#life hack! YouTube shorts recipes have been saving my life
shironi-pepperoni · 2 years
Some fruit should be hot!! 🍓♨️
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inquisitive-june · 2 years
Separatist Swaps: Home Cook Youtubers
This week’s theme from @radblrthemeweeks is  Separatist Swaps (suggesting equivalent female artists/musicians/creators/etc to support as well as or instead of men)
I’ll admit I don’t read or watch TV much, but I do watch a lot of YouTube.  I added some of my favorite channels to this post in the past (X).  This will be an expanded list in no particular order.
Initially, I wanted to compare each channel to a similar male-led one, but I opted to just summarize what I think is unique about each one.
Food and Cooking
Note: I prefer vegan/plant based cooking, so I’ll specify which of these channels are exclusively vegan.
Cheap Lazy Vegan (V) Rose makes a lot of Korean food, but the ingredients are pretty easy to find at a regular grocery store.  Many of her videos feature high protein, nutritious meals that can be ready in 20 minutes or less.  I’ve also found her recipes to be shockingly simple without getting boring.
Rainbow Plant Life (V) Nisha is one of my favorite youtubers.  Her recipes are a bit more involved that Rose’s, but I’ve made several of them myself so they’re still approachable for a home cook.  Her recipes are primarily American or Indian inspired with advice for meal prep and saving time.
Pick Up Limes (V)  Sadia is a nutritionist, so her recipes tend to be wholesome and nutritious.  However, she still has a lot of recipes for comfort food and desserts.  I don’t make her recipes as often, but her videos are enjoyable.
Sierra Ann  I like her easy “recipes” (more like meal ideas), but she sometimes posts about fashion as well.  Her content is more akin to a vlog than concrete recipes or cooking tips, so I find myself watching her YT shorts more than her longform content.
Lisa Nguyen  I’ve only ever seen her YT shorts so idk if she makes longer videos or not.  She does instant ramen challenges where she tries different brands or ramen hacks.
Morgan Drinks Coffee  Morgan releases a mix of recipes and other content like appliance and coffee reviews.  She has a lot of advice for people just getting into coffee or those who want some fresh ideas.
Inga Lam  When I made the other post she was still working for Buzzfeed, but she recently decided to focus on her own channel.  I’m not sure what she has planned but she’s very creative and ambitious.
How to Cook That  Ann Reardon mostly makes baking videos, but I prefer her debunking videos.  She seems to have shifted more toward debunking dangerous videos in general, not just food related videos.
June Xie from Delish  June makes long videos creating a week’s worth of meals, often on a budget.  My main complaint about her content is that some of the food she makes is either not for everybody or uses ingredients that aren’t readily accessible, like produce from specialty shops.  However, that also means her recipes tend to be unique and interesting.  Her boyfriend also comes off as kinda rude, but he’s only there when they’re tasting the food.
Beryl Shereshewsky  People from around the world submit ways they eat a particular food, like instant ramen or onions, and Beryl makes and reviews them.  These videos are helpful when I feel stuck in a routine and want to see ingredients from a different perspective.
Alix Traeger  Alix used to work for Tasty, but now she makes content on her own channel with her girlfriend Zoya.  Zoya is Persian, so it’s been fun watching Alix try to master Persian dishes.
Here are some others I saw in my Watch Later list that I don’t watch often or haven’t seen yet.
Mina Rome (Cooking)
Doobydobap (Cooking)
Flo Lum (Cooking)
Sarah’s Vegan Kitchen (Cooking)
Sweet Simple Vegan (Cooking)
Julia Pacheco (Cooking)
Feelgoodfoodie (Cooking)
Anne of all trades (DIY)
The busy brown angel (Gardening)
Gardening and Homesteading
Girl in the Woods  I just found her channel last week, but it was too interesting to leave out.  Usually I don’t like homesteading YouTubers because they focus on the aesthetics, but I’ve actually learned a lot about off-grid living just from watching a few of her videos.
HannahLeeDuggan  She bought a property with a run-down cabin a few years back.  Before that, she was living in a van and selling handmade clothes online.  I can’t say I’ve learned much about van life or homesteading from her videos, but I haven’t given her a fair chance yet.  Last I checked, she was planning on documenting the process of fixing up and weather-proofing her cabin.
Learn Something
Answers in Progress  This channel is run by three people, two of which are women.  They answer random questions with a surprising amount of research and interviews with professionals.
The Take The Take claims to be “ the leading female-led entertainment analysis channel on TV, Movies & Pop-Culture”
Cheyenne Lin  Cheyenne focuses on feminist analysis and film analysis through a feminist lens.
Jessica Chou  She isn’t active anymore but she has some basic videos on car maintenance.
Micarah Tewers Micarah sews a combination of beautiful and insane clothes.  I’ve never tried to recreate any of her patterns but she’s so entertaining to watch.  She made fake eyelashes out of her dog’s hair and that’s not even the craziest thing she’s done on her channel.
Since this is intended to be a discussion, I’m also including a list of channels I’d like to find that are usually male dominated.
Game News and Lore I like watching lore videos for games like the Fallout series, RDR2, and TES.  So far, the only female gamers I’ve seen on YT are overly sexualized and don’t make the content I’m looking for.
Food Science There are a few channels that break down food science like Adam Ragusea and Kenji Lopez-Alt.  The closest female equivalent is How to Cook That, but it’s not quite what I’m looking for and she primarily posts baking videos.
I’ve been watching a lot of Ethan Chlebowski’s videos lately because he makes meal formulas and focuses on high protein meals.  If anyone knows who I’m talking about, I’d love to see female-run channels that make similar content.
Gardening and Homesteading  I want channels that actually teach me something new and don’t focus on pseudoscience or religion.
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dlsocp · 2 years
Before We Start...
I am not related to or affiliated with the show Sister Wives, Kody Brown, any of his 18 children, 3 former wives, 1 current wife, anyone he may be courting currently, anyone he may have courted in the past, or TLC. Truth be told I haven’t even seen every single episode--though I have seen most of them and I doooo watch a ton of reality tv gossip on Youtube and I totally follow these people on social media. It’s my guilty pleasure. If you’re here, it’s because you relate. Everything you will read outside of this post will be a figment of my overactive imagination, and is meant purely for fun. In this case yes I’ll be using names of REAL people who DEFINITLY exist, but for all intents and purposes in this they will be characters. I will draw inspiration from the show, from Youtube videos, social media posts, gossip magazines, and website achieves (because once it’s on the internet, it’s always on the internet.)
I can not stress enough that none of this is to be taken as fact!!!! I hope this will all be taken with a grain of salt, as good fun. I can’t think of another family with kids who grew up on camera under unusual circumstances who have as adults not had a major scandal, and I don’t see it happening either. Like, none of these kids are drug addicts, or getting arrested or murdering anyone!!! The odds were against them, man, but they all seem like respectable and loved members of their communities. That’s commendable af.
I’ve been making fun of reality TV since survivor came out when I was 8 years old. Later on when I was closer to 16, my mom and I would go shopping and do accents pretending to be Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn....analyzing my outfit options as if we were critiquing them to see if they could make it to the final round. And before you say it, yes, my mom IS that great!
I have me a fancy Bachelor of Arts degree in Media & Communication Arts from Pace University. That degree had writing enhanced courses, a ton of journalism courses, writing seminars, and that’s always been my jam! I can express myself through written word so much better than speaking out loud, and I’ve always written. I was the kid who said “YESSSS!” when the teacher announced that the test would be nothing but essay questions.
I can argue any point in writing, even points I don’t agree with. I can go anywhere, and I’m not limited to things like gravity, money, time, the weather, or the laws of physics! I’ve always been drawn to writing, and have used writing to cope with whatever was going on at that time. Starting with writing short stories about flushing the school bully down the toilet, to a screen play about exacting revenge after I’d had my trust broken, to get my final credits for my bachelors degree.
It was only recently I realized I could put the two together. I’m not aware of any Sister Wives Fanfics, and I was recently commenting on a video by RealiTeaSquad when it hit me that I had a great idea for a totally non-sexual silly fanfiction. I’ll try to watch my language so many ages can enjoy this, but I swear like a sailor, so I make no promises.
I am also hoping to work on a few other projects:
Sausage Queen: A Royal Spicy Italian Sausage with super powers who saves the day in her underwear, pretty self explanatory
The Chonky Princess: An over-weight princess with an endocrine disorder doesn’t let her weight keep her from keeping up with the other princesses at princess boarding school. 
Low-Budget Laura: A Blog with tips for low-budget livin’! You know, ballin’ on a budget! Where to shop, coupons, deals, life hacks, recipes, “jazzin it up”, crafts, and more!
Hopefully I’ll be able to get enough of those done to start being able to link to them soon! And I’ll be starting to work on chapter one and publishing it soon! I’m really excited about this, and if anyone ever wants to contribute ideas or art work or whatever I’m so into it! Eventually I’d like to do a dramatic reading with different voices for different characters in a youtube video. Just bare with me as all of this will be done in my spare time and I do have a 41 year old man-child to care for and 2 dogs and of course a whole life--I mean who am I kidding I have no life lol!!! but I’m just throwing it out there I will try to release at least one chapter a week and keep it flowing regularly, but clearly providing for my loved ones will always come first as it should for you as well!
Anywho, make good choices and I’ll be publishing Chapter 1 soon!!! Stay tuned!!!
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kwsuji · 2 years
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HELLO FRIENDS I AM SUPER HYPE TO BE HERE. let me introduce to you my baby noh suji, also known as hannah noh, also known as hannahyes on youtube and on tiktok! she’s a decently popular youtuber (just short of 1mil subs!) and has a decent following on tiktok as well. her about page is here and i don’t have a plots page but i will Attempt to get one up maybe
i’ll put some info up about her under the cut but PLS LIKE THIS TO PLOT!!! i would Like to keep my plotting through tumblr ims bc i get very mixed up outside of them hahaha
basic/bg info vague alcohol tw
she’s from seongnam, south korea which is just outside of seoul 
her family is middle-class, a bit closer to the upper side but not much
she was raised an only child but she had one cousin who was her age that she’s still close to to this day
her parents were happy together and she thought they had the perfect relationship
around middle school, her dad was going through Some Shit and turned to alcohol and she watched her parents’ “Perfect Relationship” go completely down the drain and they struggled for a while through that
it took a few years but her dad eventually made it through that but her image of her Perfect Parents was completely ruined
eventually during high school, they ended up telling her that they were going through an amicable divorce and stuff
this kind of ruins her ideas on romance in general, but she finds that her parents ended up just staying friends and she saw them both quite a lot (not together until around her graduation but having them both in her life was a big thing for her)
she starts at kyungwon as a communications major because her youtube channel (see next part) is slowly starting to gain traction and she decides that if she should probably have a backup career in case her youtube doesn’t take off but it’s good enough for some pocket money/cash to save up with
she does one semester at kyungwon and then does one year abroad in canada at the university of british columbia
which is coincidentally where she meets jinwoo and long story short—they’ve been dating for almost 1.5 years now
she’s been back for about a year now, finishing her 5th semester
she’s also in the dance club and has been since she started at kyungwon
about her!
so she’s really good at being a fake extrovert despite being introverted
like she likes talking to people and making new friends but ultimately she’s happy to just be at home in bed in her pajamas scrolling tiktok tbh
but she’ll talk to anyone! she’s self-proclaimed “good at smalltalk” but mun isn’t so pls don’t make me thread it 
generally has good friends????
she’s in the dance club and that’s literally it but she’s been there for a few years now and always enjoys it and is likely friends with everyone there
about her youtube channel/tiktok
she’s basically a mix of rachhloveslife (specifically this) and joanday (with things like this)
aka she tests recipes and different hacks and random things she found on tiktok as well as does random vlogs
she started her channel when she started high school, mostly because she was going through a somewhat turbulent time and wanted to record it for herself
she started with vlogs and she also wanted to practice english since her mom is a gyopo and she had learned it since she was young
she does a lot of vlogs like this where she just spoke english the whole day, usually walking around hongdae or itaewon
she gained a following because she had a video where she went to a kpop group’s fanmeeting go viral and also another video of her speaking english
she also vlogged a lot in english when she was in canada
now that she’s back she’s mostly doing the testing videos, but she still vlogs when she’s 1) bored or 2) going to interesting places
her tiktok account is mostly just her doing dance challenges
and sometimes pranking jinwoo with her friends
but she’s 1) pretty and 2) good at dancing so she has a decent amount of followers on there too
she doesn’t promote either account on the other but if anyone knows her from one or the other she’s happy
idk how this got so long sdkjfgkjdhsf
plot ideas
y’all knew this was coming but anyone who’s watched her youtube videos LOL
exes 👁️ (pre-dec 2020)
honestly she’s not a bad student but she tends to do the “i’m working on my career” and her career is ... the youtube channel so anyone who doesn’t really think that’s a real career is welcome to give her their two cents tbh
dance buddies!! dance is definitely a stress reliever for her so anyone who wants to join her 
wow this was supposed to be bare minimum and i didn’t even get there
uhhh probably friends in general
canada friends????
friends she made by walking up to them while they were speaking english and suji going “hi can i practice my english with you” LMAO
tbh i’m better at brainstorming so let’s brainstorm
if u read all this ily
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