jrueships · 5 months
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mannnnn . i just love a good sixers win
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nyc-looks · 2 months
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Reveka, 26
“I am wearing my prized thrifted Italia polo that I think is magical. My shorts I thrifted in Philly and the cashier told me they were left over from the Adam Sandler movie Hustle that he filmed there. The Burberry trench I traded my Stray Rat New Balances for. My style is influenced by comfort, and wearing something solely because you like it regardless of trends I wish I could dress like a Victorian boy trapped inside of a beautiful woman’s body but unfortunately I can’t afford vintage opera costumes and love basketball shorts too much.“
May 18, 2024 ∙ Greenpoint
685 notes · View notes
hereforthehitsbaby · 24 days
Beca beca please please I’m begging you write smt w cooper x shy!plus size reader. Please please please😭😭😭🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
In The Now | Cooper Adams/Abbott x Plus Size F!Reader
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Gif credit to @d-vient
Synopsis: Nightly walks by the fire station is a ritual, a way to clear your mind from the bullshit in your life. The firefighters do so much for your community, why not give them a little appreciation back? Though, only one remains, and he happens to be your favorite.
Warnings: Porn with Plot, Smut, Soft!Cooper, Shy!Reader, Mentions of weight (soft belly/tummy, grabbable thighs, soft flesh, ect.), Public Sex???, Oral F!Receiving, Floor Sex, Cooper Talks You Through It (Shh its canon,)
Word Count: 6.2k
Rating: M
Author’s Note: I hope I did your request justice.
Tagging: @rubyfruitjungle @cherryinterlude @lilly3434 @amethystblackkchaos @rosaleelovesdilfs @babygorewhore @dirtylittlefairytales @redpillbluepill @strangererotica
If you would like to be tagged for my fics, please fill this out
Introvert; a typically reserved or quiet person who tends to be introspective and enjoys spending time alone. Shy; being reserved or having or showing nervousness or timidity in the company of other people. What do both have in common? You. Being shy and introverted is not a bad thing, no, in fact it is a great thing. It protects you from the horrors of the world, keeps you in line with other things in life so – you can get the full experience without the bullshit that comes with it. It is a better way to go through each day; You’re not naïve but careful. You don’t leave traces where you have been, but you garner experiences. You don’t remember conversations but, you remember names and faces. It is better that way; it is easier to be in the background of everyone else’s journey than to be at the forefront. Not being seen is good, it’s safe. You know where you are and cannot be touched. It’s better than whatever is going on locally.
Sure, Philadelphia isn’t the prime location for a job change but – it was better than one season states. At least in Philly you got to see the leaves change, sun to rain to snow, every element was prevalent each day. It was a step up from what you were used to, nothing could follow you here. Your past, your regrets – they stayed away, like they deserved to. You deserved and needed a fresh start – this was the best way to do it, this ensured that you could be seen with fresh eyes, over critical ones. You didn’t want to be in the spotlight, or in places where it wasn’t important. You wanted a name for yourself, but one that didn’t bring attention. Wallflower, that was what you wanted. Standing, listening, analyzing; You take inventory of a room and guess the life pattern for everyone, then be on your merry way. Quiet, demure, mindful.
Moving here was a dream come true – a great work opportunity that you couldn’t pass on. You would’ve been a fool to do so. Plus, a way to escape the realism of your hometown? Call it a win-win situation. It was what every reclusive person wanted; Fully remote, put up in a swanky condo across from the fire department – so you know you’d never lose power in snowstorms. It was good; Safe. It meant you were out of the public sights of the world, you could in passing say hi and move on – never commit to the names. They never mattered anyways. It was a great experience, a great road trip drive, and better yet – a dream come true to explore.
Ladder 49 in Philly is an exuberant bunch – always laughing and welcoming the neighbors in. Every Spring day they are drawing hopscotch with the kids. Every Summer they are playing basketball. Every Autumn they are carving pumpkins and delivering turkeys. Every Winter they are holding toy drives and shoveling people out. When they say they are community driven – they are not kidding. Years upon years of photos always sit in the forefront of the station, showing new and oldcomers alike how much they love giving back, how devoted they are to the community. It was the luck of the draw for you to be across from it, it was a match made in heaven. The first day you moved in was just a show of their kindness, their dedication. Especially when the fire chief came strolling over with a simple sentence: “Let me take those for you.” He didn’t even stutter or miss a step as he took the box out of your arms, and carried it inside. A leader of example, considering his men were quick to grab the rest. That was your first interaction with Cooper Adams, and sure as hell hoped it wasn’t going to be the last.
With the Summer cresting into Fall in Philly, shorts weather now became jeans and a sweatshirt weather. It felt better, not having to deal with chafing thighs and the constant sticky skin. The humidity was brutal this time of the year, but as it dried against you skin it felt nice. The second you could feel it on your back, your stomach, and your sides? It was AC for you. But with the Fall rolling through it just made things better. The air was crisper, the mood was starting to get that spooky feel – with Halloween on the way in. It was everything you wanted, everything you asked for. Everything that made the world feel alright again.
Your favorite things to do during this time were take late night strolls through the town, getting use to the city and seeing how places were starting to decorate. Headlamps lined the streets in Victorian era black steel, the orange glow of the lightbulbs inside caused a cozy feeling to overtake your body. It brought you solace and comfort, knowing everything would be orange and red soon – and the rain would move in sweetly. Pulling your coat tighter around your body, you wrapped your arms over your chest – enjoying the plush feel. Your boots scuffed at the newly paved sidewalk, bringing music to your ears. Laughter could be heard from around the corner, the park playground – as the smell of marijuana hung sweetly in the air. Inhaling the scent deeply, you let your eyes fall shut at the notion – swaying on your own two feet. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you’re already ready for Winter!” A cheery voice chimed from beside you, causing your eyes to slowly drift open. Turning your head to your right, you saw him sitting against the firehouse wall, spraying down his helmet with cleaner as he smiled at you. Him, the one you have been pining over for months since you arrived in Philly – the one to always strike up a conversation with you. Cooper Adams, fire chief, and resident DILF.
Ever since that first day of taking your boxes in, he never passes on the opportunity to strike up a conversation with you. It was sweet, it was also the highlight of your days. His long chestnut locks always falling into his face, sweeping them away with both hands – the way his ember eyes glittered against any type of lighting sent shivers down your spine. You grew to admire the golden flecks his irises always loved to send out, sparkling like Tiger’s Eye against the sun. He was beauty and grace wrapped into one, the All-American man. Everything you could see yourself wanting, Cooper was. To you it felt silly to have such a high-school crush on a man, clearly in his forties but, the body wants what it wants. The little lines around his eyes when he laughed made your heart grow softer, the way he always admired what you were wearing made your head fill with smoke. He is ethereal, and you never seized the opportunity to embrace that light he shone so brightly.
“Sshh! Don’t say that too loud or else we will get an early one,” you joked, feeling your heart race as your feet started to walk towards the firehouse entrance, leaning against the brick wall beside Cooper. Staring up at you, Cooper laughed so dreamily – music to your ears. He shook with his laughter, which you admired a lot. It wasn’t just a thoughtful reaction but, a mindless one. Everything was always so comical to Cooper, your talk backs and dad jokes. He admired them, and you loved the full body chuckle. Shaking his head, he slowly started to calm his laughter down as he leaned back into the steel chair, sighing out as he grabbed a rag from his side. Propping his helmet on his lap, Cooper started to wipe down the visor of soot from their last call uptown this morning, a two-alarm fire that thankfully no one was home for. Your eyes lost focus on Cooper’s face as he gripped his helmet hard – wiping in circular motions. His blue fire department shirt was rolled around the sleeves, highlighting the beautiful bulging of his biceps. It was soft yet hard; Easily bitable. You felt your mouth water at the thought, smirking inwardly at the idea of doing so.
“You’re fun, you know that?” Internally you cocked your eyebrow, not believing that in the slightest. Sure, you could have fun but, to the outside world? No way. That wasn’t reality. You were a wallflower, shy and quiet versus talkative and extroverted. No, this was only for Cooper – a side of yourself you never would’ve thought would come out as much as it did. Feeling your cheek heat from the compliment, you shied away in yourself for a moment, locking your eyes onto the ground by Cooper booted feet, loving to see the scuffs against the leather – proving how hard he was at work. In fact, you were so into the fantasy of him calling you fun and thinking about his boots, that you wondered what the leather would feel like rubbing against your cu-
“Ah, shit!” Cooper yelled out as he jumped out of his seat, causing you to jump back into reality. Stumbling backwards a bit from the scare, Cooper leaned forth to grab your arm – stopping you from falling. You didn’t quite understand what was happening at first when he grabbed you, but as your body evened out to the stumble, you noticed that the dark blue of Cooper’s shirt was now navy, soaked in liquid – the cleaner he was using. The pungent smell permeated your nostrils, making them flare slightly. Cooper ground his booted feet against the concrete floor, watching you intently as you caught your breath. But you could never bring your eyes to Cooper’s face, no, instead your eyes were fixated on Cooper’s chest. His sopping shirt clinging so well to his form. He was hard in some places, but soft in all the good spots. The soft pudge of his belly to the hardened contours of his sides made your mind go wild. That flush crept down your neck to your chest – suddenly causing your coat to feel too tight around you; Too warm. His nipples pebbled beneath the wetness as a cool breeze rolled through, causing him to shudder.
“Sorry about that, I hope I didn’t splash you,” Cooper spoke with remorse, grimacing at the idea of getting this stuff on you. Shaking your head as you cleared your throat – you closed your eyes momentarily. “Uhm, no…not that I could tell. I was too busy uh,” you began as you chuckled, waving your arms dramatically to signalize your almost fall. Cracking one eye open, you caught Cooper looking at you with a longing look – his head tilted to the side as he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. The admiration in his eye lit you on fire, from the inside out. Those beautiful autumn night irises trailed up and down your body, focusing on your baren legs, then trailing up the expanse of your torso – flashing his teeth slightly with his lip bite. You could feel your fingers starting to shake at your side, the electricity between the two of you immaculate – ready to burst at the seams.
As Cooper’s eyes slid over your face, he came to the realization that you saw him check you out, causing his eyes to go wide for a moment before relaxing. A flush of pink tinged his cheeks cutely, causing that little color to make his eyes pop more. Letting go of his lip, he trailed his tongue over the puckered surface. He was holding something back; An internal fight with himself. God, you wanted him to just say it – to put an end to the pining. The tension, the quietness, it was too much. “I was planning on it being you that got me out of my shirt, not the cleaning products.” Cooper was nonchalant with how he spoke out, leaning against the lockers to the left of the firetruck. He used the tip of his elbow to click the garage switch – those giant doors starting to close now, putting the city away for the night so it was only you two. You were happy he did that, considering how loud the garage doors were going down, it masked the small moan you let out at his words.
You were in shock to say the least, not expecting sweet, delicate Cooper to say such a thing. I mean it was obvious you both have been playing the will they, won’t they card for months but – you thought it may have just been all in your head. “Excuse me?” You said quietly, keeping your eyes fixated on the concrete floor. You wouldn’t be able to control yourself if you looked up – your shy demeanor would fall since it was now just the two of you. There was a deeper side of yourself that was questioning all of this – if it was real, if it was in your head. It’s a fantasy to you, Cooper interested in you – a recently divorced man, bringing him back to his glory days. It wasn’t self-doubt or insecurity stopping you; You know you are beautiful, sexy, and hot – but you were afraid this was all a dream. A dream brought on by a fever or a daydream while you’re at work. But as you peered back up to meet Cooper’s attentive gaze, you knew this was real. “Honey, I wasn’t born yesterday.”
Cooper spoke so plainly, like nothing else in the world mattered within that moment. Only you did, only this moment did. “I could see it, still see it actually.” He used the rag in his hand to motion to your face in a circle, licking around the inside of his lip as he tried to find the next words. Slowly the gap between the two of you started to close, the air growing thicker and thicker as his body took up the empty space. The gentle pace at which he was going spoke measures, it was delicious – he was inevitable. “Your eyes speak the words you mouth will not.” Cooper brought his clean hand up to caress your cheek, rubbing his thumb over your soft skin. You couldn’t help but to lean in, letting the warmth of his palm envelop you. “That’s…very waxing poet of you.” Your words came out like it was never a question at all or have any hesitancy behind your words. They were true, cute, and most of all – funny.
The genuine belly laugh you got from Cooper caught you off guard - getting you off into a giggle fit. Hearing him let his true self out within that laugh made everything feel okay – the heavy sexual tension was blooming with free-spirited energy and such wholesome qualities; It made you feel so good. Bowing to you, he blew you air kisses as he slicked his hair back, nudging you with his shoulder. “Thank you,” he chortled, running a hand over his five o’clock shadow. The facial hair looked so good on him; Small specks of grey littered the edges, whilst his temple held all the rest. Grey looked so good on him; the color made him youthful in a way. “You know, I did major in poetry at school.” That was a shock to you; You never saw Cooper as the writer type but – more of an engineering background. The new tidbit of information made you question everything.
“Did you now?” You asked politely, crossing your arms over your chest. Biting his lip in your direction, Cooper leaned his arm directly above your head, looking down at you. Your eyes trailed up the inseam of his arm, seeing the light-colored veins under his skin, mixed with the intoxicating smell of his cologne. Your knees trembled the slightest bit as he stood over you, examining your face with precision. His gaze was intense, shifting from hazel to black almost immediately – his pupils taking up all the color. As he went to nod his head, he changed at the last second to a shake. “No, I went to a trade school but hey – I still dabble in a bit of Shakespeare.” He shrugged, doing the shrug smile with it. Rolling your eyes, you set your vision to the calendar hanging up on the other side of the fire station, trying to calm your heart rate from the proximity of Cooper.
He could tell your heart was racing, that your spine was growing tingling with emotion. To help quell the racing you were feeling, Cooper brought his hand back to your face, caressing your cheek as his lips were only a few inches from yours. “No, but seriously, though. I see the way you look at me.” He was so matter of fact with it, he wasn’t skating around anything anymore. He knew that he needed to speak the truth, to get across to you, because this would be the only chance he had while the guys were all playing pool downtown. “I don’t mean to be forward but, it feels good.” You made Cooper feel good, a feeling everyone deserves to have. You felt the pinprick of tears in the corner of your eyes as you smiled up at him, nudging your chin out for him to touch your lips. Cooper stayed where he was, not moving an inch, causing you to grow wanton. “Feeling wanted again.”
Deep seeded emotion found its way into his eyes, the glimmer of light reflecting off showcased the unshed tears he was holding back. With the way his Adam’s apple bobbed, you knew he was close to crying. But Cooper was not going to show that – no, instead he hissed as he pulled back, clearing his throat. A whimper slipped through his parted lips, which in turn caused you to clench your bare thighs together, swallowing down hard at the sound. You tried to be inconspicuous, so Cooper didn’t see; You were thankful his eyes were turned down. “Okay, yeah this is starting to burn,” he snickered out, grabbing at the end of his t-shirt with expert precision. Cooper whipped his shirt off quickly, small bits of chemical hitting the floor as it was removed. Your eyes went wide at the sight in front of you – showing off all the hard and soft parts of Cooper’s torso you saw earlier. This time his skin was pinkened by the exposure to the cleaner, but it didn’t take away from him at all. The happy trail leading right to his belt buckle; His chest hair spread across him in the sexiest way.
Cooper grabbed a clean rag from his locker and doused it with a water bottle, groaning as the burning got more intense. The way the liquid was about to glide over his abs, made your eyes vibrate. You felt your demeanor slipping at an alarming rate, knowing you were about to cross a line you wouldn’t come back from. “Do you want me to hose you down?” Your joke was a tight delivery, considering you couldn’t stop watching Cooper run the wet towel down his stomach, soaking up any bits of the chemicals. You felt your eyes waver heavily as your arousal grew, which caused you to stare at Cooper. His own eyes were obsidian, black around all edges – a man pained with arousal. Smirking in such a sinister way, he nodded at you – flicking the wet cloth in your direction. “Depends, you going to show me what you have hiding under that coat?”
That was it for you – you knew you were never coming back. Cooper Adams metaphorically saw what you had underneath, that lacy red number you bought a while ago. You had nowhere to wear it, and no one to wear it for. But you didn’t care – it made you feel sexy, enticing, plus it was a little incentive for Cooper in hindsight. His red iPhone gave away his favorite color, and tonight he happened to be all alone. It wasn’t planned in the slightest but, you were hoping. When you saw Cooper sitting alone tonight, you hoped no one else was there. After an hour and no one, you knew it was your time to make the call. Twisting side to side in your spot, you moved forward into Cooper’s space, giving your best innocent eyes you could muster as Cooper placed his hand on your hip, smoothing the other down your arm. “You’re not as sneaky as you might think, love.” The whispered tone in which he spoke to you made your body shudder under his touch; His lips pressed sweetly to the shell of your ear, letting his plush skin rest easily against you. He could feel the tremor in your body as his lips laid a peaceful kiss to your ear, moaning slightly into you. “I wasn’t-“ you managed to start but, alas gave up halfway through.
“Oh you were, don’t be shy, darling.” His tone shifted from calm to desperate very quick – a little tease at the end to sweeten the deal. The hand that rested against your hip scooted around to your lower back, running a finger up and down your spine. The other hand resting against your arm snaked to the back of your neck, rubbing at the nape. Quickly you were pulled flush against Cooper, feeling his bulging jeans press firmly against your stomach, causing your breath to waver. His lips only inches from yours; If you tilted your head up, you would be able to just feel him and every dream he could give you. “You were hoping that tonight, of all nights, would be the time you finally got a taste of me.” He read you like a book, because this is exactly what it was. What it all looked like, it was exactly what you needed.
Cooper let both of his hands trail over your clothed body, bringing them around to your front. Each finger admired the curves on you, the soft and supple skin hiding beneath. All he could think about doing was sinking his teeth in and leaving his mark on you. The beige trench coat you wore was adorned in front by the belt – to which you had tied into a bow. Thick, calloused fingers made their way to the simple knot, gently tugging on the longer end, teasing you. Cooper’s eyes remained on your front; mouth ajar whilst the soft fabric started to sway with the tension. You had half a mind to pull yourself back, forcing him to undo it quicker but – where was the fun in that? Cooper wouldn’t have it either, no, he would make your life a living hell if you did that. This was all about the chase, never the end – but you knew it was going to be worth it.
As you were about to speak, the last of the knot fell out in front of you, leaving just the first loop around. Cooper’s agile fingers worked diligently to undo it, letting the belt fall to your side, brushing past your exposed thighs. Taking in the sight of you fully clothed, Cooper took a deep breath as he let his left-hand swing back your coat, now being able to see the glory underneath. The teddy lingerie you were wearing didn’t leave much to the imagination, in fact it gave Cooper the eyeful he had been dying for since day one. You caught his eye, being so adorable and shy, he knew he had to have you. Letting out a low wolf whistle, he took in the gorgeous sight in front of him. Breasts were uncovered due to the structure of the lingerie but held up just nicely due to the underwiring. A keyhole slit sat against the front of your stomach, highlighting its softened nature. Cooper though was drawn to the open slit between your legs where it would be covered, growing harder by the second knowing your cunt has been free this whole night.
“Well, you’d be right,” Cooper stated huskily, rubbing his thumb against the side of your breast. You gasped at the soft touch, shivering under his finger as the cold air of the firehouse nipped at your exposed skin. Everything in you broke, that small thin thread that had been holding you together – completely unraveled. Cooper didn’t waste another second as he leaned forth to capture your neck between his lips, greedily biting at your supple flesh. The moan that ripped from your throat caused Cooper to grow feral; Your back pushed against the lockers next to the firetruck, the cold in perfect contrast with your heated skin. Your hands tangled in Cooper’s soft hair, tugging at the root for him to move his lips upward. You could feel the heat of his bites against your neck, knowing you’d be wearing his mark for days.
Once your lips finally hit Cooper’s, everything you had been holding back on came to fruition. It was unlike anything you had experienced within a kiss. It wasn’t all lips, teeth, and spit like you were used to, it was primal yet possessive. It reminded of the first rainfall of Summer; The air slightly too thick as it crests, skies turning grey at the drop of a hat. But through all that muck and heat you feel it – the cold, crisp drops of rain against your bated skin, absorbing into you – becoming one. The smell around you amplifying the sensation; Goosebumps rising against your flesh as you cool from the inside out. Safe, you’re safe. You’re okay. You’re at peace. It wasn’t like a traditional kiss, it felt more. Cooper must’ve felt it too because his hands pushed you further against his lips, caressing your neck as the fingers of his left hand squeezed your breast lovingly.
He was a man on a mission, a man intoxicated by your touch, how you felt, and everything that encompassed you. He wanted to get drunk off you, and swim in that loving pool of your soul, and never surface again. For the last few months, he felt so unloved, unwanted, embarrassed because of how Rachel treated him. It made him feel insecure, like he wasn’t worthy of that kind of love. But that flew right out the window the second he got you in his hands, knowing that you weren’t going to leave – that you were going to be forever to him. It made you feel lightheaded the amount of passion Cooper was exuding towards you – like you were his lifeline in this cruel world. You brought your leg up around Cooper’s hip to get him further, wanting to feel the full, covered length of him Not wanting to tease you any longer, Cooper grabbed at your baren thigh and hiked it up higher, making sure to spread your pussy enough to feel the cold breeze.
“But I need to taste you first.” He finally spoke again, making you forget his earlier sentence. The thought of Cooper’s mouth on your cunt was enough to make you cry – you needed it bad; you needed him biblically. Nodding against his lips at his words, you placed one of your hands on his shoulder, wrapping your arm around him. Cooper grabbed at the plushness of your thigh, placing it gently onto the bench to your side as he maintained eye contact. Not once in his slow descent down did he ever look away – always keeping his eyes on you, watching how you shivered with delight. His thick fingers ran down your skin like he was starving – hungry for you and only you, bringing a part of his life back he thought was long gone.
As Cooper came face to face with your wet cunt, the reservations he had about going too fast slipped away – he was like a man starved, your folds were the only thing he needed to survive. Cooper’s mouth was only mere inches away from your cunt, his hot breath fanning over your soaked lips. Wasting not a single moment more, Cooper dove into your sweet cunt like a man starved, hungrily lapping at your puffy folds. You screamed out in pure bliss at the feeling, his tongue working your clit in harsh circles, using his two longest fingers to circle your entrance, never did he attempt to push them inside of you. It was only a mere distraction for the fact that he was sucking your clit as if it was a hard candy.
The harsh clash of his lips and the slight grazing of his teeth sent you into an overdrive. So many feelings were flooding through your body, as if ice water had been tossed all over you. It was a pure feeling nonetheless, something so brilliant and rough - you didn't want to give it up. You brought your hands up to rake through Cooper’s locks, yanking harshly at the root as your nails dug into his scalp. The growl he let out into your cunt was feral, yet animalistic. In this moment you both were not humans, but two animals in the jungle, fucking like the world was going to end. “God, you taste so fucking good.”
There was nothing soft or human-like about this, it was pure primal. Cooper’s tongue lapped and flicked over your clit like water, his eyes watching yours as your face turned up in pleasure, wails of pure bliss exiting your mouth. Cooper took you by surprise when he shoved three of his long, thick digits into the cavern of your wet cunt - plowing them in and out of you with wreck less abandon. You were not moaning anymore, you were fully screaming in ecstasy over the brutal fucking you were getting. “I’m here baby, no need for tears,” Tears fell down from your eyes with ease pass of his fingers over that spongy spot - spurring your orgasm on like it was nothing. “You’re safe. Fuck, you���re so beautiful. Come on princess, you can give it to me.”
It's then that your body jolted off of the lockers with a wail of pleasure, neck tightening as you tried too hard to remain in control. “That’s my good fucking girl, you’re squeezing the shit out of me.” Cooper’s brutal pace of his fingers and tongue did not let up, not until you were screaming the safe word. Just then he got a great idea; His fingers kept moving at a rapid speed but his mouth was replaced with his other hand - using them entire pad of his palm to rub your clit quicker. He had a better use for his mouth, placing it on the apex of your thigh, and clamping his teeth harshly around the skin. Not hard enough to break it but, enough to make a welt and bruise form. It was sexy, you've never seen a man like this. “You make me insane, you know that? I am fucking mad for you.” Cooper’s grunts - the sensation of pain mixed with pleasure as your orgasm never faded, instead only growing stronger. The flex of your lower belly came in tune with the vice-like grip of your cunt, your hands twisted smacked hard against the lockers behind you, eyes rolling into the back of your head. It was then, the floodgates broke.
“Don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t stop!” You screamed out, a new sensation to your orgasm came forth, sending you into a spiral of the unknown. It felt like a bubble burst deep within you, enough to make you scream. "That’s it babydoll, just let go." Cooper huskily let out, letting his hands work in tandem with each other. The rapid movements on your clit and g-spot made you sob into the open air, your orgasm causing your entire body to be jelly-like. “That’s a good girl, you’re so perfect. You’re everything to me.” Your brain was nonexistent, all you could hear was the sloppy wet sound of your cunt being wrung out, and Cooper’s primal growls. Looking down at Cooper, you watched as the thickness of his fingers disappearing inside of your cunt, your orgasm soaking not just his hands, but his chest and stomach - eyes black as the sky above. There were so many things you wanted to say, but could not get them out - you were too far gone to speak. Cooper saw that you were twitching aimlessly, and took it as a sign to spot. Abruptly pulling his hands from your core, Cooper shoved his fingers into his mouth, sloppily sucking them clean as you watched with fervor.
You were a mess, one you knew you weren’t going to be coming back from anytime soon. It was too much – everything that you had been wanting played out, and yet still so much more needed to be said. “Coop! Why are you still here, my dude!” The young voice brought you out of your high, causing your eyes to focus back in on Cooper’s face – the front of his chest soaked with your essence. The gentle laugh emanating from the back of the firehouse made you shy away, feeling you turn in on yourself. Cooper didn’t get what was happening at first, not until the heavy bootsteps started to come towards you, making him scramble up on cracking knees. “Shit!” He let out in a whisper, the silent scream obvious as he wasted no time to grab your jacket – holding it closed on you as the footsteps haltered. “Oh hey ma-“ The young firefighter started, looking up from his phone at the same time. What he was met with, was the image of Cooper’s front pressed against you, your face heating with arousal and nerves as you buried it into Cooper’s neck, smelling a hard days work on his skin. Cooper flashed his coworker a taut smile, waving with his freehand, hoping he wouldn’t say anything. “Oh my god did you get laid?!” He yelled out, smacking the back of his phone against his hand as you erupted into a fit of laughter. You shook in Cooper’s arms as he laughed out loud as well, realizing there was no point of hiding it now. Looking up at Cooper, you watched as he slowly nodded towards his coworker, a few unruly strands of hair falling into his face.
Without missing a beat, the firefighter came over and smacked Cooper on his bare shoulders, going to his locker directly next to you and grabbing out his backpack. “Cooper, you’re my fucking hero dude!” He yelled as he ran out through the side entrance, waving off his fire chief, leaving you both alone again. The giggle fit going through the both of you made for a fun way to decompress after having the best orgasm of your life. No man had ever made you cum so hard – so precisely as well. It was like Cooper took you apart, and rebuilt you over and over; Each wave being harder than the last. Cooper took a deep breath in as he pressed his heated forehead to yours, the flush on his cheeks working its way back. “Let’s finish this at my house. Riley and Logan are staying with their mom this weekend.” You weren’t going to pass on this opportunity – especially now that you learned the names of his kids. It was a weird feeling, for both of you. Cooper never disclosed information about his kids to anyone – only those who he deemed important. He knew you were, and were going to be in his life for a while. He could already tell by the way you carried yourself  - they were going to love you as much as he could.
Nodding your head against Cooper, you pecked him gently on the lips – lingering for a moment and just focusing on the feeling. “I’m down, let me pack a bag.” The snicker Cooper omitted at your sentence made you perk up, cocking an eyebrow in his direction. Running his warm fingers over your cheeks, he grasped your chin firmly, yet soft – peering down into your eyes. “Oh sweetheart, that’s cute,” he began, biting at his bottom lip. The swirls of colors in your eyes caused his to ignite, flecks of reds and golds flitting around in his irises. His lips grazed your lips as he smirked, licking at you while he continued. “You’re not going to need anything when I am done with you.” Cooper whispered sensually, causing your cunt to pulsate. A weekend without clothes, Cooper between your thighs – was the best way to ring in the fall.
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charlieconwayy · 1 year
Just curious what you don't like about Cory/Topanga if you feel like talking about it!
hey, i don't mind!
first off i think boy meets world in the context of just a purely heterosexual show makes it age pretty poorly, and that all stems from cory and topanga. i know one of the writers said a while back that the writers room was torn between shory and corpanga, and tbh, rewatching as an adult, that's extremely evident. i'm not gonna make this post all about shory bc that's reductive but i am first and formost a shory girl and a firm believer that cory matthews is a gay man
so let's get into it.
i really really love s1/2 corpanga. idk if it's just bc ben/danielle felt more natural back then or if it's bc they actually allowed cory to be wrong and topanga to be right, but it's just so sweet. one of my all time fav ship moments from the show is the frickin sock basketball scene where they touch hands and he giggles. so adorable! but i think what really makes them suffer after s1 (and kind of s2) is just that they clearly made topanga a normal, kelly kapowski girl-next-door type to make her more "desirable" for the male audience. that could be an entire separate post, but it's so fucking obvious that that's what the change was and it sucks because topanga was great the way she was.
they're not like hatable in season 3 exactly, but the "old married couple haha look how old gross and boring they are" trope when they were legitimately sophomores was just weird? and this is a retrospect thing but i hate how the show just kept retconning shit and pretended they never broke up in season 3, as if a HUGE storyline and one of the most iconic episodes (the happiest place on earth) wasn't about them getting back together? and for me just the concept of the ~universe wanting them to be together~ over and over again is just so fucking lame when they were so toxic. (great video on this here)
they really don't do anything wrong in season 4 either, but a long walk to pittsburgh is honestly so beyond ridiculous LMAO. i know everyone talks about how romantic it is, but i hate it because topanga literally runs away and moves back to philly just for cory. i know they claim it's to finish at john adams too, but i would find that much more believable if they had developed topanga AT ALL outside of cory. we know almost nothing about her home life and they wrote trini out so we never even see any friends of hers! the trend of them fighting and talking down to amy about their love is so fucking stupid too. like you are sixteen. it is fine to love someone and want to be with someone, but amy is right that it's not healthy for them to be as obsessed with each other as they are. like cory literally doesn't know who he is outside of topanga and that's NOT healthy.
oh lordy. s5. i'm not going to get into how much i hate that shawngela (a MUCH happier, more interesting relationship) was reduced to "wanting to be corpanga" in both their intro episode and then fucking gmw, but even the "old married couple" stuff in "chasing angela" at the restaurant is so annoying. "last tango in philly" is one of my fav episodes, but it's the perfect example of how cory can never accept he's wrong. shawn tries to tell him they should stop, and he just tells shawn he knows nothing about relationships and keeps being a dick about topanga and her (obviously gay) friend. but obviously, you're here to hear about how i feel about the cheating. yes, cory cheated and he genuinely liked lauren. for the show to act like he didn't is just gaslighting their audience. and tbh? i think ben and linda cardellini had excellent chemistry (certainly more than he and danielle did at that point . . .) and i think it's completely healthy to date more than one person! it was nice seeing cory be able to open up and bond with someone else, and yes, what he did was cheating. just bc he changed his mind and decided he "couldn't live without topanga" (bless u probably queer writer for what u did w that line :') ) doesn't mean that it didn't happen. topanga had EVERY right to break up with him. it does piss me off that we barely saw topanga's reaction to the breakup when there was a whole ep dedicated to shawn's reaction (and i say that as the #1 shawn stan), but that show hated women lbfr. AND WHY TF WAS IT BAD FOR HER TO KISS JONATHAN JACKSON WHEN SHE AND CORY WERE BROKEN UP????? bc cory can't accept things not going his way and not having control. the "we are a masterpiece" scene makes me so fucking angry omg i cannot
and i mean, bro, the yale shit has been talked about to death, but topanga lawrence going to the same college as straight d-student shawn hunter has got to be the dumbest, most woman-hating shit the show ever did. love can survive long distance if you put the effort in, trust me. (yes i am aware that the show prob didn't want to separate their main couple, but s6 was almost entirely about shawn anyway so????)
then in seasons 6 and 7 we get into the "cory yelling at and publicly humiliating topanga" trend. "undapants" is iconic so i'm not gonna go into that episode (fuck you "take her back to your tornado infested trailer park" line!), but i can name at least seven occasions where cory pressures her into sex. and rider strong is right. it was extremely holier than thou how they constantly made it seemed like corpanga was better than shawngela for not fucking before marriage. like isn't there a line where they call shawngela sluts in s7? the whole honesty bit in "the truth about honesty" (admittedly one of my fav eps) is also just ridiculous bc both of them always get pissed off at the other one for being honest, even in the past. i've seen people get mad at topanga for throwing yale in cory's face but lbr, who didn't see that coming? i guess maybe it's a little weird bc she'd never been resentful about it before, but that's a HUGE thing in their relationship. and yes, it is weird that she's using his razor without his permission but again just the pressuring her to show him her ass is also fucking weird (it's also weird imo that they've been together "their whole lives" but they've only ever kissed, but again, holier than thou bullshit)
one thing i can say about how weak and uninteresting their relationship actually is is that their ENTIRE wedding episode is about shory, bc they are the much more compelling dynamic in cory's life. weirdly enough, i do actually really like cory's vows though?? on a shawn hunter stan note, oblig "that best man speech was bullshit" comment. it's completely normal and healthy to have a best friend outside of your partner? especially when you can't be honest with your partner. god i fucking hate that bullshit. just like how i hate in "seven the hard way/the war" how they portray cory abandoning his best friend/true life partner for topanga AND THEN IN FUCKING GMW THE BAD FUTURE FOR EVERYONE LITERALLY CAME TRUE!!!!!!! omg i will go insane if i think about that for longer than a few seconds.
end of post, but leaving this here
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strawberryblondebutch · 3 months
bestie i hate to break it to you but dansby is an alt-right maga freak 😭😭
So I let this sit in my inbox until I was no longer trying to tipsily record a podcast, because I think there's a lesson here in classifying different types of conservative athletes.
Dansby is, as far as I can tell, a God-freak. (Obligatory disclaimer that I am a practicing Catholic and my use of this term is not an indictment on religion.) The God-freak is overrepresented in baseball and in football, because those sports are played outside, so most pros grew up in the Bible Belt, where it's warm enough to practice year-round. Jonah Heim, fun fact, spent the better part of a decade in the minors, because he grew up in Buffalo and only played a handful of varsity games a season.
The God-freak is an evangelical Christian for whom faith is the basis of their personality. Because evangelicalism is tied so deeply to modern conservative politics, they tend to have some right-wing beliefs stemming from this. Many of them did not take the Covid vaccine because they were told it's made from aborted fetuses, and abortion is a grave evil, so they can't put that in their bodies.
You can tell the God-freak in a few ways. The first is that they are genuine in their beliefs, and they will bring these beliefs up in non-political contexts. They share Bible verses on Instagram, give glory to God after good games. The God-freak also usually takes a hard spiritual turn in response to some major life upheaval. For Dansby it was his anxiety disorder. Aaron Nola on the Phillies grew up Catholic and went full evangelical in 2019, when he struggled for the first time as a pitcher. (It's interesting to note that he admits to having OCD in this article and ties some of his compulsions back to a rosary he used to carry.)
This "God saved me from personal strife" narrative is central in differentiating the God-freak from a conservative who happens to be religious, because they believe that, if God saved them, He can save everyone else. They are genuinely motivated by love. Their definition of love just happens to be influenced by right-wing Christianity. This is probably the best example of how the right-wing God-freak isn't totally gone. They approach the world from the base idea that all people are inherently good, and although their attempts to get everyone to recognize that goodness are flawed (think of the pastor who genuinely claims to love a queer person and save them from hell... which in their definition means saving them from the homosexual lifestyle). The God-freak is the most easily redeemed conservative because you can still talk to them on a human level. That's how you get many old Irish church ladies who have started to come around on the gay rights thing because "the [REDACTED FAMILY NAME] kid might fancy girls, but she still goes to church every week, and that's better than my grandson."
As an aside, it's also possible to be a liberal God-freak. Dawn Staley is the perfect example of that: she's very publicly Christian but also chewed out a transphobic reporter. It helps that Dawn is a Black woman who grew up in the most liberal Congressional district in the country, and who plays a sport with such a queer presence.
The God-freak is fundamentally different from the bigot, whose politics are motivated by hate and by power. Britta Curl (God I wish I could stop talking about her) is your textbook bigot. The bigot looks for constant opportunities to shit on the marginalized and blame them for their personal failures. The bigot gives into trans panic because they're insecure, and they're worried that they can't stand on their own merits. Dawn Staley isn't worried about trans women in basketball, because she has the power of God on her side and her team will continue to kick ass. Britta might be ostensibly Catholic (again, unlike the God-freak, the bigot only brings up their faith as a shield), but she doesn't trust that God's glory will stop the Imaginary Scary Trans Hockey Player from taking her job.
When dealing with the bigot, you have got to make them look silly. You have to defang their arguments in real world context. They rely on hypotheticals: the hypothetical Scary Trans Woman who's going to bowl over the cis women at the rink. The hypothetical Scary Black Guy who's going to scare white people from the sport of baseball. The hypothetical dies when confronted by reality: that Lia Thomas is still pretty mediocre at swimming (her words, not mine, I know her personally) and that Black players on the Cardinals helped Anheuser-Busch beer break into new markets (which is why Gussie Busch wanted to trade for Black stars - check out this book).
The third type of conservative is, of course, the grifter. The grifter doesn't believe in any of this shit. They want to make money off the people who do believe it. Most conservative athletes are God-freaks or bigots, but Curt Schilling? Grifter. Old man yells at clouds on Breitbart for attention to avoid declaring bankruptcy. Tommy Pham's comments on being a Black Republican use grifter language - he's pandering to the trans-panic anti-welfare crowd in the replies of a tweet.
Just don't give the grifters any attention. They thrive on it. Ignore. Block. Move on.
I didn't need to write a diatribe on this. I know the Swansons are anti-vax. AFAIK they don't speak publicly about their politics outside of the Facebook post linked above. Even when Twitter likes were public, it all came through a very evangelical lens. Aaron Nola is one of my favorite pitchers, and he's the same way. A lot of God-freaks vote Republican because it's the God party, unlike those pro-abortion Democratic heathens, but they see it as a necessary evil, just like the leftists who plan to grit their teeth and vote for Biden because at least it's not Trump. Most of baseball's conservatives are God-freaks. Hockey's conservatives tend to be bigots. You have to approach them differently and understand where their beliefs are coming from.
And again: don't engage with the grifters at all. You're wasting your breath trying to change someone's insincere beliefs.
I talked in my Britta Curl post about degrees of harm, and how the conservative who keeps their dumbass beliefs to themselves is inherently less harmful than one who preaches to the media about it, and that's a distinction that's important in men's pro sports, which is massively conservative. I respect someone like Aaron Nola - who uses his very closely held beliefs to cope with his OCD, even if he and I definitely disagree on politics - a hell of a lot more than Tony DeAngelo, who likes to hurl slurs around just... for fun, I guess?
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laresearchette · 13 days
Friday, September 13, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
WHERE CAN I FIND THOSE PREMIERES?: HOW TO DIE ALONE (Disney + Star) IN VOGUE: THE 90S (Disney + Star) CHOPPER COPS (Paramount+ Canada) DORA (Season 2) (Paramount+ Canada) UFO COWBOYS (The Roku Channel) THREE WOMEN (Starz Canada) 10:00pm
DISNEY + STAR HOW TO DIE ALONE (four-episode premiere) IN VOGUE: THE 90S (first three episodes) LEGO STAR WARS: REBUILD THE GALAXY (all episodes) FX’S THE OLD MAN (Season 2, two-episode premiere)
MLB BASEBALL (SN Now) 6:30pm: Mets vs. Phillies (Apple TV+) 6:30pm: Dodgers vs. Atlanta (Apple TV+) 6:30pm: Red Sox vs. Yankees (SN) 7:00pm: Cardinals vs. Jays (SN1) 7:00pm: Rays vs. Guardians (SN1) 10:00pm: Rangers vs. Mariners
AUTUMN AND THE BLACK JAGUAR (Crave) 7:15pm: After years in New York City, 14-year-old Autumn returns to the Amazon rainforest to save her childhood village and beloved jaguar friend.
WNBA BASKETBALL (TSN3/TSN4) 7:30pm: Aces vs. Fever
THE REAL CROWN: INSIDE THE HOUSE OF WINDSOR (CBC) 8:00pm/9:00pm: Members of The Royal Family wrestle with the ultimate dilemma: whether to choose love over duty to The Crown. In Episode Two, the Royal Family come face to face with danger. Heir to the throne Prince Charles has yet to find a bride, placing the future of the monarchy in peril.
REPOSSESSED (History Channel Canada) 8:00pm/9:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): On a trip to the Deep South, Moe and his team visit a giant limestone cave that is the namesake of this haunted town. In Episode Two, Moe brings the team to Eastern Ontario to the scene of one of his most terrifying previous investigations.
FRIDAY NIGHT THUNDER (APTN) 8:30pm: Rookie Allan Downey races in the faster, fiercer and more expensive 360 class for the first time; on a rough and wild track, he contends with numerous challenges that test even the most experienced drivers.
THE CASES OF MYSTERY LANE (W Network) 9:00pm: Alden and Birdie Case find a new way to keep the mystery in their marriage alive; Alden takes classes to become a private investigator and Birdie may hold the key to solving one of his mysteries.
SEAGRASS (Crave) 9:00pm: A Japanese-Canadian woman grapples with the death of her mother as she brings her family to a retreat. When her relationship with her husband begins to impact the children's emotional security, the family is forever changed.
CFL FOOTBALL (TSN/TSN3/TSN4/TSN5) 10:00pm: Argos vs. Lions
RORY SCOVEL: RELIGION, SEX AND A FEW THINGS IN BETWEEN (CTV Comedy) 11:00pm: Scovel takes the stage at Minneapolis' Goodale Theater to offer his observations on disparate subjects.
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I know many of you (not all) do not even think about football and feel things about this situation. I see a lot of snap judgements happening. As a gal from the Philly Burbs, who is a fan of the Eagles and Philly culture and also considers Kansas City my second favorite team (because Trav and Mahomes, and Andy Reid is a former Eagles coach). Let me tell you some random facts about the Kelce Family (from OH). Even if Trav and Taylor don’t become a thing, just wanted mention some things because I know most of you aren’t super familiar.
-Both Jason and Trav credit their mother, Donna, for their athleticism.
-Jason played saxophone, played hockey, and football in school.
-Travis played football, basketball, and hockey
-Travis is very much into fashion and shoes. He said his closet has like 20 foot ceilings.
- Ed Kelce worked in the steel industry/sales and Donna in Banking. Both parents are/were SUPER supportive and said it would have been that way even if they wanted to do arts, music, etc. Their dad built like a mini arena in their basement or something like that (see their podcast episode from before the Super Bowl with their parents).
-Ed and Donna got divorced when the boys around college aged. But they maintain a friendship and support for each other and their boys.
-Jason is married to Kylie, they have three daughters. A documentary literally just aired last week about them on Amazon Prime.
-Jason is BELOVED in Philly (no small feat considering it’s a tough crowd). Let’s put it this way, if Travis is attending his brother’s game in Philly, he has to be completely decked out in Eagles gear or else he would not be received well (putting it lightly). That being said he’s like an honorary Eagle, he is also beloved by most Eagles fans/players.
-Ed Kelce worked with a government program to listen to space for Aliens on their home computer.
-Trav loves dancing and always has.
-The last Super Bowl, where the brothers played each other, Donna wore her split jersey to rep both boys.
-Trav is obsessed with his nieces. He lights up in every video I’ve seen with the kiddos. It’s very cute. He has said he wants a family.
-Jason is known for downing insanely large mugs of beer and he signs babies, Travis does not sign babies.
Travis is a Libra sun with Sagittarius moon (no rising because I don’t know times), Mercury in Virgo, Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Libra. (Oct 5, 1989).
Jason is a Scorpio sun, Taurus moon, Mercury in Libra, Venus in Sagittarius, Mars in Libra (Nov 5, 1987)
-Jason is close to retiring, Trav said he’s going till the wheels fall off.
- Both have won Super Bowls.
- Both are heavily involved in charitable work. I think Travis’s annual fundraising event is this weekend. A car show, he used to do fashion shows.
I could keep going but I recommend their Podcast (New Heights Podcast) YouTube videos that have Kylie Kelce (recently) and the other one that has the parents (early 2023 or late 2022) to start.
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elijahlawson · 6 months
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⸻ ✧ 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆 ⟨ the details ⟩
Name: Elijah Lawson
Nicknames: Eli, tba
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 34
Neighborhood: Riveroak Farms
Occupation: GBI detective
Orientation: heterosexual
Status: single
Residency: local, left at 18, returned 11 years ago
⸻ ✧ 𝐁𝐈𝐎𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐘 ⟨ the past ⟩
With a name like Lawson some would say he was destined to be in law enforcement one day. His path to getting there wasn't quite as simple as that. Born and raised in Covington, his father a blue collar man and proud, and his mother a teacher, Elijah came into the world as the third of four children. With two older sisters and eventually a younger brother, he sometimes slipped through the watchful eyes of his involved parents.
In school he played basketball and was a great running back in football until size became too big of a factor. He was average at best. School bored him but he did well enough to keep his parents happy. They'd always stressed the importance of going to university one day, especially following in his older sisters footsteps. Though, Eli always considered them overachievers.
First heartbreak came at 13 when his crush turned him down after he'd asked her to the dance. Years later she'd end up marrying him but at the time she wasn't allowed to date and eventually the rumor went around that her best friend had a crush on him and she was just doing the right thing.
Went off to university at Temple where he was pre-law with the intention of becoming a civil rights lawyer. It changed when he'd been witness to a crime and would later see the defendant get off scott free. Even with his testimony, the defense outshined the prosecution. Elijah became determined to be the best prosecutor ever seen, but again that would change when he'd receive a call from his sister that her best friend had been found murdered.
The case would go on to become a mystery and remain unsolved, giving him a first hand view of the destruction something horrific like could inflict on a family. His own sister's mental health deteriorated and she became a agoraphobic, afraid to leave her own house. With his law degree in hand, Elijah found himself with a badge as a detective with the Georgia Bureau of Investigations.
When it comes to the job he's relentless and tenacious, unwavering in his pursuit of the the truth. He understood through personal experience that punishments rarely ever fit the crime, what people wanted/needed most was answers. So, he works and works to give that much.
At 19 Elijah had been reunited with his teenage crush from home when they crossed paths at a party in Philly. She was going to another big school in the same city and they decided that fate had intervened for them. They married a year later. After a few years the young love couldn't survive the hardships of life, not when Elijah had been so effected by the tragedy that changed the course of future careers. When he needed to go home to Covington, she decided that she couldn't follow and that was that.
It took time for him to work his way up the ladder and to gain respect with his fellow agents. Most considered him overly passionate about his job, that he had an inability to turn it off at the end of the day, and his colleagues were right. The first few years Elijah had trouble sleeping at night with the things he'd known and seen, but as time wore on he walled up as a way to protect himself.
One after the other, which hadn't been all that surprising, his parents passed. It drove his sister deeper into herself. With her agoraphobia she'd been living with their parents so to keep her safe and from any kind of institution, Elijah moved her into his home. With work and his dedication to it, he's not there as much as he should be anyway, so it felt like a deal to have someone living in and taking care of the place.
Every time he's tried his hand at dating or relationships or love it's failed. The job demands too much of him, takes up too much space within him, that he's understood he can't give someone else what they need. Time and attention.
After ten years he's gotten to a place of looking ahead and he's become weary, wondering if he's even made a difference or if he needs to continue the fight he's put himself into through a different side of the law. He's kept his law degree active but has never acted on it, never worked a day as a lawyer, yet it has come in handy or in play from time to time. Sometimes he thinks of making the switch, wondering if it would free up other aspects of his life.
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crazedmetalhead · 1 year
Random thing I wrote that's potentially going to be an Eddie x reader
Warnings: Dark themes, violence, death, drugs, strong language, trauma. My writing here is probably shitty and sub-par due to how tired and out of practice I am... It's simply just a thought I had and wrote in the dead of night.
Okay, so, I wasn't expecting my life to go like this. I mean... Shit- who the fuck would? Who on god's green earth would expect to go through so much bullshit in one week... Because of some fucking supernatural force no less??Ah, but here I was in Hawkins Indiana and this shit- was happening. All I could do? Let the bodies hit the floor, as they all seemed to so graciously do within mere feet of my being.... Because why not the freak, right? Why the fuck wouldn't this force pin it on your friendly neighborhood 'satanist,' who already had a bad rep with the police? Because that's just soooo convenient; isn't it?
Okay, okay, so you're probably all wondering about the lovely clusterfuck that has been my past week, so I'll tell you- no bullshit, balls to the walls honesty. You're probably going to think I'm bonkers, or high off my ass, but listen man... It's true. I swear on Ozzy that I'm not crazy.
--March 10th, 1986; Hawkins Indiana- the reckoning--
"Welcome to my humble abode... Uhh... Sorry about the mess, the maid took the week off," I mused, my multichrome eyes glimmering with mischief as I let him into my trailer, expecting to sell him drugs, and maybe get 'lucky,' or whatever the hell you call a one night stand with no orgasm. Neither of those things happened that night.
"Uhhh come in, come in," I urged him, Chris was his name, and he, unlike most of the basketball players; was not an elitist asshole.
"The mess isn't an issue Candy," he assured me, standing awkwardly in my living room, his eyes darting around nervously, "so... How do we do this exactly?" He asks, biting his bottom lip and I find myself wanting to alleviate that stress,
"Well, like any other transaction, really, only it's cash only, and no receipt... For obvious reasons," I say, trying to flash as charming of a smile as I can at him, hoping to ease his nerves.
He stares at me for a moment, and I can feel his nervousness, before he nods.
"Alright, I trust you... Candy."I give a small grin, turning around to grab the shit from its typical hiding spot when I remember my aunt did deep cleaning of the living room last week so I hid it in my bedroom and I shoot Chris an apologetic glance.
"I'll be right back, just let me go get it... You stay right here... Or if it gets too much you can leave," I assure him, skittering off to my sanctuary to search for the drugs I intend to sell... Now, I'd consider myself an ethical dealer, I don't do all the shit, only weed and an occasional Xanny, I make sure those I sell to aren't like, psychotic or anything... I give nice and pretty boys or girls a discount on the shit and generally- I'm a nice person... Might not be good but I don't fuck with people unless they fuck with me... It's how I justify... Well this, whatever the fuck this lifestyle is. I could be so much worse. I trudge through my bedroom, paying a small greeting to my guitar, which I failed to practice today before grabbing the ketamine and walking to the living room, where I could instantly sense something was accutely wrong- like, worse than the shit they tried to pass off as a Philly cheese steak in the school lunch line.
I came back to Chris and he was just spaced, man, unresponsive and standing in my living room, staring right through me and I clapped, hoping to startle him, but nothing.
"Hey... Chris, I'm back with the stuff..." I try, hoping to rouse some reaction from him, anything but none... Panic starts to set in as I drop the drugs.
"Chris, wake up! Wake up man! I don't like this... Jesus Christ wake up!" I beg, clicking my rings together, pleading with the jock to come to some form of normality. This doesn't happen. Not to Chris, not anymore.Nothing. He just stands there, in the middle of my living room, staring off into the distance with a vacant gaze, like he was just staring off into space. I start circling him, snapping and pleading with him to wake up when suddenly, like some shit out of a horror movie, my guy fucking levitates to the ceiling of my trailer.
"JESUS H CHRIST!!" I shout, my tone full of horror as his bones start cracking and I watch helplessly... What the hell am I supposed to do? Is it coming for me too? Oh hell no. I watch as he falls limp to the ground, I couldn't save him... My brain is numb and all I can think to do is grab a box of honeycombs and a beer bottle before taking off in my K5 like a bat outta hell.I pull up to a secluded dirt road, hidden by trees. I take a swig of the bottle, trying to calm the fuck down.
"Shit... Fucking... Hell!" I grumble to myself, shuddering... Did I cause that? Was I so freakish that he decided to fucking go snap crackle pop and crawl out of his skin? No... That can't be it, hopefully, anyways... I'm not a killer, right? Wait... Why didn't I fucking help him? I ran away. I'm fucking useless. The thoughts drown my mind as I shout and throw the bottle, my mind overwhelmed.
"Goddamnit Candy!" I shout to myself before breaking down into sobs, crawling across the dirt to collect the broken beer bottle in my hands, accidentally cutting myself in the shards as I hug it to my chest, letting myself cry, knowing that inevitably when they find him in my trailer I'll be a fugitive and won't have a minute for pity's sake.I feel a wetness on my face and realize that I'm still crying. I stop, my throat tight. I look at my car, my beautiful black truck that I worked so hard to save for and I whimper, realizing I'll need to leave it behind as I take off on foot, climbing a tree and moving by treetop so I don't leave footsteps until I reach lover's lake, seeing a familiar house of a drug dealing link who's currently in prison and I decide to hide in the boathouse, hugging the honeycombs box, and the broken bottle to my chest as I hide under a tarp, hyperventilating... What the fuck just happened? I'm not a killer... Right?
I wait what feels like eternity before I calm myself, trying to stop shaking.
--the next day--
I wake up to a low voice coming from right outside the boat next to me, as if he were crouching hissing into what I presume is a walkie talkie and seems pissed that he's stranded where he's at with no aid and he's running out of food. He says something about stupid pieces of shit before I shift and suddenly the tarp is lifted off of me and before I can even look to see who the fuck this is I have him pinned to the wall, my bottle pressed against his throat, his big brown eyes wide and his hair wild, his face dirty and ragged, as if he's been through some shit and hasn't had time for a shower in a few days and my eyes narrow as I silently stare him down.
"Whoa, Candy, Candy wait I can explain, I didn't kill them I swear on Ozzy, please set the bottle down," he pleads, making me press the bottle further to him, fear delaying my recognition as he puts his hands where I can see them, "whoa, hey, okay, wow, Candy, it's me... Eddie? You know... The person who so graciously lets you- oh thank God, wow okay you're being civil holy fucking Christ that's good," he babbles as I slowly back away from him, my eyes still suspicious before I finally crumple and break down, burrying my face into my sleeves.
"Hey are you okay?" Eddie asks gently, crouching down beside me and my sobs only intensify.
"No, Jesus fuck I'm not... H-holy shit," I whimper and Eddie places his hand tentatively on my shoulder.
"What happened?" He asks and I let out a little sob.
"You'd think I'm fucking crazy," I whisper, my voice wavering but he squeezes my shoulder.
"Try me," he challenges and I can't help but to lean into him, my body wracked entirely with sobs.
"It was fucking awful Eddie... He fucking... He went snap crackle fucking pop! He floated! Humans don't do that oh God... Oh God!" I sob, clinging to Eddies leather jacket as I whimper, entirely incoherent... But Eddie understands me perfectly. He knows because he's seen it too, he's been through this. He holds me gently, his face full of empathy and understanding, and when I look up his face is soft. I think I might actually cry again.
"I know, I know."
I whimper, my body trembling as I sniffle,
"Don't bullshit me man, I know how it sounds," I choke out, my voice shaky and Eddie scoffs, he not too long ago heard those words escape his own mouth... It's funny how much shit comes full circle in Hawkins.
"Look, I'm not trying to be a dick or anything, but you're talking about a dead guy here and you're crying like a little girl, okay? I'm not gonna bullshit you, but I also know you've been through a lot too. We've all been through a lot, so please don't take this the wrong way, but you're being a little hysterical and I'm not quite sure what to make of what you're saying, okay?" He tries, trying to get me to calm down to confirm his gut feeling. This only fuels my emotional state.
"Hysterical? Fucking hysterical?! You don't fucking get it! My brother in Christ fucking levitated into thin air and I watched his bones crack in on themselves... His eyes... Oh God his eyes looked *wretches* God I don't even want to talk about his eyes... I shit... He's still in there... I ran away! I fucking ran away! I didn't help him!" I sob, my body trembling once more and that's when Eddie realizes what I'm talking about, why I'm so hysterical and his brain is full of flashbacks.. it's all so similar to when Chrissy died in his trailer a mere week ago, leaving his life upended and him on the run from an angry mob of Hawkins residents. He knows the survivor's guilt all too well.
"I know, I know," he soothes, patting my back and I break away from him to stare at him. He looks tired. So fucking tired.
"You.. do know..." I manage, trying to calm myself, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry," I babble, whimpering between my words, "I don't know what the fuck to do," I whisper and I sound so small, so helpless that Eddie can't help but to hold me to his chest. It's all he knows how to do at the moment. What else could we do? Run from this? Hah! Like that could happen... If only...
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Absolutely essential watching, The Case Against Cosby airs tonight on CBC. The amount of bravery and self sacrifice to stand up against such trauma is something we can all take inspiration from. Congratulations to Karen Wookey, Martin Katz, Dr Gabor Maté, and the entire team who made this project possible. “There are many takeaways from the incisive new documentary The Case Against Cosby, directed by Karen Wookey, which focuses on Andrea Constand, the only Cosby accuser who successfully had him convicted. (It airs Sunday on the CBC and CBC Gem.) The most important is this, from the psychologist and author Anna Salter: “Counterintuitive behaviour in victims is caused by counterintuitive behaviour in perpetrators.” Courts everywhere, take note: Victims are confused because their assailants are confusing, friendly to them before the assault, and after. And that’s with a typical perpetrator – imagine facing down a beloved groundbreaker who’d styled himself as America’s Dad. Constand, 49, is tall and curly-haired, with a strong, open face. She was a high-school basketball star in her native Toronto, and later became director of operations for the women’s team at Temple University in Philadelphia, where Cosby was a prominent booster. He groomed her, befriended her family. In January, 2004, he invited her to his home, drugged her with three Benadryls and sexually assaulted her while she was semi-conscious. In April, 2004, still reeling, she quit the job she loved and moved back to Ontario. “I wanted to run away from Philly, even from basketball, and basketball was my life,” she said last week in a joint video interview with Wookey.” Read the whole piece here - https://www.theglobeandmail.com/arts/film/article-the-case-against-cosby-adds-flesh-and-feeling-to-the-experiences-of/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CnKmqStv24WuD_5OmjokZ8Xo9Fb1slIwB047P80/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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barnes-brain · 2 years
Just finished the latest chapter and I loved it!! Unfortunately I then immediately ruined my own high by checking the padres-phillies score :'( I've decided I'm just going to live in your au where everything is beautiful and the phillies always lose.
Anyway, all the support my boy is getting from his own team and others is so touching :) and I know that stories have to have ""drama"" and ""plot"" or whatever, but I'd be perfectly happy if the rest of the story was just my boys being in love and playing baseball 💛
Also, hi Giants!! I'm with both of you guys in just being done with the season :/ as much as I want the baseball season to last forever I just can't do it. I can't root for the phillies or the astros or the yankees and everything is terrible :( oh well, there's always next year and streaming old games lool
Thanks for a great chapter and I can't wait for the next one! Hope you are well, my friend 💛
Hey Rockies!
I’m so glad you like it!
There will DEF be drama, (I may or may not be writing some now) it just probs not the most expected stuff, and it probably won’t be earth shattering, but there’s still some plot LOL.
This year the Cardinals little “Slogan” was grind the pepper. Baseball is a 162 game grind and there are stretches of it that are pretty boring. I’m trying to cut out a LOT of the monotony but at the end of the day, I’m writing what I find to be the most interesting part of baseball (outside of the magical games) and that’s the romanticism of baseball. I don’t want someone who’s never seen a game to think that baseball is extremely fast paced and go go go all the time like basketball or football, or hockey, or even soccer.
There’s a lot of standing around in baseball, there’s a lot of losing in baseball, a lot of fails. I always say (and if you’ve been following me a while you’ve probably seen this) baseball is a game of failure. If you had a basketball player that only made half their shots? They probably wouldn’t be in basketball for very long. If a quarterback only threw successful passes 3 times out of 10? He probably wouldn’t be in football anymore. Yet baseball hitting something 2/3 times out of 10 in baseball is considered fantastic.
But baseball has a human aspect that I don’t think a lot of other games (at least in the US have). Hell I know we both hate the Phillies, but the the Phillies and the Padres had two brothers playing against each other in a playoff game.
(I know I’ve mentioned this before) But this year in the Cardinals two childhood best friends debuted on the same week. (One day after each other). Kids who’ve been in the minor leagues for YEARS getting that chance to be a big league player.
Hell, multiple times this season players got to play against Yadi and Waino and Pujols, players that they GREW UP watching. Twice this year waino struck out players who he struck out their DADS. You just don’t hear about that from other sports (again in the US).
That heartwarming feeling is what I’m TRYING to get across because that’s the feeling I get when watching baseball, and those stories are only from the Cardinals, I can’t even imagine the stories if you compiled them through all teams.
This fic is way more of a love letter to baseball than it should be… but I’ve ranted way too long about stuff you didn’t ask LOL
Anyway: Fuck the Phillies fuck the Astros, is it February yet?
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lonita · 14 years
Batter Up
Every once in a while you come across someone who questions your love of baseball. "It's boring." "It's slow." "It's old." Sometimes, perhaps so. But so are most things in life. I'd love to wax poetic about the place in my heart occupied by baseball, but I think I'll just wax - with dander down instead of up.
Old? Maybe it is a game for old men, but it's one of the few sports that can be played by anyone, at any age - even the blind. Slow-pitch, softball, big league, little league, age 4, age 84. Anyone can play it, and you can play it to your grave if you can stand up. What a way to give someone a chance to participate. And when you can't play, you can teach.
The whisper of practice starting in March and April means that spring is close, and summer right around the corner. Even practice is a big draw for some baseball fans, and you don't see that happening a lot elsewhere. As one Eugene Michael Santiago puts it:
"Few sports draw such crowds for the first day of practice. What could be the reason for this? Nice weather and golf? No. The people come out because baseball - unlike any other sport - baseball becomes part of life, during the regular season. It isn't played once a week on a Sunday, it isn't played every two to three days like the NBA or NHL. Each team plays just about every day, from April to September."
You don't even have to watch baseball to get the thrill. Listening to it is just as much of a joy as watching it can be. There is an intoxicating (and I don't really mean that in the alcoholic sense) charm in a lazy summer afternoon in your backyard, with the tinny AM radio tuned to the local sports station's baseball coverage. There is comfort there, peace, relaxation. And that's the nice thing about baseball - the pace that offers the space and pause as much as the action. A game of baseball gives you a chance for camaraderie you can't acquire with the rapidity of hockey or basketball.
But the action? Oh, there is nothing quite like that clutch in your belly when the batter cracks the bat against that ball, and it goes sailing into the outfield. And you wait, hoping, wishing, pushing the ball to sail over the fence - and it does! That's one of the greatest mental adrenaline highs going. Even the action before, the private rituals made so public: the little dance a batter does before squaring himself to the plate. Fernando Valenzuela crossing himself and looking to the heavens. Scott Downs scribing the initials of his children into the dirt of the pitcher's mound before he throws.
For me, also, baseball is one of the few sports I can easily (and enjoyably) follow. My vision is poor, which precludes following rapid sports. I have no idea what's going on in a hockey game, or even football. Baseball though? I don't have to know where the ball is to know what's going on. I don't have to even see where the ball is. I just have to watch the guys on the ground. Is he lazily sauntering towards the 2nd baseline? Is he running in a panic to the left field foul? I know what's happening there. I was never into paying attention to the stats, but that's another thing about baseball that other sports can't match. You can read the stats of a game and the players and rebuild the game in your mind.
It was my grandfather who got me hooked. I think that, in some ways, is how one's love of a sport manifests most strongly, and also why it's sometimes difficult to explain why you love something - if it has become so ingrained a part of you that you can't imagine life devoid of it. I've been watching baseball since I was a small child, remembering classic '70s grudge matches between the Dodgers and the Yankees. I was a Dodgers fan even then. Now? The Phillies. I love me some Blue Jays as well. It's the closest thing to a home team I'm ever going to see around here. For my grandmother's 80th birthday, we sent her to a Blue Jays game and had them put a birthday wish to her up on the big screen. There's a photograph of the screen somewhere. All monies raised from such things go towards Blue Jay-sponsored charities.
So maybe a part of it is just habit. But perhaps it's also the promise of spring, summer afternoons, the relief of a long winter gone, the camaraderie of friends, some of the best sports movies going (I've got a big soft spot for "Major League" and Bob Uecker), the high of playoff games, and plenty of happy memories.
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wutbju · 2 years
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Paul A. Lunger went home to be with the Lord on May 24, 2022.
Born in Unityville, PA, he was the son of the late Martha (Green) and H. Grant Lunger. Mr. Lunger was a veteran of the U.S. Army, serving as a newspaper reporter at Ft Knox, KY. He was Soldier of the Month in October 1957. He earned his Bachelor's degree from Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC and earned his Master's in Education from University of Delaware, with additional studies in English at College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, VA.
Mr. Lunger began his career as an English teacher in Newark, DE for 12 years, where he also coached baseball for 5 years. He was then Youth Pastor at Faith Baptist Church in Wilmington, DE. For the next 2 years, he was Principal of Elkton Christian Schools in Elkton, MD, where he also served as Education Chair of Elkton Baptist College and Vice President of the Maryland Association of Christian Schools. For the next 5 years, he was Principal of Upper Bucks Christian School in Sellersville, PA, which grew from 185 students to 687 students under his administration. During this time, he also was Founder and President of the Keystone Christian Education Association, which grew to more than 60 schools while he was President, and was also a Board member of the American Association of Christian Schools. He then was the High School Principal of Chapel Christian Academy in Limerick, PA for 5 years, where he also taught Senior English. He finally served for 5 years as Headmaster at Lan-Chester Christian Schools in Coatesville, PA. Mr. Lunger retired to Delaware about 19 years ago. Throughout his life, he devoted himself to serving Jesus Christ in his career, personal actions and sharing the gospel with others.
Paul was an active member at numerous churches, most recently Faith Community Church in Camden, DE. He loved directing choirs at churches he attended, as well as singing solos in his baritone voice. He has coached and played various sports, including baseball, softball and basketball. He also enjoyed watching local sports, including the Philadelphia Phillies, Eagles and Sixers. He enjoyed gardening and was proud to share what he grew with his neighbors. He enjoyed hunting with family and friends on his family property in Lycoming County, PA, playing golf and tennis, and telling jokes and puns to make people laugh.
Mr. Lunger is survived by his wife of 63 years, Eloise (Frey) Lunger; three children: P. Brent Lunger and his wife Marta of Malvern, PA, Anilisa G. Lunger-Otte and her husband Timothy of Laguna Hills, CA and Brenda A. Lunger and partner Julia Watts of Houston, TX; his sisters-in-law, Mary Lunger of Hughesville, PA and Patricia Frey of Newark, DE; and eight grandchildren.
Friends and family are invited to attend a viewing from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 31, 2022 at the Pippin Funeral Home, 119 W. Camden Wyoming Avenue, Wyoming, DE 19934; a graveside service held at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, June 1, 2022 at Gracelawn Memorial Park, 2220 N. DuPont Highway, New Castle, DE 19720; and a memorial service at 11 am on Thursday, June 2, 2022 at Faith Community Church, 2240 S. DuPont Highway, Camden, DE 19934, preceded by a time of visitation from 10 a.m. until 11 a.m. Thursday.
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kingdomjust · 2 years
Puma netfits
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“And I still try to be very fashionable.”īut when he’s home in St. “I still work in television and have to wear a suit and tie,” he said. When he’s on air, Frazier still cares about how he looks. That wears on you after a while, so I’ll try to eliminate road games or just go to Philly, Boston or Washington - one-hour flights.” “The only problem I have now is working on the road. Today, Frazier says he’s semiretired and only works 65 of the Knicks’ 82 games and is “looking to cut back to maybe 50, mostly home games,” he said. At the time, Converse made the only brand that made basketball shoes, but then Puma, Adidas and Nike all started to introduce models specific to the sport, “and I was fortunate enough to be the only guy to endorse a shoe and have a shoe named after him.”Īn early ad from Puma featuring Walt Frazier. “And people still love it after 40 years.”įrazier believes the Clyde has had such staying power because “basketball and sneakers are synonymous. Over the years, he recalled, it was the favorite of everyone from break dancers to those embracing the “retro craze.” The result was the Clyde, a classic sneaker that was released in 1973 and is still popular today. “And they told me they wanted me to help design the shoe. “When they first approached me, I was the only guy getting paid to wear a shoe,” he recalled. That newfound fame also led to him being signed by Puma as the first sports star to serve as a brand ambassador. That’s the whole personification of the Clyde image.” “And that’s how it all evolved with the fashion and getting into the colors and the Rolls-Royce. “Once I started to play well, the press started to focus on it,” he said. Walt “Clyde” Frazier with his Rolls-Royce in 1973. It wasn’t long until his distinctive style - fedoras, mink coats and wildly patterned suits that he donned as he drove around town in a Rolls-Royce - gave him the confidence he needed to excel on the court as well. He recalled how early on in his career he wasn’t playing well and hated New York with its unrelenting hustle and bustle, so to “pacify” himself, he went shopping.
In his video for the campaign, the 77-year-old Frazier starts out by ticking off his professional accomplishments and then moves into telling his personal story: he was born in Atlanta, the oldest of nine, at the time of segregation when Black people were told they would “never be anything.” But he listened to his parents who said he could accomplish whatever he dreamed if he had “confidence and a tenacious work ethic.” His goal, he said, was to have his skill in basketball provide him the opportunity to buy his mother a house with a big kitchen, which he accomplished in 1973. Issey Miyake Dies at 84: A Look Back at the Designer’s Career
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laresearchette · 1 month
Monday, August 26, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
2024 US OPEN TENNIS (TSN/TSN3/TSN) 11:00am: Early Round Coverage Day #1 (TSN/TSN2/TSN3/TSN4) 7:00pm: Early Round Coverage Day #1 - Primetime
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 2:00pm: Jays vs. Red Sox - Game 1 (SN) 6:30pm: Jays vs. Red Sox - Game 2 (SN Now) 6:30pm: Astros vs. Phillies (SN1) 6:30pm: Yankees vs. Nationals (SN1) 9:30pm: Rays vs. Mariners
WNBA BASKETBALL (TSN5) 7:30pm: Fever vs. Dream
BERING SEA GOLD (Discovery Channel Canada) 8:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE): Chaotic El Niño conditions impact the ice, creating dangerous pressure ridges and flipping the gold miners' game plans upside down as some are forced off their claims.
CURSED GOLD: A SHIPWRECK SCANDAL (Nat Geo Canada) 9:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): A maverick scientist begins his quest to find a shipwreck full of gold.
FACE TO FACE WITH SCOTT PETERSON (Slice) 10:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Expectant mother Laci Peterson vanishes in Modesto, California, on Christmas Eve 2002; while the community desperately searches for her, the police narrow their focus on her husband Scott, and the case becomes a national media sensation.
HISTORY'S GREATEST ESCAPES WITH MORGAN FREEMAN (History Canada) 10:00pm (SEASON PREMIERE):  A lone wolf prisoner, with aspirations of writing crime novels, ends up the star of his own break out story when he figures out how to escape from one of Mississippi's oldest and most notorious prison farms, Parchman Penitentiary.
DARK SIDE OF THE RING (Much) 10:00pm (SEASON 4 PREMIERE):  The teenage romance of wrestling prodigy Chris Candido and Tammy Sunny Sytch, his love-to-hate manager, gets torn apart by infidelity, addiction and mutual self-destruction.
EAST HARBOUR HEROES (Discovery Channel Canada) 10:00pm: Hundreds of skippers prepare to launch their biggest fisheries but an ongoing shore-side debate threatens to halt everyone's livelihoods.
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