peculiarbeauty · 8 months
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thanks, this is the best gift i've ever received.
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Oh god it's been a year already??? April 8??? Wasn't it just March yesterday?
Oh, uh, s h i t
Happy 1 Year Anniversary! (Holy crap)
Man, time sure is f a s t. One year of being here with you guys and just vibing. Zamn. That's crazy.
I know I keep saying this, but I really do appreciate all of you guys for sticking around for so long. I never expected the silly little stories with my silly little characters 13 year old me was writing and creating would come to this in the end. It's honestly just so mind boggling, and I want to say thank you. Thank you for showing your support, for being so patient with me, for those that send such fun asks and prompts to answer, and just being so cool in general. Don't say that you aren't. I'll fight ye on that. I also thank the lurkers in my followers, I know you and I don't tango too much with interactions but your likes, reblogs or just generally looking through is enough for me.
I'd also like to thank the mutuals and friends I made in the IF community and in the Write Club Discord server for being so cool and helpful. I never expected to make any mutuals here, and I'm honestly glad I did.
I'm kissing you all platonically on the cheek because you deserve it for being the best. 💙💙💙
Now, for the Anniversary Special content...... I don't have one written. I already have a short one for 1k Followers and is just waiting to be posted, but I forgot to prep one for the Anniversary. 🥲😭😭
I was planning to make a small IF to commomerate it, but college finals reared its ugly head like a disease so I didn't have enough time. So, instead, I'll just give y'all some Beta and BtS facts about this IF before it came to be as it is now. Hope that'll suffice, and I promise I'll make it up to y'all next year. 😭😭
Back in the earliest drafts for this IF, the prologue was supposed to start with a student Magus summoning an eldritch being from the underside of Reflection and it backfiring completely. The genre was supposed to fully embrace supernatural, but I ended up scrapping it instead for what we have now.
Beta Zephyrine was a mean girl diva; supposedly Fleur's opposite and bully. I changed it after deciding that Zeph's better off being Fleur's opposite in a more positive way (the version Zeph currently is) and genuinely being Fleur's friend, than whatever toxic mess the former was.
Eliseo was originally gonna be the big bad because of well… look at him. I ended up not doing that, because… look at him. He's simpable material, unfortunately.
Emery wasn't supposed to exist. I didn't originally intend for MC to learn nor have magic in the original drafts, thus no Familiar needed either, and let them be a non-magic character in the story. I changed my mind when I thought about how unfair that'll be, since that'll just make MC more of a damsel than a person with autonomy.
The 1586 Accident and the Willowsberg family as a whole was originally supposed to stay as a "myth" and unexplored as a whole. They were supposed to be mentioned only in passing and not talked about again.
In the early drafts, Fleur's parents were already dead/gone and she was working as her family bank's CEO at the start of the story. She was an outside figure that you'll meet through either Zephyrine or Weylyn.
Cooper was originally more of a loveable asshole back in his early characterization stages; smug know-it-all that loves to be a mischief maker. I have no idea what change happened to make him the hyper golden retriever he is now, but I don't regret it and I don't wanna know.
The choice of setting the IF in a rural city and in Lumintoile Academia specifically was based on old oneshots I wrote about Weylyn and Fleur 2-3 years ago. If you want to know what those oneshots are about, both of them are confessions scenes with Weylyn being the confessor.
Before Ophelia came to be as the 6th RO, she was originally supposed to be an antagonist, mostly due to a oneshot I wrote about her as a concept character 2 years ago. There were scenes planned where she would fight the cast and drama would ensue, but knowing what I know, I ended up scrapping the idea.
Weylyn's characterization didn't change much from his beta, surprisingly, and I think he's the only one who has retained his beta traits (besides some mild redesigning). I always intended him to be, well, him. The only things that did change are in spoiler territory, but very important to his characterization.
There were supposed to be 2 more side characters that you'll be introduced to in the early chapters with Fleur being a young CEO idea in mind, which were her two younger estranged cousins from her mother's side. I scrapped the idea for now, but they might make an appearance soon.
I had ideas to implement variables that show preferrences and proficiency in what magic MC uses, intending for them (MC) to be a jack-of-all trades instead of focusing solely on one magic. But then I thought about the long list of already existing variables I've written down, and went nope.
Eliseo & Fleur had the most rewrites and rehauls on their characterization. From what I can count and remember until recently, it's 10.
When I was making Emery, and basing him off of the Familiar Poll results, he was intented to be younger, 3 years old to be exact. I decided to age him up to 5 years old, because a) he would be too powerful, b) baby, c) "sir, that is a toddler and fresh out of infancy", and d) he would be too powerful.
The inspiration for the IF's whole vibes are from Kiersten White's 'The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein', V.C. Andrew's 'My Sweet Audrina', Laurie Anderson's 'Speak', Kyoukai no Kanata, Wonder Egg Priority, and the Dark Academia aesthetic itself.
This was originally supposed to be a self-contained story, more of a moment in the cast's life than something that will affect them in the long run or be actively going through with time, until I decided to add it into a growing timeline of events alongside other IF's.
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nanamivnemesis · 1 year
Senior prank at school
Holy crap I have a lot to unpack here but please stick through and if anything interesting happens I will update y’all.
It all started tuesday. At some point in the first half of the day the seniors put a big ass rainbow duck floaty in Dr.Principals office with a note that says “Find all my 150 children! They are throughout the school!” I didn’t know about this until later but here’s a photo:
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I learned later that seniors and juniors had been hiding them all day and didn’t even finish yesterday. Also please note our school is very small (about 160 student)
When I learned about it was in English right after lunch. I first saw a notification from discord. I’m in a discord server run by the seniors called “ school name but on discord “ and I am the only freshmen ( important later on) the notification read “ @seniors 150 DUCKS? “ and of course I’m confused but I don’t bother to check what was happening. Maybe 10 or so minutes later and Dr.Principal walks in he’s like
“Hey Mrs.English”
“ Have you perhaps seen any of these”
He held up a little rubber duck and squeaked it.
“No I haven’t???Why”
Dr.Principal Sighed. “ it’s senior prank time and theirs 150 of these I have to find”
Everyone was laughing about it and Mrs.English was laughing to saying that at least this isn’t a harmful prank or bad. After this whole interaction the notification I saw finally made sense and I was so exited to see how things were gonna go. I wasn’t able to stay for the rest of the day , I was picked up early so I wasn’t back until the next day.
So I woke up to a message from Mrs.English to all the freshmen class titled “join the cause”
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So Mrs.English wanted to convince students to help her hold the duckies for ransom to Dr.Principal for sweet treats or other wise she may as well lend them back to students to be hidden again. SO MOST OF THE TEACHERS WERE ON THE REBELLIONS SIDE!!!
This messege was only sent to the freshmen so everyone in the server I was in wouldn’t get it. They wouldn’t know. So I made sure I spread the word to them. I became the inside spy as the only freshmen of the server and as someone with many ties. I spread the words ;)
I got word from ren about what dr principal may do to the ducks and I was told that he may throw them away but that later turned out to be he was just going to keep them.
Also if your wondering he’s not mad he loves the prank and it’s all good.
So at this point their were 3 options
You could keep them to yourself( don’t do that that takes away the fun and seniors don’t want that)
Give them to Mrs English for her big secret stack that will later be used as ransom to get sweets
Give them to dr principal who will just keep them and perhaps throw them away
However with some discussion on the discord, a senior we will call Miss Mute suggted re hiding them to be a 4th option targeted to the freshmen. And so I did my duties and spread the word to other freshmen and a few sophomores that “ seniors need help rehiding ducks!” Man this was fun
A few things I know that happened were
When I got to school everyone was searching around for ducks
My friend dash got like 8 or so ducks from Mrs. History first class and he gave them to Mrs.English ( and may have hidden a few)
I recruited a junior friend of mines brother to help and he was an instant help ( I feared he may revolt but he was totally on board
And so re hide the ducks they did. Any ducks that weren’t taken up that were in an obvious spot were given better spots, people re hid other ducks people put. Oh to behold the glorious sights.
The whole day dr principal was going around finding ducks and asking if students had seen any.
A new channel in the discord server was made called operation hide and squeak
The principal went around searching and was always squeaking a lil duck as he went
It was pure gold
I talked with a junior and apparently they had been planning this for MONTHS?! DAMN!
An fun thing happened at lunch so I will share that:
Juniors brother we recruited earlier( let’s name him tall guy) found a duck on top of one of the clocks In the hall by where my friends and I sit. He got it down and gave it to ren who was going to give it to Mrs English before I took it and was like I wanna hide it. So ren goes with me to hide it and we hide it on top of one of the trophy cases by the stairs. I was trying to cram my hand through the railing to get it where I wanted. Miss muted was sitting across from us and I asked her to see if it was good and we were all like yeah it’s good. So me and ren left but then I get a discord message. “@nanami someone just stole the duck you just hid”
“Who? What do they look like”
“Black hair. Grey sweatshirt. Freshmen”
So I was back at my lunch table with dash and I was like shoot my duck is gone I must find the culprit. I leave and dash tags along just to cause some chaos and stuff.
I get downstairs to the common area and who do I see who fits the bill but fellow class mate or mine and friend with tall guy , chill guy ( let’s call him that)
I walk to where muted is and tall guys friends are and see him. All I say out loud is “ oi where is my duck who stole him?” And we both make eye contact and chill guy does the whole “ if I can’t see you can’t see me” and awkwardly turns to the window while trying not to laugh. It was way to obvious lmao
I go up to him I’m like
“Chill guy… did you take the duck???“
“What? Uh no I didn’t I have no idea what you mean?” But like you could tell he was jokingly lying like it’s written all over his face.
“Chill guy come on! I know it was you I have already been told so you literally fit the description!”
“No I swear I’m innocent look I’ll empty my pockets”
He starts emptying his pockets and pulls out some skittles and dash is like “ can I have some “ and chill guy is like yeah and gives him a hand full meanwhile I’m like dude don’t do that he’s gonna think we’re here to help him.
He finished emptying out his pockets clearly leaving behind the duck and I’m like “ you’re lying I know it you have the face of a natural born lie”
I turned back to mute and was like “ that’s him right?” And she was like “yeah.”
Rest of the day goes as chaotic as the beginning
As the week continues more freshmen just keep taking them for themselves leaving the seniors and juniors pretty unhappy. Ren so far has 12 and dash I think has 4 and when Mrs English is back they will give them to her. Also on Thursday when they were handing out letterman’s dr principal said that the needed seniors to set a time and place to negotiate terms of surrender (lmao) also red made paper “ decoy ducks” to scatter around as well >:)
This prank doesn’t just end here as a nearby student found out about our senior prank and it’s spreading to that school! However over here it has started to die down, this prank will live on in infamy
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Here have a duck
( damn this took so long to write)
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destielfanfic · 4 years
My First Destiel Fic, vol.2
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Thank you guys for sharing your memories! My First Destiel Fic is a nostalgic survey open to any destiel fan and has a simple goal - to celebrate fics that were our gateway into a wonderful world of destiel shipping. Thank you, fic writers, you are our heroes!
from @clio-philyra
Hello! For the first Destiel fic post 😊
The first Destiel fic I bookmarked the was the Forth Wall series by Entanglednow, which is lovely and funny. I first started watching the show in 2013 (end of season 7 on UK tv I think?). The first Destiel fics that made me really fall in love with them were probably All Things Shining by askance and standbyme (which is one of my favourite things I’ve ever read - fic or otherwise) and the Holy!Dean series by bunnymaccool.
This is a great idea btw! 😊
All fic titles link directly to the fic, when it’s possible, we have added another link to our review or submitted rec post. 
The Fourth Wall series by entangled_now [M, 40,000 word count, 15 works, posted 2009-10] (our review)
No summary by the author for all work. 15 separate stories in chronological order about Dean, Sam, and Cas discovering the wonders of destiel fan fiction. Ratings vary between T and M, with only one story rated NC-17 and even then it is only the discussion of sex in fanfic.
All Things Shining by askance & standbyme [NC-17, 142,000 word count, posted 2013] (our review)
Something in the world is waking up. It isn’t long before it’s brought to the attention of the Winchesters and Castiel: miracles are spreading across the country, the paranormal seems to be shrinking back on itself—and it all has something to do with the missing prayer book of a traveling preacher who died over a century ago. Dean is convinced it’s all the lead-up to another Apocalypse; Sam and Castiel aren’t so sure. Regardless, it sends them out on a less-than-typical road-trip, following the Mississippi and remnants of a very old story that seems increasingly to call to them. And along the way the trio learn much more about themselves—and the consequences and origins of love—than they’d ever have anticipated.
Holy!Dean Verse by bunnycaccool [NC-17, 120,300 word count, 5 works, posted 2012-15] (our review)
(from part 1)  Dean Winchester has grown used to God dicking around in his life the last couple years. But this crap? This takes the CAKE … or pie, rather. Now he’s been thrown a whole new curve-ball. The kind that has ended the Civil War in Heaven … but resulted in Raphael taking over, and hunting for Dean’s ass on a silver platter. Not to mention dealing with Balthazar acting like a self-righteous prick, Sam having some big damn epiphany on his big brother’s sexuality, and Cas eying him up like he’s the world’s juiciest cheeseburger. All that mixed with the chance to fix it all and set everything to rights … but only if Dean is willing to sacrifice himself. Again. Seriously, if he ever meets that bastard God he’s gonna- … oh hey, Chuck! What are you doing here?
from @foxymoley
The first fic I read was All Things Shining by askance and the first fic I did fanart for was A Little Inspiration by Nadiahart. I found the former when I googled free fiction for kindle (I was on maternity leave and bored!) and fell into a Destiel fic rabbit hole. I then did the art for the latter and accidently met the author via a Destiel discord server (a fellow Angel in Profound Bond 😍) and now she's one of my best friends! I squeed, she squeed, we all squeed.
My life full of these two dumbasses hasn't been the same since. ♥
A Little Inspiration by NadiaHart [T, 3,500 word count, posted 2017]
This was it, it was perfect. Exactly what he needed for his final project. Castiel ripped the page out of the campus life newspaper, tossed his paint brushes back into their cup and raced out of his studio. Checking his watch as he rounded the quad, if he hurried he’d be just in time to catch Dean. Sure enough Dean was exiting the gymnasium still in his baseball uniform as Castiel staggered to a halt in front of him. “Woah, Cas, what’s up man?” Dean asked as he helped Castiel back up from where he was hunched over gripping his knees and panting for air. “D...Dean, I-- I--it's perfect.” He gasped holding out the clipping towards Dean.
from @unforth
My first Destiel fic was Bring it On Home by thecouchcarrot. It was S8 and I'd finally "seen" Destiel (after watching since s4) so I went to a friend I knew shipped it and asked her what I should read first, and that was her recommendation. Once I saw what fanfic could be, and what joy an AU could bring? I've never looked back!!
Bring It On Home by thecouchcarrot [M, 41,000 word count, posted 2011] (our review)
Dean the Sales Rep just moved into the neighborhood, and his new neighbor is a possibly crazy shut-in. Wait - make that definitely crazy.
from @ltleflrt
My first Destiel fic was Real Slick Dean by Trilliath, and it was also the event horizon fic that dragged me into fandom in S8. It was written by a friend, but I put off reading it for a few months because I knew I'd never look back at my old fandoms, and I was right. It was also my first omegaverse, so it opened 2 new worlds for me. I was already in love with the ship before I read the fic because I started watching in s6, but I didn't know there was a Destiel fandom. I was a real newbie :)
Real Slick Dean by trilliath [NC-17, 28,500 word count, posted 2013] (submitted rec post)
There’s a new alpha enhancer drug “Rutter” on the streets that gets used at “exclusive parties” for the worst purposes. Detective Castiel Novak and his partner Balthazar work hard to put a stop to it and other sex crimes in their work as Special Victim’s top detectives. Ellen Harvelle’s Roadhouse is both a bar and a refuge for unmated Omegas. The Roadhouse gives Omegas the opportunity have their heats in peace and, if they so desire, even sell an ‘exclusive supply of high-grade slick for the unmated Alpha on the go!’.Castiel is just such an Alpha, career oriented and having no time for casual sex or potential mates. He’s a regular customer who only buys donor D347’s slick. He’s also a family friend and advocate who helps Omegas in need get connected with Ellen. It’s all fine until one night after a difficult bust he brings Ellen a new Omega about to have her first heat. What Alpha Castiel doesn’t realize is that he’s been over-dosed with Rutter during the fight and is about to go into a rut so bad he may die. And if that weren’t enough to kill him, the embarrassment he’s about to feel will, because he’s about to meet donor D347 face to face and neither of them are prepared for what’s going to happen.
If you enjoyed the fic, please drop by the archive (AO3) and let the author know with your comments and/or kudos! And if you found our recs useful, let us know by Liking and/or Reblogging our posts!
You can find all My First Destiel Fic posts under this tag!
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thewatchau · 4 years
Celebrating Two Years of The Watch AU!
To the Souls Behind the Screen of my Fellow Watchers,
Believe it or not, as of today, December 12, 2020, it has been two years to the day since I created the first post about The Watch AU. 
Holy crap. I genuinely cannot believe how much this world and community has grown over the last few years. It was surreal back in 2018, and it’s still surreal now. Since then, this world grown to encompass nearly 2,000 posts (albeit some are self-reblogs), 241 followers, over 70 characters, a discord, a wiki, and, of course, an overwhelming amount of lore. 
And so much of that was made by YOU all. You brought your characters, stories, questions, knowledge, creativity, and so much more into this world and made it far more diverse and complex than I could have ever imagined. Of course, that complexity also comes with a downside: the aforementioned “overwhelming amount of lore.”
Therefore, I’ve decided that, to celebrate the second anniversary of The Watch AU, each day I’m going to post clean, easy-to-read compilation posts that cover entire topics about this world in a single place, rather than scattered across several posts on a masterlist like I usually do. I also plan to overhaul some of the masterlists as these posts start going up to reflect this change. 
I’m not entirely sure how long this will last, simply because I have no idea how many posts this will end up being. As of writing this post, I have enough to last until Christmas (and that assumes that we don’t have another Overnight Watch/QTGTW situation in a few days), and that’s barely scratching the surface of it all! Depending on how fast I work, posts like these might continue to come out intermittently throughout 2021, or else continue into January. Who knows?
Small Disclaimer: I will still prioritize any submissions I receive from people, bumping them up in the queue and spacing them out between other posts. This means that there probably won’t be one of these long compilation posts every day, just most days. 
In the meantime, I’d like to give a few shoutouts. I got a bit carried away while writing these, so for the sake of y’all’s dashboards, I’ve stuck them under a cut:
To @viostormcaller​, who encouraged me to post about this crazy idea I had after watching the 2018 Thankmas Charity Stream. More than that, Vio has been such an important person in my life since we stumbled across each other on tumblr back in March 2018. She was my introduction to the Egos, my first true online friend, someone whose listened to and supported me through some of the worst parts of my life, and now, one of the most important people to me in the whole wide world. Love you Vio <3
To @a-septic-mind​, for pushing me to create a discord in the early days of the AU, where so many incredible friendships and memories have been made, and being a wonderful friend who I trust dearly as both a confidant and fellow nerd. 
To @isa-ghost​, whose Bunker AU heavily inspired the interactive, community-based storytelling of this AU and whose Theory Wall sideblog is such a vital resource for my "Fellow Watchers” posts that I’ve written her into the AU as Bard Em’s primary contact in Runners’ Haven for information whenever The Enemy pulls shenanigans. 
To @fairyofsomething​, @shamrockace​, @autumnleafauthor​, @marginmaster87​, @theshapeshifter100​, @delphicvoiceaddragh​, and everyone else on the discord for being such a wonderful, encouraging group of friends and fellow creatives that constantly inspire me, both in my writing and just as a human being. Seriously, every time I see y’all talking on there, I get so many warm fuzzies, it’s amazing. Thanks for letting me be your Discord Mum. :D
To my little sister, who has been a behind-the-scenes contributor to this AU through art (ALL HAIL THE CREATOR OF THE NOBLE HOUSE FLAGS), the wiki, and simply being a confidant in my non-internet world with whom I can flop dramatically on the bed and scream about the latest AU/theorist nonsense. 
Of course, to @therealjacksepticeye​, for being an inspiration both as a creator and a person, as well as for fostering the incredible community of viewers and theorists that inspired this entire story. Between community fires, this world has grown far beyond simply being a Medieval Fantasy Egos AU, but the theorist community and mystery behind Sean’s own story still runs deep in this world’s lifeblood in so many ways. 
And last, but certainly not least, everyone who has ever interacted with this blog in some way, shape, or form, whether you submitted a character, sent an ask, simply lurk on the sidelines, or anything in between. Whether you are a lore expert or have no idea what’s going on half the time, you are all a part of this story. Thank you, thank you, thank you for joining me on this insane ride. 
With Warm Regards,
Bard Emily Keyes
Written to the Souls Behind the Screen of her Fellow Watchers in the Twelfth Month of the Year One Thousand Six Hundred and Fifteen (2021). 
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xluckytheninjax · 4 years
SMP Rambles time so I don’t fill Discord up with random crap(tm)
May there be mercy on the souls of all the pets that are gonna die tomorrow - Friend, BeeInnit, Pigza, Squeeks, Mr. Buzzy, Enderchest, Enderpearl, Jjjjjeffrey, Ranbone, whatever Ranboo named his dog. (Unless Ranboo decides to move em all to a safe place beforehand)
Because let’s face it. History is probably gonna repeat itself once more. It truly is a curse. L’manburg’s forever doomed to get blown up until it just doesn’t get built up again anymore. This referring to the place, of course. Though the people ain’t doing too well either.
Now don’t get me wrong, I do have this slight idea that somehow they’re gonna be able to protect it, or partially protect it, orrrr work it out through words, but somebody’s gonna die, and the constant mention of the prison? I think that’s gonna come into play. The favor.
Dream mentioned before that he wanted fake conflict between him and Punz, his most loyal henchman if we’re being honest, and Punz joining the rest shows that it’s in motion. Because Dre said that he’s gonna do something that’ll make everyone hate him, that he’ll have to go into hiding. This is referring to either L’manberg being blown up again, or whoever is getting thrown into the prison, or both. It could honestly be both. or something much much worse.
It’s Dream, Techno and Phil vs Tommy and a bunch of people, of who nobody truly trusts him/is by his side, even Tubbo’s still hurting. Ranboo had a breakdown and won’t know what the hell to do tomorrow. Niki is probably gonna join up with Techno against Tommy because she reckons he’s the reason all of this is happening. Quackity’s no longer part of L’manberg, though I feel that the day he made his whole speech in BBH and Skeppy’s mansion, aaand building Mexican L’manberg/El Rapids that was already the case.
If anybody’s gonna die tomorrow, it’s gonna be Ranboo by the hand of Quackity. Or him protecting Tommy or Tubbo. I doubt either of those two will die canonically, because of storyline and such, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if one died protecting the other. or both dying protecting each other. The other will go apeshit or break completely in the case of one dying. But again, because of storyline, them having to sort out their conflict, aaand what’s planned for the prison (Tubbo ain’t allowed to see it, Tommy didn’t know about it), I doubt either of ‘em will die. I don’t think Quackity or Jack’ll die either. Would be too soon. 
While I do recall Tommy and Techno talking about blowing the community house up off stream during the previous lore stream (Yesterday), Techno’s confusion at there being TNT in the tunnels (Ranboo’s stream from yesterday) gives me the slight suspicion, which is more obvious than not, that it was all a set-up. Dream blowing it up to blame Tommy and lure him out, to get everyone to be even more against Tommy, to get the disc from Tubbo. Even Tubs says he doesn’t think Tommy would do that. Dream said he doesn’t care about anything or anyone. Him getting angry about the community house? It’s all an act (An act within an act, wild). It’s an excuse to cause more problems, because as dear tall boi Ranboo explained, it’s all entertainment to him. To watch people fight. It’s how he stays in power. Causing problems between people, because if they’re only focusing on what the people they’re against are doing, they don’t focus on the true problem, which is the green bastard himself. Dream even went to the poor guy, in the middle of his crisis, to gaslight him, make him believe he did it. 
Ranboo out here being the one with the most sense and of course, he ain’t being listened to.10/10.
Tommy told Tubbo to give the disc, the disc he gave to him originally to show his loyalty and to show he trusts him with his life, to Dream, to show how serious he was being about realizing he became something he didn’t want to be, to show that he wasn’t behind the community house stuff. Tubbo even asked if he was sure. He chose Tubbo over Techno. Techno doesn’t seem to get that Tommy will probably always pick Tubbo over anyone and anything else, even if Tubs wouldn’t do the same, he’s his best friend since the beginning, just like he himself would pick Phil over anything and anyone. Tommy’s loyalty to who’s probably his only true friend on the server is stronger than any brainwash, any manipulation, any war, any betrayal. Tubbo’s loyalty...well, he’s trying, but he’s still hurting. Tommy knows he is. Their lil convo at the end of the streams show that. I doubt tomorrow’s will be any better.
Tubbo stands up for Ranboo against Quackity. I think he feels a bit ‘hmm’ on what to do about him, but so far? He still considers him a friend. Problem is now that Quackity has Ran’s book. And I doubt he’s gonna give it back unless he stupidly leaves it in a chest. That’s...gonna be a problem. Because he isn’t part of L’manberg anymore, he can kill him without any problems or consequences. Quackity being processed by Schlatt really showed there when he said that he wanted Ranboo executed in L’manberg. Similar to how Tubbo was killed - Decorated for his own funeral. Tubbo was right for not standing for it one bit. People seem to not realize that it ain’t a Tubbo villain arc, but a Quackity villain arc.
Ranboo’s not doing well at all holy shit I wanna give him a hug. Having a crisis about who to help because even if he wanted to pick people, not sides, he is ultimately going to have to pick between everyone and the anarchists. I reckon it’s evenly split, those he considers friends. He could either side with Techno, Phil (and possibly Niki) in destroying stuff with Dream, or go against Dream with Tommy, Tubbo and Fundy. He did write down that he’d help the big group, and it makes sense. Even if Phil helped him, and they did have that bit of bonding time with the villager (Orphan), Techno killed him countless times, they tried to run from him multiple times too. Meanwhile, Tubbo has talked to him every time he can, his home and pets are in L’manberg, Tommy took all the blame for Gogy’s house, even took exile on by himself, Tubbo considers him a friend despite learning what happened. Dream’s got him convinced that he blew the community house up, so he’s questioning everything. Tomorrow he’s gonna either stand to the side, or he’s gonna die protecting those of L’manberg and L’manberg itself. And if he takes Dream’s bull to heart, and admits to supposedly blowing it up, he’ll also end up in the prison.
I might be wrong on that, him joining L’manberg, though. Could be the exact opposite. Either way, Jailboo(tm)...probably.
And then of course there’ Niki. Niki’s acting is phenomenal. She says that she tried to be nice and all, but everyone left or betrayed her, so she doesn’t care for any of them anymore. Wilbur blew stuff to smithereens and left (So she still doesn’t know that Wilbur’s dead/Ghostbur). Everyone talks over her. She says that Tommy’s the main cause of the problems lately - Burning Gogy’s house, leaving his exile (thus pissing Dream off more), the community house getting blown up (which wasn’t actually him) and now L’manberg being blown up as well. She even decided that the secret city of peace doesn’t matter anymore, because she’s pretty much against everyone now, it’ll just be a base/library. She even considered joining Techno because he’s against Tommy.
We know for a fact Phil will join Techno because he’s bitter over the house arrest stuff, viva anarchy, and he called Tommy’s tower ‘The traitor tower’. That says a lot by itself. He will probably be cautious though, since he only has one life.
Not sure what Ghostbur will think about this. He’ll...probably be on the same fence as Ranboo orrr he’ll only be concerned for Friend.
Fundy’s got this bigass agenda to kill Dream that is to the same level as Quackity. They both really want him dead. Though, again as dear Ranboo said, they might win tomorrow, but it’ll only be temporary because he will come back. Same with Techno. (Catch me placing bets that Punz’ll be the one to kill/hurt Dream to show his supposed loyalty to the rest).
One thing that’s interesting to me is how Sapnap decided that he’d be joining Dream instead of fighting alongside everyone else. Despite how little Dream cares for him. Despite the stuff El Rapids went through. All of that. I feel like that’s a case where you don’t pick your friend over the rest. Unlike Tommy and Tubbo, who 100% still care for each other, Dream made it clear he cares for nothing and no-one, including his friends. Sapnap even questioned it with...Tommy I think it was? When they released Mars?? Don’t quote me on what stream it was that he questioned stuff. 
I wonder what Puffy thinks about all of this. Not being a L’manbergian. Niki getting angry, being against...pretty much everyone. Reckon that ‘everyone left/betrayed’ includes her? That would be a big oof. Having to fight for a nation that’s doomed to be blown up anyways.
Don’t know too much on the others’ stances about the whole thing. Only Eret was the other one to stream. He did seem to get a bit worried about Ranboo though. And he went to gather supplies ‘n stuff.
I wonder, now that Dream has 2 of 3, what he’s gonna do for the final disc. I wonder if Tommy’s gonna stay stubborn and try to get the discs, or give it up in the name of his friends and country, even everyone on the SMP.
In conclusion, today’s streams were fuckling wild. I am both worried and excited for what’s to come. Pandora’s Vault’s waiting for these bastards and that by itself is just fear.png.
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someonefantastic · 4 years
I Think I need a Doctor
Fun fact, I started this whole month out with a mini bucket list and this fic was one of two things on there. I really wanted to do some Karen whump since she is so underrated and this idea spawned during a convo about Deez Nups with the psych discord. It's a little different from my usual but I hope y'all enjoy it nonetheless! Summary: Fun fact, I started this whole month out with a mini bucket list and this fic was one of two things on there. I really wanted to do some Karen whump since she is so underrated and this idea spawned during a convo about Deez Nups with the psych discord. It's a little different from my usual but I hope y'all enjoy it nonetheless! Warnings: hospitals, miscarriage, nausea, blood also on ao3 (recommended cause this gets long) ___ Karen sighed. The women’s restroom in the police department wasn’t the most ideal place but it had been an extremely long day and she needed answers. All week she had been feeling tired and nauseous- frankly, she would have chalked it up to sickness but then she remembered that she had also missed her period which caused her thoughts to go elsewhere.
That was at 8 am and since then, she had been called down to a murder scene, the victim turned out to be an old police chief, had to deal with two ex-cops butting heads with her consultants, and comfort her detective after some sexist remarks. So she shoved the thought to the back of her head- or at least tried to. But the curiosity remained growing bit by bit. Eventually, the anticipation became too great and she had used much of her break running to the drug store and waiting in the women’s restroom.
Glancing at her watch for what felt like the millionth time, she took a deep breath noting that the three minutes were finally up. Her hands shook as she picked up the small piece of plastic, stilling herself for what answers it might hold. Her eyes widened as she saw the results.
Two clear pink lines.
She was pregnant.
Naturally, she’d have to confirm it with a doctor first but judging by all of her other symptoms, she was pretty sure it was true.
Leaning heavily against the stall door, reality started to sink in. A smile began to spread across her face, her breath coming out in huffy laughter.
“Holy crap, I’m pregnant.” She breathed, staring at the results, her heart beating rapidly. Her smile had turned into a full out grin, joy rising in her chest. She and Richard hadn’t exactly been trying but they weren’t being safe either. They had always wanted another kid but due to both of their ages, had never really thought it would happen. But now…
She resisted the urge to jump up and down. She couldn’t wait to tell Richard. ___ Walking through the front door, she barely paused to throw her keys in the bowl and shed her heels before seeking out her husband. She found him tucking Iris into bed and paused in the doorway to watch them. He was reading the four-year-old a story- If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, her favorite- but the peaceful atmosphere was short-lived as her daughter saw her.
“Mommy!” She yelled, reaching out with grabby hands and Karen smiled, pushing off of the doorway to sit on her bed beside her.
“Hello sweetheart, I’m sorry I’m late.”
“Isokay.” Iris shrugged before giving her a gap-tooth smile. “Did you catch any bad guys?”
“Tons of them.” She leaned forward, placing a kiss on her daughter’s forehead. “Did you have fun with daddy?”
“Mhmm,” She nodded vigorously, “We went to the park and had hot dogs and I fell off the swings!”
Karen raised an eyebrow at her husband who smiled sheepishly, “It was just a small fall, she’s okay.”
“I got a Wonder Woman bandaid, wanna see?” Karen didn’t have time to blink before the covers were pushed back and her pajama pants leg was rolled up, revealing a red bandaid on her knee. “Can you kiss it better?”
After exchanging amused looks with Richard, she bent down, pressing her lips against the wound. “There… all better.”
“Thank you,” Iris beamed, settling back into bed. “You can read more daddy.”
Richard laughed, “Sure thing pumpkin.”
After two more books- because of course, Iris needed her mom to read also- she and Richard gave their daughter one last kiss. Bidding their goodnights, they shut the door a little behind them, finally alone. Karen was suddenly very aware of just how nervous she was. It was big, life-changing news and while she was excited, it still made her stomach clench with anticipation and anxiety.
They made their way into the bedroom, out of earshot of their little one, before Richard turned around, arms crossed as he leaned casually against the bed. “So, how was work, really? I mean, obviously, you had to work late.”
“Yeah,” She sighed, shedding her suit coat and tossing it in the hamper. “An ex-police chief got murdered and now he’s suspected of laundering drugs. You can imagine the kind of PR nightmare this is gonna be.”
He frowned nose wrinkling, “That does not sound fun. I’m sorry.”
She shrugged, “Well hopefully our detectives and consultants come up with something.” She shook her head, giving a little wave. “But enough with work, I have something I need to tell you.” Shifting a little, she bit her lip.
Sitting up straighter, he raised an eyebrow, clearly picking up on her mood. “Yeah? What?”
“Well…” She started, reaching into her pocket and pulling out the pregnancy test that had weighed heavily there for most of the afternoon. “I’m pregnant.”
His jaw dropped, eyes going wide and she thought for a brief second that he may have been upset. But his face quickly broke out into a smile, leaping off the bed and pulling her into his arms.
“Holy crap, we’re gonna have another kid.” He gasped, burying his nose into her hair.
“Yeah…” The tears of joy that had been threatening to fall all afternoon finally did fall, slipping down her cheeks to land on his shirt.
They were going to be parents again, their family was going to grow. It was amazing and wonderful and she just couldn’t wait. ___ The next few weeks were a whirlwind of babies and cases. An appointment with her doctor confirmed that yes indeed she was pregnant, putting her at about four weeks along. She half-listened to his warnings about overexerting herself since miscarriage at her age was so common but she waved away those doubts. There was no use worrying over something that hopefully wouldn’t happen.
Shortly after that, they sat Iris down and told her the news. She was elated at the idea that she was going to be a big sister almost instantly berating her parents with an onslaught of questions about the baby. For the next two weeks straight, all her drawings were of her and her brother or sister.
As for her and Richard, they were thriving. They both decided to not tell any of their coworkers or extended family until the second trimester, not wanting to get any of their hopes up in the off chance that something went wrong. But they didn’t have any fear. Keeping the knowledge just to their little family made the whole experience feel more intimate. Sure they did have a few slips ups- especially since Iris couldn’t keep a secret- and she noticed her detectives giving her a few odd looks every now and again, particularly when she left early for a doctor’s appointment- but for the most part, the knowledge stayed between the three of them.
Between pulling Iris’ old baby stuff out of the attic, taking vitamins, working, and getting morning sickness, it felt like Karen’s life had gone to a new level of crazy. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t love it. The idea of having another baby was exciting and fun and caused her to seek Richard out and steal a kiss or two on several occasions. Of course, some days weren’t as great, like when she’d feel sick all day or wouldn’t get home until late or Richard had to travel for work, but regardless, she was still happy.
Truth be told though, she barely had enough time to focus on the baby or any preparations due to her job. It seemed like lately the crazies were just getting crazier. Not only did she have to deal with a hostage situation- on a boat of all things- two convicts wound up escaping, launching a manhunt. Then after that, there was a serial killer who was picking off people from a liver donation list, her consultants started acting weird, and somehow they wound up implicated in aiding an enemy agent. Of course, the Feds had to be called in which was a nightmare in of itself, and then her detective asked for two weeks off- which she was more than happy to give to her considering everything O’Hara had been through as of late- which was shortly followed by a retraction and a request to aid her partner in extraditing a convinced criminal back to the states.
So to say life was crazy may have been an understatement. It was downright insane.
On top of all of that, she had started feeling worse and worse and she worried for her unborn baby, fearing that getting sick could cause problems. But, luckily, she had a rare Saturday off and she was insistent on using it to relax and spend time with her daughter and husband.
And she did exactly that.
Sitting outside in the warm fall Santa Barbara air, she smiled, watching Iris run around the yard. Her daughter was playing her new favorite game, doggy princess, which basically was her running around and doing dog-like things. Laughing, Karen sent a content smile at her husband who exchanged the look and reached out a hand to cover hers.
“I can’t wait for Iris to have a sibling.” He squeezed her hand and her smile grew.
She glanced down, her hand rested on her stomach, fingers brushing the very small bump. “Me too, it’ll be good for her to have a playmate.”
He hummed in agreement, picking up her hand to press his lips against it. “I love you, dear.”
“I love you too.”
Turning back to their daughter, she frowned as her stomach clenched for what felt like the hundredth time that day. She had felt crampy pretty much all morning and well into the afternoon but had shaken it off. She worried that it would turn into morning sickness- after all, it had been a few days since she last got sick and she wasn’t looking forward to that again. She was never one to feed into her worries though and figured that if it continued into the next day, then she would call her doctor.
She turned her head, looking at her husband through tired eyes and he frowned. “Still feeling bad?”
She nodded lazily, “I guess I forgot how much being pregnant can suck sometimes.”
He gave a short laugh, leaning forward to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “It’ll all be worth it though.”
“You bet your butt it will.”
She closed her eyes, letting the sun warm her. She wasn’t planning on taking a nap- after all a four-year-old made that particularly difficult- but resting her eyes seemed like a good idea. With a sigh, she relaxed, letting her stress and worry ease away.
She didn’t get very far into her quiet time before she felt a warm wetness between her legs. Groaning, she stood up and started walking towards the house.
“Where are you going?” Richard asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I think I wet myself.” When his eyes widened, she rolled hers. “Remember? It happened all the time when I was pregnant with Iris. It’s just my luck that it’d happen with this one too.”
He frowned, “I’m sorry darling.”
“It’s fine,” She shrugged, “I’ll meet you inside for snack time?”
“Of course.”
She sighed again as she headed into the living room and snagged a clean pair of underwear from the laundry basket- thankful for once that she put off doing chores. Wandering into the downstairs bathroom, she stripped out of her pants and peeled back her panties, blood running cold. They were stained with a dark red.
She quickly changed, hands moving of their own accord as her mind raced. Exiting the bathroom, she made wide-eyed contact with her husband who paused his trek into the kitchen, picking up on her distress.
“What’s wrong?”
Swallowing heavily, her hands gripped the doorframe, knuckles turning white. “I think I need a doctor.” ___ The wait in the ER had been quick- only lasting about ten minutes- but to Karen, time crawled by. Waiting for the test results was even worse, the nurse had hastily taken blood, asked a few questions, then rushed off. Iris had been dropped off at her nephew’s house with little explanation which left the two of them to their thoughts and worries.
She wrung her hands, a terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach. It felt weird sitting on a hospital bed, after all the last time she had been in the hospital was when Iris was born and those memories did little to quell her nerves. Richard stood behind her, hands working her shoulders and she was grateful for his presence. If he had been on a business trip… she shook her head, now wasn’t the time for what-ifs.
“It’ll be okay.” She heard him say, though she wasn’t sure if it was to her or himself.
She didn’t have the heart to reply nor did she need to as a knock sounded on the door.
“Come in,” Richard called and a doctor walked in, holding a clipboard close to his chest.
“Chief Vick, Mr. Vick,” He greeted with a nod of his head. “My name is Dr. Phillips, I’m sorry for the wait.”
“It’s okay,” She replied, “Thank you for seeing us so quickly.”
“Well with something so-” He waved his free hand, “Serious, we wanted to get you in fast.”
Her stomach clenched. “Serious?”
He nodded solemnly. “Yes. I’m terribly sorry for this news but your blood work- and symptoms described- indicated that you’re having a miscarriage.”
Even though she had her suspicions, the words still hit her hard, knocking the air from her lungs. Her blood ran cold and she felt like she might throw up. Their child- the kid that they had been so excited about- was gone.
“In addition to your miscarriage,” He continued and she glanced up, barely registering his words, “Due to your age, I’m afraid you won’t be able to have any more children without serious complications. I’m very sorry.”
It felt like a punch to the gut, except she had experienced those before and this was so much worse. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think straight. The world was falling apart around her, crashing to pieces. Her fingers found Richard’s, holding his hand as if her life depended on it- right now it felt like it did.
“Do- do you know the gender?” Richard spoke up, his voice sounding distant and shaky.
Dr. Phillips nodded, “While it’s not one-hundred percent accurate, the results of some blood tests indicate that the baby would have been a boy.”
“A boy.” He whispered, and her heart twisted again. They could have had a boy.
“I’ll give you two a few minutes.” The doctor said, though she barely registered his words.
Once he left the room, Richard climbed onto the bed, legs on either side of her, and wrapped his arms around her stomach, burning her face into her neck. She couldn’t even relax into his touch though, her body too stiff, too shocked to even move. Numbness felt all-consuming aside from the constant ache in her abdomen, stomach cramping with broken dreams- a signal that what they had longed for had officially come to an end.
She didn’t even realize she was crying until he wiped at her tears with his thumb and suddenly, all her emotions couldn’t get out fast enough. Her face crashed into her palms as sobs wracked her body. Behind her, she felt Richard tremble, his own tears beginning to fall. Her chest ached, lungs heaving as she grieved- because that’s what this really was, it was grieving. Grieving the loss of their unborn son, grieving the opportunity to have another child, grieving the joy that would have come with it.
They sobbed for what felt like hours until tears no longer fell and her cries turned to dry heaving. Her sleeves and back were wet, soaked by their combined tears but she didn’t care, too focused on the ache inside her chest. Leaning against him, she took a shuddered breath and he wrapped his arms across her chest, her hands coming up to grip his forearms.
“I’m sorry.” She whispered. “I lost our baby.”
She could feel him shake his head. “Absolutely not Karen.” His voice was scratchy from unuse. “You didn’t lose anything. It happens.”
“It happened to us.” She took another shaking breath. “We were going to have a son.”
He sniffled. “I know.”
The pain increased as a thought crossed her mind, “How do we tell Iris?”
His breath hitched, “I don’t know… oh gosh this sucks so much.”
Nodding mutely, she closed her eyes, letting stray tears slip down her cheeks. “How are we going to get through this?” She mumbled.
“I don’t know,” He repeated, “but we’ll get through this together. We always do.”
Swallowing roughly, she nodded. “Thank you for being here… I love you.”
“I love you too. For better or for worse remember?”
“For better or for worse.” She echoed. ___ Two years later and the pain had faded, though not completely. Some days seeing mothers with new babies or families with lots of kids brought her back to that hospital- to pouring her emotions out on that bed and feeling that pain. But time had gone by, Iris was 6 now having recently started first grade, she was still chief and loving it. Life was still moving forward, and definitely for the better.
Her head detective was getting married and she sat in a dressing room, watching his bride-to-be get ready for her big day. She talked about how excited she was to be marrying him and Karen smiled, reflecting on her own wedding day all those years ago. She knew first hand that marriage had its ups and downs and she didn’t hesitate to tell the woman exactly that- about her occasional dreams of running away to the South of France, about Richard’s failed attempts to make eggs florentine or how he knew exactly what she needed on a stressful day. Her heart twisted and she yearned to tell them all about her miscarriage, that even in the hard times, it would all be worth it but she stopped, knowing that now wasn’t the time.
Instead, she began talking about what might have been. About her dreams of Richard being there for the birth of their child- about their son. “Oh, or that day when he walks into your hospital room holding your newborn son, and he will lay him gently on your chest, and he tells you that you look beautiful, even though you know you look like hell frozen over…” They chuckled and she smiled fondly, “And it all will be worth it.”
The moment was cut short as the maid of honor began complaining about her parole officer but she didn’t mind, jumping on the opportunity to help out- and thankful for the distraction. And later, when her detective cornered her, asking about why she said son when Iris exists, she didn’t hesitate to share what happened, reminding her that all relationships had pain but often the pain was worth it.
Watching her detectives dance and party, she smiled. Yes, she didn’t get to have more kids but her family wasn’t small. While the pain was still there, there was also hope. She had found her family and while it was unconventional, she wouldn’t have had it any other way.
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Holy crap I was not expecting this much feedback
I’m tagging everyone that vocally expressed interest in the idea that I had that you can find here if you haven’t seen it yet. A lot more people saw this post than I expected. The tagged does not include people who just reblogged it. It does include people who replied and people who reblogged with a caption that stated vocal interest in this project. Though the post has like over 170 notes, not many people vocally expressed their interest (and @newsiesoflowermanhattan posted it on Instagram which got like 300 likes what???)
@i-guarantee @alkimara @pineappapizza @i-got-personality @scenemlms @origamist-ravenclaw-queer @buttons-in-the-refuge @prettylittlepolaroid @newspapersinyour-shoes @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog @pulitzerpublishers​ @sweeps-of-london @a-genderfluid-hoodie-whore @satansspaghettie @hufflepuffpride210
Thank you guys for showing interest. If you would like to help in any way, whether it’s costume design, scriptwriting (which will be my main area), research, coming up with the plot points, or just helping from afar, please continue reading this post. Anyone who went back to read the post and has an interest in helping, please feel free to read as well. 
So there are many things that can make a historically accurate movie about the newsboys strike good on its own without having to add overly dramatic cinematic stuff to it.
There was a freaking FEMALE UNION OFFICER THAT IS NEVER MENTIONED named Annie Kelly and all of the boys respected her as an officer. She made a short speech at the rally as well.
Kid Blink and Dave Simmons, who was the other strike leader, were accused by the newsies of selling the “boycotted papers” (and in one source Kid Blink admitted to selling the papers for money but the accuracy is iffy). Blink was demoted and Dave stepped down and became the secretary. Someone named James G. Neill became president and Race became Vice President of the union.
Moses Burris, Louis Kirlow, and John Gallupo, the three original leaders that kept the newsies from caving to other offers, got arrested, and their arrest sparked the whole strike. After they got arrested, the newsies refused to take the papers regardless of the deal they were given.
A lot of fighting scabs.
The rally was pretty cool.
Brooklyn blocked the bridge completely for like almost a week and stopped the traffic which in turn shut down the whole city.
I’m more than positive that there are more things, but these are things that I did research on for my presentation last semester. I’m doing more research, but thank you guys so much for your interest! I will most likely make a Discord for the project, so please stay notified for that, and please tell me if you want to join the discord!
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missfinefeather · 6 years
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VRISKA: When we were manipul8ting all those ghosts, Aranea was doing most of the work. VRISKA: Her a8ilities are a lot more advanced than mine. I guess 8ecause she's 8een around for so long? 
Oh! :O
Holy crap, that explains a lot!
...wait, so Aranea could have done that this whole time, but she didn’t because she didn’t have the incentive?
You kind of opened Pandara’s box there, Vriska! ^^;
MEENAH: i think her mindfang ideal is ridic to be lochness with you MEENAH: that journal man MEENAH: tales from the pirate who wont shut up MEENAH: but then MEENAH: im not one to talk about hero worship 
I mean, true.
MEENAH: i think my adult self happens to be the best best greatest most perfect beautiful woman -----EV-----ER an if you axed me if i wanted a crack at her job id be like glub yes put me down for T)(AT MEENAH: so i legit hope it works out for her 
Assuming she didn’t make a pitstop on her way to Alpha Earth, she’s going to wind up on Beta Earth, baking cakes, making sure a pair of children never bang, not knowing they were just going to have ecto-biology children anyways.
VRISKA: So without an army, I guess we'd need to get close enough to him to use it 8efore he killed us. MEENAH: like uh MEENAH: sneak up on him? 
Hmmm... like, maybe if you had Roxy on your side, but she’s busy living out her destiny in the real world so no.
VRISKA: Like that whole dramatic speech I gave when I jumped into the flaming pit. VRISKA: Was that really a genuine thing, or like, a desper8te last attempt to 8e who I think I should 8e? 
A number of people on my discord read that with a “fuck yeah!” So it’s not a total loss...
MEENAH: hell the best choice i ever made involved givin up MEENAH: one day i said MEENAH: fuck da throne MEENAH: ran off to the moon MEENAH: thats how this whole crazy mess kicked off MEENAH: and if i didnt do that MEENAH: i wouldnt of met you 38) 
Awwwwwww! <3
Seriously, I love this family dynamic. I hope Aranea returns to it eventually...
Though, judging that she’s currently getting her soul ripped out, chances are she’ll be back there pretty quick.
Unless if Dirk keeps her soul.
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liikeglitterandgcld · 6 years
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ooc. hey remember yang? excuse my shitastic graphic but hot dang son! 
A WHOLE YEAR TODAY?! ╰( ・ ᗜ ・ )╯ 
7/15/17 is when I made my multimuse public! While I had other single muse blogs before, this is my first multimuse, hopefully my only, but i don’t know that. To be quite frank I didn’t think I would last two months, let alone a year. That’s an accomplishment, to me most of all. 
and I’m not going to lie, sometimes I’ve had some major doubts if it would be easier if I made individual blogs for my muses, but I stuck it to. Yeah I’ve had some hiccups, some ups and downs, and one hiatus that went for a.... over a month.... but real talk, i think this is the first blog in recent memory, where i honestly enjoy being on here, more so than on my single muse blogs
and that is largely due to my mutuals. so before i become even more gross with emotion, i sincerely want to thank all my mutuals, i want to give special thanks to these people in particular below, that have endured my fat, and frankly pain in the ass self—but seriously every single of my mutuals deserves a medal for waiting ever so patiently waiting for a reply, be it a meme or thread
@darkprinceofjustice​ — iirc I you’re the very first final fantasy blog of noctis  to follow me back and the first ff blog that i. came across to KNOW the tales of games. Especially of tales of berseria! I wouldnt ever come to ship our muses—to ship these characters AT ALL to the point where you talks to me extensively on discord knows that ship has consumed my entire soul—if you didn’t talk to me ooc, or even follow me. despite how we both have certain opinions on certain things, i still consider you one my friends  ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゙
@emily-lutus​ — another long time follower and friend ヾ(≧∇≦)ゞ who tolerates a lot of my bullshit. who would’ve thought that agreeing to make a particular muse jealous who spiral into our muses into friends with benefits to ‘where have you been all my life, i love you’! Holy hell I would never expect Velvet to fall deeply and become so frecken attached to Emily to the point she doesnt like sharing! Or vice versa for that matter. if i ever were to consider exclusives for ships, emily would be first on velvet’s list. i legit love talking to you and creating so, so many aus with you! and know you first hand who aggravating horny muses can be. seriously, i consider you as one my close friends, and i genuinely do like emily a lot, despite well... you know
@welkinite / @kharlani — FAFNIR!! ╰(✧∇✧)╯ You lore hound you! I honestly love how you put so much thought and compliment canon to Zaveid! It’s always a blast talking to you. We def need to do more threads, esp with Paine & noctis bc reasons. Srsly we def need to throw some ideas into ffxv & tob/toz. There are way too many similarities between them and im over the moon that someone else notices it too!  Also, also.... legit.... I honestly do want to see Zaveid & Ardyn swap clothes... just think of the fanservice :y
@rosenguard — yoooo! another long follower! ヽ(*´∀`)ノ゙ i don’t care what others might say if you’re aerith is too ooc (you know my muses are ooc too much as well, so we can be ooc togther!) but i honestly love your aerith as does my noctis I think i like her more now ever since i followed you :’D  I enjoy rping with you, even when my muses didn’t click with her aerith. tbqh  im shocked how well and how fast noctis and aerith clicked! im looking forward to more of dat aerith/noctis goodness!
@somnusvincitomnia — we don’t talk a lot ooc, but i absolutely love, love your noctis! you have so many headcanons about noctis —especially him being depressed ball of fluff. i still love him regardless— that i honestly agree, with some that i never thought or put more thought into! him and paine need to hang more
@forsaken--lullaby — Sil!!!! ヽ(;▽;)ノ we havent followed for long but you are so dang positive! If it were possible I would give you all the hugs bc of the crap that you’ve dealt with and continuing to deal with. YOU DESERVE ALL OF THE HUGS! You’re also another blog that I love seeing on my dash. one of the these days we need connor & sophie interacting. let her adopt him.
@e0nian — it’s always a joy to see you pop up! ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ♪  you deserve even more special thanks! you gave nadia a thread and i’m just so thankful, because she is so weirdly fickle yet picky! even though gabriel is an ass, i love seeing him and nadia interact
there’s no shortage people i want to thank but that would this post even longer than it! just know i appreciate every last one on you! im looking forward to another year on here. you all make it worth it do so
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operativehq · 6 years
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after almost twenty four hours after the submit has closed and 11+ hours of reading applications and making painstaking decisions, the long-awaited acceptance post has come. i’d sincerely thank every single applicant for applying because i really don’t lie when i say that i read through every single app and had to make some very tough decisions, some that hurt my heart because almost every app came neck and neck with each other. this entire experience has been surreal -- i never expected for my plot idea to take off so incredibly and for such kind words to be said about it. i definitely did not anticipate 43 apps to end up in my inbox and to have such dedicated and patient applicants. thank you so much to everyone who’s been a part of this experience already, i really, really can’t say it enough or articulate it well.
to people who are not accepted -- i really mean it when i say that i wish i could accept everyone. every single app went beyond my expectations, and if you weren’t accepted it is NOT a testament to your writing abilities or anything personal. having to pick ONE person out of so many apps, or ELEVEN out of FORTY-THREE ?? it’s nearly impossible. it breaks my heart to not be able to accept THIRTY-TWO apps that were so beautiful. i strongly encourage people who weren’t accepted to keep an eye on this rp in case any openings or expansions occur in the future, because i’d really love to have people reapply. i wish i could type with the conviction and passion that i’m feeling right now when i say that every app blew me out of the water, but now i’m repeating myself over and over again. ( if anyone would like feedback on their app or for me to send their app back to them, please let me know over the course of this week. )
with that said, under the cut are the eleven accepted applicants. please send in your accounts within TWENTY-FOUR HOURS and be sure to check out the CHECKLIST as well as the inbox of your character blog once you send in your account so i can send invites to the ooc discord chat !!
holy crap, laura !! your writing is amazing !! you really made malcolm come alive, with everything from your edits to your stunning biography and description of his personality. my heart really hurt for malcolm while i was reading about his background and you really provided so much depth behind the surface-level rich kid. you displayed his vulnerabilities and desires incredibly well. also, i love how you even added depth to the way his skills ?? thank you so, so much for applying, love, and welcome !!
emily -- can we talk about the way you write for a sec ?? it’s absolutely phenomenal. you took a darker twist to crimson than i could have imagined and i loved every second of it. your backstory for him is incredibly unique to me and i’m so excited to work with his narrative throughout the rp !! beyond that, you really know your character well !! i was blown away by your para samples -- the way you wrote his connection with nikolai and also that drabble about him and tony ?? you have such a knack in your writing to be able to sympathize with your muses, like oh my god. i’m so glad you applied and i can’t wait to see how you develop rafe !!
you truly went above and beyond, christina, and i am honestly so glad you came out of retirement from the rpc to apply !! the cygnus competition was so, so tough, but i kept coming back to your application. not only is your writing incredible, every facet of your application was so detailed it was clear that you had an understanding of rhys !! the thing that completely sold me was that you wrote about every connection rhys would have and how rhys would act and that was so great to see !! i also loved your twist on rhys & odessa’s connection ?? i also love his potential development and the way you tied his story into the plot !! i can’t wait to write with you, love, welcome to operative !!
my goodness, i absolutely loved your app, teresa !! it was so unique and i loved how you showed how much depth callie had and the development that she has gone through and will continue to go through. i just loved the twist on her backstory and how she didn’t start off too kind ?? you made the skeleton of hawthorn three-dimensional and complex !! also, your ideas for her goal and how to extend it into a plot in the future was so creative and intriguing, i can’t wait to explore it more with you, love !! also, the liberties you took with your para sample absolutely paid off !! i loved seeing callie’s perspective on the provided connections. welcome, teresa !!
hyalus was another tough decision, but julie, i absolutely loved your take on hyalus. not only did the memes and vines make me laugh out loud, but you gave such a fresh perspective on our resident hacker. just the aspects ( and perhaps irony ) of her father’s condition made me incredibly sad, but it provided a ton of depth to danaë ?? and i loved the fact that you gave her the label ‘ the icarus ’, the way you explained it made me love danaë even more !! also, your research for the role literally had me with my mouth open while i was going through your app ?? and the fact that you included a family tree / timeline ?? your dedication is unreal. thank you so much for applying and i can’t wait to see danaë on the dash !!
the competition for mercury was probably one of the toughest -- every single app i read for that role was filled with so much effort and talent, that i kept going back and forth between so many. but rhine -- i strongly believe that you have an ability to paint with words. as i kept reading, i was just swept away by your writing ability ?? every single sentence was like a masterpiece !! and the way you wrote lys and his backstory was something i’ve never really seen before, and the amount of research you put into it was amazing !! while i was reading it all, i was internally screaming out of astonishment for your writing and sorrow for lys. he has so much depth and you understand him so well !! i cannot wait to see you play lysander on the dash and in events !!
el, el, el !! your writing is insanely beautiful and by the end of your app, i felt like i understood king extremely well. his backstory had me crying and i loved the way you made nikolai a tether for king. also that pinterest ?? organized from head to toe had me already screaming, but then your explanation for each color and what it meant... it had me on the floor, quite honestly. your understanding of king and the very dark take on nox’s skeleton was stunning to read !! and those last two lines of his bio ?? had me weeping. in any case, i can’t wait to see kingsley develop here and welcome to the rp !!
goodness, the depth you gave ophidian was astounding  -- the anger, the loneliness, the flirtations  -- it was all wrapped up into oliver so perfectly ?? and then your development questions... the way you answered them ?? your writing is absolutely amazing !! it's a different vision i had for ophidian, but that’s in no means a bad thing. it's exactly why i loved it so, so much. just the line " he looks in the mirror. ' what are you capable of ? '" gave me shivers. i absolutely cannot wait to see how you play oliver on the dash. congratulations and welcome to operative !!
everything from the biography, to the stats, to the connections, to your character’s goal... all i can say is wow !! i also absolutely loved the pinterest boards that went along with the biography !! every twist and turn that your writing took me on had me love every minute. it was a different take than i expected for phantom, but you captured the skeleton’s essence and really made it your own !! the explanation of her personality just confirmed that you were the one for phantom !! your writing is spectacular and i truly can’t wait to write with ariella !!
holy shit, honey. i was weeping for francis and i really loved your take on phoenix’s connection and the depth you put behind him. i loved how much of a facade he put up & your depiction of him and odessa !! besides all that, your writing is gorgeous !! your in-character paragraph for phoenix really sold it for me !! you really have a good grasp on francis, and your creativity with his background / personality has me so excited to see where he goes and how he’ll develop !! thank you so much for applying and welcome !!
the scorpius decision was probably the toughest of the whole acceptance process -- each app was absolutely amazing and i was struggling to pick just one. but i kept coming back to yours. your writing is almost poetic, and the way you wrote angelina was something that really pulled at my heart. the fact that you gave so much depth to the scorpius skeleton, beyond just a seductress, really gave it to me !! also, your paragraph samples, your explanation on her personality ?? my goodness, i could really tell that you understood angelina, from the way you wrote her goal, to her despair following nikolai, to the way you even wrote a drabble about her first mission... and the way you described those aesthetics as well !! your app had me absolutely floored !! you’re such a talented writer, and i can’t wait to see where you go with angelina !! welcome to the roleplay, love !!
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lynxgriffin · 7 years
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OH dear! SO.
Please keep in mind that this was yeeeears ago, actually quite awhile before I started working on the show. I was just a fan of MLP at the time.
And it actually starts with Kingdom Hearts. At the time, @kiaxet and I were doing a Let’s Play for KH2, and were recording it in my room at my parents’ place. This was our first LP, and was a fairly low-key, just for the fun of it kinda deal, especially since neither of us had really fancy recording equipment. So this one Saturday we got together and were gonna record for several hours, easy to do since I was the only one home that day. However, my really good friend who I’m going to call Kel here (she’s not on social media) also had the day off and wanted to drive up to spend time with us. She said she should arrive between 4 and 5.
And I’m all “Yeah sure you can come hang! We’re going to be recording the LP that day. So just come in the house, head on upstairs and join us whenever you get here.” Again, low-key LP where we had other friends walk in to join on occasion.
Now, keep in mind that I figured this would be fine to tell Kel, for a number of reasons. We both had our cell phones with us, and we pretty much always left our front door unlocked if at least one person was home. On top of that, the back patio door was also always left open for the dog. And all that aside, the dog we had at the time, Sophie, was a big ol’ pitbull/swiss mountain dog mix. She was 1) pretty territorial, and 2) had a BOOMING voice. Which meant if anyone approached the front door, she let the whole house know with a giant bellow of a howl. I figured with all that, Kel would have no issue getting in and we’d know when she did, too.
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(Here, have a doofy picture of her) 
WELL. Four things apparently happened.
Our cell phones were turned off so that they wouldn’t interfere with the microphone.
The front door was, for reasons unknown, locked.
So was the back patio door.
Sophie apparently decided that day she was going to take a very long afternoon nap and not care about the front door at all.
So I’m sitting up on the top floor with Kiaxet merrily let’s-playing away, wondering when Kel was going to show up, when we finally took a break at 5 and I went downstairs to get snacks. And then I heard knocking.
Kel had actually arrived at 4, discovered all entrances into the house were locked, that we weren’t answering cell phones and she’d been knocking and ringing doorbells for an hour while waiting outside. I’d basically left my good friend locked outside of the house for an hour because I didn’t think to stop playing Kingdom Hearts for a bit.
And I’m just like HOLY FRIGGIN CRAP I AM THE WORST FRIEND IN EXISTENCE, I AM SO SORRY and spent all day apologizing because I am a scumbucket of a friend who locked someone outside and did not hear them knocking at all. So I was all “DUDE. I SUCK AND I’M SORRY. To make it up to you, please let me make you some original art. Absolutely anything at all you want to request, I’ll paint it and it’s yours for free.”
Kel was a total class act and accepted the offerpology. Since she was big into Star Trek and MLP was fairly new at the time, fresh and exciting and we both enjoyed it, she asked for a painting of Discord on a throne saying one of Q’s famous lines from a favorite ST:TNG episode. So, I broke out the watercolors and spent awhile painting this for her. Once done, I was ready to pass on the painting for her.
However, Kiaxet was planning to attend an upcoming Gallifrey, and knew that John de Lancie was going to be there doing autographs, so she offered to make my apology painting extra-special and get it signed by him. Kel agreed, so Kia brought that along for an autograph.
And apparently, John de Lancie really liked it?? Like, kept gushing about how much he loved the painting to Kia. Eventually asked for my phone number so he could request another, since the original still belonged to Kel. So one day a couple weeks later I’m doin’ my thing and I get a call from someone I don’t recognize, aaand yeah, it’s John de Lancie.
“Hey, I really liked that painting you made that I signed at Gallifrey! I’m doing signings at another con real soon and I wanted to have something I could pass out for autographs if people didn’t have something. Can I commission you to do another painting like that?”
SO. I DID. Another watercolor of Discord saying one of Q’s lines. Trying to make sure I spent as much time on that as I did the first, even if there was some slight variation! Since I was giving him the original to make copies of and he was going to pay me in cash, we agreed to meet up in person for the exchange.
Sooo we meet up at a nearby Johnny Rocket and we get some fries and milkshakes, do the commission payment, and get to chatting. And he’s all “So...I keep getting all these emails from guys who apparently really like ponies and the voice I did for that show? Can you please explain this “My Little Pony” fan thing to me?”
And I’m just sitting here with my oreo milkshake like
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Ho boy here we go
So that’s how I ended up explaining the concept of Bronies to John de Lancie because I accidentally locked my friend out of the house.
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intelsought · 7 years
So here’s my thoughts on the whole kit ‘n caboodle, in no particular order of events. All under the cut so no spoilers for peeps.
-I’m terrible for being mildly sad that the big conspiracy theory on Sam Holt didn’t actually turn out to be true bc a lot of ppl who have me on Discord have seen me rant about it at some point between seasons four and five. But I’m still happy that the Holt family has some closure for now and I feel like both Pidge and Matt can truly give the war their all now because they know their father is safe and home with their mother and their mother knows that both of her kids are fighting the good fight and are still alive and well.
-The Garrison trio being hilarious children causing all kinds of trouble with the ‘fun’ sentry was a fucking blessing. I was in stitches during that whole scene tbh and I was so glad to see some of the kids get to be kids.
-I’m really glad we finally got a bit more insight on wtf is going on with Shiro, though I know we’re far from having the answers. My own personal opinion on what’s going on with him has altered based on this new information but that’d be a whole other post for another day. It was definitely startling to see Shiro going off on Lance and Allura like he did, but it’s also clear that even Shiro himself is aware something’s just not right right now.
-I always jokingly shipped Lotor and Allura but never put too much thought behind it simply bc of the lack of interaction, but holy Kaltenecker did this season slap us all in the face with this ship. My own personal opinion is that’s gonna be endgame for Allura now. The fact that she didn’t object to the notion of a political alliance marriage with Lotor early on in the season before they actually started spending time together didn’t escape my notice. Personally I ship that a lot more now.
-Mildly disappointed we saw no sign of that woman from the promo image that people couldn’t be sure if it was Allura or Romelle or who knows. Seemed kinda silly to blip introduce a character like that and not have them make an actual on-screen appearance but I won’t lose sleep over it.
-I’m starting to ship Punk a little bit more than I used to. I’d still have to really thoroughly explore it with a Hunk but all the adorable interactions between Hunk and Pidge this season helped water my crops esp since we didn’t get literally any Plance.
-The white lion concept surprised me because I had honestly believed that the white lion was an actual sixth lion Alfor made but had kept secret from everyone and could’ve been piloted by someone. Since we’d seen teaser images of Keith back in his Paladin armor I’d thought that meant the White Lion would officially join the lion lineup and the Paladin’s would’ve gone back to their original lion setup but ah well. Seems we’ll see Keith possibly back in Red next season.
-Lotor’s ladies, I fucking love them. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk on them.
-And the last thing I can think of, the bombshell none of us had seen coming: Keith’s mom. Holy crap. As a Keith RP’er myself I was shook and my muse is honestly in a state where he genuinely doesn’t know how to feel about all this. I kinda wish we’d gotten a bit more screen time with her just to get another answer or two about some of the burning questions we’ve had about her since we found out, but I won’t lose sleep over it because I know we’ll get answers in due time. I laughed at Keith’s blond moment figuring out she was his mom seriously Keith she used your blade and you watched it transform in front of you what more proof did you need after knowing it was given to your dad by her. It was a tiny bit cliche how we got introduced to her but you can’t please everyone. I’m not unhappy with how we met her. As a Keith mun, I’m fucking ecstatic to finally fill in some of those gap of his backstory we knew literally nothing about. Plus the fact that he looks like her made me stupidly happy.
I think that’s everything at this point, I’m sure I forgot a thing or two given I’m running on two and a half hours sleep but I got the bulk of things I had thoughts on from this season. Knowing me I’ll rewatch some if not all of the season tonight after I get home.
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kitanoko · 7 years
more todomomo highschool au
So the other day I made this post about todoroki the swim captain and momo the “new transfer student with 0 friends”  To continue: 
-After they hit it off and become great companions... -Todoroki has a swimming competition and Yaoyorozu’s like okay I’m only here to watch because he is a ‘good friend’. A GOOD FRIEND ONLY. She gives him full support and she’s screaming his name in the bleachers 
-She convinces herself that she’s cheering so passionately because he is like the brother she never had. Well, thats what she tries to tell herself anyway
-But Todo thinks differently and is actually hoping for things to progress between them because Momo the student council president (she got voted after she warms up to everyone) is so special to him and is attractive in every way??? like yeah everyone thinks she’s hot but to him its not just the beauty that’s on the outside. She’s such a unique person and he’s doing his best to know more about her
-Todo actually tries real hard...giving her hints and everything but she just brushes it of and tells herself that everything he’s doing is based on their friendship -The whole class thinks its obvious except for momo; ashido teases her until she melts into a puddle of fluff all the time ‘cas whoa THE UA swim captain for Pete’s sake (and they dun even know who Pete is!) Goddaamnnn todo is, in Ashido’s words, “an eye candy holy crap” -Momo for sure noticed how beautiful he is but what’s more, she loves the way he cares for others, his compassion, the little snort he does when he tries to hold in a laugh and the way his eyes just crinkle whenever they joke around with each other...the way he holds the door...the little things and the big things about him -When Momo got voted for Prez and was SUPER surprised (’cas damn she got a lotta votes), Todoroki goes up to her at lunch and literally just bursts out “I VOTED FOR YOU”. He freezes there and Momo’s kinda like “Thanks Todoroki-san!!! So did 200 other people !!! :D thank you all for the support!!” She’s smiling and Kaminari’s just at the back giggling. -Kaminari’s like “Todoroki I’m 101% sure she’s friendzoning you” and Todoroki’s just dumbfounded -Midoriya and Iida tries to be his wingmen but fails deeeeply; Kaminari takes over later and actually does way better (’cas u know Kami can be everyone’s wingman but can’t confess to Jirou himself. lols rip) -Fuyumi sees Todoroki all frustrated at home and she’s like “What’s up?? Anything I can do?” and Todo’s kinda grumbling about ‘girl problems’ and Fuyumi ends up super shocked ‘cas wow her brother had always been the one who gets a million confessions a day but for once he likes a girl who’s actually not fangirling over him???? what?????
Shoutout to @staminayokai @aataraxys and @itsmilamon for making these with me on discord last night :D
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rantsaboutponies · 7 years
Season 7 Retrospective
Well, we’re between highly anticipated movie releases this weekend (for me, anyway), so it’s time for our annual look back over the season!
Good lord, the beginning of Season 7 seemed like so long ago. I could have sworn the Flurry Heart episode was last season. Maybe this has just been a really long year. Well...okay, yeah, I can certainly see why it would feel that way, given the year this has been.
With a rating of 4-9-13 (W-L-T), this season must have been better than the last one, even if it didn’t feel like it. Season 8 is forthcoming, so how long before Hasbro gives up and reboots the series again? Only time will tell.
So, here we are. From best to worst:
#1. “Secrets and Pies”: This episode was...good? Like, really, really good? Why? I don’t get it! I wouldn't be so confused if you guys did this more often! I swear, the next time this happens, I'm going to get whiplash!
#2. “Rock Solid Friendship”: To complement the really good Pinkie Pie episode, here’s an episode that was really good in every way except Pinkie Pie! They’re at exact opposite ends of the season, too. Maybe it’s an equivalent exchange thing.
#3. “Triple Threat”: I thought this episode did a pretty good job of avoiding the “why don’t you just tell them?” problem that virtually every episode of every sitcom runs into. We’ve already established that Thorax is a whiny little milquetoast weenie and that Ember is a heinous prick who doesn’t listen to anybody but herself. Hell, that was the entire reason for the conflict in the first place! Honestly, why would Spike try to reason with either of them?
#4. “To Change a Changeling”: If the monster hadn’t turned out to be a giant mole, the ending battle might have seemed a little more life-threatening. That, Starlight’s very, very stupid plan, and Pharynx’s abusive ass made this episode a little worse than it should have been. Apart from that, though, I liked it!
And now here’s the hardest part of the list: trying to figure out which “tie” episodes were slightly better or worse than all the others.
#5. “Once Upon a Zeppelin”: Yeah, Twilight’s parents were annoying (and idiots), but not to the point that I’m going to dread them ever showing up in any future episodes (unlikely as that is at this point). Plus, bringing back Iron Will actually seemed to have a point, and it helped that he didn’t have to “unlearn” his lesson from his first appearance just to make the current episode make sense.
#6. “Uncommon Bond”: This episode went out of its way to prove that yes, Starlight and Sunburst really do have only one thing in common. I would have expected the resolution to be the realization that the two of them liked more things than just that board game, but nope! Giant version! That’s it!
#7. “Daring Done?”: I was so distracted this episode that I forgot to mention that Pinkie Pie was actually acting like Pinkie Pie and not an annoying little shitbag! It was refreshing! But anyway, you’d think Daring-Do would have written enough books by this point to realize the obvious tropes this episode followed. The real challenge for her is going to be stretching this adventure out to novel-length.
#8. “Discordant Harmony”: I’m still not sure what made Discord think he needed to change a bunch of shit about his house to make Fluttershy happy. It looked the same way he made her house look every time he visited her. What did he think she was expecting?
#9. “A Health of Information”: This is the second episode in a row on this list where Fluttershy acted kind of like a doofus throughout the episode for no discernible reason. It also proved that unicorns are the solution to everything. Need to grab some moss from a swamp without falling in? Unicorn! Need to collect honey from the flash bees without going anywhere near them? Unicorn! Need to destroy an entire planet without breaking a sweat? Unicron!
#10 & #11. “Shadow Play (Parts 1 and 2)”: The first half fools you into thinking this isn’t just going to be a run-of-the-mill finale episode by promising you a halfway interesting quest before immediately giving you all the artifacts within a few minutes. Ha! Gotcha!
#12. “Hard to Say Anything”: I’d kind of hoped we were past the whole “two men competing for the trophy that is the personality-deprived female character” cliché, especially in a show designed for children, but I guess not. I mean, at least Big Mac and Feather do realize that’s what they’re doing by the end, but that doesn’t fix Sugar Belle’s “sexy lamp” issue.
#13. “A Royal Problem”: Has Twilight been of help to any friendship-related issues since she stopped being the main character? I think these episodes must be based on Twilight's memoirs, i.e. this isn't how things actually happened; this is how she remembers them happening. Here's what really happened during "Magical Mystery Cure":
Twilight Sparkle: So...I accidentally totally and completely fucked up my friends’ lives, but then I fixed it! That means I'm good at having friends, right?
Princess Celestia (sarcastically): Oh, yeah, you're a regular princess of friendship.
Twilight Sparkle: *gasp* Really?!
Princess Celestia: Oh, no, I didn't mean– Ah, crap, the music's already started. ♫ You've come such a long, long way... ♫
Princess Celestia (mentally): I've really got to stop using the word “princess” as an insult. This is the third one this week. I'm running out of castles! She'll just have to stay in the library until I can find another one.
#14. “All Bottled Up”: This episode is a perfect example of why the writers typically just don’t include characters in an episode if they have nothing to do in said episode. That escape room nonsense was just stupid. The six of you might be best friends, but you have never gotten along that well!
#15. “Celestial Advice”: Ugh, this one. “As a teacher, I have to send my student away. I don’t know exactly why I have to do that, but I’m sure I’ll figure the reason out later. Oh, wait, you don’t want to leave? Well, that changes everything! You can stay!” I think they were making this one up as they went along.
#16. “The Perfect Pear”: One of the emptiest “love” stories I’ve ever seen. This was an “attraction story”, if you can even call it that. This is another case where I’m positive that at least a hundred better fanfics had been written about this exact story before the episode was released. I get why people have headcanons about things now. Why wouldn’t you have a fanon when the canon is so...weak?
#17. “Honest Apple”: Once again, we have a brand-new writer for this episode. Kevin Lappin was very likely just given a slip of paper with “APPLEJACK = HONEST” written on it, which constituted the entire material he had to work with. That might explain why Applejack was such an unlikable prick for the entire episode.
Whoo... All right. Here we go.
#18. “A Flurry of Emotions”: If you don’t want to watch your kid (because, seriously, you’ve got better things to do), just show up at one of your relatives’ houses one day and dump it on them. They’ll have such a guilt trip that they’ll be glad to accept! But make sure it’s someone who’s completely unqualified for the job and has a mountain of other responsibilities first. That’s the best way!
#19. “Campfire Tales”: The fact that this episode was actually just a clunky setup for the finale might explain why all three stories sucked so hard. It’s this season’s The Mummy!
#20. “Not Asking for Trouble”: Now we’re going to get into the part of the list where I have to figure out which episodes are worse by balancing how much the episode irritated me in general with how toxic the moral is. Trust me, if your children’s show has a moral of “Do what you want to do for other people, regardless of what those people have explicitly told you not to do, because you’ll end up being right in the end. After all, people don’t know what they want!”, you’ve fucked up something awful.
#21. “Fluttershy Leans In”: I said in this review that this felt like the MLP version of The Fountainhead, but I only just recently realized that I also said the same thing about Season 5's "Canterlot Boutique". Given that the episodes were written by different people, this must be a storyline that creative types really like (even if it’s nothing more than a power fantasy).
#22. “It Isn’t the Mane Thing About You”: All right, you actually had a good idea with this one. Despite being the Element of Generosity, one of Rarity's main problems has always been her vanity. That means you pulled off the rare feat of making the moral both 1. something the character hasn't already learned in a previous episode and 2. something that a normal functioning member of society might not automatically possess. (There has been a distressing number of lessons in the past five seasons or so that don't fit one or both of these qualifications.) It's just a shame you crashed and burned so spectacularly by 1. turning the moral from “don't be vain” to “have confidence” (something Rarity has never struggled with AND which you have already had as the moral in MULTIPLE previous episodes) and 2. went about it in the most nonsensical way possible!
#23. “Parental Glideance”: This one was a little sickening. The “my parents are so embarrassing!” trope is bad enough, but you’re an adult, Rainbow Dash! Grow up! If the things your parents are doing embarrass you (or if they’re legitimately dangerous, like SHOOTING FIREWORKS OFF AT AN AIRSHOW), talk to them! You can do that without snapping and acting like a dick!
#24. “Forever Filly”: Holy crap, I have never wanted to punch a fictional cartoon character in the face as badly as I did in this episode. I don’t know what made Sweetie Belle act like such a little shit or why Rarity is so out of touch with her (seeing as Sweetie Belle would have had to have been about four to be into the stuff she was trying to do), but I hated this. Shove your black box experimental theater up your ass.
#25. “Marks and Recreation”: I got the sense from the beginning of the series that cutie marks were originally supposed to be something really deep and meaningful. I mean, they’re your passion. They represent that thing that you love so much and are so good at that you can spend the rest of your life doing it and wearing a permanent symbol of it on your body. Well, not anymore! Now it’s just some obligatory shit that you get because you have to and that doesn’t have any real meaning at all! Fuck you! Just...fuck you!
#26. “Fame and Misfortune”: Yeah, no surprise there. Holy shit, this was a painful experience. Like “Stranger Than Fan Fiction”, this was just embarrassing to watch. To quote somebody else, “...you don't get back at critics by attacking them, you do it by ignoring them and continuing to be awesome.” Hell, this episode's moral is contradicted by its own existence. “You shouldn't be affected by criticism of your work. That’s why I wrote this episode where all my critics are painted as raving lunatics and I am totally the victim!” The fact that this is the SECOND such episode is just pathetic. This one actually manages to be worse, though, because, unlike the earlier episode when it was just Quibble Pants being a dick, this one paints the ENTIRE fandom as either complaining whiners who hate everything or creepy stalkers who follow everywhere you go. Nothing says “we want you to keep watching” like insulting the few fans you have left right to their face!
Remember, next week is the review of the remaining six Equestria Girls: Summertime Shorts. Be there!
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50cyg · 7 years
It could be my asexual/aromantic streak talking, but am I the only one who doesn't see a Taiorato "romantic love" triangle? Am I the only one who just sees three very close friends where one of them simply happens to be a girl? Or, alternatively, two boyfriends in a lover's tiff and their best wingwomen who recently had just about enough of their shit?
Short answer is No you are not crazy, many people feel the same way as you who are not asexual or aromantic
Ridiculously long answer under the cut haha :P
Initial Reaction to thisAnon:
“two boyfriends in alover’s tiff and their best wingwomen who recently had just about enough oftheir shit?” laughed my ass off for like 10 minutes straight. I’m stilllaughing about this now, I love this so much!!
Second reaction:
I don’t believe I haveposted much regarding Taiorato so I’m very curious as to why I’ve received thisAnon Ask, I’m curious as to what made you decide to message me? Not that I’mcomplaining because I LOVE asks (they are the second-best part of having a Tumblrpage IMO, right behind getting to make friends with other bloggers) and I justspent like an hour responding to this and I wouldn’t put so much effort in if Ididn’t love it 😊
Reaction after severalhours of having this go through my head while driving around running errands:
It’s definitely not yourAsexual/Aromantic streak talking because I am not asexual or aromantic and Itotally get what you are saying and so do many other fans.
Since I am a Taiyama shipperI lean heavily towards the two boyfriends and their wingwoman concept but I’mgoing to try to be unbiased here. Also note that when I use Ship names likeSorato and Taiora I am both referring to the ship in a platonic sense as wellas a Romantic sense. So, like if I say “Taiora scene” I do not necessarily mean“a scene where taichi and sora interact that is meant to be taken romantically”,I likely am just meaning “A scene meant to highlight the relationship betweenthese two characters” or “hint at the potential future relationship of thesetwo characters” (in the case of Sorato)
I’ve definitely seen a fair number of moments throughout theTri series that can be interpreted as Sorato and Taiora romantic moments. Formost of the Sorato moments you can read my really long post about the Triships. As for the Taiora moments I have not compiled a list of moments but Imight if anyone asks. But honestly, they are all easy to refute, as are most ofthe shippable moments in Tri since they seem to be catering to most ships atleast a little and heavily catering to the three big ones (Taiyama, Takari,Koumi), which makes everything a little confusing and not very concrete. Also,these scenes could easily be interpreted as platonic scenes (with the onlyexception being the koumi scenes), and since really the show is meant to beabout friendship and not romance it makes sense that the scenes play out thisway.
To summarize the next 4 paragraphs (because they are reallylong and I ramble a lot so if you don’t want to read them you do not need to,just skip to the paragraph that starts with “as for taiorato”), Taiora playsout platonically probably because it is meant to be platonic both in Adventureand Tri. Sorato can be seen as platonic because it’s meant to be very subtle soif you aren’t looking for it you will probably miss it. Taiyama is the mosteasily interpreted as romantic because Toei wants it that way since A: it’s areally popular ship and B: their relationship has always been the primary relationshipwithin the series.
(skip ahead if you don’t want to hear me go on and on) Italk about this in my Digimon Tri Ship post I just mentioned but it’s prettyeasy to not see a love triangle when it is not being explicitly obvious. I meanthis “love triangle” is no Team Edward vs Team Jake (omg I just made a twilightreference and I am deeply ashamed but I’m sorry it works as a comparison), Yamatoand Taichi are not fighting over Sora, they have never fought over Sora, thatis not their relationship. Primarily this is because Taiora was never meant tobe in the running according to the original creator even though many otherpeople involved in the production did ship them. People can say all they wantthat it was only the English Dub staff but the Digimon Movies disprove that, especiallyDiablomon Strikes Back when Sora reaches for Taichi instead of Yamato, there isliterally no plot reason for that, it was put in there because someone in theproduction staff wanted it there and that must be because they ship it. Sobasically, Taichi was always meant to be the supportive friend encouraging histwo besties to be happy with each other.
Now the other interesting thing that I haven’t seen manySorato fans bring up is the fact that if Tri is meant to be a call back toAdventure, which is very obvious by all the scenes that are direct nodes to theoriginal series, then it makes sense that the moments between Sora and Yamatowould be very subtle while the moments between Taichi and Sora are a littlemore obvious. In Adventure Taichi and Sora had a lot of scenes together becauseTaichi was the character most focused on and Sora was his best friend as wellas the person who had known him the longest and since the show focused a lot onfriendship it makes sense to put Taichi and Sora’s relationship at theforefront. As for the Yamato and Sora scenes I think the main writer meant fortheir scenes to be subtle hence why he only told a select amount of people (Iwill never understand this executive decision and honestly blame him for allthe discourse within the fandom regarding Taiora vs Sorato. I know a lot ofpeople blame the English Dub but I have also heard people claim that there weremany people on staff in Japan who shipped Taiora and since the concept of the hot-headedleader and primary girl is pretty cliché it does not surprise me that manypeople would be behind it and even assume it is meant to be end game. If you donot make it clear you intend for something to be canon and have a ton of otherpeople writing whole episodes and character arks who may have their ownconcepts you very much run the risk of people putting in moments dedicated toother ships). Basically, these three factors (putting friendship at theforefront, wanting Sorato to be subtle, and lack of communication) allcontributed to both Taiora and Sorato being very easily seen as both romanticand platonic. But really the reason I brought this up was to compare it to Triand I’m sorta getting off topic I think (god all my posts really just feel likerants, I need to work on my writing style).
So, getting back to this being reflected in Tri. I recentlyread a really brilliant post that pointed out all the Sorato moments in Tri andhow some of them are very similar to the foreshadowing moments in Adventure.There was one specific scene in this post that totally blew my mind where theauthor talks about the scene where Yamato plays his harmonica in Confession.They point out how Yamato’s harmonica song, which was used in foreshadowingscenes in Adventure, plays throughout Sora’s scene and into the first part ofJyou’s scene when Jyou is talking about wanting to introduce Gomamon to hisgirlfriend and I just thought “holy crap that is actually a really brilliantly subtleway to hint at Sorato” (I am getting so sick and tired of referencing posts I can’tlink to and I’m so sorry, I’m going to go through all my likes and reblogs inthe next month and bookmark everything important so I can find and link stuffmore cause it’s really not nice of me to not link to the post for both thereaders and the wonderful people who create the posts. Seriously if anybody isreading this post and knows what I’m talking about please send me the link so Ican include it in this post because it was very well written and as a nonSorato fan I was super engaged and impressed). So basically, a lot of TriSorato scenes are call backs to the subtlety of Adventure Sorato scenes and Taiorascenes are more obvious because the Taiora scenes in Adventure were moreobvious.
And then we have Taiyama. If we are following the same logicas above then of course we are going to get the most of Taichi and Yamatobecause their relationship was the primary relationship in the original seriesand their fights drove a lot of the plot and virtually all of their characterdevelopment (especially Yamato’s character development but I’d say Taichi’sfinal ark of character development is solely due to his final fight withYamato). So if Tri is trying to mimic Adventure they are going to have theTaiyama fight scenes play into the plot and character development once again. Taiyamais one of the most popular ships in the fandom because of all theirinteractions in Adventure, many of which really do play out like two loversinteracting.
As for Taiorato, it can be often seen as just platonicbecause Digimon is meant to be a story about friendship between both thechildren and their partners as well as between the other children. Since Taioratois the golden Trio of the Digimon Adventure universe and always has been so weare going to get a lot of these guys interacting but there isn’t going to beany obvious love triangle stuff probably because it isn’t meant to be therejust like how it was never meant to be there in the original season, and alsobecause it would be pretty OOC if Taichi and Yamato suddenly started fightingover Sora. Sora is primarily designed to be, or at least try to be, a calmingagent between these two very different and strong headed boys. She is not meantto be a love interest and cause further discord, basically I’d say she is theopposite of what most girls in her role (lead female) end up being and that isreally great. These three are meant to be the three in command of the group andthey were designed to work well off each other and of course that is going tobe showcased in the show and it comes down really to their friendship sinceSorato is meant to be canon (at least in adventure) and Taiora are just greatfriends, and Taiyama are also Rivals to Friends. So yes, it makes sense thatsomeone would look at this and think “wow those three are an amazing trio offriends” cause that is the point.
But for seeing it as a love triangle, I think it is verylikely the Tri creators are pointing subtly at it for the same reason they aresubtly or not so subtly (cough cough koumi cough cough) pointing at it becauseit is prominent within the fandom and they are catering to it. They are bothplaying off the discourse within the fandom to cause more drama which oftenleads to interest which leads to sales. Also, don’t forget Taiorato as a Triadrelationship is super popular so they are likely catering to that as well inmaking it seem like they could all be together, oddly that can lead people toseeing it as solely platonic if you are not used to seeing a functioning Triadrelationship and not a love triangle with obvious discourse.
I tried to make this as unbiased as possible, even though ultimatelythese are of course opinions and interpretations of the material. If you arecurious about my biased opinions on this “love triangle” just ask and I can doa follow up post.
Thanks so much for the Ask 😊 I enjoyed responding to it
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