monk-of-figaro · 2 days
Fanmerch: H0lyhandgrenade
Another thing I received a while ago but forgot to post about. I purchased this set of FF6 stickers from @h0lyhandgrenade.
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I love each and every sticker, and the fact that neither of the given quotes are actually from the game makes me laugh. I want to find a way to make "One more time, baby!" another classic Ultros catchphrase.
But of course, my favorite one is the Figabros. Sabin's having a bit of a nip-slip moment too. 👀
I need to buy a FF6 notebook where I can start putting all these stickers.
@h0lyhandgrenade has a lot of really great artwork on their site; I actually wish I had purchased more stuff from them!
You can check them out here:
Thanks for the stickers H0lyhandgrenade! 🥰
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inkylynx · 1 year
Comic shoutout of the week is 🥁 🥁🥁
Mokepon takes place in the pokemon world where everyone is obsessed with being a trainer. Our main character, an aspiring artist who doesn't like pokemon, gets kicked out of his house to follow his "dreams" of becoming a pokemon trainer. His pokemon journey is anything but standard. (Pg 13)
I think I'm going to keep up these comic shoutouts. There are so many comics and artists that deserve recognition! (For the sake of not running out of material, I'll only be doing one a week, and I won't stick to just underrated ones)
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positivelyghastly · 9 months
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Completed my Papa badge collection at ACME the other weekend :)
The artist is H0lyhandgrenade on twitter!
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celestirus · 2 months
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This bag is getting wildly out of hand.
Do you like sci-fi space games? The answer is yes.
Charm credits to:
@stahlwart h0lyhandgrenade and risuchuuartyctafts
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ignigeno · 1 year
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We went to MCM yesterday and I spent...way...WAY too much money. But it was worth it.
And I simply must show you all one of the juiciest fruits of my massive overspending. A sticker sheet with Gandalf Big Naturals by @h0lyhandgrenade
Go look at their stuff because it's honestly amazing!
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h0lyhandgrenade · 11 months
Have you ever considered creating a walkthrough for Dawn Will Come?
Just cuz I was one of the two people who designed the game doesn't mean I'm good at beating it hahaha. Other people do much better than I do. Game design's wild, huh. But I might put together some tips sometime- That could be fun.
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I got my charms in from @h0lyhandgrenade and I love them! Go check out their store and see all the cool stuff they have
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unusual-ly · 2 years
Finally, here’s my little SunnyCon haul post~!
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First off, not something I bought, but the mini dango I was given by the Nagisa cosplayer just for recognising the character…! It’s so small and cute~! /)^^(\
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This cute little Halloween pin to add to my collection because it’s always Halloween, made by @spookdoodles
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A GHOSTS POSTER IN THE HORRIBLE HISTORIES ART STYLE I SWEAR I SCREAMED WHEN I SAW THIS especially since I had bought some stickers from this artist the day before and hadn’t noticed their Ghosts stuff! This is by @h0lyhandgrenade (tho they seem to be more active on Twitter so check their blog for that link!)
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Also by H0ly is some DHMIS stickers and this little Humphrey keychain~! Yazi got ones of Pat and the Captain. The aro pride badge is from Queer And Cute, the “ghost friend” badge is (I think?) by @charlyvonkarma, ace and aro planet stickers by Chao and Gravity Falls stickers by (I think?) HowlinWolfArt on Twitter
And I went back to H0ly to get @the-tiktok-rogue something too so here’s your present Leo! You said Robin or Pat, but I got you both *^*
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The traditional AngelKat caricature sketches I got for this year are of Robin and Mary~ It’s always a must to get at least one of these ;) @t-iii
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And finally, this adorable chibi art I got commissioned from @pabbiecrafts, one of my favs, of Gabrian!!!
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Just look at how soft Gabby’s expression is… look at them… my beloveds…
Still to come is another commission of Jemima and her good dad Humphrey, will post when it arrives~!
And not pictured, an aromantic pride flag from Discord Comics ^^
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starsrshiney · 19 days
The 13 members of Team Stars in 13 different Picrews
Because the idea wouldn't leave my head after discovering the "Ore-chan" maker and the "Gorly" maker.
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Stars: Perikles' "Character Maker"
Anniey: ラブぴんく💘LOVEPiNK's [The kana/gana says RabuPinku] "♡My💘Babyメーカー♡" ("♡My💘Baby Maker♡")
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Chax: でく's (Deku's) "俺ちゃんメーカー" ("Ore-chan Maker") [side note- I can't read Kanji so all Japanese named makers are translated via google]
Mahn: H0lyhandgrenade's "H0ly's Portrait Maker"
Sal: naylissah's "Black Centered Picrew <3"
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Von: 엑스트라A' s "껍질-미리깐 메이커 / Pre-Cracked maker" [The Maker's name comes from the description]
Jimi: MagicalPouchOfMagic's "Fantasy Character Maker"
Takky: じょん's (Jyon's) "戦う青年メーカー" ("Fighting Youth Maker")
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Jasmine: Jilibean522's "Gorly Character Maker ;D"
Aaron: ぐろティ's (Guroti's) "屈強腕組みんちゅ" ("Strong Armed Brawler")
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Briar: Tomatomagica's "Fat Chara Maker"
Crystal: 柊祈's (Hiiragi's)[? I'm trusting Google translate for this] "柊祈式女子メーカー" ("Holy Prayer Woman Maker")
Rose: ai_0950's "Fighter creator (格闘少女)" ("Fighter Creator (Fighting Girls)")
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saltywithsarcasm · 6 years
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Thank you so, so much @h0lyhandgrenade 💕
So excited to see this in the mail today after work and hung it up right away. I love it so much, super happy with my purchase!
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mramazingva · 6 years
the artist that made this comic is @h0lyhandgrenade go check them out^^
link to the comic: http://h0lyhandgrenade.tumblr.com/post/175686603642/so-i-really-like-these-guys-from-detroit-become
all voices done by me @mramazingva
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miss-relm · 4 years
I just spent 50 bucks on bnha posters... I have no regrets.       
(ミ ̄ー ̄ミ)
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presentradio · 6 years
   DESPITE the grueling selection process designed with the intent of picking the creme of the crop, fact of the matter is those of the prestigious ua also have their off days. even the LOUD && BRASS fell victim. currently it effected the student who worked to bring his A game to every lesson. attention simply unable to settle on anything in particular, it surfaces irritating ( and frightening��) reminders of the days before tablets offered any help. for what MUST have been the millionth iteration he hadn’t heard what the teacher said. whatever it was dismissed the class into groups, most turning to their immediate left or right. he looks within his own vicinity, the only remaining student being the quiet one- aizawa was it? he turns to face him, irritation concealed behind tinted lenses.
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   “   hey grumpy-- what’d the teacher want us to do? i zoned out for a bit.   ”
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buttonhouseparty · 3 years
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Today I spent some time framing the current love of my life. I’ve had this amazing print up on my wall without a proper frame for weeks, but I finally got round to making an honest artwork of it. 
Art by @h0lyhandgrenade in the style of HH’s Martin Brown and you can buy one here (x)
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retro-radio · 3 years
sniper x spy Inspired by h0lyhandgrenade
Dinner date
Sniper awoke groggily his eyes felt as if they had been glued shut. He forced them open and looked at his surroundings he saw he was in a very fancy looking room its dark oak walls and floor were carved into intricate designs. Sniper realized he was sitting in a chair or more like tied to a chair his wrists were tied to the arms of the chair and his feet to the legs of the chair it was thick rope something that would be used to make a trap... Wait for traps! Snipers memory cane flooding
Sniper was having a friendly conversation with the scout. They were both laughing at a joke he had just told but suddenly scouts exterior melted and revealed a smirking spy. Snipers eyes widened in horror he was about to shoot with the trusty gun he always kept by but something came over his head sharply and the last thing he remembered was a smirking spy and a thumping pain in his head.
Sniper struggled he pulled and tugged at the bindings he had only realized there was a gag in his mouth when he tried to scream for help. Sniper took another look around the room it was very modern and beautiful this must have been outside the base because he didn't remember there being a room like this there. Suddenly the door was thrown open and a smiling spy strutted in he was dressed in his usual suit and mask their deep red material seemed to have been freshly washed as a strong smell came from it. Sniper also smelt that the spy smelled of aftershave and cologne it was intoxicating Sniper let out an almost feral growl as the spy stopped in front of him .“Hello dear” he said in a thick French accent. Sniper let out another growl “ what the hell do ya think ya doin ya bloody show pony” he tried to say but failed miserably because if the gag Spy didn't seem to care he only let out a deep laugh. "well aren't you adorable! You know, I've always thought you were quite cute when your feisty” Sniper despite hating the situation couldn't help but blush Spy let out another laugh. “So you're probably wondering why I kidnapped you?” Sniper let out a muffled yell of ‘yes!’ Spy grabbed the back of the chair and spun him around. After overcoming his dizziness Sniper realized there was a table it looked as if it had been taken straight out of a restaurant Sniper looked at spy with a mix of confusion and hate.
“Do you like it? It's just for you” Spy thick voice said “I have been thinking about asking you on a dinner date but you're so busy all the time I thought I would make it easy for myself and just kidnap you” Sniper let out a confused whimper. The spy had kidnapped him because of a little crush! Was he insane? The sniper was so busy with his thoughts he didn't realize that his hat was being pulled off it was placed on the floor next to the chair. Sniper let out a whimper Spy took his place at the other end of the table. The table had a white cloth on it two wine glasses filled and two plates with food on them it looked like lamb and vegetables. Sniper also realised that a napkin was tucked under his chin. Spy raised his glass and said. “To us my dear” he took a swig as Sniper sat staring at him. Spy noticed his sour face “don’t worry I'll unite you” he stood up and slithered around him he undid the arm restraints but left the legs. He also removed the gag allowing Sniper the ability to use his voice. “ you psycho I'm not interested in a dinner date I have a job ya know”! Spy rolled his eyes and sat back down .“I know! why do you think I did this?” Snipe fell silent he knew he wasn’t getting out of this. Spy smiled knowing he had won he stabbed Snipers meat and held it up to his mouth “ come on just a couple bites and then I promise I’ll let you go”. Sniper sighed he decided he would swallow his pride and go along with this game he opened his mouth and gently took the piece between his teeth he chewed and swallowed. “There we are it wasn’t that bad” Spy said Sniper sighed this was going to be a long evening
Sniper sat in his own room the dinner date had finally ended Spy had kept his promise and as soon as he was finished he was allowed to leave. But strangely he didn’t want to leave he had reluctantly went when he realised how late it was Sniper had crawled into bed and let thoughts creep into his mind. ‘ maybe being with spy wouldn’t be that bad’
The End
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ocar1na-of-t1me · 4 years
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