yeonjuins · 1 year
im saying this right here but i manifesting that hee covers forever by dvwn 
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mingiswow · 1 year
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r-aindr0p · 5 months
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Probably how the song cover yuu au would start, it branches from this headcanon post nothing too interesting as he mostly does it while alone but I figured I'll draw a little introduction in case I do random doodles of this little au.
Basically, he tries and sings >regrets it >posts the song >regrets it again >it gets shared >oh no >oh please no no no >ah fuck it, might as well film a clip for a cover at some point >not showing his real self tho
He labeled the songs as lost media as an excuse but he's not wrong and not right either, somehow... Since the songs are not from twisted wonderland they were never lost, but rather never existed but he can't tell this so yeah.
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samsspambox · 7 days
hello and welcome back to sam's rambles, a series in which i shall ramble
let's take todays (and, every days if i'm being completely honest) subject: sir artem wing
now, canonically, artem is pretty good at singing. hes had classical training and he's been a pretty big fan of dramas, so let me pose to you some non canonical yet probable scenarios:
1. Artem Wing being Really Into Musicals
I mean, if you're immersed in learning things about music and drama, i'm pretty sure you'll stumble into musicals eventually. so aside from being kind of a loner in high school, he was most likely a theater kid. and i can see him putting on little musicals in his room.
2. He sings while he cooks/showers
I feel like this one is very mundane and domestic but please think about this: imagine any artem ship, your pick idc it just has to include artem, have the character(s) you picked coming through the front door, about to shout that they're home, when they hear some humming. hm? what could that be? so they walk over, and it's artem cooking and singing softly.
or, hear me out:
artem wing singing in the shower. now, avid singers-in-showers will tell you, the acoustics in a bathroom can't be matched. you sound like a god in there. so just imagine artem wing in the shower (obligatory *bonk* of horny placed here, think of that later) starting off humming but at the end of the shower he's full on planning a show. remember the character(s) you picked in the first scenario? i want you to imagine them sitting by the door of the bathroom, listening to their beloved sing, because what is artem without being embarrassed over having a habit and the reassurance that he's wonderful for having said habit?
thanks for reading!
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thelostgirl21 · 7 months
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Me (based on having heard Hugh sing "Waterloo"):
"Well, yeah! Hugh seems to have a very good singing voice! But I don't understand why Joey would be intimidated by - "
"Oh. Nevermind!"
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tinyclowndancer · 7 months
pspspsps porretta besties from the dark place who refused to bring this song to its end here's a little something for you. 🎙️
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fruitysourlemons · 7 months
'ey, dis mighty Jou man can sing so fast, dat it's more dan da speed a sound!
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"'Ey Yug, I'm in da Friday Night Funkin', too!"
"I'm 'ere to rap, Yugs!"
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dreamaze · 6 months
A collection of some of my favorite details in Minhyuk's vocal performances (studio & live) ♡
The Dreaming: all of this range but especially the gorgeous & fleeting lowest note One Day (No Limit Tour 2022 in Seoul): the one-note melody change in the final chorus (taking a higher note in the chord on 'I'm' — it's so good I'm devastated it's not in the studio version) Wildfire: the quick melisma on the 'in' of 'inside' thanks to a happy accident in the recording booth that became permanent Love Killa: all of this lovely melting tone in the bridge but especially the vibrato on the final note (we love thoughtful vibrato choices!) Beautiful Liar: the floating countermelody in the ending Rush Hour: that growl that only happens in certain performances Gambler: another (subtler) growl between 'calling me' that is unique to his interpretation (Kihyun doesn't do it in his earlier part) Gambler (It's Live, ft. Kihyun): because how could I not love him performing the upper harmony live with no backing track!
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satari-raine · 7 months
I think I'd probably cry if Vessel ever sang off-mic in an empty cathedral, just having all that empty space for the acoustics and the echoes to bounce off of, surrounded by the melodic, haunting sound of it all. Yeah, I'd probably cry.
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deconstructthesoup · 25 days
*slides Will!Hidgens on the table*
Is this anything?
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i love having cats. there's just a Little Guy in my house that i can go annoy when i'm bored
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mayoiayasep · 23 days
random tag game sponsored by the fact that i love seeing people ramble about music in the tags: name your favorite voice actor/character from a musical anime/music project/etc and why you like them so much!
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ENOUGH with the stuntcasting either hold an honest open audition or pick your next cast member via an insanely convoluted poorly produced reality tv show as god intended
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br1ghtestlight · 7 months
oooh huh apparently eric bauza (new jimmy pesto va) is a youtuber who can do lots of different impressions?? very cool :)
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fireworkss-exe · 2 months
can't stop thinking about 6'5 wise reserved older brother crutchie who's like a whole head taller than jack and has an ANGELIC voice you wouldn't expect to come out of him
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fullmetalgirl98 · 7 days
I'm still stuck on the fact that I literally heard Hinata singing in an extremely sexy tone just two days before watching the Haikyuu movie. The contrast between Shoyo and Hajun is insane, help.
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