marimeeko · 6 months
Oh.....oh noo
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siflshonen · 1 month
I’d love to interpret bkdk as romantic but I will be honest, it is difficult to do when a het ship is being hinted at more explicitly. I’m still glad Horikoshi did not include a full-on confession though. We can do what we want in fics without having to rework canon.
Love your posts, thank you for your wonderful insights into bkdk. Your meta is always well-done.
I know this ask was originally meant for someone else, and you’re absolutely right that bakuhatsufallinlove does fantastic meta. You’re very wise to see how great of a job they do and it’s kind of you to say so. It’s also very kind of you to read my posts.
I’m about to not be quite so kind.
I hate Izuocha. And I’m annoyed by the insinuation that Ochako breaking down in tears over Himiko to Izuku - her big moment of bearing her emotions out in the open to him - is seen as an endgame romance, especially since the only other detail we have to go off of is Ochako smiling at Izuku in their hero suits when Todoroki is kinda doing the same thing, AND when I should DAMN WELL hope Ochako and Izuku are still friends and looking out for each other, especially since they bonded over the traumatic deaths of those they failed to save.
I’m insulted that Ochako’s confessions to Himiko are disregarded like that, or the tumultuous chaos she grapples with in her heart is brushed aside. I’m insulted by the insinuation that Ochako’s known love of seeing happy, smiling people is not acknowledged and instead her expressing joy over seeing that on Izuku’s face is painted over as being implied, for-sure romantic endgame. Maybe it is, sure. Anything is possible. I’m sure Himiko wants the best for Ochako and for her to be happy, and would probably think it was romantic that her feelings also reached Izuku by way of Ochako as being someone they mutually loved.
But Himiko is dead and it ripped Ochako apart, and her reaction to that is the last in-depth look we get at her feelings. Izuku recognizing that Ochako is a hero in her own right (not a heroine, aka a damsel for the hero to save and then end up with romantically per Japanese storytelling roles, not just “a female hero” like we think of it in English) is gratifying and wonderful. And I’m insulted by the insinuation that just because Izuku acknowledges that Ochako is and has been his hero and always saved him that this must mean that they are implied to be the romantic endgame. God forbid they mutually admire each other and respect each other and the story just ends there, and god forbid Izuku calling her his hero sends a totally different message.
Now, as for Katsuki. You cannot tell me that he doesn’t have some kind of deep feelings for Izuku. @bakuhatsufallinlove has posted extensively about unspoken feelings with a likewise unspoken understanding are common for Japanese romances, but I’ll admit I’m not here to talk about that.
Do you really want to tell me that Horikoshi-sensei allowing Katsuki and Izuku to keep their arms and have an implied handhold at the end doesn’t mean as much as whatever the fuck Ochako is doing in the final panel?
In Naruto, which BNHA takes many cues from, Sasuke and Naruto had their arms ripped off because the editor didn’t approve of the two of them holding hands in panel. Apparently, that’s too romantic and inappropriate for the male leads of a shonen. Given that, how interesting that the doctor recommended that Katsuki’s hand-holding arm be amputated. How interesting that Katsuki refuses. How interesting that Katsuki refuses while thinking not just of All Might, probably not really of All Might, but Izuku. How interesting that Izuku also keeps both arms, and we as readers are very certain they held hands even if it is not shown.
How interesting that Katsuki is not just the heart of Izuku’s mech suit project (and, in some respects, of the class,) but of Izuku’s image of victory, Izuku’s “Pro Hero with a quirk” origin, the heart of what he believes a real hero is like, and the literal actual heart of what he wanted to defend from ShigAFO multiple times over. How interesting that Katsuki’s story is in part him learning how to not be a burden to Izuku or used against him like, say, a heroine-damsel-in-distress might be used, AND it is also in part him learning to come to terms with his feelings for Izuku. In fact, we spend basically the whole manga dwelling on this with him. It’s that important that he reconciled Izuku with his heart and desires.
Izuku, who is so tearfully happy that Katsuki wants to be with him for the rest of their lives in whatever form that takes, even when they weren’t sure he was going to have a quirk and be able to be Katsuki’s superhero rival. Izuku, who is so happy to be with Kacchan and the class as a hero again, in part BECAUSE it is with Kacchan………….and everyone else on the next page.
Nothing is for sure. Nobody kissed or got married or whatever, sure. But you really want to tell me Izuocha is more heavily implied based on the ending?
Thanks for the ask. I’m sorry you feel that way. Get off my lawn.
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oshiawaseni · 2 years
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While the second opening was disingenuous to the heart of Izuku's solo arc, the actual content of the anime itself has remained quite faithful. Even going so far as to add or change some details to better represent the characters and their feelings. It's almost as if these changes were an amendment to the manga, just in case the manga didn't answer certain questions well enough.
Like the true reason Izuku decided to leave U.A. The manga presents Izuku's loved ones as a group, with Katsuki there as the last person your eyes should look at. But will readers make that connection? With the removal of just one word in the anime, the group part of the sentence, it shows viewers a more solid, concrete reason: It was explicitly because of Katsuki nearly dying.
Another example is how the various translations of Katsuki's line ("waatteru") created fandom friction, and they would flitter between "I know" and "We know," depending on who was translating it.
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I always thought it had a very personal "I know" vibe to it because as Katsuki stated, and this is something reminded to us only 3 chapters earlier: He is the person who "knows" Izuku best. The anime removes ambiguity of the I know/We know debate by having Izuku apologise only once he'd made it into Katsuki's arms, making their exchange of words appear even more intimate and direct to one another. Katsuki knows.
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Then after he stumbles his way into Katsuki's arms, there is that bonus clip of him being awake to hear Katsuki's gentle forgiveness of him. To express that the last of his resolve has crumbled because of Katsuki’s apology and being held in those arms he feels safe. He feels loved. So Izuku gives himself fully to Katsuki's care, murmuring out his beloved’s name with a "Ka…” right before finally succumbing to sleep. I think this extra moment makes the feel of their apology seem even more romantic… because it's supposed to.
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And now Ochaco's handhold! It being featured in the opening gave some of us grief every week simply because this arc was never about IzuOcha, it was about Katsuki and Izuku.
Katsuki realising his need for Izuku to be by his side and losing SLEEP over not knowing if he's okay. Katsuki's proud statement of knowing Izuku best and that he couldn't be left alone because of his disregard for himself. Katsuki instigating the search and rescue of Izuku. Katsuki humbling himself before Endeavor and Nezu, setting aside his pride in exchange for the safety of his most important person and best friend, PLEADING Endeavor for his help because he's SO AFRAID of Izuku being out of his sight and losing him forever.
Katsuki saving Izuku's life again. Katsuki humbling himself a second time, apologising to Izuku and telling him to put some trust into him and their hero friends; that they can be relied on to help him. Katsuki telling him his ideals of saving people weren't wrong, and they can only win by saving everyone: Izuku, the people at U.A and the people in the city.
The beautiful poetry in Izuku’s reason for leaving, to protect his most precious person, being overtaken by his reason to stay: Izuku’s unconditional, everlasting love for that person and his overwhelming need to be by their side. And here Katsuki was, finally telling him it was okay to; he wants him there.
Even Daiki-kun said the last of Izuku's resolve left him because of Kacchan’s heartfelt apology… Yes. The opening’s handhold was really out of place.
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And after Izuku is brought back to U.A, we get to the real IzuOcha handhold... But rather than grabbing his hand like she does in the manga, they have her grab the more impersonal wrist area instead. It's so hard to believe we are in a timeline where Bones are making an opening Ocha-centric, when it shouldn't be, and yet NERFING her handhold in the ACTUAL anime content…??????
All of this has got me thinking that maybe Hori himself has been directing Bones to make these changes - to make BkDk's growing love for each other a more prominent fixture in the story that’s almost impossible to miss, while dampening the IzuOcha teasing into little more than kindness between two good friends. And in doing so, the anime has now become spiritually connected to the manga because this is the exact same direction the manga has been going in lately.
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Why else were all of these changes and enhancements made in the anime? Maybe it’s because Horikoshi is preparing people for the bkdk romance that's about to go into full bloom.
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angy-grrr · 2 months
okay im actually tired of ppl pretending it’s the same. “Izu///ochas and togachakos reduce Ochako into a love interest the same way!” “If deku was running and saying Bakugou was his hero then bkdks would see it as romantic so they are actually canon”.
Just, stop. Queer and hetero ships are completely different, and there are different things expected from them; if ppl focus too much on the ship side, then yeah, characters do get ignored and reduced to romantic plots, but it’s not the same. The hetero couple is not only expected but most of the time reduces the female character into the romantic subplot exclusively. Izuku and Ochako dating would make her whole arc not be about learning to be a hero and accepting her own feelings, but about dating him as her conclusion would happen “thanks to a romantic confession and getting with the boy”; so many ppl are angry bc she didn’t confess so she’s still “holding back”, but she isn’t, because she already admitted those to Himiko (yes, that time she told her she fell for him). If she was hurting mainly because of not telling him she likes him… that’s not the same as hurting mainly because she likes a girl. It’s just not the same, in any way.
And the same goes to the other sentiment -we expect queer coding, not straight forward confessions, hugs and kisses like hetero shippers can hope for. So we over analyze their interactions basically out of necessity knowing the possible context -if they are meant to be romantic, there are many obstacles to make them just confess, so we, especially shippers who are also queer, try to pick up on clues. This isn’t exclusively something in BNHA, it has been happening for a long time ever since there were policies and laws against LGBT+ representation in movies and TV shows in many countries; queer coding is a way for the authors/writers/creatives/etc to say “if you know, you know” (there’s also a history of queer coded villains for the purpose of following the same laws, but yk, the creatives behind many of them certainly knew a lot about queer stuff in their private lives…)
But hetero ships don’t need any of that -they don’t need secret codes and secret messages confirming canon romances out of fear of consequences. They are a boy and a girl! What are the consequences? In this particular case too, there are some ppl misinterpreting shippers on purpose -not understanding why bkdk handhold is a big thing not bc it’s a handhold, but bc of their history with hands, or believing Ochako was exclusively doing her job as a hero when she went for Himiko. So. I’m just angry at ppl for comparing these ships as if straight and queer narratives are the same. EDIT: I’m also tired at ppl for believing an author can write a manga weekly for 10 years and follow the original idea of what the characters were about and represent.
“oh but how could Midoriya be the greatest hero after all of this” I’m sure hori doesn’t know bc in 2014 he had a different idea for the ending -more typical shonen with him being the best hero in the world, and now he isn’t even the most popular among his classmates-, so know he is stuck with that narrative haunting him and can’t ignore it lol
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a-hobit · 2 years
It’s meta time again!
Okay so I am like at a 95% confidence that the 2nds quirk is a “switch” kind of thing — lives, feelings, memories, arms, legs, full bodies.
I think it’s how bkg isn’t going to fully die and honestly I think the person who convinced me of this theory was @comradekiwi in their fic because it just makes so much sense!
I mean “trading half my life for half of yours” feels like such a romantic trope that Hori would be itching to get his hands on for bkdk.
But specifically today I’m not talking about how bkg is going to survive— but how he’s going to keep his right arm.
It’s toast by now we know that it’s probably been crushed beyond what is salvageable but you know who still has a right arm — someone who’s been seen in art with Shigaraki’s decay on said right arm? Who’s been fated to lose his right arm from the very beginning of the manga? Deku.
Now if we’re right about “switch” I think that Deku isn’t only going to take “half of kacchans life for half of his” but also take on some of the damage that Katsuki has suffered though the battle. Kacchan will keep the eye scar(/ slight blindness?) and Izuku will take on the damage of his right arm onto his own — and because we’ve been shown multiple times that Deku’s arms are extremely close to being unsalvageable he’s going to lose it from such a big injury.
I was thinking that it would be kind of repetitive and (SO FUCKING SAD because no more handholding???? :,(((() if both Katsuki and Izuku lost their right arms and since Izuku has been slated to lose his arm the whole time I’m thinking he’s going to bite the bullet here because he uses his legs more anyway but Kacchan really couldn’t do half his moves without the stability of both hands — he would probably be told he could no longer be a hero (he would anyway because…it’s bkg) but it would be just too traumatic for Deku to see him everyday and blame himself.
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izusun · 3 years
i just finished heroes rising (yes im late asf) here are my final thoughts:
-all dis bkdk hyfr
-shonen is so fucking dramatic why are 2 high school freshmen going toe to toe with satan then you got deku extra dramatic ass like “im not strong enough to beat him” yes because that is an evil demi god and you are a 15 yr old like go do your math homework??? shshjdjsa
-speaking of which all might put some FAITH. into the universe giving izuku OFA because this child is ready to sacrifice his life at a moments notice like is he a reincarnate from attack on titan why is he so ready to die holy shit. deku could get into an argument in line to checkout at walmart and itll somehow escalate to him breaking all his limbs (twice) and talking about how these are his final moments to save everyone
-and then theres katsuki: “you’re gonna fix him? ha im just gonna join him in his insanity 🤪” *breaks limbs too*
-seeing shigaraki makes me itch
-the real showdown needs to be shigaraki vs some chapstick and a couple benadryl. shigaraki vs the first aide aisle at CVS.
-this is deff not canon cus why they aint do all this while shigaraki was on a rampage instead they had poor mr aizawa running around with his foot hanging on by a thread? but at least we got to watch kacchan get stabbed up and so did deku 💕
-WAIT i just remembered buff grandma had to bring deku back to life at the end so yea he cant do this again but like still after this fiasco id be looking at shigarakis little dust n’ crumble show like “🤨 ok and?”
-aww these badass lil kids 🥺
-but no why was that ending fight so dramatic
anon, bestie, my beloved and the light of my boring life, i hope you know that you singlehandedly made my day
first, no ones ever late for heroes rising. who cares if bnha movie 03 is out, you just watched the most cinematic piece of gayness and teenage angst (heroes rising) and lived, and for that we applaud you
- MATH HSHWKDJKSJ ok but it’s funnier when you remember that the devil incarnate’s called nine and maybe hori’s using him as a symbolism?? like teenager vs. math, but in physical forms
- midoriya fighting someone and breaking his limbs at walmart is so damn canon at this point. oh he was out to buy potatoes? too bad a villain pops up and midoriya’s ass just has to sacrifice some fingers to survive idk
- everyone thinking bakugou’s the “i can change him” in their duo only to realize midoriya’s “i can make him worse” is stronger and bakugou is a simple man ofc he’d break his bones too bc why not
- idk maybe 1a wouldve won against shiggy if they just sprayed moisturizer his way
- dhhsjaha 1a: *legit tryna save a damn island* // UA staff: lalalala
- bakugou and midoriya getting stabbed and then trapped by a long dragon-snake thing 🥺💕
- oh and bkdk handholding 🥰 (yes the situations were mega bad, BUT bkdk handholding💓)
- anon: buff grandma // me: gilf
- “shigaraki’s little dust n’ crumble” is now how we’re gonna call his quirk. decay? nah it’s litol dust n’ crumble
- dramatic ending fight that resulted in a massive rainbow cloud? they were coming out don’t judge them 😔
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arentwelost · 5 years
reactions to the bnha: heroes rising film
spoilers alert !
(i risked coronavirus to go to the cinema for this but no regrets because we all want to die anyway oof-)
the film was very 1a centred & that’s gr8 and all especially since we got to witness the bond they had between them & just. how incredibly amazing their teamwork is
but i really ,,, miss,,, aizawa (my fave, my tru love)
he had a total of 3 (?) scenes, each of them lasting like less than 10 secs - even toshinori had more scenes than that : (
but you know who even had less screen time (aka none),,, our boy,,, the valid purple son,,,, shinsou hitoshi : (
the person who had the most screen time was this new villain called nine and i really wanna yell begone thot at him because he was like “i want to create a utopia where the powerful rules” and i was like thinking,, yo that shit sounds like capitalism & neoliberalism
his character design was really pretty, but it didn’t make up for his ideology that came outta nowhere with no backstory - so it was really hard to empathise/sympathise
what makes a villain good is 1) sufficient backstory 2) being so damn predictable and familiar that you actually prefer them over every other new villain because better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know
anyway, what really slaps is kacchan’s fuckin character development !!
lil gremlin is still gremlin but ,, he’s working with other kids,, he’s minimising damage done to the area while fighting villains,, there was a scene of him all calm and shit while eavesdropping on izuku and katsuma (which once again proves that most of his anger is just a front he puts up in front of other people rather than a perpetual state, and ya know what, i love that introvertedness that he has),,, him being protective over the bakusquad and not blasting kaminari for teasing him,,, he and izuku fighting together like a hero duo ,,,, eye-
this movie really said bakugo character development hUH
anyway in the beginning when endeavour showed up and dabi and endeavour had this whole showdown with their fire quirks and we got this close up of endeavour’s thicc thighs and i was like :           ) we don’t stan for this here but at the same time i was like @ hawks damn ur daddy really be like that, huH
which reminds me of my whole spiel about dabi/hawks and endeavour/hawks : ‘ ) 
but yea. dabi was unfairly attractive and i just want death to consume me
okay so the plot was like,, the hero commission (aka the dodgy ass institution): how about sending the 1a kids to an island where there are no active heroes ??
so the 1a kids get yeeted off to an island,, and they are having fun helping the locals out !! (this is the wholesome content we all deserve)
jirou and yaomomo asdgjhskgjahkj
kacchan who stays at home the entire day because he’s on ~villain duty~ and there weren’t any villains so he just sits at home and read manga asdfghjkl that’s a hard Mood
kirishima looking like the cutie he is eye-
the bakusquad teasing kacchan by calling him “kacchan of bakugo”
how is maharo & katsuma so damn cute *angery fists*
but izuku really be adopting children left and right hUh
dadmight and dadzawa whomst i only know dadku
ochako & tsuyu are so cute wtf eye-
these villains are overpowered af wtf
wow i love 1a having each other’s backs their teamwork,, was ,,, so good,,, so smooth ,,, (*whispers* poly 1-a anyone ??)
everyone be losing until kacchan comes blasTing in, saving kirishima & kaminari with sheer determination and stubbornness and manages to defeat one (1) villain
not going to lie though i feel like mummy got done dirty like that
but i like the little nod to the provisional exam arc
the inflated izuku mahoro projected was the Cutest
anyway what really clapped was you know,, both izuku and kacchan being the smort cookies they are: “DIDN’T I TELL YOU THAT ONCE I’VE SEEN YOU USE IT, I HAVE A WAY OF COUNTERING IT?!" 
like oof
also i love how izuku is established as the image of hope (the saviour) and kacchan is established as the image of victory (the victor) - this whole “win to save” and “save to win” really got laid down really heavily
but we’re all hoes for that i guess
touga in her winter gear !!! eye-
yaomomo delivering the Goods (i.e. the cannons) 
a o y a m a : (
the moment i realised that tokoyami was in the cave, i knew the villain there was Done For 
i haven’t forgotten our resident eldritch abomination, dark shadow, y’all
i just ?? love ?? mina ???? so much ??????
ngl i didn’t know chimera was literally a chimera until this part i just thought he one big furry
that flashback to endeavour’s advice when shouto was fighting chimera ?? the symBoLisM wow
shouto being able to rationally separate endeavour the hero and endeavour the shitty dad & using the advice endeavour gave him to empower himself -
- wipes tears
sero and ochako getting blasted away really badly by nine,,, and izuocha happens but we’ve all seen that before
it is kacchan,, ,, being protective of sero when he got yeeted,,,,, that is the Point 
s h o u j i : ( protecting mahoro and katsuma with his body : ( big cuddle boy doesn’t deserve this pain !!!
don’t think i didn’t notice the film using the same bgm as the kamino rescue
it draws such a powerful parallel ??  back then it was kacchan who needed to be ‘saved'  but now it’s kacchan doing the saving & the winning - once again, such character development asdfghjkl
this film,, making me appreciate kaminari 10x more
also fellas is it gay to stare at your rival and being able to communicate non-verbally
bkdk detroit smashing the storm together & making a damn fucking hole in the stratosphere like all might,, dispelling the damn storm and letting sunlight filter in ?? that was some really obvious symbolism but regardless,,,, wow
this is the part where the whole twin stars motif really came right in kicking our houses down
kacchan breaking both of his arms because of one for all & all i can think of is ,, izuku,, stop sharing your bone breaking juice with people
i’m just thinking about how people @ izuku: wtf how do you deal with this bone breaking bs all the time
and izuku, pure bean: oh yea haha i thought it was normal ?? like everyone has to get used to their quirks like this ??
a concept: quirkless izuku not understanding how quirks are supposed to feel
anyway, dadmight cradling izuku in his arms only to leave kacchan a metre away ?? favouritism that we’re all here for
izuku : ( apologising : ( for : ( being : ( a : ( bad : ( successor : (
i just want to shake izuku’s shoulders & tell him that he did super well and that he shouldn’t be ashamed of himself and that he deserves everything good in this world
also imagine being so gremlin that all the one for all predecessors were like "nope we’re not dealing with this gremlin child, we prefer the pure broccoli” 
disappointed that hawks didn’t get enough screentime
but we got some hawks & tokoyami and ryuukyuu & ochako time
kacchan ~conveniently~ forgetting what happened ?? i smell something fishy
our local crusty boy shows up & ahh yes, there it is - the close up shot that like to remind us that he needs to Moisturise
everytime i see red shoes on shigs i just think about the parallels between shigs and izuku and my heart breaks all over again
the scene where shouto got hugged super uncomfortably by endeavour ?? oof. the entire cinema just simultaneously laughed and heard the shouuuuutooooo
katsuma being like like “i’m going to become a hero like deku & bakugo !” and kacchan’s acting all cool and shit, telling him “you better” while izuku is like “katsuma, you can become a hero !! we’ll wait for you at ua !!” because he saw himself in katsuma and wanted to be the person he wanted someone to be for him when he was young
breaking my own heart like this
imagine the first years in ten years though
they’re just going to be a bunch of teenagers izuku or 1-a saved or adopted
and they’re going to give aizawa so many more grey hairs than the current 1-a
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the-nysh · 5 years
AHHHH! Just got back from finally seeing Heroes Rising! 8D Oh man, that was definitely a big-screened flashy action movie to experience, with great class cohesion and teamwork, and especially with Deku and Kacchan as the stars. Going in, I already knew what was going to happen (couldn’t resist spoiling myself silly), but it still had me chuckling along to all the fun nods/refs to things and grinning like a huge idiot by the end of it. :D More details and extended impressions as follows:
It really gets me that nowadays we can just…waltz into a theater and watch subbed anime movie screenings (which was the version I saw) alongside other current films. :O That’s just amazing to me. Cause gosh, back in the day, that was either completely unheard of, or you had to drive 100miles to a fancy arthouse theater just to see dubbed releases of -only- Miyazaki movies (with month-long reserved/ordered tickets). This is so much preferable now (it’s a very good thing!), and I certainly hope this trend for more accessible anime content continues!
Anyway, saw the movie with family: sister (only watches the anime) and mom (never seen any bnha, but wanted to be included anyway~) At first we had the entire theater to ourselves at a 9:45pm showing, until like 5 min before, then several other groups came in. (So hhhh ;o; had to refrain from making any loud reactions/commentary otherwise.)  
Some of the best comments from my mom were how she kept leaning over to me and asking where the ‘guy with the wings’ (Hawks) was. X’D This is great and hilarious to me. He only showed up a few times to investigate the villains, figure out what’s wrong, and fly over with pending professional help to the island. So to my mom, it was a matter of ‘when will he come to save the kids!?’ Aha nice. His Japanese voice was deeper than expected, but I could still hear the Mumen Rider (opm) inflections from his voice actor. :D Definitely excited to see more of him formally animated in the series. Later, my mom also commented how the villain (Nine) was good-looking, buaha! (I mean hey, Shiggy was there too! 8D) I’d given her a crash-course on bnha lore before the movie, so it’s amusing to me how these were some of her unique takeaways. She also felt how after Deku told the kids ‘you can be a hero,’ that they already were cause they demonstrated that same bravery. :’)
For my sister, by the end she was like, ‘they should have just done fusion!’ Noting how Deku and Kacchan already went with the dbz looks, so heh why not. :P She noted how odd it was that Kacchan could use OfA immediately (when it took Deku several hours to…digest the hair before it could set in), so I had to clarify it was transferred by blood this time. She also wondered how Deku could gain even greater power with OfA after transferring it, and welp it’s mostly movie magic so whatever, but I could not resist flat-out saying, ‘BECAUSE THEY SOUL-BONDED~’ (And that’s as far as I was openly willing to push it with the bkdk agenda, guahaha.) Lingering convos included stuff about OfA mechanics (more odd inconsistencies with the vestiges somehow willing it back) and me mentioning Hori’s original idea to end the series with, all that good stuff. But most of all, to even have the movie tie back into the main (manga) storyline cleanly somehow, these types of explanations/solutions to things had to be done anyway, so it’s honestly another whatever/no big; it works as a self-contained flashy movie. (And honestly not as bad as some impressions made it seem; instead, how certain things wrapped up here felt negligible to me.)
As for ME, woohoo oh I definitely liked it and had a fun time! :D I didn’t know if I’d get the chance to see it in theaters (schedule conflicts) but ayyy I felt it was worth it! Immediately from the intro car-chase with Endeavor (yooo), it was all high-budget, quality action movie stuff. The two kids were endearing with active roles which I appreciated. I was also greatly impressed by how cohesive and responsible all the classmates were. You could just tell how closely they knew each other (and their quirks) and could work efficiently as a well-oiled unit when disaster strikes. Evacuating and providing for the islanders and coming up with elaborate battle plans, and all without any adult heroes present. :O Each had their moment to shine, with some very cool class combo moves too. Favs were Uraraka and Sero’s boulder throwing spam, and Kiri bodily shielding Todo from a hugeass high-beam laser like in Evangelion (YOOOOO?!?! that was cool!) Dark Shadow with wolverine claws was pretty sweet too.  
Of course, personal favs were the Kacchan (+Deku) moments. Deku was a good babey throughout but…but KACCHAN. ;A; Featuring the shades of Kacchan I love to see. :’D (Also Denki said a line like, ‘Kacchan of the Bakugous’ buahaha wtf!) When he’s silently observant (listening to Deku talk to the kid about their hero dreams, to the point his popsicle melts off ;o;), intensely serious (making it very clear to the kids he’s for real about efficiently working as a hero after they mess around/cry wolf with him), gruffly supportive (encouraging Deku in his own way to ‘make it his own’ asap :’3) and…he’s still got his signature short fuse temper of course (that explodes in comical ways, heh even my mom laughed at him) plus the awesome moments when he frees himself from a villain then promptly beats his ass. 8D But…I personally loved the smaller, but very telling, protective moments. Like when the girl signaled Deku was in trouble, Kacchan was immediately RIGHT THERE to blast Nine in the face (omgg), how he caught/saved the girl when she went flying (while Deku was on the attack instead), AND my fav: how when they were both fighting Nine, Deku got distracted worrying about the other classmates fighting elsewhere, but Kacchan kicked him out of the way from getting hurt by lasers (so ahhh!! he’s actively looking out for Deku and staying on top of things so they both keep their heads in the game. :’D) Just MANY good Kacchan moments to appreciate. <3
AND then the big bkdk handhold, OfA transfer, epic + emotional team up. (Ever since the first previews/impressions, I’m still stunned they actually did all that on the big screen!) At this point I was internally squealing and had the dumbest grin on my face but didn’t even care. 8’D I WAS READY! Nakamura’s animation was like…byuuujjgghh *brain turns off* Honestly it was hard to even SEE what was happening on screen besides huge swathes of molten heat and green electricity flying everywhere, totally and awesomely over the top. Ahaha definitely worth seeing again just for that! I got feels for the ‘it’s fine if it’s you’ line :’))), and in the aftermath, loved it when Deku’s first thought upon regaining consciousness was to ask All Might if Kacchan’s ok. (omggg heh, Deku pls! :’D)
Overall, the movie had a simple, straightforward storyline to follow, fantastic action and teamwork to enjoy, and plenty of tidbits and character moments for current fans to heartily eat up. No question about the Kacchan and bkdk service as well. Left me feeling very giddy as a fan and glad I was able to catch it in theaters. Now I can’t wait to see when gifsets of all those fun moments get made!
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mysterylover123 · 5 years
BNHA Rewatch: Episode  63 “Unrivaled”
aka the One with the Big 3.
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So we open with Deku remembering Mirio stripping at the Sports Festival last year. Makes sense he wouldn’t remember his face from that.
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Honestly, I like these three as characters fine enough, but I still have no idea why they’re considered the “Big 3”. Like, they’re all kinda powerful, but we haven’t been told what exactly makes them the so called top of the school; they didn’t perform that high in the Sports Fest. So I have no idea what that even means. (or how Deku Todoroki and Bakugou are eventually gonan get that title)
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Apparently Horikoshi based Tamaki on his own feelings of nerves at a con. Aw. I also think he might be based on Proto-Deku Yamikumo and Mirio on Proto-Katsuki. So naturally that only makes him more adorable to me. 
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Nejire is asking lots of questions that I want answers to. I mean, we already know about Todoroki’s scar, but the other stuff, yes. Please. 
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I guess if Mirio and Tamaki are proto Katsuki and Izuku, Nejire must be Uraraka.  
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 Um…ok? (It’s a good thing Katsuki didn’t attend this class session. The last thing he needs is yet another lecture on how Kamino doomed everyone and then getting beaten up by someone who absolutely knows he’s better than him. That one extra day saved him some humiliation). 
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 Ooh and Kirishima is noticing Mina in pain. Next season will be KiriMina’s time. 
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So my first impression of the Big 3, first time around, wasn’t so great, because I love Class 1-A and it made me mad that they were getting worfed for the sake of building up new characters as better. And Mirio being the “more worthy” inheritor of OFA, and therefore supposedly better than Deku, my fave, naturally made me annoyed with him. Now that I’m caught up of course I like them all, it just wasn’t for me a great introduction to their characters and this arc.  
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Post DVK2 Deku is one energetic go-getter. I love it. 
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I think Deku is starting to ask some real questions about his sexuality after this scene.  
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I honestly still kinda think Class A is getting a little worf-ed here for the sake of making a strong impact. Why doesn’t Yaoyorozu try and do anything here? Like, Deku figures out Mirio’s got a phasing quirk and he’s 2 IQ stats lower than her. Couldn’t she work it out and make some anti-phaser device? Huh? Huh? 
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Todoroki is totally just making an excuse not to have to get any more humiliated than he already is. He doesn’t need this shit right now. 
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Deku is being smart and awesome as usual. He will never not be my fave. (BTW I’ve noticed: He’s draw a LOT sharper and older in both this ep and the S4 trailer than he was before. Post DVK2  Deku is already older than he was only a few episodes ago.) 
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Why do you and Kaminari both go for Deku’s eyes, Mirio? Low blow!  
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And that’s a wrap. All of Class 1-A taken out in an instant. 
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Mirio is by far the most realistic phase-quirk user I’ve come across so far; the way they explore the consequences of that kind of power is really well done. 
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I do understand the point he was trying to make here. I just wish it wasn’t so thoroughly at the expense of Class 1-A’s dignity. 
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Nejire continues to ship MiriDeku a bit. 
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HAha Kacchan collecting trash.
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My bae can brood with the best of em. 
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I want Deku to intern with Gran more in the future.
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Sir! (Ooh boy. Me at chapter 127: Screw you you pretentious praying mantis Deku is the best and who are you to say otherwise. Me at chapter 161: No no no Sir you beautiful darling you can’t no!. Just a preview.) 
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And Overhaul! 
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So Next season.
OK so I’ll be honest…I like Part 1 (Season 1-3) of BNHA more than Part 2 (Season 4 onward). Oh sure, there’s still some great moments to come, and I’m sure Bones will do great by them. But…there’s kind of a line in the sand for me, between DVK2 and everything that comes afterwards. It feels like the series has been…kind of spinning its wheels for a while, and Ep63 is kind of the point where that starts. I like it, but it feels very much like it’s just where the Season ended, rather than a Season finale. And I’m not sure how fans are gonna react to S4′s material, after a year of waiting, since it’s so very...different, from what you’d expect.
Anyway, Season 3 is amazing. It’s not perfect, by any means, but it’s beautiful, people loved, it, and it has so many great episodes, that I think that despite the flaws and the filler, I can stop proclaim it the best season so far. Season 2 is more solid and consistent, Season 1 a little more fresh, but 3 has two of the series’ all-time peaks, and that can’t be overcome. I’m so glad I got to experience it again - the whole series, in fact. I love this show so very, very much. It’s been way too long since it was available, and I’m getting really excited for the premiere of Season 4. 
BKDK Corner: 
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“You can’t go losing” Deku as always inspired by Kacchan. So many feels. Good feels. 
Sadly, there will not be enough of them in S4 to have a corner for each episode. This season covers the biggest BKDK drought in the manga, sadly. I’m gonna miss them. I guess that’s why Move 2 is apparently supposed to be a BKDK showcase. To compensate. Bones knows what the fanbase is really here for. DAT HANDHOLD.
Heads up, I don’t know when I’ll be able to post an Episode 64 recap for S4′s premiere, since I don’t know when it’ll be available in America, so just keep an eye open.
Best Girl of the Episode: Nejire! (For more info on her: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydEIiS2ohRs ) 
RANKER: Season finales so far
3. In Each of our Hearts, Episode 13
2. Unrivaled, Episode 63
1. Encounter, Episode 38
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marimeeko · 30 days
Seeing these sketches from Horikoshi coming out with the anime, and how he has time now to make them all colored and detailed,
Makes me wonder what we will get later on
More bkdk content? Maybe...the handhold?
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