xeneric-shrooms · 1 year
I call this 'Blazing Inferno'
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+ bonus 'Burnt Out'
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whump-queen · 3 months
Silver (Part 2)
continued from this
tags: forced intox, manhandling, “servant” whump but let’s be honest he’s basically a pet. words: 3k
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Seven stumbled through the crowd, making his way towards the white cabinets of the adjoined kitchen. The penthouse was precariously dark for how crowded it felt tonight. The sun had set and all that shone through the ceiling-high glass was the glimmering lights of the city. Of tiny people in distant windows. They danced and flickered like highway beams across Seven’s wavering vision. 
He braced himself against the glass-paned wall, a handprint he would be cleaning up in the morning, along with the rest of the night’s inevitable damage. He felt his mind buzzing, he placed his other palm against the cool glass, and for a moment, he let himself forget it all. 
The ceiling was all that stood between him and an endless sky of blinking lights and stars. There was a vastness about the view beyond that both captivated and terrified him. Skyscrapers surrounded him on all sides, towering to the starry heavens—a gateway that could suck him right up at any moment and send him floating, boundless, through the black night.
He blinked, snapping his gaze from the windowed walls to focus instead on the purple glow of the tacky LED strips Wes had stuck up on the crown molding. Wes was living proof that money couldn’t buy you good taste. He had a gorgeous place on his father’s dime and squandered it with cheesy, bachelor-esque decor. No, if you asked Seven, the penthouse would be much better suited with a simple, elegant aesthetic. But nobody ever did, in fact, ask Seven. 
He let his mind wander back to the immaculate halls of the family estate. He wouldn’t say he missed it, rather, it was no better than his current circumstance, but he couldn’t help but feel as though his talents had been better suited there. 
At least his Mistress shared his proclivity for cleanliness, and he felt his efforts were more…appreciated. That felt like a strange word to assign to someone like her, but he found himself sick of Wes and his particular brand of chaos. Of constantly cleaning things up after he’d only just tidied them. Of his drunk friends constantly throwing things, knocking things over, and getting sick in less than opportune locations. But most of all, he was sick of never getting a moment of space. Gone were any quiet afternoons spent cleaning the mansion, polishing silver or waxing wooden floors. He could at least let his mind wander, back then. Sometimes his Mistress would even let him out onto the grounds. Sometimes it was bearable, when she wasn’t busy tormenting him. 
But there was no yard in this penthouse. Only stacked compartments that soared high into the atmosphere. He’d only ridden the elevator once, on the day he and Wes had moved in. To see so much of the city and never be able to touch it—he felt like a little bird in a high tower, its wings clipped by its captors. Kept in a tiny cage, enveloped in tiny, glimmering lights. 
He was suddenly hyper aware of the bracelet around his ankle. The unwelcome feeling of its strap pressing against his skin. An ugly, black, clunky thing. It hadn’t come off since that first day. 
He was thinking too much for the amount of tequila he’d ingested, and was rudely reminded of that when his throat clenched up and he realized he’d meant to get water several minutes ago. He turned and blinked again, jostling his twirling stream of consciousness, yet he hadn’t so much as another moment to himself as he was nearly toppled into by a drunk girl with red hair. Brie, some part of him remembered. She was a regular. 
She said something to him. He couldn’t make it out over the blasting music. She was holding something. 
Make that two things. 
She offered him a hand. A blue Jello-shot. 
He shook his head, a slightly slurred “Am’good.”
She stepped in closer, sliding her free hand up his chest, “Yeah? I can see that, pretty boy. But we’re just getting started with you.” 
Her voice rang clear this time, and Seven felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. He just wished they would all leave him alone. What on earth would she make him do this time? 
“Please, come on, Brie, I just need some water, I–”
“And I just want you to take a shot with me!” She smiled cheerfully, as if he would have any choice in the matter. 
“Now, you can be a good boy and we’ll do it together. It’ll be fun! Or, we can do this the hard way, and I can have the boys hold you down again.”
The memory of being grabbed and harshly shoved to his knees, his arms wrenched behind him and his hair pulled up, of being force-fed liquor like a pathetic dog—
Fuck—he was gonna gag again.
He knew he couldn’t get out of this, but maybe he could stall and buy himself some time to metabolize the tequila Wes had made him drink earlier. 
“Please! I swear I just need a minute, I just—”
“Yeah, isn't that a shame? Cuz I want to do it now.”
She turned and called out into the crowd, her red curls bouncing as she moved. And like a supervillain summoning two goons, a pair of hulking jocks seemingly materialized behind her. 
Seven froze, two pairs of eyes locking onto his like predators eyeing their next meal. Seven couldn’t even remember their names. Didn’t want to. The tall one with the curly hair and the slightly less-tall one with that awful sneer—they never missed a chance to rough Seven up. 
Just like that, they were on him. The tall one kicked out his right knee while the other twisted a hand in his hair and yanked his head down. There was a burst of white light when he hit the floor face-first, hot wetness splattering under the clash of his temple against the tile. 
Fuck. Fuckk. It was all white for a moment. Then Seven couldn’t see. Couldn’t feel his entire body. He felt weightless all of a sudden, he’d forgotten where he was, he was hurling through a vortex, somewhere far away, far from this penthouse and the music and the booze. It was a heavy, dull pulsating that stirred him back to whatever half-lucid dream this was. He was lying on something. A hard surface. Fuckk. Where was he? 
“Where am I…” his lips moved. No one heard him. 
Then the pounding in his temple began to slowly morph when the bass of the music faded back in, thumping against the inside of his skull like an alarm he just wanted to sleep through. 
He groaned, and he was reminded, slowly, that this was indeed music, that he was lying on a hard surface and that his head fucking hurt. 
He was coming back to himself by the second now and dreaded his position, the memory of reality. To be painfully and blissfully whisked away, if only for a moment—reality hit him harder than the tile flooring.
He was just grateful he’d had the reflex to turn his head. He’d been slammed into the floor enough times to know that failing to do so meant a broken nose. 
He was still reeling from the blow when he felt his wrists grabbed. He knew what came next. He tried to struggle against the hands, but he still couldn’t see straight and fuck he was so dizzy everything was whirring too fast. Arms double the size of his own yanked him up into a kneeling position. He felt hands pressing his wrists together, another hand was in his hair, yanking his head back and forcing his spine to arch painfully. 
He squeezed his eyes shut. Just do it already, he thought, hoping she’d be finished with him if he just took the shot and left it at that. He should have just taken it the first time. God dammit.
He cried out and his head snapped to the side. Brie had slapped him. 
“Pay attention!” She was excited. Smiling in that cheerful beautiful way that would make anyone shocked at the cruelty she was capable of.
She leaned in, sliding her hand down the side of Seven’s reddening cheek, his jawline—he bristled when she reached his collarbone, his sternum, until she was fiddling with the button on his shirt, flicking it until it came free. Seven felt a whine of embarrassment leave his throat, thankfully deafened by the music.
She flicked open a second button and Seven thrashed against the hands that held him, twisting this way and that, giving all his strength for a brief few moments of valiant effort before he felt the back of Brie’s rings cut across his other cheek. He had no time to recover—she grabbed his face and dug her pink nails into the sides of his cheeks, forcing his mouth open. She held the shot up, and he shuddered with the taste of what he knew was coming. 
“Now, I was gonna let you use a spoon, but since you decided to be a bitch about it, you can lick it out with your tongue.”
Seven whimpered. Fuck, he was really going to have to do this.
“Go on. You can either eat it from my hands, or off the floor like a dog. Your choice.”
As if there was ever a choice. 
Seven complied, scooping the blue jello from the cup with his tongue, and swallowing obediently. It was the only way out. He just prayed she’d be satisfied and leave him alone so he could slink off into a corner somewhere where no one would find him for the rest of the night. 
Brie laughed, delighted. She ruffled his hair with her manicured hand. “Good boy!” she exclaimed. As though he really were a dog performing some kind of trick.
He supposed that his obedience was the trick. He was the trick. The dog. Even his title was a farce. Servant. Like his cleaning ever did this place any good. They all treated it like a trap house, anyway. 
His stomach was in knots. At least he had done it. He thrashed against the men that still held him. 
“Aren't you gonna—” his tone slipped. He caught himself. Be respectful. Plead. 
“Please, Brie, jus’ lemme go.” His head was pounding, still bleeding from being slammed against the floor. Everything hurt. As he said it, he realized he might just topple over if they were to release him now.  
“Hmm..” Brie posed her hand against her chin, in mocking consideration. 
“No, I don’t think I will.” 
She smiled, “I’ve remembered how much I like you this way. You’re just so cute!” She ruffled his hair again. He twisted his head to the side, trying to avoid her hand. That earned him another slap. Harder than the others. Seven seemed to have run out of chances. 
“Mikey!” She exclaimed to the goon on the left, “Tie him up!”
The hulking man chuckled. “Looks like he hasn't had enough yet.”
The goon, Mikey, released Seven’s left arm, only for the other man to grab it immediately, twisting both arms behind his back and pressing him down to the floor. Seven didn’t struggle this time, fears of a broken nose or worse running through his mind as his face was rubbed into the smear of his own blood. He let it happen. 
There was a knee on his back, pressing him hard against the tile. He felt a thick leather strap encircle his wrists, cinching tightly before the hands released his arms and tangled back in his hair, yanking his head up until he was kneeling again. He tested the leather, pulling to see if it would give, but it seemed he’d been successfully restrained with no more than a leather belt. 
“Aww, come on Seven, that was nothing! Surely you can take more than that.”
By this point, they were really starting to draw a crowd. Dark figures gathered around him, laughing and swirling, their faces shrouded into dark silhouettes. 
“Please,” he begged, “W-water…”
No one heard him.
“I've got somethin for him!” one guy shouted, approaching through the crowd with what looked to be a jar in his hands. 
“Ooo lemme see!” Brie turned, thrilled, “No way. You got Moonshine Maraschinos? Where did you even find these?”
Seven paused his struggling, confused. He hadn’t heard of that before. He imagined it would be painful, whatever it was. 
“My buddy makes ‘em himself,” the man declared proudly, no doubt invigorated by Brie’s approval. “Best moonshine around. Won’t find nothing stronger than these.” He tapped the lid of the jar.
“Well? Chop chop!!” She clapped her hands at him impatiently. “I’m not opening that thing myself.” 
When the lid was open, Brie reached in and withdrew her hand, her pink fingertips clasped around the stem of a single red cherry. She turned to Seven, leaning down and dangling it in front of his face. 
Seven twisted and scrambled away, “No! Wait, please I jus’ need—” He made it a few feet before one of Brie’s goons caught him by the hair. He let out a yelp as he was dragged backwards, and thrown back down at her feet. His knees cracked against the tile again and he knew they would be beyond bruised by morning. 
“Oh Sevennn,” Brie sang from above him, “Did you think I was finished with you? That it would be that easy? I haven’t even told you what they are yet! Don’t you wanna know?”
Held tightly in place by the goons, Seven said nothing, indignant and content to stare her down until she did the inevitable. 
She let out a big, dramatic breath. “Since you didn't ask, I might as well tell you. These are maraschino cherries, sugar cherries. Soaked in moonshine. You’ve heard of moonshine, haven’t you?”
He grit his teeth and scowled. Her tone was beyond patronizing, but he had not, in fact, heard of moonshine. 
“No,” was all he said.
“Don’t worry, you’ll feel it soon enough.” 
Before he could react, her hand was on his face again, pinching his cheeks until his mouth opened. She dangled the cherry over his parted lips. He could still see her smiling over him. Fuck—why did she have to drag this out?
She lowered the cherry into his mouth, and he took it obediently. He swallowed and immediately gagged when she released his face. It tasted awful. Like someone had soaked a cherry in rubbing alcohol for 8-10 business months. He supposed that was probably exactly what it was. 
She fed him three more before the goons finally released him. Seven curled in on himself at once, folded over with his hands still bound behind him, just trying to quell the nausea in the pit of his stomach. His throat burned, and he couldn’t get that god awful taste of moonshine out of his mouth—out of his nose—his head.
He collapsed onto his side, his shoulder hissing with pain when it hit the floor. He begged for water. No one heard him. 
✧ ─  ༻✦༺  ─ ✧
Seven was floating somewhere. Somewhere high, high above. Diving in the starry depths that loomed overhead, just above the ceiling plaster. 
His mind was elsewhere, but his body remained curled on the floor, crumbling between hyperventilation and bouts of nausea that made him gag, when he felt the tip of a shoe jab him hard in the ribs. 
He ignored it. The shoe persisted, jabbing him harder and harder until it kicked him ruthlessly in the ribs. 
He groaned in pain and stirred, coughing, as he awkwardly propped himself up on one elbow with his hands still bound uselessly at the small of his back.
Slowly, he managed to look up, and felt his liquor-soaked blood run cold. Wes’ hulking shadow loomed over him.
“Well, don’t you look fuckin’ pathetic,” he spat.
Seven could hear that he was smiling. Wes continued, wiping slick strands of hair across his forehead, “Looks like they already got you tied nice and tight, you want some more?” 
Seven scrambled back, “No—no’more, please!–”
Wes didn’t give time for Seven to escape. Grabbing his collar and yanking him forward, he forced that now half-drunken bottle of silver tequila right to his lips. 
Wes’ other hand found Seven’s hair and yanked it back again, following with the bottle until Seven was nearly bent in half limbo-style.
For several agonizing seconds, Wes’ hand in his hair was all that held him up as he was forced to chug that horrible nauseating poison. It was. It was straight poison. And Seven would never be free of it. Free of them. Free of him.
Too many seconds—let up Wes for the love of god please—let up!—god—Seven begged in his head, tears falling and whimpering, he gagged mid-gulp and felt lukewarm, stinging poison spill from his lips and run down his chin, before Wes pulled the bottle away and released his hair. 
He collapsed instantly, coughing and retching and curling in on himself when his knees hit the floor and he felt his kneecaps ring. 
They thought it was funny to get him drunk like this. Just because they could. 
Seven lay on the floor for, he didn’t know how long. Someone finally brought him water. He didn’t know who. There was a light touch on his shoulder, the gentle cupping of the back of his neck, guiding him towards a red solo cup. He flinched away before he realized its contents didn’t reek like its predecessors. It was water. 
He was back on his knees so fast it made his head spin with heavy vertigo, swallowing him in swirling molasses for several moments as he tried to stop the blurry red shape in front of him from oscillating back and forth.
That hand was back around his neck again, gripping, but not squeezing. Holding his chin and guiding him towards the water. He tried to reach for the cup. His arms did not budge. He remembered now, slowly and to his detriment, that no one at this party had any intention of releasing him from his belted circumstance any time soon. 
He decided he didn’t care. There was no time to care when there was water.
He lurched his head forward when his lips touched the plastic, causing the cup to tip too fast and the water to cascade down his face and neck and his exposed chest.
He didn’t care, gulping it up at a breakneck speed until every drop was gone.
His savior pulled her hand away and he gasped and bent forward, realizing the front of his shirt was soaked through.
He probably looked like a mess.
He didn’t care. 
This was no place for pride.
He just hoped he’d survive the night. 
✧ ─  ༻✦༺  ─ ✧
Oh boy that was a long one! Let me know if you have any suggestions/requests on what to do to him next :3
Series masterlist
Seven Taglist: (Just ask to be added/removed!)
@oddsconvert @blood-is-compulsory @lonesome--hunter @silversanimewhump @whatwasmyprevioususername
@suspicious-whumping-egg @theonewithallthefixations @saltyemrys @writing-and-trying @veyroswin
@whumpdreamz @kitstorm @amazingmagda @honeycollectswhump @ijustwannareadsomestuff
@fleshand-blood @cryptobiolliegy @whump-in-the-closet
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grimoirering · 2 years
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287 notes · View notes
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my silly little guyyy
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alltoowille · 1 year
painter au update later today 😇🫶 14.5k comin y’all’s way
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teddybeartoji · 4 months
your hcs make me so horny LMAO
tbh you have no business being both hilarious and have the perfect amount of lewd imagination it's so perfect
and you're def one of the reasons i'm glad i don't have the body of a guy cuz then i wouldn't be able to check ur posts anytime bruh i'd get bricked up so quick
just read the kitten reader w toji lmao in case u were wandering, tho that's not the only one that's really good
also!! there's unique stuff here! to me at least, i never saw some stuff cuz i didnt search (ahem, the hybrid stuff and piss kink ones...
months ago i came to terms w the daddy kink i thought i'd never have cuz lowkey cringe and i thought i couldn't go any lower but oh well here i am.. atp i fully accepted it and i'm just enjoying the ride, going wherever you'll take me tbh 👍)
just realized maybe it's cuz it's u tho and you manage to make everything rlly hot but oh well ig i'll see sometime maybe :P
anyways have a great day i love your posts they make me smile
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AND EEEEEEEEE!!!!! I AM REALLY REALLY GLAD TO BE THE ONE TO INTRODUCE YOU TO NEW THINGS!!!! I REALLY AMM!!!!!!!! i think experimenting and just learning abt yourself is soooo much fun and that does in fact include all sorts of kinks and stuff too hehehhee:3333 AAAANNDDDD HSHDHSHDHSHD THE INFAMOUS DADDY KINK........ i was never that into it either.. like sure i could call like toji that... buuuut i'm kind of picky abt the other faves lmao ++++ the fact that..... i.... myself.... like to be called that............................... was mindblowing hdhshshshahs thank you pasi my love i would've never known that lmao that actually fucking changed my life it's insane😭😭😭😭 like it's fucking crazy how into it i am wheeewwwwwwwwww
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waytoobsessed · 1 year
Rambling about my au like a madman
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rinhaler · 9 months
++ 𝐡𝐢𝐢, 𝐈'𝐦 𝐢𝐧 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲/𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐞 𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭 🙈 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐤𝐬𝐣
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It's been a while since I did any nanamin stuff hehe (combining two reqs bc u both don't have anything specific heheheee)
warnings: 18+ MDNI, incest, fem!reader, uncle!nanamin, fingering, exhibitionism, public sex ig, squirting, pet names (sweetheart, princess, angel, baby).
words: 1.1k
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“W-Wow…” you muse, taking in the decadent atmosphere of the restaurant.
You’ve seldom been to places like this, like when your favourite uncle decides to treat you and your mother to a nice meal when he’s in town. But even then, there is a stark difference from the restaurants back home in the village you live in. It’s magnificent. You may have experienced a similar setting before, but never on a date.
A date with that very same uncle, nonetheless.
“You like it, sweetheart? I’m glad.” he tells you, taking your hand as you're guided by the maître d' to your table. He looks over the top of his menu as he studies your face. You’re so precious, that’s what he thinks as you look over the options and realise you don’t understand what any of them are. “I’ll order for you.” he assures you, taking the menu from your hand and setting it down.
You feel yourself get warmer, a little embarrassed that he picked up on your cluelessness so easily. But you smile, regardless, thanking him.
You’ve been so excited for this little trip since you first heard about it.
“Uncle Nanami wants to know if you’d like to spend the weekend with him?” your mother asked/told you. And, bless her, she had no idea what that would entail.
It’s been months since you’ve seen him. You were hardly surprised when your ankles were practically behind your ears as he drilled his cock in and out of your puffy, slicked up folds, the minute he got you to his house.
You’d been drenched the entire train ride.
“You look so pretty tonight, princess.” he tells you, cupping your face so sweetly with a rough, masculine hand. His singular hand is almost the size of your entire face. He coos at you as your eyelids become heavier, leaning in to place a delicate kiss on your cheek. “I’m so happy you’re here with me. Hopefully your mother won’t object to this being a regular thing.” he smiles.
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You’ve been squirming in your seat since before your main course arrived. The way he looks at you, the way he talks to you, you forget how naughty your uncle Nanamin can be. Your panties are once again entirely soaked through. He’d mentally noted how much you were wriggling around, though he chose not to comment on it. Not until—
“Can’t sit still for five minutes, hm? What’s wrong?” he asks.
“N-Need you…” you whisper, putting your head down to avert his intense stare. Though you’re soon looking at him again as he tilts your head up by your chin, forcing you to hold his gaze.
“What was that, angel? I didn’t quite hear you.”
“Need you… uncle Nanamin, need you real bad.” you pout. And at that, he smirks. You’re a little taken aback as his hand lowers beneath the table. Here? Right here? Your heart pounds as you look around at the other clueless restaurant patrons. This is so unlike him. He’s always so upstanding and discreet. But—
“My my, sweet little girl. You are soaked.” he comments as his fingers breach the hemline of your cotton panties. You bite your lip as his fingers drag up and down the length of your slit. He shushes you as your eyes well with tears, shame and pleasure wrack through you as he finds your slippery clit. And he targets it, skilfully. “Be good for me, be so good for me. If you make a single sound, I won’t touch you for the remainder of the weekend. Do you understand?”
You take his words literally, only nodding as he awaits your answer. It’s near impossible, though, when he makes you feel so good like this. Even with just a few pathetic rubs on your clit, your eyes begin to roll back.
“Na— Nanamin,” you do your best to whisper, his name leaving your lips as a ghoulish gasp. He shushes you, quietly, but it’s loud enough to make a statement. His eyebrows furrow, and you can’t tell if it’s anger or disappointment. You think you’ll die if he stops, though his ministrations haven’t ceased yet. Maybe you were quiet enough to test the boundaries of what he actually meant.
He doesn’t want you to cause a scene.
“Kiss me, please.” you whisper again. And that softens his features. He pities you, you think, although that assumption proves wrong as he indulges you. He closes the distance between you without letting up his gentle yet purposeful touches on your pretty pearl. You’re a little surprised when you feel his tongue enter your mouth, something you’ve never known him to do in public before. “I— I love you.”
“Yeah?” he smiles into your kiss before he breaks it completely. “You’re so close, you’re shaking. Let me see how much you love me. Cum for your favourite uncle, sweetheart, go on.” he instructs you.
He holds one of your hands with his free one while your other one curls into your seat. Your knuckles turn white as you finish, legs trembling and clamping around his hand as you douse his fingers. You can’t believe he’s made you squirt in public. Embarrassment rises through you once more, and you’ve never felt such a scorching temperature in your life.
You look around to see if anyone has noticed, while Nanami withdraws his hand and crosses his ankle over his knee. You watch him as he sucks his fingers clean of the mess, your mess, with a look of contentment on his face. You, however, are panting heavily while you rest your head in one hand on the table. You’re slumped over, and you couldn’t feel more self-conscious.
You don’t exactly look like you belong here.
“Would you be interested in some dessert?” a waiter asks as he approaches, though his question almost evaporates as he looks at you. Your sweat coated skin and your mussed up hair catches him off guard. Your irregular breathing makes him worry for your well-being. “Are you alright, Miss? You look…” he finds himself at a loss of what to even say. He knows he needs to be polite, but you almost look ill.
“She’s fine, just a little warm and worked up.” your dear uncle intervenes, smiling at the waiter graciously as he interlocks his fingers and rests his chin atop them. “Isn’t that right, sweetheart? I’m sure you’ll cool down after some ice cream.”
You nod, doing what you can to pull yourself together. You’d hate to embarrass your favourite uncle, after all. What if he doesn’t invite you back to do this again?
“Wonderful, sir.” the waiter smiles as he holds up a pad of paper with a pen to take your dessert orders. “You make a lovely couple, by the way.” you aren’t sure if he’s being polite out of obligation to his job, or if he genuinely feels that way. But you and your uncle share a knowing smile with each other, and yours only grows wider as he brushes a fallen section of hair out of your face.
“We aren’t a couple.” he starts. “I’m her uncle.”
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© 2024 rinhaler
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jellyvibes710 · 1 month
(Previous bonus part)
TW: dead animal
blood (if you look really fucking hard)
Glitchy effects (I tried to go easy on it to avoid straining your eyes too much)
Enjoy!! :D
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To all those wondering where Leo was, here he is! An he’s sure been busy
@abbeyofcyn lookie lookie, it’s done! I’ve been trying new things too, like angles and perspective✨
This takes place about a day later around 3:30am, so he’s had plenty of time to himself to put his plans in motion >:3c
I’m so excited for what’s to come heheheee
I got a little Carried away with the details in this part but it was so worth it. I tried typing the words on this part and immediately gave up because it was irritating, everyone is stuck with my crappy handwriting forever
Anywizzle, here’s Leo’s character sheet :D
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Don’t mind the boxes, they aren’t important
I decided to remove the torn suit jacket so that Leo would pop out more and not get lost in the background (ended up adding the yellow/orange glow to avoid the same thing with Donnie) and to also really draw your eyes to him because well, he is the center of attention ✨
Off to the next part!
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hall0wedwyrm · 27 days
"Theraprism takes its toll on anyone who enters. For Bill Cipher, former ruler of the Nightmare Realm, it was a painfully long experience. One day, he gets an opportunity though; a one time trip to anywhere he would like in the multiverse… Bill chooses to visit Gravity Falls one last time. But in a place like that, something unexpected always happens."
Surprise!! my gravity falls fic is here!! I have so many chapters planned and so many ideas im very excited to share them teehee.
This is chapter 1 AND 2!! Chapter 3 is in the works RIGHT NOW and i have so many more planned too heheheee
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animelga · 11 months
I watched the first eight episodes of the BLEACH anime!!! Originally I wanted to do some sort of thing where I do a post per each episode and highlight my favorite screengrab from it, but then I realized I'd rather watch the episodes relaxed without stressing over rewinding to specific frames and all that...so you'll just get some scattered images instead!
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Its a really interesting adaptation if only because it adds so many small little things seemingly for no reason - and now that I've already read the manga those little creative liberties just stick out as fascinating more than they do annoying. Like, they technically let us see inside Hueco Mundo several times by following the perspective of Hollows, and that'll make the eventual trip there a lot more satisfying!
But then there's some dumb stuff like how they add a complete no-name Soul Reaper to hunt down Rukia before even Renji and Byakuya are sent out. Like on the one hand - it helps solve a weird logic issue as to why a CAPTAIN would leave their post to do this pretty basic basic by implying that they tried someone lesser before and it didnt work....buuuuut at the same time there's something undeniably powerful about Ichigo realizing just how far above him the rest of Soul Society is when he encounters Renji and Byakuya for the first time
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I was initially kind of put off by how brightly colored the anime is, as I often am with anime adaptations - I feel like there's an understated beauty in black-and-white Manga like One Piece that its own anime adaptation kind of ruins. But I'm surprised by how quickly I warmed up to it here, they play with color in a lot of really interesting ways given the weekly-anime-in-the-2000s context of ir all, be it clouding the world around the characters in darkness to convey they're in spirit form or by making backgrounds super abstract and bubbly like in the Orihime Leek Spin scene to convey when its sillytime
Last thing - I REALLY like the dub acting. Yeah it sometimes has that stilted delivery from trying to cram everything into a small timeframe, but it makes a lot of really natural flowing changes to dialogue (That guy vouldn't tell a stethoscope from a telephone!) althewhile being...actually funny??? This is the only clip I have on hand because it genuinely made me laugh so hard I had to save it for later
Overall - SUPER excited to see what'll happen when fights start ramping up once the Soul Society arc starts. The first eight episodes have been surprisingly breezily paced (possibly thanks to the new content they added helping it from feeling arbitrarily stretched out?) and I'm lookin forward to hearing my favs' voices for the first time heheheee
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xeneric-shrooms · 1 year
I call this 'Blazing Inferno'
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+ bonus 'Burnt Out'
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gladiatorcunt · 8 months
I saw that you write for ATSV and heheheee I'm so excited to request this... ^^
AFAB!Reader works at Hammond with Johnathan/Spot and they start dating right before the accident happens. Reader assumes that Johnathan is dead so they quit out of grief. Spot stops by Reader's apartment after a few months of him being "dead" and the two reunite with all the pent-up emotions they'd been holding back. Including sex, of course. Gentle dominant Reader is very welcomed if you're feeling up for it! I see Spot as being a whiney submissive but maybe you see him differently idk 🫣
hi, this is so so so late and i did write a more dom reader but i struggled a log so i hope this is at least somewhat pleasing. i ended up having them not date before the accident and there might be other slight changes like that but i hope you still like it 💘
summary: the spot x afab former coworker!reader
cw: reader almost gets called mommy one time, unironic usage of the phrase “breeder balls”, obvious creative liberties relating to how he’d be able to have sex/his whole thing in general, unprotected sex/implications of him not pulling out, reader’s genitals referred to as “pussy” and “cunt”, one moment of self degradation, i’m inexperienced with writing a dom reader so forgive the messy vibes, also have not seen atsv in a hot minute so excuse any errors, implications of spot having a tongue like venom,
requests are open !! (read my rules )
divider by cafekitsune
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No one could deny the extra pep in your step you seemed to possess as you sauntered through the lobby of your work building. The heels of your loafers signal your approach and the echo follows you all the way into the elevator. You take care to balance the object that’s gently cradled in your left hand while you giddily scan the array of buttons to find the one for your floor. You nearly drop what you’re holding and you have to adjust the straps of your leather bookbag when you press it. As soon as the glass doors are open enough, you rush through the gap and make your way towards your station. You don’t pay attention to where your bag lands when you shrug it off and instead focus on the recipient of what you now have hidden behind your back.
Your co-worker Jonathan was just so fun to play pranks on. There was something about the cute looks he would get on his face, whether they were annoyed or strangely starry eyed. It was a childish way to bond, sure, but you went out of your way to make your pranks as stupid and harmless as possible. If his attention was also an added bonus, then it’s simply a win-win situation.
The fuzzy fake tarantula flies through the air as you throw it. Thankfully, it completely hits its mark and lands on Jonathan’s angular right shoulder. You don’t have time to try to hide your giggles before a loud shriek bounds off the walls. The fake tarantula makes a thud when it inevitably gets flung against the wall. You spot it out of the corner of your eye and you suddenly can’t hold back your laughter.
“Yeah, you’ll be laughing it up until I have a heart attack and come back to haunt your ass.” He huffs out as he catches his breath and dramatically puts his hands over his thundering heart.
“You promise?” You tease with a wide grin, reaching a hand up to ruffle his brown hair when he playfully pouted.
Jonathan swats away your hand with an overly fond eye roll as he turns back to his work. He tugs his black turtleneck over the hump in his nose bridge in the hopes that it would hide the fierce blush flooding his face. You were really too much sometimes, but he wouldn't have you any other way.
Neither of you had any idea how ironic that exchange would prove to be.
You had been having nightmares again. The same one with a few variants, ones where no matter which way it happens, you have to watch as Jonathan violently dies. It hasn’t been that long since the infamous accident, but it felt like decades already to you. Before you quit your job in the wake of the tragedy, everyone around you was telling you that you shouldn’t blame yourself. You could hardly help that you were sick with a cold and had to take the day off. There wasn’t anything you or anyone could have possibly done. But all those awkwardly polite reassurances mean nothing when you think about how you at least could’ve been by his side. Could’ve offered a smidgen of comfort before the two of you were engulfed by your failure.
The latch of your window was about to fly across the room. It had been storming all night, and you had just managed to get only about an hour of sleep. You grumble as you climb out of bed and sluggishly pull up some flimsy plaid pajama pants. Your mind is still half asleep so you’re not sure if the button up you snatch from your closet matches, but it’s too late to care. Your favorite pair of boxer briefs lie forgotten on the floor in front of your bed. The cheaply built floor in your shitty apartment creaks with every step you take.
The white wooden windowsill is damp when you ghost your fingers along the edge. You try to peer out and around the window before sluggishly undoing and redoing the latch. Looks like you might have another all nighter in your near future.
Then you feel a drop of something fall on your face. You blink in confusion and swipe a thumb through the sticky substance, it’s pitch black and looks a lot like ink.
You look up at the ceiling only to see more weird stains making a trail along your ceiling, down the wall behind, and on the floor leading right to your heels.
“Small world, huh?”
That voice… you try to tell yourself that it’s another manifestation of your guilt. You’re just tired, that’s all. This is probably just some sort of lucid dream.
The finger that tilts your chin up begs to differ, and now you’re faced with the sight of a freak of nature. You shake as you frantically sweep your eyes rapidly over it. Black spots swirl and glitch all over a bright white body, which hunches over slightly as it… peers into your eyes. With the world you live in, superheroes and all that, it shouldn’t be that much of a surprise when you see it up close.
“I knew you’d probably be disgusted by me, but I had to see you.” The being using Jonathan’s voice says, but surely that can’t be him. Jonathan died in that freak accident months ago. Jonathan was gone forever, and you’d be all alone for the rest of your miserable little life.
The thing must be able to sense the confusion and the termoil that’s building inside of you, because suddenly you’re being gently swept on your feet and tossed on your bed. It cups your face in both of its palms and tenderly swipes its thumbs over your wet cheeks.
“Don’t be afraid, you know me, you know who i am.” It…. He? murmurs, burying his featureless face in the crook of your neck.
You sigh, wrapping your arms around somewhat familiar shoulders. In your heart and in your soul, you do know who has you trapped within the confines of your own bed. If you’re wrong, you’ll just chalk it up to having had a very realistic and very pleasant dream. You pull his face out of your neck so you can nuzzle in one of the spots against what feels like a hooked nose.
“Yeah I do, Jonathan. I know.”
Black tears rain on your face as his new body quivers with all the emotions he must be dealing with. You have no fucking clue how he became… like this. But selfishly, you’re just too happy and willing to lie in bed with your delusions to look a gift horse in the mouth. You’d leap through hoops for whatever form of Jonathan you were allowed to have.
Now it’s you who tenderly wipes away tears, and as you do so you pull his face flush against yours so you can softly kiss shadowy lips. Jonathan quivers intensely but you stand your ground and run a hand up and down his back to coax him into returning the kiss. You had always wondered what your first kiss would be like, and so had he. Maybe it would’ve been the bow on a softly spoken conversation about your long held feelings, perhaps it would happen like a cliche after you ran to each other in the rain. In the end, maybe things are best like this. You’re all too aware of just how many people don’t get to live their lives with the one they love. You had already resigned yourself to being some bitter old crone who shakes a fist at the neighborhood kids when they step on your overgrown lawn.
Something in the air shifts and you decide to nudge Jonathan over onto his back as you quickly straddle him. You’re not too sure how anything physical is even possible but all of these long held back emotions are clouding your judgment too much to not try.
When you pull your head back from the kiss to breathe, a sticky string of spit connects the tips of your tongues. You sit in a trance and watch as Jonathan flicks his tongue out to break the string. The breathy groan that followed made your pussy clench in anticipation. You look up at his face, wordlessly trying to get some kind of reassurance that this was the right thing to do. Cold hands tremble their way around your hips and he clumsily traces random shapes and squiggles on your skin.
“It’s… it’s okay, we’re okay.” Someone whispers, unsure if talking louder would bring you both to tears.
You sigh shakily and direct one of his hands to slide down your body and into your soaked underwear. You press your forehead to his, making some weird kind of eye contact as you push one of his fingers into yourself. It’s not too much of an adjustment to get used to the size, his fingers are bony and long but they’re thin.
He takes the hint and slowly thrust his finger in and out, honed in on the slick sounds your gushy folds were already making. Eventually he added a couple more fingers, curling them just right with his thrusts. Your hips start having a mind of their own, and you’re meeting every one of his thrusts. The flesh of your hips jiggles from the impact of his palm smacking against your clit.
“Fuck- f-fuckkkkk, you’re doing so good, baby.” You laugh as you start to pant and crane your head down to watch his digits play with your pussy.
All you get in return is a whine that sounds more like a creaky door hinge.
Initially, when you decided to throw caution to the wind and have sex your co worker turned comical amboniation, you thought you wouldn’t be as desperate for something inside of you as you are for his dick. If he even has one now, it could all just be smooth down there like a ken doll for all you know. But you’re so so fucking curious to find out, you did use to wonder what your cute little desk neighbor had going on under his polyester slacks after all…
“Mmfh… ha….. slow down a sec’, i think you’re ready to give me something bigger. Don’t ya think?” You whisper in his ear, giggling when you can almost hear him rapidly nod his head in excitement.
“Yes please, always wanted to fuck you so bad. Please, mo-“ He cuts himself off, and you think if he could blush he would from how much his hand is fidgeting on your hip. He huffs before pulling his fingers out of you almost too quickly, but still taking care to not cause you any pain. He was a good boy like that.
You reached behind you to wrap a hand around his already throbbing length, wiping a thumb over the beads of precum spilling from the tip. You tease the slit with the edge of your nail and coo softly when Jonathan quivers. Your grip is steady as you hover over his cock and slowly sink down on it. His fat tip breaches your walls so fucking good but you’re eager for the hefty weight of it all inside you.
Jonathan’s chest falls down quickly with shallow breaths, so you give him a second to adjust to the sensation of your tight pussy wrapped around him. You slide one of your hands up his torso and slip two of your fingers into one of the black holes on his face. He takes the hint and bobs his head up and down your fingers, sucking and smearing his saliva all over them.
When he bucks his hips up in a timid thrust, you know you can take him deeper. Inch by inch his thick dick stretches you out like it’s sinking into a squishy fleshlight. It’s way longer than you expected, a bit girthier too with a slight curve to it. It boggles your mind that he kept this big secret from you in the confines of his ugly pants, but it’s all yours now. It’s probably been yours for a long time. His balls were equally as surprising, they could’ve been paperweights they felt like they were so heavy. Your cunt clenches again at the thought of his breeder balls letting all of that cum slosh around inside of you.
You bring his hands around to your ass and you lift yourself halfway up his cock and quickly lower yourself back down. You both let out a moan when he bottoms out. The pace you set is slow and languid after that initial quick thrust. Your ass plops against his balls in an imitation of a kiss on every downward thrust. You wish you could see the fucked out look in his eyes he’d have if he didn’t look like…. this. But his soft squeals and whimpers make up for it. His body continues to shiver as you fuck him so you keep a hand on his chest and rub the skin there.
“Such a good boy, filling me up so well, honey.��� You murmur, just rolling your hips in his lap and enjoying the sensations of being connected.
Jonathan whines and settles his head back on the pillow, kneading the globes of your ass. You can tell that he’s fighting the urge to recklessly buck his hips up so you make your pussy clench around him again. You soothe the noise that he releases by slightly picking up the pace. And sooner rather than later, his thighs are quivering like he’s the one doing the fucking and his long black tongue is lolling out the side of his mouth hole. Little “Ha….. ha….. ha….”’s echoing throughout the room. His dick feels like it’s pulsing inside of you as you lovingly bounce on it.
“ ‘m gonna c-cum, gonna cum s-so h-hard.” He begs, holding his head up to try to catch a view of his cock being swallowed up your pussy.
You smile warmly and lean forward to press your chest against his. Your pace never falters even when you angle your head to brush your nose against his face. The hands gripping your ass are gently pushed aside and you lace your fingers with his, squeezing a few times.
“Go ahead, baby. Cum for me.”
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lilywily143 · 9 months
omg i'm so excited to do this swap au
I can't wait to figure out design ideas eeeeee
Btw the randomizer i used made this just insane heheheee
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skulls-soul · 7 months
The contact ahead is recommended for smut lovers there isn’t any actual fucking but it’s implied you have been warned <3 (•\\^\\•)
Now ~imagine with me~ Luigi has been keeping his relationship with King boo a secret because he can’t even begin to imagine the type of panic that his friends would go through especially since this is king boo he’s dating
He was gonna wait for the right moment but..
Here’s the thing, Luigi accidentally double booked himself because his best friend Daisy was coming over for her bi monthly sleepover, and he also accidentally might have planned some ~cat and mouse~ forplay with king boo…woopsy?
 He didn’t mean to! of course he didn’t. He just wasn’t paying attention to his calendar so when he said this weekend to KB it’s just because he usually has nothing to do on weekends so his brain didn’t find a problem with that.
So imagine to poor Daisy’s surprise when she’s walking up to her best friends mansion only to see through the windows, the lights flickering as Luigi runs down the hallway into his bedroom in a panic
Luigis a bit of an oddball and a massive worry wort so she didn’t really question it at first. That is until she sees king boo tackle Luigi out of sight…
Ok so Now she’s concerned and panicking, up to that point where she left her bags outside to make sure that she is going as fast as possible. She’s 100% sure that she’s never ran so fast in her life not even for the soccer tournaments and that’s saying something!
She’s also pretty sure that her heart almost went into failure when she open Luigi’s bedroom door only to see Luigi’s buttoned up shirt, basically falling off of him as his signature overalls are tossed haphazardly to the side
She was expecting Luigi to be in a painting, as pale as a ghost, not draped over his bed, as red as Mario’s hat, with king boos tongue splayed over his chest
 in the matter of three or so minutes her heart went from excited to see her friend, to fear, to what the ever loving fuck is going on?!?!?!!!
Luigi had a lot of explaining to do and so he will …after he gets dressed into pajamas and kick his boyfriend out the house that is
After a sigh of relief for her friend being somewhat unharmed, the absolute avalanche of questions came pooring. “What was that? what’s going on?! Luigi you mad man how could you keep this a secret for me?!?”
To which Luigi said that he’s been dating the ghoul for about three months now and the reason why he didn’t say anything is because he wanted to wait and see how things were going and to find out a way to break the news
“I think they’re going pretty well from what I saw Heheheee, come on Man! don’t leave me hanging I want all of the details!!”
“only after a drink or two”, in which led to the start of their sleep over in where they drink cook sing dance and talk all night long about what was happening and what she saw.
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mousewife-stash · 1 year
re: shadow-hybrid Persona powers (i have some intended comics to doodle around these scenarios but i'm jotting my ideas down in text post form first, lest i forget haha)
all of the shadow-hybrids can still Use their respective magic/skills, just no more persona-"summoning" involved, they just use their own bodies as a catalyst for casting spells directly. i like to think this is both inherently a little more powerful AND a little more dangerous to the user.
as stated previously yosuke (and souji, by extension, and anyone else who might get transformed in this au) when inside the tv world in hybrid form is vulnerable to essentially being possessed by his own shadow personality. for yukari inside Tartarus I think it's a little different BECAUSE shadows work so thematically Differently in p3; instead she's always still more or less in Control, but is susceptible to losing that Grip on herself the way Shinjiro/Strega/the artificially-awakened persona users do, or even akin to her existing scene with Io in the movie. (since Losing Control Of Your Persona is already a prominent plot element of p3 i'm excited to run that thru-line through the au, and like I mentioned i already have some fun ideas about how shinji's involvement here heheheee...stay tuned) anyway, Yukari is shortly able to rejoin being an active member of SEES, but she's more prone to being addled by unstable Tartarus days, floor effects, certain status conditions like......Charm..... (is this me just looking for a convenient Sex Pollen trope setup??? what??? who said that???)
outside of the dungeon environments they can still technically "use" garu/zio/etc skills to the extent of...being mildly annoying. (summoning a light breeze, giving off some residual static shock.) it's also usually unintentional and VERY funny
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