star-mum · 11 months
I’d like to personally thank the Drawfee team for instilling “Delete Your Art : D” into my brain
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infoglitch · 1 month
Bleiss found herself roaming the halls of beacon as she was trying to think of how to approach her sister without conflict but everything she thought of didn't work.
Weiss was just so fuckin stuck up that's why she cant stand her, she's too fuckin prissy
The thought ran through Bellameres head before shoving it away. She was nearly as grown adult and as much as she loved being right her sister was more important than her ego.
But oum damn it all why the fuck couldn't Weiss just relax around her and not foam at the mouth at everything Bleiss said!
Unbeknownst to Bleiss her feat brought her to a single dorm. Team JNPR's dorm... This was that arc boys team dorm, knowing how he acts it was probably full of losers. Bleiss knocked on the door and soon it opened to reveal the one and only invincible champion, Pyrrha Nikos.
Pyrrha: oh hello Weiss.. what's with the new look?
Bleiss just looked her up and down before trying to speak "calmly" and "dignified" considering this was that overconfident bratty bitch Weiss just LOVED to speak of.
Bleiss: Ms. Nikos apologies for the intrusion-
Pyrrha: I told you already Weiss call me Pyrrha
Bleiss looked at her somewhat annoyed.
Bleiss: apologies Pyrrha but you have me confused for my sister. I am Bellamere Givrése. Weiss' twin.
Pyrrha took a moment before snapping her fingers.
Pyrrha: oh yeah your her "evil twin". I guess on the surface the title is apt.. regardless what do you need Bleiss?
Bleiss: I'm here for Jaune Arc, Ms. ni-
Pyrrha: Pyrrha. I have a name, I'm a person just like you, not some deity.
Bleiss was a bit taken aback, she figured Pyrrha was some snotty stuck bimbo that was used for a one time sponsorship with some weird cereal... That she may have begrudgingly liked.
Bleiss: Pyrrha... So may I please talk with Mr. Arc.
Pyrrha: sure thing.
Pyrrha would lean back and shout into the dorm.
Pyrrha: jaune! You got a visitor. Its weiss' "evil twin".
Jaune: wait what?
Jaune popped his head out from the door frame as he held a box of cereal that Bleiss recognized instantly.
Bleiss: are you... Are you eating pumpkin Pete's?
Jaune: yeah... Any problem with that?
Bleiss: yes. It's the fact no one told me you had some pour me a bowl aswell.
Jaune was a bit surprised but nodded and soon both sat at a table with Bleiss scarfing down her bowl as jaune looked at her in awe.
Jaune: you alright? You act like you haven't in cereal in years
Bleiss stopped and swallowed what was left in her mouth.
Bleiss: right on the money knight, Vacoue ain't got a lot of food, hence the constant delivery of food.. plus the peice of shit who helped my mother conceive me never allowed us to eat "filth's food" .. winter did manage to sneak a few in for all four of us before she got all stick-up-her-ass.
Jaune: that... That surprisingly is sad
Bleiss: yeah.. but ah fuck that boohoo shit and fuck the old bag. He's a daft cunt and a sqwimp.
Jaune: I can agree to that.
Jaune brought up a fist right beside her as Bleiss fist bumped him. Meanwhile Ren Pyrrha and Nora watched in the background.
Pyrrha: I don't get how she's an Evil twin. Most evil thing to her is her language.
Nora: I like her, she seems fun
Ren: I have a bad feeling about her... Something is off with her disposition.. like she's hiding something.
Pyrrha: well if anything happens we'll be prepared... She better stop sizing jaune up though.
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toomanyfandoms02 · 3 years
Kissletoe - Harry James Potter
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Summary - Two oblivious idiots finally get thrown into eachother.
Word Count - 2.1k
Hey :) I'm sorry I'm never on here. I lobe you guys so much. I hope you're having a beyond wonderful day
Valentines Day.
A day I dreaded for years, ever since first year. I would watch as girls would get candy grams from their boyfriends. Eating them in class with a big smile on their face. While I sat in silence, usually getting pity ones from my friends.
Once I hit fourth year it was a little different. I had grown a little and I had caught the attention of a few. Not that any of them were actually kind and well-meaning. I had the sense to realize that and only had one relationship through that time, but it started after one valentines day and ended before the next.
My family took Valentines day pretty seriously, it was silly really. They were pretty into the whole 'true love' thing, and soulmates. They hadn't judged me directly for not being as 'relationship oriented' as a good majority of my family, but I had heard whispers the past year. As if turning 15 meant I needed to be in some kind of committed relationship.
It wasn't that I didn't want to, it was just hard for me, having any interaction with someone I had feelings for. As of now, that boy was Harry Potter. This wasn't anything new, Hermione knew that. And that would be what had gotten us sitting in the library whispering about it behind opened books.
"Y/n I'm almost positive he likes you. Any time I mention you his cheeks flush. Have you seen the way he looks at you?" She looked at me as if I was as dim as a 6 year old lightbulb.
"Mione don't be daft, he's a nervous boy. I'm sure he acts the same way with any girl." I felt shallow liking Harry, even knowing that I didn't like him for being 'The Chosen One'. I liked him for the way he tapped his wand on the table when he was focused on his parchment. Or the way he smiled when he was talking about his friends. And especially when he would be looking down at something and he would have to keep pushing up his sliding glasses.
"Godric you really are oblivious." She giggled, looking back at her book. Just then a book was slammed in front of us on the table, my head whipped up and I heard a distant shush.
"Here is the lesson plan for the next month." Harry said with a smile. He was having a lot of fun as the head of Dumbledore's Army. Hermione grabbed it and flipped through a few pages.
"That's brilliant Harry. Looks amazing as usual." He sat down with us in the comfortable silence and skimmed the pages of his work. I went back to my book when I felt eyes on me. I looked to my side to see a sinister smirk on Hermiones face. "So what are you doing this Valentines Day Harry?" She asked casually, I stared daggers at her.
"What day is that again? It's this weekend right?"
"Yeah its Saturday." I replied, continuing to stare at my book and biting the inside of my cheek.
"Probably nothing then. I don't do much on the weekends." He shrugged.
"What are you doing Y/n?" She nudged me not so subtly. I rolled my eyes, she knew the answer to this stupid question. But any chance I get to vent about this party, I take it.
"I'm taking the floo to my parents house. They are having their stupid valentines day bash like every year. I don't even know why they invite me to it anymore. Every person in my family sits around and cuddles up on eachother and we all make cookies. And theres a dinner, most sickeningly is that the food is pink and heart themed. Anything they can make pink and lovey they do so. I'm just sick of going and hearing the whispers about how 'I'm the only kid in the family who never brings someone' and that 'usually by my age I would have a long term boyfriend.' I'm contemplating not even going." I got so caught up in the moment, I could feel my face heat up from the anger of remembering the words. "Its just bullshit." I shrugged it off.
"You've never brought anyone to it?" Harry piped up.
"What, are you going make fun of me too?" I laughed half-heartedly.
"No no! I just thought that you would've always had someone to bring, considering I know at least 5 people who have eyes for you right now." My eyebrows scrunched together at this.
"Excuse me?" This was news to me. Harry's eyes widened.
"I thought you knew..."
"Well certainly not!" I said, trying to keep quiet about how flabbergasted I was. "Well tell me who they are you dimwit!" I waved my hands sporadically
"Reed Barron, Lachlan Argo, Angus Davy, and Colin Hagie." He said with a nod.
"That's only 4 Harry." I laughed. He nodded with a smile, looking everywhere but my eyes. "Harry? Who's the fifth?" Hermione looked at me with squinted eyes and a sneer.
"You daft bimbo, its *him*."
"Hermione!" Harry looked at her with an unbelievable look.
"You should go with her to her valentines day party Harry." She looked so unbothered, continuing to read.
"Mione!" I elbowed her side, to no effect, she just kept talking.
"I really cannot handle it anymore you two. You both only talk about eachother. Coming and whining to me about how one doesn't like the other. Love is so blind." She flipped a page. "But please, go one and tell me I'm wrong." She looked between the both of us silently. "That's what I thought." It was silent after that for a good 5 minutes before I spoke up again, taking all the courage I had to say what I wanted to for a long time.
"Do you want to go to the party with me Harry?" I looked up at him slowly to see a shy smile on his lips.
"I really would like to go." He nodded.
"Finally." Hermione huffed, setting her book down finally. "Now that I know you guys will actually talk about this I'll leave you both be." She then got up and left us alone at the table. I laughed and leaned my face into my hands.
"I'm sorry for never saying anything to you about it, I was worried you liked Dean." Harry said quietly. This made me laugh harder.
"Oh no, we have been friends for far too long, he's like a brother to me. He will probably be thrilled to know I'm finally going on a date with you."
"A date." Harry stated, just smiling at me, certainly making my insides melt.
We stood in the fireplace holding floo powder in our hands.
"Just say the Y/L/N residence and it should take us there safely." He nodded and we vanished with the words, quickly ending up in the fireplace of our basement.
"I'm going to apologize in advance for my crazy lovey family." I cracked a smile, grabbing his hand and leading us up the stairs. I heard giggles and smelled fresh cookie dough. "Mum I'm home!" I yelled as I hit the top step. Harry quickly intertwined our fingers and squeezed my hand. My mother came barreling around the corner with a big smile and arms out wide, soon lowering her arms when she actually approached us.
"Who's this?" She gestured to Harry with a smile.
"This is Harry." He extended his hand to her politely. She took it graciously, wrapping both hands around his.
"Its so nice to meet you." My mum was never one to judge me for never bringing home a boy, so I comfortably knew that she would not embarrass me. She was a very intelligent woman who knew when not to speak of things. Like how she knew that this was *the* Harry Potter. It was the rest of my family I had to worry about. "I'm so glad your here!" She let go of his hand and led us into the kitchen where the rest of the family stood. All eyes were on Harry as we walked in.
"Y/n sweetie! Welcome home." My dad brought me in for a hug and peered back at the boy. "Are you who I think you are?" He tilted his head slightly.
"Dad please-"
"Everyone! Y/n has brought a boy!" Oh thank god.
"Harry Potter!" Nevermind. I grabbed Harrys hand and pulled him much closer to me as my cousin shouted. Harry waved at everyone with a sweet smile.
"Its nice to meet you all." Sometimes I wanted to give my whole family one good slap, excluding my mother. I dragged him to the dining room table all while giving my family a good glare.
"I'm so sorry about them." I whispered, leaving my head on his shoulder.
"It's really okay Y/n, I'm kind of use to it by now." He laughed, looking down at me with a smile. God that smile. We then heard two little claps and looked up to see my mom.
"Alright every one! Grab a bowl of cookie dough! Let's put these on a pan." I looked over to Harry and rolled my eyes. I grabbed us a bowl and a pan, setting it in front of us.
"Theres really nothing to it. My mum just firmly believes that baking helps the soul, and if you're helping your souls together, it bonds them." I grabbed a tiny ice cream scoop and handed it to him. "Just pick up some dough with it and put it on the pan." He did so and, just like he was with everything else, he did it amazingly. I pointed at the dough. "I told you, sickeningly pink." I was referencing the pink chocolate chips.
"Hey, don't bash on the pinkness of this holiday." My aunt laughed. "So Harry-"
"Here we go." I giggled, taking the scoop from Harry's hand, brushing his fingers as I did so and blushing a bit.
"Don't interrupt me, my wonderful niece. Harry, how long have you liked my favorite neice?" He blushed a bit, adjusting his glasses on his nose.
"Well probably a little over a year now." My head whipped to the side.
"Harry, seriously?" He nodded, the tips of his ears reddening by the second. "I can't believe you kept quiet for over a year you dimwit." I nudged his side playfully.
"Don't be a hypocrite, how long have you liked me?" He raised an eyebrow at me and I couldnt help but smile.
"I realized I liked you when you had to fight the dragon fourth year. I was so worried about you." I slowly looked back at the cookie dough.
"That's far over a year!" He shook his head at me with a huge grin.
"You two are too cute." My aunt squealed. "Please tell me you know the exact moment you liked her too." She put her chin in her hand, intently listening.
"I do."
"Oh do tell." I tilted my head, waiting for an answer.
"It was last year sometime in January, we were going to Hogsmeade and it was snowing. While we were walking you looked at the sky and opened your mouth to catch snowflakes. Instead though, one fell right in your eye and you acted as if you were just shot. You fell into my arms all dramatic telling to to kiss it better. You closed your eyes so I could do so and all I could see was the snow that had fallen in your hair and eyelashes. I knew then." Sometime halfway through he couldn't look me in the eyes. The whole family was listening at this point, just quiet, more quiet than I had heard them in a while.
"Harry, that's so sweet. And I'm now realizing that was a horrible attempt of mine at flirting." I laughed, grabbing his face and kissing his cheek.
"You have such a way with words young man." My dad nodded at Harry. I suspiciously watched as he waved his wand.
*Oh No*
I looked up to see a pink heart shaped flower growing above us.
Harry looked up at it with a puzzled face.
"Its a kissletoe. You don't have to if you don't want to."
"Kiss you?"
He shook his head and grabbed my face softly, bringing his lips to mine and smiling into it quickly. I rubbed my thumb across his cheek and smiled back. As we pulled away, cheers came from the table and I buried myself in Harry's neck.
*I hope this boy is my forever.*
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ohcaptaintarthister · 6 years
Someone's Obsessed!
My post about how fans ruin fandoms seems to have attracted this git:
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And, well, we all enjoy attention once in a while. But if you're gonna be nasty, don't be the idiot who blocks me first before I can read the pathetic nastiness. What's the point? I don't see it. This is the equivalent of egging my car then running away. But I can just easily go to the carwash and have it cleaned for free because I have coupons! *winks*
Being that STOPPELHOPSER wants attention, well, here you go:
Comment Number One, left in my essay about certain fans of a particular group that bully RPF writers. This was before she blocked me.
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I stalk the actors? LOL. I don't give a tiny rat's ass what they do or where they are. I don't freak out when days pass and there's no news about Gwen. Or Nik. Please.
As for issues I may have, it's creeps like you, STOPPELHOPSER. Why can't I post? Do people complain about the stuff you share but disable comments? Oh. Right. They can't because you don't let them! You have a problem with my stuff, hell, THEN DON'T READ IT. Simple as that.
I don't follow you. You don't follow me. Somehow you saw my post. Guess who's the real stalker?
Comment Numbers Two and Three. So I was curious to see what she's saying. That's when I realized she probably blocked me. So how am I gonna read it? Why comment when I can't access it?
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So I asked a friend to check out if she can see some of the comments. Here's one:
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STOPPELHOPSER left this in my link to a fanfic I wrote, where I used a gif. So what if the gif had Catherine Deneuve and David Bowie?
*asks in a bimbo little girl voice*
"Should gifs only be used with stuff that actually involves the people in it? Oh. I thought they're for illustrative purposes. Or for fun. Or whatever."
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But hold on! Let me fix some deadwood issues here, okay?
The original sentence goes, "Catherine Deneuve and David Bowie, you really are an ignorant."
Here are ways to improve it, just so it won't be too pathetic:
1.Catherine and David Bowie. You really are ignorant.
2. Catherine Deneuve and David Bowie. You are ignorant.
Or just go right to the point. Incoming contraction:
3. You're ignorant.
See? Better! Yay!
With nastiness like those comments becoming the norm in a certain fandom, the idea of leaving it just gets more attractive. But here's the thing. I still ship Jaime and Brienne. I enjoy the challenge of writing RPF. But I am not part of any group connected to it. If behavior like STOPPELHOPSER's continues, best to stay far away.
But I will keep writing. I love it!
Plus it pisses off daft, fascist pricks like STOPPELHOPSER. Learn a hobby.
P.S. I blocked her so notifications about her posts on my stuff as well as her comments are gone. I took screenshots because she can easily deny writing these to me and cast herself as the victim. The first photo you see in this piece is what I saw after she blocked me. Before that I could see her posts. I tried leaving a comment and found out she disabled this function.
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