#Gun Runner Part One Trigger Happy
forensicated · 7 months
The following starts a quintology of episodes centered around Smithy going undercover to bust arms dealers.
Smiffina Episodes: Gun Runner Part 1 - Trigger Happy (1/5)
Ben and Roger are on scene at the Cockcroft Estate as Banksy manages to get a young boy, Emile Grover, to put a loaded gun on the floor without it going off.
Smithy is taking new PC Mel Ryder walkies around Sun Hill after she'd transferred from West Yorkshire Police to the MET. Gina's surprised at their keenness to get out there given Mel hadn't even met the relief at that point.
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It's not that long since Emma was killed and now with a young child getting hold of a real gun - Gina's rattled. She warns Smithy to bring Mel back in one piece which he promises to do before taking her to a shout at a secondary school where two estranged parents are arguing about contact. The mother has an injunction against the father. Mel proves she can handle herself, telling the father exactly what to do in no uncertain terms. "Thanks for the help there, Sarge." "Well if you'd given me a chance...!" he smirks, amused. "Remind me not to get on the wrong side of you!"
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Emile is worried his dad is going to kill him as he puffs his inhaler. Banksy tells Emile that it'll be OK and that it was a neighbour who spotted him playing with the gun , pretending to point it at the public from the balcony who told them he was in the flat. Emile claims the gun was already in the living room. He denies he broke in to the flat but tells them that it's a known hangout. He then says he can't name names because they're 'older' and he doesn't know their names. His father claims Emile has told him all he knows. Banksy and Max agree Emile was lying but not sure about what part.
Unfortunately the father from earlier, Billy Figgis, has broken into and trashed the home his ex wife lives in with their son and her new partner. They're due to leave for Glasgow though Figgis is refusing to let her leave with their son despite her having permission for it.
Max briefs CID about the gun, explaining it's army issue. It seems there are high numbers of them around in Sun Hill. This gun has had its serial number filed off. Kezia asks why they're not running an obbo on the flat it was found in but Gina explains she already has uniform there and the news has gotten out about Emile so she doubts the owner will return for it now they know the police have it. They're viewing the CCTV and doing door to do whilst also hoping there's fingerprints on it that will give them more information. Sun Hill let the army know that it's turned up and that there was an armed robbery in the last week that matches up with the weapon.
Most of the cameras on the estate had been vandalised apart from one in the lift showing Emile take the gun from his bag and wave it around. "The little...! I knew he was lying!" Max sighs, bringing him in.
Figgis was sacked from his security job after unofficially 'moving in' to one of the storage units on site. Smithy looks through a small box of belongings and finds a military cross which is only awarded for acts of real bravery against the enemy. They take it and the rest to his forwarding address, a B&B.
Emile and his father watch the CCTV footage. He claims he was just playing and had found it at the side of the railway. They ask him again how he got it. "You implying my son is a liar?" his father demands of Max. "No. I'm not implying it. I'm saying it." His father reacts angrily but Banksy calms the situation down and asks Emile again. Emile admits someone told him to take it to the flat. He doesn't know who and says he didn't look at him as he was scared and told not to. He admits he was paid £10 and promises he'll never do it again. He said he'd heard the older boys talk about an Andrew Tyrell.
Terry visits his snout who owns an army surplus store. Kezia asks if he's heard anything about someone using an army weapon. He names Tyrell and claims he was formerly low level but has announced himself more Premier League with a new supplier. He's leasing British Army weapons direct from Iraq.
The army captain has a fun name misunderstanding with Jo, both expecting the other to be male. Captain Charlie Shaw tells them the gun was initially issued in Iraq. With the full serial number she'd be able to tell them who it was issued to and when but without it - much harder if not impossible. She admits a small number have been smuggled back by soldiers but as each one is signed in/out they were always able to trace it and retrieve it. She admits some soldiers have reported weapons as stolen by the enemy during a tour and they were smuggled back that way. Forensics manage to work out some more numbers and Charlie tracks it down to a specific unit.
Uniform visit a normal flat on a normal estate looking for Tyrell. It's not what Ben was expecting for an arms dealer. He's also grumpy because 'New Girl' Mel gets to 'run around with the Sarge' when he and Roger get the grunt work.
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Mel and Smithy arrive at the ironically named Sunshine B&B and visit Billy. He's on edge and claims he only left rubbish behind at the unit. Smithy flicks through a notebook of Billy's and notes codes but doesn't question it at first as they are there to ask him about the break in at his ex's. They want him to answer questions and he claims he can't do that so Mel arrests him. They allow him to 'get his coat'. Smithy questions the codes only for Figgis to pull a gun on them instead. He orders them to cuff themselves together. Smithy reassures Mel that they'll be alright and will get it out it in one piece - like he promised Gina. "All promises you can't keep!" Snarls Figgis.
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Figgis shouts he only wants his life back and that no-one gives a stuff about him. He sends them flying onto the bed and leaves the room. Smithy gets them back onto their feet and they untangle themselves but are still cuffed at the arms. Mel discovers the gun was a toy. Roger and Ben head over and LOVE winding them up about it!
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Smithy and Mel continue searching Figgis' room for anything that could explain what he's up to or where he could have gone. Mel finds a big box of money inside his fridge - at least £10K's worth.
Tyrell is still missing and there's a car waiting outside his ready to bring him in. Unfortunately there are no other prints than Emile's on the gun. Charlie tells CID that they've located the unit the gun was issued to and they are cross referencing soldiers from that unit with both serving and ex soldiers who have links to Sun Hill. Only one is found - Billy Figgis. There are no records of missing weapons from that unit. Charlie confesses they have found stolen weapons ranging from grenades to rocket launchers in the past. Not reassuring!
Smithy reports the notebook to Neil and Gina. He recognised the terms GAT and HP from the Army. GAT is the term for a standard issue firearm and HP is for a Browning 'High Powered'. He thinks the notebook contained a list of British Army firearms with sums of cash beside them and names of people who had leased them. Neil orders Figgis to be found before he does anymore damage.
Sarah Figgis arrives to tell Mel and Smithy that her son has been abducted from school. Billy isn't answering the phone but he's text her to tell her to go home and wait and not involve the police but that their son will be fine. Sarah admits she's terrified about Billy's state of mind since he left the army after potentially accidentally killing a child in Basra. Their vehicle was hit, the Sgt killed outright and everyone else wounded. Billy was deafened by the explosion and almost blinded by the smoke. They were being shot at by insurgents. He fired back and when the smoke cleared there was a body of a child and they couldn't tell who it was who had actually killed him - but Billy felt responsible and has been suffering PTSD ever since.
Max, Terry and Jo find Billy Figgis outside Tyrell's house trying to kick the door in. They bring him in and Sarah launches at him, demanding to know where their son is. Smithy and Mel wrestle her back before he asks Billy where he is. Billy demands they let him go to find him. He tries to attack Smithy who forces him back down. In the upset he admits Tyrell has his son and he has to go find him.
In interview he shows Max and Smithy the video of his terrified son pleading for his life. Tyrell says he'll call at 5pm. He admits he has something that Tyrell wants. Max gets nothing from him but Smithy uses his Army background to tell him he understands how he feels. He explains he is former Queen's Royal Fusiliers and that he mostly served in Northern Ireland but also did a Tour in the Balkans. "I saw things that nobody should ever have to see, things that are going to stay with me for the rest of my life." (They definitely only played lip service to this because the tour he makes out he did 'with the blue helmets' (UN Peace Keepers) only happened IRL a month before PC Dale Smith arrived at Sun Hill - and he wasn't a probationer...! I'm going to side with he was telling Billy what he wanted/needed to hear from what his army mates told him to get him onside). Billy tells him he stole military weapons and that Tyrell is a scumbag who he can't stand. He needed him however to get him in with the right people so he let Tyrell handle them with an agreement to not ever involve kids in handling them/moving them/leasing them. Max winds him up again and Figgis gets angry and paranoid, claiming he's being watched through the mirror in the interview room. He admits his gun was involved that morning and that he told Tyrell where to go after he heard a kid was involved. In exchange for his son, Tyrell wants his other 2 guns and his contacts to get more.
Charlie is clearly weary of Neil placing the blame for Figgis on her and responds to Jo's offer of coffee with "Got anything stronger?"
Smithy and Max march Figgis into the toilet to speak to Tyrell privately and tell him to make out he's in a pub toilet waiting for updates. He agrees to meet Tyrell in 30 minutes at the storage yard where the guns are kept. Sun Hill mount an obbo quickly. Emile has also gone missing as he hasn't returned home from school and he was last seen with Josh Figgis. They suspect he could also have been taken hostage at the same time by Tyrell. Neil reminds them all that the boy(s) safety is paramount over everything else. The plan is to watch everything on the CCTV with Figgis wearing a wire. Smithy and Max are going to double check the guns aren't loaded before Tyrell arrives and then they'll let Billy take Tyrell to the guns. They will be hiding in other units out of view. As soon as he says where Josh is being held, uniform will rescue them. Once they know he's safe then they'll arrest Tyrell. CO19 are less than a minute away, hidden around a corner. Kezia is pretending to unload a unit into her car to keep a watch up outside. Tyrell arrives - walking rather than in a car or van as suspected. Gina calls in a report from a witness of two boys - matching Emile and Josh's descriptions, being bundled into a white van near their school. They're tracing the index of it and ask all units to keep an eye out for it - hoping it's near the unit.
Tyrell tells Figgis he's going to give him the guns and the contacts and then he'll tell him where Josh is. Tyrell scoffs when he finds only two guns, insisting Figgis 'has an arsenal'. Figgis insists that is all he has right now. Tyrell then mentions a deal with a Wallace and tells him he wants 50% and if he doesn't agree now and tell him where the rest is as well as the information, he can forget about ever seeing Josh again. The two men fight as Neil urges uniform to keep searching for the van to get the boys before they steam in. Terry, Smithy and Max can wait no longer when a knife is produced and Figgis is stabbed in the arm. Despite the wound, he holds Tyrell against the wall, demanding to know where his son is. Max and Terry drag Tyrell away and arrest him whilst Smithy holds Figgis back all by himself! (it puts me in mind of how he moves Callum so easily too when everyone else practically just hangs off his arm when they try) Tyrell screams at him that he'll never find his son now. Luckily straight after, Mel and Roger find the van mentioned and get the boys out and safe.
Max and Terry ask Jo and Charlie if they're coming to the pub. Both women instantly say they can't as they're heading off for an early night - even the once in a lifetime offer of Max offering a round can't tempt them. Terry is smirking as he watches. He's picked up on the obvious attraction between the two women, even if Max hasn't.
Gina and Smithy tease Mel about her 'slow first day'. "She might be a bit rough around the edges but as she's here we might as well keep her." Smithy smirks. "You never know she might even surprise us!" "Careful Sarge, you almost sounded optimistic there."
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Max, Terry and Banksy almost make it out the door for their pint... but the Superintendent wants a briefing with Max and the DI and he needs them to get on to Trident to see what they know about Kieran Wallace - it seems there might be something in the deal that Tyrell mentioned! Terry's left to get the coffee's in...
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panakinthedisco · 3 months
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As the world lay in shambles by the sudden outbreak of a disease called cordyceps brain infection, society is broken, the government is on the rubble where a world became lawless and violent. But even chaos is prevalent, some are persistent to find a vaccine, though it is deemed impossible and hopeless due to the overwhelming mutation.
Kannika Suriya-Neuman, the only child of two known Medical professors took part with the cause - becoming the first pioneers who tried to find the vaccine, ten years after the outbreak. With her parents, Phillip Neuman and Anna Suriya, the tumultuous journey to find a cure becomes, metaphorically speaking, the search for a holy grail that can end the virus once and for all. Their team that consisted of surviving doctors and medicine majors from different prestigious universities across America took part in a seemingly impossible cause.
Even though there is progress, a group of syndicates that are formed has other things in mind. For years living in a world without law or governance, the idea to take power in a lawless country will be gone if a vaccine is created. The Citadel whose ideology is protecting the society they created is now in a threat to the vaccine so they did the unthinkable, pulverize the whole operation.
By the massacre of Kannika's colleagues along with her mother who sacrificed her life by saving people, the search for the cure becomes thin up until a revolutionary group by the name The Fireflies steps in to protect the remaining survivors.
But the quest of the cure becomes hopeless for another ten years. Kannika, now thirty eight years old, is beginning to believe that the world she's living in is going to rot along with the decaying corpses of the clickers and runners. Until, Marlene, one of The Fireflies, tells her about a young girl who might be the answer to the prolonged cure.
Hope begins to shine in the horizon as Kannika sets the journey to find the young girl who is said to be immune from the virus. In between crossroads and that small hope that she hid in her heart, a man with a cold heart comes to her with tenderness and begs to be indulged by that love that he couldn't even remember. Kannika finds herself with Joel Miller, a man whose life is enveloped in regrets and sadness. But Kannika is in thin ice as Joel would take a bullet for the young girl that he grows to love as his own child.
A child over the future of many generations.
While for Kannika with a gun in her hand pointing to her lover, she silently hopes from the darkest corner of her mind that Joel should've pulled the trigger.
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pairings: joel miller x original character / original characters x canon characters
warnings: major character deaths (oop!), smut, violence, brief mentions of SA (will state in the chapter) and gore.
author's notes: this is a slowburn romance for kannika and joel. also, as much i want to make this as a reader x joel, kannika neuman has a special in my heart soooooo sorry y'all! this fic will stick to some parts of the canon (series and video game) but act one and act two is full canon divergence. basically making my own lore.
other notes: most of the graphics of this fic are made by me unless its stated.
translated version/s: i've got a spanish translation for this fic in wattpad. you can check it out in here [CLICK HERE]
collateral damage gif banner: made by @alderaandors <3
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ACT ONE | INFERNO (sets in ten years after outbreak)
001 . . . . fungi
002 . . . . sense of normalcy
003 . . . . happy anniversary!
004 . . . . breaking dawn
005 . . . . the holy grail
006 . . . . alternate universe
007 . . . . i am, i am, i am
008 . . . . all things must pass
009 . . . . sense of kindness
010 . . . . whiskey and fate
011 . . . . machiavellian
012 . . . . a little light
013 . . . . tortured soul
014 . . . . the punisher
015 . . . . not now, not ever
ACT TWO | PURGATORIO (sets in eleven years after outbreak)
016 . . . . a path ahead
017 . . .. happiness is a warm gun
ACT THREE | PARADISO (sets in twenty years after outbreak)
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unchartedcloud · 2 years
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Clextober 2022: "A Post-Apocalyptic Halloween"
In the years following the Outbreak, the Fireflies have been convening as many medical minds as they can find to develop a treatment. Lexa Woods has been charged to bring one such mind safely across the country: Clarke Griffin, a medical student trained before the world went to hell. But when they get separated from the rest of their group, they need to traverse an abandoned shopping mall…and find a few Halloween surprises along the way.
Read Part 1 on Ao3.
“Do you remember Auntie Anne’s pretzels?” Clarke makes a whistling sound and Lexa winces. Does she plan to attract every Runner in the area’s attention? “Fuck, what I wouldn’t give for some of that fake cheese sauce.”
Lexa rolls her eyes - for her own benefit, as Clarke is still picking her way around puddles behind her. “Quiet, please.”
Clarke huffs and Lexa imagines a similar expression gracing her face, framed by persistent blond curls. “I might take Infected for company, at this rate,” comes the response, and from much closer than Lexa realized. When she turns around the doctor is just a few feet behind her, fingers twitching at the pistol strapped to her thigh despite her words.
The woman moves surprisingly quietly when she wants to, apparently.
Being briefly impressed doesn’t stop her from reprimanding: “You might get Infected for company at this rate.”
“I thought you said this place was cleared.”
“It was. Several times.” One last hop brings her back to ground level and Lexa fixes the angle of her flashlight as she comes around the side of the info stand. Sure enough, there’s a directory. Finally. “Doesn’t guarantee it’s safe. Infected have a bad habit of moving around.”
“The fact that it needed clearing several times does seem to indicate that is the case, yes.”
Lexa closes her eyes and takes a deep breath to center herself. When she’d been assigned to escort Dr. Griffin across the country to UEC, she’d jumped at the chance. It isn’t every day you get to prove your worth to the Fireflies by bringing one of the only currently living experts in infectious diseases, trained before the outbreak, to the best research facility still in existence. The doctor is young and her training was incomplete, but it’s better than nothing. It’s a lot better than nothing.
However, the woman herself is certainly something. Clarke, as she insists on being called, is not exactly the quiet doctor-type that Lexa recalls seeing on television when televisions still did more than gather dust. She is in fact rather opinionated, rather trigger happy, if well-trained in using a gun, and rather loud.
When she isn’t sneaking up on her, that is.
“Hey!” she crows from just over her shoulder, and Lexa whips around once more, expecting trouble – but the young doctor is merely peering at the mall directory as well, a grin on her lips. Her lips which are now incredibly close to Lexa, as she’s standing a scant few inches behind her. “Looks like they had one of those Halloween stores open before the outbreak started.”
Her heart still very much in her throat, Lexa takes a few slow breaths as she follows Clarke’s pointing finger. Squinting at the name she reads, “...a Spirit Halloween?”
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phantomspiderr · 1 year
By Any Means ║ Part 7
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Pairing: Joel Miller x *f!reader
Word Count: 2.1k+
Summary: you take too much of a risk while dealing with some infected and joel is not pleased with that decision
Warnings/Tags: tlou hbo spoilers, trauma, canon level violence, cursing, infected, death, use of guns, little angsty but there's a happy ending I swear
*no real description of reader or gender as far as I know but I've written it with a female reader in mind
series masterlist | phantomspiderr masterlist
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Joel’s hand clamps over your mouth just as you're about to give the all-clear, quietly shushing you. For a second you’re confused, and then you hear it again, the faint sound of a clicker in the distance. How on earth Joel, the deaf old man that he is, managed to hear that before you is beyond you. Slowly, he removes his hand and you turn back to him. Both you and Ellie look at him for direction, trusting him enough to get you out of this maze of tunnels unharmed. None of you speak, not wanting to risk your voices echoing and attracting the rogue clicker and whatever else is hanging around. Joel silently points in one direction and then up and even though you’re not entirely sure what he means you nod, Ellie copies your action and Joel moves in front of you to take the lead. As quietly as you can, you both follow Joel. Ellie sticks to your side like glue, both of you holding your pistols and looking around the dimly lit tunnel. Out of nowhere, Ellie shoves you quickly before you fall into a hole in the ground, but causes you to yelp out in surprise. Joel snaps around to look at you both, all of you freezing in place as you all listen. Suddenly, there are sounds of movement and the clicker certainly sounds closer.
“Move!” He still speaks quietly, hoping that the infected couldn’t pinpoint exactly where you were. Now, you’re rushing, Joel moves fast, and you manage to get Ellie in front of you, between you and Joel, as the undeniable sound of infected running gets louder and closer. You keep looking back as you jog along the edge of the tunnel, and you can see shadows moving in the distance now, that familiar panic spreading throughout your body. You’re too focused on the impending doom coming towards you that you run straight into the back of Ellie. Both she and Joel had stopped in front of a door, the blood rushing in your ears drowning out all the sound of them talking. Joel’s shoving the door, and it barely budges, Ellie’s panic is evident on her face and that instinct to protect her hits you again. Immediately, you move and help Joel with shoving the door, it starts to give, opening enough that Ellie can get in. Joel’s shouting for her to move whatever’s blocking the door because now you can see the infected, and they’re coming quick. There’s only maybe a handful, but you’re low on ammo and there are not really a lot of options on where to go.
“Hurry up kid!” Joel pulls his rifle off his shoulder, rummaging in his pocket to see how many rounds he had.
“Hold on, I’m trying! This shit’s heavy!”
“Joel.” For the first time in a long time, you’re terrified, you’ve been scared since outbreak day but this, this was pure fear you’d only started to feel since reuniting with Joel.
“We’re ok!” You find that hard to believe as the infected become clearer as they get closer. “Look at me,” one of his hands holds your face as you look back at him, “we’ll be okay.”
Then it’s back to surviving, his hands firmly aiming the rifle now toward the oncoming runners. Your own slightly shaky hands raise your pistol, readying to shoot as soon as Joel gives you the go-ahead.
“Ellie!” Joel calls out again, right before his finger slides onto the trigger.
“Got it!” The door flies open as Joel shoots, clipping one of the runner's shoulder and causing it to tumble to the ground before quickly moving back to its feet. Your pistol goes off just milliseconds after Joel shoots, and you manage to kill the one you’d been aiming for with a few shots. Faintly you can hear Joel speak, but it doesn’t register, you’re solely focused on the infected. Now you’re rapidly shooting at the clicker who’s dangerously close until your pistol clicks. Joel’s hand comes down hard on your arm, and he drags you in the direction of the door as he shoots at the runner that’s coming straight for you. Just in time, you’re pulled through the door and Ellie slams it before assisting Joel with shoving some heavy piece of machinery back to barricade the door. 
“What the fuck were you thinking?!” Your mind finally snaps back into place when Joel shouts at you. It had felt like you were just watching the whole thing from above. Like you weren’t in control at all, on some sort of autopilot, just trying to keep the people you love safe. Now you were in a hazy consciousness and Joel was mad about what happened? 
Suddenly you’re back to the night before you left, he’s drunk, and he’s shouting at you for a simple mistake. He’s mean, and you’re scared of him, not that he’d ever physically harmed you, but because you’ve seen the kind of harm he can cause. 
The adrenaline in your veins heightens your emotions to the point your vision blurs with tears. You don’t know really know why you’re feeling this way, but it’s overwhelming. 
“Let’s just get out of here, huh?” Ellie nudges Joel’s arm, both of them looking away from you long enough for you to quickly rub at your eyes. You hadn’t even realised the infected were banging on the door until Ellie spoke, the sound not completely registering in your brain. 
Joel doesn’t say a word when he looks back at you then he just marches past, sheepishly you look away from him as he passes. You don’t even want to look at Ellie as she moves to follow Joel, but she gently touches your arm. The pair of you share a brief look that can only be described as her checking you’re okay before she moves up the staircase after Joel. You were obviously too out of it to even realise you were in a stairwell. 
You don’t know what’s been wrong with you the last couple of weeks, things like this kept happening, and you’d been even more protective of Joel and Ellie than usual. Maybe it was just one too many close calls, one after another. Maybe you’d been making riskier decisions just to make sure they were safe. It wasn’t the first time Joel had snapped at you for doing so, and you know as soon as you settle somewhere for the night you’ll get a lecture. He’ll tell you to be more careful and that risking your life like that is stupid, and that’s almost exactly what happens. 
The three of you make it out of the tunnels without seeing another infected. In silence, you all walk in whatever direction Joel chooses, Ellie, being the only one to occasionally ask questions. 
Eventually, you make it somewhere Joel deems safe to rest for a few minutes. There’s a stream a few feet away from where you’ve set yourself on the ground, and Ellie goes straight to it. You awkwardly pick at blades of grass, trying your best to act like you don’t see Joel’s worn boots in front of you. 
“You shouldn’t have done that.” His voice is softer than you had expected, and it catches you a little off guard. “I’m responsible for you two and you gotta listen when I-“
“You’re not responsible for me.” Suddenly, you furiously look up at him. Is this what it was all about? He felt like he had some responsibility to keep you alive, like Ellie? Why? Because you knew each other a long time ago? “I’ve taken care of myself pretty fine without you.” 
You’re clambering to your feet now, not even fully contemplating what you’re doing, you just know you need a minute. So, you walk off in the opposite direction to where Joel’s stood, wanting to clear your head. 
“Don’t you dare take off on me again!” This time he completely takes you off guard, and you freeze in place. That wasn’t your intention, you don’t think you could leave him —or Ellie—even if you tried. “Darlin’, please.”
Your eyes shut tightly, hearing him call you that again, it had been far too long since you’d last heard that nickname uttered from his mouth. You feel his hand unexpectedly touch your shoulder and your breath shudders. His closeness welcome after days of fighting with one another. When you turn to face him, you can see the sadness in his eyes. In your years apart, it seemed like that harsh coldness he once had begun to melt away. Leaving him more vulnerable, more like the Joel you once knew. The hand that had been on your shoulder moves up to hold your cheek as your own hands seem to find their place holding onto his jacket. 
“I can’t lose you again.” It’s probably the most sincere thing he’s said in years, and you can tell he means it wholeheartedly. 
“I’m not gonna fucking leave!” Your hands travel up to his chest, lightly shoving him for no real reason. “I care too much about you- and her now.” You briefly glance over to where Ellie is still situated by the stream, probably doodling in the journal she found. “And I can’t lose you again either.” 
Joel visibly relaxes after hearing that, he lets out a deep breath that he’d obviously been holding on to. Then he’s tugging you into his chest, enveloping you in his arms, and it takes you a second to sink in. Your hands slide down his chest and around to rest on his back, under his open jacket. Joel’s head rests on top of yours that’s tucked into his neck, someone hadn’t been hugged like this in so long, and it’s only now you think maybe you’re touch starved. Years of keeping to yourself and not getting too close to anyone had resulted in some lonely days and nights. You find yourself holding onto him tighter, squeezing your eyes shut, hoping it’s not all a dream.
“I’m real, darlin’, and you’re gonna break a rib if you hold on any tighter.” You can feel the chuckle rumbling through him as he speaks, and you pull away from him enough to look up at him with slightly apologetic eyes. Joel doesn’t say anything else, but you can see him thinking, his eyes moving across your face and his hand coming back to hold the side of your head. 
Momentarily, you forget you’re both older. You forget you’re in the middle of nowhere, walking to the other end of the country that’s trying to kill you at every turn. Just for a small chunk of time, you think you’re younger and madly in love with a man you met by chance. You’re just smiling up at him, waiting for the moment he finally decides to kiss you because he always liked to take his time. You always knew when it was coming, you’d learned his tells. He’d wet his lips and swallow, then pause for just a second before he’d pull you closer, and you’d melt into him. Sometimes you’d kiss until you couldn’t breathe, and other times it would just be a little peck or two. He’d even occasionally quickly kiss your lips before kissing all over your face, holding you firmly in his arms while you giggled and begged him to stop. You wished things would be like that again-holy shit.
You watch as Joel’s tongue darts out, and he swallows hard before he sharply looks over his shoulder, toward Ellie, and turns back to you. He pauses briefly again and looks into your eyes, enough to make you swoon.
“Fuck it.” Joel swiftly dips his head to capture your lips with his own, and somehow immediately you’re in sync. Like no time had passed between you at all like you were those two people madly in love two decades ago. Maybe you were still those people, deep down. 
Suddenly, you part from each other at the sound of whooping, both Joel and your hands flying to your weapon holsters, thinking the worst. Only to find Ellie cheering from where she sat by the stream.
“Finally!” Her hand shakes in the air in celebration, and she’s softly laughing. You can’t help but start to giggle yourself, especially when Joel turns back to you with disbelief written all over his face.
“She has a point.” You still giggle even when Joel shakes his head, his demeanor softening again. His hands just pull you back into him, his arms wrapping around your shoulders, and he’s holding you close again as if to silence your laughs. You relax back into his hold, grateful to have this precious moment in the center of all this chaos.
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andvys · 3 years
Longing (part 3)
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Warnings: lots of angst, violence, reader having self doubts, a sprinkle of fluff
Pairing: Ellie Williams x reader
You woke up to loud knocking the next day. Pissed off you got out of bed, who was at your door at 7 am in the morning on your day off? You walked over opening the door you were greeted by Jesse standing there, leaning against the door frame. Immediately straightening up at the sight of him, you thought he was gonna flip out on you the way Ellie did last night.
“Finally, I thought I was about to freeze to death out here.” You stepped to the side letting him in.
“Umm you know it’s my day off right?” Annoyed you fell back on your bed again.
“Yeah not anymore, sorry about that. I need a patrolling partner and I chose you, sorry.” He said, looking at you with a guilty expression.
“Ugh are you serious? What’s wrong with your partner?” You sat up on the bed, looking at him.
“Ellie’s not feeling good today.”
“Tell me about it.” You mumbled. So she wasn’t feeling good, funny she gave you a whole hatred speech, made you feel like shit and now you had to fill in for her but she was the one who felt like shit. Of course.
“Alright, you owe me something.”
“Wrong, Ellie owes you something.”
“Umm yeah no, you were the one who chose me to be your patrol partner not Ellie so... not like you have much to offer but yeah.”
“I could offer you an unforgettable night with me.” He joked.
“Ugh shut up man.” Throwing a pillow at him you went into the bathroom to get changed.
Stepping out in the cold you immediately gave Jesse a death glare for making you go out into the cold today even though you were supposed to have a free day. He smiled at you, patting your shoulder.
“Come on, let’s get this over with.”
“Yeah whatever”
“We won’t be going on our usual patrol routes today, we’re gonna head to one of the small towns, check for some supplies.” Jesse said.
“Oh alright, haven’t done that in a while.” You said.
“Then it’s about damn time.”
Once you got to one of the small towns, closest to Jackson, you went into an old police station, knowing it was probably picked clean already but it didn’t hurt to check.
Checking the drawers, Jesse came into the room and sat on of the old office chairs. Looking at you, you avoided his eyes. You knew he was about to ask you something.
“So (y/n)..” there it was he was gonna ask about Dina.
“There’s nothing going in between me and Dina if that’s what you wanna ask.” You said while rummaging through the drawers.
“I- how did you know I was gonna ask anything about Dina?” Looking up at Jesse “I just do”
He noticed you avoided looking into his eyes.
“It’s none of my business if the two of you are together, we’re broken up.” He stated, looking sad about saying this.
“I- why does everyone think I’m with Dina?!” You asked, getting angry now, you still felt like shit about yesterday and now you were gonna get accused of something you didn’t do again.
“Aren’t you? I mean with her?” Jesse looked at you, confused about your reaction.
“No! What even makes you think that?”
“Well you were with her all this time, sleeping over at her house and I kinda saw you two kissing.” He said. Looking at him you got up and sat on the table.
“Okay hold up, I slept over because she was feeling like shit, she’s feeling sick lately and she was throwing up all night so I took care of her, I didn’t want to leave her alone while she looked like she’d die any second.” You said.
“Oh I didn’t know about that, she okay now?”
“Yeah she’s good now and the kiss? She thanked me for taking care of her and she gave me a kiss on the cheek that’s all.” You got up, walking out of the room you weren’t in the mood to talk any longer.
Jesse sat there thinking about it, it looked like you two kissed. To be fair he drank too much that night and he saw you two in front of Dinas house and from the angle you two were standing it did look like an actual kiss. “Shit I’m so stupid.”
Getting up he walked out of the room to follow you out, hearing a crash and your yell it sounded like you were fighting something or someone. He ran towards the noise, worried about you.
“(Y/n) you okay?” Walking around the corner he was met by the side of you standing there with a gun to your head. A man standing behind you with his arm around your neck and a gun to your temple. You lip was bleeding and it looked like you had a cut on your forehead.
“Don’t fucking move or your girl here dies.” Jesse put his hands up in surrender.
“What do you want?” Jesse asked the man.
“What I want? You break into my town and ask me what I want?!” He started waving the gun around. This man was definitely crazy and he was probably gonna shoot the both of you.
“We didn’t know anyone lived here.” You said through gritted teeth, annoyed at this whole situation. You were still pissed since yesterday and now you had to deal with this bullshit.
“Shut up you stupid bitch.” As if you didn’t wanna kill him already, he looked like a disgusting rapist and that’s what he probably was.
“Hey whoa no need for insults man” Jesse said, getting angry at the stranger for calling you a bitch. The man turned his gun on Jesse now.
“Here’s what we’re gonna do, I’ll let you live boy, get your stuff and leave and imma keep this one to myself.” He grinned at Jesse, showing off his disgusting yellow teeth
“Yeah I don’t think so man.” Jesse said. The man grunted at that going to pull the trigger, you didn’t give him a chance. Headbutting him, you heard the loud cracking of his nose. He let the gun fall down, letting you go he clutched his bleeding nose.
He looked up at you. “You fucking bit-“ not letting him finish, Jesse shot him in the head. Coming up beside you he grabbed your face checking your injuries. “Man I’m so sorry (y/n).” He said.
“It’s fine, he’s dead. Let’s get the hell out of here before more come.” You said grabbing the gun from the dead guy, leaving the building.
Jesse watched you go out, worried about you he ran after you.
“Hold up (y/n), let me clean your wounds, you probably need some stitches.” He said grabbing your arms turning you around making you look at him, he noticed tears in your eyes. “Hey what’s going on?” You tried blinking the tears away but it was to late, the first one falling down already.
“I’m sorry Jesse.” He looked worriedly at you. “I’m sorry for making you think that I got in between you and Dina, I would never do something like that.” He knew this wasn’t the only reason you were crying and he felt bad for even assuming that you were with Dina.
“You got nothing to be sorry for (y/n), I should be the one who’s sorry for even thinking that.” He pulled you into a hug. You were one of his best friends and he made you feel like shit.
“Ellie called me a home wrecker.” Pulling away you looked up at him.
“Yeah and she said some pretty hurtful stuff too.” You said, feeling more tears building up in your eyes, you looked down not wanting him to see you cry anymore.
“Oh man come here.” He pulled you in for another hug. “That’s my fault (y/n), I felt like shit and I talked to her about Dina and you.” He felt bad, he didn’t know what Ellie told you but it must’ve been really bad if it made you cry like that. He’s never seen you cry before.
“It’s okay, at least I know how she truly feels about me now.” You said pulling away from the hug, you wiped your tears away walking back to your horse.
“She probably didn’t mean it.” He knew Ellie had feelings for you, she must’ve been jealous about thinking about you and Dina. He regretted ever telling her anything about this whole situation, feeling like it was his fault.
“Yeah I beg to differ, whatever I don’t wanna talk about her, can we just go?” You got on your horse waiting for him to get on his.
“We need to stitch up your wound.” He pointed to the gash on your forehead.
“We’ll do that back in Jackson, it’s not that deep, let’s go.” Shaking his head at you he knew it was a lost cause to try and convince you to clean up your wounds.
The rest of the patrol was even more exhausting, running into a small herd of clickers and runners you had to fight your way through them to get to some houses for supplies but you made it and even managed to find some goods.
Finally back in Jackson, Jesse immediately sent you off to the infirmary to get your wounds checked.
Walking over there, you realized how tired you actually were once you got to the house, the door opened. Leaving the infirmary was none other than Ellie. Stepping out of her way, you rolled your eyes at the girl waiting for her to leave you so you could go inside.
She saw you, eyes widening at your state. You had blood running down your face, from the wound on your forehead. A bleeding lip and bruise on the right side of your face.
“I- (y/n)?” Worried about you and the state you were in. You looked tired, you had bags under your eyes and you looked like you hadn’t slept all night. You looked like you were on the verge of passing out.
“Are you okay? What happened?” She asked. You almost thought that she cared but then you remembered her words from yesterday, scoffing at her you went to walk past her but she grabbed your arm, flinching at her touch you stepped back not letting her touch you. She looked hurt at your reaction.
“(Y/n) I’m sorry about yesterday.” She looked embarrassed and she had regret in her eyes but you wouldn’t forgive her this easily, she hurt you bad.
“Yeah sure, can you get out of my way now?!” You really weren’t in the mood to talk to her now, your day was shitty enough already.
“I- can we talk later?” She looked at you with hopeful eyes.
“Please (y/n).” She begged desperately, she quite literally looked like a kicked puppy right now, not able to resist her.
“Fine.” You said annoyed at yourself for giving in. You could see she was happy about your answer.
“Alright umm you can come over later tonight, I’ll be waiting.” She said. Nodding at her words, she let you pass.
“See you later.”
“Bye Ellie.” She watched you go inside.
Ellie felt like shit for yesterday. She didn’t even get why she said all these things to you, this was nothing like her at all. On the way back home she saw Jesse walking home as well, catching up to him.
“Hey what happened out there?”
“Hello to you too Ellie.” Jesse said, looking at her he noticed the worried look on her face. “We ran into a some crazy guy and then had to deal with some infected on the way back home, did you see (y/n) go into the infirmary?”
“I- yeah she um yeah wait crazy guy? Did he attack (y/n)?” Ellie asked. Just thinking about some guy laying his hands on you put her into deep rage.
“Yeah I was in another room when I heard something from the other room and when I got there he was holding a gun to her head but don’t worry about it he’s dead.”
Ellie felt even more guilty now, considering she was supposed to be on patrol today and not you. She should have been the one with a gun to her head and wounds on her face and not you. Ellie thought to herself. Jesse saw that look on her face. He put his hand on her shoulder making her look at him.
“Hey look, (y/n) is strong, we’ve been in worse situations before, she’ll be fine.” He assured her.
“Yeah, well. I made her feel like shit yesterday and now she almost died out there because me. It was supposed to me out there not her.”
“Don’t beat yourself up Ellie, we all make mistakes.” He felt bad for her, he could see how much she struggled right now.
“Not like this, I really hurt her Jesse.” She said looking down.
“I know, she told me about yesterday.”
Looking back up at him, surprised that you talked about her with Jesse.
“What did she say?”
“Nothing is going with Dina if that’s what you wanna know.” Jesse said.
“I know, I talked to Dina today, she kinda flipped out on me after I told her about what happened with (y/n).” She said, looking away embarrassed. Jesse chuckled at that, Dina always defended you. She was small but she could be really scary if she wanted to.
“You gotta fix this Ellie, (y/n) cried today, this is the first time she cried in front of me, whatever you said to her, you gotta make things right.” Seeing the guilty look on her face at the mention of you crying because of her “it’s my fault too you know? You thought they were together because of me.” He added.
“Still that gave me no right to say all this shit to her.” Ellie said.
“We all make mistakes.” Jesse repeated.
“She’s coming over tonight.” Ellie said, looking down.
“She is? She said she was really tired and that she just wanted a shower and her bed and not see anyone else for the rest of the day yet she comes over? See you still have a chance to make things right with her.” Jesse said, making Ellie blush.
“Yeah it’s gonna be awkward, she barely looked at me and she looked pretty mad.”
“She had a bad day, just don’t make it worse.” Jesse said.
Looking at him with an annoyed expression “thanks for the motivation.”
“You’re welcome, alright I gotta go, good luck with your girl, Williams.” He said before going the other way.
Ellie waited for you, it seemed like time wouldn’t go by, she just wanted to see you and apologize for all the shit she said. Grabbing her journal she opened a random page, coming across one of her drawings of you. It was the day your friends decided to have a bonfire night, you looked so pretty sitting by the fire, Ellie kept this picture of you in her head only to draw it in her journal once she got back home.
A knock on her door pulled her out of her thoughts, she laid the journal down, walking over to the door she took a deep breath and opened it. The first thing she noticed about you was the stitches you’ve gotten. All the blood on your face earlier hid the actual wound, the cut was longer than it looked before. It would definitely leave a permanent scar. Your lip was busted and there was a bruise on your right eye. It made her angry to see you like this, she wished she would’ve been there to kill this guy herself for laying his hands on you.
“Come in.” She stepped aside. You walked in waiting for her to say something.
You really didn’t want to be here but you decided to give her a chance, everyone deserves a second chance and you couldn’t hate Ellie not even after all the hurtful things she said.
“Umm sit down.” Sitting down you looked at her.
Your silence made her nervous, you’ve never been this quiet with her.
“Jesse told me about what happened out there, you okay?” She asked worriedly.
“Yeah nothing I couldn’t handle.” Your tone was stern and cold.
“I’m sorry (y/n).” She looked guilty. “I’m sorry for everything that I said, I don’t know what has gotten into me.”
Looking at her, you studied her face. Was she genuine?
“It’s fine you said what you were thinking. Nothing wrong with saying the truth.” You said.
“But- but that wasn’t the truth (y/n), I was mad and I talked shit.” She exclaimed. She knew it would be hard to convince you that she wasn’t talking the truth, none of what she said was right.
“It’s okay Ellie, you don’t have to try to make me feel better, you apologized. Let’s leave it at that and let’s just stay away from each other.” You said getting up, you wanted go because you knew staying meant that you would cry especially after that last sentence, you didn’t want to stay away from her but you knew how she felt about you and you didn’t want to be around someone who told you that no one wants or needs you.
“No! Please (y/n).” That made you stop. “Stay.” Turning around you looked at her.
She walked towards you, stopping in front of you.
“I don’t want to stay away from you and I don’t want you to stay away from me.” She whispered, looking into your eyes.
“You told me that no one wants me Ellie.”
“It was a lie, I want you (y/n)” she whispered.
Looking at her, you wanted to believe her you really did but you couldn’t, not when her hurtful words repeated themselves in your head.
You got closer to her, your lips almost touching hers, her breath hitched, she looked at you wide eyed, thinking you were going to kiss her.
“You were right Ellie.” Looking into her eyes, she looked at you curiously.
“No one wants me because that’s what you are, you are no one to me Ellie.” You said coldly, looking at her, she was taken aback by your words, shocked, she tried blinking her tears away. You yourself were on the verge of crying but you had to stay strong, you didn’t want her to see you cry.
You turned around, quickly leaving her place. You leaned against the wall outside, putting your hands on your knees you let the tears fall, you hated yourself for saying this to her but you couldn’t just forgive her after yesterday. Ellie wasn’t no one to you, she was somebody to you. You looked at her door, contemplating going back in and apologize, taking back what you just said to her but you couldn’t, so you left.
Ellie stood there in the middle of her room, processing what you just said to her. “You are no one to me Ellie.” Letting the tears fall, she sat down on her bed, she started sobbing.
Ellie brought this upon herself. She hurt you so you hurt her back. Karma is a bitch.
You weren’t in a better state, you walked home wiping your tears away angrily. You felt like you couldn’t breath anymore so you stopped walking, looking up at the night sky. You thought about everything that happened the past two days. It was just two days but you could already feel yourself slipping back into the darkness, the one that you grew up in. The one that filled you with self doubt and sadness. You weren’t strong enough for this. Taking a deep breath you started walking again.
You didn’t know where to go, you didn’t want to go home, you hated walking into an empty house. You didn’t want to see your friends right now either and you weren’t sure if you should go see Joel, especially after hurting Ellie, surely he would hate you if he found out about that. Realizing that not only Ellie would hate you now, Joel would hate you as well. This made you tear up again, the man who became something like a father figure to you would hate you now.
Your house was the only place for you right now so that’s were you went, walking around the corner of your house you looked down, wiping the tears away you ran into someone, looking up you realized it was Joel.
“Hey kid, I want-“ not finishing his sentence he realized you were crying, he looked at you with worried eyes, without asking any questions he pulled you into his chest hugging you “Come here, sweetheart.” You didn’t deserve this but you hugged him back, sobbing you held onto his jacket. Maybe that was the last time he’d hug you.
His warm hug made you feel safe at least this gave you comfort today because that’s what you needed the most right now. Comfort and love.
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widow-maximov · 3 years
It’s You
Pairing: Wanda x Fem Reader
Warning: Language, some fluff and angst, sexual suggestion.
Summary: Y/n thinks she has met the one until she joins the Avengers..
Word Count: 6.8K
Part 1, Part 2
Before being an Avenger, you were practically nothing but some part time vigilante whilst working full time to earn enough that would last you a whole week, you saved a few people from robbers and muggings which made you feel a little bit better about yourself, I mean not that you ever doubted yourself but knowing that you could help others whilst never having that protection during your youth times was rewarding in a way.
That’s how you have met your girlfriend, you saved her from couple of guys trying to rob her when she was working, it was also the time you discovered you had powers, you are able to control peoples minds and rewind time just enough to avoid any injuries.
It feels like it happened yesterday, you went to buy yourself a coffee from a new café that just opened up recently when suddenly there was a gun shot and a lot of screams along with some shouting telling people to get on the ground, you did that and watched the whole event unfold before your eyes.
At first it was them waving their weapons to scare people around them and demand money but as soon as they got what they wanted, they planned to at least kill someone and that was the girl behind the counter, who was scared shitless, she tried not to show it but when he pointed his gun at her and had the most disturbing smirk across his face, how could she not be, he pulled the trigger and you jumped out reaching out to the girl when everything stopped and time went back that’s when you ended up in the same place couple minutes before the men arrive.
You looked around to see if you were dreaming but before you could practically be amazed at your new ability, you jumped into action, running to the front door as the girl behind the counter looked at you funny, trying to stop you but you didn’t listen. You held the door and told her to call the police, you saw those men standing outside looking at you as they pointed a gun at you, you knew they would shoot so you ducked but held the door like your life depended on it.
For your luck the girl called the police and just when you were about to let go of the door and have them shoot you right there and then, the police surrounded all of the men with guns in their hands and with a huge sigh you let go of the door and fell back onto the floor to rest.
They were arrested and after giving your statement to the police, of course you had to lie mostly about how you knew it was going to happen, you said you had a bad feeling and figured something would happen, they were just happy they didn’t have any runners to extend their time on a case that would end up being forgotten.
The girl approached you with a small smile across her face “Hey.. I just wanted to thank you for doing that.. You saved not only me but a lot of people inside too.”
You smiled at her “It’s really not a problem, I’m just glad no one was hurt”
You reached your hand towards her “I’m Y/n” she shook your hand and replied “Olivia”
And that’s how it all started, you came by the café more often just to see her and she was happy to see you either way, she knew your order by heart and always had it ready for you. She liked your company so you stayed until you finished your coffee and was on your way, you gathered the courage and finally asked her out which she eagerly agree to. The first date wasn’t fancy but it was perfect, it was short which wasn’t a big deal and following that you had a few more dates before starting dating, eventually couple years in things started to be more than good, that’s when you decided you wanted to move in with her.
It was all perfect, you felt like nothing could go wrong but that was until you was caught trying to do your part time vigilante work by Iron Man, he dragged you to the Avenger tower to Nick Fury and he offered you a place within the team as he saw potential within you. You was taken back but agreed to join, you rushed back home as you weren’t needed until the team was back since they went off on a mission, and waited for your girlfriend to get back from work, she was an assistant for some big company so she was mostly busy but she always loved listening to your day to take the stress off her mind.
Even though you wanted to tell her everything, she didn’t know you was the vigilante, she knew you helped people out with your powers but you knew her opinion on hero'svigilantes, she hated it but was grateful for them as she felt safer within the city. You knew her intentions were pure but you had a different opinion.
You waited anxiously for her on the couch, bouncing your leg up and down from the nerves, you know her reaction will be something you wont like but this is huge for you. You will finally be able to help without hiding behind the whole vigilante ‘Time Breaker’ nickname the public made for you.
As soon as she walked in, she noticed your anxiousness “What’s wrong” She looked worried but you jumped up with a smile.
“I have news” Joy was practically dripping from you.
“I’m going to be on the team with the Avengers” You exclaimed with so much joy in your tone that you thought this somehow will make her be happy for you.
She dropped her bags and her face wasn’t like yours but with shock “What?”
“Well I helped someone out and Tony Stark caught me and dragged me to the Avenger tower and then I was offered a place in the team and I just took it”
“What?” She repeated herself as if you wasn’t talking in a language she would understand.
You looked at her confused and she finally spoke up from her shock state “You didn’t even think about considering this? You just took it without even consulting with me?”
You wanted to look confuse at her but you knew this would be her reaction “Olivia, come on you know how huge this will be-”
She interrupted you “You should’ve spoke to me about it as well.. We are a couple after all”
She took her bag and walked off towards your room as she closed the door behind her, usually when you have arguments you try to just listen each other out but when she shut the door you knew she didn’t want to listen to you so you just took your keys and walked out to give her some time to think about it and you made your way towards the tower again to meet the whole team.
The whole team was actually very welcoming when they heard about you joining, they all said that they have been watching you do your vigilante work and they were all pretty impressed. They gave me a room which you said you wont need but apparently its for long missions where you would have to be here for.
Everyone was excited to have a new member on their team and they all tried to show off their skills and abilities except this one redhead. You spoke with everyone and they all were chatting amongst each other so you took the opportunity to walk up to the redhead that was not far from yous.
She was sat at the bar, just paying attention to her drink, not really expecting anyone to approach her “Hello” you spoke up which made her jump a little.
She faced you and looked at the group of people who were just having usual banter “Shouldn’t you be over there with them?”
You leaned on the bar as you observed her “Probably but they are too busy with each other to even notice I am here”
She had a small smile across her lips as she traced the edge of the glass with her finger “Why are you here?”
“Well you are the only one who didn’t show what you can do”
She laughed “If I did that, I’m pretty sure the whole room would be upside down”
Something about this girl made you want to stick around, she was interesting and closed off a little which you didn’t mind. She was insanely beautiful and she was around your age which made you feel a little bit at ease to know that you aren’t the only young person there.
The only reason you didn’t know her was because she was new as well, she recently joined as well and felt a little bit left out as everyone in here already knew each other well enough to feel comfortable around them.
An idea popped in your head as you smiled “Pick a person and I will show you something”
She narrowed her eyes as she tried to figure out what you are trying to do “Okay? Steve Rogers”
You looked at him and called out “Steve!” His attention was now on you and you spoke up again “Do a chicken dance”
He looked confused and refused to do that, which you just shrugged your shoulders at and closed your eyes when you opened them they turned white and his too and suddenly he was dancing just like you wanted. The redhead had a smile across her face as she was amazed to what you could do, and so was everyone else in the room. You broke the trance and Steve stood there completely clueless as everyone around him laughed.
You looked at her “Okay now it’s your turn”
She just smirked as she blurted out couple seconds in “Bruce is disappointed as he wanted someone to join them with the same level of knowledge as him so he can have a partner”
You narrowed your eyes at her “How do I know you’re not making that up?”
She turned towards the group and spoke up “Bruce I can’t believe you are disappointed in our recent recruitment”
He looked so shocked “How did you- Get out of my head!” and you both just laughed.
“I’m Y/n Y/l/n” You reached your hand towards her so she could shake it.
“Wanda Maximoff” She shook your hand with a small smile.
Couple hours later
You came back home, it was late and you expected Olivia to be fast asleep but your unresolved argument kept her up. You walked through the door and that’s when Olivia came out from the bedroom worried about you.
“Y/n?” She called out as you walked further into the house and saw her with something in hand.
“Olivia? What are you doing?” You eyed the weapon she had in hand and she sighed with relief.
She shook her head “I didn’t think you would come back today so I thought someone was breaking in”
You knew she still had some PTSD from that café incident so you didn’t think much of it “Of course I was going to come back home.. Why are you up?”
You placed your keys down in your usual spot and walked over to her after she placed the object down near her “I couldn’t sleep”
You reached for her hand and held it tight “It’s okay, I’m here, just let me go toilet and we can just lay in bed until you fall asleep”
Even if you were upset with how she reacted, you loved her and wanted her to feel safe.
She nodded and you did just that, you went toilet and then you both laid in bed after you changed into something more comfortable to sleep in, she was laying on your chest cuddled tightly into your body as if you was going to disappear.
She looked up at you, you could see in her eyes something was eating her inside out “What’s wrong?”
She sighed and sat up, you mimicked her actions and turned on the little night lamp you had so you could see better “I wanted to talk about the disagreement we had earlier”
You nodded and she continued “I know my reaction to what you told me was upsetting but you know how worried I am already when you put your life at risk helping people out a little, I just don’t want to lose you”
She cupped your face with both of her hands “I love you and I don’t want you to think I won’t support you but I’m just worried”
“I know and I’m sorry I didn’t ask for time and told you about it before taking the place. I was just so excited I just don’t want to hide” You played with your ring on your thumb to calm your nerves down.
“I know and now, you can finally be more than just the ‘Time Breaker’ vigilante”
You looked up at her from your hands and she had a small smirk across her face “You knew?”
She nodded “Of course, I knew you would never pass the chance to do anything that could save peoples lives and just so you know I am proud of you”
You hugged her as she giggled from the sudden attack, she hugged you back and you both fell back to your original position and fell asleep couple minutes after.
3 months later
During this time, you and your girlfriend were on good terms but with missions getting in the way you never had time for each other, even if she said she was proud of you for doing what you always wanted, you knew she is still upset about it which caused some arguments and you would usually just spend your days in your room at the Avenger tower watching anything to take your mind off Olivia.
Today was one of those days, you wanted to spend your 4 year anniversary with her before you had to travel to the compound for the mission but she had other plans for that day with her friends so you ended up walking out whilst she was getting dressed and ended up here.
Did she bother to call you? No, were you waiting for her to? Yes, you wanted her to say she’s sorry and that she actually had something planned for you but she was actually at a party because you saw her friends posting stuff on their social media.
You held the phone in your hand, staring at it waiting for it to light up and display an apologetic message from her but there was no luck, even though you was watching something, it just didn’t take your mind of her.
“Are you just going to stare at your phone all day?” A voice appeared from the door way which made you look.
You saw Wanda standing with her arms crossed and she gave you a smile as she walked over to you when you didn’t say anything “What’s wrong?”
You shrugged, you placed the phone on the night stand and sat up, not saying anything which Wanda took as an invitation to sit down near you.
Over the course of 2 months, you two were close friends but were still learning a lot about each other. For example during the team movie night, they all wanted to watch horror movies but you hated them. Of course you were teased for that but Wanda made sure they would choose something else. She wasn’t the only one who stuck by your side.
Natasha Romanoff did as well, she was quick to become your favourite person here, she was hilarious and could easily beat anyone here except Hulk because.. Well that dude is just not her size, though you could argue if it did come down to it. She loved playing pranks on the team and you soon become her partner in crime when it came to that, with your ability to control people’s minds you helped her do a lot of things like make people spill things or add too much spices to their food and watch them choke.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it but I can’t let you look this depressing. Come join me in the kitchen, I’m cooking dinner this time”
You raised your eyebrows at her to tease her “You cook?”
She chuckled and rolled her eyes “Of course I do. Now come on” She grabbed your hand, you took your phone with you and you two walked hand in hand towards the kitchen.
You help the Sokovian out a lot actually, even if you didn’t really had time to cook before but you always knew how to. When you would finish your part, you would just lean and watch her with admiration at how concentrate she was but you would snap out of it, reminding yourself that you were in a relationship.
She brought the spoon up to your face so your attention isn’t turned towards your phone “Here, taste it” which you did and your face lit up at the different taste.
“Good? Am I missing something?” She asked a little worried but you shook your head still trying to process how good her food is.
“No! Its perfect, not only you’re dead ass gorgeous but also an amazing cook” You were too memorized by the food to even think twice what you were saying.
She blushed and before you had time to even correct yourself she quickly changed the subject “So will you tell me what’s wrong?” She looked up from what she was doing at you.
You sighed and looked down at your phone to see nothing and decided to open up “Today is mine and Olivia’s 4 year anniversary but she decided to spend it with her friends instead”
“At least you’re not alone today..” She said with a small smile on her face, trying to light up the mood.
You nodded and she questioned “So what are you going to do?”
You shrugged “I’m not sure but I know one thing”
She looked confused to why you stopped and suddenly, your eyes turned white when Tony barged in with his eyes white, she looked at both of you and within seconds Tony got ahold of flour as he dumped it over the Sokovian witch.
You broke the trance and looked at Wanda who was covered in white from head to toe and Tony who was lost at how he even got here as he held an empty bag of flour in his hand.
You laughed as she used her powers to throw some of the flour on you but you went back in time and avoided the attack which made her chase you around the kitchen “I teach you how to cook a good meal and that’s how you repay me Y/n. You wait”
You knew she was going to do something and you were right, she made you freeze in place and had an egg held in her hand, you knew what she was going to do, she walked towards you with a smirk across her face.
“You have no way out, you can’t rewind or control anyone. The only fate here is the egg to be cracked on your head” The red mist entangled with her fingers controlling your captivity.
Tony was going to just walk out without protesting but she held him as well which made him speak up “What did I do?” He basically whined but Wanda didn’t care.
“For all I know you could get someone to help Y/n, so you’re staying here” She stated which made Tony shake his head “Actually I don’t care-”
She used her powers to stick a cloth inside his mouth so he would shut up, you was laughing at the whole thing but suddenly the egg turned into 10 which were floating in the air and were ready to be thrown at you but she was waiting.
“Come on Wands.. You don’t want to do this..” You tried your luck but she shook her head “Oh but I really do” and with that all those eggs aimed at you, covering you with the egg goo, she walked up closer as she held the last egg
“That’s for the flour” and she just cracked the egg on your head making it slowly run down your head which made her laugh and she let you go.
That was a mistake
What she didn’t notice was that you were planning to give it back to her, and suddenly your body collide with hers, holding her tight making sure she has some of that egg too. That’s when her eyes widen at how close yous are, making yous both blush and you let go off her, that’s when the rest of the team walks into the kitchen that’s covered in flour and egg shells.
“What in the world happened here” Someone exclaimed from the team, whilst Natasha laughed.
The next day
You ended up in Wanda’s room after the dinner, Nat did join yous for a while to watch some sitcoms but she wasn’t really into that, so she left later on when Wanda was drifting to sleep.
Somehow you ended up falling asleep along with Wanda, yous must’ve shifted in your sleep as now Wanda is cuddled into you with her head resting on your chest.
She has been awake for some time but she didn’t want to move, risking waking you up and parting away from her. She enjoyed your company a little too much, she always wanted to be around you, you made her days better, especially when she is having a rough day, she always knows she can count on you and that’s what caused her to fall for you.
When you joined the Avengers, that night you met them all, she was a little sceptic rather than welcoming, she sat away to avoid any interaction with anyone from the team, she was still a lot more closed off than she is now and when you approached her she knew she could trust you, it was a gut feeling.
Finding out you were in a relationship kind of bothered Wanda but she brushed it off, especially since there was nothing she could do about it. The more she got to know you the more she liked you, you were like a golden retriever; Happy, beautiful, smart but if someone pissed you off you was like Natasha which was why Natasha found herself hanging out more with you than the rest of the team.
Wanda looked up from where she was, staring at your relaxed featured, just taking in how calm you looked, her heart melting at the sight of you.
“Watching me sleep creepy lady?” You asked still with your eyes closed.
She tensed when you suddenly spoke up but relaxed within seconds when she rolled her eyes at you “No?” She had a blush across her cheeks for being caught.
You smiled as your hand reached to your face to rub your eyes and stretch out “Mhm sure”
Your raspy voice in the morning will be Wanda’s favourite thing from now on. The only girl you ever had in bed (besides your ex girlfriends), was Olivia and now that Wanda is here with you is.. different. You would be lying if you said that you didn’t like it but you did, her embrace was comforting.
Yous decided it was best to get up and cook breakfast before the whole team wakes up. Well Wanda cooked breakfast whilst you quietly stare at her, drinking your coffee at the same time.
Natasha was the first one up from the rest of the team and ate Wanda’s breakfast, she wanted to spar with you so you agreed, it was a good idea to just get fired up before the mission. She was good and you needed some hand to hand combat skills in case your powers refuse you.
Couple hours later
Travelling to a Hydra base wasn’t something everyone was thrilled about, the whole team was needed for no reason, you and Wanda could just take the whole place down with your powers but this mission was tricky, yous didn’t need to just beat them up but you needed their data and blow their base up, S.H.E.I.L.D. intel wasn’t the best, they barely gathered anything apart that this base had some dangerous weapons that’s why you were needed.
As soon as the whole team along with you jumped out of the Quinjet, you expected agents to be flooding the field but there was nothing. You was instructed to go near the base just in case they flooded out since you could rewind time, so just like that you started to approach the base.
You walked inside and there was no one there, you expected it to be heavily guarded but no one was seen, so you went further inside as you reached to your ear to inform the team, that’s when the guards made their way out and spotted you.
You pressed your ear so the team can hear you whilst you talk down the guards, just in case your powers failed so the team would be informed to help you “Look fellas, I’m here.. you are here. Can we not be buddies?”
You tried but they launched at you and you simply went back in time, just enough before they spotted you. You reached to your ear and spoke quietly “This must be a set up, the guards know we are here they are waiting for us to approach the base, I can sneak inside and just do the work quickly. Just wait for my signal”
The team agreed that you should do it but Wanda protested “No Y/n! Come back and let’s do this together”
“Maximoff, Everything will be fine besides I can rewind if anything goes wrong. It’s okay.” You spoke and started to make your way towards the guards, you hid behind them and controlled one of their minds as you made them fight each other, knocking them out, you pulled their bodies to where you were so other were not alerted. You took their weapons and attached it near the bomb that you was suppose to plant.
You made your way to the core of the base and there was no one but you knew better, you closed your eyes and searched for any soul near you which you did find, you forced them to the centre and pushed them as their body was shot multiple times.
You reached to your ear to let know the team that you made it “Okay, I’m at the core of the base, I have the pen drive, I’ll plant the bomb as soon as the data starts to transfer.”
The team sighed in relief that you were still alive but they were pretty much surprised that the amount of guards. Wanda and Natasha knew something was wrong but they couldn’t go against orders, even if they were your orders they were approved by everyone.
You plugged the pen drive inside the slot and placed the bomb near the weapons, the timer will start as soon as you let Tony know to start it, you started at the huge screen as the percentage increased. You knew it was too good to be true to just leave without being detected.
A sharp sting in your shoulder and thigh occurred that muted the gunshots from behind you as you turned around to see the guard with a gun in his hand and little smoke coming from it, making you aware that you have been shot twice, you looked back you at the screen which was closer to finishing, as you controlled his mind and made him shoot his leg himself and knock himself out.
The focus for the mission was keeping you busy from the pain but as soon as you moved your leg, the pain was stronger which made you groan and limp towards the computer, as soon as it hit 100%, you snatched the drive and slowly made your way towards the exit where you saw about 5-10 guards standing with their guns pointing at you.
You laughed a little and took the weapon attached to your belt as you started to shoot at them, they were shooting at you but they missed as you went back in time but each time you did the less energy you had, it was mainly because you was losing blood and was hit couple more times, you didn’t even notice until you moved from your place to hide behind something.
You reached to your ear, taking a deep breath and speaking “Tony start the timer.”
“On it” He spoke to your ear and soon enough his voice spoke up again “Okay, you have 3 minutes before the whole place blows up, can you make it?” He asked the question he didn’t want to, which he earned a shocking glare from Wanda and Natasha, they weren’t expecting that.
“Yeah, I’m on my way out” As you spoke, gunshots slipped through which made the team be more worried.
“Y/n do you need back up?” Natasha asked and there was no reply, they were about to run inside from the Quinjet but Tony started to fly above. You and him had a plan which the team wasn’t inform off, this way you wouldn’t be stopped, they thought they will be joining you but you was suppose to go alone.
“Tony what the fuck are you doing?” Natasha harshly spoke as she stared at him from behind but he didn’t answer.
Wanda worried stood up “We need to help Y/n!” But she was ignored as well.
You knew you didn’t have time but you hoped this will work out, the reason to why the team wasn’t needed was because that could cause a lot of problems like compromising the mission but they were there in case things went south.
You took a deep breath and with everything you had, started to run towards the exit, with the pain becoming more stronger, which had some guards there but you manged to knock them out with your mind control, you failed to notice that one of them pretended to be knocked out so when you approached the exit, you was shot again, this time nearer to your heart which punctured your lung, you knew this is bad but you went on.. At least tried to, right as you reached the end, you were close to dropping to the ground but that’s when the bomb went off, sending you flying into the air, several feet away from the base and where the Quinjet was.
You was barely breathing and barely conscious to what was happening around you, but one redhead made it towards you. You smiled at whoever was there and started to close your eyelids since they become so heavy.
“Oh my god, Y/n” A shaky voice spoke up, you could tell it was Wanda.
You tried to wave your hand to dismiss it but the pain was too much so you spoke up “It’s fine..”
She covered your mouth with her hand “Shut up and save your energy! You can’t die now”
You was trying hard to stay awake but it wasn’t working and the darkness was much closer than you really wanted, you passed out the second the Sokovian redhead lifted you with her powers.
Long couple hours later
The medical wing wasn’t keen on giving anyone any information about your condition which only worried everyone. Wanda barely left the waiting room in hopes that they will crack and tell her about you but nothing.
She wanted to barge in there and demand answers but she knew better than to delay your way to recovery. Wanda was more than worried, she was terrified, at the thought of your body going limb when she picked you up really scared her.
At the loss of her parents and her brother, she thought she would never open up to anyone but when you waltzed into her life, you instantly melted her walls with just one look, you made it easier to breath when she was around you, that’s why she can’t lose you.
Tony along with Natasha and Steve made their way towards Wanda, they knew she was upset.
she looked up, her blood boiling at the sight of Tony, she stood up with her eyes turning red “What do you think you’re doing here?” the question was laced with venom.
“Are there any news?” Natasha asked knowing that anything could trigger Wanda.
She shook her head but her glare didn’t leave Tony which angered her more, she wanted him out of this hallway, she wanted to see you smile and laugh.. Just be alive but you are in there with no updates.
“Look Witch, me and her had a plan before we went on the mission, she was suppose get out there before the bomb went off but obviously the plan didn’t work out exactly like we wanted, she was suppose to be on the Quinjet before it exploded, she knew it was a set up but she went anyways, we needed that data and now we are able to create better weapons because of it.” He tried to explain the best he could to Wanda, he felt guilty he didn’t let someone else come with you but they both knew it would be dangerous.
“Why didn’t you just let me or Natasha come with her!” She screamed, it made some lights flicker as her powers slowly emitted from her.
Tony took a deep breath “She didn’t want anyone, I tried to convince her to take someone but she said that would rather die than let anyone else suffer”
With his words, Wanda’s eyes turned back to normal as it filled with tears, she was so mad at you for doing such a reckless thing without even talking to her about it. Natasha approached her and gently wrapped her arms around Wanda, she was trying her best to keep her tears in but that was slightly impossible.
Doctor Helen Cho walked out to the scene, she made herself known by clearing her throat, immediately Wanda turned and stared at her, she was dreading this moment but put a brave face.
“This might be hard to hear but Y/n flatlined three times before going into a stable condition. Some of the bullets made their way towards further into her body, especially into her lung, it was difficult to even take it out but we did it and she should be okay, she lost a lot of blood so we put her into a medically induced coma to record quicker but she can easily slip into her own coma from so much trauma so we will be monitoring her for now” She spoke, explaining everything that went on inside that small room.
The only two things that stuck with Wanda was that you flatlined three times but you’re alright. She closed her eyes, trying her best to keep calm, as she sat back down in the chair, they all looked at the Sokovian, it was kind of scary to see her like this.
Natasha took it as an opportunity to ask if anyone can go in and visit you “Is visiting possible?”
Helen nodded “Yes but one at a time, too much people might disturb her”
Wanda stood up with the most dull face you could witness “How many times?”
Helen took a deep breath “She was shot 7 times”
Wanda nodded and just walked inside the room leaving the 3 behind, she needed to be there when you wake up, she knew how much you hated bright white rooms, she never knew the exact reason but she never asked, she wanted you to tell her.
Two weeks later
The air in the compound was thick with tense, especially since Wanda never wanted to leave your side but she was needed in some small missions, now that you was gone she was needed twice as much, you and her made missions seem so much easier but now that you are still in the coma, she was forced to leave you.
Wanda was currently after her mission, she was exhausted but she rushed to your side to be there when you wake up, she had a feeling you would wake up. She was there for hours but still no luck, that’s when there was a knock on the door which her head followed, she saw Vision.
She relaxed and walked outside to see him, he tried to convince her to go shower and rest but she didn’t want any of that, she just wanted to be here, you woke up during that time, your eyes scanned the room that’s when it landed outside the window to Vision and Wanda, you were so high on painkillers that you didn’t even notice any pain.
He was extremely close to her, his hand on her cheek and looked at her so lovingly, she looked sad and his other hand was on her hip holding her close. You wasn’t sure how long you have been out but it must’ve been long since Vision and Wanda are now together (Obviously they weren’t), at the sight of them that close, your heart broke. You had feelings for Wanda for sometime now but Olivia was your girlfriend and you knew you had to bury those feelings, especially now that Wanda is with someone else.
You hated bright rooms so your breathing increased, slowly having a little panic attack when you came to your senses, the heart monitor started to beep faster which caught Wanda’s attention.
She ran inside leaving Vision, to which he just walked away a little disappointed, she held your hand “It’s okay Y/n, I’m here sweetie”
You relaxed at her touch but your breathing didn’t steady “Y/n look at me and follow my breathing”
She started to breathe slowly in and out which you mimicked, you was relaxing, she always had that effect on you, tears started to run down your face which Wanda carefully wiped with her thumb.
You leaned into her touch as you blurted out “Take me home please..”
Your pleading broke Wanda’s heart, she knows how much you hate these rooms “Y/n..”
“Please Wan.. I can’t stay here, its too cold and lonely” You begged her and her grip tighten around your other hand.
“I’m here Детка (baby), and I’m not going anywhere” She spoke as she stared into your eyes.
“I can’t stay here” Another tear slipped down your face, Wanda nodded with a sad smile “Okay.. I will talk to the doctor but for now rest, I will be here моя любовь (My love)”
You didn’t understand what she was saying, for all you know she could call you an idiot but the way she said it, just made you want to listen to her talk all the time.
You nodded and a thought struck you “Wanda…” She hummed as an answer to which you continued “Could you lay with me here until I fall asleep?”
Wanda wanted to just stay in your arms forever but to be asked to cuddle you till you fall asleep because you are terrified of this hospital room, made her even happier, she nodded and climbed next to you as you carefully hugged into her, with her scent filling your nose and her heartbeat you felt safe.
“Do you want to know why I don’t like bright white rooms?” you asked and she nodded.
You wasn’t sure if you should look at her because if you broke down it would be harder to stop but taking a deep breath you looked up and stared into her green eyes, they held this reassurance, she didn’t need to use her words, her eyes said it all
“When I was young, my mother and father decided they didn’t want me so they gave me up for some experiments..” You paused as a flashback of the white room appeared before your eyes, you exhaled shakenly “ All I really remember is the multiple white rooms and the cold empty feeling whilst they did whatever they did”
“So please.. Get me home, I don’t want to be here” Another tear escaped your eyes.
Her free hand cupped your cheek as she wiped the tear and nodded with a smile “You’ll go home, just rest”
It pained her listening to your past, as a little girl to be put through something like that, it must’ve been really scary. Wanda’s hand traced circles on your back, relaxing you, making you fall asleep with her. The red power coursing through her hand near your head as she gave you pleasant dreams.
“Sweet dreams Солнечный свет (Sunshine)”
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kiwixlime · 3 years
Finders Keepers - Chapter Four
Warnings: Gore, blood, it might get descriptive! Also, instances of PTSD and potentially triggering content including drunk driving, accidents, and death.
A/N: This isn’t foreshadowing, I promise! That thing that happens in part two does not happen here. And if I continue to write Joel based fics, that thing will never happen. I get to pretend in writing that everything is okay and everyone is happy. Okay!
Trust me, baseball bats and golf clubs give me war flashbacks. I'm not doing that.
It’s quiet now in the abandoned grocery store, a stark contrast to seconds prior when it was filled with screams and gunshots. Bay limps around, hand pressing against her thigh to stop the blood trickling down her leg. Luckily, it was just from a piece of glass and not something more serious.
“Jesse!” She whisper-shouts again, dragging herself along to his last known location. Her steps are careful and calculated, dodging rubble and stone, careful of shards of glass that she can see sparkling in the dim light. She whimpers as a sting shoots up her leg, teeth clenching hard so not to scream. “Fuck, Jesse, come on,” she mouths to herself.
There’s a loud drip from a broken pipe that splatters down behind Bay’s head, making her hair stand on end. It’s almost like slow motion, the way she jumps at the sound, accidentally backing into a shelf and knocking it down with a loud bang. A terrible crash follows as more shelves fall over and another scream resounds through the building. This time, it’s familiar.
“Bay!” Jesse screeches at the top of his lungs. “Bay, help me!” His voice is strained, but fortunately, Bay can make out how far he sounds, which isn’t that far at all. She quickly gets her bearings and stumbles along to the echo of Jesse’s voice.
“Bay!” He screams again, this time sounding more defeated, broken. She can hear grunting and screaming from a runner and she knows Jesse can fight back. But if he’s injured, he’ll never make it. She springs into action, running as fast as she can through the garden department, knocking over ceramic gardening pots and little bunny decorations.
“Jesse! Where are you?” She shouts, frantically looking around the open space for any sign of him. She waits for his response, crying out when it doesn’t come. Panicking, she pulls herself over a mound of potting soil and shuffles her feet through the mess on the floor. She opens her mouth to yell again, but Jesse finally yelps out.
“Bay!” She hears a gunshot and then her name again. “Bay, over here!”
He’s having a bit of a struggle, something he was not prepared for this afternoon. He and Bay were partnered up again on patrol. There had been some issues with one trail that required Tommy and Joel’s assistance, so Bay and Jesse ended up taking over for them. It wasn’t a route they had a lot of experience with, so they weren’t expecting to find a horde of infected and runners hiding out.
Bay took charge and she was able to clear out most of the building, which probably used to be a home improvement store of sorts. There were a few infected, but nothing her bow couldn't handle. Once that was finished, the duo decided to split up to check for any stragglers. Jesse ended up in the back storage room. Everything happened so fast after that.
“Jesse!” Bay yells. She’s dizzy, clutching one hand to her chest as her breathing gets heavier. She can feel her pulse in her ears, her head pounds, and the cut on her leg is still dripping with blood. Her throat is on fire from screaming, and running, but she can’t stop. She won’t. “Talk to me, Jess,” she begs.
“Fuck,” she hears Jesse’s voice yell. There’s another loud bang and a disgusting squishing sound. She can hear scuffling followed by groans and grunts.
Back in the room, Jesse is reaching for his gun that was smacked out of his hands by a runner. His fingers narrowly miss the grip as the creature on top of him puts all its weight down onto his body. Black spots appear behind his eyelids, but he keeps conscious, one hand placed weakly on the runner’s chest to keep it away. “Help me,” he wheezes.
Determined, Bay reaches the backroom in time to see Jesse smash a runner in the face with a brick. The impact isn’t enough. The runner stumbles back for only a second before growling and lunging back at the teen, teeth snapping ferociously.
Bay runs in and kicks it, hard, with her booted heel. It screams and falls down. She reaches her hand out to pull Jesse up, but just as their fingers brush, the runner smacks her, knocking her off balance. She trips over Jesse’s gun and falls on her back, the runner following after her. It throws itself on top of her, mangled hands attempting to claw her.
Jesse moves into action, adrenaline taking over his body. He slides across the floor, using all of his force to pull the runner off of Bay. She picks herself up immediately as the runner and Jesse tumble into a shelf on the ground. A loud whack rings in Bay’s ears and Jesse cries out.
Running out of the room, Bay leaves Jesse as he screams. She returns seconds later with a big, shiny golf club she found in sporting goods earlier. Sensing her next move, Jesse pushes the runner off of him, letting Bay swing the golf club, hard. Jesse shoots up to a standing position, backing away quickly and inspecting himself for marks of any kind. His hands run over his arms, face, chest, legs, everywhere he can reach. He’s clean.
The wet thack of the golf club wails through the room and the once terrifying growls falter as the runner sputters on the floor in its own blood. Without a beat, the golf club comes down again, this time with Bay screaming her lungs out. By the third swing, Bay has tears streaming down her face. Carefully, Jesse walks over to her, grabbing the club from her shaking hands. He tosses it far so it lands on the floor away from them with a clink.
“Bay?” He whispers, moving to place his hands on her arms. Her breathing is erratic, broken, and her whole body is heaving. Little shocks of electricity pass through her system as she tries to calm herself down.
She breathes out, it’s jagged, but it’s enough. Her eyes slowly hover around the room, the aftermath of her rampage is splayed before her in reds and pinks.
Her voice is trembling as she asks, “All clear?”
Jesse nods, catching his breath and just working with Bay one minute at a time. “All clear,” he says.
“Good,” she sniffles, raising her arm and wiping at her nose. She can’t peel her eyes away from the carnage in front of her. Sinister feelings settle in her mind and she just can’t break her concentration from the bloodshed. She steps back, eyes unblinking, heading towards the door.
“Uh, Bay?” Jesse stops her and his voice is enough to snap her out of her trance. She looks over at him expectantly and he grimaces. “You got a little something on you,” he clears his throat, pointing to Bay’s body.
She looks down slowly, fingers dragging across her shirt, hands clenching around the fabric speckled in bright red and…matter. She raises her arms and looks them up and down before dropping her eyes to her shoes. She reaches both hands up and lightly touches her face, the warm sticky slime spreading everywhere. She can see it on her clothes, she can feel it on her skin, she can taste it on her tongue. She’s covered in blood.
“It’s not mine,” she says, assuring Jesse she’s fine. “At least not all of it.”
“Oh,” he nods, giving a half smile. He reaches for her hand and grabs it tightly, leading her out of the small room. He goes back for his gun, giving one final glance to the bloodied golf club and the slaughtered body. He swallows hard and tucks his gun away, quickly escaping the storage to join Bay by the horses.
It’s dark and Bay can’t see what’s in front of her. She runs as fast as she can, trying to keep up her pace. It’s hard, she’s smaller, she’s not that fast yet. Crying, she trips over what she hopes is just a rock or something, but given her current situation, it’s unlikely.
“Run!” A male voice shouts out. “You have to run!”
Bay stops, frozen, tears in her eyes. “I c-can’t,” she cries.
“Just run!” The voice says again and then everything fades to black.
“Stop!” Bay screams, her body jolting awake. She rips the covers off of her trembling form and sits back, alert. She’s sweating, heart beating rapidly against its cage. She looks around, feeling with her hands. She’s in bed. She’s in her house in Jackson. She’s okay.
Whimpering, she slides her legs to the edge of her bed. Her hand immediately drops down to the bandage on her thigh, frowning at the pain. It isn’t too deep of a wound and she can still walk, but damn, it still hurts.
At least she’s okay. More importantly, at least Jesse’s okay. When they got back to Jackson they were taken to the infirmary and cared for instantly. Just a few minor wounds for each of them.
Bay sighs, glancing at the watch on the nightstand next to her. It’s early in the morning, or late at night, depending on how one wants to look at it. For her, it’s morning and it’s not unusual to be awake. Bad dreams are a common occurrence.
Sleep isn’t in the cards for her tonight, this morning, so she heads to her closet, pulling out a light jacket and a pair of jeans. She gets dressed quickly, careful of the wound on her thigh. She slips on socks and shoes and makes her way to the desk in her living room. The night is quiet and it’s pitch black outside, but she doesn’t need any light to find what she’s looking for. She has a routine down pat.
Grabbing one of the notebooks on her desk, she ruffles through one of the drawers until she feels a pen. She already has a place in mind as she leaves her house and heads into the darkness. As she walks down the street, she tilts her head up, gazing at the stars. She knows exactly what she’s going to write about tonight.
It takes a few minutes for her to reach the playground, but once she does, she goes to her usual spot on the slides. It’s not completely dead out. There are those townies who enjoy going for walks at these times, or maybe some doing a “walk of shame” if that even exists still. Nighttime in Jackson is different to nighttime on the outside. Behind the walls is safe. And Bay takes advantage of that.
She cracks open her notebook and clicks her pen. Words just start flowing from her brain to the paper and she’s on a roll. She doesn’t hear a twig snap and the sound of footsteps approaching her. She’s so focused on her writing that when a voice coughs behind her, she literally jumps.
“Is this seat taken?” The voice asks. Bay doesn’t say anything, just shifts over a bit and motions to the spot next to her. She doesn’t have to take her eyes off her notebook to know it’s Joel. She’d recognize that deep voice anywhere.
He sits down next to her and he’s close. Almost too close. He’s so close that she can feel the heat radiating off his body, the scent of pine needles dancing in front of her nose. There’s a part of her that could fall asleep right there next to him.
“Bad dreams?” Joel asks, his voice low and quiet as he leans into her. Bay shivers as his words whisper in her ear.
She’s surprised to see Joel this late at night. She’s surprised he’s even talking to her given the way she’s acted recently. There’s a lot she wants to say to him, but she’s afraid if she opens her mouth, she’ll snap at him again. So she stays quiet.
“Nevermind,” Joel grumbles, sensing Bay still doesn’t want to talk to him, and goes to move. But to his surprise, Bay stops him. So she doesn’t want him to leave?
“Just one,” she says quietly, keeping her head turned so she doesn’t have to look into those hazel eyes. “It’s usually the same one,” she adds, scratching anxiously in her notebook.
Joel nods in understanding, leaning back to his previous position. “I know the feelin’,” is all he says. He looks at her and tries to wrap his head around the type of girl she is. He studies the lines on her face, the little scars from being a survivor. She licks her lips and his eyes follow the contours of her mouth, the outline of her nose. When she finally looks up at him, he sighs at the pain swimming behind those glossy eyes. He just wants to reach up and touch her face. But he can’t. That’s inappropriate.
Instead, he drops his gaze down to his calloused hands, rubbing them over each other.
“I come here at night after really bad dreams,” Bay says, breaking the silence between them. “I like to just look at the moon, the stars. It’s so different compared to the city. You can actually see the twinkling lights, the glow of the moon.” She bites her lip, deciding if she should share this next bit of information. Why the hell not? “I bring my journal or a notebook with me and I do some free writing…just whatever comes to my brain, totally unfiltered. Even if it makes no fucking sense,” she chuckles.
The man stares at her. He doesn’t know what to say, he just wants her to keep talking.
“It helps,” she says defensively, noticing his blank stare. “It gets it out of my fucking head.”
“I get it,” Joel says quickly, not wanting to upset her again.
Bay huffs and closes her notebook. She doesn’t have anything to say right now so she closes her eyes and leans her head against the wooden plank behind her. Deep breaths.
Once again, Joel’s eyes flit over her, this time they settle on the chain that’s resting against her chest. The ring moves up and down in time with her steady breathing, the gemstone shimmering in the night. He sighs, thinking about what he said last time.
“What was his name?” Joel asks and he knows it’s a risky question. He doesn’t know Bay well enough to know her limits, but for some reason, he thinks he can ask this. So he does.
Her eyes snap open, hand instinctively going for the ring around her neck. She grips it and looks down at it with a sigh. It’s been a long time since she’s talked about her brother.
“Theo,” she says with a smile. Tugging at the ring, she looks over at Joel once more. “My dad had one just like it,” she finds herself saying. “He gave it to my mom when they got engaged and Theo just…he liked the idea. He couldn’t wait to get his own,” she laughs, but it’s sad, nostalgic. “My parents tried to talk him out of it. It was an old tradition, expensive. But he didn’t care. He just really wanted one. So they saved and eventually bought him his own. He said he was going to give it to the first girl he fell in love with.”
Joel smiles at that confession. He never really understood that tradition. But he understands how important some sentiments are.
“What, uh,” he clears his throat anxiously. “What happened to him?”
That question makes Bay want to collapse into herself and hide. She was expecting it, of course, and she was actually willing to tell Joel about it, but bringing up memories like that…it’s insane. It’s unnecessary pain. But Joel is here, and he’s listening, and she kind of wants to open up.
Or maybe she’s just so fucking tired and after an excruciating day, she just wants someone to talk to.
“He had just turned 16,” she says, eyes meeting Joel’s. “He literally just got his driver’s license and he wanted to go on his first legal drive with his best friend. My parents weren’t thrilled with the idea, but they couldn’t say no.”
Bay groans and pulls her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them. Telling this story never gets easier.
“So they went,” she whispers. At this point, she can feel her heart breaking all over again and her stomach burns with agony. She can feel wet, hot tears sliding down her face and she feels weak. She pulls her head up, showing Joel a vulnerability she’s never shown anyone but Tommy and Maria. “There was a drunk driver,” she says. “Ran a stop sign and went full speed at my brother. Crashed right into them. My brother’s car wrapped around a tree.”
She blinks back more tears, bringing her jacket sleeve over her hand and aggressively wiping at her eyes until they sting. She bites her tongue to stop the crying. “My brother died on impact,” she croaks. “His friend made it to the hospital…but he died of his injuries later that night.”
“Bay,” Joel says, his heart sinking into his chest. He looks at the broken girl next to him. Her once hard shell has started to crack. Her face remains harsh and unreadable, but her body betrays her. He knows how good it would feel to just peel completely open and break down, letting everything out. He’s spent many nights wanting to do that. But it’s hard to let that wall fall.
“My mom gave me his ring after his funeral,” she tells him, holding it close to her heart. “I was a kid. It never fit my finger, but my mom used to say I was the only girl he ever had a chance to love.”
Something inside Joel softens. The way Bay speaks is meek, small. It’s not what he’s come to know from her. “I’m so sorry,” he says and reaches a hand out, but changes his mind at the last second. Best not to make things too awkward.
“It’s okay,” Bay shrugs, the lump in her throat getting smaller. “If I’m honest…I’m happy it happened before…well, before all this.” She says. “Just by a year, but I’m glad he didn’t have to see the world become a shithole. I’m glad he didn’t have to see the things I’ve seen or…do the things I’ve done. He died young, but he died happy.”
Joel’s body stills. Her words hit him hard and he feels his emotions bubble to the surface. Would it be fate if he also broke down in the middle of the children’s playground? Maybe. But he wasn’t going to let that happen.
“Joel,” Bay says, capturing his attention. “I’m sorry for how I’ve treated you recently.” She apologizes, but now hearing her story, Joel thinks it’s unnecessary.
“No, no,” he says. “You have nothin’ to apologize for. I was a bit of a dick,” he admits. “Even if I didn’t know this -- and thank you for sharin’ that with me -- it still wouldn’t have been my place to act like that.”
Bay closes her eyes and smiles. “You’re not so bad, Miller,” she says.
“I’m flattered, dollface,” he responds. Her cheeks heat up with a blush, but she doesn’t say anything more. His eyes move from her face to the hand that’s lightly caressing a spot on her thigh. He frowns as he remembers what he heard from Tommy earlier.
“Does it hurt?” He asks.
She doesn’t even open her eyes, just shakes her head. “A little, but it’s bearable.”
“I feel guilty,” he admits to her. “Tommy and I just cleared that area out. Had no idea it’d be overrun again so soon. We shoulda been the ones to do it.”
“Hey,” Bay mumbles, eyes now open as she sits up and turns to face Joel. “Jesse and I are perfectly capable. We kicked ass, just so you know.” She says with a smile.
Her words make Joel chuckle. Still, there’s a feeling in his gut he can’t quite explain. It gets worse when he thinks about what Tommy told him. Jesse getting cornered, Bay losing her cool…He hasn’t been in Jackson long, but he’s come to like some of its residents.
“Well, glad you two are okay,” he says.
“Mhm,” she hums, laying back and closing her eyes once more.
“You plannin’ on sleepin’ out here?” He asks with a laugh.
“No,” Bay snorts.
“Can I walk you home?” He questions as her eyes flicker open.
“Sure,” she grins at him. “Just give me a few more minutes with the moon,” she sighs and Joel nods, leaning back with her. He’s never been one to pay attention to the moon. He never saw the appeal. But now, he thinks, maybe it’s not so bad.
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darlingsdevil · 4 years
Of The Valley (Joel x Reader)
Chapter 2: Bullet Memories
Summary: Life in Jackson is never easy. Consoling angsty teenagers, wading through the mysterious waters of Joel’s romance language and with a child of your own on the way? Life is about to get a lot harder.
Chapter summary: A test is administered. Did you fail?
Tag list (please comment to be added or removed): @sidepuff @joelsheartache @fangirl-inthe-us @cowboyfrazer
RDR2 Masterlist
Of The Valley Masterlist
A/N: Hi everyone. I’ve been really happy with how this story is going so far! I hope you will stick around!
Please tell me if you see any ‘Mike’s’ — I keep accidentally writing Mark’s name as Mike lol.
You rode in silence for the rest of the way. That didn’t help with calming you down either. Every inch of you was burning up at the thought of being outside Jackson again. Having to relive that nightmare all over again. At least it was nice out, but the hollowed out homes and burnt cars were anything but soothing.
Joel’s silence was disheartening. You knew he was upset at you. In truth, you hadn’t really talked to anyone you were close with in the past three months. You blissfully shut out everyone you were close to and had meaningless conversations with mere acquaintances at the bar. People came by and checked in on you, but you almost always pretended you weren’t home, or you lied and said Mark was sleeping.
Joel deserved an explanation for your disappearance, you were avoiding him, but you weren’t avoiding him because of something he had done. The explaining section was the hard part, you weren’t sure where to begin or even when you should. Joel would listen. That was given, you just weren’t sure you were ready to open up just yet.
When you finally arrived at the nest after a solemn ride, your breath hitched at the side of your old spot. It had been longer than three months that you had been there. It was your favorite nest to shoot out of. Secluded, hard to get to, views of all roads leading to the small perch.
Joel hopped down from Caesar and hitched him on the tree, you followed suit. You took a small sugar cube out of your old saddle bag and gave it to her. Levia was a spoiled horse.
You walked up the steep hill to where Tommy was waiting, when you finally saw him you smiled. Your worries drifting away momentarily.
“Damn girl, didn’t think you would ever show up,” Tommy joked, holding out his arms for a hug.
“Didn’t think I was going to either. Maria convinced me to,” You laughed, hugging him tightly.
“My wife is a convincing one, that’s for sure,” Tommy chuckled as he began walking over to the nest. Joel leaned against a tree watching you two interact. Tommy nodded to Joel. You pulled the rifle off your shoulder and kneeled down on the wooden hut that was on the side of the hill. Tommy kneeled down next to you. The rifle’s weight was strange and clunky. It used to feel so natural in your hand, but now it felt like you were holding a stick.
“See them over there?” Tommy pointed towards the tree line. You pulled out your binoculars and looked at the group of infected. A couple of runners and two clickers.
“That’s all of them?” You hissed out. Why were there so few?
“So far. Spotted some more earlier, but they disappeared into the forest, we might be able to draw them out from the gunfire.” Tommy eyed you, speaking quietly.
“There’s six infected and it’s a two man job? Come on Tommy, you could have taken these out within ten minutes,” You huffed, pulling your rifle up to your shoulder and looking out the scope.
“I promise there’s more. I saw at least three.”
“Three? There’s only three more?” You stared at Tommy. Things were beginning to make less and less sense..
“There’s more by the north lookout,” Tommy explained. You sighed and picked up a bullet from the box Tommy had brought over. Feeling a bullet in your hand sent your nerves racing. There was suddenly a loud buzzing in your ear, growing increasingly louder and louder.
“You have to stay silent. If they see you, they’ll kill you.”
You blinked and it was gone. Whispers of a memory that would forever be etched into your mind. “Tommy, will you, take the first one?” You looked up at him with wide eyes, your voice vacant. Tommy nodded with an understanding look and took his own rifle and lined up his shot on a runner near the tree line. He pushed out the breath from his lungs and shot. You looked away, wincing, as the bullet hit its mark.
“Your turn,” Tommy said, resting his rifle on the wooden perch.
You gulped and slowly picked up your rifle, hiking it up to your shoulder. You gently picked up a bullet from the box without looking, you loaded it into the chamber. You looked out into scope, staring down at the infected below. It had been a while since you had seen infected. They were almost hard to look at, their bloody torn faces and mechanical moving bodies. It was saddening. They were people once too.
You lined up your shot. You let out all your breath, your finger over the trigger, and pulled it. You felt the recoil before you heard the shot. The burst of noise sounded like a scream. A warning. You weren’t supposed to be out here.
You immediately pushed the gun down, you fell back to the floor, crawling away from the gun. Panic rose in your chest, you tried your hardest to quell it, but nothing worked, fear outweighed everything when there was nothing else there. Tommy rushed to your side, he was concerned.
Your eyes were wide, and terror ripped through you like a wave, pulling you under. Joel noticed too, he came over quickly. Joel or Tommy asked you something, but you could barely hear. It was too loud, the ringing in your ears sounded like a terrible screaming alarm.
“Oh my god,” You choked out, eyes unfocusing. Tears threatening to spill from your eyes in heavy droplets.
“Hey, hey, snap out of it,” Joel gently shook you. You pulled your arm away from him quickly. You glared at him without thinking.
“I-I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened,” You said, you put your hands on the cool grass in an attempt to ground yourself.
“Well it’s okay, I think we’ll head back to the north lookout for a little while, until you calm down, that okay?” Tommy asked you, looking at you with sympathy.
You still weren’t calm, it felt like a scream was waiting to be pulled out, but if you tried, no sound would come. Instead there was silence. Not a single sound in the world.
“Yeah, yeah,” You replied quickly, springing yourself up from the ground and brushing the dirt off from your pants. Tommy and Joel shared a look. Tommy picked up the guns from behind you, you reached out to take yours but Tommy resisted.
Joel unhitched the horses for you while you waited, holding your arms and taking in deep shuddering breaths. You knew exactly what came over you, it was foolish to agree to this stupid patrol. Tommy could have easily done it himself and you wouldn’t have had to make a mockery of yourself.
Joel led Levia over to you, and helped you up to the saddle. You had something to hold on to now, which was much better than before. Tommy got on his own horse and waited for Joel to hop on Caesar. When everyone was situated, you headed off towards the north lookout.
The ride was silent on the way there, luckily it was only an hour away. Anymore silence would have made your head hurt. You still weren’t entirely calm, you were still outside of Jackson, your job wasn’t done here yet.
When the large building came into view you suddenly remembered all the good times you had there.
You hitched Levia at the front of the lookout and walked in, Joel and Tommy following you.
“You wanna tell us what the hell happened back there?” Joel asked while you walked down, setting your bag down at the table.
“No. I don’t want to talk about it,” You sighed. You weren’t in the mood for another argument. Why did Joel always have to pry?
“Okay well, Joel and I will get out of your hair for awhile, I think Ellie should be nearby, actually, we’ll go get her,” Tommy said from behind you. He hit Joel on the arm for that last comment.
“Ellie’s nearby?” You asked, plopping down on the couch. You noticed her guitar then.
“Yep, she’s been waiting to hang out with you, you know? Been awhile since she’s seen you,” Tommy responded, you could hear him grabbing something from the kitchen.
“She has?” Both you and Joel said at the same time. You glanced over at Joel, your eyebrow raised, he simply shrugged.
“Course she has. You’re like a mother to that girl,” Tommy said, looking through the cabinets. That was true of course, when things got rough in general for her, Ellie was the one she came to talk to. Someone who wasn’t related to Joel — or an in law, someone who wasn’t close with her friends, just an outside force in her life. It was good to have someone like that.
Tommy threw something on the couch next to you, you were startled for a moment. Upon examination, you realized it was a candy bar.
“Found Mark’s stash up here a few weeks back. Hid it for you,” Tommy told you. Joel was silent.
“Thanks.” You opened up the candy bar. It was Mark’s favorite. He always said that a person could be having the worst day of their life, and all they would need was a candy bar to make it good again. You weren’t sure how true it was — but candy did make you happier.
“We’ll be going out now, you best not go anywhere, alright?”
“I won’t be going anywhere, Tommy.”
“Seriously Joel? The hell is going on with you two?”
“Ask her. She’s only avoided me for the past three goddamn months, and suddenly on my first day off in weeks, I have to escort her to a place she knows damn well where it is? Seems pretty damn fishy to me,” Joel scoffed. Caesar galloped besides Tommy’s horse, they were getting closer to the Ottawa Lookout, where Ellie was at.
“You know what today was supposed to be for her, Joel?” Tommy asked Joel.
“No, you really think I’m told much of anything that goes on about her anymore?”
“Today was supposed to be a test. See how well she could do back on patrol, ease her back into this, and Joel, you aren’t making this much easier for her,” Tommy glared at his brother as they traveled across the forest to the lookout.
Joel’s brow furrowed, “A test? The hell for?”
“You really are as dumb as rocks, big brother. It’s not my place to say. Maybe you should confront her about it instead of bickering and causing her to panic. Even a goddamn clicker could see that you were making her uncomfortable.”
“And you think I haven’t tried asking her where she’s been for the past three months?”
“Knowing you Joel, I’m sure you didn’t ask. More like yelled,” Tommy bit back. Joel was more than willing to continue the argument, but the Ottawa lookout came into view. It was a smaller building, that was once a home, on a steep hill that faced Jackson.
Ellie’s horse, Shimmer was waiting outside. Ellie was on the front porch with a journal.
“Hey guys,” Ellie called out.
Joel and Tommy waved to her as they got off their horses.
“Let’s go inside for a bit. Got some things I want to discuss,” Tommy said.
“Sure,” Ellie grabbed her notebook and headed in. She sat down at the table that faced the many windows, Joel and Tommy pulling up a chair to sit with her.
“How’d it go? Didn’t expect you guys to be back so soon.” Ellie rested her hands on her thighs, waiting for an answer.
“Can’t say it went well so far. I think we’ll go back out tomorrow, or maybe later today,” Tommy shrugged. Ellie gave him a knowing look.
“Wait, you’re telling me Ellie’s on this too?” Joel asked, leaning forward onto the table.
“Yeah? I mean, I thought you were too,” Ellie said, raising her eyebrows in confusion.
“Maria decided two people would be enough. She wanted to ease into it, get her around people who don’t piss her off immensely,” Tommy replied, glancing over to Joel.
Joel huffed before replying, “We butt heads sometimes, sure, but I don’t piss her off all that much.”
“All that much? Joel, I saw how uncomfortable she was riding with you.” Tommy shook his head. The sun was high in the sky now, the windows allowing light to come through.
“And Mark couldn’t have come out here instead of me, why?” Joel asked Tommy. He was only becoming more and more confused.
“Mark’s out of commission right now, but it don’t matter. I know you care about her Joel, I know she cares about you too but Maria just wanted to test the waters first. It was supposed to be your day off too, she didn’t want to assign you to a small job like this.”
“Yeah, why are you even here?” Ellie said curiously.
“Maria asked me to escort her. If Maria didn’t want me out here, why’d she ask me to come?”
“Y/N insisted you come. Maria told me that she said that she needed someone she could trust out here. Someone who she could count on,” Tommy said.
“Count on? And she can’t count on you guys?”
“She can’t count on us in the way only you could,” Tommy replied slowly, he leaned back into his chair.
Joel nodded, it was all starting to click in place.
“Still doesn’t make much sense why she doesn’t want to go on patrols anymore.”
“I’m not really sure either,” Ellie chimed in.
“Not mine or Maria’s place to say. If you want to hear why, maybe ask her, but be careful, I hear it’s a delicate subject.”
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shesawriter39049 · 4 years
Tumblr media
(Does he not look like he should be scaleing a damn window?!)
Pairing: Hitman Hoseok & Mob Boss OC
Genre: Mob/Mafia/Organized Crime/Drug cartels/Established/unofficial but lowkey official couple...
WC-10K (A good 3-4 of it is smut btw) 
 “I’m going to fall a fucking part, and so will my families empire and then what!? WHO the fuck are they going to blame then!? Huh? Definitely not my damn brother, he’s too coked out to even tie his fuckign shoe laces neverthless run the family business!”
Note- This is old...I have a TON of mob/mafia-related “Pilot” chapters as I call them..stashed in my google Docs! This is a heaverier/ agngisterst read by the way, not a downer but just heavy ya know? It works just fine as a stand alone, but by the end of it you can tell that when I initially wrote it I was setting it up to be a series! One that would eventually involve the other boys as well, so there is some backstory!
Hoseok;s tatted, and just radiates soft dom energy…and tbh that’s all we need in this world
The OC is stressed, and needs a damn hug...the end!
Warnings: (Nonsexual- Strong language, mentions of guns, drugs/drug use and addictions, violence and mentions of chronic illness..not pertaining to Hoseok though)  
Warnings- Soft Dom Hoseok, breathe play, slight pain kink(very minimal prep before sex...by choice) overstimulation, handjobs, light come play, spit play, chill dirty talk....unprotected sex.Semi public sex-ish(in her office while the guards are outside the door...)
Hibiscus island, Miami Florida 8PM 
‘Alright, so I’m looking at about, a half kilo of snow, hmmm, maybe a little over a quart of skag and a couple hundred Tabs of Molly…”
The line went dead on the receiving end causing the man in question to attempt the phrase again…maybe his connection was bad?
“Helll-lo? Boss I said I-”
“I heard you. Was there a an actual question in there somewhere or where you just letting me know your eyes still work?” The level of just…. dry...that fell from his tongue just now….
“Well I-umm no.No...I just wasn't told exactly what was being retrieved from the plane so I just wanted to make sure this was accurate and noth-”  The scoff that rung through the other end was borderline humiliating, as if to imply there's no way in hell he could even think this was “accurate”.
“No Mark, it’s far from accurate, but what you see in front of you is what’s there…”
Ahhh, so that explains his happy go lucky sunshine personality at the moment.
“Okay, well I’ll have this sorted and get the plane sterilized, am I sending this down to the west wing for a quality check first or is this just being disbursed to the runners?”
A deep agitated goan rattled in his throat, god whyyyy does everybody have so many questions today!?
“Just-just put it in one of the storage units for now, I’ll deal with it later” Hanging up the call before any more questions could be rendered because he honestly didn't have the patience to even pretend like he cared right now! The minute the call dropped his phone buzzed indicating he’d receive about his 8th text in a row from a person he’s a second away from releasing a full barrel face on! 
It took every ounce of self control not to just let the phone slip out of his hand and shatter against the patternized stone walkway swirling beneath his feet!
Clearly,Hoseok’s not in a good mood, like, at all...there’s just so much floating through his mind right now he’s practically running out of space to even breathe! 
He’s tired, Irritable, that earth-shattering smile of his is nowhere to be found, instead it appears to have been replaced by a semi-permanent snarl. Oh, and the best part, Germany, yeah that was a complete and utter shit show. It was supposed to just be a simple negotiation in regards to you guys expanding to a new territory. Yet he feels like the last thing he did was actually talk, I mean fuck palms still feel as though they’ve been damn near rubbed raw at this point.  Hours, that’s how long it took to rid his otherwise delicately stealth hands of their custom crimson overlay! And to make life even better, he’s the one who has the pleasure of sitting down and debriefing the whole failed mission to you! 
So yay, he loves that for himself...truly…
 Everything just feels heavy, his head, heart hell, even his spirit at his point! Feet dragging through the opulent Medetriann style courtyard as if they weigh more than he did. The only thing that somewhat has Hoseok in a decent mood was you, the fact that he’d be able to see you in person after what felt like 6 years, which in all actuality was a little shy of 5 days! 
Easing his way through oversized dual french doors, into an area that essentially acted as the east wing's  “Lobby” if you will, panes of white walls, and thick black arched windows framed the entryway. The dim lighting hanging from the cast iron chandelier gave the effect that the stark white walls were almost glowing against the moonlight peeking in. My point? The atmosphere appears calm at first glance, warm..inviting...everything Hoseok needs it to be right now because again he’s NOT in the mood for bullshit. All he’s dealt with over the past 120 some odd hours was bullshit! Hint’s why your European connect is a good, meh, four soldiers down at the moment!
I can’t say Hoseok had a specific…”Greeting” in mind upon strolling back into the compound tonight…..
However, what I can guarantee is the soundtrack that is you going full hulk mode in your office, while your guards stood outside looking like bats outta hell, definitely wasn’t high on his list! The men stationed at the security desk were already whipping their heads around before he even pulled the door open. Ah the beauty of cameras, at this point they weren’t sure what was worse. You, playing whack a mole behind the wall or Hoseok’s reaction once he put two and two together! 
It takes all of 3 steps before another piece of something glass and undeniably expensive shatters against the wall. Accompanied by a loud grunt on your behalf, voice breathy and fragile, which lets him know you’ve been at this for a while. 
The level of just, exhaustion he could hear heaving from your throat is what had him more alarmed than anything else. The fact that you clearly didn’t have the self-control to tell your body to stop…which isn't like you at all! I mean fuck, how long have you been in there?! Hoseok’s heart was beating so loud he could hear it pulsing through his ears! 
“What the fuck did you guys do?!” The first and only thing to leave his lips as he huffs towards the control desk. The guard initially stationed in front of the camera’s, rolled his seat to the far left within seconds. Allowing his superior the space to do whatever he needs, they heard Hoseok’s mouse make about 1 good click before…
“Fuckkkkk” Cursed from his lips with enough depth to bounce off every surface in the room. There was an additional gruffness laced within his tone due to lack of sleep.. which almost made the sound more initiating, borderline animalistic. Hoseok’s voice actually broke towards the end, the growl dying on his tongue before it even started. Head bowing towards the monitor as he rocked forward, attempting to re-center himself. Keyword there….”Attempting”
Precipitously, there’s another sound rattling the air and no, it’s not another object flying against the wall ,it’s Hoseok’s fist...right into the marble desktop! Yup, there are no cameras in your office...why? Because you and the man in question have no fucking self-control...which suddenly he’s really, really regretting! Well, actually, there are cameras, however they can only be turned on from inside the office,and he already knew you turned the feed off! That’s why he’s on 10 because he can’t see you..at all! You could be hurting yourself in the process and he’d have no idea! The entrance to your office is camouflage for obvious reasons, to naked eye one wouldn't even know there was an office!
Even as your consigliere Hoseok didn’t ask for much, never has, not a big fan of relying on others to handle his needs...hmm wonder why he got to that point. Still, an unspoken rule of thumb when he leaves..is it’s every mother fucker's job within the compound, hell even the damn birds that frequent the garden! Everyone, needs to do their part to make sure he dosen’t come back to this..especially with the way things have shifted internally as of late! 
And by “This” I mean you having a mental breakdown in your office, because you aren’t one to just break shit for shits and giggles! This isn’t how you deal with a transaction going south, or a distributor sending over a bad strand of coke.. something’s wrong..really fucking wrong! 
Silent, dead silent, that's what Hoseok was, and that was utterly terrifying, your men knew to give him his space, that he’d address them when he’s ready. All the while carefully observing the way his fingers twitched anxiously next to one of the soldier’s guns, before wrapping his hand around the trigger. Teeth grinding together hard enough to crack a molar, repeating his initial question…
 “What. The. Fuck. Did you guys do?” Gritted through clenched teeth as he paced the gun between the three men standing in the lobby. Not even remotely concerned that he was outnumbered because they all looked petrified...as they should….clearly patience was the very last thing he had tonight. 
“Ugh, nothing we-” Click….there goes the sound of the safety, all of three words and a staggered pause in….
Hoseok’s stance never faltered, eyes blazing into the youngers with such intensity it took everything in him not to divert his gaze away from his superior. Head cocked to the side, jaw clenched painfully tight, you can actually visibly see it twitch. The slight arch in his brow let the guard know that was the wrong damn answer and this wasn’t multiple choice, it’s fill in the blank! So he’s got about one more try before this gun goes off, and suddenly you lot will have yourselves a red accent wall! 
“Hoseok, I swear we really-” Coyly swaying from behind the desk, edging his way closer and closer, to the dumbass that still hasn’t figured out how to properly answer the question. Connecting the gun to the side of his head, shoving the lackey against the wall in the process, there was an oddly calming aura radiating off his body right now. Which was clearly in strong contrast to what was currently taking place...and that’s because this..isn’t new to him anymore. The act of taking one’s life doesn’t weigh on his heart the way it used to and maybe that makes him a monster or..maybe it makes him damn good at his job. 
This was simple honestly, if they're not the reason for said breakdown then tell him what is. Not excuses as to why it wasn’t them because clearly that won’t get him any damn where now will it?
“Fuck-...she-she went and saw her dad!” Bingo! He all about choked on that…
 “ ...and she’s been like that ever since...I swear! I swear!” Hands above either side of his head,  shaking like a leaf in the wind, Hosoek could practically see his Adam’s apple bobbing against this throat, as he backed away. 
The shift within the air was palpable, they could’ve gotten whiplash from how quickly his eyes inverted, from pure rage to pain and concern. Shoulders slouched in on themselves as he released a shaky breath from his lungs, staggering backward as he ruffled his fingers through his jet black locks. Almost appearing somewhat winded by the update that he already kinda braced himself for honestly. 
“Fuck”  The word hushed from his lips so faint he doubts any of the men even heard him. Eyes fluttering shut briefly, his opposite hand rested on the bridge of his nose. Squeezing unnecessarily, tight, intentionally re-inflicting the pain he felt maneuvering through his chest!  It wasn’t even a full 30 seconds before he heard something else shatter into pieces, instantly snapping him back to reality, forcing him to reroute his thoughts. 
“How long…” There was a sudden dryness laced within his delivery as if he really didn’t want to know the answer.
“About a hour...or so….” 
“And I’m assuming she insisted on going alone?” No even bothering to make eye contact as a hushed “Yes..” fell from the guards lips. A low hum rang in the back of his throat while his eyes outlined the patterns within the marble, silently trying to pull his shit together before he made his next request….
“Override the security, and buzz me in….” The guards couldn’t help but feel a little shell shocked at how, monotoned, and emotionless his delivery was. One minute they could feel every once of his frustration without Hoseok even opening his mouth! Suddenly, it was like he’d completely removed himself from the entire conversation. Initially, his lack of patience steamed from other bullshit but now, none of that mattered, Germany, the drug deal, none of that even scratched the surface, all that matters right now is you. 
“Boss I don’t thin-”
Gaze slowly rising from the desk, cold, and somewhat feral, not quite sure why he’s being questioned, but right now, but it's definitely not the time! Bringing his nine back level with the guard in question, Hoseok didn’t have to say anything, his middle finger caressing the trigger said it all, expression blank. Gaze daring him to do anything but, buzz his superior in as he asked..nothing more, nothing less. 
Within seconds the center wall which at first glance just looked like a block of white Statuario marble started to shift, exposing all the shattered pieces of decor on the ground. Not even attempting to warn you first because he knew you’d tell him to leave. So instead, he took a deep breath, dropped the gun back onto the desk, cracked his neck a couple times, braced himself, and stepped inside. 
Ya know, if circumstances were different the site in front of him could actually be somewhat comical. You, standing in the middle of this obnoxiously large gilded office, all dolled up in your heels, tight little LBD, dawning every curve on your body. A wrist full of Cartier and Bvlgari,hair curled...looking like you’re ready for a night on the town. Yet, instead of sitting in the middle of some 5-star restaurant drinking aged Scotch your in here. Angry, winded and breaking shit...really expensive shit at that! 
However, there was nothing even remotely humorous in regards to the reason behind your sudden rage. Honestly, it broke his heart to see you like this! Yes, the heart that most barely believed he truly had, but that’s neither here nor there, the people that matter know it threw and threw. Hoseok could feel the anger radiating off your skin even from where he stood. You were ablaze, nothing but utter rage, doused from your pores, but what made it even worse was the blatant desperation underneath it all. 
Every scream just seemed more and more broken...sure maybe he’s a hypocrite, he breaks shit all the time when he’s angry, hell people and objects included.  But you....this wasn’t you..and this wasn’t a healthy way for you to cope! To be real the only reason he stood there so long was because he needed a second to pull his shit together! The longer he stared at you the more his chest tightened, eyes burned like hell. His fingers twitched at his side trying to resist the urge to just come grab you, but he knew better. 
Sure, in most people's eyes, and by most I mean 99.9% of the population, you’d be the farthest thing from an angel! You lost any ounce of purity yearsss ago, still, in his eyes..there’s no one more untainted then you where it counts! And that’s, all that mattered because he knows better than anyone that you have a heart made of 24kt gold. A heart that needed to be protected at all cost, and clearly at the moment that’s not happening, because he can see it! Shattering all over the place along with very pricy china! 
Chest rising and falling painfully hard against itself, you were damn near blacked out in rage. So much so you didn’t even notice your office doors opening or closing. You, the woman that trained her ear to hear the faint hum of an elevator in an upscale hotel. 
Leaning down until your face was flush with the desk, gripping the edges so hard Hoseok could hear the floor creak. He couldn’t help but notice how flushed your knuckles looked, bouquets of bruises already blooming along the smooth surface. The moment of silence only lingered about….half a second, just long enough for you to recharge and grab something else to hurl at the wall. Voice-breaking before the hiss even fully rolled off your tongue, and that  “Something” was a set of Tiffany’s champagne glasses that you utterly adored! Well aware that wouldn’t go over well once this was all said and done so he figured that was his cue. 
“Y/n…” His voice wasn’t loud enough, abrasive enough, and frankly, you were far too absorbed to even hear him on such a neutering level! Sooo, he tried again. Slipping seamlessly into his…”Boss man”  tenor if you will, adding a dash of base to his voice that you could not only hear..but feel! 
You startled upon hearing the endearment, head snapping around, body staggering until you fell back onto the corner of the desk. Bracing yourself with one arm, so you didn’t actually fall, chest heaving in short staggered breaths, as you gazed back at him, though it was clear initially you really weren’t looking at him.  
“Don’t!” He could see your body starting to curl in on itself as you shifted under his gaze which currently felt like an uncapped bulb in the middle of an integration room. The warning was too half hearted for him to even acknowledge!!
“Fuckkk''  Cursed from your lips only loud enough for you to hear once you gazed up at the clock through swollen eyes, not even realizing how late it was. Far too consumed in anger to remember that Hosoek was even coming home tonight, infuriating yourself even more because this was the last thing you wanted him to walk in on.  You didn’t want to burden him with the task of having to put you back together again, you’d been doing it just fine yourself for the past 5 or so days since this has secretly become routine as of late! You cry, you break shit, you touch up your makeup, and then you walk out of your office like nothing happened and continue running this 9 figure empire.
 “Just-go-go, back outside….” You were trying to sound strong, determined like you weren’t falling apart, and you were failing...miserably failing, you weren’t in control you were practically begging. The concern in Hoseok’s eyes was more than evident and that made shit even worse. Yet no matter how bad his palms were aching to touch you, he didn’t dare to reach for you yet, he knew your limits, and right now still wasn’t it…He could physically see you shudder as if it  wasn’t a solid 75 degrees outside right now.
The silence was too much, way too much, it felt as though it was ripping you apart, or maybe you were ripping yourself apart? Maybe it’s just harder to hide from yourself when you no longer can drown out your thoughts with the sound of you screaming and breaking shit…
“Fuck, this is about Germany right? Or Amsterdam? Whatever it is, whatever you need from me. You can have it...we can talk I promise, but right now,  I need you to leave…” Trying your damnedest to hold is gaze but it felt impossible because you knew he saw straight through you!
The pause was long enough for him to say something and still...nothing...it was like he was trying to push you enough to finally admit what you really needed from him.
“I just need a minute...t-to pull my shit together and then I’ll be fine, then we can talk.” You were practically whispering, your voice was so trashed and distressed. Forcing yourself to drop an octave, removing any texture from your tone  in order to properly “convey” your message yet he still didn't budge! 
“Hoseok, don’t make me ask again...just-” Shoeing your hand towards the door to replace the word you couldn’t quite get to roll off your tongue. 
Everything about you was contradictory because now you wanted him, your eyes were pleading in agony for him to hold you and make everything disappear. Yet, your tone was dry, removed, as if he was some low-level soldier on the totem pole, not to mention you legit just told him to leave. But oh how your emotions betray you when it comes to Mr. Jung! No matter how much bullshit you just spit out, you really only said one thing...and he heard it clear as day. 
Hoseok already knows, he knows you like the inside of a VP9 Veterinary pistol, no matter how cold your delivery was it didn’t stop him from easing off the wall and invading your space. You could feel him before he even got in within 10 ft of you, his aura already starting to infiltrate your little bubble! His stride was slow, confident, making up for all the things you currently lacked because that’s what a good partner does! 
He could see how hard you were clinging to the table as if you were using that to ground you, afraid of how lost you’d get once he got in arm’s length. This man had a soul that outweighed yours by miles and that was one of your favorite things about him, how deep he could go in more ways than one.  Hoseok didn’t stop until he was standing directly in front of you, close enough for you to taste the speirment on his tongue. Still, he hasn’t touched you and now you really needed him to touch you! The sweet musky scent of his cologne filling your lungs, you could practically feel the heat radiating off his body, god why weren’t the two of you in bed right now? Not even having sex nesicarilly,  just naked, skin on skin...you just wanted to feel him. It’s actually disgusting, the amount of control he has over your entire sense of being at this point. The way even just the slightest touch can completely throw all of your senses out of whack or back in whack I guess I should say.  
“Hmmm, a minute is all you need yeah….” Not even attempting to phrase it as a question because he knew it was all bullshit anyway!  So you didn’t dare respond, not trusting your voice anyway, just keeping your eyes trained on his...getting lost in how bright they looked in contrast to yours. Spreading your legs on instinct so he could get even closer, shifting slightly on top of the desk. 
Hands braced on either side of your frame to give him leverage as he tilted forward. “Well, it seems as though you’ve had….many minutes, hours even..” Eyes wandering around the room observing the mess you’d made, yeah the maids gonna need a bonus after this!  
“It doesn’t appear you having time alone has done you much good so try again baby…”Hoseok had a tenor that was meant for your ears, and your ears only. The typical bright almost giddy little accent to his tone was always replaced by a calmer, warmer one. An underlying element of sensuality that exuded just the right amount of calculated…. control….an effortless sense of dominance if you will.
Staring down at you through hooded lids thoroughly, reading for any ounce of discomfort! Once he didn’t find any... finally, you felt his hands take a firm grip on your waist. Your body tensed initially, hoping to counteract how hard you were still shaking! Hint, you failed, you were practically vibrating against him at initial contact!
“Breathe y/n...” 
“I am, trust me that’s the only thing I can do right now…” There was still a slight bite rolling off your tongue, no matter how winded you sound. However, in Hoseok’s eyes sass is better than silence so carry on! 
Nosing along the side of your neck, right beneath your ear, next to your windpipe, letting him feel how you truly felt, which was unbalanced and a little lost. Your heart rate per 15 seconds was probably double what it was on an average day and yes, Hoseok knows how many times your heart beats per minute on an average day! 
“Baby...” Cooed from his lips almost sympathetically as he slowly started painting a trail down the side of your neck with his lips. 
“Hoseok, I-god-I can’t-” You “can’t “what exactly?  Relax? Give in? Shut your brain off? What “Can't” you do? 
“Yeah, yeah, you can, let me turn shut your brain off for a minute , let me take care of you.” Hands gently ravishing your body, effortlessly sending goosebumps down your spine with every feather-like touch. 
“I’ll give you any, and everything you want, but I won’t leave you alone right now…” The words fanned against your skin making your shiver against him, no matter how calm his tenor was the dominance was clear as day! You didn’t have a say in the matter….
Reclining your neck on instinct giving him more room to work as you tried to clear your mind of any and everything that wasn’t Hoseok as you let your eyes fan shut. 
“Hoseok…” Staggered out heavily feeling like you were choking and he only offering a hum in response, not letting up from his current mestractions….”Fuck, yeah, okay just- just keep touching me...please” You weren’t typically a beggar even in bed but right now you needed him, not int he mood to be sassy or play hard to get, to be honest, you just didn’t have the energy. 
“I’m not going anywhere baby..I’m right here..all here for you..always…in any way you need me…” Palms soothing down your thighs, reaching under to smoothly wrap them around his waist, bringing his hips flush to yours. Once he felt you secure your ankles he reached for your hands, kissing along your knuckles before sliding them under the back of his shirt. Knowing how skinship puts your mind at ease, and the second the pads of your fingers graze his skin...you’re already finding  yourself digging your nails into his shoulders. Ripping a low growl from his throat, as he rocked his hips forward, re-positioning his arms on either side of your body so his forehead was flush to yours. 
“All here for you, in any way you need me..” That seems to hold a lot more weight as of late and no matter how much you’re trying to rid your mind of those thoughts..you can’t, you fucking can’t. Suddenly you’re clawing at his shoulders for a different reason, and it hurts, and not the fun kinda pain either…he hears a faint whimper leave your lips, as you clung to him even tighter.
“Y/n….” He exhales, voice shaking eyes glazed over, welting full of tears he’s praying don’t fall because he needs to be strong for you right now. “Baby” There was a blatant plea laced within that and you...
“I know, I know…” it’s unsaid...though it’s clearly not unsaid because you know...youuuu know, the two of you avoided that word. Maybe because if you said it that makes the idea of losing each other even worse. So for now, you’d just prefer to endlessly show it…....
Talking would just suck ass right now, so you opted for the later and leaned in, it wasn’t soft or delicate..you kissed him hard. Until he was gasping through his nose to breathe while, almost stifling forward,letting your hands wander up his shirt to thread into his hair.  Tugging at his scalp until you heard him moan against your tongue, taking that as your invitation to lick your way into his mouth which he accepts willingly. Reclining his jaw letting you have control because he figured you could probably use that right now.  Your lips moved with such emotion, and just pure passion that you don’t know if you’d ever felt so weak under him..yet powerful all at the same damn time! You almost feel lightheaded, the more you kiss, tongues meeting with such desperation your chest feels like it’s burning. Teeth clashing, nails clawing so hard into Hosoek’s skin it hurts but he doesn’t give a damn.
You tilt your head back giving him free access to do as he pleases and he bites. Hard. Until he rips a moan right off your tongue and it sounds so damn good….Nipping licking and sucking over every inch of skin he can reach. Feenin to hear you moan over and over again...until your lips find his and your clawing at his v-neck for dear life. Yanking at the neckline until you hear it rip, lifting and tugging it until he finally takes the hint….
“Come take what you want.” Pulling back to allow you to yank it over his head, exposing mounds of warm and toned honey-coated skin, covered in trails of articulately placed ink. A combination of new-aged back and white with hints of watercolor paint his skin, telling an array of stories that you know like the back of your hand at this point!
Tugging him back by the nape of his neck so his chest is flush to yours, the warmth radiating through the fabric of your dress, which didn’t cover much, to begin with. Rolling your hips up into his for slight friction until your moaning back against his tongue again, hands moving down to help you grind at a steady rhythm. The contrast of the rough material of his jeans, against your clit was really fucking you up right now.  
“Baby” He countered in a way that had your curls trying to curl under the pad of your heels! 
“Fuck, Fuck me,” You whispered against his lips intentionally whiney, and he froze instantly, not that he didn’t want to because fuck he wanted to he just...Hoseok’s big on talking shit out. Not one for hiding or aiding emotions, and clearly there’s something wrong here!
“I really,need you right now”  You whisper again, nipping at his bottom lip and now it’s hopeless because this man knows he can’t deny you a damn thing. He hasn’t been able too since the two of you met in Paris, initially as strangers stood on a roof with your Colt Pistols aiming dead in each other’s faces.
You could feel the frustration growling from his throat but still, he kissed you deeper, harder, rocking you against the desk so your laying on your back. Rolling his hips against you slowly just to hear you moan against his tongue. ‘Hoseok!” Yeah, your whiny, and yeah your inpatient…
‘God, the shit you do to me…” Leaning in to steal your breath away with another deep brusing kiss.There was a hint of frustration and disbelief, lingering within that, and you can’t help but smile up at him, soothing your palms down the smooth planes of his chest. Nails idly outlining the array of cherry blossoms painting his skin, framing his collarbone perfectly. Not even trying to hide how much you loved knowing you had the same effect on him, which in laymen’s terms just means your both helplessly and endlessly whipped! 
Being in this deep, with someone within your world is dangerous, even more so when they’re actually in the field,  not hauled up in a castle, like some modern-day Repunzel. It can make you vulnerable, irrational, hypersensitive, but on the flip side, it can also turn you into the most lethal version of yourself where enemies are concerned. Your need to ensure no one stands in the way of whatever you deem your “Happy Ending” to be, becomes insatiable...you’d set cities ablaze for that man and he’d do the same..in a heartbeat! 
Considering that’s the first, and only smile he’s seen from you in days he can’t help but lean down again. Leaving one more lingering kiss against your lips sighing out in content at how laxed and pliant you feel under him, you already know he’s smiling, you can feel Hoseok's teeth against your lips. Tentatively he untangles himself, not before leaning down a good three or four more times to kiss you again. As if he's going far, hell as if your ass was going any damn where to begin with even if he was. 
Smoothing his hands up your thighs, hiking your dress around your waist in the process, hissing at the fact you opted against panties today. The minute he eased your legs apart not only could he smell how much you need him but he could see...the need dripping from your lips. Wiggling your hips a little, as your arched even further onto the oversized glass desk, shoving the mounds of files to the side, your heels gave you the perfect angle to completely spread out. Putting yourself on full display, the slight elevation on your lower half had your hips tipping slightly forward, giving him  access to everything he needed! Your gaze was far  too innocent for his liking as you batted your lashes in his direction. Easing your hands up your body.. taking a little detour to caress your breast in your hands before letting them get lost in your hair. 
An all-knowing smirk playing on your lips as you watch his eyes slowly unravel every inch of your body. If you didn’t know any better you’d think his mouth was watering, stealth fingers digging into your skin hard enough to leave a mark. Dropping to his knees..
“I don’t-”
“I know, I know”  Leaning forward until his lips were flush with your inner thigh, eyes trained on yours daring you to look away, jerking slightly when he bit you, then a low moan fell off your lips as he sucked on the spot. 
“You sound so fuckin good” Slurred against your skin, teeth sinking into your thigh even harder this time leaving a larger bite mark. Not pulling back until you squirmed from under him, his name husking off your tongue. 
What you meant earlier was you didn't want him to fully prep you tonight, you wanted the pain, the feeling of him stretching you open around his cock instead of his fingers. The delicious burn that almost makes you feel like your on the brink being split open! But I mean, fuck, look at you, he can’t just..not taste you, right? I mean no he HAS to taste you…
Resting his head against your inner thigh, thumbs kneading your skin while he started to kiss  his way around your bikini line. There seems to be no rush and at the moment you were just enjoying the warmth ghosting off his lips so you laid there content. Then, he leaned forward, placing his lips flush against your clit, leaving an array of solid lingering kisses all the way up your lips. And yeah they were somewhat chaste at this point,but you were feeling real needy  right now so even that had you squirming beneath him. 
“Hoseok” Sighed from your lips as you felt goosebumps spread through your body, gently massaging your nipples through your dress, somewhat teasing yourself instead of giving direct contact. Just allowing your touch to ghost over, until you’re arching into your own hand, pinching even tighter but still not giving your body the full sensation . 
“Y/n” Hoseok replied, calm as ever, a smirk playing on his lips as he watched you “God, your so damn sexy…” Slowly his tongue fell from his lips and landed right around your clit, sucking it into his mouth with a moan that shot through every cell in your body. He sucked, and slurped you between his lips so hard, and you damn near smothered him with your thighs on accident. Your body's first instinct was to pull away, there was so much pressure and stimulation being applied to literally the most sensitive region of your body. And it was steady, once he had you wrapped around your tongue that's where you stayed.
“Holy shit-babyyy” Eyes squeezing shut, trying to remember how to breathe!
 Your mind and body weren’t on the same page, thighs practically vibrating on either side of his head and the minute he felt your legs close in, he nipped the skin between his teeth.Forcing you to arch up and away instead of clamping down, a broken cry of his name falling off your tongue as you tried to desperly keep your legs apart. 
He knew you needed a distraction, leaning forward, grabbing your hand and burying it into your hair, making sure you had an almost painfully tight grip on his scalp! You were damn thankful because holding him like this gave you some sense of ground, instead of you feeling like your about to plummet through the glass.
Hoseok always touched you like he wanted too, like he was the one getting off which prompted your next question once the air resurfaced to your lungs. 
“Mmm, fuck your hard for me already aren’t you? Just tasting me get’s my baby hard doesn't it?” You knew the answer but damn if it didn’t feel good to hear him moan it out anyway.
Nipping at your thigh again, this time a little harder “You fuckin, known, what you do to me, I could come right now if I didnt need to feel you come all over my cock” You moaned so loud at that, gripping his scalp even tighter. “That’s it baby, keep me where you want me.” So you did just that. Pushing his head down so he had nowhere to go but your clit, however the smirk you could feel resting against your thigh should've warned you that he was about to rip you apart.
Hoseok circled his tongue around the very tip, meriscally, his strokes were deep and languid, and they ripped you apart. There's no other way to describe the way he’s volleying your pussy around his tongue, right now! The only comparison I can give you is he’s kissing your clit, and every crevice between your lips, as if he was thoroughly exploring every inch of your mouth . He was loud, and messy, in his pleasure where your concerned, the almost primal sound of his lips, and spit smacking against your folds. Low, needy moans vibrating against your skin as if you were the best damn thing he’d tasted all day. Pulling back to spit directly on your entrance, pursing his lips, and blowing , directing it to fall straight in and your body clenched hard. Fuck you needed, him to inside you…. nuzzling his face between your thighs until his nose was flush with your clit. He knew better than to work you open with his fingers so he opted for his tongue. Picking his own lubricate back up with the tip of his tongue and swirling it around the entrance. Moaning at the wall your body naturally started clenching around the muscle. You were a moaning mess beanthe him, hips rocking against his face.
You’re getting antsy now, wiggling your hips harder, you felt like you were close from this alone and that;s not what you wanted “Fuck Hoseok, baby just fuck me…”  Yanking his head until he pulled away, dragging his lips down to meet yours, chin glistening with all traces of you. The kiss was hard, messy,your essence was all you could taste against his tongue, moaning out as he rocked his hips into you. Leaning forward so he could reach into the Hermes gift box which was kinda decoration kinda used to store lube and other shit you really should have in an office! 
The minute he grabbed the bottle you ripped it from his hands, this was the least you could do,plus you just loved how heavy he felt in your palm. Hoseok almost growled as he deepened the kiss, more teeth and tongue than finesse,the kiss is hard, it feels like your both gasping for air the entire time but neither of you want to pull apart. Pulling at his belt with nothing but a whine until he gets the hint and smacks your hand out of the way, within seconds you feel him hit your stomach. Hot, hard, and heavy, and god if you didn't clench so damn hard, he’s literally twitching  on top of you right now.
“Do you even have the slightest idea how fucked up I am for you?  How hard I am and you havent even touched me yet?” 
“Mmm, I don’t know baby it’s been a minute since I’ve seen you...” Your whispers seductive yet taunting,kissing at his jaw and his neck, smiling against his skin at the low moans that spill from his lips. “Tell me..
Digging your heels into his back as you uncapped the bottle, taking an obscene amount in your hand before reaching between your bodies. Ripping a shaky moan from Hoseok's throat once you laced your fingers around his cock. Squeezing just enough to let all the acces lube drizzle down his shaft and land on his balls, he’s just throbbing in your palm right now and your not even moving yet. “Does it make you feel good to know you got me wrapped around your finger? Knowing- I’d- fuck-” Now, your moving,  hand working his shaft, flucuating the way you distribute pressure, loosser at the bottom and tighter twoards the head  becuse thats his sweet spot. Lube just running down your fingers, it’s so damn messy and you love it,he's straight up whining into your mouth right now. Breath fanning against your face as he nuzzles into your skin...lips parted.
“Knowing that you’d what baby?”  Tugging his bottom lip between your teeth, feeling the way his hips twitched above you , so you slow down your pace, and tighten your grip. Hoseok's brows are furrowed chest flushed…..he looks fucking beautiful.
“That I’d kill anyone in a heartbeat for you, that i’d never let a damn thing happen to you” He can't help but rock into your fist even harder, eyes struggling to stay focused but he refuses not to look at you.. “Does that get to you the same way it does me? Because I still get hard thinking about the way you went toe to toe with Jin’s father about me that night in Italy.” Trailing his tongue down the side of your jaw nibbling ever so slightly “That,was-fuck-the sexiest thing I’d ever seen.”
“God, I-...” Licking your way back into his mouth as you continued working him in your hand, moving your thumb over his tip, smearing the mounds of precum into the excessive lube .“Yeah, fuck yeah, it turns me on wayy more than it should. I shouldn't want you to be reckless when it comes to me but god if it's not sexy as all hell knowing you would be…” 
“And I would” he responds with zero Hesitation….
The sudden passion somewhat catches you off guard honestly, and the fire burning through his eyes as he said that is….stifling to say the least. 
“You’d go to war with me baby?” You didn't intend to shift the mood this heavy, yet you couldn't help the way it just vomited off your tongue. Maybe it’s your subconscious talking right now, still trying to fight it’s way through regardless of your current surroundings! 
Reaching up to cup your jaw, tilting your chin upwards, placing the most fragile kiss along your lips . “With you, for you, anyway you spin it the answer is yes...a hundred times over baby it’s yes…” The ache you currently felt coursing through your veins for this man right now...
“I need you in me. Now. I promise will go slow...please let me do this” 
Hoseok held your gaze for a moment before responding, searching your eyes for any hesitation “‘And you’ll tell me if it’s too much..” Grip firm around your waist, not even bothering to phrase it as a question because it wasn’t one...
‘Promise…” Placing the tip right at your entrance,and Hoseok can feel your heat trying to pull him in but he retreats. Giving you full control, keeping your eyes trained on his, well aware that’s what he needed to make sure, he could gauge our pain whether you wanted to admit it or not. Initially, nothing happened neither of you moved, just the faint suction of your very neglected pussy trying to suck him in.
 “I said I wanted you to fuck me...you know my body better than I do..make me take you…” 
‘I-” Yeah. Hoseok.Exe stopped working because he definitely wasn't expecting that, thinking you’d just rock yourself down, not that you wanted him to gauge your restience! Nails raking down his back as you roll your hips against him, making sure he can feel how warm and wet you are, how ready you are..positioning your lips to moan right against his ear.
“Fucking come’re” Hosoek leans forward smashing his lips against yours so hard it hurts, grabbing your legs, bracing them on either side of his shoulders. Sliding your hips forward until the backs of your thighs are flush with his chest, and your red bottoms are facing the ceiling. Gripping his length, teasing the head up and down your folds, as he left a trail of open wet mouthed kisses down your jaw,behind your ear, over to your neck. Ending with his lips nuzzled against your ear…returning the gesture “Missed you, touching you,” Exensuating each word with a kiss “The sound of your voice, waking up to you, being inside you...” Rocking his hips against yours deep, and hard.
You can’t even help but moan at just the mention of him being inside again after what feels like months “Want you, need you....” You’re in rare form tonight, yeah, your always a little submissive with him but not to this extent. 
“Your really tryin to break me today huh?” Tugging your lobe between his teeth before suctioning his lips around your jaw, at this angle Hoseok had the fronts of your thighs colliding with your chest. If he even considers  bringing you back this deep once he’s in you...it’s game over…”You ready?” 
“God yes” Soothing your hands up his stomach once he pulled back, skin hot to the touch and initially nothing happens, just the pressure of Hoseok's tip. Wiggling your hips playfully gives him a little incentive, so he starts to rock forward, and suddenly play times over! Your body freezes dead in its tracks...Hoseok's eyes stay trained on yours the entire time and your jaw clenches at the exact moment your pussy clamps down around his tip. As if you're trying to reroute the pressure elsewhere…A slight whine spills form your lips which lets him know there is still some pleasure laced within all of this.
‘Touch me, keep touching me baby….” Somehow Hoseok appears to be offensively calm regardless of the vice like grip you currently have around him! The request was more for you than him, knowing how much you needed his warmth right now! Clearly your not even close to being settled enough for him to come down flush level yet. So, this will have to do,taking your hands in his, guiding them down his body leisurely. Leading your fingers on a little field trip, sighing contently once you feel how warm and toned he is, how strongly his body reacts to your touch. The way every muscle twitches as you ghost over it, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. Subconsciously you found yourself leaning towards his touch, hissing out once you shifted a little too much for the moment.
“You still with me baby?” 
Nodding slowly as you try to focus, steading your breathing as much as possible, you wanted, no, needed to feel him like this! He can see the pain coursing through your body as the two of you still hold each other's gaze, which is the only thing keeping you grounded right now. Resting his head against your inner thigh, kissing along your skin once he feels his tip breach your quivering entrance. And it’s tight , fuck it’s tight, your body feels like it’s buring from the inside out once you swollow the swell of his head between your lips. Your jaw slacks open and nothing comes out, he’s not even sure if your breathing right now but what he does know is your eyes are still open and focused on Hoseok. 
“Goddamn” Hoseok groans deep and low head lulling back and finally he sounds just as fucked up as you,hand taking a bruisingly hard grip on your hips. He’s actually trying to shift back a little, so he can rock back in, but he can’t. You won’t let him go,“You gotta-shit, you gotta  let me breathe a little baby….fuck” He’s winded and using every once of self control he has to stay stationary, even though your applying a dangerous amout of pressure to the most sesentive regin of this mans shaft. The tip, that's all that's suctioned between your heat and your squeezing him like your trying to break him, and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.  
 So you try, fuck you try, exhaling then inhaling then exhaling again, attempting to get all your msucles to relax. Only problem is your not even clenching around Hoseok’s cock, you just have him trapped. Your just clamped tight, so tight it hurts, on both ends! He can feel your thighs shaking around him, pulling inwards as if your bodies trying to curl in on itself , and he knows this isn't going to work! He’s hissing hard too, nails digging into the swell of your ass, and thankfully once the two of you make eye contact yours are daggering into him with a silent plea. And he already knows what you want! The real issue is there’s way too much swirling around your head mentally for you to have full control over your senses right now. So, that's when you render him full control of any and every inch of your being to do as he pleases in order to give you what you need.
“Ho-Seok...fuck just-” 
 Reaching out for one of your hands so you can squeeze his as hard as you need, kissing along your knuckles.”Yeah?” 
“Yeah!” Tilting your head back with a beathy whine, squeezing his fingers even tighter….
 “You trust me?” Nodding without hesitation “I need you, to keep your eyes open, and focus, can you do that for me baby? ”  It’s a lot but Hoseok knows your limits and if it was truly too much he’d pull out, you can take it, all of it. Shifting your thighs so there now wrapped around his waist as opposed to above his head.  Pouring an obscene amount of lube on the remainder of his shaft, not even bothering to rub it in, just letting the excess drip onto the table. 
“And if you can’t get your colors out?” 
“Pinch you...I’m good, I know you got me...”A lazy smile tugging on your lips as you just try to stay calm.
“On the count of three, take a deep slow breath through your nose...and don't exhale until I tell you too” Hoseok cups your cheek and you nuzzle into it, kissing the tips of his fingers, you can feel them trembling though he’s trying to appear at ease.. 
“K” Yes wide, but focused, determined...a  little stubborn but hell you've already started right? 
Hoseok's eyes flutter shut briefly, taking in a deep slow breath of his own, making sure he’s in the right headspace to guide you through this. Once those big brown eyes of his creek open and your gazes meet again it’s heavy. Hosoek’s eyes are blown out, half lided, already glazed over, he just looks like sex...and he looks like hes about to break you in all the right ways! 
Adjusting his grip on your hip, steadying himself, thumbing at your side, “Count with me….1” God, the textures in this man's voice where unreal, he just sounds so damn smooth, the hushed command had so much control, and warmth wrapped up in all of 4 words.
He rocks forward, barely...just to see if you’ve loosened up and you still haven’t budged... Flicking his chin in your direction indicating he wanted you to continue…
“Two…” You’d be lying if you aid your heart wasn;t hammering in your ears as you let a deep breath start to fill your lungs.
“Three” Whispped through clenched teeth and he didn’t hesitate, rocking back just a little so he has better leverage tilting his hips upwards and he watches your eyes widen..thighs tense but he doesn't stop. Redirecting all of his weight into his abdomen, grinding down with a deep, heavy roll of the hips, you can feel every muscle in his back within this first thrust. Your fingers twitch in his hold, eyes glazing over relatively quickly, but your still looking at him, barely but you are. Even Hoseok’s breathing a little shaky, brows furrowed, but he's in, his tips fully past your entrance “Let it out baby….” 
And you do, whimpering hard, as a choked out breath hippicus through your chest, initially you were expecting him to pause. Give you a minute to adjust to the initial stretch…..Nope…
He doesn't stop, he's still rolling forward and now your gasping and whimpering all over again, even louder this time! Hoseok’s thumbs bruising the hell out of your hips but you don’t have him stop, you can’t! Your mind and body needs this right now, the tension the burn,all of it! 
“That’s it…” Even though his restricted breathing you can hear the fondness dripping off his tongue. “ Focus on me, I got you” The more he breaches his way through your heat the more the wind gets knocked out of your lungs but it’s good, it’s soo damn good! You manage to somewhat choke out his name and he just hums in response, biting down on his bottom lip in concentration. Untangling his hand from yours to brace both on either side of his head. Hoseoks pushing through steadily now,morphing his way through your heat that’s still trying to fight against him but he doesn't stop.No matter how hard you pulsing around him, Hoseok's shaft drags forward until his balls meet the swell of your asss. And finally he’s right on top of you, your bodies trembling beneath him so he gently lowers himself. Bringing his chest flush to yours letting your wrap your arms around his neck. Clawing your way down his back, intentionally releasing some of the tensions coursing through your veins. Licking his way back into your mouth, kissing deep, and messy until your light headed and desperate. Endless Moans richoching against one other, his palms soothing down your thighs. 
Everything pauses for a while, neither of you move, your both panting hard into each other's mouths while you adjust and Hoseok's not rushing you either. Wanting you to relax a little so he doesn't come after all of 2 strokes, idily  tracing patterns against your skin. Finally able to feel your breathing even out, muscles becoming more laxed beneath him!
“You ready for me baby?,”
All you can do is moan in response, still so overwhelmed, squeezing your legs around his waist as hard as you could so he at least knows your still with him. 
So he does, pulling out and pushing back in, and your eyes automatically roll back at the feeling. It’s still tight as fuck but he’s somehow managing to weave his way through. .
“Hurts?”  He can’t help but ask since your thighs are still shaking a little, and you nod honestly.
“Good pain? Good enough to make my pretty baby come?” More of a statement than a question, you can hear the smirk in his voice, as he kissed down your jaw. Trying to distract you a little,sucking a couple bruises along the front of your neck . Edging his way back and forth building up a steady tempo, and finally Hoseok can feel the shift. He’s able to breathe within you a little better, your letting him wade in a little deeper! 
You exhale shakily and nod again, feeling him shift off of you, repositioning your legs on either side of his shoulders.Leaning forward pressing all his weight into his arms until your thighs are flush to your chest. 
Your mouth opens and closes, kinda like a fish outta water, you do it a few times but not shit comes out.
“Baby…” Kissing up your inner thigh as he gently rocks forward , slowing down a little so you can feel the slow drag of his cock pull you apart. Back arching ever so lightly, moaning out low and wanton “Your so, sexy, doin so good for me” Nuzzling against your skin, nipping lightly at your inner thigh. 
“Your deep” The word barley leaves your tongue “Fuck, faster..”
Before you can even respond he snaps his hips forward and you almost scream, nails digging into his disciples as he stares down at you with a smirk that’s..real concerning considering the position he has you in. So he does it again, pulling his cock halfway out and rocking forward, 
“That’s it, that’s what my baby needed,” Hoseok whispers and thrust forward even harder this time, rocking up on the heels balls of his feet as if he’s aiming for your damn ribcage. 
Your mouth falls back open, looking like you wanna moan but you can;t every exhale gets cut off by another deep roll of the hips,repositioning himself so he braced with one arm. Running the other up your face, into your hair, before cradilling your jaw, thumbing at your bottom lip which you nip and suck into your mouth. Humming out contently, as you lick a stipe up his index and middle finger, not missing the way Hoseok’s cock twitches at the added stimulation. 
“Look at you…..” Eyes trailing down your body agnoniziling slow, taking in each and every detail as if it’s the very first times he's ever seen you like this. And still, you can’t help but shutter at the genuine astonishment burning through those lust filled eyes of his. Which eventually land on the site that his is cock dissappring between your wet and swollen pussy, lips just sprawled over his balls just the way he likes “ My baby's so good for me hmm?
“Always…” you whisper eyes rolling back,,completely glazed over, as his fingers fallback from your lips, every inch of your skin feels like it’s on fire right now.
Hoseok gets lost for a minute, watching the way your so pliant and trusting with him, eyes squeezed shut just letting yourself get consumed by all things Hoseok! Pulling back just enough to spit directly on your clit. The texture has your eyes flying open the instantly rolling shut once he brings his thumb down to work the bud at a swift steady pace. 
“Fuckkkk” Whimpering loudly in repsonse “Don’t stop, fuck harder..” And that he does, harder faster every thrust has his balls smacking against your ass. “Fuck, yes! Fuck, you feel so good…” 
“Yeah, yeah...your right there...come on baby…” He can feel you pulsing even harder against him. Not that you ever fully stopped but the tensions different now, more constricted…..he starts thrusting home hard! Spitting an even bigger wad on your clit, mixing it with the extra lube dripping down his balls as he continues ripping your nerves wide open. 
“Fuck, kiss me!” Whiney and bossy as per usual!
Smacking his hand away, exchanging it for your own so you can drag him down and take what you need, placing  your index and middle finger straight to the clit, which was rock hard. Applying as much pressure as possible, until the friction almost burns. Feeling your release dangling right in front of your face.
“Fuck, I’m gonna come...” You whisper out  all of a sudden slowly rocking your hips forward trying to meet his thrust though it’s  kinda hard in this position. 
“Yeah? You gonna come all over my cock? Then let me fill you up until I’m dripping down your thighs...” The kiss is messy more tonuge and teetht han skill, he can feel you, your right fucking there, thrusting into so hard it almost hurts.
Your eyes widen, brows furrowing to the center of your face, breath shuttering in your throat, mouth just parted against his, then your eyes squeezed shut. Fingers still working your clit, and your coming, silent at first until your crying out, voice shattinger , nails dragging from the nape of hoseok's neck down his back! He dosen’t stop fucking you, not even for a second, going just as, and fast as he was before, while you whitherbenathe him. The second he feels you try and pull your hand away he drops his hips even lower, restricting any movements. 
“Don’t fucking stop! Keep coming until I do, I'm right there,ride this out with me baby” He all about growls at you, and you don’t even dare to disobey, to be honest you don’t wanna stop. Body almost working on autopilot to chase the buzz running through your body, running towards it as much as your trying to run away…it’s too much but it’s soo good!
He’s thrusting into you as hard as he can but fuck if his biceps aren’t on fire and he just can’t finish the way he wants...the way he needs. So he pulls out, fast, barley giving you time to whine nevertheless realize what's going on and he slides over next to you. Lying back on the desk and grabbing you within seconds, sinking you back down onto his cock in one swift notion. Nails digging into your hips as he fucks you down onto him, hard, short thrust rip through your body, not making you do a damn thing but try and hang on for the ride! Your gasping hard, tossing your head back once you reconnect your hand with your clit. Attempting to roll your hips down and meet the pace he’s set but it's merciless… and he’s picking up speed quickly. 
“jesus-fuck-Ho-oseok!” Your nails are raking into this man's chest so hard you wouldn't be surprised if you broke skin but he’s groaning deep and that’s only egging you on! 
His honey coated complexion’s just dripin, brows furrowed, eyes barley ajar, Hoseok seems to be returning the favor. His thumb is about a second away from leaving a permanent indentation and it hurts but you need it. Not even a question as to if you guards can hear you or not your loud! Voice trashed, and very swipe of the hand has you jerking and twitching above him because your clits sentive as all fuck, but goodamn if he dosen’t look good, forhead sweaty  jaw slacked. 
“Y/n, Y/n, fuckk” He’s whining high and needy, heats rashing over his body, and you feel his balls tighen against your ass, and now he turly is right there. You can feel him twitching hard inside you.
“Come onnn baby, you know I fuckin want it, you know I wanna be fu-” There’s a choked out tear rolling down your cheek your bodies spazing so damn hard, it’s painful. Before you can even make sense of what’s happening your crying, and your clenching and coming all over again, your bodies completely spent. Toppling on top of him, instantly because...what the hell just happened?? 
 You clamp down tight around his cock unintentionally, body just luid, and spasming above him and you both moan and that’s when he comes, hard. Eyes open, and locked with yours, a low goan of your name falling from his lips as he spills into you. Hoseok’s shaking beneath you but he doesn't even try to pull out, reaching up to gently brush the tears off your cheek. Taking your hand in his, and sucking those same two fingers into his mouth, eyes locked with your as he does so, and your too damn spent to even react properly. Slowly he still continues thrusting into you, leaning up to press a couple soft kisses against your lisp, humming contently as you taste yourself.  Adjusting his grip so he has one hand, caressing the back of your neck and the other wrapped around your waist. Rubbing slow soothing circles down your spine, as he cards his fingers through your hair, your chest heaving together in unison as your bodies slowly come down. 
“Hi” The words hush off your tongue with a lazy, and utterly exhausted smile, eyes too heavy to open until you feel his teeth pressing against your lips. Letting you know he's smiling too and I mean, fuck, who are yuo to declien a front row seat to to watch the sunrise!
“Hi baby…”  Leaning up to press another linger kiss against your lips as his hips to a halt, just letting you simmer around him. Even the slight stimulation was enough to have both of you moaning out in overstimulation...
The comedown was always slow between the two of you so it’s not a surprise that your bodies and tongues stayed tangled together long after Hoseok came. Eventually, the desk got a little uncomfortable, Hoseok's damn near stuck to it ,there's so much heat radiating off his skin.  So he wraps you in his arms and plops the two of you down on the couch. All the while , his cocks still bured between your lips, your dress is still flipped over your ass and his jeans and hanging low against his thighs! 
“How you feelin?”Pressing delicate kisses all over your face, hands rubbing your inner thighs because he knew they were burning by now.
“Tired” You pouted, mumbling slightly...
“Well, I guess I did my job then huh?” A faint smirk tugging on his lips, as he kissed down your jaw….
Once the two of you settled on the couch Hoseok waits a moment, opting to see if you’d want him to pull out though he should’ve known better, the two of you fall asleep like this more times than not! Gently stroking his fingers down your back in hopes it would coax you into talking without him having to pry it out of you!  The longer you lot sat in silence the faster your heart rate got, Hoseok could actually hear it echoing throughout the room. Leaning down to press a flurry of kisses into your scalp trying to ease you in anyway he could. Eventually, the T-rex in the room was starting to feel a little suffocating sooo...
“He’s just not...doing well, like…. at all…” Tone flat, as if you were trying to remove yourself from the situation at hand. Purposely nuzzling into the side of his neck, bussing yourself with the chains dawning his collarbones. The lack of eye contact wasn’t because you were embarrassed it’s because you just really didn’t wanna cry. You came wayyyy too hard your body can’t handle shit else! 
“I know-I know we’ve known this for a while…” There was this really thick lump hammering in your throat that really didn’t want to leave, the stability within your tone was swiftly heading south. Hoseok could hear it too, no matter how muffled you sound, suddenly more kisses were being pressed into your scalp.
“I guess, I was just fucking naive because he was doing soooo damn good earlier in the year ya know? ” Eyes fluttering up to meet his tentatively, your lashes fanning his skin gave that away, and he gazed down instantly. A dry chuckle leaving your throat, shaking your head as if your the butt of your own joke, but didn’t find it funny nor did he find it naive. 
Holding you even tighter, if that was possible…Those big brown eyes of his were soft and so damn fond of you it was actually ridiculous. If only your enemies could see you now, two of the most notoriously cutthroat people in the industry, throwing googly eyes back and forth! Looking like a couple in some cheesy Netflix romcom! Leaning down to press a lingering kiss on your lips, not pulling back until you released the breath that apparently only he knew you were holding. 
 ”Listen to me baby, there’s nothing naive about being hopeful, there’s also no handbook on how to handle your father dying. Even if you know it’s coming sooner than later..doesn't make any of this shit easier...”
“I know but...fuck…” Shifting slightly so your sitting more upright arm propped on the cushion behind his shoulder. “It’s just a lot, because I feel like I can’t fully do my job because if I do, I’ll miss something. Maybe I’ll miss...it, I mean Germany for fuck’s sake! That’s totally something I’d typically go on..instead, I forced y-”
Leaning down to press his lips against yours again, hoping you’d get the hint “In case you forgot..I volunteered, you never asked...you didn’t have too. And my job, for the record, is whatever you need it to be!” There was nothing but fire blazing into your eyes right now, he needed you to feel that, that he’s here for whatever you need..whenever you need it...however you need it! 
“I know, Seok-baby I know, and I appreciate that more than you’ll ever know” Reaching out to cup his jaw, melting at the way he instantly nuzzled into your palm before giving it a kiss. 
“However, I’m suppose to be in charge, I’m suposed to be in control, and I’m not.. I’m already falling apart and he’s not even gone yet…” That sentence alone had you feeling like you wanted to throw up! “I mean can you fuckin imagine how much of a wreck I’m gonna be?” Hoseok could hear how agitated you were getting so he opted to just stay quiet until he was sure you were done talking…
“Seok, I’m going to fall a fucking part-” You tried to turn your head before the tear rolled down your cheek but you failed, voice breaking off before you could even continue your thought. Hastily whipping your face as if you were mad at yourself for being so emotional right now. Nails daggering into his but he didn’t pull away, he let you be, he’s felt way worse. 
“This empire, his, empire is going to fall, apart, and any legacy my family ever had will  go up in flames! And who’s fucking fault will that be!? Huh? Not my brothers, Nothing’s ever his fault, how the hell does that work out!?” Your voice was hammering so hard in your chest it almost sounds as though your speaking straight into an industrial fan!
“ The one who fucked up everything gets to just ease by like nothing ever happened! Cause lord knows he’s too too damn much of a junkie to even tie his fuckin shoes nevertheless run the family business! It’s not that I didn't want this, I just don’t think I’m ready...nobody asked me if I was ready, my own fuckin brother never even offered to help like-I-fuck!” 
And now your crying again, great, great…..your first instinct was to get up, get away, move, break more shit I don’t know! Just anything, but sitting in this man’s lap, those assassin reflexes though, Hoseok caught your thigh before you could completely ease off the couch. Shifting your weight again, helping you pull out, you were far too gone to even react to the slight sting you should’ve felt. Slamming you back down so your hips were flush against his pelvic bone, holding you so your body hovered over him. You knew the position was so he could look straight through your damn soul but you couldn’t handle that right now….eyes fluttering down to your lap instead. 
“Y/n” No, he needed you to look at him, gently reaching down to cup your tear-stained face, eyes, and nose rivaling a blowfish!  
“And I say again…you don't have to do this alone anymore. I’m here for you, for you my baby, in any, and every way you need. You wanna regroup and brainstorm as to how I can help more let’s do it, if you need me on the field more let’s fuckin do it! Whatever you need to make this easier just tell me .” His pause was intentional holding your gaze, making sure you felt that. Allowing you to search his eyes for any hints of uncertainty that he already knew you’d never find. 
“And if you fall apart guess what!? I’ll be there to help put you back together time, and time again...and this empire will be fine. Stop, stop thinking everyone’s gonna leave you, you’ve been acting as your father’s second in command since you were 19! More importantly, you’ve been running shit with very little delegation for well over a year and if anything this operation flourished. Give yourself more credit, everyone here thinks highly of you, and not because they have too...it’s because your someone worth being admired. Regardless of how dirty our work may be, you and I both know there’s still a way to run this with some heir of dignity! “ 
Reaching up to grab you by the nape of your neck, bringing your forehead down to rest against his own...hoping it would ground you a little “You got this baby..and you got me...I’d burn down the world for you in a second if need be and you know it! Imma get you through this...I promise!”
You let your eyes flutter shut briefly, trying to calm down, you could feel him pressing light kisses against your tear stained cheeks and you couldn't help but smile. Yeah, it was small, definitely did not reach your eyes but it was something...
“I know we aren’t the most honorable people, and he won’t get some fuckin gold plaque like the Mayor when he dies but my dad was a very honorable man for the work he did. And I’ve always tried to do the same, I just..fuck I just want him to be proud of me….I mean at least that.”  Your face hurts you were trying so hard not to cry anymore, a shaky breath ghosting off your lips. 
“He’s already never gonna see me, grow old or walk down the aisle or-.fuck..”  Shit…Hoseok look’s utterlly terried as to where this is going....
“Fuck, he’s never gonna see me walk down the aisle one day” Eyes wide, panicked I guess this was the first time you’d had that thought...the first time you’re really thinking about all the things you’d have to do without him. You've always promised yourself that regardless of how crazy your world is...eventually once you're settled you’d stop denying your heart of its desires! 
Having someone to endlessly love and share this empire with is something you’ve always wanted...and something your father always told you, you deserved and would have one day! 
“Hes nev- holy shit what if I have ki-oh my god.” Every word felt as though it was strangling you, as it hiccups from your chest “ Oh. My. God ” Now this was a lot, this was pain strong enough to split you in half, all the thoughts you’d been avioding suddenly rushed to the surface! 
Your full blown sobbing into the side of his neck … and Hosoek’s heart hurts , fuck it hurts. slouching down into the couch, engulfing your body into his arms which only made you cry even harder. Ya know what makes it even worse? Is that there isn’t a damn thing he can do about this kinda pain. There’s no one he can shoot or stab to make it go away and it’s fucking gut-wrenching, as your body breaks apart above him . 
“Shhh,your okay baby, it’ll be okay….” Even Hoseok didn’t believe that, he didn’t have the slightest idea as to how he was going to get you through losing the first man you ever loved! But fuck if he wasn’t going to try! 
“Listen to me, stop, don’t do that to yourself” Gripping the sides of your face tight enough in his palms to force you ro focus on him and only him. “Let’s get you home alright? Will talk about work and all the other bullshit later you just need-”
“Y/n! Y/n!” 
Who the actual hell...
The sound of someone squawking your name like they’d lost their damn minds had both of you rerouting your attention. Completely shattering the moment causing your body to tense on command. Your brains been wired for so many years to just cut off emotions at the blink of an eye it almost happens on autopilot now! Zoning in on the chaos that appears to be unfolding outside your door and within seconds your pain becomes old news! Which is….just great for your mental health but carry on! 
You could hear your guards all standing outside the door trying to calm whoever this person is with a very clear death wish down. However, they didn’t seem to falter.
“Y/n, open the damn door now! This is serious you can’t just shut me out like this!!” 
But wait, wait, wait, random’s don’t just get acess into the compound so there’s only so many options…
Then, you start to recognize the tenor...and so does Hoseok, and he’s fucking livid. You could literally feel every muscle in his body tense from beneath you. Reaching down to snatch you off his lap, and tucking  himself back into his pants so damn fast you almost got whiplash. If he wasn’t soft before he definitely was now! 
“You’ve gotta be shitting me!” Striding over to your desk to grab your Glock34 from the drawer. 
“I fuckin told him not to come here today...” Growled through gritted teeth, as he reloaded your gun, spinning the barrel. 
”Yn! YN! We need to talk about what’s going on with dad!” The slow-motion drawl said it all, he’s high as hell and it’s your fucking brother…
“Ohhh, he wants to talk about your father?!” Tone loud and Exaggeratedly cheerful as they leave his lips sing song esque “Of fucking course he does!” 
“Hoseok-” Yeah, this wasn’t ending well, swiftly readjusting your dress back around your thighs. Though your thighs felt like a damn slinky you still ran over to barricade yourself in front of the door! The door that your brother was still banging on like a fucking idiot!
“Jason. Leave!!!” Praying the distress resonated through the pans of marble, your just now realizing how gone your voice truly is, honestly you don’t even know if he heard you. But for his sake, you hope it did, because it Hoseok gets through this door...
“Nooo,Jason stay!” 
“Hoseok…” Bracing your hand firm against his chest, pushing him away from the door. The warning laced within your tone was clear as all hell, no matter how brittel it was .
“Nah, he wants to talk, let’s fuckin talk! He’s the last thing you need to be worrying about right now, considering he only gives a fuck about you when he’s tapped out of his monthly allowance! What? All of a sudden he cares so deeply about your father?” Brow arched knowingly “ Let him even fix his mouth to say the word “Will” and I will buss a cap so far up his asshole, he’ll cough out all the coke he’s been sniffin’!”
“Y/n, I can have him escorted-”
“One second Spade!” That mans been around since you were in middle school. You know the sound of his voice anywhere, yeah even muffled through a marble wall.
“Comere” Tone dropping to a purr, that you knew wans’t fair but fuck it, no matter how angry he’s on you in seconds, like I said...he can’t deny you anything. 
Leaning forward to wrap your arms around his waist and you can feel how tense his body is initially...yet he still instinctively lets his hands find their home right on the swell of your ass. The edge of the glock resting against your waist…..
 “Baby, I know your angry, and I know that’s mostly because of me, hell I was just chewing him out a second ago. But at the end of the day he is my brother and that is our dad...that’s damn near on a fuckin resperator. I know how to keep him at arms length... I don’t have the mental capacity for this right now. But, I’m gonna open that door, and see what the hell he wants, and I need you, for me...to just chill. If he gets outta line I’ll have him escorted out.”  He physically growled at that, Hoseok would much rather handle this on his own.
Leaning up to card your fingers through his hair, acting as if you didn't even notice his little tantrum “I really need you by my side tonight, and I need you to stay calm,because I’m far from it. Let’s hear him out and if he steps out of lines he’s out.” 
Wrapping his hand around the one you have laced within his hair “You already know I can’t say no to you!” He’s pissed about it too, long gone are the days when he could just do what he pleased regardless of who it affected. 
“But I swear to go Y/n, if and when he steps outta line-fuck-you just better make sure,  your boys are ready to throw his ass out ...because if I do it...he’s gonna end up in the ER for more than just wirthdrawls!”
It’s clear the OC’s brother will probably/definitely be an issue, in more ways then one! As well as her father is obviously going to die, like, within the first couple of chapters.
Her family’s association is called “Grim” and she’s commonly known as “The princess of the Grim clan”. 
There is a 2nd member set to be introduced in part 2 that will eventually work for the OC...hint it’s a makane! He tries to robe one of their local establishments and well...clearly that probably won’t end too well…
Jin is a mob associate...his family's Forbes ranked multi-million dollar empire was founded with blood money! Sooo, he’s a mutual between “Grim” and “The King Tapian’s”.
3 of the other members are in another association overseas called “The King Tapian’s”. A name she’s heard of, as they have one hell of a rep but they’ve never “officially” crossed paths. That is, until another death within the mob world which brings a new territory on the market! One that her fathers been eying for years over in Europe! (Another hint, they kinda join forces and eventually agree to co-inhabit the area in efforts to shove another “shysterier” gang out, which in turn starts a little war if you will!) The other members would be a sub-focus however It was undecided as to how big of a part they’d all play!
 Lastly, the final member is a freelance hacker/hitman that knows Hoseok very well, so much so the pair used to fool around back in the day so yes that would make him BI! 
I was also undecided if I wanted to incorporate another member sexually or not...as I’d dabbled with the idea of them being in an open relationship! There was also the possibility of making the “King Tapian” Boys lowkey poly! Either solely male on male or maybe throw in the idea of a minor female character who i’d name so there’s no confusion! 
The overall gist of the story was essentially the OC finding her footing after her father dies. Making her own path as one of the only women in charge on the black market! While also creating some allies and gaining of course some enemies along the way! Regardless this would also be a Hoseok centered series with the possibility of semi regular OT7 guest appearances!
  Love you as always,
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alienoresimagines · 4 years
'Cause You're A Sky Full Of Stars (I'm Gonna Give You My Heart) | Lew "Chuckler" Juergens x Gender Neutral! Reader
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A/N : This is for Jace (@speirs-sexy-ass) who is turning 18 today!! Happy birthday girl!💕 Own the day and enjoy your first (or not) drink😂👍🏻 You're one of the person I respect and admire the most, no matter what you say and you're SO funny. I love talking to you🥰 And I'm waiting for a report of Haikyuu!!! when you'll get around continue to watch it💙 All the love to you, Jace, have the best of days and make plenty of good memories❤ As Avicii said, live a life you can remember!😚
Also probably no one cares but just when I was writing the last sentence of this, "A Sky Full Of Stars" by Coldplay (who obviously inspired the title) came up while my whole playlist was on shuffle and I did nothing for this to happen so it just made me smile😊
Taglist : @murphyism @mavysnavy @speirs-sexy-ass @order-of-river-phoenix @inglourious-imagines @liebegott @tvserie-s-world
Posted : 14/08/2020
Masterlist Prompts Taglists
"Lew, we can't just sneak on the roof of some strangers' apartments!" You whispered urgently, waving your hands around for emphasis of your words. Watery blue eyes stared at you and you felt your resolution weakening as warm and calloused hand covered yours and tugged them lightly towards him like a child who just saw his dream toy in a shop.
"C'mon [Y/N], it'll be fun! Besides, today's a special day, isn't it?" Right. And who could resist your boyfriend's puppy eyes? Definitely not you. However, you couldn't resist teasing him a little and started looking around you, frowning slightly as if you were in deep reflection.
The both of you were in a lost corner of Melbourne, -how Lew found it, you didn't dare to ask- in front of an outside steel staircase you knew brought to the roof. The only light was coming from a floor lamp nearby and the white and cold light of the moon, and the only sounds were the ones you were making and a crowded bar a few blocks away.
Lew's thumb stroked your hand gently and you couldn't think about anything other than that. These hands that have held a gun so tightly, pulled a trigger to kill, were touching you with such tenderness and love, as if you were the most precious thing in the world. Your throat felt dry and your stomach was in knots only Lew could make you feel, all noises had been drowned by the buzzing in your head as you realized just how much you loved him. Giving his hand a gentle squeeze, you smiled and nodded, watching as Lew's own smile broadened, almost blinding you.
"Okay, Lew, let's do it. But if someone comes up and bear our asses, the blame's on you." You finally said with a grin.
"You won't regret it, sweetheart, I promise." Your boyfriend swore as he had already started to climb the stairs, his hand never letting yours go, and the bag he was carrying on his bag jolting a little with every step he was making.
Every few seconds, he looked back down at you, clear eyes shining with love and his smile in full display. He could win over the world with this smile., you shamelessly found yourself thinking. It was crazy to think that just a few weeks ago, you all were on a god forsaken island, fighting for your lives and now you were running up steel stairs, feeling like a teenager with your first crush.
"We're there." Lew announced at the same time wind rose. The breeze caressed your face softly in a relaxing way and you couldn't help but to close your eyes to focus on that unique feeling. On your right side, you could ear Lew shuffling with what contained his bag, the ruffle of a fabric being undone and what seemed to be something made of glass given the sound it made when Lew's bracelet touched it. You furrowed your brows, but trusting Lew more than enough to choose to keep your eyes closed.
You let out a breath, and the screeching of shoes against the dusty ground and pieces of stones warned you before a pair of arm sneaked around your waist, bringing you closer until your back was pressed against Lew's clothed chest. Your eyes now open, you stared in awe at the view. From your standing position, you could see beyond the low wall, and the few lights of the city had their reflect on the ocean's water, the moon shining over you.
"No roof has a better view here."
"Did you climb on every Melbourne's roof just to see what view they could offer?" You snickered as he fully laughed behind you.
"I'm not crazy enough to do it, sweetheart, though you'd deserve it." You raised an eyebrow but you weren't sure if he saw it so you nudged his side.
"C'mon big guy, don't leave me hanging there." You protested, deliberately not mentioning his last words.
"I hired Runner and Hoos." Lew shrugged nonchalantly as if making Hoosier get out of bed to walk up hundreds of stairs was an easy thing to do. Then you remembered your boyfriend's puppy eyes, to which you had fallen victim again, only minutes ago. Puppy eyes were a mortal weapon. It should be forbidden., you decided.
"Should we go sit?" You asked after a moment of quiet and felt him nod then kiss the side of your head before taking your hand in his and walking to the blanket he placed in the middle of the roof.
You sat down next to him, wincing a little bit as rocks sank onto your bottom and thighs, and after some shifting around for a moment, you finally settled for crossing your legs at your ankles. Army blankets were thin after all, you learned as everyone else while shivering in the cold of the night. Though as of right now, you were surrounded by warmth, your body and Lew's pressed together from shoulders to foot, your intertwined fingers resting on your lap.
"I brought this." His deep voice broke the silence as he took from grey bag a familiar glass bottle, soon enough wiggling it so close to your face you couldn't read the tag.
"You want to know what it is, right? You want to known don't ya, sweetheart?" His smug face suddenly appeared in front of you, blocking the moon for a second, just the time to steal a quick peck on your lips then going back to his previous position, bottle no longer in his hand but now on your lap. You took it with care, feeling the cold glass on your fingers, passing your thumb on the tag and bit your lower lip to refrain from smiling too wide upon reading the year.
"Really, Lew? The year of my birth?" Your tone would have sounded sarcastic to everyone but the two of you. Maybe that's why you loved him so much. He could read through every jokes, every sarcastic remarks and roll of the eyes, knowing exactly how you felt in the depths of your heart. You didn't take away your eyes from the bottle but you saw him shrug from the corner of your eye.
"Oh? Ahh lucky! I didn't even notice!" Snorting, you chose not to say anything. You knew what he was doing, brushing it off like that. For people back home, a bottle wine with a wanted year was easy and definitely wasn't considered fancy. But for you, for anyone in the army, in deployment even if it didn't feel like it, it was as precious as if Lew just handed you the Moon.
"How? How much did it cost you?" You whispered in awe, finally looking at him with diamonds in your eyes.
"It's a gift, sweetie, I'm ain't gonna tell you." He smiled again, and you only sighed, expecting this answer anyway.
"Thank you." You kissed his cheek quickly but the broadening of his smile told you he understood your feelings.
"Then are we going to drink or not?" He joked, distracting you from your embarrassment, and oh how much you loved him.
"Of course we are!" You exclaimed, as he chuckled and gave you a knife to open your well deserved gift.
When the cap popped out with a satisfying sound, you licked your lips but offered it to your boyfriend first, who shook his head with a smile, eyes amused. What a gentleman., you silently huffed before raising the bottle into the air :
"Cheers." You took the first sip of the red liquid, feeling it going down your throat and into your stomach, closing your eyes again. It was delicious, you had to admit it, a little aftertaste you couldn't quite describe nor place but it wasn't unpleasing. Lew took the wine bottle you gave him as you wiped your mouth with a hand and stared at the midnight sky.
"Happy birthday to you." He wished you before drinking himself. If your lips weren't already stretched from smiling, you were sure you'd have smiled wider but alas, human corpses had their limits so you simply reached out and squeezed his hand, letting him intertwine your fingers again.
"I know we're in a big city but I wouldn't have minded one or two stars. It's dull without them, empty." You mused quietly, making Lew look at you, head leaned to a side then his gaze turned to the infinite deep blue.
"Mh, I guess it is. I don't need a star lit night when I'm with you, though."
"Huh?" You looked at him; not quite understanding what he meant by that.
"I saw you up there." That was his only answer but the distant look in his clear eyes made you think he wanted to say much more. He just seemed so serious, his smile having faded away.
"In the sky? I'd like to put into the light that I'm not dead yet if you don't mind." You laughed, the urge to try and bring his smile back where it belonged stronger than the one screaming to lower your head.
"Don't be silly." He huffed a laugh though you realized he seemed to avoid your gaze, focusing on the full moon instead. "Back on the island. Had you ever watched the sky back there? Beautiful landscapes, really. And I just saw you, between two stars, shining brighter than any others." His eyes finally met yours and your will to disappear into the ground vanished as you choked on your own words. How Lew could say such things without second thought other than the one to show you his love, you had no idea. You embraced it however, as you loved and welcomed every part of him like he did for you.
"Next time you're going to say something as cheesy, send me a warning first please." You croaked out with a shaky voice, overwhelmed by so many different feelings. Shock, confusion, uncertainty, surprise. Fondness, devotion, love, adoration. A light squeeze of your hand made you turn your head to look at your boyfriend, who was impossibly close to your own face. His wide smile, his clear eyes that could make everyone do as he wishes, his scent. Him, and you was yours like you were his.
The tips of his fingers strokes your cheek in such a tender way it made you shiver, and then he kissed you. It definitely wasn't the first time you kissed, but you always felt like the first time. The feeling hadn't changed for a bit, and it was like forever. As if each kiss was infinity.
When you pulled away just enough to breathe but still in each other's space, you both had stupidly big smiles on your face but none of you seemed to care.
"You're my star." Lew's words hung in the small space between your lips, twirled around your heart like a promise.
"Where was my warning?" Your lips met again in a valse, to the rhythm of the words still sealed in your heart and it was the only answer you needed.
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The Race Of Time
WARNING:Kidnapping, bombing. Taglist: @nocturnalherb16. "I can't believe you're running for PD, Y/N". Herrmann shook his head with laugh as he stood beside you.
"I have to run for my husband, next year I'll run for Fire. Sounds fair"?
"You're own blood". You rolled your eyes with a chuckle.
"Are you still talking crap, fireman"? Jay came up beside you, kissing your cheek.
"It's cool, I can take the old man's jokes".
"Old man? I'll show you old man". Herrmann started running as the gun went off, you weren't paying attention so you were behind.
The street was crowded with family, friends and supporters of the Chicago police and fire Department. You ran past your kids waving to them as they cheered you and Jay on.
You were hot on Herrmanns heels as you hit the corner of the street, you past Otis and Cruz who were acting like children as they ran.
"Come on babe, you can do this". You heard Jay in front of you, you knew he could run faster but he stayed with you. It wasn't really a race mostly raising money for the community and the stations had a childish war going on to see who was better.
"I'm coming, go ahead. I'll meet you there". You waved him off and he sprinted off. You were at the four mile mark when the road was filed with smoke. You tried running threw it but you started coughing. Then a bright light filed your eyes and you were thrown to the ground. Your head bouncing off the cement.
Jay panicked as he heard a blast from behind, he stopped to see. The smoke started to clear out and he could see bodies on the ground.
"Herrmann". He yelled, Herrmann stopped and saw what Jay was talking about. His jaw dropped and the both ran over to the victims.
The street was cleared quickly. Cops swarmed the place. Jay was worried about you but everyone said you're probably helping or with someone. They were right, you were with someone that was supposed to be dead.
"We should take her to the hospital. She looks bad". The voice echoed your head. Groaning as you say up, your hand went to your head and you hissed as you touched it. Blood covered your fingers.
"Where am I"? Looking around you were in a van and it was a moving.
"You're okay now". A males voice startled you as he came out from the back of the van.
"Who are you"? You asked blinking at the figure, he looked familiar but it couldn't be him. Could it?
"Well, let's say a blast from the past". He laughed bringing his face to the light.
"Evan? You're dead". Your voice trembled as you saw the man that you buried sitting right in front of you. The hair stood up on the back of your neck.
"Nice to see you too Babe". He spoke right before something metal hit your head, knocking you out cold.
"I can't find her anywhere. No one has seen her or heard from her". Jay paced the hallway of the hospital. He watched as the kids got checked over just to make sure.
"Jay, calm down. We'll find her". Will tried to calm his brother but it wasn't doing much.
"Are the kids okay"? Jay's head turned to the end of the hallway, coming down was Kelly.
"Yeah, just shook up". Jay bit his nails.
"What's wrong? Where's Y/N"? Kelly looked in the room.
"Jay"? Kelly's voice increased.
"I can't find her. After the bomb went off I couldn't find her. There's people out looking for her but no one's contacted me yet. I'm sorry".
"What do you mean you can't find her? She was with the runners right"?
"She was behind me. I think inside the bomb or at least close to it".
"So there's no body"?
"No". Jay whispered and Kelly let out a sigh of relief. This means you're still alive, hopefully.
"Can you take the kids back to your place? I don't want them alone with someone they hardly know"? Jay asked Will.
"Yeah sure. I'll get them checked out and we'll head there now". He walked off leaving Jay and Kelly.
"What do we do"?
"Voights brought in bomb squad and they're trying to figure out where the bomb came from".
"Okay. What do you need me to do"?
"Help me try to find out who took her". Kelly raised a eyebrow looking at Jay confused but Jay was serious.
"You're saying someone took her from the race after the bomb went off? Who would do that"? Kelly laughed at the idea.
"It is kinda crazy Jay. Wouldn't we have seen something? I was behind Y/N and I didn't see anyone out of the ordinary". Adam leaned against the wall.
"Then it must have been a runner. Blending in as one of us". Jay was so sure of himself.
"Who? Who could it have been"?
"We need a the list of everyone that signed up for the race. Maybe a name will trigger something in one of us. It could be a suspect we put away, a person with a grudge. Someone took my wife and I'm not stopping until I find her". Jay slammed his fist against the window.
"Wakey wakey". Evan shook you hard. Your head hurt like hell as he did.
"Please stop". You whimpered, trying to move your hands but you couldn't. Looking down they were tied to a chair so were your ankles.
"Why are you doing this"? You tried wiggling around but it was no use.
"You remember that day I found out about Logan and Laura"?
"I was so happy that I was going to be a father. Then I realized that I owned some bad people money and I couldn't figure out how to do both".
"So you faked your death? I mourned you for months". You screamed at him. "You have no idea what you put me through".
"Put you through? I couldn't see my kids be born or take their first steps. Then when the coast was clear I heard you moved on...with a cop". He got into your face.
"I didn't know you were going to come back. I wasn't going to wait around for a ghost".
"You're letting him raise my kids".
"My kids, not yours". You corrected him. "That went out the window when you supposingly died".
"I forgot how much of a bitch you were".
"If I'm so much of a bitch then why kidnap me? Why make me part of your plan"?
"I got your husband's attention didn't I"?
"So you're after Jay, what did he do"?
"You'll find out later once I've got everything worked out". He said going to the front of the van, you worked on the ropes around your wrist. You had to get out and fast.
"So I got the list of runners. All checked out except for two. One was a guy named Evan Bates the other is Norman  James". Mouse put the papers in front of Jay.
"Bates"? Kelly raised a eyebrow.
"Yeah, you know him"? Jay asked.
"Don't freak out but he's the twins dad".
"What is he doing here all these years? What does he want with Y/N"?
"Jay, he's died". Kelly's mind was blown and Jay was confused.
"Wait, he's died"?
"Yeah, we buried him before the twins were born".
"How did he die"? Jay nodded to mouse and he started typing on his computer.
"Car fire. I got a call to a wrecked car that was on fire. I got to looking at the car and it was his".
"Did they do DNA to make sure"?
"No, he was to burned to get anything".
"I got something. I ran the names and Norman is Tyler James's brother". Mouse pointed to the screen with a picture of Tyler and Norman.
"You arrested him for arson and he escaped and you killed him".
"So Norman's after me for revenge and Evan"?
"You taking his life from him"? Kelly thought that was the only explanation.
"Y/Ns being used to get to me. Do you think he'll hurt her"? Jay asked Kelly with worry in his eyes.
"I can't say for sure".
"We need to find them now".
"Pull over here". Evan told the driver.
"What are we doing"?
"Going to have a chat with Halstead". Evan pulled put a phone handing it to you.
"Call him". You did as you were told as it was ringing Evan swiped it from your hand and put it on speaker.
"Hello"? You heard Jay's voice and you sigh with happiness.
"Jay Halstead, I'm assuming that you have already figured out who I am since you're so smart".
"Evan Bates and Norman James".
"Correct. Now can you tell me where there are three other bombs at"? Evan chuckled as the line went silent.
"There's three more"? Jay questioned.
"Three, four, who knows. But you'll find out soon enough".
"Where's Y/N"?
"She's right here, looking lovely as usual".
"If you lay one finger on her"... Evan cut Jay off.
"You'll what? Kill me? You'll have to catch me first Jay Halstead".
"I will catch you and I'll make sure you don't see the light of day again".
"I see. And I thought we could be friends, well I have to go so I'll see you when I see you". Evan hung up and put the phone in his pocket.
"When I see Jay, it will be the last time you see him....alive". Evan push a strand of hair out of your face, you jerked at him. He chuckled and went back to the front.
"She's alive. Thank God". Kelly felt relieved.
"But there's more bombs and I don't know where to start". Jay ran his hand over his face.
"Most bombers put bombs where they'll be noticed. Places that remind them of something or someone".
"There's a festive going on at the high school today"? Mouse spoke up from his computer.
"Let's get some people there and circulate their pictures around. We have to find these guys".
"I pinged the number and it's bouncing off two towers". Jay looked and he knew right where they were. He grabbed his jacket.
"I'm coming with you". Kelly ran after Jay.
"I know you want to help but I cant let you get hurt too".
"You need someone with you. I can help".
"Fine. Just don't get shot or killed. I'll never hear the end of it". Jay smiled as Kelly laugh.
Jay followed his instincts and he was right. There was a van sitting in his drive way.
"I'll go around back". Kelly got out of the car and sneaked to the back yard.
Before Jay got out of the car he got a text from Voight, telling him to wait for back up. Jay cut his phone off and got out of the car. Walking up to the house, he looked through the windows. There you tied on the ground. Evan was sitting on the couch a gun in hand. Norman was out of sight, that made Jay's heart beat faster as he entered the house.
"Welcome home Jay". Evan said from the couch. Jay's eyes went to you, you nodded to him telling him you were okay.
"What do you want"?
"My family back".
"Sorry. They're not yours anymore. You gave that up".
Evan jumped off the couch getting into Jay's face. "They were taken from me. I did this to protect them and you came and stole them".
"You did this to yourself. Getting into bed with the wrong crowd. It's your fault".
"Well, I didn't come here to fight. That's Norman's job". Evan motioned for Norman to come in and he came in swinging. A punch landed to Jay face, knocking him unsteady. Evan sat back down on the couch.
Norman landed another blow to Jay's ribs with his leg. You cringed as Jay yelped. Jay faught back punching and kicking Norman. Evan was having field day as he watched Norman beat up Jay that he didn't see Kelly come in the house. Before coming into the house Jay gave Kelly a gun and Kelly wasn't going to use to but you were in the hands of a psycho.
"Evan". Kelly yelled bringing the attention to him, he pointed the gun at him.
"Kelly, so nice of you to join us".
Norman stopped fighting when Kelly put the gun to his head. Jay grabbed his hidden gun from ankle pointing it at Norman, taking his handcuffs and slapping them on.
"Get up". Jay ordered Evan, Evan sat still not moving.
"I said get up now". Jay gritted his teeth pointing his gun at Evans head. Evan moved slowly as he got up. Jay swiftly turned him around slapping handcuffs on him as well. He sat him back down on the couch and went to you. Taking put a knife and cut your ropes. You slung your arms around Jay kissing his lips as he helped you up. Your head was still hurting and you felt dizzy.
"You okay"?
"We'll get you an ambulance". Jay wrapped your arm around his neck as you hardly could walk. He motioned his gun for Evan to get up and walk out the door. Kelly pushed Norman out the door. Voight and his team was pulling up as you got to the front yard.
As Evan walking he laughed, then thats when Jay saw the remote in his hand. Jay pushed you to the ground covering you as your house blew up. Wood shot out everywhere, car alarms went off and there was ringing in everyone's ears. Jay staggered to get up, he looked around Kelly was fine but Norman got a piece of glass in his throat, it sliced right threw his neck. Evan was lucky just a piece of wood threw his leg, he was still laughing. "I took something of yours now". Jay came closer to him. "I didn't lose anything. It's a house, it can be rebuilt. But you, you lost everything because of your stupidity". Jay walked back to you as the ambulance came. He picked you up carrying you to the EMTs. His family was more important than a house and stuff. More important than Evan. He had to make sure this never happened again. Voight came up to Jay as the ambulance was about to leave. "The bomb was at the high school, we got it in time". "Good". Jay closed the door. Voight and his team searched through Evans and Norman's stuff, they had planted two more bombs. One at Evans grave and one at Will's house. Thankfully him and the twins weren't home and they were at the hospital. Evan was serious about making Jay pay.
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justash02 · 4 years
Strong fate;
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Zombie Apocalypse AU!
-> Soobin x reader
Plot: Your head shot up as you heard loud yelling out side of the door that the two of you just came through, you looked over to taehyun only to see that he shared the same surprised look as you did. You two soon were pulled back into reality when you heard gun shots and more yelling for help.
A/n; I kinda started imaging this while playing “TLOU 2” it’s so freaking good omg- btw I’ve resently started watching TXT videos and I think it’s save to say that Soobin is my bias😂
Find all my k-pop work here -> masterlist
-> I might cry, this too me soo freaking long, so please don’t let this flop this literally took 4 days to make-
—> Enjoy!
“Hey, Y/n. Check this out.” Taehyun said as you looked over to you, your eyes traveled over to the slightly older boy as you smiled, “I’ll give you a hand.” You walked over to him and pressed your hands against the rusty door.
“Ready? One, two.. three.” We both pushed against the door, pushing it open. Tae quickly slipped from beside you and got inside, he grabbed the door from you to let you in.
You sighed and brushed off some of the dirt that was on the door, “So, What did Yeonjun want us to get? Besides food of course.” I asked Tae as I pushed the cart back that was against the door. You never know what can be after you, maybe a stalker is walking behind you, luring from the corners waiting to attack you.
Or maybe a runner, or a clicker.
Tae laughed as he shook his head, “Let’s see.” He said as he pulled out a piece of paper, I looked down and turned on my flashlight as I waited for him to continue; “medicine, food, screws, batteries, water or anything that is drinkable, trading carts-“
“What! Now I know for sure that Yeonjun does have favorites, two days ago I asked him to put chocolate on the list because I was having cramps he told me who I needed to get over it and not to be a baby! And now Kai is asking something useless and he gets what he wants?!” I pout out as Tae smiled.
He reached to his bag and pulled out a kit-kat bar, “Here, I smuggled it out of Jeongguk’s bag because I know how bad your cramps can get.” He said as he handed it over to me. I stared at the bar as I smiled.
“Shit, now I owe you, Don’t I?” He shook his head as i watched him put his bag back on his back, “See this as a very bad sorry for the last run.” He didn’t look in my eyes as he said those words, he turned around and started looking for the things we were looking for.
I decided to do the same and started looking in every drawer and every closet that came across my path, it was dead silent as I watched Tae do his job.
“So..” he didn’t turn around but I could see that I got his attention from the way his body froze up a little, “Did Yeonjun give you a hard time about last time?” After a few seconds of silence he shook his head, “He was so disappointed in me, Y/n/n.”
He said as he turned around, “I’ve never seen him like that, he didn’t even yell at me or got mad, he just sat there staring deep into my soul telling me that I won’t ever go on a run on my own again.”
“He was happy about the fact that you saw me go, though. Look, im so sorry for almost getting you killed, too. I was to naive to think that my parents would still be alive after so many years of not seeing them.”
My eyes scanned his face as he looked down at the ground, failing to look into my eyes. Of course you understood that he wanted to believe that his parents were still alive, you also were in that place once when the outbreak started to you didn’t have anything against Tae doing this.
“Tae, seriously, it’s fine-“
“No! It’s not, I almost got you killed.” I sighed and walked over to him, I slowly wrapped my arms around him and hugged him, “Don’t ever apologize for something that you couldn’t help, I would do it ten times for if you wanted me to Tae. You’re like a brother to me and so are the rest of the boys.”
He looked up at me as tears slowly ran down his cheek, he hugged me back and squeezed me before pulling away. He whipped away his tears as he smiled at me.
“Let’s just keep look-“ before I could finish I heard loud banging on the door, Your head shot up as you heard loud yelling out side of the door that the two of you just came through, you looked over to taehyun only to see that he shared the same surprised look as you did. You two soon were pulled back into reality when you heard gun shots and more yelling for help.
“Fuck! Please help me! I’ve got no bullets left! Their gonna kill me!” Before I could move Tae grabbed my arm and pulled me back into him, “Don’t, you don’t know if-“
I ripped my arm from his grip and ran over to door, I grabbed the cart but it was stuck, my head shot over to Tae who was staring at me. “Well, get fucking moving!” He quickly ran over to me and gave the cart a pull, as soon as it was away from the door I grabbed the door knob and pulled it open.
A boy around our age dropped inside, I didn’t get long to look at him as I saw a runner charging at me, Tae gave it a swing against it’s head with the bat that he found earlier coming here.
I dropped to the floor helping the boy up but as soon as he stood he dropped back down, “Fuck! Drop-“ he grabbed my arm pulling me into him as I heard a gun shot, the sound of a body falling was heard behind me making me jump.
“Y/n-“ Tae began as a few clicks were heard, out of reflection I pulled the two boys before me, grabbing the gun out of its belt and pointed it to the fucker.
I thought that for a second the blind ass couldn’t hear us but the boy lets out a grunt of pain, alerting the clicker.
It let’s out a loud screech as it charged to us, I quickly aimed and pulled the trigger making its body fall onto me, I gagged at the smell of rotting flesh as soon as it filled my nose.
The boy reacted fast as he pushed off the bloody clicker and tried to pull me up but let’s out a loud grunt, Taehyun quickly crawled over to the boy and reached over to the boys leg.
Tae’s eyes traveled over to his eyes as the boy nodded, Tae’s hands began to shake as he slowly folded up the undercut of his pants.
Tae quickly shot back at the large bite wound, Tae reaches over to his gun and pointed it to him, “I will shoot you, I’ve shot people I love dearly so you’ll be easy.”
“Wait- don’t shoot, it’s a old bite wound. You have to believe me, I was bit a long time ago and I never turned. The blood is from falling.” He quickly explained as he held his hands up to his face, “Just- p-please, Don’t kill me.”
I slowly get onto my knees and sat next to him, “Y/n-“ I took out a wipe and started softly started patting his wound and saw indeed that it was an old one. My eyes widened as I realized that when Yeonjun and I were listening in on a group of fireflies that they were looking for an immune boy, they wanted to make a cure out of them.
The Fireflies are a revolutionary militia group, They revolt against military oppression in numerous Quarantine Zones in the hopes of eventually restoring the US government.
Meaning that anyone who wasn’t with them would be seen as a threat and would be executed.
“Y-your him. You’re that boy that they were looking for to make that cure.” His face froze as he stared at me, he reached for his gun and raised it up to my forehead, pressing it hard against my skin.
Before Tae could react the boy raised one of the guns that were laying around and pointed it to him and shot him in his leg, taehyun dropped to the floor and lets out a yelp of pain.
“You’re gonna regret doing that, you fucker.” The boy only smiled and pressed the gun back onto my skin, “I’ve killed many of you, don’t think that just because you saved me that I would spare you.”
“I’m not a firefly, dumbass. I’m literally against those fuckers.”, “That’s what they all say.”, he said as he pressed it harder, it started to hurt but I didn’t show it to him, “For someone who’s really wanted you sure do wait a long time to kill somebody.”
He went to pull the trigger but it never went off, I smirked and fell back as kicked him in the face. I grabbed his gun and throw it across the room and went to sit onto him giving him no time to react.
I punched him as hard as I could, knocking him out. I felt like all my energy was being sucked from me as I let myself fall beside him.
“Tae? You ok?” I asked as I watched him trying to stop the blood from spilling, his hands were bloody and tears were clearly to see on his face. He shook his head as his lips started to shake from the pain in his leg.
“Let’s get back to base, we’ll take him too to be sure.” Tae didn’t respond as he tried to get up, I grabbed the boys arms and wrapped it around my neck, I quickly grabbed onto his waist as I tried to pull him up, Tae came over to my side and grabbed the boys other arm.
“Yeonjun is not gonna be happy about this one.” Tae whispers out softly as we walked back to our car, yeah, he probably won’t be.
“So you’re telling me that you took home the person that the fireflies have been looking for while we are practically in war with them?” Yeonjun said, I stood there not knowing what to say, why did I take him home? He literally tried to attack me.
When yeonjun saw I wasn’t going to respond he lets out a sigh and let’s himself fall onto the couch behind me, “Fine, let him rest up here. Let him clean himself up but after that he’s gone. You’ve got to understand that in this world you can’t trust everyone.” He said as he scanned my face.
I just nodded, I didn’t brother telling him about the whole “he tried to shoot me” part because well, the boy probably won’t even survive cleaning himself up.
I walked out of the room and walked to the cafeteria, “Y/n!” I looked over and Kai, “Heya.” Kai smiled and hugged me, “soooo, did you get the cards?” He asked enthusiastically.
I shortly shook my head before grabbing two packs of sandwiches- if that’s what you can really call them. “We got interrupted.”, “By the immune boy, right?” I nodded and smiled at him.
“He was quite handsome.” Kai said as he took a big bite out of his sandwich, “He is, too bad he tried to kill me though.” I whispered, luckily the younger one didn’t hear me.
we said our goodbyes as I walked my way over to the room he was staying in, what if he tries to kill me again- stop talking nonsense Y/n, yeonjun took all of his wapons.
I softly knocked on the door, I slowly placed my ear against the door trying to hear anything, when I didn’t hear-
“Woah, didn’t know you were that big of a perf.” I quickly spin around only to see Jimin, “Oh my go- you scared the living shit out of me!” I said as I slapped his arm, jimin laughed and softly rubbed the skin I just hit.
“Scaredy-cat. I just wanted to tell you that yoongi was looking for you, he said your gun needed a upgrade.” I smiled and nodded, “I’ll go look for him when I’m done with him.”
Jimin wiggles his eyebrows, “not have too much fun.” He said before walking away, he didn’t even give me a change to hit him again.
I sighed and turned back around to face the door once again, I took a deep breath and opened it up. I peeked through the small crack of door.
There he was, he hang with his head and his wrists were chained to the bedpost, I felt my heart ache as I saw him like that. I didn’t understand why I felt that way but I couldn’t stop thinking about how scared he looked when we saw that clicker coming for me.
I decided that it was better to push away those thoughts and walk over to him, I gently sat onto the bed. He quickly looked up to me only to relax when he saw it was me.
“I- Um, I brought you food...” I said, he looked down at my hands. Suddenly he shots his eyes back to mine making me blush, what the hell?
He smiled softly before, shyly looking down. He mumbled something under his breath so I didn’t understand any of what he said.
“I said, I can’t eat it when I’m chained up...” I felt stupid for not figuring that out on myself as I looked down at the food, theres no way that Namjoon will give me the keys and if I ask Jun to get it for me he‘ll laugh his ass of telling me to ‘fuck off’.
An idea popped into my head but I quickly pushed that away, “Could you- you know.. maybe feed me?” He stuttered out, my eyes widened at his request, great minds think alike, right?
I saw as his whole face turned a deep shade of red, I, myself started to feel my face heat up. “O-or you go get the keys, but I highly doubt that they will give it to you, see that I tried to kill you and all..”
I quickly unwrapped the sandwich and slowly ripped off a piece and shoved it in his mouth, his eyes widened as he stared at me dumbfounded. I quickly looked away, avoiding eye contact at all cost.
“W-well, what are you looking at? E-eat up.” I stuttered out, I felt embarrassed that this was happening, I would’ve rather died back there than be in this awkward situation.
He slowly started to chew as he looked down, “thanks.” I looked over to him, he frowned as he continued, “If it weren’t for you, I would’ve been dead.”
“It’s nothing, I guess it’s a human thing to do.” I said as I reached the sandwich closer to his mouth letting him take a bite, “I would do it again, even though you pulled that gun to me.” He looked down embarrassed.
“Nothing to feel embarrassed about, though, if I were in your place I probably would’ve done that same.” I said, I watched him swallow as he eagerly looked over at the sandwich, I laughed only to have him shoot me a dirty look.
“Stay still.” I said, I laid the food onto the nightstand next to the bed and crawled behind him, “W-Wait, what are you doing?”, I ignored him and grabbed the small bobby-pin out of my hair and pushed it in, I wiggled it a little before opening it up.
“That’s one.”
Soon I got the other one lose too, I throw the handcuffs to the other side of the room before getting up, I looked over to see him rub his sore wrists, they looked painfully red.
I smiled softly before handing the sandwich over to him, “Just, just tell me when you need anything ok?” He looked over with a smile, he softly nodded before he started nibbling on the sandwich.
*a few months later*
“Y/n, help me with this.” Jungkook said, I looked over and smiled, I quickly ran over to his side. I grabbed a brick and threw it against the window, “that is also a way.” He said laughing.
I smiled and looked over to Soobin, “What, you’re scared?” I asked, Soobin looked over at me and pouted, “Me, scared? You wish, babygirl.” Jungkook fake gagged for a second before winking my way.
“You disgust me.” I said to him before away, I walked over to where all the clothes were and started looking through them, “Get your ass in here, lover boy.” Jk said as Soobin quickly came in, he looked over my way and scanned my body.
If you would say that there wasn’t some tension between the two of us, you were probably blind or just really stupid. But we both just dare to say anything about it.
Everyone seemed to see they way that we flirted at the most weirdest moments, or how you “accidentally” touched each other’s hands. We even kissed, but the next day Soobin seemed to have forgotten it.
Maybe he wanted to forget, maybe he doesn’t like me the way that I like him. I sighed and pushed some clothing into my bag. I glanced over to him and watching him reach for a few newly found bullets.
“Y/n/n?” I jumped, and out of reflecting hit Jk, his hands quickly cupped his nose trying to stop the bleeding as he lets out a pain filled grunt. “Holy fuck, I would say that you hit like a girl but that would be a lie.”
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” I said as I grabbed a cloth from the table and pressed it against jungkooks nose, I softly cupped his cheeks making sure he doesn’t let his head fall back.
“I’m going to look upstairs.” Soobin said in a irritated voice, looking over jungkook frowned before smirking, “Looks like lover boys jealous.” I scoffed hitting his shoulder, “Stop it, he doesn’t like me.”
“Yeah, right. That’s why he was literally eating your face.” Jungkook said rolling his eyes, “It’s no mystery that he likes you, did you see his face when Jin hugged you for your birthday last month?” I shook my head and let out a sigh, “He doesn’t fucking like me, drop it ok?” I said, annoyed I let to go look for Soobin.
I ran up the stairs only to find all doors closed, “Soobinie?” I said, nothing. Suddenly I heard what sounded like a body dropping, I grabbed my gun and quickly ran over to the door. I slammed it open only to find soobin trying to fight off a runner.
“Get off of him, asshole!” I ran towards the bitch and grabbed it by its neck, I pressed my gun against its temple and shot it. I felt the body slip from my hands as blood dripped down from the wall.
Soobins loud breathing started to become like it usually is and he stared at me, “thanks.” He said breathlessly. I glanced at him before letting myself drop onto the couch, this is probably an old employees louche, “If I would get a penny everything I saved your ass I would be rich.” I said.
Soobin scoffed as he stood up from the ground, “If you were flirting with jungkook Hyung so much I wouldn’t have been here in the first place, so it’s your fault I almost got killed.” He spatted out, I laughed, i literally laughed in his face as I stood up.
“If that’s what you called flirting I might as well have proposed to you.” He rolled his eyes, “Oh because you like me so much right? You literally flirt with everyone from the base, literally everyone! I didn’t even feel special when you kissed me, because I knew you would do it to anyone!” At this point he started raising his hands to get his message more clearer but I knew that what he said was exactly what he was thinking.
“So you think I just kiss anyone? Like do you exactly think that?” I asked, I wanted him to answer me honestly.
“No, I don’t exactly think that. It’s just- the fact that all of them seemed to be so found of you, I don’t like that. You’re mine-“
“Since when?” I teased, “You’ve never asked me.” Soobin blushed deeply as cupped his mouth, “you know what I mean..”
“Do I?” I said, I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, he instinctively wrapped his around my waist, “Because if you asked me to be your girlfriend, I might just say yes.” It’s weird how he can make my mood switch from mad, to sad, to happy.
“Butttt, I might need you to kiss me...” I whispered, he smirked as he softly brushed his lips over mine, his tongue softly brushed over my top lip making me some type of way (wha-)
I started to feel impatient as I pulled him closer, his lips covered mine perfectly like a puzzle piece as he softly cupped my cheek.
“Eww, young love, disgustingly cute.”
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Strawberry Ice Cream
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: PTSD, low self-worth, nothing much - just fluff and smitten Bucky   
Word Count: 6000ish (whoops)
Square Filled: Bucky Barnes for @marvelfluffbingo
A/N: I drew a bit inspiration from listening to song Accidentally in Love by Counting Crow. It’s not totally a song fic but it inspired me a lot.    
This is written for @barnesrogersvstheworld and my prompt was Kissing in the Rain - sorry it’s late hun. I hope it helps it’s long
Betaed by: the amazing @readitandweepfics - thank you so much for your help sweetie
***My fics are not to be saved nor posted on any other sites without my express written permission.***
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Bucky sat down at the kitchen counter with his mug of coffee just like he did every morning. He wasn’t a morning person. He never had been and the years hadn’t made him less grumpy in the early hours. With you, it was different though. He didn’t have to respond to anything you were saying. You’d just carry on with your conversation for the both of you until he was ready to join in.
Bucky sat quietly, just like every morning for the past year he had been living in the Tower. He was holding his cup, right below his face letting the smell, as well as the sips, wake him up slowly. The sound of your voice calmed his mind from the nightmares of the night, without him really having to pay much attention to what you were saying before he wanted too. You didn’t expect anything from him. You never did. His company seemed to be enough for you and that brought Bucky a strange sense of peace.
His lips tugged up a little as he watched you sway to low music coming from the radio as you stood in front of the stove, happily chatting away about your grandmother’s recipe. You always seemed so happy and at ease. So much so it couldn’t help but rub off on Bucky a little.
From the first day he had arrived at the Tower, you had treated him just like anyone else. You hadn’t walked on eggshells around him, but you had never pushed him either. You had helped him more than he thought you’d even realized and you had quickly become one of his best friends.
Steve was Steve. He’d always be his best friend. He was a reminder of his past, good and bad. He never judged him for anything and he tried to help Bucky in whatever way he could. Bucky knew he wouldn’t be sitting here if it wasn't for Steve. He had believed in him and brought him back when no one had thought it was possible. He owed Steve more than he could ever repay, even if he also knew Steve didn’t see it like that.
Natasha was a reminder of a different part of his past, a past he’d rather forget but knew he couldn’t. She was more than that though. She understood him in a way other people didn’t. They couldn’t, not unless they had known the forces of the KGB and HYDRA from the inside. There was a lot of wounds between the two of them, but she had forgiven him. She had never held any of the bad memories they shared against him and she was committed to letting him start anew. She had gotten a fresh start and she appeared to believe Bucky deserved one too.
Sam, he had met close to the end of his time as the Soldier. He had a few memories of Sam he’d rather forget too, but nothing as violent as the ones involving Natasha and Steve. Sam was a new friend. He treated him like a person, normal. He had from the moment they met as Bucky and Sam. The banter was consistent between them, but it was a sign of respect and admiration on both their parts. It wasn’t hateful in the slightest. Still, with Sam, as much as Bucky enjoyed spending time with him, he was often expected to react. Even if he wasn’t he always did.
You were different. He had never met you as the Soldier. Memories of you were completely fresh and even if the banter with you were rarer than with Sam you had never treated Bucky differently than anyone else.
The first weekend he had spent at the Tower you had come knocking on his door with a huge smile on your face, inviting him for movie night with the rest of the Avengers in the common room. Bucky hadn’t taken you up on the offer that night, nor had he the next two times you asked which he regretted instantly when he on the fourth weekend had snuck into the common room after the movie had begun. He quietly sat down on the couch next to Steve, taking the beer his friend had handed him with a smile. It hadn’t stopped him feeling out of place though, and he had been ready to leave until he had looked up accidentally meeting your eyes. The smile on your face had made him relax so much he had without meaning to return it. After that time Bucky had never said no when you came knocking on his door to invite him to movie nights. Actually, they had quickly become Bucky’s favorite night of the week and he hated when missions pulled him or other members of the team away from the routine.
It was movie nights that made Bucky feel more at ease in the other rooms of the Tower aside from his own. After a few weeks, he had started using the common areas. The gym was the first place he went. It was here he started learning of the other team members routines. Sam and Steve always got up way too early to go for a run. Whereas Nat and Clint didn’t run anywhere unless forced. You, however, did. Just a lot later than Steve and Sam. Actually, you were always just about to head out when they came back to train in the gym.
Bucky had never been one for running so at first he had just figured Sam and Steve’s routine fit him well. He was ready to join them after his morning coffee. Every morning you had asked him to join you for your run. Every morning for a month Bucky had declined.
Aside from never being much of a runner, he hated leaving the Tower, except for when missions required it of him. He felt like people stared at him and judged him. They had every right too. Bucky had done a lot of horrible things in the past seventy years. He still didn’t think he was worth what Steve, Sam, Nat, T’Challa and eventually Tony had done for him. He wasn’t deserving of the pardon he had been granted. He knew he had no choice in all he had done, but that didn’t change the fact he had done it. It was his hands that pulled the triggers of the guns ending the life of men, friends, and fathers who had gotten in HYDRAs way. It was his hands that squeezed the life out of women, loved ones, and mothers that had spoken the wrong words and become a threat to the organization he had been forced to work for. Memories of children taking their last breath before he snapped their necks, merely for being in the wrong place at the wrong time still haunted his memories. He had never wanted to hurt any of those people, but he had done it.
You seemed to know what he was thinking without a word and the first time you had ever confronted him about his past and own insecurities had taken him completely by surprise. You had stepped out of your room dressed for your run, just as he headed towards the gym. You blocked his way in a way you never had before. Your voice had been soft but firm as you spoke, your eyes resting on his face while Bucky tried to look anywhere else but you. He had felt vulnerable and naked as if you had looked right through him and into his soul.
“Bucky… I know you don’t like leaving the Tower, but you can’t stay here forever. Sooner or later you have to get back into the world. I know you don’t feel like you deserve a second chance but I do. Steve does. Sam and Nat do. You wouldn’t be here if every single one of us didn’t believe you deserve to be. Most of the world agrees. You just have to forgive yourself and allow yourself to live again. I am not pushing you. I promise never to mention any of this again, but just know you’ll be safe with me. If anyone is a jerk I’ll punch them in the face. I don’t know anyone that deserves to live a full happy life more than you do. It’s okay if you say no but I’m also not going to stop asking you. Do you wanna come for a run with me?”
Completely taken aback by your words Bucky to this day wasn’t sure how he had managed to get out the mumbled not today before rushing back to his room, where he hid for the rest of the day. He had spent the hours thinking about what you said. Eventually, he decided that even if he still didn’t think he deserved a happy life as she had put it, he owed it to Steve, Sam, and you to at least try to live a normal one. That’s why he walked into the kitchen the next morning wearing slacks and a hoodie. He had ignored Sam’s teasing, that he looked like he was about to rob a bank with his hood pulled down over his face as he sipped on his coffee trying to wake up. He hadn’t even snapped at Sam for drinking out of the damn juice bottle like he did every morning before following Steve to the gym. His senses had been laser-focused on your door and he didn’t move until he heard it opening and closing. He had quickly abandoned the mug, rushing out into the hallway to intercept you. He could still remember the bright smile on your face as he had awkwardly asked you if he could join you on your run that day.
Your simple let’s go, had been all he needed. Every morning since then Bucky had found a new routine. Every morning he went to get his coffee before meeting you in the hallway for their run. They had run in quiet at first, Bucky keeping a slow pace for her to keep up. It wasn’t really about the training for him. It was about getting out in the world and slowly, every day, he had felt more and more relaxed. It was early enough no one stared. Everyone out was busy getting somewhere or occupied with their own training or to do lists for the day. Bucky and you were just two other people starting your day and Bucky found a sense of calm in that.
You made it back to overlap your training with Sam and Steve, before finishing it on your own or as Nat and Clint appeared in the Gym. Breakfast, usually cooked by Wanda with the help of Vision, was after. Depending on the day the team had missions or just a day at home after that. Sometimes half the team was heading out and the rest staying at home. The days Bucky had off, he had usually spent in his room, until one day he decided to stay in the common room to read instead of retreating to his room to do the same. He hadn’t noticed the bright smile on your face as he got comfortable on the couch but he had when you nudged his feet a few minutes later, asking if you could join him.
His smile was involuntary and instant when you smiled at him by then and he quickly moved his feet to give you room to sit down with your own book. A few days were passed like that until you started talking. Mostly about the books, recommending different titles to the other. Somehow the common love of reading spread into other things you had in common, which Bucky had never realized. He told you about life in Romania which had to lead you to insist the two of you were going to a farmer’s market the following Friday. Bucky had turned pale and you had bitten your lip seemingly realizing your mistake in your excitement.
Bucky hated the flash of pain in your eyes. He knew it wasn’t about you or your hurt feelings. It was fear you had pushed him too far and he never wanted you to feel like that. Which might have been part of the reason he had agreed to your suggestion. The real reason though, even if he still couldn’t admit it, was that he loved spending time with you. More than that he loved the bright, warm smile you would give him when he agreed to try something new. He loved how it made your eyes sparkle with pride.
So Friday’s had become Farmer’s Market day. Bucky had been tense at first, feeling as if people were staring and talking about him. He had jumped the first time you had looped your arm through his but when his eyes met yours he relaxed. You were here with him, because you wanted to be and in the end that was all that mattered. Bucky became able to focus on your conversation and the world of fresh food around him. He slowly opened up, talking to the people owning the stalls, tasting and smiling quietly like he had on his own in hiding where no one knew who he was. The only difference here people answered him by his name, Mr. Barnes, or Sergeant Barnes every now and again. Every time he tensed up, but you correcting them to say Bucky, never failed to make his lips tug upward a little. You had yet to punch someone in the face because no one had been rude, but Bucky started to suspect your offer had been sincere.    
Farmer’s Market had turned into the two of you actually cooking the food you bought together and every Friday afternoon, you spent in the kitchen together. Sometimes you were talking and telling Bucky about different recipes you wanted to try or what you used to cook with your family. Sometimes you sang along to whatever song on the radio. Other times you chatted away about your week. Bucky was mainly quiet, only asking a question here and there or answering whatever you asked him. He enjoyed it though. Cooking with you was like a dance. Everything was actually. You instinctively seemed to know your place around each other. Bucky enjoyed spending time with you. You made him feel normal and at ease.
Today was Sunday. It was the day after movie night and the day you never went running. It was your day off from training, and it was the one day you stole the morning cooking from Wanda. The day that Bucky never rushed his morning coffee and just allowed himself to wake up slowly to you chatting away at him. He never paid much attention to what you were saying. Not because he wasn’t interested but because he knew you well enough to know that your morning chatter was mostly about nothing. It was your way of waking yourself up, just like coffee and your voice was Bucky’s.
It wasn’t until the strawberry ice cream covered pancake landed in front of him the fractions of what you had been talking about started to piece together in his mind. He leaned back in his seat almost as if to get away from the offending wannabe breakfast item in front of him, looking up at you with a frown.
“Ice cream on pancakes, Y/N? It’s 8am,” he grumbled, but you weren’t one to give up that easily. You were used to Bucky’s sullen approach of anything new and it seemed to amuse you more than scare you off. Not that Bucky wanted you to ever be scared of him. Grumpy was just a natural response for him, especially this early in the day.
“Hell yeah!” You grinned taking a bite of your own, moaning in pleasure and Bucky had to fight not to smile. He wasn’t quite ready to give up just yet.
“Okay. But of all the ice cream in the world. Why strawberry?” Bucky asked, not able to hide the amused glimmer in his eyes as you pulled a face at him.
“Because it’s the best kind. Not only is strawberry the best kind of ice cream period, that specific ice cream beats all others, sleepy. If you had listened you would have known it was my grandma’s recipe and I made it while you guys were on your last mission. Tony insisted only popcorn is allowed on movie night so now you are all having it on pancakes,” you folded your arms over your chest with a determined look on your face.
The sweet little whine when Bucky mirrored your stance broke him and he couldn’t help but laugh as you filled his fork with a bit of ice cream and pancake holding it out to him.
“Come on Barnes. Live a little,” you grinned and with a sigh, Bucky leaned forward letting you feed him the bite. Just as the vanilla and strawberry flavors exploded in his mouth while he stared into your sparkling eyes a memory of the night before joined by a realization came over him.
You slept soundly with your feet pulled up under you and your head resting against Bucky’s chest. The weight of his left arm weighed you down with the same security of a blanket. You were completely relaxed and not even the movie ending or Avengers scattering to their rooms around you woke you from your sleep.
Bucky smiled softly as he watched you. He loved that you felt safe enough around him to fall asleep like that. Barely even stirring when he shifted in his seat a few minutes before to put his beer down. You knew without a doubt there was no danger and no reason to react to the commotion or voices around you.
“So when are you going to tell her?” Sam asked, ignoring Steve’s chastizing tone when he spoke his name.
Bucky looked up to see the room was now empty except for the four of them. He blinked a few times in confusion as he realized Sam’s question had been aimed at him. “Tell her what?”
“Come on man. We all see how the two of you look at each other. She likes you too. You should tell her,” Sam pushed, despite Steve’s groan beside him.
“What the hell are you talking about man? She’s my friend,” Bucky snapped back at Sam, whose eyes widened in surprise.
“You mean you don’t see it…” Sam started before he managed to stop himself, “Damn!”
“Sam I always knew you were an idiot but this is a new low,” Bucky grumbled before his eyes shifted to Steve who hadn’t talked. He didn’t have too. Bucky knew him better than anyone and he could read the expression on his face with ease. “Seriously Steve?! You too?!”
“Buck… There is no rush. It’s okay to take your time, just…” Steve began before Bucky literally growled at him.
“I am not taking relationship advice from the two of you. Besides, there is no relationship. She is my friend,” Bucky repeated before gently shifting from beneath you, lifting you into his arms.
“Let’s get you to bed doll,” his voice softened as he spoke to you, even if you were still sound asleep. Bucky turned his back to his two idiot friends, ignoring their chuckles as he walked out of the room carrying you down the hall towards your bed.
Bucky had been so sure of his own words that night and he hadn’t even given the conversation a second thought until this moment. Not until he saw the adoration and pride in your eyes, not until he felt his own heart skip a beat and the need to lean forward to share the flavors of the creamy strawberry ice cream with you in a searing kiss came over him. He hadn’t meant to fall in love with you. He had no idea when it had happened but in that moment he knew he had. He was head over heels in love with you and panic spread through his body as both your heads snapped towards the doorway when a voice sounded.
“Good morning,” Sam smirked, with Steve standing next to him with a worried expression on his face. Bucky knew he read him just as easily as he read Steve and the panic he felt in that moment wasn’t something he was able to hide from Steve.
Not knowing what to do, Bucky pushed the chair out behind him and sped from the room, barely hearing you call after him that you could make him something else if he didn’t like it.
He knew his sudden escape had hurt you and he hated himself for it, but Bucky felt as if he couldn’t breathe. He needed to be alone to clear his thoughts. He loved you, but he didn’t deserve you. There was nothing Bucky could add to your life but pain and suffering. He was a broken mess who woke up screaming most nights still, despite it having been years since he was under anyone's control. It had been years since he had taken a life of someone that didn’t deserve it. But he still wasn't the man he once was. Hell, he doubted that he ever would be again and you deserved so much more than he would be able to give.
Those were the thoughts that overtook Bucky’s mind for the next three days as he stayed locked inside his room. Only sneaking out to get food when he was sure everyone else was asleep. He would probably have kept going that way hadn’t it been for that damn punk, surprising him in the kitchen nearly making him drop the plate of leftovers he kept finding in the fridge.
“You know she is leaving you those right?” Steve asked, making Bucky’s heart drop even if he saved the plate.
He hung his head, as he sat down at the table with a sigh. He knew Steve wasn’t there to make him feel worse. Steve would always have his back no matter what, just like the opposite was also true. Bucky was doing this to himself.
“I’m not trying to hurt her Stevie. I’d never…” Bucky started before Steve interrupted him giving his shoulder a squeeze as he sat down beside Bucky.
“I know that pal. She does too. She just doesn’t know what’s going on with you,” Steve explained. “She likes you and you disappeared on her after spending every day with her for almost a year now. She doesn’t know what to think.”
“It’s better this way,” Bucky mumbled. “If I just… she’ll move on. She’ll see it too.”
Steve frowned and sighed, causing Bucky to groan and take a bite of the food. He knew what was coming. Steve rarely directed his dad speeches at Bucky, but he had still witnessed enough of them to know when one was coming.
“See what? How horrible you are because you were kept a prisoner in your own body for decades?” Steve’s tone was hard, but not cruel. He was never cruel. Sometimes Bucky wished he would be. That would justify punching him in the face to get him to shut up.
“Steve…” Bucky grumbled in warning but it fell for deaf ears and Steve continued unaffected.
“I know you keep telling yourself you don’t deserve her, but a few months ago you also didn’t think you deserved to be here,” Steve rationalized. “Do you still feel like that?”
Bucky frowned. He hadn’t thought about that for a while. The Tower felt like home now and the Avengers were his family. Even Tony in some strange way. He felt as if he belonged here now.
“Well. No, but…” Bucky started but that was all he got out before Steve interrupted him.
“She did that. I tried. Sam, Nat… We all tried but Y/N was the one that made you see you are welcome here. That you deserve a chance as much as the rest of us. We all made mistakes. None of us are perfect. She sees you for who you are. You and I both know you are not him. You’re not the Soldier, Buck,” Bucky looked up from his plate with a fiery look in his eyes. He wasn’t angry at Steve. Not really. He was just angry. Angry at the world and the hand he was dealt.
“I’m not him either Steve. I’m not the Bucky you remember. I’m not the guy that…” Bucky’s voice broke and he felt all the anger leave him. There was only sadness left. Who he had been or who he had could be was the guy you deserved. The irony was if Bucky hadn’t fallen from that damn train if HYDRA hadn’t found him and turned him into a monster he wouldn't be here. He wouldn’t be alive to have met you.
“I know you’re not. Not completely anyway,” Steve’s voice was softer now. “You’re him and you’re not. Just like I’m that same kid from Brooklyn you needed to save from getting his ass kicked and I am not.”
Bucky’s lips twitched upwards at the thought of their youth, before sighing and covering his face in his hands. “What the fuck do I do, Stevie?”
“I don’t know. I don’t exactly have a lot of experience with these things but a smart lady once told me you have to allow people the dignity of their own choices,” Steve answered making Bucky look up from his hands with a small smile.
The surprise on Steve’s face was unmistakable, “yeah. How did you know?”
“It sounds like her,” Bucky chuckled, giving Steve a soft smile. Bucky hated the two of them never got the chance they deserved. Maybe Steve was right though. He had no right to make a choice about anyone else's life. He never wanted to do that to anyone. If Bucky was your choice, then he had no right to tell you that you were wrong. Not when he felt the same way about you. It was his fear holding him back, not a lack of love. You had made his life.
“Okay punk. I might need your help on this,” Bucky sat up a little straighter returning the bright smile Steve sent him. If he was about to make a fool out of himself, so be it. He needed to know and so did you. Whatever was to come after was up to you.
The next day Bucky didn't spend in his room. He met you in the hall like he used to and went running with you like before. He saw the confusion on your face, but before the run was over it had turned into relief followed by the usual familiarity and ease between the two of you. You didn’t ask and Bucky didn’t explain. Not yet. He would but he had to do it right. The evening Bucky spent chasing down Wanda for the pictures he knew she always took of the team when they weren’t paying attention, he forced Nat and Clint to do some grocery shopping for him and recruited Sam and Steve to help him get the roof ready for tomorrow night.
Friday Tony, Vision, Wanda and you left on a recon mission after Steve had talked to Tony. You returned grumpy when it had proved to be nothing meaning you had missed the Farmer’s Market and cooking with Bucky for nothing. Your grumpy had turned into confusion when Wanda, the moment you were home, dragged you to Nat’s room to get dressed up. You tried to ask questions but the two women just smiled knowingly and refused to answer anything. When you had tried to resist being redressed and dolled up without knowing what was going on, you had been met with Nat’s threats of bodily harm and finally you had decided just rolling with it would be the easiest thing to do.   
Just as Wanda had put the final touches on your makeup, there was a soft knock on the door. Nat opened to reveal Steve and your confusion was complete.
“Steve. What’s going on?” you asked, as he offered you his arm.
“Just trust me,” Steve smiled, and you sighed looping your arm through his. Of course, you trusted him. He was your Captain, but more than that he was family. He was a brother to you and a close friend. If it wasn’t for him, most of your lives would look completely different. You trusted him without him having to ask. You let him lead you to the elevator and you watched him wordlessly push the button to the top floor. He lead you out into the hallway, to the stairs to the roof. You gave him a questioning look when he stopped.
“You have to go the rest of the way alone. He’s waiting for you,” Steve smiled and your heart clenched. Bucky. It had to be right? But could it be? You took a deep breath, afraid to ask you just gave Steve a small nod before climbing the stairs.
You hadn’t meant to fall for the blue-eyed super soldier with shaggy hair. All you had wanted was for him to feel welcome at the Tower. The more time you spent with him the more you enjoyed it. He was quiet but he made you feel safe and at ease in his company. He made you feel as if every word you said was the most important thing in the world. He impressed you. Not just because he was handsome as hell, strong and a fierce soldier. No, you were impressed by his kindness and gentle soul. After all, he had been through Bucky wasn't hardened and uncaring. He was so filled with love for his friends. He was warm and his heart was often his biggest enemy. He cared so much, you knew his past would never truly allow him peace, but you wanted so badly for him to at least have moments of it. You wanted him to be happy, and somewhere along the way, you realized you had fallen in love with him.
You took another deep breath before pushing the door open to the roof. The sight that met you knocked the wind from your lungs. The rooftop twinkled with lights and in the far end was a pavilion with a table in the middle. Between that and you was Sam and Bucky. Sam with his pack on his back facing you and Bucky in a dark blue suit and his hair pulled back in a bun with his back turned to you. Sam’s face lit up in a bright smile, giving Bucky’s shoulder a friendly slap as he nodded towards you before he let his wings unfold and dived off the rooftop just as Bucky slowly turned around to face you.
His heart was threatening to beat out of his chest when Sam alerted him to your presence, but it all but stopped the moment he turned around to see you. You were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. You always were, but tonight it hit him all the harder. Tonight would change everything no matter what you’d chose.
He stayed completely frozen as you slowly walked towards him. He watched you as your eyes wandered over the pavilion covered in lights and photos of the two of you. He desperately tried to read the look on your face but he couldn’t. You looked overwhelmed and surprised, but he wasn’t sure if it was in a good way or not.
“Bucky…” your voice was filled with emotions as you turned around to look at him and Bucky smiled softly, reaching out his hands offering them to you. When you took them he felt as if he could breathe again. This was you. No matter what your choice was going to be you’d be kind about it. He trusted you like he trusted few people. He loved you and he knew he always would no matter if you returned his affections or not.
“I couldn’t figure out how to ask you or tell you, so I thought I’d show you,” Bucky gave your hands a small squeeze before he led you back towards the pictures. He pointed to the first one.
“This was taken the first time I joined movie night. Steve told me you were the one to start those in the first place,” he said looking down at you, and you nodded.
“Yeah. My family always had movie nights once a week and you are all my family now so…” your words trailed off and Bucky gave your hand a small squeeze before he pointed to the next picture.
“This was taken after one of our runs and that one was from that day where we ended up buying half the Farmer’s Market,” Bucky chuckled, remembering how carried away you had both gotten that day. “You made me feel… you gave me the courage to be part of the world again. It’s still not easy and I’m not sure it’ll ever be but with you, it seems right.”
Bucky gently brushed a tear from your eyes as he lead you towards the table, lifting the lid to show you the strawberry ice cream pancakes he had made Sam fly up last minute so they wouldn’t melt. He smiled when you covered your mouth giggling, patiently waiting for you to look back up at him.
“I’m not sure when it happened. I didn’t mean to fall in love with you, but I couldn’t help it. It has been so long I didn’t see it. Not until that morning. I’m so sorry I ran out on you like that doll. I just…” Bucky struggled to explain, but you just smiled squeezing his hand.
“You got overwhelmed. It’s okay Bucky. We’re here now and this…” you looked around before meeting his eyes again.
“No one has ever done anything like this for me. I love you too,” you confessed, laughing when Bucky’s face broke into a huge smile.
“Really?” he asked, making you laugh even harder as you nodded.
“Really. For a while now. I’m not sure when it happened either, but I do,” you smiled, letting Bucky pull you into his arms.
You felt so soft and perfect in his arms as he gently cupped your face with his right hand, brushing his thumb over your lips, silently asking your permission for him to kiss you. When you nodded Bucky smiled so hard, he was sure his cheeks would be sore tomorrow but he didn’t care. All he cared about was the warmth of your breath against his lips and the adoring look in your eyes, he couldn’t believe he hadn't allowed himself to see before. Now he wished you’d always look at him like that. No matter if he deserved you or not he wanted to be yours for as long as you would have him. ‘Hopefully, that would be forever’ he thought as your lips met in a tender kiss.
You wrapped your arms around his neck as Bucky pulled you impossibly closer and the kiss deepened. As you allowed yourself to get so lost in each other you didn’t notice the rain starting to fall from the sky even if the pavilion roof was far from waterproof. The rain didn't matter. Nothing but the two of you mattered anymore. Not your past, not the nightmares or the challenges you both knew you would have to face. They didn’t matter because you had each other and nothing felt more right than being in each other’s arms, kissing as the rain washed all of your worries away.
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ducksbellorum · 5 years
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Not many people know that before he joined the army to defend his planet from the Wraith, Ronon Dex had been attending the university as a theater major. Sateda in general, and the Dex family in particular, had strong theatrical and musical roots. Most only saw the soldiering side of Ronon, but there is a part of him that wishes he could be a star instead. Second only to guns and obliterating Wraith with them, theater is still Ronon's passion. Imagine his surprise when Earth people had the same idea. Thus began Ronon's love affair with the musicals of Earth.
1. That's How You Know from Enchanted
Ronon has a very technical excuse for having this song on his iPod. It serves to remind him that love is a doing word, and that showing his love for the people of Atlantis by protecting them from Wraith is just as good as telling them all the time. Yep, that's exactly why he has it.
But in reality...
It's just a really catchy song that he likes to dance to in the shower.
2. Climb Ev'ry Mountain from the Sound of Music
This song reminds Ronon that, though the Wraith are all over everywhere now, you have to keep holding on. The dream of a peaceful galaxy can be made real. You just have to keep that goal in sight and push toward it, no matter what stands in your way. He can't help but thinking that it would've meant a lot during his years as a Runner. It's almost enough to bring on tears. Almost.
3. Whole New World from Aladdin
During his time as a Runner, Ronon didn't exactly have time for sight-seeing. He's gated to more worlds than some people know exist, but each visit was all about survival. He'd passed under the auroras of Miret without so much as a glance and breezed through the singing trees on Goro as if they weren't even there.
But now that he's on Atlantis, with Sheppard's team, Pegasus' wonders were opening up in an entirely new way. There's still crazy running and shooting, but there's also time to stand and watch the crystals on New Minos with the team. There's time to walk around a planet and take in the views, without having to worry about bringing the Wraith. Most of the time. And that, to Ronon, is the best part.
4. Hakuna Matata from the Lion King
This is, in Ronon's opinion, the best song from that movie. Possibly the best song ever. Catchy as all get out, with an excellent message. In general, Ronon is a pretty chilled out guy. He doesn't get all knotted up over things he can't change. But lots of people on Atlantis get very worked up worrying about things. Especially McKay. Ronon thinks he could use a little Hakuna Matata. He likes to sing it at him, just to bug Rodney and make the other science geeks laugh.
5. Under the Sea from the Little Mermaid
Even Ronon has to admit that this one is a little silly. But he loves it. It makes him think of Atlantis, the city under the sea where everything is better. People who loved each other and were commited to eliminating the Wraith. And could have a good time while they were undertaking their very serious mission. He's glad to be a part of it.
6. Grease from Grease
This song really captures the essence of Atlantis for Ronon. It's all about changing what's known (nothing can be done about the Wraith), finding where you belong (in a completely different galaxy from their own), and tossing off the old way of things (the Wraith are going to eat you) with a rebel yell. He isn't exactly sure what grease has to do with epic galactic change, but he likes the song anyway.
7. One Singular Sensation from A Chorus Line
A song that really makes Ronon think of Melena and the first days of their love. He'd been so enthralled with her that he'd been effectively useless. That disfunctionality got better, of course, but his infatuation with her never wavered. The fact that she didn't have him to study for months didn't make a difference. He kept after her and persevered and finally she returned his love and agreed to be his. This is the only song that can call up happy memories of Melena without triggering the regret and pain of her death.
8. He Is Not Dead Yet from Monty Python's Spamalot
Against all odds, the men and women of Atlantis just keep coming back. Every time the Wraith thought they'd finally put down the brave people of Earth, those people popped right back up and kept going. They were not dead yet, dammit, and that was cause for celebration! Ronon likes to dance to this song when no one's around, simply because he's still alive. As to the Lancelot/Robin bit... he really has no explanation for that one. It just makes him laugh. :D
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boazshol-blog · 5 years
H E A D C A N O N S // boaz.
01. Tell us about your character’s name. Was it given to them or chosen? Does it hold any special meaning? If your character has aliases or nicknames, how did they get them and what do they mean?
BOAZ — it was more or less given to him, the name his parents gave him has long been forgotten along with his parents. as a child, watching the stars, he thought it was the name of a hero that chased villains through the void, that battled warriors like the stories on the monoliths. he wanted to believe something like that about himself. there was a group of children and they ran wild through the digs, through the quarries, through the histories that were dug up about their people — and boaz was just what they called him. 
VIPER — reputation means a lot in his type of work, you’re selling a front and that front need to be bought before you even walk through the door. viper is a scare tactic. he picked it up in the business — with eyes like a snake, it started to follow him around. silver tongued ; temptation ; liar. they begin to expect something larger than life to walk through the door with a reputation blood-red as his. something with teeth, with a trigger-happy finger, with no intention of letting them get out of here alive — and that’s not what they get. viper is just a man. and they relax. it makes it easier for him to sell his story — easier to strike a still target.
02. What is your character’s relationship to their homeworld? Do they hold fond memories of it, or do they hate it? Are they still here, and if not, do they miss it?
simocadia was a dusty, mountainous world of buried history, monoliths sunk beneath the ages, rock quarries left to age beneath the stars along with their stories and histories. they would run out beneath the night sky, surefooted against the rocks, pretend they were warriors of legend that have long been buried. boaz has fond memories of that part of it. that small sense of freedom. it’s something he’ll never return to and has become something to crave.  he always fails to mention the body he put beneath the rocks there. he knows that he’ll never go back. simocadia is a strange place now. the emptiness of space, the blood on his hands, has left that terrible place of home in his mouth. 
03. Describe your character’s relationship with those who raised them. Was it positive? Negative? Neutral? What sorts of ideologies were they raised with, and do they still stand by them now?
boaz was raised more or less by the children who ran wild among the digs. he had parents, he was sure but he didn’t know them. they could have been any of those obsessive types, lost in a history that didn’t matter anymore. and children do as children will — they live lives as big as they can before reality starts to connect. there wasn’t much of impression left on him except that if you wanted to be the one everyone liked, you had to push the bigger kid off.  xerda has left more of a mark. simocada is rich in agrocite — a rare ore that can be used for fuel and to enhance beam tools such as cutters, lasers, and rifles. it’s quite useful to have one of those quarry kids who know the mines better than anyone on your side. she saw something in boaz — he’ll never really understand what it was, he never asked. but the life she offered was much different and far away from the body he buried. xerda has was not a gentle person. she didn’t coddle or protect him, she didn’t teach him right from wrong. she taught him: business is business and the only way to get where you want is to push the bigger kid off. not exactly in those words but it was something boaz understood. he is very underhandedly ambitious and doesn’t believe there is a line that would be too far to cross. it’s kept him alive thus far. 
04. What is your character’s relationship with the Force? Is your character Force-sensitive? Whether or not they are, do they believe in it? Do they lean more towards the dark or the light or are they somewhere in between?
boaz is aware of that he has something. xerda has saw it when he ran guns for her. he knew the right people to talk to, he could find his way back to her even if she left him on the other side of the planet, he was the good luck charm to many of the runners. neither of them knew what it was. he was informed of it when he allied himself with the sith but it was simply left at that. he might be a tool to be sharpened, they told him but boaz has seen nothing of that promise.  he believes in it but his belief is based in more of there must be something better out there. he doesn’t want to believe that what he is right now is it. it’s something he keeps to himself, however.  boaz is squarely in between but he very much does not want to lean towards the dark. he sees how it corrupts, how it mangles, how cruelty can be the only advancement in a place like this and boaz knows he’s not like that. or — he believes he isn’t. he desperately wants someone to show he isn’t like that. 
05. What three word would you use to describe your character? What three words would your character use to describe themself? What three words would someone close to them use?
dumb ambitious bastard.
miserable exhausted bastard. 
manipulative sleepy bastard. 
06. Describe your character’s aesthetic. Do they tend towards fashion or function? Do they like to accessorize? How does this extend into their own personal spaces, such as their home or their workspace?
he tends to be decently put together for the most part. he leans toward functionality but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t appreciate fashion. it’s just functional clothing tends to hold up better in his line of work. black clothing hides blood splatter and you still look professional after four days of not sleeping / torture. accessories extend only to jewelry and while he doesn’t wear it often, he actually has a lot of it. too much. necklaces to earrings to rings, precious gems to precious metals to a few items he’s taken off bodies.  boaz keeps his appearance in order but his living spaces are very much not in order. he tends to fall apart when left to his own devices, falling into a quiet survival. he doesn’t live like a slob but it’s clearly just lack of effort. there are clothes and jewelry and weapon components spread out pretty much on any available open space. 
07. What are your character’s vices? Guilty pleasures? Bad habits? Weak spots?
gambling. something he got into with xerda, finding potential buyers in casinos or gambling dens and luck usually lends itself to him. it becomes almost a place of comfort for him. he can melt into the crowd and listen, sell his trade when he isn’t needed for an interrogation. he can lose himself in the tides and pull of whatever game he’s playing. 
the jewelry he collects. he has a rather bird brain about shiny things. he likes to collect them even if he will never wear them. he just like having them around him. they remind him of stars. 
tends to zero in on annoyances. pops his knuckles in the quiet to see who hates it and then exclusively pops his knuckles when they’re around. he doesn’t do it to everyone ( because he might get killed if he does it to the wrong person. ) but once he finds something — he won’t drop it. 
08. Tell us about your character’s relationship with food. What are their favorites? Do they enjoy cooking? Are they adventurous? Will they eat absolutely anything or are they hard to please?
He’s not a picky eater, he likes to try new things and doesn’t think twice about what it looks like so long as it’s food. growing up, a good meal was rare and then it was a battlefield with xerda has. he tends to find new places to try out, hole-in-the-wall types to noodle shops to street food — he’ll give it a try at least once. 
09. How does your character feel about engaging in relationships—romantic and / or sexual—with others? What is their history like? Do they fall in love easily? Are they constantly in and out of relationships?
boaz never really thought about it. in his line of work, there’s not much really beyond the occasional stress relief which boaz didn’t take part of much. love is a little more complicated. boaz has thought about it, wondered, tried to see himself with someone but he has never acted on anything. he isn’t curious about it, really. it’s more — he has no idea. it’s something that’s not happened much and he doesn’t have to think about it. 
10. What is your character’s pain tolerance like? Can they hold their own in a fight, despite injury? If someone hurts them with the aim of gaining information, how much can they take before they cave?
a high pain tolerance but he doesn’t like to just keep going, going, going. he would much rather just have you come along willingly. if it comes to fighting, his aim is take you down within the first five seconds of a meeting going sour. due to the fact that he is an interrogator, he can hold out a while before he caves because he knows how interrogations for information works.
11. What is your character’s weapon of choice? Are they more skilled as a melee fighter or do they have more skill with ranged weapons? What’s their fighting style like? What sort of training do they have behind them?
a gun runner as teenager and then a dealer as an adult, boaz has a preference for guns, particularly rifles. he can fight with his hands but he just would rather not because he has to use those later. he isn’t a sharpshooter _ well, he isn’t really much of a fighter. if he can talk his way out of it, he will. his fighting style is dirty and quick and he is not afraid to grab for any advantage. there was no training beyond what he picked up on simocadia and the other runners with xerda has which was just fighting to win rather than skill. 
12. Does your character have any words or catchphrases that they say frequently? Tell us about how they picked them up.
boaz tends to pick up and drop things easily. it’s easier to blend in when you don’t have something that can be traced back to you. he can be whatever the room calls for — a gambler with a bad cursing habit. an arms dealer who can’t stop swearing on his mother. a drunk who won’t stop trying to saying ‘now this is how it really went down’. that said — he tends to repeat words as in, “listen — no, listen.” / “look. look. LOOK.” / "what? .... what? no, what?” 
13. Tell us about a negative experience your character has had with either the Jedi or the Sith, and how this has affected their standing. Whether currently aligned or unaligned with either faction, if forced to choose, how would they side?
boaz has very little, probably no interaction with jedi. he knows they’re out there — well, they used to be out there. with the sith, he sees the corruption even if he doesn’t understand it. something within him actively rebels against it even if he isn’t sure why it’s happening. because of that, he has a tendency to not trust anything the sith say or do. they’ve mentioned word about training him in using the force but that has never actually happened. as his employer, there have been times when answers / information has been unsatisfactory and he’s had to answer for that. torture isn’t beyond the sith. and neither is withholding pay. although gun to his head, life on the line — he would side with whatever they wanted to hear. deep down beyond his immediate survival instinct, he would probably choose jedi. 
14. How would your character react to seeing a relative or friend on the opposing side of a battle or mission?
he would be at first shocked to see them but then he would carry out his job. it’s just good business. 
15. Describe a memory that your character finds embarrassing.
the only thing that really embarrasses boaz is being make to look unprepared in front of people that either he works for or is doing business with. among the runners, hazing was a thing and they would put the new kid in dangerous situations with no proper protection or gear and they would just have to figure out how to deal with it. this is a lot where boaz learned to be such a smooth talker because he hated to be made a fool of. xerda has once set him up with a buyer with no preparation and sat there while boaz bumbled through trying to sell the guy a gun he didn’t want. in the end, boaz’s persistence got him a hard fist to the nose all while xerda laughed. 
16. What goals does your character hold for themself and what steps have they taken towards achieving them? How far are they willing to go to reach them? What is their be-all and end-all?
his main goal is to stay alive. he will do everything it takes to stay alive even if it means taking down the people next to him. he will do what it takes to survive and that’s an instinct he’s never been able to overcome. he can be compassionate but his ambitious rules utmost. all that said — boaz wants to be saved. he believes that the sith do not hold the answer to what he’s looking for and he’s putting a lot of faith into the order. he wants to know that he can be better than this.
17. What is the one thing your character would change about their life if they were given the chance? What other lives could they have lived as a result?
he wishes instead of xerda has finding him, the jedi found him first. he believes that has they found him first then he would be on a very different path. probably one where he likes himself better. 
18. Living in such a high-conflict time, how does your character feel about doing what they must to survive? Will they hurt or kill others—either directly or indirectly—to protect themself and / or those close to them? If so, do they regret it when all is said and done?
he will do anything and everything to survive. boaz is focused on keeping himself alive. every one of his dealings, all of his business is to secure a future for him. he will absolutely hurt or kill someone in order to do this and has done so before. boaz can be ruthless when it comes to making sure he gets what he believes he needs in order to survive. he has no regrets at all about the things he’s done — well. except for one. the only regret that boaz still carries is the boy he killed on simocadia by accident. 
19. What is the biggest problem your character is currently dealing with?
getting paid. and probably vaelre but in that ‘they’re My problem” way. 
20. Give us 3+ headcanons of any length or subject matter.
boaz really enjoys stargazing. so much so that he’ll extend visits planet-side long enough that he can look up at the stars and try to find planets he’s visited, systems he remembers, and places that he’ll probably never see again. it links back to his childhood, lying on top of huge, half buried monoliths of history and staring up at the stars and having that sense of hearing the stars sing and knowing what they were saying. watching the stars is probably the closest he’s ever been to interacting with the force. 
he is actually a fairly good teacher when it comes to teaching people things such as weapon handling, gambling games, and probably even torture tactics if someone really wanted to learn that. he can be patient and even gentle with showing someone how things work. a lot of the things he knows he had to learn on his own and he doesn’t feel like it should be as much of a struggle as it was for him.
although he doesn’t have regrets and he doesn’t think of himself as an evil person — just someone misguided, he wishes he was what someone would call a ‘good person’. and he tries to do things that could be classified as doing good despite his line of work. this comes out in different ways for different people. trying, however, doesn’t not mean doing. a lot of times his survival instinct kicks in and it overrides the good things he’s done.  
bonus. Give us a list of any length telling us why our “fave is problematic.”
thinks it’s totally okay to just leave his dirty socks around. 
“i need to clean my gun” is not a valid excuse to leave a conversation, boaz. it’s not. come back here and face ur decisions. 
vael: i have done nothing wrong ever in my life boaz: i know this and i love you 
i can go the distance.mp3 but in the key of bad decisions 
probably dabs
“i want a better life.” continues to make poor decisions 
100% will betray you if a better deal comes along
bites his nails 
has a thing for rings. ( gollum voice: pr. ecio .. u . s . ) 
sold his boss into slavery that happened who does that
viciously ambitious 
gambles a lot and loses your money sometimes on purpose 
“i’m going to bed” and then doesn’t sleep 
has a lot of emotions but thinks he’s a stone cold bitch
“do as i say, not as i do” as he fucks off and does god knows what 
“......... Look.” 
says he’s a ‘people person’ but spends all his time alone
doesn’t Actively create drama but loves drama 
sith sith they’re our man, if they can’t do it GREAT 
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deathcookieprsn · 6 years
Despair Clause Episode 1
(Scene) Inside the hall of the castle, three guys are chit chatting at the bottom of the stairs that lead to the throne. One is blond with a pony tail dressed in blue royal atire (Otio), one has red spiked hair dressed in black and red armor(Pila), and one has messy black hair, dressed in casual clothing(Fregit).
Pila: yo Fregit, are you still hanging out with Skunk?
Otio: Yeah I've been wondering that too, haven't seen the little dude around recently.
Fregit: Nah he moved to Perditus recently with his family. Honestly it's kinda weird that so many of the poor have been moving there but everyone says that since it's newly built the economy needs literally anyone to move there for the city to survive.
Otio: (Shrugs) I doe know, sounds a bit fishy to me.
Pila: Don't you know anything bro. (Taps Otio on the head) There's a reason that towns have people in them and its not just because that's the way things are. Population leads to transfer of goods and wealth which in turn leads to businesses starting. Perditus is an experimental town that is testing the nature of our poor.
Fregit:(shifts in front of Pila) Basically they are moving a bunch of our poor their to see if they will prosper with an extreme amount of opportunity available to them and in turn giving them a chance to gain a skill by working at one of the many jobs in the town that are lacking in man power.
Pila: Hey,(punch Fregit in the back of the shoulder and shift to face both siblings) I was going to explain that but whatever.
Otio: I honestly stopped caring after I asked. Right now I'm just wondering what is taking dad so long. He summoned us but it feels like we've been waiting for ages. Did the old geezer forget.
(Footsteps) Distant voice bellows: So now I'm an old geezer am I?
(All three siblings kneel)
King Ficum: Otio(Otio Looks up), Pila(Pila looks up),Fregit(Fregit looks up),... I have summoned you three here because it is finally time that to choose your path in life. Otio will become king after I pass so his future has all but been decided for him. He will begin training with a sword immediately, alongside studying politics and shadowing me when I feel necessary (Otio groans) (King Ficum scowls). As for you two, you must make something of yourself. Forbid it as I may, of something were to happen to your older brother the next would succeed him and so forth. Furthermore your accomplishments will bolster our families reputation making it easier for your brother's ascension to the throne after my passing. For if you are the most worthy of the throne in the eyes of the public, your support of your sibling who is trained in the way of leading a nation will assure the nation in his crowning. You do not have to come up with an answer today but
Pila: Actually father,(Phila Stands up) if l may, I've already decided what I want to do with my life.
King Ficum: (intrigued) hmm?
Pila: With your permission, I would like to join the Guild and become a Hero!
King Ficum: Hero ranking requires you to be granted a Gun by the Guild. Being as they are a new Technology, they are difficult to get a hold of however seeing as you are my son I might be able to pull a few strings.
Pila: Thank you dad!
King Fica: But son, are you sure that is what you wish? The reason guns are granted is because Heros are required to fight on shore when an attack first arises. That means you'll be on the front line. Is that really what you desire?
Pila: It is. Not only is it a good way to earn publicity quickly but it is also the best and most direct way for me to protect our Nation and its people.
King Ficum: I see... Consider it done. And you Fregit, might you have a path you would like to follow?
Fregit:(Fregit looks up) I um... Well... Not that... Um..
King Ficum: It's alright Fregit, take your time. You do not need to decide now. You are the youngest after all so there is no need for haste.
Fregit: O,k...
King Ficum: I will be taking my leave now but boys, be sure have a nice day today. It would be a waste for this beautiful weather to be wasted.
(King Ficim walk out of room)
Otio: ugh, I wish I could just be a lazy king.
Pila: We all know that you could be a lazy anything haha, the following title isn't actually important to you.
(Otio and Pila laugh)
Pila: Fregit is something wrong.
(Fregit stares off to the side then changes his gaze towards Pila)
Fregit: No, just a lot to think about that's all.
Otio: At least that's one thing I don't have to exert effort towards haha. My path it's already decided.
Pila: Well Otio I think you should get a head start on your Sword play practice don't you? I am going to have to practice more to if I am planning to be a Hero.
Otio: I'm actually going to go work on my sleep right now.
Pila: uh uh not today. This kills two birds with one stone.(Pila drags Otio by the collar of his shirt)
Fregit: hah bye guys.
(Scene, Fregit's room, Fregit laying in his bed on his back with his legs dangling off the bottom.)
Fregit: arghhhhh! (Fregit flails his limbs) What do I want to be?! Wendy's wing with me? How have I never thought of this until just now?
(In Fregits mind) Maybe I can be a Hero too... Argh no that would never work, Pila would out shine me for sure and I wouldn't ever amount to anything other than simply being his little brother... I guess I could always go into politics and make a large impact that way.. that might actually work..
(Blonde female child with frilled dress walks in the room)
Fas: Hi Fregit, what are you thinking about?
Fregit: A lot.
Fas: Heyyyyy. That's not a real answer. Come on, just tell meee.
Fregit: (light sigh) well you see Dad called Otio, Pila and I to talk to us about what we wanna be when we grow up (Fas: uhnhuh) and you see I have no idea what I wanna be (Fas: unhuh) Pila is going to be a Hero and Otio is being groomed for King but what's my role in all of this? What am I supposed to do? Who am I supposed to be?
Fas: Well uh, if uh, Pila is going to be a Hero then why don't you just be a Signer?
Fregit: A Signer? Like with the Association instead of the Guild?
Fas: Unhuh! Signers are basically the Associations versions of Heros aren't they brobther?
Fregit: Sorta but they all have to sign a despair clause and I don't really want to do that.
Fas: But if you find something suuper important you might even become more popular than big brobther Pila.
Fregit: You're right. I know what I'm going to do. Forget being a politician on the Council, I'm ganna be a Signer!
(Scene, Throne room. Fregit in front of the throne with King Ficum Siting on it)
(King Ficum slams his hand on his throne)
King Ficum: Absolutely not! Do you even know what you are asking?
Fregit: of course I do! This is the perfect way to bolster our legacy from both ends of Membership. If I become a famous Signer and Pila a famous Hero then we'll have a position of influence in both the Guild and the Association!
King Ficum: I will not allow it! It is much too reckless.
(Otio walks infrom the right out from behind the curtain that leads to the throne greenroom)
Otio: he's right you know.
Fregit: Otio?
Otio:(otio approaches Fregit) Signing a Despair Clause is risky business, depending on the amount of power you get you might just stub you're toe when the contract is fulfilled but if you end up obtaining a decent amount of power you could easily end up immobilized down in the Chasm with your whole party dead. Something like that would surely insure your death. Even if the contract itself can't cause you to die it can easily lead to it if you're unlucky. Why don't you just become a politician on the Council instead? (Otio arrives in front of Fregit)
Fregit: Because I don't want to! This is the path I have chosen for myself! Why won't you support me Otio?!
Otio: (places hand on Fregit's head) Because I care about you you dummy.(Fregit gazes at the for) Can't we forget about this and move onto something more practical?
Fregit: (in a sad tone) I guess.
Otio: Tomorrow come meet with me in the court yard and I'll teach you sword play, after that I'm sure Pila would be happy to teach you Gun play. He really loves that new toy of his. If you want to become strong this is a much more practical way to go about it. Hell instead of a Signer you could be a Stander or a Runner to support Pila if you want to be a part of the action. How does that sound?
Fregit: actually, that would be great, I'm going to head to my room for a bit but I'll see you I the morning tomorrow for practice. (Fregit smiles)
(Fregit walks away)
King Ficum: I see having you shaddowing me is already starting to pay off.
Otio: Naturally, I may be lazy but when it comes to my family, I will always protect them.
(Scene, Fregit's room, fregit sitting on his bed with his leg up and his hand on his knee.)
Fregit: Otio's right, I can't become a Signer and wander the Chasm the way I am. I need to become stronger.(Fregit stands up and throws his jacket I've his shoulder) Guess I'll have to take him up on his off after I sign a Despair Clause. Thanks for the offer Otio!(fregit hops out his window)
(Scene castle courtyard,night with camera aimed at the sky)(gunshot x3) (gunshot x2)(camera pans to face Pila)
Pila: Dammit I just can't get the hang of this thing!(Otio walks up)
Otio: looks like you got the hand of it to me. From what the target shows you haven't hit anything less than the ring around the bullseye.
Pila: That's not good enough, not for me at least.
Otio: If you're looking for some advice I may be of some help. While eavesdropping before the council meeting I overheard that unlike swords you're going to want to double down on that grip of yours, also you're going to want to hold your breath before pulling the trigger and exhale after. That should improve your aim just a bit.
Pila: Wow Otio, color me impressed. Shadowing dad had really done wonders for your usefulness haha.
Otio: that seemed somewhat of a backhanded complement (chucklr).
Pila: (chuckle)that's because it was.
Otio: Well I'll have you know I have actually been quite useful. Today I was even able to give Fregit some decent advice. He was dead set on becoming a Signer and I was able to explain to him why that was a reckless and dangerous decision. (Pila's face turns to a face of scepticism) He even smiled after and told me that he was going to his room to rethink his decision. I'm pretty awesome!(Pila interrupts Otio mid sentence)
Pila: Otio, do you not know Fregit at all. I promise you he's not in his room right now. He's almost certainly on his way to a library to sign a contract as we speak of he hasn't made it to one already.(You can visually see that a light bulb goes off in Otio's brain)
Otio: Oh no.
(Scene, castle bedroom hallway, camera pointed down the hall at the floor)(Otio's running legs pop into view)
Otio: (shouting)Fregit! Yo Fregit! I have something important to talk to you about!(Fregit's bedroom door slams open. Its empty)(camera switches to a cake of Otio's mouth and chin) Tsch, dammit. (Otio yells) Block, come here, I have a task for you!(camera switches to floor behind otio and pans up a pair of leather boots with green straps)
Block: So, my protection services finally needed.
(Scene, outside tattered old library)(neon open sign hangs above door) (fregit is holding a flashlight that is pointed towards the library)
Fregit: looks like I finally made it. Now to find a Dolordare and sign a contract!
(Fregit walks through the door)(edison bulbs light the main open entrance, after the entrance are rows of bookshelves, mostly empty but glowing as if a spell is cast on them, down the row of bookshelves are lanterns light by fire keeping the shelves visible but dim)
Fregit:(cough x2) You'd think that the Library nearest to the castle would be in better shape but this thing looks like it's going to fall apart.(Fregit walks down a bookshelf isle with his flashlight aimed for extra light) Actually, it looks like no renovations have been made to this place since after Grandad was king. Guess my father has a favorite power and it's not the Association.
(Large creak comes from next row over) (sound of books falling comes from next row over)
Fregit:(draws a knife he got from the castle's kitchen) Who's there!
Voice: Nooooooobooody... (Eerie,high pitch, child like voice laughs with an uncomfortably long giggle)
Fregit: (thinks to himself)*well that's obviously not true* Show yourself!
(Creature that looks like a chao but with a tail, long arms and a face that is void but with tentacle pops up in Fregit's face)
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(Fregit falls on his bottom and holds his knife in fron of him)
Fregit: who are you?
Voice: I am a Dolordare, I keep this library safe along with the books inside although I do not clean much. You may call me Dust
(Fregit stands up and lowers knife)
Fregit:Well Dust, I'd like to form a contract with you.
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