bachirasbodyguard · 1 year
me @ all the goalkeepers in blue lock whenever someone scores against them:
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me when someone scores against Gagamaru:
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madewithspice · 1 year
BLLK Boys Reacting To You Wearing Their Footy Shirt
Here’s the post that majority voted for. Thank you to all those who voted :)
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Yoichi Isagi - he’s a blushing mess when you turn up at his match wearing his away shirt. Gets teased relentlessly by the team and turns into a teenage girl “stoppp it guysss”. Will hide his face but he can’t help but sneak glances at you during the match.
Rensuke Kunigami - he’s not surprised to see you in his kit since he had left you no choice but to wear it. He slowly started to hide all your tops until you had nothing to wear except his conveniently placed football shirt in your wardrobe. Will definitely be pulling this move again.
Jingo Raichi - at first he’s in awe and once that dies down, he’s showing you off to anyone who he runs into. But will ultimately double down and freak out at people when they actually look at you because he’s possessive as fuck.
Meguru Bachira - he loves it and compliments you every second he gets, leaving your face to cosplay a tomato. Will continuously ask you to wear it so he can gush over you. Secretly takes a shit ton of photos the first time you wear it, he wants to cherish this moment forever.
Shoei Barou - every top player needs a cheerleader partner on the side. That’s where you come in. You are his motivation to do his best he can’t be losing especially when you’re watching him with his shirt on, declaring to the world you’re his. Will tackle you in a hug after the match.
Seishiro Nagi - he demands you wear his shirt but not for the obvious reason. He just wants you to wear it and take it home so you can wash it for him to wear at his next match. It works for the first few times but you soon catch onto his sneaky tactics and you steal his other shirt instead.
Reo Mikage - takes even more pictures than bachira but instead of gushing he acts nonchalantly. As if he couldn’t fathom why it’s a big deal but then secretly freaks out in his room while looking through the pictures. He’s embarrassed that he is acting like a fan girl but can’t help it you look so cute.
Hyoma Chigiri - he notices you with his shirt on but pretends not to, just so you can come over to him and show off your outfit first. He feigns shock and awe at you and that’s all you’re getting if you’re in public. Alone it’s different, he will cling to you like his life depends on it.
Rin Itoshi - low-key love loves it but will not admit it. No matter how much you tease him and try and get him to crack, he will not budge. Now that you challenged him he simply can not and will not lose his composure. It turns into a game that will forever go on because rin does not like to lose. Ever.
Sae Itoshi - from day one, he had given you an old football shirt of his so it’s nothing new for him to see you in it. That doesn’t mean he won’t brag about it still. You’re always on his insta story and lives wearing it so the crazy fans know he’s taken and by who.
- Kiki.
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bbyquokka · 2 years
You love me though ˗ˋ꒰♡꒱ˊ˗
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➥ pairing: Lee Minho x F!Reader
➥ genre: fluff, smut. MDNI
➥ synopsis: Minho helps you cook for you and your date, despite feeling jealous. However, when your date stood you up, Minho comforts you, making you realise your true feelings.
➥ warnings: smut, protected sex, fingering, clit play, blowjob, nipple play, blood [mentioned, not described], violence [mentioned, not described], cheating, unrequited love, explicate language, dirty thoughts [m], alcohol consumption, pet names [babe, kitten], jealousy – if i missed any, lmk!
➥ words: 7.5k
➥ a/n: i know, i know. another minho fic but this has been unfinished in my drafts for a while plus i have minho brain rot rn i blame taste soooo. i also got this idea from rewatching minhos vlogs and skz code ep 10-12, where he would cook for the boys. i hope y'all enjoy!
Feedback and reblogs are highly advised and appreciated!
➥ m.list
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Flicking through various cookbooks, you groan, slowly feeling yourself becoming frustrated. You discarded the current book you were flicking through beside you.
You run your hand through your hair, looking at the piles of discarded books and printed recipes. You grab your phone, looking for something online but to no avail.
"What am I going to do? All these recipes are too difficult for me." You mumble to yourself. You put your head in your hands, feeling frustrated tears pooling in your eyes.
You sniffle, blinking back the tears as you thought of what to do. You have a date tomorrow night and – for some reason – you agreed to make them dinner at your place.
You have been talking to your date for 1 month before deciding it was time to take it a little further. Unbeknownst to him, you cannot cook a single thing, no matter how hard you try.
"Wait.. I know someone who can help me!" You grab your phone, pulling up the contacts. You press the call button, putting your phone to your ear as it rings. After two rings, you got an answer.
"What do you want?" You scoff.
"Well, nice to hear from you too, Minho."
"I'm busy, (Y/N)" Minho exclaims. You hear the sounds of something rustling, Minho making cooing sounds. You raise a brow.
"And by busy, you mean, 'I'm actually spending time with my three fur children so could you please leave me alone?'" you mock, doing your best Minho impression. Minho sighs. You can practically see his eyes rolling at you.
"Exactly. You know this so why are you bothering me?"
"Minho?" You question. You receive a small "Mhm" from him, indicating that he is half listening and half occupied.
"How long have we been best friends?"
"Since we were children, why?" Minho sighs again, realising where this is going. You giggle. "Okay, spill it out (Y/N) what do you want from me?"
"I need help, like desperately!"
"Okay, with what exactly?"
"Uh, well, you know how I've been talking to someone," Minho hums. "Well, they're coming over to my place."
"Look, if you've called me just to ask me for love advice, I'm not interested." Minho removes his phone from his ear, about to hang up on you.
"Nonono, waittt." Your desperate voice echoes through Minho's apartment. He rolls his eyes, placing his phone back on his ear.
"I'm cooking.." You mumble.
Silence. You blink, looking at your phone screen thinking Minho disconnected, but he was still on the phone with you.
"H-Hello? Minho?" A fit of laughter suddenly erupts in your ear. You can practically see his eyes scrunching up at the corners, his teeth on display as he clutches his stomach.
"Y-You?! Cooking?!" Minho splutters between his fits of giggles. "No way!"
"Minho! stoppp!" You whine as you pout, feeling somewhat embarrassed.
"How did you manage that?" Minho's laughter dies down, a finger coming to the corner of his eye to wipe away a tear.
"Man! I don't know, okay! I guess I just want to impress them, so I said I would cook. I've looked at so many recipes, but they're so complicated, Minho." you grumble.
"Okay, first of all (Y/N) recipes are not complicated, they're designed to be fool proof. You just, really suck at cooking." You roll your eyes, moving you mouth in time with Minho's words, mocking him.
"Second of all, just order and pass it off as your own, I'm sure they wouldn't see a difference."
"I can't do that! That's just – morally wrong, Min!" You gasp.
"Then if you don't want to do that, why phone me?" Minho says, petting Dori who took vacancy on Minho's lap.
"Well, I was thinking–"
"Yeah, no wonder it smells like burning. Don't think too hard, you'll fry your brain." Minho laughs, interrupting you mid sentence.
"You're so meann!" You whine.
"You love me though, Kitten." You blush softly, going shy at his words. You can feel his smugness radiating through the phone.
"Fuck you, Min." You softly speak, playing with the ends of your hair like a shy school girl who has a crush.
"You wish."
"Min, stoppp. let me speak!" Minho chuckles.
"Okay okay, I'm sorry. You were saying?" You clear your throat, gaining back your composure.
"Anyways – I was thinking, seeing as you're so good at cooking – you could help me!"
"Uh, no."
"Huh? Why?" You whine
"Because, you got yourself in this mess, you can get yourself out of it."
"But Min! I'm your bestest ever friend in the whole wide world! You love me!"
"Yes and–" Minho cut himself off, clearing his throat as he runs his fingers through his hair. "I'm not helping you, Kitten."
"But, what if I start cooking and I suddenly burn my apartment down?!" You gasp, getting an idea "Then I can come and live with you Min! Wouldn't that be so much fun!!"
"Absolutely not! I have all the fun I need in the form of my beloved 3 cats."
"Plus me. It'll happen Minho. If I cook and I burn my apartment down, I'm going to live with you! It'll be so much fun! Just think of all the pampering sessions we would have."
You smirk, hearing Minho groan. You have him right where you want him – you won.
"Ugh! fine, you win. I'll help you out!" You grin, cheering victoriously
"Thank you Min! I love youuu." You coo
"Yeah yeah. Just get your ass down to the supermarket. I'll meet you there." Minho hangs up. You punch the air excitedly, basking in your glory.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Standing at the supermarket waiting for Minho, you shiver as the crisp autumn air runs shivers down your spine. You nuzzle into your scarf, hands in your coat pocket.
You look around at the various people walking past you and inside the supermarket. You look at your digital clock on your phone, your wallpaper background being of you and Minho, taking a cute selfie together.
You look up, seeing Minho walking towards you. You beam, waving your arms in the air before running to him.
"Minho!!" You shout, giggling as you run to him. Minho looks up, rolling his eyes at you before laughing softly. He stops in his tracks, opening his arms wide. You run into his arms, Minho grunting at the sudden impact.
You nuzzle into Minho's chest, taking in his scent as you hum. Minho looks down at you, smiling softly as he wraps his arms around your figure.
"I've missed you, Minho!" Your words muffled against his chest. Minho laughs softly, ruffling your hair. You whine, pushing his hands away.
"We spoke literally 10 minutes ago!" You pull away from Minho, fixing your hair as you pout at him.
"You know what I mean. You spend more time with your cats than you do with me." You whine.
"Because my cats are adorable and oh-so sweet."
"And I'm not?" You raise a brow playfully. Minho takes a few seconds to think, humming in the process. You scoff, playfully hitting his chest. He grunts and laughs.
"You know I've always found you adorable, kitten." Minho smirks, winking. You blush, burying your face into your scarf.
"Fuck you and your charms." You mumble. Minho hums, loving how you always act shy around him. It makes his heart swell up with more love for you.
Minho has loved you for as long as he can remember. He believes that you two are soulmates. He didn't realise he had feelings for you until you got your first serious partner.
Minho hated it. He hated it so much. How he couldn't have you to himself – it made him green with envy. Your partner wasn't exactly nice to you during the relationship. They had a history of cheating in the past but, for some reason, you thought you'd be different.
However, 2 months in and they had already fucked someone else. You stupidly forgave them after they spewed lies about how they would 'change' and 'it meant nothing, just a one off'. The cheating carried on for months as well as the constant disrespect
Your ex partner hated Minho because Minho wasn't blind. Your ex had you wrapped around their little finger so they knew they could get away with anything, however, Minho's different.
He saw past the bullshit and that scared your ex. They knew you went crying to Minho, they also knew that Minho 100% tried to convince you to leave them.
To add fuel to the fire, Minho and your ex got into a fight. Minho was around yours and your ex hated that, accused you of doing sexual things with him. You were dumbfounded, your blood boiling with rage as your ex screamed accusations after accusations.
Seeing you in so much pain and distress caused Minho to stand up for you, joining in calling him a bastard and that they don't deserve you. Due to rage, Minho said some things that should not be repeated. Your ex hated that, felt threatened so, in their usual cowardly ways, they swung so Minho swung back.
You broke up the fight, your ex calling you both bitches. You were in floods of tears. A busted lip and a black eye along with some blood were the only injuries Minho sustained. You helped clean him up and once done, Minho had a serious talk with you.
Minho is direct, he doesn't sprinkle sugar onto shit because at the end of the day, it's still shit. The words Minho spoke hurt but it had to hurt in order for you to open your eyes – which you finally did, after 9 months.
Since then, you have been healing with the help of Minho. He was so good to you, making sure you were eating and staying hydrated. Occasionally, he would storm into your apartment, swing you over his shoulder and force you to get dressed by throwing random items of clothing at you.
He loves you and as much as he wants to tell you his feelings, he's scared. He doesn't want to lose you and if that means being friend zoned until the day you both grow old and live with 10 cats, then so be it.
You take Minho's hand into yours. Minho made a mental note of how soft your hands feel against his skin. His heart rate speeding up a little as you drag him inside the store.
You grab a shopping cart, pushing it into the store whilst Minho walks beside you.
"So, what do I need?"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
After half an hour of shopping for ingredients, amongst other things, you paid for it all, walking out the store with multiple bags in hand. You and Minho walk to your apartment. You somehow convinced him to help you cook and by that you meant – 'You cook, I watch'
But how could Minho say no to you when you give him your best puppy eyes, ones that make him melt.
Once home, you got to work unpacking. Minho rolls up his sleeves, washing his hands as you did the same. The ingredients for the meal you plan on cooking spread out across the counters.
"Okay. First things first, we need to cut the meat." Minho instructs. You nod, grabbing a knife. Minho keeps an eye on you, ready to come to your aid in case you hurt yourself. You place the meat on a chopping board, cringing at the texture.
"Ew! it's so slimy!" You whine. Minho shakes his head, laughing softly.
"Slimy? It's raw pork belly (Y/N) How can it be slimy?" Minho chuckles, grabbing a knife also and the veg.
"It just is okay. Don't question my intelligence." You state playfully. Minho looks at you as he washes the veg, eyebrow raised.
"Intelligence? What intelligence?" You pout, glaring at him as he dried the veg, smirking at you.
"You're so mean, Minho!"
"Yet you love me, kitten." Your face flushes red, heart rate slowly speeding up, like it always does when he is his usual charming self.
"Yes, I do." You admit, slicing up the pork. Minho swallows, pressing his lips together. He knew you meant it in the friend way however, he couldn't stop his heart from racing, pounding against his chest.
"Ah, this sucks." He whispers to himself, voicing out his thoughts as he peels and chop the veg.
"Minho!!" You whine, placing the knife down. His head spins to the side, eyes widening as he notices blood from your finger.
"Shit. Are you okay?!" He rushes to your side, looking at your cut finger.
"It hurts, Minho." You sniff.
"I know kitten. Go run it under the water. I'll get first aid." You nod, placing your finger under the cold water. You wince at the sting as Minho comes back with the first aid kit.
"Can I?" He holds his hand out to you. You nod, placing your hand on his. He brings your hand close to his face, looking at your wound.
"Oh kitten. What are you like." He chuckles softly. You pout, feeling somewhat embarrassed. "Lucky, it's only a small cut so, you'll be okay. I'll clean it and put a plaster on for you, okay?"
You nod, your bottom lip still sticking out. Minho cleans your wound and puts a pink plaster around your finger. He kisses it softly, making you go shy at the sweet gesture.
"Now, no more accidents. Okay?"
"Yes Sir!" You salute, giggling softly as Minho rolles his eyes and ruffles your hair.
"Let's get back to work kitten."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It took you and Minho exactly 4 hours to prepare and cook the meal for your date. You're currently getting ready whilst Minho sits on the sofa, sipping some cold water and browsing on his phone.
You instructed him to stay. You insisted you needed help in what to wear for your date and knew Minho would give his honest opinion. As much as Minho didn't want to, he did. It was bad enough he had to help you cook a meal for someone that wasn't him, but hey, if you're happy so is he.
You walk out your bedroom dressed in a sexy yet elegant dress. Your hair styled and face decorated with minimal make-up. You press your lips together, smoothing down your dress as you clear your throat.
Minho looks up from his phone, eyes widening at the sight of you. His body feels warm suddenly, blood rushing south as he looks at you up and down. His mind went blank
"So..?" You nervously ask after seconds of silence "How do I look?"
Minho's brain short circuits. He's speechless. To him, you're the most beautiful women on the planet and even though he is use to seeing you in casual clothing, seeing you in a elegant dress, was breath-taking to him
"Beautiful. You look absolutely beautiful, (Y/N). You're so breath-taking." You look at your feet shyly, playing with your fingers as you smiled softly
"Absolutely." Minho stands, walking towards you. He cups your face in his hands, making you look at him "You're the most beautiful woman on this planet."
Your face flushes red. The rosy red blush you used to decorate your cheeks, merging together with the colour of your flush.
"Y-You don't mean that Min." You whisper, hands coming up and placing them on top of his.
"I mean it kitten. With all my heart, I mean it. I've never seen a more beautiful, yet elegant woman in my life. You make me speechless."
He wants to kiss you. He saw your eyes flickering to his lips and back up again. He wants to convince you to not have this date. Every fibre in his body is screaming at him to just kiss your soft lips, even if it means you hating him for eternity.
He just wants a feel, a taste. To feel your soft skin against his fingertips. To hear your sweet, delicate moans. He's always wondered what you would sound like whilst his cock strokes the deepest parts of your body.
Are you loud or are you quiet? Do you whimper and beg or do you demand? So many questions he's asked himself. So many sinful thoughts he's masturbated to. So many times he's wished he could do sinful things to you
Now is his chance. Should he grab it with greedy hands or should he leave, allow you to have your date even if it means he has to watch from afar, yet again.
He wants it
He wants you. It's so close, he can taste it. That forbidden fruit coating his taste buds, making him addicted to you. His mind fuzzy as your perfume hits his nostrils. It's the same perfume you always use and has no effect on him, however this time, it's different. He feels dizzy. Greedy. Needy. He wants you so bad.
You clear your throat, removing your hands from his. Minho clears his own, blinking a few times as he comes back down to reality
"My date will be here soon."
"A-Ah. Yes, of course. I'll uhm, I'll get going." Minho rushes to the hallway, putting on his coat and shoes. "Have fun kitten. I hope it goes well for you!"
That's a lie.
He doesn't want it to go well. He wants it to end terribly. He wants you to phone him up, sobbing as you decide to tell him how much of an asshole your date is. He wants to be the one to hold you, kiss your forehead and tell you it's all okay. To soothe you of your pain, in more ways than one.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Hours pass by. Minho keeps checking his phone in case he misses you phoning or texting him, but nothing. Knowing that it was probably going well for you, he sighes, his heart heavy with despair and jealousy. Picking up Doongie from his lap, he rise up from the sofa, deciding to call it a night.
Taking off his clothing so he was just in his boxer shorts, he gets into bed. As he's about to shut off his lamp, his phone rings. Looking at his screen, a burst of excitement and hopefulness runs through his body as your contact pops up
There's only one reason why you would phone him so late – your date went terrible
"What do you want?" Minho gives his usual greeting. Silence. He blinks, looking at his screen thinking you disconnected before placing his phone back on his ear
"Kitten? Hello? Are you there?" That's when he hears it. Your heartbroken sobs. Minho shoots up out of bed, redressing himself.
"M-Minho." You sob.
"Hold on kitten, I'll be there."
He drives to your apartment, breaking every law possible but he didn't care. He hates seeing and hearing you cry however, when it comes to your heartbroken sobs, it hits Minho differently. It breaks his own heart.
He knocks on the door before using the spare key you gave him years ago. He lets himself in, looking around your place. He notices the food and table you set has been untouched. The bottle of wine plus one glass was missing from the table
"Kitten?" He softly calls out.
"Living area." Minho rushes to where you were, his legs carrying him as fast as they could. The living area is dimly lit with a lamp that was suppose to set a romantic atmosphere but now held a much sadder atmosphere
His eyes fell on to you, his gaze softening as he sees you sipping the wine on the sofa. He walks over to you, sitting beside you as he cups your cheeks softly.
"Oh kitten. What happened?" Tears prick your lower lash line, spilling over and replacing your dried mascara stains with new ones. Minho's heart break.
"T-They never came! I waited Min. I waited and waited and nothing." You speak through broken sobs, your breath hiccupping in your throat. Minho frowns, wiping away your tears with his thumb.
"Not even a call or text?" You shake your head.
"Nothing! Nothing at all. They just stood me up Min! It'd hurt less if they gave me a shit excuse but no."
Minho pulls you into his chest, rocking you back and forth slowly as he wrapped his arms around you gently. He strokes your arm soothingly. You rest your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.
His musk cinnamon scent hit your nostrils and before you know it, you broke down. Your sobs shake your body, breathing becoming erratic. Minho hushes you softly, stroking your hair to calm you down.
He thought he would be ecstatic to hear about your failed date. That way, he could selfishly have you all to himself. However, seeing and hearing you in so much pain, broke his heart and he no longer felt ecstatic, but sad and stupid.
"There, there kitten. It'll all be okay in the end." His soothing words calm your cries. You pull away from Minho's chest, your breath hiccupping at the back of your throat and chest.
Minho wipes away your tears gently. Your eyes swollen and puffy as they look glossy from the tears. Your cheeks flush red as your skin feels warm from your outburst.
"M-Minho." You hiccup, struggling to catch your breath.
"Before you even think about doing or saying anything, you need to calm down kitten. C'mon, take deep breaths with me." You copy Minho in taking deep breaths, slowly calming down and feeling your heart rate resume its natural pace.
"Good girl." Minho praises, kissing your forehead gently.
"Am I cursed, Min?" You mumble. Minho looks at you confused.
"What do you mean?"
"Every relationship I have fails. Maybe I'm cursed. Maybe I'm destined to be forever alone with 10 cats." Minho chuckles softly, shaking his head.
"You're not cursed kitten. You just haven't found the one yet."
"Have you found 'the one'?" You looked up. Minho was taken aback by your sudden question.
"Why'd you ask?"
"Well, I know you've had relationships in the past but when was your last one? 1, 2–"
"4 years kitten. It's been 4 years since my last relationship."
"Why so long Minho? You're a handsome man, you could have anyone you want."
"But I don't want just anyone, I want you" – is what he wanted to say. He ruffles your hair softly, making you pout.
"Thanks kitten. I'm flattered." Minho winks. "Now, go get changed into something comfortable." You pout, nodding slowly before standing and walking to your bedroom.
You return bare faced, hair down and wearing shorts and an old oversized t-shirt that once belonged to Minho. He smiles, his heart warming up as he sees the t-shirt.
"You still have that old thing?"
"Of course! It's special." You speak, sitting down next to Minho and grabbing your wine glass. He hums softly in acknowledgement. He spent some time with you, helping you clean up the forgotten food. Once he was convinced you were going to be okay, he decided it was time for him to head home.
"Well, I'm going to leave now kitten. Now that I know you'll be okay, I'll be on my way." Minho turns his back to you as he was about to walk to the hallway.
Your hand fly's out instinctively, grabbing Minho's wrist. He looks back at you over his shoulder, slowly turning to putty as you look at him with doll eyes
"Don't go." You whisper. Minho swallows. He's spent the night with you numerous times, however, tonight feels different. He nods slowly, agreeing to stay with you.
"Okay, I'll stay kitten."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
2am rolls over. You and Minho are sitting on the sofa, laughing and gossiping. You both have had a drink so you were feeling a little bit tipsy.
"Don't you miss it, Min?" You ask before bringing your wine glass to your lips. You sip the red liquid, licking your top lip to rid of any residue.
"Miss what?" Minho's eyes dart to your tongue, watching it lick your top lip before disappearing back into your mouth.
"Sex." Normally, Minho would have rolled his eyes, scold you about how nonchalant and straight forward you can be when it comes to sex. However, with the alcohol running through his bloodstream, he didn't mind.
"Yeah. I do."
"What do you miss about it?"
"Everything. The touch, the taste, the sounds. I miss all of it kitten. I am a man after all and just like you, I have needs." Minho winks, sipping his alcoholic beverage. You stick your tongue out at him playfully "Do you miss it?"
You think for a moment before nodding slowly. "Yeah. I miss having a connection with someone though."
"What do you mean?" Minho looks at you, his hand placed on your thigh gently as he strokes your soft skin with his thumb.
"Well, I don't mind one night stands but I miss sex with a meaning. I want to feel connected, feel what my partner is feeling. I want to share it and enjoy it." You let out a deep sigh before speaking "I thought I did, but turns out they're just like the rest of them." You mumble bitterly.
"Don't worry kitten. You will find the one eventually. You're gorgeous, smart and adorable" You roll your eyes at Minho.
"Ahuh and pigs can fly."
"Don't be like that, kitten. I mean it. To me, you're perfect."
"I am?" You ask, looking at him with those eyes that makes him melt. He swallows his saliva. Now is his chance. It's now or never, even if it means sacrificing the friendship.
"Yes, you are. To me, you're the most perfect and beautiful woman to have walked the planet (Y/N)" You blush a deep shade of red. Your heartbeat speeding up and thumping loudly against your chest.
Your skin on your thigh feels hot where Minho is stroking and truth be told, you've forever felt like this around Minho. You've always thought it was because he's a charming man but maybe that's not the case.
Is this – love? Has 'the one' been right under your nose this whole time?
"Remember when you asked me if I've found the one?" You nod "The answer to that is yes, I have."
"Who??" Minho closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, preparing himself for impact. He opens them again, leaning in close to you. You swallow, frozen in place as his face gets dangerously close to yours.
"You." He whispers against your lips. Whether it was the events that happened or the alcohol in his system, he feels a surge of confidence run though him.
He leans in, connecting his lips to your own. Your eyes widen in shock. Minho's lips stay still as you struggle to understand what was happening. Minho's heart beating against his chest so hard, he thought it was going to rip out from his ribcage
Seconds went by painfully for him and when he thought all hope was lost, that he lost you for good, you close your eyes and move your lips against his, encouraging him to move in sync with yours.
A burst of giddiness and disbelief washes over him. You, the person he has loved since forever, was kissing him. It feels like his birthday had come so soon.
You don't hate it, in fact, you love it. Minho's lips are soft and plump. They mould together with your own, like you're made for one another. It's blissful to you.
You wrap your arms around his neck, fingers interlocking behind his neck to keep him close to you. Minho squeezes your thighs gently. You deepen the kiss, lust and want slowly washing over you and consuming your mind
Minho nibbles and licked your bottom lip, silently asking for permission which you granted. Your lips part for his tongue to dive inside. He tastes the inside of your mouth, wine coating his taste buds.
He hum in the kiss as you whimper. Your tongues meeting together. The wet muscles colliding and fighting for dominance – a fight that was guaranteed for you to lose. Saliva pools at the corners of your mouth, your fingers buried in Minho's hair as your skin feels hot to the touch.
Your mouth feels good. Minho's skilful tongue tasting and battling against your own. Lust pools at your core, breathing becoming irregular. Minho parts from your lips, panting softly as the oxygen resumed back into his lungs.
Your lips swollen, cheeks flush as you look at him and whimper.
"Minho. More."
Minho snaps. The rationality that told him no. That told him to hold on, snapped. He stands up, before picking you up by your ass. He cups under it as you wrap your legs around his waist, arms around his neck.
You mewl, feeling his erection against your clothed pussy. As Minho walks to your bedroom, you lick a long, wet strip up his neck, stopping at his ear. You nibble the lobe, causing Minho to shiver and grunt before kissing his neck softly.
Once in your room, Minho places you on the bed gently. Your back landing against your soft mattress. Ethereal. You look so ethereal to him. He wants to caress you, take his time with you. He wants to drive out each and every sweet moan from your lips.
He's wanted this – wanted you – for so long, that every fibre in his body is screaming at him to just pounce on you. Take you roughly, corrupt your mind. He wants to piledrive into you, make you so sore that you'd have no choice but to depend on him for help.
He's a rational man, but when it comes to you, the beast comes out from hiding.
"Minho." You mewl. "C'mere." You extend your arms out, doing grabby hands at him. Minho laughs as he kneels between your legs. The mattress dipping at his weight as he leans over you, hands planting firmly on the mattress against your head.
Leaning in, his lips attached themselves to the skin of your neck. Sucking and nibbling, you moan softly, hands tugging at the bottom of his t-shirt.
He pulls away for a second, taking his t-shirt off. You hum at the sight of his toned body. You place your hand on his chest, feeling how sturdy it is against your fingertips
"You've been working out?"
"From time to time." Minho states with a shrug. He takes your hand from his chest, kissing the palm of your hand gently as he looks in your eyes. You melt as you see nothing but love coating his honey eyes.
"Beautiful. You're so beautiful (Y/N)." you whine softly, turning your head to the side to avoid his gaze. Minho leans over you, tilting your head back to face him with his fingers against your jaw.
You whimper again, closing your eyes as your lips connect again. This time, the kiss is filled with passion, want and love. It's slow and seductive. It allows you both to bask in the feeling of each other. You feel Minho's love radiating from him and you hoped he felt yours.
He's always been the one. You've just been too blind and stupid to realise it – until tonight.
Minho slips your shorts off, throwing them on the floor. You shiver as his fingertips stroke the inside of your thighs, getting dangerously close. You pull away from his lips, lifting the t-shirt up and over your head.
You blush a deep shade of red, feeling exposed in just your baby pink cotton panties. Minho's eyes scan up and down your body, taking in every detail and curve you have to offer.
"M-Minho. Stop staring." You whimper, head turned to the side. You put your arms over your breasts, covering them. Minho clears his throat as he grabs your wrists gently, removing your arms.
"Don't hide. You're extremely gorgeous." His words coated with love as he speaks softly. He looks at your breasts, licking his lips before looking at you "Can I?"
"Of course." You nod. His head dips low. He plants soft kisses down your neck and between your breasts. He cups your left breast in his hand gently, squeezing the soft flesh as his lips kiss your right.
You hum softly. The tip of his tongue circled around your areola as his fingers gently stroke over your hardened nipple. He rolls the sensitive bud between his thumb and pointer finger.
You hum at the sensation, the tip of his tongue flicking across your nipple before he sucks and gently nibbles it. You groan softly, feeling his lips attach to your skin. He kisses and sucks the skin of your breast, leaving marks behind.
He pulls away from your breasts, his cheeks flush. He looks down at you, biting his bottom lip softly.
"Fuck, you drive me crazy." He whispers before kissing your lips again. His hand travels down your stomach to your inner thighs, stroking them slowly.
He gently parts your legs before moving to cup your clothed pussy. You groan in the kiss, his fingers rubbing up and down your slit, feeling a wet patch from your slick slowly forming on your panties.
He gently starts to rub your clit over your panties. Minho swallows each one of your sweet whimpers. Your fingertips lightly travelling down his back, goose bumps rising on his soft skin.
You tug at the waistband of his sweatpants, wanting off. Pulling away from your lips, he takes his sweatpants off, throwing them beside your t-shirt before sitting on the bed, back against the headboard.
You swallow, eyes darting to his crotch. An obvious tent had formed in his black boxer shorts, a wet patch slowly forming from his pre-cum. This time, it was Minho's turn to feel shy
"Stop staring kitten." Minho blushes, clasping his hands together in front of his erection. You sit up, crawling between his legs as you remove his hands slowly
"Don't hide, baby. Show me." You mewl. Minho groans softly, feeling your fingertips dance along his shaft through the material.
"You feel so – girthy. I wonder how you're going to fit inside me." You mewl, locking eyes onto him. He presses his lips together in a thin line, shivering at your words.
"I'll take care of you kitten, don't worry."
"Oh, I have no doubt about that Min." You kiss his shaft gently through the material of his boxer shorts as you hook your fingers under his waistband. You look at him with questioning eyes, to which Minho nods, granting you permission.
You pull down his boxer shorts, discarding them on the ground. His cock springs free from its restraints as a sigh of relief leaves Minho's lips. You swallow, eyes widening.
His cock a little over average in length however, he's girthy. Tip red and coated in a thin layer of pre-cum. His veins protruding along the side, fading at the tip.
"Kitten seriously. Stop staring at me. You're making me shy."
"You're so adorable Minho." You coo. You wrap your hand around the base of his penis, his skin hot against the palm of your hand. You hum softly, slowly stroking him as you lowered your head. The tip of your tongue connected with his tip.
You give small kitten licks, humming as the salty flavour of pre-cum coating your taste buds. You alternate between stroking him and massaging his balls causing Minho to groan softly.
You look up at him through your lashes, your core clenching at the sight of him. Rosy cheeks, glossy eyes and lips parted – he looks so dreamy. You close your eyes, wrapping your lips around his tip. You slowly lower your head, your warm and wet mouth trapping Minho's length. You take half of his length in your mouth.
You bob your head up and down slowly, wasting no time. Your tongue swirling along his length, saliva accumulation in your mouth threatening to spill from the corners. You stroke what you couldn't reach, wrist rotating.
Minho grips the bed sheets, sweet moans leaving his lips. He cannot believe his eyes. He's dreamt of this for so long, that seeing you give him a blowjob feels like another dream.
Your lips around his shaft, the feel of his cock stroking the insides of your mouth as your tongue swirls along his length feels so heavenly to him. He tucks your hair behind your ear, looking down at you as you look up at him through your eyelashes. You hum, the vibrations hitting his cock sending shivers down his spine.
You pull away from him, hand still stroking his cock. Your lips plump and eyes glossy with lust.
"Fuck, I can't." Minho grabs your shoulders gently, pushing you down so your back is against the soft mattress. You squeal, laughing softly.
Minho pulls down your panties, his mouth salivating at the sight of your cunt. Your slick coats your folds making it shine in the dim light. Using two fingers, he parts your folds before stroking up and down your slit getting his fingers coated with your juices.
You hum softly at the feeling, biting your lip as you anticipate his next move. He press his finger against your sensitive clit, rubbing it slowly as he uses your slick as lubricant. Your hips buck at the sensation, Minho chuckling softly.
"Everything okay kitten?"
"M-Mhm. everything is fine just, I haven't been touched like this for a while."
"Do you feel good?"
"I feel amazing, Minho." You look in his eyes and smile softly. Minho's heart leaping out of his chest. He wants to take his time with you, show you how much you mean to him. He's going to handle you with care, like you're the finest pottery on the planet.
"Gosh, you're so beautiful (Y/N)" He whispers, his eyes scanning your body. You were about to protest his statement until you feel a finger slowly insert inside your entrance. He stops at the first knuckle, slowly moving it. He can feel how tight you are. Your cunt clenching around his finger.
"Kitten, relax." He softly speaks, leaning down to kiss your lips again. You hum, allowing yourself to relax which allows Minho to pump his finger inside you. He can feel you loosening around his finger, more of your slick coating him.
He wants to add a second. He wants to penetrate you with his thick cock, but he vowed to himself that he would treasure you. Make it just as pleasurable for you as it is for him
You may have been friends since childhood. You may know each others habits, however, when it comes to sex, you both clearly have some exploring to do. It's all about the chemistry, the connection. It has to feel good for you as it is for him and vice versa.
Only when you moaned out a breathy "more" did he insert a second finger, slowly. You groan, feeling his fingers scissor and stretch you out. He curls his fingers against your walls, his fingertips brushing against you. You wither, soft moans leaving your lips as you grip onto Minho's bicep. His muscles visible tensing as he thrusts his fingers inside you, veins slowly protruding alongside his arm.
Minho takes this time to admire your body. The way your stomach tenses and chest rises rapidly from your laboured breathing. How you would struggle to hold onto something because you feel too good. Your hair fanned out on the sheets, a thin layer of sweat slowly forming on your body.
This image of you will forever be engraved in his mind.
"M-Minho. I need more, I need so much more." Minho swallows, slowing down his thrusts. His cock twitching at the implication.
"A-Are you sure, kitten?" You nod your head fast, looking at him with doll eyes, begging him to penetrate you. "Okay, only if you're sure."
"A hundred percent Minho. Please, I need you so badly." You whimper as Minho pulls his fingers out off you slowly.
"Protection?" You point to your side draw. Minho raises a brow, opening the drawer to reveal a pack of condoms. He takes one before kneeling between your legs.
"You have a habit of keeping condoms in the side drawer or?" You playfully glare at him as he smirks.
"You can never be too sure, Minho! Its always best to keep protection close by."
"I guess." Minho shrugs as you raise a brow
"Don't you keep a pack close by? You know, just in case you bring home a one night stand?" You question.
"Nope." Minho opens the packet, taking the condom out.
"So you mean to tell me that you don't use them?" Minho shakes his head slowly as he smirks at you "Why."
Minho pumps himself a few times before rolling the condom on his length. "Because kitten, I prefer to go in raw."
You press your lips together, shivering at his words. "Maybe one day, you can fuck me raw."
"Don't tempt me kitten. It's bad enough that I'm battling between being rough and being gentle." You smirk, opening your legs wide. Grabbing the base of his cock, he guided his tip to your entrance.
"Ready Kitten?" Minho speaks softly.
"I'm ready." Minho pushes himself slowly inside you, taking extra care not to hurt you the best he could. You hiss, the burn radiating throughout your body from the stretch.
Minho pushes half his length inside you, pausing to allow you time to adjust. Your tight cunt clamping around his length, making it harder for him to cling onto the little bit of rationality he has left.
Minho interlocks his fingers with yours, stroking your hand softly with his thumb hoping to relieve you of your discomfort. You squeeze his hand gently.
"It's okay kitten. Take your time. Just let me know when you're ready." He speaks softly. You whimper, nodding. Minho patiently waits for you to adjust. Seconds later, you indicate that you are. Taking your waist in his hands, he slowly starts to thrust.
You groan at the feeling, the pain slowly turning into pleasure the more he thrusts. Your warmth encapsulated Minho's cock, making him shiver and slowly drown at the feeling
"Minho, faster, more!" You whisper. Minho grips your hips tightly, inserting the remaining of his length until he's bottomed out. You groan at the feeling of fullness, gripping the bed sheets in your hands. Minho's thrusts become powerful and fast. Skin slapping on skin, moans mixing and bouncing off the walls. You wither beneath him, unable to comprehend the amount of pleasure you're receiving.
Minho was also struggling to comprehend his own pleasure. Your warm, wet cunt feels so good around him. He feels like he's drowning. His head kicked back as soft groans left his lips. His body shining in the dim light due to it being coated in a thin layer of sweat. Beads of sweat run down his forehead and temples as his hair stocks to his skin.
"This is so much better than what I imagined." He groans between pants. You purposefully clench around his cock, making his moan.
"You feel good babe?" He nods fast, bottom lip captured between his bunny teeth. "Me too, It feels so good."
Minho's hips began to falter, his movements becoming sloppy. He squeezes your waist tightly, panting hard before the pad of his thumb comes into contact with your clit.
He rubs the sensitive bud as he thrusts into you. Your thighs shaking as your body jolts at the new sensation. You moan and whimper, the knot in the pit of your stomach tightening. Minho feels it from the way your cunt has a vice grip around his length, making it difficult for him to move.
"I think I'm going to cum." You struggle to say between your pants.
"Cum kitten. Cum around my cock." You squeeze your eyes shut, your orgasm washing over you in an instant. You cunt clenches and releases around Minho as your body shakes and empty moans leave your mouth. From how tight your cunt has a hold of him, Minho stops moving as he groans, emptying himself in the condom.
Minho continues to rub your clit, helping you rid out your high as he shallowly thrusts inside you to help rid out his own. Once calm, you push his hand away, claiming you're sensitive to the touch.
Minho chuckles, pulling you out of you and taking the condom off. He ties it before disposing of it in the trash. He lays next to you as your eyes slowly close.
Pulling your sweaty body against his own, you snuggle into him, enjoying the warmth and comfort he provides. You hum softly in contentment as you feel yourself relax – sleep slowly consuming your body
"Hey, no sleeping. We have to get cleaned up Kitten." Minho speaks softly
"What's there to clean? We used protection." You whisper.
"Well, you're probably sore and sweaty, so we have to help you get comfortable."
"I guess so, but I'm too tired, so carry me!"
"Absolutely not." You pout as you whine.
"You're so mean Minho!"
"But you love me."
You smiled softly at him. The typical banter between you both now having a new meaning.
"Yes. Yes, I do."
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llycaons · 11 months
ep24 (pt 1): jgs stopppp for real stoppp
the first 1/3rd of this episode dragged a bit but the rest had such juicy character conversations between wwx and important people to him that it was a really good time
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see! he can be tactful! he's very polite in addressing this overstep, and he doesn't even give jgs an answer. he just says 'we should leave it up to my sister, who's actually the one getting married'
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*sprays water on him* YOU'RE NOTHING
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why did jc look at wwx while saying this. it was deliberate. I've never noticed before. wtf
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this was kind of funny. jgy says some vague pleasantries about how all the clans are struggling and everyone's like 'oh fuck...this guy is on to something' and lxc is looking all pleased
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jgy looks so intense all the time it freaks me out. also. HIS GRANDMA?? jgs's mom??!!! damn I don't remember this
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they love this angle
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ohhh wwx remembering jfm teaching him to shoot arrows so kindly...he breaks in a big smile immediately after this. it all hurts
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this is jc, destroying the herald of the wens above the door of lotus pier's entrance hall. it might be the first time we see him use zidian, and he is SEETHING in anger. that means something!
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it's so pretty in there and there is so much space! I have this sense of it as very minimalist but it's really not, it's just restrained and reserved, like it's inhabitant. and very spacious
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lwj's first stab at defiance. he doesn't want to copy the rules, he wants to help wwx. but lqr seems to see him as a lost cause, or near enough to be dangerous to lwj. lxc is sent instead, the more objective one, the politician
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to his credit, I can see this speech inspiring people who lose a lot to the wens. wwx is looking a little dead-eyed to me, but jyl is proud!
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ohh background jumpscare
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I like how his turmoil is expressed here. and his dark brown eyes are so beautiful
I've seen posts like 'it's not the lan clan rules' fault that the sects are corrupt' but I think it's disingenuous to act like they don't play ANY role in lwj's decisions or his mistakes. they're clearly source of internal conflict for him, and a significant amount of his character growth rests on elevating himself to a state in which he can make his own moral decisions based on his own judgement rather than obeying authority without question
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okay I know he's doing his best to lead and improve his men but look at his face in the first expression. SO angry and contemptuous
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he's stressed and alone, and jyl clearly is trying to pick up his slack, and it's not fair this happened to him, but. dude. you gotta be nicer to your guys. I can't believe more people didn't quit after this treatment
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in fairness wwx did say he'd help and then left to go drinking without explaining why he's so tired and unmotivated and unable to help, and that obviously doesn't look very good to jc, but jc also handles it really immaturely too
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while jyl extends compassion and understanding for the difficulties wwx is having, jc rejects any attempt to sympathize with wwx. when asked to consider his feelings, he instead insists that his are the priority. he's such a strict thinker, no flexibility or tolerance for nuance at all. he sees wwx as a spoiled kid who slacks off and leaves jc with all the work, which is pretty incredible (in a bad way) when you think about how dedicated wwx was to jyl and jc after the massacre and the war. it's a little more forgivable pre-sunshot when wwx goofed off a lot, but post sunshot? after ALL that? he may be struggling with a lot of responsibility, but like, dude
but yeah, SUCH a selfless character 🙄
edit: oh jgs and jgy had a really annoying conversation earlier on that I didn't screencap but it SUCKED. that's where the title comes from
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i-cant-sing · 3 years
STOPPP teen reader being adored by LOV clan & todoroki clan AND dating Bakugou, she’s gonna be coddled so hard
But like imagine if when Bakugou is kidnapped by the LOV reader just walks past like “ayo” and goes to make some cereal or something like this is a daily occurrence, and she knows (or hopes) that the LOV won’t acc hurt her bf lol
& Bakugou is just switching between “hey babe 😁” to reader and “I’LL KILL U ALL” to LOV lmaooo
Imagine how the LoV and Todoroki clan reacts when the baby of the family comes over to them looking very nervous as she tells that she's dating someone and wants them to meet him. Dabi and Shigaraki are the first is the first one to outright say "No." rejecting the idea even before you said Katsuki's name, not even when you give your puppy eyes. The others? Well, they try not to outright reject the idea, mostly because that would break your heart and they don't wanna be the bad guys in your book, but also because they want you to say the name so that they can go ahead and intimidate that boy into leaving you alone.
But when you bring the loud, brash, overconfident Katsuki Bakugou over for dinner, everyone is shocked. Like they all know nobody will ever be good for you, but what the hell did you even see in the blonde brat? He's the complete opposite of you, you two have nothing in common.
They don't understand that Katsuki is a completely different person to you. He's so soft, never raises his voice at you, lets you put stickers on his face and does all the lovey dovey romantic shit, all for you. Just as long you don't ever breathe a word of it to anyone else.
Everyone is trying their best not to kill the rat for plaguing your pure mind, hell even Aunty Himiko is being sweet and welcoming (only so that she can prick him and whisper threats in his ear).
I do see the LoV being more accepting of the relationship than Todoroki clan, because 1. they do understand that you need to have a romantic relationship with someone 2. if they accept the relationship first, then they will also gain your favour when time comes to choose between them and the Todoroki clan.
When shit goes down and you and Dabi part ways with Todoroki clan, the LoV decide its high time to kidnap Bakugou, either to convince him to join them (so that they won't have to worry about him taking you away from them) or to kill him, getting rid of him permanently (you made them all pinky swear they won't hurt a hair on his head, yes even a very upset, grumbling Shigaraki and Dabi- there's a joke in the LoV that Shigaraki and Dabi are a bickering couple)
And the whole scene is so fucking funny omg like imagine the villains are like trying to convince Katsuki to join them, and he's yelling insults at them and then reader just walks in like "Oh, hey babe!😄🌸" And Katsuki stops yelling, looks at reader and smiles "Hey princess! 🥰" and then goes back to yelling when you go into the kitchen to make some food for everyone with Kurogiri, only stomping in back when you hear Dabi threaten to chop him up and burn him to ashes. Cue the LoV trying to hold back their laughter and a very confused Katsuki, who are looking at Dabi pouting when he's being scolded by his own daughter. "You will not chop up Katsuki, dad! And you will not burn him! He's my boyfriend😤" you say, while wearing a pink frilly apron and wagging your Hello Kitty spatula at him.
And when the LoV decide to lock Katsuki in the basement without food and water (because you refuse to let them torture him, so this is the only option for them), they're all face palming when they see you through the cameras set up, going to the basement, and setting down the tray that contained a whole ass feast. Twice just smacks his head against the wall when you begin feeding Katsuki, asking if the food tastes good. Dabi and Shigaraki shriek and practically sprint down to the basement when you begin kissing Katsuki, pulling you off as they drag you out of the basement. Dabi wanted to go back and kill Katsuki for touching you (even tho it was u who initiated the kiss) but he was too busy washing your mouth with soap and mumbling about how his sweet innocent baby angel is getting tainted, while Shigaraki was actually considering calling up Overhaul to purify you of Katsuki's germs or... cooties?
In simple words, I love this family vs Katsuki vs family thing.
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POV: You Got Wayyy Too High
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Warnings: Drug use (weed lol)
Aizawa Shouta/ Eraserhead
“Hey, what are you doing?” asked Aizawa as he plopped his bag at the door. You were trying to smoke weed from a pipe, but instead of lighting the actual herb, you were trying to heat it up from the bottom of the pipe.
You’d never smoked weed, but wanted to try it and bought the supplies from a local smoke shop, as well as buying some good stuff from your friend.
Unfortunetly, you also didn’t bother to look up how to actually use a pipe, instead just relying on knowledge you gained from drug documentaries.
This meant that you only knew how people heated up heroin with a flame under the spoon, which meant that surely you could do the same with weed.
“No, no, no, no. Stop that,” he ordered. You were his age, but nonetheless still buckled under his stern tone.
“Look, do you need me to show you how to do it?” he asked, gently taking the glass pipe from your hand. You nodded.
“Watch carefully,” he ordered, as he properly lit up the herb as he inhaled the smoke. He then passed it to you, watching you carefully to make sure you were doing it right. Soon, you got the hang of it.
Even sooner, though, you were a coughing mess.
“Calm it down, there. Don’t take huge puffs. You’re not impressing anyone here, y/n,” he scolded, taking another puff. He did it effortlessly, as if he’d done it for years. (He has.)
You wanted to impress him, though, even though he seemed to not care what you did. You just wanted to prove to him that you were ~cool~.
Well, this ended up in you looking very... uncool.
While Aizawa was chilling with a pretty decent high, you were laid across the bed, starfish style, blasting music in your ears. You were honestly vibing though, so Aizawa didn’t mess with you. For now.
The next day, he definitely teased you a little bit about how totally out of it you were, and how you listened to the same song on loop for 3 hours.
“How did you know that?” You asked, cocking a brow.
“Uh, because your headphones weren’t plugged in?”
Yagi Toshinori/ All Might
He was smoking when you came home, and though he tried to hide it, you smelled it. He acted as if he was just caught as a 17 year old in his mom’s house.
“Uh, no, it’s nothing! I...I don’t do anything like that!” He insisted.
“Toshi, come on. I can smell it,” you smiled. He covered his face.
“Please, please, keep this between you and I...I only do it because it helps with the pain and-”
You cut him off, “ I dont care why you do it, just lemme have some already!” 
Of course, you were just teasing him, and he knew that, but he couldn’t help but ask, “...You smoke?”
You shook your head playfully.
“If you’ll let me, I’d like to try some, though!” 
He passed it to you, and you took a way-too-long drag. Instantly, you were doubled over, coughing and hacking your lungs out. 
He patted your back firmly.
“Since this is your first time, you’re gonna cough a little. Just try to take smaller puffs and take deep breaths. There you go.”
Once you recovered, and Yagi got his turn, he handed the joint back to you. It continued to be passed back and forth between you two until it was finally no longer than a centimeter. 
For a moment, you both just chilled out on the couch together, just vibing. That was until Toshinori noticed your goofy, dreamy facial expression. He chuckled to himself, but that was all you needed to become hysterical, laughing so hard that you couldn’t breathe. Seeing you laugh so much of course made Toshi a mess as well, which only added to your decent into utter madness.
Eventually, though, you both calmed down, and Toshi excused himself so that he could go take a quick bath. He often did this whenever he smoked, so that the warm water could aid even more in soothing his aching muscles and creaky bones.
So you were left alone. Totally unattended. At first, everything was totally fine.
However, as you started to actually feel the effects of the herb, you began to panic.
Is this normal? Does everyone else feel like this when they smoke? Oh God, this isn’t right...oh fuck, I’m gonna be the first dumbass to OD on THC...fuck...
Thoughts whizzed past your brain, every single one making sure you knew how totally fucked you were.
Tears streamed silently down your cheeks as you counted your pulse with two fingers on your wrist, but you coulnd’t find a pulse.
oh fuck...i’m probably going to pass out any minute now...it’s all over...
Images of your final goodbyes to everyone you loved flashed just behind your eyes.
“How’re you holding up, pumpkin?” asked Toshi, coming back from the bath, in a robe and his golden hair still damp.
You looked at him, your eyes red and puffy.
“Toshi...I’m...I’m dying...I love you, okay?” you murmured. He would have laughed, all except he saw the genuine fear in your eyes. 
He sat down next to you, surrounding you with all of his lanky limbs. 
“You’re not dying, honey. What you’re feeling right now is totally normal, I promise. Take some nice, deep breaths for me. Come on. There you go. Good.”
He cradled you there for a good while, until he felt your tense muscles finally slacken, and your breathing evened out.
Toshi made a mental note to never let you smoke that much ever again, guilt pinching at his sides.
Fatgum/Taishiro Toyomitsu
You had taken an edible cookie from your friend. She told you it was just a small bit in there, just enough for you to feel something.
You decided to be modest, eating just half of the cookie. You didn’t notice any effects, and out of sheer boredom you decided to go ahead and eat the rest of it. No harm in that, right?
Well, an hour later, it kicked in. You were expecting to feel something interesting, but you definately weren’t expecting anything like this at all. 
Everything seemed so far away. Even your breathing sounded like it was coming down a long corridor and echoing to your ears. You could feel your soul swimming in your body. 
Fatgum, who you lived with, luckily finished his hero duties early, and walked into the house joyfully as usual.  He called out your name. You didn’t reply.
His large footsteps could be heard, but you were too busy thinking about how weird breathing sounds to notice. 
Fatgum soon found you collapsed on the bathroom floor, face pressed against the cool tile.
Immediately, he propped you up against the wall, looking into your eyes with great concern.
“What did you take? Y/n, look at me. What did you take?” 
You lazily looked at him, your face completely serious. As serious as it could be, anyway.
“...i...it was...edible...” you mumbled out. As soon as he understood, he was laughing hysterically.
“s..stop...s not funny...” you grumbled, punching him in the gut. 
“Alright, alright... let’s get you into bed. You’ll feel much better once you wake up,” he smiled, picking you up and bringing you into the bedroom. 
You quickly were comforted by the warm, heavy comforter. Fatgum took a moment to look at you in your groggy state, trying his best to hold back a laugh. It was so painfully obvious that you’d never done anything like this in your life. His only regret was not being around to witness your ascent into cloud 9.
Soon, though, you had drifted into dreamland.
Hizashi Yamada
You locked yourself in your bathroom, sneakily lighting up the joint you bought off of your friend. Your boyfriend was in his room, playing Fortnite or some shit, and frankly, you were embarrassed to smoke in front of him. You knew that he’d definately find something to roast you about, and he was relentless.
A couple minutes after you lit up, though, the door was basically busted down.
“HEY, HEY! You better be planning on sharing some of that!” yelled Hizashi, his hand already out and waiting. He still had his headset on, but you saw with relief that his mic was turned off. You passed it to him.
“Augh! Where the hell didja get this weak shit, y/n? Nah, this ain’t gonna cut it,” he complained, putting it out. 
“Hey! I got that from my friend, dude! What the hell?” you frowned. Before you could be too mad at the waste, though, Hizashi pulled out a small wooden box from under his bed. Opening it, he revealed his stash of entirely too much pot.
You covered your mouth, stifiling a laugh. How the fuck could you have not smelled it? 
Within five minutes, he’d rolled up a blunt, and was passing it to you, already lit. 
It was gone after a little over half an hour, and you could already feel the effects. Your eyes were dry, your stomach craving junk food, and your brain craving chill vibes.
He returned to his game, unbothered but his volume definately toned down about 5 notches. He was a lot more chill than you’d ever seen him act, ever.
You found your way into the kitchen.
Once his game was over, he met you in there. You were in front of the fridge, pulling out thing after thing. By the time he’d gotten to you, you had eaten half a jar of pickles, three pieces of cake (with your bare hands), drank a bunch of soda, and you were headed for the chips that were sitting idly on the top of the fridge.
“oh, God...what the fuck are ya up to, dude?” he groaned. He did not want to deal with this mess.
You grinned at him.  “I dunno, maan... look dude could you just get me these up here? please bro...” you giggled. He sighed dramatically, taking them.
However, instead of handing them over to you, with your dirty little fingers, he ate them.
“stoppp, bro, please lemme get some!” you pouted. He acted as if he couldn’t hear you, leaving the kitchen. You followed after him, kicking him in the shins. 
Still, he didn’t seem to notice.
“Hizashi, come on, maaannnn!” 
He laid himself on the bed, covering himself with blankets. He pulled out his phone, calling you.  “Y/n, I miss you so much, man. Come chill out!” he spoke into the phone, trying his best not to break the act. You were absolutely furious at this point, punching at him.
“I’m right here, you doughnut!!” you groaned.  Dramatically sighing, Hizashi frowned, “I really wish y/n was here to sesh with me...” all while still eating the chips. You jumped on top of him. 
Finally, you caught him off gaurd, grabbed the chips, and locked yourself back up in the bathroom. 
This time, though, he just left you be. 
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mywonuderful · 3 years
anon request: Hi! Can I request for a scenario where hyunjae texted his s/o whining about how he's frustrated from practice because he's not satisfied so you decided to visit him to cheer him up? Thank you! pairing: idol!hyunjae x non idol!reader genre: fluff warnings: n/a a/n: this was inspired by the latest Kingdom: Legendary War episode and for those who haven't watched it yet, I won't mention any spoilers but just be sure to show your support to The Boyz as the final round is coming up!
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oh please him and this pouty lips stoppp
"Why can't I get this move down?!" Hyunjae lets out a frustrated sigh, going back to the starting position before one of his members pressed play as he danced to the music. "What's wrong? You were dancing really well!" Changmin patted his back from behind but he didn't seem to take in his compliment as he clicked his tongue, turning to face the main dancer. "Could you go through this section again? I'm always a split second off from you guys." Changmin nodded as a few others joined where he went over the moves, giving them a thumbs up but Hyunjae still felt like something was off about his performance. As the rest of the members lingered around in the practice room, fooling around or cooling off, Hyunjae was dancing with his brows furrowed, sweat dripping down is forehead as he danced in repetition to only grumble every time.
"Hyung, forcing yourself to dance isn't going to do you any good. How about we just call it a day and head back home?" Eric suggested as the boys joined in agreement. "You guys can head out first. I'm going to practice a bit more before heading back." The boys left one by one before he was left alone in the dance room. He walked over to his bag to pick up his phone, checking to see how you were doing.
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He lets out disappointed sigh, missing your presence but it couldn't be helped since neither of your schedules match up recently as the only communication between the two of you would either be messaging or video calls. Especially when his team being on Kingdom: Legendary War made it even harder for the two of you to even just have a phone call. Frowning, he sets his phone down and went back to dancing. No matter how many times he went over the moves, he was just never happy with the performance he gave out, getting more frustrated at himself.
Your boss actually let everyone off work early today after a week of an hectic yet successful promotional event. You were overjoyed by the fact that you could finally leave work early on such a beautiful day as you bid all your co-workers goodbye before heading to the elevators when you bumped into one of your friends. "Signing off early today?" She asked as you turned on your phone, seeing the text from your boyfriend. "Yeah, she wanted us to enjoy the start of the summer weather. Plus, after such a busy week with pulling all-nighters and promotions, I think it's very much needed for us to have some recovery time." The two of you laughed "Right, congratulations of the successful event! Employees from my department and I heard how you guys were working nonstop for it. I can say that the results were definitely worth it." You thank her as the elevator doors opened, as it was almost filled. You gestured her to take the empty spot for you pressed the button again, waiting for the next available lift. Your lips dropped as you read his messages, feeling helpless in your shoes since you couldn't do anything when an idea popped up in your head.
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You sheepishly smiles as you entered the elevator, walking out your company building before heading over to a couple of restaurants, walking out for bags full of takeout.
After a long, repetitive and disappointing practice, Hyunjae headed back to the dorms, feeling restless and miserable about his lack progress as the performance day approaching closer and closer. He entered as his members asked for his suggestion on what he wanted to eat for dinner. "What do you want to eat tonight? We're going to order takeout." Younghoon waved his phone and asked his fellow member. The members were gathered in the living room, observing his actions before looking at each other, sensing that he wasn't at a happy mood. "Hyunjae, do you want us to order from your favorite chicken place?" Jacob kindly asked but he didn't bother answering as he went straight to his room, slamming the door behind before throwing his bag to go shower.
"He doesn't look like he's in a good mood." You spoke through the phone call after hearing a faint thud from his door. You originally called Younghoon to tell him your plan when he accidently placed you on speaker as all the members heard. The members were delighted by what you had in mind and decided on surprising Hyunjae as Younghoon would pretend to call a restaurant to see if he wanted anything in particular but actually had you on speaker as you remained silent when the plan didn't exactly go to plan. "Yeah he has been quite stressed over the choreography and upcoming performance. I can't blame him though, it is one of the hardest ones yet so he probably wants to do his best." Changmin added as your heart ached from not being able to be by his side. You told the boys that you're on the way to the dorm and keep it a secret from you boyfriend. Stopping by a few more stores, the bags around your hands starts to get heavy as your knuckles becomes white from holding so many boxes. You called a member down as you walked into their apartment, being greeted by their smile that you haven't seen in a while.
"It's been like years since I last saw you!" Eric runs to you as you struggled to walk straight from the amount of bags. "It truly feels like years." You laughed at his comment as helped you carry some of the bags. He peeked through, a huge smile forming on his face when he saw all the food that you bought. "It's a good thing you stopped by today. Hyunjae hyung has been having a rough time with practice." Eric spoke as the two of you stepped into the elevator. "I don't think I've ever seen him this frustrated before. He was practicing alone the other day and I heard him yell at himself when I was passing by..." Your heart dropped from hearing Eric's words. You bitterly smiled at him as he reassured that your boyfriend is trying his best to take care of his health and all but your heart couldn't settle. You arrived at the door when Eric told you to remain outside as he would get Hyunjae to open the door. You stood outside, nervous yet anxious from seeing your boyfriend for the first time in a while. You thought about what you would say when you saw him and how he would react.
"Takeout is delivered!" Eric yelled as he entered, rapid footsteps were heard as the members ran towards him whispering "Where's Y/N?" as he whispered back his plan. "HYUNJAE COME OUT AND EAT." Younghoon yelled from the living room as you giggled, hearing his voice from outside. "I'm not hungry." You pressed your ear to the door as you hear your lover's mumbled voice "We ordered chicken and it should be here any moment now!" Eric yelled as that was your cue to ring the doorbell, feeling your whole body shake from nervousness. "Hyunjae! Opened the door, your fried chicken is here." Sangyeon called as there was a short period of silence before you hear his door click opened. "Can't you guys open it? Why do I have to open it?" He snapped as the boys looked at him with a shocked expression before Sangyeon cleared his throat, trying to go with the plan. "U-Um, our fingers are all dirty? Just opened the door, we ordered from your favorite restaurant." His eyes lit up for a second before he groaned stomping his way to the doorway as your heart started racing, seconds away from seeing your boyfriend.
You eyes widen as the door slowly opened but stopped right enough for him to stick only his hand. He opened his hand, waiting for you to hand him the chicken when you reaching your hands into his, intertwining fingers before he retrieved his hand swinging the door opened. "What the f-" "Special delivery for the one and only Lee Jaehyun." You smiled, raising the bags in front of your face to hide your flushed cheeks. He took the bags from your hands before placing them down, pulling you into his chest as he wrapped his arms tightly around you, almost taking your breathe away. "Oh my gosh, I missed you so much." He whispered as you blinked back the tears that were blurring your vision. You looked into the dorm, seeing the faces of the members as some where happily munching and others had their phones out, capturing the sweet moment.
"I thought you said you weren't hungry." you mocked Hyunjae's voice from earlier as he picked up another chicken leg, shyly smiling as he bit into it. You sat with the boys as they all thank you for the food that you bought. "You guys must've been too busy to even eat your meals so I decided to stop by with some food for you guys." smiling, you looked around as all the boys where eating their hearts away. You felt a little sad that they were so busy with the upcoming competition but you knew that it's what they loved to do. You glanced over at your boyfriend, as he rested his head on your shoulder, letting out a content sigh. "Wow, I think this is the happiest I've felt in a while. I have you guys, chicken and Y/N all in one room.... This must be pure happiness." he spoke out loud before everyone broke into laughter. After everyone was finished eating, they all went on to do their own activities as you and Hyunjae headed into his room. Once he opened the door, the scent of his cologne travelled to your nose as you let out a delighted sigh
"Wow, it's been a minute since I've been here." You looked around his room. Even though nothing has changed since your last visit, you felt yourself reminiscing that moment. You looked over at your boyfriend who as lying on his bed as he patted the spot next to him, telling you to join him. "It's been a minute since I saw my gorgeous girlfriend." He stated as your sat beside him, legs crossed as he plotted himself up with the support of his elbows. You surveyed your boyfriend as you noticed his eyebags were getting dark, his appearance looking tired, overworked and stressed as you felt your eyes watering. "Why are you crying my love?" His eyes widen as tears fell from you eyes. He sat up, hands on either side of your face as he brushed the tears with his thumbs, giving you a worried look. You shook your head before pulling him into a hug, him stroking your back. "I'm such a horrible girlfriend." You felt his movements come to a halt at your words as he broke the hug, you avoiding his eyes. "Why would you ever tell yourself that?" His voice full of love and concern only made you want to breakdown in front of him even more but you held back, wiping away the tears. "I couldn't by your side when times where difficult for you. I couldn't comfort you when you needed someone the most." You explained as he slightly frowned, hurt by your words.
"That's not true at all." He brushed the hairs at of your face as you looked up at him, eyes red and puffy. "You're the energy when I'm low and my light in my darkness. You may not know it but just the thought of you gave me the motivation, the encouragement and inspiration to strive and work harder" He smiled as you couldn't help but to do the same. "I know with both of our schedules it's hard to make time for each other but that doesn't stop me from thinking about you, missing you yet supporting you from afar because I know you do the same." He went on as you suddenly laughed, catching him off guard. "I came here today to comfort you... Why does it feel like the opposite." He laughed before he laid down on your crossed legs, hands playing with yours. "Didn't you tell me your boss wouldn't let you guys off work?" He asked as you caressed his face. "She let us off early today as a little celebration for the successful promotion and to enjoy the start of the summer weather." He narrowed his eyes at you, realizing that you were lying at him through text. "Congratulations on the event, it must've been stressful for you and your team to handle everything. I'm so proud of you." You cheeks tinted at his sudden praise as he hand touched your face, feeling the warmth of your blush. "I decided to surprise you since you were having a hard time." He hummed, closing his eyes.
"I would be lying if I said I wasn't having a hard time. All the members are doing so well during practice but I can't seem to follow up to them. It's like something was off or missing of me whenever I practice with them. I just want to do the best in my part so it'll be perfect for the team, you know?" He let out his thoughts as you nodded attentively. "Were you able to find what was missing?" You asked as he opened his eyes meeting yours as the direct contact made your heart skip a beat. "Hmm... I'm not sure but I guess it has been getting better compared to a few days ago. But today, it was just so frustrating. I was screaming and yelling at myself because I couldn't find out what was wrong." He pouted as you let out an "aw," sympathizing with him. "I'm so sorry, babe. If there's ever anything I can do for you, you know I'll always be there for you no matter what time of day it is right?" You ruffled his hair as he grinned, his eyes hinting that he had something up his sleeves. "I think I'm losing hair." He suddenly confessed as your jaw dropped, hands going through his hair as he laid on your legs, examining. "I think I pulled out a lot of hair from today's irritating practice." He whined as he rubbed his head, you cooing as you ran your fingers through his hair. "Could you massage my head for me?" he shyly asked, you giggling at his request "Anything for my mirae"
He let out a hum as you continued, seeing how relaxed he was. The faint music playing from his laptop along with his steady breath made you feel at home with your boyfriend who you could finally embrace. You fingers ran through the hair of his, as a smile would form on his face time to time, making your lips curve up into a grin.
"I think I finally found what I was missing." He broke the silence, eyes glancing up to yours as you stared into his big, bright orbits. "That's great. What was it?" You hummed in response, fingers still slowly working through his hair. "You."
cafuné (n): running your fingers through the hair of someone you love
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alloftheimaginess · 3 years
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Requested on wattpad
Warnings: mentions of cancer, death and shitty writing
Also excuse the sad imagines I’ll be posting. They are helping me with my grieving process
"Mommy I need you to record me" Phoebe says as soon as I walk off set.
"What's happening?" I ask going over to her and she smiles at my costume.
“I like your costume” she says and I smile at her.
"But I want you to record me doing something" she says and I nod pulling my phone out.
"Okay I'm recording. What are you going to do?" I ask recording her as we move to outside where the filming isn’t taking place.
"Tom taught me how to cartwheel and it was super cool because he was in his Spider-Man costume" she says grinning at the camera.
"Show me, I want to see it" I say and she nods and she runs back a little and she does it halfway and I cheer.
"That was amazing bee" I say cheering her on and she bows.
"Thank you, thank you" she says blowing kisses and she runs up to the camera smiling a big toothless smile and she makes a face before covering the camera.
"We got you something bee" I say and she looks up from her homework.
"What is it?" She asks.
"A gift" I say and Chris hands her the box.
"What is this?" She asks shaking it.
"It's a surprise for you" he says.
"But it's not my birthday, that was last month and Christmas isn't for another month" she says.
"We know but we wanted to surprise you" I say and she nods.
"Okay" she says unwrapping it and she takes the top off and she starts screaming as she climbs on her knees in the seat to get a better look inside the box and she pulls out the ultrasound.
"You have a baby?" She asks.
"Yeah we do" I say and she jumps up and down with excitement on her knees as she pulls the other stuff out the box.
"It's so tiny and cute" she says cuddling the onesie.
"Do you know what it is?" She asks.
"Not yet, we are going to figure that out soon. Uncle Scott and auntie Sn are throwing a reveal party" I say and she holds the ultrasound up squealing.
"I can't wait to give this baby all my love" she says.
"What about us?" Chris asks and she looks up from looking closely at the ultrasound.
"I don't have enough to love all three of you so I'll love you both until the baby gets here. It's not that hard to understand daddy" she says with a duh tone and he laughs.
"I guess it's the only logical thing to do, foolish me" he says and I laugh as she kisses the ultrasound.
"Last session" I say and she grins at my phone as I record her.
"I'm going to beat cancers booty" she says and I laugh.
"Yes you are, you're my little superhero" I say.
"I want to be the Hulk" she says.
"The Hulk?" I ask and she grins even wider nodding.
"Yes. He doesn't have to wear clothes and no one complains when he doesn't, nothing scares him and he can't die. Also uncle Mark is cute" she says giggling and I laugh.
"Totally agree with you there" I say.
"Plus who wouldn't want to be green?" She asks.
"I wouldn't want to be green" I say.
"Yeah because you're boring" she says and I gasp holding my chest.
"You wound me" I say.
"I'm just kidding mommy you're not boring. You just don't understand the Hulk" she says laughing and Chris walks in looking down at his phone.
"Daddy!" She yells and he jumps causing her to laugh even harder.
"What's up bug?" He asks turning to face her as he puts his phone away.
"If you had to be any other superhero that's not Captain America who would you be?" She asks.
"Ooh maybe Iron man" he says and she nods.
"Who did mommy pick?" He asks.
"She didn't. I did though" she says.
"You'd be the Hulk because he doesn't have to wear clothes, huh?" He asks and I laugh shaking my head.
"That was her exact answer" I say and he laughs unpacking her lunch.
"Let me in or else I'll beat down your door, then two strangers who had been two silhouettes on the shade said to my shock you're on the wrong block" she sings.
"Silhouette" I sing.
"Silhouette" she sings super high and she instantly starts cracking up.
"Silhouette" I sing and she doubles over from laughter.
"Silhouette" she sings through her giggles, gasping for air and I start laughing with her.
"I appreciate your dedication to this performance" I say and she leans on me trying to calm down.
"The show must go on" she says in giggles and I smile at her and she leans on my arm trying to completely calm down.
"Merry Christmas, merry Christmas, merry Christmas" she sings over and over as she dances through the house and she drops a gift in my lap and I look up and she drops one on Chris.
"What's this?" He asks.
"A gift for you" she says.
"Uncle Scotty helped me get them so open them" she says and I rip the paper off and it's a jewelry box and I open it and it's a heart necklace.
"It has all of our initials including the baby’s. Right there" she says and I smile at it.
"It's beautiful" I say and I hug her and she hugs me back kissing my head.
"I love it" I say.
"Okay it's my turn" Chris says and she pulls away from me and he opens his and it's a watch.
"It's us" she says tapping the watch.
"I'm going to wear this everywhere" he says.
"Good. Never take it off" she says.
"Never" he says and they pinkie promise.
"What is it? What is it?" She asks and I laugh as Chris and I stand beside her and he starts to hand her the string.
"As soon as you pull this string we'll fi-" she snatches the string from him and pulls it before he can finish telling her and everyone's laughs turn to cheers as pink confetti and powder falls over us and she starts squealing as she jumps around.
"It's a girl!" She screams running around us and he kisses me and I kiss him back.
"We're having another girl, you're officially outnumbered" I say and he laughs as Phoebe continues to scream.
"I think we both are" he says kissing me again and Phoebe jumps and he picks her up and she wraps her arms around my head pulling me close.
"I'm so excited" she says out of breath and I laugh.
"I couldn't tell" I say and she leans her cheek on Chris’ cheek.
"I'm getting a baby sister. I can't wait to meet her" she says trying to catch her breath.
"Hey bee how about we go get some of the powder on auntie Cobie and uncle Taran" I say and she quickly nods and Chris sets her down and she bends down picking some up off the ground and she runs off over to where they are standing.
"I wanna be where the people are. I wanna see, wanna see em dancing" Phoebe sings laid back as she's cuddled up with Chris and the baby as we watch the little mermaid after coming home from bringing the baby home from the hospital.
"Walking around on those what do you call 'em? Oh, feet" she sings.
"Flipping your fins you don't get too far, legs are required for jumping, dancing, strolling along down a- what's that word again?" Chris sings.
"Street" Phoebe sings loudly and I smile at them.
"Up where they walk, up where they run up where they stay all day in the sun, wondering free. Wish I could be part of that world" she sings quietly grabbing the baby's hand.
"What would I give if I could live out of these waters? What would I pay to spend a day warm on the sand?" She sings laying her cheek against Chris' as she watches the movie with tears in her eyes.
"You can try. Oh but I-I love you means you're never ever ever getting rid of me" she sings dancing in place.
"Ready for your check?" I ask.
"Not quite. Pie for everybody. I grew up an only child in the suburb of the city. I spent my days alone, my only friend was a stray kit-"
"Are we going to sing show tunes all day or are we going to get dressed so we can leave?" Chris asks cutting her off and she turns around.
"Daddy you're ruining the video so if you aren't going to sing get out the way" she says trying to push him out the shot and he plants his feet and she starts groaning.
"But I love you means you're never ever ever getting rid of me" he says and she starts giggling.
"Daddy stoppp" she says using her back to add pressure to his leg to move him and she starts to slip and he catches her by her arms and she laughs.
"Okay, I'll move. I wanted to see your mom anyway" he says walking over and kissing me.
"Where's my kiss?" She asks.
"You didn’t want one. All you wanted was for me to get out the way and leave you alone" he says.
"You don't have to leave" she says and he picks her up and she kisses him.
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Bee, happy birthday to you” everyone sings as Chris walks the cake into the living room where everyone is and she holds Ainsley at the table.
“Come on chunky monkey we have to make a wish and blow out the candles” she says keeping Ainsley from touching the flames as she quickly makes a wish and blows out the candles.
“What did you wish for?” I ask and she looks up at me.
“A million more birthdays like this” she says smiling and I rub her cheek with my thumb and her smile grows.
“Can I cut the cake?” She asks.
“Yeah, the first piece. Daddy will help” I say.
“Yay” she says and I grab Ainsley.
“Bye chunky monkey, I’ll cut you a slice first” she says rubbing her hands together excitedly causing everyone to laugh.
“Chunky monkey can’t have cake yet” Chris says.
“But daddy today is chunky monkeys sixth month birthday and my seventh birthday so she should be able to have cake” she says pulling on her best puppy dog eyes.
“She got you there. Try to say no to that little face” I say and he groans.
“Fine, a little piece” he says.
“Do you hear that chunky monkey, daddy is going to let us eat all the cake” she says playing with leg and he helps her cut the first slice.
Yn and Chris Evan share videos of their seven year old just days after she passes away from cancer letting everyone know that Phoebe’s or Bee’s (as everyone in her life called her) spirit will live on forever.
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moonflower-31 · 4 years
Tender Kisses - Spencer Reid x Reader
Requested? No
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: The reader and Spencer had a great date planned. And you just cannot wait. That is, until you come down with the flu a couple days before. Que Spencer being the best boyfriend ever.
♡♡Also! I do requests! Any kind at all. Though right now I'm a little rusty at smut so... yeah. Send me an ask if you have an idea you wanna see me write♤♤
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Today was supposed to be great. You know, a date with the best boyfriend in the world and probably the best food. You see, you and your boyfriend, Spencer, were supposed to go on a date to the nearby fall festival. It was in your hometown and you hadn’t gone in years. So you wanted to go with him. Make it even more special for you. But no. Some asshole decided to sneeze on you and give you the damn flu. 
You rubbed your puffy eyes as soon as you finished sneezing. You sniffled pitifully and groaned. You shivered from your fever. The doctor had said you had a rarer strand but it was still treatable. But the thing was, it was gonna take about a week or more. So you were down for the count for a week or two. And you hadn’t seen Spencer for a week because of the previous case. Now you wouldn’t see him for even longer. 
You clutched at the blanket around you, shivering again. You couldn’t go out with Spencer today. If you got him sick, he’d never forgive you. Him and his germs. You also didn’t want him to get sick anyway. He had a job to do. He didn’t have the time for sick days. You, unfortunately, did. So here you were. 
You grabbed your phone from your nightstand and checked to see if Spencer had texted you. He sure had. 
Spence -Hey, are we still up for that ‘fall festival’ of yours? I thought you were going to be here ten minutes ago.  
You felt your heart ache with longing for you not to be sick. As if you could will the sickness away so you could spend the day with him. But no. Mother nature decided you were gonna have a weekend inside. 
(Y/N) -Hey, Sorry. Something came up. I can’t make it. I promise I’ll make it up to you. 
You sighed and set the phone down on your nightstand once again. You didn’t tell him you were sick. You loved him, more than anything. But with how you were feeling, you didn’t feel like being babied or told the statistics of the flu you’d searched up on your own in an attempt to maybe hope you had a strand that went away quickly. 
Just as you began to try and relax into your blanket cocoon, your phone buzzed on the nightstand. 
Spence -Is something wrong? I can come over. 
Curse him and his kindness. 
(Y/N) -Kinda. But don’t come over. I’ll be okay. You’ve got work. 
You felt a cough coming and pulled your phone away from your face. You then let out a long series of throat-rawing coughs. You rubbed your throat in pain, finding your phone had buzzed twice since you began coughing. 
Spence -If something is wrong I want to come over. 
Spence -I’m off today by the way. 
You rolled your eyes. He was so stubborn. Guess that just proved how devoted he was. 
(Y/N) -You don’t wanna come over, trust me. Trust me on this. 
You finally just set your phone on vibrate and laid down in your blankets, shivering like it was the coldest night of the year. You smiled to yourself as you imagined Spencer’s most-likely response to that thought: 
“Actually, the coldest night of the year is the shortest day of the 365 day pattern. It’s called the winter solstice and it’s been used in a multitude of religions as a passage of time or a surge in spiritual presence.”  
You snickered and shook your head slowly. You for sure missed him and his statistics, no matter how sick you were. You groaned in your uncomfortable state and rolled over to ignore whatever buzzing might continue to come from your phone. You loved him, sure. But he was stubborn. 
An hour or so later you heard a soft knock at your bedroom door. You groggily opened your eyes and saw in all his glory: Spencer Reid, with his arms crossed and a playful look on his face. 
“So this is why you didn’t want me over?” He asked, teasing you as he got down onto your eye level. 
“Nghhh… What do you think? I’m sick,” You sniffled, holding back a cough. “I’m germ-y,” You croak. “And I don’t wanna get you sick. You can’t afford sick days.” You remind him. He chuckles playfully and reaches over, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“I don’t care if you’re sick. You’re my girlfriend. If anyone has germs I want to be around, it’s you.” He teases, kissing your nose. You immediately turn your head to your elbow and sneeze, immediately rubbing your tired eyes. 
“What happened to my boyfriend and what did you do to him?” You asked softly. He laughed softly back, caressing your cheek. 
“He’s right here. And he’s going to take care of you, whether you like it or not.” He insists, giving you a playful look. You groan and shove him gently away, cuddling deeper into your blanket cocoon. 
“This is exactly what I knew you’d do. You’d take care of me instead of having a fun day out with Morgan or JJ.” You complain. “I don’t want you sick. All it took was one sneeze from a guy who didn’t even know he had it to get me sick.” You reason. “Imagine what a thousand sneezes from me will do to you?” You ask him, almost testing his germaphobia. 
Instead of the reasonable response of ‘Oh you’re right, I should probably go and leave you alone so I don’t get sick’ plus whatever statistic he found appropriate, he instead pressed a kiss to your lips. “Then I’ll take a thousand sneezes. Besides, Morgan is out with Garcia. JJ’s with her family. I-If I’m honest I’d like to be with mine.” He insists, making you blush heavily. 
“Spence…” You whine. 
“Don’t ‘Spence’ me. I’ll be right back. I’ll make you something to eat.” He promises before he stands up, kissing your head before he turns to head to your kitchen. You shook your head and smiled to yourself. 
He returned shortly after with a bowl of warm soup. He set it on your nightstand and pulled out a container of cough syrup and the bottle of medication I had left on the table after returning from the pharmacy. “You need to treat that cough along with your fever. These pills won’t do you much good if you don’t take them. Especially on an empty stomach.” He insists, pouring the exact amount of cough syrup into the measuring cup/lid. He lifted it up to your lips and indicated for you to open. You rolled your eyes again at his way of treating you like a child. However, you still opened up to let him pour the medicine into your mouth. 
It was extremely nasty. Which is why you preferred to just tough it out. Guess this is what you got for dating a guy so infatuated with statistics and facts. He knew what was best for you; even if you didn’t want it. You coughed and groaned at the taste, making him chuckle softly. You peeked open an eye and glared at him. He shook his head and sat on the bed beside you. “You still have these too. Ibuprofen, or acetaminophen is great at lowering fevers. So I added a few.” He explains as he puts a few pills in your hand. You groan at the brightly colored fever reducing pill in your hand along with the tylenol. You hated this part. You gave Spencer your best puppy dog-eyed look and slightly pouted your lower lip. Sure, you looked like a child. But you didn’t care. 
Spencer laughed at the look you gave him, picking up the cup of water he had managed to bring it as well. “You aren’t getting out of this, (Y/N/N).” He says heartily. You pouted fully, closing the pills into a fist and crossing your arms like a child in time-out for drawing on the walls. Spencer grinned at this, pressing a kiss under your ear. “Stop pouting or I’ll kiss that lip for you.” He teases, nipping at your ear playfully. You felt a small shiver run down your spine as you groaned. Why must he do that when you were sick? 
You huffed and took in a puff of air. You grabbed the glass of water, taking a swig before you put the pills in your mouth. You swallowed uncomfortably, almost coughing afterwards. You put the cup back into Spencer’s hand with a grumpy look. He smiled at you amused, an eyebrow raised the entire time. “There, happy?” 
Spencer grinned wider and wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer as he whispered “Very.” 
You groan and try to shove him away. He instead just pulls you closer and presses multiple kisses to your cheek. “Stoppp…” You whine, a smile pulling at the corners of your lips. He smirked and pulled your head to lay against his chest. 
“No.” He persists, running a few fingers through your hair. You sigh, enjoying the tenderness of his fingers gently massaging your head through your hair. He hummed softly a tune you could only recognize as Bethoven’s Symphony number 9. Before you met Spencer, you wouldn’t have been able to differentiate one of Bethoven’s works from another other than a name you might’ve seen on youtube. Now you could tell just by the tone and rhythm. 
You closed your eyes and hummed along with him, forgetting a few parts that he helped you with. Thank god for his eidetic memory. Even in small moments, it helps. He kisses your head as he finishes with the tune, rubbing your shoulder through the blanket that hadn’t fallen from your left shoulder. Otherwise, you had no covering since the blanket had fallen and Spencer was warm. You whine softly as he moves, upsetting your comfy position. 
“You need to eat, you know.” he points out, having grabbed the bowl of soup he had brought in earlier. You didn’t feel like eating. Although your stomach growled in protest to that thought. You just didn’t feel up to it. But you ignored the feeling and turned enough for Spencer to spoon feed you. You never said you were a complete stubborn woman. 
Spencer smiled again as you let him lift the spoon to your lips. From the way he looked at you, you could tell it was his plan the whole time to spoon feed you. You swallowed the soup he helped you eat, humming at the warmth. You still didn't like being babied, but this felt nice. For some reason. 
"Why couldn't you just feed me while we were cuddling? That was comfy." You whined. He shook his head and chuckled, kissing your cheek instead as a response. 
You huffed when he didn't respond, taking a moment to take the new spoonful he had gathered in the metal spoon. "Spence…" you whined, only getting another playful chuckle in response. 
"You're only decreasing the probability that I give into what you want by begging." He informed. You pout again and let a small smile place itself on your lips. He grinned and kissed you gently. 
"Is my probability up now?" You ask, laughing a bit. He chuckled again, getting you another spoonful of soup. 
"Definitely." He says sarcastically. 
"No fair. And all I wanted was cuddles." 
"No you want to get out of eating." He rephrases your statement. You, knowing he was right, just took the spoon from him and shoved it in your mouth in protest. He let out a cackle of laughter, turning your head towards his face to press kisses on your cheeks. 
"You're too cute for your own good." He says with a sigh. You giggle in response and take out the spoon. Spencer takes this opportunity and grabs the spoon back from you faster than you could realize he was going for it. 
"Spencer!" You gasp in mock disbelief. He grinned again. You were surprised his face didn't hurt yet from smiling so much. You loved his smile, especially this cheeky one. But you didn't want him to know that right now. You were fake mad at him. For stealing a spoon. 
"What? I saw the chance and figured my probability of getting it back was more than 75%. So, naturally, I took it." He teases, poking your nose. You huffed and took the bowl from him gently and lifted it to your lips, sipping most of it. 
"There. No more soup." You huffed. But in the mix of your insistence to be stubborn, and your sick brain, you played right into his hands. He had wanted you to eat more, and you had. 
"Good. Now you can come here and cuddle with me." He says in a happy and teasing tone. You glare at him annoyedly and playfully. 
"Now you'll cuddle with me? Seriously?" You ask. He nods, pulling you close by your hand. 
"Cuddling, in it's more specific term has actually been proven to release oxytocin, which can help when you're sick to keep your symptoms from getting worse. They also have been proven to help with lessening pain with the distraction." He explains, petting your hair to help relax you. You hummed happily as he began to rattle off facts on cuddling. Anything that comes out of his mouth was something you wanted to hear. You just loved hearing his voice. Maybe there was some truth in the whole cuddling as a distraction concept. 
"Oh yeah?" You said semi-groggily. He smiled, kissing your forehead before speaking up again. 
"Yes, actually. It's proven to lessen stress and lower high blood pressures. The oxytocin released acts like pain blockers. It can help stop pain signals as well." He explains as he helped you to once again lay your head on his chest. 
"Sounds nice…" you reply tiredly. He smiled and adjusted you and him to lay near the head of the bed. 
"You know… it also helps with sleep. Lessening the presence of nightmares." He adds, knowing you were close to falling asleep. 
You mumbled a few words before they turned into incoherent mumbles. You curled up against his chest and clutched at his shirt. He couldn't help but admire how peaceful you looked. He didn't like seeing you upset in any form. Especially the one where you're sick. But he was glad to have been here for this one. 
He pet your hair gently again as he continued to hum. You were beautiful. Inside and out. And he was the lucky one to be able to see it all as much as he wanted. Especially this form of beauty: you curled up peacefully in his arms away from all the evil he faced every day. Though he couldn't keep it that way forever, although he would damn well try, he was going to protect you and hold you as close as your physical bodies would let you. And love you, more than the human brain was capable of comprehending. 
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tomdiddlyumptious · 4 years
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Warnings: language, arguing? A lil violence to your wrist, weave grabbing and bodyguard running! NOT PROOF READ OR BOLD, IM JUST KINDA LAZY TODAY!
A/n: oh god what did I just write?
T.H| You Shouldn’t Go Out Anymore
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We all know he is gonna feel some fuckin way y/n, don’t fight it” your friend said, sipping her cherrie slurpie after you all left the club.
“Well I don’t know what to say, I was fucking around with anyone I was just handlin my own” you let out a ‘tuh’ as you looked out the window.
“This is a man? You have been out since what? 6” your gay best friend stated, handing you your Reese’s as you only rolled your eyes.
“This is your stop, good luck babe, although you can most definitely handle your own” you opened the door as she pulled up, grabbing your stuff and hopped out the door, big ass mistake. You didn’t fall but your knees didn’t agree with you.
As your friends laughed you flipped them off and closed the door, fixing your purse as your heels clanked against the stone, you walked up to the door step, grabbing your keys and putting them in the door, before you could twist it was already opened by you great full.... angry? Boyfriend.
You jerked your head at him and came in the house, taking off your heels and going into your shared room, throwing them in the closet.
“Where’d you go?” He asked from the kitchen, soon angrily coming into the bedroom. “I got caught up in some traffic” “bullshit, where did you go?” “To the club? Why else am I wearing this?” “Why is your hair fucked up?” He asked, looking at your figure. You shrugged “I have no idea” you bit your lip as you walked up to the mirror attached to the closet, trying to unzip yourself. He stood there watching you with his jaw clenched, you could see him but you tried to ignore it your best, it wasn’t happening.
“Thomas what the fuck is your problem?” “My problem? Why are you out so fucking late!?” He raised his voice. “Why? I’m here aren’t I!” You yell back. “Why are you avoiding the fucking question, you fucking cheated didn’t you? Your a fucking slob” “A slob?” You cock your head at him, furrowing your eyebrows. “I AM SOBERRRR!” you yell at him, he only ignores you so you dance around him yelling “soberrrr! I am so soberrrr! What’s 2x2? Fourrrrr”. “Can you be serious for two minutes?” “Not when you don’t know what your fucking talking about, wanna know why I was really late?” You snapped back and he only nodded, you threw the Reese’s at his face “maybe I should’ve cheated on yo dumbass” “fuck you!”
“Haven’t you already? Unzip me” his face all scrunched as he walked up and unzipped you, you turning around and his face so close to your own “I went to the fucking store Thomas, they don’t sell snacks at the club” “did you drink at all?” “No thomas, there was just an achol free club where we all sing Barney, I love you, you love me” you smile, tilting your head to the side. “Well I’ve been sitting in this bed waiting for you” “then wait some more baby, wait some more” he grabbed your wrist pulling you closer, him towering you “look smartass, if you want to go bloody fuck around you can, just stay away from me, you don’t answer your phone, you stay out late, you have the fucking audacity to come home and try to talk to me as if I did something wrong?”
“No I’m actually talking to you like your dumb, because you are, get out of me!” You snatch your wrist back “next time you touch me I swear to god I will punch you square in yo fucking face” you take off your dress and grab your suit case, rubbing your wrist because it hurt, like hell. You know he wouldn’t ever hurt you and maybe he was caught in the moment but you were pissed. You took out all of your clothes and threw them on the side of your bed.
“Where are you going? You don’t have anywhere to go” Tom said, grabbing the clothes on the hangers and putting them back up. “Thomas put my shit down” and one thing you both knew, it is your shit, you bought it because you aren’t one of those types for when the time comes he takes everything that he bought for you.
He hesitated before he put it back on the bed “you aren’t leaving me” “I make my own decisions” you started to fold up your clothes as Thomas left, walking into the livingroom taking in what all happened.
You walked up to the door and slammed it, hissing in pain from the slight sting in your wrist, you only pushed yourself more by folding everything and throwing it in your suit case.
You set it next to the door and sat on the bed “fuck” you whispered to yourself thumbs on your temples and your hands rested on your eyebrows. it isn’t your fucking fault at all and you needed to know that but right now you’ve never ever had these kinds of fights with Tom, it was just about dinner or something petty. You ended up falling asleep.
You woke up and found yourself in the messy bedroom, hangers everywhere and suit case still next to the door. You grabbed your phone from your purse that was also on the floor, calling your friend, Imani.
“Yes” she said, you only bit your lip. “We had a fight” you went to the bathroom and grabbed a towel, “I know” “how?” “It’s Thomas, and your sarcastic as hell” “well I’m leaving” “the house or the man?” “havent talked about it yet” “well you should, I got to go, text me the apartment though” you let out a hum and hung up, turning on the shower to a warm feeling.
You got dressed and flat ironed your hair sitting on your fluffy pink chair that matched your marble vanity. Then he walked in “hey” he whispered. “Hi” you said back, taking out the last section. “Are we like... not together anymore?” He asked, sitting on the bed watching you. “A break” you said, turning back to him as he nodded. “Can I ask why your doing your hair” “no Tom” “okay” his lips in a thin line.
You unpacked your stuff, getting comfy in your new but not replaced home. You were gonna move in with one of your friends at first but them you knew you wanted some alone time for yourself, you scrolled through your explore page on Instagram- stacked with zodiac signs and Evan peters, skinny girls in bikinis, generic ones.
As you scrolled through you thought ‘maybe I should- nah’ you looked in the closet looking at the small bikinis and the tight skirts and tube tops. Sooner or later the door opened revealing-
“Tye? What are you doing here?” You asked, your gay best friend entering. “I’m not the only one, and don’t come over here talking to me like I’m the enemy” “shut up” you stood up and gave him a hug, soon revealing Imani also. “You know for a fact that we was comin over, yo hair is poppin” she said “stiff where?” You shook it, silky.
Over the few days that you’ve been alone Toms been doing actually pretty well, he did miss you of course but he also did freak out and get mad that you weren’t accepting his calls, he didn’t know if you were safe until-
“Stop!” You laughed, currently in the Pool with the most smallest bikini EVER- the hot red just making your skin shine, your hair done, sunglasses on, teeth white, feet done nails done, okay? Everything is done, by your wallet to.
Tye and his muscular lil boo, throwing pretzels at you. “Have fun!” Ray said, “we didn’t take you here for no reason” Tye added both of them sitting down in the seats while you were in the pool, leaning your elbows on the brim “I know!” You lift yourself up, little did you know Imani was taking pictures of you, from behind of course, your ass the main course of the picture, everything about you was just so sexy, like you had a magnet on you that everybody needs to be attached to, but luckily that was Thomas. Did I mention it was a public pool? “Look at Jesus, he’s starring at you” everyone grabbed there black tinted sunglasses, making sure nobody could see yours and your friends eyes you looked. “Sexy” ray said, “nice and hairy, it’s time for a grown man y/n” Imani said, basically dissing Tom because it doesn’t look like he has any hair on his body ‘golden beauty’ as he’d call it.
“I don’t know, what if he’s like a hobo or something?” You said, coming up to Tye and laying down between his legs, resting your head on his pec. “Your right, he might be hairy in the business to” ray commented, making everyone laugh as Tye played with your hair. You smacked your lips as ray took out his phone “stoppp!” You said, knowing what he is doing to embarrass you, he made a boomerang of him zooming in on Jesus, but acting like he was recording himself. He labels it “JESUS?” and posted, making everyone else but you repost it on their story. “Y’all do to much” you sigh, rubbing your forehead.
“What the fuck is this? Jesus?” Tom said, sipping his beer. Looking at Harrison who is trying to hold on a laugh “you might have to fuck some since into her if ya know what I mean” a chuckle leaving his lips. “She isn’t fucking around, just leave her be” Harry rolled his eyes, all Tom was doing is looking at him phone, every, single, day. “You think she likes him? Or might have sex with him?” “You are literally so bloody annoying, what do you think?” Haz glares at him. “Well I don’t know! Fuck! She wouldn’t” Tom didn’t even wanna think about it, having another hand on your neck, hearing you moan someone else’s name, opening your legs for someone else.
“Might wanna check her profile” Harrison shrugs, Tom nods and checks it, clicking on your story and finding you say “hallelujah” while your laying on someone, a chest. You soon flip the camera “put your legs down!” You slap them, making whoever it is chuckle, you zoom in on Jesus and end up getting caught, your phone drops as the story ends.
“Your fucked” Harry laughed “shut up!” Tom said, throwing the bottle cap at him.
“No this didn’t happen, I don’t believe it” you hide in tyes chest while everyone laughs at you “stopppppp!” You whine.
You smiled as you got in your tight dress, orange and spaghetti strapped that shows a bit of your side boob, you wore thigh high black boots, your hair flat ironed again, inches inches inches, lace front, lace front, lace front, Self love yeah? You put on your dangle earrings, lipgloss eyelashes just lookin so pretty.
“You ready?” Ray asked, coming in with his loose oversized shirt and jean shorts, converse, he looked good of course but never over top, it isn’t his thing. Tye on the other hand came with a black loose unbuttoned loose shirt and black dress pants, a new pair a j’s wouldn’t hurt anybody right?
Imani didn’t like dressing up so she came with a yellow ripped crop top and black cargos with some combat boots everyone’s hair done.
No drinking and driving, you all had money of course and you were planning on just taking care of yourself, so when you got there you just went to the bar.
Of course a lot of eyes were on you, all races all genders, but you could care less. “One shot of-“ “a Shirley temple, get this fine young lady a Shirley temple” Tye said, “we don’t need you losing your mind in here, y/n” “whatever but yes please”
“Of course gorgeous” the waiter winked at you. “Ooo” Tye said making you slap his arm “where is Imani and ray?” You asked Tye, he only pointed at the dance floor, the shoes helping both of them dance better.
“You should dance” “you and I both know I look like I’m getting electrocuted” he laughed as you got your drink, taking the straw and sipping it. “Can’t we like get a table or something?” You asked, Tye nodding and asking you to step forward, a gentle hand behind your back trying to keep the drunkies away.
About an hour in is when Imani started to party “IMANIS A LESBIAN?” you shouted, only enough for you, ray, and the to hear as they eye her on the dance floor. “Aw shit, here we go again” “private story activated” Imani just making out with the girl non stop.
“Oh fuck- we need to save her!” You say, watching as they giggle and record her. “Let her have her fun, she will just wake up in another girls bed and be happy” “she looks like she has an std” “how?” “She’s way to pretty” you laugh at tye “AH- HAIR PULLING? OH MY” “BAHAHAHA” you all scream laughing, Imani must of pulled to tight because that lace came off, as Imani pulled away and looked at her her eyes got bigger, she slowly lifted the lace compared to her head, “oh my fuckin god she’s gonna do it” “no she isn’t” “yes, yes she is” she ran off.
The lace in the air as she disappeared like a magician “OH MY FUCKING GOD” Tye posted it, you instantly took out your phone, biting your lip and seeing the missed calls, but ignoring it and opening Instagram, finding tyes private story and posting the post on your own.
“That’s sad, I feel bad for the girl” ray said, holding in his laughs as he looked at the and started cracking up. “We should’ve saved her-“ you got caught by heavy breathing “what the hell happened?” “Sis, you drunk forreal” you only shook your head “yo hair is lookin mad frizzy, let’s go sneak somewhere” you say getting up. “Look at y/n, sober but crazy” “shut the fuck up” you leaded them into this little space where the hallway is, not supposed to be there but fuck it. You found an iron “let’s get you back on track” you say, plugging in the iron “girl no” “it’s going to help” “that is hella ghetto” “you hair is lookin hella ghetto” as it got done heating up she took out her phone “look at her” “I’m making your hair look good, the fuck you expect? Hermiones bag so I can pull out a flat iron?” You picked up the iron and took her hair making the part straight first before pressing down. “Why y’all laughing?” You say looking at Tye and ray giggling in the background “you hookin her up that’s- that’s a good friend” and just like that, POW, her lace was lookin fresh.
“Now that we are here should we take some pictures?” Tye asked, everyone nodding as you set up your phone against the wall, everyone posing, you squatting, ray laying across all of you infront, imanis tongue out and Tye throwing up the finger, it went on for a while so the laughs were covered by the bodyguard walking in. “ Oop” “RUN!” Ray yelled, how the hell is you finna run in heels? Ray the fastest, Tye behind, Imani after him and you trying not to roll your ankles. “Get back here!” You don’t even now how but you made it infront of everyone, leaving them eating your dirt as you went to the exit “HURRY UP!” you yell “WE ARE FUCKIN TRYING! HOW THE HELL YOU RUNNIN?” Tye yelled, you opened the door everyone running out and you know behind them, the big ass guard almost catching you but you locked and shut the door, giving blowjobs did give you some extra skills.
You all ran to the car, hot and sweaty “I GOT IT ON RECORDD” Imani yelled making you all laugh. “You a real dumbass” you said, ray starting the car as everyone’s breath was heavy. You pulled out your phone on live, a lot of people entering “bitch we made it out!” “Sure did!” You switched the phone to behind the camera revealing ray and Tye in the front seat. “It was a crazy ass night” “I’m ready to take a fat ass nap” Tye joked. “Shit forreal, my piggies is killin me” you say giving your phone to Imani as you took off your heels. “Hold up- look at this” she said, putting her phone under yours showing your fans all y’all runnin and the big ass bodyguard getting dusted.
You sighed as you laid on your bed, already missing the night and taking off your dress after posting the pictures, which had the bodyguard in the back.
Buzz buzz
You saw the caller ID and huffed, rolling your eyes and leaving you in only your panties.
“She still won’t answer” Tom sighed. “Well did you expect her to? She just ran away from a bloody bodyguard she might be tired” haz said making a point. Tom only nodded his head looking at your recent pictures from the past few days, big pearly whites everywhere, ass boobs everywhere, just you everywhere. “Fuck it, I’ve called her and called her, I’m going over” “go ahead we aren’t stopping you” Harry shrugged “it might just be the best option” Sam nodded.
You turned on Cartoon Network but adult swim was playing, Robot chicken which actually scared the shit out of you. You heard a knock on the door, you mentally screamed and got up, going to your door but covering your boobs before answering the door.
“How did you find me” “I guess you could say your friends miss us together” Tom simply said, now looking down at your figure “is someone in here?!” He asked, voice slightly raised. “No thomas, come in!” You snatch him by his arm, he steps in and you close the door, not holding your boobs anymore you go to your room.
He follows you in your room, watching you as you put almost shirt. “You looked good tonight” “you were watching me huh?” He only walked up behind you taking the back of your neck and bending you over on the bed , pressing his self on you and reaching over to whisper in your ear “I guess” he pressed kisses to your neck, soft delicate ones as the coldness of his ring digging in your colored skin.
“Thomas what do you want?” You ask, clearly annoyed. His movements stuttered as he just sat on the bed, you stood back up straight and put on your shirt to sit next to him. He looks at you then down at the hardwood floor “I miss you” “and that was your way of showing me? You miss me or my body?” “I miss all of it” you put your legs up to your chest. “Really?”
“Yeah” he nods, turning to you “can I?” He asked and you nodded, he pulled you into a hug. “I love you and I was worried about you honestly, I have no idea what happened to me that night, I guess I was trying to hide me being vunrable” he whispered, your head on his shoulder as he speaked to you.
“Well I was just hungry ya know” you chuckle, making him let out a distant laugh. “I-yeah, it was a good chocolate” “you ate it?” “Yes I did” you both laugh. “But I seriously want to apologize, I don’t own you and you don’t deserve to be treated that way, at all. I love you, y/n” he whispered, taking your hand and playing with your fingers.
“I love you too” you look at him and he smiles, kissing your forehead to your nose and down to your lips. “Can we-“ “I’m tired, can we just lay down?” “Of course darling”. He helped you get rid of your makeup and you both laced down, both of you only on your underwear and your tops exposed, skin to skin as you both just admired each other, taking in each other’s scent and pressing kisses randomly as the tv ran in the livingroom.
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jeyusos-girl · 4 years
Part 2: My baby.
Summary: Samantha finally told Erik that she’s pregnant. How’s he gonna react? Is this gonna make or break their relationship.....?
A/N: I attempted to write this twice, the first attempt was horrible, and i always gave up on the second attempt but i went to work and had time to let the ideas marinate and this was the final product😙. i went a little crazy with this one, i could’ve written so much more but it would’ve been long as hellllll. *the italics in the beginning indicate a flashback* 
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Word Count: 1872
Warnings: some cursing
Samantha stared down at her phone screen, reading the words from her period tracker, ‘5 days late.’ it read. She sighed, trying to come up with a reason for why this might be, but to no avail. This wasn’t normal for her and she knew that. Her period always comes on time and even if it was late, it was never this late. She set her phone down on the bathroom sink and ran her hands over her face, she looked in the mirror, “Please don’t let it be true. Please.” she whispered to herself. Just then she heard a knock on the bathroom door, “Babe, you okay?” Erik asked. She hadn’t realized how long she had been in the bathroom,
“Uhh yeah, I’m good”
“You sure? You’ve been in there for a while, you feeling okay?”
“Yeah I’m fine, I’m coming out now,” she grabbed her phone and walked towards the door. She opened it to see Erik standing there, a worried expression on his face, “sorry I just got distracted by something on my phone.” she smiled hoping her bullshit excuse was enough to make Erik believe her. He side-eyed her, “Hmm, you sure you wasn’t texting another nigga?” he accused jokingly.
“Boy shut up,” she started, wrapping her arms around his waist, “I don’t need anyone else but you baby.” 
“Is that so?” he arched a brow.
“Mhmm,” she smiled, leaning up to capture his lips in a sweet kiss.
                                                    *a few days later*
Samantha's period still hasn’t come, and at this point in time, she knew. But she had to confirm, and that’s how she ended up at her best friend's house. “Okay, you ready to take it?” her best friend, Layla asked. 
“Not really but- I guess we have to find out,” Samantha shrugged. Layla and Samantha have been friends for a little over 5 years. They have been through so much in such a short amount of time and they told each other everything. When Samantha missed her period, Layla was the first to know. She insisted that she take the test at her house so she wasn’t alone when she found out, knowing she was too nervous to tell Erik just yet.
”Cmon Sam, you're gonna be fine, I'm here with you. We're gonna find out together and everything will be fine, whatever the results are.”
”Yeah but what if everything isn't fine, what if I’m actually pregnant. Erik hasn't even mentioned wanting kids. What if he gets scared and leaves me? How am I supposed to raise a baby alone?” 
”Are you crazy? He is not gonna leave you, that man is in love with you, girl, you know that.” Layla exclaimed, grabbing Samantha's face in her hands. 
”I know but- I'm scared”
”It's gonna be okay, I promise. I got you, girl, you’re my best friend, I’m gonna be here for you no matter what. Come on, let's go to the bathroom.” They made their way to the bathroom, Samantha unpacked the box of pregnancy tests and ripped one of them open. She looked down at the test in her hands and sighed, she set the test aside and pulled her pants down, sitting on the toilet. She followed the test directions carefully and set a timer for 3 minutes. 
They sat in silence for the duration of the 3 minutes, both too nervous to say anything. Samantha was shaken out her thoughts as the shrill sound of the alarm went off, she looked up at Layla with worried eyes. She grabbed the test with shaky hands. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. She opened her eyes, and gasped, “Oh my god!”
 “I’m pregnant. I found out last month. I wanted to tell you sooner but- I just didn’t know how.”
Silence filled the room, the air felt heavier. Samantha stared at Erik’s face, trying to read his emotions. His eyebrows were slightly raised and his lips parted ever so slightly. His grip on her hands loosened as he slumped back into the couch. She could tell his mind was racing a mile a minute, his eyes looking anywhere but at her face. She was getting nervous, her hands getting clammy, throat getting tight, the corners of her eyes getting wet. “E? Say something, please.” she whimpered as she felt herself beginning to cry. He leaned forward and she removed her legs from his lap and straightened up on the couch. 
“I- I’m sorry I just- I’m in shock right now,” he replied rubbing his palms over his face.
“I know baby I- I should’ve told you as soon as I found out but I- I didn’t know how you’d react and I was scared. We didn’t plan for this to happen and I really didn’t want this to affect our relationship negatively. God Erik, I’m so scared, I don’t know shit about being a mom,” her tears now flowing freely down her face, he looked at her as she spoke, “I’ve been trying to wrap my head around it, and it still hasn’t really processed. I’ve been trying so hard to work up the courage to tell you but I never could. Don’t be mad please.” 
He furrowed his brows, “Mad? What are you talking about? Why the hell would I be mad?”
“I don’t know, we never really talked about kids are anything like that, I didn’t think we were ready for something like this,” she whispered.
“We are most definitely not ready,” he chuckled, “but that’s okay, we have time to figure this shit out. We’re gonna get through this together baby, you know I got you.” Samantha smiled as more tears flowed. Erik grabbed her face and wiped her tears with his thumbs, “Don’t cry, baby. Look at me,” she glanced up at him with her glossy, brown eyes, “remember when I told you I was gonna take care of you and love you no matter what? I meant that shit. You’re the one I wanna be with, you’re the one I want to grow old with. These past three and a half years have been the best years of my life, baby girl. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon, you hear me?” at this point, Samantha was full-on ugly crying. She nodded her head and smiled sweetly.
“Erikkk baby. That was so sweet. Ughh I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I hated keeping this from you, Layla kept bugging me about it but I- what?” she cut herself off, confused as to why Erik was giving her a dirty look. 
“You told Layla’s crazy ass before you told me? Ain’t that some shit,” he shook his head in disbelief and Samantha rolled her eyes laughing.
“Of course I told her before you, bros before hoes.” Erik looked at her with raised brows,
“Oh really? That’s how it’s gonna be, ma?” Samantha nodded her head with a smirk. Before Samantha could react, Erik tackled her into the couch and started tickling her sides, knowing how weak it made her. She shouted for him to get off through her excessive laughter. 
“E, pleaseeeee, I’m sorry pleaseeee,” she was laughing so hard she started tearing up, “ERIK STOPPP, I’M GONNA PEE MYSELF.” Erik’s hands came to a halt as he backed away from her and shot her a dirty look, “Eww you nasty as hell,” he laughed.
“You know I can’t help it, and it’s even worse now that I have a baby growing in me,” she sat up fixing her clothes, she looked up at Erik to find him already looking at her, a dumbstruck look on his face, “what?” 
“That sounds so crazy, you really got a baby growing in there. My baby. That’s my baby in there. What the hell!” he exclaimed jumping up from the couch, “I’m gonna be a fucking dad! I swear this shit is really just sinking in.” Samantha giggled from her spot on the couch, watching him as he shook his head with a huge smile on his face. She got up from the couch and walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. 
“I can’t believe it either baby, this feels so crazy. Just think, in a few months we’re gonna have a little nugget crawling around. Ugh, I can’t wait. Our lives these next few months are gonna be so different. My belly is gonna get so big, my feet are gonna swell up so bad. And you know I hate throwing up, jeez I hope this baby is good to me.” she exclaimed.
“You’re still gonna be beautiful as ever, big belly and all. I’ll be right by your side through all of it. I’ll hold your hair back when you’re throwing up, I’ll rub your feet whenever you need it, anything you want mama.”
“Anything huh? You’re gonna make late-night food trips for me whenever I ask?” she raised a brow.
“Uhh I already do that,” she giggled, agreeing with him. She leaned into him as he hugged her close to him. It was silent for a while as they enjoyed each other’s company. Erik broke the silence first, “You know what this means right?” she hummed in response, “We have to tell your parents.” Samantha leaned back in his arms and stared at him with wide eyes,
“Uhhh……�� Erik raised his brows in anticipation, “do we have to?” 
“Uhhhh, yes. You gonna wait till you pop the baby out then tell them?”
“...... Yeah…” she mumbled.
“Babe, you are crazy,” he chuckled, “you know we can’t do that, we gotta tell them soon.”
“You tell them then.” she pouted, furrowing her brows.
“Stop pouting before I bite that lip of yours. We’ll tell them together, baby. We can invite them over for dinner and break the news. How’s that sound, hm?”
She rolled her eyes slightly, “Fine. You’re cooking then.”
“That’s fine with me baby, we can invite them over next sunday, butter them up with some good food, then we’ll tell them.” Samantha nodded in agreement, giving him a small smile. She sighed, her head filled with so many different emotions.
“We’re gonna be good baby, I promise you that,” he spoke sincerely.
“I know, E. I can’t wait to be a mommy.”
“I can’t wait either,” he crouched down in front of her, hands rubbing the soft flesh of her stomach. She was only seven and a half weeks so she wasn't showing much, but that didn't stop Erik from kissing her belly, “Hey baby, it’s your daddy. Me and your mommy love you so much already, I can’t wait till I can finally hold you, and kiss your little face. Just hurry up in there, okay?” Samantha couldn’t stop herself from giggling at the man before her, 
“You’re so silly, baby. Gimme a kiss,” she puckered her lips waiting for him to come back up. He leaned in and they’re lips moved in sync against each other. 
This was gonna be a long eight months, no doubt, but knowing she has her man by her side makes all her worries go away…. Except for one.
How are her parents going to react to the news?
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bangtansbun · 4 years
Fireball || It’s Not Goodbye
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pairing: yoongi x f.reader
genre: fluff, slight angst
word count: 1,743
warnings: insinuation of sex within an established relationship
a/n: should be read as part 9 of the Fireball series. about a week has passed since the last update. Also I’m sorry this is kind of a short written part, but things have been hectic lately so it’s hard to find time to write. I hope you all enjoy it anyway!
You wake up with a sickly feeling in your stomach. It’s the day before you leave for your new job as a graphic designer for a large corporation in Busan.
Yoongi is laid next to you, sleeping peacefully, and blissfully unaware of the slight panic that is settling into your mind and body. Even though you weren’t leaving until tomorrow, you insisted he spend the night with you last night (and he happily obliged). You were going to miss him so much.
You still couldn’t wrap your head around the fact that you were going to be away from your home in Seoul for a whole year. Of course you could come visit on weekends and holidays, but you weren’t sure that would be enough for you.
Shaking your head lightly and trying to push those thoughts into the back of your mind, you get up and head  to the kitchen to make breakfast. As you pad your way to the kitchen, you pass by Moon’s room and you peak your head in to see if she’s awake. You come to find her sitting in her bed, hair still mussed from sleep, and watching some video on her laptop. “Hey, you wanna come make breakfast with me?” She instantly smiles back at you and closes her laptop as she moves to follow you into the kitchen.
You begin to pull everything out that you would need to make a pancake breakfast. “This might be the last time we get to make breakfast together for a while,” you mention bittersweetly to your best friend. She looks at you and makes a dramatic frown, “stoppp, you’re gonna make me cry all over the pancake batter.” You both giggle lightly at each other. “You know I’m going to come visit you as much as I can on weekends and I’d love for you to come see my new place too!” She grabs a ladle to start pouring the mixture into the pan, “yeah, of course I’ll come up to see your place! You can show me around the city too since you’ll be a full fledged Busan Girl by that point.” You roll your eyes in playfulness, “I’ll always be a Seoul Girl, please. Also, you have to keep me updated on you and Jimin, okay?” She nods at you and smiles. The two of you continue on with easy conversation as you continue to cook breakfast.
Yoongi takes forever to wake up so you and Moon decide to eat without him and keep his plate in the oven so it’s warm for when he wakes up. You decide not to wake him because today would be filled with packing boxes up  and carrying them back and forth from the apartment to the car. You would probably be an emotional wreck tonight too, so it’s best he gets his sleep now before you have him up all night. 
By the time he wakes up, you and your best friend have already started gathering up your belongings from the common area. All of your kitchen essentials, throw blankets from the living room, and coats from the coat closet. “Good afternoon, sleepy head,” you say in a sing-song voice to your only half-awake boyfriend. A simple unghh comes from him as he waddles into the kitchen like a zombie. “There’s pancakes for you in the oven and fruit and syrup on the counter, Yoongs,” you point out to him. He makes a little soft smile at you before grabbing for the pancakes. You continue to fill up the box you’ve been working on as you wait for him to fully regain consciousness.
As you’re placing things in the boxes, you’re reminded of each of the memories that come with them. The photo booth strip of you and Moon from the local fair you went too as teenagers. The framed photo of you and Yoongi from your first date together. Your throw blanket stained red on the corner from when you and your friends got too wine drunk one night and spilled it.
You feel kind of dumb for reminiscing like this and feeling so sad because it’s not like this was goodbye forever. You would be back in a year and your friends will still be here. Reminding yourself of this, you continue on packing and trying to remain positive about the new move.
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It’s evening time now and you’ve pretty much got everything completely packed up. All that’s left are things you’ll need to use in the morning to get ready.
You’re sitting in your empty room, alone for the first time in 24 hours, and the emotions are really starting to kick in. About and hour ago you’d told Yoongi to head home for a bit to get anything else he might need for the next two nights and maybe take a nap since he helped you pack all day.
It feels so strange sitting in your room with nothing in the closet, no shelves on the wall to display your books, no clothing on the ground near the laundry basket. Sure, you’ve moved before, but never to a city across the country where you’re completely unfamiliar with everything and everyone. It was daunting to say the least.
The panic you pushed down earlier is starting to bubble back up to the surface. You’ve never been without your best friend, Moon. She’s all you’ve ever known to be constant in your life. You know nothing will happen to your friendship, but you’re going to miss her like crazy. She’s always been there to give you advice, make you laugh, and be your shoulder to cry on. She was your soulmate in many ways. It will be hard to get home from work in the evenings and not be able to run into her room to talk to her about the latest office scandal.
Your eyes are beginning to tear up now at the thought of no longer living with your best friend.
Then there’s Yoongi to think about. He has been your rock for the past year and a half you’ve been together. He loved you even with all of the baggage you came with when you first got together. He’s the most supportive person you’ve ever met, not even batting an eyelash when he looked you in the eyes the other day to tell you he’s so proud of you and loves you so much. You’ve seen each other grow so much in the time you’ve been together and it kills you to think you’ll barely get to see him in person for a whole year.
Tears are rolling down your cheeks in a full on sob now. All you want to do is curl up into your bed in the fetal position, pull the blankets completely over you, and pretend all of this isn’t happening. The overwhelming feeling of sadness is consuming you. So much that you don’t even hear Yoongi come into the apartment and push open your bedroom door. 
He rushes over to you once he notices your tear-streaked face. “Baby, what’s going on?” He brushes the wetness off of your cheeks. “I’m just so scared to go w-where I don’t k-now anyone and I don’t want to leave y-you,” you manage to choke out in between sobs. “Oh, y/n, I know you don’t want to leave, but this is going to be such an amazing career opportunity for you. And, as you said, you can transfer back to the Seoul location after the year is up. It’ll fly by so fast, I promise.” He tilts your head up so you’re forced to look at him and he plants a gentle kiss on to your lips. It’s wet and salty, but he’s loving on you so you don’t mind. 
You try to clear your voice to speak some more, but it still comes out sounding  weak, “b-but what if something happens? Like, what if you m-meet someone while I’m gone or don’t w-want to wait for me anymore.” Your body begins to shake at the thought of any of that happening. You know Yoongi is a good man and would never do anything to hurt you, but you can’t keep your mind from going to that dark place.
Still holding your face in place so you’re looking directly at him, “y/n, that would never happen. I love you so much and I want to be with you, regardless of the distance. You’re my baby and I’m not just going to let go of you that easily.  You’d have to try a lot harder than just getting a job in a different city.” His words fill you with warm reassurance. Deep down you knew this would be his response, but it’s good to hear him say it out loud.
He leans in to kiss you again, this time deeper and full of meaning. You’ve stopped crying now, but the kisses are still wet and desperate. He’s pouring all of his love into you so that you have no doubt left in you that he loves you.
You can feel it in the way he pushes your stray hairs behind your ear. In the way he kisses all over your face, as if he’s using his lips to commit you to memory. In the way he lingers on your lips before he fully pulls aways because he doesn’t want it to stop.
Once you’ve calmed down enough, you both change into more comfortable clothes and settle into bed in the near vacant room. But it feels full with him laying next to you in bed.
He spent the next hour or so showing you how much he loves you and doesn’t want to let you go. Memories of his voice, touch, and smell stored safely in your mind for when you’ll need it while you’re gone. The two of you fell asleep curled up in each other’s arms and legs tangled beneath the sheets. No worry or question of his love for you was left when you fell asleep.
That was the first night you’d slept that well in the past week. When you wake up you feel rested and a little more excited than worried about your move. While it wasn’t a complete 180 from yesterday, you feel lighter now and more sure of your decision. You’d be back in a year and you all would pick up right where you left off.
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drethanramslay · 4 years
Part 1: Adara
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Pairing: Aurora x MC (Iris Everette)
Author's note: Hey guys! Here is the first installment of the mini series. Hope you like it and enjoy it.
Songs: Kiwi by Harry Styles and Nervous by the Neighborhood
Tagging: @agent-breakdance @miyakokurono
Warning: PG, slight swearing and violence and some fluff
Iris rode on her motorbike, feeling the fall wind sting her through her leather jacket. It was five am and there were hardly any people on the usual busy streets of Boston.
Iris enjoyed these moments. Riding her motorcycle, feeling the wind ruffle her red hair, making her look like a tantalizing flame, easy to see, hard to catch. The sun was slowly rising, and peaking through the various buildings as if it was playing hide and seek.
In these moments she felt free. Almost liberated.
But, such moments don't last very long. She saw the hospital's great glass facade and pulled into the parking lot. She took out her helmet and shook her windswept hair. She picked up her messenger bag and walked towards the entrance of the building.
She spotted Dr. Naveen Banerji stepping out of his car. "Hey Chief! Good morning." She called out. Naveen's kind eyes stopped at the red head and he smiled. "Well, a very good morning to you too, Dr. Everette." She waited patiently for the older diagnostician, so that they could walk into the hospital together.
"So, I saw Declan Nash yesterday in the foyer. Is it true that he got his own office here?" Iris said slowly, side eyeing the chief. Dr. Banerji was the most diplomatic person she had met, and was a very good actor. Hell, he had the entire hospital fooled regarding his illness. So when she saw him grimace, she knew that it was true.
Fucking cunt. It would only be a few minutes before my fist would bury into his mouse face.
"Yes Dr. Everette. That's apparently true. And I also learned that Ethan was responsible for this entire... transaction." ."But, Chief-" Iris began before Naveen held a hand up, stopping her.
"You don't need to explain it to me. I know how it went down. I don't blame him or you at all. Sometimes, we need to bite the bullet for the greater good." He said, with years of wisdom pouring out of him. Iris rarely respected authority, but there were very few people who she respected and Dr. Banerji was one of them.
Iris mulled over the words, lost in thought. Soon she reached the locker room where she saw her roommates, changing. "Hey frriiieenndsss." Iris said with a haunting voice.
The group burst into laughter as Jackie groaned. "For the love of Lord Ram, Iris stoppp." She grumbled as she tied her shoe laces. The previous week, on their day off, they had binged watch 'It lives in the woods' against Jackie's wishes. Jackie maybe as tough as a rock, but she despised horror. So they did the exact opposite. She disliked the 'black ghost thingy' and his obsessive need to say 'frrriiieeennnndsss'. She found it creepy and spooky. Spooky because, when Iris was going to bed, she saw Jackie sleeping with the lights on.
"C'mon Jackie. You know I love you right." She said as she nudged her shoulder. "Fuck off. I'm outta here." Jackie picked up her things and headed for the door.
"Don't forget, we are watching season 2 tomorrow night." Bryce hollered after her. She just flipped him off and walked out. Iris chuckled as she hung her jacket in her locker. She was just taking her shoes out when Bryce strolled and sat next to her on the bench.
"Well, your hair looks like sex hair. Who is the lucky someone??"
Iris just rolled her eyes. "Don't talk shit, scapel jockey. It is too early and I need a coffee or four to have the strength to deal with you." Bryce just laughed and stood up. "See you later bro. Dr. Tanaka allowed me to assist on a Whipple."
Iris whistled lowly. "Oh ho, Hotshot. Remeber me when you are famous."
She just shook her hair and smiled. She was in her underwear, reaching for her scrubs, when someone cat-called her. "Nice legs. Putting a show on for me, mia cara?"
Oh god, give me strength.
"Suck a dick, Vincenzo." She didn't bother looking at him as she slid her, scrubs on. He came forward and leaned at the locker adjacent to hers. "C'mon babe... It's meant to happen anywa-" She was done with his bullshit, so she opened the locker door, letting it bang on his face.
"Why you little-"
"Leave her alone, asshole." A husky feminine voice spoke out. Both of them turned to see Aurora standing there, with her hands in her waist and her eyes narrowed.
Iris' breath caught in her throat and she felt flustered. She usually was the one who made people flustered, which she found amusing. She wasn't one for all these- feelings. But, after she met Aurora, she couldn't help but be fascinated by her. She found the quiet, observent and intelligent resident intriguing and someone who she felt drawn to, like a siren.
"What are you going to do? Run to your auntie?" Vincenzo scoffed.
"No. After I am done fucking up your case, my aunt will almost look cute." She said cooly. Vincenzo's jaw dropped and he just turned tail and ran away.
During the entire exchange Iris, almost swooned. Operative word being, 'almost'.
"Careful Rory, it almost seems like you care for me." Iris said teasingly.
Aurora rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say, Princess. And, how many times do I have to tell you, my name is not RORY?!!"
"Well, I am gonna pretend that I didn't hear that. C'mon Rory, it's a beautiful day to save lives." Iris said as she dragged Aurora by the hand.
Aurora was caught off guard but she would be lying if she didn't enjoy the feeling of the redhead's warm hand in hers. She squeezed it gently and followed her for rounds.
It was a crowded Friday night at Donahue's. Aurora hung her coat at the overflowing coat rack, praying to God that her coat won't become the new doormat for the pub. She then shoved her way towards her new roommates.
Roommates. That's a new term she was still getting used to. She never really had them before. She was from the hustling city of New York, before she shifted here for med school. She was a day scholar at Harvard Medical school and had stayed with her aunt.
She found herself a group of friends. She never really had friends before. She had learnt from a young age, that people always had an ulterior motive. She was basically royalty. They always wanted to impress her so that they could have a good word with her family.
Her mother was a famous actress, who had starred in various TV shows and movies. Her dad, was a nation renowned cardiac surgeon and her aunt was one of the leading neurosurgeons of the country.
Knowing her family history, it was but obvious that Aurora would get into medicine. As you expect a fish to swim in water, people expected her to nail her SATs and get into one of the best colleges in the nation.
She never really had the chance to decide her own path. She thought that she had escaped her overbearing parents when she shifted to Boston. Boy, she was wrong.
Her aunt's heart was in the right place but GOD, she was annoying. But, she was better than her parents. Anybody, would be better than her parents, who were just a bunch of robots who gave Ethan Ramsey a run for his money.
But, Iris changed that outlook. Iris really shook the walls she had spent years reinforcing. One look at her piercing green eyes, Aurora felt exposed. Usually, Aurora felt uncomfortable feeling this exposed. But with Iris....She was willing to take the leap.
But when she thought about Iris, she couldn't help but feel that she was still an enigma. She knew so very little about the young resident. She could see the fort, surrounding her. Iris maybe laid back and teased people incessantly but, there was so much more to her.
"Hey girl. Wassup?" Jackie greeted her. She shrugged and slid onto the barstool. "Same shit. Different day." Sienna spat her drink while Iris snorted. Jackie just smiled slyly. "Okay then."
"Rory, what do you want?" Iris asked, beside her.
I want to know more about you.
"The usual. Cherry vodka and soda." Iris nodded and then flagged down the barkeep.
"Hey Rory! How was your day?" Bryce asked.
Iris slapped his shoulder. "Only I can call her that. Be more creative, Lahela."
Aurora snickered and nudged Iris. "So overprotective."
"I am your knight in the shining armour. Get your facts checked, Rory." Iris exclaimed.
Everything was great, untill it wasn't.
Vincenzo was right behind Iris, trying to get to the bar table. It would have been completely normal if, he wouldn't have reached down to grab her ass.
It all happened in the blink of an eye. Iris turned around, grabbed his wrist, twisted it and pinned it to his back. He yelped but that didn't stop her. She slammed his head on the bar and kept him there. Collective gasps went around them and someone pulled the cord of the jukebox at the same time.
"Now, now Vincenzo. What have you done?" She asked, her voice so cold, that it sent a shiver down Aurora's spine.
"I-I didn't do anything!!" He sputtered.
She pulled his hand more, make him screech in pain. "Wrong answer. Try again."
He was sweating now. "I-I grabbed your ass."
"Correct. Now tell me, is it nice to molest people?" She asked sweetly.
"N-n-no." He gasped.
"Ding ding ding. That's the correct answer. Now listen to me, and listen good. Next time, if I see you anywhere near me or any girl, and try to manhandle her, I will skin your testicles. And don't feel for a moment think that I am joking. Because I am not." She said with acid dripping in her tone.
She lets him go. She straightens his tacky jacket and pats his cheek. She smiles. "Now run along, boy."
She turns around towards her drink and takes a sip of the smooth whiskey. Over the rim of her glass, she noticed the expressions of her friends and colleagues.
Sienna had her mouth open, with a lettuce hanging out.
Jackie, was stunned while, Bryce had a hand on his chest, taken aback.
Dr. Ramsey's eyes were as big as saucers, which was the most expression she had seen from him.
Aurora had a heated gaze.
And, Elijah had fainted.
"Elijah?!!" Iris rushed and shook his shoulder. He woke up disoriented. "Yeahhh I might have passed out after seeing something so scary."
"I don't know whether to be scared or be turned on." Bryce said, recovering first. "Well, I'm turned on." Aurora mumbled into her drink, so lowly that only Iris heard. Iris was as red as her hair.
"Well, remind me not to ever cross you Iris." Jackie said.
Iris laughed but her laughter was cut shot when she was pulled roughly of the chair by an angry Vincenzo. She was hurled into the table, hitting the back of her head, hard. Glass broke and cut her in the stomach.
She could see black spots in her vision and she froze. This blow reminded her of her personal hell. She was reminded of the monster, she had been running all her life from. The demons haunting her and reminding her that they are not very far away. That they would ways be there, right over her shoulder.
She stayed there, waiting for the next blow when she saw through her bleary vision, Dr. Ramsey and Bryce restraining Vincenzo.
"Hey, hey, HEY!!" Aurora said as she shook Iris' shoulders. "Stay awake for me Iris. We are taking you to the hospital to check for a concussion."
"Rory...stay..." Iris mumbled as she held onto Aurora.
"I'm here Iris. I am always here."
Aurora flashed the light into Iris' eye for her neural check up. It blinded Iris and she slowly and painfully followed the source of light.
After a few moments, Aurora nodded to herself and switched off the light. "Good thing is that you don't have a concussion. Now about the gash on your stomach, I will stitch it up and give you a tetanus shot."
"But I'm sooooo sleepy." Iris said mid yawn.
Aurora chewed her lip, to come with something that could keep her awake. "Well, let's play the question game."
"Question game?" Iris asked amusingly. "Yap. I ask a question you give an honest answer and vive versa. You can even go first."
"Hmmm... favourite colour?"
"Forest green." Just like your eyes. She added mentally.
"Do you have any tattoos?" Aurora asked as she cut the shirt which was drenched in blood.
"Yeah... Two."
"I haven't seen them." Aurora as she lifted the t-shirt to rest below Iris' breasts.
Yup it it's a mess. She sighed and reached for antiseptic
"For that you might have to get me naked."
Aurora stopped in her tracks. She slowly turned to look at Iris who was giving a shit eating grin. Without hesitation, she dabbed the antiseptic, right on the wound.
"FUCK. Fuck. Fuck. Couldn't give a warning Rory??!" Iris said as she hissed.
Aurora just smiled smugly and said, "Oops??"
"My chance. Why do you call me Princess?" Iris asked. She never really understood the reference behind that one.
"Well, you remind me of Merida, from 'Brave'. You haven't seen it?" Aurora asked as she searched the wound to make sure, there weren't any glass pieces left.
"Well, it's my personal mission to make you watch it. Don't move. I am stitching you up." Aurora said.
She picked up the needle and thread and moved closer to her stomach. "Sooo.... Tell me about your family." Iris froze and the room became so silent that you could hear a pin drop.
Way to go Aurora.
"You don't need to say if it's too invasiv-" Aurora quickly covered up but Iris just reached and squeezed her shoulder, with a soft smile on her face.
"It's okay...it's just been so long since I have spoken about them. Well, my mother was like a ray of sunshine. She was always radiant and positivity just oozed out of her like a waterfall. She had so much love for everyone and she was empathetic. She and I used to sing karaoke in the kitchen while we cooked food. We were not very well off but, she made sure that I never felt that I lacked a childhood. She was my best friend, more like a sister than a mother." Iris said with a small smile, her eyes having a faraway look.
"She died when I was sixteen. Leukemia. She had grown into a shell of a person because of the constant chemotherapy but, her spirit stayed strong. If you spoke to her over the phone, you wouldn't even realise that she was sick.
She always told me, "Adara, always keep your youth alive. Always be kind to people and don't hesitate to help your enemies. The day your curiosity and youth dies, you start wilting like a flower. Never give up and always stay strong." Iris recited from her memory.
"Iris Adara Everette. It means 'fire' in Hebrew. She used to call me 'little red' when I was younger because of my fiery spirit."
"She sounds like a lovely person. I'm sorry..." Aurora said, gently.
"Nah, it's okay I have made my peace with it."
"What about your fathe-" Aurora asked.
"Hey, are the stitches done?" Iris asked, as she looked down at her stomach.
"Yup. Now, you need bed rest for the next one week-"
"One WEEK??!!"
"-with plenty of water. Keep yourself hydrated. I am keeping you in the hospital for the next two days, for observation and then you can head home after that.
"BUT-" Iris started but Aurora shushed her.
"Doctor's order. Don't worry about your patients, Elijah and Jackie will manage them. Dr. Ramsey is already aware so he has given you the week off."
"Fiiinnneeee." Iris blew a raspberry.
Aurora turned and started disposing off the medical waste and her gloves when she heard a tiny voice saying, "Stay." Aurora turned around to see Iris giving her the cutest puppy eyes, which she could not resist.
"Pleeaaseee Rory?? What if I get a haemorrhage in the middle of the night?? Or or-"
"Calm down Adara, I will stay the night."
Iris smiled a genuine smiled which she had reserved only for Rory. She shifted and patted on the space next to her, on her hospital bed. Aurora took of shoes and settled in the covers.
"Thank you, Rory." Iris said as she nuzzled against Aurora.
"For what?" She asked as she wrapped an arm around Iris.
"For fixing me up... and calling me Adara."
"Do you mind? If I call you that??"
"Nope, infact I love it. But call me that, only if we are alone. " Those were the last words she said before they both drifted into a dreamless sleep.
Soooooo, how did you like it?? Like and reblog :))
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white-manz-whore · 5 years
sunday august 25th, 2019
i know and understand that brandon is cancelled. but i still get flustered when i am around him ugh
i saw carl today! i have had this entire plan to ask him all these questions but I never got the chance to. I first saw him while I was doing go backs (returning products customers decide they don’t want). I was hoping to see Avery while doing this but NOTHING. anyways, I only talked to carl for like 20 seconds because he was working and I was working so yeah.
Anyways when I went on lunch I was hoping to see carl in the break room but he wasn’t there. as I was panning the room I fuckiNG SAW BRANDON SITTING IN THE CORNER EATING ALONE.. BITCH MY JAW LITERALLY FUCKING DROPPED. MY MOUTH OPENED. I was so fucking shoooook. I fully expected him to be out eating with his friends awifujwlfijhil. after I walked in he noticed me and quickly looked away. while I was sitting down I pulled a Nina and took a picture. its really bad because I was hella nervous and could barely hold my phone oops. the back of his head is cute oops.
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not long after I sat down he got his stuff and left. 
after I finished eating I left the break room to go outside and look for carl at his usual smoking spot. nothing. so I decided to go to my car and charge my phone while I call my friend. we only talked for a few minutes because the poor soul was busy. anyways as I go out to leave my car STARTS BEEPING AT ME. LOUD ASFUCKKK. the alarm was going off and I had to idea how to make it stoppp. I shut my door. I unlocked the door. I locked the door. I pushed the alarm button on my key fob. I turned off and on my lights lmao. I TURNED ON MY CAR AND NOTHING. it eventually stopped on its own. I was so stressed and nervous I had no idea if anyone was around bc that shit was hella embarrassing. I stayed in my car for like another minute beaucse I was spooked and if there was someone around I didn’t want them to see me get out of my car oops. I also had no idea why the heck it did that.
when I first got the car I remember reading in the owners manual that there's a security system set in place in which the alarm will go off if it things that you have locked your car, walked off, and accidentally left your key fob in it. thats what I assumed happened? I don’t know to be honest. in the moment I thought that i would never find a solution for it to stop because I felt like I tried everything and it wouldn't shut off. my mind went to the worst place (as it does) and I thought it was just never going to stop going off and my battery would drain and I would be stranded at Walmart. that reminds me, I need to put jumper cables in my trunk in case anything ever does happen. *knock on wood*
after all that I was still stressed and embarrassed but it was getting hot in my car so I was like “its time to dip”. after I opened the door THAT BITCH STARTED BEEPING AGAINNNN. honestly at this point I had no idea what to do. I thought that I should just get out the car or throw my key fob out the window so that it doesn’t think I left it inside. I kept locking and unlocking my car so that it realized that I was still in the fricken car and that bitch wouldn’t shut off. this time I had the door open and like jiggled the ignition and I think that turned it off. I don’t know honestly. it may have just turned off on its own again. im still mad at my car for this. my black Tesla would NEVER do me like that.
after it shut off the second time I finally left my car. as I was walking out there was a car passing by, I look up and a guy winked at me (ew). and as I continued walking he conitnued to look at me while he was driving. then he made a left turn to park in the lot and he was STILL looking at me. I make a face at him bc that shit annoys me oops. I did not want to be outside when that guy got out of his car so I started speed walking towards the entrance.
this is where I notice carl having a smoke and Brandon sitting down on the ground next to him while they talk. they were in carls OTHER smoking place UGHGUHSIHEIRGHU. and they have a CLEARRRRR ASSSS VIEW OF MY CAR. I don’t know if they saw me walk to my car / walk from my car / STRUGGLE TO TURN OFF MY CAR ALARM. at this point im embarrassed as fuck and ready to run away and hide. I was fucking pacing around walmart as I always do when im stressed. 
I then saw them both go into the break room area. I wait like one minute and then decide to go inside. Carl being carl asks how I am. we enter the actual break room area and talk for a bit. Brandon was outside in the little hallway thing, but he did walk into the break room for a few seconds while I was talking to carl.
i told him how I saw him outside a few minutes ago and that I struggled to turn off my car alarm. he told me “oh that was you?”. anyways I explained to him what happened and how I have no idea why the heck it went off or how to turn it off. he told me I should probably look at the owners manual to get more info on that  in case it ever happens in the future. we talk a bit more until he tells me that he has to get back to work.
so I walk him out to the little hallway area and expect Brandon to be long gone because we were talking for a while. but I found him there eating a granola bar looking cute as heck ):. I caught him off guard and he looked all shy and cute im annoyed. he smiled at me ):. carl mentioned how a few people in cap 2 got employee of the month (him and Brandon included) so theres a photo posted on the wall. I should take a picture of that and send it to y'all. when carl told me this Brandon ACTUALLY spoke in my presence for the first time in a hot minute. I think all he said was “yeahhh” while holding both his arms up pointing towards the photo. once again, he was acting cute as heck IM ANNOYED.
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this is the best stock photo I could find. Brandon did something similar but obviously not as creepy looking. and he was facing the photo and not me. and his arms weren’t bent like that. honestly I'm just trying to get y'all to picture how it all went down because I don’t know how to describe things in words.
when my lunch was over I saw Avery with a friend. I discovered that today is his day off. he was looking fine as heck as per usual ugh. I'm starting to think that he isn’t a full time worker because I swear I don’t think he works 5 days a week.
i later saw brandon at self check. I never made eye contact with him and I never caught him staring. but he was very obviously just looking around for me to look at him if that makes sense. along the outside of self checkout theres a lot of chips and candies and he was just looking at that. and then he went to look inside one of those cooler things with sodas/energy drinks in it. and then he looked at the fucking Pokemon card things that are also near self check out. after he made a circle around self checkout looking at all that, he walked out the door and left without buying anything. during this time he didn’t look or smile at me unlike how he was two hours before that when I saw him on lunch. and this goes back to me mentioning how one moment he seems interested and the next he doesn’t.
so the last time I saw him today was when he got off work. I don’t know what he bought but he went to the register across from me. I thought he was going to say hi to me, and he might have if I didn’t have a customer. thats what he did the last time ):. so before this even happened I told the cashier he went to how I embarassed myself on my lunch today (car alarm thing). she told me that I shouldn’t be embarrassed and how she’s done way more embarrassing things. anyways after he left i told the cashier that the reason I was so embarrassed about the car alarm thing is because a cute boy that works at walmart saw. and so naturally, she asked who it was. I told her “its actually a guy that went into your line a few minutes ago, he works in CAP 2″. She replied with, “I know exactly who you're talking about, he is cute but you could do better” i love this girl aksjndfiuahebfuifo. we started talking about him for a while and I discovered that he rides bike to work. the whole time I thought he took the bus but the more that I think about it, riding a bike makes more sense because he gets out late and idk when the trimet stops running.
if my calculations are correct, brandon is off the next two days. in other words he isn’t working until wendesday. but I have wednesday and Thursday off so I won’t see him. and then when im back to work on friday carl is off both friday and saturday. the whole point of this is to inform you that the three (me, carl, and Brandon) of us aren't going to all work at the same time until next sunday. exactly a week from today. these are the best days because carl is with brandon a lot. and carl talks to me a lot. 
also carl wants to have dinner together or see a movie before i leave for school. and thats cool but i feel weird about it for some reason idk. how do i avoid this.
also, while working some guy asked me  how i pronounce my name. he told me that he’s never met someone with my name and how it was pretty. I had war flash backs to the time that Gabriel asked for my number because he also asked how I pronounce my name. anyways the guy from today was CUTE as heck.
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darlinvandijk · 6 years
When The Party’s Over
Concept: Just a lil movie that played in my head as I listened to when the party’s over by my queen Billie Eillish, i reccomend listening to it as you read
I hope you enjoy it :)
You rest against the wall and slowly trace the raindrops coming down the window as you softly hum a tune you thought of the other day. Your mind wandering to a place you’ve been trying to forget, but can’t find it in you to let go.
“Don’t you know I’m no good for you” you breathlessly sing as you make your way away from the window and towards the kitchen, where so many memories were made.
“B stoppp before everything gets ruined, I’m trying to impress your parents and I can’t do that with you cornering me every second you get” you whine to Brandon as he laughs and backs you up against the counter. He had been watching you bake a cake, or at least try to, but enjoyed seeing you get flustered more. You were his addiction, you brought out the best in him, but also the worst.
You lean against the counter remembering the way he would press against you and whisper sweet little nothings into your ear knowing it’d get you to give him attention instead of the cookbook in front of you. He’d always been needy when it came to you, but you loved the way he craved your attention.
“I’ve learned to lose, you can’t afford to” you hum as you make your way towards the living room, where his old hoodie was thrown across the back of the couch, only used during lonely cold nights, which seemed to be most nights nowadays.
“Babygirl are you sure? I don’t have to go on this tour, I can stay here with you and we can do everything we planned on doing. I can afford to lose this tour, the boys will be fine without me.” Brandon whispered as he sat across from you on the couch fiddling with the promise ring on your finger. You guys had been arguing about the tour since you knew that he would leave and needed to for his career, but he couldn’t accept the fact that his career meant leaving those he loved.
You grab the hoodie and slip it on, catching the faint but familiar scent of Brandon’s favorite cologne. It was almost gone from how long it’s been since he last wore it. The hoodie reaches mid thigh, just the way he liked it, but he probably forgot you even had it since it’s been so long since you last talked to each other.
“Quiet when I’m coming home, I’m on my own” you whisper as you walk down the hallway to what used to be your guys’ shared room, but was now just yours. The room almost empty from the open space where his stuff once was.
“Brandon it’s been how long since we last talked? Oh right, 4 fucking months. There’s a difference between going and being busy on tour, and then just ignoring the people that love you. Maybe now just isn’t right for us. Let’s just let it go. Let me let you go.” You whisper, your voice cracking as you break up with the love of your life.
You wipe the tears off of your face as you sit on the bed remembering that night. You not only lost your boyfriend that night, but you lost your best friend. You knew it had to be done, he was getting distant and you were getting hopeless. He didn’t need any distractions, it was what was best for him, even though it meant hurting you. You thought you’d be able to bear the pain of losing your best friend, but here you are 1 year later still wishing he was there to hold you.
“God it’s been 3 months since they got off tour, if he wanted to talk to me and see me, he would have by now.” You mumble as you play with the hole in the hoodies sleeve.
You make your way back towards the living room, remembering the day Haile stopped by to help pack and take whatever he had at your apartment back to the boys shared home, giving you a hug and telling you that you’d always be family because it wasn’t the end just yet.
“You’ll always be the sister I never had too hails, but it’s over. We both know it. He’s just not into it anymore, and it’s okay. He needs this career more than he needs this relationship and that’s okay” you whisper as tears stream down my face. She loads the last box and gives you a hug before taking off down the road.
You let out a quiet sob as you think of how many memories you had together, but he’s better off without you. He needs to do what he was destined to do, and you’re not going to be the one to get in the way of that.
You sigh and wipe your face as you get up and make your way to the door after hearing someone knock on it. No one ever stops by this late at night, especially during a storm, so you assumed it was your best friend Ash stopping to stay the night, since she knows you hate being alone on stormy nights.
You let out a gasp as you open the door, the bright light from the hallway hurting your red tear filled eyes. You’re in too much shock to say anything as you stare at the beautiful boy outside your door.
“I need you babygirl. I never stopped needing you.” He whispers, wiping the tears falling from underneath his glasses.
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tf-tmnt · 6 years
Mom catches you with mikey
I would like to say, i don’t really know Mikey’s character than well, so if this is trash i apologize, however, Rapheal and Leonardo are my shit, but feel free to request whoever, just give me time to type it, cuz school and shit.- Zechie
Requested: @annaliaandtheturtles
Everything was perfect. The Snacks were all set up on the coffee table, movie already in the DVD player, parents still outta town, not getting back till tomorrow. The only thing that was missing was... “Baby Cakes!! You in here?” his voice echoed through the apartment. Smiling to yourself, you turn around to see him tumbling towards you. He squashes you in a hug before starting to kiss all over your face.”i’m” kiss.”so” kiss. “Sorry.” kiss. You giggle at his goofiness as he pulls away smiling at you. “ would have been here sooner, but my bro was being all buggy.” he hops over and onto the couch, beckoning you with open arms. You smile before rushing into his arms “its fine babe, besides, i was just ordering the pizza, it should be here any minute.” your voice muffled into his shoulder a bit. “Yes! You are the best-est girlfriend!” he pulled you towards him even more, snuggling his head into the crook of your neck. He kept rubbing into it, like a cat would trying to leave its sent. It tickled a bit. “Mikey!” you laughed
squirming in his grasp. He pulled back for a moment, grinning, only to start snuggling into your neck even harder than before “stoppp, that tickles!!” “Duh! That's why i’m doing it baby cakes” his words mumbled into your skin, giving a weird sensation. Soon the head rubs became kisses, your giggles stop, he kept going, kisses turning to bites, you let out a shaky breath, and he stops for a second, voice deep with lust. “What's wrong angel?” you could hear the grin in his voice. He went back to biting at your neck, trying to get a slight moan out of you, he roamed up and down till he found your sweet spot, the snacks and movie now forgotten, he had found your spot and you let out a small moan, he was about to bite down even harder when there was a knock on the door. The pizza. You had completely forgot about it. Mikey stopped biting and threw his head back, groaning,Quickly you got out of his grasp and walked towards the door. When you pulled it open you didn’t expect to see your mom. You didn’t have time to think or react. Why was she home? She wasn't supposed to be here till tomorrow. Before you could stop her she has waltzed in, and then it happened. Mikey’s worst nightmare come true. She screamed, loudly, the neighbors were probably worried. She stood there shaking looking into the living room. Mikey was backed into a corner, afraid to move, you could see the tears in his eyes, he wanted to cry, he knew he was about to be yelled at, told he was a freak, that he shouldn’t be near her daughter. He closed his eyes preparing for the worst. Before your mom could do anything else, you jumped in between, blocking most of her view of the giant turtle in the living room. Your mother was shaking. “W-what is that thing, (y/n?) why’s it in our house, are you Friends with that thing?!” her words full of worry and disgust. “He. is my friend..my boyfriend, and he's a mutant, turtle, to be exact.” you try to sound as brave as possible. “No” what does she mean no. “what do you mean no?”. “It means, no, i am your mother and i will not have you dating some freak!” her voice became higher and more enraged, you could see mikey flinch from the corner of your eye. You became filled with rage as well, how could she hurt the most pure and kind soul!? “ I do not care if you are my mother, or a stranger, i love him and i will continue to love him as long as he allows me to!” “not in my house your not!” psh. Like that was a threat to you. “Who said i was staying here.” your voice cold and filled with venom, and that's when she broke, her anger dropped, no matter how much she disagreed with your choices, you were still her baby, and she did not want you leaving the nest, not this early She sighed and her shoulders dropped. “I..am sorry. You should be able to love whoever and whatever you want. I don’t like it. but ..eventually, i can come to terms to accept it..however, i don’t speak for your father.” she looked defeated. Mikey had crept out of hiding slightly. He shyly poked his head around from behind you. “Um. I’m mikey?” it came out as a wavering question. Your mom sighed again before  looking straight at him. “Call me Mrs.(y/l/n)” she smiled slight, it was fake, but regardless, she was trying. Mikey smiled brightly back. “Thank you.” you whispered to her. You didn't want to have to choose between your family or your boyfriend, both were too important. “Your mom turned towards the main door...”your father and i will be home tomorrow..i uh. I don’t know how you'll explain this to him…” and with that you two were  left alone in thought.
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