ay0nha · 2 years
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Everyone, RUN don’t walk to wish @lundenloves​​ HAPPY MF BIRTHDAYYYYY
I wouldn’t be where I am without her and all her help. Very grateful you were born and you put up with me haha!
 (While I have your attention, go check out her story Platforms!!! It’s SO good.)
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litafan4ever · 4 months
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Happy 30th Birthday Liv Morgan (June 8, 1994)
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cavendishbutterfly · 1 year
a long way from that day he turned eleven
Rated G | for the @drarrymicrofic prompt "shade" | 100 words
Draco lays out a picnic blanket, a basket, a bottle of wine. He flattens the blanket out meticulously and unpacks two sandwiches, cheese and fruit, a bouquet of flowers.
Darling, he says to Harry. Happy birthday.
Draco’s chosen a large patch of shade, but Harry can still feel a sliver of sun on his neck. Bright, hopeful.
Is there cake? Harry asks.
Is there cake, Draco scoffs. He wraps his arms around Harry’s middle as he levitates it out. Two layers, a sea of candles. Make a wish, he murmurs.
But Harry doesn’t bother wishing. Everything is already right here.
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chaz-the-weasel · 2 months
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August 1st is my wonderful wife @bmmbooshoot's birthday, and I wanted to do something special to surprise them!
Tychon Whitfrost and Luka del'Aguaro from their Golden Verse story meet Hazel Woods and Liv Mareluna from my webcomic, Seveneves!
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livid-basket · 9 months
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It the time of the year again, the time that i tried to draw kid ( r.i.p. style consistency) . But , Happy birthday to our dear captain. January 10th 🎂🎉
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sweet-s0rr0w · 2 years
Microfic: Without Sunshine
A little something for the two lovelies @shealwaysreads and @sitp-recs on their birthdays <3 I hope you both had a wonderful day!!
T, 1.1k, apocalyptic flower shop strangeness, fits the @drarrymicrofic prompt 'thunder'. This is the first thing I've written in many months, so please be kind! Thanks to @tackytigerfic for sharp eyes and endless patience.
The end of their world, when it happens, begins on a Tuesday morning.
It’s surprisingly easy. The concealment charms evaporate the minute the Leaky falls, leaving the whole of Diagon caught unaware, belly-up vulnerable. Shopping is abandoned on the cobblestones as witches and wizards grope for their wands, casting blindly while all around them bombs drop and buildings fall. Those who can leave do, as the tanks move in off Charing Cross Road, over broken glass and broken bones, tracks like rolling thunder along the narrow streets. Owls and ravens spill out through the blown-out Menagerie window, disappearing into the darkening sky, as Nifflers scrap loudly over stray bullet casings below.
It's several minutes before Harry, cloaked in the Azkaban-strength wards of the little flower shop, even notices that anything’s wrong.
“In theory, indefinitely,” Draco tells him, thoughtfully. He’s perfect, Harry thinks absently, bathed in high summer light, a puffy, peach-coloured rose held in delicate balance between finger and thumb. “The problem is that ethically harvested unicorn hairs are–”
And that's when everything goes dark.
By the faint blue phosphorescent glow of the ghost orchids, they peer out through the glass. Draco starts at a burst of gunfire, his breath coming fast, the rose still clutched in his hand beginning to tremble. Unthinking, Harry curls his own fingers around Draco’s, stilling him.
“There’s no Floo here, is there?” he asks softly, although he already knows the answer.
“We’re on the list,” Draco replies, distant. “Next week, they said, maybe–”
“And your anti-Apparition wards–?”
Draco just gives a jerky nod, lips pressed together, and that’s that. There’s nothing to be done about it, Harry knows – no duel to win, no long, lonely walk out into the Forbidden Forest – and in a strange way, it’s a relief.
The warded air around them is silent but for the oblivious tinkling of bellflowers. Across the way, a sharp burst of light heralds an explosion inside Fortescue’s, sending slick blue rooftiles crashing one by one to the ground below. For a long, uncertain moment the whole building seems to shiver, its ancient magic struggling against the onslaught, before, like a sigh released, the walls begin to sag in on themselves. Beside Harry, Draco is holding himself stiffly upright; the occasional twitch of his fingers the only nod towards the horror unfolding before them.
“Well,” he says eventually, looking down at their joined hands, “their timing’s dreadful.”
Harry lets out a surprised burst of laughter. “It really is. I was working up the courage, you know–” he looks at Draco “–but there was time. We had time.”
“We did. We had time.”
Their view is blurry now, both windows coated with a thick film of dust, the alley a smeared thumbprint of impressions: shadowy figures moving back and forth, spells cast in quick, colourful flares, the returning staccato bursts of gunfire from every side. Harry turns to watch the reflections in Draco’s eyes, benign as fireworks.
Draco doesn’t return Harry’s gaze. “Give me a second,” he says quietly. He pulls away, rose in hand, and begins darting around the shop, gathering up blooms, humming with approval as he goes. The wards are struggling now, Harry can tell – cracks appearing alongside the window frames, smoke curling in from beneath the door, tremors beneath his feet – but if Draco even notices, he doesn’t show it. Harry’s breath catches as he watches Draco pick out the largest of his precious ever-blooming lilies to add to the bunch: dainty pink-tipped lisanthus, sprays of baby blue speedwell, all cast in the eerie, flickering half-light of the shop.
“Here,” Draco says finally, thrusting the enormous bouquet towards Harry. The fragrance is overwhelming, damp petals tickling Harry’s chin as he takes it into his arms. “That is to say–” Draco clarifies, chin raised, “I had planned – if you had asked me–”
He tails off, the blush on his cheeks apparent even through the gloom, and Harry lifts the flowers to hide his smile. “They’re perfect,” is all he says.
“Not a patch on what I’d intended, really,” Draco says, quickly. “I’d hoped to have perfected the maturation charms, you know, and of course no-one can get hold of luminous larkspur at this time of year–”
“I’ve never been given flowers before.”
Draco pauses, mid-sentence, frowning. “Really?”
“I’d have given you more,” says Draco, and there’s a rueful edge to his smile. “Hundreds, probably. Tulips from Keukenhof, sakura from Hokkaido, mountain lupine from my mother’s garden… you’d have been sick of them in weeks, I’m sure.”
Harry opens his mouth, thinking to object, but is interrupted by an ominous splintering – the first audible indication of the chaos outside – as thin streams of plaster dust begin to cascade down from above the counter. Another crack, louder this time, Draco’s sizzling snapdragons snarling and straining upwards as one edge of the coving crumbles away, uncovering a narrow chink of daylight. The wards are beginning to flicker, more outside sounds audible now – the whir of a helicopter, the clatter of boots – and that’s when Harry feels the first tendrils of hope winding their way beneath his ribs.
“Still got those Seeker reflexes?” he asks Draco with a grin.
Draco’s brow furrows, but then he cottons on, eyes widening. “What, you think we can Apparate before–?” He brings his palm down smartly against the back of his other hand, a gruesome demonstration of their impending fate.
Harry swallows. “Maybe,” he says. “I don’t honestly know, but I want to try.” Louder this time: “I mean, I want to try with you.”
Harry’s never been one to look back once a decision’s been made, but he forces himself to wait, heart in his throat, as Draco chews his lip, eyes fixed warily on the ceiling. He looks genuinely uncertain, and he’s not wrong, either: an end now – quick and painless – versus… what? What will the future look like, if they run?
But a second more, and Draco looks back down at him, jaw set. “Alright,” he says, and Harry leans forward, warm and giddy with adrenaline, to press their lips together – once, a beginning, and then again – flower heads crushed between their bodies as time stands still.
They wait.
When it’s finally over, black-clad soldiers spread out across the street. They work in pairs to sweep up the leftover crumbs of magic, guns nosing along the rubble beneath their steel-capped toes.
“Hey, look,” says one of them, voice tinny through his mask. “Someone’s left us a souvenir. You should take ‘em home to the wife.”
“Yeah,” his partner says thoughtfully, stooping to collect the scattered stems, “You know, I just might.”
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ambreignsfan4life · 4 months
Happy 30th Birthday to our Women's World Champion Liv Morgan
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Credit to all gif owners
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omg happy birthday!!! it’s mine too how fun!
thank you and also woah! it seems like literally nobody else has their birthday today so it's so cool that we both have it on the same day like what? <3
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daughterofthesea111 · 11 days
i am actually unable to shut up today. yapped ALL of math class with this one guy, he’s an actual sweetheart <3
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loverhorror · 2 months
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natashatrace · 11 months
my mom had 4 children already by my age
I have zero and a large crush on thomas cruise and monica barbaro and a backlog of fic I haven’t written and gifs I haven’t made and healthy habits I haven’t started
who is the real winner
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litafan4ever · 1 year
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Happy Birthday Liv Morgan (June 8, 1994)
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elif-ants · 7 months
she didn't die before she could drink !!!
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scarlet-lore · 7 months
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I’m now realizing that her outfit is a completely different colour from photo to photo, but too late now. Happy Birthday again, @oliviarodrigo! And shout out to @livieshq for providing the background template 💜
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livid-basket · 2 years
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Braided hair kid brain rot.
It the time of the year again, Happy birthday to our captain. January 10th 🎂🎉
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littlequeenies · 1 year
Why Do We Love...
Bebe Buell
The first time we knew about Bebe Buell was as Liv's Tyler mum, instead of someone's wife/girlfriend. We built a website at piczo platform for some actresses we loved (Drew Barrymore, Jane Asher, Shannen Doherty, Kate Winslett, Liv Tyler...), and looking for some Liv Tyler pics, I found this photo set:
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[1980 baby Liv and mum Bebe Buell by Marcia Resnick, NYC]
Now, Liv wasn't a child actress like Shannen or Drew, so the famous was her beautiful mum! So we started googling about gorgeous Bebe, and we learnt that she was a very successful model in the 1970s and also had been posing for Playboy magazine.
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[Bebe pictured by Lynn Goldsmith in 1973, our scan]
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[May 1974 for a Playboy's lingerie article]
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[Covergirl: modelling for he British "Girl About Town" magazine, in 1976]
Bebe has a very interesting life. Besides being a very beautiful model, Bebe was also friend of many rock stars, girlfriend and muse to some of them, and was in the American rock/punk scene in the 1970s and 1980s. Todd Rundgren, Jimmy Page, Steven Tyler or Elvis Costello were some of her lovers; Patti Smith, Alice Cooper, Liz and Dick Derringer, Debbie Harry, John Lennon and Joey Ramone were and are some of her friends.
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[Bebe and Todd in 1972, by Stephen Anderson, scan by Leith from (Diet) Coke and Sympathy blogspot]
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[The Creem Dream! Bebe by Richard Creamer for "Creem" magazine in 1980]
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[1979 - Bebe modelling, by Lynn Goldsmith]
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[Bebe in 1985 by Bob Gruen]
Bebe was a model and a muse, but she is also a rock musician and an author. She is a very spiritual woman and a vegetarian, so she respects animals and nature, beliefs in cosmic energy, UFOs and after-life once we die here. She knows about history and literature too, being a very intelligent woman.
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[Bebe in 2001 when she published her first book, Rebel Heart]
Like all the other muses, we built both a website and a yahoo group for her, and on Facebook we were friends with her and shared many photos and memories (until Facebook didn't allow us to be there under the "Little Queenies" name and were forced to delete it...).
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[Beautiful Bebe in 2003 at her daughter Liv's wedding]
Our dream, of course, is attending to one of her concerts or even get one of her two books (or both!) signed in person by her. To meet her either in Europe (London probably) or the States (more difficult but who knows!). We are full of joy to know and be aware that she knows about us!
Today, for her 70th birthday, we wanted to share with all of you, dear followers, how we knew about Bebe and what made us love her.
Here we share:
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