sto-court · 4 years
Vannie’s actually really good at dance dance revolution. They spend a lot of time at mall arcades they’re bored.
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tyrus-time · 6 years
Okay so spoiler alert for future fanart; I’ve been drawing TJ in flannels and stuff—
And I’m sitting here contemplating pop punk TJ—
And I’m wondering, hmm, would TJ be a skater boi? We know he’s a star athlete, and does motorcross, but does he know how to skate?? There’s gotta be SOME physical activity he doesn’t know how to do, right?
And then I remember: JONAH knows how to skate.... and it seems like Buffy does too?
So now I’m imagining Jonah and Buffy teaching TJ everything they know about skateboarding.
And when he hears about, Cyrus is a tiny bit concerned, seeing how his “lesson” with Jonah didn’t go well.
Fortunately, TJ picks it up easily, and Cyrus is super happy to see his boyfriend bonding with his other friends.
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suresha · 3 years
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LMAO  i’ve  been  seeing  stuff  in  the  tags  most  of  the  day  about  Atem’s  birthday.  had  one  or  two  people  message  me  on  discord  about  it  too  but  welp.  my  muse  doesn’t  even  keep  up  with  his  birthday  anymore.  not  really.  when  you’re  5000+  years  old,  idk.  i  guess  he  doesn’t  really  have  a  reason  to  care  anymore?  but  big  birthday  shout  outs  to  all  the  pharaoh’s  out  there.  
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coldasthevoid-blog · 7 years
Funcanon-Headcanon time!!!
Lucien LaChance has to watch himself quite carefully when he’s running, or walking briskly, so he doesn’t trip over the bottoms of his robes (or pants in Skyrim!verse, as they’re low on his feet too.)
In his early years as Speaker for the Black Hand, it wasn’t uncommon for Lucien to suddenly go down in a heap to the floor from not paying attention to his footing.
In later years, he became better at avoiding falling on his face, but when he became a ghost, and was given his new outfit, the first week he still tripped up a few times.
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dearbaphomet · 8 years
Imagine wiley untamed ghouls being transported to the venue in little cat travel kennels then being released before the show to wreak havoc and shred it.
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honeymick · 8 years
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These are the only library books Gene Belcher has ever checked out
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Judd Birch relationship hc
tags: Judd Birch x Jessi’s sister! Reader, she/her pronounced reader, mentions of sex, drugs and alcohol, come on this is a big mouth fic what did you expect, reader is alternative
authors note: I would recommend you read THIS fic I wrote about Judd first, which sums up how the two of you meet (: I’ll be referring back to that for all my Judd fics
requested HERE
1,7k words (the fic continues after the cut)
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Judd is not a man of many words 
It’s not like he doesn’t talk at all, he just uses actions to express his affection more than words 
He will put a blanket on you when you’re sitting on the couch, randomly hand you a glass of water whenever he feels like you need hydration, let you wear his shirts, ect 
Raccoons randomly start following you on your way to school, bringing you flowers or other gifts, that’s also Judd expressing his admiration 
Tbh the raccoons sees you as their mother, hiding behind you when Judd is being too mean 
You’re also way nicer to them, feeding them snacks and giving back rubs 
Judd scolds you, bc “you can’t be too nice to those fat little fucks, they’re already spoiled enough” but he secretly loves seeing you interact with the raccoons 
“Fucking cute.” He mutters to himself as you sit in his passenger seat of his van, three raccoons perched on your lap and chatting happily to you
He’s somehow even more grumpy whenever you’re around people, he’s always glaring at and threatening everyone around you
He’s the ‘I hate everyone but you’ type of boyfriend
Obviously he likes you, but we are talking about Judd Birch after all and just because you’re dating doesn’t mean he’s gonna be all lovey-dovey with you
Calls you bitch, slut, shithead and dumbass affectionately, and in turn you call him mr grumpy pants, pussy, bitch-boy and fuckface 
Ngl, his mom was super concerned when he got into a relationship and she heard him calling you bitch on multiple occasions
His dad was more relaxed, claiming it just added to his sons mysterious aura 
Both of them immediately fell in love with you when they heard you calling him something equally nasty to put him in his place
You’re the only one who gets to do that btw, if anyone else dared to call him out for his bullshit they’d have a battalion of killer raccoons on their ass
You get invited to all their family trips, tbh Judd is only interested in going if you are too 
What made his parents adore you even more, was when you slapped the back of his head for calling his parents “nosy fucking nutsacks”
They constantly ask Judd when you’re coming over, and when you finally do they just straight up kidnap you from him
“Don’t fucking touch her, you old prick.” Judd muttered darkly, pulling you out of his dad’s embrace by your hips and pulling you to his chest
Mr. Birch chuckled “Ah, young love!” He said, holding both hands over his heart in emphasis, Judd only scowled and began dragging you to his room
Omg the multiple safe sex talks his parents are gonna have with you, like one of the first times you came to his house they just sat you down and started explaining how they’d rather have you fuck under their roof than some unsafe place 
Judd could have murdered them right there, if you hadn’t been there he probably would have
They even gave you condoms and everything.. 
With that said, Judd comes from a very sex positive house and honestly doesn’t care if his parents know you’re having sex 
He was more angry that they embarrassed you
Somehow his mom immediately knew when you had your first time
You came downstairs for dinner, legs wobbly and a glazed look on your face 
Judd also looked less murderous than normal, still scowling but the two of you seemed to be slightly glowing 
Bc this is Diane Birch, she immediately congratulated you not even noticing how your face went red and you sank lower down in your seat as she talked about the importance of both parties enjoying sexual intercourse
Oh my god, you thought you could die 
Besides his parents, you’re pretty good friends with Nick and Leah
Leah’s in your grade, you have history together, and honestly she thinks you’re really cool
She adores the way you dress, always complimenting your outfits, makeup and hair 
Sometimes, she asks you to do her makeup as well
Judd always complains, he really fucking hates when you spent time with his siblings instead of him
Of course he would never admit that he’s jealous, but he so is
Nick is.. Incredibly in love with you
You're older, really hot and you’re nice to him? W o w 
Tbh, all the guys in Jessi’s friend group are crushing hard on you
When you’re hanging out in Judd’s room, he’s constantly interrupting you, bringing you water, asking for help with homework, ect
He keeps up like this until Judd throws an empty bottle of Jack Daniels at his face, hitting him square in the forehead
Nick cried, calling Judd a slut before storming out
You constantly have to break up fights between them
Judd likes kissing you in front of Nick lmao, you think it’s to show dominance or something but you don’t really care
You’re just happy he’s kissing you (:
Besides Nick being in love with you, Jessi is so passive aggressive about your relationship
Bruh she steals the shirts Judd gives you
Yk that episode where she asked him to dance and he was like “I don’t dance.. With kids.” He danced with you right after lmfao 
Jessi was fuming 
The two of you literally cannot catch a break 
You end up driving around in his van a lot, you’re doing your best to get him not to exceed the speed limit, but no way he’s listening to you
He literally drives like he’s trying to kill everyone on the sidewalk, and you wouldn’t put it past him 
He picks you up from school in his van too, y’all go to the same school but he just refuses to show up to classes 
He likes to just stand outside and glare at the teachers as they exit the building
Sometimes Leah hitches a ride with you too, he’s always annoyed when she does because that means he can’t dick you down in the backseat
Did I mention you guys fuck a lot?
Judd is pretty horny, literally anything gets him going 
Oh. You’re wearing his shrírt today? Better prepare yourself
You sang along to one of the songs he was blasting in his car? So hot
Your hair smells extra nice today? Your pants are already gone 
He loves, loves, loves leaving bitemarks and hickeys on you, especially where they’re most noticeable 
He really likes it when you leave marks on him too, particularly when you scratch up his back? 
He likes the pain tbh, and he just thinks its really really hot to see his back covered in long, red marks after you fuck
Honestly, Judd is a simp
Your most typical date nights consists driving out to get food, drinking a shit ton of Jack Daniels in the back of the van and watching horror movies
which leads to more fucking
No but seriously, Judd would be so ecstatic if you’re also into horror movies 
He constantly complains about how unrealistic the gore is and tries to explain to you what it would actually look
Cackles sinisterly when someone in the movie dies
Okay but you’re literally the only one who gets to touch his hair
No way he’s going to a salon to get it dyed, it’s expensive and he’d rather eat shit than deal with other people 
Before you came along, he just dyed it himself
Then he found out it was much easier having you do it, especially since you’re used to dying your own hair and you know what you're doing 
It’s also an excuse to get you to touch his hair, he literally melts at the feeling of your nails raking across his scalp 
Please dye a strand of your hair to match his, I beg you
He would be so happy (Or as happy as Judd Birch is capable of being)
He really likes that you matches his aesthetic ngl
He loves your ripped thighs and skirts, he also really loves your makeup
Especially after the two of you fuck and its all ruined and running down your cheeks- okay I’ll stop
Oh my god, the two of you would get high together and hang out with his raccoons
So cute
He’s also much more affectionate towards them when he’s high 
Slow passionate love-making while y’all are stoned 👀
Connie and Maury would love you, you’re the two easiest kids they got
Judd mostly just ignores Maury and runs his own game, tbh there’s little to no work for his hormone monster
Connie is ecstatic you’re finally getting laid lmfao 
In the summer, you work at the local pool with Leah
Judd goes, but he never gets in the water he’s just there to see you in your bathing suit (Y’all fuck in the public showers lmao)
Sometimes he sits in the employees only break room and blasts music, tbh the other ppl who works at the pool are too intimidated to tell him to leave 
At least none of the patrons, especially the kids in Jessi’s grade, dare to oppose you when he’s there
Besides not being the most affectionate guy, he’s also extremely emotionally constipated 
He feels stuff.. Sure. But he channels those feelings into vandalism and sex
It’s gonna take a looooot of time for him to start talking about his feelings 
I feel like Mr. Birch sat Judd down at some point and tried teaching him about the importance of being emotionally available to your partner 
Judd couldn't care less in the moment, but it stuck with him subconsciously 
It would help a lot if you opened up to him first, like it would kinda encourage him
It’s really not often he has feelings-related stuff he needs to talk about, but once in a while, most often when you’re both stoned, he opens up a little
Mostly reassuring you that he really does care about you, sometimes mumbling that he loves you because he really does 
As much as he likes to pretend he doesn’t 
He’s almost always either high or drunk when talking about his feelings lmao 
With time, he’ll get more used to the idea of sharing his feelings with you as your relationship progresses 
Hello! I’m glad you made it to the end haha
I hope you enjoyed ^ ^ if you want to request more Judd stuff or anything else, you can do it HERE
love, author
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quarterleft-a · 7 years
not only was merlin’s death a preferred alternative to either of the two galahads dying, it was also preferable to the idea that all three of them run, lose the element of surprise, and risk either of the galahads getting injured.
there was an option that could have left all three of them alive but the risk of failing the mission bc of injuries was too great for merlin to take the risk
so he instead he decides it for them and uses his own death to get a tactical advantage to the two agents with the best chance of beating poppy’s men
i hate this and i hate @singlemaltscott‘s post for making me realise this
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sorcr-blog · 7 years
        okay but, Bella going home straight after the incident, not wanting to crowd Owen, cause him too much stress --- be a burden because she can see the potential he has with Claire again, she watched them WALK out of the warehouse together and she doesn’t want to CRAMP his style. so she puts on a brave face and tells him that she’s okay and that he has nothing to worry about, that she’s just GONNA go home and stay with their mum for a little while.
           and everything’s okay for the first couple of nights back in her childhood bedroom. Jaqi taking extra time to give her daughter hugs (which a rather painful for the young blonde) and feed her the best chicken soup the older blonde knows how to cook, but the nightmares start, and the screaming, waking up in cold sweats and not being able to keep her dinner down. of course she doesn’t tell her mother any of this. but her hands BEEN hurting like a bitch, her ribs are sore and she STILL has a massive cut on her forehead, which she can still remember the feeling of the sticky blood that lives underneath her skin. but she keeps telling Owen that she’s fine, that he doesn’t need to come home for her --- that he should focus on him and Claire, she’s not important.
           well not until she falls at work one day, panic attacks were not uncommon when she was a kid, but no where near as bad as the one she had about three months after the incident. she was taken to hospital and from there they found that she had a BROKEN hand and three fractured ribs. how none of the medics PICKED up on that was a whole other problem. her hand was set and she was given pills to alleviate the pain, while her ribs heal themselves. wearing gauze around underneath her breasts. she’s lucky enough if she can make it a full day (at work that is) without having to take extended lunch breaks, let alone to be alive right now.
              but she still doesn’t tell Owen any of this. she swore Nathan to secrecy. but she knows that her mother’s already called Owen, why wouldn’t she ?
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sto-court · 4 years
Michael has a chihuahua named zilla
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tyrus-time · 6 years
Alright I’m posting my Metcalf headcanons. Buckle up.
- he was absolutely an emo gay fuck as a teen
- and was definitely a rule breaker. Why did he know that carrying a skateboard is the gateway to actually skating? Because he did the same kinda shit when he was young. Bam.
- started playing in a punk band when he was 16... maybe bass?? And he liked writing poetry/song lyrics, so when his parents pressured him to go to college, he chose English/creative writing. This is 100% backed up by my experience with English teachers ajskdkd
- I think he did something stupid and reckless (and illegal) when he was like 20, and he was almost caught, and it was a wake up call. He decided to get his shit together. This is what lead to him becoming so “uptight” in the future
- he ended up going into teaching bc he’s like “shit I can make a difference in kids lives, so they won’t suffer like I did”
- but he became jaded when he realized that kids are dicks lmao. And he has retroactive empathy for the teachers that once put up with him
- he DOES still care about positively affecting kids lives though, just doesn’t always know how to do that best (like with the damn group A group B social experiment... that was probably not legal..)
- he has always gone to concerts a lot, and he still does. And he goes HARD. Lol he had the same “look” as one of my friends dads — aka lanky middle aged white nerdy guy — and HE is a total metal head, so this makes perfect sense in my mind.
- he’s a cat person,,, I think? I see him having one lone cat that’s just as snarky as he is.
- he hasn’t had the best luck dating in recent years. Maybe we should set him up with Victor? Victor would be totally in awe of a bass-playing school principal with tattoos, don’t you think?
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suresha · 3 years
just  some  random  fyi  about  atem.
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his  ka  spirits/monsters  appear  to  him  often,  most  notably  kuriboh.  while  kuriboh  doesn’t  show  himself  to  many  people,  if  he  senses  something  off  about  you,  he  will  warn  his  master.  every  so  often,  dark  magician  appears  ---  usually  when  his  majesty  has  a  bad  dream.  he  may  sit  and  comfort  his  master  until  atem  drifts  off  to  sleep  again.  atem  can  and  will  summon  them  if  he  feels  threatened  --- that  includes  the  gods.
atem  wears  eye  liner  and  lip  gloss  but  chooses  to  have  a  more  masculine  appearance  out  in  public.  at  home,  he  tends  to  wear  long,  flowy  gowns  to  bed  as  its  more  or  less  what  he  was  accustomed  to  back  home.  skirts?  he  owns  a  few.  sandals?  has  PLENTY  of  them.  
atem  might  be  Egyptian,  but  the  man  is  TERRIFIED  of  snakes.  he  is  literally  petrified  of  them  due  to  an  incident  from  back  in  the  day.  he  is  likely  to  cry  if  trapped  alone  with  snakes.
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coldasthevoid-blog · 7 years
Ghost Lucien Headcanon:
Hitting Lucien’s Ghost in Skyrim!Verse with a Wabbajack Staff will turn him ‘Human/Alive/Solid’ for a short amount of time. 
Time’s can very depending on how strong the blast is. Light blast: 15 minutes Heavy Blast: 1 Hour Full Blast: 3 Hours
If he dies during this time, he simply returns to being a summon-able Ghost.
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dearbaphomet · 8 years
Petition for ghouls with pawpad feets and retractable claws.
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neoluxmagazine · 8 years
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quarterleft-a · 7 years
personal development & mental state after tgc.
obvious causes of post-traumatic stress syndrome are obvious
constantly flip-flops between “i want to live, i never want to die again” and “why am i alive i should’ve died”
is internally a bit freaked out by how well he accepted death and that he remembers a moment right before the survival instincts kicked in where he's not sure he was happy to be alive
at first, has trouble seeing his artificial body parts as a part of him, rather than tools and equipment. grows used to the hand quicker than the legs bc he uses it more
depressed. easiest to tell from how much less he smiles  ( which is to say, virtually impossible for anyone but a few people to notice ). combination of his own trauma as well as the realities of losing kingsman and everyone with it crashing on him
at first, can’t seem to make the new kingsman feel familiar -- the positive realities of being able to make kingsman what it should be on the 21st century only really dawn upon him later when the ptss eases
hopes to find a possible replacement for him within the next five years in case he becomes unable or unwilling to continue his duties once he hits 60
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