frecklystars · 2 months
im sorry I just need to let this out for a second
This is normal after an attempt but I’m so fucking numb all the time. And what’s worse is I don’t have anyone in my family who cares if something happens to me. My dad treats a suicide attempt like it is no big deal or it’s rly an inconvenience, like he had to make a 10 minute drive to the hospital when he would rather be banging some new girl he meets with every other day
I feel weird because I don’t want to tell my friends what I did bc like. How do you bring that up. “Hi Keri how are you” “oh I’m hanging in there I tried to kill myself July 21st and I would have died if my dad didn’t find me and now I’m dealing with the weight of failure and I’m severely depressed and I can’t bring myself to self ship bc im so numb all the time. How are you!”
I really wish somebody could hug me and tell me things are gonna be ok. I wanted to invite some friends over but I can’t bc my dad! is! constantly fucking somebody! and like. I am just so numb and sad all the time. I had to pull over while driving earlier bc I was crying so hard and I couldn’t calm down. I want to at least rely on my f/os. My whole life I’ve relied on f/os when real people could not care about me. I always felt so safe and loved with my f/os. That shit was robbed from me and I am just sitting here without any outlet other than planning how I can hurt myself again when my dad goes out of town. I hate living like this I’m so fucking sick of living like this. I really wish I died. I am so tired all the time. It’s so hard I wish I could put into words how crippling it is to live with not only physical disabilities but also ptsd and cptsd and being paranoid that I can’t trust any of my friends. I miss my f/os. I really fuckign miss having them to lean on. When I made my attempts on my life in 2022 I still had Starscream. I got thru this pain because I could think of him. Now I am trying os hard to think of Ken but I keep thinkgin he’d just be so scared of me. He’d be scared of the blood. I hthink he’d be really sick of dealing with my ptsd every day. I don’t even feel love for him right now I just feel so numb like nothign can possibly get better for me I’ve been fighting so damn hard for almost two years now and I’ve been fighting depression since I was 7 years old and I’ve been doing it completely by myself bci don’t have a family that would care if anytiitn happened to me
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wulvert · 1 year
i cant even lie to u bald avery has become such a problem 4 me (/POS!!!!) i was doing one of my semifrequent rereads of paperteeth i do when i need a grasp on how 2 write their characters again nd i got whiplash seeing normal avery. my ass is NOT ready 2 perceive her usual form again on thursday (if ur updating that is!! pls do not feel pressured,,,)
do u perchance have any spare lore about avery (that isnt in blatant spoiler territory ofc),,,i dotn have any specific questions 2 help but i miss her. avtually i lied ive thought of one (1)
does she. does she paint her claws black or are they just Like That. the mental image of avery potentially just sitting there with a bottle of vantablack nail polish casually painting fuckign. CLAWS is so funny 2 me
I cant stop balding her its a problem like i think she needs to be baldified at some point bc i need her to exist in that form officially. ( i will i definitely wanna try stick to updating these next few weeks, bc of reasons )
avery lore.... im still pretty bad at thinking of things 2 mention unless asked direct questions but here are some extremely mundane things:
she can drive but she doesnt have a car. thats really boring. uh. lore. avery facts. all of her cutlery is silver, all her knives are silver, pretty much anything metal she owns is silver, same goes for her entire family so interacting with them, ever is gonna be a pain. (avery adopts gloves pretty quickly 2 be able to touch silver. and not get got by it (scarlet also does this quite often, u can see her wearing gloves in her introduction)) she doesnt have her ears pierced and now cant, because itd close up / reject immediately. (doesnt have them pierced bc she was always nervous about people ripping them out but more importantly just wouldnt be interested in wearing earrings) these are all really mundane facts. alive she was pretty neurotic about staying healthy (not bc she cares abt it for the sake of her wellbeing just parental influence 2 b perfect form 4 vampire murder always as long as possible) but she drinks a little more than she'd like to admit. (alcohol, not blood, though she drinks more blood than she'd like to admit, too. I guess. which isnt very much) is a little insecure about her nose crinkle when its pointed out but doesnt think about it outside of that. wears tall shoes so she can feel taller 2 the detriment of her ankles. works out exclusively from home refuses to do so in public spaces. she doesnt have much basic knowledge of subjects outside of tha supernatural... shes a little out of touch with non vampire hunter life, forgets most people actually dont think about vampires very much. after being forced to watch tv or movies she wont admit whether or not she likes something until the person she watched it with shares their opinion and she will lie accordingly (otherwise embarrassed) likes to be taken care of but wont let anyone take care of her becasue as you can see, shes LIKE THAT. modern day 2023 despite being much less pathetic, avery still tosses and turns all night (day) and scarlet has to put some weird asmr roleplay you're a worm and im making you a terrarium to thrive in (whispered) 3+ hour long youtube video in front of her to get any sleep. scarlet would totally make asmr actually. she'd make you're a wooden spork that i'm carving (DIY asmr, soft spoken). averys favourite blood type is A, not bc a for avery just because it tastes better to her. she doesnt know that in canon though. shes very intense about taking agnes to the vet whenever she does anything weird, shes always fine though and avery just gets got with vet bills. she found her in the bin. bin cat. meow. did i say that before? i think mightve sorry if that isnt fresh lore. avery & scarlet miss being warm it rly sucks being cold all the time. like. obviously. but like damn. that must suck, I hate being cold.
anyway I could go on.
the claws r naturally black but tbh she should paint them different colours 2 cope with the despair. theyre so inconvenient. she needs some kinda positive association with them. she has to custom order gloves to cover them up, cant just buy normal gloves bc the claws just. go through. they need to have a little point for her claws like little finger scabbards (she doesnt have claws on her feet but her toenails r also black 2 match. no reason other than i think itd look weird if they didnt. no intention of drawing her without socks on though so it doesnt matter-thats some lore.... other lore, the discoloured hands (like the greyness in some drawings i've posted) is a thing on its own aside from the claws, and does go away, but the claws are permanent. i think i said that though.
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necrofuturism · 7 years
shit i missed blood drive on wednesday
what was i even doing on wednesday
i was probably zoned out on star trek or smth
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yandere-society · 5 years
can i request a yandere jimin that’s so dependent on the reader that when she goes to work and he stays home (because he’s out of work/works at home), he literally destroys himself and ends up going to her work looking like he was mauled by a bear (not literally but i hope you get the point). it’s totally fine if you don’t do it!!! — 🐹
Labor of Love
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word count: 1.7k
author/admin: kimseokmomjins🥀
a/n: this contains extremely graphic depictions of self-harm and mentions of suicide, please read at your own discretion 
The violent vibrations of your cellphone caused you to awake with a startle. You scrambled to silence your phone, knowing Jimin was not fond of his sleep being interrupted by nuisances, but hesitated when you saw your superior’s name illuminating the screen.
Manager Kim never called you, always electing to communicate through e-mail, so his call was a surprise to you, to say the least. Something must’ve gone wrong with the latest project. Carefully sliding out of the sheets so as to not wake Jimin, you scuttled away to your adjoining bathroom and accepted the call. Manager Kim gave you no room to speak, immediately cutting to the chase the second you answered.
“You need to come in now. Our client received your design and he claims it’s not what he asked for. Now the bastard wants something bigger, flashier, and done in 3 hours.” You cupped your hand around the receiver, keeping your voice hushed. “Namjoon, you know I can’t, I have—” 
“Y/N,” he pleaded, “Please. I let you work from home seven days a week, I keep our correspondence solely through e-mail. I don’t ask questions about your lifestyle. I’m only asking you to help just this once.” His desperation pulled at your heartstrings, reminding you a lot of a certain someone. Inhaling, you shut your eyes tightly and acquiesced. “Fine, Namjoon. I’ll come in, but only for an hour or two.” You could practically hear the tension in his voice dissipate as he thanked you for your cooperation. “I knew I could count on you! I’ll see you soon, be prepared for a shitstorm.” Manager Kim ended the call abruptly, leaving you to contemplate your next decision.
There was no way Jimin would let you go into work, much less on such short notice. Some would call him controlling, or even downright insane, but to you, he was just a man with an extremely unhealthy inferiority complex. Jimin was someone who loved fiercely, passionately, but never believed people could reciprocate those same feelings towards him. Not even you, his wife of 3 years, who loved him more than life itself—who held him in her arms after every breakdown, every relapse. 
But being the sole breadwinner of the household meant you had to make the difficult choice: either go to the office or get fired. Either way, you either risked potentially losing Jimin, or losing your house, the car and health insurance. Neither was ideal, but lately, Jimin had been in high spirits. His old scars had finally begun to heal, meaning he hadn’t cut himself in at least three weeks. Maybe he was capable of staying home alone for a few hours. 
You looked at your phone’s digital clock. 6:58 a.m. Jimin seldom got up before noon, so you figured if you left now while he was asleep, you could make it back before he woke up. You rushed to make yourself presentable, trying to take as little time as possible, while also being as quiet as you could. Sneaking back into the bedroom, you knelt down on Jimin’s side of the bed and brushed the hair out of his face. Pressing your lips to his forehead, you gave him a tender kiss, hoping it wouldn’t be your last. “Minnie, baby,” you murmured so as to not stir him. He hummed in response, still deep in REM sleep, but slightly conscious. You continued, “I need to run to the office, okay? I’ll be back soon. I love you.” Jimin mumbled something incoherent and curled into his pillow, looking absolutely serene. 
Collecting your purse, you head past the kitchen, your eyes catching sight of the knife block that sat on the marble countertop. Fearing Jimin might potentially spiral and relapse, you carried the heavy block to the hall closet and hid it behind a stack of quilts, hoping Jimin wouldn’t be desperate enough to tear apart the closet. With a determined nod of your head, you set off to work, saying your silent prayers that everything would be okay.
When Namjoon said work would be a shitstorm, he wasn’t exaggerating. Your client, a semi-famous rapper by the name of Agust D, whatever the hell that meant, decided that he didn’t like his promotional advertisements. Three days before his comeback. You were able to get the redesign done, but not without him hovering over your back and micromanaging every minuscule detail, down to the smallest pixel. After hours of edits, you finally had a moment to relax. 
Checking your phone, your eyes widened when you saw that it was currently one in the afternoon. What was even more alarming was that you had over 13 missed calls and 54 unread text messages from Jimin. Fearing the worst, you unlocked your phone and began skimming through his messages, a surge of adrenaline coursing through your veins.
[Minnie 8:21 a.m]: hey baby, where’d you go?
[Minnie 8:23 a.m]: baby?
[Minnie 8:25 a.m]: Y/N?
[Minnie 8:30 a.m]: hello?????
[Minnie 8:34 a.m]: whatever you’re doing isn’t funny baby. please respond.
Your thumb scrolled upwards, towards the newer messages. The more recent, the more incoherent and unstable Jimin’s texts became.
[Minnie 12:41 p.m]: i get hthat u dotn lovve me anymore and im soty for ebeingf stupoid and ugly and uselass im sorry for a being patheic 
[Minnie 12:41 p.m]: i’
[Minnie 12:41 p.m]: i’ll end it all fro u
By now, fat, hot tears were streaming down your face, dotting the screen of your phone. You eyed the last message you had received, an attachment sent at exactly 1 p.m. Sprinting out of the office without a single word to your superior or client, you frantically played the voice message Jimin had sent. His soft voice echoed in the corridor as you dashed down the stairs and towards the parking garage, filling your heart and mind with worry. 
‘Y/N, my love, my life, my everything,’ he began, his voice hoarse and cracking, likely from emotional duress.  ‘You’ve abandoned me, and I don’t blame you. I’m stupid, incompetent and a waste of space. You complete me, I am nothing without you. And now that you’ve left me, I have nothing else to live for.’  Fumbling around in your purse in search for your car keys, you finally found the object of your search and unlocked your car, hurriedly shoving the keys in the ignition and peeling out of the garage. You couldn’t bear listening to more of the voice message, instead choosing to dial Jimin with the assistance of your Bluetooth controls. Each one was immediately redirected to voicemail, but you persisted in the barrage of phone calls. 
What was no more than a 12-minute drive felt like millennia, your heart thumping so hard that you heard your pulse reverberating in your ears. You raced up the stairs of your unit, taking them two at a time, hoping that it wasn’t too late—pleading with any Higher, Holy beings to let Jimin be okay. Your hands trembled so furiously that it was nearly impossible to unlock your door until finally, you were somehow able to enter the threshold of your apartment. Greeted with nothing but an eerie silence, you began to fear the worst. 
Usually, when Jimin had a breakdown, he screamed and destroyed everything in sight, but all of your decor was exactly as how you’d left it in the morning. The only trace your husband’s presence was the shattered picture frame that lay discarded on the dining room table, a chunk of glass missing. Your eyes traced over the worn mahogany surface before they settled on speckles of blood. You scanned the perimeter, looking for any clues that could lead you to Jimin. Following the droplets, you were led to your balcony, which overlooked the Dongdaemun shopping district. The gentle purr of cars wafted through the ajar french doors, and perched on the balcony railing was a defeated, scarred Jimin. He hadn’t noticed you, at least, not yet. But you noticed him and his current state. Arms streaked with blood— staining his pajama shirt and boxers a light pink— legs dangling idly from the metal railing as if he wasn’t four stories above a busy street, ready to plummet to his death. He looked content, serene, even. 
“Jimin, sweetie,” you choked, words catching in your throat at the sight before you. “What are you—” Before you had time to finish your question, Jimin lept off the railing and threw himself at you and into your arms. Violent sobs wracked his body as he clung to you, like a lost child would to his mother. “I th-thought you had l-l-left m-me,” your husband hiccuped. His hold on you was vice-like, and his wounds were, without a doubt, staining your blouse. “Why did you leave me,” he half-shouted, half-pleaded. “I lost control because of you. I almost ended it all for you.”
You found yourself at a loss for words. You didn’t consider your absence would affect Jimin so profoundly— to the point where he thought suicide was the only way to cope. You almost lost him; almost lost the love of your life. And it was all because of your selfish impulsiveness. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, one hand toying with the baby hairs on the nape of his neck, knowing affection was the best way to calm him down. “Baby, I’m so sorry,” you cooed, tears pricking your eyes. “Please forgive me, I’m so, so sorry. I love you, okay? Don’t ever doubt my feelings for you.” Your husband looked at you with those big, brown eyes that shone so brightly, so innocently. The eyes you loved dearly. 
“Promise?” He asked, his grip around you tightening slightly. “I promise,” you replied with a bittersweet smile. You knew that this would be the turning point of your marriage— you could never trust Jimin to be alone, not even for a few hours. You’d have to sacrifice your freedom, your career, to ensure his safety. But it was worth it just to see him live another day.
“Now, let’s get you cleaned up, alright Minnie?” He nodded meekly, letting you lead him towards the washroom so you could tend to his wounds, just like always. 
Time and time again, you’d be there to repair Jimin when he broke down, disregarding the fact that you yourself were the one that was crumbling under all the stress. After all, loving Park Jimin was an arduous affair.
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xuxibelle · 6 years
Little White Lies 3
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Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Reader
Word count: 3,963
Warnings: Angst, violence, mentions of blood, swearing, Tom Holland, Holland Twins, Zendaya (mentioned as "Z")
Requested: No.
Summary: Y/N left with Tom and disappeared at the store. What happened to her? Do they find her? Is she okay? Is she even alive?
He turns around to hand the clerk th credit card and sign for the items while you walk over to the window to look outside. "Alright. I'm done here. You ready to go?" Tom says as he turns around. He doesn't see you at the window. "Y/N..." he calls your name. He looks around the store quickly before running outside and shouting your name. "Y/N!!"
"She's gone." Tom says angrily into the phone when someone answers.
"WHAT?" he hears Harrison shout on the other end. "What happened?"
"I don't know. We were standing at the register. I took out the card to pay and she walked to the window. I was signing and I put the card in my wallet. I asked her if she was ready to go and got no response," Tom explained. He heard a heavy sigh.
"Son of a..." he heard Harrison say before there was a crash in the background.
"I'm sorry," Tom tells him. "I should have..." Harrison cut him off before he could finish his sentence.
"No. It's not your fault. I should have done more," Harrison told him. "Any clues? Which store are you at?" Tom started looking around.
"Uhm... I'm at the store where we have the tab. I don't really see any... Wait... There's a matchbook. That wasn't there when I walked in." Tom says in a hurry.
"You're sure?" Harry asks, as Harrison had put him on speaker earlier.
"Positive. And it has her scent on it," Tom tells them.
"Logos? Phone numbers? Anything?" Sam asks.
"Yea... Adelaide's" Tom says quietly as the line goes silent. The guys at the house all look at each other. What did this mean?
"Fuck... Okay, well nothing you can do from there. Just come home and we'll figure it out," Harrison grumbled. Tom jumped in his car and sped home. Harry and Sam met him outside to help carry in what he had bought before they met in the living room. "What are we gonna do? We know it has to be the wolves." Harrison said as he looked at the guys.
"I can go talk to Destiny again," am offered. Harrison shook his head no.
"No. None of you are to go to that place alone, understood?" he commanded. They all nodded their head in agreeance.
"What about Z?" Tom suggested.
"What about her?" Harrison asked. Tom gave him a look that said he should know what Tom is talking about. "Please spell it out for me, I don't know what you're trying to say."
"She's a witch. Y/N is a human. She can do a locator spell..." Tom explained.
"Fucking hell... I've never loved you more in my life. Go get her... Please," Harrison said excitedly as he hugged Tom and shoved him towards the door. "Take someone with you!" Tom grabbed a couple of the guys in one of the spare rooms that weren't busy and had them go with him in case something happened. Luckily, this time nothing did. Tom made it back in record time.
"Z, good to see you," Harrison said as he walked over to hug her.
"You too, Haz. So what's up with this chick? Tom wouldn't tell me much," Z tells him making him laugh. Harrison nods to the living room where they all take their seats once again.
"Okay, so... I ran into her one day and since then I've felt drawn to her... like so drawn to her that I can't pull away, ...but she's human," Harrison tells her.
"And?" Z says flatly.
"Sam came up with the idea that she might be my Tuhinga... then Tom and Harry got on board with that idea thinking that I'm supposed to turn her and we're supposed to have Dhampir babies," Harrison continues. Z looks at him very unimpressed.
"Is this really why I'm here? To help you with your love life?" she asks, her voice laced with sarcasm. Harrison laughed as he brought his hand to the back of his neck and rubbed.
"Uhh... no. See, she's been kidnapped and we need you to find her," he told her.
"You know who took her?" she asked. Harrison nodded. "Who?"
"Damien Zayn," he admitted.
"Fuck me... Werewolf King, huh... and I bet he's trying to link her too... isn't he?" she asked.
"H-how did you know that?" Harrison asked as his eyes went wide.
"Felt a disturbance in my powers. Okay then, if all of this is true and she is your Tuhinga, we need to hurry. Sam, get my bag please. Let's get started," she tells them. "Clear out a space on the floor wide enough for a table." The guys move some furniture around in the living room to give her the space she needed. Z lays down a large white sheet in the middle of the space, arranging crystals in a grid all around it. "Do you have a map?" she asks. Z sits a candle at the 4 corners of the crystal grid and lights them. Harry runs to the library and grabs one of the maps he had just put in there the day before and hands it to her. "Perfect." She lays it in the center of the crystals. She reaches in her bag, pulling out a container of black dust that the guys don't recognize. She pours it in a pile in the center of the map before she closes her eyes. Holding her hands above the map, she begins to speak in a language the guys don't understand. The flames on the candle begin to rise as the dust starts to form a line.
"It's working," Harry whispered.
"Quiet," Tom whispered back as he nudged him. Z started chanting faster making the flames rise higher. Harrison's gaze never left the dust on the map, always watching where it went. As Z's chanting got as fast as it could, the flames burst high and went out with a spark making the guys jump back. When the lights were turned back on, Z had fallen to the floor. "Z, you alright?" Tom asked as he bent down to her.
"Yea, I'm good. Just one of the perks of the job," she joked with a smile. "There's your girl," she tells Harrison as she points to the map. The dust had made a circle around a spot on the map. Harrison stared at it as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. There was nothing out there... it was empty land... or was it?
"Thanks, Z. We owe you," Harrison told her as he hugged her again.
"Go get her," she smiled at him.
"Rest before you go, please," he told her. She gave him a nod. "Let's go guys." The four of them left to go where the map had shown them. "Fuck, there's nothing out here," Harrison says as he looks out the window. Harry's driving them down a dirt road in the direction the map said to go. Trees started passing their view more and more until they were in a forest. The land started rising up on the right to form a mountain.
"Stop!" Tom and Sam shout at the same time.
Go back," Sam tells Harry. He puts the Jeep in reverse until Sam tells him to stop. "There's a trail there. You can barely see it. We almost missed it. Has to be where she is." They all look at each other and nod. Harry turns the Jeep and continues up the new path slowly. This new road leads them to a dead end where they all let out a collective groan. They all climb out and look around for a minute.
"This is it," Tom says.
"How? It's a dead end," Harry tells him.
"I don't know. We need to look around. I smell her," Tom tells them as he starts searching frantically for a clue. They all spread out to look for some sort of sign to lead them to where Y/N is. "Here!" Tom says excitedly when he finds an entrance to a cave hidden behind some greenery.
"Okay guys... This is the beginning... Please be careful. I don't want any of us getting hurt. Let's just get her home, yea?" Harrison tells them before they walk into the cave. They walk down a long dark corridor for what feels like forever until it splits off into 3 paths. "Fuck... why can't anything ever be fucking easy?" Harrison curses under his breath. "Can you smell her?"
"Yea... she's fucking everywhere down here..." Tom sighs. "I guess we split up now," he tells them. They all hug before they go their separate ways in search of Y/N. Tom to the left, Sam & Harry in the middle and Harrison to the right.
"You won't get away with this, you know. They'll find me. And when they do... you'll pay," you nearly growl at the man that had you chained to the wall in the cave. It felt like you had been there for days or possibly even a week, but in reality you knew it had been only a few hours or so. And you knew Harrison, Tom and the others would find you, soon you hoped. The man across the room let out a loud laugh at your words.
"You think I care about your little friends, girlie? Runts. That's all they are. Gnats. Annoying fuckign cockroches that need to be exterminated," he spat at you as he stormed his way across the room, his face coming within an inch of yours by the end of his words, his breath making you gag. You think you hear a noise down the corridor but you can't be sure. You decide to keep him talking just in case.
"Yea? How are you gonna do that? There's so many of them" you tell him making him chuckle.
"Not after you're made Queen, dearie," he laughs as he takes a step back. "Once you're made Queen, Zayn will be Ruler of the entire supernatural kingdom. He's gonna wipe them all out and take over the planet," the man laughs as he rubs his hands together, giving you a creepy and disgusting smile. This time you know you heard something, but he did too. "What was that?"
"What was what?" you ask.
"I heard something in there," he tells you.
"I didn't," you tell him, trying to keep him with you. "Come talk to me some more."
"Why should I?" he asks as he takes a step towards the noise but turning his head towards you.
"Cause..." you start as you try to make your voice sound as seductive as you can. This man grosses you out, so you're gonna have to be one hell of an actress. "I-i like you," you tell him as you bite your lip.
"You like me?" he asks as his eyes narrowed into slits. You nod your head shyly as he begins to walk towards you. "Why should I believe you?"
"Cause I-i'm shy when it comes to things like that... a-and you've got me ch-chained to a wall... th-that's a little intense to b-be telling someone you like them..." you explain. You barely see movement in the doorway behind him but don't turn your attention to it so he doesn't realize. He begins to lean towards you and you close your eyes, acting like you're leaning into the kiss as you see Harrison walk through the door. You hear a crash and your eyes fly open to see the man thrown across the table in the room and whatever was on it is now on the floor.
"You came," you say as your eyes well up with tears. He doesn't have a chance to stop fighting but he does still talk to you.
"Of course, love. We wouldn't leave you here! The others are here as well, but I was hoping I would be the one to find you," he says as he shoots you a quick smile that makes your face flush before he returns to throwing punches with the wolf in front of him. Harrison suddenly shoves the wolf as hard as he can sending him into the hard cave wall before slumping against the floor. He ran over to you. "Are you alright?"
"Yea... I'm okay," you say as the tears start to spill over.
"Don't cry, love. I'm here," he tells you as he cups your face in his hands to wipe the tears away. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left you."
"No, it's okay. It's not your fault," you tell him, closing your eyes as you shake your head. You feel his hands jerk away from your face. Thinking he was mad at you for saying that, your eyes fly open to plead with him only to see that the wolf has woken and they are fighting again. You cringed every time the wolf would land a hit to any part of Harrison's body, but it didn't seem to phase him much. Finally, Harrison landed a punch that knocked the wolf back enough that they had some distance between them. It didn't give him enough time do do anything to change the situation but unfortunately, it did give the wolf enough room to gain more force to shove Harrison into the wall hard enough to make him lose focus and forget where he was for a while. Returning his attention to you, the wolf he stalks towards you scowling. He doesn't stop until you are nose to nose. He smiles as he leans into your neck, sinking his teeth into you as you let out a shriek.
"Haz!" you scream out as loud as you can with the man's teeth still attaching to your neck. You see his eyes fly open and search the room to find you. "Harrison," you call his name again as you feel yourself getting weaker. You swear you hear Harrison growl as he swiftly rises from his position on the floor and rips the man away from your body. You slowly slide down the wall as Harrison takes advantage of the man being in a weakened state, pulling a silver tipped dagger from the inside of his jacket and plunging it into his back just barely missing his heart. You hear an intense howl as the man drops in pain and you see him shift from man to wolf back to man and your eyes widen. It really was real... All of it... You weren't dreaming, or in some weird coma... You felt yourself falling into darkness. "Harrison...?" you call out weakly before you feel your body being lifted and sat on the table in the middle of the room. You felt him brush the hair out of your face and off of your neck as he examined the wound as he stands beside you.
"I don't think he went deep enough to get the venom in," he quietly says, but you weren't sure if he was talking to you or to himself. In the next second, you felt his hand come to your face and turn it to look at him. "I need you you listen to me," he tells you as he looks you in the eye. "In order to save you, I have to do something that is going to seem drastic to you. I don't want you to panic. This will not change you in any way. However, there is not enough time to get you to our hospital, so this is the only option we have, okay?" he explains to you as quickly but as thoroughly as he can so that he makes sure you understand and are okay with what he's doing. You nod your head at him. "I need you to try to speak. I need to hear you say it, Y/N."
"I understand," you whisper. He nods and you see him bring his wrist to his mouth and bite down making your eyes go wide. He held his wrist over your lips and let the blood spill out over your lips making you flinch at first.
"It's the only way, love. I'm so sorry to have to do this so soon, but it's the only way to save you right now... Please," he begs you. You keep your eyes on his as you open your lips and let the blood drip into your mouth. He lowers his wrist against your mouth as he nods his head at you. You flick your eyes down at his wrist leaning against your lips and back up at him before he gives you a small smile. He reaches down pulling one of your hands up to rest on his arm, holding his wrist against your mouth. Your free hand comes up on the other side instinctively as you begin to suck against his wrist. "There you go," he whispers as he bring his free hand up to brush against your forehead, resting it against the top of your head to help comfort you. His eyes watch yours as the blood flows easily from his wrist between your lips. "I'm so sorry," he whispers, his eyes never leaving yours, "I never should have left you." His eyes flick down to your neck to look at the wound and see it healing already. He moves his eyes back up to yours to make sure you're still comfortable. "Still okay, love?" You slightly nod your head and he gives you a small smile. Keeping an eye on the wound every so often, once it's almost healed completely he slightly pulls back at his wrist. "That's good, love. You're okay now. You're healed," he tells you.
"I-i'm healed...?" you stammer as you look up at him as he wipes the small drop of blood that escaped your lip away with his thumb. "This really is all real..." you say in shock making him laugh.
"Yes, Y/N. This is all real," he chuckles at you. "You can go look in that mirror if you want."
"But I could barely move, ...barely even breathe a second ago," you tell him.
"Try," he encourages you. You sit up on the table and look around at everything, taking in your surroundings. You notice how alive you feel... how energized... how... powerful almost. You hopped down off the table and looked up at Harrison in surprise making him chuckle.
"I shouldn't have been able to do that," you tell him as he shakes his head no.
"No, you shouldn't," he agrees with you.
"B-but I can..." you say.
"Yes..." he tells you with a smile as he watches you walk over to the mirror. He slowly walks behind you, watching you turn your head and look at your neck. You're looking for where the wolf bit you but you can't see any evidence being bitten anywhere. "What are you doing, love?"
"Looking for where I was bitten..." you tell him and he smiles. He raises a hand and points to a spot on your neck.
"Here," he tells you confidently.
"You're sure?" you ask.
"Absolutely. I watched it heal. I know where it was," he tells you.
"Wow... I'm... I just... whoa," you laugh.
"You ok?" he asks.
"Yea," you nod. "But this won't change me?" you ask.
"No, just drinking the blood doesn't change you. You have to die with the blood in your body to change. So now we have to be extra careful with you, which means you need to stay glued to my side until we find the others and we need to get out of here quick," he tells you. You still didn't understand why he was so against turning you. You weren't absolutely sure if you wanted him to turn you, if you wanted to be with him, or if you even liked him like that... You just didn't understand why it bothered him so much. You followed as closely as you could just like he told you to while you searched for the others. It wasn't long before you found the other three, thankfully without any other fights. You all made it back to the safe house in one piece and Harrison insisted that you shower and rest before doing anything else. "You are human after all. You need to recharge," he explained. He sat in the living room with the other three guys.
"So what happened?" Tom was the first to speak.
"They had her chained to a wall. Not sure if they were torturing her or what. She saw me come in and tried to distract him. Gave me a chance to sneak up. We fought. He knocked me good. Good enough that I didn't realize where I was until I heard her yell my name when he bit her neck..." he told them. They all let their mouths drop open a bit.
"Did he..." Sam started a question but didn't finish.
"No... His fangs didn't go deep enough, but I couldn't have been sure at the time. I didn't have enough time to be sure...," he explains as he watches all of their eyes go wide.
"So now we really have to watch her, huh?" Harry says as Harrison nods.
"That's why I have someone outside of her room," he tells them.
"I was wondering about that," Tom says.
"I had to give her the blood... We were in the middle of fucking nowhere a-and there was no time to get here to give her the antidote... I couldn't take that risk...." Harrison tells them as he looks at the floor and shakes his head, letting a tear slip past his eye.
"And you still don't think she's your Tuhinga?" Sam asked quietly. Harrison slowly raised his eyes to meet Sam's.
"After tonight... I can't deny it..." Harrison confesses.
"Finally," Harry lets out a heavy breath. "Pay up!" he says as he holds out his hand towards Tom. Harrison glares at them.
"You bet on this?" he asks.
"Yea," Harry laughs. "When we split up and you took off your way, I said you'd realize it today. Tom said you wouldn't give in yet." Harrison rolls his eyes as Tom gives Harry his money.
"This is a serious thing. This is someone's life!" Harrison says upset.
"Dude chill..." Harry tries to reason with him. "It's ok."
"But in all seriousness... Since you've accepted that she is in fact your Tuhinga... You've got to start thinking about when you're going to turn her. You need to discuss this with her..." Tom tells him. The room falls silent as Harrison looks to the floor again. He wished he didn't have to throw her in this mess, but if he didn't... he would be throwing her into the wolves den and that's an even bigger mess. "Because you know he's gonna try to link her again soon... And if you don't turn her, he'll be able to do it eventually. Then things really will turn to shit..." Tom reminds him.
"I know... I know..." Harrison tells him in a heavy sigh. "I just need some time, ok?" He stands up and walks to your room, telling the person at your door he would take over. He takes the chair just inside your door and sits there to watch over you. After a couple hours, you wake from your rest to see him sitting there and you jump. "Sorry," he laughs. "Didn't mean to scare you. We were taking shifts watching you. Because of the blood," he explains. You nod your head and smile at him. "Are you hungry?"
"Yea," you smile at him.
"Alright, let's get you something to eat. Then we can come back in here. There are some things we need to talk about," he tells you.
@nerdraging4point0 /  @sleepwalkingdragon  /  @sunshine112  /  @summernykole  /  @empressdreams / @justasmisunderstoodasloki / @bisexual-sk8r /
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wolf-skins · 7 years
millennial joel headcanons feat @fabulouslittlefox, part one:
wolf-skins sent a post other notable kid!mill... also this
fabulouslittlefox: GOD THANK YOU
wolf-skins you're welcome
fabulouslittlefox u think he listened to everybody by the backstreet boys? I'm feeling it....for some reason lmao
wolf-skins uh ofc he probably wanted to be in a boy band before he wanted to be just a singer
fabulouslittlefox CHRIST but did he have an emo phase ? for him I guess it'd be southern gothic 😂 (not really but I saw the opportunity and ran w it lmao)
wolf-skins lmaooo can u imagine a lil texan boy running around with thick black eyeliner and all-black clothes? i feel his emo phase would be more subtle if there was one
fabulouslittlefox YES he does acoustic covers of emo songs
wolf-skins yes
fabulouslittlefox also I bet that bitch was into rage comics
wolf-skins wears his hat low over his face while he does so + yes. yes he was so into the era of meme that* he thought that soulja boy era was annoying though
fabulouslittlefox god I wanna see fuckin Joel cover fuckin what a catch donnie on his goddamn guitar in a cowboy hat as he rides off into the sunset LMAO same
wolf-skins god yes i wanna see it too
fabulouslittlefox or fucking Evanescence God
wolf-skins YES YES OH MYGOD my immortal going under
fabulouslittlefox KGKSKFLXKSGKZMVMD fuckign Bring me to life
wolf-skins SOPT he probably went all for it in his covers like got SO into it
fabulouslittlefox I'm crying because I can see this happening
wolf-skins i know i know same do u think he put it up on youtube i kinda feel like he'd be a cover youtuber with a couple hundred subscribers
fabulouslittlefox um I think the fuck YES
wolf-skins just like a lowkey youtube cowboy singing cover songs passionately and dramatically
fabulouslittlefox please god that's all I want OK OK WHAT IF Tommy found his channel and saved all the videos and somehow got them to play off either like CDs or a USB drive (bc his town has electricity) and fucijgbshowed ellie
wolf-skins PLEASEUFKCING PLEASE joel was so grumpy about it he still wouldn't sing for her irl for the LONGEST time
fabulouslittlefox LMAO FKSKFOZKCNZ Joel disowns Tommy for a month bc of that
wolf-skins yes ellie would show the whole town until joel snatched whatever it was and broke it so Extra
fabulouslittlefox YES MCKSKCKS jokes on Joel tho bc Tommy has duplicates of everything
wolf-skins IUFGWOHI
fabulouslittlefox and the other one is locked up safe Until Joel is fast asleep then everyone Sees
wolf-skins yes good  joel just pouts over this for the rest of time too
fabulouslittlefox LMAO GOOD
wolf-skins ellie would start making texan accent mock jokes
fabulouslittlefoxwhen Ellie start learning guitar 🐚 start to play a song that Joel covered and mock his singing
wolf-skins if that sentence made sense
fabulouslittlefox MFKSKGOZKCKS
wolf-skins YES like that
fabulouslittlefox WHY IS THERE A SHELL IM
wolf-skins fucking mobile do u think
fabulouslittlefox Joel sings that song from SpongeBob that Sandy sings about missing texas
wolf-skins joel would be that tourist who got a conch shell + oh my god
fabulouslittlefox HE WOUDL THE MAGIC CONCH
wolf-skins when sarah found it as a really young child and pretended to be ariel he would act out as sebastian while she had a stuffed flounder and she'd hang up the "shell" on him
fabulouslittlefox oh my god plea s e,,,,,,,,
wolf-skins he sang this for her:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GC_mV1IpjWA he'd try to mimic it but he could never get rid of the accent
fabulouslittlefox I literally cannot top this this is officially the cutest headcanon
wolf-skins i know
fabulouslittlefox and it hurts THAT MUCH MORE
wolf-skins I KNOW
fabulouslittlefox REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE u killed me liz
wolf-skins oh my god i'm gonna cry over sarah all over again her friggin card and her jokes she's so pure
fabulouslittlefox DONT CRYYYY I love Sarah sm my daughter whomst I only knew for like 5 minutes
wolf-skins ok but what song do u think was the first he finally sang for ellie irl (not like the videos which were Not to be Mentioned in exchange for it) + god i know
fabulouslittlefox hmmm hmmm would this include songs he taught her to play I'm guessing?
wolf-skins probably a cute lil acoustic song for ells
fabulouslittlefox YES
wolf-skins IM GOING TO CYR
fabulouslittlefox I KILLED MYSELF WITH THAT
wolf-skins i can already hear ellie singing it
fabulouslittlefox I KNWO HHHHHHHHH
wolf-skins ok but
fabulouslittlefox I have ANOTHER song that she would absolutely know/learn
wolf-skins what if one of them sang it to the other when the one was Really Hurt to make them feel better or something
wolf-skins and like if that theory that joel is dead in tlou 2 and she sang it when he died
fabulouslittlefox stop it but also keep going bc I love pain
wolf-skins why do i do this to myself
fabulouslittlefox FUCKFFFFFFFFFFHHHHHHHH I hope yr ready to catch these tears bih
wolf-skins he's all coughing up blood or something and she just holds his hand and sings it and begs that he stays bc she still won't let him go deliver them to me
fabulouslittlefox 🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫IM WEW LADS IM DYIN TONITE
wolf-skins you know how i feel about hallucination!dads too so trust me i know if that is what happens in the next game i will Fucking Die ok next headcanon tho
fabulouslittlefox more music hcs ?
wolf-skins shore that's like sure but not
fabulouslittlefox LOL Goes well with my shell from earlier
wolf-skins exactly
fabulouslittlefox I can't remember if I've shared this b4 but the one hc I'll cling to forever is that Ellie learns on her own or is taught by joel landslide by Fleetwood Mac and that it's really relevant to her idk why I just love it sm
wolf-skins holy fucking shit um i always think of them or one of them playing that song so it's fucking canon imo also joel made this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47ZSX7eMGU0
fabulouslittlefox GOOD IM SO GLAD IM NOT ALONE W THSI fabulouslittlefox sent an audio post I Won... also THIS just came up on my dash and I feel it'd fit them too JOEL DID MAKE THAT CKSKGKSKC
wolf-skins JOHNNY CASH yeah i feel it joel probably was a huge cash fan
fabulouslittlefox PROLLY hes a huge cash fan but agrees that the NIN version of hurt is better
wolf-skins he probably loved playing Man Comes Around
fabulouslittlefox Dude I feel it
wolf-skins ok so jaz and i discussed he loved war docs but what other movies or shows do u think he would've loved
fabulouslittlefox Also I feel like he'd do a southern gothic cover of while my guitar gently weeps hmm
wolf-skins undoubtedly
fabulouslittlefox moonrise kingdom I feel he enjoyed that
wolf-skins ok what is that ok it's got bruce willis and u know what
fabulouslittlefox a Wes Anderson film about a troubled kid who goes to camp and runs away to find his love
wolf-skins joel would've loved bruce willis
fabulouslittlefox YEHA
wolf-skins do u think the taken movies were relatable to joel
fabulouslittlefox zoinks yes
wolf-skins he sure as fuck is like that in game
fabulouslittlefox speaking of zoinks I bet the fucker loved Scooby Doo RIGHT
wolf-skins "GIVE ME BACK MY DAUGHTER" yells Joel an incorrect quote that is correct + yes he fucking did the classics
fabulouslittlefox watched the fuck outta boomerang and the old cartoons
wolf-skins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2u0-11E6x14 joel
wolf-skins RIGHT ok i'm gonna copy this as a part one to put in my tag 
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forcestruck · 8 years
fuckign i just want you to know that in 2.07 when Eliot says to Margo "all the time we've been investing in his is paying off" or smth that my mind immediately went to your damn office AU
Omg, I don’t know if you mean the original concept post or the fanfic based on it that I wrote for Matty, but idk, I feel like I’ve just won an award for this.
… >.>
“What’s wrong, never got the hang of Thursdays?” Eliot asked in amusement as Quentin came slinking in almost shamefaced, a cardboard carrier filled with styrofoam cups balanced on one hand and a large splotch of coffee staining the front of his shirt. 
“Douglas Adams,” Quentin responded as he sat the tray of coffees down on the desk and brushed his hair back behind his ear. “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Hey, can I borrow a hair tie? Mine snapped.”
The last bit was said to Margo, who raised her eyes as she stopped pretending to ignore Q and opened a drawer on the desk to fish out a hair tie before obligingly handing it over. “Wow, it really has been a day for you, hasn’t it?” She asked, waiting until Quentin took the hair tie before reaching out to gently start working one of the cups of coffee free. “Did he at least win this round of your game, Eliot?”
The ‘game’ in question was something new that had recently sprung up between Quentin and Eliot, something that was more due to what certain people called ‘nerd behavior’ than any actual sort of competitiveness. Eliot would, every so often, drop some sort of sci-fi or fantasy reference and while they were generally either ignored or missed by most of their coworkers, Q had started pointing them out, responding in kind like an eager little kid trying to say ‘look, I fit in with you, I get that joke!’ until one day Eliot smirked and announced, ‘you missed that one.’
Eliot, it turns out, had a truly frightening level of awareness when it came to Patrick Swayze and Quentin, in response to that revelation, started keeping count of just how many times he caught Eliot’s references even if they weren’t directed at him. 
“I did,” Quentin assured her confidently, tying up his hair before stealing the coffee cup right from her hands and sitting it back down so he could grab the right cup for her.
“I gave you that one,” Eliot answered dismissively, coming back from a filing cabinet tucked away in the corner of the room and labeled with numbers instead of letters. In his hands was a still packaged button-up shirt that he held out for Quentin, who merely looked at it in confusion until Eliot sighed and announced in a put-upon tone, “Yes, I have a collection of men’s shirts in various sizes stored in the office. Yes, it’s necessary because some of you are fashion disasters that make my eyes want to bleed. No, I don’t actually know your size, but my mental measurements tend to be pretty damn close. Now take the shirt, hand me my coffee, and give us a show, would you?”
Margo clapped a little in response to Eliot’s decree and Quentin rolled his eyes even as he obligingly took the shirt and traded it for Eliot’s coffee. “Is this going to cost me something?” He asked, pulling the shirt out of the packaging before working on taking off his tie. “Midnight jelly doughnut runs to your apartment or something?”
“Are you offering?” Eliot asked in a tone of voice that made it sound like Quentin had suggested something dirty and Quentin jerked his eyes towards Eliot, only to blush when he realized Eliot actually was watching him undressed unabashedly.
Still seated in the desk chair with her legs hanging over one arm, Margo was doing the same thing with an expression that looked like a cat that knew it was getting the cream later. It made Quentin wonder vaguely what the requirements were for sexual harassment in the workplace and if they had rules in place for all the shit likely to cross Eliot and Margo’s minds.
Likely not, but as someone that had gotten off with a coworker in a supply closet during a party, Quentin didn’t feel like he had too much moral high ground. (Nor did a large part of the company, probably. Everyone knew that anyone who went in the copier room on the fourth floor wasn’t actually making copies. They couldn’t, the copier had been broken for going on two years and Fogg never did anything about it. Considering Fogg himself had reportedly gone into the copier room a few months ago with some board member named Bigby, chances were he didn’t care to do anything about it, either.)
“Speaking of doughnuts,” Margo finally said once Quentin was halfway finished buttoning up his borrowed shirt, not entirely surprised that it seemed like a better fit than the one he was wearing before. “Didn’t you have a lunch date with pretty little miss Quinn yesterday?”
“It wasn’t a date,” Quentin pointed out as he grabbed for his tie and felt a faint wave of hate for the object. “Why do you call her that, anyway? You know her name.”
“No reason,” Margo said with a shrug of her shoulders that wasn’t casual at all. “So how was your lunch meeting?”
“Why do you keep asking -” Quentin started, only to lose track of his sentence when Eliot stepped forward and batted his hands away.
“Here, let me,” Eliot said, handing his coffee over to Quentin before attacking the crumple of cheap material masquerading as Q’s tie, fingers quickly and expertly looping the material into a perfectly placed knot while Quentin helped himself to the drink in his hands. “Margo thinks Alice is interesting. Alice thinks Margo is a shark who smells blood in the water and Margo is a predator, but I’ve never heard anyone complain about having her eat them alive.”
“Eliot,” Margo chided without any sense of actual rebuke in her tone and Eliot turned his head to give her a fond smile as he smoothed down Quentin’s tie, stroking along his chest.
Letting the contact linger just a beat, Quentin eventually cleared his throat and stepped back, grabbing the cardboard drink tray before he said, “Thanks. For the shirt. I’ll come back and grab my other one later and get this one back to you tomorrow.”
Eliot nodded and Quentin started to back up towards the door, only to halt when Margo shouted, “Q!”
Looking back over his shoulder, he watched as Margo straightened in the chair and then betrayed her eagerness even more by leaning forward. “Help me get an opening with Alice and I’ll tell you who you got handsy with at the Halloween party.” She offered.
Quentin gave a quick shake of his head, some of his hair falling free of the tie. “I already figured that out.”
“What?” Margo said at the same time as Eliot said, “You did?”
“Uh, yeah.”
“How?” Margo demanded, annoyed that neither she nor Sunderland had known and fully planning on texting the higher up to complain about the development. 
“Did you know some people have a standing date in the copier room?” Quentin asked. “And some of those people keep a file on their phone with all their access codes and passwords? I swiped the phone and hacked my way into the security footage from the night of the party so I could see if they arrived in a car or taxi and once I found out what he drives, it was easy to figure out the rest.”
“You went through all that trouble just to identify a drunk hook-up at a party?” Eliot asked in disbelief and Quentin wondered just how many nameless people Eliot had gotten off with in his life. “You stole from a higher up to invade someone’s privacy?”
“Margo not telling bugged me,” Quentin offered in explanation. “And it’s not like I got caught. The two of you would have already heard about it if anyone knew.”
There was a look of warmth in Eliot’s eyes, a light that made Quentin feel praised, and Margo had a smile like she’d just heard the juiciest, most scandalous piece of gossip of the year. “Wow, Q.” Margo finally purred. “I don’t even know how many company policies you got away with breaking for that one.”
She reached out a hand for Eliot and he turned to her, taking her hand and squeezing it before looking back at Quentin. “Hmm, I think the time we’ve invested in him may actually pay off.” He said in undisguised fondness and Margo hummed as Quentin ducked his head and resuming his attempt at making a quick escape from the pair.
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