shironi-pepperoni · 2 years
Some fruit should be hot!! 🍓♨️
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thumpierealunofficial · 5 months
outfit hcs for each thumpie (first draft; might not be very detailed or accurate) (also might be out of order lol)
noobie: crop hoodie with little cat ears and cozy sweatpants, soft silly socks
furface: sweater so big the shoulders are showing, a short light skirt, can't forget the dog collar
fwoot: uuuhh prolly some kinda tshirt and jeans idk, matching friendship necklace with butter
butter: plain hoodie, long pants, and fuzzy gloves to cover up as much as possible
recess: a cool pokémon shirt and bright shorts probably
rawt: very old t-shirt, red plaid jacket,and jeans, alll torn and dirty as hell obviously
flippy: rowdy side likes to go shirtless with spiked accessories while sad side likes to wear a hoodie, they wear uuh shorts or something, uuh i might have to sketch out what they look like to visualize this
gooie: little animal onesies of all different pastel colors
kal: ugly plaid jacket and some kind of sci-fi t-shirt, a bowtie, black leggings or a skirt depending on how theyre feeling that day
anyanka: green small tank top, long hot pink fingerless gloves, bell bottom jeans, tall pink shoes
mosh: black tank top with some kinda bright graphic, ripped jean shorts, a cool choker, prolly long black boots idk
booo: a different corny halloween t-shirt every day, a pastel skirt, colorful jewelry, big boots
yuckles: big bright shoes, big funny bow, you know the drill
rhootz: a light, white robe and sandals
chomph: uuuhhhh idk yet
mace: full spiky battle armor
kartoof: chiefly accessories with feathers and some kinda skort
izit: gray sweatpants that get washed once a month
(animal thumpies not included because i don't even know if they'd wear clothes)
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Love Isn’t A Color; It’s An Emotion (Becca’s Growing Up)
Summary: Rebecca Charlene Rogers, a happy chubby cheeked toddler, loved spending time with her parents, Steve and Asha. Also, her ‘Nana.’ Outside of adults, she rarely had interaction with kids her age outside of the park playground.
Steve and Asha have a decision to make…..to daycare or not to daycare; that is the question.
Characters: Steve Rogers x WoC Asha Rogers
Word Count: 1,289
Warnings: None
Growing up as an only child has its advantages and drawbacks. Rebecca Charlene Rogers longed for a playmate. Sure, Steve, Asha and her grandmother were fine, but they weren’t always available.
Skipping into the kitchen, Becca fluttered her long lashes at Steve. “Daddy, I wanna pway house wif you.”
Folding his newspaper, her understanding father chuckled, “Peanut, daddy’s reading. Not right now. Maybe later?”
With a dejected expression, Becca sulked. “‘kay daddy. Bye.” Now, if there’s one thing Steven Grant Rogers can’t stand, it’s seeing his baby girl sad.
“C’mere sweetheart.” Reaching her little arms up, Steve lifted Becca in his lap. “I know’ya want daddy to play with ya and I will.”
“Awwight. I go pway wif toys in my woom.” By now, Becca’s beautiful eyes were glossed with unshed tears.
At that moment, Steve realized how lonely Becca was. She longed to interact with toddlers her age. The experience would be beneficial not only for her, but Asha and Steve as well.
“Peanut, tell ya what. Mommy and I will talk about you going to daycare.”
Confused, Becca asked, “Daddy, whut day cawr?”
“Well honey, at daycare, you meet other kids your age, learn your ABC’s, colors, shapes and listen to the teacher read. It’s really fun. Would you like that?’
“Uh huh. Tank you daddy. I wuv you.” Becca placed a kiss on his firm thigh and ran to her room.
Speaking to her stuffed ‘friends’, Becca announced, “I going to day cawr and pway wif fwiends.
Bye for now.”
She went down the line, kissing each bear and saying, “I wuv allllll my fwiends.”
Stark Industries boasts the best day care center in the world. Why? Because Edward Anthony Stark performed a stringent vetting for all employees; teachers, cafeteria cooks and servers, custodians and security!
Steve knew Becca would be safe, but he knew Asha would avoid the idea like a plague.
Fretting, Steve rubbed the back of his neck, giving a mental pep talk to himself. “Okay Rogers. You can do this.” At that moment a light bulb appeared over his head. Jazz, candles, and a bubble bath. Can’t forget flowers.
First, Steve ordered 2 dozen assorted flowers; 12 confetti mums and 12 stemmed Gerbera daisies.
Next, feeding and bathing Becca. That wasn’t a problem because his baby girl loved spaghetti and meat sauce. Yes, it was messy but Steve was prepared. After dinner, she watched Frozen for the umpteenth time.
He pan seared a couple T-bone steaks, roasted garlic potatoes, salad and rolls. For dessert,  chocolate mousse with whipped cream. Asha favored Riesling wine, so her attentive husband chilled a bottle, along with a 2 wine glasses.
Asha called and said she’d be home around 7 p.m. That was perfect timing for Steve. Looking at the clock he saw that it was 6:55 p.m.
As fate would have it, the case assigned to Asha demanded more of her time than previously thought. This was a blessing, more than a curse. More time to finish putting the final touches on ‘Operation Romance.’.
Checking on his daughter, Steve found Becca sound asleep on the sofa cuddling her Iron Man bear. Pulling the phone from his shorts, Steve snapped the precious moment, sharing it with Tony and Asha.
Tony, in return, typed a snide comment……….
See Capsicle, even Becca loves me more than her old man. #UncleTonyRocks
After putting Becca to bed, around 8:15 p.m., Steve heard the familiar sound of keys and heels.
Asha’s curiosity peaked, as she saw the gentle flicker of candles. “Babe, what’s going on?”
Standing before her was Steve, wearing a black Under Armour t-shirt, grey sweats and a huge smile.
“Welcome home Mrs. Rogers. I missed you.” Steve held her close to his chest, laying a hot kiss on her lips.
Trying to catch her breath, “Whoa, Mr. Rogers! You take my breath away. Is all of this for me?”
“Of course doll. Nothing’s too good for’ya.”
Steve pulled out her seat. “Why thank you kind sir.” He proceeded to serve her and sit down.
It was now or never. “Um doll?” In between bites, “Yes baby?” Swallowing hard, “How would’ya feel about Peanut going to day care?”
Laying her fork on the table and narrowing her grey eyes, “So, is this why you’re buttering me up?” Asha’s tone sound accusatory.
“Naw love. You deserve this. See, Peanut said she didn’t have any friends a-”
Brows furrowed, Asha inquired, “What? She said that?”
“Yeah. Becca wanted me to play and I had reports to do. It broke my heart.”
This is an all too familiar feeling Asha knows well. The last thing she wanted was Becca being a loner. She craved interaction with kids her age.
“Alright love,” Asha affirmed.
Kissing her hand, “We’ll do it tomorrow. Right now though, finish your dinner ‘cuz there’s a bubble bath waiting for ya. Afterwards, some mommy and daddy time.”
Asha quirked her eyebrow. “Mmmm sounds devine. You, my love, are just what the doctor ordered. I love you Steve.”
Pushing back from the table, Steve scooped Asha from the chair, carried her bridal style to the bedroom, gently kicking the door shut.
Asha, Steve and Becca attended open house at Stark Daycare Center. You could see the wonder in Becca’s eyes as she looked at bright tables, chairs, bookshelves, letters around the walls, pictures of animals. And the best part, there were other 3 year olds.
The class and parents were in awe of Captain America. Trying to deflect the attention from himself, Steve pulled Asha to his side, “I think Peanut’s gonna be just fine.” Turning her head, Asha wiped a tear from her face. “Where did time go babe?. Our baby’s in day care.”
Mrs. Nasserman, one of the instructors, asked the kids their names. When Becca’s turn came, she proudly stated, “Webecca Wogers. I’m fwree,” she said holding up 2 fingers on her left hand and 1 on her right.Steve and Asha beamed with pride.
For the next hour, while parents milled about looking over the room, the kids sang songs, played on the iPads and also snacks were served.
Running to her parents, Becca announced, “Mommy, daddy we ate fwoot and say ABC.”
Asha asked her baby girl to recite the alphabets. “‘Kay. ABCCGFGKLOP.” Steve thought it was the cutest thing ever. He even made a video to send to the team. Asha and Becca clapped.
“Yay Webecca big gurl,” Becca’s toothy grin spread from ear to ear.
In that moment, Steve and Asha knew daycare would was beneficial to Becca’s growth. Interacting with kids her age means she won’t be alone.
Tangled together on the sofa, Steve mused, “I’m so happy Becca’s going to daycare.” Gazing into his eyes, Asha whispered, “So am I. And just think, this time next year, she’ll have someone to play with at home.”
Steve’s eyes bulged. “D-d-doll are ya joking?” “No Mr. Rogers. I’m 8 weeks. I didn’t say anything because I wanted to be certain. SURPRISE!” Wiping his eyes, the overjoyed super soldier leaned in and kissed his wife. “You and Becca are my world. Now, there’s another Peanut on the way. Gosh doll, m’so happy.” “So am I sweetheart.”
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abyssmalice · 3 years
(fwoot pops the ask meme) // Closed!
🍇: how would my muse describe their childhood?  how much has it impacted the person they are now,  or will become as an adult?  around what age did they or will they start to mature,  and why?  do they wish to go back to their days as a child, or have they embraced adulthood?
Quiet mornings softened by the snow. Ceramic mugs of hot cider that burned her fingers. Patchwork quilts made of scratchy wool and embroidered with roses. Petty arguments that ran circles around the dinner table and were forgotten just as unceremoniously. And there was laughter, of so many shades - loud and infectious and rumbling and quiet and squeaky and mischievous and giddy and it was love. It was all love.
Tonia remembers her childhood as warm, full of affection, full of things near and dear no matter what the thing in question was. Absence, be it of people or things, makes the heart fonder after all.
And that warmth—in this dark place, it’s so easy to forget it, to lose it, to never have it in the first place.
She was only fourteen when it was ripped away from her - love and life and any chance at a normalcy that she can only distantly dream of now. The Abyss enjoys ruining everything, it seems.
(A part of her, grieving for a bygone childhood, hoards the memories - locks it deep in her heart, makes sure it remains unblemished, a pristine comfort. No other love can be accepted, for what if, what if, the love in her heart becomes displaced and she forgets the warmth of her siblings hugging her, the warmth in her mother’s eyes as she consoled her, her father’s rough hand patting her head. Even now, so far into the future, this present—a part of her is too scared to love, not again. Love is so easy to lose.)
Knowing how unkind the world can be, there is no path to walk but forward. She doesn’t have a choice in that regard. Her heart is not on offer though, rarely is, never will be - but she can afford a listening ear and a merciful hand of some sort. It’s not quite love as she knows it but it’s close enough—and to some, who have never known its shape, it might be the best and only thing to give nonetheless.
(One day, though - she will offer her heart, and she will finally surrender the remains of her childhood to the past, to lay that innocent and oblivious girl to rest.)
0 notes
Becca Goes To Preschool
Summary: Rebecca Charlene Rogers, a happy chubby cheeked toddler, loved spending time with her parents, Steve and Asha. Also, her ‘Nana.’ Outside of adults, she rarely had interaction with kids her age outside of the park playground.
Steve and Asha have a decision to make…..to daycare or not to daycare; that is the question.
Word Count: 1,289
Warnings: None
A/N: The second installment in “Steve and Asha Rogers.” Thank you so much for reading.
Growing up as an only child has its advantages and drawbacks. Rebecca Charlene Rogers longed for a playmate. Sure, Steve, Asha and her grandmother were fine, but they weren’t always available.
Skipping into the kitchen, Becca fluttered her long lashes at Steve. “Daddy, I wanna pway wif house wif you.”
Folding his newspaper, her understanding father chuckled, “Peanut, daddy’s reading. Not right now. Maybe later?”
With a dejected expression, Becca sulked. “‘kay daddy. Bye.” Now, if there’s one thing Steven Grant Rogers can’t stand, it’s seeing his baby girl sad.
“C’mere sweetheart.” Reaching her little arms up, Steve lifted Becca in his lap. “I know’ya want daddy to play with ya and I will.”
“Awwight. I go pway wif toys in my woom.” By now, Becca’s beautiful eyes were glossed with unshed tears.
At that moment, Steve realized how lonely Becca was. She longed to interact with toddlers her age. The experience would be beneficial not only for her, but Asha and Steve as well.
“Peanut, tell ya what. Mommy and I will talk about you going to daycare.”
Confused, Becca asked, “Daddy, whut day cawr?”
“Well honey, at daycare, you meet other kids your age, learn your ABC’s, colors, shapes and listen to the teacher read. It’s really fun. Would you like that?’
“Uh huh. Tank you daddy. I wuv you.” Becca placed a kiss on his firm thigh and ran to her room.
Speaking to her stuffed ‘friends’, Becca announced, “I going to day cawr and pway wif fwiends.
Bye for now.” She went down the line, kissing each bear and saying, “I wuv allllll my fwiends.”
Stark Industries boasts the best day care center in the world. Why? Because Edward Anthony Stark performed a stringent vetting for all employees; teachers, cafeteria cooks and servers, custodians and security! Steve knew Becca would be safe, but he knew Asha would avoid the idea like a plague.
Fretting, Steve rubbed the back of his neck, giving a mental pep talk to himself. “Okay Rogers. You can do this.” At that moment a light bulb appeared over his head. Jazz, candles, and a bubble bath. Can’t forget flowers.
First, Steve ordered 2 dozen assorted flowers; 12 confetti mums and 12 stemmed Gerbera daisies.
Next, feeding and bathing Becca. That wasn’t a problem because his baby girl loved spaghetti and meat sauce. Yes, it was messy but Steve was prepared. After dinner, she watched Frozen for the umpteenth time.
He pan seared a couple T-bone steaks, roasted garlic potatoes, salad and rolls. For dessert,  chocolate mousse with whipped cream. Asha favored Riesling wine, so her attentive husband chilled a bottle, along with a 2 wine glasses.
Asha called and said she’d be home around 7 p.m. That was perfect timing for Steve. Looking at the clock he saw that it was 6:55 p.m.
As fate would have it, the case assigned to Asha demanded more of her time than previously thought. This was a blessing, more than a curse. More time to finish putting the final touches on ‘Operation Romance.’.
Checking on his daughter, Steve found Becca sound asleep on the sofa cuddling her Iron Man bear. Pulling the phone from his shorts, Steve snapped the precious moment, sharing it with Tony and Asha.
Tony, in return, typed a snide comment……….
See Capsicle, even Becca loves me more than her old man. #UncleTonyRocks
After putting Peanut to bed, around 8:15 p.m., Steve heard the familiar sound of keys and heels.
Asha’s curiosity peaked, as she saw the gentle flicker of candles. “Babe, what’s going on?”
Standing before her was Steve, wearing a black Under Armour t-shirt, grey sweats and a huge smile.
“Welcome home Mrs. Rogers. I missed you.” Steve held her close to his chest, laying a hot kiss on her lips.
Trying to catch her breath, “Whoa, Mr. Rogers! You take my breath away. Is all of this for me?”
“Of course doll. Nothing’s too good for’ya.”
Steve pulled out her seat. “Why thank you kind sir.” He proceeded to serve her and sit down.
It was now or never. “Um doll?” In between bites, “Yes baby?” Swallowing hard, “How would’ya feel about Peanut going to day care?”
Laying her fork on the table and narrowing her grey eyes, “So, is this why you’re buttering me up?” Asha’s tone sound accusatory.
“Naw love. You deserve this. See, Peanut said she didn’t have any friends a-”
Brows furrowed, Asha inquired, “What? She said that?”
“Yeah. Becca wanted me to play and I had reports to do. It broke my heart.”
This is an all too familiar feeling Asha knows well. The last thing she wanted was Becca being a loner. She craved interaction with kids her age.
“Alright love,” Asha affirmed.
Kissing her hand, “We’ll do it tomorrow. Right now though, finish your dinner ‘cuz there’s a bubble bath waiting for ya. Afterwards, some mommy and daddy time.”
Asha quirked her eyebrow. “Mmmm sounds devine. You, my love, are just what the doctor ordered. I love you Steve.”
Pushing back from the table, Steve scooped Asha from the chair, carried her bridal style to the bedroom, gently kicking the door shut.
Asha, Steve and Becca attended open house at Stark Daycare Center. You could see the wonder in Becca’s eyes as she looked at bright tables, chairs, bookshelves, letters around the walls, pictures of animals. And the best part, there were other 3 year olds.
The class and parents were in awe of Captain America. Trying to deflect the attention from himself, Steve pulled Asha to his side, “I think Peanut’s gonna be just fine.” Turning her head, Asha wiped a tear from her face. “Where did time go babe?. Our baby’s in day care.”
Mrs. Nasserman, one of the instructors, asked the kids their names. When Becca’s turn came, she proudly stated, “Webecca Wogers. I’m fwree,” she said holding up 2 fingers on her left hand and 1 on her right.Steve and Asha beamed with pride.
For the next hour, while parents milled about looking over the room, the kids sang songs, played on the iPads and also snacks were served.
Running to her parents, Becca announced, “Mommy, daddy we ate fwoot and say ABC.”
Asha asked her baby girl to recite the alphabets. “‘Kay. ABCCGFGKLOP.” Steve thought it was the cutest thing ever. He even made a video to send to the team. Asha and Becca clapped.
“Yay Webecca big gurl,” Becca’s toothy grin spread from ear to ear.
In that moment, Steve and Asha knew daycare would was beneficial to Becca’s growth. Interacting with kids her age means she won’t be alone.
Tangled together on the sofa, Steve mused, “I’m so happy Peanut’s going to daycare.” Gazing into his eyes, Asha whispered, “So am I. And just think, this time next year, she’ll have someone to play with at home.”
Steve’s eyes bulged. “D-d-doll are ya joking?” “No Mr. Rogers. I’m 8 weeks. I didn’t say anything because I wanted to be certain. SURPRISE!” Wiping his eyes, the overjoyed super soldier leaned in and kissed his wife. “You and Becca are my world. Now, there’s another Peanut on the way. Gosh doll, m’so happy.” “So am I sweetheart.”
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“Little One”
Summary: Rebecca Charlene Rogers, a happy chubby cheeked toddler, loved spending time with her parents, Steve and Asha. Also, her ‘Nana.’ Outside of adults, she rarely had interaction with kids her age outside of the park playground.
Steve and Asha have a decision to make…..to daycare or not to daycare; that is the question.
Word Count: 1,289
Pairing: Steve Rogers x PoC Asha Rogers    OFC: Rebecca Rogers
Warnings: None
Growing up as an only child has its advantages and drawbacks. Rebecca Charlene Rogers longed for a playmate. Sure, Steve, Asha and her grandmother were fine, but they weren’t always available.
Skipping into the kitchen, Becca fluttered her long lashes at Steve. “Daddy, I wanna pway wif house wif you.”
Folding his newspaper, her understanding father chuckled, “Peanut, daddy’s reading. Not right now. Maybe later?”
With a dejected expression, Becca sulked. “‘kay daddy. Bye.” Now, if there’s one thing Steven Grant Rogers can’t stand, it’s seeing his baby girl sad.
“C’mere sweetheart.” Reaching her little arms up, Steve lifted Becca in his lap. “I know’ya want daddy to play with ya and I will.”
“Awwight. I go pway wif toys in my woom.” By now, Becca’s beautiful eyes were glossed with unshed tears.
At that moment, Steve realized how lonely Becca was. She longed to interact with toddlers her age. The experience would be beneficial not only for her, but Asha and Steve as well.
“Peanut, tell ya what. Mommy and I will talk about you going to daycare.”
Confused, Becca asked, “Daddy, whut day cawr?”
“Well honey, at daycare, you meet other kids your age, learn your ABC’s, colors, shapes and listen to the teacher read. It’s really fun. Would you like that?’
“Uh huh. Tank you daddy. I wuv you.” Becca placed a kiss on his firm thigh and ran to her room.
Speaking to her stuffed ‘friends’, Becca announced, “I going to day cawr and pway wif fwiends.
Bye for now.” She went down the line, kissing each bear and saying, “I wuv allllll my fwiends.”
Stark Industries boasts the best day care center in the world. Why? Because Edward Anthony Stark performed a stringent vetting for all employees; teachers, cafeteria cooks and servers, custodians and security! Steve knew Becca would be safe, but he knew Asha would avoid the idea like a plague.
Mumbling to himself, “Doll’s a little down in the dumps.” Snapping his fingers, Steve planned a romantic night. Jazz, candles, and a bubble bath. Can’t forget flowers.
First, Steve ordered 2 dozen assorted flowers; 12 confetti mums and 12 stemmed Gerbera daisies.
Next, feeding and bathing Becca. That wasn’t a problem because his baby girl loved spaghetti and meat sauce. Yes, it was messy but Steve was prepared. After dinner, she watched Frozen for the umpteenth time.
He pan seared a couple T-bone steaks, roasted garlic potatoes, salad and rolls. For dessert,  chocolate mousse with whipped cream. Asha favored Riesling wine, so her attentive husband chilled a bottle, along with a 2 wine glasses.
Asha called and said she’d be home around 7 p.m. That was perfect timing for Steve. Looking at the clock he saw that it was 6:55 p.m.
As fate would have it, the case assigned to Asha demanded more of her time than previously thought. This was a blessing, more than a curse. More time to finish putting the final touches on ‘Operation Romance.’.
Checking on his daughter, Steve found Becca sound asleep on the sofa cuddling her Iron Man bear. Pulling the phone from his shorts, Steve snapped the precious moment, sharing it with Tony and Asha.
Tony, in return, typed a snide comment……….
See Capsicle, even Becca loves me more than her old man. #UncleTonyRocks
After putting Peanut to bed, around 8:15 p.m., Steve heard the familiar sound of keys and heels.
Asha’s curiosity peaked, as she saw the gentle flicker of candles. “Babe, what’s going on?”
Standing before her was Steve, wearing a black Under Armour t-shirt, grey sweats and a huge smile.
“Welcome home Mrs. Rogers. I missed you.” Steve held her close to his chest, laying a hot kiss on her lips.
Trying to catch her breath, “Whoa, Mr. Rogers! You take my breath away. Is all of this for me?”
“Of course doll. Nothing’s too good for’ya.”
Steve pulled out her seat. “Why thank you kind sir.” He proceeded to serve her and sit down.
It was now or never. “Um doll?” In between bites, “Yes baby?” Swallowing hard, “How would’ya feel about Peanut going to day care?”
Laying her fork on the table and narrowing her grey eyes, “So, is this why you’re buttering me up?” Asha’s tone sound accusatory.
“Naw love. You deserve this. See, Peanut said she didn’t have any friends a-”
Brows furrowed, Asha inquired, “What? She said that?”
“Yeah. Becca wanted me to play and I had reports to do. It broke my heart.”
This is an all too familiar feeling Asha knows well. The last thing she wanted was Becca being a loner. She craved interaction with kids her age.
“Alright love,” Asha affirmed.
Kissing her hand, “We’ll do it tomorrow. Right now though, finish your dinner ‘cuz there’s a bubble bath waiting for ya. Afterwards, some mommy and daddy time.”
Asha quirked her eyebrow. “Mmmm sounds devine. You, my love, are just what the doctor ordered. I love you Steve.”
Pushing back from the table, Steve scooped Asha from the chair, carried her bridal style to the bedroom, gently kicking the door shut.
Asha, Steve and Becca attended open house at Stark Daycare Center. You could see the wonder in Becca’s eyes as she looked at bright tables, chairs, bookshelves, letters around the walls, pictures of animals. And the best part, there were other 3 year olds.
The class and parents were in awe of Captain America. Trying to deflect the attention from himself, Steve pulled Asha to his side, “I think Peanut’s gonna be just fine.” Turning her head, Asha wiped a tear from her face. “Where did time go babe?. Our baby’s
Mrs. Nasserman, one of the instructors, asked the kids their names. When Becca’s turn came, she proudly stated, “Webecca Wogers. I’m fwree,” she said holding up 2 fingers on her left hand and 1 on her right.Steve and Asha beamed with pride.
For the next hour, while parents milled about looking over the room, the kids sang songs, played on the iPads and also snacks were served.
Running to her parents, Becca announced, “Mommy, daddy we ate fwoot and say ABC.”
Asha asked her baby girl to recite the alphabets. “‘Kay. ABCCGFGKLOP.” Steve thought it was the cutest thing ever. He even made a video to send to the team. Asha and Becca clapped.
“Yay Webecca big gurl,” Becca’s toothy grin spread from ear to ear.
In that moment, Steve and Asha knew daycare would was beneficial to Becca’s growth. Interacting with kids her age meant she wouldn’t grow up without friends.
Tangled together on the sofa, Steve mused, “I’m so happy Peanut’s going to daycare.” Gazing into his eyes, Asha whispered, “So am I. And just think, this time next year, she’ll have someone to play with at home.”
Steve’s eyes bulged. “D-d-doll are ya joking?” “No Mr. Rogers. I’m 12 weeks. I didn’t say anything because I wanted to be certain everything was okay with the baby.. SURPRISE!” Wiping his eyes, the overjoyed super soldier leaned in and kissed his wife. “You and Becca are my world. Now, there’s another Peanut on the way. Gosh doll, m’so happy.” “So am I sweetheart.”
TAGS: @omalleysgirl22 @bolontiku @rebelslicious @ @jrubalcaba    @sgtjamesbuchananbarnes107th @love2rhyme @buckybabybaby @irene-rogue-adler @rda1989 @justareader @erisjade@caplanbuckybarnes @reniescarlett @katiej98 @katykyll @e-g-b-o-k @shy2shot @debzybrazy @eve1978 @arabellaaurorabarnes @wintersmiless-blog @this-kitty-has-claws @gingerbatchwife @goodnightwife@pegasusdragontiger @the-witching-hours12-3 @jurassicbarnes @mcuimxgine @supersoldierslover @ek823 @nerdyandproud9
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