spacewonder19 · 2 years
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Young stars in Orion Nebula © Hubble
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daisydezem · 2 years
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Dominick woke up with the flu... Even being contagious so he’ll try to stay in his bedroom as much as possible!
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riversthrowbacc · 3 months
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Fall - R2 Household 1 - Hale & Reeder
Introducing little Allie Hale.
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gutsberries · 1 year
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Well . . . This is the quickest romance I've ever seen. Chelsea and Nate have decided they're attracted to each other. They quit fishing to start autonomously flirting with each other.
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lostinthebacc · 2 years
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well... the strawberry beer had the desired effect. they’re incredibly flirty!
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just--space · 2 years
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South of Orion : South of the large star-forming region known as the Orion Nebula, lies bright blue reflection nebula NGC 1999. At the edge of the Orion molecular cloud complex some 1,500 light-years distant, NGC 1999's illumination is provided by the embedded variable star V380 Orionis. The nebula is marked with a dark sideways T-shape at center right in this telescopic vista that spans about two full moons on the sky. Its dark shape was once assumed to be an obscuring dust cloud seen in silhouette. But infrared data suggest the shape is likely a hole blown through the nebula itself by energetic young stars. In fact, this region abounds with energetic young stars producing jets and outflows with luminous shock waves. Cataloged as Herbig-Haro (HH) objects, named for astronomers George Herbig and Guillermo Haro, the shocks have intense reddish hues. HH1 and HH2 are just below and right of NGC 1999. HH222, also known as the Waterfall nebula, looks like a red gash near top right in the frame. To create the shocks stellar jets push through the surrounding material at speeds of hundreds of kilometers per second. via NASA
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posthumanwanderings · 4 months
Now Updated: Halcyon Highways 1-7 Audio Downloads for Energy Fuel Tier
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recently unlocked the 1st half of my Halcyon Highways mix series now for the Energy Fuel supporters on Patreon! reminder that although I have the video uploads on youtube they are all severely cut down because of copyright but here you can hear them all in their original form (for just $2!). I will be premiering a vidmix for HH12 tonight on YT and got just two more to make videos for, then it's all brand new HH content from here on out. it's been a wild ride so far and in some ways feels this is just the beginning, so keep it on lock here and thanks for the support as always.
[HH1] [HH2] [HH3] [HH4] [HH5] [HH6] [HH7]
Q: "What is Halcyon Highways?" A: a series of recorded live event DJ Mute City mixes I started in 2016 that I felt should be present on the net with (eventual) video mixes to each with an emphasis on futuristic / cyberspace themes or a better alternate reality we could have had...
Genres: house, techno, trance, breaks, DNB, VGM, vaporwave
now that I know how to test which tracks get triggered on youtube's CC system prior to using them, all my future mixes should be copyright free to give myself and channel less hassle. I'd also like to feature more modern projects that I've been digging for awhile now 😎
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askmalal · 1 year
"Do you know anything about the other armies for Horus Heresy that are supposed to be there? What happened to them? I don't see them in any rulebook."
Assuming OP references the Imperialis Militia and Warp Cults, Blackshields, Shattered Legions, Daemons of the Ruinstorm, and Xenos. If not, please correct.
I regret to tell you I know very little. We were originally told that PDFs would be provided for the Militia/Cults, Blackshields and Shattered Legions, and Daemons of the Ruinstorm. These were to come out "around the same time" as the other army books (to date: Liber Astartes, Liber Hereticus, Liber Mechanicum, Liber Imperial/Imperialis.)
None, however, have shown up. This is odd. When the game released initially we had rules for Ka'Banda and big effort was made to sell him, but there are, at present, no rules for Daemons of the Ruinstorm otherwise, greatly reducing some of his tools.
Xenos remain a rumor, so I don't know how legitimate they are. I will tell you that the Dark Mechanicum and Traitor Assassins have both been teased. I suspect that we might not get Dark Mechanicum specific units (we already have characters) until the DM release for 10th Edition, the date for which hasn't been set yet. There -are- fan made rules for Xenos, and some are being redone for HH2.
However, just because something has been teased doesn't mean it'll be available. The Army, for instance, is supposed to have dreadnoughts, but they don't show up in Liber Imperialis. (Maybe they'll show up with the Millitia/Warp Cults?)
It may also be that GW is trying to decide how to monetize some of these. Militia/Warp cults is a very heavily kitbashing/proxy related sort of army list, and so are the Daemons of the Ruinstorm. Both were popular under HH1, but perhaps they're trying to tone both of these down (which would be a bad move in terms of fandom, IMHO.)
If I hear or see anything, I will certainly post here.
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tutuandscoot · 1 year
NO VOTES for HH1 or And the waltz?! This is slander.
I demand a recount
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37q · 1 year
hello! how/where can i learn more about (the) tara(s) and the ways through i can work with her?
hi hi!
first id recommend talking to ur preferred tibetan buddhist instructor / teacher / mentor because they can personalize whatever info you seek to your unique situation
second my go-to resource for uninitiated practice is as always the FPMT. just google fpmt its the first thing that comes up its website features lectures resources lessons etc all sourced from a well respected gelug lineage and its venerable masters lama rinpoche and lama yeshe. just an absolute treasure trove of Q&A's, advice, what have you.
third honestly on that note just collect stories and dharma resources abt tara, to use a prev example FPMT offers free digital copies of stuff like Praises of the Twenty One Taras along with a Green Tara practice handbook and maybe a White one iirc? even meditating on brief descriptions of one of her forms can bring the insight necessary to converse with her, so to speak.
fourth u gotta understand like invoking taras assistance is soooo much more mundane than we think like i personally dont practice regimented stuff but i do throw tara rituals at frankly anything and that my dear friend requires an understanding of all the symbols associated w each of her forms. for example taras forms all vary in correspondence w elements, body parts, sense organs, earthly domain, gender, direction, color, and shape, to name a few.
fifth yknow what lemme just list some sources for you:
Sangye Khadro's "Notes on Green Tara Practice For the Sravasti Abbey Green Tara Retreat, July 3-10, 2020”
Lama Rinpoche's "Meditations on White Tara"
and his collab with Lama Yeshe on "A Short Practice of Green Tara"
HH1 wrote some great commentary called Precious Garland i think and its commentaries are even better frankly like the venerable Geshe Dawö's
basic tara dharma is like, The Sutra of Arya Tara Who Saves from the Eight Fears or The 108 Names of the Venerable Arya Tara btw
on the topic of stories honestly just watch random buddhist teachers talk abt her on youtube. like theyre probably all slightly different but thats what gives you the whole picture and from there just mix n match what feels most effective for your life.
if u needa sounding board shoot me another ask or feel free to dm but otherwise have fun :) the first citation hits tbh and once uve done the short green tara practice a few times especially like rly focusing on the Purification step youll start seein buddhas in every star
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daisydezem · 2 years
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But sometimes it’s nice to just be a child and play in the kiddie pool!
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riversthrowbacc · 3 months
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Fall - R2 Household 1 - Hale & Reeder
The first few days was just them settling in they also found out that Judd and Mabel were their neighbors. It didn't take them long to start trying for a little one.
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gutsberries · 1 year
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In a classic New Settlement fashion, our sims are trying to earn money by fishing. They built an entire structure . . . But everyone is sleeping in sleeping bags and the only thing that's remotely nice is the kitchen.
Here's hoping!
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lostinthebacc · 2 years
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everyone’s just working on their skill building. ava’s reading, cristian is improving his handiness skill, and grady is doing homework.
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giupviectotvn · 2 years
Đừng bấm Chuông Cửa Liên Tục Khi Bạn Đến Nhà Ai Đó
Đừng bấm chuông cửa liên tục khi bạn đến nhà ai đó, nhất là vào giờ nghỉ trưa hoặc sau 9h tối.
Tiếng chuông cửa đổ dồn sẽ khiến chủ nhà cảm thấy khó chịu trong trường hợp họ đang bận, chưa thể tiếp bạn ngay được.
Nếu bạn đến nhà khách hàng, đối tác, hành động thiếu lịch sự này sẽ gây ấn tượng xấu, ảnh hưởng đến việc giao dịch của bạn.
Tốt nhất, hãy nhấn chuông một lần và chờ khoảng 2-3 phút, sau đó mới nhấn lần thứ hai. https://youtu.be/2fUNPtCXa3E
Kết thúc NỐI với GIUPVIECTOT.VN Website: https://giupviectot.vn/ Địa chỉ: P2401 tầng 24 Tòa HH1, chung cư 90 Nguyễn Tuân, Thanh Xuân, Hà Nội. Hotline: 0397898670 #giupviec #giupviectheogio #giupviecnhatheogiochinhchu #donnhatheogio #dichvudonnha # giupviectot.vn
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gigolohifumi · 2 years
hello who r u ?
hh1 1m 5araswati 4nd. yy3ah 1 dd0nt kkn0w hh0w 7o dd0 ppr0per 1ntroductions
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