kyooworuu · 1 year
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Lebi <333 my stubid bumb babie uwu <33
This puta took so long to make and it doesn't even look good compared to my other shit 💀💀
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yottabites · 4 months
HI YOTTA OMG im your biggest fan [pleading emoji here bc im on my laptop] whats your favorite dessert preby please. the rest of them can answer too but i know crossy is a stubborn bitch <3
".... I have fans?" Yotta rubbed the underside of his nose to hide the flustered grin growing on his face, "Oh, geez, ha... Well, uh, my favorite dessert is froyo-- blueberry froyo, to be exact."
Matrix nods in agreement, "Oh, yeah, froyo is the best. Peach flavor better, though."
Hellbyte scoffs at the both of them, "I've never had anything sweet, sorry." He shrugs, "So, I can't answer that question. I was just never allowed any.. messes with my weight and strength, you know?"
"....Tch," Cross huffs at being called a stubborn bitch and faces away again, quiet. Something about the previous vampire's answer compels him to speak, eventually. "..... I've never had anything sweet either... until I found these berries out in the forest.... the sweetest things I've ever had."
Obsidian claws at the door to his room,
"Ṕ̷͉̠̘̪̣͇̱͔̬͌́̏̌̅̎̒̌̉̑̆͛͘͘Ḷ̴̮͔̬͇̪͙͕̞͈͖͛̃̀̒͆̀̏̈́̕͘E̷͈̦̹̬̲̺̭̹̟̍Â̶̢͚̲̝̓̎͗ͅS̷͕̎̿̿̾E̸̠̙͗̂͌̽̐͆̆ ̵̢̲̭̱̥̥͓͌̑F̸̤͚̣͙͉͈̖̗̞̃͊̌̓͊͗̚͜͝E̵̛̪̼̠̰͒̀E̷̻̖̰̱͐̓̈̈̇D̶͓̞̹̺͖̬̝̣̥͔̤̤͖̝̍͒̔͂̒̈͐̕͝͝ ̴̬͓̪̯̹̪͍̝͐͆̅̄̈́̈́̅̿̾̈̐̕͘ͅͅM̷͈͚̱̲̻̿̿͐̂͌̕͘Ę̴̢̲͙͖̬͙̺̣̥̼̥̌͛̂̿̔̽.̷̨̹̰͇̲͔͈̘̭̲̟̝̺̙͐̌̈́͑̓̑͆͘ ̴̮͖̠͕͂̄͋͘͘"
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yintwokareta · 3 months
breaking news: local gay man is gay
im literslly so insane abt boothill and scar right now. boothill i need him to reappear in my life i think its illegal we have so little crumbs.
also scar... im not too far into the game but all that talk about shepards and lambs didnt matter bc he's just too preby...
i also reaaally love his sister whys she also so pretty i cant
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peppermintys · 6 months
wip of my silly genshin impact oc..
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he’s so preby……. wah..
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bluehairedspidey · 6 years
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rattlung · 5 years
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aight homie i just finished a sandwich, let’s fucking go
(I have this thing where i firmly believe that crypto’s drone is like find familiar in dnd. just the idea of him sitting in a room with his squad and feeling secure enough to log onto the drone and get all this information and relay it to them, only to log off and find that they left already gets a cheeky little laugh out of me
also you’re gonna have to forgive all the inconsistencies with the areas such as building layouts in this compared to the game. i’m just rlly missin kings canyon and my brain refuses to process the new map well enough to remember what half the stuff looked like lmao)
and why are crypto and mirage always on the same team but their third gets switched out all the time? who knows. let it be a mystery 
i chose established relationship btw :^)
Mirage hated when the ring closed in in Fuel Depot. There were just too many angles to watch for, too many buildings to hole up in, and too many points of interests to rotate from. Ending up there before the ring caught up usually meant fighting too many squads at once without a break in between.
At least one of the teams had Pathfinder on it. He and Mirage were both perched on separate roofs across from the other, using the back wall and AC units for cover, keeping an eye on each other through the thick plexiglas. Every so often, they’d peek out and fire a few shots off, sometimes hitting, most of the time not.
Once, Mirage had gotten him good, the sound of Path’s shields shattering after two direct hits with his Wingman. Pathfinder immediately fell back into cover, but he upped the volume on his speakers to call out, “Amazing shots, friend!” 
Mirage laughed and ducked behind his own cover to reload the pistol. “You’re not so bad yourself, for a bot!” 
He couldn’t see him anymore, but he could still hear Pathfinder’s cheerful, “Thank you!”
Shaking his head, Mirage settled down to check his ammo. He could stand to continue his and Path’s weird little competition, poke him down some more to whittle away at his meds, but he wanted to be sure he had enough for the last fight. With the way things were, it was going to be a big one. He could see the alarming red glow of Wattson’s fences through the windows of the building Pathfinder had been standing on. There was no sign of Wraith, but Mirage knew she’d be close if not already knocked out of the match.
Caustic, his other teammate, had hunkered down in the smaller, single-floored house off to Mirage’s right. Every door was blocked off, denying entry to any enemies - and teammates, something Mirage was sure he did on purpose. 
There wasn’t any movement anywhere else in Depot, but there were two more teams left that weren’t accounted for. Capitol City was close, but the amount of space that wasn’t being burnt up by the ring was small. If both teams were out there, they would have clashed by now, thought the only shots Mirage heard so far were his own and Pathfinder’s.
Crypto had muttered something about hunting them down a while ago. He’d hopped up onto a desk left behind on the top floor of Mirage’s building, tossed out his drone, and focused on the holo screen in front of him without another word. That had been about ten minutes ago and he still hadn’t said anything yet. Every so often, Mirage would catch sight of a green light zipping in between the little valley separating Depot from Capitol City, so he assumed the chase was still on.
Mirage looked back out over his AC unit and saw Pathfinder doing the same. Quickly, before he could tell himself no, Mirage fired his Wingman once, twice, and didn’t find his mark. Pathfinder ducked back again, anyway.
“Those were warning shots!”
Behind him, through the open door, he could hear Crypto speak. “Gibraltar’s squad,” he announced shortly. “Racing the ring.”
“Loud and clear,” Mirage replied even though he knew Crypto couldn’t hear him. Anything the drone couldn’t see or hear, neither could Crypto, at least when the remote was active. And the drone was way out there, toward Capitol city right where Mirage had expected a team to be. All three teams accounted for.
Wait, four teams. There were four teams left.
That was probably why he could hear footsteps beneath him.
Mirage jolted up to his feet and sprinted back inside, flinging the door shut behind him before Pathfinder could get any crazy ideas. He headed for the stairs rather than alert Crypto, because it might have been Caustic, and he didn’t want to look stupid and panic over a false alarm that would aggravate both of his teammates.
The door downstairs swung open and Mirage could hear the hollow clanking of metal canisters, the sound of boots hitting metal too fast to be Caustic.
Bangalore, then. Mirage had spent too long running from that sound to not recognize it. It was a little lucky, though. He’d fought her enough times to know that she could get a little too eager for a kill; seeing a target with its back to her tunneled her vision. Mirage could handle her, he just needed to take the fight downstairs and away from his stationary teammate.
Who knows, maybe the fighting would draw Caustic out of his little rat hole and he’d actually contribute on his own volition for once. Doubtful, but a man could dream.
Mirage picked off a grenade from his belt and rolled it down the stairs after pulling its pin. He hoped the tapping of metal on metal was enough to grab the soldier’s attention, but if not the following explosion would do the trick. Mirage ran to the door at the opposite end of the room, using the noise to cover his movement, and vaulted over the railing.
He dropped in front of the open garage. Seeing no sign of Bangalore, he sent in a decoy to test the waters for him. It ran calmly in at its own pace and stopped the second it hit a wall, appearing as if it were looking out the window. He almost thought Bangalore had retreated to another building when a single shot cut through the decoy’s head and Mirage heard the ping of the tech on his left shoulder go out as the decoy shimmered away.
Still in the building then. 
He pulled another grenade off his belt and threw it toward the corner he’d seen the shots come from. This time, Bangalore answered with the thumping pop of her smoke launcher dropping a thick cloud that smothered the first floor. Mirage cursed, hearing steps cross the room right before the grenade went off - steps that went toward the stairs.
Mirage ran into the smoke toward the sound, ignoring how he couldn’t see a foot in front of him, and pulled his Carbine out from where it’d been resting along his back. Once out of the garage area, the room beyond it was small so it didn’t take more than a few seconds to come across Bangalore through the haze; she let him know he’d found her by swinging out with the butt of her Scout. Mirage ducked under it narrowly and came back up using his shoulder, shoving Bangalore back. If it was hand-to-hand combat she wanted it, it was hand-to-hand combat she was not not going to get. She’d win that any day of the week. What Mirage needed was distance and enough room to aim without firing from the hip.
A blue light began to glow through the slowly fading smoke and Mirage heard the mechanical whirring of a Peacekeeper warming up just in time to lurch away. The spread was more controlled and easy to avoid thanks to the attached choke, but if Bangalore even got one shot in on him, he’d be in a lot of trouble.
The smoke was mostly cleared now and Bangalore rose her Peacekeeper to aim at the first figure she saw, blinking before she could pull the trigger. Mirage stood in front of her, one hand on his hip and grinning like he’d done something to be proud of. To his right, Mirage fired off a round from his finger gun, pretended to blow smoke from the barrel, and winked at her. In between the three of them, Mirage seemed to be checking the state of his hair in the reflection that wasn’t there in the glass of the window. Somewhere off in the back, Mirage waved over the shoulder of Mirage almost like he was trying to get her attention.
Bangalore scowled harshly. “Son of a - “
Behind her, Mirage thumped the back of her head with his Wingman. “Quite the prebi - predippa - “ He winced at himself, pulled the trigger. “Bad situation,” he finished as a purple death box clattered to the floor. “Bad situation, got it.”
“What happened?”
Mirage turned to see Crypto at the bottom of the stairs. He didn’t seem particularly panicked, just eyed the several Mirages that littered the room and the door that was blown out - presumably from one of the grenades he’d thrown earlier. Mirage looked around, too, like it was his first time seeing the chaos himself, then down at the crate Bangalore had left behind, and finally back to Crypto.
“Oh, nothing, honey,” he said, waving the other off to match with his put-on dismissive tone. “Just another one of those salespeople, don’t worry about it. I told them we weren’t interested.”
Crypto’s brow rose and if it wasn’t for the small, tiny snort, Mirage would have thought he wasn’t amused. “Good work.”
The smile dropped from Mirage’s face. “What?”
Crypto’s head tilted. “Good work,” he repeated slowly, coming off more like a question.
“Oh,” Mirage said, though he still sounded confused himself - or maybe shocked. He pulled himself together quickly. The showy grin returned and he shrugged. “Oh, yeah, well, of course. What else did you expect?”
Crypto’s curious look didn’t fade away, but he must have decided to spare Mirage any questioning. “Two teams left. We are almost through.”
Mirage nodded and pulled off his pack, mostly as an excuse to get out from under the scrutinizing gaze. “Right, yeah, just gotta patch myself up real quick.”
“Take your time,” Crypto told him, heading back for the stairs, hands in his pockets. “Caustic isn’t going anywhere.”
Usually when Crypto ventured out further into the drop ship it was when he knew no one else would be in the halls, and even then he liked to have his drone with him. Elliott jokingly referred to it as the “buddy system”. Any time Crypto would leave, Elliott would notice that the drone would lift from its docking station to follow him and he’d call out, “Wait, don’t forget your buddy!”, like maybe the drone was following him as a preference rather than just being programmed to track and follow Crypto’s position.
But that was Elliott, always putting personality and character into anything. 
Today, though, that wasn’t possible. Not after it’d been shot down late in the match earlier that day. He’d been forced to leave it back at it his dorm, laid out on his desk waiting for repairs. Ones that would probably take up the majority of the evening if he got distracted, which he probably would. He still showered quickly, because it was best to get started even if it was tedious.
The mess hall was loud when he passed it and full enough that no one noticed him when he slipped by. They weren’t landing that night as the morning block schedule started tomorrow for the games, so everyone must have gathered to make a mess in the kitchen together rather than spend the night alone. Crypto remembered hearing Gibraltar mention Pathfinder’s stew during the day, but had shrugged off the invitation despite the general interest of seeing how well the robot could pull it off.
He was more interested in the quiet of the dorms. With Octane gone, there was bound to be plenty of it. Every time he even thought about the speakers Octane had set up, pointing out of his room, Crypto felt the corners of his mouth twitch down involuntarily. He never said anything, though, because Octane was nice. Actually, joining the Apex Games forced him to learn several different skills; most were for survival, like how to tune out a lot of incessant noises.
However, when he crossed into the threshold of the dorms, there was still music blaring through the sitting area - music that came from his room. Crypto ventured closer and stopped in the doorway, coming across the sight of Elliott stretched out on his bed, and waited for the other to notice him.
Which didn’t take too long. Elliott let the magazine he’d been reading drop onto his chest then onto his lap when he sat up to smile at Crypto. “Oh, hey. I figured you’d be sneaking around somewhere.” He leaned over to paw at the remote left on the desk and the thundering rock lowered into a more bearable volume. “I fixed your drone, by the way. There wasn’t much I could do about the casing - that’s one gnarly bullet hole. It’s up and running, though, but I would still run diagnostics. Anyway, I was wondering what you wanted to do for dinner, because everyone’s in the mess, but there might be some of Path’s stew leftover by the time they all leave. If not, though, lemme tell ya, I got the best recipe for - what? Oh god, what?”
“You fixed my drone?” Crypto asked, voice tight despite his efforts put into appearing unworried.
“Well.” Elliott threw a look over to where the drone was docked, its eye glowing a faint green. He looked back at Crypto nervously. “Well, now I’m not so sure because you’re acting like maybe me doing that wasn’t very intellella - a very good idea.”
Crypto moved over to the desk, picking up the drone’s control cube and effectively putting his back to Elliott. He didn’t want the other to see his expression or to let on how genuinely worried he now was. There were a dozen different kinds of firewalls he’d implemented into the drone’s software, ones that - if they weren’t passed through carefully enough - could brick the entire system entirely. It was for safety, mostly, since the drone stored quite a bit of data that he technically wasn’t supposed to have. If Elliott had hit even one of those, it was likely Crypto would have to reboot the entire drone. That could take hours depending on how severe the damage to the hardware was. Which, like Elliott had said, was pretty severe. If that were the case, he probably wouldn’t be able to use the drone in the games tomorrow, but - 
But besides a slightly distorted screen, the remote communicated to the drone with maybe only a quarter of a second of lag. On the dock, its green light grew more intense and buzzed with power.
Crypto’s shoulders slouched and his head tilted quizzically.
“I’m sorry,” Elliott burst out suddenly. “I probably should have asked - or just, y’know, not even touched it. I just stopped by to wait for you and saw it laying there and thought I’d do you a favor, but - “
“It’s fine,” Crypto told Elliott, and also himself.
The other seemed hopeful, yet still a little unsure at the surprise lilting in Crypto’s tone. “Yeah?”
“Ya,” he assured, turning just enough to show off the functioning holo screen before he snapped the control cube shut. He wanted to ask how he’d managed it, but judging by the shocked expression on Elliott’s face Crypto imagined he wouldn’t get much of a straight answer. In a sense, the trickster still managed to create more work for him, since he now worried about the effectiveness of his security protocols, but he’d work on that later. For now, Elliott really had done him a favor. He pocketed the cube and aimed a small smile at him. “Thank you.”
For a split second, Elliott’s features lit up. A genuine, relieved smile curved his lips and Crypto knew that if something actually had been wrong, he wouldn’t have told the other. That scared him a little bit, implications of what that could mean caught him off guard, but in favor of enjoying Elliott Witt’s smile, he decided he just wasn’t going to think about it.
Because it was gone soon enough, replaced by a cheaper grin that still wasn’t bad to look at. “Don’t mention it,” Elliott told him with a nonchalant shrug. “All in a day’s work. Actually, mention it if you want to, I’m not gonna stop you.”
Crypto scoffed and rolled his eyes. “I think I’ll restrain myself for now.”
“If that blew you away,” Elliott continued, pointedly ignoring him. “Then wait until you get a load of my pork chops.” He paused and gave Crypto a considering look. “That kinda sounded suggestive and weird - but I promise, they’re really good.”
“We need to push someone.”
Mirage pulled back around the rock he’d been looking out from behind to level his teammate with an annoyed and disbelieving look. “Yeah. Yeah, okay, Wraith, let’s push someone - here’s our options.” He pointed down further into Thermal Station where he’d been watching the boxed in, electric hum of fences. “We got Wattson and Gib’s fortress of solitude, or - “ He then jerked his head to gesture up toward the train tracks high above them, “ - Bangalore’s fun and interactive ‘Shooting Fish in a Barrel’ game. Let’s just push one!”
Wraith narrowed her eyes at him, teeth gritting at the sarcasm. “The ring is closing, Mirage.”
“What do you want us to do, Wraith? We can’t go left without giving Bangalore a clear line of sight. There’s no way we head into Thermal without Gibraltar calling down his bombardment on us on our way in, and even if we did make it, we’d be walking straight into Wattson’s fences. She probably has her weird, generator thing set up, so it’s not like we can just flush them out with ‘nades. No matter what, we’re caught out.”
It really was an unlucky circle. They had landed out at Epicenter and had too many fights that lasted too long; most of the match was spent running and out-healing the burn of the ring. By the time they’d caught up and were able to catch their breath, they were left out of position as the other teams made it there before them. If it hadn’t pretty much cost them the game, Mirage would have found petulant joy in the fact that Wraith really couldn’t prove him wrong.
She looked over at Crypto, who’d been passively watching the argument and looking like he had no intentions to intervene. Wraith rose her brow very pointedly in a nonverbal question Mirage couldn’t catch. 
Before he could snap, ask, What are you looking at him for?, Crypto shrugged one shoulder. “I’ll take care of it.”
That seemed to satisfy her, because she threw a thankful look up to the sky.
Mirage looked between them. “Take care of what?”
Neither answered him. Crypto’s hands pulled from his pockets and his focus went into the control cube, his drone buzzing to life and zipping around their cover.
Wraith stepped passed Mirage to follow it. “Get ready to move,” she told him, blue sparks crawling around her right arm. She clenched her fist and the air around it popped in a high pitched, suctioning sound. Left behind was a small, pulsing orb with a trail that connected it to Wraith as she took off in a sprint around the very edge of the ring. Straight for Thermal.
“Uh, team?”
The popping of a G7 above them startled Mirage and the dirt kicked up at Wraith’s feet, but she was too fast. Weaving in and out of boulders and using the haze of the storm to her advantage, she was able to avoid the shots until it was all downhill into the factory. Just above her was the green light of Crypto’s drone, keeping pace.
Then, the sky darkened after the low, rumbling call for mortars and Mirage heard himself crying out, “What was the plan, here?”
Before the ground started shaking and explosives started blasting the dirt in smoke and fire, Wraith slid down the decline for the extra momentum and kicked off the ledge right above the platform.
They’ve got a shot on you.
The barrel of Wattson’s Devotion glinted from the glow of the lava when it lifted to aim at her. She could hear the energy start to burn as it fired up. 
You’re in danger - move!
“Phasing,” Wraith called into the comms, and with her left hand she pulled. Like a curtain, reality opened for her and she slipped right through.
A few seconds behind came the drone, its green aura already shifting to something much more intense, to blue, to white. It hung above the fortified platform, pulsing, pulsing, until it burst out in a massive wave. Fence nodes sizzled, circuits fried, and the electricity buzzing between them died out. The dome shield Gibraltar had thrown out at the first sign of an oncoming attack fanned and faded away. Even the Interception Pylon hidden behind a stack of crates went dark.
Wraith stepped back through and the second she did, she punched a hole to finish the tunnel. “Portal’s placed.”
The air distorted as something passed between it, and out from the roiling black exit came Mirage, Peacekeeper preemptively raised and ready to fire. Gibraltar’s shields shattered easily on the first hit, knocking him back against the platform’s railing and sending his own EVA-8 blast wide. On the second hit, Gib was down. Mirage cocked the shotgun and turned, but Wraith was already standing above the electrician’s deathbox.
“Only the two of them,” she remarked, twirling the kunai in a competent flip, showing off a job well done.
“That,” Mirage went to add, “must have looked so cool.”
Another surge announced Crypto’s arrival through the portal and Mirage rounded on him instantly.
“Babe, that was sick! That’s gonna be in the highlight reels for weeks, no doubt about it. I didn’t even know you could do that with your drone.”
Minutely, Crypto’s eyes widen and his mouth opened, but nothing came out. Quickly, he snapped it shut and just tried to school his expression when too much time had passed in between the intention to speak and actually speaking. Mirage still stared at him expectantly - shrewdly, even - so Crypto escaped by cutting his gaze away entirely, purposefully focusing on nothing but the deathbox Gibraltar had left.
Huh, Mirage thought, perhaps a little too excited. He sidled up next to the other to pick through some ammo for himself, but mostly so he could reach around Crypto to get a better look at his face and barely hid the fact that he was doing so. Mirage was utterly delighted to find that the apples of his cheeks were a good shade or two darker than usual and he couldn’t help but grin at the sight. 
Crypto caught him staring soon enough and glared. He snatched the scope off of Gibraltar’s dropped EVA and ditched the box entirely, pulling the collar of his coat up higher to block Mirage out as he stormed away.
Mirage would have to make it up to him later, definitely. But for now? For now, he was just going to enjoy knowing that fact that maybe he wasn’t the only one who enjoyed showing off. 
plot twist, they BOTH like getting praised.
anyway sorry for the weak ending. was caught up on it for some reason and i tried like five different versions and didn’t like em but i figured getting it out there was better than staring at it. the prompt itself even kinda lost its way tbh but we be out here y’know we’re just chillin
also after wraith’s short i just imagine her and crypto as those types of friends that you had in high school when someone says some dumb shit and you immediately find each other’s eyes across the room and just give each other that long suffering look. 
proof read once, so if there’s mistakes let me know - and thank you for sending something in, sorry i barely followed it !
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prairiechzhead · 7 years
Poldark S3 US Ep 5/UK Ep 6
Let’s see if my opinions from this post by @poldarkpodcast​ still hold up. 
First, a disclaimer. I rewatch the DVD I have and then I write most of this post. Then I watch the PBS broadcast to reconcile the full UK episode I’ve been watching and their edited for time US broadcast, because there is always the chance that something I referenced in my original post was edited out of the US broadcast. 
More answers than you can shake a toad at after the jump. 
What did you think of this week’s episode? 
For me, it was so-so. I didn’t hate it, but I wasn’t left ugly-crying like I was after last week’s episode.
The previous episode was full of action and feels and all the things. This one was not as exciting. But that’s not a bad thing because this episode both signals a wind down from Black Moon story lines and a shift into the Four Swans story arcs. 
Your favourite scene? Why? Basically any scene where Aunt Agatha threw shade at George. Also I loved the discussion between Dwight and Caroline at the end of the show. I think it captured both how each was feeling (in regards to Dwight’s PTSD) and showed that understanding each other is the key to dealing with this. When someone has a mental illness, the family has to deal with it, too, and more often than not, there isn’t much support for them.
I’ve been binge-listening to an older version of the audio book for Black Moon. (Basically, someone ripped it from a CD.) When the narrator is doing Aunt Agatha’s voice, he makes her sound like Gollum, especially when she’s talking about planning her birthday party. This has nothing to do with the scenes in the show, or which ones I like. It’s an observation I wish to share. 
One of my favorite scenes though, is a very short one with Agatha and George, where George is looking at Valentine in his cradle and Agatha makes a remark about being bullied and why George was bullied as a child. It wasn’t that he was poor, but it was because he was trying to deny his humble roots. She mentioned Valentine’s having rickets. 
Another one was that brief moment when Agatha gave Whitworth the stink eye towards the end of the episode. 
Least favourite scene? Why? Ossie’s toe sucking scene. If I were to ever consider toe sucking as a kink, this scene basically ruined it for me. That image of his porcine, red face with someone else’s toes in his mouth and then making the same sounds I do whenever I eat tiramisu will forever be seared on my brain. I can never “unknow” that this exists on film.
Three months later and its still gross. 
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Shockingly, PBS left the toe sucking scene (or most of it) in the episode. They did edit out most of Ossie’s orgasm noises, though. 
It’s just as disgusting as it was the first time. See? 
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I’m not into kink-shaming. But this never, ever makes me want to participate in this kink, either giving or receiving ever. Is it possible to gouge out your mind’s eye? 
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Favourite new character? Why?
There were no new characters in this episode, but my favorite character was Aunt Agatha and her sassiness.
Her excitement over planning her 100th birthday party is one of the joys of this episode. 
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Least favourite new character? Why?
George and his stupid, over-the-top, “Ross is behind every bad thing that ever happens to me” paranoia. If “When George blames Ross for something that goes wrong in George’s life” is not already part of the Poldark Drinking Game, it should be. I can handle that he does things to hurt others if it means personal gain for him. I’m tired of how the writers are having his main motivation always be trying to one-up Ross, rather than stay with his main motivation being his insecurity as it is in the novels.
My thoughts on this haven’t changed and I addressed it last week. As over the top as it is, it’s building to something in the season finale. At the time I wrote this, I did not know it. 
What made you cheer?
Zacky’s promotion to mine captain. While I am sure that there is no one in Cornwall who wishes that it had to happen because Henshawe died, I’m also sure that everyone will agree that Zacky earned it.
This time, I’m going to cheer over the fact that PBS edited out most of Ossie’s orgasm noises when he was sucking on that prostitute’s toes. 
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For what it’s worth, PBS cut out Zacky’s promotion scene. Not happy about that. 
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What made you want to throw things at the television/computer screen?
George blackmailing Morwenna into marrying Reverend Toesucker to keep Drake from the noose. Then having Drake find out about this the way he did. I know it’s for Drama™, but to me, it seemed way too over-the-top. The only thing that was missing was a mustache for George to twirl as he gloated over this.
This plot point was changed from the novel. Winston Graham likes to spring things on the reader and the characters, but in an understated way. One example is in the book Demelza with Julia’s death. We (the reader) don’t learn she died until Demelza’s fever broke. She asks to see Julia and Ross tells her that Julia was asleep or something like that. Then Ross wonders how he should break the news to Demelza that their daughter died. It was the same with Morwenna’s marriage. 
Novel Spoilers:
The wedding was held while Drake was in France, but neither Drake, Ross, nor the readers learned of this until after they returned. Then we learn the details. The engagement between Whitworth and Morwenna was never technically broken and she was not coerced into marrying Ossie as a condition of Drake’s release. Basically, George and Elizabeth lied to her about sending her home and releasing Ossie from the engagement. Elizabeth came to Morwenna on a Sunday and basically told her that the Whitworths were coming to Trenwith and there would be a wedding whether she liked it or not. Morwenna was misled and forced into marriage with this man, because George had dropped the charges against Drake. Because of the times and the circumstances, Morwenna was trapped. 
The audio book narrator in the version I’m listening to who is doing Elizabeth’s voice makes Elizabeth sound especially creepy in this section. 
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So to a reader of the novels, the way they handled this would seem over the top. However, given how it was handled in the novels, the “I’ll let Drake go if you marry Ossie” ploy is actually less icky and makes Elizabeth and George look like way better people than how they looked in the books. It also makes Morwenna look like she’s making a sacrifice for her true love rather than be forced into a marriage to a horrible man because it’s the 18th century and she has no say in it at all. 
Most of Caroline’s reaction to Dwight’s PTSD, but particularly the line “why are you being so girly” was cut. People had taken exception with this originally last summer, because she was “insensitive”. Her reaction to his PTSD is correct for that time and place. You cannot expect someone in the 18th century to know how to react based upon the knowledge we have in the 21st century. There is no way she could know how she is supposed to react. 
Another “throw things” moment is the toad storyline. In the novels, it was a prank. On the show, it’s way too over the top. They gave George a phobia that seems to be the result of being bullied, so it’s not quite as funny as it was intended. 
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In the novels, George did do some impressive mental gymnastics to try and pin the toad prank on Ross, though.
What was your performance of the week?
Caroline Blakiston as Aunt Agatha. She gave us the perfect blend of sassy shade-throwing, serious advice giving when it was needed, and sheer joy when she talked of her party.
I also would say that Elise Chappel deserves a nod for her portrayal of Morwenna in this episode. I do feel her pain. 
So to both ladies...
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Any other observations you wish to share with us!
We’re over halfway through the season now. At this point, I think season 3 is okay. However, the more I watch it, the more I pick up on things I may have missed the first few times I watched, and my opinion on it will change. Because of so many new characters and story lines, it may have been better in retrospect, if they’d done only Black Moon for season 3. Then perhaps they could have taken the time to tell the story properly and without it feeling choppy at times and rushed.
I still think they should have only done Black Moon for all of Season 3. Then there would have been enough time to give to those storylines. By doing this, Four Swans, which is basically where this episode falls (with a few storylines not yet finished from Black Moon thrown in), would be all of Season 4. Then we would be guaranteed a Season 5, which would be Angry Tide, and then they could end the entire show with Angry Tide. 
They used the same exact footage of Ross riding into the gates of Trenwith and dismounting from his horse twice in this episode. First, when he visited Agatha and second, when he went to see George over Drake’s arrest for theft. 
Something I’ve wondered about the PBS broadcast:
How come Darlene Shiley always gets to personally tell us how much she loves drama and Masterpiece, but Conrad Prebys and Debbie Turner don’t? Why? 
Next Time: Oh this episode will be a doozy. It has been 3 months since it aired in the UK and I still haven’t been able to rewatch this. 
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Baxter Design Studio: Quality of Work in Jackson Hole Outweighs Celebrity Status
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Architect Chris Baxter of Baxter Design Studio (BDS) has helped design world-renowned public buildings, including the Seattle Central Public Library, the Seattle Opera House, the Vancouver Convention Centre and the Conrad Prebys Music Center at the University of California in San Diego. But finding design solutions to the private homes he is working on in Jackson now bring him more joy.
“There’s a strong connection between my past and present projects,” he says. “On large public projects, there is an importance put on the collaborative effort of the team. Our studio takes the same approach. Architecture in today's world is not about one person's ideas. It is more about research and creating a conceptual framework for design that allows a team to form complex, rich ideas to meet the client's needs. If we are doing our research and listening carefully, every project generates a unique design solution.”
When working on the Seattle Central Public Library with OMA (Office for Metropolitan Architecture), the design team started the project with a three-month research project visiting libraries all over the world. Realizing current libraries do not have the flexibility to adapt to the evolution of information need to be stored, they challenged preconceived notions about what a building should or should not be themselves to reinvent the definition of a library. “Whether it is a large building move or a small detail, we are always looking for a better design solution,” Baxter says.
Baxter has come a long way from Oklahoma State, where he got his Architecture degree, thanks to his first job at LMN Architects in Seattle.
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In Vancouver BC, Baxter and his team faced the challenge of designing a one million square foot convention center without negatively impacting Vancouver's delicate urban fabric. Vancouver is an island made up of two parts. One part is a city of thin towers; the other part is an old growth forest preserved for future generations.  The concept for the building was to continue Stanley Park into the city. By pushing the exhibit hall below street grade, the building became an amenity for Vancouver with over 14 acres of green space.  
Building sites in Jackson present a similar challenge with their pristine nature, Baxter says. “As Architects, we understand the impact of the building on the site and strive to find solutions that ingrain the building into the landscape, so that it would be missed if it was removed.”
“One reason I enjoy being in Jackson is the relationships we have with our clients,” Baxter says. “They appreciate that we are able to execute big ideas and embrace challenges using the technical experience and design philosophies gained while working at a large firm.
In the end, the projects we are doing now are as important if not more important than the projects I’ve done in the past.”
Contact Baxter Design Studio | 960 Alpine Lane, Jackson, Wyoming | 307-690-5860
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healthspiritbody · 5 years
Prebiotic Foods Such As Asparagus Can Slow Cancer Growth, Study Suggests
Cancer growth can be slowed with prebiotic foods such as asparagus and onion, a study on mice suggests.
Prebiotics are a group of compounds that help boost the variety of gut bacteria and are also found in garlic, leeks, and bananas.
Scientists fed mice water infused with prebiotics and studied how the rodents fought melanoma skin cancer, one of the aggressive forms of the disease due to its ability to spread to so many organs.
For the first time, research showed how prebiotics populated the gut, which bolstered the immune system.
With more immune cells attacking cancer, the disease progression was curbed, the researchers said.
They believe prebiotics holds the potential to make ‘cutting-edge cancer treatments’ once studies on humans are conducted.
Cancer growth can be slowed with prebiotic foods such as asparagus and onion by boosting killer immune cells, a study on mice suggests
Dr. Ze’ev Ronai, the senior author of the study published in Cell Reports, said: ‘Earlier studies have demonstrated that prebiotics limit tumor growth, but until now the mechanism by which they do so has been unclear.
‘Our study shows for the first time that prebiotics limit cancer growth by enhancing anti-tumor immunity.’
The composition of our gut microbiota is partly determined by our genes but can also be influenced by lifestyle factors such as our diet.
Probiotics, which are live microorganisms, may benefit your health by changing the overall composition of the microbiota. They are found in a range of natural food sources, particularly fermented foods such as kefir.
Prebiotics, on the other hand, are ‘food’ for probiotics in the gut. They are not live organisms, but they help probiotics stimulate the growth of diverse gut populations.
Researchers at Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute in California analyzed the prebiotic inulin.
Inulin is a fiber found in plants like asparagus, onion, chicory, and artichokes.
The researchers embarked on a series of studies that involved feeding healthy mice inulin in their chow.
Then they transplanted melanoma cancer cells into the mice to determine the effect of the prebiotic.
First, the team found the population of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, called gut microbiota, altered. This was driven by inulin.
Anti-tumor immunity was kickstarted, measured by how many white blood cells had infiltrated the tumor cells.
This indicated that the prebiotics enhanced the immune system’s ability to attack cancer.
Growth of melanoma – the most common type of skin cancer – was slowed as a result.
The researchers wanted to look at other cancers other than melanoma. They found the growth of colon cancer cells was also inhibited by inulin feed.
Co-author Dr. Scott Peterson, professor of microenvironment and cancer immunology, said: ‘Prebiotics represent a powerful tool to restructure gut microbiomes and identify bacteria that contribute to anti-cancer immunity.
‘The scientific advances we are making here are getting us closer to the idea of implementing prebiotics in cutting-edge cancer treatments.’
Some of the most exciting findings were in mice with NRAS mutations, found in around 20 percent of melanoma patients.
NRAS-mutant melanoma has poorer outcomes, and tumors often become resistant to drugs called MEK inhibitors.
The study found mice carrying NRAS-mutant melanoma that received inulin were able to delay the development of resistance to treatment with an MEK inhibitor.
Dr. Jennifer Wargo, professor at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, said: ‘Immunotherapies and targeted treatments such as MEK inhibitors are helping people with melanoma, but not everyone.
‘While some patients respond to therapy, others do not. In addition, many patients develop resistance to treatment which requires alternate medicine combinations.
‘Manipulating the microbiome with prebiotics might be a helpful addition to current treatment regimens, and today’s finding should be further tested in independent models and systems.’
Dr. Ronai, a professor of tumor initiation, cautioned that these findings require much more study before considering any evaluation in people with cancer.
He said: ‘Our findings are a step forward in our understanding of how certain prebiotics affect tumor growth, but we are far from applying these to humans.
‘Future studies need to be conducted in more complex animal models of different genetic backgrounds and ages to address the complex nature of human tumors before we may consider evaluating this prebiotics in people.’
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Prebiotic Foods Such As Asparagus Can Slow Cancer Growth, Study Suggests was originally published on Health Spirit Body
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nevamwitti · 5 years
Can Stem Cells Be the Cure for Baldness?
MONDAY, July 1, 2019 (HealthDay News) — Could wigs, weaves or transplants someday become a thing of the past? Scientists report they were able to grow hair with stem cells in animal studies.
So far the technique has only been tried on mice, and results may not be the same in humans. But researchers say they have been able to grow natural-looking hair through the skin using stem cells.
This could bring new hope to men and women with hair loss, the researchers said — if the technique proves successful in people.
“Now we have a robust, highly controlled method for generating natural-looking hair that grows through the skin,” said Alexey Terskikh, an associate professor in the development, aging and regeneration program at Sanford Burham Prebys, a nonprofit research institute in La Jolla, Calif.
The findings were presented Thursday at a meeting of the International Society for Stem Cell Research, in Los Angeles. Research presented at meetings is typically considered preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal.
The researchers said the system uses cells called dermal papilla. Found in the hair follicle, these cells control hair thickness, length and how fast hair grows.
The cells are laced through a biodegradable scaffold made of the same material as dissolvable stitches. The scaffold controls the direction the hair grows in and helps the cells become part of the skin.
“This is a critical breakthrough in the development of cell-based hair-loss therapies and the regenerative medicine field,” Terskikh said in a meeting news release.
For their experiments, researchers implanted a combination of mouse and human cells on hairless mice.
The lab is now working with human cells to make hair follicles that can be transplanted.
“Hair loss profoundly affects many people’s lives. A significant part of my practice involves both men and women who are seeking solutions to their hair loss,” said Dr. Richard Chaffoo, a plastic surgeon who is a medical adviser to Stemson Therapeutics, the company formed to promote this technology.
“I am eager to advance this groundbreaking technology, which could improve the lives of millions of people who struggle with hair loss,” he said in the news release.
More information
The American Academy of Dermatology offers more about hair loss.
Copyright 2019 All right reserved
The post Can Stem Cells Be the Cure for Baldness? appeared first on Be Healthy News.
Can Stem Cells Be the Cure for Baldness? posted first on https://www.behealthynews.com
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its-lifestyle · 5 years
Whether he’s snatching a heavily-loaded weight bar off the ground or pushing it overhead in the classic clean-and-jerk stance, Robert Strange is a living example of the revolution underway in heart valve replacement surgery.In May 2018, the 82-year-old California resident entered a clinical trial for a minimally-invasive procedure to replace a balky aortic valve that restricted his circulation and left him feeling light-headed, especially during exercise.
Seven days later, he was back in his garage adding a fresh set of scuffs to the well-abused pile of plates that have been his obsession since he first started Olympic lifting at the age of 58.
But those weights would probably still be on the ground if Strange had opted for an “open” aortic valve replacement procedure, which requires surgeons to sever the breastbone with a scalpel to gain access to the chest cavity for open-heart surgery.
Avoiding what some in the medical community call a “crack” was imperative for a man whose father did not survive a similar operation.
“They opened him up, and a week later, they had to unplug him. He never regained consciousness,” Strange said. “I said, ‘no, I don’t want that.’”
Though transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) has been available to high-risk patients – those deemed too frail to survive open-heart surgery – since 2012, thousands of low-risk patients like Strange – people who are otherwise in good health – have had to enter a clinical trial to get Medicare to pay for the procedure.
But that’s likely to change soon due to a new set of results presented at the American College of Cardiology’s 2019 annual meeting in New Orleans.
Results showed that TAVR delivered a significant reduction in strokes, a somewhat lower chance of death and significantly shorter recovery times for the 725 randomly-assigned patients whose results were compared to a like number of patients who underwent traditional open valve replacement surgeries.
“The results with the minimally-invasive catheter procedure are so good, they’re actually better than the open procedure, which was a bit of a surprise to us,” said Dr Paul Teirstein, chief of cardiology and director of interventional cardiology at Scripps Prebys Cardiovascular Institute where Strange was treated.
The physician predicted that, seven years after the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved TAVR for high-risk patients, a similar move is in the cards for low-risk patients.
That, he said, should further shift the odds for patients in need of valve replacement.
“In 2017, about 70,000 patients in the United States got their heart valves replaced,” Dr Teirstein said.
“Two-thirds of them were done with TAVR and about one-third with open surgery.
“With the results we’ve seen in the recent studies, you’ll see a real minority of them done open in the future.”
Catheter alternative
In a minimally-invasive heart valve replacement procedure, a catheter (right) is inserted into the heart via the femoral artery and the replacement valve (left) is inserted into place. — AP
Interventional cardiologists use a long thin wire called a catheter, rather than a scalpel, to access the spot where the left ventricle – the heart’s main pumping chamber – connects to the body’s biggest blood vessel, the aorta.
They start with a puncture in the femoral artery in a patient’s groin, and using X-ray technology to see the path ahead, push the catheter to the heart, pushing right through the flaps of the patient’s aortic valve, which is usually failing due to a buildup of calcium deposits that prevent it from opening as far or sealing as tightly as it should.
With the catheter temporarily anchored inside the heart, they push in a cleverly-constructed circle of wire mesh similar to the stents routinely used these days to push open blocked blood vessels.
When the tiny package is inside the failing valve, it’s expanded, unfurling three new man-made valve flaps that push the original equipment out of the way and immediately begin opening and closing with each heartbeat.
Though several stitches are required to close the puncture in a patient’s femoral artery, they usually only need an overnight stay in the hospital, rather than the six days that are required after getting cracked.
With no incision in his chest, Strange was free to get back to his lifting routine just a week after getting his new TAVR valve installed.
Before sliding a few plates onto his Olympic-sized weight bar, the father and grandfather said he made sure to test the new “equipment” out with a walk up the steep road to his hilltop Solana Beach community.
He was surprised, he said, to feel much less out-of-breath than he did before heading to the hospital.
“It just felt … normal. That was surprising for sure. It didn’t really feel like anything,” he said.
Don’t wait
A former farm boy from Oregon with hands thickened by years of hard work followed by a career hefting cases full of law books – he worked for a legal publisher selling bound volumes to lawyers – Strange looks right at home sweating as he grips the knurled bar, testing its heft before levering it to his hips, then quickly jerking it upward, putting far more than 100 pounds (45kg) into the air.
Strange has accumulated dozens of medals from many powerlifting competitions after starting weightlifting at the age of 49.
In November 2018, he was ready to travel to Salt Lake City where he notched a fresh set of records in the men’s 80-84 age group of the US National Masters weightlifting competition.
He’s headed back to Utah in April 2019 to see if he can best 308lb (139.7kg), the total weight mark he set last year by hefting 176lb (79.8kg) in the clean and jerk, and 132lb (59.9kg) in the snatch.
It’s quite an achievement for a man who didn’t start power lifting until the age of 49 and who didn’t start Olympic manoeuvres until age 58.
He said he saw that TAVR is already widely available in Europe and was determined to wait for his opportunity to have a minimally-invasive procedure, even if that wait was significant.
“I said, ‘I’ll wait two years, I don’t care’, and they said ‘well, if you wait two years, you’ll be dead’, so I’m glad they let me in the trial,” Strange said.
“I mean, my arteries were fine, I’ve tried to take care of myself, so I didn’t want to be opened up and have to take all that time to recover.”
The TAVR trial is quite large with centres at hospitals across the US, so many patients have been able to go the minimally-invasive route if they insisted on doing so, Dr Teirstein said.
Some though, have not met stringent trial requirements and have been left waiting for FDA approval, which is expected to quickly become a procedure that Medicare covers, once its use in low-risk patients is formally accepted.
In the meantime, Dr Teirstein said, no one should be waiting for approval on their own.
Supervision by a qualified cardiologist is crucial and there are certain signs of severe valve damage that should not be ignored.
“If a patient, for example, is having fainting spells, that’s one of the signs that aortic stenosis has really gotten bad,” he said.
“If they’re having chest pain from that stenosis, if they’re being hospitalised because they can’t breathe, they’re short of breath, those are signs the valve needs to be replaced sooner rather than later.”
Not all eligible
The procedure is not a panacea.
If a patient has a bicuspid aortic valve with two leaflets rather than three, or an especially large buildup of calcium on and around the portal, then the replacement device may not be able to form a tight seal against blood vessel walls as it expands in place.
Blood vessels that are blocked or that take a particularly tortuous path through the body can also require an open procedure.
Cost has not been a limiting factor for TAVR acceptance.
Though the cost of a TAVR valve is much more expensive than one that a surgeon would suture in place during an open procedure, total costs once longer recuperation times and higher hospital readmission rates are factored in, make the minimally-invasive method between US$8,000 (RM32,821) and US$10,000 (RM41,026) cheaper, according to a 2018 comparative cost study published in the medical Journal Circulation. – The San Diego Union-Tribune/Tribune News Service
from Family – Star2.com http://bit.ly/2UOFF5Z
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homedevises · 6 years
Is Actual Location Of The Garden Of Eden Still Relevant? | actual location of the garden of eden
The Garden of the Finzi-Continis is not a absolute place. We should say that first. You’d be forgiven for cerebration that it is, and you wouldn’t be alone. It was invented in Giorgio Bassani’s 1962 actual atypical of the aforementioned name, and in the 1970 Oscar-winning cine adaptation. It is a abode of adolescent love, refuge, and tennis, a abode so anxiously and acquiescently declared in the book that abounding adherent readers are assertive it charge be there, about in the burghal of Ferrara, in Italy’s northeastern arena of Emilia Romagna. And so acknowledgment to arcane imagination, endless travelers and tourists accept fabricated a civil crusade to Ferrara’s advanced avenues.
Garden Of Eden Today | www.pixshark.com – Images Galleries … – actual location of the garden of eden | actual location of the garden of eden
“There are hundreds of bodies every week. Some bodies came from the Mississippi Valley three canicule ago, from St. Louis, Missouri. ‘But where’s the garden? We appetite to see the garden,’” says Portia Prebys, Bassani’s longtime companion, from the city’s Centermost for Bassani Studies. “People appear all the time and they’ll ask in the hotels, ‘But area is the garden?’ They anticipate it absolutely exists, you see.”
In the adventure the garden is the aloof home of the Finzi-Continis, an above Jewish ancestors whose acreage is off-limits to outsiders—until the adumbration of anti-Semitism looms over the city. It’s 1938 aback the affection of the adventure begins, and a accumulation of Ferrara’s ablaze Jewish youths go to the garden as a anchorage from the new absolutist Racial Laws. Its allure, as a abode of both abstruseness and safety, has asperous decades, alike admitting no guidebook or mapping account can action its location. Bassani’s atypical does absolutely action directions, with absolute landmarks forth the way, which has assertive academic tourists that it will be there. But, to a person, they are disappointed. However, in a aberrant twist, the connected chase for the garden may advance to its creation.
“Ferrara is altogether declared [by Bassani], so abounding tourists appear afterwards account the book and are afraid aback I explain the garden isn’t absolutely there,” says Emanuela Mari, a burghal adviser who has been arch bodies to the sites of Bassani’s fictions aback 1995. “Generally I accomplish ablaze afore their accession that the garden doesn’t absolutely exist.”
This absence, Mari contends, does not avert the search, or its accessible rewards. “When you airing through the capital street, Corso Ercole I d’Este, you go to ‘the infinite,’ Bassani acquaint us that,” she says. “The garden is at the end of it.” Wandering the Renaissance absolute does complete like a rewarding, if fruitless, way to absorb a morning.
The Corso traverses Ferrara arctic from its center, like a timeline that traces the aiguille and abatement of the absolutism that oversaw the city’s aureate age. Its mossy cobblestones date aback to the 15th century, aback Ercole I, of the Dukes of Este, commissioned artist Biaggio Rosseti to actualize a accomplishment of burghal planning. Accepted as the Herculean Addition, the activity angled Ferrara’s admeasurement and molded it into an “ideal city” of the Renaissance. The medieval binding of the town’s oldest districts gave way to the accord and breeding of straight, advanced streets, rational lines, and “infinite” perspectives lined by palaces and brick walls. The Corso runs from the Estes’ alcazar to the Aboideau of Angels, through the burghal walls. It is said that heirless Cesare d’Este, the aftermost duke, ancient the burghal for the final time through this aboideau in 1598, aback his acreage were taken by battling Papal states.
Where Was the Garden of Eden Located? | The Institute for Creation … – actual location of the garden of eden | actual location of the garden of eden
There is, aloof bottomward the Corso from the Diamanti Palace—sheathed in diamond-shaped marble and now home to city’s the National Painting Gallery—a fence in advanced of an trimmed, alone blooming space. On the fence, at 25 Corso Ercole I d’Este, hangs a weatherbeaten assurance that reads (in Italian): “The garden that isn’t there.” The armpit was continued alone and overgrown. The assurance and others like it about the burghal are the assignment of a bounded cultural alignment and are accompanying to a proposed art accession with the aforementioned name—an adumbration of aloof how important the garden has become to the city’s character and Europe’s 20th-century history.
“The Garden of the Finzi-Continis is a adventure that apparent my city, it is a adventure in which the burghal is the protagonist,” ambassador Tiziano Tagliani declared this June, aback the atypical was included in the city’s graduation assay that all acceptance booty to complete their accessory education. The best was aggressive partly by aftermost year’s 80th ceremony of the acceptance of the Italian Racial Laws—Mussolini’s 1938 acknowledgment to Hitler’s beforehand anti-Semitic legislation—the adumbration that looms over both Bassani’s activity and his masterpiece.
The chat “ghetto” is anticipation to accept originated in Italy, in advertence to the armpit area Venice affected its Jewish association to alive in 1516. Under the aphorism of the Estes, there had been no such abode in Ferrara. They had maintained their burghal as a haven, which contributed to the city’s cultural bloom. But aback their aphorism concluded at the end of the 16th century, a triangle of blocks off the city’s capital aboveboard became the Jewish ghetto, and its gates were bound at night. They seemed to beat accessible assuredly in 1860, during Italian Unification, and Jews appeared to become abounding associates of the alpha country.
By the 1920s, abounding Jewish association of Ferrara had become associates of the Partito Nazionale Fascista, the country’s absolutist party. From 1926 to 1938, the city’s podestà, the bounded adumbrative of the absolutist regime, was Jewish baby-kisser Renzo Ravenna. Bassani’s ancestor was a affiliate as well. But the credo anon curdled with anti-Semitism.
Bassani, again a ablaze apprentice in his aboriginal 20s, was expelled from the bounded tennis club, and after he was alone accustomed to advise at the Jewish academy in the above ghetto. There were no bound gates anymore, but the barriers set by law accustomed a ghetto after boundaries. Bassani had alone absolutism alike afore this and in 1943 he spent three months in bastille for his views. By the fall, Italian Jews were actuality transported to afterlife camps. He had to leave the burghal he loved.
Garden Of Eden Location Iraq – Garden Ftempo – actual location of the garden of eden | actual location of the garden of eden
“He was affected to leave to save his neck, and he never alternate to alive in Ferrara,” Prebys explains. “He couldn’t go back, it could never be the same.” Bassani went into ambuscade in Florence again accustomed himself in Rome until his afterlife in 2000. Alone again did he return—to the Jewish cemetery.
In 1956, Bassani had appear Within the Walls, the aboriginal of six books collectively accepted as The Atypical of Ferrara. The works, including the third volume, The Garden of the Finzi-Continis, accustomed and again anchored Bassani as one of the greatest Italian writers of the century. In the books, he recreates the burghal and association he’d larboard behind, an act that some bodies did not appreciate. “It was the time of silence, of shame, of opportunism,” Silvana Onofri, administrator of Giorgio Bassani Foundation, explains. “The bourgeoisie, be it Jewish or Catholic, had not afflicted the Shoah, it had alone removed the absolutist past.” In the action of defying the city’s aggregate amnesia, Bassani created a memorable garden.
Today, forth the alleyway on the old burghal walls, visitors can be apparent analytical down, in the hopes of seeing area the adventure begins. At the alpha of the novel, about beneath the ramparts, a babe called Micòl Finzi-Contini stands on a ladder propped adjoin her garden wall, and invites a boy to ascend in. Years canyon afore they assuredly accommodated inside, as adolescent adults singled out by the Racial Laws. The garden is a abundant esplanade about the aloof family’s home, and provides—temporarily, at least—a ambush from the black alpha to envelope the city. There, the capital characters accept a final division of adulation and dreams and tennis. It’s an break that begins and ends by aggressive a ladder over the wall, like an astern escape or actionable migration, not out of a ghetto but into a safe place. Cast abroad from Ferrara, Bassani invented his own Eden, there, in its heart.
“The garden is an ideal, it’s like accepting aback to paradise. What Giorgio is denied by the Racial Laws, he can accept it aback in this ideal place,” the adviser Mari says.
“A abode area he could abjure to,” Prebys calls it. “It looks as if you could go there today, because he was so absolute in his description.”
The Biblical Garden of Eden – actual location of the garden of eden | actual location of the garden of eden
The assurance was, of course, an illusion. Afterwards, Bassani writes, the Finzi-Continis were “deported in Germany in 1943, and no one knows if they accept any grave at all.” The alone canonizing to this apocryphal ancestors is the apocryphal garden he fabricated for them—a canonizing after a place. But that could anon change.
“In a few months, an Israeli sculptor called Karavan is activity to do an installation,” Prebys says. “As anon as it goes up, bodies will accept that this is area the garden was. The chase for the garden will stop.”
From his flat in Paris, Dani Karavan remembers the moment the abstraction came to him, in the 1970s. It was in the advance of his studies in Italy, during a appointment to Ferrara. “When the blur came out I saw a Pullman bus with American tourists advancing to Ferrara to see the Garden of Finzi-Continis. ‘But it doesn’t exist,’ I thought. ‘Only in the book.’ So I had the abstraction to do a project, The Garden That Doesn’t Exist.”
Nearly bisected a aeon later, now age-old 88, Karavan has brought his abstraction aback to the abode that aggressive it. His assignment was afresh apparent in Ferrara’s National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah—at the armpit of the bastille area Bassani was already held. Among the pieces was Karavan’s archetypal for the garden, planned over the aftermost 15 years and afterpiece than anytime actuality built—if he can get the funding.
Of course, this canonizing will not be the garden of so abounding people’s imaginations. Karavan describes a anatomy at the capital of carve and architecture: ample walls of bottle covered in passages from the book in assorted languages, with an aperture in it like a garden gate. Railway advance arrest it, evoking the deportations to afterlife camps. About the bank will be blooming grass, and central alone sand. And adjoin the bank will blow a ladder, like the one acclimated by the novel’s characters.
The Biblical Garden of Eden – actual location of the garden of eden | actual location of the garden of eden
It’s conceivably altered abundant that it will acceptable both those who amount the garden as a attribute of hope, and those who artlessly appetite a abode to go to pay their respects to Bassani.
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its-lifestyle · 5 years
Whether he’s snatching a heavily-loaded weight bar off the ground or pushing it overhead in the classic clean-and-jerk stance, Robert Strange is a living example of the revolution underway in heart valve replacement surgery.In May 2018, the 82-year-old California resident entered a clinical trial for a minimally-invasive procedure to replace a balky aortic valve that restricted his circulation and left him feeling light-headed, especially during exercise.
Seven days later, he was back in his garage adding a fresh set of scuffs to the well-abused pile of plates that have been his obsession since he first started Olympic lifting at the age of 58.
But those weights would probably still be on the ground if Strange had opted for an “open” aortic valve replacement procedure, which requires surgeons to sever the breastbone with a scalpel to gain access to the chest cavity for open-heart surgery.
Avoiding what some in the medical community call a “crack” was imperative for a man whose father did not survive a similar operation.
“They opened him up, and a week later, they had to unplug him. He never regained consciousness,” Strange said. “I said, ‘no, I don’t want that.’”
Though transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) has been available to high-risk patients – those deemed too frail to survive open-heart surgery – since 2012, thousands of low-risk patients like Strange – people who are otherwise in good health – have had to enter a clinical trial to get Medicare to pay for the procedure.
But that’s likely to change soon due to a new set of results presented at the American College of Cardiology’s 2019 annual meeting in New Orleans.
Results showed that TAVR delivered a significant reduction in strokes, a somewhat lower chance of death and significantly shorter recovery times for the 725 randomly-assigned patients whose results were compared to a like number of patients who underwent traditional open valve replacement surgeries.
“The results with the minimally-invasive catheter procedure are so good, they’re actually better than the open procedure, which was a bit of a surprise to us,” said Dr Paul Teirstein, chief of cardiology and director of interventional cardiology at Scripps Prebys Cardiovascular Institute where Strange was treated.
The physician predicted that, seven years after the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved TAVR for high-risk patients, a similar move is in the cards for low-risk patients.
That, he said, should further shift the odds for patients in need of valve replacement.
“In 2017, about 70,000 patients in the United States got their heart valves replaced,” Dr Teirstein said.
“Two-thirds of them were done with TAVR and about one-third with open surgery.
“With the results we’ve seen in the recent studies, you’ll see a real minority of them done open in the future.”
Catheter alternative
In a minimally-invasive heart valve replacement procedure, a catheter (right) is inserted into the heart via the femoral artery and the replacement valve (left) is inserted into place. — AP
Interventional cardiologists use a long thin wire called a catheter, rather than a scalpel, to access the spot where the left ventricle – the heart’s main pumping chamber – connects to the body’s biggest blood vessel, the aorta.
They start with a puncture in the femoral artery in a patient’s groin, and using X-ray technology to see the path ahead, push the catheter to the heart, pushing right through the flaps of the patient’s aortic valve, which is usually failing due to a buildup of calcium deposits that prevent it from opening as far or sealing as tightly as it should.
With the catheter temporarily anchored inside the heart, they push in a cleverly-constructed circle of wire mesh similar to the stents routinely used these days to push open blocked blood vessels.
When the tiny package is inside the failing valve, it’s expanded, unfurling three new man-made valve flaps that push the original equipment out of the way and immediately begin opening and closing with each heartbeat.
Though several stitches are required to close the puncture in a patient’s femoral artery, they usually only need an overnight stay in the hospital, rather than the six days that are required after getting cracked.
With no incision in his chest, Strange was free to get back to his lifting routine just a week after getting his new TAVR valve installed.
Before sliding a few plates onto his Olympic-sized weight bar, the father and grandfather said he made sure to test the new “equipment” out with a walk up the steep road to his hilltop Solana Beach community.
He was surprised, he said, to feel much less out-of-breath than he did before heading to the hospital.
“It just felt … normal. That was surprising for sure. It didn’t really feel like anything,” he said.
Don’t wait
A former farm boy from Oregon with hands thickened by years of hard work followed by a career hefting cases full of law books – he worked for a legal publisher selling bound volumes to lawyers – Strange looks right at home sweating as he grips the knurled bar, testing its heft before levering it to his hips, then quickly jerking it upward, putting far more than 100 pounds (45kg) into the air.
Strange has accumulated dozens of medals from many powerlifting competitions after starting weightlifting at the age of 49.
In November 2018, he was ready to travel to Salt Lake City where he notched a fresh set of records in the men’s 80-84 age group of the US National Masters weightlifting competition.
He’s headed back to Utah in April 2019 to see if he can best 308lb (139.7kg), the total weight mark he set last year by hefting 176lb (79.8kg) in the clean and jerk, and 132lb (59.9kg) in the snatch.
It’s quite an achievement for a man who didn’t start power lifting until the age of 49 and who didn’t start Olympic manoeuvres until age 58.
He said he saw that TAVR is already widely available in Europe and was determined to wait for his opportunity to have a minimally-invasive procedure, even if that wait was significant.
“I said, ‘I’ll wait two years, I don’t care’, and they said ‘well, if you wait two years, you’ll be dead’, so I’m glad they let me in the trial,” Strange said.
“I mean, my arteries were fine, I’ve tried to take care of myself, so I didn’t want to be opened up and have to take all that time to recover.”
The TAVR trial is quite large with centres at hospitals across the US, so many patients have been able to go the minimally-invasive route if they insisted on doing so, Dr Teirstein said.
Some though, have not met stringent trial requirements and have been left waiting for FDA approval, which is expected to quickly become a procedure that Medicare covers, once its use in low-risk patients is formally accepted.
In the meantime, Dr Teirstein said, no one should be waiting for approval on their own.
Supervision by a qualified cardiologist is crucial and there are certain signs of severe valve damage that should not be ignored.
“If a patient, for example, is having fainting spells, that’s one of the signs that aortic stenosis has really gotten bad,” he said.
“If they’re having chest pain from that stenosis, if they’re being hospitalised because they can’t breathe, they’re short of breath, those are signs the valve needs to be replaced sooner rather than later.”
Not all eligible
The procedure is not a panacea.
If a patient has a bicuspid aortic valve with two leaflets rather than three, or an especially large buildup of calcium on and around the portal, then the replacement device may not be able to form a tight seal against blood vessel walls as it expands in place.
Blood vessels that are blocked or that take a particularly tortuous path through the body can also require an open procedure.
Cost has not been a limiting factor for TAVR acceptance.
Though the cost of a TAVR valve is much more expensive than one that a surgeon would suture in place during an open procedure, total costs once longer recuperation times and higher hospital readmission rates are factored in, make the minimally-invasive method between US$8,000 (RM32,821) and US$10,000 (RM41,026) cheaper, according to a 2018 comparative cost study published in the medical Journal Circulation. – The San Diego Union-Tribune/Tribune News Service
from Fitness – Star2.com http://bit.ly/2UOFF5Z
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