scarskelly · 20 days
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Summary for non-Twitter users: Henare runs/ran a twitter/instagram account by the name of ThePrimalBro. He also used to run a tiktok page of the same name but it has since been deleted. Trust me when I say we have known this was Henare for years at this point, ThePrimalBro promotes books that he authored with Aaron Henare as the author.
In these books and on these accounts, he makes wildly inaccurate, broadly reaching, and absolute claims that do not link back to any substantial research on a variety of topics.
He claims that men these days are weak, lacking their masculine glory from back when things were better. This is apparently due to a widespread lack of testosterone. He gives unwise medical advice, unwise mental health advice, is completely anti-porn, masturbation, and casual/hook-up sex. He puts down women who create OF content he puts down people for consuming media or getting ubereats or playing video games. He acts like he knows what women really want and that every woman who's ever done porn was exploited. He makes mention to red pill/blue pill, hints towards being a sovereign citizen, having no financial dependence on anyone else if you want to be a real man.
He leans into incel, alt-right, rhetoric.
He idolises Imperial Japan
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jasvvy · 4 months
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frentique · 4 months
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westofessos · 4 months
I can’t stop thinking about the end of that cage match.
Will sitting in the corner of the ring, beaten bloody and exhausted, with Akira held against his chest. All of Bullet Club stands in front of them, the rest of United Empire strewn around the outside of the ring, unable to get up to help their brothers. Will gently rolling Akira off of him and out of the ring to (relative) safety, before pulling himself up to his feet to face Bullet Club alone. Intense. Emotional. Beautiful. Cinema.
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honestlychiefbanana · 4 months
Highlights of Gabe Kidd vs HENARE NJPW Road to The New Beginning 2024
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scribensmulier · 2 months
His Melting Gaze
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pairing: aaron henare x f!reader
word count: 1825
warnings: cnc, chasing, unprotected sex, creampie, degradation, name-calling ("slut" and "woman"), possessiveness, spanking, hair pulling, biting, praise, some mentions of size difference, (the start of) aftercare
*the scene described here takes place in a healthy and safe relationship where all actions have been discussed and negotiated beforehand*
the title is from a poem by the Greek poet Ibycus, which only exists as a fragment: "Once more Eros, under darkened lids, fixing me with his melting gaze, drives me with every kind of spell into the tangling nets of Kypris [Aphrodite]"
Work is finally done for the day, so you commence your usual end-of-day routine: sitting in your car, scrolling on your phone a bit before driving home. Before you open anything else, you notice you have a text waiting from your boyfriend. 
>Make sure your doors are locked. Someone could break in.
From anyone else, in any other context, this would be a chilling message. But you and Aaron have been together a long time, and you understand what he is truly saying. He’s letting you know what he had planned for your arrival home, and wants to make sure you’re up for it. If not, you could always text back with your safeword, and the evening would continue as normal. Or, you could respond as you, in fact, choose to:
>I’ll be careful, don’t worry.
All thoughts of sifting through social media had left you upon seeing Aaron’s text. You put your phone away and take a deep grounding breath before heading home. You spend the entire drive feeling warm with anticipation, and by the time you pull into the driveway and park, you nearly run to get yourself inside - though you still take the time to remove your panties from beneath your skirt before leaving the car. 
Once you’ve closed and locked the door behind you, you know Aaron will be waiting, so you don’t bother to turn on any lights. However, you hear and see nobody, and set your bag down with a sigh before wandering through the rooms. But they’re all empty too.
You walk back to the living room, more than a little bit disappointed that he didn’t make it home in time to fulfill his promise. You try to remember what he said his plans for the day were-
The moment you step back into the living room, a large form spins you around and presses your back to the wall. There he is.
“Fuck are you smiling at, woman?”
“I- I’m not,” you stammer, remembering the role you are supposed to be playing. “Why are you in my house?”
“Because you have something I want, and you’re going to give it to me.”
“What is it?”
His eyes narrow. “Everything.” 
You tremble at the menace in his voice. No matter anything else, he’s bigger than you, and quite a lot stronger. One hand at your throat, the other pinning you to the wall, you have no hope of escaping his grip. “I don’t know what you mean.” 
“Yes you do.” Aaron grins wickedly before sliding his hand from your neck down to grope one of your breasts. 
“Stop touching me!” You shove hard against his bulk, though he barely moves.
“You’re mine,” he asserts in a low tone. “I can do whatever I want to you.” 
You try to wriggle out of his grasp, and surprisingly he lets you. Lets you, because he could easily keep you pinned in place if he wanted. But no, for some reason, he lets you free, perhaps just to see what happens. Despite the impulse, you don’t run; you only move a few feet away to put some distance between you two. 
You’re breathing heavy, your heart racing, but you can’t seem to break his gaze. He senses your hesitation and steps forward, and you back up only to find yourself against another wall. Damnit. 
“I told you,” he intones, closing the distance quicker than you expected. “You’re mine. You have nowhere to go.” He reaches out again to grab your neck, but he doesn’t grip tightly. He simply rests his hand there as his thumb traces your jawline. Applying just a bit of pressure, he suddenly presses his lips against yours, wasting no time before slipping his tongue into your mouth. For a moment, you think you should try to keep him out, but your body has other ideas and your own tongue meets his before you realize it’s happening.
Aaron makes a hungry sound into your mouth, the kiss growing more erratic with his desire. His body relaxes against yours, which gives you the opening you need to dart away.
You run off, only realizing too late that you ran down the hallway to your bedroom. Instinctively, this feels like the safest place in your home, but right now it’s also a dead end, leaving you trapped. 
You’re frozen just inside the doorway trying to come up with a plan when Aaron seems to materialize behind you, thick arms wrapping around you and swaddling you close. “There she is… you didn’t really want to get away, did you?”
“Yes I did. Yes I do!” You wrestle against his hold, but there’s no chance of getting free. You struggle to get free, but as he continues speaking, your efforts weaken. 
“No you don’t. You ran into here, where you knew I would find you and catch you. Ran right into a cage… a cage with a bed ready for us…” His breath warmed your ear as he whispered millimeters from your skin. “That’s a big bed for one lovely girl. I wonder what you do in this bed when you’re all alone. Do you touch yourself, thinking of all the people you teased during the day with this tempting body? Do you slide your fingers into yourself at the thought that someone might find you here, in this bed with all that empty space around you, and fuck you until you scream into your pillow, over and over and-”
“Stop!” you shout, trying to elbow his bulk behind you. “Stop torturing me. What do you want?”
He softly bites the nape of your neck before responding. “I told you. I want everything. I want you. And I’m going to have you.” Aaron walks you forward toward the bed, shoving you face-first onto the mattress. “Don’t you dare move.”
Despite the rush you felt, you obeyed his command. You lay on the bed, your feet hanging over the edge closest to him. He moved forward, brushing a large hand up the inside of your thigh. He lifts your skirt like it’s Christmas morning and he’s opening a present, movements heavy with anticipation yet knowing he will love whatever he sees. And he certainly does, when he sees your bare skin before him.
“Oh, you really are naughty, aren’t you? Walking around out there with no panties on like a little slut.”
“Hey!” you object, and in response he smacks you hard on the ass, making you yelp.
“Don’t interrupt me, woman. You’re lying here with your pussy out, dripping onto your bed, while a man touches you. Sounds like a slut to me. Do you know what happens to sluts like that?”
Your muscles tense, but he caresses your thighs and hips, carefully running his fingers across the red skin where he hit you. “No…” you manage to stutter out.
“The same thing that is going to happen to you. You’re going to get fucked, right here, right now. And you’re going to love it.”
“No,” you hoarsely whisper, then clear your throat and try again. “No, I’m not.”
“Really?” Aaron pushes your legs apart before running his index finger across your core. “You’re so fucking wet for me, like the slut you are. You want me to fuck you, and you want it now.” Without warning he slides his finger inside, pumping once or twice before joining it with a second finger. 
You can’t help the moans that escape your lips at the feeling of him inside you, whether or not it was your plan. You have to focus hard to not buck against him, seeking more fullness and friction. 
“That’s right, my lovely,” he whispers. “That’s what you like.” Just as suddenly as he began, he takes his fingers away before roughly shoving down his pants and underwear. If you could see behind you, you would see him already hard, fingertips gathering the precum leaking from his slit and rubbing it all over his crown. 
He pulls you roughly to the edge of the bed so that your feet rest on the ground as you’re bent over the mattress before him. With one hand on your ass, he guides his cock to your entrance, resting there to let you feel his presence before entering you. 
“You feel that, my little slut? I’m going to fuck you now, so hold on.” He pushes slowly into you, not wanting to rush despite his overwhelming lust for your body. You whimper as he fills you, your own desire easing the way. 
Once he is fully buried within you, he wastes no time before beginning a steady rhythm, fucking in and out of you with his hands gripping your hips. The feeling of his thick cock thrusting and grazing every sensitive spot in your body has you moaning into the bedspread, trying not to be loud enough to grab his attention.
Of course, he notices immediately. “That’s my good girl,” he mutters, slowing his movements to pull you up by your hair. Though his act is rough, you welcome the sharp pain as he holds you close, releasing your hair to pin you to him by a hand on your throat, his other hand keeping your lower body in place. 
Aaron begins driving into you again, and the new position is deliciously intense. It feels like he’s hammering against your g-spot with every thrust, and you’re only barely aware of the primal sounds you’re emitting as your pleasure spirals. 
You feel his lips against your neck and shoulder, covering you with brutal kisses and occasional nips while working to bring you both to fervent heights. Your hands grope behind you, seeking physical support as your legs weaken and your orgasm approaches.
“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck…” you begin to mutter, and Aaron understands that you’re going to cum. He doesn’t change his movements at all as you dig your nails into his thigh in an attempt to stay upright as your climax hits. He keeps you in place against him while he fucks you through the peak, only slowing once your whimpers stop and you’re panting for air.
Aaron pushes you forward onto the bed again, this time leaning over and caging you beneath him as he desperately fucks into you. He reaches his own orgasm within moments, biting your shoulder as he releases inside you. As his movements slow and then stop, he kisses across the bite mark he just made, then each of the others in turn, every gesture now full of tenderness and love.
After covering you with what never feels like enough kisses, he pulls out of you and lies on the bed, drawing you into an embrace. He continues his gentle touches while you both come down from the exertion.
“Are you alright, love?” he murmurs, combing his fingers through your hair and massaging your scalp. 
You lean into his touch as you respond. “Mmhmm, more than alright. Thank you.”
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kopw · 11 months
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sshadyjess · 7 months
Chris Charlton: "How do you say 'buy 1 get 1 free' in Italian?"
HENARE (in an Italian accent): "...pizzaria"
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blueonwrestling · 4 months
Well I did not like that steel cage war games match at all, went on far too long, alot of walking and brawling, too much plunder, alot of bullshit.
not a fan of it at all, far too long.
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doctapuella · 8 months
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Mana Māori
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mpwma · 8 months
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🇺🇸🤼‍♂️ Big night for wrestling fans! 🤼‍♂️🇺🇸
Tonight, it's NJPW Royal Quest III, and we've got a six-man tag team match that's gonna be absolutely tremendous! The legendary Hiroshi Tanahashi, the fearless Eddie Kingston, and the rising star Michael Oku are teaming up to take on the formidable United Empire trio consisting of Henare, Jeff Cobb, and TJP. This match is bound to be an action-packed showdown, folks! 💥
But here's the question: should we cover this show? 🤔
Your opinion matters! Let us know in the comments if you want us to bring you all the action from this epic six-man tag team match on Make Pro Wrestling Majestic Again. We're here to serve the fans, and we value your input. 📺👊
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wrestlingisfake · 21 days
Fuck yeah
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frentique · 3 months
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puroresu-musings · 4 months
That Gabe Kidd vs. HENARE match was GREAT. I’m a big fan of both guys, and hopefully this year they’ll be featured a lot more prominently than they have been. As I’ve said forever now, the last thing New Japan needs at the moment is more mid-carders/jobbers to the stars.
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djvillain · 11 months
NJPW G1 Climax 33 Nights 1 and 2 Review: Shocks and Scares
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mtsodie · 6 months
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actually !!! ill just post these guys for now . very much like . only half the cast godbless ( names are tagged in order of appearance )
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