spaciebabie · 6 months
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no fucckin way dude....yo.....
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samzier · 2 years
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HES NOT EMO!!! -_-……..
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psygull · 2 years
a conversation pit is like a tonsure for your living room
see, a tonsure is to prevent the monks having sex, but the conversation pit in fact encourages sex. in my opinion a tonsure and a conversation pit are exact opposites on the sliding scale of sexual bald patches
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camusclizzard · 7 months
Are you bananas is perfect because you're huAH or are you huAH because bananas is perfect?
im huah because the babana perfce
Clizz on! 👊
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edgarallanpoestan · 7 months
want another little treat but rlly dont wanna go downstairs n go to the vending machine
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Kick their damned asses Ukraine ! !
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allen-etcetera · 1 year
There's only one oomf: The sound Mario makes when he hits a wall in Mario 64.
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chlap · 1 year
Recipe for happiness that is kind of short-lived but leaves you pleasantly satisfied:
Five, or perhaps six strawberries
Four little squares of dark chocolate, carefully melted on the tongue
A few sips of a little refreshing beverage
Thoughts dedicated to a kind person
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teacupride · 1 year
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vocalchords · 2 years
schuler nominations today...........
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recursive360 · 2 years
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(via GIPHY)
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tsu22 · 2 years
alphatauri’s xmas video is such a welcome break for me. ive been fighting with my matlab script since the start of the month, i dreamt of excel spreadsheets a couple days ago, im seeing double every time i take a look at my end of year report 💀
alphatauri admin u have my heart and endless gratitude
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musikblog · 4 months
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https://www.musikblog.de/2024/06/der-text-ist-meine-party-die-hamburger-schule-von-1989-2000/ „Ich bin neu in der Hamburger Schule“, sangen Tocotronic 1995. Sie bezogen sich damit augenzwinkernd auf einen Sammelbegriff, der seit Anfang der 90er im Umlauf war. Und auf den noch heute immer wieder Bezug genommen wird. So scheint es nicht verwunderlich, dass ebenjener Hamburger Schule nun ein weiteres Buch und eine dazu gehörige Compilation gewidmet […]
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psygull · 2 years
accidentally flagging down passing aircraft with the light reflecting off my freshly-shaved tonsure
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yipeewahoo · 6 months
i miss having a big groupchat with my close friends ^.^ peak 😹👆 i miss u. peak poets i miss u.
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idealog · 10 months
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