sereiaax · 2 months
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n-x-black · 2 years
n aged up ! (from young adult to adult)
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samssolutions · 5 months
𝗚𝗼𝗿𝗶𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗙𝗹𝗲𝘅 𝗢𝗶𝗹 𝗜, 𝗛𝗣𝗧® 𝗖𝗼𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 15gg Ingenia™ - Blend Liner, Length, 24 cm Touchscreen capability, Encapsulated air pockets provide, vibration absorption. High resistance to wear and tear, Excellent wet grip, Lightweight for all-day wear. One-third sustainably sourced ingredients by weight. Ingenia™ production requires only 70% of the energy and produces almost 60% less CO2 emissions than the production of an equal amount of Nylon 6. Super-soft for extended comfort. Exceptional moisture wicking. High elasticity for excellent recovery. Wrinkle-free. Breathable.
Applications: Automotive Assembly, Warehousing, General Purpose, Materials Handling and Assembly, Precision-based Applications, Shipping and Receiving.
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nashikfast · 1 year
प्रा. उज्वला पगार यांना पीएचडी प्रदान
अश्विनी भालेराव, नाशिक : गोखले एज्युकेशन सोसायटी संचलित एचपीटी आर्ट्स अँड आरवायके सायन्स महाविद्यालयाच्या ‘भौतिकशास्त्र’ विभागातील प्रा. उज्वला मनोहर पगार यांना सावित्रीबाई फुले पुणे विद्यापीठाने पीएचडी प्रदान केली. ‘स्टडी ऑफ स्ट्रक्चरल, इलेक्ट्रिकल अँड ऑप्टिकल प्रॉपर्टीज ऑफ मिक्स्ड‌ बायनरी ऑक्साईड ऑफ निकेल ऑक्साईड-कोबाल्ट ऑक्साईड अँड निकेल ऑक्साईड-झिंक ऑक्साईड थिक फिल्म्स प्रिपेअरड बाय स्क्रीन…
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themichaelbeebe · 2 years
Rockets Red Glare
This morning I should be waking up for the day, right around the time of this 9AM posting, with a dehydration headache and a sunburn. It’s become an annual tradition that came to an abrupt end last year. I know, sunburns aren’t healthy and I need to drink more water when I’m in the sun all day, but it’s one day a year so please, cut me some slack. Last night should have been the annual fireworks…
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inkandgrids · 2 years
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hozaloza · 1 month
Guys why isn't there Maverick x Reader fanfics
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i thought there would have been at least a few of them
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medacry · 7 days
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i drew Flaky,because I'm boring
and also Mr puzzles
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abyssurvived · 7 months
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happy belated / early munday from your local vampqueer ft. the hottest that I've ever looked like
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worldend · 3 months
you know life is going crazy when you start missing going to the beach when you dont even like going to the beach
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sereiaax · 1 month
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hierarchyproblem · 1 year
Reportback from the Posie Parker thing this weekend:
First off, the transphobes (mostly terfs, with some "debate bro" right-wing youtube type guys) outnumbered us 2:1, with probably close to 200 of them at peak. Now, we had a pretty good turnout, actually - we're a notoriously lethargic city for radical political activity - and a lot of theirs were familiar faces who've travelled in, but still. Numerically, this isn't great.
It was, however, good to see that the organisers were clearly experienced and well-coordinated. Consequently, even though it was mostly a placards and protest chants kind of affair, there was a bit more of a militant atmosphere than frankly most demos I've seen in town. I expect this represents a trend in trans political action across the country.
The filth, on the other hand, weren't prepared at all. There were only around five of them to begin with, and they had to call for backup in a hurry, because…
Quite a few of the terfs just really wanted to hurt someone! That's their movement's ethos, of course, but I was surprised that some of the old ladies seemed to have shown up specifically hoping for a chance to hit a trans person personally. There was some genuine physical violence before the police forced their way in between our lines, mostly pushing and shoving but some punching and kicking and grabbing at hair, etc, to try and keep us from getting too close to their speaking area.* The two battle lines vying for the ground with only our big banner between us was a little reminiscent of a pre-Norman shield wall or something. It's partly a strategic thing for them too, of course, to try and provoke violence, because middle-aged white women are likely to be presumed innocent so it'd be bad optics for us.
As far as I know none of our lot got arrested, which is a relief. One person had to be wrestled from a cop's grasp at one point, but there weren't many of them at that point and they didn't push the issue.
The big win is that (I'm told) we did manage to end up close enough that with all the megaphones, whistles, and punk rock blaring from the speakers, their livestream was unintelligible and unwatchable.
Similarly, I don't expect anyone who wasn't with them could've caught anything of their speeches, given we'd basically walled them off from the public. It didn't seem like we ended up close enough to actually drown out Parker et al. from being heard by their crowd, so I expect the transphobes still consider the event a success overall.
There was a complement of trot groups in attendance, naturally, and while a few of their people were willing to put their bodies on the line and get properly involved, most were spectators.
I basically hate the turning up to sell papers at something like this. These aren't the sort of thing where it's appropriate to be trying to propagandise or recruit for your party: we're here for a specific purpose, and that's not it. A good fraction of our people were therefore unwilling to to be as mobile as we needed, chained to their tables as they were. On top of that, while the terfs had people flyering the public, a lot of the material from our side was only tangentially related to trans stuff at all, and cost a pound! Hard to frame this as anything other than a loss on the propaganda front.
It's been part of the right-wing protest playbook for a while, but I saw surprised by the number of people spending the whole thing getting in people's faces with cameras. Even relatively "safe" trans lib demos are strictly masked events right now, and for the foreseeable future. A few of the veteran cadre had come prepared with umbrellas to get in the way of the cameras, which worked pretty well. I think I saw one of our side actually grab a camera from one of the most intrusive offenders and manage to successfully run off with it, which is hilarious.
I only had this confirmed afterwards, but a trans man from our side managed to get on their mic and tell them to fuck off, which is incredibly brave and frankly heroic.
Although a maybe as much as half of us drifted off as the day went on, we ultimately outlasted them: they all slunk off en masse after about four hours. That feels like "winning" but it's actually completely orthogonal to achieving anything meaningful.
A few of the right-wing arseholes were the last to leave, trying to start arguments with random people, before cops came over and I guess told them they'd had their fun for the day. It's pretty funny that these guys are so rancid that even the terfs ignored them all day.
As I see it, the main practical takeaway going forward is that they were prepared for our tactics. They know we're trying to drown them out: after most of them had arrived, they all quickly shuffled over 200m and had some of theirs set up a perimeter to keep us with our speakers etc. a way away from their speakers' pitch. It's a lot of the same people showing up to all the terf rallies, so it stands to reason that they had a plan for us. The organisers on our team were tactically well-informed too, but it wasn't enough to actually halt their event. It's necessary to oppose these things, but I feel like at best we earned a draw this time. While there might be tiny fascist demos where they can see they're outnumbered ten to one and don't bother to show up, someone like Parker draws numbers that are much harder to disrupt. I don't have nearly enough demo experience to confidently make tactical suggestions, but I can at least give you the lie of the land, so. Maybe this is useful to someone, idk.
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1980ssunflower · 1 year
I dont want anyonr to forget tsjt my min & my ryan are my one and onlys
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themichaelbeebe · 2 years
The Six Families
Last Tuesday was the Primary Election in Indiana for municipalities and in that light, it’s time for our post-primary healing. I’m not sure if it’s by design, but primaries splinter our party into factions and then afterwards, we need to work together for a common goal of winning for our candidates. We need to let our wounds heal and put aside the differences that divided us and be a whole party…
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discountwives · 2 years
sorry @ all my commi//ssioners for the delay in your piece! i had a lot of family stuff going on and then,,, the past couple days ive been super sick (out of no where too its kinda weird) im gonna get some sketches done today but im gonna be out and about from the 23rd-30th for Chris//tmas stuff (big family hurrah.) Thank you sm for your patience ;_; !!
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t3tr0m1n0 · 1 year
actually though, if all the really vocal miramusi fans pushing the idea that hawaii part ii Has (For Real) a comprehensive plot across all its songs has Actually given the uninitiated the impression that it should seriously be treated like a concept album then maybe they honestly should quiet the hell down. because going into hawaii part ii expecting a real story won't get you shit. neither the individual storied/"plot-having" songs off of hawaii part ii nor the album as a whole have any more coherent storytelling than the rest of joe hawley's songwriting. i went into hawaii part ii expecting nothing more than what was in tally hall's albums and had a fine & good experience with it & if i could recommend anything it's that people do the same
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