ll email those over straight away.”
“I apologise to chase you on it” Althea said quietly. “I don’t want to sound like one of those bosses!”
Tyler chuckled “You’re fine boss. No harm done.”
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There was a slight pause.
“Tyler, thank you.”
“For what?” he asked, perturbed. 
“For helping Thomas” she said and when she spoke her husband’s name, her voice broke. “He’s so much happier and he doesn’t seem so down anymore. I know he was around yours with Jasper yesterday and he wasn’t gloomy when he came back.”
“You spoke?”
“We did...again” she said and he could hear tears in her throat. “We’ve had a lot of talks lately which is good. We need to keep talking and listening to each other, one of the first major lessons I’ve learnt about marriage this year. He told me what you two said and that he feels he’s had a revelation of sorts. We had a good talk which resulted in us both sobbing our hearts out but it ended well.”
“I’m sorry if you felt attacked by my-” Tyler started.
“Don’t be silly Tyler” she cut him off. “I am not at all offended. In fact I’m, touched my husband defended me so strongly. Only makes me love him even more and even more determined to be never let him down again.”
She cleared her throat before she spoke again. “Thank you for getting him to talk. I was so scared the Thomas I married was gone forever, all because of a stupid ultimatum I gave him, which was entirely inappropriate.”
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“You need to forgive yourself as well” Tyler said, smiling. “I didn’t fully realise it until Thomas said it yesterday, but it isn’t any of our business, it should be between you and Thomas.”
“I’ve heard that a few times” Althea admitted, but he could hear the smile in her voice as well. “I’ve already spoken to Jasper to thank him as well. But seriously, you helped Thomas break that cycle and in return, you two have helped save me and Thomas both.”
“You think too highly of us boss” Tyler chuckled.
“Or you don’t think highly of yourself” Althea teased back. “I just wanted to say that you’ve helped me massively by getting Thomas to speak. I didn’t want to force him to talk because I think maybe I was the wrong person to do it. But now you two have helped bridge that gap, I feel like Thomas is getting back to himself now. I won’t make the same mistake twice.”
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Meanwhile, Madeleine was in her room, playing with her xylophone again.
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And I also want to play drums too!
Unfortunately I can't give you the best advice on percussion stuffs because I'm a wind player, but I can give you some general tips!!
So, for xylophone, you definitely want to learn how to hold the mallets (and for drums, drumsticks) correctly. This optimizes playing ability. Next, take it one note at a time, with a music professional if possible, learning the notes on the xylophone. In the American tuning system, there's only 12 notes, so there isn't a lot to remember. With drums, learn some basic rhythms and techniques.
Id def recommend getting lessons, for drums and piano. Piano and mallet instruments are all made very similar to each other, so if you know how to play one (ex. Piano) you know how to play almost of them!! The pros will give you better help than I ever could (once again, I am a wind player!) haha!
Dont stress, take it one note at a time, and you'll be learning how to play percussion in no time!!
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thelegendofjenna · 2 years
Thank you to @crissmastrees-and-candyklaines for tagging me and encouraging me to share gratuitous information about myself. I am bad at picking favorite things so this is gonna be rough.
nickname: I don't really have any! I'm just Jenna.
favorite musicians: Darren Criss, Walk the Moon, Carly Rae Jepsen, the Wombats, Golden Shoulders, the Wrecks, the Jonas Brothers, Watsky, the Beatles, certainly more...
favorite sports team: I don't follow any sports 🤷‍♀️
other blogs: uhhh I have two other tumblrs that I'm active on (both glee-related), an additional 10 tumblrs that are defunct blogs or jokes or urls for future projects. I have my writing blog that I haven't touched in like a year 😬 and then there's various wordpress/blogger/livejournal accounts of mine scattered across the internet.
how many people i follow: 766
tumblr crush: Since getting back into glee stuff, I really admire the words/thoughts/creativity of @wowbright @redheadgleek and @spaceorphan18
lucky numbers: I don't feel like I really have any "lucky" numbers but I like 17
dream vacation: I think I'd love a very unhurried trip through Europe with friends, where I got to go back to the places I loved and also see a bunch of places I haven't been able to visit. Specifically in Ireland, Spain, and Italy.
dream car: If I were gonna be impractical? A Nissan 350Z. I have never been inside one and know nothing about cars, I just think it looks cool.
favourite food: It's just really hard to beat good pasta with good bread.
drink of choice: Black tea with milk and sugar, or fancy lattes.
instruments: I can play mediocre guitar, and as a kid I took violin lessons. And, you know, I can work out how to play nursery rhymes on a recorder or xylophone pretty well.
languages: English, and rather elementary Spanish. I do have an 897 day Duolingo streak, but I just do the bare minimum.
celeb crushes: https://thelegendofjenna.tumblr.com/tagged/looking+respectfully
fun fact: I've only broken two bones, but one of them was my skull.
tagging: my mutuals who I am also perpetually crushing on - @justasmallbloginabigklainefandom @special-bc-ur-part-of-it @katyobsesses @save-faris @backslashdelta and anyone else who wants to! (also realizing maybe not all of you follow my main blog but oh well)
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