lorei-writes · 4 months
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Masterlist of works created during Mayday!Heyday OC Gift Exchange hosted by @lorei-writes & @olivermorningstar.
[The sound flowing through her body...] by @faustianfascination for @koco-coko
Ikemen Vampire; FanFic; Hurt/Comfort; Mozart x OC (Tchai)
[Ciel & Rio, fashion spread] by @bicayaya for @floydsteeth
Ikemen Prince; FanArt; Digital Art; Chibi; Rio x OC (Ciel)
[Oliver, the royal scientist] by @keithsandwich for @olivermorningstar
Ikemen Prince; Fanart; Traditional Art; Oil Pastels; Gen Work (Oliver)
Help Wanted by @the12thnightproject for @fighting-and-drawing
Ikemen Sengoku; FanFic; Urban Fantasy AU; Gen Work (Thai)
[Duet] by @krys-loves-otome for @bicayaya
Ikemen Prince; FanArt; Traditional Art; Pencil; Yves x OC (Beatrice)
[Couple Portrait] by @floydsteeth for @krys-loves-otome
Ikemen Vampire; FanArt; Traditional Art; Pen; Vincent x OC (Abigail)
A lovely date by @queengiuliettafirstlady for @m-mmiy
Ikemen Prince; FanFic + Moodboard; Chevalier x OC (Tala)
[Ballerina] by @olivermorningstar for @faustianfascination [alternate link]
Ikemen Vampire; FanArt; Traditional Art; Pen & Pencil; Artur x Faust x OC (Persephone)
[Marie] by @fighting-and-drawing for @oda-princess
Ikemen Sengoku; FanArt; Digital Art; Gen Work (Marie)
Ivy Vines, Poem Lines (a new normal) by @koco-coko for @queengiuliettafirstlady
Ikemen Vampire; FanFic; Jean x OC (Julia)
[Shiloh scratched the tabby cat’s back...] by @kaizoku-musume for @tulipsaisle
Ikemen Prince; FanFic; Crack; Nokto & OC (Shiloh)
[Interview Page] by @tulipsaisle for @kaizoku-musume
Ikemen Prince; FanArt; Digital Art; Gen Work (Aurelia)
Begonia - Beware by @m-mmiy for @lorei-writes
Ikemen Prince; FanArt; Digital Art; Chevalier x OC (Esther)
Home Sweet Home by @lorei-writes for @spoopy-fish-writes
Ikemen Sengoku; FanFic; Comedy/Crack; Hideyoshi & OC (Habiba); Kenshin x OC (Habiba)
[Katsuko] by @oda-princess for @the12thnightproject
Ikemen Sengoku; FanArt; Digital Art; Gen Work (Katsuko)
[Centaur!Keith & Fairy!Maeve] by @spoopy-fish-writes for @keithsandwich
Ikemen Prince; FanArt; Digital Art; Fantasy AU; Centaur!Keith x Fairy!OC (Maeve)
Thank you for joining in for this ride!
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bicayaya · 4 months
ciel’s wardrobe ✨
for the mayday! heyday! oc gift exchange i did this drawing for @floydsteeth!!
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arsoooon, i was so happy when i saw you were my giftee 🧡 i love ciel and since i know you also like fashion-related drawings, i searched her pinterest board for some inspo. i hope you like my choices 🤎
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thanks @olivermorningstar and @lorei-writes for hosting this amazing event! i’m very happy to have been a part of it!!
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oda-princess · 4 months
Mayday Heyday OC gift exchange !!!
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Hosted by: @olivermorningstar and @lorei-writes
This is my gift to @the12thnightproject for this event.
I chose your OC katsuko for this gift! (she drew me to her like a magnet XD ) I loved reading about her and her character is so cool !!
*ahem* so...this is kinda my first attempt at digital art and I'm still learning, so I hope I was able to do justice to her here.
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I hope you like it! ❤❤
Once again, thank you to Oliver and Lorei for hosting this event that I could be a part of ! I had a lot of fun working on this and definitely learnt alot that I otherwise wouldn't have :p
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floydsteeth · 4 months
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Hello!! I had alot of fun working on this! Thought it was a bit nerve-wracking hahahahah:P this was my first time participating in a gift exchange and it was hosted by @lorei-writes and @olivermorningstar ! My gift is for @krys-loves-otome! I decided to draw her oc Abigail with Vincent
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faustianfascination · 4 months
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Giftee: @koco-coko OC: Pyetrovna Ilyich Tchaikovsky
Here's my gift as part of Mayday! Heyday hosted by @olivermorningstar & @lorei-writes
Thank you both for hosting this event! It's been fun and quite a challenge.
@koco-coko Tchai is a really lovely character to work with and I hope you enjoy :)
Prompt: Oak Fandom: Ikemen Vampire Pairing: Tchai & Mozart (platonic) Hurt/Comfort 1492 words
Summery: Mozart comes to realise that perhaps he should not have underestimated Tchai. Perhaps the porcelain composer was stronger than he gave her credit for.
The sound flowing through her body danced the line between joyful and painful, Tchai’s tremors had finally subsided enough to allow her movement more freedom, this composition she had desperately wanted to implement into a ballet. The music echoed through the old stone walls, her body flowing in perfect synchronisation with the strings. Movement, to graceful movement guided by a sound that felt like spring itself had begun to sing, the voices of the flowers in the garden translated into a perfectly light, airy moment of sonic perfection. The flowing fabrics of her delicate dress like a gown of petals dancing around her pale form, Tchai was a dancing spring bloom personified.
So entranced by the moment, the union of her body and the music Tchai didn’t notice his quiet approach. Footsteps measured and careful, Mozart often thought that approaching Tchai was like approaching a terrified baby deer. Ready to flee at the slightest disturbance and moments like this the thought of her fleeing made his heart ache. He was here to apologise after all. He stood at a distance, simply watching as she danced and played with a grace and elegance that was simply otherworldly. But here, in all her colours and all her fragility she looked like a fairy queen singing to her flower kin, summoning the most peaceful of spring days with her beautiful music and precise movements. The light pouring in from the window behind her making her look all the more ethereal, like an illusion that would vanish the moment he got too close.
Mozart didn’t like to admit he was wrong, but he knew while watching her that he was certainly very wrong in the way that he had treated her. Tchai was like a delicate doll, but as he watched her skill, her passionate ability to draw heavenly sound from her strings and incredibly skilled movements from her body he realised that treating her only as a doll, did her quite the disservice. He thought her to be a dandelion, so easily shaken to pieces, but before him was no dandelion. The fairy queen in front of him had the fortitude and disposition of an oak. She may look weak but her roots were deep and no matter how the wind would batter her, she would never be downed by it. Her raw fingers evidence of that absolute strength that was the temper of her soul.
The fairy queen danced with a strength that he knew he would never truly possess and a talent that dazzled him. Even if she didn’t know when to stop. There was the core of his frustration, he hated seeing her in pain, but getting her to stop was so very difficult. That’s why he had snapped so furiously at her and now why she broke into tears at the sight of him. He deserved it, but it hurt, mostly because of how much he had hurt her. He slowly made his way to the piano in the room and hovered over the keys, letting himself get lost in her tune and began to play along. Time seemed to stand still in that moment, he felt the joyful interplay in their melodies. But he got too lost, only being shaken out of his trance but the sudden stop of her playing and the stillness as she seemed to realise that he was there. She stood still, like a deer in a hunter’s gaze. And like a deer, she fled at the sight of him.
A few days earlier:
“Tchai, slow down you need to rest” Mozart said as gently as he could despite the headache pounding his skull. They’d been composing for hours, lost in creative fervour. Tchai’s body had long begun to tremor legs giving out as she cradled her violin on the music room floor, her fingers raw as she kept playing and refining one particular piece of the work. Entranced by her task, she felt like she was disconnected from the pain, her soul liberated from her rebellious body as she existed in sound, trying to figure out the last piece of the complex puzzle. So close, she was so close to solving the puzzle, she could feel that she had nearly weaved it all together. Every change leading to the solution, ever delicate finger movement that caused the slightest change in tone and intonation, building a path to the perfect sonic moment, she nearly found that change that needed to be made that would bring together the music perfectly. So close, she was so close and as she moved her fingers to make that final adjustment-
“TCHAI, FOR GODS SAKE WILL YOU STOP. YOU’RE TOO WEAK TO BE DOING THIS. GIVE IT UP ALREADY” Mozart’s voice crashed into her senses with a force that made her already overloaded system collapse. The tremors were overtaking her body and she felt his voice painfully rip through her body.
All she could think of was fleeing, so much that she began to drag herself across the floor. It had all overwhelmed her so much that she passed out. She had no recollection of how she got back to the castle, only coming to as Faust was giving her some medicine but all she could feel was embarrassment. Mozart yelling at her like that had hurt deeply. So much so she avoided him every time he tried to see her. It was a cut too deep coming from him.
She had fled to the garden with Svetlana now settled on her lap, just letting the soft sounds of the rustling leaves and the scent of flowers comfort her. Tchai hated how much she cried, how emotional she was. She had spent a lifetime feeling guilty over not being able to toughen up, of being soft and sensitive. Tears welling were a familiar feeling, her eyes almost seemed to be on the verge of tears no matter what. Everything made her emotional. She was frail, pathetic, every voice that had ever told her how she needed to be tougher, meaner, thicker skinned swirled in her mind until she remembered something.
There was a poetry book in the castle, Vlad had bought it from the future and she had opened it up one day to a page that had stuck in her mind whenever the phrase ‘thin skinned’ came into her mind. Her melodic voice began to recite it
“i don't want to grow a thick skin i want my skin to stay as thin as it was made and everything outside of that to be softer…”
The words hung in the air, unbeknownst to her Mozart had heard the words too. They struck him like a gale, because as much as he struggled with her overly emotional responses…her voice interrupted his thoughts
“What is so wrong with that Svetlana, why is wanting things to be softer, kinder so very wrong? I don’t want to change, because I’m not the one that’s broken or wrong. Why should I?” She quietly confided in her feline friend, unaware of the other vampire hovering near.
“You shouldn’t” Mozart said.
He came over and sat near her. She was too tired to flee him again, and she didn’t want to. The look of contrition on his face made her heart squeeze so she stayed still and let him continue.
“Being soft, or emotional is not a bad thing. Even if I don’t understand it and sometimes lack the patience to deal with it, you’re not the one who is wrong. I should not have been so harsh with you. So condescending…” His downcast eyes hinting at the shame he’d felt over the whole thing, he was truly sorry. It was evident in his features.
“I often tend to think of you as a delicate doll, so fragile that you need to be wrapped in wool and kept safe. That you are so frail that the slightest breeze could shatter you. However, after watching you today I came to realise something. Strength comes in many forms and I have rather been ignorant to not recognise yours.”
As he took a breath Tchai felt tears begin to roll down her face, this time not of fear or sadness, but a quiet joy. A recognition from someone who she admired, respected, loved. It was a simple moment, but it meant the world to be seen. For once, she didn’t feel guilty about her tears.
“Although, I will never stop worrying about you, I don’t want to see you in pain, I will do my best not to underestimate you. Even if I am a tad blunt about it” he said, finally looking her in the eye. Mozart took his handkerchief from his pocket and gave it to her so she could wipe away the rivulets flowing from her eyes and they shared a quiet moment in the flowers, her smile brighter than the sun in the sky.
AN: the poem is by Brianna Pastor
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keithsandwich · 4 months
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Finally, it's time!! This event was too beautiful and I loved it ever since @olivermorningstar and @lorei-writes told me they were working on something for OCs (and in this house, we love and praise OCs).
I had the honor to create something for Oliver himself!
Really hope you like it, hon! Love you!! 💜
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Inspired by The Sorceress by John William Waterhouse.
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the12thnightproject · 4 months
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Title: Help Wanted
Event: Mayday Heyday OC Exchange 2024 organized by @lorei-writes and @olivermorningstar
Giftee: @fighting-and-drawing
OC/Fandom: Thai Bulan / Ikemen Sengoku
Genre: Urban Fantasy AU
Warnings: Very Large Spider, some violence (involving said arachnid)
Word Count: 1500
See notes/dedications at end
As the sun sunk, building shadows elongated, creating patches of darkness on narrow, meandering streets. Parts of the city had been planned; every road numbered and set out in a precise grid. This was not one of those parts. If anyone planned out the Echigo district, they had done so by tossing noodles onto a map and putting the streets where they landed.
Thai was following their progress on a phone app, and wondered if his driver actually knew where to go. At least once the Uber doubled back, taking a longer, indirect route. As a precaution, Thai made an obvious show of texting the driver’s information to “a friend” (his own cloud account).
In truth, there were no friends to wonder or worry if he disappeared into a void, never to return.
Too many things had disappeared for him this year, the most pressing being a promised job, the one he had uprooted his life for. He’d travelled over 1000 miles, only to discover the job no longer existed. The entire company no longer existed – it had fallen victim to a takeover by Oda International, then dismantled. All previous employees were fired, all pending job offers rescinded.
Now trapped in a new country, with unpaid moving expenses, a dwindling bank account, and no solution for either, he was desperate for work… any kind. Having burned his bridges back home, in fact, having firebombed those bridges, he –
The Uber slammed to a stop in the middle of the street, nearly garroting Thai with his own seatbelt. “Get out.” The driver flicked the automatic locks. “Now.”
He checked his phone. “We’re nowhere near-“
“Get out, or ride back to the city with me, but this car goes no further. Not here. Not after sunset.” The driver pulled a thick cudgel out from under the seat. “Yokai. It’s not worth my life to drive through the district.”
No use arguing with superstition. Grumbling to himself, Thai climbed out, then leaped for the gutter as the car zoomed away. He was surprised it hadn’t taken his leg off with it when it sped into the night.
The lights and press of the city’s humanity were far behind. Here in this strange neighborhood, the sounds were alien. No traffic hum or buzz of neon, just a steady drip drip drip of thick liquid onto pavement. The road was gritty, he could feel tiny grains of gravel and dirt slipping under his feet. A stench of rotting garbage hung in the air, dense, motionless, as if not even the wind would dare come to this place. Even the graffiti was different: its colors sharper, appearing bioluminescent, glowing talismans against evil.
Or warnings.
No… he was being fanciful. The driver’s obvious fear had gotten into his head. He wasn’t a big man, but he moved with strength and purpose. He wasn’t worth attacking, was not, even in his best interview outfit, dressed in a way that would not suggest wealth. Because there was no wealth. Even less now that most of his remaining funds had just sped away with the Uber. He’d have to walk the rest of the way.
At least he was within walking distance, as confirmed by his smartphone’s GPS. The voice of the AI (“Alex,” programmed with a soothing attractive Australian accent) told him to continue along this road another 500 meters.
Good thing I’m still within view of a satellite.
Something wet dripped on him and he squinted up at the tangle of ivy that covered the wall of a warehouse. Ivy? In the middle of the city? No time to investigate, he was already late for the interview. Besides… there was something sinister about that mass of ivy, as if it hid watching eyes.
When, as Alex directed, he turned left at a street so narrow he’d have hesitated to call it a street at all, something skittered past his leg, something furry and malevolent.
It had been a cat. Or… a very large rat (not that that possibility was reassuring).
Still, with Alex giving him updated directions he felt almost comforted. As if the AI was his friend, a non-judgmental friend who would help him navigate the worst of life’s bumps. If only Alex had told him, “Stay in college. Don’t move to a foreign country, don’t break up with -.”
Crash! Thud. Ooof!
“You have arrived, mate.” The AI went silent.
Arrived where?
The noises were coming from the bar on his left. With late summer humidity streaking the window, he’d missed the sign. Kasugayama. Through the fogged glass, he could see two shapes locked in battle.
Anyone might have been forgiven if they’d performed a 500 meter sprint back to relative safety. But acting on instinct, an instinct that he cursed a moment later, Thai ran into the bar. He didn’t know what he’d been expecting. Expectations and instincts did not generally go together. Still, one might have expected a simple bar fight, or a less simple robbery. And not… a spider the size of a pony.
There was probably a more proper name for a spider demon, but Thai’s language skills temporarily deserted him.
Of all the gin joints…
Spiders… why did it have to be spiders?
Why am I thinking in movie quotations?
Fighting the spider was a man who wielded a pool cue as expertly as a spear. But the spider had a six arm advantage and…
Holy fuck… it can jump!
That damn instinct took over again and Thai grabbed a chair and threw it at the spider. This had the stunning effect of breaking the chair and getting the thing’s attention. It charged toward him, then screeched when the other man drove the pool cue into its butt.
Now it’s just pissed off.
Taking advantage of the momentary distraction, Thai flipped himself over the bar top, grabbed a bottle from the speed rail, and smashed it on the edge of the sink. The scent of fermented rice mixed with the aromas of spider goo and blood. The blood belonged to a rather nasty looking slash on the man’s leg. The spider goo was … well, obvious.
At the sound of the breaking glass, the spider scuttled toward him again, a glare of uncanny intelligence in its red eyes. Thai slashed furiously with his improvised weapon, drawing more goo from the spider, and dammit, there was a paring knife right there on the garnish station.
The spider jumped to the bar top, stretching out a spindly leg (arm?) toward him. Thai switched the bottle to his other hand, grabbed the knife, and slammed it down on the arm/leg, severing it at a joint. The limb snapped off with a sickening crunch and slid halfway across the room. The spider emitted a high-pitched shriek, then the other man drove the pool cue through its head.
It twitched three times, then went still.
In the sudden silence, Thai could hear himself and the other man breathing.
Later, he might think back and take in details – the man’s warm brown eyes, the feel of the sticky floor under his feet and the flicker and hum of fluorescent lights. But the instinct that drove him into this place took over again. While the other man retrieved a well-used first aid kit and treated the slash on his leg, Thai soothed his jangled, spider-hating nerves with the ritual of cleaning. Wipe down the bar top. Sterilize the knife. Sweep up the glass…
Noticing the pool cue samurai was eyeing a bottle of iichiko Shochu, Thai poured him a glass, adding blood orange juice, tonic water and ice when prompted.
Finally the other guy spoke. “No idea why you came crashing in like a wild boar, but… thanks.” The blunt speech was softened with a wry smile.
“Job interview? Advertisement for a barback?” Thai unearthed his phone, getting ready to pull up the confirmation email. “I’m Thai Bulan.”
“Oh, shit.” The other man raked his hands through a mop of sweat-soaked brown hair. “It completely went out of my head. Sanada Yukimura.” He bowed. “Any chance you still want the job?”
It had been listed as minimum salary, but it did come with the mention of a studio apartment above the bar. “Um.” Thai indicated the spider. “Is that what happened to the previous barback?”
“No. This… was new. Never seen one those in here before.” Yukimura took a deep breath. “The last guy quit. Kasugayama’s owner is a bit… unique.”
Then, with what might have been called perfect timing, the front door opened and a man with heterochromatic eyes entered and surveyed the scene. He eyed the dead spider. “Good. I was in the mood for takeout.”
He pulled a sword out of the scabbard on his waist and cleanly sliced off a limb. Then, gnawing on it like it was a turkey leg and he was some medieval king, he disappeared into a back office.
Thai took the job.
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Thank you @lorei-writes and @olivermorningstar for organizing this event (and it was super organized with check ins and google docs and everything I could ask for. If they ever do another event, jump at the chance to join).
To @fighting-and-drawing , I really hope I have done Thai justice. Heart of The Warrior has been one of my favorite Ikemen Sengoku fanfics (I've read it more than once), and I was thrilled when I learned you were the giftee. I'm not nearly as confident writing fight scenes though, so I hope it made sense. And yes, I was the anon who asked you what Yukimura might order in a modern bar (and then had to figure out whether he would still drink a sweet cocktail after killing a giant spider).
To anyone else reading this, I encourage anyone interested in reading a fantastically well written, well researched Ikesen longfic to read Heart of The Warrior either here or here
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kaizoku-musume · 4 months
Mayday Hayday Gift Exchange
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I had the absolute pleasure of participating in this years' Ikeseries gift exchange hosted by @olivermorningstar and @lorei-writes, and I got the wonderful @tulipsaisle for my giftee. She has a wonderful OC that was fun to write about and I hope I did her justice. Thank you all for the opportunity to join in on this amazing experience!
Fox Fashion
Shiloh scratched the tabby cat’s back, taking a break from running her stall at the day’s slow peak. It was so heartwarming for her attention to be rewarded with purring delight and affectionate head bumps.
Paying attention to the cat also had the added benefit of Shiloh being able to ignore Nokto Klein.
“Shi-loooooh,” Nokto sing-songed as though he’d not been yapping for the past five minutes about his latest conquest at some ball he just attended. Couldn’t he have picked a more interesting topic? It’s not like Nokto wasn’t a great storyteller: the way he could draw in a crowd as he utilized his honey-smooth voice and descriptive embellishments was near unparalleled, but he so often wasted his talents by telling tales no one wanted to hear, least of all Shiloh.
“Did you hear something, Minou?” Shiloh cooed at the cat, “All I heard was the wind. If only it would blow its hot air somewhere else, huh?”
“Come now, I’m sure there are better ways for me to put my mouth to use than just blowing air, hmmm?” Nokto purred. Shiloh clucked her tongue and turned her face away so he couldn’t see her red cheeks. She always struggled to think up a good comeback when he toed the line of vulgarity like that.
“Be honest, dear,” Nokto said, angling his body to try and catch a peek of her face, “is a cat you see every day really more interesting than a prince specifically stopping by to visit you?”
“Oh, of course not,” Shiloh waved Nokto off. She took a small toy mouse out of the pocket of her dress (it was worth  making friends with the best seamstress in town) and tossed it on the ground for Minou to play with. “If Licht were to stop by, I’d be happy to sit him down for some tea and snacks.”
“Just Licht?” Nokto prompted.
“Well, there’s also Leon, Jin, Yves,” Shiloh counted on her fingers as she listed everyone aside from Nokto, “I heard Prince Keith is a good conversationalist and knows a lot about flowers, I wouldn’t mind picking his brain about them, and there’s-”
“I think I get it,” Nokto said dryly, “so foxes rank pretty low under cats with you.” He reached out to boop Minou’s nose, causing the cat to scrunch her face adorably. “What am I going to have to do to make you change your mind?”
Shiloh raised an eyebrow at him in disbelief. “Do you really think you can compare with Minou’s gentle sweetness? Her precious curled feetsies?”
“I don’t think any human can compare to that,” Nokto admitted. That was suspicious. Usually he didn’t give up so-
“But I can show you a different kind of pleasure that’s just as delightful.”
-soon. “Unless you’re talking about the pleasure of silence, I’m not interested,” Shiloh said, dusting her dress as she stood up, ready to refocus on her shop.
Nokto laughed and said, “I’ll get you to admit my charms one day, Miss Hayes.”
* * *
“Ugh!” Shiloh groaned as she fanned herself with her hand, “Why can’t spring last longer?” Maybe she should upgrade from an outdoor stall to a shopfront-then she’d have more than just shade to protect herself.
At least she wasn’t suffering alone. Nokto had shown up minutes ago, having heard the same thing from Celine, the seamstress, about a surprise showing up around now. And Nokto wasn’t any better in the heat than she was. “I can easily say this isn’t my preferred method of working up a sweat,” he agreed, asking for the second time, “Are you sure you don’t want to close up and go to a cafe? I’d never imply you were anything other than a delight to look at, but you’re turning a shade of red that even I normally can’t get out of you.”
“No thanks,” Shiloh stood her ground, though there was a part of her that couldn’t deny being tempted, “but if you can’t handle it, I won’t think less of you for needing to escape to safety.”
“Such a kind offer. But I’m not callous enough to leave you out here all by yourself. Why, what if you were to feel faint under the-” Nokto sputtered a bit when Shiloh frantically shushed at him to be quiet, flapping her hands in his face. She’d just spotted Celine’s surprise trot around the corner.
“Oh. My. God!!!” she shrieked, taking in the sight of Minou in the most adorable little getup Shiloh had ever seen. Never in a million years would Shiloh ever imagine she’d see Minou in a dress, but here she was, watching the tabby proudly prance over to her, wearing a tiny, flowery-there were roses! And junipers!-green sundress, perfectly sized and aimed at making Shiloh lose her mind with cuteness overload.
“Well, that’s certainly something,” Nokto observed over Shiloh’s gushing, “That must have been a struggle, to wrangle a cat into that outfit.”
“It’s worth it,” Shiloh declared in awe, “she’s the most precious thing I’ve ever seen. And such a good idea! How many people would jump on the idea of outfits for their pets? Celine could start a whole line of clothing for pets-the fabric and labour costs would be much lower, too. Oh, she’s brilliant!” 
Nokto watched on as Shiloh began muttering about the process of the fashion industry and how it can accommodate Celine’s project. “This is what gets you going, is it?” he chuckled in amusement, “Regular clothes just aren’t enough for you anymore so now you need a tiny version to get excited over?”
Shiloh cut off her rambling, a hand on her hip as she addressed Nokto, “When a new line drops, I’ll be all too happy to talk your ear off about it. Don’t for one second think I’ve given up one of my big loves in life. But come on!” she gestured toward Minou, who was in the middle of grooming herself, “I challenge you to find anything cuter than a cat in a dress.”
“Sounds like a tough challenge,” Nokto said, a sudden gleam in his eyes, “what do I get if I win?”
That didn’t sound good at all. Shiloh eyed Nokto warily, wondering what the tricky fox was up to. But it wasn’t like she could take it back-withdrawing now would just make it look like she thought Nokto could actually do it. She would have to face this head on. “If you can succeed, I’ll take you up on one of your non-sexual! invitations.”
Nokto’s grin made her immediately regret her words. “Sounds like a deal. I hope you keep to your word.”
Ah, great. Shiloh blamed her poor decision on the awful heat.
* * *
Well, today was the day. Nokto had messaged Shiloh to let her know he was ready to show her something cuter, and Shiloh could only hope that he came up with something perverted; it would be a pain to deal with, but at least she lose and be dragged along on whatever plan he had up his sleeves. All Shiloh could do was count down the minutes until the time Nokto promised to arrive, her eyes boring holes at the street corner he should come down.
She’d wracked her brain, trying to think of every possibility available, but when Nokto finally rounded that corner, she realized nothing could prepare her. Shiloh slapped her palm over her mouth to stop herself from bursting out laughing at the sight before her.
“Well?” Nokto twirled for her, the hem of the dress he wore flaring out with the motion, “What do you think?”
“Wh-why?” Shiloh wheezed behind her hand, still struggling not to laugh despite the realization that the dress actually looked good on Nokto. He’d gotten it tailored to his measurements and picked a colour that went well with his skin tone, so he was clearly taking it seriously . . . kinda. Nokto hadn’t passed up the opportunity to be as, well, slutty as possible: the dress was a slinky little number, the neckline was cut as low as physically possible, and there was a slit along his right thigh nearly to the waist, revealing pantyhose of all things! Why was he like this?!
Nokto struck a couple of unnecessarily sexy poses, “Because it’s clear that the only thing cuter than a cat in a dress is a fox in a dress, wouldn’t you say?”
Shiloh had a lot she wanted to say, such as “but you’re not an actual fox” and “then why didn’t you wear a cute dress?”, but none of that mattered more than telling him, “There’s no way this counts.” Nokto just smirked, like he was prepared to debate this all day if he had to, and Shiloh knew, with a dawning sort of horror, that she’d sealed her fate the moment she set up that condition.
Maybe she could still get something out of it if she convinced Nokto to wear a dress to whatever party he wanted to drag her to-at least that would give her something positive to look forward to in the face of her crushing defeat.
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tulipsaisle · 4 months
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Story Event hosted by: @olivermorningstar & @lorei-writes
Banner credit to: @olivermorningstar & @lorei-writes
My giftee: @kaizoku-musume
Fandom: Ikepri Yves
A very special message for you:
Hi hi!! This is my present for you to celebrate this event hosted by the two iconic duos. It is an art of Aurelia, when I read your form she really caught my attention. She's cool as hell and I hope you like what I did and how I added the introduction. I tried my best to follow thru, so lemme know what you think. Happy Mayday! Heyday!
Stay spunk and spicy - Aurelia Deveroux
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Other Tags: @chandeliermichel @judejazza @flimflam707
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krys-loves-otome · 4 months
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Hi, Ana / @bicayaya, I'm your gifter for the Mayday Heyday OC Exchange!
Since Beatrice's profile mentioned that she played piano as a hobby, I thought it would be cute for her and Yves to play music together, thus how this came together.
Did take one or two liberties with Beatrice's clothes but I think she turned out super adorable!
Thanks for hosting the event @lorei-writes and @olivermorningstar! I had a lot of fun!
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A lovely date
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A lovely date
Fandom Ikemen Prince
Pair Chevalier Michael x Tala Amouzgaar
Part of Mayday Heyday hosted by @olivermorningstar and @lorei-writes
Thank you so much  for hosting such an original event I was so happy to have joined in. 🤗😊
This is my gift for the darling @m-mmiy. 
I really do hope you will like this work, but above all I wish is for my portrait of your OC to be faithful enough to the picture you have of her. 🤗😊
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It was a nice day, spring approached fast in Rhodolite in a much more gentle way she was used to.
The birds returned from afar told tales of exotic countries' wonders chirping excitedly waking ever so softly the animals from the hibernation of the winter whose chilly breeze still lingered in the air like the snow still present on the hilltop that was slowly but constantly melting under the tepid rays of a sun getting each day warmer. 
It seemed like a dream to her, familiar and strange at the same time.
The coming of season was nothing new to Tala but the sensations blooming in her heart like a rose surely were.
She shot a glance at him, the source of that feeling walking unfazed by her side.
Chevalier Michael a brutal beast for anyone but her the only man that before her heart captured her mind with his cleverness.
A genius admired and feared alike she would have never got tired of talking to. 
A source of everlasting knowledge whose discussion never failed to thrill her mind. 
In that instant he shot her a glance while his pale lips twitched upward in a light smile rare like the desert rose and like it breathtakingly beautiful. 
A gift for her alone to admire making her heart beat faster at the sight of his sky blue eyes glimmering with happiness. 
"Do you like spring ?"
His voice as cool as ever not revealing any emotion even though she could perceive the slightest hint of curiosity coloring his tone.
"I neither like nor dislike it."
"That's a peculiar answer."
"It's merely a season there is no need for me to favor it more than the others."
A shadow clouded over his features almost as he was genuinely curious to know her better but bad at communicating his desire he retorted to avoid speaking at all.
"I have to admit it's quite nice here."
Sun returned to his gorgeous features dripping over his smile.
"How so ?"
"It's less humid than in other countries I visited." 
They resumed their strolling basking in each other's presence, speaking no words for there was no need to. 
Suddenly something emerged from the bushes to cross their path.
Even with her expression hidden from the brown veil he could perceive her smile reaching to her amber eyes glimmering brighter than the sun as a small duck approached her. 
A jolt of warmth filled his heart at the endearing sight of the girl he came to grow fond of petting the small animal humming in delight as more ducks crowded around her for a chance she didn't deny them to be caressed by her delicate fingers. 
Noiselessly he accommodated himself under a tree far enough to admire her and avoid scaring away the ducks but he had just sat on the grass when a duck approached him only to pick on his leg.
He stared dumbfounded at the creature looking into his eyes with open defiance before walking confidently toward him. 
His bravery was rewarded as he stretched his long fingers to caress his feathered head so tiny in comparison to him and yet brazen enough to have him fascinating hom for reasons oddly resembling her/ that girl that caught his mind and heart.
It was the first time an animal approached him willingly it was strange but not unwelcome. 
The endearing sight sudden and warm like the spring rain her eyes crinkled with affection as his hand that so often were drenched in blood and calloused from holding swords  were now petting such a tiny creature delicately because there was gentleness underneath them.
A fresh breeze whistled among the garden guiding the ducks back in the luscious greenery where they came from.
It was like a dream if not for the tender smile he offered her as they resumed their pleasant date.
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lorei-writes · 4 months
Home Sweet Home
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Habiba x Kenshin; Habiba & Hideyoshi (platonic) Comedy/Crack ~1.2k
My Meyday!Heyday gift for @spoopy-fish-writes <3 I hope my take on Habiba isn't too far off ^^"
Content Warnings: none
It was when Japanese tree lilac bloomed, although the people of Honshu were not warned of the fact; the pollen, it appeared, had simply spread, carried from the faraway Hokkaido over to the very lake Biwa. And the effects? Scandalous. Unprecedented… Perhaps merely incidental, given the grievous, quick-onset sighing that took over Lord Hideyoshi.
It was when Japanese tree lilac bloomed, although the people of Honshu were not warned of the fact; the pollen, it appeared, had simply spread, carried from the faraway Hokkaido over to the very lake Biwa. And the effects? Scandalous. Unprecedented… Perhaps merely incidental, given the grievous, quick-onset sighing that took over Lord Hideyoshi.
As per the usual state of affairs, the market sitting at the foot of Mount Azuchi spread far and wide, corridors of dumpling stalls interchanging with wooden jewellery, fresh fish, cartloads of colourful cloth, juicy fruit, fine metalwork, and any other produce one could dream of under the skies (at least provided that their dreams did not exceed the capacity of Sengoku-period-appropriate merchandise pool). Tens, if not hundreds, of feet ventured into that labyrinth, some leisurely strolling through the various shops, and some rushing forward without a care in the world. Children’s laughter rose high into the air, curious eyes shining and greedy hands pointing towards any spotted treats. At the heart of things, it was all very mundane in its loud opulence. Were it any different, it simply would not be Azuchi marketplace… And perhaps, in a certain dimension, it was not, or threatened not being one, or more precisely, ceasing to be one if things continued on as they happened to be that day.
Lord Hideyoshi Toyotomi sighed again.
Too early on in the day as well. (How many more wrinkles could his honourable forehead fit? That was yet to be tested.)
Shielding her eyes from the sweltering afternoon sun, Habiba Malik surveyed the surrounding stalls. Something glistened at the far edge of the horizon. A hawk that had found its prey, her arm snapped at once, a finger straight like the blade of a katana pointing at a cluster of fabric and precious gemstone stores.
“Full speed ahead!” she ordered.
Sasuke-the-ninja put his hand on Lord Kenshin’s arm. Lord Hideyoshi Toyotomi sighed again.
“No, Lord Kenshin. Nice warlords do not slice through crowds and mean warlords who cause bloodshed in enemy territory have to stand in time-out corners in the dungeon.”
Kenshin frowned, the expression soon melting into a pout. “It is not ‘full speed’ then,” he said, but removed his hand from the hilt of his sword regardless. His mismatched eyes darted over the street, perhaps searching for an alternate route to take… or for Habiba, for that matter, as she had already moved away, her head appearing above the distant waves of passing people. Whichever the case, he darted forward. And after him, Sasuke.
“And that’s why we’re being chaperoned.” And after them, Yukimura.
And after them? Hideyoshi.
Who else?
“No running in the crowd!”
“Why do we need an escort either way? Answer, Sasuke.” Kenshin ignored Hideyoshi.
“It was Lord Nobunaga’s one and only condition for your visit.” Hideyoshi resolutely resisted being ignored, although it required him to, indeed, break his rules and run too.
“I thought she said it’d be Masamune this time,” Yukimura added.
Hideyoshi’s lips parted, but to release no sound. And older lady falling into him, he supported her in his arms, his attention drifting away for just long enough for the group to leave him behind. Kenshin marched onwards, people skipping away from his path; Sasuke was shortly behind him, compensating for his lack of ominous aura with ninja-parkour skills (shops and stalls are just another path if you expand your mindset); Yukimura was last, walking like a normal person.
And then there was Hideyoshi, rushing forward yet not making any progress, and most definitely not preventing Sasuke from climbing onto roofs, or Kenshin from attracting superfluous attention with his sword-happy hand. As a matter of fact, he sighed again. Another crease marked his brow, more of its kind being added at each inconvenience. At last, he reached the store and rejoined the group.
“Would it hurt you to beha—” he started to speak, but forgot his tongue, Habiba staring at him with eyes as big as an owl’s. “What is it this time?”
“You’re frowning so hard you have a honeycomb pattern on your forehead right now. It’s the first time I’m seeing that.”
Hideyoshi ran his hand across his face.
“Look, it’s reorganised. Right now it’s more like… flooded rice fields?” she dully noted.
His eyebrow twitched.
“Huh… Are those seagulls?” Habiba tapped her chin, her eyes narrowing as she lost herself in thought.
“What are you on again, they’re just skiddly lines.” Yukimura shook his head.
“It’s a Rorschach’s test, Yuki,” Sasuke said. He pushed his glasses up his nose. “And I’m seeing two dancing bears.”
Hideyoshi sighed. Again.
Red light spilled from the sinking sun, each of the present warlords carrying an armload of wares, varying from golden wire and imported fabric, to drinks and snacks. The group split again, however, Yukimura leading the way out of the Azuchi castle town, followed shortly by Sasuke, with Kenshin tailing shortly behind… Habiba was second to last. Dusty clouds rose off the street as she turned on her heel, fabric billowing around her legs for but a second.
“I think I can see the bears now,” she spoke after a pause, thus breaking the quiet.
“And you never change,” Hideyoshi sighed. (Yet again!) His expression softened, however, a gentle smile curling the corners of his lips as he stepped forward to ruffle her hair. (Habiba ducked away from his hand and glared daggers at him. Alas.) “And that never changes either.”
Perhaps mildly stiff, Hideyoshi handed over the bundles he had carried thus far. Somehow, they were separated, standing at the edge of two different continents despite being just few paces apart.
“You know, you can always come for a visit.”
“Oh, you’ve missed me this much? ‘They grow up so fast’?”
“Hey, you…” Hideyoshi squinted.
“We all have to fly out eventually.” Habiba touched the back of her hand to her forehead, light getting caught in the earring dangling from her ear. “The only thing that doesn’t change is you pining after Nobunaga and Mitsuhide pining after you. No progress on those fronts still?”
“What? I have a bet! I can’t lose! If you’re going to take things so slow they don’t move at all, at least continue so for the next month or two.”
“I am doing nothing! There is nothing to continue!”
Habiba gave him the look. “Right. Sure. Absolutely.”
“I swear, you…” A groan churned in his throat. “Just come back whenever. Next time Masamune may not be grounded.”
“Grounded? In the dungeon? Kinky.”
Surrounded by decorum-induced-disingenuous complaints, Habiba turned on her heel again, this time towards Kenshin and his extended hand. She took it, the gentle squeeze delivered by his fingers a vow to always be there… and she stared at the sky, just for a moment, just for a little while. For a little while longer, until they had to head towards their inn. Whatever she saw in the orange clouds splashed in purple, she kept it to herself. Perhaps others would see it too. The sky would always be one and the same, even if different each day.
You've seen a typo? Let me know!
Tag List: @lancelotscloak @violettduchess @the12thnightproject @oda-princess @tele86
@rinaririr @cheese-ception @queengiuliettafirstlady @sh0jun @lucyw260
Tell me if you'd like to be added to my tag list :)
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fighting-and-drawing · 4 months
Mayday Heyday
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This is my gift for the amazing @oda-princess—a flat of their OC, Marie! I wish I could do more as leaving a drawing unrendered is hurting me, but I hope you enjoy! Thank you so much!
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koco-coko · 4 months
Ivy Vines, Poem Lines (a new normal) - Mayday! Heyday Gift Exchange
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Well, this was a doozy! Sorry to everyone who had to deal with me lol but I hope this piece is nice! I got @queengiuliettafirstlady as my giftee and I really loved their OC for ikevamp! I hope they enjoy! <3 Thanks for letting me be apart of this event!!
Prompt: Ivy - Affection, Friendship, Fidelity
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Jean had been feeling… odd, lately. So had she, of course, but she didn’t seem to mind it as much. In fact, Julia welcomed it with open arms. 
The first days of Julia’s arrival were odd for Jean. She was just so… new. Different. The soldier wasn’t too accustomed to change. Comte’s explanation about her appearance didn’t calm him much either (though, really, could anything Comte say comfort Jean?). It was as if she had no story, no past that he could define. All he knew was she had moved in to help around, and that was that. It didn’t help that Julia herself seemed a bit awkward at first, acting as if her own skin didn’t fit on her body.
At first, he avoided her. He didn’t even bother to try and talk to her, leaving the room as soon as possible. He spent far too much time fencing with Napoleon, and sometimes he locked himself in the library trying to figure out the letters of the alphabet.
It was only when Napoleon approached Julia that the schedule decided to change. 
The library was quiet, surprisingly. It was raining, occasional lightning flashing somewhere distant. Other than external noises, all that came from the library was the flipping of pages, scratching of a pen, and the few grunts of frustration. This cycle went on for a few hours. Well, until the door creaked open, that is.
Julia’s steps were light and cautious, as if one wrong move would cause the house to crash with the thunder. Jean looked up from his mess of children's book and quickly tried to hide them, to no success. “Pardonne moi, Jean,” she started, nervously fiddling with the dark hair laid on her shoulder, “I was just checking in on you. Mozart had told me you’d been in here all day.”
Jean looked at the pen he held incorrectly. “With the downpour, it'd be unwise to go out.” In reality, the soldier would rather not face the rain whatsoever. His desk had been tilted away from all the windows.
Julia nodded, huffing shyly as she looked away. Her eyes flashed over the pages of scribbles left about. Jean cringed. This was often the worst part about being in the library. Wretched people (vampires? He wasn’t sure about Julia yet) walked in and found the labors of his hard work. It was humiliating to watch their faces twist in all sorts of different ways. Vincent’s kind-hearted pity, Arthur’s mischievous glint as he prepared to tell Jean all sorts of undignified new words, Isaac’s bewildered stare, even Wolfgang’s dismissive shrug…
But this time, he watched as Julia’s face didn’t change. Still was the coy smile, the same intrigued gaze… she read over his papers with nothing but small fascination. “Is this the Ugly Duckling?” she said, pointing to the sketch of a little boy on one of his covers.
Jean nodded his head. “I suppose so.” Julia leaned down, inspecting a couple more sheets of his messy penmanship. “You’re getting really good at making this A, but it should be in two motions, not three,” she advised, quickly going to Jean’s side and tracing the letter to demonstrate her point. 
Jean was stiff when she came to him, but after her instructions… he calmed. Nobody had really offered to help before (Well, Dazai hsd once, but he wasn’t much of help. He tried to teach something, something… Kan-gee?) “Oh, and thisT is really good, too!” Julia smiled at him, before a sudden shyness reddened her cheeks and she turned away.
“Merci,” Jean whispered. Something about the way she spoke to him was… making him feel odd. Something strange and new and horrible. Horrible? It had to be. Anything that made him feel so alive must have been the worst thing to ever feel. Something… of that sort…
A moment of silence was shared between the two. “Um…” Julia hummed, pulling up a chair to the desk Jean worked at. A bolt of lightning struck again. “I could help you, if you want. Only if you want.” She offered. The thunder rolled over the mansion, slightly shaking the books and candles.
“Jean!” Julia cheered the next day. “I found us some new books to read!” she ran up to the desk once again. “I also managed to find some Mother Goose’s Nursery Rhymes! They might be a bit under your current reading level, but that’s a good thing!”
Ever since their first session, Julia had become much louder. For once, the soldier didn’t mind the noise. Each time her voice came into view, his chest seemed a bit less heavy. “I even brought you some Rouge! I thought you’d need it, since you were having a busy day today.”
And the next few times, too. Every day, Julia returned to the library with new books and pens and papers and bookmarks, her eyes shining with excitement. Despite everything, they had created a schedule together. After everything in their normally busy lives was over, they’d meet in the library. Whether it be at midnight, noon, or sometimes before the morning sun rose, they’d meet. Every day, Julia would come in with books she happened to ‘find’ (no thanks to Comte’s donations), new stories about how her day had been, fresh bottles of Rouge or Blanc, and sit beside him. 
Every day, Jean’s words became more legible. Every day, he reads more words than before. Every day, he could even start reading the books his fellow residents had written. Julia’s eyes lit up at every new word he could sound out. 
The schedule did change a few times. But the most important changes were quite simple ones. Before Julia would arrive, Jean would write a letter. Sometimes, they were just three neat words. Other times, they were unorganized and messily written paragraphs. All describing thanks to Julia and her kindness. How he never would’ve thought he could learn so well until she arrived. How… he felt… different around her. How much he wanted to smile, but was too embarrassed to do so, imagining how weird a smile coming from him of all vampires would look.
But… the real most important change came a bit later on.
Jean was nowhere to be found. Early, Julia thought. At first. When she scanned the desk for his letter, she found it crumpled up in the wastebin beside them. Tilting her head, she went to pick it up and read over the contents. There was a brief moment of hesitation before she let her eyes glaze over the words.
Three neat words, once again. So clean that there was no arguing over any letter.
“I love you.”
To Julia, it was better than any love poem she had ever read.
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heydcy · 9 months
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🎸⠀⠀SHE SAYS I AM REAL AND YOU ARE NOT ( tw. overdose and drug use mention )
HEYDAY⠀⠀...⠀⠀⠀⠀are a five piece k-indie band that originally debuted on march 27 in 2016 under MEDIA MAYHEM in 2017 . the band would leave the company not even a month later after having their contracts forcibly terminated . while it is still unknown exactly why the group were forced to leave the company , it is assumed it had something to do with an incident involving the band’s female counterparts MAYDAY .
the current lineup consists of iseul , elias , gyujin , jihe and everett , with the band having made their re - debut on september 21 , 2021 under doellette after the acquisition of contracts the year prior . while originally the public were skeptical of their return to the music scene , public opinion seemed to be swayed after the release of SINK YOUR TEETH , their first release under the new company . shortly after sink your teeth’s release it was announced jihe would be going on hiatus after an overdose .
while he was on hiatus , the band once more came under fire for the member’s supposed drug use , before he himself had to issue an apology stating it was an accidental overdose on prescription medication . the hiatus would be short lived , however , as he would return not even two months later for the band’s release SHATTERED . while the group’s reputation is strained , leading to a decline in popularity compared to when they first emerged , heyday still manage to maintain a strong , steady fanbase – although it had been reported any and all new releases and comebacks are funded by the members themselves , as doellette seemingly views them a ‘waste of funds’ .
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⠀⠀⠀┄⠀⠀⠀% . THE OVERVIEW⠀⠀⠀
🎸 —— DEBUT DATE : MARCH 27 , 2017
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⠀⠀⠀┄⠀⠀⠀% . THE LINEUP⠀⠀⠀
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RHEO ISEUL ( 1999 ) , ELIAS SON ( 1998 ) , NAM GYUJIN ( 1998 ) , PARK JIHE ( 1999 ) , EVERETT JUNG ( 2000 )
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kangaracha · 11 months
everything you should watch while reading each chapter
hihihi. i recommend watching these after each chapter so that you can find all my lil easter eggs etc but do as you like. possibly minor spoilers for things like the interludes if you haven't immediately clocked where they're coming from. spoilers for upcoming chapter names & concepts for the rest of the miroh arc.
if you see the name of a song and nothing else; that indicates the music video. if you see 'listen to', disregard the music video in that instance if there is one. misc videos are listed as they are named on YouTube.
Stray Kids: Prequel (Highlight Reel)
listen to: Grr (Law Of Total Madness)
CHAPTER 2 + 3: NO PLACE FOR YOU HERE title: district 9
I Am Not Trailer
District 9
listen to: NOT!, Awaken
listen to: Heyday
CHAPTER 5 + 6: THERE'S SO MANY VOICES title: voices
District 9
Voices Performance Video
listen to: Mirror
CHAPTER 7 + 8 + 9 + 10: THIS WON'T CHANGE MY HEART title: scars
I Am You
Chapter 10: listen to: Entrance
CHAPTER 11: TELL ME YOU HATE ME (A MEMOIR) title: red lights
Red Lights
Miroh (Kingdom Stage Vers.)
Miroh Instrumental With Congo Chant
CHAPTER 12: OUR SONG BURNS RED title: maze of memories
listen to: Maze Of Memories
listen to: Mixtape #4
Stray Kids "20190325"
CHAPTER 13: A WORLD FULL OF BLINDS title: maze of memories
UNVEIL: TRACK "승전가(Victory Song)"
listen to: Maze Of Memories
listen to: Maze Of Memories
listen to: Miroh
CHAPTER 15: TELL THE CITADEL; DREAM title: maze of memories
listen to: Maze Of Memories
listen to: Miroh
CHAPTER 16: A MOMENTARY SILENCE title: maze of memories
listen to: Maze Of Memories
listen to: Boxer
CHAPTER 17: RING, THE VICTORY SONG title: victory song
Victory Song (Performance Video)
listen to: Boxer
CHAPTER 18: TICK TOCK, TICK TOCK title: chronosaurus
listen to: Chronosaurus
CHAPTER 19: COUNTDOWN, COUNTDOWN title: chronosaurus
listen to: Maze Of Memories
listen to: Road Not Taken
CHAPTER 20: THE ROAD NOT TAKEN title: road not taken
Cle 2: Yellow Wood Trailer
listen to: Road Not Taken
CHAPTER 21: NERVOUSNESS title: side effects
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