Don’t be fooled by that man’s gorgeous curls and flawless features and impeccable sense of style, he will ruin your life with his vague tragic musings.
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thirdtidemouse · 2 months
pretend i havent been inactive for 100 years. i've been watching renegade nell and its giving me a new sketchbook au idea/accompanying doodles. essentially: fae highwaywoman johanna is on the run, kaisa is Out To Get Her with dark magic
you have to cut me some slack with how silly i sound. its the hyperfixation. im ill
i'm casting these freaks like actors. Johanna is Nell:
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it is 1705, and barkeep Johanna has found herself a highwaywoman on the run for a murder she didn't do, accompanied by her daughters and aided by a little spirit named Alfur. she has found fae-like abilities, and despite her good intentions, she is now feared across half the country as an invincible murderess.
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Kaisa is Sofia:
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hunting her down is Kaisa, a lady whose family owns Johanna's pub, whose father Johanna is falsely accused of killing, and who is obsessed with catching her. she uses dark magic to fuck with Johanna's life remotely, summoning things to attack her etc - she may be untouchable when it comes to human enemies, but not magic. Kaisa herself is lonely, surprisingly empathetic, and is desperate to prove her worth and have control over her life.
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other character notes:
give Johanna a gun
she is a painter and illustrator still. she is struggling to find time for her hobbies
she would rather not be robbing people but has no problem if she needs to. the rich ones have more money than they know what to do with anyway, and if she has to take a horse from some poor guy, she leaves him with stolen valuables in exchange. she's a little robinhood about it.
i think it would be so fun to keep the mythical creatures around. watch out for Devilwoman Johanna who is strong enough to kill a troll!! (she would never)
yes Lauren (belonging to @blaithnne) is included. Nell is accompanied by her two little sisters, brave & helpful older sister Roxy, and funny & inquisitive little sister George. Lauren & Hilda take their place, and maybe Frida and David tag along hehe.
Lauren & Hilda keep getting taken hostage in attempts to get Jo to turn herself in, but they always get out of it. until they do, Hilda probably talks their ears off about dragons and Lauren makes terrifying threats.
no one else REALLY specifically fits character slots like Amadin, Thomas, and Charles (there aren't a lot of men in hilda lol) so i'm going to wing it and the other characters can fill their roles when needed maybe
Thomas is Sofia's brother who killed both their father and Nell's father, and is generally reckless, careless, and easily badly influenced. i'm actually thinking of putting 18yo Dylan (oc of mine who is Kaisa's younger sister) in his place. she is a lot sweeter in regular hilda universe but i think the plot & i could fuck with her character enough that she gains these insecure, irresponsibly cruel tendencies. sorry Dylan
both Johanna and Kaisa were witnesses when her father died. Kaisa knows she's innocent, but goes along with the accusation to save Dylan from being arrested and keep the family (and their place in society) from falling apart. I'm thinking of making Dylan a boy in this, to keep the dynamic of the land going to him when papa dies > he would be a terrible landlord > Kaisa gets to take the reigns and keep everything in working order because she actually cares and enjoys having things to watch over and work on
in general Kaisa is very lonely, has to work twice as hard for the power and respect men are given automatically, and yearns for the kind of freedom and support that Johanna has despite being an outlaw from a poor family.
i think David and Frida could fill Amadin's role as friends they pick up along the way. David's loyalty and voice of reason, and Frida's fierce protectiveness and determination to prove herself both remind me of his character.
i'm inclined to draw a blank for Poynton, the main villain, a Jacobite amongst the royal guard, the siblings' traitorous mentor in black magic, and the indirect reason their dad died in the first place. Tildy is Kaisa's mentor, but not an evil one. the closest Hilda has to real villains is Erik, and the head witches maybe, but none of them really hit the nail on the head for this guy. an au oc may be in order!!!
the Bellkeeper can be Charles maybe lol. he is an established highwayman leading a double life as both a wanted criminal and a aristocrat. he is suave, a little campy, and a firm believer that with confidence, you can sweet-talk anyone into believing you are anyone. he annoys Johanna into letting him tag along and help with disguises and plans just because he finds it fun.
Lady Eularia Moggerhanger runs the newspapers, and i'm splitting that between two characters for a couple reasons. Erik is the owner of the presses (not putting him in the royal guard because it wouldn't make sense for him to be a Jacobite rebel) who generally enjoys fearmongering and controlling the public.
Victoria is the head editor with a taste for dramatics but seeks the truth above all else, and happens to be the Bellkeeper's 'friend in high places' who begrudgingly bails him out of trouble.
Gerda replaces Polly, a good-hearted writer and believer of justice who falls head over heels for Jo when she gets highway-robbed by her and mistakes her for a man. is later appointed assistant editor of the newspaper.
this happens i guess
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this isn't meant to stick to the plot of renegade nell, there's a lot going on and it would be easier (and more interesting) to figure out an original plot with this different cast of characters. i just thought it would be fun to put sketchbook into an 18th century highwayman period fantasy drama with dark magic and pixies. and enemies to lovers. okay thanks
i might add onto this at some point if anyone has any questions or additions LET ME KNOW!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU
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legofanguy1999 · 11 days
Sci-Fi September: Post-Apocalypse
A Devilman fanfiction for @thepromptfoundry event Sci-Fi September day 12 post-apocalypse.
Miki Makimura help the humans rebuild their home after the final battle between the human race and Devilmen against the evil forces of demons. As the devilwoman help out, she see her husband Akira Fudo watching over her and overlooking those that was almost killed because he want to defeat Satan and bring peace to the world at long last.
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kakyoinryoko · 1 year
devilman lady will always suck to me but it is objectively funny that nagai made a series with a similar premise to devilman but the main character is a lady now and instead of calling it perhaps devilwoman or just devil lady. he called it devilman lady
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ohofcorsola · 5 years
Ngl I really don’t like dmi//tri, I don’t know if I can do his route
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jyosuke · 7 years
wait why would genji call jesse “mccree” he worked with him for... how long...
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Blond, babe, let’s talk. Because this song is about US.
Remember how I asked you over email and text to meet and stop treating me like a secret girlfriend?
Remember how you told me one night that J would be the first to die, and that I’d have to rely on you? Remember how I tried you to bring on a cease fire, and then you started leaving me flowers? You called off the mean stalker boys for awhile, playing nice.
But then the past life spiritualist told me it was all an act to fuck with me. That all you felt for me was malice.
I’m still working on transcribing that tape. It’s a good one. At one point I was just going to share it with you. I even told Jakk something along the lines that you were in trouble and I knew about it, and if he cared about you at all he would hear what I had to say. He didn’t respond. How is Jakk btw? I’m feeling superconcerned, and especially about the fact that mayvbe you have seen him more than anyone else. When the cop told me you had talked to him and “said he was fine” I almost choked.
You know, I don’t give a rat’s ass about you telling people I’m crazy. Public opinion has never been important to me. I, however, am not a wanna-be politician who lies through her bleached teeth to almost everyone who knows her. Except maybe the L’s. You know when I got led to your tumblr and live journal last summer, I was blown away to see no mention of the fact that you guys were in an open relationship, or that your boyfriend’s girlfriend was pregnant. Nothing? Or that your “husband” was coming home reeeeeal late. Those are big events, girly girl.
But I digress!
Let’s talk what my beautiful, supersmart niece helped me get to today, and that is that this song was about the psychic telephone you had connected to me. I’m sure being a telepath helped, but what EXACTLY did you have the tarot reader do to bind us?
And how are you doing now that you can’t hear me anymore? Really. This is a question of mine. Stella/Tracy/Alana (whatever you want to call my niece) pointed out that when I finally asked God to intervene and end whatever the fuck you had done, and I started doing all those prayers for people with demonic posession that the deacon from Brooklyn gave me that you lost the connection, and seeing as that fucking Romani devilwoman did this binding between us in MARCH 2016 (yes she just told me the exact month, Blond. She can do that now), how are you doing now that you lost the ability to “call” me in April?
You know it took some work, and I definitely thought the clergymen were crazy when they thought prayers would do the trick, but it turns out that ancient texts are pretty powerful agaist the work of the devil. And honey….if you don’t think you have demonic possession then I don’t know what to tell you.
Now I understand that J is not free currently. I mean when you’re fucking the Devil’s daughter, you’re gonna catch a virus for sure. Lie with dogs, you get fleas and all.
And trust me, I get how good it was...first hand some might say. But sweetie, do you think perhaps that your ceaseless masturbation is a bit ...out of hand? I don’t know how your drinking is these days, but I know that ever since I stopped using drugs and took on entire abstinence for a few months, that things got a lot better. And I know that despite yourself, you fell for me...sorry about that. I get that I’m charming and occasionally cute, and seeing as you were constantly “coming through” my psyche, you might be feeling a little lonely. But maybe you can find a new victim, pay the tarot reader another TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS, and get off on someone new.
See, everything you used as a “telephone” is gone.
Well, not everything, says my niece.
She says that you still have surveillance on my computer, and in my Greenpoint apartment (She says she can show me where it is now )!
Really, Blond! This is not nice behavior for someone who wants a career in LAW!
Well bubbles, this is what I have to say.
Can call all you want but there’s no one home
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raindrenchedstories · 7 years
Deal with the devilwoman
She looked like she lost a fight with a razor blade factory. Casually glancing over her fifth with a smirk. As the man sheepishly sat across from her. “Well now. What brings a little porcelain doll like you ‘round.” She leaned forward, pinning him to his chair with a glance.
“The-There’s an issue and I-....Are you...Would you be the wood witch?” He leaned well away from her. Causing her to smirk swiping her tongue over her lips in order to catch an invisible drop of liqueur.
“I am A wood witch. Yes. Do you have a name for the one you’re looking for?” The woman lay casually across the crescent moon shaped booth. Jeans hanging off her leg casually. Ratty tee-shirt just giving him a glimpse of skin underneath. Just as scarred
“ER... The 13th lady. Is what I was told to call her.” He ducked a little. When Nick was told about a ‘young forest witch who sold many different concoctions’ he thought of a slender woman in a flowing gown. When he was told that she was a sensual person He pictures laces and teasing dresses. When he was told she had a strong head, he thought of... Well the personality was right.
But most importantly, he was told she could hunt beasts. And for THAT she fit the bill. “Yes. That’s me.” She threw a hand in the air. Shooing away the wasted words from before.
He gave a short swallow. “There’s... A monster. In my town. It’s been killing pets, dragging garbage all over, And making noise at night.” He folded his hands.
“You sure it isn’t some dog with mange? Or some other stray animal?” She scoffed, dipping back into her whiskey. The moment it ran dry she grumbled and waved a waitress over.
Once the girl was gone with the empty bottle, he resumed. “Well that’s what we THOUGHT until we set up a hunting party.”
“You’d hunt an innocent animal? In town? What if you hit a pet? Or kid?” She grumbled. “Next time TRAP it.”
“Look. I didn’t come here to be criticized. We found the thing. Looked like a Gorilla fucked a horse. And yeah. Some mange I’m sure. But... It left me with THIS.” He rolled his sleeve up. Exposing a large claw mark over his forearm. Then pulled his scarf down to expose a nasty bite by his neck.
The woman examined them with cold interest. “Looks like a Gordylide got you.”
“A what?” He hid his scars as the waitress replaced the womans drink.
“Well, It’s a big nasty beast from another dimension. Emphasis on the ‘big’ part. Did it roar?” She eyed him.
“YEs. Quite loudly.” He sat up.
“Any Tinnitus? Or hearing loss of another form?” She leaned back.
“No. Just a scare.” He shied away.
“Alright....Okay I’ll make you a deal. I’ll get rid of your big bad ugly. In return I get to keep the beast.” She smiled wickedly.
“Deal! You can have it.” The man surged forward with a hand ready to shake.
“AND You’ll be paying me oh...two hundred. Those things can be trouble.” She declared.
“Er...Well It’ll be worth it.”
“AND you’re paying the tab.”
“Oh. No problem. What? Two bottles of whiskey? Could be worse.” To this,the woman cracked a brighter smile. Followed by hysterical laughter. As though that was the best joke she’d ever heard.
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themagiccrafter · 6 years
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TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT!! But I was wearing my nightgown under the cloak, and you don't need to see that. 🙂 Dad insisted on taking some pictures of me before I washed my makeup off. I thought I looked like a purple tiger, but he thought I looked like a pirate! ☠Yaaarrr. Did you have a nice Saturday? I was with dad most of the day. The best dad ever too. Walked around town with me when my face was like this 😂😂😂 Cloak by: @punkravestore #bestdadever #punkrave #tribalmakeup #gothicmakeup #gothsofinstagram #purpletiger #pirateslifeforme #mermaidoutofwater #mymichiganlife #gothgram #gothgirl #devilwoman #creepypeople #themagiccrafter #upcloseandpersonal #portraitphotograph #facepaint #warpaint #iseeyou #gothicfairy #vampiregirl #vampiress #purplemakeup #vamplife #pirateortiger #identitycrisis #idontknowwhathashtagstouse (at Michigan)
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jyamahataartwork · 8 years
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I'm always inspired by artists, past and present. this piece is was inspired by @artofcoop easily one of the most influential hot rod and poster artists of all time. the frame was pulled from an old #normanrockwell ad and he is arguably the greatest American illustrator of all time. separated by decades, they continue to change art, forever. I'll make sure to do my part and help too :) #art #poster #toothpaste #crest #hotrod #vintage #devilwoman #cavity
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