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This is how I envision a Bruno and Pacha interaction:
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thornoisdono · 2 years
Problems with mha
I have a lot of love for mha but with it seemingly starting to clme to a rushed close which was confirmed by the author, i think now is a good time to go over my problems with it. Now I dont hate mha i Love it! But like most of what I love it has a lot of flaws most dont stop me from enjoyin it. Others can
But my main problem with the show is its beginning. It was decent but at times imo not the best of its writing by a longshot to put it kindly.
Firstly Bakugou in the beginning. I get he’s supposed to be the jerk who turns into a better person, but every other ver of this character type starts wayyyy better then him. Firstly a jerk redemption must show the character has some sort of redeeming trait. Bakugou had none in his first appearance. Him telling midoria to kill himself really made him my most hated character for the first 3 seasons. Him blowing up izukus notebook shouldve been his most cruel act. Thats jerkish but its not the worst you can do to a person and it can be easily redeemable. Telling someone to kill himself after doing that tho, was just villainous levels of acting. If bakugou had a good reason for being so sadistic towards izuku his behavior could be atleast understandable. But he really doesn’t .
I also hate the reason all might chose deku for his successor. Running into danger and making work alot more difficult for the heroes . Was a stupid decision and should not have impressed all might. An alternate way of this is having deku use his smarts to find a way to get the slug monster to release bakugou , he didnt have to beat the monster just either damage it or save bakugou. Thats way more impressive then running into danger like an idiot. We have plenty of “heroes bodies move on their own moments” to make up for the original scene to be changed. can you tell This is one of my fav manga/anime atm?
Another main issue is lack of character screentime. This is most apparent with 1b. 1b has a lot of cool characters like setsuna, kendo, monoma, rei, and the others. Theyre all so charmin and full of character. Most of em only get 3-6 minutes of screentime. They dont even do anythin major in the manga besides tetsu, kendo, and monoma who still barely do much of note. And even if they did thats 3 out of a full class to get any sort of use . This issue isnt just with 1b a lot of 1 a barely gets to do anythin. Unless ur shoto, baku, or midoryia you rarely get to do much. Sure other characters get short bursts of coolness and use but then after that theyre put into the background for far too long. Not even iida who was hyped up a good bit and had a lot of scenes and good character moments. After stain he rarely does anything besides from school stuff.
Another thing is ua is focused on way too much and way too little. If the ua stuff could focus on a rivalry between 1 a and 1b and more of the side characters. Id say it wasnt a waste of time mostly. But usually its to pad out the story . We do get some good stuff with the school saying theres nothing good bout the school scenes would be a lie. But theres too much fluff and filler to justify so much time spent on it. I mean whatre the biggest highlights of the series? Mostly when the plot is into gear like the villain encounter at ua. The attack on the student camp, all mights fight with all for one. The villain scenes. Stains mini arc. Shigaraki encounter at the mall, mirio fightin overhaul (manga version) , overhaul scenes, hawks betrayal of the villains. Dabi vs shoto. All these moments do not take part in the school and theyre praised to a T .
But what makes the fluff bearable are the characters when theyre allowrd to have screentime . I love mha and sad its comin to an end. But i cant deny its multitude of flaws .
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big-meows · 5 years
Borderlands 3 final thoughts
Fuck randy pitchford. I mean, obviously i feel like that goes without saying, yes I bought the game, i like the series and sometimes a bitch just wants to sink 70+ hours into a hyper-violent but ultimately goofy, non-threatening video game in a stressful time, sue me.
to that end, yes I played on easy. I also played solo. 
i play for fun and i dont fuck with build culture or w/e. i picked moze because i know her VA personally, and that was my only deciding factor.
I play on the ps4 so frankly i have no horse in the epic/steam debacle. I dont really care.
i didnt play bl1 but ive played the others.
spoilers. all the spoilers.
Anthony burch deserved better. I cant believe i have to see “at least im not anthony burch” in the year of our lord 2019 but its still happening out there. He deserved better, and this game is proof. maybe bl2 was “memey,” but it had a solid foundation and a great villain. TPS was also good, i think, honestly i only played it once and I dont remember it super well. Tales is the best in the franchise, and yes it counts, shut up. Burch’s absence is felt here. the story is weak, the villains are flat, and everything is written with the energy of a man who thinks everything that comes out of his mouth is fucking hysterical. like, im not even mad at “big dock energy” or the other stupid, already dated goofs, Im mad that every NPC was painful to listen to, or that rhys, arguably one of the most developed characters in the BL universe by virtue of the game he came from, was 90% mustache jokes. All these characters are like the versions that come out of fandom a year later, flanderized and already boiled down to their one token joke and repeated forever and eternity. You just met Lorelei and she seems cool, but man she REALLY NEEDS HER COFFEE AND IT IS HER ONLY DEFINING PERSONALITY TRAIT LOL!!!
Vaughn is The WORST, BRO
i dont think anyone really grows imo. Im particularly irritated by ava, who i very much want to like! but she has like three stock phrases she uses throughout the entire game, so after maya gets evaporated, you go talk to her and shes like “WOW this ship is cool, so much shit to steal!” like, you couldnt program her to sulk or not want to see anyone for a while? come on.
influencers as villains could have been really powerful if it had been introduced gradually, but mostly it was just obnoxious and too on the nose. troy and tyreen were very hollow. you get brief glimpses of humanity in them, but they’re so rare it almost feel like an accident. You get one(?) mention of their childhood before you finally stumble fully into the plot in the last few hours of the game. troy’s “betrayal” could be spotted a mile away despite it being hardly developed. I honestly dont even know if they loved each other or not? Was tyreen hurt by troy’s betrayal and subsequent demise? did troy look up to her and want to be her equal, or did he want out from under her shadow? i dont know. did i miss those echo logs? should the majority of the lore in a game be MISSABLE?
jack tracked well as a villain because you, over time, learned exactly how awful he was beyond “cocky corporate asshole who wants you dead” re: angel being his daughter. the twins are just....flatline obnoxious the whole way through.
sucks to be leda, apparently extremely badass but ultimately an afterthought who lives and dies offscreen only in recollections of the past.
sucks even worse to be fiona. i can tell you right now i wont be fucking with DLC unless it brings back fiona.
hammerlock saved this fucking game, he brings a certain dignity to the table that really helped level the tone after the rhys-katagawa stuff. Eden-6 was actually my favorite section of the game. loved hammerlock, loved jakobs, loved clay, and LOVED the jakobs estate. dunno why?? maybe because that level had me thinking “i could almost pretend im playing bioshock rn”
my GF absolutely hates the new claptrap. she’s right though. a claptrap that experiences emotions outside of “delusional exuberance” isnt actually claptrap
can my boy mordecai catch one single fucking break
is the vault hunter ever actually there? its really distracting how they’re never actually involved in cut scenes.
zer0 was too chatty. kind of kills the air of mystery.
gripes aside, i DID clock like 76 hours as moze, and i will probably continue to fuck around in it post game to clean up some extra stuff. might even start a zane of fl4k. the reviews promised it would be “more borderlands, nothing special” and thats what we got. it came at a time when i needed to remove myself from social media for a few weeks and lose myself in something mindless and violent, and it provided me with exactly that. its not elevated from BL2/TPS at all. the only improvement i can think of off the top of my head is being able to change quest objectives without entering a menu (thank god). it falls short in a series that always kind of had a low bar to begin with. disappointed but not surprised. i knew burch and eddings were both gone and that their absence would be felt. but i wanted to be gay and do crime anyway. so. you know. whatever. i got approximately what i paid for.
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izanagi-no-0kami · 6 years
and so here are my feelings on the bullshit
season 5 was acceptable, i liked it.  but it was pretty dumb in some areas, namely the trade off of dad holt and worst best boy lo/tor  they even knew they were gonna be double crossed, but the scene had to happen because plot so whatever i guess.
also keiths mom came out of nowhere, a little rushed, but keith had to get some development in this season so there it was. also she dont look fully galra at all, which, GOOD.  part of the reason that galra keith thing was so dumb was because of how human keith looked.  and even lotor looks like a galra when half of him is altean.  so it’d be great it if mama kogane there was half human or something just...not altean...that’d be way too much 
whats sad is that everybody got their time to shine except hunk, he’s been getting snubbed a lot in favor of other characters and its really not fair. so hopefully now that pidge found all of her family she’ll take more of back seat so theres more time for hunk to do something again  god please let him do something again  hunk is simply the best, do. not. waste. him . okay so next gripe 
shiro doesnt make any sense, i mean i guess theres a half assed reason for it that’ll be SUCH A JUICY TWIST, but i digress. He isnt normal when the plot demands it, and snaps back to his old self when the plot demands it, its messy and way too obvious.  fuck everythings way to obvious now,  i know it was too easy for him to just go back to the others and have everything go back to normal, but a lot shit turns out to be way too easy in this show  like getting matt and papa holt back without really any consequence in return  but thats really more me nitpicking  anyway, hopefully shiro is still actually shiro, and not some stupid clone thing ive been hearing the fan base cook up as their next galra keith theory  BECAUSE I SWEAR TO GOD, THIS HAPPENING TWICE IS NO COINCIDENCE.
and yeah, zarkon better be legit dead, beause he shouldve died in season 2  i wont accept any bullshit plot twist returns  and as a side note, i suppose lotor being the one to off him was better in the end, so yeah, stay down zarkon. 
so the things i really liked in this season was lance gaining stakes in the plot, no complaints there.  i mean he was building on importance last season too but it was a lot more interesting this time around, so go lance. i liked the fleeting moments of fun in this season, even if it was a super unimportant sub plot  the main cast is really likable so there should moments where they just have fun  ie the fun bot  he will be missed  also “paladudes” is so fantastic im gonna start using it. 
okay so on to the man himself,  Lo/tor i really like him now, i have no doubts he’s a villain, but he’s a pretty smart one (whenthewritingcallsforit) im thinking he’s probably got some control over shiro(?) that or haggar does, but i really dont know what shes thinking at the moment, imm guessing shes just trying to protect her son from all the beefy garlan commanders that’d beat his relatively twinkish ass into the dirt.  he’s too threatening and smart for him not to be the bad guy, so im really hoping he pulls a betrayal on team volt/ron  just for the tide of power to drastically shift when the time is right  it’d be  angsty as fukk come on  okay so one more thing  because im too lazy to really elaborate on my feelings so much  lo/tor and allura’s relationship took me off guard, i genuinely liked the development and it felt earned considering her hard feelings with keith in previous seasons. the take on the two of them this season was very interesting, and im just waiting for the heartbreak that’ll come from it 
oh sweet sweet angst.  so in other words, i ship it. whoopsie
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