shironi-pepperoni · 2 years
Some fruit should be hot!! 🍓♨️
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euclydya · 1 year
mman e-chem & drama r missing out
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drdtfuitgumies · 2 months
season 2 summary: june 2024
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this summary is mainly for my personal documentation (i like documenting stuff), but i thought i'd post this in the blog too just in case anyone else was interested!
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i absolutely did not expect xander and j tying for first place, both appearing five times for june 2024. i should've seen this coming since i tried to even out the character distribution whenever possible; hence second and third places also being ties. very, very large ties.
arei was in jail for most of the month, but she still manages to appear twice regardless. good for her!
PERSONAL FAVORITES (in chronological order)
1) J and Nico at autism heaven (real-life Pokemon Center)
what else do you expect out of Me, who learnt literacy from replaying Pokemon Soul Silver and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky over and over? i assure, for the ten other people that read this, that i will put everyone to autism heaven eventually. (also, "autism heaven" is referencing a tiktok. it's a good phrase)
2) Charles in comical amounts of swimwear
i just think he looks very silly. it is warranted, but still very silly. i wonder if the drdt cast could get out of a beach episode without any casualties... also, when this first came in the inbox, i was so tempted to break schedule and do it immediately. there will be some more prompts that scratch the itch in my braincell
3) Ace is finally tall (with the assistance of Levi)
he's finally tall! the one time he looks actually happy...!! i also mention this one here because i'd like to acknowledge a funny little thing i've been doing; making nico's slippers emote. you'll be seeing it more often when nico themselves pop up more often!
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sometimes i think of adding punchlines in the situations, or fix errors after i've put them in the queue, but forget to actually. do them.
i probably could've blended whit into strawberry milkshake and proudly shouldered the blame, but i just didn't consider the possibility then
ace was missing his front hairstrands while he was eating mint (see other ace posts to compare). i actually never realized this until i finally got around to making this post
when i started this blog, i really, reallyyyyy wanted the 39th post (featuring world-class icon Hatsune Miku) to be a vocaloid mv redraw / reference, but i realized pretty quickly i wouldn't be able to take it seriously. at least i drew miku gumy!
mai's debut was supposed to be something like... her watching despair time prologue episode 1 (possibly on monotv's screen or sitting next to monotv). haunting the narrative or something.
i didn't mention levi being relatively difficult to draw so i will for this month's summary. i keep thinking that "it's kinda like xander but also not really", which continues to become my downfall. xander is still one of the easier ones to draw too... ack
me putting arei in jail actually made me forget how to draw her for a hot second
the singular miro canvas i use for every single fuit gumy in this blog has gotten large enough that it occasionally lags when my internet isn't being stellar. i'll show it in the next summary since it'll become even larger by then!
when do you guys think arei will finish stealing at least one thing from everyone else. your answers may or may not influence me
once again, thank you so much for your support! every comment you make amuses me. :>
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recapqsmp · 1 year
Vendredi 15/09 - L'examen final des 12 petits œufs
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Fit s'est rendu compte que la moustache de Ramon a disparu de son lit. Il s'est entretenu avec Tubbo (rejoint en même temps par Philza) qui leur a expliqué tout ce qui s'est passé la veille : le rendez-vous avec Fred, la roulette, les objets des œufs.. Tubbo leur a aussi expliqué l'existence d'un 8eme œuf : A1. Le groupe est allé voir Forever pour essayer de le réveiller de son coma, sans succès. Fit a expliqué à Philza que le code l'avait averti de quelque chose en lui donnant une horloge, et les deux ont théorisé sur le fait que le code voudrait peut-être protéger les œufs, ou les habitants des œufs, qui seraient le danger de l'île. Fit et Philza ont conclus que même si les œufs étaient des robots ou des IA, ils essaieraient tout de même de les protéger.
Le serveur a fêté l'indépendance du mexique ! Les joueurs ont pu se rendre dans une reproduction de "la cathédrale métropolitaine de l'Assomption de la Bienheureuse Vierge Marie au Ciel de Mexico", se sont (pour la plupart) habillé spécialement pour cette fête, ont dansé et appris des traditions mexicaines. Pour l'occasion, les capybaras et Firusflais (le corgi de Roier) étaient présents à la soirée. Foolish en a profité pour montrer le village des capybaras à Mouse, Jaiden et Lenay. Les joueurs se sont ensuite rendu au QG de l'Ordo pour faire le point sur tous les évènements passés. Foolish a gagné au pile ou face le droit de voler les médicaments s'il arrive a s'introduire dans le coffre-fort de l'Ordo. Certains joueurs ont ensuite organisé une after à la "hot girls beach" de Mouse en attendant la fin du compte à rebours du labyrinthe.
Lorsque le compte à rebours touchait à sa fin, les joueurs se sont rendus au labyrinthe pour découvrir ce qui les attendaient. Un mur s'est ouvert et les joueurs se sont frayés un chemin à travers une horde de monstres en suivant des cafards pour atteindre une salle en quartz avec un coffre au milieu. Ce coffre contenait 3 dessins d'œufs perdus dans un labyrinthe, et un livre racontant la tâche finale des 12 oeufs entrainés à être exceptionnels. Dans ce livre, la plupart des oeufs étaient mort dévorés par des monstres, et seul 2 survivaient, mais étaient encore piégés dans le labyrinthe.
Les joueurs ont aussi trouvé un ascenseur caché dans cette salle, menant à un gros bouton rouge, et un livre. En appuyant sur le bouton, une conversation s'est déroulée sous les yeux des joueurs, parlant de la fuite des œufs, du lien avec des anomalies expliquant pourquoi ils ne reviennent pas, et qu'ils se tiendront à jour sur le canal principal. Le livre expliquait que ce canal principal n'est accessible qu'à des employés de longue date, via leur mots de passe personnels. En continuant a explorer le labyrinthe, les joueurs sont retombés sur la salle avec la roulette, mais cette fois-ci, il n'y avait plus qu'une chose au centre de la pièce : la bouée de Chayanne. Les joueurs ne trouvant plus rien dans le labyrinthe, on conclu qu'ils auraient des réponses à leurs questions pendant l'évènement d'arrivée de Bagi demain.
Philza a trouvé un livre chez lui décrivant l'histoire d'un corbeau ayant raté l'opportunité de voir ses enfants avant qu'ils ne partent. Ce livre contenait des coordonnées, Philza a donc décidé de s'y rendre, pensant que ses oeufs l'attendaient peut-être là bas. Au point de rendez-vous, Philza a trouvé un genre de perchoir géant, avec beaucoup de colibris et de fleurs. Dans le bâtiment se trouvait un coffre, avec la bouée de Chayanne et le bonnet de Tallulah posés à côté. Philza a ouvert le coffre et trouvé un livre contenant un message : Une cage pour une cage. Paniqué, il s'est retourné, Cucurucho l'attendait derrière lui. Il lui a ri au visage, a vérouillé la porte depuis l'extérieur et a enfermé le bâtiment dans de la cobblestone, piégeant Philza à l'intérieur.
Foolish et Jaiden se sont mis en tête de voler les médicaments dans le coffre-fort de l'Ordo. Ils ont eu l'idée d'utiliser un des monstres des 7 pêchés capitaux capable de casser des blocs, et après une bonne heure de travail, ont réussi a s'introduire dans le coffre-fort, volé les malettes de médicaments, pris des photos de Foolish tenant les malettes dans les mains, et ont refermé le coffre-fort comme si rien ne s'était passé. Foolish et Jaiden souhaitent dissimuler des indices pour indiquer à Cellbit que le coffre-fort a été volé.
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lacesconfidences · 28 days
Inondations sous la couette…
Ce dimanche matin là, changement de programme🙂 Face à face et nus comme à notre habitude, nous nous sommes embrassés pour nous dire bonjour. Puis elle a entrepris mes couilles ce qui m'a immédiatement fait bander. Elle m'a glissé ''ce matin tu te laisses faire, j'ai envie de frotter mon clito sur ton gros clito. Mais attention ! Je t'interdit de me le mettre, même si je te le demande. Et tu attends que je te le dise et que je me recule pour cracher ton jus, je ne veux pas risquer d'attraper un môme !'' J'avais la queue raide et dure comme un os. Elle l'a prise, elle l'a forcée à l'horizontal, ce qui m'a fait un peu mal et elle l'a glissé entre ses cuisses puis elle a écarté ses lèvres, pour éviter, m'a t'elle dit que cela ne tire ses poils. Ensuite elle a plaqué son ventre contre le mien. La sensation sur ma bite était délicieuse. C'était chaud, doux et humide j'étais au paradis 🥰 Puis elle a commencé ses petits coups de reins comme elle faisait sur ma cuisse. J'avais envie de la prendre !!! A m'en mordre les lèvres ! Je savourais les merveilleuses caresses de sa chatte sur mon gland et sur ma queue. Je m'excitais du petit bruit humide que faisaient ses mouvements 🍆🍆🍆 c'était comme si nous faisions l'amour 😍😋❤️ Puis elle a accéléré, elle a émis de petits gémissements et j'ai senti ses cuisses serrer ma queue presque à l'écraser. Je ne sais pas si elle a lâché de la cyprine ou un petit pipi de plaisir mais ma bite était trempée. Et moi qui me suis retenu, retenu, retenu à me faire mal aux couilles, à ce moment là, dans attendre qu'elle se recule, j'ai lâché de grands jets de sperme qui n'en finissaient plus. C'est bien simple, j'avais l'impression de pisser 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦 Vu notre position et le fait que nous étions collés, je ne pense pas qu'elle en ai reçu dans la chatte. Mais … Elle avait les fesses dégoulinantes, les cuisses trempées ainsi que ma queue. Et surtout le lit ! Il avait pris cher ! Nous étions dans une petite flaque de nos sécrétions et j'avais craché du sperme plein les draps 🥴🥴🥴 Elle s'est tout de suite levée et s'est inspectée l'entrejambe pour voir si je ne l'avais pas arrosée. Cela avait l'air d'aller. Elle s'est essuyée avec sa culotte en frottant bien entre ses lèvres et elle est allée pisser dans notre seau de chambre. C'était la première fois que nous avions une telle inondation. Il fallait changer les draps et surtout le justifier… Alors je m'y suis collé. Je suis allé trouver notre mère discrètement et je lui ai dit ''maman je ne comprends pas, ce matin en me réveillant mon lit était tout trempé…'' Elle m'a répondu '' Ce n'est pas grave mon grand, tu sais a ton âge, tous les garçons ont des fois des fuites nocturnes. C'est normal, c'est parce que tu deviens un homme !'' La pauvre, si elle savait le nombre de giclées de sperme elle avait déjà passé en machine avec nos culottes !
Flooding under the duvet…
That Sunday morning, change of program 🙂 Face to face and naked as usual, we kissed to say hello. Then she started on my balls which immediately made me hard. She whispered to me "this morning you let yourself go, I want to rub my clit on your big clit. But be careful! I forbid you to put it in me, even if I ask you to. And you wait until I tell you and I move back to spit your juice, I don't want to risk catching a kid!" My cock was stiff and hard as a bone. She took it, she forced it horizontally, which hurt me a little and she slid it between her thighs then she spread her lips, to avoid, she told me, that it would pull her hair. Then she pressed her belly against mine. The feeling on my cock was delicious. It was hot, soft and wet I was in heaven 🥰 Then she started her little thrusts like she did on my thigh. I wanted to take her!!! To bite my lips! I savored the wonderful caresses of her pussy on my glans and on my cock. I was excited by the little wet noise her movements made 🍆🍆🍆 it was like we were making love 😍😋❤️ Then she accelerated, she emitted little moans and I felt her thighs squeeze my cock almost to crush it. I don't know if she released cyprine or a little pee of pleasure but my cock was soaked. And I who held back, held back, held back to hurt my balls, at that moment, without waiting for her to move back, I released big jets of sperm that never ended. It's quite simple, I felt like I was peeing 💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦 Given our position and the fact that we were stuck together, I don't think she got any sperm in her pussy. But… Her butt was dripping, her thighs were soaking wet, as was my cock. And especially the bed! It had taken a beating! We were in a small puddle of our secretions and I had spat sperm all over the sheets 🥴🥴🥴 She immediately got up and inspected her crotch to see if I had seed her. It seemed okay. She wiped herself with her panties, rubbing it well between her lips, and she went to pee in our bedroom bucket. It was the first time we had such a flood. The sheets had to be changed and above all justified…
So I did it. I went to find our mother discreetly and I told her "Mom I don't understand, this morning when I woke up my bed was soaked…" She answered me "It's not serious my big boy, you know at your age, all boys sometimes have nocturnal leaks. It's normal, it's because you're becoming a man!" Poor thing, if she knew the number of spurts of sperm she would have already put it in the washing machine with our panties !
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volumina-vetustiora · 9 months
I did an English translation of Poem 104 from Book 11 of Martial's Epigrams. I think it's quite good
it is however rather NSFW (like, smuttily so) and therefore may be found under the cut
"Dear Wife" Martial 11.104
Honey, it's my way or the highway: I'm not Curius, Numa, or Tatius. I like nights that stretch into drinking and fun: You’ve had your water, you get mopey and can't wait to leave. You want the dark: I like to play in full view of the lamp And let its rays illuminate my form. Cloths and clothes and modest robes cover you: But a girl can’t get nude enough for me. I adore hot steamy kisses: You give me the kind you’d give your grandma in the morning. You don't deem the deed worthy of moving, or help out by moaning Or fingering yourself; you fuck like you're preparing wine and incense: Trojan servants used to start wanking outside the door Every time Andromache sat on Hector’s cock and rode him, And even while Ulysses snored, faithful Penelope used to Always have her hand on her sweet spot. You won't let me fuck you in the arse: Cornelia let Gracchus, Julia let Pompey, and didn't Portia let you, too, Brutus? Before that particular attendant started mixing sweet wine for him It was Juno who let Jupiter Ganymede her! If you want respectability, you can be Lucretia all day: at night I want Lais.
Uxor, vade foras aut moribus utere nostris: non sum ego nec Curius nec Numa nec Tatius. Me jucunda juvant tractae per pocula noctes: tu properas pota surgere tristis aqua. Tu tenebris gaudes: me ludere teste lucerna et juvat admissa rumpere luce latus. Fascia te tunicaeque obscuraque pallia celant: at mihi nulla satis nuda puella jacet. basia me capiunt blandas imitata columbas: tu mihi das aviae qualia mane soles. Nec motu dignaris opus nec voce juvare nec digitis, tamquam tura merumque pares: masturbabantur Phrygii post ostia servi, Hectoreo quotiens sederat uxor equo, et quamvis Ithaco stertente pudica solebat illic Penelope semper habere manum. Pedicare negas: dabat hoc Cornelia Graccho, Julia Pompeio, Porcia, Brute, tibi; dulcia Dardanio nondum miscente ministro pocula Juno fuit pro Ganymede Jovi. Si te delectat gravitas, Lucretia toto sis licet usque die: Laida nocte volo.
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southofeerie · 2 years
A Modern Episode of the West Wing: quod genus rationis fuit?
A plot: Josh and a republican senator are ratio-ing each other on twitter with hot political takedowns (this is solved by talking it out in person).
B plot: toby and sam are trying to draft a new bill about paying teachers livable wages, this is solved with the help of josh’s republican frenemy (bipartisanship <3 <3 <3)
C plot: leo encourages the president to commit a war crime, the president has to deal with his catholicism again
D plot: cj cregg has to deal with ao3 fics that have worryingly on point details about the whitehouse staff. Charlie is roped into this.
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motsimages · 1 year
Things you can drink/take to help you stay hydrated that are not just water
Water is the healthiest, easiest and cheapest way to stay hydrated. But for some people it is difficult or impossible. Sometimes it's also just boring and you don't. Sometimes it's not enough to recover from being dehydrated. So here are other ideas to stay hydrated when it's hot, ordered from more water-like to less water-lik:
Make "flavoury water" (as I call it): some tea-shops sell dry fruits and flowers with no theine/caffeine that give taste to water. You can also cut some lemon in slices and put it in water (mint optional). Feel free to try with your own dry fruits or average fruits, see what comes out of that. This feels more refreshing that plain water and the taste sometimes is just what you were missing unknowingly.
The same but hot. Yes, it feels like hot weather drives hot drinks away, but sometimes they are a gift from the gods. I will mention here: soups. I particularly like this option at night.
Kompot. This is a Russian conserve for fruits that consists on boiling fruit with sugar so that it lasts for winter. You get a drink with all the flavour and, if you like, you can also eat the fuit that is left floating inside of it. I either mix the fruit with the water (taking the seed off) or throw the fruit away because I don't like it. It is my favourite summer drink.
Sodas and other classical refreshments. It is always best to drink something that to not drink anything, don't let anyone tell you that Coca-Cola is not an option. Do keep in mind that Aquarius is not necessarily a good option for electrolytes, it's more an average refreshment than real help in case of severe dehydration.
Jelly. Particularly good if you struggle to swallow for whatever the reason. Excellent option also because you can suspend fruit in it (if you like extra textures). You can make it thicker or ligther too, in case you feel like chewing water more than slurping it.
Slushies. Specially good if you like the crunch of the ice.
Milkshakes and smoothies. They are technically different and the texture can be different too, but in my head they live together. So yeah, fruit mixed together with water or milk. Probably smoothies hydrate more than milkshakes but options!
Cold soups. Gazpacho, vichysoisse... (any other soup/puré you make that want to try cold). They have a thicker consistency than any of the other, but they have a lot of water and vegetables (which also have water). Particularly good if you struggle with pure liquids or require more nutrients than just drinking water with flavour.
Ice creams? I guess you can count them too, they do have liquid, and we included milkshakes. Probably not the best option for hydration but complementary to others.
Fruit and vegetables. They tend to have a lot of water too, some more than others, but it's also a good way to have nutrients and stay hydrated. You can make salads, fruit salads, just bite it...
Overall, a combination of all of the above should keep you covered. Remember to play around with ingredients, textures and flavours too.
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pampulonad · 1 year
also.. yesterday I spent 4. hours hard (/gender neutral) as fuuuuuuc b/c I ate ice cream + applesauce + fiber gummies + multiple glasses of water + fuit gummi (later in) and it made my belly SO. FUCKING. BIG AND ROOOOUND HOLY SHIT I FELT SO SO SO SEXY,,, I took SOOOOO many pictures of myself in tight clothes, different angles and some mirror pics, and I took some like progression photos ? and I am o b s e s s e d with swiping through them and seeing my belly bloat up bigger and bigger and oh my godddd. my belly was just fucking BULGING and felt sooo HEAVY and FULL and in the pics you can see the band of my lower belly puff up bigger and bigger and,,
hHHH I fucking groped and fondled and grabbed at my teenie littl belly roll and hips and thighs and ass for HOURS and I felt so fucking hot holy shittt I am actually in love with my own body bro I cannot lie ;; I've been trying passively lol to put a little weight on for the past few years, since (a) processing that I was underweight and (b) accepting that I am more attracted to big squishy bodies, b/c I realized I wanted a bigger squishier body
but yeah my tummy is still so so smol but I love it SOOOOOOOOO SO MUCH and I kept moaning that I have the sexiest tummy alive and moaning about my yummy roll(s) and squish and @~@"""""""" moaning that I'm so in love with my body as I made love to it and !!!!!! 🏳️‍⚧️ pleasure and self-intimacy (emotional and physical and sexual and mental and textual and medical and) ftw-
oghF and I haven't even gotten to how sloshy i was,, and later on that band of my lower belly got sooo gurgly~ and I recorded its grumbles and t-o-u-c-h-e-d-m-y-s-e-l-f to the playback and nngh..
and yeah this all took place over 5-6 hours @_@""
mMphhhhhhfUCK I am HORNIEE all over again for how fucking full I felt and how fucking sexy I was and the audio I captured and holy fuckkk I forgor to mention I recorded myself c-u-m-m-i-n-g for the first time (have never captured that before) and it is m e s m e r i z i n g ,, ? ?? I've never actually seen or heard what I'm like when I c-u-m and umhh.. to put it simply itttt VALIDATES the data is collected for 4 hours leading up to it so to summarize the results: in conclusion i am SOOOOOOOOO fucking sexyy,,,, I literally g-o-t off AGAIN to the video of me c-u-m-m-i-n-g in which I ram my fingers into my stomach to make my belly slosh all heavy and =@~@=""" in sync with myself just 30 minutes after..
but umhhh yea I wanted to share,,,, @~@""" I am still thinking about it and sweating profusely-
,.. ps I had some post c-o-i-t-a-l dysphoria afterward that I just distracted from eventually, but y'all got any advice or resources for handling that post-nut clarity? for me i know it's goin to involve some self acceptance, this is my kink and this is what I g-e-t-o-f-f to... i did some soothing affirmative self-talk that it's okay this is what I like and it's okay for me to love myself like this but. yeah if you or anyone has some words of wisdom I'd. take them
~ 💚💛
being comfortable with and loving your body? we love that here. i can confidently say that even with my intense voice dysphoria i still really find myself flushing hard at audios of myself when i jack off.
it’s poetic in a way to know how you sound during such an intimate moment because once you’re able to think and hear it for yourself, it feels so. idk? sexy???? mesmerizing as you put it
also for the last part: if you’re talking like “oh god i got off to this thing” i mostly just go “what the hell. everyone’s got weird shit they get off to and it ain’t right to be shaming others so why shame myself? bit of a double standard buddy” and then move on to whatever i want to do.
i don’t really bathe in the afterglow because my brain is quick to get distracted. the best i can say for handling it is that you are your own worst critic… just fuck yourself safely LOL
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stinkyhyena9000 · 2 years
Would you be able to do a ship bingo for Harry the Hypnotist and Darius please?
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You are literally the bestest ever for requesting this ship tysm!!!!! I love this ship. Both chaotic idiots who don't know how to cook but sure as hell like to make Cheetos Flamin' Hot Flavor Mac'n Cheese for only $1.24 and energy drinks. Darius also argues that fuit gummies are healthy because it's fruit. He is wrong. Also did i mention they are roommates? All they know is McDonalds, charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual, eat hot chip and lie.
Also let's not forget they're opposite colors, because that only makes them super pretty. Also Harry definitely knows how to play bass. i can't explain why, he just does.
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euclydya · 1 year
everyone in every roster has fuckin. Tropes or whatever they Have to fill in some way even if it makes no sense for their source self like. ok we always gotta have a Manic/ADHD One [Electrochem & HL]. We always need a Psychosis One, or Multiple [Inland, Drama, Encyclo, pretty much the entire Intellect group ironically enough]. We need a Dude Who's Got SOME Semblance Of Common Sense, even if it's just Sometimes [Volition, Composure].
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cherishedteddie · 1 year
Just woke up from a strange dream. I went to a grocery store with my mother, and saw that the Knorr brand alfredo pouches were on sale. (I heard somewhere you can’t read in dreams, but im always able to disgjnuish text, soo? In the dream it was acty called Stoll but it was in the same style lettering. My brain rebranded it under a new name LOL.) Anyways, we ended up coming again a second time but the pasta mix was MIA. I suppose it sold out. I ended upgetting a bag od flamin’ hot cheetos, but for some reason, the cheetos were BIG and buff and there was only like 4 in the bag from what l could tell. (Interesting how most chip bags no longer have a transparent window area to peer into huh…)
Anyways, dream logic relocated us to some unfamiliar space and I was having a whole dilemma over gumy snacks. It is gently gross and bizzare, but for reasons unknown, any gummy candy I ate would like basicallt coat the entire inside of my mouth. So i basically had to spoon it out. I no longer wish to consume fuit gumny.
posted 3 years ago on February 10, 2020
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mytastytakes · 1 year
Cafe Revelille
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Cafe Reveille, located on 1998 Polk st —although they have three total locations in San Francisco— serves a delicious, but pricey acai bowl and Iced Matcha Latte. The bitterness of the Matcha jumps at you and paired well with oat milk. Iced, or hot, you will not be disappointed with the $5. Although, you can taste the real matcha-y flavor from the hot matcha latte versus the iced matcha latte.
The $14 acai bowl on the other hand is one of a kind. The freshness of the fruit adds to the crunchiness of the smooth acai. However, the best part for me is the sweet crunchy homemade granola. From the oats to the coconut shavings to the yellow turmeric colored freeze dried honeycomb like bits to the bitter cocoa nibs, it goes extremely well with the sweet and tart acai base. Though it is a little expensive, considering acai is fuit, this bowl will not disappoint and is extremely refreshing. The bowl is also pretty big, so it can definitely fill you up.
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beatlesonline-blog · 2 years
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fishlune · 2 years
what i ate today:
- hot chicken - fuit gummy
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ecrasonslinfame · 4 years
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Pas d’eau courante Life.
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