smolmagicalmuffin · 7 years
Can we promise not to harass dammek kins? Because he hasnt been fully introduced yet and who knows maybe he will see the faults in what he did and apologize? Idk im worried and i would hate for drama to start up...
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ghostytricksters · 8 years
lolll i know of someone who says they’re kin w/ jade harley and yet posts and defends ships like brojohn, johnjade, and johnjake with “it’s just fiction! learn to separate fiction from reality!” esp when people express discomfort and ask them to put a warning on their posts and i swear to god if i see their ass make one post in the hskin community i will drag that callout post i made into the tag faster than they can blink bye 
their nasty, manipulative, inconsiderate ass can stay far far away
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17293817-blog · 8 years
Hey I’d like to stay anonymous for my own safety, but if anyone remembers Tumblr user @v-serket (a callout is posted for them in the hskindrama tag, but it’s currently only accessible on mobile tumblr) they’ve resurfaced again. They’re currently @ doilhouse on vent and @ sinyes on peach. I don’t know their tumblr as they’ve remade multiple times since being called out, but I’ll make another post on this blog when I do find it. I just wanted to let everyone know because they were a really scary person for a while and I wanted everyone to be safe. They are now going by Zara and have stopped iding as Vriska Serket, they now id as Rose Lalonde and Andromeda Black from Harry Potter.
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medichams · 7 years
Hey for everyone's safety, if you're on the app vent and were involved in the v-serket drama from like a year ago Quinn is on vent as doilhouse and is purposefully trying to listen to and interact with people involved in the drama or who reblogged their callout on tumblr. Idk what their Tumblr is, but they're now going by Zara and are kin with Rose Lalonde.
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gamerphobe · 8 years
it costs 0 dollars to stop harassing people for their kins
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turntechgodammit · 7 years
what the shit is with all these hskin w discourse blogs
discourse face to face the way we did back in ye olden days of hskindrama
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sdvxii-moved · 8 years
hskindrama is so fucking funny
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callingoutammi-blog · 8 years
This is a callout for tumblr user disastergay. I used to be in a relationship with them irl, and still was while most of this happened. I’m posting this in tags they actively use so this can be spread easily.
To avoid any confusion, I’ll be using a name they go by irl rather than the names they list. For clarity, Cal is 17 and my 19th was a few days ago. Also, apologies this is a messy post and I don’t have solid proof.
Cal and I became platonic partners a little while after knowing each other, after we both came out (me as bi, them as transmasc). Over time, they displayed increasing signs of aphobia + other abusive behaviours that I ignored because I cared about them and did not want to lose my friend. I regret this now and wish that I had had the courage to speak up.
We met over a facebook page they ran, based around a Homestuck character they are currently kin with. Cal had a lot or arguments on this, the most extreme of which they told a person to kill themself over disliking a friend (who they are no longer in contact with), along with publishing private messages between them and an ex because they fell out.
They ship pedophilia + incest, namely davenep (a 20 y/o with a 13 y/o), brodave + daddave (abusive 30-somethings with a 13 y/o, one of whom is the 13 y/o’s dad and the other included headcanons of them being adopted by him).
Cal also manipulated me into running a blog against somebody they had fallen out with, including forcing me into harassing the person and outing them for a private coping mechanism involving an incesteous ship which they insist is pedophilic, despite it being two adults.
They currently lie about their age and race, claiming to be a 14 y/o white kid despite being 17 and mixed race. This isn’t as bad as some of the other things, but them being a fake white should be taken into consideration.
Stay away from Cal for your own benefit. They’re a dangerous person.
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tragicampora-r-blog · 8 years
blocked and reported
4LL 0F Y0U: R3P0RT5 M3 B3C4U53 “D0XX1NG 15 WR0NG 4ND 1LL3G4L!”4LL 0F Y0U: *5UPP0RT5 4 53LF 4DM1TT3D P3D0 3V3N WH3N TH15 5TUNT L45T N1GHT W45 4 M4N1PUL4T10N T4CT1C B3C4U53:1. 3V3R0N3 KN3W H15 1NF0 TH4NK5 T0 M3 4ND C0ULD H4V3 (4ND D1D) C0NT4CT P30PL3 1N H15 H0M3 4ND 4R34.2. N00N3 M4K35 L1V35TR34M5 0F TH3M T4K1NG 5 P1LL5 P3R H0UR 1F TH3YR3 5C4R3D 50M30N3 W1LL C0M3.3. H3 53NT TH353 L1V35TR34M L1NK5 T0 4NY0N3 WH0 D1DNT L1K3 H1M 4ND CH4NC35 4R3 3V3RY0NE WH0 W45 UP53T W1TH H1M 15 M3NT4LLY 1LL 4ND TR1GG3R3D BY 5U1C1D3.4. H3 W45 TRY1NG T0 3NC0UR4G3 P30PL3 T0 T3LL H1M WH4T T0 D0 50 H3 C0ULD PL4Y V1CT1M “0H TH353 P30PL3 T0LD M3 T0 CUT :(”. N00NE T00K H15 B41T 1F Y0UR3 W0ND3R1NG.*BUT G0 0FF.
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wavezmind · 8 years
Guys why do all the drama goes down while I’m sleep??
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Not gonna lie but I was kinda chill about the idea of a network for people kin with problematic characters. Like, I want to make friends but every network/group chat i see says "no bros" which is fine but I just can't help but feel sorta isolated i guess If someone else wants to make a group chat similar I'd probably be down Or at least if anyone knows a group chat that's alright with bros hmu
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well that sure was one hell of a night now wasnt it
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tentacltherapist · 8 years
I’m popping into this tag to remind everyone that posting personal information on this website isn’t some kind of controversial moral issue we’re going to debate. Even if you think someone is the absolute scum of the earth, posting their private information (and especially their family’s) solves nothing. This is not going to be a thing. This community is made up of mostly mentally ill people who don’t need the threat of someone revealing their personal information hanging over their heads every time they make a post.
Quite frankly? Get your shit together.
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jetiikad-blog · 8 years
LMAO SPLAYEDSILK DELETED THEIR POSTS CLAIMING TRAGICAMPORA DIED anyway if anyone has any actual sources on that (like. not a post by someone who claims to have known them I mean like a link to the supposed obituary that splayedsilk claimed exists) I'll believe it but don't claim the hskin community drove someone to suicide if you can't even prove it, especially if in the same breath you criticize people who said that he is a pedophile without providing proof bc I specifically remember that multiple people called the police on him and the police were at his house while he was still streaming according to people in the chat
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callingoutammi-blog · 8 years
Details on aspiedstri are queued for 10 days from now however the post may be edited if they own up to their actions and fully apologize. This is in the main hskin tags due to their activity in that community so they’re known.
EDIT: Please feel free to contact me if you have any information on things they’ve done. I’d like this post to be as complete as possible when I post it.
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jadehrleyarchive · 8 years
uh..... so am i missing some details or did someone in the hskin community get actually doxxed for starting a “problematic hskin/tive network”
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