#Gumby energy as well
ahappydnp · 8 months
i don’t know how to explain this but even though i’m well aware of how tall dan is, he has never had tall person energy to me.
no seriously like on camera waist up you would not buy that he's that tall because of his whole vibe but then you see full body pics or a video of him walking amongst regular people and you're like "oh shit yeah okay he's irl gumby"
(but also if i'm being honest close up he's once again not that tall? like for someone who's supposed to have a good 3 inches on me he seemed normal sized? like it wasn't noticeable when i was eye to eye with him?)
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naturepointstheway · 2 months
Because 90s Zurich Cats lives rent free in my head, more little gifs from there
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Witness Munkustrap being befuddled by a friendly fistbump from whoever that cat is who was with him for the "terrible bore" line (wasn't Alonzo as usual). According to a post I saw somewhere, that's supposed to be Plato fistbumping Munk, which makes it even more adorable. (I'd initially saved this as "the Zurich production walked so the Munkjerrie ship could sail" but I'm not even sure that's Mungo anymore lol)
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Meanwhile, during Bustopher Jones' number, I love this quick subtle moment of Cori turning his paw point at Bustopher Jones into also checking in with Misto to see if it's okay to lean on him before doing so. The little nods are so cute too. Cori and Misto friendships are the best things (or just Cori flat out crushing on him--yes, 1998 Cori during Mistofflees' big number, I'm looking at you!)
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JennyAnyDots: "I know, I know, my high C is the best ever, give me all the praise." *pats own head fur like a human would their hair*
On a not so jovial note, but interesting to point out during Gumbie Cat is that Jelly looks like she's trying to stop one of the other kittens teasing Misto about him thinking it was his song now. She looks like she's reaching out toward the kitten (while still on the car) to try and be like "hey, leave him alone!"
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Also wow, the way that kitten just STARES into his eyes has got to be the most uncomfortable (not to mention rude) thing, especially if Misto is the type to generally not like eye contact (at least not prolonged eye contact). This has the energy of a cat staring down another feline interloper in its territory without blinking.
No wonder Jelly was like "Hey, stop that" from the car (her head looks like she's following the kitten back to where she had been sitting before as well.)
Also, Munkustrap's wiggle dance there is absolutely 100% chef's kiss. Best quality: his Munkustance, but also his wiggles.
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Both Bomba and Jelly lean down to Misto when he goes to the car, but Demeter is very aloof and ignoring them (though it's hard to tell from the quality. I think she's too focused on Munk--so can't see through the heart eyes what's going on next to her ;) )
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Despite what looked earlier like Jelly possibly trying to get the kitten to leave Misto alone, those still look like some very impatient "Get up on the car already!" arm/paw swipes. Meanwhile, Bombalurina is unfazed as usual, returning to her "paint me like you paint your French felines" pose as always (and probably wondering where Tugger is.)
As this was a slightly less happy way to end this on, let's wrap up with Misto going into a very fantastic conjuring turn (not yet upgraded with the "Speed It Up Halfway" DLC--still fantastic, regardless!)
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indianasolo221 · 2 years
CATS U.S. Tour 6 (02/04/23)
My thoughts on the show I saw yesterday! I was supposed to see the show last weekend as well, but I was unable to go, so I can't really talk about that one here.
Before I get into the meat of the post, I just want to talk about...guest ettiquette? These were the best seats I've ever gotten for a show at this theatre, but I missed part of the Gumbie Tap and almost the entirety of Sillabub's "Moment's of Happiness" solo because someone had to crawl past me to get to their seat. It's really a good thing I decided not to break the "no recording" rule, or I would've been caught by the usher's who were shining lights down the aisle for all the late people...
Now on to the interesting stuff! I didn't catch as many background moments this time as last, as I mainly focused on each character as they were having their moment (and of course, I couldn't help but be excited about Sillabub).
I saw Hank Santos as Tugger, and his energy was everything I want from a Tugger performance. He seemed the most comfortable with his fellow castmates, and he had little moments with almost all the Queens. He danced with Demeter during his own number (Tuggmeter lovers will enjoy their little moments!), he danced with Bombalurina during his number and they were paired together for the Jellicle Ball. He talked Cassandra's ear off during someone else's number, and he even danced with Victoria at one point! At the opening of his own number, he poked Munkustrap in the stomach and laughed when he doubled over, which is a total bro move. He also swung at Alonzo after the "terrible bore" line. Oh! And during the last bows, Hank and Tayler did a neat little handshake that I'm pretty sure someone caught on camera. Overall, I really love Hank as Tugger. My aunt told him he was her favorite Tugger, and he gave her a little paw bump. I could say more about his performance and I probably will, but seeing it yourself will be better than anything I can describe here.
Nora was Demeter, and I was very torn on how I felt about their performance. I like to be open-minded and not compare every performer to the last, but that's easier said than done. Their energy and vibe were perfect, but they have a very unique voice that takes just a little getting used to. I loved their moments with Hank as Tugger. Nora and Erica were super close and had the perfect Bomba/Deme thing going, and I absolutely loved them together. Nora was an awesome Demeter.
Erica was Bombalurina, and she might just be a favorite of mine. She also has a very unique voice, but it's very Bomba. She definitely has the right vibe going, and I absolutely adore how closely she stuck to Nora. Her performance very much reminded me of Rosemarie Ford's, and I think that's why I liked it so much.
I can say without a doubt that Sam Bello is the best Sillabub I have seen live. Her voice was angelic, clear, pure, and literally everything I could possibly want from a Sillabub performance. Every time she sang I would almost cry her voice was so beautiful. She's definitely up there with Helen Massey as a favorite Sillabub voice for me. She was such a little kitten, and I very much got the idea that she's the one troublemaker who pesters the older kittens and sometimes gets into little spats with them. Skimbleshanks was very protective over her when Grizabella came onstage, and she was usually found hanging out with (or pestering) Pouncival and Victoria. During Skimbleshank's number, rather than appearing that they're just horsing around, it feels more like Silla and Vicci got into a little tiff and Skimble had to break them up. Oh, and please, for the love of all things Jellicle, if you go to a show and have the chance to see Sam as Silla, please get audio for your friend Indy. I would appreciate it.
I saw Taryn as Rumpleteazer! She is the most adorable 'Teazer, and super nice if you get to meet her. She actually stopped to take a photo with us on a very busy two-show day, and I'll never forget how friendly she was.
I got to see Ibn play Misto. He was probably the cutest Misto I've ever seen, and he and Hank switch off when it comes to wanting to be the center of attention at all times. Their Tugger and Misto are absolutely obsessed with each other (like every Tugger/Misto should be), and Tuggoffelees shippers are really gonna enjoy that. Ibn was also super friendly and took a photo with us, was the most chill guy.
I can say without any reservation that this cast was just as good as the last, and I was so happy to see those who returned. Tayler absolutley slays Memory every single time, and when I met her the first thing out of my mouth was, "You were amazing!" She was so sweet and came straight to me to talk, telling me she liked my cosplay. She asked my name and I told her, but she accidently slipped and said, "Hi Tayler, my name is--" before realizing she got it backwards. She was absolutely lovely. Overall, everyone had a great performance and if you get the chance to see them you should absolutely take it!!!
I also got some signatures on my second playbill. Hank's smudged, and I forgot to ask for Tayler's, but I also got Kade's and he was super sweet (and also an amazing Munkstrap!!!). I also saw Brian (Mungojerrie), who asked me if I was cosplaying as Jemima or Sillabub (he grew up on Cats, too!) and that made my day.
I could go on about other characters/cast and how great they were and how hard they work, but you really should go see the show instead of letting me spoil it for you. I will share some photos here, though:
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So yeah, U.S. Tour 6, 2023 was a 11/10 experience. I loved it and I can't wait to get back to the Junkyard!!!
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itsmyregularcat · 2 years
Who gave the best performance at the show?
So not to cop out within the first sentence, but literally everyone brought their top game in my opinion. It was wholly more impressive than my previous time seeing the former non-equity cast (who were still great), and those who returned (aside from Michelle who was out as Jenny for the show), stepped up their performances as well.
Rather than choose one specific performer, I will go over those who I thought did well enough to be lauded directly, which is going to be most of them.
One of my favourite performers from the last time I saw Cats was Lexy as Cassandra, and she was even better this time around. Her higher energy and unique style as Cass is a good one to begin with, and it was all on full display. Her dancing and range of motion are remarkable. Plus, holy shit she is hot as Cassandra. My God.
Megan Arseneau did a really good job as Jenny during The Old Gumbie Cat, and maybe it was just me, but I feel like she went all out with the tap sequence, and added a bit of extra flair and attitude into it. Definitely would not have know she she was covering by the way she laid it out.
John Anker Bow was absolutely outstanding as Gus, and his vocal clarity still impresses me, even after seeing him twice before Sunday. His blood curdling noises were superb. Definitely the best ones I have heard. His foray as Rumpus Gus was also spectacular, and his Bustopher was amazing as well.
Nora played Demeter as very skittish, upset, and lowkey mad (particularly when Macavity is afoot), and they definitely got the characterization down pat. Their vocal style during Macavity was good, and the way they acted during the Macavity fight was really immersive.
I was not sure what expect from Erica as Bomba given her previous experience as part of the RCCL cast, but you can tell she has played the role it before. Specifically, her movements and mannerisms during Macavity were on the money. Her voice was interesting, and I cannot say it was a bad fit at all, so I am into it. I like when actors end up bringing their own self into a role. Also, definitely looked like how I imagine Bomba would look, so thumbs up for that.
Yuka as Victoria was a big highlight, and I already gushed about her here. I loved her performance, and she is probably my new favourite Victoria. Her smile 💕💕.
Cameron as Old Duet was quite good. You could appreciate that he has a classical training and history in opera. His voice and projection was impressive, and he peaked his mic during Old Deut for how powerful he was.
Taryn as Rumple was perfectly mischievous and bubbly, so she gets a good stamp of approval in my eyes. I do not have anything specific to really comment on, but noticed she liked being silly in background interactions with other cats.
Hank did very well as Tugger, and captured the spirit of the character much better than Zach did (sorry Zach). He played Tugger as sauve and boisterous rather than juvenile, and was the sexy cat he was supposed to be. Also, his energy during the time after the bows was awesome. He flew around that stage.
Sam as Sillabub and Reagan as Tanto were both great, and I was impressed by Sam's voice during the Moments Of Happiness. Much richer than I was expecting.
I guess that is it? Anyone else who performed that I did not mention were exceptional too do not get me wrong. There is SO MUCH going on during the show to pay good attention to everything and everyone.
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ratherchaseamouse · 2 years
Cats Brno first reaction thoughts part one: Overture through Rum Tum Tugger
TLDR: I feel like this is really aimed at people who already know what the “actual” musical is about and have seen some version of it. It’s very strange and very concerning but I am enthralled!
- it’s a vibe so far, the aesthetic makes me think of party scenes from old Hollywood movies
- the window is pretty
- old Deuteronomy looks skeevy
Jellicle songs:
- I’m not super into the dancing but i know they’re humans in this so it makes sense that it’s less cat-like
- seriously what is up with Deuteronomy— oh he’s the cult leader
- I’m loving the variety in the costumes and how I can still kind of tell who’s who
Naming of Cats:
- with the new context of humans in a cat themed cult the choreography becomes a little silly but that’s not taking away from my enjoyment.
- no i actually like the moving around instead of staying in formation + in the aisles it looks good
Victoria solo + invitation
- beautifully performed solo! I do feel for the audience member though
- is it Gus singing the invitation? If it is that’s cool
- old D walking randomly around the stage reminds me of a director I’ve worked with who will do this during runs. It was annoying. Anyway just something funny.
Gumbie cat:
- um. What
- the trio have matching outfits! That’s cute
- where did these children come from. What is going on. Im scared
- ok so I do not speak this language but the tone is worrying me O_o
- great energy on the tapping! Still worried about these kids
- Munkustrap is a little too into this I think
Rum Tum Tugger:
- the little Jenny/Tugger interaction was actually very nice
- oh the curtain tearing thing was cool
- woah he’s bisexual! Why am I gasping I already knew that
- the cocaine snort onstage is both funny and worrying.
- this is the exact same energy as that Eminem “sometimes I just gotta grab a. Boob. Plus my peanus got an atti. Tude” it’s just so goofy but not in the way that the original is. I like it but it’s weird
- well that sure was a number
That’s it for now, I’ll be back after I get myself dinner :)
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loucinalla · 8 months
Unraveling the Wonders of Gumby Gumby Tea: Unique Features and Potential Health Benefits
Gumby Gumby Tea has captured the attention of health enthusiasts for its unique qualities and potential health benefits. In this article, we'll explore what sets Gumby Gumby Tea apart and the potential advantages it may offer to those who embrace its consumption.
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What Makes Gumby Gumby Tea Unique?
Rare Australian Native Plant:
Gumby Gumby, scientifically known as Pittosporum angustifolium, is a native Australian plant that grows in various regions across the country.
Its rarity contributes to the uniqueness of Gumby Gumby Tea.
Traditional Indigenous Use:
Indigenous Australian communities have a long history of using Gumby Gumby for medicinal purposes.
The tea is a modern adaptation of this traditional knowledge, making it a bridge between ancient wisdom and contemporary wellness.
Holistic Wellness Potential:
Gumby Gumby Tea is often associated with holistic wellness, addressing not just specific symptoms but supporting overall health.
Its holistic approach sets it apart from many conventional herbal teas.
Rich in Phytochemicals:
The plant is rich in phytochemicals, including saponins, flavonoids, and alkaloids.
These natural compounds contribute to the potential health benefits of Gumby Gumby Tea.
Potential Health Benefits of Gumby Gumby Tea:
Anti-Inflammatory Properties:
The presence of flavonoids may impart anti-inflammatory effects, making Gumby Gumby Tea potentially beneficial for reducing inflammation in the body.
Immune System Support:
Some proponents suggest that Gumby Gumby Tea may support the immune system, potentially helping the body defend against common illnesses.
Antioxidant Boost:
The tea's flavonoids and other antioxidants may contribute to neutralizing free radicals, providing an antioxidant boost to combat oxidative stress.
Digestive Harmony:
Traditional uses include supporting digestive health, with some individuals claiming relief from common digestive discomfort after consuming Gumby Gumby Tea.
Skin Health:
The phytochemicals in Gumby Gumby may promote skin health, with anecdotal reports suggesting potential benefits for skin conditions.
Energy and Vitality:
Advocates of Gumby Gumby Tea propose that it may contribute to a sense of vitality and energy, promoting overall well-being.
Detoxification Support:
The plant's compounds may aid in detoxification processes, helping the body eliminate toxins and waste.
Respiratory Wellness:
Some individuals believe that Gumby Gumby Tea supports respiratory health, potentially offering relief from common respiratory issues.
Conclusion on Gumby Gumby Tea's Unique Features and Potential Health Benefits:
In conclusion, Gumby Gumby Tea stands out for its unique features as a rare Australian native plant with a rich history of traditional use. Its potential health benefits span various aspects of well-being, including anti-inflammatory properties, immune system support, antioxidant benefits, digestive harmony, skin health, energy promotion, detoxification support, and respiratory wellness. While anecdotal evidence supports these claims, it's essential to approach such herbal remedies with an open mind and consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice.
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organicrosehipskin · 9 months
gumby gumby tea
G'day tea enthusiasts! Let's embark on a flavorful journey into the world of Gumby Gumby tea—an herbal infusion that hails from the heart of Australia, celebrated for both its rich cultural significance and potential health benefits. Picture yourself sipping a cup of this unique tea, surrounded by the vast landscapes of Down Under, where the Gumby Gumby tree thrives. It's not just a beverage; it's a sip of Australian tradition and the promise of well-being wrapped in the leaves of a native botanical treasure.
Botanical Bounty of Australia:
Envision Gumby Gumby tea as a botanical bounty from the Australian landscape. Picture the Gumby Gumby tree, scientifically known as Pittosporum phylliraeoides, with its slender leaves and small, olive-like fruits. Indigenous to Australia, this tree holds cultural significance for Aboriginal communities, who have valued it for its purported health properties for generations. The leaves of the Gumby Gumby tree become the star ingredient, infused into a tea that embodies the essence of Down Under.
Cultural Connection:
In the Gumby Gumby tea story, imagine the cultural connection it brings to your teacup. Picture the ancient traditions of Aboriginal communities, who have used Gumby Gumby for its potential health benefits. The tea becomes a conduit, bridging cultural heritage with contemporary wellness practices. It's not just a beverage; it's a respectful nod to the wisdom passed down through generations, encapsulated in the gentle infusion of Gumby Gumby leaves.
Health and Wellness Elixir:
Envision Gumby Gumby tea as a health and wellness elixir. Picture each sip as a journey into potential health benefits, with anecdotal reports suggesting anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It's like sipping on a cup of well-being, where the leaves of the Gumby Gumby tree offer a gentle embrace for your overall health. As you enjoy the tea, imagine its potential support for immune function and a sense of balance within your body.
Earthy and Mild Flavor Profile:
In the realm of taste, picture Gumby Gumby tea offering an earthy and mild flavor profile. Envision the subtle notes of the Australian soil, the whisper of eucalyptus, and a hint of herbal freshness. It's not just a tea; it's a sensory experience that transports you to the Australian bush with every sip. Imagine the gentle warmth spreading through you, creating a moment of tranquility and connection to nature.
Harvested with Respect:
Picture the leaves for Gumby Gumby tea being harvested with the utmost respect for the environment. Envision skilled hands carefully plucking the leaves from the Gumby Gumby tree, ensuring sustainable practices that honor the natural balance of the Australian ecosystem. It's not just a harvest; it's a symbiotic relationship between the land and those who cultivate this botanical treasure.
Ritual of Serenity:
Envision Gumby Gumby tea becoming a ritual of serenity in your daily life. Picture the act of brewing the leaves, the aromatic steam rising, and the warm cup cradled in your hands. The tea becomes more than a beverage; it's a mindful pause, an invitation to connect with the present moment. Imagine the calming influence of Gumby Gumby tea, creating a ritual that soothes both body and spirit.
Infusion of Australian Sunshine:
In the Gumby Gumby tea experience, imagine each cup being infused with Australian sunshine. Picture the sunlit landscapes, the warmth of the Outback, and the essence of the Southern Hemisphere captured in every drop. It's like bringing a piece of Australia into your daily routine, a sunlit infusion that brightens your day with the playful energy of Down Under.
Resilience in a Teacup:
Picture Gumby Gumby tea as a symbol of resilience. Envision the Gumby Gumby tree thriving in the Australian environment, withstanding the challenges of nature. The tea becomes a reflection of this resilience—a reminder that, like the Gumby Gumby tree, you too can adapt and flourish. It's not just a beverage; it's a cup of inspiration that encourages strength and adaptability.
Connection to Aboriginal Wisdom:
In the Gumby Gumby tea narrative, imagine a connection to Aboriginal wisdom. Picture the knowledge embedded in the leaves, a silent testimony to the healing traditions passed down through generations. As you sip the tea, envision a respectful acknowledgment of this wisdom, a bridge between cultures that fosters understanding and appreciation for the botanical treasures of Australia.
In conclusion, Gumby Gumby tea is more than just a herbal infusion; it's a journey into Australian tradition, cultural richness, and potential health benefits. As you sip this earthy elixir, imagine the Gumby Gumby tree standing tall in the Australian landscape, its leaves crafting a cup of connection to nature and well-being. So, let the tea leaves tell their story, and may each sip be a harmonious blend of cultural heritage and the potential goodness inspired by the land Down Under. Here's to the gentle journey of Gumby Gumby tea—a cup of Australian tranquility and well-being!
0 notes
shawnsmusical · 4 years
Medusa too
0 notes
Cats Vienna, 19.06.22 with a lot of rambling cause it is meee
Also I’m getting kind of emotional and then bitter at the end again. Whooopsie.
Today there was a really interesting energy on stage and every actor was like on 120%. You could feel that the ending is near.
Birgit Arquin who plays Bombalurina was absolutly on fire today.
Also a lot of the super swings:
Jo Lucy Rackham played Jenny. I love her Jenny. She is strict but also soft and her tap dancing is amazing.
Tommie Luyben as Carbucketty. Dance co captain. Also plays like 100 roles in the show.
Without Tommie and Jo they could have closed the show haha. No honestly. They are both absolutly amazing. They didn’t just play male or female roles, they also switched: Jo also played Coricopat and Carbucketty (loved her Bucky very much) and Tommie played Tantomile and Electra (loved his Electra). Both of them did not “just” cover minor roles but also major roles. I saw Tommie as Skimble a couple of times as well as as Mungojerrie once (I remember him because he shuffeled???) and Jo covering Demeter, Rumpleteazer and Jenny.
Also Sinisi as his propably last Misto. Never saw him in this role before and enjoyed him quite a lot. He seemed a little bit more chaotic than the other Mistos. He is also an absolute super swing covering Tugger, Misto, Alonzo, Coricopat, Carbucketty and Admetus (at least these were the roles I saw him in).
Next super swing today: Susannah Murphy as Electra, I saw her mainly as Electra, Jemima and Tantomile but I know she covered other roles too. Absolutly full of energy every time I saw her.
Then we had Snova as Admetus: next super swing, I saw him as Tugger, Munk  and Macavity/Admetus and enjoyed him in every role.
Also Denise Jastraunig as Jellylorum. She covers mostly Jenny and Jelly but I saw her as Griz once.
Also today: Babara Obermeier played Griz and I love her as Jelly but I too love her as Griz very much. She is soooo amazing.
Some notes to today:
Sinisi Misto is tall Misto. I like.
I love how at the beginning of the Gumbie Cat Alonzo (Maniadis) usually lies on the car and streches his leg (this cat streches his leg a lot) but gets driven away when the Gumbie Trio comes. He usually goes down on the floor to cuddle with Cass (Dacres) before both put their tap dance shoes on.
Jo is an absolute amazing Jenny. She is very strict and you know her Jenny is a good performer because she is also strict on herself. I love the faces she makes during the Gumbie Cat, her tap dancing is so clean and sounds so well and she just has such an happy and joyful attitude like most Cats in Vienna for what I love the Vienna Kitties very much.
When Tugger (Hees) came in Bomba was really excited and Jelly was really annoyed. Sinisi Misto didn’t like being touched by him. Propably has to clean himself now. Snova also plays Admetus very happy and fun like Li (when Maniadis plays him he plays him more like he plays Alonzo which is also fun because sometimes he looked disgusted with Tugger sitting on him). Bomba’s facial expressions during her part were gold today. And she is an amazing dancer, really. Loved how offended she looked when he let her fall but then shrugged it off and joined again. Carbucketty hid behind her legs while the girls were screaming.
Griz entrence: I love Obermeier Griz very much. I love her voice and her acting. In the Vienna translation during memory she sings: “Hoffnung, in mir lebt noch die Hoffnung, dass ich nicht einfach sterbe, wie die Kerze im Wind.” Which roughly translates to: “Hope, I still have hope, that I don’t just die like the candle in the wind.” Hope isn’t a motive in the English lyrics (as far as I can remember) but I think it fits the character quite well. With Obermeier Griz it always feels like hope is something she gives the character: her Griz has hope that she will be accepted back. After she sings about herself, she wants to leave the stage but then Demeter (Vazzoler) starts singing her number and she hesitates to leave the stage and listens to Demeter. You can see hope in her face, hope that she maybe still welcome. Also Munkustrap (Fetterle) really had a sad look on his face when he listened to Demeter today. The hole moment, the tentions between Griz, Deme, Bomba and him today were amazing.
Bustopher Jones: Really funny today. Jenny started, she was so excited, then Bomba and Jelly tuned in, were to excited and Jenny shooed them away like move: I’m singing this number. Also after Bill and Bucky misbehave during Bustopher sings, Bill (Nathan Luke) roles to the right side, fist bumps Demeter, who tought his joke was funny and is then scolded by Jenny. Today he seemed sad at Jenny being angry at him, nuzzled her side and she petted his head and looked at him like: Is do still love you, even thou you are ein schlimmer Bub, and that was just everything. Jenny is strict but she loves her Schlimms very much (I use Schlimm for the cats that misbehave, Oberschlimms are Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer). No matter who Jo plays she has always great interactions with all the Schlimms (mostly with Bill, Bucky, Vicky and Electra).
Jenny was also so proud when she recieved the rose today she had to show it to Jelly and Bomba.
Mungojerrie (Mayert) and Rumpletaezer (Buchegger) were amazing today and got a lot of applause. Rumpleteazer bowed down like thank you, thank you, I know I’m amazing.
Don’t have much to say about Old Deut and the Pekes today, only that when Tugger entered the stage with the pipe he wanted to get Mistos attention by patting him on the shoulder but he just looked at him confused and danced on.
The Jellicle Ball. Like, I shit you not when I tell you that I sometimes went to see Cats just to see the Jellicle Ball. I love it so fucking much and Vienna has so many talented dancers, it’s absolutly incredible and always a joy to watch. I will miss this part most. It just hits so hard live especially the second part after the cuddle. Bomba section was amazing today, Bomba looked over her shoulder into the audience while moving her hips with a kind of cheeky smile and the Tugger/Bomba cuddle section was very ... interesting today (yeah, she grabbed his behind, and I was like you go girl). She was also came early during the girls V formation to flirt with Tugger again.
I love the part from the Munkus center to the end the most. It’s just so energetic and perfect and yeah. It’s everything.
Griz came back, again hoping to be exepted realising she isn’t and singing her sad song. She wanted to leave again, had a small shimmer of hope, reached out her hand but nobody touched it. Heartbreaking today really (maybe I’m over emotional cause the show is coming to an end).
Act II
Didn’t focus on much during Happyness and Gus but the pirates were funny again today. Misto was scared of Growltiger during one part and hid behind Mungojerrie who protected him for a while but then pushed him towards Growlitger cause they had to sing again.
Skimbleshanks was fun, as always. Murphy Electra is just the happiest Schlimm after she misbehaved and is laughing with Carbucketty. Also Misto was a little bit of a Schlimm today. He blinded the audience (ME) with his light and then he also blinded Old Deut who wasn’t happy about that and just laughed (yeah, Sinisi Misto is defently more chaos then the other very well behaved Mistos haha). He was so cheeky and laughed, tststs.
Tugger really wanted to dance end of the train togetzer with Tantomile and Cassandra but he had to help Old Deut with his back.
Macavity, amazing as always. I don’t know what was different today (maybe that I for once focused on Bomba and not on Demeter, lol) but Birgit Arquin killed the whole performance today, like absolutly, fave Bomba performance I ever saw in Vienna. Her dancing and singing were amazing, expressions and acting on point, extreme powerful energy all in all. Griddlebone Part, best part, when she was moving like a snake, like it lookes so good, from hips to head everything seemed A+. Absolutly amazing. 
Snova Macavity also very good today. At the beginning Demeter was hypnotized by him and he grabbed her by her hips, pulled her closer and stunned her with her magic, so she fell asleep (usually they don’t touch here, as far as I can remember). I shit you not. I had goosebumps.
Misto number semed kind of chaotic today and I’m not complaining . Tugger kind of played different from usual I would say, more chaotic, fun and casual, maybe to match Misto’s chaos energy. Firstly Misto nearly didn’t catch the red vase, he pulled the rainbow out a little to late which nearly landed on Tugger (or actually landed on him, not sure anymore) who seemed kind of confused/taken by surprise. He nearly forgot to dance with Misto his leg up part, it wasn’t in synch but it fitted non the less and was fun and chaotic in a good way.
When he took the jacket from Misto, Carbucketty was already waiting to take it backstage. Tugger teased him and pulled it away, before haning it over Carbucketty’s head who just looked so done with his antics.
Meanwhile Misto Solo happing. Something was changed in the choreo. At one part Misto was lying on the floor and stretching his leg which usually doesn’t happen. Very nice conjouring turns.
He was also so surprised/shocked by Tugger hyping him up at the end. It was realy fun and entertaining, the whole number today.
Memory: So beautiful. Obermeier’s voice is everything and I don’t know any technical turms but she changes it to sound rougher of softer, she is sometimes louder or quieter and listing to her sing it is never boring. The touch me is so powerful and you can feel her hope. Nearly cried today what never happened before (maybe again because the show is ending idk). She leaves again, then the hope awakens in her and for the last time she reaches out, this time her hope is fullfilled.
Absolutly loved every bit today end it felt really short. It was so much fun.
Also, all this Grizabella watching made me think about her again. For me cats is a musical about community and this line with hope in German seems to me like she is coming back to her community so she won’t be forgotten when she dies. She knows she is dying and she doesn’t want to die alone, she wants to be with the cats that are dear to her. And she wants to be remembered by them, by her community. That really made me feel things today. You can read so much into her character.
Also the connection between Grizabella and Demeter, whatever it is, is just so powerful. Demeter as a character grew very much on me and I just love her compassion for Grizabella. And I love that she, even though she is scared, attacks Macavity when he returns, in order to protect the others. She is such an amazing character and all the Vienna Demeters portrayed her a little bit differently but so well. Made me really fall in love with her as a character. She is such an amazing, complex character (as complex as they get in Cats) and cutting her out of the 2019 movie was such a big mistake because it takes so much away from the musical as a whole.
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this-phenomenal-cat · 2 years
it’s just gonna be a lot of just me saying it was amazing but here’s song by song of my thoughts from seeing the Cats US Tour!
Jellicle Songs For Jellicle Cats
Phenomenal! I was impressed during this whole song!
Everything was just *chef’s kiss*
Naming Of Cats
This song is such a better experience live
I wish they would’ve went out into the aisles during this song, but alas, they did not
Invitation To The Jellicle
Hyla was just so amazing as Victoria and I could not keep my eyes off her during the whole show
Paul Giarratano was spectacular as Mistoffelees and was so extra ✨
Gumbie Cat
Nick Davis was absolutely fantastic
Rum Tum Tugger
Grizabella’s Entrance
Tayler Harris was so great as Grizabella
Lauren Louis’s Voice was so pretty
Bustopher Jones
I just love Bustopher Jones and it was absolutely perfect here
I remember my sister whispered to me at the start of the song, “James Corden”
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer
It was just so fun
Max Craven and Allison Lian were just outstanding
Old Deuteronomy
Nick and Zach’s singing was so good
When Victoria when up closer to the left before Deuteronomy’s entrance 🥺
Jellicle Ball
The Macavity scare was really cool
The dancing was so crazy amazing and I was in awe the whole time
I thought it was really cool seeing Grizabella trying to like copy their movements behind them
The singing was just so phenomenal
Moments of Happiness
Brianna Kim was absolutely excellent as Sillabub
Gus: The Theater Cat
John Anker Bow and Kayli Jamison performed this song so well
The whole audience would laugh at all the funny parts which just the song feel so joyous
Pekes and the Pollicles
I thought it was really fun to watch
Christopher Salvaggio was so good as Skimbleshanks and he had great energy
Seeing the train get built was so fucking cool
The singing was so unbelievably good and it was just one big wow moment
Macavity like hypnotizing the Jellicles was so cool
The fight was so amazing to see
Magical Mr Mistoffelees
Zach Bravo’s vocals were so on point and wondeful
Paul Giarratano’s dancing was so so so incredible
Seeing the lights move around the stage was so beautiful to watch
I don’t even have the words to describe just how amazing it was
I have never felt such an emotional connection to this song until now
Journey to the Heaviside Layer
It was so beautiful with the tire being raised
I did cry
Addressing of Cats
Indalecio De Jesus Valentin had such a gorgeous voice
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emmikay · 3 years
Emmikay’s CATS Field Notes
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Okay, I finally got everything typed up!
First I want to say that I’m so happy that I got see the show! The cast did an amazing job, and it looked like they were having fun. I hope they were, the audience loved them. It was absolutely worth both the wait, and the stress of getting there. 
These are my thoughts on the individual songs, and fun moments I noticed during them! I tried to write these out as clearly as possible. And I know there’s probably so much that I missed in the background, but this is what stood out to me!
Act One
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The opening was a lot of fun. I did spend some of the time pinning down who everyone was, but it was a lot of fun picking them out of the crowd. It actually took me awhile to find Tugger/ Bill Bailey.
I also feel sorry for the person in the seat they picked out for ‘the man over there’. Maybe they had already seen CATS, but I think if it were me, I’d still be scared. They made it sound very accusatory as well, which I found pretty funny. ‘The Naming of Cats’ was still appropriately creepy. I think one of the ladies in front me had never seen CATS, because she turned to friend as asked “What is happening?” It was too bad they couldn’t go into the isles during this tour, but I still enjoyed the eyes appearing on stage during the overture.
Jennyanydots, the Old Gumbie Cat
Jenny seemed really sweet, and was acting with a lot of energy. The whole number was very cute as a whole. I noticed that Skimbleshanks brought out the mouse masks, called over the mice, who I think were Victoria, Sillabub and Rumpleteazer, and handed out their masks. The cockroaches were Tumblebrutus, Pouncival and either Plato or Mungojerrie, but I’m not sure which. Both the mice and cockroaches stayed on stage for quite a bit of the number.
Another very cute thing I noticed, is that Misto was helping Jenny out a lot during her number, guiding her around, helping her sit down and get back up when she was in the first costume. There was also a moment where Jenny seemed to space out, and Misto was trying to gentling get her attention again.
Throughout the entire musical, it seemed like Misto was trying to help out and be as useful as possible. I interpreted it as Misto trying to prove he’s a mature adult now, who should be taken Seriously.
The Rum Tum Tugger
Tugger! Zach Bravo was delightful, of course. He’s just so much fun to watch. The whole number was very fun. I’m pretty sure Tugger flirted with most of the cats on stage in one way or another, other than Munkustrap, who he was definitely trying his best to annoy, as any little brother would do. I noticed Munkustrap and Alonzo plotting by the car just before they did the ‘Terrible Bore’ line.
There were a lot of cute moments between Tugger and Misto as well. At the start of the number, Misto and Skimbleshanks were sitting of the car together. Skimbleshanks seemed to smooth down Misto’s white neck fluff, before Misto joined the dancing. My friend and I agreed that it had very strong ‘Dad straightening his son’s tie before he goes on a date’ vibes. Tugger and Misto had great chemistry, which made the added choreography of them dancing together very fun to watch.
After Misto made the spotlights for Tugger, he crawled through Tugger’s legs. Tugger was pelvic thrusting while he was doing this, and if that’s not symbolism, I don’t know what it was.
Do to the lack of kitten characters in this production, most of the female characters were in the ‘squealing circle’ at the end, including Demeter and Cassandra. Misto was also part of it.
Grizabella the Glamour Cat
I’ve made my feeling about post-revival Grizabella known, so I won’t repeat them. That being said, Tayler Harris did a really good job, and I felt legitimately sorry for Grizabella. In this show, Jenny seemed to take the leading role in shooing the kittens, and everyone else away from Grizabella. Jellylorum helped out a bit, but it was mainly Jenny. Tumblebrutus and Pouncival both bullied Grizabella quite a bit and had to be shooed away.
In this show, Munkustrap was being played by Taylor James Rosenberger. He did a really good job, and had a really nice voice. One thing I noticed is that he plays Munkustrap as being very aggressive towards Grizabella. While other Munkustraps have seemed sad or resigned towards her, it was clear that he actively disliked her. It was actually an interesting twist, because usually it’s Tugger who really dislikes her, but in this show it was almost like the roles reversed.
Bustopher Jones, the Cat about Town
Bustopher Jones was quite a bit of fun, he was played as a very jolly, good natured guy. It seemed like he was very much enjoying entertaining all the cats, and all the attention they were giving him. I actually really like the part where several of the characters, I believe it was Munkustrap, Alonzo, Skimbleshanks, Mistoffelees, Victoria, and someone else who I can’t remember start offering food for him to try. I also noticed an interesting moment where at the beginning of the song, Tugger is lounging on the car, and he and Demeter seem to a have a little chat before Demeter goes to join the dancing.
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer were pretty good. I read their interactions as best friends rather than siblings or in a relationship, which was fun to watch. In the show, Bustopher Jones doesn’t say his “Toodle-pip” until after Jerrie and Teazer scare everyone,then immediately ran off.
I will say, this is probably the number that entertained me the least. It may just be that I was spoiled watching the 1998 version, but there weren’t a lot of the acrobatics and more entertaining dancing that previous shows have had. The actors themselves did a great job, though. Also, at the end, it was Munkustrap and Plato that hold up their loot bags instead of Alonzo.
Old Deuteronomy
This was a very sweet number, as it should be! Old Deuteronomy seemed like a very warm and happy character, and all of the cats seemed very happy and excited to see him. As I said earlier, Munkustrap had a very nice voice, and did a really good job with this number. And it was very cute when Munkustrap and Tugger started singing together. Tugger had been annoying Munkustrap since his number, so Munk seemed relieved that Tugger was actually acting on his best behaviour for once. Of course, as soon as Old Deuteronomy appeared on stage, Tugger did his mane shimmy, but Old Deuteronomy seemed to find it more amusing than anything else. Tugger also was the one helping Old Deuteronomy up and down the tire. He loves his dad!
The Jellicle Ball
I mean, what can I say? The dancing was amazing, and lighting was fun, and there was so much happening it was hard to take in. All of the cast are really talented, and it was so impressive to see it in person!
I picked up on a lot of little moments in between the dancing. Throughout act one, Misto hangs out with both Skimbleshanks and Cassandra quite often, usually on top of the car. I noticed Tugger hanging out with Cassandra a few times as well. There quite a few interactions between Demeter and Munkustrap. They danced together at the ball, and I noticed that the moves weren’t dissimilar to the choreography between Misto and Tugger one of the times they danced together in The Rum Tum Tugger. There were also several instances where they seemed to check in with each other during scene transitions throughout the act. When Gus entered for the first time towards the end of the Ball, Jellylorum held his hand to help him onstage.
There was one really funny thing when Grizabella appeared after the Pas de Deux. When Misto spots her on the car, he makes all the hanging lights turn on, then jumped on the car himself to try and scare her away. He immediately turned to Jellylorum like: “Did I do a good job?” Grizabella, however, wasn’t scared away, and Munkustrap had to go up and shoo her away. Poor Misto, you tried your best.
Memory: Prelude
All the cats vacated the stage when Grizabella showed up again. Munkustrap stayed the longest, and as he was leaving he was still trying to keep an eye on her. Tayler Harris has a really amazing voice, and I was already excited for how Memory proper was going to sound. Also, during the song, when Grizabella was facing the audience Old Deuteronomy was watching her sadly, however several times she glanced behind her, and whenever she did, he would turn away from her, which I thought was an interesting detail.
Act Two
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Moments of Happiness
There was a guy in my row who never came back during intermission. Weak.
Old Deuteronomy entered the stage a bit before intermission ended, which was cool. It’s too you couldn’t get pictures of him because of COVID, but I was happy I was able to get some photos from my seat.
This song also sounded amazing. It was portrayed as though Old Deuteronomy was trying to lecture the cats, but they just weren’t getting it. Jemima also sounded really good during her solo. One funny moment, right at the beginning, Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer skipped onto the stage, only to get a look from Old Deuteronomy, and immediately looked guilty.
Gus, the Theatre Cat
Another sad number, but again, it’s supposed to be. Jellylorum did a good job, and also sold me old the fact she was happy to be talking about Gus’s past, but also sad, because it was likely he would be chosen tonight. At the beginning of the number either Tantomile or Coricopat set out a row of tin cans across the front of the stage and Misto used magic to turn them into stage lights. During the number, most of the cats were gathered at the back of the stage, but a few of the younger ones were sitting around Gus. Jenny and Skimbleshanks were sitting on top of the car together. Skimbleshanks, actually, was the one who looked offended when Gus said that jumping through a hoop doesn’t make you special. Misto was sitting on top of the pipe, and when Tugger entered part way through the song, the two of them seemed to have a quiet conversation.
The Aweful Battle of the Peakes and the Pollicles
This number was very fun! Gus was having a good time living out his glory days, and was acting pretty goofy while he was portraying the Rumpus Cat. During the number Tugger didn’t participate, but moved over to the tire to sit with Old Deuteronomy, and watch the show with him. During the part where everyone is barking at each other Munkustrap almost got trampled, which is when he yelled at everyone. Poor Munk. It’s not even his show anymore, and he still can’t catch a break.
Skimbleshanks, the Railway Cat
Another really fun one! There was a lot of energy, and everyone seemed like they were having a good time. It doesn’t matter what the production, Skimbleshanks is a very popular cat. At the beginning, both Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer helped sing lines, which was adorable!
Tugger didn’t dance for most of the song, only joinng in at the very end, but he was vibing the entire time. Throughout act two I kept glancing up at Tugger, and he was never out of character. Even if he was just standing there, it still felt like he was standing in a way that fit the character. The woman from before seemed amazed when they built the train on stage, which is the absolute correct reaction. Misto was the one holding the train light, which I know he usually does, but it was still adorable.
Macavity the Mystery Cat
When Macavity first appears everyone seemed frozen in place. It was pretty heavily implied that Macavity does have magical powers in this version. Munkustrap stepped forward to confront him, but Macavity glared and pointed at him, and Munkustrap froze, then collapsed on the stage, as if Macavity had forced him to pass out. It was only after that he grabbed Old Deuteronomy. I’m not sure if other productions have included that, but I really liked it. As well, for several of the Macavity scares, it looked to me like Tugger had a more active role of helping to look for him.
Both Demeter and Bombalurina were amazing in the song. It felt really jazzy, but also like they legitimately trying to warn all the other queens who were onstage. Munkustrap and several of the other toms entered towards the end of the number and watched the last bit of it. I’m not sure because I wasn’t focusing on him, but Munkustrap seemed relieved when he was back onstage, either because all of the queens were safe, of because Demeter and Bombalurina were warning everyone.
Macavity Fight
Again, Macavity has pretty apparent magic, because when he enters again he seems to forced several of the queens to start preforming the dance moves from his number again, before Munkustrap intervenes. I always find that really creepy when productions add that detail, and I’m happy it was included here.
The fight itself was intense as well. Poor Munk took quite a beating. After they swiped and threatened each other a bit, Macavity knocked Munkustrap to the ground. He got up pretty quickly, but seemed shaky. He immediately tried to reenter the fight, and then Macavity grabbed him and pinned him against the car, where he slashed at his throat twice. Munkustrap staggered a few steps before collapsing and staying down. It was actually pretty brutal, and I legitimately gasped when it happened. After Munkustrap went down, Macavity went after Demeter, and Alonzo pulled him off of her. That was when the entire tribe started going after Macavity, and he knocked the light out with the jumper cables.
Demeter and Munkustrap still had their cuddles after Macavity disappeared. Poor dears, I think they both really needed it.
Mister Mistoffelees
It’s my boy! Paul Giarratano and Zach Bravo both did an amazing job, and I was so excited to see this is person!
At the beginning, which I think is probably in most productions, the cats turned away from Tugger when he first suggested asking Misto for help, and he had to call them back. Tugger was so supportive of Misto, as any good Tugger should be. I can’t be completely certain, but I’m pretty sure Tugger didn’t take his eyes off of Misto for the entire number, which was so adorable, in my opinion. He loves him so much! I liked all the tricks they did with the lights to create magic effects. It would have cool if they had used flash paper and smoke effects, but this was still fun to watch. The dancing was a lot of fun as well, especially with Misto’s colour changing jacket, and the strings of light around the stage flashing rainbow colours.
Also… (Deep inhale)
The way he brought back Old Deuteronomy was interesting. Instead of using the sheet Misto used magic to give everyone a candle or a like to hold, or something like that. They all gathered together, and when they separated, Old Deuteronomy was in the middle of the group.
When Tugger started singing again, after Old Deuteronomy appeared, it looked like Old Deuteronomy though he was singing about himself, but Tugger immediately redirected his attention to Mistoffelees. Then, after Misto hugged Old Deuteronomy, he and Tugger shimmied and nuzzled together, which was adorable.
The number ended on a funny moment, with Misto making the spotlight get smaller and smaller until it was just illuminating his face, before turning it out completely.
As I was hoping, this was beautiful, and sounded so amazing. Also, basically the entire thing was performed with Grizabella hunched out, and holy crap? How are you getting those high notes in that position?
When Grizabella first appeared again, Munkustrap stepped forward to chase her off, with Old Deuteronomy stopping him. He stepped forward again, to stop Victoria when she started to approach Grizabella after the number, and Old Deuteronomy had to hold him back again. This Munkustrap really did not like Grizabella.
I noticed that in this production Sillabub often acts similarly to Tugger, spending a lot of time watching the action from one the higher perches. She was doing the same thing in Macavity.
Journey to the Heaviside Layer
Very nice, and it’s always heartwarming when Grizabella is welcomed back into the tribe. Tugger actually reached out to her very quickly. Conversely, Munkustrap was the Second last to touch her, and didn’t actually moved towards her, he only touched Grizabella when she went to see Old Deuteronomy. He never looked her in the eye either, and was acting extremely guilty about the entire thing.
The tire rose up, but they also had what looked like a star bridge descend for Grizabella to climb up, which was a detail I liked.
The Ad-dressing of Cats
Very well sung, by both Old Deuteronomy and the rest of the cast. The lady in front of me seemed confused again, though I don’t know if it was about this song, or what had just happened to Grizabella. Skimbleshanks seemed very excited at the mention of cream.
Very entertaining! My hands hurt from clapping so much!
A final funny thing, after all the individual bows both Munkustrap and Jenny were teasing Tugger, and trying to steal the spotlight from him!
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So that is that! I had so much fun! If anyone wants to talk more, or ask anything, I would enjoy that, but I hope you liked my field notes, as my friend called them. (I was typing them on my phone during intermission, and immediately after the show)
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Some Analysis of the Heaviside Layer and the Jellicle Choice
NOTE: This is mostly going off on the 1998 version, because the story is made more clear there.
Why Does Anybody Want to Go to the Heaviside Layer?
We know that those who are chosen to go to the Heaviside Layer “Can now be reborn and come back to a different Jellicle life”. So, they’re reincarnated. This is based on the idea that cats have nine lives. The Heaviside Layer moves them from one life to the next. I’m guessing that only after living all nine lives do cats actually die. What happens then? Do they remain in the Heaviside Layer? Is there some other sort of afterlife they move on to? Can cats tell which life they’re currently living? Old Deuteronomy has apparently “lived many lives in succession”, all as Deuteronomy, so he’s probably aware, but is that just him, or does every cat know? There are a lot of holes in the lore that can only be filled with “for the purposes of this story, it doesn’t really matter”.
The Heaviside Layer is “full of wonders” as well, so everyone wants to see what’s up there someday, but if it’s not their day, it’s not their day. If Heaven exists, it would be cool to see what it looks like, but that would mean dying and most people don’t want to do that.
The play never explicitly states that any of the cats gathering for the ball want to be chosen. The question they’re asking is “Who will it be?”. They want to know who the lucky cat is and see them off. This is probably the end of that cat’s life as the cat they know, so they all want a chance to say goodbye. The Jellicle Choice has their life celebrated before moving on to the next one, because that’s what most of the musical numbers do.
Who Actually Wants to Go to the Heaviside Layer?
Everyone, someday, but only a few are probably interested in being chosen at the specific ball that the play’s about. Cats who don’t have songs about them aren’t being put in the spotlight, so none of them are up for it. Out of the cats with songs, several of them are also out. Macavity is only sung about because he’s the antagonist and we need a song explaining who he is. Old Deuteronomy’s number is also just musical exposition for a main character.
Some of the musical numbers are spontaneous, while others seem to be presentations being put on for the ball. The cats with songs that are presentations are probably the ones making a case for the Heaviside Layer. So, now we have to determine which is which.
Gumbie Cat:
This one seems pretty planned. There are costumes and special effects. Munkustrap has a Gumbie Cat in mind, right after talking about the Jellicle Choice, meaning that he either thinks Jenny should be picked, or he thinks she will be picked. Jenny is the OLD Gumbie Cat, someone reaching the end of one life, possibly ready to move on to another.
Rum Tum Tugger:
Tugger crashes the party here and Munkustrap isn’t pleased with this. He appears to be the one organizing the night’s events, so if an event annoys him, it probably wasn’t meant to occur. Tugger’s number is spontaneous. Since Tugger is a fairly important character, the song serves as his introduction. It’s a typical musical I Am Song.
Bustopher Jones:
There aren’t any costumes or effects in this one and Bustopher doesn’t even stick around for the ball. But, some of the cats sing his praises when he shows up. He most likely had no intent to campaign to be the Jellicle Choice. He dropped in to say hi and Jenny just started cheering for him, because she’s his biggest fangirl. He probably could qualify for the Jellicle Choice, but he’s clearly not interested. He doesn’t even care who the choice is. Bustopher is not a normal Jellicle cat, not asking “who will it be?”.
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer:
Jerrie and Teazer perform their number to no one after everyone scatters in fear of Macavity. Their number is just them messing around, telling the audience about what they’ve been up to, because it’s fun.
Since Old Deuteronomy probably doesn’t count for the choice, since he’s the judge, we end act one with only one established candidate. Tugger, Jerrie, and Teazer had other reasons for their musical numbers and Bustopher basically declined, “I’m still in my prime, I shall last out my time” meaning that he doesn’t intend to go anywhere, Jennyanydots is the only cat who’s been seriously considered by this point.
And Jenny doesn’t really qualify either! She performed her number before Old Deuteronomy showed up, and by starting up Bustopher’s number, she nominated someone else. If she nominates someone else, she most likely doesn’t want to win, or at least doesn’t care very much. So, Munkustrap nominated her, but Jenny herself isn’t really competing to be chosen. She appreciates that she was given her own number and that she’s admired that much by the tribe, but she’s still got a lot to do in this life.
So, on to Act Two. Old Deuteronomy has seen Grizabella sing Memory by herself and implies in The Moments of Happiness that he’s basically already made his choice. However, he implies it with references to Memory, which the other cats haven’t heard yet, so they don’t know that. Old D is still hearing people out though, so now we enter the “auditioning for the Heaviside Layer” portion of the show.
Gus: The Theatre Cat
Gus is an ideal candidate for the Jellicle Choice. He’s old and frail, he’s lived a long and meaningful life, it would be good for him to move on. Jellylorum nominates him. She’s interesting, because the other cats in her age range were all nominated themselves, but her moment in the spotlight is nominating someone else.
Jellylorum is Gus’ caretaker. She most likely brought him to the ball, intending to plead his case. Gus is far too weak to dance at the ball, so I imagine that he was off napping somewhere throughout Act One.
Gus is the only cat who can really compete with Grizabella and his number is the only one that can really compete with Memory. Jenny had a big show put on for her number, and the amount of energy she put into it shows that she’s got a lot of life left in her. Theatre Cat and Memory are both about cats who are definitely reaching the end of their current lives, not able to put on a show. They’re simple, but emotionally powerful.
Gus isn’t just physically weak, but mentally a bit out of it as well. He’s barely involved in the creation of his own number. He just plays off of what Jellylorum said. He’s not even really present enough to want to be chosen. Jelly is pleading his case for him, not because he wants it, but because she believes that he needs it. She knows that he’s not what he used to be and that it’s probably time to move on. She sings a song to celebrate his life and accomplishments, knowing that if she succeeds, this is the last time she’ll see Gus as Gus. But, she keeps the mood fairly upbeat, keeping any pauses in the song from lasting too long, not wanting anyone to get too sad. The Jellicle Ball is a celebration of life, not a funeral.
There’s a lot going on in this number.
Skimbleshanks: The Railway Cat:
So, Theatre Cat has a bit of a downer ending, so Old Deuteronomy decides to change the subject, calling in Uncle Skimble to lighten the mood. The kittens all love his train stories and mentioning his name cheers Jemima up immediately.
This is another number that appears to be a presentation. The construction of the train feels like there were props ready and that this had been rehearsed, only going wrong at the last second. So, Skimble’s another candidate for the Jellicle Choice, but, like Jenny, the energy of his number is proof that he doesn’t really need it. Skimble’s goal at this point is just to entertain. He leads the number himself, so one nominated him, so I doubt he’s being taking very seriously as a candidate. At this moment in the show, everyone’s probably certain that Gus will be chosen.
One interesting detail of Skimble’s number is that he always sings in the past tense. Not every single lyric in the song is in the past tense, but the lines in the present tense are sung by the chorus, not by Skimble himself. The number starts with the chorus in present tense:
There’s a whisper down the line at eleven thirty-nine
But, when Skimble takes over, the tense shifts:
All the guards and all the porters and the station master’s daughters would be searching high and low
The chorus alternates between past and present tense throughout the number, but Skimble stays in the past. He’s mainly telling specific stories about his time on the train, but he also makes more general statements about his time as railway cat:
You could say that by and large it was me who was in charge
Skimble’s time as railway cat is purely in the past tense. He’s retired. The retirement is fairly recent, since the chorus of mostly kittens don’t seem to know about it. My theory is that the humans running the train decided that Skimble was getting too old to do his job and Skimble had to retire. He’d defined himself by his job as The Railway Cat. He was defined by his career, so without his career, who is he?
This is part of a reoccurring thing with several other characters. Many cats have titles of The X Cat, with X being a career or role in society. But, some of them are now too old to play their parts. Grizabella’s looks have faded with age, so she can no longer be The Glamour Cat. Gus is too weak to perform, so he can no longer be The Theatre Cat. Grizabella, Gus, and Skimble are defined by roles that they can no longer play, so who are they now? What do they have left to contribute to society?
The answer is Memory.
Gus and Skimble tell stories from their past careers to the future generation. They inspire the younger cats. The stories of their lives, their memories, are what they have to give. The show has the importance of memory as a reoccurring theme. Skimble clearly figured this theme out on his own, creating his own number to share his stories with the kittens. Gus isn’t quite as aware, but his theatrical career is clearly an inspiration to Jellylorum, who tells the stories when he can’t. The memory can outlast the person, because others hear the stories and tell them to even more people. In that way, Gus will always be The Theatre Cat, Skimble will always be The Railway Cat, and maybe, Grizabella will always be The Glamour Cat in the same way.
This concludes the Auditions For the Heaviside Layer. The remaining character number is another one that Old D isn’t present for and features a younger cat who’s just really getting into his role of The Magical Cat. But, there are still some things worth pointing out:
Mr. Mistoffelees:
The song, despite being as flashy as the rehearsed numbers, is played as spontaneous. Tugger has an idea and then he sings a song to sell the idea, the idea being “Misto can save the day with his magic”.
Up until this point in the show, the only real interaction between Misto and Tugger is Misto calling Tugger a “terrible bore”. If he had a planned number, Misto probably wouldn’t have picked Tugger to sing it. The opening of Gumbie Cat implies that he would’ve wanted Munkustrap to do it. He thought Munk was going to sing about him, but he sung about Jenny instead. So, Misto thought he’d have a number, for whatever reason, and that Munk would sing it.
It doesn’t make sense for Misto to want to go to the Heaviside Layer. He’s just become an adult and is still trying to prove his worth as one. He wouldn’t want to have to start over. Misto is very competitive, so he might think of being chosen as winning a competition, and he just has to win, wanting the victory, not the prize. He also might’ve wanted his own number, not as an audition for the Heaviside Layer, but purely for a moment in the spotlight and the validation of someone wanting to sing about him. He wants to put on a show for the party and show off his magic tricks. He assumed that Munkustrap was in on that plan and would give him his own special number, but he didn’t. Munkustrap arranged a number to nominate Jenny for the Jellicle Choice and didn’t really have anything for Misto to do.
Misto wouldn’t expect Tugger to give him a number. The number is exactly the sort of number Misto wanted, a chance to show off his magic with a long break to show off his dancing. He didn’t expect Old Deuteronomy to be kidnapped, and the trick to bring him back is one he’s never done before, so it isn’t all fun and games, but the fact that he gets a number gives him confidence. So, Misto shows off a lot and gets to be a hero and the adults take him seriously now and this is basically his dream come true. It’s not about the Jellicle Choice, but it’s still a big deal.
In many productions I’ve seen, when Misto does his Conjuring Turns, the UFO that Grizabella rides to the Heaviside Layer starts to descend. He’s powerful enough to open the gates to the Heaviside Layer and might not even know. Munkustrap is Old D’s son and heir, but Misto will be the one who sends cats to the Heaviside Layer in the future, because he can. The importance of his magic might give him co-ruler status with Munkustrap!
So, the candidates for the Jellicle Choice are:
Jennyanydots (declines, nominating Bustopher instead)
Bustopher Jones (declines)
Gus (loses out at the last minute)
Skimbleshanks (didn’t expect to win and didn’t)
Grizabella (last minute nominee and winner)  
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chiseler · 3 years
Hero of Our Nation
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I first encountered Roger Ramjet on a Chicago public access station in 1983. It was part of an early morning show apparently aimed at stoner insomniacs. The show came on at five and also included episodes of Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp, that awful Beatles cartoon, and a weather report clarified by some appropriate pop song (“Here Comes the Sun” or “Here Comes the Rain Again”). I was usually up and around that early for some godforsaken reason, and originally started watching on account of Lancelot Link. Always did love that Lancelot Link. But Roger Ramjet was, well, let’s just say it was a revelation.
Roger Ramjet, “ that All-American good guy and devil may care flying fool” (as he compulsively introduces himself) was a none too bright and none too coordinated drug-dependent space age superhero in an ongoing battle against the assorted forces of evil (or more specifically, N.A.S.T.Y.) to preserve the American Way of Life. He was square-jawed, straight-laced, straight-faced, and True Blue if little else, so hyper-patriotic that nearly every time his name is spoken aloud an American flag, a bald eagle, or a rotating ring of stars appears on the screen. After catching one or two episodes, I forgot all about Lancelot Link.
The show was easy to overlook, especially when squeezed between the Beatles and some secret agent chimps with a psychedelic band. The episodes were only five minutes long (maybe seven with the abrasive theme song filling out the opening and closing credits), and were so crudely drawn and animated it might at a glance seem like something a couple of junior high school kids threw together in their basement one weekend. The shows were so primitive they hardly bothered with niceties like “backgrounds” satisfied instead to settle for rudimentary suggestions of a setting. But the writing was so sharp and the voice talent so good what it really felt like, if you paid attention, was a spoof of a ‘40s radio serial like Sky King or Gangbusters, complete with a soap opera organ and illustrated by a handful of jerky drawings scratched out by someone’s kid. People who thought Jay Ward’s Bullwinkle and Dudley Do-Right were crude when compared with the output from Disney or Warner Brothers had no idea what “crude” meant. 
Looking at it today what it reminds me of more than anything are the paper cutout animations of the earliest episodes of South Park, before they upgraded to Flash. Along with the lo-fi stylistics, the humor was clearly aimed at an adult audience while pretending otherwise.  You may not find any child molestation jokes or crass religious cracks in Roger Ramjet, but for 1965 the lightning-fast humor was pretty hepcat and sophisticated, with undisguised satirical references to the Cold War, Central American turmoil, and the  Vietnam War (“Hey kids, this is Roger Ramjet,” demanding that you stay tuned to this station to see my next adventure,” Roger announces in his commanding superhero baritone. “Or I’ll see to it that all you little rascals are drafted.”) . Mixed in with the topical jokes we also get some highly unlikely name drops, from Noel Coward and Henry Cabot Lodge to James Joyce and bawdy nightclub performer Rusty Warren, as well as film parodies and  literary nods to the likes of Catch-22 and Catcher in the Rye.  It’s also a little less than what you might call racially sensitive by modern standards (consider Mexican revolutionaries The Enchilada Brothers, Beef and Chicken).
While a lot of the more timely jokes might be lost in the murk of the over 50 years since it first aired, there’s plenty of rapid-fire absurdity that’s timeless, from the misspelled title cards punctuating the narration to the self-consciously dumb coked-up adventures.
Bullwinkle aired from ‘61 to ‘64. Roger Ramjet came along a year later and Jay Ward’s influence is undeniable. The difference was Roger Ramjet crammed the equivalent number of bad jokes, references, and plot twists of a typical 8-part Bullwinkle serial into each five-minute episode, both mirroring the rapid-fire screwball dialogue of the ‘30s and the frenetic quick-cut comedy to come along a year or two later in shows like The Monkees and Laugh-In.
The episodes were produced with essentially no budget and were cranked out very quickly by a small team of writers, voiceover artists and animators with solid day jobs in radio and TV. They were all seasoned pros, some dating back to the days of classic radio, who worked on the show after hours as a way of letting off a little steam and tossing around a few cynical, subversive  cultural jabs their day jobs wouldn’t allow. The show was created originally by animator Fred Crippen  (who went on to work on some pretty dreadful crap like the Extreme Ghostbusters  and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) and Ken Snyder, an ad exec who moved over into producing cartoons. They brought in a remarkable team of voice talent and comedy writers, including Gene Moss (the voice of Smokey the Bear) Jim Thurmam (who did a lot of kids shows including Sesame Street), Dick Beals (the original voice of Gumby), and the great Gary Owens, a drive-time deejay in LA who would get national recognition soon enough as the on-screen announcer for Laugh-In. Although they would all get specific credits in the end (Crippen as director, Moss as a writer) it was a communal effort, in which everyone contributed to the writing, and everyone, even the executive producer, did a few of the voices. Apart from the regular crew, careful listeners might also catch a few uncredited guest appearances by some surprisingly big names (I’m told Sinatra and Dean Martin appear in an episode, but I’m still looking for that one). Owens was the star, though, as his ability to read the most ridiculous lines in a dramatic deadpan made him the perfect Roger Ramjet. Together they made 156 episodes (about 150 still exist), which were sold directly into syndication in ‘65 as half hour shows, each containing three unconnected adventures. I can’t say as I’m exactly sure who they thought their target audience was at the time, except maybe each other.
Much like William Conrad in Bullwinkle, each show opened with our narrator, Steve Allen alum Dave Ketchum, setting the mood and the scene (“In today’s depressing episode,” he’d begin with dramatic enthusiasm, or maybe it was an “existentialist episode,” “phlegmatic episode,” “rickety episode,”  “hairy episode,” or “ethnic episode”). Then we’re out of the gate at a breakneck pace, with a flurry of gags coming from every direction. “Ramjet rode into Boot Hill,” we’re told,  “where the men were men and the women were men, which can get pretty old after awhile.”
While none of the shows are connected, there are a few recurring characters and locations worth remembering: Roger hails from Lompoc, an actual California town (“where nothing ever happens, and seldom does”) and  takes his orders from General G.I. Brassbottom, a no nonsense military man who “hadn’t had an original idea since he was a civilian.” He’s also assisted by Yank, Doodle, Dan, and Dee, the unusually chubby  kids who make up the American Eagle squadron. Like Roger, all the members of the squadron wear their white jumpsuits and flight helmets at all times (Roger even wears his helmet on dates), and in true superhero sidekick fashion, their primary job is to get Roger out of scrapes and make sure his drugs are handy. 
That’s one little detail more than a few casual viewers have taken umbrage with. Roger, see, is a pretty hapless character most of the time, but he repeatedly saves the world thanks to a little help from his Proton Energy Pills (PEP), which take five seconds to kick in, then give him the strength of 20 A-Bombs for 20 seconds. Modern viewers seem a little uncomfortable with the idea of a superhero gulping amphetamines in order to function, but all I can say is, well, it was a different time, and hey, it worked for Roger and Elvis both.
The proton energy pills come in handy when dealing with his arch-nemesis Noodles Romanoff, the short, trench coat and fedora wearing head of N.A.S.T.Y. (the National Association of Spies, Traitors, and Yahoos). Romanoff may not have a Natasha, but he does have a gang of cronies and thugs who all mumble in unison (save for one, who can’t seem to get the rhythm). 
Along with Romanoff and his gang, Roger also has to contend with some lanky alien robots, the Solenoids (voiced by executive priducer Ken Snyder), and their repeated efforts to invade the planet in assorted ridiculous ways (in one episode, they begin kidnapping all the Miss America contestants, who “were disappearing faster than co-eds at a Dartmouth weekend.”)
When not saving the world, Roger found himself competing with the smarmy hotshot test pilot Lance Crossfire (who sounds an awful lot like burt Lancaster) for the affections of Lotta Love, the fickle Southern belle with a taste for the finer things in life.
Then there are the adventures themselves. Some seem standard superhero fare, but only to a point. Earth is besieged by flying saucer attacks (sort of). Roger’s hometown is terrorized by a werewolf (sort of). Roger plays tennis with a kangaroo, or becomes the first man to surf in space,  or, in a personal favorite, attempts to stop the flow of bootleg comic books into America’s drug stores.
Actually, there’s an interesting moment in that one that revealed just how subtle you could be even with animation this unsophisticated. Okay, so Noodles Romanoff, see, is replacing real comics in drug store racks with bootlegs in which popular superheroes are humiliated, all in an effort to destroy the morale of America’s children. After Brassbottom shows Roger a few examples (the issues include “Superman Gets Beat Up by a Chicken!” and “Ratman Stubs His Toe!”) he explains that if this sort of thing continues, “America’s kids won’t have anyone to look up to except YOU, Ramjet.” Then, for just an instant in that crude and jerky style, Roger cuts his eyes toward the camera, revealing in that moment everything we needed to know, namely that it’s what he’s always wanted.
Thirty years on and that still sticks with me.
In the end, though, the characters and storylines are secondary at best In Roger Ramjet. At heart it’s  a matter of trying to keep up with all the lightning-quick  jokes and wordplay, the non-sequiturs and references. In the five minute span of one cowboy-themed episode I counted nods to at least seven classic Western films, from High Noon to She Wore a Yellow Ribbon, and I suspect I missed a few. It really is such a dizzying blur of dialogue and bad puns and cultural references, sometimes, christ, even just references to old jokes that take the form of bad puns (“Waiter, there’s a spy in my soup” or “how many angels can swim in the head of a beer?”), that absurd as it all is, repeated viewings are a necessity to catch everything. It’s a bit like having the complete contents of an issue of MAD magazine jammed onto a single page. It can make your head hurt after a while, but it’s worth it. Whether the density and the pace make it better or worse for stoner viewing is something, I guess, each stoner will need to answer for him or herself. Lots of bright colors, though.
In 1965 there was nothing new about making cartoons with adult sensibilities in mind. Betty Boop and Bugs Bunny were made to be shown as short subjects to largely adult audiences. Jay Ward’s cartoons a few decades down the line were near-revolutionary for smuggling hip, subversive political humor into what had become an exclusively child-friendly format. What made Roger Ramjet so radical was it’s blend of ‘30s radio style with mid-’60s cynicism, as well as its foreshadowing of our shrinking attention spans, a hyper-condensed proton pill of comedy and commentary disguised as just another dumb, low-rent superhero cartoon. Although it’s barely remembered today, its influence is still evident in most any subversive animated show you can name, even if they’ve slowed things down a bit.
by Jim Knipfel
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scorpiofangirl1109 · 4 years
Here's a question! I'm not sure if you've ever said this before, but who are your top 5 favourite CATS characters? I'm curious! 💖💖
oof that is a great question! let me answer your question! it might be long! and this is in no particular order either!
(and a lot of my favorites have connections to my OC Kiki lol)
1. Munkustrap 
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I just love the calm energy Munkustrap brings to the show and he was the first character I fell in love with. Honestly one of the things I love the most about Munkustrap is how you can tell he really does care for the other members of the Jellicle tribe. You can see it through the way he interacts with others and it warms my heart seeing how gentle he is with the kittens as well! Plus he makes such a great protector for the tribe because he cares about them so much, This is partly why I made my OC Kiki his daughter as I feel he would be the most caring dad in the world and love his kittens unconditionally no matter what happens and always support Kiki. He’d just want what was best for her. 
2. Demeter 
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I love my girl Demeter so much! She is one of my favorite characters just because she really has such a great presence on stage and I love her voice. And I just think she is such a wonderful character. I particularly love her in The Gumbie Cat song and she has great vocals. Plus she is half of one of my favorite ships. I also see her as a caring individual and although she is very skittish and on edge a lot of the time she does care for others. And I thought because she would be mates with Munksutrap that she would take on a motherly role to Kiki and although she would be unsure at first, it wouldn’t be long before she viewed Kiki as her child. 
3. Rum Tum Tugger
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I mean it is pretty hard to dislike Tugger! When I first started to get into Cats, The Rum Tum Tugger is the first song that I actually really listened to. (on constant loop) and I started to fall in love from there! I love how he always makes a big presence when he is in a scene and I like his cool guy person. But I also like he has that side to him that comes out with Old Deuteronomy and a few other jellicles that he does have a softer side and does have great respect for some others. Plus he is the ultimate hypeman in Mr. Mistoffelees! And as I was developing Kiki I always thought about how Rum Tum Tugger would be that fun uncle to Kiki, he’d call her kiddo, spoil her a bit, always sneak her little treats and surprises when Munkustrap isn’t looking always telling Kiki not to tell her dad 
4. Bombalurina 
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Bombalurina is another one of my favorites. First of all, she and Demeter are amazing in the Macavity number and this is where Bombalurina really shines for me with the performance she gives here.  Another aspect I enjoy is her relationship with Demeter, it is obvious in the show that the two of them are close with one another one. I personally headcanon them as sisters and I really love them together. But also I love the teasing Bombalurina and Tugger during his song. The girl really is into him and you gotta love how Tugger acts like a total player around her. Overall, bombalurina is just a great character and I love her so much. And with Kiki she’d be a cool aunt figure to her and Kiki would adore Bomba so much. 
5. Mistoffelees
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Ok last and certainly not least I love Mistoffelees. One of the main reasons I love Mistoffelees is because he is such an amazing dancer. I used to dance for a while and quit dancing once I graduated high school a few years ago. and Mistoffelees always brings back memories of dance for me. Plus I just love his sass, I mean you’ve got him calling Tugger a terrible bore which always makes me chuckle. Plus there are also other little sassy moments. And Mr. Mistoffelees was the second song from Cats I fell in love with. Plus I just love the ship of Tugger and Mistoffelees so much! And I think Kiki, like her uncle Tugger would be in awe of Mistoffelees’ magic and she would be so happy for Tugger and Mistoffelees when they get together
Anyways that was  A LOT longer than I intended. hope you enjoyed it and that answered your question! 
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cardboardwhale · 5 years
I saw Cats. It was amazing. And I feel like everyone is doing reactions so I'm obligated too as well, but I'll try to leave out the thing others have been posting.
So I only got to see the fixed version, but it was still the best thing I've witnessed on a large screen.
- The opening scene where our horny narrator crawls straight st the camera? Horrific. My compliments to the chef.
- When they tear Victoria out of the bag I dont think their hands ever actually touched the bag, or at least the rips were way too big for the actions they did
- I could not hear like any if the lyrics throughout the movie with the exception of the robber cats???
- Mr. Horny Narrator never got a name, but hes the one I wanted a song about. His actor went just so hard for this film
- Everyone is complaining about a lack of definition for "jellicle" I wanna know exactly what the FUCK a Gumby cat is??? Is Jenny Any Dot the only one? Is James Corden a Gumby cat????
- Mr. Horny did not like Jenny Any Dot and he wanted you to know it
- James Corden was indistinguishable from himself and I was terrified when he took of his jacket and vest but left on his shoes
- Judy Densch looked like she stumbled into the wrong set when they introduced her cat, just scared and confused
- Said "oh no, dont do that" when all the cats started rubbing themselves all over her
-this film feels like its begging you to heckle it, and it was so hard not to
- Watching Jennifer Hudson crawl away from the hissing cast on all fours was not something I expected to see. She looked like a human woman just slowly crawling away. No other cats did this the entire film.
- My brain shut off when Ian McKellen squatted down an meowed
- He was so excited to be in this film, honestly a 10/10 score from me
- HIS CATS NAME WAS ASPARAGUS. The beginning song mentioned that cats will state off for hours/days/years to discover their true name. And Ian McKellen sat down for however long TO NAME HIMSELF. ASPARAGUS. THATS HIS TRUE NAME.
- Shimbleshanks. He just burst through in an iconic outfit, just a topless look. An outfit aspiration. Overalls, a hat, and top shoes. My new fashion icon. Throwing the door open with the absolute gayest energy I've felt in cinema in a loooong time and I was there for it
- Listen, I have to mention naked Idris Elba. It was so shocking. There were children in my theater. Idris why
- Watching Mr. Mistofolees or whatever try to use his magic powers felt like Peter Pan telling me if I clapped loud enough Tink would come back to life. And at this point my brain was shattered enough I wanted to lead the theater in singing his catchy af theme song.
- The mice in Mistofolees' hat. One of them fell on the ground and the rest of the mice (VOICED BY CHILDREN) screamed "RUUUN!" That was the final nail in my last brain cell's coffin.
- He did a magic trick and I thought they said they fixed the hands, but his fur just melded right into human skin colored hands and I have never felt more afraid
- I thought Rebel Wilson would only unzip her skin once, which is a thought I never wanted to have, and I was WRONG
- When they made the Jellicle Choice and Victoira started prancing around and dancing in front of everyone even though she was not the choice I almost cried out "THIS ISNT ABOUT YOU. SIT DOWN"
- The last song Judy Densch looked directly at me and started a Catholic mass. I couldn't break eye contact and the horny narrator cat just kept getting hornier throughout the entire song
- The entire audience broke when the last scene of the movie was the Jellicle Choice just still flying off to the sun, just.....just still going....
Overall, this I give it a jellicle 10/10
Please see Cats.
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siodymph · 4 years
“A Hogsmeade Holiday”
Hey @ohlooksheswriting I was your secret santa for the RotBTD Gift Exchange! I can’t begin to tell you how fun your prompt was to work with! I hope you have as much fun reading this as I did writing this! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
All around them powdery white snowflakes fell from the sky. For now it was a light snow, not even enough to coat the already-dead grass in ice. But in a few weeks, Hiccup imagined the entire school grounds would be blanketed in several feet of snow.
Soon it would look just like home. Berk was so far North, the island was almost always icy. Even during the summer there’d still be a bitter chill in the air. And Hiccup did not miss it at all. After a few years Hiccup had come to enjoy the climate at Hogwarts, even began to prefer it, the school was south enough to actually have seasons and change. Actually getting to experience the melting of spring and the warmth of summer. But when things became cold, it would remind him of home. Whether that was a good or bad thing depended on his mood really.
His best friend Jack however, absolutely adored the cold. Far more than any Wizard possibly could. It was like the cold gave him a new-found energy source. Just seeing the snow flurries seemed to put an extra spring in the Jack’s step. Practically bouncing as the two made their way off the school grounds and towards Hogsmeade Village.  
Jack had told him one of the Gryffindor girls in their year was hosting a holiday party at the Three Broomsticks. For Fifth-years only. Apparently it was an effort to bring their year closer together and ease some of the tension between Hogwarts Houses.
So of course, Jack was dragging his Ravenclaw friend to this holiday party.
“But I don’t even celebrate Christmas, I grew up with Sn-”
“Snoggletog, yeah, yeah I know.” Jack was quick to interrupt. “And technically Snoggletog and Yule came first before any Christians came on the wizarding scene. You told me before… I still hate the name though. Makes it sound like a holiday exclusively for swapping spit.”
“Gross.” Hiccup said wrinkling his nose. “So why are you bringing me?”
“Well they aren’t the same but they do celebrate a lot of the same stuff.” Jack explained. “Plus if you stayed cooped up in the library any longer, you’d probably start going looney.”
Hiccup huffed at that, quickly pulling a necklace out of his satchel. “Well unlike some people, I actually want to figure out this challenge Professor Flitwick gave us in Charms!”
Jack just shrugged. “I honestly thought he was just making Dreamworks up. I mean really, a secret necklace that you manipulate in your dreams? And when you wake up it just, happens?”
Hiccup looked down to gaze at his charm. It was a simple chain with a moon-shaped pendent that sparkled oddly. “I’m so close to cracking this thing. I can feel it!”
“You know Hic, you don’t have to be perfect at everything.” Jack said with a laugh. “Maybe you’re just meant to be a Magical Creatures kinda guy. Like that one guy you’re always going on about. Commander Newt, right?”
“Oh you mean, Newt Scamander? Only the greatest Magizoologist of our time?” Hiccup asked dryly.
“Yeah, that guy!” Jack teased.
Hiccup chuckled and shook his head. “You’re lucky we’re friends. Otherwise you’d probably fail all your classes.”
“Not my fault you explain things better than any of our professors do.” Jack replied, his eyes sparked as an idea came to him. “Maybe that’s what you should do! You should become a professor!”
“Now there’s an idea.” Hiccup replied. “But I have no idea what I’d even want to teach. There so much to learn about magic. It’s overwhelming sometimes.”
Jack didn’t seem nearly as concerned as Hiccup. “I just focus on the subjects I feel a connection with. I’m just gonna follow that pull and see where it takes me!”
“Well good luck with that.” Hiccup said sarcastically. “So while you and all the other Gryffindor go flying by the seat of your pants, the Ravenclaws like myself will be trying to actually learn and master our subjects.”
“You’re always so quick to divide people into houses.” Jack pointed out.
“Well, everyone from my island normally lands in Gryffindor. So when I didn’t that kinda caused a schism.” Hiccup said. Though if he was honest, that schism between himself and everyone else from Berk had existed long before he met the Sorting Hat in first year…
“Well who knows? Maybe this party is just the thing to close that gap!” Jack continued enthusiastically.
“I still can’t believe a Gryffindor set this whole thing up.”
“What’s so hard to believe about that?” Jack asked.
“This whole thing sounds like something a Hufflepuff would do.” Hiccup explained. “Trying to get everyone to be friends? Being all… friendly?”
“Well, if you knew Anna they way I do, you’d know that girl is an absolute party animal.” Jack replied. “If that girl can find a reason to throw a party then she’ll throw it!”
“Maybe she should have been a Hufflepuff. They’re all sweet and kind like that.”
“Maybe.” Jack countered. “And maybe you should have been one too! Then maybe you’d chill out more.”
While Jack laughed Hiccup just shrugged.
Soon enough they arrived at the Three Broomsticks. The whole building was decked out in Christmas decoration. And when they stepped inside, the boys saw that the Tavern was packed to the gills with pretty much everyone from their year. Music drifted through the air, competing for volume with everyone hooting and hollering.
Instinctively, Hiccup felt himself move closer towards the door. But Jack moved forwards, taking Hiccup with him as they made their way towards the bar.
“Hey Bun! Get me a butterbeer!” Jack called out to the guy running the bar, a Pooka actually by the name of Bunnymund. The man gave Jack a very pointed glare. But Jack hardly seemed worried. “And make it frozen, extra icy!”
Bunnymund for his part just rolled his eyes, muttering something about Jack being a “sub-zero gumby”. Hiccup almost missed it when the Pooka asked him what he wanted.
“Oh, uh.” Hiccup looked around the bar before realizing Bunnymund had been talking to him. “I’ll just have a Pumpkin Juice cider, please.”
“Sure thing kid.” Bunnymund replied. Before disappearing to go grab their drinks.
Hiccup was about to ask Jack what he’d done to annoy Bunnymund so much when a girl’s voice suddenly boomed across the Tavern.
“Jack! Ye gommy eijit! Where’ve you been?”
Both boys, and almost everyone else in the tavern, turned to see Merida DunBroch standing up at a table. She was a Slytherin girl. Her dark green house scarf was wrapped loosely around her neck and completely countered her massive plume of curly red hair.
“Sorry, Mer!” Jack replied, slinging an arm around Hiccup. “Someone here needed a little extra persuading.”
“Well come on then, get over here!” Merida practically demanded, bouncing her hands off the table as she did so. “I’ve spent the last half hour staking out this table for us! Some nyaffs almost stole it from me!”
As they moved to go sit down, Hiccup noticed how Merida gave a few boys from their grade a very smug look. He remembered when they were all first-years Merida use to hang out with them a lot because they were all from Scotland. That had been before she got to know Jack and Hiccup. The boys for their part scoffed at Merida and walked away with a pout.
As they all sat down, Jack leaned over and kissed Merida on the cheek. And within seconds the two began to bicker. While they went at it Hiccup let his mind wander. Despite the goal of the party, it seemed like a big chunk of the students were sticking to their own houses instead of mingling. Oh well, at least Anna had tried to bridge that gap in their year.
This whole thing was meant to bring the houses closer together but personally, Hiccup already had friends outside of his house. So he didn’t understand why he needed to be here. He was good on the whole friend-quota. Not to mention, big gatherings between houses like these made him nervous. Because if Ravelnclaws, Slytherins and Hufflepuffs were all here, that meant Gryffindors would be as well.
And while Hiccup got along perfectly well with Jack, that same sentiment was not there for any other Gryffindor kids. Especially not the ones from his hometown of Berk.
As if sensing his dread, the universe decided it was time to mess with him again. Just as Bunnymund gave them their drinks Hiccup saw the front doors open out of the corner of his eye. And stepping into the Tavern was none-other than Berk’s finest. Most of the kids didn’t notice him, but one of the girls, Astrid, did. The expression on her face was unreadable.
Stumbling out of his chair, Hiccup quickly got up. “I- uh- I’m gonna go get some fresh air.”
“But it’s freezing out there.” Merida said.
“Yeah, nothing like a lungful of ice to get your blood pumping. Right Jack?”
Jack turned to see the group of Gryffindor kids and turned back to Hiccup, “You seriously gonna leave cause of them?”
“I’ll be right back.” Hiccup said, not even grabbing his pumpkin juice as he left. “I promise. I just need to go clear my head.”
And with that, Hiccup hurried out one of the back doors. Once outside, he leaned up against a wall and watched his own breath fog up. It always reminded him of a dragon when it did that. The thought helped him calm down a little.
He hated running into those kids. It was bad enough he had to live with them every summer. But Hogwarts was supposed to be his element. An escape from all that. A place where he didn’t have to hear how much of a scrawny weakling he was. He didn’t have to be reminded of how lowly everyone on Berk thought of him.
Hiccup decided he’d just have to wait until they all left and then he’d go back to Merida and Jack.
In the meantime, he walked around the outside of the Three Broomsticks and sat out front to people-watch. Hogsmead was an interesting town. If it hadn’t been for the school it would have just been a humble village somewhere out on the Countryside. But because there was a massive wizarding school next door there was a hodgepodge of different stores that either sold simple-yet-practical necessities, specifically school-supplies, or superfluous toys and candy. There was no in-between. And the same could be said for the people as well. They were either rugged elders who lived in the same town for generations, or were bright-eyed youngsters playing in the snow without a care in the world.
It was a unique bunch for a unique town, Hiccup guessed. At least everyone’s Christmas decorations, plus the freshly fallen snow made it all gentle and beautiful. As if blending the two polar opposites together somehow.
As he watched the snow fall, one figure walking through the streets caught his eye.
It was a girl around his age. But he had never seen them before in school. She was wearing a homemade bright purple cloak that stood out among the grey walls and grey ice. Her arms were full with bags and packages. And her hair was a beautiful golden blonde, so long that it had to be both braided and pulled up into a bun. Hiccup found himself immediately curious as to who the girl was. She didn’t look like a villager or a student, so why would she possibly be here?
As she passed her foot must have caught on a patch of ice. All at once the poor girl slipped and fell, and all of the items in her hands went scattering across the ground.
Before he could even think twice, Hiccup was on his feet and rushing over to the girl.
“Are you ok?” Hiccup asked.
The girl looked up at Hiccup with a gasp. Green eyes wide with fear. But when she realized Hiccup meant her no harm she laughed nervously.
“I’m fine!” She replied. “I’m just really clumsy. Mother always said I need to watch where I walk.”
Taking her hand, Hiccup helped the girl up and began picking up all her things.
“Oh! Thank you!” She said, somewhat surprised.
“It’s no problem.” Hiccup replied.
As he collected the girl’s things, he noticed it was all books, uniforms, vials and cauldrons. The kind of stuff you’d buy at Diagon Ally before getting to school, not half-way through the year.
“What? Did someone steal your stuff?” Hiccup couldn’t help but ask. “Or did you just get here or something?”
“Last week.” The girl explained. “My mother has been teaching me privately. And normally the school doesn’t accept transfers, but they made an exception for me. I got a letter insisting I attend their school actually.”
“Oh,” Hiccup replied. He didn’t even know their school accepted transfers. “So you’ll be at Hogwarts from now on?”
“Yes, I’m so excited to attend. I’ve heard so much about the curriculum, and the library!” The girl replied. Before suddenly jumping as if she just remembered something. “Oh no, wait! I’m so sorry, I never even asked what your name is!”
“Hiccup” Hiccup quickly replied. “Hiccup Horrendous Haddock. And you are?”
“I’m Rapunzel. Uh, Rapunzel Gothel.” The girl, Rapunzel, replied with a little curtsey. “Pleased to meet you.”
“Feeling’s mutual.”
Rapunzel smiled as she scanned over all the buildings, clearly looking for something. “One of the girls from my class. Invited me to a Christmas party, at some place called the Three-”
“The Three Broomsticks?”
Rapunzel’s eyes lit up at the name. “You know it?”
Hiccup nodded, gesturing to the building behind him. “It’s right here actually. Every fifth-year at the school is in there.”
“Perfect!” Rapunzel said. “This way is much more efficient! I can meet everyone at once!”
“That’s one way to look at it.” Hiccup replied. He was still incredibly curious about the girl so he offered. “My friends and I have a table inside, you can sit with us and get situated if you like.”
“I’d love that.” Rapunzel replied. “Lead the way!”
As they stepped back into the Three Broomsticks, Hiccup made sure to avoid the table currently taken by Astrid. Instead sticking to the back wall until they got to Merida and Jack’s table.
When Merida saw them come over, she grinned.
“It’s about time you got here, ya Blether!”
Hiccup was about to respond but much to his surprise Rapunzel replied instead.
“Sorry! I had to stop on my way to buy some school supplies.” She explained as she set all her bags on the table. “I had a little trouble finding this place, but Hiccup here helped me out!”
Hiccup looked between the girls in confusion. “Wait, you two already know each other?”
“Nothing gets past you, Sherlock.” Jack teased.
“That’s m’boyfriend Jack, by the way.” Merida told Rapunzel. “Complete idiot but he’s cute. And Jakc, since you’re the last one out of the loop, this here’s Rapuznel.”
“How do you do?” Jack said with a nod.
Merida scrunched up her nose at her boyfriend before answering Hiccup. “Ey, Punzie here showed up in my D.A.D.A. class this week. I swear this girl’s a mad genius! She’s got a better grip than most the folks at this entire school!”
“So you immediately became her class partner?” Jack asked.
“You know it!” Merida replied. “If it weren’t for her, I’d be failing this new assignment for sure!”
Rapunzel blushed under all the sudden praise. “It’s not a big deal you guys. We’re just learning about some cognitive curses, and the defensive spells you use counter them with.”
“That’s a mouthful.” Jack teased.
“That sounds really interesting, actually.” Hiccup quickly said in defense. “What kind of curses are you working with?”
“Well,” Rapunzel began. “There’s this one that seems really tricky. It’s called the Disini Curse. Once activated, an evil wizard could steal ideas or dreams their victim has. If the victim doesn’t realize what happened to them, the curse can be active for years and they’d be none the wiser.”
“That sounds horrible.” Hiccup said with a slight shiver.
Rapunzel nodded in agreement. “That’s why knowing the counterspells and remedies is so important. The quickest way to counter the curse is with a mind-clearing potion to re-encourage an independent mind. Though if you’re not careful you can easily be put back under the curse.”
For a moment, Rapunzel looked around the table before looking down sheepishly. “I sorta just hijacked the conversation there. I’m sorry for being rude.”
“You weren’t being rude at all.” Hiccup replied. “I find cognitive spells like that very interesting. My D.A.D.A. class is kinda behind so we’re still going over magical-creature defensive measures.”
“Oh that sounds fun!” Rapunzel said. “I wish I had been here for that.”
“Yeah, it was fun at first. The C.M.C. professor brought in some actual animals.”
For a moment, Hiccup glanced towards Jack and Merida who were grinning to each other like they were sharing some secret.
“You two got something you’d like to share?” Hiccup asked dryly.
“Nope!” Jack replied.
Merida snorted but didn’t say anything else.
Deciding to leave it be, Hiccup turned back to Rapunzel. “Anyways, I don’t know when you’ll do the hat sorting ceremony, but when you do I hope they place you in Ravenclaw. We could use someone brilliant like you.”
After hearing that, Merida laughed out loud, cackling and smacking the table with her hand. “You- You gommy! She already got her house!”
Rapunzel looked sheepish as she explained. “It was the first thing they had me do when I arrived.”
Reaching up, Rapunzel undid her cloak to reveal her school uniform. And there loosely wrapped around her collar was a tie.
A yellow tie.
She’d been placed in Hufflepuff?
While Hiccup looked shocked, Merida continued to laugh, clearly enjoying this.
“I’m sure you guys will have some classes together.” Jack said lightly, trying to console him Hiccup realized. “And it’s not like we don’t see each other all the time, despite us all being in different houses.”
“That’s true.” Hiccup had to admit.
Still he couldn’t shake his surprise. Rapunzel seemed so smart and creative. She was everything admirable in a Ravenclaw. How did she not end up in the same house as him?
Maybe he didn’t know the other Hogwarts Houses as well as he thought…
He was pulled from his musing when Merida reached over and put Jack in a headlock. “You’re lucky Jack! I don’t think that dis-curse would work on you. Cause your head’s already empty!”
“Hey I resent that!” Jack said, laughing as her began to wrestle with his girlfriend.
Rapunzel watched them with a curious smile. “Are they usually like this?”
“All the time.” Hiccup replied. “If they aren’t acting like wildlings, that’s when you really gotta worry.”
That made Rapunzel laugh. Hiccup couldn’t help but notice how melodious her laugh was. It made him want to laugh to.
Hiccup couldn’t wait for Rapunzel to join their little gang of Hogwarts misfits.
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