#royal quest III
busaikuknee · 8 months
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mpwma · 8 months
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🇺🇸🤼‍♂️ Big night for wrestling fans! 🤼‍♂️🇺🇸
Tonight, it's NJPW Royal Quest III, and we've got a six-man tag team match that's gonna be absolutely tremendous! The legendary Hiroshi Tanahashi, the fearless Eddie Kingston, and the rising star Michael Oku are teaming up to take on the formidable United Empire trio consisting of Henare, Jeff Cobb, and TJP. This match is bound to be an action-packed showdown, folks! 💥
But here's the question: should we cover this show? 🤔
Your opinion matters! Let us know in the comments if you want us to bring you all the action from this epic six-man tag team match on Make Pro Wrestling Majestic Again. We're here to serve the fans, and we value your input. 📺👊
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jamiehayterz · 9 months
Any other girl/woman going to Royal Quest III in London?
If I can grab a ticket I'll go and I'll be alone.
I don't really care about attending the event by myself, but I wouldn't mind to have someone to wait with before the show or while leaving since I've never been in that part of the city.
Also would love to meet fans tbh
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taconafide2 · 2 years
kaeya is still so suspicious to me that box in a wall told us SO MUCH but also not enough. So he's not of royal blood but his first constellation is still called 'excellent blood'. the alberich clan tries to not leave any traces of it's existence. Everyone who thinks he's just 'some guy' after this is so incredibly wrong
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winterhalters · 4 months
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K I N G S I D E, a tale of seven kings
first season 1514-1520. Claude and François finally get married, a vacant seat for Mary Tudor, Louise of Savoy's stubborness to keep her son in check. A new King arises, the New Order, François' quest for glory in Italy. Another crown, another campaign.
second season 1522-1530. The inheritance dispute that leads Bourbon to treason. The pursuit of the italian dream, Claude dies, all is lost in Pavia. Süleyman and the unthinkable alliance, captivity in Spain. The Ottoman fleet. Royal depression. The inheritance dispute that led Bourbon to treason. The ladies' peace, Henry VIII flinching, a price for two princes, a New wife for the King.
third season 1531-1537. Louise dies, tensions between François and Marguerite. The wedding of Catherine and Henri. The rise of Pisseleu, the battle at Court between Charles and Henri and their people. War between Diane and Montmorency. Placards and the anti-heterics frenzy, another war in Italy. Wedding and death of Madeleine.
fourth season 1539-1547. Mending tensions between France and Spain. A very stubborn niece. All eyes on Henri and Catherine's sterile womb. Death of Charles. The duel in Jarnac. The King is dead, long live. Diane de Poitier's absolute triumph over Anne de Pisseleu. The Guises make their move.
fifth season 1553-1559. Diane of France's not so typical royal wedding. Catherine giving birth to the twins, Chenonceau goes to Diane, the cordial hate between the two. Rohan VS Nemours. Montmorency mess and a remarriage for Diane of France. The death of Henri, everything falls down.
sixth season 1560-1564. François II barely hanging on, Catherine's almost giving up, Elisabeth married off, the Guise family's counterpower, Montemorency's political exile, the Amboise conspiracy, preparations for the grand tour.
seventh season 1565-1572. The end of the grand tour, encounter between the royal family and Elisabeth, queen of Spain. The rise of Charles IX, a new queen, Marie Touchet and her bastard boys. Catherine's plans to get a match for Marguerite. Rising tensions between Charles and Henri after Jarnac and Montcontour. Marguerite's nuptials amidst tensions and Coligny's attempted murder.
eighth season 1572-1575. Coligny and the Protestant leaders rallying the troops. The Saint Barthelemew Massacre and the promise of Marguerite to never forgive her family. Catherine finds out Anjou's possible involvement. A new king for Poland. Marguerite's toubled married life. Death of Charles IX. Henri's escape from Poland and slow return to France.
nineth season 1581-1584. Catherine's illusions shatter. New King, no heir. Marguerite returns to Paris. Louise shows some spine against the King's favorites. Quarelling with Anjou, tensions with Elizabethan England, Anjou's election and subsequent death and Catherine's anger. The Guise family veering off the road.
tenth season 1585-1589. The mounting war of the three Henris. All eyes on King Henri who has no sons, Catherine's political exile, the slow burning of the last Valois children. Hunting down Marguerite from stronghold to stronghold, ending with her house arrest in Usson. Assassination of the Guise brothers, the death of Catherine, Henri III breaks down in Diane's arms. Marguerite in exile, Diane the only "true" daughter of Catherine's, as she sets out to (successfully) pacify the kingdom on her own.
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nattaphum · 1 year
Man Suang - today’s updates
Today’s stories:
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I can feel mile and apo’s excitement through their stories 🥲
A new article from HelloAsian web came out:
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Translation of the new information only:
“Man Suang takes inspiration from Thai history, dating back 171 years during the reign of King Rama III, in 1852.
“Mansuang”, which is the name of the film, is the name of one of the most famous entertainment venues of the time. It was a secret place to socialize, meet and negotiate business for powerful people, businessmen, merchants of Chinese origin, & foreign countries who arranged their appointments to negotiate, agree, and benefit among various forms of entertainment.
Slander, betrayal, secret quest, proof of truth, discovery of true friendship, unexpected enemies, the turn between survival and death, & the decision to change life forever.
An intense, multi-flavoured, multi-emotional story on the various enigmatic knots takes place here, and finally, leads them into a transition and a big life decision that will change them forever.
Apo, one of the leading actors of the film, said that he was very focused on acting and working on it. He had to do his homework, and had to study the characters of that era. Because humans were loving, greedy, angry, strayed and had different beliefs. He wanted to pass on Thai culture and Thailand to the world, especially the dance that he has studied and has the opportunity to show in this movie.
“MAN SUANG” is a fantasy film based on history that is incorporated into a variety of cultures.
Each part of the super-skilled team is dedicated to creating and wishes to make this film in an entertaining way with the intention to convey the interest of thailand to the world in a new perspective”.
“7 Secrets of Man Suang” - by BeOnCloud
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The Khao Manee cat, also known as the Diamond Eye cat, is a rare breed of cat that originated in Thailand, which has an ancient ancestry tracing back hundreds of years. The Manee Cat was believed to bring good luck and was often kept in the royal court
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tenshiharmonia · 10 months
I was browsing through the Sonic Unleashed tag when I saw someone who was making a tarot deck themed after the blue hedgehog's universe, and I must say, it kind of inspired me. So I wanted to give it a try and imagine what my own version of such a deck would be like. Not that I have the artistic skills needed to concretize my vision, but hey, it makes for a fun exercise. I mean, I've always been a fan of tarot iconography, and it just so happens that one of the franchise's main characters has a canonical interest in the matter (as Frontiers reminded us not so long ago), so it seemed appropriate. XD With that being said, let's see what I came up with. (Note that I'll mainly focus on the major arcana. I know that the minor ones are much richer in terms of meaning, but let's be honest, they don't stoke the imagination as much as their "greater" siblings. :p )
0 - The Fool : Sonic himself. Now, calling him a fool is obviously a gross misnomer, but the card itself represents bright-eyed and free-spirited idealism. It is the start of a new journey, which - you will concede - resonates quite well with the eternal adventurer that the blue hedgehog is. (Besides, it's only natural for the franchise's main character to figure on the first card. :p )
I - The Magician : Tails. This card is all about limitless potential, so the two-tailed fox was an easy choice (besides, as Sonic’s right-hand man, it’s only natural for him to come just after the blue hedgehog :p ). Learning from the Fool’s mistakes and experiences, the Magician works towards manifesting its intentions into beings, which resonates pretty well with the genius boy’s heroic aspirations and constant quest for self-improvement... Also, he is quite the tech wiz, and you know what they say : any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. :3
II - The High Priestess : Tikal. In tarology, the Priestess embodies feminine wisdom and intuition, perfectly echoing Tikal’s own role as the Echidna tribe’s voice of reason (even though nobody listened to her). Moreover, the Priestess is also regarded as a mentor figure, bringing to mind how the girl’s spirit acted as a guide for Sonic and his friends during their quest to stop Eggman and Chaos. Lastly, the Priestess is supposed to be quite knowledgeable about the universe’s secrets, which - once again - parallels Tikal’s ancient knowledge of the Chaos Emeralds and their powers...
III - The Empress : Aleena. I know, I know, Underground is probably a part of the franchise that most people would rather forget (except for its banger of a theme song). But I must admit, I’ve quite a soft spot for the way it depicted Sonic’s family (Manic, my beloved). As it happens, this card symbolizes motherhood. Both literally and figuratively. Since Aleena’s main characteristic is her status as both a mother and a queen, she seemed like a royal fit. :p Visually, I also like to imagine that the card’s illustration would take cue from the show’s opening and depict the gentle monarch, in her queenly attire, resting on a bed with her three playful newborns, highlighting both aspects of her character (I won’t deny that her design could enjoy a bit of a face-lift, though)...
IV - The Emperor : Eggman (featuring Sage). Naturally, as the Empress’ counterpart, the Emperor represents the figure of the father. Of course, they are merely symbols, so it’s less about their genders than what they stand for. While the Empress is kind and nurturing, the Emperor’s authority is harsh and severe. He isn’t devoid of affection, but he still views himself as reigning over his progeny, which I think echoes Eggman’s personality and the relationship he has with his creations pretty well. Also, he is at the head of the Eggman Empire, so he truly is the best suited for the job. :p
V - The Hierophant : Professor Pickle. Without going too much into the details, the Hierophant alludes to traditions, institutions, and to a certain extent, dogmatism. Like the High Priestess, he will often take on the role of mentor, providing wisdom and guidance. But he can also represents someone who is a little too set in their ways... All in all, I think you can see why I chose the professor. After all, he is an expert archaeologist who’s passionate about the planet’s many cultures and customs, counsels Sonic and his friends during their worldwide adventure, and who can be a little uncompromising on certain topics (like the making of cucumber sandwiches :3 ). Really, the guy checks all the boxes. One can imagine that the card’s artwork would depict the old chap enjoying a cup of tea and some (properly prepared) snacks while looking contemplatively through his office’s window…
VI - The Lovers : Sonic and Shadow. I mean, this is my tarot deck, so I can indulge myself as much as I want. :p No but seriously (not that I wasn’t serious, but you catch my drift), I would probably attribute this one to Amy. After all, she is the one with romantic aspirations, the one who yearns to experience the sweet embrace of love, waiting for her blue prince to notice her... That being said, instead of depicting Amy and Sonic as an actual couple, I like to think that the card would represent the young girl, bathed in a soft and summery light, simply daydreaming about her proverbial knight in shining armour. Indeed, the card itself is less about romance than fulfilling connections, in the broadest sense of the term. So the idea here would be that, even if her relationship with Sonic is not the passionate fairy tale she’d like it to be, it doesn’t prevent the two of them from sharing a meaningful and inspiring bond. :3
VII - The Chariot : The Tornado, soaring through the clear blue sky. This card stands for travels and freedom, so it was only natural for it to feature our heroes’ trusty mount. After all, it helped them discover so many new and exciting places... (As a bonus, I like to imagine that the card’s illustration would also include the three Babylon Rogues, racing through the sky around the plane. I don’t really know why, but I think it would be neat. I mean, in a sense, they do embody a certain form of freedom. A more abrasive and selfish variant than the one Sonic himself stands for, but still, it makes for an interesting contrast...)
VIII - Justice* : This one was admittedly a little tricky, but in the end, I think I’d go with Chaos. Let me explain. This card is about karma and retribution. It warns us about the consequences of our choices and actions. To put it simply, you reap what you sow. And I think that Chaos, standing impassively among the burning remains of the Echidna tribe, would make for an impressive illustration of that message. Because it’s also important to remember that the line is often thin between justice and madness, and that a righteous crusade can easily turn into a destructive vendetta if hatred and despair are allowed to fester. There is a time to punish, and a time to pardon. * Note that Justice (8) and Strength (11) are known to switch places depending on the deck. This numbering is the one I’m most familiar with, but feel free to procede in the order that suits you best. ;)
IX - The Hermit : Knuckles, sitting on the steps of the Master Emerald’s altar, contemplating the sky from his lonely island. Naturally, the Hermit represents the need to isolate yourself to reflect on your life and actions, which resonates quite nicely with the echidna’s "lone wolf" nature. This choice, however, carries a certain irony. Indeed, while the Hermit is supposed to be a figure of enlightenment, Knuckles’ solitary life has also led him to become a rather hot-blooded - and at times, naive - individual. In a way, it reminds us that maintaining some distance between yourself and the world can often be a double-edged sword...
X - The Wheel of Fortune : You’d think that in a series with so many casino-themed levels, this one would have been easy, but I had a surprisingly difficult time picking who - or what - would be adorning this arcane. Ultimately, my choice would probably be the Chaos Emeralds. As a card, the Wheel of Fortune naturally represents vagrant luck and the whims of fate, an idea that - I think - resonates pretty well with those miraculous jewels. Just like luck, they come and go as they please, and you have to seize them when they pass. And while they often seem to favour the heroes, they ultimately serve no master, meaning that they can be used to defeat evil just as they can help it rise. Their power will often shape the course of history, but there is no telling what awaits those who got caught in their crystalline spiral... Of course, the card’s artwork would depict the seven stones arranged in a neat circle, with the sharp ends all pointing towards the center, to mimic the appearance of an actual wheel. Incidentally, the center of the circle could be occupied by the sparkling silhouette of Super Sonic, to symbolize the ultimate and decisive power that the Emeralds bestow. Alternatively, I was thinking about having an image of the Phantom Ruby in this place, as the Chaos Emeralds’ sinister counterpart, a concept I wish had been explored more. In that case, the image of Super Sonic could be placed above the "wheel", while the bottom of the picture would be showcasing a nefariously grinning Eggman, emphasizing once again how the power of the Emeralds can affect the course of destiny... for better or for worse. (Of course, everything about this deck is merely hypothetical, so don’t take all those details too seriously. This is just brainstorming...)
XI - Strength : Cream. While this card’s name brings to mind the image of a fierce animal, it actually refers to inner strength, the force of the soul that manifests through courage and kindness. As someone once said, it takes a lot of strength to be kind. And I feel like there is no one better than the little rabbit girl to illustrate this message. For her sweetness and innocence hide a heart as strong as the mightiest of metals. A heart that is not afraid of standing against evil and injustice, but that will always choose to extend a hand to those who might need it, be they friends or foes. Brave, humble and generous, the little bunny is truly a shining example of fortitude. (Also, we all know what a punch she packs in spite of her age and daintiness, making her fits the literal definition of "strength" just as well. :p ) That being said, I must admit that I don’t really know what the card’s artwork could look like. My first idea would have been for it to feature Cream happily flying through the sky alongside Cheese while carrying an enormous - and adorably decorated - basket full of Chao*, but to be honest, I’m not entirely convinced... * One can even imagine Gemerl’s head sticking out of the pile, with an air of dumbfounded vacancy colouring his mechanical face, as if to say "I have absolutely no idea how I ended up in this situation, but I cannot say it's disagreeable". XD
XII - The Hanged Man : Big (featuring Froggy, of course). This card invites us to take a break and look at things from a new angle. So naturally, the feline fisherman was the number one candidate, considering how well his laid-back personality and tranquil outlook on life fits the arcane’s meaning. Besides, his passion for fishing provides us with the perfect excuse as to why he would be hanging upside down in the first place, having inadvertently got caught in somebody else’s line because of his clumsiness. :3
XIII - Death : The End. This one is actually deeper than it seems. Of course, the End fancies itself as an ineluctable embodiment of destruction, which already fits the card’s esthetic quite nicely. But those who know about tarot know that this card is actually about transformation and renewal, echoing the End’s role in the franchise’s narrative : by precipitating the fall of the Ancients’ civilization, it triggered the chain of events that would ultimately allow the entire series to happen (or at least most of it). In doing so, it also gave rise to the very hero(es) who would eventually defeat it. True to its name, its advent spelled the end of an era, but it also brought forth a new future, just like a decaying corpse will return to the soil and nourish the seeds that lie beneath... In fact, the card’s artwork would probably have the End’s moon form looming in the upper portion, while the bottom part of the illustration would feature a lonely flower, blooming in the middle of some verdant field (heck, said flower could even be growing out of the husk of a departed Koco, to really drive home the card’s message XD ).
XIV - Temperance : Mighty the Armadillo. This one was easily the most difficult for me to figure out, in part because I feel like there wasn’t really any obvious candidate. In the end, though, I think that Mighty would probably be the best suited for the job. As you can guess, Temperance represents the need for balance and moderation. It invites you to put a little water in your wine, and I feel like it resonates quite nicely with the armadillo’s character. Think about it, Mighty’s main attribute is that he is monstrously strong. Just like Equius Zahhak. He has to be extremely careful around other people, as even one single slip could result in him badly hurting those he cares about. Just like Equius Zahhak. Which is not always an easy feat, as he’s got a pretty extroverted and impetuous disposition. Just like... well, not really, but I think you see where this is all going. XD Mighty’s story is one of constant restraint and cautiousness, which - I think - echoes what this card stands for in a very interesting manner. Granted, I’m not really sure how to convey all that in a simple illustration*, but the idea is there. XD * Maybe having the armadillo rushing worriedly over to Ray - or helping the little guy up - after he accidentally sent the squirrel flying with a not-so-light jab on his shoulder, in reference to that one moment in the Sonic Mania animation (said scene greatly influenced my decision to pick Mighty for this arcane, so it wouldn’t be surprising)...
XV - The Devil : I actually have two different ideas for this one, so brace yourselves. :p - First of all, Solaris. I mean, a being of pure light hiding a heart as black as the darkest of nights ? Yep, that guy fits the bill like a glove. XD As a card, the Devil warns us about the dangers of materialistic obsessions, which could resonate with the all-consuming nature of the sun god’s flames. Not sure about which of his forms the illustration should depict, though. My main idea was for it to feature Mephiles with Solaris’ true form looming behind him, but it’s just one possibility (and even then, I’d still have to choose between the two different forms that the god takes during the final battle). Also, the Devil is usually depicted with a young couple chained at his feet, symbolizing his grip and power over mankind, so I was thinking it’d be interesting to have them be replaced by shackled silhouettes* of Silver and Elise, those whose lives were ruined by the flames of Solaris and the manipulations of his tenebrous half (alternatively, one of them could be replaced by Elise’s father, as it was his own obsession that kickstarted this whole mess)... * To represent how they are just unaware pawns on the fallen god’s chessboard. - Secondly, the Deadly Six. Now, I know what you’re thinking : "urgh, not those guys". But honestly, I don’t really mind them. Sure, Lost World’s writing was a little lackluster, to say the least, but in and of themselves, I don’t think they are that terrible (personally, I have a special fondness for the Zazz X Zavok pairing, but I guess that’s another story XD ). And more importantly, they would be perfect for this card. I mean, as I said, the Devil warns us about self-indulgence and earthly desires, which resonates so well with the hedonistic nature of the six Zeti. Truly, it’s no coincidence if the name of their group references the seven deadly sins. You have the glutton one, the vain and glamorous one, the one who revels in violence, the apathetic one, and Zavok himself is quite the epitome of pride. (And I’m not even taking into account their fittingly demonic, oni-like appearance...) As I said, though, I don’t really know which direction I’d rather take. Ultimately, I feel like the Deadly Six fit the card’s actual meaning better, but I also really like the gravitas that the fallen sun god brings to the table in terms of iconography. How can I put it, I feel like the Zeti would be better suited for the illustration of a minor arcane, if that makes any sense. I mean, the Devil is a figure that comes with a certain weight, and I’m not sure they’d be able to shoulder it. XD
XVI - The Tower : Imperial Tower, with the artificial sun created by Infinite looming over in the background. This card represents impending disaster, so it's only natural for it to feature a level from Sonic Forces. :p No but seriously, I think the choice is rather self-explanatory. In two different ways, actually : Eggman orchestrated the "false sun" battle as the ultimate demise of the resistance, but in the end, it spelled the fall of his own empire...
XVII - The Star : Maria. The Star’s message is one of hope for the future, so Maria felt like the best suited for the job. Her serene kindness and unwavering optimism certainly fit the bill. I mean, even as she was unjustly murdered by those whose role should have been to protect the innocents, her dying words were still for Shadow to not turn his back on humanity, to allow everyone living on the world below "a chance to be happy"... Truly, I cannot think of a better candidate to embody the Star’s promise of a brighter future. (Also, she spent most of her life in a space station, so she’d be right at home on this card. :p In fact, its artwork could easily depict the young girl gazing at the stars through a window aboard the Ark...)
XVIII - The Moon : Rouge. This card is associated with both feminity and deceitfulness, warning us that everything isn't always as it seems, so who better than our dashing femme fatale-slash-master spy to illustrate it. Besides, as a bat, she’d fit the card’s nocturnal esthetic pretty well. :p
XIX - The Sun : Charmy Bee and his two dads and the rest of Team Chaotix. The Sun stands for radiant joy and success, so I thought those three would make for a fitting choice. I mean, they are quite a lively and light-hearted bunch, run a detective agency, and even founded their very own band. Sure, they seem to be perpetually broke, and I don’t think that their musical performances attract that much people, but... what was the point I was trying to make, again ? XD No but seriously, the irony of having those three goobers as an illustration of "success" is not lost on me. In fact, this hilarious contrast is also partly what motivated me to pick them for this card. :p As for the "joy" part, I guess it’s pretty self-explanatory. In terms of visuals, the card’s artwork would probably depict Espio and Vector standing in a sunflower field as they watch Charmy flying happily in the sunny sky above them...
XX - Judgement : Shadow, standing in a flower field, with the Ark looming in the sky above him. Entrusted with the hope of an innocent soul, but turned into an angel of death by his creator, the black hedgehog is ready to pass sentence on humanity. Will he find us guilty, or will he have enough strength in his heart to forgive ? Damnation or atonement, it’s up to him to decide what form the future will take... Anyway, the Judgement card is tied to introspection, so Shadow felt like the best candidate. After all, his personal quest is one of identity, reflecting upon the mistakes that were made and learning the truth of the past in order to move forward and forge his own destiny...
XXI - The World : Chip and Dark Gaia. This one was a no-brainer. After all, those two carry the will of the planet itself. Moreover, the World is, as a card, a symbol of triumph and completion. The journey is over, and it’s now time to celebrate. But it also reminds us that every end is a new beginning. In a sense, it mirrors the glorious cycle of nature that Chip and his brother embody : day and night, death and rebirth, plurality and unity... Now, in terms of appearance, I like to think that the card would depict the little lad hugging an image of the world, in reference to that one panel from the comic, with the serpentine body of his dark counterpart forming like a mandorla around him, to mimic how the card is traditionally illustrated. (Moreover, in order to tie things up and emphasize once again the cyclical symbolism of a tarot deck, I like to imagine that on the illustration of the Fool - which can interchangeably be numbered as either 0 or XXII -, Sonic would be depicted wearing Chip’s necklace/bracelet, reflecting how the story has come full circle and it’s now time to begin anew. Really, Sonic Unleashed as a whole feels like it was tailor-made to illustrate that particular part of tarology...)
And it seems that this post has come full circle too. Haha, I hope that you enjoyed the ride. Some were actually trickier than I was expecting, but all in all, I’m quite pleased with my choices. Of course, there are still a few characters that I wanted to include but couldn’t find an appropriate spot for, like Blaze or Metal Sonic. But hey, for the most part, I’m pretty satisfied. Besides, we still have to tackle the minor arcana. I don’t know if I’ll ever get the courage to do the whole deck (as I said, the suit cards don’t really fan the imagination as much as the "greater mysteries"), but still, theoretically speaking, there is plenty of space left for all the characters who didn’t make the cut this time around. XD Anyway, it definitely was a fun exercise. I wish I had the artistic skill needed to materialize my vision, but alas, my puny words will have to do. Of course, feel free to comment if there is something you’d like to tell me about the content of this post. If you have a remark to make about one of my choices, for example, or if you’d like to share your own take on the premise. Who knows, my knowledge of the Sonic universe is not exhaustive, so I might have overlooked someone or something that would have otherwise been perfect for one of those cards… In any case, I’ll be more than happy to hear your thoughts. ^_^ Also, in spite of my fascination for its iconography, I’m far from being a tarot expert, so don’t hesitate to correct me if I made a mistake when talking about one of the arcana’s meaning. :p With that being said, I don’t think I have anything to add, so I guess it’s time to close this post. Once again, I hope that you had fun reading it, and to those who made it this far, thank you for your attention. Take care ! :3
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knickynoo · 28 days
Music to Write to Master List
I rely very heavily on music when I'm writing and have curated a handful of playlists over the years and discovered several albums that really help me get into Writing Mode and set the scene. I thought I'd put together a post sharing some of my favorite instrumentals. (These sources are also fantastic for wandering around aimlessly while intensely daydreaming, btw. I know this from personal experience)
Everything under a cut, since this will be long. All included links will redirect to Spotify, but I'll include titles and artists so they can be found elsewhere.
Full of beauty/emotion/hope
• The Musical Journey by Jonas B. Ingebretsen: cannot stress enough how much I love this one. It's the entire hero's journey in a single album. It is PERFECT for sending your little Mind Blorbos on a quest. Highly recommend listening to it in order and all the way through. His recent album, The Musical Journey Pt 2 is also great.
• Pinnacle by Steven Coltart and Marcus Warner: Some gorgeous music in here. In particular, "Stories of Hope" and "Earth" are two of my favorites.
• Coming Home by Soundcritters
• The First Five Years by Denny Schneidemesser
• Emotion by Keith Merrill
• Unfolding Beauty by Stephen Tait & Tom Tideway
• Letters From Earth by Colossal Trailer Music
Tinged with sadness and full of longing
• A Way Home and The Traveler by Omar Raafat
• Disaster is Restless by The Defiant Heart
• Better by Now and Somewhere Else by From Somewhere Quiet
• Drift Ten by The Echelon Effect
• The Stories We Forgot by Andreas Kubler
• Believe by James Paget
Jam-packed with action
• Epic Action: Fight to the Last Ship, Distorted: Rock and a Hard Place, Strength to Believe, and Blaze of Glory by Epic Score: these are just 4 of the over 40 albums they have, so seriously, check them out for all your action and adventure needs. The Rock and a Hard Place one is a top fave of mine.
• Grimoire by Soundcritters
• Time Traveller by Peter Roe
• Future Heroes III by Future Heroes
Rife with crimes/mysteries/secret missions
• Crimescene by Soundcritters
• The Truth Has Been Redacted and Conviction by Luke Richards
• Crime Thriller Score by Dylan Love
• Mission Tension 1 and Mission Tension 2 by Stephen Tait
• Mystery Solved: Film Noir Detective Jazz by Various Artists
Filled with pirates/generally take place on the water
• Drowning Abyss by Colossal Trailer Music
• Set Sail for the Golden Age by Anti Martikainen
• Oceans by Marcus Warner
• Pizz and Pieces 2 and Pizz and Pieces 3 by Thomas Howe, Stephen Tait, and Tom Tideway: Please listen to these, please please they are so delightful and bouncy and perfect for characters Partaking in Shenanigans
• Awkward Comedy Beds also by Stephen Tait and Thomas Howe: I have no idea what that title means but the music is amazing and silly plz listen
• Pomp and Whimsy and Pomp and Whimsy 2 by Howe/Tait (from above) and Alexander Rudd: for when you want silly antics but like...more proper. "Mischief at the Manor" and "A Royal Kerfuffle" delight me.
• You know what? This whole list is from these same artists, so just check it all out. Special shout out to How Very British and Cheeky Beats
Yeehaw! Giddyup! and so on
• High Noon: Vintage Cowboy Music of the Old West by Various Artists
• Vagabond by Gary O'Slide
• Americana Blues and Rock by Thomas Howe and Stephen Tait
Back in Time Babeyyy
• Vintage Jazz Instrumental by Vintage Cafe
• 40s Instrumental Music by 40s Instrumental Music (lol)
• Instrumental Love Songs of the 50s by Various Artists
• 50s and 60s Wild Guitar Instrumentals by Various Artists
• 60s Instrumentals for Dances and Groovers by Various Artists
• 70s Instrumental Greatest Hits by Various Artists
• 80s Instrumental Greatest Hits by Various Artists
Sorry, no 90s because I didn't like any of the instrumental collections
• Music That Hurts by Me: a collection of some of my favorite instrumental pieces that make me feel like I've been punched in the gut and am being turned inside out. But you know. In a good way. Favorites include "Sometimes" by Goldmund, "Places I Remember" by Kristoffer Wallin, and "Stop Everything! It's Snowing" by Good Weather for an Airstrike (that last one in particular is good at making me sob for some reason)
• Writing by Me: This is my gigantic writing playlist that contains a huge mix of some of my favorite "mellow" instrumentals. Many of the above listed artists are on it, but it contains, um...a whole lot more. It's 102 hours long, and has assisted me through many a writing session over the years.
And there you go. I hope that other writers & daydreamers find some things they can take from here and add to their own playlists :)
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luckthebard · 11 months
Having kind of a lazy night in and have an urge to put an old CR oneshot in the background to half pay attention and maybe fall asleep to.
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qzwrites · 7 months
I was thinking about RPG protagonists and their families, and also war widows, and I thought...damn, I sure set Taryn's mom up for a depressing couple of decades. Her husband goes off to fight the Demon Lord and just never returns. Their child follows in his footsteps as soon as she's old enough.
Like, I'm sure you don't marry an adventurer without knowing this is a possibility, but...damn.
Taryn's family situation owes a lot to Dragon Quest III, and honestly, thinking about that poor woman who married Ortega and then raised Loto and then was cut off from her child by the worlds separating again...it's rough!
This is in second person because I didn't want to think of a name but also it works well imo.
You were pregnant but not far enough along to know it when the ground shook. Over the next week, magic storms washed over the castle town where you lived. No one was too surprised when the news finally arrived from the north that the Hell Gate had been forced open.
You had married an adventurer, knowing he would spend a great deal of time traveling. But you had married an adventurer in ordinary times, when he would still come home between quests. You didn't expect your husband to go haring off halfway around the world shortly after your child was born.
But you'd known who he was when you married him. He was not only an adventurer, he was a hero who had made a name for himself always going where he was needed. Helping people, fighting monsters, breaking curses. He would have been a different person entirely if he could have heard the news of the man who broke open the Hell Gate calling himself the Demon Lord and not set off to stop him.
Your daughter favors you physically, but there can be no doubt she is your husband's child. She takes an interest in swordsmanship and playing adventurer early, and she's so proud when she talks about her father.
You get letters, infrequently. Packages even more rarely. He sends anniversary gifts and birthday presents at first, but those taper off as he goes further afield. You don't even recognize the village the last note comes from. Your daughter asks everyone in the town, and eventually finds it in an old atlas in the castle library; it's on a continent you barely knew existed. Not the one the Hell Gate is on. Your daughter wonders why he would be there, but you know how your husband is, even if it's been years since you've seen him, and you don't wonder at all.
There is a long gap between that last note and the next you hear of your husband. In old stories, people can tell the moment their loved ones die, no matter how far apart they are, but the reality is much worse. The certainty creeps up on you as the silence drags out. There is no day where you know he is still alive followed by a day you know he is dead; there is only the gnawing sense that no news is not good news when it comes to quests of this magnitude.
You stare up at the sky instead of watching your daughter drill with the castle guards, and think about how the earth shook and those magic storms swept across the sky when the Hell Gate was opened. Even on the other side of the world, you knew something important had happened. Would killing the Demon Lord and closing the Hell Gate not have equal effects? Would your husband give up and return home when it became apparent this challenge was too much for even him?
When you receive the royal summons, you pull your mourning clothes out of storage. You don't put them on for the visit to the king, but you lay them out for your return. You hope, pointlessly, that you are wrong about this meeting with the king, but you cannot make yourself believe it.
Your daughter is old enough now that she is angry at her father for doing this to you. You try not to be comforted by the pre-pubescent indignation of your child, but being a quest widow was never as nice as being a hero's wife. Your own parents died, victims of the increased monster activity in outlying areas, and your husband's father forgot who you were, the way some old people forgot everything. You have been effectively alone for so long, having your child upset on your behalf feels like the only kind thought anyone has had for you in years.
The king tells you solemnly that the Eastern Outpost sent word west, asking if your husband was still on his way, months after he left the nearest city. Somewhere between Domla and the Eastern Outpost, your husband disappeared, like so many other travelers. The king tries to tell you your husband might still be alive, and you shake your head.
Your daughter never tells you she is going to finish what her father started, but you know it. You manage to convince her to wait until she's old enough to join the Adventurer's Guild properly, for what support that will offer on her journey. You successfully guilt the king into giving her an allowance for equipment.
Then you watch your baby girl set aside the rest of her childhood in favor of training to follow in her doomed father's footsteps.
The king feels guilty enough for suggesting your husband track down the Demon Lord to grant you an income. A widow's pension, really. It means you are comfortable, and don't have to take as many tapestry commissions anymore. It means you will have a place to live when your daughter also leaves you on the mad quest to repair the hole in the world.
When your daughter turns nineteen and sets out on her journey, you pull your mourning clothes out of storage once again. You are not going to wait until the letters stop coming this time. Even if she survives--even if she succeeds--you need to mourn the childhood she didn't get to have, because you know she will not, and she would not understand why she should.
She didn't go alone, at least. You managed to impress upon her how stupid an idea that was. Even before the Demon Lord wrenched open the Hell Gate, solo adventurers were the exception. Smart adventurers traveled in at least pairs. Your daughter left with two companions, neither of whom were local, but the Adventurer's Guild representative assured you they were in good standing with the Guild, and you have to hope these two strangers will protect your baby. Protect your baby, or at least ensure she doesn't die alone.
You open up the windows of your workroom to let in the light, and watch the sky instead of weaving your tapestries.
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demifiendrsa · 1 year
Etrian Odyssey Origins Collection — Announcement Trailer
Etrian Odyssey Origins Collection will launch for Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam on June 1, 2023 worldwide.
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Title logo
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Key visual
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Create endless adventure.
Explore the rich beginnings of this RPG franchise with remasters of three timeless adventures that inspire players to go on a journey of discovery, mapping deep dungeons, and building customized parties for exploring and engaging in tactical combat.
Play as the leader of a guild of adventurers, searching for rare treasures and secrets within the depths of a vast, sprawling labyrinth.
Traverse and draw a map of the environment while encountering enemies large and small in turn-based combat, then return to town to rest, sell materials for better equipment, and manage your party, selecting from a collection of heroes to build the right team for the job.
Key Features
An all-in-one bundle of Etrian Odyssey HD, Etrian Odyssey II HD, and Etrian Odyssey III HD.
Touch screen mapping functionality for the Nintendo Switch: Plot your progress through the labyrinth, drawing walls and placing icons to note special events and items.
Full mouse support and functionality to map drawing, menus, and dungeon exploration.
Newly remastered graphics, remastered soundtrack and quality of life improvements including difficulty selection and save slots.
Easy access to the monster compendium, quest log and skill tree.
Maximize your adventuring by optimizing your party, choose the characters that work for your playstyle or the best team for the job.
Etrian Odyssey HD
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In a vast and fertile land lies a small town known as Etria, a peaceful village that became famous for a startling discovery. A crack in the the vast forest opened at Etria’s edge, leading downward like a gaping maw. It all began there…
Those who hear rumors of the labyrinth of Etria begin to harbor dreams of exploring it. Riches, fame, prestige… and a promise: the true spirit of adventure on the perilous edge of death.
Build a party of explorers from nine different character classes – Create a woodland survivalist, shield-bearing protector, whip-wielding dark hunter, and more. Scour through the dungeon’s many layers and fend off the unknown to discover the truth behind the Yggdrasil Labyrinth.
Etrian Odyssey II HD
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When civilization sunk beneath the seven seas, deep forests spread across the five remaining islands.
Only the chosen ones escaped the waters in their castle stronghold. Eventually, the waves overtook even the last five islands…And the castle was all that remained. After the passing of ages, the people of the floating castle have chosen to descend upon their mother soil.
Build your own party from twelve different classes of heroes and climb through the Yggdrasil tree to reach the clouds and uncover the truth of High Lagaard.
Etrian Odyssey III HD
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Traverse through the mysterious ruins that connect to the bottom of the sea.
South of the great continents, beyond the sea, lies the ocean city of Armoroad. Legend has it that part of the city sunk without warning a century ago to the bottom of the ocean, taking with it untold technology that is now lost to mankind.
Intrigued by the legend, many explorers gathered in Armoroad, all hoping to challenge the undersea labyrinth. But so far, none have found the fabled sunken city. Set sail to Armoroad to navigate the Yggdrasil Labyrinth, find the drowned city, and win fortune and glory!
Build your own party of explorers from the all-new twelve different character classes. Descend the labyrinth that swallowed the mystery of Armoroad and the drowned city.
Etrian Odyssey HD Character Potrait DLC Set 1
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Adds two ATLUS themed character portraits to your party:
Joker from Persona 5 Royal
Ringo from Soul Hackers 2
These portraits can only be accessed on Etrian Odyssey HD.
Etrian Odyssey HD Character Potrait DLC Set 2
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Adds two ATLUS themed character portraits to your party:
Demi-Fiend from Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne
Teddie from Persona 4 Golden
These portraits can only be accessed on Etrian Odyssey II HD
Etrian Odyssey HD Character Potrait DLC Set 3
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Adds two ATLUS themed character portraits to your party:
Nahobino from Shin Megami Tensei V
Aigis from Persona 3 Portable
These portraits can only be accessed on Etrian Odyssey III HD.
New Character Portraits
Landsknecht (Etrian Odyssey HD) – Masters of sword and axe, Landsknechts can bear a wide range of weapons and armor in close combat. Balanced warriors for the front line.
War Magus (Etrian Odyssey II HD) – Equally skilled at magic and melee. Force Skill: Invoke Heals party HP and ups elemental resistance. Can work from the front or back lines.
Sovereign (Etrian Odyssey III HD) – Those of royal blood from kingdoms large and small. Their orders raise morale to turn the tide. Supporting combatants on either line.
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mpwma · 8 months
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🇺🇸🤼‍♂️ Exciting night for wrestling fans! 🤼‍♂️🇺🇸
Tonight, it's NJPW Royal Quest III, and we've got a match that's got everyone talking! The talented Yota Tsuji is set to go head-to-head with the promising Luke Jacobs. This matchup is bound to be a display of pure wrestling skill, folks! 💥
But here's the question: should we cover this show? 🤔
Your opinion counts! Let us know in the comments if you want us to bring you all the action from this exciting match on Make Pro Wrestling Majestic Again. We're here to cater to the fans, and we want to hear what you want to see. 📺👊
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jamiehayterz · 8 months
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Probably my favorite photos I took at Royal Quest III
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mycomicbox · 1 year
You seem to be a huge fan of RPG’s what is your RPG favorite game and/or series?
Man, where do I even begin? You can't make me pick just one! I'm just going to go down the list of RPG series that I've played and enjoyed:
Pokémon: My bread-and-butter series since I was 9. My first game was X, but since then, I have played all of the mainline games from the Game Boy to the Switch (currently playing through Violet). I just love battling with those funky lil' creachers :3
Mario & Luigi (and by extension Super Mario RPG): A very charming Mario spin-off series with some unique twists on the RPG formula, mainly with using timed button presses to execute attacks. Unfortunately, the developer AlphaDream shut down a few years ago, so this series is probably dead...
Undertale and Deltarune: C'mon... do I even need to go into detail?
EarthBound/M🌏THER: I love medieval fantasy, but it's sometimes fun to avert tropes. Rather than playing as a knight or mage slaying dragons and goblins, you're a bunch of ragtag kids using PSI and baseball bats to fight animals, gang members, and animated objects. Plus, the series is full of great jokes and overall just OOZES charm. Also MOTHER 3 made me cry.
OMORI: The one that you were probably expecting. Lovely music and presentation, a heart-wrenching story, and beautifully displays mental illness without making a mockery of it.
Final Fantasy: I've only played a few of these (I, III, IV, V, and currently playing through IX), but I have enjoyed the ones that I have played. I've heard good things about VI, VII, X, and especially XIV (though XIV is an MMORPG and those intimidate me). I have to say that my favorite so far is V, simply because of the excellent job system. Speaking of job systems...
Bravely Default: A series that I've gotten into back in May of this year, and it recently celebrated its 10-year anniversary. A sister series to Final Fantasy that's basically a love letter to the JRPGs of old, with an excellent job system and a unique twist on turn-based combat with the Brave and Default commands. The fandom is frustratingly small, however...
Now for some RPG series that I'm wanting to try:
Persona: When the Switch port of Persona 5 Royal dropped, my brother and I both pitched in money to buy it, so I do own it. I just haven't touched it yet because I have so many other unfinished games on my plate. I WILL get to it, though, and that's a promise. If I like it, I might pick up P3P and P4G once those release on the Switch.
Dragon Quest: I've only played the first one so far and when I finished it, I was like "yep, that certainly was an RPG from the NES". Even though it isn't necessary, I want to try to play the games in numerical order (skipping over X because I can't read Japanese), though like I said, I want to clear out my backlog first.
Octopath Traveler: Love the 2D-HD style, and I've heard that it does have a job system of some kind. Also there's apparently a sequel on its way.
Fire Emblem, Triangle Strategy, and Final Fantasy Tactics: I'm lumping these together for one reason. All of the games I've listed so far are your standard turn-based RPGs, with your units on one side and enemies on the other. However, I am open to trying more tactical/strategy games where positioning matters. I've head good things about FFT, and I did find TriStrat at Walmart for relatively cheap. In the case of FE, however... what game do I even start with?
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honeymoonfemme · 1 year
PART I - To Slay a Dragon || Catradora
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ao3 link to come when entire work is posted
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V
Rated M
Tags: alternate universe - magical kingdom, angst, fluff, humor, hurt/comfort, getting together, happy ending, kissing, mild violence, ooc Micah, Adora is a knight, Scorpia is a dragon
Once upon a time in the far away kingdom of Bright Moon, a brave knight is given a quest: to rescue a maiden and slay a dragon. But how can Adora rescue someone who doesn't want to be saved?
1159 words
It was a beautiful day to receive a royal summons.
The sun was shining, birds were chirping, and a slight breeze tickled the trees. Adora had chosen to train outside to take advantage of the nice weather. She’d just knocked Kyle to the ground with a deft blow of her wooden sword when the page approached her.
“Ouch,” Kyle complained.
“You’ve got to keep moving your feet, otherwise you won’t be fast enough to dodge,” Adora instructed. “Let’s go again.”
“Do we have to?”
“Ahem.” The page cleared his throat.
Adora barely registered his presence, too focused on getting Kyle’s sword skills up to scratch. Progress with Kyle was slow—his scrawny figure and weak constitution weren’t doing him any favours. But he was eager to learn and Adora had a motto she liked to live by: ‘no one gets left behind’. 
She readied her sword. “On the count of three. One, two—”
“Ser Adora, a message from the King!” The page called out. Her guard slipped for a moment, giving Kyle a chance to whack her leg. The blow glanced off the side of her thigh without enough force to even leave a bruise.
“Er, nice work. Why don’t you take a break?” The page was still waving her over frantically. Something about his urgency gave her pause. What could the King possibly want? She removed her leather training jerkin and tightened her ponytail as she walked towards him.
“You’ve been summoned.” He held out a scroll with an official-looking seal. “The King himself has personally requested your presence in the throne room.”
“Why? Have I done something wrong?” Adora always strove to be a model citizen, an upstanding, chivalrous knight. She followed every rule to the letter, even when she got teased for it. The idea that she had done something to displease the King was terrifying. The page grew exasperated. “How would I know? I’m just the messenger.” He thrust the scroll into her hands and headed on his way.
“Oookay.” Adora breathed deeply and broke the seal of the scroll. Sure enough, it was a royal summons with her name on it. The scroll didn’t give a reason.
Butterflies swarmed in her stomach as she dismissed Kyle for the day. She debated whether she should head straight for the castle or clean up first. There wasn’t really a need to clean up; she hardly ever broke a sweat while training Kyle.
Bright Moon Castle loomed large before her. The throne room was on the first floor, up a long flight of marble stairs. Two armoured guards flanked the doors. Adora gave them a respectful nod before entering. Inside, the throne was vacant. King Micah was pacing back and forth across the room, his long purple robes dragging behind him.
“Greetings, Your Majesty. I’m here about the royal summons.” Adora bowed stiffly. 
“Ah, yes, Adora. Come in.” He beckoned her to come closer. “A situation has been unfolding and I need your help.”
She drew herself up taller. “A situation?”
“A kidnapping of sorts, I suppose.” King Micah stroked his beard. “A young maiden, nay, a damsel in distress is being held captive by an evil dragon in an abandoned castle.”
Wheels churned in Adora’s head. A damsel in distress, a dragon, an abandoned castle, this was all beginning to sound like—
“A quest,” the King said. “I’m asking you to go on a quest to rescue the poor maid. She must be terrified.”
“I will go,” Adora announced loudly. “I will rescue the maiden and bring her safely back to Bright Moon, on my honour as a knight.” If there was a quest that needed doing, or a good citizen that needed saving, Adora was your knight.
“Excellent.” King Micah looked relieved. “I knew I could count on you, my most upstanding, chivalrous knight. As further incentive, I pledge to make you my Knights’ Commander upon your successful return.”
Tears welled in Adora’s eyes. This was too good to be true. The Knights’ Commander was a title she had been working towards since childhood. “I will not let you down, my King.”
“Be warned, this dragon is not to be trifled with. The last time a dragon was spotted in Bright Moon, it burned down an entire village. This one is reported to be sixty feet tall, with a wingspan of over two hundred feet.” He spread his arms as wide as they would go to illustrate the point. “With razor sharp teeth and claws and flaming breath to boot, defeating it will be no small feat.”
Fear sent a cold shiver down Adora’s spine. True, she’d never fought a dragon before. In fact, she’d never even been in an actual battle. But that didn’t mean she would run away from duty.
“Here’s your map and compass. It’s a two day journey to get there. You can stop at this village overnight.” The King pointed to a cluster of houses in a clearing. The path wound its way through the densely forested Whispering Woods, where trees stretched as far as the eye could see. There were rumours of wild beasts and monsters roaming the Woods for anyone foolish enough to enter, but Adora was sure those were just children’s stories. 
“Faaatherrr!” The doors opened with a loud bang and Princess Glimmer raced in with her best friend, Bow, right behind her. 
“Glimmer!” A furious Queen Angella stormed in after them. “What have I told you about interrupting your father during his meetings? And the answer is still NO.”
“Father, listen to me. Please.” Glimmer grabbed King Micah’s arm and looked up at him with big, pleading eyes. “You have to let me go, I’m not a little girl anymore.”
“Absolutely not. This isn’t a game, my child, this is a dragon. Your mother is right.”
“I’m always right.” Angella said coolly. “What will it take for you to understand that I only ever do what is best for you?”
Glimmer stuck out her bottom lip in an overdramatic pout. “It’s not fair. You just keep me locked up here and you never let me do anything. Isn’t that right, Bow?”
Bow, keeping a respectful distance between him and the royal family, panicked and held up his hands. “Please leave me out of this.”
“Ugh! You’re really useless sometimes.”
“Glimmer! That is not how we treat our friends,” Queen Angella barked. “Apologise now.”
“Sorry, Bow.”
Maybe it was time for Adora to go. “Your Majesty, is that all you wanted to say to me?"
This startled the King, who’d likely forgotten Adora was still there. “Yes, that’s everything. You may go, Adora, but promise me you will not let these two rascals come with you under any circumstances. It is far too dangerous.”
Adora watched Glimmer and Bow continue to argue. They would just be a liability to her, and she didn’t want to be responsible for babysitting the sole heir to the throne. “Understood, your Majesty.”
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edgyandoverzealous · 6 months
South Park (shortened addition aka Lore and fandom need to knows)
(I found this in my notes app, and remembered I was told it might be useful. A bit outdated because I believe there are a couple more seasons I don't have access to but do with it as you will :3)
Season 1:
Cartman gets an Anal Probe
Big Gay Al' Gay Boat Ride
Cartman's Mom is a Dirty slut
Season 2:
Cartman's Mom is still a Dirty Slut
Ike's Wee wee
City on the edge of forever
Rodger Ebert Should Lay Off the Fatty Foods
Merry Christmas Charlie Manson
Season 3:
Rainforest Shmainforest
Spontaneous Combustion
Tweek vs Craig
Two Guys Naked in a Hot Tub
Are you there God? It's me, Jesus
Season 4:
Cartman's silly hate crime 2000
Timmy 2000
Cherokee Hair Tampons
Something you can do with your finger
Do the handicapped go to hell
Fourth Grade
The wacky Molestation Adventure
Season 5:
Cripple fight
Scott Tenorman Must Die
The Entity
Here comes The neighborhood
Kenny Dies
Butters' Very own Episode
Season 6:
Jared Has aides
Freak Strike
Fun with Veal
Professor Chaos
Red hot Catholic Love
Free Hat
Bebe's boobs destroy society
A ladder to heaven
The return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers.
Season 7:
Toilet Paper
Little crime stoppers
Red man's greed
Casa Bonita
All about the Mormons
Butt out
Season 8:
Good times with weapons
The Passion of the Jew
You got F'd in the A
Something Wall-Mart This Way Comes
Quest for Ratings
Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset
Cartman's incredible gift
Woodland Critter Christmas
Season 9:
Mr Garrison's fancy new vagina
Best friends forever
The Death of Eric Cartman
Two Days Before The Day After Tomorrow
Follow that Egg
Trapped in the closet
Free Willzyx
Bloody Mary
Season 10:
The return of Chef
Smug alert!
A million Little Fibers
Miss teacher bangs a boy
Hell on earth 2006
Go God Go
Go God Go XII
Stanley's cup
Season 11:
Cartman Sucks
Fantastic Easter Special
Night of the living Homeless
Imaginationland Episode II
Imaginationland Episode III
Guitar Queer-o
The List
Season 12:
Tonsil Trouble
Britney's new look
Major Boobage
Canada on strike
Eek, a penis
Super fun time
Breast Cancer Show Ever
Pandemic 2- The Startling
Elementary School Musical
The Ungroundable
Season 13:
The Ring
The Coon
Pinewood Derby
Dead Celebrities
Butters' Bottom Bitch
Whale Whores
The F word.
Dances with Smurfs
Season 14:
Sexual healing
The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs
You have 0 friends
Crippled Summer
Poor and stupid
It's a jersey thing
Coon 2: hindsight
Mysterion Rises
Coon vs Coon and Friends
Season 15:
Royal Pudding
City Sushi
You're getting old
Ass Burgers
The Poor Kid
Season 16:
Reverse cowgirl
I should have never gone ziplining
Cartman finds love
Going Native
Obama wins!
Season 17:
Let go, let gov
Goth kids 3: Dawn of the posers
Taming Strange
Ginger Cow
Black Friday
A song of Ass and Fire
Titties and Dragons
Season 18:
The cissy
The Magic Bush
Freemium isn't free
Grounded vindaloop
Cock magic
Season 19:
All of it
Season 20:
All of it
Season 21:
Put it down
Hummels and Heroin.
Doubling Down
Moss Piglets
splatty Tomato
Season 22:
Dead kids
A Boy and a Priest
Tegridy Farms
The Scoots
Time to get Cereal
Nobody got Cereal?
Buddha Box
Bike Parade
Season 23:
Let them eat goo
Tegridy Farms Halloween special
Board Girls
Turd Burglars
Basic Cable
Season 24:
The pandemic special
Season 25:
All of it
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