#rotbtd gift exchange 2020
siodymph · 4 years
Hey Everyone!
This year has been insane but the rotbtd fandom certainly helped me through it!
So I made this playlist as a gift for everyone doing the Rotbtd Gift Exchange, and just the whole fandom together! You guys are all so wonderful and talented, and I wanted to make something to show that appreciation!
Thank you all!
And Happy Snoggletog!
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princesshawkins · 4 years
My Secret Santa gift for @siodymph ‘s “RotBTD Secret Santa 2020 gift exchange”! :D
For @jewishicequeen ❤️ 🤗
I had so much fun making this! And it’s my first Big Four video :3
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hiccanna-tidbits · 4 years
Happy Holidays, RotBTD Fandom!!!
Hello everyone! This is my Secret Santa gift for @siodymph’s RotBTD Gift Exchange!! Or a preview from it anyway--the full fic is actually much longer and is still a work in progress ^^; 
I got @disney0bsessoid5150! I admittedly stalked your page a bit and it seems like you ship Jackunzel and enjoy angst, so I was just like ohhhhhhh yes, I can work with that!!! Truthfully I used it as a bit of an excuse to finally start on an angsty Jackunzel fic I’ve wanted to write for a loooooong time now. I think it’s approaching like...4 years that I’ve had the concept now?? Anyways, I guess I’m finally getting around to it! And I owe ya one for giving me an excuse to finally get up off my butt and get started on it XD
So I came across and really fell in love with the idea of icicle!Jack a few years ago, where basically Jack gets covered in icicles after his power goes out-of-hand in some way and like...double-freeze him, or Pitch does some shenanigans to use the icicles to make the poor boy even MORE isolated. Largely inspired by NightmareHound’s comic strips about Icicle Jack on deviantart as well! And of course my Jackunzel Trash brain instantly was like “Angsty Jackunzel fic??? Angsty Jackunzel fic??? Do I smell ANGSTY JACKUNZEL FIC???” as soon as I saw Icicle!Jack, so here is said angsty Jackunzel fic. The full first chapter will be posted on my fanfiction.net account Infrared-Ultraviolet soon!
Now without further ado--please enjoy this preview from my new story, Melting Icicles!
(Preview starts under Keep Reading marker)
The winter seems to last an eternity.
February is beginning, and some of the ice is starting to melt. Jack Frost treks through the forest again, heading for the creek.
Spring isn’t coming anytime soon, not on the Nightmare King’s watch. And if this means Jack Frost has to refreeze the entire forest and dump another 2 feet of snow on it, so be it.
He’s getting awfully tired of doing Pitch’s bidding, and although he admits it to no one but himself, he feels he could use some sun after all these months of dark. But if he loses the Nightmare King, he knows he will be alone again.
Someone who fills his mind with vicious whispers is better than no one at all.
The ice across the top of the creek is cracked and splintered in places, revealing water starting to rush with spring fervor. Certainly well on its way to thawing completely, if the late winter sunshine keeps up.
He spots a plump female rabbit a little ways down the bank, ears twitching and nose to the ground. She sniffs cautiously around the dead reeds and gingerly puts a paw down on the ice, pressing down as if to test it.
Seemingly satisfied, she takes another step forward, hopping slightly with her back legs so that her front half is now entirely on the ice. Jack feels himself tense up.
She wants to cross, he realizes.
The rabbit takes a few more paces forward, tiny, furred nose twitching as she goes. She takes one more step, and there’s a small snap beneath her.
“No, no, go back!” Jack hisses, feeling anxiety creep up in him like a brewing blizzard. “It’s not safe to cross yet!”
Frustration prickles at him as he watches the rabbit, willing her to back up to the banks. Couldn’t she wait until after he re-iced the creek to try and get wherever she needed to go?
The rabbit skirts the small fissure and continues on her way, albeit more timidly. Another louder crack sounds and she freezes again, nose twitching furiously.
Jack creeps carefully along the treeline to get a better look at where she is. The ice is nearly as clear as a window, and he can see the waves of the chilled stream rushing by below it.
It may as well be paper-thin.
The rabbit takes another step forward, and a crack spreads out in front of her, splitting and bifurcating like the branches of an eerie tree. The crevices grow and grow, scattering off to the side and spreading into a wide semi-circle almost completely surrounding her.
The entire ice cover is about to cave in.
No! Jack lunges forward, jabbing his staff at the thawing stream and sending a fresh wave of ice surging down it. The rabbit’s head turns and her eyes widen at the fast-encroaching wisps of blue-white. She leaps backward, spooked.
In one slow, horrifying moment, the ice gives way beneath her, and she plunges into the stream. Jack can’t quite put his finger on why, but the image chills him to the very bone.
It’s almost as if there’s a haunting sense of…familiarity.
Snapping out of his shock, he jumps into action. He slams his staff down against the icy creek, and it shatters like glass, fragments of ice spilling into the rushing water below. Crouching down, he plunges his hand into the water and freezes it into a thick dam of ice.
The rabbit lets out a cry as she collides with it seconds later, the wind knocked out of her temporarily. Jack scoops her up and pulls her out of the water, starting to massage her soaked, cold fur.
“It’s going to be okay,” he murmurs. “You’re safe now.”
He summons a burst of wind from his staff and lets it sweep across the rabbit, dragging the cold water away. The rabbit shudders as it passes, paws twitching uncomfortably.
“I know it’s cold,” he says meekly, an apology heavy in the words. “But you’re going to be alright. I promise you.”
“You shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep,” he can almost hear the Boogeyman saying.
Well, you’re wrong. I’m going to keep this one.
He starts to run his hand back and forth through the rabbit’s fur, trying to generate some semblance of warmth. The creature trembles, letting out a low whimper.
The shivers start small, nothing more than tiny tremors. But with each stroke, they grow stronger and stronger, until the creature is shaking like an autumn leaf.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers. “I’m trying.”
The rabbit jerks suddenly, starting to twitch and squirm toward the edge of his hands. He reaches out his thumbs to try and grab her, but she’s too quick. In one fluid movement, she twists out of his hands, toppling to the ground.
There’s a shock of red as she hits the ground, and Jack sees crimson lines rapidly beginning to form in her gray-brown coat. Places where his icicles grazed her in the fall, he realizes.
Not again…
“No, please…” His voice is shaking, becoming desperate. Frantic. “I want to help. Please let me help.”
He has to be able to do more than hurt. He has to.
Pitch has to be wrong about him.
The rabbit starts to drag herself away, leaving a trail of cherry-red in the snow. Tears brimming in his eyes, Jack reaches out and gently scoops her up again, careful not to touch the gashes.
Maybe I can at least wash them off before she goes…
The rabbit goes limp in his grip, seemingly with little fight left in her. For one horrifying moment, he wonders if she suffered the same fate as the squirrel, until he feels the shallow rise and fall of her breaths against his hands. His entire body slackens with relief.
“Allow me.”
An unfamiliar voice sounds behind him, and he turns.
The snow-melting girl from the clearing is looking right at him, long blonde hair streaming out behind her like a river of sunlight.
She can see me…
He expects her to shudder or wince at the sight of the coating of icicles, but she doesn’t even appear to give them a second glance. She steps forward, bare feet quickened with a sudden sense of urgency.
She kneels before him and sits on her knees, starting to wrap the ends of her long hair around his hands and the shivering rabbit in tight ropes. He doesn’t resist, too surprised to protest. He feels the rabbit finally relax against him, something about the touch of the girl’s hair seeming to finally calm the animal down.
Then the girl begins to sing.
A golden-orange glow glides down her hair, brighter than the purest amber. When it reaches his hands, a sudden warmth surges through him. A warmth unlike anything he’s ever known.
He leans into it, feeling like he’s stepping into the sunlight for the very first time.
“Flower gleam and glow Let your powers shine Make the clock reverse Bring back what once was mine
Heal what has been hurt Change the fates’ design Save what has been lost Bring back what once was mine What once was mine” 
Her words are haunting, making him feel an emotion he finds he doesn’t quite have a name for.
The glow fades as the girl finishes, and she delicately pulls her hair away. The rabbit perks up, long ears sticking high in the air and nose wriggling curiously. The cuts on her side have completely vanished, any trace of red seeming to have been carried away with the winter breeze.
She hops out of Jack’s hands and bounds cheerfully away, eyes bright and eager again. In moments, the icy stream, the cold winter spirit hands, and the sharp icicles appear to have been completely forgotten.
“You…saved her.” He looks up at the girl in wonder. “From…from me.”
She shakes her head, smiling. “No, we saved her. I saw what you did with the ice dam. She would have drowned if not for you.”
“Only because I spooked her and made her fall in in the first place,” he mutters.
“Because you were trying to make the ice thicker so she could cross,” the girl says gently. “You were only trying to help.”
He scoffs. “Yeah, and look how well that went.”
Her smile widens, and Jack could swear he picks up just the slightest hint of a smirk in it. “She’s alive, isn’t she? I’d call that a net success.”
“Only thanks to you,” he mumbles.
He looks over her, and he finds his curiosity gets the better of him. She may be strange, but he can’t help but be intrigued. “Who are you, anyways?”
Her face falls suddenly, pink-purple dress seeming to sag like wilting flowers. “You mean you don’t know?”
He gazes at her, puzzled. “Should I?”
She stops and thinks on this for several moments before finally shaking her head. “No…no, I guess you wouldn’t.”
“How can you see me?”
She looks taken aback for a period before smiling sadly. For just a moment, she looks like she might be on the verge of tears.
She appears contemplative, like she’s choosing her words carefully. Finally she says, with the air of holding quite a bit back, “I’m a spirit too.”
“A spirit? A…Guardian?” He suddenly backs away, growing wary of her.
My replacement…
“Well, no…not exactly.” She looks away, frowning. “I help them sometimes, when they need it. But I’m not…one of them. I’m Rapunzel,” she adds, looking back at him and smiling warmly.
“Jack Frost,” he mumbles, not sure how to response to this entire situation. Never, not once in his 300 years of existence, has someone just…come up and cordially introduced themselves to him.
It’s amusing, really. Something that must seem so mundane to all the people he sees walking about the streets of the towns and cities he wanders through seems completely alien to him.
“I know. I’ve been watching you.”
He gives her a strange look, and she slaps her hand over her mouth, eyes widening.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean…! That must sound so creepy! I wasn’t—gosh, I didn’t mean to be following you around! I’m so sorry!”
She buries her face in her hands, as if slowly realizing the size of the hole she’s dug herself into.
Jack can’t help but chuckle at the utter unexpectedness of the entire scenario. “I don’t think it’s creepy. Just…strange. I mean, why would you want to trail me?”
She peeks at him from between her fingers, expression shy. “I see those frost patterns you leave on the trees. They’re beautiful. I…did accidentally melt a few, though.”
She looks away again, embarrassed. He remembers her hand recoiling after touching his frost the other day, her gasp of horror. He thought she’d been appalled by the freezing cold…but perhaps she had only been dismayed she had started to melt it.
The thought that someone appreciated his work was more comforting than she knew.
He looks over her and something suddenly clicks in his mind—the ice-melting hands and feet, the flower-colored dress, the life-giving healing hair, the light green eyes. “You’re a spring spirit,” he realizes.
She smiles at him, shrugging. “I am, but…I think all of the seasons are beautiful. I love yours, too. I came out a bit earlier than I was supposed to so I could have a look at everything you’ve done. It’s gorgeous.”
If Jack Frost still had color in his skin, he’s sure he’d be blushing. How embarrassing.
He tries his best to deflect the compliment, smirking at her instead. “Oh, what gave away that I was a winter spirit?”
She smirks right back at him. “Oh, nothing, really. Just a shot in the dark.”
It’s a moment before it dawns on him that she hasn’t started to retreat after she finished her healing. She hasn’t apprehensively scooted away from the protruding ice spines, hasn’t eyed him with the same careful fear as someone creeping past a chained beast that could rip free at any time and lunge. If anything, she’s made herself more comfortable next to him—hugging her knees to her chest, resting her chin on her hands and regarding him thoughtfully.
She’s just naïve, he thinks bitterly. She’ll find out soon enough that all I can do is hurt people. She can’t fight my nature any more than I can.
Nonetheless, the girl seems kind, if lacking somewhat in worldly wisdom. He hates the thought of anything bad happening to her.
“I’m surprised you let yourself get so close,” he says, the implied warning clear in his voice. “You know…considering all this.”
He gestures at his torso, sweeping a hand in front of his lower chest to show off an especially honed row of icicles. Rapunzel seems unfazed.
“I’m not worried,” she says nonchalantly. “I think I can manage to not get close enough to jab myself.”
“But what if I got closer to you?” he retorts. “What if I attacked you? You know, getting cut with these, it wouldn’t be…” He trails off, unsure what he’s trying to say. “Just…you shouldn’t trust so easily, Rapunzel. I could hurt you.”
She shrugs, looking almost annoyingly unperturbed. Smiling, she holds up a lock of blonde hair.
“I have this, remember? I think I can handle myself fine. Besides…” Her eyes soften. “You don’t seem like the type who wants to hurt people. You just seem…lonely. And sad.”
He bristles suddenly, alarmed. This girl he barely knows, who he met mere minutes ago…how had she pegged him so entirely?
“How can you know that?” he asks, unable to keep the edge out of his voice.
She smiles again, and this time, there’s something bittersweet about it. “Well…if you wanted to hurt people, you wouldn’t try and make the winter beautiful just because you can. You’d make it angry, destructive. But you wouldn’t find ways to make it into art.”
He sighs, looking away. “Those gashes on the rabbit…you know those were because of me, right? I…I didn’t mean to hurt her, but stuff like that just…happens, if you’re around me. When I try to help.”
“But you were trying to help,” she says, without missing a beat. “And that’s what matters to me.”
“So stupid,” Pitch whispers in his mind. “So tragically, trustingly stupid. People who try to see the good in monsters are only going to get devoured in the end. When she succumbs to some tragic demise, there will be nothing to blame but her own bleeding-hearted naivety.”
She makes no move to distance herself from him. No move to flee from the obvious danger. If anything…he swears he can see her inching closer.
He looks back at her, eyes growing as cold as the ice he trails throughout the forest.
“You’re making a mistake,” he says harshly. “It’s not safe around me. You want to end up like…”
Like the squirrel?
He stops short, finding himself reluctant to spill the details of the incident…no matter how relevant.
Perhaps, he finds himself thinking, she doesn’t need to know. Not yet.
Idiot. Of course she needs to know. How else will she see what abominations you’re capable of?
“…marred like that rabbit?” he says instead.
Of course you pick the story with the happy ending. Of course you pick the comparison that could persuade her to stay. What on earth makes you think she’d want to, anyhow?
“I’ll take my chances,” she says softly.
Jack hates himself for the unadulterated exhilaration that courses through him.
What the hell is wrong with you?! You shouldn’t want her to stay! She’ll get impaled in the end somehow, and it’ll be all your fault…
“You look like you need a friend, Jack Frost,” she adds, eyeing him sympathetically. “No one deserves to be alone.”
He thinks of a man cloaked in black, and he looks away guiltily.
“I do have a friend,” he argues. “And he says…he says no one else would want to be my friend. He hasn’t been proven wrong yet.”
She scowls deeply—an expression that looks almost amusingly out-of-place on such an innocent, serene face, he thinks.
“That doesn’t sound like a very good friend, if he tells you things like that,” she retorts.
He shrugs, trying his best to look indifferent. “It’s all I know. It’s better than being alone.”
“Well, then maybe it’s time for you to know something better.” She brightens up again, the frown flitting away as quickly as it had come. “You think you could use another friend?”
She gazes expectantly at him with those big green eyes of hers, and he feels a prick of annoyance at how convincing she’s being. It’s an offer that’s hard to refuse, he has to admit.
In a heartbeat, the Nightmare King is back, whispering doubts into his mind. Telling him it’ll only end in disappointment and abandonment and being alone once again.
For once, Jack ignores it.
“It’s at your own risk,” he says simply.
“I can live with that.” Rapunzel shrugs. “Will I see you again?”
His lips, long-since blue and frosted over, form the tiniest hint of a smile. “I think you will.”
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jewishicequeen · 4 years
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My piece for the ROTBTD 2020 Gift Exchange was made for @daylightnoir !
I hope you had a great holiday, friend! I didn’t know which one you celebrated so I decided to just be fashionably late to all of them. Hope you like it!
And thank you so much for hosting this event, @siodymph!
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jloves-pp · 4 years
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here is my 2020 RotBTD Gift Exchange! for arthur-knight. is for Jack, Rapunzel and Merida meeting Hiccup’s kid. i hope you like it
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owlswing · 4 years
Hahaha! Guess who dropped off the face of the earth AGAIN? This guy! Well, anyways: Here is my contribution to the 2020 ROTBTD gift exchange! I swore I wouldn’t get on tumblr again until it was finished, but then life went insane.
@siodymph I am so sorry that it’s taken so long, and that this is so short, but I really hope you like it! Your very, VERY late Secret Santa!
Rapunzel bit her bottom lip, squinting at her latest painting. It wasn't that she hated it or anything, but it just seemed off. No matter how hard she tried there was just that little nagging thought in the back of her mind slowly driving her insane the longer she looked at it.
"What do you think?" She asked without looking at the others who were standing there with her, staring at the painting with tilted heads.
"Rapunzel... It's white." Jack said.
"But it's not the Right white!" Rapunzel threw her arms up in the air, turning away from the painting so she could pace across her room. "I promised Eugene's dad that I would make the perfect flag for the Moon Kingdom in honor of their reconstruction and the treaty with Corona, but it won't be perfect if I can't even use the right colors!"
"What's the difference? It's white!" Merida questioned, looking between Rapunzel and the painted canvas.
"No! This is cotton white! I need pearl white! The flowers just don't look right without it!" Rapunzel huffed, looking through all of her paints and art supplies to see if by some miracle she still had some hidden somewhere. "Moon Flowers are the designated symbol of the Moon Kingdom, and if this flag is going to fly above their castle for the next few centuries, the least I can do is make it the right shade of white! But of course I don't have anymore and I've already been to three different shops in the city; No one has it!"
"Well, you know how to make all your paints, don't you? Why don't we just get the ingredients and you can make it yourself." Hiccup suggested, and Rapunzel sighed.
"It's not that simple! This paint is made from special seashells found on a specific beach three days away from here. Gothel only ever got them for me once! Okay, well, twice! But the second time is when I asked her to go get them so I could leave the tower and I never actually got the shells so I never got to make the paint! Not to mention to boil it down and make the paint would take at least a full day . Already that's a whole week and we have to leave for the Moon Kingdom in five days!" Rapunzel stressed, part of her brain told her that if she kept biting her lip like that she was going to split it.
"That's an easy fix! With Toothless it should only take a day to get there. We'll spend the night and be back with plenty of time for you to make the paints." Hiccup said, looked over at Toothless who looked up from where he was napping at the foot of Rapunzel's bed upon hearing his name.
"Sweet! Flying Trip!" Jack pumped his fist into the air.
"It has been a while since we went adventuring." Merida grinned.
"I don't know," Rapunzel hesitated. "Normally when we try to do something like this, something happens and then we end up in some kind of trouble. Remember last time? When Hiccup had a cold?"
"It was not my fault!" Merida snapped to attention, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Never again." Jack muttered, shivering.
"I don't remember much from that one, but even if it does take a little longer than it's supposed to, Toothless and I can fly you to the Moon Kingdom to make up for time. Just tell your dad it's super important, I'm sure he'll understand." Hiccup shrugged.
"Or, don't tell him anything and if he comes looking, we stall for as long as we need." Jack offered, leaning against his staff with a playful smirk.
They all looked at each other for a few minutes, considering their options...
"WHOOHOO!" Rapunzel shouted, her hands up in the air as Toothless and Hiccup angled along an air-current, gliding across the sky in a smooth swoop.
Jack popped up next to them, floating along on his staff with his arms behind his head as her reclined backwards. Merida rode on the back of Toothless's saddle, reading the map as best she could while it flapped in the wind.
"We're almost there now!" Merida announced, glancing down below at landmarks and pathways. "There's a town just a few miles from the beach coming up. If we're lucky, they might already have the paint made there."
"We should take a rest. Toothless isn't used to carrying so many people, and it's usually better to go in on foot then to land a dragon in the middle of town." Hiccup reminded them with a wry smile, peering over the Night Fury's shoulder to look for a good landing place.
"Oh, so we're not going to strike fear into the hearts of innocent villagers today. Good to know." Jack chuckled, flipping around and grabbing his staff in one hand to look down at the earth.
"We've never tried to scare people, Jack!" Rapunzel argued.
"Speak for yourself!" He quipped and Hiccup snorted, trying to hold in a laugh. Toothless didn't bother hiding his dragon-chuckle.
"Anyways," Merida cut in, sticking her tongue out at Jack, who was rolling his eyes at her. "There's a forest down there. Plenty of space for Toothless while we go into town!"
"Sounds like a plan. Let's go, bud!" Hiccup grinned patting Toothless's shoulder.
The two moved in sync as they tilted to one side and began their descent towards the earth. Air rushed up around them, and Rapunzel's heart fluttered in her chest at the exhilaration from it all.
Within the hour, Toothless was settled by a nice rock formation that offered him a decent enough hiding place and a small clearing to stretch his limbs while the Four made their way towards the town. The town had a port, so there was more activity than in most with ships sailing in and out, goods coming and going, people traveling. Though it was small and less visited than the larger ports like Corona itself, the town was still thriving and teeming with excitement.
The crossroads before the town had a tall picket with road signs nailed into it. One way led into the town, another path led to the beach, and a third path led out to the pasture land where sheep and cattle with grazing. Right below the picket was a fairly new-looking sign in red paint: Unauthorized Collecting of Seashells is strictly Prohibited! Violators will be Arrested!
"Now what's that about?" Merida demanded, her fists on her hips.
"Looks like we need to come back tonight with Hiccup in a wig." Jack said.
"I am not going to be the distraction! You like being the center of attention so much, you go and do it!" Hiccup grumbled.
"Okay, fine! How about plan B?" Jack asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Plan B only works if we get caught! The whole point of this is to not get caught!" Hiccup exclaimed.
"We are not breaking the law!" Rapunzel told them. "I'm sure it's just regulation to keep people from over-harvesting the seashells. Let's go into town and see if we can find a vendor who knows more."
"Okay, but remember we can always just tell Bunny that some guy in town said the Easter Bunny's a total wuss, and that'll be plenty of distraction!" Jack grinned.
"This is why the Yeti's don't let you go anywhere in the Pole unsupervised." Merida told him as they walked towards the town.
The fast-paced bustle of the town was even more intense when one was right in the middle of it, but Rapunzel had gotten used to crowded environments from living in Corona and exploring the city, and also with her traveling with her friends. Haggling though, was a skill that she just couldn't seem to get the hang of, so when they reached the market and began looking at the different vendors and shops, Rapunzel and Jack took a step back and followed after Merida and Hiccup.
Merida had the attitude of a pauper and, much to her mother's chagrin, had spent a good portion of her childhood haggling with townspeople and sailors whether on her own or alongside her father. Hiccup, by comparison, was simply a Viking. Trading and Haggling was one of many occupational necessities and also something he was especially trained in as future Chief.
Ambling up to the different booths and extracting goods for reasonable prices, or even just information with little trouble, was something the pair had down pat. So it wasn't surprising when fifteen minutes after entering the market district, Merida returned to the group with information on where to find the Seashell vendor.
"Guy was pretty tight-lipped about it, and he said the old hag's a bit crazy, but I told him we've dealt with worse. Anyways, he said she'll be down the road, 'round the corner from the tavern." Merida explained.
"Great! Let's go see her, then!" Jack jumped up from the fountain ledge he and Rapunzel had been seated on, pulling Rapunzel to her feet beside him.
Again the Four were off to their next destination, finding themselves walking deeper into the town. The closer they got to the large storehouses by the docks, the more dreary things became. No one was about on the street, and those who were looked on with watchful, skittish eyes. Rats ran about underfoot and the seagulls perched on lamp posts looked slightly deranged.
"Are we sure this is the place?" Hiccup asked, his eyes moving over to the tavern as a man stumbled out and barfed into the gutter.
"That's what the shop handler said, but it wouldn't be a surprise if he'd lied. He was a bit seedy looking." Merida shrugged.
"Merida! I'm sure he was a very nice man! We haven't even seen the inside yet! I'm sure as soon as we cross through that door, we'll see the Seashell vendor!" Rapunzel smiled confidently, turning towards the door and tapping out a cheery tune with her fist.
The door swung open very slowly with a low creak and they all tilted their heads to see inside the crack the door caused. It was dark inside.
"Well, that's creepy." Hiccup muttered.
"Come on, guys! It's not that bad..." Rapunzel tried, tiptoing closer as she gently poked the door open with her index finger. The door gave a louder creak as it swung open further, and Rapunzel's voice wavered a bit at the sight of more dark shadows. She gave a nervous chuckle. "Okay... Well, I'm sure it'll look better from the inside."
"I'd rather not get jumped in a dark room in the back of an alley today, thank you." Hiccup said, holding his hands up in a defensive gesture.
"I might have to agree with Hicc on this one." Jack glanced between Rapunzel and Merida, looking rather hesitant.
"Oh, honestly!" Merida huffed, stomping passed them and up to the door. "Here, I've got a flare in my bag."
"Why do you have a flare?" Jack wanted to know.
"In case I have to see inside creepy dark rooms, or get lost in the woods, or want to have a party with explosives." Merida said with a smile. "But also my brothers bought some off of a foreign trader last week. I promised not to tell mom as long as they gave me a couple."
"I love your brothers!" Jack grinned.
Merida pulled out the flare and struck it against the stone wall of the building. A bright flame sparked to life and Merida held it up as she and Rapunzel stepped further into the room together. The boys quickly followed in behind, and the Four shuffled forward quietly and slowly. The flare threw strange, flickering shadows across the room, and the four friends pressed closer together as they stared at all of the figures of fanged and clawed creatures.
"Are these... Bears?!" Merida exclaimed.
"What are they made of?" Hiccup asked, squinting at the closest figurine.
There were sculptures, cutouts, carved plank art, toys, moving trinkets, clocks, plant holders, and so much more. Everything had Bears. Small bears, big bears, slim bears, big round bears. There were so many bears made out of little white...
"These are shells." Jack said.
"And this whole thing seems very famil- AHH!" Merida screamed jumping back and slamming into the other three. They all stumbled, and Rapunzel fell against a shelf, rattling everything on it, but the tall sculpture on the very top tipped over and fell to the floor, shattering with a loud clattering of a hundred different shells.
"What is going on in here?!" A new voice shouted. There were two claps, and suddenly the blinds were thrown on the curtains and several candles were lit, filling the whole room into light.
The Four looked up from where they were piled on the ground, finding themselves in the middle of a shop filled to the brim with bear-themed shell-crafts. At the very center of it all, stood a woman that had Merida's jaw dropping open.
"You!" Merida shouted, throwing a finger towards the old woman standing before her.
"Oh! Hello there, dearie! So good to see you again! I hear that spell worked out pretty well for you, hmmm?" The old Bear Witch beamed at her, with her wide eyes that blinked slightly out of sync, the same ragged-looking crow looming on her shoulder.
"YOU?!" All four of the young adventurers shouted, recognizing the old witch almost immediately from their first major calamity of a quest in Scotland.
"What are You doing here?!" Merida demanded, stomping to her feet with her arms stuck straight by her sides and her hands clenched into fists.
"Oh, oh, oh! Well, Dearie, after you bought all of my carvings, I had to set up shop elsewhere! Getting wood out in these parts isn't so easy, though. But they've got plenty of these nifty little shells laying around!" She cackled, gesturing to all her art pieces. "Course I had a bit of trouble getting around those pesky bandits who decided they owned the beach! A few cakes seemed to do the trick just fine!"
She snapped her fingers and several larger pieces flew to the sides, revealing a cage with two bears inside wearing scrappy-looking vests and hats. One of them had a gold tooth. Merida stared at them before looking back at her friends, but they seemed as speechless as her.
"Well, anyways, what can I do you for? A paper weight? A planter box? Oh! How about this lovely little wall piece I finished just the other day!" She beamed, holding up a rather tacky sea-shell image of two bears reaching for one another.
"Oh, hehehe, we, um," Rapunzel coughed a little to clear her throat and then twirled her fingers around each other as she continued. "We just came here to collect some loose shells to make some paint. We thought maybe we would have to speak with the beach owners, but I guess that's not too much of an issue now."
"Oh, not at all dearie! There's a pile in the back! Help yourself! I need to get this cage ready! I've got a circus leader coming to pick these boys up in just a few hours!" The old witch grinned and then let out a shrieking cackle.
She turned and hobbled towards the back of the shop as Merida took a large, decisive step backwards to rejoin her friends.
"Should we do something?" She whispered to them.
"I really don't want to get turned into bears." Hiccup replied.
"But it can't be right to just leave those guys as bears... Is it?" Merida nodded at the two bears that... well, they didn't look unhappy with their forms. One was napping, and the other was licking himself.
"I mean, they're bandits. Let's be honest. If we'd gotten here first, we would've argued over how it's not right for them to claim ownership of the beach, they would've disagreed, then we would've fought them, eventually win and turn them over to the police. They'd spent the better part of the rest of their lives in jail. At least like this they can spend their time in the circus. That sounds pretty fun, right?" Jack offered, his tone wavering back and forth as he tried to make it sound less terrible.
"Jack, that's terrible!" Rapunzel said.
"What? I'm just saying; she gets to enjoy her creepy witch powers, they don't go to jail, we don't get tied up in something that will lead to Another lecture from your parents and North and Eugene. This seems like a win-win situation all around." Jack tried to be reasonable.
"He does have a point! I mean, we generally do good things, but that doesn't mean our moral codes have to be perfect." Hiccup remarked, and Jack nudged Hiccup's arm with a grin.
"That's not funny!" Rapunzel retorted.
"It's a little funny. But you two have definitely spent way too much time with Snotlout and the twins." Merida amended. Rapunzel snorted and turned towards the witch, much to her friends' horror.
"Um, excuse me? Miss... Miss Witch-Carver?" Rapunzel said as politely as possible.
"Yes, dearie? Find something you like?" The witch turned, grinning enthusiastically at the thought a possible sale.
"Ahem, not exactly... I was just wondering; those two aren't going to be like that Forever... Are they?" Rapunzel cringed at the way her voice squeaked even in her own ears, and the witch raised one large eyebrow at her before cackling and waving her off.
"Oh, no! Of course not! This spell is only temporary! The circus leader owes me a pretty penny for a marvelous piece I gave to him two weeks ago. He promised to send the payment, but never did. I'm going to change these two back into blundering buffoons right before show time! That'll show that slimy circus man!" The witch grinned, and Rapunzel's arms hung at her sides. She had no idea how to respond to the old woman.
"So, what I'm hearing is, you already caught the bad guys trying to own the beach and we can go collect our own shells without the risk of becoming bears or being subject to strange witchy-revenge later down the line." Jack stated, looking back at Hiccup and Merida, who both nodded frantically.
"Aren't you a bit worried about what all of them will do after you cause such a big fiasco?" Rapunzel wondered.
"I'm a witch, dearie, not one of them is going to come around here again if they know what's good for them!" She said, whacking the cage bars with a broom to emphasize her point.
Rapunzel opened her mouth to continue, but Merida grabbed her arm and started pulling her out of the small shop as the bears growled and roared while the Witch shouted back at them angrily. Jack held the door open, and Hiccup gave a small wave.
"We'll just be going now. Thanks for all your help." He forced out a grin, but there was a grimace in his tone, and then the four quickly filed out of the shop onto the front porch, letting the door slam shut behind them.
They stood side by side there for a few moments, processing, until Jack finally broke the silence.
"Pretend that never happened?" He suggested.
"Agreed." The others immediately nodded and they hurried back up the street they had come from.
Collecting the shells from the beach and returning to a napping Toothless was a quick and easy affair. They arrived back at the castle with plenty of time for Rapunzel to make her paint and finish the flag for the Moon Kingdom, and she even convinced Eugene to talk his father into extending her invitation to include Jack, Merida, Hiccup, and Toothless. Though, that was only under the agreement that they remain with the group at all times and agree to have Cass and Varian watching them the whole time.
Rapunzel knew it was a bit of a stretch to promise that nothing happen, so she simply agreed that they wouldn't try to cause, or go looking for, any kind of trouble. Jack, Merida, and Hiccup had all agreed with varying degrees of less-than-enthusiastic, but were happy to be attending.
Later that week, when the festivities were coming to an end and Rapunzel had finally found a quiet moment alone with Eugene, he asked about what they'd gotten up to while he was away helping his father.
"I mean, knowing the four of you, I probably shouldn't be asking, but also I'm concerned because I wasn't there and Cass and Varian haven't taken a single one of my warnings seriously because they haven't Seen the sort of stuff you four get into!" Eugene was rambling a bit, and Rapunzel chuckled nervously as she rubbed her arm.
"Well... No one got arrested this time." Rapunzel offered.
"What kind of a response is that?!" Eugene blurted out, fear washing over his face.
"I mean, we may have come across a gang war between a witch and some bandits who tried taking over a small beach town and a circus leader, but we all agreed to walk away before things got weirder!" Rapunzel explained. "I think it was mostly because Hiccup and Jack didn't want to get turned into bears, and you know Merida's had her fair share of bear stories."
"Most people don't have Bear Stories." Eugene informed her with a rather dry look.
"I like to think that we're special." Rapunzel smiled, and Eugene sighed rubbing a hand down his face.
"You most definitely are." Eugene chuckled, smiling back at her. "And I'm going to go with my first instinct of 'I don't want to know'."
"That's probably for the best," Rapunzel said. "It wasn't the most eventful trip we've had anyways."
"Oh, yeah, sounds like it." Eugene agreed easily, and Rapunzel made a face at him for the sarcasm. They both laughed, but were cut off by a loud crashing noise from another room.
"IT WASN'T ME!" Jack's shout came after a few seconds of silence and Eugene sighed heavily, trudging off to find the others with Rapunzel close on his heels.
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siodymph · 4 years
Hey all RotBTD fans!
We're doing a Holiday Gift Exchange!
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From now until Novenber 30th everyone can sign up using a google form I created
Everyone will get their assignments on December 1st
And all gifts should be ready anywhere between December 24th-31st
I'm super excited to be hosting this event! Hope you all have fun with this! And Happy Holidays!
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siodymph · 4 years
Ok I just finished sending out everyone's gift assignments!
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Be sure to doublecheck your dm's/asks/emails/discord dm/insta dm's for your assignment!
If you can't find a message from me, let me know and we'll figure it out!
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Now you all have about a month to work on your gifts! And those should be sent out around December 24th-31st (if you need for time, just let me know)
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Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. And hope you all have the happiest of holidays! 💙🧡💛💚
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siodymph · 4 years
Hey There!
I've been going through the current submissions for the Rotbtd Gift Exchange, and I realized some folks forgot to put down a contact!
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Please, please, please put down a contact of some kind on your submission form! Otherwise I will have no way to reach out to you and give you your assignment. And I won't be able to give your request to your partner
If you need to go back and edit your form, or want to make a new submission, just let me know
Thank you all for your patience!
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siodymph · 4 years
“A Hogsmeade Holiday”
Hey @ohlooksheswriting I was your secret santa for the RotBTD Gift Exchange! I can’t begin to tell you how fun your prompt was to work with! I hope you have as much fun reading this as I did writing this! Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
All around them powdery white snowflakes fell from the sky. For now it was a light snow, not even enough to coat the already-dead grass in ice. But in a few weeks, Hiccup imagined the entire school grounds would be blanketed in several feet of snow.
Soon it would look just like home. Berk was so far North, the island was almost always icy. Even during the summer there’d still be a bitter chill in the air. And Hiccup did not miss it at all. After a few years Hiccup had come to enjoy the climate at Hogwarts, even began to prefer it, the school was south enough to actually have seasons and change. Actually getting to experience the melting of spring and the warmth of summer. But when things became cold, it would remind him of home. Whether that was a good or bad thing depended on his mood really.
His best friend Jack however, absolutely adored the cold. Far more than any Wizard possibly could. It was like the cold gave him a new-found energy source. Just seeing the snow flurries seemed to put an extra spring in the Jack’s step. Practically bouncing as the two made their way off the school grounds and towards Hogsmeade Village.  
Jack had told him one of the Gryffindor girls in their year was hosting a holiday party at the Three Broomsticks. For Fifth-years only. Apparently it was an effort to bring their year closer together and ease some of the tension between Hogwarts Houses.
So of course, Jack was dragging his Ravenclaw friend to this holiday party.
“But I don’t even celebrate Christmas, I grew up with Sn-”
“Snoggletog, yeah, yeah I know.” Jack was quick to interrupt. “And technically Snoggletog and Yule came first before any Christians came on the wizarding scene. You told me before… I still hate the name though. Makes it sound like a holiday exclusively for swapping spit.”
“Gross.” Hiccup said wrinkling his nose. “So why are you bringing me?”
“Well they aren’t the same but they do celebrate a lot of the same stuff.” Jack explained. “Plus if you stayed cooped up in the library any longer, you’d probably start going looney.”
Hiccup huffed at that, quickly pulling a necklace out of his satchel. “Well unlike some people, I actually want to figure out this challenge Professor Flitwick gave us in Charms!”
Jack just shrugged. “I honestly thought he was just making Dreamworks up. I mean really, a secret necklace that you manipulate in your dreams? And when you wake up it just, happens?”
Hiccup looked down to gaze at his charm. It was a simple chain with a moon-shaped pendent that sparkled oddly. “I’m so close to cracking this thing. I can feel it!”
“You know Hic, you don’t have to be perfect at everything.” Jack said with a laugh. “Maybe you’re just meant to be a Magical Creatures kinda guy. Like that one guy you’re always going on about. Commander Newt, right?”
“Oh you mean, Newt Scamander? Only the greatest Magizoologist of our time?” Hiccup asked dryly.
“Yeah, that guy!” Jack teased.
Hiccup chuckled and shook his head. “You’re lucky we’re friends. Otherwise you’d probably fail all your classes.”
“Not my fault you explain things better than any of our professors do.” Jack replied, his eyes sparked as an idea came to him. “Maybe that’s what you should do! You should become a professor!”
“Now there’s an idea.” Hiccup replied. “But I have no idea what I’d even want to teach. There so much to learn about magic. It’s overwhelming sometimes.”
Jack didn’t seem nearly as concerned as Hiccup. “I just focus on the subjects I feel a connection with. I’m just gonna follow that pull and see where it takes me!”
“Well good luck with that.” Hiccup said sarcastically. “So while you and all the other Gryffindor go flying by the seat of your pants, the Ravenclaws like myself will be trying to actually learn and master our subjects.”
“You’re always so quick to divide people into houses.” Jack pointed out.
“Well, everyone from my island normally lands in Gryffindor. So when I didn’t that kinda caused a schism.” Hiccup said. Though if he was honest, that schism between himself and everyone else from Berk had existed long before he met the Sorting Hat in first year…
“Well who knows? Maybe this party is just the thing to close that gap!” Jack continued enthusiastically.
“I still can’t believe a Gryffindor set this whole thing up.”
“What’s so hard to believe about that?” Jack asked.
“This whole thing sounds like something a Hufflepuff would do.” Hiccup explained. “Trying to get everyone to be friends? Being all… friendly?”
“Well, if you knew Anna they way I do, you’d know that girl is an absolute party animal.” Jack replied. “If that girl can find a reason to throw a party then she’ll throw it!”
“Maybe she should have been a Hufflepuff. They’re all sweet and kind like that.”
“Maybe.” Jack countered. “And maybe you should have been one too! Then maybe you’d chill out more.”
While Jack laughed Hiccup just shrugged.
Soon enough they arrived at the Three Broomsticks. The whole building was decked out in Christmas decoration. And when they stepped inside, the boys saw that the Tavern was packed to the gills with pretty much everyone from their year. Music drifted through the air, competing for volume with everyone hooting and hollering.
Instinctively, Hiccup felt himself move closer towards the door. But Jack moved forwards, taking Hiccup with him as they made their way towards the bar.
“Hey Bun! Get me a butterbeer!” Jack called out to the guy running the bar, a Pooka actually by the name of Bunnymund. The man gave Jack a very pointed glare. But Jack hardly seemed worried. “And make it frozen, extra icy!”
Bunnymund for his part just rolled his eyes, muttering something about Jack being a “sub-zero gumby”. Hiccup almost missed it when the Pooka asked him what he wanted.
“Oh, uh.” Hiccup looked around the bar before realizing Bunnymund had been talking to him. “I’ll just have a Pumpkin Juice cider, please.”
“Sure thing kid.” Bunnymund replied. Before disappearing to go grab their drinks.
Hiccup was about to ask Jack what he’d done to annoy Bunnymund so much when a girl’s voice suddenly boomed across the Tavern.
“Jack! Ye gommy eijit! Where’ve you been?”
Both boys, and almost everyone else in the tavern, turned to see Merida DunBroch standing up at a table. She was a Slytherin girl. Her dark green house scarf was wrapped loosely around her neck and completely countered her massive plume of curly red hair.
“Sorry, Mer!” Jack replied, slinging an arm around Hiccup. “Someone here needed a little extra persuading.”
“Well come on then, get over here!” Merida practically demanded, bouncing her hands off the table as she did so. “I’ve spent the last half hour staking out this table for us! Some nyaffs almost stole it from me!”
As they moved to go sit down, Hiccup noticed how Merida gave a few boys from their grade a very smug look. He remembered when they were all first-years Merida use to hang out with them a lot because they were all from Scotland. That had been before she got to know Jack and Hiccup. The boys for their part scoffed at Merida and walked away with a pout.
As they all sat down, Jack leaned over and kissed Merida on the cheek. And within seconds the two began to bicker. While they went at it Hiccup let his mind wander. Despite the goal of the party, it seemed like a big chunk of the students were sticking to their own houses instead of mingling. Oh well, at least Anna had tried to bridge that gap in their year.
This whole thing was meant to bring the houses closer together but personally, Hiccup already had friends outside of his house. So he didn’t understand why he needed to be here. He was good on the whole friend-quota. Not to mention, big gatherings between houses like these made him nervous. Because if Ravelnclaws, Slytherins and Hufflepuffs were all here, that meant Gryffindors would be as well.
And while Hiccup got along perfectly well with Jack, that same sentiment was not there for any other Gryffindor kids. Especially not the ones from his hometown of Berk.
As if sensing his dread, the universe decided it was time to mess with him again. Just as Bunnymund gave them their drinks Hiccup saw the front doors open out of the corner of his eye. And stepping into the Tavern was none-other than Berk’s finest. Most of the kids didn’t notice him, but one of the girls, Astrid, did. The expression on her face was unreadable.
Stumbling out of his chair, Hiccup quickly got up. “I- uh- I’m gonna go get some fresh air.”
“But it’s freezing out there.” Merida said.
“Yeah, nothing like a lungful of ice to get your blood pumping. Right Jack?”
Jack turned to see the group of Gryffindor kids and turned back to Hiccup, “You seriously gonna leave cause of them?”
“I’ll be right back.” Hiccup said, not even grabbing his pumpkin juice as he left. “I promise. I just need to go clear my head.”
And with that, Hiccup hurried out one of the back doors. Once outside, he leaned up against a wall and watched his own breath fog up. It always reminded him of a dragon when it did that. The thought helped him calm down a little.
He hated running into those kids. It was bad enough he had to live with them every summer. But Hogwarts was supposed to be his element. An escape from all that. A place where he didn’t have to hear how much of a scrawny weakling he was. He didn’t have to be reminded of how lowly everyone on Berk thought of him.
Hiccup decided he’d just have to wait until they all left and then he’d go back to Merida and Jack.
In the meantime, he walked around the outside of the Three Broomsticks and sat out front to people-watch. Hogsmead was an interesting town. If it hadn’t been for the school it would have just been a humble village somewhere out on the Countryside. But because there was a massive wizarding school next door there was a hodgepodge of different stores that either sold simple-yet-practical necessities, specifically school-supplies, or superfluous toys and candy. There was no in-between. And the same could be said for the people as well. They were either rugged elders who lived in the same town for generations, or were bright-eyed youngsters playing in the snow without a care in the world.
It was a unique bunch for a unique town, Hiccup guessed. At least everyone’s Christmas decorations, plus the freshly fallen snow made it all gentle and beautiful. As if blending the two polar opposites together somehow.
As he watched the snow fall, one figure walking through the streets caught his eye.
It was a girl around his age. But he had never seen them before in school. She was wearing a homemade bright purple cloak that stood out among the grey walls and grey ice. Her arms were full with bags and packages. And her hair was a beautiful golden blonde, so long that it had to be both braided and pulled up into a bun. Hiccup found himself immediately curious as to who the girl was. She didn’t look like a villager or a student, so why would she possibly be here?
As she passed her foot must have caught on a patch of ice. All at once the poor girl slipped and fell, and all of the items in her hands went scattering across the ground.
Before he could even think twice, Hiccup was on his feet and rushing over to the girl.
“Are you ok?” Hiccup asked.
The girl looked up at Hiccup with a gasp. Green eyes wide with fear. But when she realized Hiccup meant her no harm she laughed nervously.
“I’m fine!” She replied. “I’m just really clumsy. Mother always said I need to watch where I walk.”
Taking her hand, Hiccup helped the girl up and began picking up all her things.
“Oh! Thank you!” She said, somewhat surprised.
“It’s no problem.” Hiccup replied.
As he collected the girl’s things, he noticed it was all books, uniforms, vials and cauldrons. The kind of stuff you’d buy at Diagon Ally before getting to school, not half-way through the year.
“What? Did someone steal your stuff?” Hiccup couldn’t help but ask. “Or did you just get here or something?”
“Last week.” The girl explained. “My mother has been teaching me privately. And normally the school doesn’t accept transfers, but they made an exception for me. I got a letter insisting I attend their school actually.”
“Oh,” Hiccup replied. He didn’t even know their school accepted transfers. “So you’ll be at Hogwarts from now on?”
“Yes, I’m so excited to attend. I’ve heard so much about the curriculum, and the library!” The girl replied. Before suddenly jumping as if she just remembered something. “Oh no, wait! I’m so sorry, I never even asked what your name is!”
“Hiccup” Hiccup quickly replied. “Hiccup Horrendous Haddock. And you are?”
“I’m Rapunzel. Uh, Rapunzel Gothel.” The girl, Rapunzel, replied with a little curtsey. “Pleased to meet you.”
“Feeling’s mutual.”
Rapunzel smiled as she scanned over all the buildings, clearly looking for something. “One of the girls from my class. Invited me to a Christmas party, at some place called the Three-”
“The Three Broomsticks?”
Rapunzel’s eyes lit up at the name. “You know it?”
Hiccup nodded, gesturing to the building behind him. “It’s right here actually. Every fifth-year at the school is in there.”
“Perfect!” Rapunzel said. “This way is much more efficient! I can meet everyone at once!”
“That’s one way to look at it.” Hiccup replied. He was still incredibly curious about the girl so he offered. “My friends and I have a table inside, you can sit with us and get situated if you like.”
“I’d love that.” Rapunzel replied. “Lead the way!”
As they stepped back into the Three Broomsticks, Hiccup made sure to avoid the table currently taken by Astrid. Instead sticking to the back wall until they got to Merida and Jack’s table.
When Merida saw them come over, she grinned.
“It’s about time you got here, ya Blether!”
Hiccup was about to respond but much to his surprise Rapunzel replied instead.
“Sorry! I had to stop on my way to buy some school supplies.” She explained as she set all her bags on the table. “I had a little trouble finding this place, but Hiccup here helped me out!”
Hiccup looked between the girls in confusion. “Wait, you two already know each other?”
“Nothing gets past you, Sherlock.” Jack teased.
“That’s m’boyfriend Jack, by the way.” Merida told Rapunzel. “Complete idiot but he’s cute. And Jakc, since you’re the last one out of the loop, this here’s Rapuznel.”
“How do you do?” Jack said with a nod.
Merida scrunched up her nose at her boyfriend before answering Hiccup. “Ey, Punzie here showed up in my D.A.D.A. class this week. I swear this girl’s a mad genius! She’s got a better grip than most the folks at this entire school!”
“So you immediately became her class partner?” Jack asked.
“You know it!” Merida replied. “If it weren’t for her, I’d be failing this new assignment for sure!”
Rapunzel blushed under all the sudden praise. “It’s not a big deal you guys. We’re just learning about some cognitive curses, and the defensive spells you use counter them with.”
“That’s a mouthful.” Jack teased.
“That sounds really interesting, actually.” Hiccup quickly said in defense. “What kind of curses are you working with?”
“Well,” Rapunzel began. “There’s this one that seems really tricky. It’s called the Disini Curse. Once activated, an evil wizard could steal ideas or dreams their victim has. If the victim doesn’t realize what happened to them, the curse can be active for years and they’d be none the wiser.”
“That sounds horrible.” Hiccup said with a slight shiver.
Rapunzel nodded in agreement. “That’s why knowing the counterspells and remedies is so important. The quickest way to counter the curse is with a mind-clearing potion to re-encourage an independent mind. Though if you’re not careful you can easily be put back under the curse.”
For a moment, Rapunzel looked around the table before looking down sheepishly. “I sorta just hijacked the conversation there. I’m sorry for being rude.”
“You weren’t being rude at all.” Hiccup replied. “I find cognitive spells like that very interesting. My D.A.D.A. class is kinda behind so we’re still going over magical-creature defensive measures.”
“Oh that sounds fun!” Rapunzel said. “I wish I had been here for that.”
“Yeah, it was fun at first. The C.M.C. professor brought in some actual animals.”
For a moment, Hiccup glanced towards Jack and Merida who were grinning to each other like they were sharing some secret.
“You two got something you’d like to share?” Hiccup asked dryly.
“Nope!” Jack replied.
Merida snorted but didn’t say anything else.
Deciding to leave it be, Hiccup turned back to Rapunzel. “Anyways, I don’t know when you’ll do the hat sorting ceremony, but when you do I hope they place you in Ravenclaw. We could use someone brilliant like you.”
After hearing that, Merida laughed out loud, cackling and smacking the table with her hand. “You- You gommy! She already got her house!”
Rapunzel looked sheepish as she explained. “It was the first thing they had me do when I arrived.”
Reaching up, Rapunzel undid her cloak to reveal her school uniform. And there loosely wrapped around her collar was a tie.
A yellow tie.
She’d been placed in Hufflepuff?
While Hiccup looked shocked, Merida continued to laugh, clearly enjoying this.
“I’m sure you guys will have some classes together.” Jack said lightly, trying to console him Hiccup realized. “And it’s not like we don’t see each other all the time, despite us all being in different houses.”
“That’s true.” Hiccup had to admit.
Still he couldn’t shake his surprise. Rapunzel seemed so smart and creative. She was everything admirable in a Ravenclaw. How did she not end up in the same house as him?
Maybe he didn’t know the other Hogwarts Houses as well as he thought…
He was pulled from his musing when Merida reached over and put Jack in a headlock. “You’re lucky Jack! I don’t think that dis-curse would work on you. Cause your head’s already empty!”
“Hey I resent that!” Jack said, laughing as her began to wrestle with his girlfriend.
Rapunzel watched them with a curious smile. “Are they usually like this?”
“All the time.” Hiccup replied. “If they aren’t acting like wildlings, that’s when you really gotta worry.”
That made Rapunzel laugh. Hiccup couldn’t help but notice how melodious her laugh was. It made him want to laugh to.
Hiccup couldn’t wait for Rapunzel to join their little gang of Hogwarts misfits.
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siodymph · 4 years
Is there a specific date we should post our gifts/exchanges or whatever.
For the RotBTG Gift Exchange, we'll be sharing gifts around December 24th-31st! (If you need more time though just let me know!)
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siodymph · 4 years
Calling all Big Four Fans!
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Do YOU like RotBTD/Big Four fan-content? Are YOU looking for a fun gift exchange to be apart of? Then have we got just the thing!
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If you're interested then fill out this form below!
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Assignments go out December 1st
And Gifts should be given out anywhere between December 24th-31st
If you have any questions just let me know! Happy Hunting and Happy Holidays!
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