poppin-fandoms · 2 years
And then people speculate Eddie is queer in some way soooo take this info how u want
But NOTHING is a coincidence in this show there is always some reason for each detail no matter how small it is!!
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krebs-gorlon · 1 month
Their response to jay's hair, @lightningfaster you were right
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season-77 · 11 days
Before the #hairgate2024 scandal is fully resolved (perhaps a government commission will need to be formed), I suggest we take a moment to relax and reminisce about the times when curls were in their prime.
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jessieren · 11 days
Me seeing the IG reels last night and trying to work out wtf is going on with Evans hair...
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gothmacbookpro · 2 years
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hotchocolatebeforebed · 7 months
I've lost the idgaf war GIVE MIKE WHEELER HIS LONG HAIR BACK 2024
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landograndprix · 1 year
Anon about lando haircut. I need to apologize. The hair… Lando’s hair …It’s damn gooood. Just the hairstylist didn’t style it good first
It's okay babes, we all make mistakes sometimes 😔 jk I understand where you were coming from but as someone who has been traumatized by hairdressers more than once, I know how bad a fresh haircut can look besides, he's got his hairstyle down to a T, it's just on another level lately and the curls? Gawd damn
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vampirehowl · 2 years
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i think im soooo funny
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micallum · 1 year
he looks fucking 40 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 man i had a deep dive in his insta to see if there was more pics but i found him shirtless and suddenly i forgave him
You have the moral backbone of a chocolate éclair 😂 but I feel you. I also am not allowed to criticize because I still think about mustache Charles often…
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miladythewinter · 23 days
i didn't really like the new best of the worst 😔 the movies were too terrible to be enjoyed by the gang or be entertaining to us. there were only a couple of good moments and rich made the right choice (i assume) by choosing not to be there lol
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I really dislike ETH’s choices at the moment, they are extremely stubborn and he’s always very slow to change things. Even when our squad returns to full fitness that doesn’t bode well for the future. However, it seems hypocritical to hate him for being controlling considering who our most successful manager is. He probably would have reacted in a similar way that ETH has to certain things. ETH is quite old fashioned in that respect, difference is SAF was personable and had the tactics to back up his attitude.
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alligatorprince · 2 years
Frank Iero I'm taking your guitars away until it's grown back
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hostilemuppet · 7 months
Brozone & Acquaintances: Fame and Blunders (The Rise And Fall, The Epic Highs And Lows Of Trolltwt) Part Seven
The Lucky Seventh Chapter: Seven TheyFAB Exes: The Seven Stages of Internet Beef
Viva: After “practising” throwing herself down the stairs for totally innocent and non blackmail reasons, Viva’s egg breaks. She is livid, not just because it’s her baby, but bc she is a fucking monster and only wanted the baby to control Clay, who still didn’t even know she was eggnant. Luckily........
Broppy: They’re expecting! They’re sooooooo happy, they just can’t wait to tell everyone! Poppy insists they get to tell her sister first, and Branch just cant say no to her ♥. However, Viva “talks some sense into them”. How can they have a kid? So soon? Poppy’s barely in her mid 20s! They’re not even MARRIED, are they really going to have a kid out of wedlock? What if they break up? You’d really traumatise that poor kid for your own gain? And so on. They end up agreeing that they should either abort it, or put it up for adoption, and Viva says she will take care of it, she’ll always take care of everything, she’d do anything for you, Poppy, and even though Branch and Poppy leave Viva and Clay’s pod missing an egg and of slightly duller saturation, Viva considers it a victory.
Satin & Chenille: Graciously invited to the Floyd & Creek [LASTNAME]-[LASTNAME2] household for dinner. Creek is the one who invited them, because he used to date both sisters (He dated Satin first, then started cheating on her with Chenille (on account of their societally accepted eating disorders they take a lot of naps at different schedules, and Creek planned around that), then broke it off with Satin to exclusively date Chenille (he’s the one who recommended her a doctor for her liposuctions) who eventually dumped HIM after finding out she was, once again, left with her sister’s sloppy seconds) and wants to “bury the hatchet”. Floyd does not know any of this. He thinks they’re just old friends.
Even though Floyd and Creek have experience pretending to be a normal couple they let it slip that they actually hate each other (in the most /pos /affectionate /sexual intent way possible) after they both get drunk and fight about Brozone, and TrollTube, and lactose intolerance, and lastly the fact that Creek killed their baby, which causes him to pounce on Floyd like an enraged chimpanzee in a way the twins think MIGHT have been foreplay? But was probably just some sort of domestic row. Unbeknownst to them, it was both.
Chenille captures half the fight on her trollPhone 15 Pro and S&C say they will both release the footage AND discuss the rest of their experiences on their podcast, UNLESS they get something in return for their silence. Floyd immediately tries to phone Clay (who does not pick up) to see how much they can afford to pay them off, but the twins say they don’t want their money (Satin still wants their money) and that they both have to be on their show. Floyd and Creek don’t think that sounds so bad! They’re celebrities, after all, they’re used to being interviewed. Floyd is the first to go on the show and he comes back home feeling emotionally violated. He assumes Creek will fare a lot worse but Creek is a sex pest and is not capable of feeling much shame anymore, so he’s doing okay. Really, he’s mostly concerned at the idea his husband will find out he invited two of his exes into the pod, but the twins don’t want people to know that either (not because he’s a controversial figure, since, samesies, but because they’re ashamed of how bad their taste was back then).
Hairgate: The twins send Creek home with complimentary Nova Swift Brand Shampoo and despite there being clear instructions on the label, he uses too much so his hair becomes frazzled and immobile. Floyd tells him that's just what happens to troll hair once you approach your 30s to mess with him, and even though Creek knows that's factually not true he is still inconsolable. Floyd has to actually help him after he tries to turn his hair into a noose, fails, and crawls into a ball and sobs. Floyd helps him condition with Nova Swift Brand Conditioner and after a week he's back to normal, albeit having once again been put through the emotional wringer. But that's what he signed up for when he proposed!
Demo: Val’s manager and roommate. Gave them a place to stay after they left Barb’s band and crack house and doesn’t know how to begin to tackle the topic of their racism. He can't even ask them to stop smoking weed in the house! At least use the window, Val!
He’s also the guy Gus usually queerbaits with, but only because he thinks Gus is actually gay. He thinks there’s a misunderstanding WRT Gus’ violent homophobia so he tries to “help his friend out”. Gus suggests they pretend to be a couple to get the heat off him and Demo agrees a little too quickly, despite already dating DJ Suki, who knows about the plan and doesn’t care. She and Demo’s relationship was already on the rocks after finding out she uses child labour, and after Gus starts to develop genuine feelings for Gus he breaks it off with her to tell him how he really feels, which goes about as well as you’d expect telling a homophobic straight man you’re in love with him to go. He tries to get back with DJ despite their issues and she says “nah”.
Cloud Guy: After being permabanned on Troll Twitter, he moves back in with his parents. He lasts a month before intentionally dissipating himself into mist. Rest in perspiration. Branch celebrates in the privacy of his own pod because he knows it’s a shitty thing to be happy about. Dante approves of this rare display of Branch’s sociopathy (he’s earned it).
Clay: Viva forced JD to let her see Clay, and she tells him that she’s got an egg, then shows him the little pastel pink + baby blue egg in her hair. He immediately goes back to her, thrilled he’s gonna be a dad, and convinced this is what it’ll take to fix their relationship. It is not. He still tries to make it work, and dedicates every waking moment to either prepping for the baby or doing whatever it is Viva tells him to do (he doesn’t want to provoke her, after all).
Dante: Sends a glitter bomb to Branch’s current pod (he moved out of his bunker. Because of Dante). Since they are trolls, the glitter bomb is treated with the exact same intensity and urgency as an actual bomb, which it probably functions as. Poppy visits Dante’s pod in The Crest and beats him over the head with one of the spikes she borrowed from Branch, because she’s too scared to skewer him, but she assures him that next time she’ll get over that fear. He calls the Classical Crest Cops on her, and you’d think small town police would have nothing on the Queen, but you’d be wrong. She spends the night in a jail cell before Branch is allowed to pick her up, and he has to break the news that Dante’s pressing charges for aggravated assault. They just can’t catch a break these days!
Bedgate: Guy Diamond doubles down on his controversial conservative parenting style and gets very public with how he thinks letting troll babies sleep in beds instead of in their parents’ hair leads to mental issues. His primary source is Creek’s conspiracy video (and accompanying community post) about the links between beds and Autism in troll babies, while Creek doesn’t believe this one bit and even lets his kids sleep in beds. He just says it for the clicks.
Floyd (either under the effects of miscellaneous substances or just wanting to make life harder for his husband) posts a "wholesome family photo" of him and his lovespawn (Creek is absent) in their room with their beds clearly visible, and the anti-bed crowd immediately turn on Creek for lying about his support for the cause.
Guy Diamond goes through Tiny’s phone after the "Tiny is famous Trollex stan account" incident and finds a message he sent on Troll Discord where he says he wishes he had a bed. Guy starts sobbing. It’s a deeper cut than him being Pro-Choice.
Barb throws her hat into the ring, because of course she does. She’s pro-bed, and thinks it’s awful that Guy wouldn’t love his kid even if he does end up "fucked in the head". Guy responds "Are you fucking kidding me? Are you serious right now? Am I being Punk’d? Why is the TERF preaching to me?"
Guy Diamond only bothered checking out Creek’s conspiracy videos because he wanted to reconnect with him after seeing how Creek fanart seemingly overnight pivoted into solely depicting him as a trans man. He now thinks the only reason Creek was so dismissive of him back when they were briefly together (while Guy identified as nonbinary and Creek only dated theyfabs who were not taking T) was because Creek was struggling with internalised transphobia, instead of regular transphobia, which Creek did used to have because he is a cis man and the only reason people draw him with top surgery scars now is because Harper started doing it (for the “representation”) and it caught on. He’s not trans, he’s just short and boyishly handsome. Guy thinks Creek now “accepts himself” (there is nothing to accept because Creek is a cis man) and is worth another shot (Creek is miserably married and has no intentions of ending the arrangement ever).
Veneer: Got hit by a bus. Velvet set up a GoFundMe to hold a proper funeral for him but she has no intention of actually holding a funeral. She spends it all on vanity purchases. Kid Ritz boosted the GoFundMe when it was in its infancy and now he feels super bad about it.
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slaygentford · 2 years
Can I say I think the costuming other than the he liked when I fought back/I’m not a victim/cheri stop this is the biggestttttttt sign something is off like. Can we talk about lestat’s perfectly curled hair can we talk about him wearing a literal wifebeater can we talk about the SNATCHED EVIL STEPMOTHER fit???? The hair I’ve been dying to talk about the hair all day his hair does NOT look like that in Louis memory it DOESNT LOOK LIKE THAT hairgate can we talk about hairgate
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nancydrewwouldnever · 2 years
I hope I don't get flamed for this.
But hairgate should not be a thing. I'm super sensitive about my hair, I'm not sure if its a me thing, a woman thing or woc thing. But I would hate for my hair to be picked apart like those posts about Chris. I get he's let a lot of people down but shaming someone for hairloss or trying to call out their efforts to stop or reverse it is kind of mean. Maybe some take it lightly as fun but those posts made me super uncomfortable. Its almost like saying fat shaming is just all in good fun when we know its not.
Anyway just my thoughts. I understand everyone has a different view and perspective and respect yours.
Okay, no more hair talk.
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i-want-docmartens · 10 months
every girl had a hairgate incident that changed them forever
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