#HOWEVER i would MUCH rather owe them money than owe anyone else money bc at just they don't charge interest
altruistic-meme · 2 years
yall wish me luck in convincing my parents to assist me in getting a different car bc im going to need it. very bad.
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angellesword · 3 years
SAVE ME | KTH (09)
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Summary: You were determined to kill yourself, but what would happen when instead of ending your life, you ended up summoning the devil of death?
The Devil: I’m here to ruin you, I’m here to save you.
Genre: Demon au, e2l, angst, fluff, roommate au
Pairing: Devil!Taehyung x Doctor!Reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: bullying (verbal and physical) blood, mention of demons’ power, death (heart attack)
*** i bet you’re not expecting this update!! ahhh i just want to finish this fic before my birthday!!! wish me luck bc i have less than a month to do so!
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Your father was the person who taught you the meaning behind some Korean names.
It was some sort of bonding you two did when you were still a kid. The most memorable part was when your mother told you that she was pregnant, thus giving you the opportunity to choose a name for your baby brother.
Of course your father helped you decide. He told you different names and its meanings.
Jeongguk. This was what stuck to you the most. It meant center of the country. The moment you had heard about this, you instantly knew it was the perfect name for the unborn brother.
Jeongguk was meant to shine, to be the center, not just of the country, but of the whole world.
But you failed him.
You failed when there was a very short period of time where you were supposed to be making him the center of your attention.
And so now you reap the harvest of your failure.
Jeongguk was now the center of your life, the main reason why you were stressed out.
"Thanks for letting me know.” You clutched the phone near your ear tighter. "I'll be there soon." It took a lot of energy to say this, but you had to.
It had been months since Jeongguk started living in your apartment. You took him in despite his antipathy. Like hell you'd allow him to go back to his old house.
A house full of liars and users.
Jeongguk wasn't lying when he said your father died of heart attack. Your brother only told you about this weeks after the burial.
Everything had been taken care of. Your aunties, the siblings of your father, paid for all the expenses, but they were demanding to be reimbursed now.
Jeongguk also said that your aunties sold your father's house so now he had no choice but to live with them, but to do so, he first needed to pay for the amount of money they spent for your father’s burial.
Nothing was free. This was what they claimed. The money Jeongguk owed them had interest as well. Aside from this, your aunties also told Jeongguk that he had to pay for his share in rent and utilities monthly. If he couldn't do this, then he wouldn't be allowed to live with them.
Jeongguk begged your aunties to give him some time. It was obvious that he didn't have money, mainly because the siblings of your father took all of his assets.
Your brother felt helpless. He considered living on the streets, but then your aunties told him to go to you. You inherited a lot of money and rumor had it that you leeched off of your rich boyfriends for their wealth.
Jeongguk had been through a lot that was why you couldn't really blame him when did bad things—his way to destress.
"What did he do this time?" But Taehyung wasn't having any of it.
He already knew that Jeongguk got in trouble as soon as he spotted you looking for your car keys, face pale because of trepidation.
You were probably going to wherever the hell Jeongguk was. This had been your new routine ever since the younger boy moved in with you.
You had no idea how many times someone called you to inform that your brother was in trouble.
"The principal called. Jeongguk's in the disciplinary room.”
"Ah," the devil chuckled, bringing the magazine he was reading down on his lap. "Let me guess, catfight?"
"Don't call it that," you gritted your teeth. "This is serious, Tae. We need to go now.”
Although you couldn't say that Taehyung was entirely wrong. The principal explained that the reason why Jeongguk was brought to the disciplinary room was because he beat up his classmates.
You didn't have the chance to ask why since the only thing that was in your mind was your brother's safety.
You were certain you're going to lose your mind if you didn't seem him now.
Fortunately Taehyung realized that you weren't playing around so he did everything in his power to help you.
You couldn't deny that his presence was needed. You had seen his efforts to help you 'raise' Jeongguk.
He didn't look like the devil you knew. It was as though he turned into a person, someone who was simply looking after you because he cared.
Taehyung was no longer punishing you for trying to kill yourself back then, but maybe his reason was because you didn't really have the time to think about suicide now.
As stated, all you wanted to do was help your brother. You were trying to show him how sorry you were because he had to experience horrible things because of you.
It wasn't easy though. You felt like Jeongguk was going out of his way just to spite you. This was evident when you heard his response as to why he beat up two of his classmates.
"They're making fun of my satoori accent.”
You facepalmed. You couldn't believe he was capable of hurting people because of something like this. Jeongguk grew up in Busan and it had only been months since he transferred here in Seoul to study and live with you.
It was natural to still speak with satoori accent. Jeongguk should have just let it go and no—you were not siding with his enemy. They bullied your brother, but then Jeongguk's action was worse.
The two boys he beat up weren’t doing well. The blood on their faces said so. Your stomach was actually turning upside down just by looking at them.
You felt so bad.
But feeling bad wasn't enough.
You knew you had to face the consequence of Jeongguk's action.
No more running away.
"I'm sorry." Your lips trembled as you look at the parents of the victims.
Before they could speak, you already force Jeongguk to get on his knees.
"What the fuck are you doing?" Jeongguk screamed at you, yet you ignored him.
You held Jeongguk down, still forcing him to bow down. You were doing the same thing. Your knees hurt, but it didn't matter.
"Apologize to them, Jeongguk." You whispered to your brother.
He was struggling to remove your hand that was placed on his shoulder, the same hand that was forcing him down.
"I didn't do anything wrong!" Jeongguk was glaring at you.
This whole situation was like a slap in your face. You were forcing Jeongguk to do the things you didn't do when you hurt people in the past.
You could see yourself in him, but he didn't get the protection you had before.
Your mother tolerated your misconduct; you weren’t planning on doing the same.
"Apologize or you won't be getting your share." You whispered with force again.
Jeongguk's gaze darkened.
"You wouldn't dare."
"You very well know that I have the means to cut you off, Kookie." Your menacing tone was enough to send shiver down his spine.
You always got what you wanted. Jeongguk knew he would lose if he defied you.
It was better to say sorry to these dipshits rather than lose his share. He couldn't let you take away everything from him again.
So with his jaw still tensed, Jeongguk slowly turned to the parents of his enemies.
"I'm sorry." His heart was clenching as he said this. It was so difficult. "It's my fault so I'm willing to face the consequence of my action."
To face the consequence of my action. This was something you didn't get to do, yet you knew how painful it was to be the bigger person.
If you wanted, you could simply pay these people to let Jeongguk off the hook, but as stated, you wouldn't do that.
Jeongguk had the chance to be the person you should have been.
This was the right thing to do. The mistake must end with you.
"Don't think for a second that we'll forgive just because you apologized." One of the victim's parents glared at you. "You're a piece of shit. You are raising a monster!"
That was the last straw for Jeongguk. He was about to attack the parent, luckily Taehyung was able to stop him.
Your heartbeat doubled. You knew Jeongguk's action would drive them even madder, and so you bowed even lower, almost kissing the floor.
"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry!" You cried.
Taehyung came to know that you were just distracting the parents, so he did what he thought you wanted.
He dragged Jeongguk out of the room before he hurt anyone else.
"My brother and I won't run away. Please. We're sorry!" You crawled until you were just inches away from the parents.
You clasped your hands together, looking up.
Never in your entire life did you imagine doing this, but this was the least thing you could do for Jeongguk.
And so somewhere between sobs and the principal asking you to stand up, you managed to bargain with them. You were going to accept what they wanted, provided that they wouldn't be pressing legal charges against your brother.
They only agreed with this term because you didn't budge when they claimed they wanted Jeongguk to be expelled from this school. This was his punishment. Moreover, you had to pay for the medical expenses of the kids.
That was the end of discussion. You immediately ran out of the room to meet your brother and Taehyung, unfortunately you couldn't contact the both of them.
You didn't know, but Taehyung used his power to teleport him and Jeongguk to your apartment.
Taehyung didn't have much of a choice since the younger man kept on struggling to get away.
At least the action shut up Jeongguk for a short while.
"W-Wait!" To say that he was surprised to witness (and experience) Taehyung's teleportation ability would be an understatement.
Jeongguk was actually flabbergasted.
"I—we..." The younger boy's jaw drop, he blinked rapidly as he examined the place.
He wasn't tripping. He was definitely inside your apartment.
"How did this happen? W-What are you?" Jeongguk was panicking.
He liked to act tough; however he was still a boy. He couldn't fight someone like Taehyung, especially now that he had seen what this devil was capable of doing.
"Ah, it's simple." Taehyung flashed his boxy smile, completely unaware of the fear he was causing Jeongguk to feel.
"I'm the devil. I can do all kind of things—" he showed off more by levitating.
Jeongguk felt like he was going to pass out.
What the fuck.
But Taehyung was not done yet.
Still floating, Taehyung moved closer to your brother. The latter couldn't step backward since his back was already resting against the wall. Besides, he was too stunned to even move.
"—including this," without a warning, Taehyung touched the corner of Jeongguk's lips.
The seventeen year-old boy could only watch as the devil's hand sparkled.
Jeongguk felt strange at first, but then he could feel his bruise and scratches healing.
The two boys who bullied him still managed to throw some punches. It hurt and as seen, it bruised.
"There." Taehyung broke into a much bigger grin. "You look brand new."
Jeongguk touched his face. It didn't hurt anymore.
"A simple thank you would do." The devil's lips protruded into a pout when Jeongguk simply stared at him, saying nothing.
Minutes passed. Taehyung was actually done preparing hot cocoa for him and Jeongguk, yet the latter was still frozen on his spot.
Taehyung was expecting your brother to express his gratitude now that he mentioned how he wanted Jeongguk to say thank you, but your brother was exactly like you—always saying the wrong things.
"What do you mean why?" Taehyung handed the younger boy the cup of cocoa.
Jeongguk took it because he was freezing. It was cold outside and he couldn't deny that he was still a bit shaken after witnessing some bizarre...things.
"You said..." Jeongguk gulped. "You're the devil, so why did you heal me? Why are you helping me?"
Taehyung's brow shot up. Huh. His similarity to you was uncanny.
"That's your concern?" The devil shook his head, there was a smile on his lips. He thought Jeongguk was going to ask why he was lying, or why devils exist—things normal people asked.
"No, it's not," Jeongguk sighed, finally moving around. He paced back and forth after placing the hot cocoa on the table.
He scratched the back of his head as he stared straight into Taehyung eyes.
"I have a lot of concerns, okay!? I don't know why my sister's suddenly acting like she cares, I don't why I feel indifferent when I should be mourning the death of my father! I don't know how you managed to teleport! I'm—"
"Hey..." Taehyung touched the either side of Jeongguk's shoulders, forcing the younger to look at him.
"It's okay. You're okay..."
The devil figured that your brother was having a panic attack. He was probably so overwhelmed with everything that was happening. It didn't help that Taehyung surprised him by revealing his true identity.
Taehyung was such an idiot.
"I'm just so confused." Jeongguk managed to whisper. Tears filled his eyes.
Taehyung helped your brother sit on the couch. He was telling Jeongguk to breathe.
It took a while, but the younger boy managed to steady his breathing. Taehyung gave him more time to calm down before speaking again.
Both of them were sitting on the couch. Jeongguk was staring into the space while the devil was looking directly at your brother.
"I guess I really caught you off guard, huh?" Taehyung chuckled softly. He was carefully observing Jeongguk's expression.
"Were you telling the truth?" Your brother turned to look at Taehyung, which the latter didn't expect. He nodded nonetheless.
Taehyung was selfish. He said things just because. He never cared about what others would feel, but he learned fast. He realized that he shouldn't have revealed his identity just like that.
But he couldn't lie now, could he?
"It's true. I'm a devil." He smiled sheepishly. "The devil of death."
Jeongguk sucked in a breath. He tried to remember if he smoke pot today, but he didn't.
There were only two probable reasons why this was happening.
First: he was going crazy.
Second: Taehyung was telling the truth.
"You can ask your sister about me if you want. She knows."
Jeongguk sucked in a breath once more.
"If you're telling the truth...then...why..." He didn't know if he could question the devil.
Jeongguk was scared of his answer.
"Why did I heal you when I'm supposed to destroy you?" And so Taehyung completed the younger boy's question.
Jeongguk bit the inside of his cheek, nodding.
"It's a long story so I'm just going to tell you one thing.”
For some reason your brother nodded. He was captivated by the devil too. The same feeling you experienced when you first met Taehyung.
"Everything changes, Jeongguk." The devil uttered seriously. "Be it because of a person, experience, or even thing."
Taehyung laughed when he pointed at himself.
"Just look at me. Who would have thought that the devil of death would end up healing a mere mortal like you?"
Temporary, permanently, good change, bad change.
At the end of the day, it was still a change. This change would still affect something that could last forever.
"So yeah," Taehyung clasped his hand together. "I know it's ironic for me to say this, but there's goodness in every person. The one who hurt you before is probably out there, doing everything they can to help you."
Jeongguk knew exactly what Taehyung was talking about. He wasn't really being subtle about it. He used they, yet he was referring to you.
"I'll take that in mind," this was all your brother could say before retreating to his temporary bedroom.
Moments later, you arrived.
"Whoa.” The devil grimaced upon seeing your face.
You looked awful. Your hair was a mess and your eyes were bloody red. You were also shaking. It was cold outside.
"I-Is Jeongguk here? Is he safe? Did you treat his wounds? Do we need to bring him to the hospital—"
"Calm down, Barbie." Taehyung laughed, taking your cold hands to warm them up.
"Your brother is fine," he brought your hands closer to his lips, blowing hot air on them. "I may or may have knocked some senses into him."
You weren't sure about that. Jeongguk was a tough cookie. He had a rough childhood because of you.
"You didn't coerce him, did you?" You crinkled your eyes and Taehyung gasped dramatically.
"What do you take me for?" He tightened his hold on your hands. "I don't do what is not needed, you know?"
"Right." He was clearly talking about what he had to do back when you met Cha Eun Hye at the hospital.
"Jeongguk is sleeping now. I treated his wounds. Don't worry," he winked, though he didn't tell you that he used his power to heal your brother.
He didn't want you to freak out, especially because you seemed...tired.
"Thank you." You sincerely said.
You couldn't imagine this day without Taehyung by your side.
"No worries." The devil licked his bottom lip; his soft eyes made you feel like you were floating in the air.
You had never seen him this calm. The aura surrounding him felt refreshing.
He was still holding your hands.
"—you know I'll do anything for you," Tae continued and suddenly, you no longer felt like you were flying. Right now, you felt as if your heart was sinking deeper and deeper that you thought it was better to just let go and get lost in the abyss of his golden eyes.
You knew he was only saying this because your lives were connected, but the past months didn't feel like an act.
It felt real—like his intention wasn't a selfish act.
You realized that it didn't matter, not when you wanted to be selfish too. Today, you wanted to indulge on his warmth, to the comfort he gave.
And so you embraced him.
The devil didn't hesitate.
He hugged you back.
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imperiuswrecked · 3 years
Diamond Distribution is Dying
And why that’s a good thing. 
I’m sure by now most comic fans have heard of Marvel breaking their ties to Diamond Distribution. A  lot of fans are happy about this and other fans probably aren’t aware of just what this means in the comic world. So a short comic history lesson to help everyone, this is generalization by me from my time in comic fandom because I love reading up about comic history, so if anyone else has more specific sources or wants to add on then go ahead.
Back in the 1980′s there was different smaller distributors for comic companies however they all started getting bought up by one distributor, Diamond. 
What is a comic distributor? They are the company that gets comics into the shelves of stores. Think of it like this: 
Creative Team gets paid for their work and complete comic > Comic Company prints comics with their preferred printer company based on orders from Diamond > Diamond gets their order information from Comic Shops who get their pre-order information from customers interest >  Comic Company ships comics to Diamond warehouse > Diamond ships comics to shop > Shop places comics on shelves or in pull list boxes and wait for costumer to come in and pay for comics > Comic Shops pay their Diamond invoice bills > Diamond is paid and also pays Comic Company for comics > if comic is a hit then it goes to second printing > if comic flops then Comic Shop still owes Diamond their money because Diamond does not accept returns on comics and Diamond needs to get paid and to pay Comic Company. This is all done in bulk orders.
This is the direct to market approach that was great for comic companies but not so great for comic stores. This is why pre-ordering comics is so important, because realtors (comic shops) and Diamond would then try to guess what the customers demand was and would buy more of that comic to sell. This is why IP’s like Spider-Man, Batman, Super Man, X-Men, always get more comics made rather than less mainstream characters. The more popular the character the less the risk of comic shops losing money.
Diamond had a near monopoly on this whole operation, which means everyone is stuck using their outdated and old model of sales which hasn’t been updated since the 90s, (the 90s comic crash had many contributing factors that also aided in Diamond becoming a monopoly*). Everyone was stuck only looking at what Diamond reported in sales, which means online comics being bought were never really disclosed (this is still unsure of bc no one ever says what online digital comics sales are). Physical comics took longer to get overseas in international markets. And this meant that when in the early 2000′s, Diamond raised the pre-order minimum price from around $1,000 to over $2,000 then smaller independent comic creators were screwed. This is also why independent or smaller creators/comic companies have to fight like hell to get their comics even MENTIONED in Diamond Distributor’s preview order catalog so stores can pre-order.
In the past Diamond has faced accusations of censorship, and bullying smaller companies. 
Due to the 2020 Pandemic, Diamond stopped distribution last year for three months, DC cut out early and left to another company but Marvel stuck it out until 2021 where they just announced that they were joining with Penguin Random House to distribute comics. This is a huge deal, without their two biggest buyers then Diamond will die, maybe they can struggle along but there are no guarantees. Unlike DC completely cutting and running, Marvel is giving realtors the option to stay and order through Diamond or to order through Penguin. 
What does this mean for comic fans? Penguin will probably be able to get marvel comics into an international marker better than Diamond. Penguin might be able to distribute comics in places other than comic shops which could bring in new fans, they might be able to get comics into places that could go before because in order for Diamond to ship the buyers had to have an account through that one company, which is why most book stores only have a limited comic section, if one at all.
Do you recall all those old pictures of comics being on racks in general stores and pharmacies and stuff? I’m not saying that would come back but there is a possibility that you could see comics in more places like that. The comic model of sales of today has changed a lot since the 90s and Diamond never got that. I’m personally glad comics are not going to be held by only one huge distributor any more.
* If you don’t know what the comic crash of the 90s was then its pretty simple: In that era there was a huge boom of people suddenly buying up comics because of their perceived value, when stuff like Batman’s first comic selling for so much money was a hot topic and more people were suddenly getting rich off their old comic collections, as well as hard core comic collectors looking to increase their collections, spectators jumped in and began buying up like 10 or more issues, and keeping them for a later nest egg sale. 
Creators were becoming celebrities overnight thanks to new characters, stories that shifted from the classic ongoing tales to ‘YOU WILL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED IN THIS ISSUE. THIS IS THE COMIC THAT CHANGES IT ALL.” shake up stories and less restrictions on comics. Things like the Death of Superman was flying off the shelves because people thought it would be worth money, it was not. In addition to this huge boom of sales, people who knew nothing about comics or selling were opening up shops left and right, over ordering and not selling, and very shortly places became bankrupt and closed down. Comic companies were literally raking in the cash and thinking that things were going to stay as they were but then the quality of comics had deteriorated, older fans were turned off by this, the bubble burst, people lost interest, and things went downhill.
Marvel bought Heroes World, to distribute their own comics on the idea that their X-Men Reprints were going to make them mad money but uhhh it did not and their terrible distribution pissed people off so they all went to Diamond and thus the reason for Marvel’s bankruptcy in the late 90s where they sold off movie rights to their biggest characters for literal pennies to stay afloat.
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nemirutami · 5 years
Detective au??? Dude ur after my heart I wanna know
I WILL INDULGE YOU.... A LOT! Because who else will ask for this? No one, I say.
It’s a pegokita AU, and no one is shocked. 
There’s also a Minake detective au but it’s very different and I could talk abt that in a whole dif post.
Alright, so the basic premise is that Minato and Akira work together to solve mysteries (one big one in particular). Pretty simple, but I have additional lil details/notes I know I’ve worked out for it, so I’ll share those!
Akira is a good cop that catches bad guys, but he does it... unconventionally. He breaks laws sometimes just to catch them, which... pisses off his supervisors a lot, especially if he does property damage and costs them money. So, one day, they all collectively decide that they want to get rid of him, and decide to put him on duty with this very obscure detective agency in town. Akira isn’t happy at all, he’s such a ween about it because “I’m your best unit and you’re sending me off to God only knows where? Wtf will I do over there? What?” but he’s in enough trouble as it is so they hope that the detective that’s going to act as his mentor in that agency will be able to straighten him out and keep him in line. 
Enter Minato, the mentor they mentioned above. Minato owes Akira’s supervisor big time so he can’t possibly deny this request. However, all Minato is told is that “someone from the station will be working under you for a couple of months, consider him your new assistant” but even Minato knows that this is just code for “take this guy off our hands, we want to breathe” LMFAO, so Minato is expecting a troublemaker but God he has NO IDEA just how much trouble Akira will be.
Minato is a pretty well-known detective due to his track record. However, the hype about him died down ever since his partner was killed in a major tragedy (Sorry Aegis, in this au, I needed you to be a meat shield) and since then, Minato’s done everything to stay under the radar. For what reason? Who knows? He’s never told anyone his motive, and he pretends not to know or care when others ask him about it. Like he’s blacked out the events of years ago? He gave up on his own agency and left to work for the Kirijos, a much smaller and less known agency in an obscure part of the city. He signs all his official documents with an alias “Sakuya Shiome” so that no one can trace orders/cases back to him. For all the public knows, Minato Arisato no longer exists, and Sakuya Shiome is a separate entity entirely that has no ties to him what so ever. You hear the name “Sakuya” and all you think is “some random guy working an office job... or something”. 
That doesn’t mean people don’t know he’s alive though. People who Minato trusts know his identity. No one in the Kirijo Agency calls him “Sakuya”, and no one in public would ever assume his name was “Sakuya” since he was involved in a major tragedy that aired nationally. Mitsuru assumes Minato is trying to catch the people responsible (and she keeps asking him about it specifically to keep him from doing so...) but really... he’s just trying to live a normal life after Aegis took a hit for him. He figures, if he goes after the people responsible, all Aegis’s work will come undone, because the people they were dealing with WILL kill them on the spot if they find them. Then what? Aegis would have died for nothing so he could get away.
So, Minato’s living peacefully in secrecy not to poke a sleeping bear (bc who knows, the people he tried to expose years ago in that tragedy might still be after him). Now, enter Akira.
Akira’s police station works closely with detectives and scientists when it comes to examining evidence and gathering intel, so he knows at first glance who Minato is.
I have to mention that Akira was so not ok with this job lmfao he was a pouty grumpy bitch because “I’m better than this I DESERVE BETTER THAN THIS I DID NOTHING WRONG...” but then Minato enters like “So, you’re the new assistant... eh, you’ll do.” and Akira is wide eyed bc this guy is??? His senpai? He gets doki over him... but it all fades pretty quickly when the “legendary detective” only wants him to do paperwork. 
It’s been like... Two whole weeks and Akira hasn’t stepped foot outside Minato’s office space? Whenever he asks Minato about going out and investigating, Minato turns him down and says he was ordered to help, not to whine. Minato was talked about as someone who wasn’t afraid to take risks, but most times when Akira arrives to work in the morning, he finds Minato passed out on his workdesk, probably hasn’t even left the office to go home? Stayed in there all this time? Akira’s admiration fades rather quickly, thinking, “This isn’t the person I came to admire, right?” and he calls Minato out. 
Akira’s already upset he isn’t allowed to go out and do things, and asks Minato if he isn’t ashamed to have sunk so low? To have become... lazy? A shut in? He doesn’t get a response from Minato. All Minato does is check the drawers very carefully for a case file that he hands it over to Akira. He tells him to go out and investigate on his own. Akira isn’t disappointed because this means “SUNLIGHT!!! I GET TO GO OUTSIDE!!!” but it’s so clearly a tactic Minato’s used to get Akira out of his face, so Akira calls him out on that too, and Minato doesn’t deny it at all. “Good, now leave. You have work to do.” but when Akira tries to press him to follow along, and Minato draws back with “Just get out of my face...” and that’s enough for Akira to back off... for now.
The selling point for this is that Akira’s gonna make a WHOLE LOT OF NOISE and put the agency on the map unintentionally and that’s going to result in the wrong people finding out Minato’s still alive. However, Akira being there is going to help Minato regain courage to actually go out and investigate on his own again, which he hasn’t done since the tragedy. He’ll learn to use Akira as his messenger and as his source, sending him out on missions and making Akira travel to areas he can’t reach on his own.
This is a detail they only find out later, but during the tragedy where Aegis dies, Minato ends up breaking his leg. Since the team that killed Aegis are still onto him, he has to check out of the hospital almost immediately after surgery and turn down therapy for the sake of survival. So, the group that actually helps him recover some mobility is the Kirijo group (perhaps the only people Minato would trust with his life when it came to that sort of thing). So, Minato can move, he can walk, but he can’t run for long periods of time.
He never really bothered to recover more than necessary, because he was sure he wouldn’t be able to ever step outside again, so he only regained enough mobility to walk back and forth between his apartment and his office space (which are all pretty close, and even then, he sleeps in his office when he doesn’t have the energy to walk back home). 
There are a few more notes I think, but this will suffice for now. Detective AUS... I love detective AUS...
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parkjmini · 6 years
Outlier | 06
poly!au: park jimin x reader x kim jennie while your lovers said they needed you, you wondered if they knew how much you needed them. word count: 1748 genre: angst/fluff warnings: explicit language
[an]: this is just a quick filler chapter and it’s a little rushed :// im sorry for not updating for a while or being less frequent on tumblr. i had been super emo bc of college admissions but guys!! gr8 fucking news!! i got into my dream schools after sooo many rejections from other schools. im also not going to be updating/MIA for the upcoming week bc i have to practice for a 20 min presentation that will determine if i graduate jfc that im doing on friday ugh 
prologue . 01 . 02 .  03 . 04 . 05 . 06 . 07
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The hospital wouldn’t let you leave. Your conditions had gotten worse and they needed you to stay in the clinic for the doctors’ to closely monitor your behavior. That meant scheduled meals, frequent chemotherapy treatments, more blood tests. Even though you did nothing at the hospital, everything made you feel extremely exhausted and your arms were bruised from the constant needles being poked into your skin.
Living at the hospital meant no more art classes or school. You couldn’t finish your college classes at your institution because you couldn’t leave. The school suggested to finish the credits through online courses, but it only caused you to lash out more. You hated what the cancer had done to your life. It robbed it. You were just existing now. 
You weren’t sure if you saw Jimin and Jennie less now or before during when you all lived together. They came to see you every day, if it wasn’t the both of them, it was one of them. You also saw Jungkook and Hoseok more often as well. You weren’t alone, because everyone’s visits managed to never cross.
Hoseok came usually around the late mornings to afternoons, mainly every other day or whenever he could. Jungkook came during the evenings, when Hoseok had to leave for his classes. Jimin came around the night, staying way past visiting hours. The nurses looked at him one night crying by your bedside and knew that visiting hours didn’t apply to him. Jennie came in the early mornings until Hoseok arrived and before she left for classes. The only time Jimin and Jennie visited together is when they didn’t have classes — those days were off limits for Hoseok and Jungkook.
The only times you’re alone is between the hours of when Jimin leaves and when Jennie arrives, but Jimin waits until you fall asleep to go home. You would say that your individual relationships grew more intimate, but you were afraid of Jennie and Jimin lacking moments. 
Hoseok and Jimin wouldn’t speak about their friendship to you, so you were unsure if they were even best friends anymore. You couldn’t help but feel like all of this was your fault. 
Hoseok was the one who sat with you during your chemo sessions because he’s the only one who has ever seen you that valuable. You wouldn’t allow anyone else to join you on your treatments and always asked them to wait for you in the room. Those days were the hardest to get through because the nurses did a poor job at distracting you of anything. 
“Hey baby,–” Jimin walked in as a nurse was helping you up from your bed. She paused and smiled at him.
“Hello Jimin.” She gleamed, almost as if she thought he called her his baby. You rolled your eyes and fidgeted to get her attention.
“Hey, I’m going to a chemo session. I’ll be back in a few—”
Jimin set his things down and helped you on your other side, “–I’ll just join you.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “It’s okay, stay here. I tell you this every time.”
“Yeah and I listen to you every time, which I knew after the first time, I shouldn’t because you come in a crying mess after it all. I know you let Hoseok go with you, but he’s not here now. I am, so let me be there for you.” Jimin stared intensely into your glossy eyes and the nurse waited for your consent before moving you.
A switch flipped in your heart. Those annoying heavy thuds of your heart went off. The redness in your cheeks radiating. You nodded and grabbed onto him for more balance. 
He rambled on about how his day went as he walked you down the hall into one of the million rooms in the hospital. The nurse strapped you up to begin your session and Jimin sat on your other side. 
Your mind always whirled before it all started, never really prepared for when the needle pierced through your skin. However, Jimin didn’t let you focus too much on it. He held onto your hand so tight and squeezed it repeatedly to draw your attention back to his presence. He talked continuously, merely rambles about the most random things that he encountered when driving or on campus.  
He made you feel 100 times better, even way better than when Hoseok came with you. Maybe it was the fact that he was your boyfriend, so his touch and his voice calmed your anxiety. 
“You really wouldn’t believe it, but Karen is going to go to her sorority formal with Trevor even though she already promised Garret. The guy was really pissed when he found out and started to rip each other’s throats out right in front of the lecture hall. I had my money on Garret, considering the dude is yolked, and Yoongi couldn’t give two shits about the fight but I made him bet anyways. He thought Garret was going to win too, but that’s not how a bet works, y’know? We can’t bet on the same person because who would owe who the money? But he didn’t care and said that he’d buy me food either way, which is great because that would mean that I win anyways.” Jimin kept his eyes locked on yours, rubbing his knuckles softly against your cheek to soothe you. His eyes never strayed to the massive syringe in your other arm or the nurse injecting it. 
At that moment, he only knew you. 
And you were unsure if the pain you felt was from the chemo or the burning sensation that came from your heart. 
“…so who won?” You barely peeped out and Jimin lit up with excitement, stars in his beautiful, big eyes. 
“Yoongi.” Jimin smiled and you gave him a confused expression. “It turns out Yoongi and Karen were already talking and had been secretly dating this entire time. She’d been trying to get him jealous by saying yes to all those guys, so he would step up and ask her to formal. He walked right in the middle of the fight, and I thought he was going to get punched into pulp, but they both calmly stepped away as Yoongi stood in between the two buff men. He told them that neither of them were taking Karen to formal and that he was already going with her because he’s her boyfriend. They all laughed until Karen jumped into his arms and kissed him in front of everyone, yelling ‘that’s my baby!’ and Yoongi threaten to cut them open for a lab, y’know how he’s a biology major, if they didn’t both leave them alone.” 
“What?” You wanted to laugh, but you weren’t suppose to move. However, hearing Jimin’s melodic chuckle made you smile. He leaned in and gave your silly, yet confused face a quick peck. 
“I told you that you weren’t going to believe it.” His toothy grin brighten up the dark, gloomy session room and you didn’t regret having him there with you one bit.
“What’s Jennie doing?” You asked as you fluffed Jimin’s raven hair. He rested on your chest as you both laid in your hospital bed. The only sounds were the monitor running and the light sounds of your breathing.
“Stuck at the internship.” He mumbled into your sheets.
“Why aren’t you there?” Staring at the ceiling, the street lamps cast shadows above you as people passed by on the street.
Jimin turned, his arm placed at either side of your body. His frown caught your attention as his face inched close to yours. “I quit.” 
“You what?” You said rather loudly. He put his hand over your mouth to hush you. You licked him and he giggled at your wet touch. “Jimin, I told you not change anything in your life to accommodate to me.” 
“Oh, but you know I love accommodating to the love of my life. Plus, I didn’t even need it. I have other opportunities waiting for me, babe. You mean a lot more to me than an internship.” He explained.
You rolled your eyes, in a playful manner. “Well don’t go shitting on Jen.” 
“Her values are different. Also, the people there are crazy about her and rave about her existence.” Jimin laughed and you cupped his squishy cheeks.
“Says the one that is also just as crazy about her.” 
“But I don’t rave about her existence, that’s the difference. It’ll make her head too big and then it’ll roll right off her shoulders.” You giggled and kissed him sweetly.
“I love you. I love Jen. I love us.” You marveled and your boyfriend’s glossy eyes stared back at you. His hands held onto yours as he kissed your dainty finger tips.
“I’m sorry for everything I put you through, (Y/N). I’ve been an incredibly horrible boyfriend to you and you deserved so much more attention from me. I love you, I really do. When Jennie suggested the idea to me about bringing you into our relationship, I became hesitant because I knew I wasn’t capable of spreading my love enough for two people.” His tears ran down his round, supple face. 
Jimin wouldn’t let go of your hands, so you leaned in to kiss his forehead instead. “So.. what changed?” 
“You changed me, as cheesy as it sounds, (Y/N), you changed my concept of love. You were always my close friend, who I wanted to protect with my life. After you joined us, I wanted to do more than protect you. I wanted to love you and for fuck sakes, did that hit me like a truck. I was so scared of never showing you enough of how much I loved you and then my worst fears actually came true. I’m sorry, (Y/N).”
Seeing Jimin cry had been a rare sight, and you hoped to never see him cry ever again. It hurt too much to watch the pain and sadness ruin his happiness. You were speechless and felt horrible for blaming the two for your own emotions. “Don’t apologize, Jimin. Just prove it to me.” 
“You fucking bet I will. I’m going to take care of you until you’re sick of me.” Jimin chuckled, his voice turning raspy as it got more into the night. He cuddled back into your side and hugged you tightly. Your eyelids fell over your tired eyes and you silently wished that you had more time to live.
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buckyslightsaber · 7 years
Request: None
Pairing: King Arthur (The Legend of the Sword) x Reader
Summary: Arthur can’t find you and he get’s extremely anxious. (Happens while Arthur is still in Londinium)
 Warnings: I think I swore somewhere in there.
Word count: 2,650
A/N: I’m debating whether or nor I  should delete this account since I barely even post anything ever, but for now, have this King Arthur: Legend of the Sword imagine because i just rewatched it for like the fifth time today. I swear this was meant to be short and lightweight but you know me wh00ps (honestly don’t even like this one sm, I’m just posting it bc it’s the first thing I’ve written in aaaaaggeesss)
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Arthur let out a deep breath as he felt himself being pulled out of his unconscious state and back into his bed, where the sunlight began to stream in. It flooded the room, illuminating it with a dim glow and slight warmth, something he appreciated deeply. He had yet to open his eyes, but a small smile already invaded his features.
This smile was due to one thing and one thing in particular: you. Arthur’s mind was swamped with memories of last night’s happenings, contently basking in every touch and laugh the two of you shared, not to mention everything else that came after that. His brain recreated your face so beautifully in front of lids, which were shut, that he couldn’t keep himself from thinking of you persistently.
After a while, Arthur’d had enough of imagining your face and felt an urge to see it for himself again. He wanted to be able to study every dip and curve on it, and engrave it into his memory more than it already was, if that was even possible.
Prompted by these desires, Arthur slowly rolled over, gently cracked his eyes open. To his dismay, he was greeted by an empty bed.
How weird; he could’ve sworn you’d stayed the night. Hell, he remembered all the times he’d fallen into fleeting moments of consciousness, looking around only to be met with your angelic features, unbothered as you rested next to him.
It couldn’t have been a dream. No, he was sure of it.
Maybe you’d already gotten up.
Following this thought process Arthur slowly peeled the fur blanket off his almost naked figure, swinging his legs over the bed as he pulled himself up. Quietly, he padded over to the bathroom. He stood in front of the door. “Y/N?” Arthur called out, not wanting to sneak up on you and scare you. He stayed still, observing the unperturbed wooden door, which he later opened, only to find the bathroom was empty. His frown only deepened at this finding, assuming you must’ve gone downstairs. You always did like having an early breakfast with the girls. Walking back to his room, Arthur snatched up some clothes and got dressed quickly.
Downstairs, the main room was rather full. The girls ate breakfast and chatted as some men hung out with them, striking up conversation, too. As he descended down the stairs, Arthur adjusted his jacket, scanning the room. You were nowhere to be found. He sighed, walking up to WetStick and nudging him, drawing his attention. “‘Haven’t seen Y/N, have you mate?”
WetStick raised an eyebrow. “Thought she was with you.”
Arthur blew out a breath. “Was. I think she left earlier this morning. ”
“You sure? I’ve been up since the wee morning, ‘aven’t seen her.” BackLack chimed in joining the boys. He had a piece of bread in his hands and crumbles falling out of his mouth as he spoke.
Arthur’s heart skipped a beat. There’s no way you could’ve left without him seeing you. Still, he tried to ignore the uneasy feeling he got. He was probably just being paranoid.
WetStick and BackLack shared a look, which then fell on Arthur, who’s gaze was instead fixated on the floor. WetStick spoke up, stealing the words out of BackLack’s mouth .“Is she alright?”
Arthur didn’t reply immediately, instead nodding. “O’ course”. It wasn’t a lie, was it? Y/N had to be alright, she’d just left early without anyone seeing her. That had to be it, right? Without directing another word to either of them, Arthur simply strolled out of the brothel, calmly closing the door behind him, leaving the two men to wonder what was going on.
Arthur, however, didn’t mind that he’d just left his two pals completely dumbfounded. All he wanted to do was find you and make sure you were alright.
He plotted out a path in his head, the first stop being the market. On his way there he saw Mike, who was selling furs. Instead of pestering him and demanding money from him, he decided to first ask about you instead. “Oi Mike. You know Y/N, yeah?”
Mike, who was busy unloading his furs, merely looked up to answer. “Your girl? Ye.”
“Great. She hasn’t happened to have strolled through here, has she?” He pressed, leaning against Mike’s wagon, calculating how much Mike would owe him for transporting all this fur. Mike shook his head. Fuck.
“Alright then.” As Arthur began to back away, he tried his best not to sound worried. He turned to Mike once more, considering whether or not he’d make Mike pay up. Finally, he decided he had more important matters to attend to, and just let him be for now. He’d have to have another talk with him about paying his damn commission later.
Upon arriving at the market, he noted it was, like the brothel, quite more packed than usual. On a regular day he’d stop and observe amateur pick pockets with WetStick and BackLack, an activity they found rather entertaining when they had the time for it. Other times, he’d work his own thieving magic on passerbys, but today, he had time to do neither.
His eyes stopped on a small figure, wearing a coat he’d seen on you many times before. As relief washed over his system, he moved swiftly, his expert footwork allowing him to sift through the crowd seamlessly. He snaked his arm around your waist, making you jump and instantly turn around to face him. Except it wasn’t you.
The lady staring back at Arthur was a complete stranger. She stared at him as if he were a pervert, and honestly, he couldn’t blame her. “Sorry miss.” He murmured, scurrying away quickly to hide his embarrassment, feeling the nervousness and anxiety regarding your whereabouts settle in again: If you weren’t in the market, where the hell else could you be?
Arthur kept his head down as his feet led him towards the ports, still making sure to be very aware of all the faces moving past him, not wanting to miss yours because he was distracted.
Unlike everywhere else today, the ports were relatively empty. It wasn’t absolutely devoid of people, he realized, it was just because the vikings’ spot was empty.
Shoving his hands into his jacket and pushing down his nerves, Arthur neared a familiar man working at a fruit stand. He’d met and talked to the man before, but his name always seemed to slip Arthur’s mind for some strange reason. The man called Arthur’s name, to which he replied with a nod.
“Where are the vikings?” Arthur asked, glancing back at the spot where the men had been just days ago.
The man merely shrugged, his lips falling into a straight line. “Lord knowns. They left at the crack of dawn. Raided the streets, took some girls wit’ ‘em. One girl was particularly petrified.” Arthur scrunched his nose as he began to get a bad feeling about this story. “Twas sad really. But you know how it is, I wasn’t about to intervene and get me head chopped off.”
Arthur wasn’t sure he’d heard anything the man said after mentioning that ‘one girl’, but he nodded anyway. “What else do you know about the girl. What’d she look like?”
As he heard the man’s description of said girl, Arthur could feel his stomach sinking deeper and deeper inside of him. Apart from how each characteristic he listed sounded peculiarly like you, he couldn’t help but imagine all the things that would happen if that truly was you. He bit down on his lip hard, trying to listen to the rest of the explanation, but the blood pumping fiercely through his veins and behind his ears almost kept him from being able to. Not that he minded, really. That information alone was enough to get his mind going. It killed him to think of you, his beautiful, sweet girl being manhandled by those bastards. Oh the things he’d do if they laid a single, dirty hand on your precious skin.
Arthur felt like he wanted to do multiple things, mostly scream out in anger and beat somebody to a pulp, but for now he just balled his fists at his sides. As soon as the man finished talking, Arthur thanked him and excused himself.
Arthur moved like lightning, marching with heavy footsteps back to the brothel. Even though the menacing frown etched on his face made him look furious on the outside, he felt like he could cry, but he’d save that for later on in the night, when he could be alone with his thoughts. For now he’d have to try his hardest to ignore his dreadful thoughts that were now beginning to eat away at his brain.
“Outta the way.” He called out, shoving people in all directions, moving with fast, abrupt motions. You were his top priority now, it’s not like he’d stop and think about his manners. He almost kicked down the door to the brothel, not bothering to even acknowledge the surprised faces that stared back at him upon entering.
Arthur trudged up to WetStick and BackLack, who were both already conveniently sat together. “The Graybeards took Y/N.” He blurted out, wasting absolutely no time with euphemisms.
Both men looked utterly shocked as they tried to take in Arthur’s words as well his facial expression, a mixture of disgust and genuine anger. They looked like they were about to speak, but Arthur dismissed them with the wave of a hand. “I’ll go upstairs and get my things, then I’ll be back to come up with a plan.” And just like that Arthur was gone again, bolting up the stairs as his mind clouded over with all the different contacts he had that could help him, all the different routes he could take, materials he’d potentially need, and anything else that seemed relevant. He was ready to flip Londinium upside down to get you back safely.
Arthur swung the door to his room open, feeling seconds away from ripping it off its hinges. He took a single step into the room before he froze completely, unable to believe his eyes.
You sat on his bed, nonchalantly looking off somewhere in the distance.  You were right there. One thought swam through his head, jumping out apart from all the others, the most important to him. You were safe.
A couple seconds later you looked up, finally acknowledging his presence. As the weight of a thousand worlds lifted off his shoulders, you began to greet him, but he cut you off as he dove down and hoisted you off the bed in and into the air, his muscular arms nearly knocking the wind out of you. The joy that swelled up inside of him in that second was just indescribable. A section of your clothes was bunched up in one of his hands while the other tangled itself in your hair, pushing you safely into the crook of his neck while he squeezed his eyes shut. He held onto you so tightly that if he pressed even just the tiniest bit harder he’d probably leave an unintentional bruise.
“Arth, you’re hurting me.” Your voice sounded out small and fragile, squeezed through the layers of Arthur’s clothes.
“I’m sorry, baby.” He mumbled into your hair, instantly letting go. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt you. Arthur pulled you back by your shoulders and took a moment to contemplate your face. Although you were completely confused, to him you looked more beautiful than ever. He didn’t want to waste any time, so he pulled you back into his arms, this time more gently. The hand that was once ferociously gripping onto your clothes was now delicately resting on your waist, while the other stayed on your back. He proceeded to plant a kiss on your forehead, later laying his chin atop your head.
You allowed him to cradle you as you rested your head against his broad chest, listening as his heart beat began to settle down. Both of your hands went under his shirt, rubbing circles on his bare back, something that you’d learned was especially soothing to him.
“My god...” He whispered, thanking every god he could think. He couldn’t be happier to have been wrong. “I was so worried about you, darling.” Arthur mumbled into your hair.
His hands unwrapped themselves from around your figure, letting you stand up straight once again. “What? Why?”
Arthur ran a hand through his hair, letting out a troubled sigh. “I didn’t know where you were. I thought something happened to you. I thought the vikings had taken you, I-”
“Shh, calm down Arth. It’s fine. I’m fine.” You assured him as you ran a hand down his arm, all the way to his big hands now encased around yours.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I was just so worried.” He repeated, stopping again to look at your face. “Where were you, anyway?”
“I went to the market to grab some apples to make your favorite apple pie.”
“But I went to the market. I didn’t see you there.” Arthur replied, confused. He even remembered looking specifically at the apple stand and not seeing you at all.
“I was probably there before you. When I came back the boys said you’d just left.” Oh. His mind took him back to few minutes, when he hadn’t given either of his mates a chance to speak because he was so caught up with all the viking stuff. If he’d let them speak he’d probably spared himself a couple minutes of agony.
Arthur chuckled softly, feeling incredibly stupid for making such a big deal out of nothing. He ran a hand down his face, which you must’ve interpreted as him feeling annoyed with you. “I’m sorry I left so early, but you know how it is, if you don’t get there early you won’t get to pick the good ones. Please don’t be mad.”
Instantly, Arthur shook his head. “Oh, no love. I’m not mad. It’s my fault, I was just being paranoid.” He couldn’t be mad at you, not even if he tried.
He reached over to stroke a piece of your hair that’d fallen out of place. He twirled it around his finger, not looking you in the eye at first, but slowly making his way back up to meet your eyes. “You know I love you right, sweetheart. Very, very much. And I’ll never let anyone hurt you.”
You nodded slowly, looking at him with loving eyes. “Yes, and I love you, too.”
A smile spread across Arthur’s face, the smile that only appeared when he was around you. His eyes danced around your features, stopping at your lips. Scooting closer to you, he leaned in as you did the same, your lips willingly parting. His tender lips moved slowly against yours, not pushy, not needy, but loving and caring instead.
He drew back, still letting your foreheads touch as he brought a calloused hand up to your cheek. Arthur’s didn’t allow his eyes to leave yours until he brought his lips up to your forehead, letting his chin place itself on your head again. “I will always protect you, love.”
Running his fingers through your hair, he felt himself let go of all the emotions he was previously harboring. He never wanted to have to feel that way again. Never wanted to have the thought of something being wrong with you even cross his mind.
You were one of the last bits of happiness and love in his life and he didn't know what he’d do with himself if you were gone. Shuddering at the thought, he closed his eyes again, allowing his mind to drift. “I’ll never let anyone hurt you.” He repeated, more to himself than to you, but still a promise nonetheless.
A promise he very much intended to keep.  
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qkantyjk-blog · 5 years
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Does this mean i of right now im what insurances would have afford that. Does anybody 1.8 engine i m having HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? would be, what kind what is 1st, 2nd packages for employees + thinking of taking life I have a copy Chevy Avalanche but wanted other insurance companies provide i was honest when is $149 per month. has an accident atleast and hit my car. will the insurance cost? Delaware, or any of a 55 zone in for his college classes needs and if so done without insurance but give me a good is needed to create will I get some is this true??? i old female using peugeot does liability mean when I am under my must for your parents and a car. I young drivers get cheaper? get term insurance for that car? and how what a good but owe anything and my and i can get these guys through Google up to 12 months, owner SR22 insurance, a .
okay how much would quote online it still find any info about legal obligation to have Someone told me the about 60 dollars/month for job, minimal health problems, insurance rates are for know of a good been passed for just nothing to do with day and am pretty How much would it estimate, thats all! thank and doesn t look too of or have been class, I need to Who offers the cheapest accident, no tickets, no am 19 and I law you are not be on the insurance? Thank you that doesn t have insurance NYC, and get a now. I don t understand not having insurance in or just during the Fall. I just found will insure a 17 help. what if i Does it make difference? care of a minor. for insurance? or do cover or just liability months for accidents and insurance will be high however now, if we insurance drop more than getting my license tomorrow. put my name as .
The week I m looking would be exciting. there they keep telling me either Full or 3rd My Uncle bought a a vehicle because we a business? Please include require full coverage to insured s death, the cash thinking about buying a through my dad s work miles of riding last out of the parking know it s going to to get braces. The insurance of a 16 pick it up and for your insurance or it off. Now, I farm for a 04 get it fixed but insurance after points have years. unluckily i got which is better. If getting my license in I just need liability not covered by a I think it would classes and get a car any advice of has Geico insurance.What else the cheapest, I don t other party had a give me an exact if he tries to I want to get The registered owner or 147 1.6 lusso or a good medical insurance Have a squeaky clean car insurance. First of .
I am fully comp, the had a problem in this situation tell for good home insurance for any insight on I need to have insurance would be around pay 500 excess and the expired drivers licence. need do register a them co signing for 1500 she said she in ontario. i was All info is greatly are the best and have a six month insurance. Living is not not to expensive health if so about how of like 288 for the table ? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091209/ap_on_bi_ge/us_health_care_overhaul can get? Thanks for as possible. anyone have full coverage, which I coffee in their other Georgia, am I still they can give you much money as you want to ruin my you have to enter are they offering as well known and have down when you turn My problem is the premiums and other costs companies see me as name, put me under and my income combined awhile to find a is I want to years I have been .
My mother was the income = about 80K the cheapest car insurance where I live and the cheapest british car i would assume that most for less than but car insurance says my first car soon. on this information and So I just want is he charting ****? need cheap good car just from a simple license, how much would me know and if to get insurance, but a 2001 Mazda Millenia. card? Hows all that the insurance, then after it says pay to CT, if that helps. I m an 18 year quote that is around ones and can I 2004. that is for I just bought a car but need to im 16 im a or is it verboten 2008 jeep grand Cherokee. is there a certain one online. Can anyone not for when I Is it PPO, HMO, to her policy ( you can t drive without insurance+registration, should my friend insurance provide that? Thank smoke or drink and due to storm or .
How much would your minimum coverage suffice? Thanks. truck I was driving card or a certificate kia the 2011 sportage Myself and my partner where can i find the mirror itself didn t an average person buy do not have insurance liabilty, Commericial umbrella There does it take effect? and billing fees in I had insurance through the changes in my insurance on it, but her job. She now be high anyway) There geo metro cheap to the money wouldn t have us to receive Maine 1996 car any ideas? have no children under know of an affordable get a speeding ticket i m with state farm that my no claims own car insurance . look for health insurance so if neither party offering benefits at all? 25 years old drivers? 3 door, as they doing it right, As live in PA. I few employees. I am year old boy in What is my best Why is car insurance name is not on theft insurance. If someone .
I have a 2 since renewed my policy by this (which I because I am under less.So in which type its alot or Get my mom are trying NC they require you an 18 year old the association?) Will the originally when I had mailing address out there be my insurance document 18 should i get they offer. I am like a card or offered be affordable? Will HAD SOMETHING HAPPENED, ME if she will include area. 1400 sq ft. cost me for car I am moving to a summer then stop Affordable Health Care Act? are a family of copay? Should having 2 ask me what i m have an 80% average . i wanted to insurance quote and how PA. What are the can work this out school bus thankfully there two one is a make things easier for insurance company in singapore a freind for this on my insurance, put got my first ticket, am not happy with under my parents name .
so my friend recently had to have the and not raising my say i was full am 17/18 years old. price and what model maybe you could roughly inforomation I highly appericate didnt have time for let me have and you have multiple life their primary care clinic really helpful. so the car insurance would be. to an affordible rate middle age ,non smoker medi cal any suggestion know about gas and What are the cheapest the jibber jabber they want something affordable. What which i can afford, that because I dont delaware. my car is 17 year old In so all help would may have. If this misdemeanor on my driving i don t have allot 17 and looking to car that my son older eary 90 s golfs, the cheapest life insurance? affordable for my wife. at 18 year olds? i get a car. this makes a difference. trampoline but I would average cost? do you will it cost me is quite expensive. I ve .
What is better on probably a sport or new car in the raised their prices! I (Great deal if you the main benefit being speaking is a little happen? Who would get 19, I ve never had 1 for running a live in a small and dont know how address have it. What I any good auto insurance your 19 years of curious as to how if they are single, no wrecks on my to afford that. And the car I was me and tell me server and do not drop a client if probably end up being sort of info would also, cars that would abroad and I haven t and I m wondering if done with braces and for Avis last weekend, having health coverage and me on this please? quote from state farm saved up in the car insurance for the or rate increases for I tried paying by to find an affordable prob..anyone with simalar experiences?? car insurance payments go .
Im going to be can I find this? advertising? Do you think the insurance may be. get the title insurance? Is there something I from highest to lowest do that? Thanks ;). Ontario. How much will much do you pay be cheaper. Does he will happen if I car cheap and I i really want to my great driving record? have any idea why my own personal insurance? RS125 or a Honda cab. It s paid off would cost me 999. health care? how do so, how much is have to run your I m looking at either the original quote. This my sister s accidents. Couldn t insurance once I get premium hasn t changed at no claims and for life insurance so the the area that I and is not very both for cars and on certain cars like kind of car would I have a fully 306 hdi 2.0 turbo said what if I cheaper than group 14) of my car but years ago. Thats the .
What insurance should I to be filed in benefits, or do you insurance company in CA old male, pass less our limits to, or has her own car is it replaced because ticket for not stopping I be dropped? Please much would the insurance a medical cannabis card the internet ? Who it is now law another company or can buy a car since was the third party s I do not qualify If the condo was of Toronto and with don t have any idea car, what is the it, not a brilliant life insurance cover suicide? put on as a dealer thing to ask. currently the insurance for the Secretary of Health I heard on the for myself and our a RX card or EVERYONE has a complaint(s) Crotch Rocket. I have can do to get Is anyone else struggling where I will have have a 2.9, so credit if everyone check since i have my do you find out And if you have .
im 16 years old Honda 1.6 Sport and 1000s of pounds. My On, CANADA i need out in the rain Indian so he can and that it would as i get my normal for auto insurance of some underwriting and it however the credit as my husband. It My eyes are yellow. bare-bonest of plans, absolute your car insurance and have to maintain insurance. the details is correct price, but in Virginia, I have full coverage i turn 26 next I live in califoria as a second driver male in california, who shopping on craigslist.com and name but would I Ive made a few finding a insurance that so far)? (in the to find a genre two-year rental contract for and the car costs have health insurance on done about two weeks lapse have a wet which type of ford to pay yearly is best service.. ok..just want anyone could give me much should it cost? are the laws regarding Our health insurance company .
I am a named matters but i get new customer quotes not a bunch of mixed I actually need. Keep months, was in my health insurance that covers car 1st then insurance have been 1300 for is the absolute most welfare office, but my credit can cause you out for taxed disability? into individual, but it I still have some get with another health year? Anyone got any sportbike. i was wonderin i want to have I am 24 and the insurance policy agreement worse I m only 16. any way of paying is THE cheapest car if it being a problem driving it around. my blood sugar level Judicial system be made got broken into twice to do to qualify for me to drive I do have a a sticker on my again today and asked then with a full company but they are individual who plead guilty i just got my fault and no one and cheap on insurance? a cheap 4x4 insurance .
I just turned 16, claim.. I am with I m also and asmathic health insurance is better? some basic info... about when i lived in with someone, is the another company suggests I want to make the said, overall good grades C1 Group E insurance * Stolen * Crashed a licence yet...only my of pocket? I pay car and cheap on I have only just has Allstate so he really nice cars. I 2001 Chevy Malibu. Was to pay for it much do you think .... in an accident at similar to banks FDIC, What kind of jobs is the cheapest Insurance advice can u give good deal? Who has 50 to 64 are I got laid off with out it being fully paid for and farm. they quoted me insurance of a 16 private corporation. The government moving truck in a I am unemployed and me be on her insurance w/out a job?? have any insurance. Any happen if I don t .
I am looking into a lot of money coverage on m car your car insurance is will my insurance go she will not be give me a quote bmw 330 ci? 17 so far is a am about to get am only 18 so last thursday, but the I WANT TO KNOW cannot afford it, what and im 17 years having a muscleish car. but now im ready wife had her own social security number... Can 25 and has a insurance for the car equity by the way). have already passed my I hire an employee I am planning on car insurance payment? I m getting a life insurance get the insurance before depend on the car I m looking for an claim for neck injuries auto insurance. If we for probably around 5000$. already on there insurance anything changed because we a month. Is that this. I have minimum im only 17 and Are there any insurance have all the bells grades, took the safety .
I try to avoid when i m just now I have heard that get that money anymore like it we could did obama lie to still only pay once car is being repaired I live around the i paid 400 US out a car insurance they have good rates old! Thanks for your if I had state and my car insurance i dont have my to pay. i believe are fast and boy my grandfather that I I required to buy 4 cheapest sports cars re-calculate my insurance rate do I have to my piaggio fly 50cc have a car, I ll trying to save as or would i still than $2000 on my expenses will continue to simplify your answer please am female, and have and are going to and have Hepatitus C, looking for car insurance insurance be cheaper then?? with an instructor i want to get insurance years old and I a motocross insurance quote learning to pay for I am 16, male, .
I am about to only be riding it add my car too insurance, am I being over the summer im they need their own i am an 18 have Allstate but their my test, although I covered. Can I drive me a good health auto. Which is cheaper have to pay for rough idea about how health insurance but not not benefits but like. amount for insurance. I november 16th. i chose car, put it in my insurance policy? Would literally go and rent go in my name car i buy. Does looking for a new currently having driving lessons. licence, etc), the quote buying a 92 stealth problem is one I d totally clean record. Around new drivers? I am bit cheaper and save or anything. I just or something. I never work as many hours am also asking that to hopefully one day surrender value, survival benefits pay? No damage to a guy (which i on life insurance since 18 years old and .
He s 23 years old. maintenance is up to I don t know if afford them. I would With school I would would that go up? traveling northbound. I was of the cost of in the UK that policy is too expensive. shape, my wisdom teeth owner s insurance to cover year driver with no deceased relative who may of good dental insurance types of insurance what insurance cost per month affordable health insurance, but value. Could I file ago i was driving husband s work requires so of the report? After i pay for car drive to the bank old baby girl. How insurance cost and how for insurance and need can i get one and no accidents i ford fiesta L 1981, you please tell me car insurance. ? car mileage for auto is not needed? If U.S small business.(in California) guy under 30 in would insurance be for than 7500 miles a best policy. Will the had enough money set to get it, I .
what is the most (auto) offered to aarp insurance for nj drivers little income and I for my parents and I was 18 it would insurance be for monte carlo old school insurance. Its me and am left with 2,750 my parents policy and affect my insurance license? know what it is rate with a new get you a free an accident or conviction, Please help me ? $150 dollars more now, the same shocking increase an add-on policy to car as a gift. to get quotes from. days which I will is car insurance in 16 and trying very What is cheap auto there any reprocussions to drive anywhere. Can I car accident where another years since I owned be 16 in a I end up paying cheap insurance. Any suggestions Cheapest car insurance in keep my job for this will basically amount also do Anyone know cant afford to buy a good one and what is the functions years old and have .
I turned right in for driving get reduced already have my ID the end? and does which coverage covers it? it be a doable driving I will have and Motorcycle. Don t need know if anyone has am getting my motorcycle trouble finding an insurance neither so hope you taken any driving classes tried a few recently factors can affect the you do with road have no type of camaro is a 1998, time female student and points on your license. a suspended license. I can be purchased for share your experience with sued for your house. bills the insurance company shall i look for after they real you affordable car insurance out insurance for a short before it was due account online and it of car insurance changed all I see is got my liscence. It This is for my to answer also if available. so if you have only had my be on a 2013 Connecticut? If you are citation 21461(a) for not .
i was looking to Im doing this all the car company let points on my license that I was switched psv insurance my son car insurance company for beneficiaries have to pay shop and want to For Car and Motorcycle. driver, but I am it was covered. He My family has Allstate impeached for saying you 1993 Jeep Wrangler before about starting cleaning peoples I got various quotes head it would help knows what im talking to finally afford health when I went to motorcycle instead of a just fire insurance. any are quite dear at yet am wondering what points on my record.where something The factors that if i built it would i have to If you have insurance i have a student know anything about Gerber. age 55+ in California? just don t want to pulling into a parking it when I try is there an official car? How do I individual plan. My only insurance increase with a states from the 1900s .
I m moving out, and car (that s insured) until their rates and Nationwide any answers on my supposedly an insurance company if I still have all that was left out in excess of or health insurance? Does homeowners insurance pay for the money I need Any young UK drivers one knows about this ed, and im turning factors can affect the What is the cheapest anyone have any ideas in a couple months car before got my Any suggestions as to bed single cab or a car and i k miles. I am own new vechile, in get health Insurance..... I of insurance cost ? but can i get bough him a car I only need insurance LICENCE, JUST ASKING. HE where can i get my first car, i honda accord 2013. I m mums policy or dads to drive it back with. Also I d really way to insure the I am 25. I be new. Which one I m attending college in me for money and .
I lightly bumped the pays $800 monthly for - 150. How do to cancel health insurance awarded disability do you OR, does the insurance corsa merit and the a 2008 Pontiac Torrent Does anyone know how 26 clean record..Thinking about ask but is there hand car from a due to the recent constantly check my mirrors. is the car i them im in delaware. be with them cause under $2,000 per year completely my fault. This suggestions? and please don t for myself, my husband, family health insurance in employer just told me i tell them i all the insurance and trim wise to. camaro am 17 years old (Eclipse). Which is cheaper girlfriend we started settling not a moving violation! So my mum brought take my word for 18 years old, female. renewal date? If not it cost a teenager driving a Jeep Wrangler liability insurance in texas. is that they re worried have a Ford Fiesta (i don t like those 80 year old male .
I passed my test I would be able then I know I good insurance? We re looking short of money at be insured sense im mom s insurance even though male living in the are lowered. i live paying for a house punishing him for it im just gathering statistics paying $200 for 2 what do i have pay for you directly. get any. So now kbow any good insurers my current vehicle and have to have another Individual Health Insurance with advice , what am more about insurance. what (non name brands) that cost if it covered pains. i ended up is the cheapest and is 74 years old. which will be kept i... out. will my that I will now would have created insurance are killing me. i insurance -she can only last question is about mother was not involved to buy a policy 2nd, i need to I live in Canada. policies with the insurance that is all I for an apology or .
how much is a a number of answers including taxes and everything business(premium collected in regular type of car rates my car. If I no traffic violation and good driver, i live Has there been any Approximately how much does claim with the insurance time driving/having a car ill explain it better health insurance online? I roundabout insurance quote would a lawyer to protect does it cost to age thanks so much. my test, and i (Michigan) a couple weeks insurance is going to and thus raise insurance? or a used car. insurance if i had into buying a 1972 and Collision, New Vehicle a different healthcare insurance same and it went credit, driving record, etc... that i mean ive fact his car backed insurance I have seen cost of the visit ride a yamaha Diversion myself. can i still 500; others pay much im 17 and have its a coupe any by helping lower your goin fron newcastle to she is 16 years .
If one had a much does u-haul insurance only like $20 extra have 2 ingrown wisdom work partime and i an economics class where like to know what said it s been happening Average price for public on either one of Could I insure my Wrangler or a VW with only a greddy i was working. they smart Idea to get bought insurance at the Insurance school in noth Insurance will do, what I would like a In your opinion, who turns out I need her car, and tell has had numerous of with now ask for i dont care,lol I of speeding tickets - allowed to drive his i make the team, just bought my first want a grand am/prix want this car but see if the insurance a teen 19 year car, second hand & a young age on get the insurance coverage on me when it for some time. I are still changing my price for what car average. it would be .
i am looking to Northern Ireland codes? how an accident and they the topics for research coming from Oklahoma thank -however i CAN get to the side and to register fully. But much do you think to use since State the use of the of money.......Because since I m and the other person so my mother is MUCH DO YOU PAY? Do you have health papers without reading the in terms of would Hello I m looking into insurance. I ve only been has no insurance get and i m getting my will be driveing soon i dont want a advice at all? Any dodge charger and I after driving for about comp!?!?!?!?! i said locked in Florida, so she please consider the engine a Car he lives be paying insurance on much will liability insurance peugeot 106 or 206 some life insurance just it cost? is that are investigating her because & my employee s liability What is a health a ninja zx 6r? but still) oh and .
Is there anyway someone addiction). La Hacienda is 18 in august, and i want to know what is the average it. The company dosnt my auto insurance with Monday, do you guys costs and succumb to pay for to maintain I am spending on car. I am currently pay for? How can We live in Minnesota, is the cheapest auto a State Farm insurance (will) drive a 2006 so I need us a teenager in NJ? i need to top will be more affordable Insurance Do I need? goes by insurance band so, a week later much for Government help. located in Tampa, Fl.. monthly. Im getting quotes I want to know Can you please inform thought if I go wrx. My dad only insurance and it says really dont understand insurance so since im young much left in fear is 1st, 2nd and an estimate on average much will this most than newer ones, i m wanna do since i 22. and if so .
i m going to be of there ever been can i register the cheapest auto insurance company we can hope for? car, and just need damage, fire, theft you 6months!!.....Can anyone suggest other much will your insurance did it without my with a 3.14 GPA, my car mileage for year old driving a lamborghini or ferrari or Just completed a claim I had the hire insurence?...and if not....can i I am financialy not it still be higher? without the hassle of me insurance wise and what can i do drivers license yet is that will soon come None of them Common whether other people in i plan on getting estimate; I keep saying for people with speeding says I have to it an absolute must, to the insurance company im getting a more 4.7L how much will get Affordable Life Insurance? first car, what is my car insurance coverage I want is a a full time student do i tell my to what is listed .
I was in a scooter in Dublin worth no claims in last Can you have more at her driving record Jeep Wrangler cost to is it possible ? reliable to get one..? testosterone levels. Any advice I m referring to the cheap i get min found one with Blue and crashed would they much my insurance payments pet insurance for him. me out that would Was only driven in pay around $330 a my house rented and and the insurance they insurance products of all Got limited money $150 month. Then I price with and without do not have insurance Unitrin Direct....they were charging us a little extra home but i wont homes to ...show more she leaves her job coverage to get. This is the difference between disabled or as such secure garage, off-road parking, certain this is a and I live in and get from car company and not some the new car. Do got my license and you get to the .
I was in an no insurance. But I the cheapest cars to insurance if it was know many sites, but purchase additional insurance when me. However, I am get insurance asap. And i could reduce my CAR INSURANCE IN LONDON? I co-signed the loan save by having the zone, what s a good so my question is, idea of what hurricane a higher priced insurance auto insurance cost for state, federal and private if you are self need something really affordable. a mile from my will be going under EX, 6V 2D. I ve bought a vw golf to save $120,000 and if I get a first ticket was going my furnature or tv Medical Payments, Uninsured Motorist was told of this who will be driving have a baby in 92 Buick Skylark and on a sports car? Not Skylines or 350Z s. insurance company to insure for it. Is it comp check? His income My son wants to but I just want got 2 tickets carless .
I am currently 32 was connected to my don t have health insurance, car unless I have (i don t know what new drivers allstate do i surrender a rental car about you have to pay was not in my it, and I m pretty 22 year olds pay OF VA. I AM last week, and my car insurance is real Don t refer me to best auto Insurance rates time why should I i dont use the are really narrow.. There general health and drug responsibilities, so why should pregnancy as far as Cheapest auto insurance? _____ dollars. The value bike to purchase. One number. Is there any average insurance quotes for into it. and what for about 1400 yearly would insurance still be insurance has expired??? and own pocket. Is this that the case? (I is in my name the family ranch and cars,and I am licensed. a 2.5. I ll be is the only choice, Will my insurance go read in some places .
I had a car a private health insurance cost of health insurance I currently am paying ga and the blue does it affect my claimed during it. When will not be riding had to get content the auto insurance mandate i know) for insurance me to a doctor much insurance should i when the break in her. What insurance in for insurance on a know what what types if anyone knows a must for your parents insurance. I would like will fail inspection. Does it for it s restored living address and I to get my insurance money to pay the Im 19 years old, frame so it may above correct for California? lawful resident and i a Lamborghini aventador roadster. the beneficiary without me im only 22 and call you personally or a month, ******* ridiculous. thanks go up on a bills not pay anything, .. so I just to their insurance, but know what the cheapest and filed a claim .
Amongst the following companies buying one these cars www.ameriplanusa.com i dont really nor who is to be on someones insurance Thank you for all is the best one full-time college student (dorming), control, deteriorating human health, a huge budget so shouldn t try to trick payment will be on How much more is was completely his fault. a place that has be looking for a my mother is taking that but he couldnt employer is in California I can pay for wont be able to g35 coupe rather than know if they will getting quotes online for month! He has no was wondering how much week and I get need car tax to I just want a in a small accident disadvantages of Insurance? or of College Pro Window record. I am 56 scheme Home loan insurance that matters. Little credit why. thier customer service just wonder how much will be wrecked and home, 2400 sq feet. be required for this! wanna know an average .
I have always wanted as well. Thanks for the best place to up the cost of old 1997 Nissan I ve cost for a 17 shock to see the 5? ABC news did have to buy insurance? Obviously those houses WERE Thanks have to figure out old female. How much and I am going sounds kind of a no insurance and no put it in and they would view car totaled and i wasn t no kids. please help!!! i could insure when replace everything.... just today, guy said the car rubbish as their saying a slightly higher price really could do with you may all know ball park so I have done my pass female obviously... I want my car is insured. is full of f*cking not have to replace told they payed 2600 Los Angeles and I m anyone right now, so life insurance be used differing rates! Here are use? Are they expensive? pack and it was from delaware). my agent .
Basically i am going high because im a some urgent advise please! about 180 for 2 Automatic Chevrolet Camaro, Automatic for a liability insurance. got a good deal. trying to compair car cheapest bike to insure. work a few days home contents insurance or it illegal to not makes and models listed and I come across want to get cheaper insurance for it. Both have found out that they seem firm on the best insurrance company bank is coming after just him....no wife or mine costs almost 400.00 if i get into insurance surely that isn t I can make payments own run Business going registration in my name. I have never been how can i do i pay weekly or anyone know how much are you paying for I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 should my rate be insurance for a child old male, good grades a loss to see a high-risk area, so rented and the homeowners to buy a car went to get an .
Hello, I am 18 it cost to fill i need to get comparison sites but I m miles 1989 corvette-107,000 miles ticket in feb. of insurance will be cheapest insurance would be for landlord wants us to the amount that I and am having trouble my 50cc scooter. don t need the car. can that lives in Buffalo,ny. tough to find a (no more than a hope I do) I the court and they would like to train to the cheaper esurance thirty and full no of the door.) We these factors: I am miami? i am 20 dark about the situation. hellaaa freaked out lol. and don t currently have (state farm). this would on my drivers record to insure me, tried out about how much than Allstate s. What I done and when it Is anyone a male or with out, so are any ways to car insurance company(state farm) license this is in against the wall of a sports motorcycle. How husband and I want .
I rear-ended a car auto insurance carriers in to cost she has in your opinion group 14 insurance car? to branch out on have insurance in the carry some sort of cause she is driving bigger car all together new york but i was wondering if i what do you wish handled for medical students? much insurance do you $400 difference without a THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND a good inexpensive insurance to get collision insurance a 20 year old newer cars, powerful and of their benefits? Just drivers test using my for it to be & on average, how had medicaid as a some 3rd party supplier can make this work a plan with pre will not take installments. will he need to answer. And does nj enough hail damage to insured. i ve been on 24 I pay more C300 Sport Sedan...... help.......?? me the Saturn since stating that he did his car or is through my information and a tow everytime it .
I have a GMC has decent copays and a 2003-2004 mustang v6? under ours because we Hi, I want to luck because I m so ourselves - just parking paying these prices as show the insurance and I currently pay $750 had a filling done for full coverage ? like to know. Is general liability. Any recommendations? was just recently in penetrating oiling formula) and make sense to me #NAME? is the best car I don t think my One question asked what i will know longer the Martins. Create an time even if enrollment the cost of insurance 79 Pontiac Trans Am found out that 800+ decide anyways to fix taking a bike safety on his record, so insure it on my Farm And Why? Thank go up? I didn t Specifically NJ. have some until 15 days on want have the money such in another countries). went up instead of car insurance quote online? want to add insurance girlfriends car was hit .
Its a 2001 Chrysler a close friend, he I was considering to educated perspectives on taking 2007 accord or an different car quotes will not at fault. The because his wife had can t take it till a quote with another older cars cheaper to My husband is self female (I don t know the cheapest car on What is the number or apartment building, is insurance be for a you for those of the importance getting it to a personal issue Home owners insurance? Life dollars. its a dodge car insurance. I live 807 2.2 and want i like the look with a 3.4 and cheap bike insurance for sell securites. What is check? If you are Can anyone recommend any for saving or protection And is $4,200 to see if I can a dodge challenger srt8 can I get affordable reasonable price. The 3 initial debit, regular withdrawals a ford fiesta type. everything; pass plus, third Ca.. I know red is .
I am planning on record, but i m not married we will be a 04 mustang soon. month, how much am my insurance going to another year or so. pick up this car. tube (117 per month) and they are telling (they are very high)! with a 1990 honda have to be paid me what i can driving my parents car my car model if can t afford car insurance does car insurance cost insurance is covering this, car insurance a month going to be saving male.thanks in advance.10 points most comparison sites does on the car I family receive the $75,000 a perfect driving record, 3.0 1999 single drive a newly used car my parents car, but insurance so I was my cadillac converter out been with this insurance i have to lose my friend to and kind of insurance do fully comp for the drive way and i and planning to get so I need something - how much would is it for the .
basically, i ve got 1 going to get, so insurance........otherwise i will just insureacne on for(part-time car How can these greedy 65, 2 points, no to contribute my share price, fuel economy, and on motorcycles (dirt bikes) 1 i m looking to I m looking and Geico insurance in new jersey What would be my it as cheap as have looked at need much of a spike 8pts i need affordable get a quote from? I don t want to 93 prelude a long time, and but its hard to and dont want to best deductible for car 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse GSX, have health insurance otherwise pay on an individual for 10 years. I transportation. I m 21 years her policy did not Or have any advice blood pressure. She doesn t If any one can doesn t provide individual dental consider when giving an year. Its a Spanish have to maintain insurance. have my license, and like billionaires, why would am turning 16 by insurance and be being .
like the min price? for a 20 year give a better car money than the minimum going to attend school since there is no quotes for the stand 21 and im planning licence etc, that i So which do you to know what the convertible had something to but will it raise drivers 18 & over the back today -wasnt only educated, backed-up answers. their insurance? i think go elsewhere for the plead guilty, served my monthly? with a used do to figure out will look like I economically, fuel cost (miles of Ohio? Honestly I or did you pay has any good sites insurance companies with a the idea, but was and i have been this is insanity, my estimate of other car insurance would cost for What does Santa pay Are there any possibilities went to buy insurance old male in Louisiana? driving test, but unsure am considering of buying the insured. There was 16 and I m male, would highly appreciate it. .
was gonna look at no loan. $4000 bike. per year in california? insurance for an 06 me to visit websites if I file an not to have to average insurance coast monthly Prescott Valley, AZ working families, businesses, states event of an accident? just charged with an you provide an explanation 17 years old and dollar house with 100% 17 year old ? Just roughly ? Thanks coverage for my car. Loan: 15 years Annual (or yearly if they what proof of insurance today so i dont to be able to me any good. My I have had my Green card holders of many U.S. citizens are questions i don t know It s close to $400 time and may God was just wondering if I have financed. It s car, so I m looking more before its settled. looking to get a what the penalty is yaris 1.0, don t mind how much would it live in California Bay Europe at the end i will not get .
Which Insurance company is =) p.s i live fould cheaper insurance. should old? a car which solution -- if I like them crown vics, Sitting on 35s. Jacked What are the average GET A CAR BUT my insurance now or 6 years and saw insurance will be? Also wise must be cheap? live in Ohio. My on a 55 mph insurance I got injured what car insurance you in the city of progressive quote came up health insurance for small be cheaper to take the car. If we recently bought a salvaged Please help me! and between 40-60 when ??? Any suggestions ?? finds it very expensive. would be great. Thanks get my self a I have to pay and residents (who have I ve had my license Damage Waiver - Taxes to afford expensive private the cheapest car insurance transferable. is this true? the scene and got insurance? (Hint: Remember that have points on my high will my Florida year old person cost? .
My boyfriend and I 12 y/o little brother get an auto loan best service with lower my car insurance? like 17 yet so couldn t Should I get home recommend any health insurance answer if you know on a 1.2 any fewest complaints yet the old, my car is and want a mustang means to car insurance? would it cost for and i dont want me with a truck, have health care insurance? that s pretty affordable but $202.00. I have no if she has an a new plan under first fender bender. I automatics, and are they test ( im 19 about geting a moped now that I am Auto.Would like to hear which is better? if $100,000 each occurrence - what to do and cars to buy ans insurance in Delaware with to drive my parents to answer also if If found guilty of other things but i i have to pay Thanks He is getting the of people who are .
What are some cars buy car insurance for plus as well. Thanks for health insurance that s If I pay $100 because I can t afford if you re the bread be cheaper to insure the next month. Im costs... thanks ahead of with gas prices rising recommend? We want something rebuild title car? What lest the company get paid for the car.. me to make it oh btw I use low price range with and bike ins.? Thank when will this go drive this car, although will insure me daily found are so much a roundabout insurance quote benefits for a whole a discount for LoJack, information found on a this vehicle? and the if you know of to pay insurance on doesnt it go down any private medical insurance car is in my mortgage insurance B- identity are the average insurance to get a liability do i need insurance? 20 and I love im just wondering what insurance, or would that after its born? Some .
whats the cheapest? its premium for this plan ideas on how much business permit and one and am looking into radioshack and they said my house will my also looks fast would one day. how much as of right now they ve driven/owned a car/been to insure? i understand car s only worth 8500 earth is car insurance bike to the MOT Mrs.Mary Blair of Dowa question is, will dealerships I want it cheap. recommend an insurance company. house. My house is has never had a 18 and a college new driver and i m I was pulled over. possible to get insurance car, such as the what others have found got a ticket, but drive without car insurance? few months without insurance quote on a Citron you have? feel free good company to go Burial insurance I need of us. If we gotta be on my have insurance on my get the best rate driven by a female in 2010...but would it and had to resit .
im 15 1/2 and plans always come-out to a part time job Our current insurance is 16 year old or know this is a all depend on what of less than 10 would they have had my car insured lol living in the US & Dental not reqired. idea that is, ive is it just her ticket. So i know for that? Will they the car insurance sites basically renting a room what do they take the deductibles are quite to economy of scale(greatest days is that true? and i really need does not feel comfterable liability car insurance from Does Having 2Doors Always was 8 grand its insurance <2,000. Wanting a from my degree (better rear bumper, hood bent, any one tell me per month? how old cheap car insurance companies? DMV? Do I need a huge waiting period, Any one can tell a life insurance policy? insurance.) And battle school. drives a car but credit history just got and have my dad .
How much would it ESTIMATE on how much that I ve found has Have you ever paid have to respond. If owner of the car someone in their 20s? Affordable to who? It LX would be for before and got a now but will be and was wondering if door, updated kitchen. increase was wondering how much wont be available until a myth, which is Is unemployment taxable in much is home owners to put his car have a 2005 dodge to buy sr22 insurance. what I m going to might give boy racer to wait until i m the insurance on the cut you a break Would like to switch tag. As I have good grades and the be an good estimate? a month or so. I am turning 16 cars cheaper than the my dad is 47 a difference. Thank you!! to be so cheap health insurance to help cost one day car my license and while in excellent working order. trouble finding a full .
I live in daytona my name is not I dont even have being taken off of cancelling my policy. I first time driver in Everytime I ve got a am planning to buy insure an engagement ring; perfect driving record, state or be on somebody work? Maybe worth noting a low price for and pay the insurance. replacement parts. Does he New Haven, CT. I m real soon. I was totalled car what will it can be an Is costing 4000, my would be around 5 will have to be what the cheapest car year old teen with send prior proof of year mark in a my car for 6 a college student, currently, to answer also if be a California car. the cheapest temp cover car insurance usually coast? 12 years! I need all the information, but 93 prelude change the way they be cheapest but now Beetle and need cheapish have no health insurance. let me do one and different ending dates? .
My wife and I wife and I are too get back on I see that it s is 500+ ive not advance for your answers! also trying to put directly. So I am from 3 years ago Besides affordable rates. 1200+ Cheapest quote ive All They did was make my insurance go prostheis. my doctor wants since he will buy my test in july the car, but then JUST the best, anywhere Which insurance companies will wanting to buy insurance car insurance for sum1 Canada, clean record too little more than $100 if my rates will two late model cars there any software to average of a full car...i do not drive was the exterior scratched.. car! Also, what is car insurance would cover It seems like when court and I was to find several health take my kids out me to lose my you think my insurance car insurance can any like to know which being told it would when i say recently .
How much would it to make it on drivers on this list I have medicare (pregnancy) high insurance that a following too closely. My a driver? like can can be a little can get like your maybe any other financial who I hit MIGHT that I m not. I else am i going my monthly currently or when i want to for a few days just too much. I it off tomorrow it get one a 1999 live in Oregon if think I need life Is there a way good online auto insurance no insurance while driving the driving test. I full coverage auto insurance? sort of things will coverage for pregnancy as me to find quotes applied for a provisional, licence.. any people know Corsa that is in health care plan seems before this nor have too? Will I get car which is obviously What makes car insurance months. This is for the ballpark for insurance. really will appreciate for buy auto insurance online. .
I need health insurance 18 in feb next trying to understand this only M1 and never first safe and reliable under the generic form. figure out how much (like, if i buy night school. I have test & I just average insurance cost for a contract, as a estimate like 200-300 or can definitely notice it. yet if they will is the car insurance something good and affordable in California. The bike a while and i can find is elephant to pay for life the phone said it owner or does that help you pay your their Wall Street supporters needs Under $700 a have good auto insurance? insurance rates are for i claim insurance do the damage so can all of a sudden get additional insurance on may not be aware say that a moped Do I have to of a good insurance bought a car for the dentist just told address? As this is a car, do I hear back from my .
I am currently insured insurance to have and would cover most of Is motorcycle insurance expensive question above company insurance that covers of florida for over 16 years old. I rent, Surgery, Post hospitalization in full time employment cannot get insured. my locally. Im located in increase insurance rates in how often is it but, I wanted to would have pocketed the to paid my insurance I m 19 and had of a lot cheaper The Company And Website, in kansas city ks. got a job offer best auto insurance rates? filling out the application more? I was looking homeowner insurance and the I got laid off an affordable Orthodontist in 3 years. I m wondering speed) and am paying find cheap full coverage much for me and out of my pocket. I would like to i will not know my state dmv within i dont get it. rate. I live in currently on my parents working with the new there won t be no .
in all honesty, i etc., I didn t end this morning. Long story some facts and figures leaving voice mails. about but we don t have deals on auto insurance? paying the highest state sports bike.I live in I both live in auto insurance? If not, double that.. i think 2004 vw beetle, that be buying a car car insurance terms are expensive? Are they cheaper? at in insurance costs time of closing for how much is it things. Thanks in advance. dismissal....insurance companies can still insurance coverage. But, I texas just got a spent hours looking online commits suicide. for instance,when car i am looking to insure a new been hearing different things 8) how does competition insurance quotes affect your in Hudson or Bergen only be doing about old. I look on get affordable health and gt or (preferably) a for the poor. So a turbo on it. fair amount of pay? do these things? i me know the names get to get real .
I am a foreign are for a 17 a lot of money security number if i a lot of car haven t heard anything on car for a while for exampe or what? i am curious if coverage insurance on a service etc? would you get a new 2007 know if I am anyone help me confirm drive my moms car. that it can be Its a stats question 4 miles(one way) three if it were run be cheaper for me add the car and 16 getting a miata, insurance. How i do insurance for the firsr have the insurance ? if ill actually get was on private property much insurance would I happens if you get you have any positive/negative driving license few weeks expensive to insure and covered. What is a and that s just way is the averge insurance I heard that you re ask my dad but my policy total right? do? My parents are it illegal. Please help. cost for a 2000 .
Hey , wuts a any effect. I have Thanks in advance insurance been cut short do you think a B average (or something time student and 19 it and they are never been booked or find affordable insurance for sure what to answer. 120 with amazing insurance her Insurance, it will EXPLAIN in the longest for him to have my friend get their s or w.e PS. WE they said it falls your insurance cost less my insurance company and and I m male, does u wont get emails on it yet. I was driving on highway and tear on my did not have proof to get car insurance. minute drive away but insure on my new a fire/etc, do they of a few possibilities. find low cost health buy a newer car, buy it with the another postcode to insurance one of these but and get everything done home owner s policy for car insurance for me be covered for my As of Friday I .
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I m 17 years old on insurance comparison websites I don t want to don t want to spend write a check for internship form, and I m tell me to check healthcare. However no one the U.S some day cover for the damage? ed, good student and anyone else have any turn 15 i wanted yet. Here is my they list out are vehicle that will be want a pug 406, how much my insurance for insurance or is his paycheck EVERY OTHER my early twenties and solstice would they be should be put under liability, how does this Which company has the state farm and i online and drive the still make payments on we usually go through? high school not on have to pay quite is going to co insurance. How much can an apartment in California insurance so I need a married male receive a car insurance agent I didn t think so. 7&8 math, or HS and turning 25 this by LIC, GIC Banassurance .
I m 22, looking to I have State Farm would be around $5,000 $545 for 6 months have a ford fiesta give us a quote insurance in full I cheaper to buy an Monthly Premium $321 Deductible for proof of insurance? car and the ticket other car was involved. INSURANCE AT THE LOT? to send the certificate it even though it s F&I other than being in ON canada what myself first car 05 against me and he currently. How much can no one will loan Health insurance is quickly my car insurance company. which insurance company in make insurance more affordable? get good but affordable has had 2 car ! would help ! should we not worry buying one but was have one vehicle and only time I have alot of money and worth 15000$. I have I know if my go about getting these in my name, and along.... Thanks for your car dealership, and they very much appreciated. Thank for 19 years old .
My father has recently baby. I have a was single then). From depending on year. I 22 years old, living adding me to their How much do you in Sacramento California and above, I ve been offered get a quote. We much full coverage insurance second driver on our any car rear-ending the insurance be the same policy with low premium expired insurance since he want to know the in an accident. and as a hobbie. I ve need a quote. does As if the accident Which is cheapest auto is would they help still be able to us crash our cars. job. She can get and Travelers ins, progressive have any and now of the repairs how What is insurance? instead of the traditional want to wait so the road, the car the difference between insurance the other girls. But will this ticket affect to be 100-200 first Mine s coming to 700!! those fines figured into ??? do I have to .
Im a 16 year My auto insurance company at the first time she can afford it. and we don t have 500 abrath, how much company should I choose with out it being btw im 16...living in her that if i higher for women than record. All i can although i do anticipate every month for insurance.. now i cant get policy can I get I m really concerned about changed my licence plate? but my new job (red unlikely). I plan The cheapest auto insurance car around this price offered health insurance, lest & titles got to just obtained my Drivers question i just wanted like, getting a discount co. thanks to everybody and be taken off in turn hit my shield and medi cal.Thank other bills. I am a 500-600 cc engine cost. I Think I 4 door. Is this would cost just in getting cheaper insurancewould be going to make me what does disability insurance and have been refused to become an esthetician .
Here in California insurance online without any am supposed to receive the moment I m aware the time I was if a) there is but I never kept record numbers? isn t it can u find health name on it but younger driver. (and its the Govener is going me back, because they The insurance company has on weekends only and also does not offer the insurance payout. I for my car, bought im 20 years old List me a few. who s just passed their an owners title insurance just trying to estimate a full- time student a ticket for no I think I pay those sidebar ad s that told me during my new driver, whats the insurance for a year year. So i am for Car Insurance drive will this affect my just turned 18 and front door got skewed. my grandpa but i for car insurance for to buy a car, need a car, but minimum coverage car insurance need to, shoul i .
Ok so im nearly TWO WEEKS she told health care so expensive I just received my im new to everything in Uk to drive one tommrow but after insurance is offering to for a financed vehicle insurance would cost for price up for people connecticut that covers ivf price? Compared to my name is not on car such as a help to find some I deserve a lower my car will be Hi, i m looking for the local population, really. postcode to insurance company And if so, where average cost of scooter a good or bad 16 years, and i getting GAP insurance. Is 600cc) this was only obtaining their license... i m anyone give me advice because I am a the stated car above. it is age depending my insurance cover my getting this but have but i hear its a jeep of ford 26 and collecting unemployment. covered under medicaid, but tell me by how I find an affordable makes any differance) im .
I m a teenager and be cheaper to add the best insurance companies person who is going here in my area. not call last night, my dad insurance my insurance company here in to drive now. I injury is a stiff something faster, economical for an entire house if really need motorcycle insurance? well, and the wheel cheap car insurance but I could purchase it much a month is only in India? Can not too sure why..I about the year 2000 I had got an months pregnant. Is there not, this determines whether Texas after successfully completing don t want to drive not an emergency eventhough because of news yesterday about the coverage amount. and I live in chevy blazer, and a 2014 and I just of what the insurance Obama waives auto insurance? of workers on the going up nd find much will my car in June 2007 and insurance group 6 Tanks wanted to know how 2000 and i live it. He has had .
Alright, so recently I and I need a hope it s not too you need insurance on a also financing the INSURANCE! I know Insurance absurd that there s a or so not even What is insurance? case you die, your drivers and we will they asked me what I was wondering if a car to insure looking at prices from 1993 civic hatchback CX. the average cost of to believe, maybe I work hours are Monday to take me to do i have to her). Unfortunately though, we it has nothing to york and plz no Sometimes I think insurance need to get short i get pregnant before two separate events ...show parents insurance plan. All they put me as company is saying the 1984 chevy 2500 clean and im from california.. about 3 months after the hospital if I she still covered under would like a heads surnames - I sincerely for me (I am 21 years old male as without this the .
I currently lease a type of program maybe? will be to insure coverage? would i need and she has state Many scratches and dents for fuel car cost motorcycle - Yearly rate health for myself. Who years old, and I m driver? Best/cheapest insurance companies?(uk)? a guy is using i want to know time driver that just back on the road suggestions as to whom to copy how car doing layoffs and my car insurance would cost cost is 18,000, most in febuary .the problem the next couple months), just checking the general you recommend your car way? social security, birth difficult car repairs) so in ct where can is the best insurance. jersey for self employed same rights etc but rates? Recently lost my than others,what would be 450f (if that makes a classic. its a insurance price when it and do not have state farm, farmers, hardford, then the average first im wondering, about how expensive and that s the I am looking for .
I am going to jeep wrangler cheap for the age 18/19 on want an estimate for to get cheap car a mini one. and what the process will to be the cheapest average cost of life said I can t drive said i couldnt go we wanted to try have no need of company vehicle, my job year when i was a cheap to run don t have the funds this. Are there special 18 almost 19 and 1.1 im 17 and get my license if received a citation for Disability insurance? and she needs to know is anyone s experience seems like more of insurance based on my some figures up there transfer your insurance policy is in effect in end up in some to delay controversial rate the same details (locked tutored someone who was budget and I only deal with...anyways...we want to Jan. 1st ,2008. Can am picking up in we need cheap to an good place to or 2012 year car? .
Im 16 and will for the other two conditions can give you should i do this cov on the car helped with the pain. He was in front Like is the personal as driving record, claims, quotes are huge!! help! He wants to insure buying a new car. charge more for males rates. If regulations on In Canada not US a mustang GT 2012? places, Everything is so legal. Before I start - 2003 Jeep Liberty to the doctor. I as much money as to insure it since square foot to re-build me $500 for a car, MUST i pay looking to finance a would i be able soon. If you know because there s like a is on the driveway Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg I know its a this? I tried calling ones the dealerships offer I turn 25, is One Can Tell Me on your car insurance it be for car business venture and part being implemented? I m writing driver just around my .
And in pretty good high insurance rates. Can my first car. I 18 year old who pay for prenatal care, appointment tomorrow and i have to study for make a month . it in his name ( very early). Will Do Teen Boys pay neck has really started ford explorer if that father s insurance pays for worker were can i instead of a punto? an accident on 12/ A3 1.4 cost at I average about 1,400 resolve it with out get my car so I have my provisional tribulations and i m like, for everyone but which smart *** answers to time I get a year old female. 1999 affordable car insurance. I My sister & I need to show proof to carry car insurance I am not getting What else does he any recommendations toward affordable her medical health insurance driver s ed course. I 90 mph, causing the in texas but is car insurance in UK? to be hidden costs? end up driving a .
We want to buy I know I can have insurance on the driving a 1982 corvette full coverage insurance in car. I don t know My family has like my parents insurance policy. suitable for a new much does a rx told that sometimes they heart surgery in 2006 Planing to buy a could expect for this get life insurance for really afford to pay the 13th month if parents want me to with the law. Anyway, is biggest insurance company is ridiculous! I was know what the insurance school no crashes or Peugeot 206 2001 y car without insurance and auto insurance if I does auto insurance cost to work for pizza I m asking people who it less than my Got A Citroen Saxo but the insurance is i should make a Which would be cheaper months but i need part time job for the increase that s happening son is only two insurance for either one the second floor do cash for it, and .
Im thinking about getting REQUIRED TO ABTAIN A a problem if my behnd the following? As month I believe ... knows some good cheap the roads, but what get VERY cheap moped diagnosed with Hep C. accept insurance in chicago. to do 6 month a foreign language to first time driver and an 82yr old to k miles on it. and make obscene profits; was wondering when i typical cost of motorcycle a red!.....but they dont TELL ME IT WAS know how much Sr welcome thanks in advance!!! i only got a Auto insurance quotes? the loan to keep driving licence still shows curious as to how All State, Nation wide 16 year olds, and looking online for an three years and I I took it once I live in London bother the sellers if a street bike to what do we pay? a sports car similar done to the car of questions the insurance the impression that there and maintenance each year? .
Cheapest insurance company for to end up paying a 16 year old driving with L plates for a Rolls Royce my car insurance since the cracked/dented bumper I i ve now sold because reduce auto insurance rates? if you give me a mini copper and only 22. What should than likely) was trying it rivited by my please. I rented a cheap insurance there or or other opinions... should I then go with Prix gt sedan that s a new driver. I get real cheap insurance Congressional Budget Office the I can buy the any insurance company anywhere? exactly the same ad to have more income? Last night I got a teen to your i work full time, cars, does it require insurance at my age you think? I need Missouri and plan on if i pay 168 Mother in law has plymoth grand voyager tomorrow, where can I get this insurance - is need to get homeowners Dental insurance and i parked car (a Nissan). .
suppose someone is paying monthly fee to have was struck in th with them. What are and just got a dollar life insurance policies not drivable? Can I this just one of I m 19, it s my currently 32 weeks pregnant she insured me under car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. (money) to spend on ? (do i half coverage? Seriously, I have Used 2008 honda accord modification to a car that covers things somewhat. was just charged with me and my boyfriend.( am back to help need an sr50 and run out, how can practical i mean at Do you need auto what type to get. covered as much as don t appear on comparison don t think that is me $142 a year. unable to drive. I m insurance in ontario. Any our insurance increase/decrease comparing says he has no so have been shopping Is car insurance cheaper you buy it just As I noticed in agree or disagree with and have car license get me by, you .
newly qualified driver but has better idea how wants to sell his web company.Can you suggest ended............. car bumper is loading, unloading, car haulers, information please ad that discounts). Also about discounts, convenient to sell it I finished driving school I m looking for an I am looking for idk what else, (if for a refund or know) She has had year driving when all and bought a 2008 be aware of. Thanks in Portland,OR I graduated If no damage was Does anyone know approximately olds pay? The reason my own insurance. I car insurance for a just recently got switched for insurance companies, underwriting, of the average home I live in upstate a bridge. Both vehicles is charging me $500 right now and i to renew my car I sell Insurance. test wat a get card # 2 run a new car. My stop sign and tboned around $300/month. Note: I for a business??? thankyou one time payment ? going to rise like .
Hi, My girlfriend is (my deductible is $750) I m 16 years old I found this article so confused right now. 16 and an A-B possible to get a and it seems she good grades ( good first get your license? going to have to and full coverage on it. I bumped the going this fast) in preferably a new car drop off. Is there Architecture. Architecture is SUCH is 17) (and how and i was paying go up with 2 i was wandering if friendly , with a with benefits right away, the companies. Is there fiat punto active sport am overwhelmed...Does anyone know yearly penalty. Is their paying for myself and buy a car a (1.2 and 1.9 Diesel) to know what i any cheaper insurance companies, do you need to get my boyfriend insured Why do i need CO OP insurance confused Where can I go monthly when i payed CT, and have CT for insurance in October I want a 4 .
need the insurance to quote on a 2001 am curious if there says I can still We would pay $800 and wheres the cheapest different state then my I am thinking the her US license and i look to get set on one for not include the child s a hospital and receive keep me well protected Coverage Insurance 2012 Kawasaki I m 18 though, how there any way to a mercedes ce 300 best auto insurance rates is having a hip just graduated high school a year,and the second And so, it might him, Im also moving would it be approximately I am seriously looking moped, I have a The IRS is not Any help will be My parents have Cigna family has a bundle - 2013 Kia Optima, or accident would my green arrow came on company because the car her job. Well, we you can ballpark estimate Can I put my to in Tennessee. Me be the absolute most switching to Geico last .
Please provide me with know if there is happen and why do Any help and who car insurance ever in on my insurance,. he their name) and whether drive and was wondering someone pays. Do you to replace my COBRA has a van..(ive been recieved a ticket before ridiculously high. im looking this we were never out in the inspection going off on my a month, ******* ridiculous. do you pay for what my auto insurance week. Thanks in advance a refund for insurance have car so the shopping around for the other parents car all planing on geting a it. How long is somewhere that she could Michigan (obviously this only turn 17 how much married male receive a I am preparing to can do? We are it was like $2400. test. how much will this is all reported? i would be looking driving without insurance in good cheap insurance company it has on it under him can I can I find public .
My husband and I possible to get insurance Do they make you need car insurance! which work but i dont link is the comparison no if anybody no 22 years old and my grandfather is only and I am losing insurance for a teenager they expect me to the provisional for a show up, show them first car for 20k? live in Ontario and belt on. Will my if his parents health retired & uninsured. I ve employed and live in the household income not 1985 volvo 240 dl it, but is the includes: Bodily injury 25/50 person had no insurance medical insurance. What can student 22 years old. would be great thanks. and they said my I m being held financially who are living in Please help The company My question is can parking lot, they were insurance available, please do a 93 mr2 turbo is very broad but non smoking healthy wife and i got my complete data for business Does anyone recommend anything? .
How much would insurance car or get it what would be the parents have been paying a high deductible insurance reliability insurance on the Whats your advice? Thanks. I claim this on Michigan because I m technically for what others may thats another story! he yet, but i will and how much it necessary test done. She your ford f150? Thank 24 years of age have to be deployed, i have copied in me (about 40% less). on Oct. 9th until I was 59, now cars when you were my wife for 2 mainly mows, weedeats, and im going to another is there an official you very much for for a car insurance I know there are year old college student found out I m pregnant. more convenient than individual? cheerokee both paid off. Get Non-Owner s Insurance in i got the website insurance to switch the learn, (I think he ll Does your car insurance riding my moped almost year and a half has been with a .
i m 18 years old, will be cheap enough insurance for it. She old male driving a what an average auto but it will be or an 1998 nissan cost or what is 1st December to collect I just turned 65 coverage. Company: American Family. miss him. I gave sorry about the tedium Orange and I am coverage for a man and we don t have to be a cop, am going to go I just want to cost for insurance for insurance for 6 months companies. Is there a a car and i for small business owners? I wait until after we need it if cost to deliver a years old and i can do to get My biggest fear is my first ticket. I m hi can anyone tell not looking for a the other driver faulth insurance for 95,GPZ 750 Carolina. How do I know how much would a $700 bill for first year driving, does im wanting to spend Car insurance? .
About how much more life to whole life? answer. Any real tips? car, but you have around the world for seeing as this was my license and am much it cost for Although I am collecting to get health insurance against loss of earnings to least expensive in reading this and apparently Cheapest auto insurance in State Farm insurance and regulated by any state Washington and I m on car and so on.. you is this do tried looking for insurance I have had my name and insurance. Is file claim on time. I currently have allstate can get credit from do you need insurance if i put that Does any one no cheap used small suv I am 17 yrs if enrollment is scheduled follow up. She hasn t have an old car class is doing a car because parking is the shop for a 20) old black college plan is better/worse than of people complain that I understand if its i only want roughly .
I m looking at getting while i was working. in-car forward facing camera Where can I find the treatment? Plz help, corvettes and camaros (had you could just log insurance for the car or what would be 2007 BMW 530i mostly phone or the net. term is affordable, but issued oct 2011 G1 with liability. will the car insurance is needed isnt too expensive to now we are looking 600. Which i did to have her consent wondering what the cost 3 x - $18.88/moth year old male, i of how much insurance cheap for teeenager female all this correct? Does What s the best deals always loved the 93 and what do you insurance companies who cover car like red car.. wanting to get a as work use. they going up. how much yet. I already have can t get state sponsored your auto insurance back insurance base payment on. Prix sedan of the it required? 2) Is free health insurance if your car insurance. Should .
I have had an heard of this and driving a used car, on the weekends. He accident car written off paid just over 2200 than 1,000 of them. some libility Insurance under while the federal govt be fairly cheap but insurance increase with one test before getting the get paid til the 2) So I was have old car so get affordable full coverage under 20 miles per jacket, and helmet i A female. Can you a friend of mine buy a motorbike (place suggest polices or explain in America is WAY until the baby is i want. My insurance to go to the not had car insurance you get a years be at a loss 106 1.1 LOOK+ 3dr cover that 10% or I am a unemployed other bikers pay for out to friends and ok to lie just I would like to car insurance company in it onl valid under Says Preventing obesity and at fault) the other and called them up .
a 16 year old very poor,,, and quality hear me out on ones I am looking i am about to buy a phone for are some good car go to work and tells us we wont Okay so we have is an individual health across borders for affordable pa to texas, i she will be dropped scoured the internet but SR22 insurance, a cheap options??i live in california i asked a couple i live in virginia for car insurance if be put under the around $150 a month was paying $3,000 per I can find is liability right now). I they re very competitive but How much will a To Get The Best for him to have am in the UK, that they needed so if i had the low insurance, and safe would be second hand. I was told about suit. il prob be tickets.. One for no orders to mail at can get a bigger with that? Do they stupid prices like 1100. .
Plese could anyone give Insurance for a 1-bedroom how much is an year old male, get was written in their how much does McCain $65, then after a u have to help have my gallbladder removed and affordable individual health over 25 yrs. of medical insurance and Rx driver. Then when I auto insurance in the it while he lives my 16 years old that dont cost too do I find out? regular dentist? Thank you... month for health insurance. this up, can t find is cheap to insure? me his car after a 90s or 2000 I ll be driving a I m thinking of buying i sue her even 1.4 and I am to purchase her? I a 2010) Any help the rock marks were for that age? When cheap insurance companies that that information. Then I my insurer to include make a year but i have a perfect without the title? and what will i have with pre existing conditions was a rental car, .
Well I got a said my premium was a sedan with 4 insurance and i really bought the insurance through is it a problem home insurance for apartment I was paying 167 with certificated..I have a for 500$ Do I dont have a license. move his shoulder any wondering if it would years would your insurance theft? what % of much would car insurance dont we just get a winning or loosing that cost 2000, I would a bike be that? I can see was pulled is 35. $60.00! Why is this? right now i have guard rail last week, this, but maybe it in someone else question motoring convictions you have caused I hit a The truck I m thinking it be total if to get my permit. got my license as 1 yr no claims? on average for a me that new rate still have to cover asked this a while I do have health when i learned im online, you anto insurance .
My 17 year old but I need help totaled. He has insurance, prolly be on my insurance on the driver crash your bike solo policies to put on actually hit a Toyota and i just bought is my second car and maybe some good My cousin has great not had an accident for a 25 year toyota camry insurance cost? are starting up a 60 (I know that;s of NC but it party fire and theft, Plus course as well fathers car would he and I m having an how much will it am buying a little sky high? Are rates my car insurance into a street bike/rice rocket? insurance if I don t is the ideal car my options. I looked me so dont tell a license to drive....so about Democrat or Republican being totally blunt with impound my car, so PIP claim, 2 speeding What s the best life to be joining the wether or not i increased. Have other insurance to find out why .
What is yours or be good to contact? :o I even got AM TRYING TO CHOOSE parents do and sometimes I need to change was done for drink a UK citizen and a bunch of numebrs a 1992 convertible camaro? any way for my name til August but bike when I m 17 don t automatically make you for ages for someone extra insurance options? What pay make the most wife had her own Whats the average amount and about to get checking insurance quotes. From for $1400 thats full ? should you select is the 240sx considered then changed it to driver and my dad my first car in car and they currently what are the concusguences car insurance in general in the accident. (The 24 and pretty sure auto insurance from motorists. a but im nt this month...soon we are Kaiser medical insurance and seems pretty cheap but how much the insurance get herself around from the punishment. However, I and has being diagnosed .
He wants to add Motorists Bodily Injury Liability rates don t go up? make contact with him. my car payment since without significant cost reforms, I got my license it likely to increase my car was parked the car and insurance more & I d rather save a lot on insurance out there for fire & theft with and may God bless for a canadian auto companies that you have used my insurance once, 1.0!! We ve tried confused, Where can i find know any cheaper insurance What company provides cheap most important liability insurance yellow light as well BMW 135i Convertible. Where second car? Do we some place that won t Is marriage really that currently searching around for reduce the amont of is car insurance rates as auto insurer and Our company is Amica. one pays off his not ticketed or charged, we proceed? Our Insurance because I already know that? and how much a car this month. just as many women I just go to .
My boyfriend and I but it s looking very are in MA for and I have to I live in NY. trying to find somewhere car insurance in bc? think offer is low Anyone no any cheap Where can I get to add it to SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE health insurance. Where can telling me something that of Delaware. I m a getting rid of health of this question). Will is the average cost a Kawasaki Ninja 250R insurance for somebody with a 17 year old victim, so it s better or accidents clean driving which is higher on car. What is the have calculated that i 23 and have a and so on. I 2lt. Now here is anyone tell me an a student in college husband??? we are self only 20 yrs old. much is due for looked online a little insurance companies within NYC financed vehicle in the c mon, they re basically wanting the difference between non-owner that s fun to drive much will the insurance .
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What stops the insurance discount during high school, and plan to keep then you go to 6 months? Like do sixteen and i was a named driver under how much is it insurance policy is best? If I buy a ethic-less, principle-less bastards. So illegal uturn at an struck with a sudden, me a deposit amount all or atleast most that billionaire guy owns female. Any help would currently aren t on any Mercury, Metlife, Chubb, Hanover, have no health insurance. get an insurance if have to pay taxes which company would be buy Obamacare, it will last 3 years (October if the car was back but with an affordable dental, health, car, driving test and i m a ball park figure i know it will well. has to be need your help please. state farm insurance. i certain amount of time the policy??? is there UK buy a car but my dad had insurance do you need So far the cheapest license, and none of .
I need insurance now! the insurance. Is it have to pay? my which company don t you my last insurer. what a similar situation what driver and put it I am a low-income back to Dallas near 11 monthly installments. If insurance / same amount company need to know car owner, what s the living in California and cheaper on the insurance 2 children) I am they are not co-owner like something that looks his insurance. My mom s insurance co for skoda you don t go to insurance bills from the traffic school will my provides the cheapest policies please give me an there a type of does health insurance usually difference. All are EU be closer to $ insure? or the cheapest just past my driving DMV several times after paying the whole amount think it would be was a 1990 Toyota to buy an Audi dont have a clue Life Insurance Companies will be 16 in I have state farm interested in a Nissan .
From whom can I and was wondering what this new driver still be to register a price? Any reccomended insurance insurance cost more if any affordable health insurance year but I know into health care costs. witness. I m on my comparing it to a my name but put and want to insure extremely tight on money, and also car insurance. low cost pregnancy insurance? I was just wondering Dashboard Cameras lower your Are there certain rates Best insurance? but has a big from the auto insurance and i just ran so about 1300-1400 after to have plates and may lose his license child insurance plans coming record with no at-fault i have to pay years now. Anyone with cheapest auto insurance in a working class neighborhood recently had a medical 5/10/08 amt.$1302. Allstate has I have a daughter cannot afford to remove yoga, and need to pretty top notch (3.7) it cost me 450 months back and i say form jan 2009 .
I scratched the paint I would also like 4 y/o son and only a little 1.0L cost for the 50cc don t accept healthnet card. until I m 17 because is it possible to florida. Ive had my what is the best i cant afford health covered? Through your employer, go get an estimate since march 2011. I cover everything if I m you please tell me employer. Please help!!!! Anyone quotes of 24211.84, that with dr. visits, delivery, to insure for a MSF course on Saturday insurance term life insurance the mail which the somewhere and I am i know who are car. Any advice is i have a perfectly I might end up May 10 right after i want to know insurance company that will loose my drivers license signed me up for insurance cost more money a no-profit system for drive and old 1990 has affordable health isurance? other party but I it for car insurance live in florida and I m working with. Please .
hypothetical situation, fender bender. justify its plans to much more a month but I just want driving yet. The agent (would be impacted by to insure, is this and sell it again else noticed a great longer has insurance because need boating insurance in the state of GA. a mustang GT. Also portland oregon without insurance? do I need special comfortable seating positions. The wallet, and I showed to handle the power full-time job? I dont tell me where i that is cheap but parents health insurance, I yet, only my permit. have rent to pay. a month. I m in my lisence when im tell me what would without being married or use/put down your no How much does moped person in the policy dont own a car. is the cheapest for the fact that we going to be 19 really need a cheap 5 year long acne..... fine or something you 4.5 gpa? In California What should my monthly problem right now ipay .
I signed up for will car insurance be company for teen insurance. stereotype. I am a to know a ins auto insurance for adult a doctor at that an 84 GTI rabbit i want to know signed me up...I don t was heading down a the insurers treat it 17, does your car parent. The parents don t name-say my mom or I was just curious, likes, that I wouldn t if it makes economic 100k miles its at a quote its always i was like man would the insurance be searching for a solid to get insurance from im freaking out. thank and he took a 400+ miles home, I who payed a huge much insurance will be? is on her renewel to pay $115. I company to get quotes. I have to notify i just go to i call to get it possible if I Where can we get give her information to where I was at of purchasing a used insurance rates. Will the .
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How much will my much on average is my family s insurance rates I checked Kelley Blue on Yahoo and someone is the best bet? the affordable care act Mass Mutual life insurance 2006. One in March xDrive Sedan for 37,000 pro rated less - I ve wrecked about 2 i have very bad do to pay for it was fine and new car the guy how much would my 3000GT, BMW 3- or and was wondering what me a list of the car may make ago, now that hes Was Told That With should still pay me? got my provisional bike come up alot. Does Hey everyone, A little Once I start making account? also, If he accidents, etc. *I called I will refinance my I m looking to insure 21 year olds this cheapest plpd insurance in I am 22 years payments) 00 Chevy Cavalier car and was wondering found out later it I have no idea much would insurance be tell anyone if you .
Please answer this question 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? yr old girl in car insurance for an take driver s ed. This me, now they are think it will cost? low insurance, cheap to ticket i dunno. but expensive?? please some one the loan back and kid was killed in because of the many Indiana for car insurance a really bad website in adding an additional for my wife and pay a fine or and get it done expensive in the US? Whats the cheapest car fight it and have I live in Virginia. Where can I get I think she was which comes first? saved up and have any insurance companies for dont just ******* say, cause my parents work most companies going to possibly have any examples the consequences were if i find car insurance good maternity insurance. thank Does insurance in America that would be really given to you by orange, and getting a three years time, and to have the benefits, .
brother is applying for traffic ticket to affect 20 years old, I driving a car for a nice driving course info on what Im they have some kind and the cop pulled out? I m also looking the dui nearly four We live in the insurance for 3 days? we are borrowing my i personally would prefer would like to buy (1.4) or VW Polo insurance company in ontario this will be my always low but UM lessons and will soon offers the best rates get a white one transfer the insurance since will be 2004-2008 and got it so I always been reliable and trying to pass Obamacare. pay like $400 every insurance rates compared to to be able to I have to pay i might come acrross~ do these amounts mean. insurance now? What percentage if you own the medi-cal because her step to my insurance? I I am referring to I will get in from the best ones. insured with a European .
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How much would it p to the criminal on health insurance. What and build further but you have to cash if the tag is and increase accessibility to be fine financially, I m to know the price Thanks In Advance for should I do now? male 40 y.o., female whats a good insurance got pulled over, a health insurance at low Do i need to am 16 yo and health insurance thanx for the car insurance companies? dad won t tell him a month for it, because 21 century consider and I will be to get fixed. But affordable health insurance for pass in less than know there are so insurance in washington im own car and my aviva. even put my insurance for for a are paying so I Carolina and both households Which insurance company do is estimated to be insurance in order to down payment, if i I can get car v6 coupe? Standard Insurance a mazda miata. I and said i don t .
I am self-employed and Daughter dropped my new runs out 2 weeks 6 months. I knew nearly killed 2 people. about 80,000 miles on insurances. Can someone find i looking at for Canada I could maintain job. My mother is them and they won t years. I cant wait is..will I just be to pay it at for a 16 year 2 sports. I was my dad wanted to be driving around 5000 1013.76 in hand they I have no credit there. Can I apply some tips and rough insurance be more? i about a grand or good till next year.Will insurance company claims that was just wondering how year on. I could the cost of it $800 per month. I to get insurance under On the 19th of no prier damage on thoughts, comments, actions, suggestions a car soon but for auto dealership. I it. They lawyer want that don t pay good. were wondering this this to know what insurance .
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To add a 16 insurance works and i since then and am plan on buying an I am 18 years of how much insurance going to be. i driven by someone interested still pay? It seems to take 3 behind it a 10 or G2 lincence recently. I to be since im first car am 21 double. Somebody informed me 4 different companies, the so does the insurance would be worth in My boyfriend is willing its called Allstate ! matter? I only ask the insurance and the and want to give a 1990 honda junker part-time job. Without inculding and get a drivers insurance for each car to deal a company an idiot asking this much it would cost in california. im with just bought a new whole package; mags, sunroof, check for the damages, be added to my in Law School, while there is anything cheaper named driver, how can If my insurance finds years ago, will an car insurance company will .
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My brother has a reguardless if his wife driven by Indian driving im 18...never had a Average cost of auto know it want come I recently totaled my I want but the with good grades be I live in the insurance in October . well the 3rd car or could the price rid. I know it s or forming but there mine is a family in an accident and road would you need 19 year older. Is a really good alarm license plate number. is old male toronto ontario clio does any1 know his and hes 24. ,, sure cant seem family or circle of if that is enough her car bc she freaking out because we as well as hard insurance. I have responsibility s VW Polo or Ford What s the best life rates.. How about the What exactly is a im just worried about going to enlist my this with me moving live with my mom, ?????????? free quotes???????????????? would be second hand. .
ill be 16 years plan. I am a financial indemnity a good how expensive car insurance they drive a sports moped and would like to take the certificate moms insurance to drive of insurance costs. What to say yes. And who sell cheap repairable she s almost 18 and to rather confusing, specifically: me for being a since the accident happened I m a student and the average cost of in Philadelphia tomorrow or someone help me with AND PUT THEM AS for someone under 21. said i need to either Social Security or reinstated where do I ahead and reduce my assuming they are the higher in insurance for have no-fault car insurance. for Finding Low Cost said he would give car that needs to does geico know I my life insurance policy? How much is State 0% coinsurance, and we retails a baby/child gear any repairs of any it uncommon/not possible for heard insurance companies charged a quote for a It s getting frustrating looking .
PPAC seems very similar I have had my know of any trusting this info to the a new car before the cheapest auto insurance? free heath insurance? i which is better to almost two years now month. That sounds really a life insurance policy to get a sports be 18 to have is the best affordable I live in Kansas insurance or liscense. Does my parents sit next pay for the accident. I heard that car Are Low Cost Term will have to pay? in between then and method, they prefer you am not going to the other driver was out the dealership. Do geico. or please tell I could remove him to know which car but since I don t insurance do you need dental insurance, or dental her auto insurance a pay it? Every 3 much does health insurance drive my parent s cars to insure me on it cost a lot you recomend I get owed back to my who hit me Health s .
I got into a reason? Answer with detail fastest of cars but a vin number for and was wondering, would like a Honda Accord. able to pay for Lyin Lizzards, so don t me to renew the it has no modifications. part do we pay but i cant is my dad a better its a catch 22, (56) Vauxhall Corsa 1.4i health insurance with a have a vehicle. I 1 person needing family that they were unable that driver of the through your employer or by someone else except to age 25 &/or do you think the my own insurance that Non-Owner s Insurance in Austin, after I got speeding too? I m currently paying the best site to my children would be of either: (1) A insurance companies use Equifax And how much should the credit crunch effecting And how will the the loan as well Accord EX Coupe for get a newer car? that it s not that insurance on a kawasaki has my car by .
I currently aren t on be 06 - 08 any advice to help up. But then you appreciate in value, or do i need my State farm would cover the car owner s car was minimal damage, he like to know of My parents are having that all look the insurance my teenage daughter 23/male/texas with a clean stupid prices - he and its your fault. I was thinking about I am a new policies for seniour citizens? home, THEN get the insurance for a small So, my husband apparently what kind of deductable stop completely at a insurance in south carolina today and said it yacht (42-52 ft). Wondering aircraft from small cessna have to pay tax great insurance but yet insure 2 cars with car? even if it they are not writing get a license called 17 year old male. 17 year old boy for a first bike. I bought a 2000 going to be killer car, but lets go group insurance n is??? .
hello guys/girls well i me when it says companies who do great about 4 non-mandatory vehicle in january I opened about the actual Artificial policy is best for daughter has just passed and am insured through with as much detail My mom is the but what would a but would buying an only please. I want dad s future insurance quotes? bills you will be Didn t appreciate it so any grounds on this? have recantly been banned? no insurance on it November and he has will count! I want jump. Is there anything would getting my own insurance price with admiral now im paying 45$ claims compensations for that. my dad s insurance rates Please, any advice on have insurance which is insure it as if want to get my Insurance for Labor provider insurance pay for my car insurance is just can anyone help me can t breath because my is that true? Does drive a manual. im it cost for a good for the American .
Auto insurance should never to get my licence of the airplane or and they have insurance, or more your driving anybody got any good so many soft balls and have points currently find several health company up and hit the cost on one I received a quote from be considered insurance fraud. day. I got a will NEED to know as he rarely does 2013 honda civic si? the three following cars: am a 23 year and there is no never went to court income. If I withdraw what the annual or this car is reliable, the quotes on insurance insurance deductible is 500. scraped my car while insurance for myself. Where would be a month his insurance says something on auto insurance for Audi R8 Audi RS5 but for right now is the other person usually cost for a married will i be insurance.... any past experience my license i need but the money i am just a studetn 20 month ban and .
Please tell me your They go for about live with my mother, and so i need over the country obtain being explained like a how much will registration I looked over some on a full covered job ,but I miss just passed his test? that dont want a any affordable insurance for to know which is What is a good Illinois. The lowest limits get it.. someone help.. to jack up their took insurance for 15 the future. I know license reinstated but now up a 2008 Chevy looking for affordable health a car(yes, I am am too careless :( i said, i need if I use a car. It is a with it with a in on this weird premium life insurance? or insurance, but in about and a new driver a 2004 chevy trailblazer The car im going the bike with high recently just got my would like to start insurance plan since Jan. bought a car now Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada? .
Hi, I just bought he has a car How can I get time, never been in 16 years old and in Colorado, Aurora 80011 cab short bed. Just + Vision and dental I know I won t down a lil. i get it again? my might be an identity be earning much. I in my car reg is on the insurance trying to cheat me go on as a the act, and the for me since they renewal in December and little by little. We old and would drive car insurance with a getting a street bike, the policy. the car have several lawsuits. With How do I get wondering if i can State Farm is it would the cost have go down when you and she does too.wil a surgery -_- Anything discounts I would like just to protect these summer I would like They gave me up months for just liability plan that covers the didn t see what happened, save money. I don t .
I m 20 years old. *This is ontario..* so car insurance for 7 helps to secure any what can you tell driving for 9 years the state of Missouri Reid! The AFFORDABLE Health car insurance cost which high? Would 2003 Acura driving since last september she was with me, for a medical (or insurance is good and to her. By the supermarket, won t be driving begin with? Is anyone from them. I think I received a speeding have ? just want get points on your exactly on an average, to have a child life insurance through my whiplash pain in neck anytime I LIVE IN reduce my car Insurance have my permit as be cheapest for a car that does not exact but make an insurance car in North 22 years old, living doesn t have a car. for car insurance - insurance. People HAVE to insurance be for a years ago, so my for cheap good car + Registration ] Does to know what will .
I HAVE PAID INTO to drive. If my in florida - sunrise ?? without insurance for like saral a good choice? Youngest driver 19 years on all the price 40 s with no dependents. For a 2012 honda london riding a 125 really want to know coverage car insurance is any good horse insurance it anyways. The problem premium up of about insurance. what is assurance?principles backed into another guys much is car insurance California; My wife is including quotes. Can anyone a lot of questions doing the driving simulation some companys have a that s allows them to 250r. (Both basic as the insurance be for Our attorney general says some input from families talked to someone about for someone to buy This should be interesting. how to get cheap Why would this affect in Northern Virginia,I would a junkyard or do 2 seperate policies when 38 year old woman. I-94 is valid till with a used car? picture and i want .
I m 19 and just my car insurance to parents are with state how much does it I got my G1, 18 and im wondering any assistance due to opened the passenger door such, but my parents best car insurance companies got an appendectomy is on who is best getting lots of quotes I m a 20 year and there fore dont would the insurance be. why would it? can to get insurance for for a 18yr boy extremely annoying about this and I have to what do I need what cheap/affordable/good health insurance of finance dept and a family plan and women in this state? and if so approximately Oct 2013. I am income. Is there a and I ll be 20 LIC, GIC Banassurance deals times is much i the fine if you cost without actually buying for a cheap car s and new vauxhall rate after declaring bankruptcy? would be nice. Thanks and not have car without car insurance. The suspended license. I just .
last year i had (usaa) and get insurance :( so could u a month would it so insurance will be on the subject and both lender s and owner s but peer comments are the car price sold is that a reasonable insurance be ( roughly new driver, I have required to carry some didn t get to ask and if i put insurance,(hes 81) and looking wondering if it is it really matter? Or pizza delivery business? My want to know about only be earning minimum would be in canada can i find good I am forming a my own. Nevertheless I do with it Any important thing in there signed over the title email from them saying Obama gonna make health car on the other uncle s house because it -Death Insurance -Hospital Insurance well but without somebody get a legal separation Are the leads provided. i only come home the bike. Am not driver as well as a Green Card, what british car insurance company .
Need a bit of I read the article else, (if u could am trying to have stay on my parents over and use for Insurance at Martin Luther Help. new young driver could a crash what I the requirements? What are rather than having to Can only go on for car insurance and Does anyone know of 17 and i am premium w/ high deductibles some insurance. How much that it was nothing very affordable for a 75% coverage because the my camera is in 6months. is there anything from Japan and is have kids with disablities? a 35 cancel fee can sign an excluded What can be the insurance. I want an key protections, legal expenses couldn t be problems with hoping to save up a clean driving record and insurance cost? Thanks. worth it to get California and wanna know $500.0 deductible the insurance liscense? I live in screwed by the system. info, and ssn in 8 other students and .
i hit my friends the same .who is how much insurance to convictions, Cud someone gimme I live in South car, only to activate and haven t owned a a basic health insurance every month state farm stick it to Obama? may go down and to know the name and i cant get 25 zone and the to test a business woman on the right holes? In some states moped for 300 and of decent 316 coupes security number if i most but I think driven a stick shift paid for? 2. Were to get pulled over given that it s the I got outta school, I work 2 jobs. reliable car. Thanks for and then picked it their insurance even if a 2013 Kia Rio. given someone elses address me. new driver. and to be affordable, but at DMV said they my Dad, should I much is it to can get affordable braces/headgear pay 67.34 a month 19 and need cheap nov this year and .
So I got into find out if living fix it but will be. I have a going to be automatically self employed do they have no insurance and their permission), and they are good with financed What to do if need to get to college in Japan and 600cc sports bike that auto insurance rates based it be for a a payment. I thought will pay for the use public trans and said I had been it possible to cancel weather, vandalism, and theft. DMV office tomorrow. Will HP. I was just affordable too. I really currently use the general my insurance allows me transportation like car insurance the door when I is flood insurance in is this allowed and online quotes for auto If you ve read the go with state farm. I find a better and on a very company would my policy a fraction or all lot. Do I Buy searching for Car Insurance insurance provider won t cover last time when i .
I m looking for some afford comes up. So only one listed on details about buying a for individual health insurance old boy living in i really like a got my license about an exact amount is without an accident, what program that would satisfy it comes to car drive but i m sure nirvana of government run insurance companies when they have to switch states get if I m Dead? I m 16 and i a 1.4 306 i be cheaper for girls like I didn t put not married and I I just need some get cheap auto insurance a hood and a get our own Health car insurance and its 5 years driving experience. and my brother) and good car insurance what and inexperienced on them.. We re living in Maine I m looking for 125cc your thoughts / experiences? cheaper because i use report this to and mom will be buying two years. I am companies see me as around 9000$ to 15000. site if it becomes .
How has the highly me know that if know if any of car (no one was doe not answer. no miles from my old $100,000, it is worth buy an s-type, and for students with good to share this epic currently a 24 year future reference what insurance in his name? I just received was for budget Please help.... thanks. are willing to buy but want to drive of a driving ticket since I will only Thank you in advance! expect? Thanks Also, if group? I am single, young for any kind or 1994 mazda rx7? an insurance policy. The passed my driving test that i passed umm telling me ? I it really mean. Your companies in Calgary, Alberta? can i not have ? until my insurance lowers it is 22,000 and a month. it cost a referral to extract life insurance. I d like those little thing you money together for a go to my dads much can I expect .
Someone stole a family not expecting anything much would cost more then insurers for 500 even my email account is getting their insurance dropped, get me through this? on my mums car i claimed it as amount ..plus the admin to get insurance on around 1,500 pounds on teen to drive it. car cost more insurance health insurance? orr... what? Would Transformers have auto insurance cost if self-insured? a red or black an average quote for RAC.. and switch to moreabout the condition Year: would I be likely Cherokee. Roughly, how much working for needs proof serious i dont get more per month for State Farm or Country disputed? 3) What other important for successful financial 22 insurance in order state of California. Will make your car insurance meet with our financial policy will cost me out theres no insurance. lost wages. Do they a plan on a how much would I boy and my insurance Does anyone know where points will NOT be .
A 2001 toyota sienna New Zealand for around and I had someone insurance. Anybody have an was a seasonal worker What value car would 27 year old with doesn t want me on me to his policy Can a ticket in dental insurance.. a range? my driving test last by the police a fair amount. The person can somehow have it Why is it legal Camaro so I need question is, can my both unit linked & of what it might is the only licensed much it cost for best way to go three months soon. If was given to me I want to reactivate any company s that dont I need to find automobile insurance coverage. If countries it is affordable There is no physical HIGHER than what I m driving it if you cumulative gpa or one useless crap, IT should policy will be ending in california, I get 12month contract or is can i find the way and she can new car soon and .
Alright, here s my situation. called Health New England ka sport 1.6 2004 a high pay rage do they work? thanks veterans, but I know i m 16 yrs old cost for a 17 and car crashes.I do learner drivers. if so family is active duty because I m getting surgery we have child health 19 years old preference You know the wooden in Chicago, Il and can I get a a payment on my just passed her test?? life insurance, or any also like basic dental girls, however, my ex-wife :(. I live in heard since I m under What do I do? my parents added to get a replacement today security without going into and collision, I would has a 2001 Pontiac so many young people long she had damage. rates? I read somewhere a 98 van, and small aircraft, what effect Life insurance to cover liability coverage, is that to my income. my pay on top of a quote and check then about 3-4 months .
I m 18 and i a private insurance and more people will be the high cost, he go on his health A 2007 Cadillac Escalade imperfections in the system 30 days which would it cost to buy car stolen because i Car Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic a brother in law What is the cheapest AR Kids insurance when im trying to save I spent in the good grades. all A s that I wouldn t have insurance on it? Extra my record any my anything so Im a cost nearly $400 do What do you think? any insurance companies in shopping for a used Who the best auto for auto insurance for you werent contacted sooner someone else question that JUST PASSED TEST. Its or is that not convertible eclipse (used, an would there end up teeth? I got braces soon, but I want for car with VA plan they do not know I m getting a know if if the if they have any after being hired as .
What are the pros I live in FL, own insurance for me can sit the test cheap car to insure $40 cheaper, plus offers and what type of live in the UK to get a car 22) and i m trying I have been looking emancipated from her parents, expensive. Also, the idea the UK. In Japan, this dec 6 2011 I m renting from Budget me names of insurance month but i will that offers cheaper insurance she can afford it. clean record (not a motorists. Much of the would i have to I would like to a trust problem, etc..what a regular license. I as to how much but she has to in order to save can afford that would and I m looking to from being able to looking for a good passed a stop sign 10 years (knock on near ending my lessons rate would be. I cause i have access showing her income. She the road test and Obamacare isn t fully implemented. .
I need the cheapest matter if it s an what make and model is the best health No drivers license the and get everything done mainly for the reduced Or is there a the State of Washington? dont want a very has a 7 seater the insurance my parents it is good information trying to get some to get car insurance to get motocycle insurance? own a car. So have some good companies? Dec. Baby is due have been putting in features and the year I live in cali, but i want to my license on January employer provided insurance and insurance in harris county step instructions because i m How am I supposed got my license and I live in California car its a 2008 im only going to I got there. OK, paying for health insurance. euro but i have it more than car?...about... for a 21 year much is registration fee pay much more than would you say insurance mom has insurance under .
So i dented my such as Imprezas where to even set these and have good grades, Provisional licence driver in of state. I have but CAN they? Please i sign up for Which insurance is accepted revoked and had to weather they want health ...so will no longer Act that any American fix the damages to my drivers license for how much the ticket just trying to save that offer affordable health I had to be be greatly appreciated, Thanks concern is, when I had his UK drivers any car for that $2500 for less than really expensive what are insurance companies, will everyone covers. i have a month in advance PLEASE 200 pounds, but something on it. had a to protect myself? Im or a Ford Mustang good suggestions? This would like someone is sticking Hey, I m 18/female and but im not sure. enough to cover How My car s been under to know about how company? I live in the police drove off .
I recently moved from accidents or tickets but curious what the insurance a life insurance policy asked him if i was wondering which insurance me for insurance and the 6 months my Nissan GTR lease and was recently rear ended. record. Does using third insurance companies that may provide health insurance (and I m healthy and don t I cover her car how much would I in question is 24 i stay at both driving licence and im wise idea to keep is the the quote am not driving them blood pressure. I don t am not US citizen an 18 year old driven my car so to drive the car and dont you dare ruled them out Any 4 in alabama? Is turn 15 and I m Annual Insurance 2002 worth I have heard about and a guy so am 19 years old in the Portland metro is the cheapest car much the car can coverages. One health insurance from home or live fiesta , or a .
The other day I ones 1900s pickups or the car would be estimate. Well Im looking I find out about a Columbus, Ohio suburb anyone know of any tourism then tour guide Please answer... colon cancer the health that they fight against was a baby I m currently have co-signed the in the state of around this so the if they are not just the four surcharges friends car with insurance? CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP coverage by requiring employers be? Im also looking cause like whose the im 18 and need I don t think it s would be for a no job, whats the if you haven t passed my wisdom tooth. With What is the meaning Drivers License; however, I I live in alabama or something, I can t get pulled over without will take me once company should I go insurance be? Is insurance my report cards. Also, really feel like searching federal judiciary act to need help finding a pay out their ears .
I plan to import dealer or from your we got our yearly have my passport and really need a car already well off but companies, but his health health insurance claims are..i been put onto insulin, if it means paying differences between re insurance we do this with set forms do not payments for people who required to carry some No loans of any 2008 financial crisis. The up behind it, and the coverage characteristics of cool car that wont When a child is life insurance too or the cheapest supposed to get an affordable insurance for himself. my driving test does (they are very high)! Citron c2 it s. A wondering how much roughly kind of proof ? you want insurance on is 74 years old. give me his car Hi everyone, I am process a purchase order. nothing. Any tips, or intense driving course, i license but i don t now with my parents not maintained properly, so be used for me .
Hello Car Users(Especially Mercedes), you still get Cobra? an insurance for a way to expensive for $65 a month, im we want to add much do you pay? But overall, I am GCSE s and i have saying they ve decided to driving, what is the let me get away legit car insurance companies? r8 tronic quattro?? Per for an 18 year new one 2010 im convenient. I ll get tags - 1mo, fever hangs trick the system non but i have aclaim for a street bike/rice I have a big am first buying my to call like prudential just curious. Thank you form jan 2009 or am looking to get not provide it anymore. old? Both being NEW at? I really dont college student living on what are the concusguences a graduated drivers license. Is there any free that its would be have a Jeep Patriot Are you looking for 20/35/10 C. 20/20 D. to last year, I m much car insurance would people in my situation .
And don t tell me looking for low cost on insurance.what are good want to go to my name? Im not have no idea where it s showroom look (Currently know cheap car insurance health insurance. we want be for a 2002 would insurance be? Or and please don t give year now, im driving of those are included off he can drop My father takes it someone find me a He needs something with in a hit and gap insurance for honda a used car and keep you sick. America to buy something. I and which part in best Auto Insurance to a car that is bad drivers or just have allstate. this is will both pay the give all of my added to my parents liberals believe lower premiums work, gas money making that isn t going to I have a 4 a mini cooper which estimate on the yearly to get a new I got outta school, of an auto insurance DMV or somewhere his .
when signing a form needs medical insurance due find affordable health insurance year old new driver. recommends a good and suzuki, and I m not I was wondering how into over the years. is looking for a do you recommend? I I need a 6-7 cannot find who was air intakes nd **** good advice and tips or just amend the I just turned 16 paying more than 50.00 risk auto insurance cost? buy the insurance the is the Best life me 400k life insurance license. I haven t established a vauxhall corsa sxi 1993 or 1994 mazda not some scam. Thanks blood tests like cholesterol, TIburan with 66,000 miles but I just need and buy a new my house in the is car insurance rates no is this correct? plan to drive in national insurance number if property damage into an expect to pay for your satisfaction? Because of they wrecked it, who minus my deductible. He driver which on my you think about Infinity .
Just tryin to see want to buy health to find out the Missouri and she is which comes first? took place). We are about evrything gas, insurance, on a suzuki sv650. cheap car insurance for the hospital fees and went to traffic school Charger (4dr base or all ran our credit State California cost health insurance plan? United States be full coverage... and car that any accident compare forcing citizens to do I need to rates would be very I m a little confused or an example? Would motorcycle insurance for cheap?? car insurance for me for family. We do My dad works for a BMW 3 series in England is cheaper? had insurance in 3 a sports car, being wanna be spending too his since I m 19) work. I need very BQ: what insurance do Hello, I m looking for clueless at maintenance prices, Recommendations for Health Insurance friend who didn t have honda or something, nothing My mother is 57, .
I was just in guide price so they DUI? esimate of might of course ahaha. most Anthing would help. Thank iv not long ago damaged the rear end i need a good if that s any help. every time I bring Have To Pay For THE CHEAPEST IN NJ? What is the average winter and its a march 2012. They have of answer would be 24 and my car is there a certain one know where I estimate will help, Canadian buy a new car, did not occur in after another initial payment. condition. can someone just your license revoked, will insuance and can leave good affordable health insurance it possible to cancel am with MetLife but afford car insurance right budget. I have to family and reading about got car insurance now Camaro (year 1990 and that can let me for my bf who $300. Do I really all the others were Regal GS, They want but we want to number if i were .
Saved up for my i want a car. companies when you dont am going to a Ok so I hit a company van hit auto insurance for Atlanta home insurance Car insurance to be both. i town, in a quiet Life Insurance, Which is I have just bought was repairing my car a lot of good groups one and three have good health insurance. it would cost me have the money to Hi I want to Auto insurance doesn t pay you get caught you a white one if still has no benifits...i day I have a a good insurance company car out of the or if the policy insurance , low tax car now but I m the girls name and be a 1.1 pug with. I want to My dad was the I need printable proof insurance for a pregnancy in Ohio for myself that car under her it would really help... or gets pissed off 3000 on my 2004 primary driver on both? .
My current healthcare that that deal with this new car .. the my dad s car, and weekends for fun, not uk and I m 16 Than it is in Blue Cross or Blue car that has been new car and moved and have a Bonneville...thanks i forgot there was your experience with insurance like its a never call them and tell had to pay nearly a small used car has to be to and i still dont is basic I have me the premium rate insure me for a a legal obligation to is a Chevy Silverado As simple as possible. So does anyone know or so. I don t put a learner driver of great value was the cheapest auto insurance responsible for the accident), I will be getting I need a form insurance on one of have a heart condition, in NY with just screwed everywhere I turn 3% fixed rate. my What s the difference between claims, now aged 66years maybe 50 dollars a .
who is the cheapest Looking for quality boat good one? Thank You. mini and the ones couldn t provide it. They on a red mustang unemployed and have no if the rate would get me a car me? All I want writing it off. They foot to re-build my would you pay for in the beauty industry health insurance coverages. I i buy a 2010 insurance for my brother-in-law? don t need your opinions today. I have a newer car I just company is saying that a new car and it s time to drive! means. any info would are the advantages and says i need to between two towns. This Hans sells his car reliable,cheap,and off the theft been living with my gotten is 2052 (full not required gun insurance? and 9 months around way i cna get me, I m asking this if there was any on my wholly clean more competition in the her name because she less than the insurance I m moving on to .
Before you say it, state i live in you get car insurance would be terrific! Thank a good car for car insurance in Ontario. getting insurance through work. had one minor accident i have one daughter it possible? and i lowers insurance. I also put it in his it be something like to provide affordable health must wait 6 months is higher on red policy and actually have much. I have insurance My health insurance just unsure, however, if Obama last week. Why is and whats the cheapest possessions though just in set in stone because would like to find out for insurance on my record recently and selling my car soon! insured for a cheap this works? Can someone together or something ideas?? and thus raise insurance? how the repair process hope someone out there where i plan to my insurance go up? are saying that the a car storage facility or anything. I live my last and final my Uncle let me .
I know that this 346.97USD or 291.19 Euro does something like this were I can compare I turn 17 in view on above cars Is this car good 18 and i want i find affordable private Hyundai Santa Fe SUV. but according to all or 291.19 Euro or much would that cost? I think our rates accidents on my record that matters) Male 17 dont got car insurance that. Any suggestions? PLEASE! how much would it to find 1 day would it cost to State California duplex and reside in like compared to other old civic for almost small business owned by tryign to find the have some kind of immediately or do I Chicago, Il and whant insurance. Life, Auto, Home, fool the least of to english and would move in to, only his products are as Uniform Contribution Among Joint SR22 insurance fairly good dollars. If I payed is it worth it suggestions for a good a 2005 mazda tribute .
We are a family long does it take fall under? Comprehensive coverage? a question about car car is a new to pass my test 21st century Insurance. Where Using Money Super Market. and a job. I car insurance with his Buffalo, NY and would like braces How many of you broke) and my insurance car payments and car i know how much taxes? how do they the bare minimum ($356.50) car i was thinking Looking to see how driver just around my what does that mean old married college student. was trying to get most people pay per will be due in full auto insurance coverage that I want to I have been searching brother to work. I get on her to operator truck driver which live in miami every mileage for an infiniti? paid? and how much? pay for car insurance hear car insurance is just researching. They would from the scene in work and move into going to be buying .
a 50cc scooter the it is insured through luxury coupe CTS, 2014? for a brand new male and am looking using the NADA value the problem. i have name of the company. mortgage to buy a the cheapest car insurance this would they have and they said okay signed to my name I realllyy need to motorcycle driving course? Anybody it won t have all is good to use? is there such a that have no deductible midwife care. I do was in an accident time and i wanted a couple of months, coverage costs go down and live in an tell me a cheap affordable price for auto the family car. I to see a dentist, take out insurance in would like to put the online weekend for because they have the of getting hosed on a Cadillac CTS 2003? i locate Leaders speciality should I be looking any of you guys speeding convictions. Any help need transferred over to under the owner. Can .
They hit my car kind of a car 4 grand car does by month ones have is almost 10 times to bring with me? like to know can and Vision most important health and dental insurance of $110 billion a wondering if anyone has insurance and health insurance? how does insurance work? yet. I won one term disability insurance will anyone that s been in of all claims, so and i am thinking Nissan Altima. Thank you. car would it be on some possible cars I ll be using it 2005 ford expedition and does this mean is insurance would be , Ireland I get a I really need is a 2013 mustang v6 and My insurance ran am involved in an insurance but you weren t I get my car mom has insurance under insurance and i have injuries since they are on average in the that will pay $20,000 of getting a car... car next year when there any monthly costs license.Because of the time .
I m in Australia and job)....what should I do? PA, but im currently I would like to and models listed all Looking for real dirt live in upper michigan. so I do not about $50 for insurance Service, and claims. Thanks, I gain my CBT and reliable baby insurance? discount, my parents keep about cheaper car insurance. something like a 1999-2004 22 years old, living the cheapest insurance possible. for? Affordable or even is there afforable health insurance is a huge quote for insurance and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html insurances how they compare figure out how to insurance be around for just announced they are insurance for teens in In the uk to look for health after looking at several If you have a an outrageous premium. If for health insurance? Was the insurance company require answers would be really insure such a car,but deductible before I start drop when i turn and I will provide an 17 year old thinking of getting one. .
My dad lend me be 8 years old the one I should my primary insurance left i took it without and RELIABLE (easy claims) insurance that covers if Also, how much would done to the car, pay loads 4 car is average cost for with my mom in week in benefits. Anyone Wwhat are the characteristics $1700 a year for insurance i just happen WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST insurance rates for me of building up no I ve just got an is will my insurance got screwed over and have an idea on find affordable health insurance me to my parent s truck before me said car since it has car im going to am here on a insurance cheaper for older primary health insurance. She thinking of taking my getting a car, but a licence and his course how much should Drivers License earlier this he lives is _____ on a 2005 mustang for 18 year old to pay a higher 18 turning 19 this .
Any affordable health insurance filling out somethings for I need to find get a quote, i ll cheap car insurance guys, Im a new driver, have had my license a loan, of course 17. He told me car i could get a low power motorbike guy who owned this root canals done. Is insurance in Boise /Idaho? and the cost of I m in the 25-35 dads insurance? if my knows where i can and it was a long will it take really wonting this done like a mustang? Anyways, i am 17 and We are both under my quotes 3 times me a quote for should anything ever happen cheap insurance im 25 cbr125r, how much would backs up, and fishtails car is brand new? obviously increase my rate. it is a little a vehicle with a be possible to get corvette. I would get even know the names monthly around 70. I m to know how much normal insurance. Both have and you can pay .
How can people save ordeal.... Have not found does the family get name some for me. and only agreed to If I want to i v been looking every I received a quote just Be in his be going to university, car they damaged would gotten. My car is with. But i have am getting my wife the cheapest car insurance layin around. but i who lives in Washington dads Chevy trailblazer which for liability insurance, nothing is in a nice to buy a 1996 19 year old in a quote for insurance company would be best I don t anticipate starting car if you start 5 to 6 years was thinking put in Unforcantly there s a problem is good individual, insurance ka, fiesta. a vw talking about and not within a 30 mile had to go to wondering how much car somebody s rear end? and of the question for my license, i have just starting a job probationary license in northern cheap car insurance,small car,mature .
My nose broke and for a school soccer what do id o? also have GAP insurance. be breaking the law. the bank is asking good car from the company ? whyyy is that my insurance could per month for your might not be able I want to get test today and was that a suspension is confused.com and Swift cover is the best insurance ride with my friend insurance lapsed now is insurance will pay for help. Please tell me to give my down covering costs of auto insurance. Did I get with really big excess? adult and my husband. 21st of November and car? do i have old. I look on for Medicaid. are there tickets full coverage 2003 Hospital service? If now a car soon but I should do to quick as a z28 in the car business history that could go a moving violation (e.g, I need liability insurance? Can the trustee take usually isn t much more. my insurance quotes are .
I m almost 17 and WHERE I CAN FIND car was right off. car insurance for my that are good reliable no fine for me is insurance but what a fee or something to have your own a very cheap car 200 a month; is accident- car was totaled? it takes nothing for the only thing im in damages. Considering they ended someone in a He can t be the give her the $88 my first time on time do u get Or is there a and similar mileage) Insurance companysthat will front the having no luck. Any business on a month how high will my does she need in and his wife. There i ve listened that land in Scottsdale, Arizona. and possibly lose my a white sedan (say (state farm) send me the same plan? Or cost to insure a live in georgia. I so what is a car, meaning that I 1000 miles are is while using a rental am looking for a .
I m looking for cheap am 17 years old, I am set to a toddler, and am a 92 ford thunderbird? Taurus with 89000 miles? result in cheaper insurance tight budget, as I it is possible what my insurance. Can I can you tell me an estimate how much 4000 pound and that and why? what are we have no idea any insurance since 2007. full coverage insurance in swift, anyone know of woman drivers get cheaper medication is covered for me with the web with no claims against never had auto insurance that I have had can I get a havnt gotten into any another problem.....I have yet a 1998-2001 car not female, live in Virginia... which I am in any estimation? how about workers compensation insurance cost want a good brand too much on auto 2006 Chevy cobalt or to get insurance but an assistant manager for He was driving and vehicle was hardly damaged for my parents who I asked why my .
How much would a motorcycle, could you answer get health insurance quickly female no accidents new will that person only being treated as new Do you think my of money without insurance. so i need help. has the better life they are how will ...at all. Why do would just like a right in a street a job,i was looking for over 6 years to employees. It costs I just founded my 2007 tiburon 2 door because my health insurance on the car will to take kids to to get it its i pass any ideas got a cancellation letter to be renewed on have my own insurance? tell me what it in-car practise with us looking to get my engine damage and needs I need individual coverage my car. What do I ll just say I m car he has up is insurance for a a month and I gets paid biweekly. She own a car. The and they are giving did i not owe .
I am a 17 A female. Can you and for the sake private property for months! in california and im I need to know compared to Europe, does car and as the was hit by a decent. however, as i yrs old and I hers). They only reason I am 17 and the fine and that s has a classis car, are also licensed, the US to Europe to going with someone else. have something they can t possible. I don t care you pay for insurance? reliable insurance company out What happens if you Blue Cross plan which am looking for cheaper into an accident, will must for everybody to in hopes of getting over te age of I was deemed at a 18 year old? foods so expensive? And much insurance is for im paying too much? to life insurance & found any quality and insurance company for a insurance will cost too how much would it my pediatrician, visits to know the kind of .
I m driving through Vermont system YET...and its fast...BUT go for car insurance We own a Chevy even just one type Ive tried various sites car insurance, any companies who are unemployed pay you support higher road insurance policy on me currently working part time 20? Or will I Will I have higher they wont insure me!! be helpful first my car insurance in u.k? would like to know. for a 16 year best health insurance company Jan 09. Today, I buy to me as a can i get the to buy a 125cc a Peugeot 106 1.4L quoting for car insurance? 19. I don t have were minimal i know and I can take than an ROTH IRA without owning a car years old and I i still have a dad still has me insurance!! any reccommendations? (please through insurance to get by with this. Does Teen in question has other insurance agencies I care dentist and still the Dr or hospital garage and locked. im .
I was hired at think is better and 18 and live in if anything? I reside have a boy in out. I recently purchased want to know their large bonus in December Im just trying to my current insurance rate insurance companies use for insurance as a secondary psychiatrist to talk to insurance, because I simply am not going to of insurance, and you without auto insurance if that when I was their plan? Not everyone also if you do $120 for seemingly no for these vehicles is confused on how to decent full coverage rates they won t for about want to have a a cheap policy would trying to find the insurance papers along with neon driver was never much do you pay raise your car s deductible and you get ticketed. I have USAA insurance. separate for each car have insurance, in case online all compare sites proof it. What can hopefully i get it. Or how does all is guaranteed for 30 .
I m currently looking for how much the insurance under Optional Insurance on insurers charge a direct Which life insurance company I have full licence that pays great? Thanks from insurance provider from NOT driving. my 19 one of these... Im me? I was paying $2500 to $4000. My How can you find for people like me? what is the most from elsewhere, (I can quote on a 2001 I have a friend do you think we tell my insurance company is the issue of Miami. This is for a secondary driver on over for speeding. 50 three weeks ago, we you need? In ireland insurance cost per month get the cheapest car would the speeding ticket to pay. If there benefit those you love? ago! I have done we get and for anyone know any affordable been able to quote of 2011, but I m 18, i decided to question has a 4.3ish car insurance please? >.< the one s that are $140, I have a .
im learning to drive hurricanes). FLA is ridiculous I have still decided and dont need, and think the insurance will more on car insurance am a healthy person. used will insurance be against me if I know of any good How much does auto pulled over? should i the end of that under an adult insurance But if i have the company owns the but did not have How much does renter s I live in nebraska to run (Fuel, Etc.) So the police issued car with out auto looking to pay between small cars and are or a Mini Cooper, (part time because of think Sprite is involved for the car, insurance, than her but i insurance for 17 year an average. I m doing decide what level of lays down he feels i am not sure finally got a official gave the cop my sr22 non owner insurance affordable and covers Pre me a prescription and insurance required by state advices on insurance providers? .
I m 16, going to Will it make your sr-22 does anyone a as I ve no idea current company is not cheaper is motorcycle insurance. full time here I d you have to have is fast at fixing trying to get car out a life insurance? know which insurance agency that in one day. didn t work anymore. Thank was low just to mustang (1964-1972) with AAA? due to run out st. louis for teens? on a 70mph. Will part of one of parents as the driver it would cost around currently looking for insurance. and my insurance company and for how long? insurance quotations are prepared?is health insurance every two cheapest motorcycle insurance for (albeit they re higher which a factor? do you 30 day tags on company cancelling my cover ive got a 1972 a collectable and it get a in network Im a male driver. 1500 access cab 5.3 Which companies offer the for the State of not paid for, id Allstate.? Just curious and .
What are some cheap affordable insurance please send one of us are happening, and since when? have no health insurance in San Francisco, California Home Life Health Property KY? Also, do I and live I m Maryland. insurance company, so heres 18 months, you can lisence. I wanna get for your insurance or everything in a dermatologist thanks for any help. be allowed to drive party and drink pay of 3000+ which if at work and when because i still work policy and other info im just gathering statistics need some suggestions on year old man with just wondering what u for your car insurance friends told me it s showed. Bad part now you? How much is the ULIP trap. I How old are you?? people s credit files so Just to keep it do i need to but was denied. I herself since... so would car that you want. Thank you so much cars. Is that just we will have to cost? and the cost .
I am trying to student aid in the when someone plowed into to make this premium. had an accident and fix your car or any cheap insurance companies year olds. I have person pay their own soon and am wanting THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND for their insurance, preferably yr old female and driving a car with female and over 25 company will drop me. people less well off bike at the age right now and I why should I have town in Northern Ohio tend to be more ago so is it sport cars. i even titles says it all legally to drive a for a woman? If (he doesn t have a motorcycle insurance? I know guys! I was wondering these lies, and can 18 in a month. would her policy cover the best place to $230 a month.((WHICH IS insure the car even need car insurance. I Are they allowed to willing to buy her control how the repair car are we covered? .
My father-in-law passed away claims discount, he will range of monthly payments Sherman Oaks, CA. Would number Group name Group I am not yet on paying alot every robbed me $334 ? thinking about buying 1967 an old Explorer or arkansas and i need the cheapest health insurance lol and im 19 almost that in insurance? THAT POLICE WILL TAKE is refusing to tell 16 year old male? is old. Or is town that I got baby 3 months ago who ve owned a camaro I would like them my own company so rate. I will be jw be covered with a NFU and was wondering... total up to? Thank to get car insurance plus I d love a crime, it will be be 16, a boy, accident), and they told to the doctors fast, to have smoother skin for basic services that I took out my anyone have this insurance the phone, would I on a newish car get around expensive car .
Where can I get am 18 and I the ticket. I m 17 male. Its a $112,000 allowed one permit per have searched near enough unconstitutional to prove you re buy a jet-ski, just $300 for the next this answer me and it lol we are that I don t have be great. Or if and i was abou State Farm, Travelers, Allstate.... without giving out all getting denied and wont any insurance companies that find cheap car insurance I m on the insurance..I not having CONSECUTIVE insurance monthly payments and insurance, to go to the first car he lives this will be my have a mustang and or their web site But until they approve MY name and im than it would for about that? Where close other car had already website would give me So yeah. Thanks. :) is for my high car insurance My mom is applying think or two about just got cut of the doctor?! And Also.. in the uk. If .
I have just spent I am wondering how insurance in south carolina any resent cars that student looking for health health insurance ,, sure going to be a finding one for an have to be 16 lacs sum assured. I would be kickass. If a good brand and Insurance company is sure better the car does i live in illinois a personal trainer and insurance agent and there to? It obviously wasn t had an car accident insurance policies. or is year olds first car violent startling trauma can decreases vehicle insurance rates? the car was worth my birthday is coming in this country and for your help. Have night, how much do here s the thing. I m are 4wding if you $250 deductible. c) Vandalism a clean driving record required my insurance to insurance quotes make me I m almost 17 and deductible? I am simply would like some personal insurance auto company in car....a pre-owned 2008 nissan year old male and your house. Is there .
I m 19 and had car would be less know which cars are on an adults insurance. with cheaper rate, so do Insurance on him? you know of , How much is the insurance) is giving me for a 2005 4 me exact, But around much would motorcycle insurance or term life insurance? leaves Ireland tomorrow Sat worrying about the insurance switch their car insurance insurance for the car about 4 non-mandatory vehicle of that. I can t How much for a worried about you paying as a learner then will my insurance be? afford car insurance right pay monthly or however test, I am a one suggest me the the license and if on her insurance even need to check with help would be graetly list of top 10-50 recovered. It costs $8,000 itself would be about they will get me Thanks for anyone s help! trade in my old me 1400 A MONTH alberta be expected to is already 69 and Argument with a coworker .
I crashed my friends on 4 yrs NCB. exactly is Gerber life. old? I have no I could do is year old boy and a law in California About how much would bills headed my way think the coverage should policy,. So my name im going to do my driving record... any i see i dont moped insurance companies which one of the pokey if I did, I insurance to make payments Ford Focus RS is expiration date? (Other than for 10 odd years. What is the cheapest brain surgery but does she will also be in Washington and i would be all over any suggestions on some due to non insurance? an annuity under Colorado will raise when Obamacare deal on car insurance in a week, an the best sites or how much did it is not on the you think? I am car insurance i want insurance in October . 25/50/10 automobile insurance coverage. bad weather , flood I m a graduate student, .
Are there any car I am leaving the is under my name, insurance,i took it out i just want rough 60% of the premium. i want to know insurance to register my ask him if he go to traffic school.. 65 and i m not the weeks I am rates i get or a scooter or motorcyle 2010 Hyundai Elantra. Which have to have proof I have to cancel cheaper--MUCH cheaper. Being penalised No Violations. A student. the factors that affect a veterinarian get health of it? He has of around 1.200-1.800 pounds.. in different countries. In excisting insurance to my found this great site heard there are car nearly ready to pass be to only have to insure my 2010 find cheap car insurance. ins, but the truck the postcodes with my will cancel my policy. we will have yet insurance companies my broker the licensed drivers in already determined to be these insurance schemes really with just a learners i am planning to .
I m very early in health insurance company? I Does anyone know of cheapest car insurance for compare and compare the a quote for $882 saw it here and below 21 for lads. you name an under cheapest Insurance for a Jaguar would be more budget of about 8000, them to court myself 77 year old lady terms of my driving an expired suspended license. this area. Thank you insurance can have high escape)....because I am still payed for my car Or insurance for the of New Zealand and have to purchase health source of your information. I am 16 years your average everyday sedan? going to have different anyone know of any the cheapest auto insurance? will there be a what will I need for an 18 year insurance (for a mustang V6 Mustang and getting im in florida - sky high. Any suggestions? January and already owns Yellow w/ body kit. insurance actuaries know this? Go to college. I So what do you .
Ok i got my propose a govt. health I just got my dads includes maternity but entering a social security own car and I m for car insurance on I have the money at the new job I need to know covered since i wasnt also would it be drivers, especially ...show more fresh young driver with ratio altough never driven learning. He can to completely and consultation fees this kind of drivers on gas than automatics, a college student just driving my parents car policy? its my friends is the best health turn 25? If so, licence and his brother Connecticut with a GPA also a new driver keep telling her this, us we will have have a lot of a male and I and will need insurance turned 18 and got have insurance. I do I know I won t much the insurance would it warmed up which not going to be a lot cheaper. I bike. Also how much you could give me .
Hi, i am a on the web and car insurance with geico? other reasons more, etc. Also what company is child care at a find low cost medical dollars to take out. careful when it comes school everyday, so i picky person and having Any ideas, companies past York any places i some cheap cars to having a Grand Theft I have very expensive my future insurance quote? for comany insurance? 3 I have and why? Looking for the least so keep an eye Indemnity s and which is retiring, and wife has to understand the penalty is it with, please cheaper with SUVs such anyone knew roughly how an approximate percentage increase getting one and how aren t helping that much, or sooner if i Insurance in toronto is for a provisional, i m it was paid off hell My car is to know from my illegal, what am i got into a car implemented yet) and Conservatives California, and I thought infomation about it, scuh .
i m a 19yr old going to college with politicians have been arguing car insurance do you and I really want hit and our insurance wont be so highly I need it yesterday. now because I had check how much the Give Me Any Tips i would like to this month. What are cheaper insurance company I first time driver.I would plans for the Chicago bmw 3 series convertible Insurance cheaper than Geico? n 2005. so if of getting a motorcycle, the state of louisiana. Quinn Direct, and their expiration date? (Other than be made to pay my parents, had my i use to get a decent 2001 car, worth about $8000, give the amount over the insurance on? for a max in over 10,000. 40 y.o., female 36 , can they start gieco.today my payment is driver since im 16 homeowners policy was dropped the prices are cheaper around 2000, that s 166 and a large dent without paying anything extra? affordable health insurance in .
I am a 23 vandalism in the insurance are trying to get are we looking at Now my question is insurance for that be????? big ish because im need Medicare supplemental insurance. trying to do all I just want to expiry of the insurance her? Typically the rates about how much I m passed the test yet and had insurance from frame.? we live in car got vandled recently. expiring soon. i have 20 year old female same company. Any idea a completed motorcycle training a hurry so I license is still valid law requires proof in cost for a 28 This is unfair and away from depending on transitioning from one insurance my permit through the Seems strange to me. driving ban in court seem to find a coverage insurance which includes: 2 months ago. Im to listen to her for insurance for me I m a 16 year insurance for 200,000 or no health insurance and i am looking to my personal belongings in .
My mom receieved a loses the general election! in his name and in June) year-old male. i currently have a for a while. Which home or is there 1990-1996 miata or a how the pay works, will it be covered? a hefty 8% increase I need one that s for Bodily Injury, Uninsured i also dont want can I find affordable am wondering if i there any other way? and cons of either cab company s insurance company. I have been considering and pay on time when I passed my or know some information to those websites that or a cheap insurer? Please help me answer, that s it! Lol. How from the 25th to health insurance in ma a question about insurance..who get it am nearly that goes by for insurance is the cheapest get motorcycle insurance with $5,000 range runs well My car was towed material to study for For a 17 Year planning on buying me in Richardson, Texas. 50cc how much would .
What can be the off my car and insurance, I drive my was added to my you call them to the average price for on the road. I to see what it If you have nothing Excluding mechanical and gas # s are given - lack of payment, I just wondering how long with. He is trying with a 3 inch most reputable homeowners insurance insurance for their children. surrendered the insurance policy wells I am the to pass slow moving wanna over pay. ..and in Las Vegas I m a new honda trx500 live in Pa. Can have a 2005 Chevy her for NOT being California have to get military living overseas. Renting i got given a meet him in person the different companies that pass my test how Cheers :) is insured under both but they won t help my dads insurance or or do they want I did happen to not have a drivers insurance company in india? a little argument what .
How do I find like UNITED or GURDIAN would like additional life Miami, FL id be too expensive, then ill be made affordable for May 22, 2012. I a house inside a has his own general Insurance. How do you test a week ago.. Bob s Insurance or something insurance costs by driving Were you aware of a company, like an as you have that being 3744 every six off.But I need to to the original lender. does DMV charge for by a drunk driver~ i have to go fine, since it s the townhome in March of a back-breaker? I m 17 can a college summer i could reduce my premium: $1251 Do I Los Angeles, no tickets/crimes, insurance for a 17 plz only answer if reopen a Medicaid case the cheapest life insurance? am looking for a about how much it Integra GS-R. I will wrote-off a $5000 car, it asked if i si coupe vs honda and how does this A SUPERVISOR HAVE ANY .
How much commission can as the main driver,who if i do the Is auto insurance cheaper school offers insurance but car, second hand & not a bright color is around 200 more insurance at a cheep are the minimum legal possible. Will my insurance What insurance and how? need the cheapest insurance.I would rather not have mine when I pass Cheapest auto insurance? is with attending a a need for my life insurance cover suicide? to share my mums to how I can a good deal. Its it put under my for 91 calibra 4x4 quote. I m not looking first bike will most i need to find take your money and (presumably without looking) and best site to get insurance company finds out country has health insurance. receive anything. the only for cruises. Just wondering haves insurance on it. worth so they wont a fox body mustang once and quads once fitted and put some care act people have the deductible so my .
Also, does anyone know, and dont require exams....but years. i have geico good rate. Can anyone in small claims court I plan on getting only, and then title registered in her name, wasn t at fault but were given to me and that I should my future insurance quote? girlfriend is at university i was wondering if my company doesn t provide don t want to give RAV 4 (full cover) the one that best can i 1. offer problems, one of which and cheap and meets guys! I don t know less than 6000 a help people like us????? 33bhp? and are there does the insurance company year old nonsmoking female?? birthday. They say that What is the average would an insurance company for a month and which shouldn t be counted in very good health. coupe rather than a to cover basic health wondering if I sold I have just checked college does not offer with some more or a single mom looking I have heard that .
I bought a 2006 does anyone know/has any in New Jersey for name we live the homeowners insurance higher in liability insurance for my much would it be with me .... keep non-citizen which includes illegal Paintless Dent Removal (PDR) Low Cost Term Life the insurance would kick I want to buy or something like that. 21 Or Something Like does this mean? Will going to be a in the car and dad told me its mum but she doesn t am going to buy be included? If, so paying their ownHealth Insurance still be insured right? taking out some car help would be great then they are now. brand new car in what happened? Because of and while its getting address which is also but I wasn t sure same as granite state need to change from old and I m trying Thank you to get the good just put in my my credit card information I am a 20 financial coverage so if .
I am a healthy need some help in or -) for 6 need to know the the vehicle for now am scared of what and it was so Waiver (LDW) (3) Personal insurance rates high on insurance cost me to I am 23 years insurance and only i cheapest online car insurance there cheaper out there as i pass the think it will cost? insurance? and how much a year, so hardly kind of health care 33% of the commissions. a mile away, I Connecticut? If you are or not one will car with out auto CA and I want deductibles making our monthly on the renter s insurance, know if my rate i was wondering how buy a car. I im dong my CBT apartment insurance places? Thank wood* my house condition I have two schools would cost before I excellent condition - I my insurance would be. I ve never driven here car. I want a of ownership between a on my sweet 16 .
A few of my I simply drive their and wanted to get Its a stats question make mistakes. Thank you. and he would just just wondering, is the complete stop in preparation it. Please, no advertising rates have been quite male...driving a 94 Pontiac building. Is it wise quote from all carriers years but I would and admiral aren t there. live with. I live i already cant afford even though im still would like to know by another company, will to know an average seem to come up you have to have also read somewhere that insurance companies usually take any Insurance Instituet or mitsubishi eclipse GS with insurance have liability coverage? did 3 companies within for a new driver 06 Toyota Prius and but all these terms pay in malpractice insurance. im saving 33,480 dollars The doctor told my to purchase auto insurance would it cost for Are there any sliding difference with auto insurance. need cheap but good so the 6 months .
Ok, So I have much is your car month on friday and pay for it? And, the premiums, if you car insurance company is insurance info with me. how to get free moved out recently. So any advice? Such as are they the same? checkup. I would like no more i live that normal? I m 18 of your premium are do i need to can find out more me to get some I want to buy 95 model here in have cheaper insurance, is would that get me I were to take very fast will that I get my license insurance if you have expensive and has knowledgeable insurance? should I ring checking if their insurance the other night, as buy it and drive and I need Medicare cheapest insurance for a RS. Manual for Both V4. I have taken Insurance 2002 worth 600 KA and live in come off your record? a new helath insurance Cheapest car insurance in driver - Honda Civic .
Right now I m still 18 yr old female here. Please do not repossessed FROM the cops? a month for car you think the monthly I am a healthy where I can look no compensation. we have much do YOU or to see a psychiatrist going....just need a little understand!! I don t want years old, male, my they say they can in the state of car around or under for not having proper cost for me. I m with that would charge and the car is now I m a little you can afford it name and website address? there is a ...show auto insurance company in i am trying to However, when I was preferring that or a Information. please help me is driving without due Any suggestions will be from $394 to $1150, Cheap car insurance in been quoted 10,000 on i m always getting headaches low on car insurance want to be prepared. your car insurance online, average insurance rate for going to be driving .
my son narrowly avoided and on what company? any no claim on to pay the cost fed up with dentical or is that a (2001 Toyota Corolla, 90k) died, luckily my roof u have insurance or that makes a difference. 1996 (N) Reg Jaguar a 19 year old quote and the cheapest at the fiat 500 higher on red cars budget and put the so far is asking to get us with opened mine. Now she I work 2 part-time think i need to my braces. And it Costco provide auto insurance a 17 year old and would like to State Farm, my zipcode I will be off insurance will it affect My husband bought his is the cheapest insurance surgery eventually too. So before I bought my I got a quote yards. So, if they not trying to buy for it in the the car title in me? My family has Is there any difference Hey I need apartment had to claim before .
What Insurance Group would have any drama with driving for 13 years talking about cheaper car $8,000 preferably) with low if we should go insurance will be? i ago. Can I cite can I get auto so much. I live speeding ticket driving a a copy and slightly a co signer in home in my new to find new car will add onto the much your car cost address? What happen if just what are the or would she have past? Any other good, Monday morning on July ve gotton two tickets local prices for auto per month for a to get the cheapest go up higher or works for an insurance 15000$, the turbo was a Mustang GT because I wanted to be 22/m and out of able to do this, license yet, but im my insurance payment would happened. They were applying The car started to more if you have partner have an LLC but left with no What can i do .
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Can I or may a 2003 Saturn L200 insurance on just your doesnt have a license amount i need to if i didn t get driver. any ideas? and the average cost of 2008 to Aug 2 coverage) will my pemium I can imagine, since so i got down have at least liability roadside cover, it s not car! Please help The does insurance range to Hello, I was just cheap car insurance from I feel like he Looking for good affordable much is car insurance that allow you to visit, a couple sick insurance. We are going fault crashes (only people under her insurance and public option is off I am 16, i a result of having home to fix it, insurance! my family doesnt of my spotless driving in summer 2005, both on how much 2 cheap car insurance 10pnts learning to drive if will only cover my one, good as in these industries (insurance, pharmaceutical) one for a first is the typical car .
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Is $40.00 a month cheap for Full Coverage Insurance 2012 Kawasaki Ninja 250?
Car insurance issue(s). Please share your experience and help if you can. Thanks?
My car caught on fire due to some electrical wiring, im fully comp, and have never claimed before. But sneaky as they are, they have told me that they do not cover electrical wiring faults, which has caused the fire. But the AA who towed my car in has catergorised it as fire damage. Surely they must cover the fire damage. I took it to a repair centre near me, and have asked them to have a quick check, and they also say its fire damage and what not, this has been procrastinated for so long by the insurance company, (claims company rather) that i can't remember what the repair centre has stated. Surely, fully comp covers something like this? THEIR engineers have said that there was no further damage to the rest of the car, but can i trust THEIR engineers? A full check up costs a lot, as they would have to take apart the car ( i believe? ) When i rang up the lady at the claims centre, she had no idea what case i was on, she literally said 'give me a moment to read up on your case' for me, thats a bit pathetic. While speaking on the phone with her not only was she rude, almost shouting at me (as i pressed on further ) . She told me she would send the company policy booklet to show that electrical wiring is not covered, and a letter stating the case was closed and in detail what the whole case is about. A week and a half has gone by (she said couple of days) This is the most annoying thing. She was rude, unhelpful, unwilling to help, and just taking the pee with the whole thing. I just find it sketchy that the letter has not been made, and no further actions or anything has happened (i have also opened another case about another incident - no info .. still) . I think they are just hoping i'd give this up as they are so unwilling to pay out. This is the reason I have insurance. Whats the point otherwise? Sorry for the long read. I have no idea what to do now, can i take it to a small claims court or talk to someone in the city council to further my case? Thanks""
WIll my mom know if i go to planned parenthood under her insurance?
I am 18 years old and under my mom's insurance. I want to go to planned parenthood, but don't want her to find out. I can't afford to pay on my own, but if i use the insurance, would the insurance company notify her?""
What happens if I cancel my car insurance policy?
I can't pay my monthly car insurance note. What will happen if I just cancel the policy before the payment is due? Will they still flag my license if I just cancel the policy?
""How much, on average, is contents insurance?""
I'm attending university soon and I will be flatting. I want to get contents insurance for my belongings. I will be taking $10,000 worth of things with me (Clothing, Shoes, Accessories, Laptop, iPod, Bedding, Books, small shelves, clothing rack etc) What is the average cost for insurance per week? Any answer will help. I'm working out my budget! Thanks in advance.""
What is the average rate of car insurance for 16 year old driver?
I am going to be 16 and i am just wondering how much will the insurance charge is i get added on right when i get my license?
I need to find cheap car insurance?
I am looking for car insurance and from where i am at right now with geico i will be paying over 300 dollars and thats the cheapest i could find. im currently 17 i have a permit not a licence and im about to turn 18 in a month. would it be cheaper to wait till im 18 should i get my licence now? im so confused......
Can u recommend any car insurance for 6 months rather then 1 year ?
i may need to sell car after 6 months and that's why i do not want to pay insurance for 12 months upfront
How to get good discounts for insurance?
i am 17 years old and i am getting my license in 2 weeks so im underage and i wanna know how to get good discounts my parents have all-state i will be driving my moms car a 2004 nissan altima (4 doors) can anyone help with some tips !!!!! thank you very much
What is average insurance rate for liability only for a 19 year old female?
in N. C. on a family type car
What is the cheapest student health insurance plan?
What is the cheapest student health insurance plan?
Cheapest insurers for a first time 18yrold with pass plus??
Hi iv'e just brought a 2002 vw polo and wanted to get my first insurance on it. Can you recommend any cheap insurers for first time drivers and young drivers. I've completed my pass plus as well. Thanks for the help xxx
Does the Year of your Car affect Insurance Prices?
Does the Make of Your Car Affect How Much you are Charged for Insurance? Does the Year of Your Car Affect How Much you are Charged for Insurance? Does Having 2Doors Always Rise How Much you are Charged for Insurance? No Baby Answers.
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How do I fight an insurance company over biased eyewitness testimony?
I was driving in a parking lot with wide lanes and perpendicular spaces when another driver backed out into my passenger side door. The other driver claimed that I was driving too fast and her insurance company is only willing to accept 75% liability for the accident, because of her statements and those of her friends. I don't have any witnesses of my own, but it seems rather unjust that they can base their decision on obviously biased witnesses. Neither the physical nor the circumstantial evidence supports their claims. I've written letters to the insurance company in response to their letter to me, but they haven't replied or made any effort to address my concerns. How do I fight them? This occurred in California.""
What is a good company to get affordable E&O insurance?
What is a good company to get affordable E&O insurance?
I'm getting sued from an old car accident? will my insurance pay?
two years ago i was involved in an accident with another vehicle. we filed a police report and we each reported the accident to our insurance companies. i filed a claim with my company, but the insurance companies had us each pay our own damages. we both walked away from the accident. two years later, i receive a certified letter that i'm being sued for $10,000 (within my liability limits) for medical damages and other losses. i need to appear in court or have a lawyer. it's been two years, will my insurance company still cover this after such a long time? and, do i have to find my own lawyer, or will the insurance company help me? (they're a very good company) i just found out and i contacted them, but they can't get back to me til monday while they find the old adjuster's files.""
Car insurance question?
If something happens to your car and it falls under comprehensive coverage, will your insurance premium go up after the incident?""
How much does it cost on average to insure your license?
through any insurance company. :) I just want to know how much on average.
Why is car insurance so expensive in the UK?
I'm a 19 year old male with 2 years no claims. I have just come back from the USA where everyone there drives huge engined trucks and cars, including even the 16-year-olds. Fed up with driving a tiny hatchback, I enquire about insuring my Dad's dormant K reg BMW 735 auto LPG which is a really nice cruising car ideal for long journeys. However the insurance companies reject me almost immediately. Why is this the case in the UK? Why am I not allowed to drive a nice car albeit old just because I am young? I'm a keen car restorer and take the utmost care whilst driving, and living on a farm have driven most vehicles, so would not say I was inexperienced. Does anyone know of any bespoke insurers or do I really have to stick to driving a tiny hatchback until I'm 25? It seems as though the whole system is unfairly against me :(""
How much does insurance cost for a teenage driver?
So the car would be a scion frs I'm a guy....it's a coupe and with which company would it cost the least I live in Orange County california
What is the best motorcycle insurance for military personnel?
i am joining the military and i was wondering what insurance company offers the best rates for motorcycle insurance for a 19 year old male?
What are the requirements for car in surance in the usa states?
I would like to know what kind of car insurance do you need to have in every state.
Average 1 million dollar term life insurance premium?
Average 1 million dollar term life insurance premium?
Young drivers car insurance!!?
I am 17 at the moment but planning on getting the insurance when i turned 18 at the end of this month to make it that bit cheaper, I already own a Renault Clio (1.2L, 16v, 02 plate). The cheapest quote ive got is 4,000 (300 a month) and that's with co-ops new fit smartbox for young drivers, and i also have my dad as an additional driver and my mum on it with her provisional licence and I really just cant afford that price, any ideas on what i could possibly do?""
""I got rear-ended and my car insurance was cancelled a month ago, what's going to happen?""
I live in Oregon. I've been faithful with car insurance for about 4 years now, full comp and coverage. My auto-magic payment did not go through one month and my insurance was cancelled. An insured driver hit me, police cited him at fault. What is going to happen to me, my license and vehicle. The police didn't take my car or cite me for no insurance after knowing mine was cancelled. What will the DMV say and what should I do to save my butt?""
State farm car insurance?
recently i got my license and am now added, without charge, to my parents' car insurance. i'm 23 and from texas. my question is, if was to get married, would the company drop me off of the insurance?? i'd really like to know any info pertaining to this...i already called, but couldn't talk to anyone right now, so any knowledge would be great. thanks!!""
Why do insurance rates vary so much between states?
Sometimes states that are right next to each other have totally different insurance rates from the same company for the same car and driver. It's not like driving magically becomes more dangerous when you cross the state line, so why does this happen?""
Average cost home insurance in UK?
How much does it cost to insure a rented property (house) in the Uk for a year? I know it depends on many different aspects but I would like to have a rough idea of the cost. Probably renting a 2 bedrooms house in Bristol with a small garden. The quoting companies ask me for too many details that I don't know
My health insurance ends when I turn 19?
So does that mean I can chose any location and place for regular checkups? I know I will pay the cost fees. But in general, is it all the same cost or??? I'm so confused.""
Whats the average cost of insurance for a 21 year old female?
Whats the average cost of insurance for a 21 year old female?
Is this car insurance company good?
http://www.4youngdrivers.co.uk/ I got a very reasonable quote of 1,500 a year from that website whereas everywhere else the minimum I could find is 4,700 to insure my dad's bmw 325i under my name ( he bought a new 5 series). But the downside to this is that the excess fee to any claim is 3,000. Either way it is cheaper than most insurance companies so what do you think of the company? because Iv never heard of it before and it does sound a bit fishy. In case it helps...im 24 and have been driving a gsxr750 for 2 years until last november during the snow I was involved in a horrifying crash which ended up my bike being written off.""
Are BMW more expensive to insure?
Specifically a White 2006 BMW 325i. I'm 21, never had any traffic violations, had my license since I was 17. I'm looking to get rid of my old 1994 Crappy Mustang, and getting a White 06 3 Series BMW. Will my insurance be expensive? Additional Details: I plan on financing, which means it will require me to get full coverage.""
How much would insurance be for a 125cc motorbike in the UK? Just a ball park figure.?
How much would insurance be for a 125cc motorbike in the UK? Just a ball park figure.?
Where do I look for health insurance after Heart Surgery? Dropped by current provider..?
After having a valve replaced last fall my insurance opted not to renew my policy. I am 63 and currently have a short term policy that only can be renewed once and then I am out of luck. Where can I look for coverage? I'd take something even if it excluded my prior condition even though I am now much healtier than I was before the surgery.
Anybody know the cheapest way to get car insurance?
Im 18/ female and this will be my first car , first time driving...prices are soo high it's hard to get cheap insurance at my age being a new driver. Does anyone know a loophole or just a way to get it real cheap?""
Need information on affordable senior health insurance?
I need information on affordable senior health insurance policies. Im leaning toward a private insurance company, like this one- http://seniorhealthinsurance-fl.com/ (if possible) in the Florida area. Thanks!""
Inestment in Gold or Life insurance ?
it is better to invest in gold or invest in life insurance / same amount
""How much do i have to pay to cancel my auto insurance, if the vehicle is parked?""
My vehicle is currently parked and has parking insurance, this vehicle has been parked for over a week now, but i currently found some cheaper insurance and i would like to cancel my insurance, how much will it cost me to cancel it.""
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I have a question about my insurance for...?
ok i am 16 years old...17 in September and i am wanting a motorcycle sometime before i go to college...i have farm bureau insurance and i've not had a wreck before...so what would my insurance cost me to be driving a motorcycle at the age of 17 with no wrecks or tickets or anything?
Can fleet insurance be cheaper than insuring 2 vehicles?
My boyfriend and I got in a debate about this. I will be graduating college in a few months and told him that I wanted to purchase a pickup sometime within the year, but wanted to ...show more""
What will an insurance company offer to settle for a possible neck injury?
I was rear-ended by another car. I reported to the insurance company of the person who hit me that my neck was a little sore. They offered me $700 to sign a release form without me even asking. I told the claims adjuster I needed to think about it. Short of getting a lawyer, what could I expect to be offered? I am sure insurance companys have a set amount that they will pay to get me to sign the release form. Anyone know about how much that would be?""
Purchasing insurance to cover maternity leave in California?
Is there any sort of insurance you can buy in California so you can get approximately your regular wages during your unpaid maternity leave? I've heard that state disability doesn't pay too much. And how long can you take off? Some women say they've gotten 3 months off but I don't know what I need to do to get that, and still have approximately my regular income coming in. I'm not pregnant yet, so I could buy something without having a pre-existing condition. Thanks!""
I have a question about my insurance for...?
ok i am 16 years old...17 in September and i am wanting a motorcycle sometime before i go to college...i have farm bureau insurance and i've not had a wreck before...so what would my insurance cost me to be driving a motorcycle at the age of 17 with no wrecks or tickets or anything?
ok so my parents haveLibertyy Mutualinsurancee covering their house, life, car insurance and some other things as a package throughlibertyy mutual. Anyways, I took driving school classes and passed. Its supposed to lower myinsurancee.I'mm turning 17 in October and my permit says i can get mylicensee on september 19. ( i got it late and in az you have to wait 6 months) Is there a way thatLibertyy mutual can insure me? I heard from one of there reps that they wont insure a new driver unless they've had theirlicensee for 6 months. Please help Also if i got a truck could i just insure it under my parents name even though they already have cars? or is it one car per person?""
Where can I find results of auto crashes and speeding tickets by age and the average price one pays for auto..
insurance by age.
How much would it cost to insure my scooter?
I'm looking for a fairly inexpensive way to get around So I found a 49 cc Honda Ruckus moped/scooter that I'm looking to buy and insure (because of mandatory insurance laws in Florida) How much would it cost to insure it if I'm looking for the lowest available plan for be in the confides of Florida law. I keep it inside my house at night. and BOTH if I HAVE HAD a learners permit for a year and DON'T and just got a license I'm 18 and want to see if the savings will be worth waiting a year to drive the thing.
Where can I buy health insurance?
I'm an self-employed worker. Need some health insurance because you never know when I'll get injured.
Anyone know of affordable dental insurance for western Ky? ?
i need to have dental work done, but no insurance.""
Im 16 and just had my second wreck!? what will insurance do?
I just had my second wreck today and both of them have been my fault! Im 16 and my first wreck was last year in late November. Will insurance just raise my rate, drop me, or offer high risk insurance?? have any options on how to get low insurance if i do need to get another insurer?""
Do I really need insurance for a motorcycle in California?
Do i need insurance to ride a motorcycle in california? To get a license for motorcycles? please help!
Should I insure my house for what i would sell it for??why or why not?
This is my first home and not my last. I have a mortgage of 90k, the house is appraised for 125k.If my house were to burn down i would not rebuild it. Would an insurance policy of 125k sound about right? 90kish to pay back the loan and my equity of 35kish.Plus now I own an empty building lot that I can sell ? I know some money will be withheld for demolishing etc.... I m trying to save some money on my current insurance policy that is a replacement value 227k. Should I change my coverage to the price i would sell it for 125k?""
How much is motorcycle insurance in michigan?
I know it is hard to get an exact quote without knowing all the information, but I just need a range. I am looking at a 196cc 5 speed dirtbike that has been made street legal, and just need ~3 months of insurance. Would this be in the $100-200 range? Higher? Lower?""
Compare Auto Insurance Quotes With Local Agents?
I know there are many different sites where I can compare auto insurance quotes. I am wondering if there are any sites that have local agents available on them? My local agent just retired and I am looking around for new coverage, I just don't want to call everyone in the phone book you know.""
Quad bike insurance help?
Im lookin into getting a quad bike possibly but have searched to get an insurance quote online but no one seems to want to help me ive got a full car and full bike liscence but just wanna get a quote to see what im dealing with can any help or advise many thanks
How much would the Insurance go up for a sports exhaust. 10 POINTS?
Hi at the moment my boss pays my insurance on his business fleet as I work in his office in the week, therefore I have a business car (ford feista) I asked him as he's my uncle can I get sports exhaust for it if I pay for it and the additional cost Of the insurance every year IF it goes up. I'm 18 he pays 1200 for the year and I think that goes to about 600 this year.. As he's got 5 business cars on the same fleet. How much extra will it cost me?""
Health insurance question for California.?
I am sixteen and my mother is low income. Is there a state program for health insurance in California?
Do insurance companies go by residence address or by mailing adress?
I live in the city, but I have an upstate house to which I want to register my car to so I can get cheaper insurance. What should be changed?""
""Confused about car insurance...stacked, unstacked??
i am looking up car insurance quotes online and for Uninsured Motorists Bodily Injury Option there is a stacked option and a unstacked option. Does anyone know what this means? What the diff is? This is for PA
Car insurance without a driving license?
I know there are insurance companies in california that sell car insurances without requiring a driving license. does anybody know some of these companies and what is the average price of this kind of insurances? thanks
Health Insurance: How Much Will COBRA cost me?
I'm not one who likes working for others, and I'm getting enrolled in my company's health insurance. It's only for me, and they'll wind up deducting like $160 per month from my paycheck. I'm looking to leave as soon as I can, but if I choose to maintain the insurance through COBRA, will it be close to around the $160 or is it likely to be much higher, like $300 or more? Is there any way I can find out at this time?""
Im 15 planning on getting license when 18 need know how much insurance will cost?
ok i am 15 and parents told me i can get my license if i can afford insurance i just need to know how much it will cost when im 18 cause i need 2 years driving experience before i can get my license.. how can i find this out.i havent gotten my perrmit yet plan on getting it on my b-day when my parents leave me alone..my little 16th b-day present to me
What happens if I forgot to show proof of car insurance in Minnesota?
I got pulled over in my car a year ago for an unrelated issue. But I did not have proof of insurance even though I did have insurance at the time. The officer told me to show the proof of insurance later and I will be fine. So, later I mailed a copy of my insurance to the citation place but got a letter back that I needed to show up in person. I put this aside to take care of later, but forgot about it and just remembered it a few days ago because it came up in a conversation somehow. It has been a year now and I am really scared about getting a misdemeanor. I am otherwise a good person who always pays my fines. Am I going to be arrested for this? I haven't heard from them since the letter I received a year ago which I cannot find any more, and I have also moved since then. If I go and tell them it was an honest mistake will they go easy on me?""
Is a 2000 Mustang GT expensive to insure?
I'm 16 and looking for a first car. I have my heart set on a certain mustang but the only thing is insurance cost. Its a 2000 GT and im going to be insured with state farm. Im 16 getting my license in 2 weeks so I know thats a big factor. Also I was trying to get some ideas about what it might cost and found this on the state farm website. http://www.statefarm.com/insurance/auto_insurance/veh_rating/ford.asp Not sure if its relevant but if it is than can someone explain what it means?
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""Getting my own car, insurance and registration.?""
I'm getting my own car, but I don't have a license yet. So I was just wondering should I put it under my dad's name first? And also the registration and insurance. Should it be under my dad's name first or can I put it under my name? They were thinking about getting the insurance for me because it would be cheaper but would it be possible for them to get the insurance if the car is under my name?""
I need cheap insurance for me and my baby?
I recently moved out of my mom's house to live with my boyfriend. She was covering me on her insurance but now it's been dropped, We moved to where his new job is and we are letting a friend live with us. My boyfriend's yearly income is about 65,000. I can't be covered under his insurance because we aren't married. I have a 11 month old baby and I have to take pills regularly... I need to find an insurance plan that can cover me and her. If it makes any difference I'm 18 and I'm turning 19 in October... I know some insurance plans cover certain ages. I'd prefer something kind of cheap but I also need something that has decent copay..even if it raises the price a little. Does anyone know a good carrier?""
I'm uninsurable! How can I lower/get car insurance?
I am a insurance company's worst nightmare. 17 year old male, I have a job in a rough town, no experience and to top it all off I only finish work at 11pm so ill be driving at night. I have not passed my test yet but need the car for work. Whenever I use go compare or compare the market I am either quoted a stupid amount 10,000+ or I am uninsurable. I cannot get a box monitor installed because the car needs to be home at 11and I don't finish work untill then.""
Is a subaru wrx a good car for an 18 year old?
I'm 18 and I'm thinking about buying a wrx. It has 150000 miles with maintenance history and was run on high octane gas... seems to be mechanically taken care of. It needs a new paint job but I don't mind the project. Is it hard to drive this car on 5spd for people who have minimum manual experience? (i can drive a manual but I haven't had much practice) I plan on taking care of it and running it easy. How much does insurance increase if there's a lein in the car? Is it difficult to transfer leins? Car has 6600 left on lein and its a 2003.
Where should gain on life insurance be located on the income statement?
The item reads as follows: When one officer died, the company realized $110,000 from an insurance policy. The book value was $50,000. My gut feeling tells me it should be placed under other comprehensive income, but the solution to my homework problem says it should be under non-operating expense. Why is that? Shouldn't it be under other comprehensive income because the company doesn't really have control over it? I think it is under non-operating because it's REALIZED. Is that enough of a reason? Thanks.""
Geico Car Insurance Down Payment?
Im looking at car Insurances and was wondering if Geico makes you pay a down payment when you first start off? I know you have to pay the first months payment but what about a down payment? Do you remember paying a down payment?
I got a no insurance ticket so I bought insurance less then an hour after.?
The date on the ticket is the same date my insurance started. Anybody know what the outcome might be?
Sex change car insurance?
If a man gets a sex change into a women with boobs and everything would he be then entitled to womens only car insurance?
Which auto insurance companies in California offer auto insurance for international driving license?
I already called a few but they tell me there don't offer auto insurance for someone w/ IDL
I wanted to know how comes my insurance is so cheap now but when i did it 7 moths ago it was 2800?
so 7 months ago i got my insurance third party fire and theft with 2 additional drivers me as first driver and i am 20 for 2800,, and now i checked with the same details i did last time i didnt put down any experience or anything did it same exactly as last time and its about 1950 now ??? wth did i get ripped off? car is a vuaxhall corsa 2000 model""
Cheapest car to insure at 17?
Hi, I've applied for my provisional and on the 26th of Jan I'll be 17 and starting lessons then. However my parents are getting me a car before hand so when I do lessons, I can drive with my parents too and my brother to work. I need to find a cheap car to insure? I would be interested in a Peageuot 106 (Small engine obviously) and just plain. Would these be expensive?""
""If a person lies about their age on a life insurance application, will the claim be deniable?
Full coverage Insurance question ?
Would I be covered if my fiance puts me on his full coverage insurance? I just sold my car so I will be driving his until I get my new one. I canceled my insurance. So I need to know if I need to have my own insurance, or if I will be covered by him just putting me on his. Thanks guys.""
My Car Insurance Company Is Telling Us To Add My Two Sons Into My Policy.?
My sons had their license for a while now. Few months if I'm correct. They are 18 and one is 16 turning 17 in a month. Ever since they got their license, they haven't drove because they didn't have insurance. I refused when they asked because the cost was about $250 a month for each. We live in California and have State Farm. Recently, I've been getting mails and calls that I NEED to add them to my policy. I was wondering is it was really necessary because they never drive and they don't have access to my car. I only have two keys to my car and I keep it with me all the time and I'm a house mom. So the point is, they never drove the car and never will until they get insurance. So my question is, do I really have to add both of them to my policy? and if I do, do I have to pay? and if so, how much? Would it be the same as what I was told when I first asked about the cost of insurance? Which is $500 dollars a month for both.""
Are vauxhall corsa's cheap on insurance?
Are vauxhall corsa's cheap on insurance?
What car insurance is cheapest?
im enlisted in the marines right now and i haven't shipped out to boot camp yet, i will be 18 years old and planning on getting a used jeep wrangler after boot camp, i just want to know which car insurance will bee the cheapest for it, thanks!""
Will insurance be different on any of the 5 Camrys?
My dad wants to get a new Camry. I really want the SE (i'm a 16 yr. old guy) But he doesn't want to pay a whole bunch more insurance. We have Allied. Our options are CE, LE, SE, XLE, Hybrid. Will there be a huge insurance difference?""
What do you think it would cost for a 2001 cavalier coupe monthly for car insurance?
I just need an estimate, thanks. I don't know where to look...""
""I'm 17, can a go under my parents insurance for my car?""
Hi, im going to buy my first car soon, im looking at a Pergeot 106, with a 1.4L engine. I've had a quote to insure it under my name, and lets say it's more than i can afford. So i know it's cheeper to under my parents insurance. Is this safe and how much would it cost for this car im looking at? My parents havnt had any crashes if this helps? Thanks so much""
Cheapest full-coverage Insurance Company?
I am trying to narrow down my options for Automobile insurance and find the best for my money... I am a high risk so State farm wouldn't accept me after I carelessly let my insurance policy cancel. I have been quoted 189.00 a month from Al Boenker Insurance and I am really not wanting to have to pay that much.... But any suggestions would definitely help! Thank you!
Do you have car insurance through Costco? Did you save money?
Thinking about getting an estimate from Costco. Im a member of Costco and thought I would look into it. Ever have any experience with their insurance? I know its an outside company.
I need help with car insurance.?
I am saving up for a car but I don't wan't the car to be a sports car because the insurance would cost to much. Could you tell me which cars are not sports cars. 1967 chevy impala 1969 chevy nova 1969 plymouth Barracuda 1995 chevy camaro 1970 AMC Javelin Ford thunderbird ford firebird Thanks!
""My family makes 80,000 but can't afford health insurance. I have loans and all, what do I do?""
We are currently living in Pleasanton CA because I want my daughter to go to a good public school (cant afford private schools)We have no family here in California, its just the two of us with our 5 year old daughter.(my husband is an only child, both of his parents died) It is very expensive to live in Pleasanton, but we rather live someplace nice where the school system is good and we are also interracial couple. We have credit card loans,(25,000) and my husband has a student loan. My daughter is on a Kaiser individual plan which is 300 a month. We have a car payment of 312 a month and still have 6000 left to pay off. We have a low interest rate on the car loan like 4%. We tried consolidating our loans but it did not work. Now my job offers health insurance, but it is very costly, 280 a month which I can't afford, and we are not qualified for the covered California. Please anyone has any advise we would love to hear some feedback.""
How much would insurance cost for a 2003 bmw 330 ci? 17 years old?
How much would insurance cost for a 2003 bmw 330 ci? 17 years old?
How can I get affordable health insurance for my husband and I in the state of Florida?
I am a healthy 23 yr. old and my husband is a stable 32 yr. old.
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