#HB you big scary snugglebug I love you
the-sun-system · 2 months
Screaming crying throwing up/postive
I cannot believe I've been with my in-system husband for 7 years in a couple days. I love him so damn much and it hasn't always been easy but now every second we spend together proves to me that you really do "just know when it's right", and that it can and should be easy eventually, because nothing has ever seemed more right and natural than being with him now. Being married for 4.5 years has been the best and healthiest romantic relationship in my life and I would not give him up for anything in the world. This man has held me together when I thought I had no way to avoid falling apart. I've known from the first hours I knew him that I needed him in a way I'll never fully be able to describe, that I couldn't lose him, and needless to say he is amazing even though he will never understand or believe how great he is to me. I've never been treated as well as he treats me. I cannot imagine anyone ever will, and that's just fine with me because he is perfect.
Of course I love all my in-system partners very much, and they are all very okay with my stronger attachment to him.
If/when you see this you big old doof I love you more than anything or anyone and you gotta stop getting down on yourself because no one has ever loved me like you and no one will ever be more important to me. Check the tags my love there's more down there.
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