lumbrita · 6 months
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habibahammad · 4 months
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Passenger number 1
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playvodcongofilms · 6 months
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Habiba une série à voir en streaming
Connectez-vous à PlayVOD Congo pour avoir la possibilité de regarder la série Habiba en streaming et en téléchargement. Les épisodes vous racontent l’histoire d’un homme d’affaires qui nomme sa fille chef d’entreprise.
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noxious-fennec · 20 days
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Tunisian miku 🇹🇳👍
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feral-ballad · 2 years
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Habiba Muhammadi, tr. by Ibrahim Muhawi, from The Poetry of Arab Women: A Contemporary Anthology; “Untitled Poem”
[Text ID: “Every day I try to wake up / Early / So that the dream / May not become / Taller than me”]
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have you done your daily click
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lorei-writes · 4 months
Home Sweet Home
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Habiba x Kenshin; Habiba & Hideyoshi (platonic) Comedy/Crack ~1.2k
My Meyday!Heyday gift for @spoopy-fish-writes <3 I hope my take on Habiba isn't too far off ^^"
Content Warnings: none
It was when Japanese tree lilac bloomed, although the people of Honshu were not warned of the fact; the pollen, it appeared, had simply spread, carried from the faraway Hokkaido over to the very lake Biwa. And the effects? Scandalous. Unprecedented… Perhaps merely incidental, given the grievous, quick-onset sighing that took over Lord Hideyoshi.
It was when Japanese tree lilac bloomed, although the people of Honshu were not warned of the fact; the pollen, it appeared, had simply spread, carried from the faraway Hokkaido over to the very lake Biwa. And the effects? Scandalous. Unprecedented… Perhaps merely incidental, given the grievous, quick-onset sighing that took over Lord Hideyoshi.
As per the usual state of affairs, the market sitting at the foot of Mount Azuchi spread far and wide, corridors of dumpling stalls interchanging with wooden jewellery, fresh fish, cartloads of colourful cloth, juicy fruit, fine metalwork, and any other produce one could dream of under the skies (at least provided that their dreams did not exceed the capacity of Sengoku-period-appropriate merchandise pool). Tens, if not hundreds, of feet ventured into that labyrinth, some leisurely strolling through the various shops, and some rushing forward without a care in the world. Children’s laughter rose high into the air, curious eyes shining and greedy hands pointing towards any spotted treats. At the heart of things, it was all very mundane in its loud opulence. Were it any different, it simply would not be Azuchi marketplace… And perhaps, in a certain dimension, it was not, or threatened not being one, or more precisely, ceasing to be one if things continued on as they happened to be that day.
Lord Hideyoshi Toyotomi sighed again.
Too early on in the day as well. (How many more wrinkles could his honourable forehead fit? That was yet to be tested.)
Shielding her eyes from the sweltering afternoon sun, Habiba Malik surveyed the surrounding stalls. Something glistened at the far edge of the horizon. A hawk that had found its prey, her arm snapped at once, a finger straight like the blade of a katana pointing at a cluster of fabric and precious gemstone stores.
“Full speed ahead!” she ordered.
Sasuke-the-ninja put his hand on Lord Kenshin’s arm. Lord Hideyoshi Toyotomi sighed again.
“No, Lord Kenshin. Nice warlords do not slice through crowds and mean warlords who cause bloodshed in enemy territory have to stand in time-out corners in the dungeon.”
Kenshin frowned, the expression soon melting into a pout. “It is not ‘full speed’ then,” he said, but removed his hand from the hilt of his sword regardless. His mismatched eyes darted over the street, perhaps searching for an alternate route to take… or for Habiba, for that matter, as she had already moved away, her head appearing above the distant waves of passing people. Whichever the case, he darted forward. And after him, Sasuke.
“And that’s why we’re being chaperoned.” And after them, Yukimura.
And after them? Hideyoshi.
Who else?
“No running in the crowd!”
“Why do we need an escort either way? Answer, Sasuke.” Kenshin ignored Hideyoshi.
“It was Lord Nobunaga’s one and only condition for your visit.” Hideyoshi resolutely resisted being ignored, although it required him to, indeed, break his rules and run too.
“I thought she said it’d be Masamune this time,” Yukimura added.
Hideyoshi’s lips parted, but to release no sound. And older lady falling into him, he supported her in his arms, his attention drifting away for just long enough for the group to leave him behind. Kenshin marched onwards, people skipping away from his path; Sasuke was shortly behind him, compensating for his lack of ominous aura with ninja-parkour skills (shops and stalls are just another path if you expand your mindset); Yukimura was last, walking like a normal person.
And then there was Hideyoshi, rushing forward yet not making any progress, and most definitely not preventing Sasuke from climbing onto roofs, or Kenshin from attracting superfluous attention with his sword-happy hand. As a matter of fact, he sighed again. Another crease marked his brow, more of its kind being added at each inconvenience. At last, he reached the store and rejoined the group.
“Would it hurt you to beha—” he started to speak, but forgot his tongue, Habiba staring at him with eyes as big as an owl’s. “What is it this time?”
“You’re frowning so hard you have a honeycomb pattern on your forehead right now. It’s the first time I’m seeing that.”
Hideyoshi ran his hand across his face.
“Look, it’s reorganised. Right now it’s more like… flooded rice fields?” she dully noted.
His eyebrow twitched.
“Huh… Are those seagulls?” Habiba tapped her chin, her eyes narrowing as she lost herself in thought.
“What are you on again, they’re just skiddly lines.” Yukimura shook his head.
“It’s a Rorschach’s test, Yuki,” Sasuke said. He pushed his glasses up his nose. “And I’m seeing two dancing bears.”
Hideyoshi sighed. Again.
Red light spilled from the sinking sun, each of the present warlords carrying an armload of wares, varying from golden wire and imported fabric, to drinks and snacks. The group split again, however, Yukimura leading the way out of the Azuchi castle town, followed shortly by Sasuke, with Kenshin tailing shortly behind… Habiba was second to last. Dusty clouds rose off the street as she turned on her heel, fabric billowing around her legs for but a second.
“I think I can see the bears now,” she spoke after a pause, thus breaking the quiet.
“And you never change,” Hideyoshi sighed. (Yet again!) His expression softened, however, a gentle smile curling the corners of his lips as he stepped forward to ruffle her hair. (Habiba ducked away from his hand and glared daggers at him. Alas.) “And that never changes either.”
Perhaps mildly stiff, Hideyoshi handed over the bundles he had carried thus far. Somehow, they were separated, standing at the edge of two different continents despite being just few paces apart.
“You know, you can always come for a visit.”
“Oh, you’ve missed me this much? ‘They grow up so fast’?”
“Hey, you…” Hideyoshi squinted.
“We all have to fly out eventually.” Habiba touched the back of her hand to her forehead, light getting caught in the earring dangling from her ear. “The only thing that doesn’t change is you pining after Nobunaga and Mitsuhide pining after you. No progress on those fronts still?”
“What? I have a bet! I can’t lose! If you’re going to take things so slow they don’t move at all, at least continue so for the next month or two.”
“I am doing nothing! There is nothing to continue!”
Habiba gave him the look. “Right. Sure. Absolutely.”
“I swear, you…” A groan churned in his throat. “Just come back whenever. Next time Masamune may not be grounded.”
“Grounded? In the dungeon? Kinky.”
Surrounded by decorum-induced-disingenuous complaints, Habiba turned on her heel again, this time towards Kenshin and his extended hand. She took it, the gentle squeeze delivered by his fingers a vow to always be there… and she stared at the sky, just for a moment, just for a little while. For a little while longer, until they had to head towards their inn. Whatever she saw in the orange clouds splashed in purple, she kept it to herself. Perhaps others would see it too. The sky would always be one and the same, even if different each day.
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rainofthetwilight · 8 months
the urge to create an arab ninjago oc is so strong <- (has already created one)
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marcvscicero · 8 months
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lois, sweet lois habiba, u light amongst dark
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majestativa · 6 months
I come out of the skin of the idea I gouge out Apollo’s eye Just like Dionysus did For the mind!
— Habiba Muhammadi, Live Encounters: Arab Women Poets & Writers, transl by Salwa Gouda, (2024)
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backscale-pivot-queen · 3 months
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Habiba Haroun, Egypt 🇪🇬
European rg cup 2024
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habibahammad · 2 months
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قد حالفني الحظ انا وعزيزي اليوم في دردشة الصبح بدري ❤️
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xalatath · 11 months
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I wanted to do a realistic rendering of Uinen
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playvodcongofilms · 1 year
Regardez la série Habiba sur PlayVOD Congo
Si vous aimez les séries originales africaines, ne manquez pas de vous rendre sur PlayVOD Congo. La plateforme de VOD compte de nombreux titres de ce genre, dont Habiba que vous pourrez voir en streaming et télécharger.
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monetka228 · 9 months
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I wish you to make as many dreams come true as possible! thank you!!! all the best to you and your family, dear!!! ✨✨✨
dooflene for u
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xxmisty · 1 year
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I absolutely hate Lois’s ending, I want to rescue her from spending forever in jail for treason and give her a great big hug and a really strong coffee
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