destielgaysex · 5 days
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do you ever think of how dean had to be held back and pulled through a dimensional portal from going after cas
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kirby-madness · 10 months
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ozcarma · 5 months
I’m actually so upset over the grimmons resolution I’m tempted to start a YouTube channel and make a whole video breakdown of their fucking queerbait
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Fossils are so goddamn cool. They form when an animal dies and is buried in just the right conditions for its skeleton and sometimes soft tissues to be replaced by stone. It’s like the Earth itself taking pity on an animal, like hey, I’m sorry my child, let me immortalize you in stone so that even though you may die your memory will live on.
You know what? Fossils aren’t even a memory. They are a memory of a memory.
An animal’s bones replaced by rocks and minerals offering a glimpse into its life. It’s not just like hey, I was alive, it’s also like hey, I was alive and I was a fighter, a survivor, I did things that mattered. We’ve found fossils of dinosaurs locked in combat, fossils of mother dinosaurs covering their eggs to protect them, fossils with healed bite wounds and scars. We even know the fucking COLORS of some dinosaurs due to ridiculously well-preserved fossils.
Dinosaurs (and pretty much all prehistoric animals), lived so long ago that the timespan between them and us is incomprehensible to the human mind (though we like to think we can, we cannot truly comprehend how long 65,000,000 years is, or even like 15,000 years). But even though they lived so long ago, fossils ensure that their memory will live on forever. And that’s beautiful.
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seventhdoctor · 1 year
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Yugioh GX season 1 is so funny when you watch with the knowledge that the protag has a secondhand bodycount that only the principal knows about.
The kid with a secondhand bodycount is applying to your school? Sure, but he only gets in if he makes the grade - but oh no, his train is late and your elitist teacher is trying to reject him before he even gets a chance? Well, maybe you can grease the wheels a bit.
Your elitist teacher is openly cackling about the matched he rigged to get the kid with a secondhand bodycount expelled? Do nothing, say nothing. Make a snippy comment when the kid with a secondhand bodycount wins anyway.
Need some top-tier duelists to protect the keys to unleashing the god cards lite? Okay, maybe the kid with a secondhand bodycount does make sense here. Or it could still be a terrible idea.
...You know what? Originally I left it here for the joke but actually no, I'm gonna pull out my tinfoil hat and talk about the other kid at DA with a dueling bodycount. No, not Hell Kaiser. Not the abandoned dorm stuff. Not any of the kids who hold seances to summon duel spirits for a winter horror episode or anything. I mean:
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Motegi, AKA Belowski. The season 1 opponent who's introduced for a one-off episode and then left to cameo a couple times in the rest of the series, mostly in crowd shots. He's at DA as late as the series finale, at which point he's been a student for six years (Judai's first year is his fourth). And he might be there even longer! I'm not even sure he's even allowed to graduate, as opposed to being indefinitely contained at Duel Academia.
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If Judai still had Yubel around when he started at Duel Academia, and they were found to be causing problems...would Judai be isolated the same way Motegi does? It's not like DA has the resources to actually handle their spirit problems, and yet the resources it does have make it a better place than most to keep them in the meantime.
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GX has a lot of weird one-off episodes whose implications are never fully explored but the Motegi episode stuck with me, so much that I wrote a whole fic as a baby GX fan trying to imagine what his deal was. Now in the year 2k23 I'm looking at this and wondering what his situation could have suggested for Judai's fate if his spirit/dueling bodycount problem hadn't taken a couple more years to rear its head...
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detentiontrack · 18 days
hi. what the fuck did i just come back to?
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armashell · 3 months
-, @numberonehatershrimp
Um, I might get an unlikely answer from you, but.. can you please tell me what's going on, then?
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cb-writes-stuff · 2 months
That was a terrible mistype it uh actually um that last ask was um sent by uh my very real pet,,, rock, hey look a bird
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deadpansal · 22 days
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kandidandi · 1 year
Is there any difference between Sun and Moon's fingers if they were to switch back after Moon destroyed his claws? Sun doesn't have claws but Moon still went too far, also poor robots are in constant pain nooo somebody get them a mechanic and a good anti-virus program
yes, since moon went super far sun’s fingers would also be grinded down
dont worry im *calls up mechanic* hello? yes? uh huh, yep, ok, gotcha, alright *hangs up* they have an appointment on the 34th
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hershelwidget · 11 months
Deeply sorry
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purpleminte · 1 year
shaking my fists screaming to the heavens with tears streaming down my face why can’t real hot women send me dms for once
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casual-ushanka · 9 months
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I've crawled out of the shadows now to drop this. Took some time to work on this but here it is. Three spies wanting to steal that suitcase and they are in this image, guess who they are if you really want to :D
I took inspiration from this song (yes I know, classical-like music) and like any sane normal person, I made a whole story. I liked the story and drew it out. Now it's here. Hope ya like it! :]
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honeynclove · 2 months
the bg is done too! i just need to do cgs and coding
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thebongomediaempire · 5 months
I hate it when this happens
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thewolfisawake · 4 months
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"Och, those poor souls. They act as though they have never seen a bare leg before," they quipped, a chuckle leaving them, "now I cannot wait for the festivities. I wonder if someone might faint from the shock."
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