#btw this isn’t like. because I like helsa or whatever. I’m fine with them not being together in canon like idk how they’d even do that
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This is how I envision a Bruno and Pacha interaction:
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helsaguy · 4 years
Maybe this counts as a request, I love your new drawing. The message in your art is always sweet and loving. Drawing happy/cute Helsa. And I like Elsa with her hair down and all, but I would like to see Helsa is some Arandelle-ish attires (btw, I love the Green coat you drew for Hans before). Elsa may not need to be Queen, but she deserves to return to her homeland...or do you agree she shold stay in the EF instead of Arendelle? Request turned to ask in the end, sorry ^^u LOVE your art! Chao
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Thank you for the message of support and appreciation.
I'm feeling like breaking down this nice message. So if I may:
Some melancholic, sad, even brutal ideas have popped up in my head when thinking about things to draw. But I rather work on the happy stuff for these two. They went through so much in life and the fans of this ship, the ship itself, and Hans get so much unnecessary and undeserving cr*p that I definitely want to put a stop to all that (even if for a little while) with my happy Helsa fan art. That’s one of my goals and reasons to draw what I draw.
When you say you want Helsa in some Arandelle-ish attires I have some questions. I can draw something like that for Hans. I still have to draw my concept or reference sheets for Hans’ outfits in Frozen 2 and two or three of those are Arendelle style (if you want to count sleepwear. Also glad you love the green coat. That would be Hans’ travel outfit and yes; it’s one of the Arendelle style outfits) But what do you want for Elsa? I always have trouble with her hair down and ice dresses. I don’t know if it looks like I pull it off well or not in my pictures but it’s not the easiest for me to draw her magic clothes lol If I were to draw Elsa for this request, do you want me to draw Elsa with her hair in a braid, a ponytail, down? And what kind of clothes do you want me to draw for her? Normal clothes or ice? What am I getting myself into? I have zero knowledge in fashion XD I can’t believe I’m actually willing to take a request! Long ago I said I wouldn’t take those anymore lol But I guess this is because your request sounds very reasonable to me.
I do think Elsa doesn’t belong in the EF. I don’t care the excuses some make about the tribe being Elsa’s mother’s people or whatever. They are still strangers. I have relatives from Spain and that doesn’t mean I’d be ok with moving over there with a bunch of people I don’t know and to a place I’m not familiar with. I have a life and family where I am. And so does Elsa in Arendelle.
And if that’s the excuse some want to use, guess what? Anna should go live there as well then. It’s her mother too. And much like I’ve said before, if they wanted to have the sisters separated (which sucks for this franchise) and have one live in the forest, Anna made the most sense since she’s the one that wanted to meet strangers, get out, has a committed partner that also has lived outdoors, and is a reindeer fanatic much like the Northuldra XD Anna and Kristoff would fit right in instead of Elsa lol And don’t get me wrong, Anna can make a good Queen? Maybe. But I don’t see being married to Queen Anna as the best life for Kristoff. I feel like in order to stay with her Kristoff would put himself through anything, even royal life. Which it doesn't sound like a bad thing per se. But Anna is not the only one that matters in the relationship, or does she? I guess Anna and Elsa’s mother did the same when she married their father. But it looks like she had no other options and I don’t care about those two anyway. However, is that really a good thing for Kristoff? He can’t spend more than an hour in formal clothes and I presume things will be demanded from him now that he is the Queen’s fiance and has literally nothing to offer to a kingdom. Disney really didn't think this sequel and all their nonsense through...
I think is clear no one in this movie is doing things they want to do but things they have to or were told or taught by someone else to do. Anna becomes Queen because Elsa said so and in consequence Kristoff is bound to a life style that might not agree with his characteristics. There’s no evidence that this is what neither Anna nor Kristoff want, they just roll with it because the movie says so. This is your life now so deal with it. Elsa was born to be Queen and her father thrust her with nothing but bad advice and is one of the catalysts for Elsa’s disorders. We don’t know if she ever had problems with being Queen. Her problems came from not controlling her powers because of the fear of hurting others. Nothing of which has to do with her not being happy in Aredelle or not being comfortable with her role as Queen. That’s the life she knew all her life. Some may want a different life after some time if they’re not happy with it, but if that were the case for every royal in the world, then there wouldn’t be Queen of England or Kings and Queens of Spain, and other countries that still live under monarchies. The people who made Frozen have zero respect for the role of a monarch. If Elsa wants to take some time off (which she deserves) she can count with advisors and even her sister. Anna as Princess should hold some responsibility as well and help her sister. But the title of Queen isn’t something that sisters should be throwing onto each other as if playing a game of hot potato. The reign over a country or community is something serious, is important, and those behind these movies are taking it as a joke or nothing but a babysitter job. And on top of all this Elsa now has to deal with being a “fifth spirit” (whatever that entails) because her DEAD mother basically says so...
If Elsa wants to visit the Northuldra to get acquaintance with her mother’s birth culture, that’s cool. Also is fine to some extend if she wants to spend some time over there to atone for the crimes committed by her grandfather. But Anna should go through that stuff as well. It’s her freaking family and legacy too, damn it. And this is something I believe the entire fandom is taking for granted or ignoring altogether. But leaving her life in Arendelle to go live in the forest? Yeah, that’s not the answer to anything.
Now going back to my fan art. I only depict Helsa in the "wild and free" life style because that’s what Frozen 2 gave me to work with. And this is also my way to cope with this forsaken sequel. But I have alternate universes of my own invention to allow myself the exploration of several different outcomes. Some include:
Creating Good Childhood Memories AU. Hans met Elsa and Anna as kids. In this one Elsa and Anna’s parents aren’t a$$holes and everyone in the royal family of Arendelle welcomes Hans with open arms. The boy lives an awful life in the Southern Isles but deals with it a little better because now he is friends with the Arendelle Princesses; he goes to visit and spend time with them often. In their early teens Elsa and Hans develop a crush on each other (Anna roots for them but won’t help doing some occasional teasing embarrassing the awkward pair) that evolves into their late teen years with Hans asking the Arendelle King and Queen for their blessing to court Elsa.
Aunt Elsa and Uncle Hans AU. In this one Frozen 2 doesn’t happen. Elsa keeps being Queen (and is happy that way), Hans is her consort and they live happily balancing the duty of governing over Arendelle and spoiling Anna and Kristoff’s kids (courtesy of frozenmusings) The kids spoil them as much in return since they love them as a second set of parents as well.
Into the Unknown AU. One I haven’t put much thought into and is my excuse for playing more with a fantasy theme. I came up with it a couple of days ago. Elsa and Hans stay for some time with the Northuldra little by little getting comfortable with an outdoors life style and they get deeply in touch with nature; Elsa’s specialize in the elemental spirits while Hans thrives with animal life and living from the earth. In this AU they leave the tribe to establish their “home base” in Ahtohallan. They have evolved into something different and kind of leave the mundane life behind. Maybe they are true mythic figures. 
God bless imagination!!
Back to your request. I am considering taking it. So please leave me a message with the answer to the questions I asked above^^ And thank you for such inspiring message. The proof is all the writing I did XD
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