coldshrugs · 15 days
ffxivwrite - prompt 4: reticent
characters: estinien varlineau, hamignant varlineau, and featuring my wol, io laithe word count: 1599 rating: mature for mentions of bullying & death. summary: three short, heavily headcanoned scenes from estinien's life, at ages 12, 21, and 33. [middle section heavily inspired by this art]
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“I challenge you, Ser, to a trial by combat! Take up your arms and fight me!”
“And what is my crime this time?”
Hamignant brandishes his stick threateningly, but his answer is slower than usual. Shaky, even. “You don’t play with me anymore.”
Estinien shifts his weight, leaning a bit more heavily on the tall crook, but his eyes remain on the shallow valley just below the hill they stand on and the sheep grazing there. It is late spring and their coats are full and fluffy, ready for shearing. His twelfth nameday was less than a moon ago and he is expected to help this year. His parents depend on him more now, sending him on some of the errands usually tended by his father, and giving him additional fieldwork each day. It isn’t easy, but it feels good to be trusted.
In truth, he would very much like to continue playing with Hamignant. His little brother has a knack for making games of their chores, and should they be caught goofing off, his wit is quick enough to make even the most stern adult smile.
Estinien does not share his talent for conversation, but Hamignant never seems to mind. He is content to babble so long as Estinien is close by to listen.
The stick—his foraged sword—wriggles closer. Closer. Until it pokes into Estinien’s cheek.
His gaze slides sideways, to Hamignant’s dramatic stance. It would be funny if not for the serious set of his brow, the tight purse of his lips, and the sheen welling in his eyes. Halone bless him, he truly is upset…
Estinien shifts again, batting the stick away with his crook, and smiles at Hamignant. “Then fight me, little knight, but take care to hide your bruises from Mother and Father.”
With a cheer of delight and an expression that makes Estinien proud he put it there, Hamignant begins their spar. The sharp cracks of their wooden weapons echo across the meadow, followed by the occasional shriek or grunt when their limbs take a hit.
Hamignant stops to celebrate after landing a particularly flashy maneuver, jumping on the spot as Estinien nurses a sore knuckle. Not for long though—Estinien topples him and sends them both rolling down the hill in a fit of laughter.
They land fulms away from the sheep. Some come over to sniff them, like curious friends checking for injuries. Hamignant reaches up to pet snouts, red cheeks stretched in an open smile.
Estinien lies back to catch his breath.
“We should make a pact, Es. When we grow up, let’s both be knights. We can live in Ishgard and wear armor, protect beautiful maidens from harm, and fight dragons!”
 “Best not to wish for dragons, Hami, like mother says.” He chews his bottom lip. “Besides, I don’t want to be a knight. I like living here. Someone must stay and care for the farm.”
“Fine.” Hamignant’s smile sags, but he doesn’t look as defeated as before. Pouting this time. “You can stay in Ferndale all your days, and I’ll be a great knight of Ishgard. I will come back and tell you about my adventures. That could still be fun, right?”
Estinien grins and rights himself, then offers a hand to help his brother up. “The finest plan you’ve ever had.”
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At age twenty-one, Estinien is still getting used to his height.
Hitting striking dummies with Alberic is one thing—they don’t dodge, and they don’t hit back. And sparring with his unit is pitiable right now, as many of them adjust to growing bodies. It is something else entirely to swing the unfamiliar length of his arm at a sneering face, or struggle to take an unwieldy step backward before the fist meets his cheek. To fight and defend himself seriously.
He hits the training yard dirt with a weak groan that is all but drowned out by a roar of laughter. Four soldiers, all fledglings like himself, still in a training unit, stand over him.
“And if you know what’s good for you, you’ll stay down, Varlineau.” The one that threw the punch. Taller than he is, and stronger, and probably some noble’s son or nephew. It’s been a few moons, but Estinien has not learned their names. He is here for one reason, and he cannot make room for useless information. And why should he, when another puts a foot on his chest when he tries to stand?
They erupt again over such a hard-won victory.
“We heard you last night, whimpering in your bunk like a freshly-weened babe. That the Azure Dragoon should waste his time with you.”
“No better than an orphaned Brume brat. We should drag you back to Ferndale and let Nidhogg know he missed one—”
The ankle holding him down makes a sickening snap when he twists it. Striking dummies certainly don’t do that. The boy goes down with a pained scream.
Estinien stands. He says nothing, only wipes his bloody nose, the tears he doesn't feel falling, with the back of his hand. Then he swings. 
After three days in the gaol, they do not bother him again.
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He has been lying in this bed too long. His body has grown stiffer than he is accustomed to, even with the daily practice of simple stretches. He has been forbidden by chirugeon's orders from any activities that might reopen his wounds.
By fucking Halone and all the rest, he is bored.
At least he doesn’t want for company—that is not to say company has ever been a strong craving for him, of course. But he could do worse than the Warrior of Light making her near-daily visit.
Io sits in a ratty armchair, legs curled beneath her, by a sunny window so thickly lined with sympathy flowers, that the room resembles the Holy Gardens of the Vault. Or, more kindly, the meadows ringing Ferndale in late spring. The backdrop suits her.
Today, she knits, softly humming to herself in time to the rhythmic click of the needles. She’s lost in it, and her silence is appreciated. Neither of them has been very good at talking in recent days. He watches the wool slipping between her fingers with each meticulous loop, watches the way she’s gathered the half-formed garment in her hands. And all of it—the dappled light, the flowers, the repetitive scratch of Io’s work and wordless song, the weight of wool he used to know well, the herbaceous scent of medicinal salve rising from his wounds—dredges up a memory. If Estinien closes his eyes, it could be twenty-one years ago. He could be there, if only for a moment, if only as a visitor.
Grief wails inside him. It is the roar he’s felt for years, through the Eye he used as a tool. Strange, to feel it now as part of himself, bottomless and inconsolable and so full of love. Stranger still to realize they were not so different in the end.
It has been some time since he’s cried. He rubs the evidence away before Io has the chance to see it.
“Io.” Estinien clears his throat. “There is something I would ask.”
With her head still tilted towards her craft, Io’s eyes shift to meet his. She pauses, waiting for his question.
“Why did you save me? I was ready. I was. Now… I don’t think I’m ready for anything.”
Her answer comes in the form of a furrowed brow. She continues knitting without a word. Maybe she’s angry he asked. For all he lacks as a conversationalist, he is an expert in offending, even when he doesn’t mean to.
He lifts himself forward, off the pillows piled at his back.
“You could’ve left me. Or killed me. I feel him, Io. The echo of his loss; when it hits me… Io, you could’ve killed me.”
“Kill a man—my friend—when he doesn’t want to die? Let you fall to anguish and pain?" She lays the needles in her lap and her dark gaze all but dares him to argue. He’s never heard her speak with such firmness. “No, Estinien. I see you. Nidhogg’s isn’t the only grief you carry. And we all need reminding that burdens, even ones as heavy as this, can be shared.”
Silence entombs them, balancing on the knife’s edge of comfort and unease. Neither looks away. He counts the agitated rise and fall of Io’s chest until they are breathing in sync, then until both are steady.
Io is right, and her mere presence gives the lie to his words. He would’ve done the same, if it were her. He lies back, hoping she will say something to soothe the awkwardness they must both feel.
She hums, and the needles click, and that is enough. He listens (and watches when he musters a courageous glance) until the rays of sunlight tilt his direction instead of hers.
“I think it’s time to get on.”
“Me?” Io’s lips stretch into a crooked smile over the yarn. “Fine, Stin, I’ll kill you next time.”
His laugh is rough and unfamiliar sounding, closer to a cough. It hurts his broken ribs.
Io’s raspy chuckle is a far more pleasant sound. “Where will you go?”
Estinien sighs. He knows where he wants to go. The question is whether he will be welcome. “If it’s all the same, that is my business alone.”
Io nods and does not pry. Hm. There is usually always another question… In the absence of one, something settles in him… Some sense of peace he didn’t know he was allowed.
So he confesses: “To make amends.”
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estinininininen · 8 months
public service announcement that while Estinien's little brother's name, Hamignant, seems atrocious, that's only if you expect Hyur (English) pronunciation
it would be probably be more like
be sure to add a stereotypical silly French accent twist on the "gn" and it will be closer to right. something like ['amiŋɑ̃], for any other FFXIV linguistic nerds out there. It's been a decade since I learnt IPA and I ain't French and don't actually speak it so I dunno for sure
now, to the important part. what this means for fanfiction writers - depressing flashbacks, alternate universes, wolstinien kidfics - is that the cute natural nickname I've seen in some fanfics already, Hami, is pronounced like the Elezen (French) word "ami," friend. and according to google a whole slew of other slang meanings depending on context, including boyfriend. the clichéd "mon ami" you hear in movies that French people apparently haven't actually said in decades. cuteness is lying on the table for you, ready to be punned
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FFXIV Write: Tempest
In the future, Estinien finds himself alone with the children when Agi needs to visit the First. SFW.
Estinien Varlineau took a deep breath.
Be calm.
Be a calm center in a tempest of chaos.
“Bapa! Bapa!”
“Where’s Mummy?!?!?!”
“Mummy’s on the First, Hami. She’ll be back in a few days.” Esme said matter-of-factly to Hamignant, who isn’t taking Agi being gone well.
At all.
His twin, however, was not at all bothered by his mother’s trip to the First and was currently shoving more egg-battered cinnamon toast in his mouth.
Good lad.
Pip and Laure are asleep after I fed them earlier.
Now, about your brother…
Estinien knelt next to the crying boy’s chair and smiled at Esme, who went back to her breakfast. A fiercely protective big sister, my Es is. “Hami, Mummy will be home in a few days. Do you know what she told me before she left?” He tucked a strand of dark red hair (they all have Agi’s hair) behind Hamignant’s leaf-shaped ear. The boy shook his head. “She said that she has a surprise for you, Es, Marc, Pip, and Laure.”
Oh fuck me, that’s Agi’s “what are you on about, Estinien” face. “Yeah?”
The elezen grinned. “Aye. In fact, your surprise should be here shortly…”
As the child raised his eyebrow just like Agi, their surprise strolled into Agnes’s house in Shirogane, where Estinien decided to bring the children to make it look like we’re on a trip too. That way, maybe…it’s not so bad without Agi.
“Why hello children!” Aymeric said far too loudly at half past seven bells.
Marcelin, Esme, and thank fuck there goes Hami squealed with glee as they ran to greet their godfather. Aymeric got on his knees and opened his arms for the little Varlineaus and then he pretended they were too much for him and toppled backwards. How is he so damn good at everything?!
“Uncle Aymeric, are you Mummy’s surprise?” Esme asked excitedly, her recently cut hair going in every direction like Agi’s. Fucking hells.
Sapphire eyes twinkling, Aymeric chuckled. “I am indeed. Your mother was most insistent that I leave Ishgard and come visit you.” I wonder if Agi gave him the “if you don’t do what I say then the Warrior of Darkness will make you” face. “And of course, I cannot refuse her.” You too, huh? “Besides, I’m always happy to spend time with my godchildren.” Aymeric gave the girl a kiss on the nose, and then she fucking giggles like Agi. I swear to the Fury, they’re all her little clones! But in different ways!!! “Now, how about you eat your breakfast, and see if your darling papa would be willing make me some?”
Sapphire eyes locked with pale blue ones.
Estinien rolled his eyes. “Aye, aye. Come on.”
The children raced to the table as Aymeric rose, wincing slightly. “Perhaps not the best idea…”
“Poor old man got bad knees now?” Estinien teased, clapping Aymeric on the back. “Egg-battered cinnamon toast? Could make eft steak and eggs if that’s not your fancy, Lord Speaker.”
“Whatever is easier.” He leaned towards Estinien’s ear, a smirk tugging on his lips. “Your wife can be utterly terrifying when she wants to be, you know.”
“She’s scares because she cares.” Estinien whispered back before laughing heartily and tapping the chair next to Marcelin. “Have a seat.”
He decided on the eft steak and eggs for Aymeric (because he’s going to need it, poor bloke). While cooking, he occasionally glanced at Aymeric and his children and smiled.
They’re so happy. The children. Aymeric. It’s rare when he has this time with them. You don’t know how much it means to Aymeric. Not that he’ll ever admit it, but it’s a lot.
Thanks, Agi.
Come home soon, my angel.
I miss you terribly.
But she always comes home.
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Estinien's brain isn’t capable of stuttering anything more than “please,” over and over again while his lungs heave for air, begging Halone to grant him solace, just this once. You aren’t supposed to lose everything when you’re only twelve.
This time, he gets there a few minutes earlier.
This time, Halone answers his prayer.
(or: in a softer, kinder world, Hamignant survives Ferndale. canon divergent AU)]
Chapter 6 is (finally) up!
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ivorystand · 5 months
Take me back to the night we met
(Vaguely inspired by that lyric from The Night We Met by Lord Huron)
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So, @pinkcadaver and I were talking last night or the night before about how Estinien's little brother would tag along on the Ferndale Trio's little adventures and decided to not only come up with my idea of what he looked like, but also this screenshot. In my eyes, Estinien resembled his father a lot more, while his brother looked like their mom.
As for the context? Estinien's denying Hamignant's accusation of having a crush on Yuhki 😂
(Edited because someone in the replies told me the name of his brother and I just 😭 I'm even more emo ALSO I REALIZE NOW I GAVE HIM THE WRONG HAIR COLOR I DIDNT KNOW-)
but now I'm making myself cry because I fucking love those idiots so much
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janzoo · 8 months
I have been thinking and feeling (and hearing, har har) about Estinien a lot recently, especially his early life in Ferndale, and I have some headcanons to foist upon you all. I'm going to refer to his parents as Ma and Pa.
The Varlineaus were shepherds (canon), though Ma kept a garden (most homes in Ferndale did) with an apple tree. She taught Estinien and Hamignant a lot about caring for the plants she grew. (Estinien's forgotten some of it by now, though I'd like to think his memory could be refreshed.) Ma loved that apple tree and gave it a lot of special love and care. Otherwise she grew herbs, and food that was good for preserving and pickling because...
(More under the readmore)
Ma and Pa's generation saw a really bad winter hit Ferndale. As a result, they were big on preserving and pickling to ensure their family would never face starvation like that. Although Estinien isn't a disaster in the kitchen, his skills are pretty simple. (Sandwiches, eggs, steaming/boiling veggies, etc.) However, he inexplicably retains all that Ma taught him about the pickling/preserving/jam-making process; probably in large part because he always helped her and it was one of his favourite things. This also goes with a oneshot wolstinien fic I wrote in which Estinien remembers that Hamignant's favourite food was pickles. (As in standard pickled cucumbers.)
Shifting to something else a little, Estinien won't kill bees. Wasps/hornets/etc. sure, if he must, but not proper bees. Ferndale respected bees, nigh on revered them even, for their vital role in pollination. One of the other families in Ferndale were beekeepers, and they adamantly adhered to telling the bees. (Basic version: telling the bees is an old beekeeping practice of informing a beehive of major local happenings, especially births, deaths, and marriages. Yes, as in the beekeeper talks to the bees. In the case of marriages, the bees need to be brought a piece of wedding cake. Failing to do this is said to result in misfortune befalling the hive, and by extension, the community. Practices vary by country/region.)
In a similar vein, the people of Ferndale were fairly superstitious. With the population likely being mostly, if not entirely Elezen, they leaned heavily into being "long of ear" as a sign of good fortune and general physical attractiveness. At least once a day, Ma or Pa used to pinch Estinien and Hamignant's ear tips and give them a little tug to "help them grow". It was, of course, uncomfortable and obnoxious, but there was no getting out of it. This was practised across Ferndale.
So TL;DR, Estinien can make preserves, pickles, jams, even pie fillings if he wants (though not the crust lol), he's probably sleeping on some old plant-care/botany knowledge, his parents used to pinch/tug his ears, and he respects he hell out of bees.
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potassium-pilot · 1 year
FFXIVWrite Day 4: Off The Hook
It was a warm and sunny summer day in the Eastern Highlands. A young Elezen boy with silver hair pulled back into a ponytail sat on a boulder by a creek in a forest with a fishing rod in hand. He couldn't remember how long he sat there for, but he could at least tell the sun shifted in its position. Where it was sunny before, now there was shade, making it more difficult for him to spot fish. He considered moving position, but why should he? He finished his chores for the day, did he not? What's the rush?
The boy turned his head at the loud screech of his name, recognizing who screeched it immediately. Along scurried his little brother of just under seven summers, sporting the same silver hair and gray tunic as him- his hair was just shorter and his tunic was just smaller.
Estinien raised a finger to his lips and made a loud, "SHHHHHH!" before harshly whispering, "Shut up! You'll scare off the fish!"
"Oh." Hamignant shuffled his feet. "Sorry", he whispered back.
"What do you want?"
"Mama said I should find you."
"What for?"
"She told me that I need to do something with you."
"What? Why?"
"She said I need fresh air."
Estinien sighed agitatedly. "Well, don't scream any more."
"Fine." Hamignant used his tinier hands and feet to climb the boulder and sit next to his big brother. The younger brother stared into the water. "Isn't it harder to see fish here?"
"I mean...a little, but that's why I need to concentrate."
"What's that mean? Con-sa-tray?"
"No, it's con-cen-trate. It means I need to pay attention, and I can't do that if you keep talking."
"Oh." Hamignant stayed quiet and watched his big brother as he focused solely on his fishing exploits. It took all of fifteen seconds for the younger sibling to ask, "How many fish are there?"
"Wh-- how should I know that?"
"You're big brother. You know everything."
"Well, I don't know that, Hamignant." Hamignant went back to watching the water. "Can we do something else?"
"You're the one who came to me, and I'm fishing. If you want to do something else, go do it somewhere else."
"You're mean", Hamignant curled his knees to his chest and hugged them while pouting. Estinien went right back to the water, ignoring his brother's futile efforts at garnering sympathy. For a few minutes, he was quiet, much to Estinien's relief, but just as he started falling into complacency, Hamignant decided now was the time to become a songwriter. Softly, he sang, "Fish, Dish, Wish, Smish, Pish, Kish, Lish" much like a song for the Eorzean alphabet they learned at one point.
Estinien started growling to himself, ready to cast aside fishing to scare off Hamignant. Thankfully, a pull against his line made him stop his preparations. With one tug, Estinien gasped.
"What?" Hamignant stopped singing to ask.
"Shh", Estinien shushed as he kept his eye. There was one more pull at his line, but nothing sank yet. "What's going on, Estinien?" Just as he asked that question, his hook sank. Estinien excitedly reeled in his first catch of the day. "Finally!"
"Whoa! You caught one, Estinien! You caught one!" The boy pulled his triumph towards him and unhooked it. "Wow, it's small!" Hamignant pointed out.
"Yeah, it is", Estinien agreed nonchalantly. "It's just a guppy. I'm not looking to catch fish to eat" With that, Estinien threw it back into the waters. "Well, now what?"
"I'm not sure. Wanna skip rocks at the lake?" Estinien suggested.
Estinien and Hamignant climbed off the rock together and made their way south, following the direction of the water flow in the creek. "What happens when we leave this spot, Estinien?"
"It stays there. It'll be there tomorrow."
"Can we come back and see it again?"
"Sure. After I finish chores tomorrow, I'm coming right back."
"What if you have to watch the sheep again tomorrow?"
"Even better. I'll come back the day after."
Hamignant looked around the forest. "Could you catch squid here?"
"Squid? I've never seen a squid here. I think they're in the ocean, aren't they?"
"Ooh, ooh, ooh! I heard that it's got a bunch of slimy legs and people eat them!"
"No they don't! Stop being gross!"
Hamignant laughed and argued, "Yes they do! I heard it from Rosimperic who heard it from a fisherman from Gridania!"
"Rosimperic's messing with you!"
After that, the youngest picked up his pace into a sprint. "Race you to the lake!" Estinien put on a smirk and accepted the challenge, entering into his own sprint and chasing after Hamignant, the two boys running to enjoy a summer afternoon.
It was a summer afternoon, not that anyone could tell by looks alone. Never mind what eternal winter did, and never mind what Nidhogg did. Eastern Coerthas formed into a land beyond recognition thanks to Dalamud landing. Even with the destruction that ravaged this land, perhaps even in spite of it, a boulder yet stood. It had cracks, it had plenty chipped off of it, but that boulder would not bow to anything, no matter how apocalyptic.
Ice and sleet cracked under the footsteps of the former Azure Dragoon as he stepped towards this boulder. Upon reaching it, he laid down his lance against the rock and sat down on it. Fury, he remembered this boulder being much bigger.
Even if Bahamut hadn't come, Nidhogg razed this land and left the creek that once flowed through here untenable for any life. He could never fish here again. Still, he stared down at what was once a frequently visited fishing spot, thinking about the guppies he would catch and release, thinking about teaching Hamignant how to fish here when he grew too old for this stream, thinking about how Hamignant ran towards him to join him, thinking about how he and Hamignant would hold their childish contests and play their games.
Thinking about Hamignant.
Thinking about how Hamignant deserved to be here with him.
Thinking of how he could have taken Hamignant with him on his new journey.
Thinking of how Alphinaud wept at his bedside, and how for a singular moment, he could have sworn they were the sobs of Hamignant.
The specters of childhood yet remained even in this blighted land, but who was he to judge? It was as ravaged by Nidhogg's rancor as he was.
He gripped against the rock, moving his fingers about to find it. The mark that made this his rock. Soon, he felt it. Engraved along the side of it, he felt their initials along his fingertips. The calamity couldn't strip this boulder of his effect. Nidhogg couldn't strip it. This was their rock.
"You like that, Hamignant? We did that", Estinien spoke aloud.
Perhaps there was something in the wind, but he felt just the slightest bit chillier. "Don't worry. I've no intention of sticking around here. I simply wish to see it one more time." And so he did. As he looked, his index finger circled around Hamignant's initials.
There was a tightness in Estinien's chest. "You were made an object of my vengeance. You, mother, father...you deserved better. Your memories should not have been sullied so. Please, forgive me."
He stared into the endless winter, unforgiving and unrelenting. "This is a rock. I'm talking to a rock." He sniffled slightly. "...I think I needed to talk to a rock."
Against the white blanket of snow, there was yet a piece of green that stood in defiance. As he focused on it, he recognized it as a baby pine. Even in the fecund soils of Eastern Coerthas, perhaps even in spite of them, it dared to grow anew. "Heh." Estinien stood up and knelt before the sprout. "Well...if you're intent on growing, then so am I." He grabbed hold of his lance and replaced it on his back, then he turned away from the boulder, and began his journey anew.
"This will still be here tomorrow, after all."
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varlinhoes · 1 year
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silvie evolution! + a familiar face ;)c silvaine gets adopted by the Varlineaus after Lucienne dies when he's only 2, so he has no memory of her vv and Ft. my headcanon for Hamignant and a baby mode Esti! Ludeaux and Aleone are my takes on what Esti's parents looked like!
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paintedscales · 5 months
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Mixed May 2024 -> Family
"Come now. No need to tease your brother about his limbal ring. Last I remember, both of you were just as nervous and excited to get your own."
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scootdoesart · 11 months
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it's messy as all hell buuut I decided to combine two of the prompts i missed into one!! hoping i can keep goin' with this, it's super fun hehe
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mariyekos · 2 years
Chapters: 10/? Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Estinien Wyrmblood, Alberic Bale, Nidhogg (Final Fantasy XIV) Additional Tags: tags to be added with each chapter, Not Every Tag Applies to Every Chapter, Character Study, Drabble Collection, Pre-Canon, During Canon, Headcanon, Loss of Innocence, Grief/Mourning, Minor Character Death, Canonical Character Death, Identity Issues, Blood and Injury, Introspection, Anger, Ratatoskr (Final Fantasy XIV) (Mentioned), Canon-Typical Violence, Animal Death Summary:
"Dragons, men─we are all the same. Slaves to our emotion, subservient to our hearts."   A collection of 100-word drabbles relating to Estinien's life. Some explore moments of canon, some pre-canon, some headcanon, and so on. Mostly independent of each other, with topics and relevant characters for each drabble listed in the chapter names inside.
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coldshrugs · 10 months
characters: estinien varlineau; io laithe (wol) | pre-relationship word count: 900 note: i'm having a lot of feelings about siblings, accidental family, and the way men love. [divider credit]
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“Have you noticed our little shadow? He's been following us since we left the city.”
Io’s ears shift a degree, but Estinien suspects she doesn’t have to apply much focus to pick out the clumsy footsteps in the brush. She grins, eyes trained forward so she doesn’t disturb their company.
“And here I was thinking you'd taken the long way round for my benefit,” she says, and his skin tingles with the shy mischief in her voice.
He turns to her, strafing sideways, then walking backward down the well-worn path that slithers beneath the canopy. He takes stock of both his companions. The boy–in shaggy hair and tattered clothes, creeping through tangled plants several feet behind them–still thinks he’s unseen. And Io–in the dappled green light, she is more beautiful than the image he’s kept in his mind these past months, and looking far more healthy–is only teasing him
Are they back here? In the place they can laugh together, or make jokes that almost touch the heart of the thing that goes unspoken between them?
“Two birds and all that.”
That makes her eyes widen, and makes her smile. Estinien is unable to resist joining her, even if he has to look away.
He continues, “I am worried for him, though. One needn’t have a scholar’s wit to see that the merchant has the boy leashed. He’s being used.”
Her ear twitches again when their follower snaps a branch, but they are careful not to give him away.
“You do this often, you know?”
“You have a knack for finding wayward souls. Little lambs.” Her laugh is a familiar melody, quiet but uncouth. Something he didn’t realize he missed. “It’s like you call to them, or they to you… Like you can’t help but care for them.”
“Hm.” He returns to her side, an arm’s length away. Both too close and too far.
Estinien thinks of his brother, as he often does. A little thing, wiry but tough. He liked to chase the sheep to try to rile them up, to rile Estinien up when it was his watch, but they would simply follow him, as sheep are wont to do. It wasn’t long before he’d made friends of the entire flock and took as much pride in their care as Estinien had. Even with so few years between them, their parents trusted Hamignant to watch over the flock, and Estinien to watch over Hamignant.
He thinks of the first time he saw Alphinaud. Never mind the ghost he saw in the lad’s face… there was something else there. He was lonely and lost, carrying the weight of a sin he could not have predicted. A haunting, and a mirror. In the end, he became a source of inspiration, though it took him far too long to realize it.
Vrtra and Aymeric, too. As alone when he met them as he has been at one point in his life or another. Wanting for company, for connection. Wanting to be chosen based on fondness and merit. Wishing for family.
Lost lambs…
Hamignant’s name hasn’t left his mouth in years.
He wonders if Io would care to learn about him. She is a shepherd too, of a kind. He thinks they might’ve liked each other, or that he would have found a way to make her laugh if nothing else.
“Hami…” he begins. The pause lasts too long. Maybe this is stupid. Why dig up the past when he is only so recently able to see a future?
Io smiles patiently.
“Your brother?”
His eyes fall to the leaf-covered ground and he nods. “He would walk our sheep into the fold from pasture. He named them all. Even if they already had one, he’d change them to something he liked better–insufferable, really. Anyway… when one went missing, he’d beg me to join him in the search, make me scour the fields and nearby forest with him until we found whichever young, or old, or lame sheep had wandered off alone, staring up at us with that look of relief. And I was a bit bigger than him, so I would carry it home while he doted on Flopsy, or Custard, or whatever the fuck he’d named them–” he feels his smile spreading as he shakes his head, and the vacuum in his heart surrounding Hamignant shrinks, just a little. “I suppose what I mean is, he still holds me accountable.”
They walk on in silence–Io looking faraway and wistful, and himself feeling lighter having breathed life into the memory–until the trees spread out and give way to the Perfumed Rise. A mile away, the jewel-green sea meets the pink shore, but the wind carries its roar up the hill.
Io’s steps bring her closer. Out of interest in his story, perhaps. “What will you do with this lamb, then? I presume he intends to follow us to Akyaali… We can’t expect him to find his way back to the city alone.”
Estinien sighs. He already knows how this will play out.
You see, being a brother is much like being a shepherd: watch the horizon for danger, be willing to fight it off, carry home the lost and the hurt. The roles are inseparable for him, because he learned them at the same time, with the same person.
“Focus on convincing Matsya to put in a good word with the locals for our boat. Leave the boy to me.”
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dawnslight-aegis · 1 year
the kids and godkids, pt 3
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Hamignant Varlineau
Aliases/Titles: Hami, Hannish Ambassador to Ishgard
Combat training: Lance/naginata, bow, chakrams (DRG/BRD/DNC)
Elemental affinity: Water
Personality: Quiet, shy, warm, kind, helpful, sensitive, trusting, slow to fight, terrifying if provoked
Childhood: Wandered with his family, but preferred when they were places that felt like home, Thavnair especially. Struggled with being in Ishgard when his horns started to grow into their distinctive shape, hates being treated like something scary. Has tried to make himself as gentle and unintimidating as possible as a result (hard when you’re 7 fulms tall with Nidhogg horns).
Adulthood: Accompanies Emil on his adventures despite not really being the adventuring type himself, finally manages to catch his best friend’s eye romantically. Is a very kind person, but if his family is threatened, has the ability to tap into some leftover Nidhogg rage, which terrifies him, so he prefers to play more of a support role. Later becomes an official ambassador between Ishgard and Thavnair, splitting his time between the two places, working for Aymeric and Vrtra.
Interests: Dragons, cooking, woodworking, dancing, singing, playing the lute, caring for animals
Relationships below the cut
 Marz: Loves his mother very much, enjoys helping her with cooking, often plays music to accompany her singing. She is the one who realized that he was badly suited to the dragoon fighting style, and trained him in the bardic arts. Reminds her of her late life partner, Veha, as well as her father.
 Estinien: Inherited his dad’s vaguely draconic nature, bond over that as well as Estinien encouraging his interest in woodworking and taking care of animals.
 Jorani: Has never been able to tell her no, follows her lead in most things. Their paths diverge in adulthood but makes a point to visit her/invite her to visit him frequently.
 Kaede: Very close, she’s his favorite source of wisdom and advice about all sorts of things. Gravitates to her whenever they’re in the same vicinity. In adulthood, makes a point to take her out for lunch frequently since both their husbands are often busy.
 Aymeric: Have somewhat similar temperments and get along well, but very little in common. Work well together in a professional capacity, and get to know each other better after Hami and Emil are married.
 Emilien: Has been in love with him since they were kids, admires his passion and his love for his family. Tries to keep him from getting into TOO much trouble, and is always happy to watch his back. Is a happy part-time stay-at-home husband.
 Liliane: Very fond of her, has never treated her like a little kid. Is able to get her to talk about things that are bothering her when no one else can. They trade books often, and he continues to work as ambassador after she becomes Lady Speaker.
 Others: Has a particularly strong bond with his “uncle” Vrtra, as well as his (actual) uncle Daava. Fascinated by Y’shtola, gets along particularly well with G’raha. Loves Alphinaud as much as his sister loves Alisaie.
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FFXIV Write Day 1: Steer
It's that time of year again! :D Estinien watches Agi steer the ship that is taking them to Tural. SFW.
“You sure you can steer this thing?” Estinien whispered into Agnes’s ear. Esme was chasing the twins on deck, while Krile, Erenville, and Wuk Lamat were fawning over Hamignant.
Lad loves the attention.
His wife snorted. “Estinien, really! I grew up by the sea---of course I know how to steer!” She turned her head to place a gentle kiss on Marcelin’s head (this one’s napping and wrapped against me) and then focused ahead. “Docking is another story though.”
The captain of the ship shook his head and groaned. “Alright, Mistress Varlineau. You’ve had your fun.”
Estinien watched his wife giggle adorably as she relinquished control of the ship and thanked him profusely for indulging her.
Agi, you charm everyone you meet. Thought you knew that by now.
Then again…
“Oh, that was amazing!” She grinned, kissing first the sleeping infant’s head again and then ME!!! “Did I do a good job, love?”
Should I tease or—
Definitely tease.
As he gently rocked Marcelin, he answered with a wink. “We’ve not crashed upon the rocks, so aye, you did.”
There she is pretending to be mad, but I see that blush madam.
They were interrupted by a squealing Esme running into her mother’s leg, Alisaie and Alphinaud close behind.
Alisaie rolled her eyes. “Estinien, Agi would never lead us astray in any capacity!”
“Quite right!” Agnes laughed, lifting Esme and peppering her cute little face with kisses. “Mummy’s good enough to not sink the boat. Isn’t that wonderful, my little love?”
If only you weren’t dead to the world, Marc.
You’d see your mother as confident and happy as I’ve ever seen her.
Flowers in her hair. A smile on her face. A new adventure on the horizon with friends old and new.
I wonder what awaits us in Tural, my son…
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petrolstationflowers · 10 months
Aymeric has just reported his father to the police. Haurchefant is dealing with his own estranged father getting back in contact, all while he's recovering from a near fatal "accident." Estinien somehow has to figure out how to be a parent to his brother and keep a roof over both their heads.
All four of them are drowning. But sometimes family is three ride or die friends, a teenager, and a particularly ornery cat. Sometimes, that's enough.
("it's rotten work."
"not to me. not if it's you.")
modern with magic, found family AU
chapter six is up!
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eemamminy-art · 3 years
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Quickly added some colors to a wip project that I’m probably not gonna finish ;;
shepherd boys in better days ♡
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