#the varlineau family
FFXIV Write: Tempest
In the future, Estinien finds himself alone with the children when Agi needs to visit the First. SFW.
Estinien Varlineau took a deep breath.
Be calm.
Be a calm center in a tempest of chaos.
“Bapa! Bapa!”
“Where’s Mummy?!?!?!”
“Mummy’s on the First, Hami. She’ll be back in a few days.” Esme said matter-of-factly to Hamignant, who isn’t taking Agi being gone well.
At all.
His twin, however, was not at all bothered by his mother’s trip to the First and was currently shoving more egg-battered cinnamon toast in his mouth.
Good lad.
Pip and Laure are asleep after I fed them earlier.
Now, about your brother…
Estinien knelt next to the crying boy’s chair and smiled at Esme, who went back to her breakfast. A fiercely protective big sister, my Es is. “Hami, Mummy will be home in a few days. Do you know what she told me before she left?” He tucked a strand of dark red hair (they all have Agi’s hair) behind Hamignant’s leaf-shaped ear. The boy shook his head. “She said that she has a surprise for you, Es, Marc, Pip, and Laure.”
Oh fuck me, that’s Agi’s “what are you on about, Estinien” face. “Yeah?”
The elezen grinned. “Aye. In fact, your surprise should be here shortly…”
As the child raised his eyebrow just like Agi, their surprise strolled into Agnes’s house in Shirogane, where Estinien decided to bring the children to make it look like we’re on a trip too. That way, maybe…it’s not so bad without Agi.
“Why hello children!” Aymeric said far too loudly at half past seven bells.
Marcelin, Esme, and thank fuck there goes Hami squealed with glee as they ran to greet their godfather. Aymeric got on his knees and opened his arms for the little Varlineaus and then he pretended they were too much for him and toppled backwards. How is he so damn good at everything?!
“Uncle Aymeric, are you Mummy’s surprise?” Esme asked excitedly, her recently cut hair going in every direction like Agi’s. Fucking hells.
Sapphire eyes twinkling, Aymeric chuckled. “I am indeed. Your mother was most insistent that I leave Ishgard and come visit you.” I wonder if Agi gave him the “if you don’t do what I say then the Warrior of Darkness will make you” face. “And of course, I cannot refuse her.” You too, huh? “Besides, I’m always happy to spend time with my godchildren.” Aymeric gave the girl a kiss on the nose, and then she fucking giggles like Agi. I swear to the Fury, they’re all her little clones! But in different ways!!! “Now, how about you eat your breakfast, and see if your darling papa would be willing make me some?”
Sapphire eyes locked with pale blue ones.
Estinien rolled his eyes. “Aye, aye. Come on.”
The children raced to the table as Aymeric rose, wincing slightly. “Perhaps not the best idea…”
“Poor old man got bad knees now?” Estinien teased, clapping Aymeric on the back. “Egg-battered cinnamon toast? Could make eft steak and eggs if that’s not your fancy, Lord Speaker.”
“Whatever is easier.” He leaned towards Estinien’s ear, a smirk tugging on his lips. “Your wife can be utterly terrifying when she wants to be, you know.”
“She’s scares because she cares.” Estinien whispered back before laughing heartily and tapping the chair next to Marcelin. “Have a seat.”
He decided on the eft steak and eggs for Aymeric (because he’s going to need it, poor bloke). While cooking, he occasionally glanced at Aymeric and his children and smiled.
They’re so happy. The children. Aymeric. It’s rare when he has this time with them. You don’t know how much it means to Aymeric. Not that he’ll ever admit it, but it’s a lot.
Thanks, Agi.
Come home soon, my angel.
I miss you terribly.
But she always comes home.
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vytamins · 2 years
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a gift from alphinaud :>
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coldshrugs · 3 months
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and we'll all be here forever
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haunted-xander · 9 months
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Redrew one of the One Piece color spreads w/ the Scions (+Vrtra) just for fun. I love mashing things I love together
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lilbittymonster · 2 months
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Day 4 - Feast
While it may not be anything fancy, Estinien made good on his promise. They all needed some time to unwind after several stressful hours.
Prompt List
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nuclearanomaly · 1 month
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。・゚゚・ ☀️🍦💕 ・゚゚・。
pose ref
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estinininininen · 9 months
Estinien: . . . So, those are dragon scales.
Varshahn: yeah what about it HUH
Estinien: Did y'all . . . ?
Varshahn: . . . imprison or kill a dragon to get them like SOME countries would? No.
Estinien: ok cool
Varshahn: cool
Estinien: Good.
Varshahn: Good.
Estinien is then kidnapped by the Thavnair alchemists, complaining loudly the whole way, and no one knows if he's putting up with it cause Scion duties and this is just how he plays nice - he bitched all the way to Hraesvelgr, after all - or if he genuinely just forgot he could jump
Meanwhile, in the meghaduta
Vrtra: hey Ahewann cancel DEFCON 1, this guy is cool. Total softy. Also kind of a dumbass. Of course I'll be glad to help clean up, I'm not going to make the maids clean up dragon piss. Ahem. Did I ever tell you about my brother Nidhogg? Yeah, the one I've avoided answering for a thousand years. Uh, well, yeah the dramatic asshole who went off the deep end, yes. Him. Too be fair it was about our sister, Ratatoskr - yeah, oh I'm actually really glad you remember what I said about her! She was a lot like . . . No, it's fine to interrupt, I got lost in memories for a second there. Ummmm, yes, I suppose it has influenced why I . . . hestitate telling everyone I'm the satrap. But Nidhogg took it way too far, yeah. He used to be a cool big brother, I swear. Knew how to get under everyone's skin, didn't put up with bullshit, but let kids climb all over him if it made them happy. Whenever I visited he was always swarmed by his own kids and all his niblings, and teaching them how to hunt and defend themselves against morta - Oh, but that was a couple Astral eras ago, sorry. Turns out Tiamat and Hraesvelgr weren't joking - yeah my other sister, Tiamat, the one who went into battle recently with this guy against, uh, yeah, the corrupted image of another brother of ours. Bahamut, yeah - yeah. The one who almost destroyed a continent, yes. Hraesvelgr? Hraesvelgr's our other brother who lived with Nidhogg for a long time - yyyyeah yeah you heard right, last time they met Nidhogg did call his dead mortal wife a whore and tore Hrae's wing off. Anyway! Anyway they were right, this guy really is like if you sucked all the filling out of a Nidhogg donut and tried to squish it into an Elezen. Yeah, sorry, that is the closest I can get to describing dragon aether stuff. Is he . . . yeah he's the guy who technically killed Nidhogg and spent his whole life training to kill dragons but like I just said, Nidhogg smooshed the two of them together. He's all but a dragon walking around in a mortal meat suit and seems mostly just embarassed by it. Kiiiinda looking forward to messing with his head more, honestly. Let's get the curtain ready. Ahewann, why do you look so scared?
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janzoo · 4 months
FFXIVPolyamoryWeek2024 5: Alternate Universe
I missed Goth Day by a bit but oh well, it's always a good time for...
🖤The Addams Family🖤! 🫰🫰
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With a bonus black and white shot as an homage to the classic show~
And what's this - ANOTHER bonus! Black-haired-Drakyr version in colour and b&w!
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(Gee, Draticia, how come your player lets you have TWO Gomez's??!!)
Morticia's dress came from here (it's unisex!). 🖤
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diamondangelkitten · 3 months
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Junelezen Day 26: Late
"You're late," Guydelot says as Alinea and Estinien make their way towards him and Sanson.
Estinien chuckles as Alinea rolls her eyes at the bard. The noise causes Guydelot to tilt his head back and smirk. Alinea flips him off before crossing her arms.
"Hello Sanson. You didn't have to bring your other half with you if he's been bothering you."
Sanson laughs, now used to their antics.
"He's been rather well behaved till now. Though I'm sorry to say, it seems Sephy's quite attached to us."
Alinea sees that indeed, her pink carbuncle has gone to sit by Sanson. Guydelot had reached over to give Sephy a scratch and apparently found the right spot, as the carbuncle's head was tilted adorably.
"Hm, well at least Demetri has more sense."
At Sephy's sad little chirp and Guydelot's deep laughter, accompanied by smaller chuckles from Estinien and Sanson, Alinea smiles and starts to relax. She makes her way to sit next to Guydelot, with Estinien coming to sit next to her and Demetri. She places a hand on Estinien's leg while leaning her head on Guydelot's shoulder.
"It's good to have you here. What do you think of Thavnair? Oh, and Sephy? I'm not actually mad at you."
Her carbuncle gives a little chirp, while Sanson starts petting her. Guydelot leans his head on top of Ali's.
"This view is beautiful. I know you all went through a lot, but I am glad we didn't have to abandon our homes."
She smiles as Estinien squeezes her hand.
"I am sorry we were late. Trna stopped us on the way. She wants to have another hippo cart race sometime."
Sanson starts laughing as Guydelot's excitement levels rise.
"Really? Can you do it now?! The radio broadcast was fine and all."
"It was great Guydelot."
"Yes, the bunnies sounded adorable Sanson, but imagine an actual bard delivering the story of the intergalatic race for the ages."
Alinea leans forward, looking at Sanson.
"He's not going to let this go is he?"
Estinien laughs, before joining in.
"I do have to say, I was sad to have missed the grand race. But a rematch between the top two participants would be fun."
Alinea sighs, "Not you too."
Her smile however, gives away her own excitement.
"Fine, for you all, I shall do it."
She stands, pulling the rest of the group up with her. Her carbuncles come into step behind her, as she leads the group to Trna.
"After this though, we're getting curry in Radz at Han."
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coolcatsodalite · 5 months
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Trimmed and styled Estinien's hair~
Working on an outfit nooow
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FFXIV Write Day 1: Steer
It's that time of year again! :D Estinien watches Agi steer the ship that is taking them to Tural. SFW.
“You sure you can steer this thing?” Estinien whispered into Agnes’s ear. Esme was chasing the twins on deck, while Krile, Erenville, and Wuk Lamat were fawning over Hamignant.
Lad loves the attention.
His wife snorted. “Estinien, really! I grew up by the sea---of course I know how to steer!” She turned her head to place a gentle kiss on Marcelin’s head (this one’s napping and wrapped against me) and then focused ahead. “Docking is another story though.”
The captain of the ship shook his head and groaned. “Alright, Mistress Varlineau. You’ve had your fun.”
Estinien watched his wife giggle adorably as she relinquished control of the ship and thanked him profusely for indulging her.
Agi, you charm everyone you meet. Thought you knew that by now.
Then again…
“Oh, that was amazing!” She grinned, kissing first the sleeping infant’s head again and then ME!!! “Did I do a good job, love?”
Should I tease or—
Definitely tease.
As he gently rocked Marcelin, he answered with a wink. “We’ve not crashed upon the rocks, so aye, you did.”
There she is pretending to be mad, but I see that blush madam.
They were interrupted by a squealing Esme running into her mother’s leg, Alisaie and Alphinaud close behind.
Alisaie rolled her eyes. “Estinien, Agi would never lead us astray in any capacity!”
“Quite right!” Agnes laughed, lifting Esme and peppering her cute little face with kisses. “Mummy’s good enough to not sink the boat. Isn’t that wonderful, my little love?”
If only you weren’t dead to the world, Marc.
You’d see your mother as confident and happy as I’ve ever seen her.
Flowers in her hair. A smile on her face. A new adventure on the horizon with friends old and new.
I wonder what awaits us in Tural, my son…
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Found Family Tournament Round 2 Part 12 Group 56
Propaganda and further images under the cut
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Scions of the Seventh Dawn: The Warrior of Light, Alphinaud Leveilleur, Alisaie Leveilleur, Thancred Waters, Y'shtola Rhul, G'raha Tia, Estinien Varlineau, Tataru Taru, Urianger Augurelt (& Krile Baldesion)
Greil Mercenaries: Greil, Ike, Mist, Soren, Oscar, Boyd, Rolf, Titania, Rhys, Mia, Shinon, Gatrie
Scions of the Seventh Dawn:
They're not just a found family they're MY found family (the wonders of self insert customisable characters)
They're there for each other at all times they'd die for each other they saved the world with the power of friendship they have a white haired blorbo for any taste they influence world politics they eat takeaway together in messy bedrooms they've prevented several world-ending calamities Tataru makes everyone outfits for gifts they've been framed for regicide together they joke about that time you threw Estinien's eyes off a cliff their former members have gone on to lead countries they've saved each other's lives they travelled to the end of the universe together Y'shtola likes to embarass the Warrior of Light for fun and most importantly they got a super anime moment together during the final boss of Endwalker
Greil Mercenaries:
The OG Greil Mercenaries from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance contain; Team Dad Greil and his two biological kids Ike and Mist, Team Mom Titania (who has been called Mom by at least one mercenary), a cranky wind mage named Soren who is literally only with the group because Ike gave him a sandwich once, a priest Rhys who Titania found sick and dying by the side of the road and proceeded to adopt, Mia who for reasons known only to herself decided to make Rhys her eternal rival, an asshole archer Shinon who only likes two people (Rolf and Gatrie) and would sell your soul to the devil for one corn chip, Gatrie who thinks he's smoother than he actually is, and a trio of brothers Oscar, Boyd, and Rolf who are trying to make their way in the world after the death of their father.
Can you get any more found family than this motley crew of Ride or Die?
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petrolstationflowers · 10 months
Aymeric has just reported his father to the police. Haurchefant is dealing with his own estranged father getting back in contact, all while he's recovering from a near fatal "accident." Estinien somehow has to figure out how to be a parent to his brother and keep a roof over both their heads.
All four of them are drowning. But sometimes family is three ride or die friends, a teenager, and a particularly ornery cat. Sometimes, that's enough.
("it's rotten work."
"not to me. not if it's you.")
modern with magic, found family AU
chapter six is up!
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sortasp00ky · 1 year
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His grandson also looks very VERY good with it
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theworldwalkerswols · 2 years
WoL Question: How are they with kids?
Kyler doesn’t have much experience with kids & sometimes gets self-conscious around them, but he also has a protective streak a malm wide so it works out okay in the end. He has never pictured himself with a family an has a lot of family-based baggage (I wrote a ficlet about it once!), but if one of the husbands were to want it he’d certainly consider.
I think Aymeric and Haurchefant would be Very good with kids, very nurturing and protective. Estinien is secretly excellent with them, in the way of letting them get themselves into mild trouble/not coddling them so they learn how to problem solve and pick themselves up. 
Estinien is secretly the dad who knows exactly what to say and how to react and the other three are like ?! And he’s like “what?” Like, he’s that dad who doesn’t react when his kid bites it so the kid picks themselves up and keeps on going
“See? They’re fine”
The other three: <sweats>
But then also when a kid hurts themselves and cries a lot, he’d talk to them like “does it hurt badly? No? It scared you? Okay, I know, buddy,” <holds them>
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yamisnuffles · 2 years
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A moment for the fallen.
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