reality-detective · 1 year
Never Before Seen Mountain Top Tornado 🤔
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scogito · 2 months
La "stimolazione" climatica.
Tutto sotto il naso, o in teoria quel tanto che basterebbe per andare al di là di esso.
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awesomecooperlove · 9 months
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'A 500-foot-wide asteroid called 2010 XC15 will pass by Earth on December 27. While its path has no intention of hitting us, it’s us who will hit the asteroid with a radio pulse.'
Now this has me asking questions. Since HAARP is involved in weather control and other crimes against humanity... "What are these radio waves going to do to humanity? What's it going to do to earth, our food source, and the air?"🤔
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tinyshe · 11 months
While HAARP and weather control has been called a conspiracy theory by the mainstream media and government officials, during a Senate hearing on Wednesday, David Walker, deputy assistant secretary of the Air Force for science, technology and engineering, dropped a bombshell in answer to a question asked by Lisa Murkowski in relation to the dismantling of the $300 million High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program in Gakona this summer.
Walker said this is “not an area that we have any need for in the future” and it would not be a good use of Air Force research funds to keep HAARP going. “We’re moving on to other ways of managing the ionosphere, which the HAARP was really designed to do,” he said. “To inject energy into the ionosphere to be able to actually control it. But that work has been completed.”
Many believe HAARP was created and has been used for weather control, with enough juice to trigger hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes and comments such as this bring about the question of whether conspiracy theorists are more on target than anyone has admitted to date.
This is not the first time a public official has acknowledged that HAARP and weather control is not only possible, but has been and continues to be, used as a “super weapon,” as evidenced by a statement in 1997 by former U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen, where he said “Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts.”
Is it still just a conspiracy theory if public officials admit it is true?
Watch the question and answer session below:
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creature-wizard · 10 months
The conspiracy theory that HAARP is actually a weather control device is literally just a modernization of the "witches conjure up dreadful storms!" shit going around during the early modern witch panic.
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cherrylng · 27 days
Muse Disc Guide - HAARP [STYLE Series #004 - Muse (August 2010)]
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IN MUSIC Wembley Stadium underwent renovations in April 2007. Muse were first approached to open the stadium as a music event. Unfortunately, George Michael eventually took over the role, but Muse were the perfect rock band to open the new chapter for this historic venue. This album contains two CDs (16th) and a DVD (17th) of the shows on 16th and 17th June. The stage was unbelievably powerful and full of unbelievable energy. A must-have for all Muse fans and a wonderful record of the show.
The CD is good, but the DVD is the star of the show, and the excitement is already palpable from the beginning, when the band appeared in confetti to "Romeo and Juliet", Suite No. 2, accompanied by "The Montagues and the Capulets". The audience sang along from the prelude to the avalanche of ‘Knights of Cydonia’. Soaring trumpets, rushing surf guitars and the furious pleasure of new-age stadium rock hit like a wave.
Behind the stage, where a lighting system like a parabolic antenna rises, there is a huge LED screen and a large array of balloons. But their performance is no less gorgeous than the stage. The popping pyro and sparkling lights of ‘Starlight’ make you want to clap along, while the quieter ‘Soldier's Poem’, ‘Unintended’ and the circus-like beauty of ‘Blackout’ with dancers dangling from the balloons almost make you cry. By the time you hear ‘Plug In Baby’, ‘Stockholm Syndrome’ and the final song, ‘Take A Bow’, you feel like you can't stand still. A performance that combines precision and wildness, thick sound, calculated stage design and a great audience. This show has it all, and every time you see it, you'll discover something new. —Yamashita Shiho
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tomorrowusa · 5 months
Laura Loomer, a notorious Trump lickspittle, is claiming that Nikki Haley is creating a blizzard to depress Trump turnout in the Iowa caucuses.
According to Loomer/Loonie, the so called "deep state" has it in for Trump and is somehow engineering inclement weather at the command of Nikki Haley to keep Trump caucus goers from turning out.
A Donald Trump ally who is frequently cited by the former president has an interesting new conspiracy theory: Nikki Haley can control the weather.
Laura Loomer, who supports Trump and has even been floated by Donald Trump Jr. as a potential interim press secretary should his father get a second chance at the White House, posted about her theory on social media. "Is the Deep State activating HAARP to disrupt the Iowa Caucus?" Loomer asked, citing the short-hand for the subject of weather-controlling conspiracy theories. "We all know [Haley] has a lot of friends in the defense industry and Military industrial complex."
Right, like there's a weather control center in the basement of the Pentagon which takes orders from a GOP former governor. 🤪
Loomer has gotten some pushback.
One political account included insults against Loomer. "Alt-right nutjob activist Laura Loomer apparently believes Nikki Haley is using Deep State military connections to manipulate the weather and make it snow in Iowa ... to hurt Trump in the caucuses on Monday. Not making this up...," the account wrote. A Haley-supporting account further replied with, "I know MAGA love conspiracy theories but I figured 'Nikki Haley is controlling the weather' would be beyond the pale for even them."
Despite this, a lot of MAGA zombies are going to believe Loomer's weather fable. Keep in mind the large number of dead Trump supporters who took pandemic advice from "Dr. Donald" and MAGA media instead of from science based public health professionals.
This points out a basic issue: promoting intelligence and factual reality is not always the best way to combat stupidity. Robust mass messaging and advertising are what's needed. Repeatedly pointing out that VERY stupid people are indeed truly stupid can frequently have an effect on the SLIGHTLY stupid. Frequently propagated insults and derision work a lot better than footnoted papers and thoughtful discussions. Liberals need to quit being over-refined with messaging if they wish to win.
BTW: As a born and bred Illinoisan, I can confirm that this is NOT terribly unusual weather for most of the Midwest in mid January. Not saying it's like that ALL the time, but it is not a hūge surprise when it does happen.
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The Midwest is not for fabulist weather wimps like Laura Loomer.
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reality-detective · 5 months
Meanwhile in the Florida Keys. 👀 🤔
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HAARP artificial airglow may be widely visible in Alaska
Alaskans and visitors may be able to see an artificial airglow in the sky created by the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program during a four-day research campaign that starts Saturday.
Scientists from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Cornell University, University of Colorado Denver, University of Florida and Georgia Institute of Technology will conduct a variety of experiments at the UAF-operated research site.
The experiments will focus on the ionosphere, the region of the atmosphere between about 30 and 350 miles above the Earth’s surface. 
Scientists will investigate ionosphere mechanisms that cause optical emissions. They’ll also try to understand whether certain plasma waves — gas so hot that electrons get knocked off atoms — amplify other very low frequency waves. And they’ll investigate how satellites can use plasma waves in the ionosphere for collision detection and avoidance.
Each day, the airglow could be visible up to 300 hundred miles from the HAARP facility in Gakona. The site lies about 200 miles northeast of Anchorage and 230 miles southeast of Fairbanks, or about 300 to 350 kilometers.
HAARP creates airglow by exciting electrons in Earth’s ionosphere, similar to how solar energy creates natural aurora, with on and off pulses of high-frequency radio transmissions. HAARP’s Ionospheric Research Instrument, a phased array of 180 high-frequency antennas spread across 33 acres, can radiate 3.6 megawatts into the upper atmosphere and ionosphere. 
The airglow, if visible, will appear as a faint red or possibly green patch. Because of the way the human eye operates, the airglow might be easier to see when looking just to the side.
HAARP will create an airglow at a specific point in the sky. The angle of visibility for anyone wanting to look for it will depend on a person’s distance from HAARP.
HAARP transmission frequencies will vary but will occur between 2.8 and 10 megahertz. Actual transmit days and times are highly variable based on real-time ionospheric and/or geomagnetic conditions. 
Additional information about the research campaign will be available on the HAARP website.
The National Science Foundation in 2021 awarded the UAF Geophysical Institute a five-year, $9.3 million grant to establish the Subauroral Geophysical Observatory at HAARP. The observatory explores Earth’s upper atmosphere and geospace environment.
The grant has supported several HAARP research campaigns, including this one. It also helped fund the return to HAARP of the Polar Aeronomy and Radio Science Summer School, which hosted more than 50 researchers in August.
The Air Force originally developed and owned HAARP but transferred the research instruments to UAF in August 2015. UAF operates the site under an agreement with the Air Force.
Pilots flying in the Gulkana area are asked to check with the Federal Aviation Administration for temporary flight restriction details.
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scogito · 1 year
Documentario di History channel, "Non è possibile! La guerra del clima", illustra il tema delle armi meteorologiche (H.A.A.R.P., scie chimiche, ordigni ad energia diretta) per il controllo delle nazioni, nell'ambito di criminali piani di tipo strategico. La produzione si basa su autorevoli fonti scientifiche e su documenti declassificati: lo scienziato Nick Begich, i ricercatori indipendenti Jerry Smith e William Thomas, l'ex esponente del Ministero della difesa britannico, Nick Pope, il giornalista dell'aviazione militare, Mark Farmer, spiegano come e con quali obiettivi i militari influiscono sui fenomeni geo-fisici, causando siccità, alluvioni e terremoti.
In mezzo a esperimenti di vario tipo ci sono i terrestri usati e consumati in modalità cavia.
Non solo da due anni fa.
Tutto questo ha come base di funzionamento energia e vibrazioni. Ciò che non si vede e che per la maggioranza sono tutte cazzate.
Il problema di questo mondo è che chi comanda lo fa proprio attraverso "queste cazzate".
Ci sono pietre e cristalli che interagiscono con i campi energetici, mutando drasticamente quello delle persone. E non sempre apportano benefici, anzi c'è gente che ha visto andare in malora la sua vita dall'oggi al domani.
Mica si parla di chissà che impianti!
Eppure si tratta sempre e solo di interazioni energetiche.
Figuriamoci una manipolazione di tale portata che cosa produce.
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awesomecooperlove · 6 months
⏭️⏭️⏭️The beginning of Weather modification ⏮️⏮️⏮️
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just because a new technology, like genetic engineering or weather control, can be used to hurt people, doesn't mean it shouldn't be developed at all. They can also be used to help people.
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porracristo · 1 month
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Mesmo diante da devastação provocada pelas mudanças climáticas, há quem relute em responsabilizar os políticos negacionistas. Em vez disso, algumas pessoas optam por buscar culpados em qualquer direção, até mesmo em teorias conspiratórias. Evitem eleger politicos que são negacionistas climaticos!
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