#HZD Sun And Shadow
discar · 5 months
HZD Terraforming Base-001 Text Communications Network
Chapter 50 (Eclipse omake) | Prev chapter Chapter Index
ChosenOfTheSun: Rise and greet the Sun, for it is a new dawn!
FavoredOfTheSun17: And a beautiful dawn it is!
PlumageOfTheSun8: [ANewDay.jpg]
ChosenOfTheSun: And what is that supposed to be, Kestrel? You had work to be about.
PlumageOfTheSun8: My team executed the attack and killed the heretics exactly as instructed, Lord Helis! The Sun saw fit to bless our victory with the timely arrival of this beautiful dawn!
ChosenOfTheSun: Very good. Continue on, then. Victory under the Sun.
PlumageOfTheSun8: Victory under the Sun!
ChosenOfTheSun: Sylens. Have you received the latest shipment of Focuses?
Sylens: Indeed. Many are damaged beyond my ability to repair, but I should have another dozen ready within the week.
ChosenOfTheSun: Slow.
Sylens: We are all limited to the light the Sun grants us.
ChosenOfTheSun: Do not mimic words you do not understand, outlander.
ChosenOfTheSun: Is no one else awake? Where are my reports?
FavoredOfTheSun10: Lord Helis, my men are reporting that the tests with the corruptors was a full success. We can maintain any number of machines indefinitely.
ChosenOfTheSun: Excellent. How are our numbers of corruptors?
FavoredOfTheSun10: Still low. However, we have had no losses after the first incident with the thunderjaw. We are keeping to weaker machines for now, but I anticipate moving on to more dangerous ones soon.
ChosenOfTheSun: Acceptable.
ChosenOfTheSun: Oseram. What is the progress on finding more dig sites?
RESTRICTED [OlinDelverson]: I think I've found a few.
ChosenOfTheSun: SIR.
RESTRICTED [OlinDelverson]: Yes, of course. I think I've found a few, sir.
RESTRICTED [OlinDelverson]: I'll need more time to be sure, though.
ChosenOfTheSun: You always seem to need more time. Perhaps we should see how much time your family has left.
PlumageOfTheSun28: I am ready at your order, my lord!
RESTRICTED [OlinDelverson]: No, please, I promise I am working as fast as I can. Expeditions cost money, as you know, and there is only so much I can get out of the Sun-King.
ChosenOfTheSun: The FALSE Sun-King!
RESTRICTED [OlinDelverson]: Of course, sir! I apologize, I have spent too long among the traitors. I have to be careful with my words around them.
ChosenOfTheSun: Perhaps. Though perhaps we can make do without you and your whining after all.
ChosenOfTheSun: You are correct, as usual. Even an Oseram has a use.
ChosenOfTheSun: Now, where are the rest of my reports?
Direct Message (@ RESTRICTED [OlinDelverson])
Sylens: I have questions about your survey methods.
RESTRICTED [OlinDelverson]: What are you doing? How are you doing this? I thought I couldn't recieve private messages.
Sylens: I have special permissions. Regardless, I have some interest in archeology. Are you using Carja cartographical methods, or Oseram?
RESTRICTED [OlinDelverson]: Uh, Oseram. Well, Carja for the larger maps, since they're better at that. But Oseram methods are better at the smaller scale, to map the individual dig sites.
Sylens: Indeed. How are you finding the ancient machines? I have looked over your previous dig sites, and I have difficulty spotting a pattern. Other than the fact that they appear to be distant from any existing settlements.
RESTRICTED [OlinDelverson]: That's actually Helis' request. He doesn't want to attract attention. There are a couple places I suspect are large caches, but they're too close to towns.
RESTRICTED [OlinDelverson]: I mostly look for out of the way sites. These machines usually aren't found in major ruins, like the metal towers. They're more often the only thing of interest in the area. So when one of Avad's survey teams spots something, but don't think it's likely to be important, I inform the Shadow Carja.
Sylens: I see. So you are using the work of others to make up for your own shortcomings.
RESTRICTED [OlinDelverson]: The Shadow Carja don't have the manpower to map out the wilds.
RESTRICTED [OlinDelverson]: I'm sorry, why are you asking me this? Helis knows all of this. You could just ask him.
Sylens: Lord Helis has better things to do with his time than indulge my curiosity.
RESTRICTED [OlinDelverson]: ...you're not afraid of him?
Sylens: I am cautious of him. But he is a known quantity. So no, I am not afraid of him.
RESTRICTED [OlinDelverson]: Then, could you help me?
RESTRICTED [OlinDelverson]: Not me, my family.
RESTRICTED [OlinDelverson]: If you can get them out, I would be forever in your debt. I would remain working with you, since of course you and the Shadow Carja share the same goals, but if you could somehow convince Helis to give them up, I would be so much more motivated.
RESTRICTED [OlinDelverson]: ...hello?
RESTRICTED [OlinDelverson]: [You have a restricted account, and may not send or recieve private messages. Please contact your administrator for more details.]
ChosenOfTheSun: Vezreh, I still do not have your report.
ChosenOfTheSun: Vezreh!
ChosenOfTheSun: He should not still be asleep. The Sun has been shining for hours now. He is not one for indolence.
Sylens: He is likely out of range. Didn't you say you were sending him to Sunfall?
ChosenOfTheSun: Indeed. This is quite frustrating.
Sylens: I am well aware. However, options are limited.
ChosenOfTheSun: Yes. For now, we will keep our forces centralized, to ensure we are all in range of communications.
FavoredOfTheSun5: Lord Helis, I do not mean to speak out of turn, but remember that we require constant communication with the Oseram delver. If we lose touch, he may falsely believe he can escape.
RESTRICTED [OlinDelverson]: You do know I'm still a part of this conversation?
FavoredOfTheSun5: I was not speaking to you.
Sylens: Do I need to show you how to use private messages again?
FavoredOfTheSun5: The words of the Sun shall be heard in the light of day!
Sylens: I am unsure of the context of that quote.
ChosenOfTheSun: Remind me again why we must continue to use outlander filth instead of strong Carja warriors.
PlumageOfTheSun12: The glory of the True Carja shines too brightly for even the traitors to miss!
RESTRICTED [OlinDelverson]: The last spy you sent into Meridian got caught in less than a day because he was yelling about the glory of the Carja in Shadow.
ChosenOfTheSun: And how would you know this, Oseram? Perhaps you set him up.
RESTRICTED [OlinDelverson]: My lord, I would not contradict you. Of course, you remember I was at a dig site with you at the time.
RESTRICTED [OlinDelverson]: Erend Vanguardsman told me the story over drinks once I got back.
FavoredOfTheSun5: Which one is Erend? The drunk one?
FavoredOfTheSun17: They're all drunk.
RESTRICTED [OlinDelverson]: Erend is the brother to the captain of the guard.
ChosenOfTheSun: Outlanders guarding the false king in our most sacred halls... at this rate, the entire city will have to be burned to purge it of corruption.
ChosenOfTheSun: Wise words that we should all remember.
Sylens: If I recall correctly, that quote was referring to a prophet who starved in the desert.
ChosenOfTheSun: Silence, Sylens.
FavoredOfTheSun5: Excellent jest, Lord Helis!
ChosenOfTheSun: What jest?
FavoredOfTheSun5: Uh, never mind. I spoke out of turn.
FavoredOfTheSun17: I thought it was a good one.
ChosenOfTheSun: I believe you two have work to do.
FavoredOfTheSun5: Yes, Lord Helis!
FavoredOfTheSun17: Yes, Lord Helis!
ChosenOfTheSun: I will plan for keeping our forces in as constant contact as possible. Do not bother me until nightfall.
Direct message (@ Sylens)
Sylens: You have more for me?
Sylens: Very well. What do you want in return?
Sylens: I suppose I should be honored by the compliment.
ADMIN [BuriedShadow]: YES.
Sylens: Very well. I will need materials.
Sylens: I require a Tallneck.
Sylens: Oh? I know that they are almost impervious to physical harm, but I did not now they were hardened against digital and nanite assault.
Sylens: Very well. Regardless, they are peaceful machines. It should not be difficult to capture one, though it will not be a trivial matter.
ChosenOfTheSun: Night falls, and the Sun sleeps!
FavoredOfTheSun17: Glory to the Sun!
RESTRICTED [OlinDelverson]: Do you have to do this EVERY night?
ChosenOfTheSun: Is there a problem, outlander?
RESTRICTED [OlinDelverson]: No, sir. Apologies, sir.
PlumageOfTheSun89: Even an Oseram has to see the beauty in THIS!
PlumageOfTheSun89: [DuskMesa.jpg]
RESTRICTED [OlinDelverson]: Actually, yes, that IS beautiful.
PlumageOfTheSun89: Thank you!
ChosenOfTheSun: If I recall, you had a mission on that mesa, Kestrel.
PlumageOfTheSun89: Don't worry, I killed the Utaru workers who were scouting out a new field! Mission accomplished.
ChosenOfTheSun: An excellent way to end the day. Victory under the Sun!
PlumageOfTheSun89: Victory under the Sun!
FavoredOfTheSun17: Victory under the Sun!
FavoredOfTheSun5: Victory under the Sun!
RESTRICTED [OlinDelverson]: Victory under the Sun.
Direct Message (@ RESTRICTED [OlinDelverson])
Sylens: Don't encourage them.
Chapter 50 (Eclipse omake) | Prev chapter Chapter Index
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After listening to the GAIA Cast deep-dives and making up the transcripts for them, it's really obvious in hindsight how many hints get dropped through specific phrasing choices by Narrative Director Ben McCaw regarding certain topics, and I am currently losing my mind at all the hints and character parallels that are in the Jan. 30 Playstation Blog about Call of the Mountain (CotM). link
During "GAIA Cast EP. 6: Uncovering the Carja Civil War" [transcript by me here], Ben McCaw and Lead Quest Designer Tim Stobo talk about the divide in the tribe as an interesting tipping point to come into from both a narrative and world perspective. One of the things that particularly caught my interest is the following quote by Ben:
"And one of the things that’s important, like in any civil war, it’s like families have been torn apart, right?  It’s one tribe that’s been cut in two and some family members wound up on each side."
This is talking about some more specific instances in sidequests in which we see "the good, the bad, and the ugly" kinds of people within the two halves of the Carja, but the emphasis on seeing how the tribal divide impacts all different sorts of people is another detail that they continue to discuss. It's not just the Shadow Carja refugees in need of food and medicine, and supplies being smuggled by Sun Carja by robbing the richer upper class, but regular everyday civilians like Atral and Elida who are torn apart by the conflict (in a very Romeo and Juliet type fashion).
Which is why I find it especially interesting in the character teaser/ introductions of this most recent blog post, the topic of the divided tribe and divided families in CotM, and the impacts of actions taken during the Red Raids is again brought to our attention:
Guerrilla’s Studio Narrative Director, Ben McCaw, offered us further insight: “Ryas ended up on the wrong side for the right reasons. His family was torn apart, and ultimately, he was incarcerated. This is the story of how he tries to come back from that.”
**HZD and HFW spoilers and further discussion under the cut.
Digging into the topic of families divided and torn apart, we see its most obvious wound in the royal family, and the opposing forces of Jiran vs. his sons Kadaman and Avad, and later, Avad and his half-brother Itamen. In these two opposing relationships, we get to see and explore facets of the complications of the father-son relationship: the father against his sons, and the sons against the legacy of their father.
Morally and ideologically, we know that Kadaman and Avad care for their people and their tribe, in speaking out against the Mad Sun-King's edicts, and paying some kind of price for it. In Kadaman's case, it's his life; for Avad, the faith of the people and the fear of becoming like his father are burdens he will never be able to escape. Where family and fatherhood are meant to be examples of protection and guidance, this bond is warped beyond recognition in regards to Jiran and his sons.
The legacy of the father and the shadow it leaves behind, in both a metaphorical and cultural sense, in one that Avad and Itamen each have to grapple with in the uncertain stage of a ceasefire and afterwards. Metaphorically, they each have their own battles in stepping out from under their father's shadow: Avad as the King of the people and proving his will not become his father's son, and Itamen as a child figurehead for the will of others fuelled by ambition and blind faith. They are pitted against each other as symbols of the divine right to rule, and the cultural aspect of the Sun-Faith -- and the interpretation of Sun's divine will manifested through the power of the rightful king -- continues to perpetuate the intra-tribal divide.
Back again to the divide of family, I think it reasonable to assume that differences in faith and ideology to be one of the simplest explanations of families picking and choosing sides. In the Liberation comics, we are told of Urid and Ryas, each highly skilled and formidable in their own right, fighting in direct opposition to each other and in direct support to the ruling figures of each faction. Clearly, their loyalty to the governing powers of each faction is fuelled by something stronger even than the bond of family, and I can think of few other motivators stronger than religious faith and a code of honour to serve those whom you pledge yourself to.
“Having fought for the Shadow Carja, Ryas’ relationship with [new allies] is at best adversarial. He needs to make inroads and amends if he hopes to be accepted.”
"At best adversarial" indicates a potential rivalry with allies known to Ryas, or full-on confrontations to be had with other characters who know of him and his reputation. Given our introduction to Hami, the reluctant soldier charged with escorting Ryas, there is already animosity from within their shared tribe, even with the degrees of separation and association and/or participation with the Raids.
Either way, there looks to be some very interesting tribal conflicts permeating the relationships during CotM, which brings me to the next intriguing thing: the hope of acceptance from these new characters.
Acceptance despite past deeds and choices feels phrased like a kind of welcoming back into the fold, a return of sorts from ostracization or exile. There seems to be a preexisting bond that is under strain if the goal is simply acceptance, rather than "to be trusted".
"Making inroads and making amends" has absolute implied meanings of repairing broken bonds. But a broken bond with who? Given the precedent of reuniting estranged brothers in 'The Queen's Gambit' sidequest, Avad and Itamen show there is hope for rekindling and repairing the fraternal bond. Given this information, the most obvious candidate so far to whom Ryas would be repairing broken bonds with is his own brother, Urid.
So, we have the history of brother against brother, and the future hope of reuniting and reconciling said brothers. But what about the hints that "players will [...] be reunited with familiar [characters], though [Ryas'] past has affected these relationships"? Who else is familiar enough from HZD or HFW for us to anticipate seeing in CotM? With all of the promotional imagery of standing between the Sundom and Sacred Lands, I will focusing on potential Carja character appearances, since I feel there may be little in the way of Nora appearances given their cultural reluctance to venture near metal ruins that we will likely be exploring as Ryas.
Given their multiple mentions in Ep 6 of GAIA Cast, Uthid and Vanasha seem likely candidates to make an appearance. Vanasha's reconnaissance abilities and connection to Marad could provide some early intel as to what kind of situation we're heading into, and Uthid's switch in loyalty due to his honour code is an early seed to be planted for the legitimacy of Avad's mercy and willingness to make amends with a former Shadow Carja. As merely a captain, it is not likely that Uthid will have had any interaction with Ryas during the flight to Sunfall, but it presents an interesting common ground for these two weathered soldiers and their levels of involvement .
(Personally, I hope that Warden Janeva makes a brief appearance if for nothing else than to see what their assessment is for Ryas' character and his release from Sunstone Rock.)
And speaking of Sunstone Rock, there's the most obvious character to - hopefully - make an appearance: Nil.
Nil as a character is steeped in mystery, with his cryptic eloquence making it difficult to pin down much about his past. However, there are several parallels that draw him and Ryas along correspondent narrative threads that I find too interesting to leave alone.
For starters, an easy comparison of these two is their particular set of skills as hunters and fighters:
"As a master climber, hunter, and explorer, Ryas offers the perfect viewpoint of the sweeping vistas and dangerous wilds of Horizon.”
A significant feature of CotM appears to be climbing, and as we know from the Liberation comics, Ryas's brother Urid is the best climber in the Sundom. Nil is clearly an accomplished climber himself; the climb to the top of the Mesa during the "Cause for Concern - Farewell" quest is a long one with lots of jumping from handhold to handhold and creeping along ledges.
Nil's hunting ability is such that he sees bandits as a more satisfying challenge than hunting machines, even the more deadly combat machines that have emerged in the recent years; stating "They don't get that look in their eyes." (Devil's Thirst Bandit Camp conversation). Ryas' reputation precedes him, as Hami and Kavad -- the Carja escort soldiers -- comment that "everyone says Ryas is a good shot" (CotM State of Play reveal trailer), so clearly his ability with a bow is notable enough to be wary about.
Thirdly, being well-traveled and adept at exploring the world and its metal ruins in search of information is a quality we see in few others. Most other tribes have superstitions concerning the Old World ruins, and so avoid them; or are more pragmatic about its use for profit, as seen with Oseram delvers. We see Nil unafraid to venture into these ruined places, going so far to say "[those] lonely places where people once were, now just a hole cut in the world?  Chances are, I was there before. " (Gatelands Bandit Camp conversation)
Jon Gonzalez, the Narrative Director during HZD, emphasized Nil's significance as a representation of the effects of war, and clarified that there are elements of his quest narrative that are acts of atonement, of trying his best to balance the wrongs he's committed with a new motivation.
There is a kind of retribution in Nil's brand of atonement in that he hunts those who prey on those even weaker. Even if his claimed motivation is purely to sate his bloodlust, there is still some act of good done through it (Although his descriptions of racing heart, ringing in the ears, and the feeling of a "call to arms from inner desires" all point to chasing adrenaline highs). His acts of atonement are done in an echo of the presumed kinds of actions he took during the raids, of participating in the preying on those with less power. Instead of continuing that path, now he hunts those who would do the same.
"And I think that there are a couple of characters that also highlight really unique aspects of some of the tribes in really idiosyncratic ways. I think that Nil, [...] who seems to have become kind of a fan favorite, the kind of way that he has this kind of unique, sociopathic kind of approach to killing, but the way that that's connected to the lore of the Carja. The way that the Carja were preying on other tribes, and [...] the Red Raids and all of that, the thing [...] is this is a guy who's sort of a monster but knows that he was a monster – and to the best of his ability, kind of regrets it and has tried to atone. "
- Writing Horizon Zero Dawn - Jon Gonzalez interview link
The phrasing about Ryas "ending up on the wrong side for the right reasons" also seems to echo Aloy's impression of Nil upon the conclusion of their first bandit camp raid:
And when asked about a favourite backstory element or quest moment, Ben's comment about how intertwined Nil's questline and story is with the Red Raids and the civil war also seem to be more than just a passing anecdote.
ALOY:  So you hunt [bandits] down to help others?
NIL: No, no - for sport.  I can’t wait for wars anymore: life’s too short and the thrill of death too sharp.  If you kill a tribesman, there’ll be retribution; hunt a boar, they complain if you waste the meat.  But bandits? They’re vicious.  They always put up a fight.  And no one cares if you kill them.
ALOY: I…guess you’re doing the right thing for the wrong reason.
NIL: I’m doing what I love.  And what could be wrong with that?
- After completing Devil's Thirst Bandit Camp (HZD)
Tracing his quest path through the game takes you all over the map, although he will only join you for 3 of the 6 bandit camps in the overworld. He is clearly a skilled hunter and tracker to comment on "the surprised splashes [of blood] and scrabbles in the dirt" when next he sees Aloy. The two camps he is always present at seem to hold some significance too. Obviously, he's present at the Devil's Thirst camp on the outskirts of Nora land to start his questline, but the Nora were some of the most affected; he begins his journey of atonement there. The Gatelands camp -- on the Sundom side of the border between it and the Sacred Lands -- is where we learn of his stay at Sunstone Rock, with additional dialogue with him if you've made a stop by the prison and talked with Warden Janeva beforehand. Nil specifically waits for Aloy there; a border between two worlds, a step a little more into the world he is from.
"… if you really pay attention to what’s going on with Nil in those raids on bandit camps, his story is kind of interwoven with the Carja civil war and the Red Raids quite a lot, and he has a very, of course, unique and kind of homicidal insight into all that stuff. So I mean that’s something that I really enjoyed, because if you trace Nil’s paths through the game, a lot of it does in fact involve the events surrounding the civil war."
-- GAIA Cast Ep. 6 - Uncovering the Carja Civil War
Janeva's opinion on those kept within the prison and those who are released also vary significantly. The sidequest "Sunstone Rock" charges us with fulfilling the bounty on the 3 escapees, the Rock's most dangerous criminals. Janeva's assertion that the prisoners would have eventually found death are a stark contrast to the quiet surprise when Aloy asks after Nil, and the turn his path took when he left. And as we see again with Ryas, Sunstone Rock holds significance for those who are released from the prison to go forth on a turning point on their personal journey.
"[...] there’s a couple other characters that are associated with Sunstone Rock, including Nil. So if you talk to Nil enough, you’ll find out that he was actually imprisoned in Sunstone Rock at one point. And there’s also a character, an important character actually, that was imprisoned at Sunstone Rock that we are going to learn more about in the future."
It feels significant that Ben teases an upcoming character from Sunstone Rock that will be a person of importance in learning more about the world. What can we learn from Ryas' position in a recent, bloody history of tribal conflicts? What new point of view can we experience as someone deeply involved with the old power that split the Carja, and his reaction to the changes in the state of the world now?
All of these exciting questions aside, the biggest mystery of them all at the moment is Ryas' identity: is he at all related to any characters that we have met during the games? With his face deliberately concealed with a cowl in all of the promotional art, there must be some clearly identifiable feature that reveals something about his lineage, presumably a family we already know and recognizable by their Carja eye markings. There are few things as satisfying as a face reveal with deep narrative impact, and I think there is something other than just VR marketing to keep the protagonist 'blank slate', so to speak.
And we have a precedent for an impactful face reveal with satisfying emotional-narrative payoff: Nil's reveal to Aloy after winning the final Gauntlet race. It's a reunion after parting in circumstances of uncertainty; a reconciliation with actions and attitudes of the past and a display of healing and contentedness in themselves in the present. And in this reunion, Nil displays an almost parental affection in how he talks about the other Tenakth racers and refers to them as children.
Horizon is, in a way, the story of parents and their children, and coming to terms with what is left behind for the children.
We see it in Rost and Aloy and his willingness to do anything to protect her; we see it in Lis and Aloy and the power of hope, of wishing the world to be better for those who come after.
We see it with Jiran and Avad, of the legacy of the father and the challenges of the son to step out from that shadow.
The phrasing "family torn apart" makes me think there is more than just the fraternal bond to come back to and resolve. With the emphasis and importance on the father-son relationship in Carja culture, it feels like a reasonable conclusion that there will be some exploration of that paternal relationship in regards to Ryas.
Nil has shown tremendous personal growth in his ventures into the Forbidden West. He has found a healthy outlet for his adrenaline rushes in racing, and a kind of healing from the atrocities of his past in the acceptance of group that he explicitly refers to as children -- and children from an tribe that were explicitly wronged during the Red Raids.
What better parallel than to have a father finding healing and acceptance from his son who what also harmed and wronged by the Red Raids?
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maqsimous · 2 years
It’s finally ready!
Here is your ticket to the live premiere of my original character fan film, Horizon Zero Dawn Sun and Shadow The Movie!
After two months of work and three days of uploading and processing, my feature-length movie taking place in the world of Horizon Zero Dawn is complete!
Join Kassiropía, a poor farmer girl growing up in Meridian, who keeps a secret and forbidden friendship with her best friend Hajarah. Their worlds collapse around them as The Liberation begins, and they must learn to survive and prevail if they are to keep their promises to one another.
I am extremely excited to share this with everyone! Join me in live chat this Wednesday the 17th @ 11:00 AM EST!
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robo-dino-puppy · 2 years
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rooftop in unflinching watch
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16shadow · 3 years
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" I serve not the Buried Shadow, but the Sun in shadow. All halves of nature joined to one cause, Shadow to Sun, Dark to Light. "
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kittleskittle · 3 years
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A few preview panels from chapter 3 of Hard Sun, as posted on my twitter
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sunsetofdoom · 3 years
The HZD: Liberation comic artist: you see, Avad and Kadaman looked quite a bit alike. On account of being brothers.
Me, clinging to a singular mention of ‘fair-haired Kadaman’ in a datapoint to continue to picture Kadaman as a golden child of a surfer boy with tan skin and sun-bleached hair: 
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likethecities · 4 years
absolutely obsessed with the concept that avad averted the apocalypse by accident because he overthrew his father before sylens and hades could approach the carja priesthood to get access to the signal tower
no, listen: why would sylens go to a recently deposed force that no longer controlled the territory hades needed access to?  he wouldn’t.  he would have asked avad’s forces first and they would have turned him down.  they had enough other shit to deal with and sylens wouldn’t have given them enough information to trust him.  the shadow carja are plan b.  bahavas and helis fall for the religious “buried shadow” story hook line and sinker, and they already have a vested interest in reconquering the territory the spire is in.  great!  no convincing necessary!  but, they don’t have the military might needed to reconquer meridian and can’t start an invasion until they do, and they won’t just sneak someone through avad’s borders, either because security around the spire is so tight that they can’t or because they won’t invade until they get their top priority, ie, meridian. 
so the invasion has to wait until they dig up enough machines to break through meridian’s defenses.  and of course during that several year period aloy shows up, sylens jumps ship to ensure his own survival, he helps her unravel enough of the plan that she warns avad, and altogether they manage to stop hades from using the tower.  all because avad’s coup prevented hades from getting there earlier.  wild.
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babykeithsmullet · 6 years
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drew + painted over a screencap i took for my sheith hzd au
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aelsell · 6 years
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I did get some drafts done earlier today so I am curling up with a good book for a while and will maybe work on my original story, too. I haven’t touched it since Nano and there is still a lot to do. But I am here lurking and willing to plot if someone would be interested.  I would like to plot interactions in these verses: 
Horizon Zero Dawn AU 
Fantastic Beasts TCOG
and of course Canon Timeline
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felrend · 3 years
Characters in HFW – Part one!
Let’s get to the fun stuff you guys! How can I not talk about the wide cast of characters in this game? You thought my Aloy post was going to be long? Well buckle up buttercups! Cause we’re in for a good time!
This post will be focused on our returning characters! 
King Avad:
I was really excited for the chance to get back to Meridian and catch up with a few people from the city. I liked Avad in HZD but did not feel the connection that I saw going around between these two. He was going through grief over losing Ersa and Aloy is no ones second choice. But the moment I saw him practically rushing over to Aloy, I saw that spark that the shippers felt. The way he was so elated to see Aloy and you can tell he was trying to compose himself. He was like a kid in a candy shop at the mere thought of seeing her again. He knew she would have a strong resistance to the stature marking her honour and was quick to reassure that he put restraints on the sculpture. Because after all, he wants Aloy to come back. He is practically waiting to throw the crown away and go with her. All she has to do is say his name and I love that haha Avad also isn’t trying to hold her back which I’m grateful for. He knows what she is doing is important and doesn’t need all the answers, just the hope that she would visit him again. I don’t know how Aloy feel’s about holding such a high standard to her, but the fact that she blushed and the coy smile she gives was enough for me to be on board. Avad is a good man and he is trying to mend all the bonds that his father destroyed. I’m looking forward to reconnecting with him again and hoping we pass through Meridian for a possible DLC. Maybe even have Avad tag along for a quick side mission lol
This little gum drop was such a delight! I did not think I needed any type of interaction with him after HZD but I’m so glad the developers gave us a scene with him. You can see how happy him and his mother are now that they have been saved from the Shadow Carja. He can have a real chance of a childhood, even though he’s being raised to be the next King. You can tell there is real love between the brothers and Avad just wants the best for him and Kadaman. It brought me a lot of joy to watch Aloy drop to his level to talk to him and I know she will keep her promise to come back and teach him archery lessons. Another heart stolen by Aloy! But I think Itamen stole a bit of her heart too
Vanasha and Uthid: 
Lets just get this out of the way, she wants to ride the Carja captain and he has no idea what to do with that information hahaha the sexual tension between the two of them is rampant and they just gotta make that happen. I love how she’s still the sassy bad influence that doesn’t mind calling Aloy out but also showing that she cares for the huntress. Uthid is always going to be the man of few words but you can tell he’s just as happy to see Aloy too and understands her need to take off when she has to. She’s more than earned his respect and loyalty. I better see more of them in the future! And her new outfit does nothing for her figure. Let her show off those killer abs!
well wasn’t this a rollercoaster of a storyline for our dear Sun Hawk? Let me get this out of the way. She deserved better. She proved why she is so beloved among the fans. She’s strong, smart, funny, a bad ass. I totally understand where people are coming from with the writing. It’s warranted but also it shouldn’t have ruined the game for anyone. I think this was another avenue for people to see that life goes on with out Aloy. Feelings might not change but affection for someone else can. Over all I’m glad we got such a long side quest with her. Right when I think it’s over, they carry it all over the map and I love that. But I don’t believe the door is closed between the two of them. You get snippets of something else there that I at least picked up on. Talanah leaves a particular gift for Aloy back at the base as well as that sweet scene between them at Barren Light. Talanah has things to figure out and the Hunting Lodge to get back to. But that doesn’t mean what they have is completely gone. I want to see more of Talanah and I doubt Guerilla Games is done with her too.
Oh where do I begin? He is 100% the heart of this new found family and let’s be real, he created this family for Aloy. He knew when to push back when she started to shut down, even going so far as following her for six months to make her understand that she’s not alone. Aloy needed someone just as stubborn to break through her walls. It made my heart happy that the first few hours of this game was all about teaching Varl how to use the focus and making Aloy uncomfortable with having someone else around. She had to slow down and answer his questions and have him understand how she saw the world. I don’t think it would have worked if it was anyone else but him by her side at the beginning. She needed another Nora who understood why she acted the way that she did. The torment of being neglected and shunned for 18 years. There is no way for Varl to understand that pain but he has that empathy for Aloy and the patience. I love that he calls her “the Anointed” as punishment for her running away after the battle for Meridian. He knows what makes her squeamish and will use that to his advantage to prove a point. And Aloy needs that, she needs the push back and someone to challenge her.
I also love his new found relationship with Zo. I felt bad for all of the Varloy stans but in some way Aloy needed to see that life can move on passed her. She can’t be the center of everyone’s world and seeing him move forward with someone is supposed to be painful. But I’m glad she never let that get in the way of her friendship with Varl or with Zo. The teasing between them is everything and the fact that Varl goes to Aloy for love advise is hilarious. “You’re asking the wrong person, you’re on your own”. Fucking gold. Guerilla Games also needs to give us a comic (or SOMETHING) for the bromance between Varl and Erend! I want to know what shenanigans they got up to while Aloy was gone! They clearly bonded in Meridian and I’m so grateful for that.
Now for the big moment that we have all been dreading. Gemini. The absolute worse outcome I can even think of. I know some people assumed that there would be a death in the game but Varl was not the one I was expecting. I felt my heart rip out and didn’t believe that it was real. I assumed that he would be out for the rest of the game. That he would be “the guy in the chair” because that’s what he has been this whole time. How can you give us this incredible character and kill him? Why prove that no one is safe? I understand that there is a price to war but fuck. Not Varl. Not the one that knows how to comfort Aloy or knows when to pull her out of the darkness. If it wasn’t for Varl, we wouldn’t have gotten the scenes of Aloy’s clear grief of Rost. Or the fact that she is welcoming more people into her life and most of all, welcoming their love. The moments we get after are gut wrenching and beautiful. And I hope Aloy doesn’t shut down over his loss but honours him. Varl deserved better but he was also willing to sacrifice everything to protect the one’s he loves. I don’t want to see the scene of Aloy delivering the bad news to Sona. Or well…the mixed news.
Oh Erend. My love for him is never ending and I am a complete simp for the Captain of the Vanguard. The fact that we had to wait to see him was torture and Guerilla Games knew exactly what they were doing. The build up to them being reunited, the peak of them seeing each other and then a punch right to the heart. Erend’s pain was written all over his face and I’m glad that he is the one that shows the implications of Aloy’s actions. Where Varl comes from a place of level headed thinking, Erend is coming from the heart. She hurt him, deeply. He wears his heart on his sleeve and he isn’t afraid to show that. Which is refreshing to see from a “manly” character. Does he handle it well? No. His passive aggressive comments are just as hurtful and when he brushes her off when she reaches out was an even bigger blow. “What kinda person does that?” It shows that they are still getting to know each other, despite how close they have gotten. He doesn’t fully grasp that she has no idea how to deal with people or their emotions because she was an outcast. He was the first “outsider” that showed any interest or affection for her and Aloy has no idea how to deal with that. But it’s the small actions that mean the most to her. He takes a moment to compose himself and you know that he’s already forgiven her. He will always forgive her. He’s growing as a person too and you see that throughout this whole game.
Some people say that he’s insensitive or was dumbed down but I don’t see that at all (the dumbing down part at least). Erend is literally learning how to interact with brand new tribes that he has only heard stories about. He believes in the stereotypes because how else is he supposed to meet them? He has never gone that far West before. And if it wasn’t for Aloy or Varl, he never would have. His willingness to learn and to get to know them and their ways of life should mean something. Plus, he’s dealing with strong people who aren’t afraid to put him on his ass when he’s taken it too far. And Erend is willing to eat some humble pie. He’s also learning a whole new language with the ancient glyphs! Not everyone can learn something new so quickly. You see the different levels of learning from everyone and I don’t see people picking on them. Erend isn’t used to dealing with fragile equipment. He’s used to hammer and steal. Products that are meant to have a strong grasp, so give him a break. No one on the team is trying to belittle him, so why are you? I’d like to see you learn a whole new language and alphabet in 24 hours. I do wish that Aloy would have reached out and offered to help him study. It would have been so cute to see her sit with him and go over the data that he was struggling with. Plus, a sweet little gesture to show that she cares.
I could write a novel about the amount of love I have for Erend. Every interaction he has with Aloy it just makes me want more. The soft smiles they give each other and his willingness to be there and help is everything I could want from him. Every time she asked if he found someone to share a drink with, I was begging for her to ask if she could join him. And when they got that moment, I squealed! I wish you could have had that moment again. And don’t get me started on the end scene between them!! The way he pulled her in to his side and held her and then when he’s riding off to Vegas and looks back, there is such yearning in his eyes! UGH! I’m also super bitter about the two of them not going to Las Vegas together. She makes a point to say that he would love it and that they should go together. SO GIVE US THAT SCENE GUERILLA! I want to see his eyes light up to the holograms and finding that ember for her! Rude!! Don’t build that up and not have a follow up!
Ereloy feels like they are headed in the right direction and this is exactly what I needed from them. For Erend and Aloy to end up together in this game wouldn’t be right. She’s still too focused on the mission as well as her new found sister. But you can see she’s starting to think about the future. And I hope she can see him involved in that future in some capacity.
 Well this was a very giant post and we haven’t even gotten to the new characters! I’m sorry to keep you all waiting but I swear the next one will be about our bigger additions to the crew!
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cryptid-jack · 3 years
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Anyone care to explain to me why I keep shoveling absurd projects off on myself, like this Mass Effect/Horizon Zero Dawn crossover? X’D
Featuring: Shepard: Carja soldier, highly respected and often called to advise Sun-King Hackett along with fellow soldier Anderson on military matters. Kaidan: Banuk Shaman. I like the idea of HZD's more spiritual roles as stand ins for biotics. Garrus: Outcast Nora Brave. Originally got a temporary shunning when he was found helping and talking to outcasts, but called bullshit and decided to just up and leave the sacred lands. Eventually wound up in Meridian where he joined the hunters lodge. Liara: Nora. Daughter of High Matriarch Benezia with an 'unhealthy' interest in old world ruins that eventually gets her exiled. Tali: Oseram tinkerer and one of the very best. Travels to Meridian to expand her knowledge base and look for inspiration for new and crazier contraptions.
Also featuring: Joker: some sort of very irreverent (probably apostate) sun-priest, highly educated and very snarky, son of a noble family pawned off on the priesthood thanks to a birth defect that left him with a twisted leg which forces him to use a cane. Wrex: Oseram freebooter in charge of his own crew of mercs. Vega: Oseram guard. Lives in one of those Oseram frontier towns protecting the miners and citizens. EDI: Metal world AI they find in a ruin. Legion: Strange new form of humanoid machine spotted in the wilds but mostly written off as a wild hunter’s tale. Ashley: Nora huntress, can track and kill just about anything, lol. TIM and Cerberus: this AUs equivalent of the shadow carja
I have more thoughts about this au, maybe i’ll share them later if people seem interested XD
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in-crow-nito · 3 years
Part 1
This was inspired from an idea that I got while in the HZD server. They told me not to, but here we are. I’m putting it under a cut because it involves one of my named machines being corrupted so it’s angst/heartbreak and stuff like that.
Ersa thought that watching Mittens become corrupted was the worst day of her life. Second even to being kidnapped and hurt by Dervahl. Second to almost losing her brother, her best friend and general family to the Shadow Carja. By the Forge, losing Mittens hurt worse than anything Jiran’s Sun-Ring had thrown at her because she hadn’t been attached to anything like that damned sawtooth.
Now she’s sat in the dirt, somewhere outside of the Sundom, somewhere between the Claim and the Forbidden West, cradling a machine’s head in her lap.
She hadn’t let Aloy do this part, it was her machine, her Mittens that had gotten corrupted and she had promised that she would- Ersa couldn’t think of it even as tears burned in her eyes. Mittens was convulsing weakly in her lap, streams of angry red and black energy wafting off and wisping away to melt into the dirt as the machine lay dying on the ground.
It was worse to try and see where her own spear was sticking out of it’s side, the source of the pain that it was in. Okay, maybe that was more the corruption eating away at it, but she hated to see Mittens like this.
Ersa caressed it’s metal head, activating her focus to scan it one last time before the light faded. Dammit, she wasn’t meant to get sentimental, she was meant to get drunk and to grieve in private, not here where Aloy and Talanah could see her. Not where they could tell Erend about it and he’d poke fun at her in his little douchebag brother way.
The last thing she saw from her beloved Sawtooth was it lifting it’s head, “Mother :)”, registering on her focus screen before it fell completely limp. She held Mitten’s deactivated body close and wept tears of sadness for her lost friend, cursing HADES and whatever subfunction ripped it away from her.
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areax · 3 years
hzd ocs:
vashti (established when i played the first game)
taken in the red raids from an outer carja village and made a slave in the house of the sun-king. not sure of her specific “duties” but she was essentially a maid-servant, maybe to jiran’s first wife when she was still alive, probably to nasadi
had a lover who regularly fought in the sun-ring, gladiator style, and eventually died there
helped avad and ersa escape meridian and fed information to them from the inside
fomented rebellion among her fellow slaves and sabotaged the sun-king’s campaign against avad, given the epithet “chainbreaker” for this
now serves as an unofficial advisor to him, stays in the shadows because it’s looked down upon to have a woman’s guidance
advocates for helping former slaves, policies for reparations, etc.
tentative friends w erend, ersa, vanasha (tentative not so much bc she doesnt like them but bc its very hard for her to trust)
constant schemes and plots, so much so that it’s hard to get to know her as she never shows her cards. defrosting the ice queen spymaster archetype
genuinely likes aloy but as w everyone else, really doesnt know how to express that
only in the second game briefly at the beginning to be like “dont die out there. i love you. no i didnt say anything. take this sling i had custom made for you. dont look at me”
nayari (established when i played the second game!)
lowland clan tenakth scout who wants to build boats
no one listens to her
gives aloy a prototype underwater weapon that’s extremely clunky and not suited for dynamic combat, only used as a last resource
working on waterproofing her face paint
probably obsessed with the quen as they come from across the water, but they’d kill her in two seconds if she asked about the structure of their ships
possibly a team member?
nayari’s older sister
depending on her age is a painter / tattooist or an apprentice
typically works with the lowland clan (her home clan) but helps with the marshal’s tattoos when needed (i think the paint is done by anyone qualified, but the tattoos require a longer and more labor intensive process and are also not applied as frequently)
fashav’s cultural exchange host (first person in the west to say “nice to see you” to him and mean it; she taught him the symbolism of various tenakth practices and he taught her carja glyphs)
possibly has children or apprentices them at some point? not a squad leader as that is a combat-focused role but has some degree of mentorship
chronic eldest sister syndrome
gives aloy a fetch quest to bring her back various important flowers used for dyes. you get a unique face paint in return
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turnbacktyne · 3 years
Hzd! Au
Sapnap and Dream grew up during the Era of the 13th Sun-King, and both disagreed with it, but they were just kids and were mostly kept out of the loop. They both wanted to join the lodge, and would train with each other every day.
Eventually, Dream ended up in the military somehow, and when the liberation occurred, he reluctantly joined the shadow carja because he thought that the military was the strength, though he quickly became disillusioned after seeing the way the people were treated at sunfall. Had it not been for a peculiar man talking to him through his focus, he's not sure he would have survived such horror as a shadow soldier.
Meanwhile, Sapnap is at first distraught that Dream "betrayed" him, the rift that was put between the two by the war. But he focuses all the more on his hunting skills, and finally becomes a member of the lodge and quickly climbs the ranks.
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foibles-fables · 4 years
The best HZD no-name NPC is the Shadow Carja Guard who just screams “BY THE SUN, I’M HUNGRY” when you greet him, because honestly that’s a whole mood
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