#Habs recap
mlleshopping · 1 year
Canadiens Xhekaj, Slafkovsky, Newhook Shine In Loss Versus Leafs
Canadiens Xhekaj, Slafkovsky, Newhook Shine In Loss Versus Leafs
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linilunilumi · 6 months
in defence of Noah Temel* (Folge 1053 - 1055)
*weil Colin nicht verteidigt werden muss; er macht keine Fehler und wir alle lieben ihn <3
Eine Bemerkung vorab: Ich gehe in dieser Argumentation davon aus, dass Noah sich seiner Gefühle für Colin bewusst ist und weiß, dass diese Gefühle über Freundschaft hinaus gehen. Andere Interpretationen der Situation (z.B. diese) finde ich jedoch auch sehr interessant und plausibel, und zum Großteil würde meine folgende Analyse von Noahs Verhalten ebenso auf diese anderen Möglichkeiten zutreffen; man müsste nur die Begründungen demnach anpassen.
Ansonsten lest euch bitte auch alle die Analyse zu Noahs Charakter und Verhalten von June durch, falls ihr es noch nicht getan habt! Sie hat das ganze wirklich toll zusammengefasst und ich möchte nichts von dem widersprechen; eher noch ein paar Gedanken ergänzen.
„Ich kann das alles nicht. Befreundet sein. Weißt du, der Kuss hat mir echt was bedeutet. Ich hab‘ sowas noch nie für irgendjemanden gefühlt. Und ich will nicht so tun, als wäre da nichts. Ich wollt‘ nur, dass du das weißt.“
[Abgang Colin]
So verlassen wir Noah und Colin am Ende von Staffel 26.
Wir, als Zuschauer:innen, wissen zu diesem Zeitpunkt also:
Colin ist in Noah verliebt, er ist sich seiner Gefühle bewusst und hat Noah seine Gefühle gestanden.
Noah ist in Colin verliebt, er ist sich seiner Gefühle (wahrscheinlich) bewusst, aber möchte diesen aus persönlichen Erfahrungen und Ängsten nicht nachgehen und lehnt Colin deshalb ab.
Colin glaubt aber, dass Noah auch etwas fühlen muss und kann deshalb nicht nur mit ihm befreundet sein.
Hier könnte die Geschichte zu Ende sein, denn…
… das Problem zwischen Colin und Noah ist offensichtlich nicht, wer in wen verliebt ist oder wer es nicht ist. … das Problem ist genauso wenig, ob sie sich selbst und dem anderen gegenüber die Gefühle (ein-)gestehen können. (Denn auch wenn Noah es bisher nie direkt ausgesprochen hat, so schwingt in mehreren seiner Aussagen bereits ein unterliegendes Geständnis mit und Colin ist sich sicher, dass Noah auch etwas für ihn empfindet).
Wir haben also zwei Personen, die ineinander verliebt sind und voneinander wissen, dass sie ineinander verliebt sind.
Die Grundlage des Problems ist, dass Noah und Colin zu diesem Zeitpunkt unterschiedliche Dinge in ihrem Leben und somit in der anderen Person suchen. Colin sucht Liebe, während Noah den Halt und die Unterstützung eines guten Freundes braucht; Gefühle hin oder her.
Es besteht also eine Art Interessenkonflikt (und so sehr wir Noah und Colin natürlich zusammen sehen wollen und hoffen, dass Noah seinen Schatten irgendwann überspringen kann), beide haben zurecht ihre Grenzen gesetzt und müssten damit leben können
- tun sie aber nicht.
Staffel 27:
Zu dem gerade angesprochenen Interessenkonflikt aus Staffel 26 kommt mit Beginn des neuen Schuljahres ein neuer Konflikt hinzu:
Wie kommunizieren Colin und Noah? Und vor allem: Wie interpretieren die beiden die Worte des anderen?
Wir erfahren in der Trust-Challenge, dass Noah Colin die gesamten Ferien über ghosted und dass Colin enttäuscht darüber ist.
Noah verbringt währenddessen die Ferien zuerst bei seiner Mutter, dann bei seinem Vater und hat dort eine „kack“ Zeit; genug Probleme also, mit denen er sich rumschlagen muss. Wahrscheinlich würde er Colin sogar gerne zur Ablenkung schreiben, aber: Er hält sich an Colins „Bedingung“. Sie können nicht einfach befreundet sein und da Noah ihm nicht das geben kann, was Colin möchte, zieht er sich zurück und lässt Colin in Ruhe.
Das neue Schuljahr beginnt und Colin ist als Erster zurück im gemeinsamen Zimmer. Mit Joel spricht er über die Situation und seine Gefühle. Wir erfahren hier:
„Ich werd‘ drum kämpfen. Das is‘ es mir wert.“
Colin ändert also seine Einstellung zu der Situation (kein Abstand mehr, sondern darum kämpfen) – setzt allerdings Noah nicht darüber in Kenntnis.
Als dieser - in dem Glauben, dass Colin nicht mit ihm befreundet sein möchte/kann - das gemeinsame Zimmer betritt, ist Colin die Person, die aufsteht und auf Noah zugeht, um ihn freundlich zu begrüßen.
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Auf Noah wirkt das wie ein Friedensangebot, ein olive branch. Was letztes Jahr passiert ist, ist abgehakt. Zwischen uns ist alles gut.
Ehrlich froh, von seinen Eltern weg zu sein und wieder mit seinen Freunden vereint zu sein, schmeißt Noah sich auf sein Bett: „Wisst ihr was? Ich bin echt froh, wieder hier zu sein.“
Das nächste Gespräch geht somit von Noah aus. Er geht auf Colin zu und fragt, ob sie was unternehmen wollen; für einen Film brainstormen (Film drehen = vertraut und neutral = sicheres Thema). Man sieht deutlich, dass Noah nervös ist in der Unterhaltung und versucht Colins Reaktion zu interpretieren. Als Colin dem Treffen zustimmt, fragt Noah sicherheitshalber noch einmal nach: „Wirklich?“ Ist es wirklich okay, dass wir wieder Zeit miteinander verbringen? Als Freunde?
In Colins Antwort sieht er schließlich die Bestätigung darin, dass sie mit dem Thema Liebe abgehakt haben (wenn auch nicht zwangsläufig mit den Gefühlen selbst. Denn Noah weiß natürlich, wie er immer noch für Colin fühlt, aber sie sind sich einig, dass sie die Gefühle ruhen lassen und ihre Freundschaft das Wichtigste ist – denkt Noah.)
Colin hingegen interpretiert das Gespräch natürlich ganz anders. Er sieht in Noahs Verhalten Annäherungsversuche und wird in dessen Blicken natürlich auch bestätigt.
Somit kommen wir schließlich bei der Situation in Folge 1055 an: Colin versteht nicht, wie Noah ihm so verliebte Blicke zuwerfen und gleichzeitig so tun kann, als wäre nie was zwischen ihnen gewesen. Noah hingegen ist ehrlich überrascht, als Colin das Thema wieder anspricht.
„Ich hab‘ gedacht, wir haben das abgehakt!“
Er sagt es nicht aus Provokation oder Ablenkung, in seinen Augen hatten sie das Thema eben tatsächlich abgehakt.
Es kommt zum Streit.
Mit „Hab‘ ich dich darum gebeten, oder was?! Geh doch! Machst eh alles kaputt mit deinem Gefühlsscheiß! Ja genau, verpiss dich!“ schlägt Noah am Ende über die Stränge. Er fühlt sich eingeengt und aus Schutz teilt er lieber aus und verletzt Colin dabei aktiv.
Zuvor jedoch? Kann man keinem der beiden Schuld geben. Oder beiden zusammen. Beide haben nichts „falsch“ gemacht, beide wollten die andere Person nicht verletzen – tun es aber, weil sie nicht das für die andere Person sein können, was diese gerade braucht.
Noah hat dabei vielleicht in Kauf genommen, Colin falsche Hoffnungen zu machen. Colin hat dabei vielleicht in Kauf genommen, Noahs Ablehnung zu ignorieren. Beide tun dies nicht böswillig, sondern weil sie alles aus ihrer eigenen Perspektive interpretieren/beurteilen – und auch für den anderen mitdenken.
Sie interpretieren ihre Gespräche grundsätzlich verschieden. Beide legen die Worte des jeweils anderen so aus, dass sie zu ihrer eigenen Welt-(Wunsch-)Vorstellung passen. Es wird zwar das gleiche gesagt, aber sie ziehen unterschiedliche Schlussfolgerungen daraus (Noah deutet Colins Annäherungen als freundschaftliches Friedensangebot, Colin deutet Noahs Annäherungen als romantische Geste). Die beiden reden letztendlich aneinander vorbei und deshalb musste es in Folge 1055 auch zum Streit kommen.
Ein Streit mit eigentlich dem gleichen Ergebnis von Staffel 26: Noah kann sich nicht auf die Liebe einlassen, Colin kann nicht nur mit Noah befreundet sein. Dieses Mal zieht Colin jedoch die echten Konsequenzen daraus, und verlässt das Einstein.
Natürlich sind wir sauer auf Noah, weil Colin wegen ihm immer und immer wieder verletzt wird. Und natürlich könnte man sagen, dass es naiv von Noah ist, zu glauben, dass sie das mit der Liebe einfach so abhaken konnten. Aber letztendlich ist es nur
a) Folge seiner negativen Erfahrungen durch die Beziehung seiner Eltern (wie wir schon längst wissen)
b) Folge Noahs und Colins misslungener Kommunikation in Staffel 27 - und zwar von beiden Seiten aus. Beide sehen das, was sie sehen wollen (und mit ihren Lebenserfahrungen sehen können) und schaffen es nicht, sich vollständig in die andere Person hineinzuversetzen (they are 15, give them a break).
Aber das muss nicht so bleiben!
Colin hat nichts falsch gemacht und ist dementsprechend aus gutem Recht jetzt nach Köln gegangen, um Abstand zwischen sich und Noah zu bringen.
Noah hat (fast) genauso wenig falsch gemacht, muss/kann jetzt aber daran arbeiten, seine Ängste zu überwinden und Colin schließlich beweisen, dass er es ernst meint und bereit ist, für ihre Liebe zu kämpfen.
Und dann gibt es unser lang ersehntes Nolin Happy End, yay!
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Hab grad noch mal dein Recap durchgelesen. Hast du wirklich am Anfang schon zu Colin geskippt 😂?
Ich bin nicht stolz drauf, okay?
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tatxrt · 7 months
Tatort totmund recap:
•Jan raucht, dat kann ja nur gut werden
•Rosa ist in der 5ten Minute schon durch mit Jan
•Faber is bäck
•‘Pawlak schon wieder nicht da?!‘
•„Für Gesichtserkennung ist das schon zu tot“
•Jan hat zu fremden Kindern hat er mehr Kontakt als zu seinem eigenen
•Was macht der huso da?!
•The Queen (rosa) redet ein Machtwort
•es wird brennen!
•woher hat Jan soviel Geld?
•Und wieso genau darf der penner wieder da arbeiten ?!
•“da bekommt man alles Waffen,Frauen Leichen.“
•“Alter ich bin Bulle“ Ja Jan aber wie lang noch?
•Rosa und Faber als Duo kann gut gehen aber auch böse schief
•“werden sie mir nicht zu nett.“ Ich glaub dat kann er gar net Rosa
•joa Jan, so bekommst du weder Mia noch Ella wieder
•“fick dich“ dat denke ich mir regelmäßig wenn ich sehe was ARD mit den Charakteren macht
•Rosa in hoodies>
•„Sieht man dich auch mal wieder“
•Wenn Faber grinst.. da sollte man Angst bekommen
•”Dat is n Kumpel von mir“ Kumpel ist sehr dehnbar..
•Rosas Blick ist auch wieder 10/10
•„Wir wissen wo das hinführt, wenn die sich nicht im Griff haben“
Sideeye zu Jan
•„Die Lüge hab ich gestern schon genutzt.“👀
•„Dat war wie n‘ sucht.“ Ja das passt auch bei Jan ☹️
•Mia ist Groß geworden?!
•“Du baust dauernd Mist!“ Mia bringt es auf den Punkt
•“Können wir nicht abhauen?“ wenn selbst das Kind weg will
•“und Jan.. der ist gerad nur Körperchen anwesend.“ nicht mal das rosa
•30.000 Taken schulden.. Respekt
•Rosas resting bitch face🤌
•Die Kaffeetasse mit Bönisch zam‘🥺
•Faber hat eindeutig zu viel Spaß
•Jan was tust du da oder wie Sophia so schön sagte „Und WAS macht die Gurke hier ?!“
•Faber nennt den einfach Mäuslein😭
•Faber der war richtig gut 😭
•das Bild von Martina hätte nicht sein müssen du hund
•Jan erkennste‘ dich selbst wieder? „Immer heißt es nur ein letztes Mal“👀
•Rosa ist angepisst
•“hör auf mich anzulügen“ ne sorry leider nicht
•„Es ist besser, wenn du gehst“ nimmt der am Ende bisschen sehr wörtlich
•Jan hat Rosa inständig weh getan
• Jan hat gefühlt jetzt schon ne Kippen Packung leer. Du hast eh kein Geld Dude, Rauchen is teuer
•Jana tut mir fr leid
•Rosa versucht wieder mal alle(s) zu retten💔
•“keine sorge ich mache aus Ihnen keine zweite Frau Bönisch“ du kannst mich aber gleich zu Frau Bönisch dazu legen.😭
•Faber, DANKE
•Rosa wie sie Dinge kaputt macht, einfach toll.( Bitte nicht zu wörtlich nehmen ARD und sie im nächsten Tatort wieder mit Faber oder Co. Streit haben lassen.)
•die Szene wie rosa die Autos schmettert 100/100
•Der kleine Deeptalk im Auto😭
•“die hat uns angelogen“ ‚machen sie das nicht alle?‘ Faber hat’s gut zam‘ gefasst
•Jan auch mal wieder im bild
•Bekommt die Gurke jetzt aufs Maul?👀
•Ich finde man muss Faber einfach lieben😂
•Faber erzieh ma deinen missratenen Sprössling.
•“.. oder ich sorg dafür das du deinen Job loswirst“ 🫠
•ehh Faber, spätzchen was haste‘ jetzt wieder gemacht?
•Ich liebe es!!
•richtig geiler Plot!
•Rosa ist (dezent) überfordert
•„Sie haben ihren Kollegen nicht im Griff“
Welchen meinst du jetzt, die Gurke oder Faber ?
•✨noch einen trinken?✨
•‘oh man‘ joa.. das denke ich regelmäßig
•“WIR sind immernoch ein Team“ ja rosa Mäuschen und gleich ein betrunkenes. Schon wieder
•und tschö mit ö
•Jan am arbeiten, ich bin überrascht
•diese Nervensäge ey
•der alte Faber is wieder da
•“ich hol den Baseball schläger“ YES mach das
•“Du musst mir vertrauen“keiner vertraut dir Jan. Nicht mal dein Spiegelbild
•Jan du wurdest Hops genommen
•Jan ist wirklich durch
•Der Staatsanwalt ist pissed,Rosa is pissed,Jan is pissed everyone is pissed
•Es beruhigt mich sehr, dass Haller irgendwann auf die Schnauze bekommt von Faber
•Der neue Faber ist gut. Richtig gut.
•Jan ey
•Faber ich hoffe du hast dir einen eigenen Döner geholt
•Tatort Cash zusammengefasst: ✨ups✨
•diese Herzlak Szene..
•Rosa darf ich n paar deiner hoodies haben?
•Faber begibt sich mal wieder in Gefahr
•ah ne, geht gut für ihn aus diesmal
•Rosa gibts ihr!
•JAAA. Happy Jan-Mia end!
•der Tatort war schon eine 10/10 aber die Hexe als Chefin?
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tired-joe · 6 months
Spiele Recap erstes Quartal 2024
Lesedauer ca. 11:15 min.
Die ersten drei Monate des Jahres 2024 sind vergangen. Höchste Zeit also auf die bisher von mir gespielten Videogames zurückzublicken und ein Resümee zu ziehen...und ich hab bis jetzt schon ziemlich viel gezockt, also los geht's!
Cyberpunk 2077
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Der erste Titel ist eigentlich noch aus dem vergangenen Jahr rüber geschwappt und war eines der größten Hypespiele der letzten Jahre, dessen katastrophaler und vor allen Dingen auf der letzten Konsolen Generation durchweg enttäuschender Zustand, viele Fans wütend zurück ließ. Die Rede ist selbstverständlich von Cyberpunk 2077, CDPRs Mammut Open World RPG Shooter, der im namensgebenden Cyberpunk Genre spielt. Trotz der Probleme ließen sich die Witcher 3 Macher nicht ins Boxhorn jagen und wandelten diese Niederlage nach und nach mit fleißigem gepatche in einen Sieg um! Zu dem grandiosen Story DLC Phantom Liberty kam schlußendlich Patch 2.0, der die RPG Elemente des Shooters nahezu überflüssig machte und dadurch einen sehr viel freieren Spielfluss gewährleistete. Zusammen mit dem absolut gelungenen DLC entstand so ein völlig neues Spielgefühl in Cyberpunk, welches dem Titel meiner Meinung nach sehr gut zu Gesicht steht. Schon im letzten Jahr war ich vom "neuen" Cyberpunk regelrecht begeistert und so könnte es in diesem Jahr ein ganz früher, heisser Kandidat auf mein ganz persönliches GotY werden.
Da ich zur Version 2.0 und Phantom Liberty hier mal noch ein Review plane, erstmal genug davon und schnell weiter zum nächsten Titel.
Blasphemous 2
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Aufgrund der großen Soulslike Enttäuschung Lords of the Fallen 2023 im letzten Jahr und meinem Wunsch dennoch endlich wieder einen guten, neuen Soulstitel spielen zu können, bekam ich von einem langjährigen Social Media Freund den Tipp doch mal das 2D Soulslike Blasphemous 2 auszuprobieren.
Prinzipiell sicher kein schlechter Titel, bin ich jedoch kein Fan von allzu religiösen Themen, die nah an den tatsächlich existierenden Weltreligionen sind. Der Büßer genannte Hauptprotagonist, der für oder gegen das Mirakel kämpft, wer weiß das schon genau, konnte mich also eher weniger abholen. Auch wenn es in der Fortsetzung des äußerst beliebten ersten Teils, der ja ein Mitbegründer des 2D Soulslike/ Metroidvania Genres ist, jetzt mehr Waffen als noch im Erstling gibt und diese außerdem ganz eigene Fähigkeiten mitbringen, welche es für Plattforming Passagen meisterhaft zu wechseln gilt, hat das Game mich nicht von sich überzeugen können und ich habe es irgendwann einfach nicht mehr weiter gespielt...
The Last Faith
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Denn...da war schon das nächste 2D Soulslike auf der Liste. Mit The Last Faith gab es nämlich schon einen weiteren, neuen Vertreter des Genres, der zwar stark von Bloodborne inspiriert war, was ja nicht wirklich zu meinen liebsten Soulstiteln gehört, mich aber dennoch deutlich mehr angesprochen hat als Blasphemous 2. The Last Faith will nämlich tatsächlich gar nicht soviel im Genre neu erfinden, sondern bleibt der eigentlichen Formel treu. Was Metroid Prime für die Metroid Reihe gemacht hat, nämlich ein 2D Genre perfekt in die 3 Dimension bringen, ist demnach also The Last Faith für das Soulslike gelungen, nur umgekehrt...obwohl ich viel frühere Vertreter, wie Salt & Sanctuary gar nicht gespielt hab, also auch nicht wirklich beurteilen kann, ob die das nicht schon deutlich früher noch besser gemacht haben.
Ich hatte jedenfalls mit The Last Faith sehr viel Spaß und den Hunger auf ein wenig Souls damit erstmal gestillt.
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown
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Aber es ging bei mir zu Anfang dieses Jahres wahrlich Schlag auf Schlag weiter. Kaum hatte ich The Last Faith beendet, kam schon wieder der Blasphemous Kollege um die Ecke und bot mir für einen schmalen Taler seine in wenigen Tagen durchgerockte Kopie vom Ubisofttitel Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown an. Die guten Wertungen haben mich auch nicht zögern, sondern bei dem genialen Preis natürlich sofort zuschlagen lassen. Und somit bin ich schon so früh im Jahr auch schon gleich ins dritte 2D Metroidvania gestartet. 
Zurecht waren die Wertungen gut. Das Mitglied der Unsterblichen, einer Elitetruppe der persischen Armee, den man hier eigtl anstatt des Prinzen spielt, steuerte sich wirklich unglaublich geschmeidig. Der Flow war großartig, die Optik zumindest Ingame wunderschön, die Musik stimmig, die Bosse knackig und vor allen die innovativen Fähigkeiten und damit zusammenhängende Rätsel in der Welt, absolute Meisterklasse. Dennoch war auch hier irgendwie nach ungefähr der Hälfte für mich die Luft raus. Möglicherweise war es auch das orientalische Wüstensetting, welches mir auf ähnliche Weise nicht so zusagt, wie allzu religiöser Kram, oder Piraten. Tatsächlich waren es aber immer kniffliger werdende plattforming Passagen, welche verlangten, dass man zahlreiche Fähigkeiten in Windeseile kombiniert und mit den Reaktionszeiten eines Mungos im Kampf mit einer Kobra hinter sich lässt, die mich kleinbei haben geben lassen.
An dieser Stelle nicht falsch verstehen. Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown ist ein hervorragendes Spiel, das die guten Wertungen definitiv verdient hat. Die Probleme, die ich damit hatte waren meine eigenen. Evtl war es auch eher nicht schlau schon das dritte 2D Metroidvania hintereinander anzugehen. Ubisoft war hier definitiv auf der richtigen Fährte und ich hoffe sie machen wieder weiterhin gute Titel, wie diesen hier und nicht ihren üblichen Mist.
Jedoch war mein Versagen beim Prinzen noch lange nicht das Ende der Fahnenstange, denn noch immer war das Jahr jung und ich willig. Der nächste, erste richtige Hochkaräter stand dann auch schon in den Startlöchern. Zwar auch noch keine Triple A, aber zumindest AA Produktion...denke ich jedenfalls. 
Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden
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Die Rede ist von Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden vom Life is Strange Macher Don't Nod. Den Titel hatte ich schon seit dem ersten Trailer vorsichtig im Hinterkopf behalten. Ich hatte so den Eindruck, es könnte eine Art Witcher zur amerikanischen Kolonialzeit werden und sollte damit auch Recht behalten. Banishers sieht graphisch absolut fantastisch aus, kommt mit toll geschriebenen Charakteren und einer spannenden Story daher.
Das Geister bannende Pärchen Red und Antea wird von einem Freund in die neue Welt nach New Eden gebeten, da dort eine besonders hartnäckige Spukgestalt ihr Unwesen treibt. Es ist jetzt kein Spoiler, wenn ich erzähle, das Antea schon in der ersten Spielstunde ums Leben kommt und kurz darauf als Geist zu Red zurückkehrt, da dies schon im allerersten Trailer ersichtlich war und von Anfang an zentrale Gameplaymechanik ist.
Von nun an steuert ihr also beide im direkten Wechsel mit individuellen Fähigkeiten und müsst dabei entscheiden, ob ihr die Bewohner New Edens opfert, um Antea nach Möglichkeit ins Leben zurückholen zu können, oder ob ihr weiterhin den Menschen dort gegen den Spuk zur Seite steht und unweigerlich darauf hinarbeitet ihrer Seele Frieden zu schenken und sie zu erlösen. Dabei wird das Spiel euch immer wieder gekonnt versuchen zu verunsichern. Denn kaum habt ihr euch für eine Sache entschieden, offenbaren euch die Charaktere weitere Dinge über ihr Leben und Denken, so dass ihr wieder an eurer Entscheidung zweifelt.
Ihr versucht nun also Spukermittlungen zu lösen und garstige Geister mit einem an den neuen God of War Titeln angelehnten Kampfsystem nach allen Regeln der Kunst ins Jenseits zu schicken. Leider fehlt dem Kampf hier aber etwas Wucht, da ihr im Grunde die meiste Zeit...nun ja...gegen Luft kämpft. Weiterer Wermutstropfen ist leider auch, dass vieles im Spiel sich, wie schon beim ähnlich strukturierten Vampyr, welches ebenfalls von Don't Nod stammte, zieht wie Kaugummi. Die Geschichte fühlt sich oft unnötig in die Länge gezogen an. Selbiges gilt für die unzähligen Spukermittlungen, die ihr in den verschiedenen Siedlungen anstellen könnt. Und so hatte auch Banishers bei mir an einem bestimmten Punkt nicht mehr den besten Stand und wurde ebenfalls erstmal unterbrochen...ich denke aber zu diesem Titel werde ich irgendwann noch einmal zurückkehren. Dafür war ich dann doch zu interessiert am Schicksal der beiden absolut toll geschriebenen Protagonisten und der Story selbst.
Das etwas zähe Gameplay war nämlich nicht der einzige Grund Banishers erstmal zur Seite zu legen. Diese Schuld schieb ich nämlich schon dem nächsten Titel auf meiner Liste zu, der, erbarmungslos wie die Releases in 2024 zu mir halt sind, schon längst wieder am Start war.
Final Fantasy Vll: Rebirth
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Die Rede ist selbstverständlich vom heiß erwarteten Final Fantasy Vll: Rebirth! Der zweite Teil vom Remake eines der beliebtesten Final Fantasys, lag nämlich auch bei mir hoch im Kurz.
Einziger Fehler des Titels, Square Enix hat das Teil mit Minigames und Nebenaufgaben nur so voll gestopft und die Spieler teilweise auch während der Hauptmissionen gezwungen zumindest mal in die ein oder andere reinzuspielen. Ansonsten warten sie wirklich mit einer herrlichen Grafik, beeindruckenden Welt und den echt allerliebst erzählten Charakteren auf, die mich schon beim ersten Teil des Remakes, obgleich ich das Original gar nicht kenne, in ihren Bann gezogen und verzaubert haben.
Zu gern würde ich wissen, wie nun dieser zweite Teil ausgeht aber, ihr ahnt es schon, auch dieses Spiel habe ich stand heute, 08. April 2024 noch nicht beendet...
Ein weiterer Knüller lag nämlich noch im März, während FF7 Rebirth noch im vollen Gange war, schon in meinem Postkasten.
Dragon's Dogma 2
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Das umfangreiche, unkonventionelle Dragon's Dogma 2 war nämlich ebenso ein Muss für mich. Hier besitze ich das Original in digitaler Form sogar zweimal. Einmal auf der Nintendo Switch und einmal auf Playstation. Doch der, ich glaube schon fast 12 Jahre alte, erste Teil des Spiels war mir in vielen Bereichen immer etwas zu kantig, zu altbacken, aber dennoch hatte er gerade für seine Zeit jede Menge geniale Ansätze. Und diese, so versprachen es zumindest viele die das Spiel vorab schon testen konnten, sollten im zweiten Teil nun sinnvoll zuende gedacht sein und zur vollsten Zufriedenheit in die Neuzeit übertragen worden sein. Und, Holla die Waldfee, das hat Capcom wirklich gut hinbekommen. Dragon's Dogma 2 ist genauso unkonvetionell wie der Erstling, mit einem Questsystem, das seines gleichen sucht, wo ihr schon nach kurzer Zeit nicht mehr wisst, was war gleich Hauptmission und was nicht. Mit NPCs die zu euch kommen und um Hilfe bitten, anstelle eines Symbols auf der Karte zu dem ihr hin lauft und die ihr als Checkliste abhakt, bis ihr keinen Bock mehr habt. 
Dragon's Dogma 2 ist ein Titel den man heute nur noch selten so sieht, voller Rätsel und Mysterien, die euch nicht auf einem Silbertablet präsentiert werden, sondern selber gefunden und ergründet werden wollen.
Das Vasallensystem ist so wie hier glaube einzigartig. Es handelt sich um KI gesteuerte Kompanions, die selbständig kämpfen und lernen, die sich mit euch unterhalten und ein weiterer, interessanter Clou, die man auch von anderen Spielern rekrutieren kann und die dann von euren Abenteuern lernen und das gelernte bei anderen Erweckten wiederum umsetzen- und denen so extremst hilfreich sein können. Dieser ganze Loop macht irgendwo süchtig und macht das Spiel für mich zu einem weiteren frühen Kandidaten fürs GotY.
Ich hoffe nun zumindest dieses Game in den nächsten Tagen fertig zu stellen denn, es kann sich keiner ausdenken aber, am 26.04.2024 kommt mit Stellar Blade der nächste Knüller für mich. Davon dann jedoch erst mehr beim Halbjahres Recap.
Puh, also das erste Quartal war ja echt schon Megavoll bei mir und der Text hier ist schon viel zu lang. Deshalb schließ ich an der Stelle schnell erstmal und hoffe ihr hattet auch so viel Spaß beim zocken, wie ich bisher. Lasst es euch gut gehen und hoffentlich lesen wir uns bald wieder.
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twistsandtwizzles · 1 year
I Watched So You Don't Have To: Stars on Mars
You may have seen that Adam Rippon is one of the cast members on the new FOX reality show, Stars on Mars. I knew this information but had no plans to watch this show, until this week when I needed to turn something on tv that would take up 5% of my brain power or less. And this fit the brief exactly.
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In case you are also mildly interested in what this weird show is about and what Adam is doing on it, but don't want to let it take up even 3% of your brain power, don't worry, I am here for you! Read on for a recap of Stars on Mars: Episode 1.
We open on William Shatner very dramatically telling us that twelve celebrities are going to participate in an “experiment” to find out if they can “survive life on Mars” (aka a month somewhere in Australia). The winner will earn the title of Brightest Star in the Galaxy and this made me laugh out loud because that’s it? They don’t even get any money? Just a title that is also found on a fourth grade science fair participation trophy?
Anyway, Shatner - who has very clearly not gone to Australia and is recording this somewhere in his house - tells us that this simulation will be 24 days long, and will show us which celebrities are the strongest, the brightest, the bravest, and who can handle the stress when the food runs out. We’re treated to a compilation of clips during this portion, then Shatner says, “This is: Starsssssss on Marssssssss” and the way I typed this quote does not do it justice.
We’re now introduced to the astronauts as they trudge across the surface of “Mars” into the “Hab” where they will be living. The first astronaut is Christopher Mintz-Plasse, aka McLovin’ from Superbad, and we cut to a talking head where Christopher says he’s been called McLovin for 16 years and is kind of tired of it; unfortunately for him it is what I will call him for the entirety of this recap.
We get a tour of the hab, which basically looks like every space movie you’ve ever seen, and we are introduced to the lady-voiced-AI thing that is going to be the main communication tool/voice-over element on this show. McLovin marvels that “a lot of money went into this” which, I’m not sure I agree, but okay.
Next in the hab: Ronda Rousey, “Champion Fighter” followed closely by Tom Schwartz from Vanderpump Rules who the VO tells us is “currently known for Scandavol.” Full disclosure that I have only ever seen five minutes of VPR so this man is a complete stranger to me - but I do live in the culture enough to know that his name is “Schwartz” and not “Tom.” Schwartz explains his show to McLovin, boiling it down to “people work in a bar and have sex with each other.” McLovin says, “Well, we’re not doing that here. I don’t think.”
Next up: Tallulah Willis, “Daughter of Bruce and Demi” and Adam Rippon, “Olympic Figure Skater” and the entire reason I’m even watching this show. Then Porsha Williams Guobadia, “Real Housewife” and another complete stranger to me (look, how can I find time for Bravo reality shows when I have to watch old figure skating programs on YouTube?); Tinashe, “R&B Recording Artist” who I know mostly as a regular Who? Weekly subject; Ariel Winter, “Award-Winning Actor from Modern Family” (she was the middle child); Marshawn Lynch & Richard Sherman, “Teammates and NFL Legends” who are introduced as a unit but it is unclear if they are playing as a team or not; and Lance Armstrong, “Cyclist” and look, I am not happy about his presence either.
Lance is greeted warmly by everyone in the room and Ariel gives a talking head geeking out about how Lance is a real astronaut. She makes the mistake of mentioning this to Porsha who does not appear to correct her. Unknown if Porsha was just trying not to embarrass Ariel, or if she has no idea who Lance Armstrong is either and thinks he could plausibly be an astronaut.
Shatner sends a message to the celebs explaining that every 48 hours a celebrity who is not “mission critical” will be “extracted” (he then helpfully clarifies that this just means “sent home”). He also explains that the “Base Commander” is the most powerful role in the hab as the commander is basically in charge of everything, and the commanders will be re-appointed every two days.
The celebs are instructed to select a Base Commander and we get our very first Adam Rippon Talking Head! Adam explains that everyone is figuring each other out and that no one wanted to be the first base commander. We cut to the celebs desperately pointing at each other and trying to peer pressure others into the role. Then they are informed that the Base Commander gets their own room, and Roger nominates Marshawn, who was worried about fitting into his bunk earlier. Marshawn accepts.
The first mission for the astronaut celebrities: to rescue their 12th crewmember who is trapped in a pod on the surface. Marshawn sends Lance and Ronda out for the rescue while the rest of the crew watches their progress via monitor. Adam excitedly says of the outdoor footage, “Oh my god, it looks like Mars,” and again, I’m not sure I agree, but I’m happy that he’s happy.
To no one’s surprise the rescue mission is successful and completely lacking in any kind of drama. Natasha Leggero, “Comedian,” is the final celebrity to join the hab.
Marshawn is instructed to divide the daily task list. He sends Porsha and Tallulah to sort the foods and rations (Lady Hab Voice pops up to note that there will be no resupply of the rations during their stay and I'm sure this will be a major issue later in the series).
After a few shots of people doing their assigned tasks we cut to Adam, finally, since he is the only part of the show I care about. He and Ariel are dusting “the patches” which are basically Mars-themed Scout badges. Adam Talking Heads that he assumes the patches are probably something they will earn on missions throughout the show. It is unclear if the show thinks this is some sort of amazingly smart deduction on Adam’s part or if it, like me, assumes that Adam has watched a reality competition show at least once in his life and simply took the very tiny step needed to reach this conclusion.
Adam tells Ariel that he actually loves cleaning and organizing, and she excitedly says she does too. Adam asks, with true joy in his eyes, if she likes folding things. She says laundry is her favorite. I do not understand these people.
We cut between some other small talk and talking heads. Marshawn and Lance argue about who is more of an athlete, and how Marshawn did not throw Lance’s doping in his face during this conversation I will truly never know.
Adam has clearly been tasked by production to explain the basics of this game in his talking heads, because he again tells us that they are “trying to figure each other out and learning to work together” since “that will be important the longer they stay in the game.”
A bunch of snippets of general “get to know you” convos: the group chats about how famous Tallulah’s parents are; Porsha and Natasha chat about their kids; Lance and Marshawn and Ronda chat about sports again; Lance feels weird about sharing a bathroom; Ariel admits to Porsha and Tinashe that she has confused Lance with Neil Armstrong. Then everyone goes to bed. Natasha says, “Goodnight honey,” to Adam and it makes sense those two would be fast friends.
An alarm goes off in the middle of the night and Shatner appears to tell them that “Martian Dust” is headed their way and has already knocked their comms satellite over. They need to go repair it, and if they do it they will earn a patch. Everyone seems totally wowed by this patch information so maybe we were supposed to think that Adam was a genius earlier.
Tallulah is chosen to be a mission specialist and is staying behind with Marshawn while everyone heads to the surface. “Let’s save this satellite!” Adam says. He looks great in this space suit.
Adam’s talking head is back with more general reality show basics, namely that even though they are stressed about this mission they have to focus and do a good job, because ultimately “the name of the game is that someone has to go home.”
The celebs walk out into a windstorm and Tallulah and Marshawn direct the crew in repairing the satellite. Adam says that “this is not what (he) signed up for” but Adam, I’m pretty sure it is. 
Once again this mission is successful and not all that dramatic, even as all the celebs tell us how stressed they all are and how hard this was. (Assembling an Ikea dresser looks far more difficult than this satellite repair job.) Natasha does say at one point that she was trying to stay out of the way in the “loser area” along with McLovin and Adam. 
McLovin says he thinks they all would have died if it was really Mars, and I suppose this statement is technically true but also it’s kind of like when I cut through an empty parking lot after my driver’s test and the examiner said, “if there were cars here you’d be running them over right now.” I would not have done that if there were cars there?? And these people would not be asked to repair a satellite on actual Mars. Anyway.
Marshawn and Tallulah are told to identify the three astronauts least critical to mission success. This is revealed by Marshawn calling the “Mission Critical” celebrities one-by-one back into the hab and handing them - hold onto your hats because none of us saw this prize coming - a patch.
The three least mission critical celebrities: Adam, McLovin, and Schwartz. McLovin says, “aw man, the three fragile white boys!” as they give each other a group hug. They are then each asked to explain to the Mission Critical celebs why they should stick around. 
McLovin says he didn’t participate in the mission because he was removing himself from the situation since there were too many people trying to do the job.
Adam says he’s mission critical because he’s one of the hottest people there and “I think that’s important for any kind of challenge that we do. I’m just being honest.” This earns a big laugh and applause from the already-safe crew, and someone says, “He’s right!” LOL.
Schwartz reminds them all that he was the one that actually made a major repair on the satellite and the group immediately says, “oh yeah” and lets him into the hab. He gives Adam a big hug and assures him, “You are very hot.”
So that leaves Adam and McLovin as our bottom two. The group decides that Adam is more mission critical than McLovin, which means our favorite Olympic-figure-skater-turned-astronaut gets let back into the hab, and that I have to watch this show for another week.
McLovin wanders to the extraction point and gives an exit interview from the suddenly calm Mars surface without his space helmet on, and it’s hilarious how soon after elimination the faux-Mars premise is dropped.
Tune in next week (or don’t) for some arguing and more “space” adventures that appear to include a fire in the hab and something to do with a bunch of water on the Mars surface that I have many questions about! The previews indicate that Adam will eventually get a headset to lead a mission at some point, so we'll how that goes. See you next time.
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offsidenewsco · 11 months
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Celebrating tonights Habs win? Don't worry, the horrors may still be in store.
Read our Canadiens recap here.
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litcityblues · 7 months
For All Mankind Seasons 3 & 4: Some Men Would Rather Steal An Asteroid Than Go To Therapy
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It's been a minute since I saw this show, but to recap: at the end of Season 2, Cold War tensions between the Soviets and Americans boil over. There's a firefight on the moon. Tracy and Gordo manage to keep Jamestown's reactor from melting down but die in the process. Danielle docks with Soyuz and astronauts and cosmonauts finally greeting each other does a lot to defuse tensions. In the final shot of the season, we see a human walking on Mars.
When Season 3 starts, it's 1992. Ed (Joel Kinnaman) and Karen (Shantel VanSanten) are divorced and Karen is in the Space Hotel business after a disaster at Danny Stevens' (Casey W. Johnson) wedding nearly takes out the hotel and takes out her new husband Sam (Jeff Hephner), Karen decides to sell to Dev Ayesa (Edi Gathegi), found of Helios Aerospace who wants to use it for his own commercial mission to Mars.
Ed and Danielle (Krys Marshall) are in the running to be commander of NASA's Mars Mission with Molly Cobb (Sonya Wagner) (now blind, because of her solar storm adventure in Season 2) clashing with Margo (Wrenn Schmidt) over who to choose. Molly picks Ed, but Margo fires her and picks Danielle instead. Ed switches teams, leaving NASA to join Helios as the commander for their Mars mission, which sets up a three-way race to Mars.
(Margo is under increasing pressure-- as her 'gentle back channel' to the Soviets in the form of her friend Sergei is rapidly becoming the KGB insisting that she sell secrets to them.)
With everyone on the way to Mars, Danny's new wife and baby are hanging out with his brother Jimmy (David Chandler) who- like Danny- is struggling with the legacy of his parents, Tracy and Gordo. Unlike Danny, who seems to have doubled down to follow in their footsteps, Jimmy wants nothing to do with NASA and is increasingly friendly with anti-NASA radicals.
On the way to Mars, NASA deploys solar sails to race ahead of the Helios crew, but an accident on the Soviet ship, which sees Ed attempt to go to their rescue, as Helios is closer, gets overruled by Dev and ultimately, it's NASA who has to go rescue the cosmonauts. They do so and while Helios arrives at Mars first, Ed's landing attempt is aborted due to bad weather and ultimately, it's NASA and Russia who land first, with Danielle and the Soviet commander wrestling their way onto Mars... together.
The Soviets and Americans are sharing Happy Valley, while Helios has its own base. Danny is spiralling hard and after he gets injured, develops a Vicodin addiction. Kelly (Cynthy Wu) has a romantic liaison with one of the cosmonauts. One of the astronauts, Will Tyler (Robert Bailey Jr), reveals that he's gay- which gives former Astronaut and Current President Ellen Wilson (Jodi Balfour) an opening to take down 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell.'
(Ellen's plotline is probably the more underrated of Season 3: still married to Larry (Nate Corddry), they're both still gay, they have one kid and she runs for President as a Republican, defeating Bill Clinton in 1992 to win election. The twist is that it's Larry who gets caught in a lie about an extramarital affair to Congress, which you think is going to be the start of Ellen's 'Lewinsky Scandal' that takes her down but instead, after going to see Pam, Ellen makes the one move that I think no one expects her to make: she comes out of the closet.
IRL, I honestly think that scenario would play out exactly the way Ellen intended. It would have changed the story in a massive, massive way- especially in the mid-90s media landscape, IMO)
Danny's spiral leads to a drilling accident that results in an accident that leads to more deaths and Ed and Danny being trapped in Hab 1, buried and running out of air.
The noose is tightening around Margo, as the Soviets continue to pressure her and Aleida realizes that it was she who gave NASA's engine design to the Soviets and Jimmy's radical friends help him steal the statue of his parents. Things in Season 3 come to a head with Kelly- who is pregnant and suffering from pre-eclampsia, having to be evacuated back to Earth. The North Korean rocket that damaged the space hotel way at the start of the season? Turns out it was a Mars mission and the Americans/Russians find the sole survivor and the *actual* first man on Mars: a North Korean. Back on Earth, Jimmy's friends blow up the Johnson Space Center killing Karen and Molly Cobb in the process and Margo is presumed to be amongst the dead, but is in fact, alive, well, and living in the Soviet Union.
Season 4 opens with the Mars base having grown considerably. Ed is commanding a mission to bring an asteroid into Mars orbit so they can mine it and unemployed oil rig worker Miles (Toby Kebbell) (because they've discovered something called helium-3 that's become the main fuel source, devastating the oil and gas industries) was headed to the moon, but chooses instead to go to Mars for more pay and a long stint. After the accident with Ed's mission, NASA sends out Danielle to replace him for the remainder of America's term commanding the base while Ed, as it turns out is experiencing hand tremors.
Margo is finding that the Soviet Union isn't all it cracked up to be. She's out of the space game, but after a coup removes Gorbachev and brings in new management she finds herself working for the Soviet space program again (after a fairly brutal interrogation.)
On Mars, Miles finds that Helios doesn't pay that well but gets into the black market game to supplement his income and does so quite successfully.
Aleida is suffering from panic attacks after the bombing, Kelly is getting screwed by NASA so they take her robotic explorer program (whose goal is to search for life) on the road, looking for private funding and eventually, they get some from Dev.
Political tensions are rising on Mars with the Soviet crew forming factions over their power struggle, the North Koreans are keeping to themselves, and the Americans are kind of caught in the middle if we just fast forward through to the end of this, eventually, Ed, Dev, and company hijack a shiny new asteroid and park it in Mars orbit where it will be mined. (Margo is also revealed to be alive, comes back to America for awkward moments at NASA, and has the brief, tiniest possibility of running away to Brazil with Sergei dangled in front of her before someone- presumably the KGB shoots him dead.)
All right, so let's unpack this a bit.
From what I'm reading on the interwebs, this show is still waiting for an official renewal for Season 5. I don't know what kind of metrics Apple uses to make those decisions for its streaming platform, but at this point, if the creators/writers, etc, want 7 seasons, I think Apple should just do it at this point- but, that being said, having gotten through all of Season 4, I could also see why they wouldn't do that as well. I think Season 4 feels like the show was either laying the groundwork for a heavy 'reboot' season in Season 5 (because how old can Ed get, really?) or was designed in such a way that it could serve as a series finale without too much trouble either.
And I go back and forth about that. I think the show is at a weird transition point in its story because we're moving out of the alternate history aspect of all of this and more into the science fiction aspect of all of this and I think that might be a trickier balancing act to pull off than we realize. There were aspects of Season 4 that I liked. The introduction of Miles was a brilliant choice because it created kind of this Upstairs/Downstairs aspect to the show where you get to see the people who are doing the grunt work to keep Happy Valley going as a pose to our HEROES who are upstairs doing astronaut things. The black market/secret bar aspect all worked for me- you'd expect to find that in a situation like that as well as the labor tension that eventually leads to a strike amongst the workers. No problem with any of that.
The problem I did have was Ed and Danielle. I think the show should have just gone there. They kind of do, but it's more implicit than explicit and they've danced around this before in prior seasons-- but I think Ed could have seen some interesting character growth had Danielle explicitly called him on his sexist/racist bullshit-- especially given Kelly is a woman of color. There was an opportunity here for self-analysis and reflection for a character who badly needs it and you could have more of an arc between Danielle and Ed trying to repair their relationship throughout the season. They kind of do that, but I think had they doubled down on it a bit, it would have given both characters a better arc throughout the 4th season.
(Also, Ed, man... go home and deal with your fucking feelings, already! "Men would rather stay on Mars and figure out how to hijack an asteroid than go to therapy." Though, to be fair to Ed, when Kelly finally pins him down on why he is the way he is, his explanation seems genuine enough. I just don't understand why it didn't come earlier in the season and why a guy who has had two children of his own is so gosh darned awkward around his Grandson- though admittedly, that too gets better by the end of Season 4.)
We also have to go to talk about Danny Stevens: why the fuck didn't they just send his ass home? I can understand exiling him at the end of Season 3 when they were still trying to get fuel made to get everyone back home, I get that. But now workers are being shipped into the base, surely there's a shuttle he can go home on? Instead, he just sort of sits in the North Korean capsule until he cracks and is found dead and that's just sort of the end of it. (Personally, I think a better ending for Danny would have been them finding the capsule straight up empty. With no tracks or nothing.)
Margo not getting a happy ending seems inevitable, though I would have liked it far better had she gone to Brazil, even without Sergei-- but I do appreciate the fact that she takes accountability for her plan, if not her actions by season's end which I think is a good first step for her character who has been avoiding accountability for her choices for quite some time.
Eli Hobson as the new NASA administrator had me checking IMDB constantly because I was so convinced it was Bruce Boxleitner I got very excited at first, but it was Daniel Stern who was equally as awesome.
Overall: I do love this show. Season 3 was top notch and Season 4 felt like it lost a step or two but was still good. (I'm hoping Season 4 is setting up stuff for Season 5 we have yet to discover!) For All Mankind is a great show that everyone should be watching. Apple is really impressing me with the quality of the shows they've got on there and this one is a 'must watch' that should be getting way more hype than it seems to be out in the world. My Grade: Season 3 **** out of ****, Season 4 *** out of ****
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st-louis · 2 years
How do you learn to observe and understand a teams playing style? How do you learn to observe and understand the players’ strengths and weaknesses? Basically, how can I get better at understanding the hockey I watch ?
you just have to watch a lot of games basically and you will start picking things up and noticing stuff (like if a player is really shit at backchecking, or always makes dumb passes to no one, i'm looking at you mike hoffman)
but it also helps to do a little reading! the athletic has good articles post-games for most teams. most teams also have an sb nation page which provide varying quality of analysis and info in their recaps. you can listen to podcasts about your team where they break down the games and compare to what you just watched (if you ever want habs podcast recs i have them). general podcasts that do deep dives like dmitri filipovic's hockey PDOcast are also really good for this.
you can watch highlight comps or channels like the hockey guy--he does a lot of explanations as well.
if you want to do some more reading, jack han has a great newsletter that delves into various coaching and tactical issues, and he also has a bunch of hockey tactics books for pretty reasonable prices (like $10?) his most recent one explains the systems of every team in the league in an easy to understand way.
but basically, just keep watching. it's helpful when you're starting out to try to focus on following just one or two players a game closely so you get a sense of what they particularly are doing.
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sungtaro · 1 year
🎵 aaand 🎊 aaaaaand 🥅!!! also did u hab fun w miwwie be honest . ps i kithie u
hiii miwwie who i had so much fun with ofc !!! i rly did thank u for letting me drag u around even though it was hot and humid and a LOT of walking 🥲💝 next time u can show me paris !!!!
🎵 - what's a song that made your summer playlist? since it's u asking, firework by &team !
🎊 - what was a comeback that surprised you? i answered before but move by our beloved T5 i still can't believe that song came out of JUNKYU
🥅 - what's a new goal you’re setting? currently as u know i am trying to get outside and walk every day !!
summer recap asks
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mlleshopping · 7 months
Primeau Shines as Montreal Canadiens Goalie in Spectacular Win
The performance of goaltender Primeau in the game was outstanding, as he effectively guarded the net and made crucial saves to secure the win for the Montreal Canadiens. This strong display from Primeau was pivotal in the team’s victory, showcasing his skill and composure under pressure. Canadiens Goaltender Primeau Steals Show Versus Blue Jackets The Montreal Canadiens’ victory showcased…
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chameleon-on-lsd · 3 months
Tatort Saarbrücken (Das fleissige Liesschen) liveblogging
when I tell you that this show has me fucking screaming (starting this liveblogging after 30 mins of watching, so some recap following) his little 'adam' at the first meeting the fact that they hug IN the car, after getting to the scene. like did you drive all that way in silence? protective bby! dog trauma is real the medical examiner is insane and I don't know if I hate her or love her ADAM SITTING ONTO THE TABLE LIKE *THAT* after being told 'setz dich doch erstmal'. very normal. as if you *needed* to show off your long legs any more. also love his turtleneck look. makes his angular face stand out even more (lovingly) also I like his wavy hair and I forgot how much fun German shows are. the slang gets to me. (like "matschepampe" xD) I don't watch things in German because usually it's dubs and those are an abomination to the original language. but after watching allll electric callboy vlogs I remembered how much fun German can be they had a treehouse??? aaaaaah (well it could be a Jägerstand but come on. chilling in a tree, 2 feet apart cause we're not gay) lmao a TRUCKLOAD of files. cause that's what the police needs, more files is that his GF?? "der traurige" lmao, get roasted 'was soll losgewesen sein' sir young!leo has the biggest sadded eyes my god adam, you have eyebags for daaayss. sleep my poor baby (idk how I feel about the canonical gay character being the accused murderer. I like them though) sorry but leo's goofy little smile at adam turning up late night AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH and the glances at eachother working "dein kollege, der hat schiss in der buchse" "willste auch n tipp? halt einfach mal deine fresse' do NOT come for his fucking boy! loyal dog behaviour from the dog phobist I like that he spelled out 'usw' in his speech as U S W what kind of fucking squishy cake are you eating adam?? what is the old lady serving you oh is it apfelstrudel? I wanna cup adam's stupid head. what is your jaw line sir challenge for adam: stop leaving your food uneaten!!! level: imposssible something something 'aufm weg zu dir' + 'bin gleich bei dir' sakldaldkölaskdölaskd leo fully pulling a gun on the employee standing inHIS WAY AND PARKOURING!!!!! I LOVE HIM HOLY FUCKKKKK adam: DISREPECT MY SURROUNDINGS (car version) leo fully shaking at handling the gun. baby boy <3 YOU SHOT HIS DAD? babies :( :( :( lol adam. that was the LAMEST takedown with the most urgent yelling after something something *slouching on a car to make up for height difference.* *rubbing shoulders and looking at the hand* lmaoooo. the skull middle finger head tattoo. love it 'das ist n echtes schnatterentchen' and the "ihre *holding middle finger up and doing chefs kiss noise* ausstrahlung" the fucking bad cop, good cop 'ich hatte keinen beef mehr mit dem' xD i love the random english fucking hell leo taking the jacket off "ich bin eher... so ein weicher" smug leo is freaking adorable "ich ruf meinen kumpel reiner an. den hab ich auf speed dial" YOU JUST TOSSED A DOG OF A BRIDGE???? INSANE laughs a little every time they say 'haftbefehl' (because of the german rapper) HE'S EATING A DRY CUP NOODLE. ADAM MY LOVE. WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS. THAT IS NOT AN ADEQUATE SNACK OR MEAL also how hot do you have to be leaning on the car like *that* aw poor Konrad 'rutsch ma rüber' xD god adam ily 'sie stinken ja wie n iltis' lmao I love how everyone is accusing adam of not having a home. first leo, now the grandpa dude god leo is pretty okay so leo visits adam's dad and pretends to be adam's brother to do it? adam. be normal and stop pinching your dad's cheek. aw the very heartfelt 'FUCK.YOU.' old woman chekov's gun, SHE SAVED THE DOG AND IT JUST DIED?????????? god they need to make out. leo stop looking at him like that fucking badass lida!!! you go girl 'ich hab ihn geheiratet weil er mutig war, wo ich feige war' something something, leo and adam whew this is actually making me tear up 'der hass war so stark er hat mich ausgefüllt' something something, leo's hate for adam's dad dundunduuuuun (adam's dad woke up)
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Hallo, long time reader, first time caller - ich gebe zu, ich hab diese ganze Schloss Einstein Sache immer nur von weitem beobachtet und mich gefragt, wann der Moment kommt, wo ich da aus Versehen reingezogen werde - und jetzt ist es passiert: ich hab heut Nacht von Schloss Einstein geträumt 😅🙈
Jetzt also meine Frage: als newbie, wo fange ich da am besten an? Was muss ich wissen? Kann ich irgendwo alte Staffeln gucken? Help! 😅
Schloss Einstein ist eigentlich zwei Serien in einer: Von Staffel 1 bis 10 spielte die Serie im fiktiven Seelitz und wurde von Askania Media produziert, seit Staffel 11 spielt sie in Erfurt und wird von Saxonia Media produziert. Bis auf drei übernommene Charaktere sind die beiden Teile aber komplett unabhängig voneinander.
Wenn man sich vor allem für die Nolin-Story interessiert, kann man bei Staffel 26 anfangen, die gibt es komplett auf Kika.de und der ARD Mediathek. Ansonsten kann man, bis auf Staffel 12 und der neuen Staffel 27, eigentlich bei jeder Staffel anfangen, da es meist keine größeren staffelübergreifenden Storys gibt (es werden allerdings ab und zu mal Ereignisse und Charaktere aus früheren Staffeln erwähnt). Von Staffel 1 bis 16 gibt es auch vor jeder Folge einen Recap, der noch mal das wichtige Vorwissen für die jeweilige Folge zusammenfasst, da Schloss Einstein damals nur ein Mal wöchentlich lief (später dann montags bis freitags, ab Staffel 27 dann wieder ein Mal wöchentlich aber mit zwei neuen Folgen).
Staffel 24, 25 und 26 gibt es komplett in der ARD Mediathek und auf Kika.de, ältere Staffeln findet man auf YouTube und Dailymotion.
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Week 6 Post FAI Surgery Recap
Hip Arthroscopy & Osteochondroplasty Surgery (FAI correction)
Week 6 has been great y’all! Full of progress!!
I feel like this week has definitely been a turning point. Mainly because I don’t feel as much discomfort in my operated hip. I haven’t been walking with my crutches at all. I have a cane I carry for safekeeping, but I haven’t had to use it much.
Toward the end of week 6, I was able to walk up and down the stairs with my full weight and minor discomfort in my hip. I don’t do this often because I don’t want to push it, but this is a good sign that I’ll be walking up and down the stairs without assistance soon.
Physical therapy has been great. I have not been cleared to do squats or bridges yet, but hopefully I will by next week because that will take my recovery to the next level.
My physical therapist says I’m doing better than she thought I would and stated that this is probably due to me exercising these muscles as pre-hab before surgery. The muscle memory stuff is real y’all!! Workout as best you can before surgery!!
My knee pain is still bad and it sucks. But there isn't much I can do about that except to keep up with my exercises, stretch, and give it time.
Let's see how week 7 goes 😊🤞🏽
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x75-productions · 2 years
NHL Daily - No News, Just Games
NHL Daily - No News, Just Games In a relatively quiet news day we would be treated to 10 games in the #NHL that would see the some amazing comebacks, and some blowouts too. #NHLStats
NHL News and Notes from Tuesday, March 7th, 2023 News None  Save 10% off orders of $20 or More On Your First Purchase with Promo Code DSCBRICC10! Game Recaps Carolina Hurricanes v. Montreal Canadiens – 7p ET In Montreal the Canadiens would play host to the red hot Carolina Hurricanes, and in the first period Alex Belzile and Mike Hoffman would score to give the Habs the 2-0 lead, but Jaccob…
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twistsandtwizzles · 1 year
Stars on Mars: The Finale
Holy shit, y’all. We made it.
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After twelve weeks of watching “celebrities” pretend that they are astronauts on Mars, we have come to the final episode. Tonight we will learn, at long last, which one of them is “The Brightest Star in the Galaxy.”
Shatner kicks us off with a series recap, and I had honestly forgotten that Richard Sherman was on this show. Then we get a brief moment with each of our final five crew members, starting with:
Adam: “In my sport, it was: become a National champion, go to the Olympics,” he tells us, over footage of him twerking with Porsha, running through a dark cave, and riding on a rover. “And these are the tools that I’m going to be counting on to go all the way.” Then a hero shot in slow motion of Adam in full space suit, walking down the hab hallway.
Cat: “When I am in a competition, there’s something that clicks in my brain,” she says as we see her driving the rover and high fiving Lance. “I always have in my mind that I am going to win.”
Porsha: She walks down the hallway in full glam. “I came here to do some things I’ve never done before,” says her voiceover. Clips of her celebrating with Tinashe after a mission, rappelling down a cliff, and pretending to wrestle with Ronda. “You don’t make it this far and not be a warrior.”
Paul: “I went from the poor house to the penthouse,” he says. “Bottom three to Base Commander.” Most of his clips are just him standing at the airlock door? Sorry Paul, but you really did just kind of stand around a lot. “The simple fact that I’m still here is saying a lot.”
Tinashe: “I’ve always kind of felt like an underdog in my life, maybe because I’m quiet sometimes. But I think I’m going to surprise everyone.” She smiles at the camera and I have to say that I have really become fond of Tinashe. She gives us our last slo-mo hero walk before we cut to the show logo.
“Sol 19 - Second to last day of experiment,” reads the text on the screen, as we find Shatner just . . . sitting on the edge of his bed, in his leather jacket, appearing to be waiting for instruction. Lady AI obliges, and tells him that it is time for him to go address the crew. Shatner has some trouble with the door latch on the Base Commander suite, but eventually makes it out and summons the crew to the kitchen.
On his way he passes a big red button on the wall that says “DO NOT PUSH” that I swear to God we have never seen before but apparently it’s been there the whole time?? We even get a bunch of flashbacks of crew members pushing the button as Lady AI tells Shatner that the button controls all the hab life support functions, and was placed there to test the crew’s self-control. “That did not go well, and I disabled it on Sol Day 1, but it has now been reactivated,” she says.
Shatner tells Cat that he really, really wants to press that button.
Adam and Porsha are hanging out in the living room and Adam tells Porsha that he has really loved getting to know her: “You’re such a good person.”
“Aw, thank you,” Porsha says, touched.
“It will be so sad when you leave the competition,” Adam continues, grinning. They both dissolve into giggles.
The group gathers and Shatner tells them they are at the “moment of truth.” This morning, they are going to reduce the five remaining contestants to three. And then tomorrow, those three will be reduced to one, who will receive the “Brightest Star in the Galaxy” patch. (We see a picture of the patch here, and I just have to note that it only says “Brightest Star” on top and then on the bottom it says “Stars on Mars.” I would demand to have one that specifically says “Brightest Star in Galaxy” as Shatner promised.)
Shatner goes on to say that the winner of that patch will then have the opportunity to “speak to the world.” You can tell that the group was sort of hoping that the additional prize might be like, cash. Or a vacation somewhere that is not the Australian desert. “A message coming from your heart,” Shatner continues. “It could be the biggest and best thing you’ve done with your life.”
Porsha and Cat play along and tell Shatner that it is an amazing prize. Adam meanwhile is trying really hard not to smirk.
Shatner says the process starts now - they are each going to get to ask the other players one question, and then they will vote for the three people who will continue on in the game. The group splits up to write their questions.
Adam tells us that he loves Porsha, but he’s still kind of stung that she chose to be in a group with Marshawn instead of him last week, and that he feels like the dynamic between the two of them has changed.
Cat says she wants to be strategic; Tinashe says that Cat has been playing the game and seems to be the only person who wants to win “by any means necessary, and I think that makes her a threat.” Tinashe also says that she’s noticed Porsha and Paul bonding and that they may be playing a bit of a game as well. Porsha tells Paul she thinks it’s shady they have to ask their questions in person and would prefer that they were anonymous.
Shatner has Tinashe ask the first question. Tinashe asks Cat if she made every decision here “for the right reasons” or if she was more focused on strategy. And honestly I am THRILLED that we did not let a full season of a reality competition go by without someone pulling the “right reasons” card. Cat says that she came in knowing that alliances had already formed, and she’s tried really hard to focus on what was fair in all of her decisions. Then we get flashback footage of Cat telling Paul that she’ll nominate him for Base Commander if he makes her Mission Specialist and her getting mad at Andy and kicking him off of Mars, and I LOVE when the editors get shady. Cat also adds that she cooked for the group, which wasn’t really part of the question but okay.
Adam asks Porsha who she thought would make it all the way to the end at the beginning of the experiment. Porsha says she thought Tinashe would.
Porsha asks Adam if he truly thinks that he is the “Brightest Star” over everyone else at the table, and why. Adam says that he thinks he’s proven that he shouldn’t be underestimated and that he can be a serious competitor. We see a flashback of Adam promising Tinashe and Porsha that there is no way they’ll be in the bottom three if he’s Base Commander, followed by footage of him talking Andy out of putting the two of them in the bottom. We also get a clip of Adam winning the challenge last week. “And I’m so proud of myself that I made it this far,” Adam continues. “And in my own eyes, I feel like, yes, I am a bright star.”
In his voiceover, Adam says, “I’m going to be honest. At this point, I don’t know if Porsha sees me as a serious contender or a serious crewmember.”
Paul asks Tinashe how she deals with failure. Tinashe says that she’s faced a lot of moments that she could have taken as a failure, but that in those moments she chose to be resilient. 
Tinashe asks Paul if he feels like he deserves to win over people who have been there longer. Paul responds by telling a story about getting stabbed and almost dying in his early twenties, and then William Shatner asks him if that experience helped him on Mars. (Yes, Captain Kirk. Surviving a murder attempt definitely carried over into pretending to be an astronaut for a week and a half.) Paul says his life has always been about starting at the bottom and rising above.
Question time over, Shatner tells them that they are all wonderful. He instructs them to go put on their spacesuits, because the time has come to cast their votes for the most mission critical crew members, and the two people with the fewest votes will immediately be extracted. 
Adam says in his confessional that when push comes to shove, he will fight for what he wants, and that he’s stronger than he looks. “People are going to have these subconscious biases about keeping their friends in the experiment,” he continues. “But here’s the thing: at this point, it’s just about who has played the game the best.”
When the crew gathers again they are all pretty nervous. (“I’ve peed 100 times today,” Adam tells the others.) Cat is feeling confident which seems silly because she’s clearly outnumbered by the Porsha/Tinashe/Adam faction. Lady AI tells them to rank the five remaining players, including themselves, from 1-5 (most critical to least).
Shatner collects their ballots and pretends to do the math in .5 seconds but you know we had a cut while the producers figured out the tallies. Anyway, he announces the first person who is safe: Tinashe. Not a surprise at all. Girlfriend made it through this entire experiment without ever being in the bottom three!
The second person who is safe is Porsha. She’s thrilled.
We’re dealt an excruciatingly long reality tv pause before the next name. (Adam: “I feel a little like I might have diarrhea, but I think that I’m going to hold it in, because I’m wearing white.”)
And the third and final person advancing to the final part of the experiment . . . is Adam!!!! Yay! 
“OG Three! OG Three!” chants Tinashe. Adam gives everyone hugs, as his voiceover says that it just feels right that the final three are all original crew members, and how happy he is that he gets to be there at the end with two of his closest friends from the entire experience.
Cat and Paul say their goodbyes. Cat says she really thought she was going to go all the way, but gives credit to Adam, Tinashe, and Porsha for a game well-played. Paul says it’s been a fun ride.
The final three embrace, grinning from ear to ear. 
“It’s so dumb, I’m so excited,” Adam says, pretty much summing up the entirety of the Stars on Mars experience.
Shatner tells them that what he didn’t tell them earlier is that all three of them got the exact same score when the votes were tallied.
“Look at that,” Tinashe says. “Teamwork.”
Later that evening, the remaining three are having drinks and celebrating together. Tinashe says she suspected it would be the three of them at the end. Porsha says she knew it too: “I wrote it down so fast I had to slow myself down.” 
Porsha does add that she put Cat above Paul, Adam says he did too. Tinashe says she had them reversed: “I saw what I needed to see earlier. I respected the fight, but . . . even picking Lance as her mission specialist. I was like, ‘this is a strategy, because this doesn’t make sense.’” Tinashe also says it rubbed her the wrong way that every time Cat cooked she made a big deal of letting them all know how lucky they were she was cooking for them.
The group says goodnight to Lady AI and Lady AI tells them that she is very happy to have the three of them there.
After commercials, the crew is waking up on Sol Day 20 and the very final day of this lunatic experiment. Tinashe and Adam are shown working on their message “to the world.” (LOL.) Adam asks Porsha if she’s done hers yet. She says no, it’s just thirty seconds, and Adam is APPALLED that she is apparently just going to wing it.
We get another montage of the final three walking in full glam and slow motion down the hallway in their spacesuits. Porsha has put her long wig back on. Shatner is making them wait, and they pace nervously in the command center until Shatner appears with three tablets under his arm.
“It’s a big day,” Shatner begins, running down all the things they’ve endured to get to this point. And then, the final mission assignment. Out there in the “Martian desert” there are two satellites, which will be used to broadcast their message to the world. The first person to assemble their satellite and transmit their message will be the Brightest Star in the Galaxy. But before they can get to the satellites, they have to take a quiz about Mars facts. The first two people to answer enough questions correctly will proceed out of the hab to the satellites, and the last person will be eliminated.
Adam says that he read the Mars manual “every chance he got” but that the facts might be a little muddy.
Shatner passes out the tablets, and then leaves - punching the “Do Not Push” button on his way out with a “WOO!” He really is charming and I cannot get over the fact that this man is in his nineties. He saunters out of the hab with a “good luck!” as the hab begins at countdown to the end of life support systems. The group has five minutes to complete the quiz.
“Damn,” Adam says. “That’s what that button did?”
“Yeah,” Porsha replies. “I pushed it the first day.”
Everyone laughs.
The quiz starts: “I feel like I’m taking a written test at the DMV,” Adam tells the others.
I’m not going to run down all of the questions that are on this quiz, because listen, you can just google Mars if you want to learn about it. But five questions in, everyone is tied with three correct answers. “I really thought I knew this stuff,” Porsha says.
“Me too,” Adam replies.
Adam takes the lead with the sixth question, and needs just one more question correct to advance. He gets the next question wrong and Porsha and Tinashe get it right, so now everyone is tied again. Everyone is VERY NERVOUS.
The next question is “Who was the first person to see Mars through a telescope?” with the choices Copernicus, Galileo, and Johannes Kepler. Galileo is correct. Tinashe curses.
“Mission complete!” Adam shouts, excitedly. The other two cheer for him as he sets his tablet down and hustles out of the hab. Adam leaps on his rover, saying, “Let’s go, baby!” and he looks like a little kid in his glee. It’s cute.
The next question is about the diameter of Mars. Tinashe gets it right. “I love you!” she yells to Porsha on her way out the door. “I’m on your ass, Adam!” she shouts as she gets on the rover.
Porsha heads out of the hab for her extraction, saying that she’s ready to go home and conquer some stuff. “For my daughter to see this, it would be such a positive and motivating thing for her.”
Adam is racing through the desert on his rover. “I want to win this experiment so badly,” he says. “Because I love patches.” LMAO.
He pulls up next to the satellite assembly station, where Shatner is waiting. Shatner tells him that there’s a brief with instructions in the back of his rover. Lady AI informs us that each contestant needs to hook up a series of cords and wires to the satellite, but each cord goes in a specific spot. The instructions illustrate what goes where. After the satellite is assembled, they will insert the disc with their message to Earth. The first satellite to begin broadcasting will be the winner.
“In my entire life I have avoided all instructions,” Adam tells us, as we see him start to unload cables and plug them in. “And I thought, ‘why would I start today?’” 
As someone who has watched literally every season of The Amazing Race, I know that not reading the instructions ALWAYS comes back to bite you on the ass. So this is not a great start for Adam here.
Tinashe is still driving. She says she’s feeling very zen as she pulls up to Shatner, who congratulates her on her driving and cool skidding stop.
We watch them put together their satellites for a while. Adam pulls out to an early lead, but we do see Tinashe actually reading her instructions which she says was “very helpful.”
This is when Adam realizes that the cables have to go in specific places. “Oh, Adam,” Shatner says as one of the satellite pieces falls over. “You have to have the right length cable!”
“Got it, mister,” Adam says, sounding annoyed, and I wonder if this is also how he responded when Raf gave him a correction that he had already identified himself. 
“Am I having a lot of trouble?” Adam asks us. “Uh, yeah. The issue is that I didn’t read the directions and I really should have.” 
So Adam starts redoing his cables, and Tinashe begins to catch up. Shatner alternates between heckling and encouraging them both and I desperately wish he would have said “Come on, buddy!” just to make the world’s most niche joke for fans of The Runthrough. Adam is spinning in circles looking for one of his cables. “Where is this bitch?” he mumbles to himself.
“Oh Adam, for God’s sake,” Shatner says, his head in his hands, as we go to commercials.
When we return, Adam is explaining that he was feeling frazzled. “Some of my cables were in the wrong place. William Shatner was yelling at me. And now Tinashe is going to win!”
Tinashe says she knew right away that the cables went in specific places, and that she could tell she was catching up. Tinashe connects her final cable and officially pulls ahead of Adam, and moves on to connecting her wires.
Shortly after, Adam gets his last cable connected. Tinashe is struggling figuring out the wires, and so is Adam: “Are we still using wires?! It’s 2023!” (“Go the *bleep* in!” he tells the wire he’s working with, trying to get it to connect.)
Adam takes the lead again and Tinashe says she was disappointed she couldn’t hold her advantage. She’s frustrated and finally asks Adam for a hint. “Just flip them around, you’ve got it!” he tells her. She gets her first wire connected.
All three of them - Tinashe, Adam, and Shatner - are sweating. Shatner has more flies landing on his face. “Oh my god, I’m doing all this for a *bleeping* CD-ROM!” Adam exclaims, as Tinashe laughs.
They are neck and neck until: Adam gets his final wire connected. Triumphant music swells and at this moment my friend messaged me, “Oh my god is Adam going to win Stars on Mars?!”
The answer is yes, yes he is. And Adam is as incredulous as we are: “I can’t believe it.”
Adam inserts the DVD with his message on it into his satellite. He pumps his fist as Tinashe and William Shatner cheer. Then - and this is so freaking funny - we see the message he has recorded, but the producers have CGIed it so that it appears like the message is playing to packed crowds in Times Square, Red Square in Moscow, Vatican City, and Sydney Harbor.
Here is his message in full: “From Mars, this is Adam Rippon. When I began my journey here on the Red Planet, I had no idea what to expect. I quickly learned that being hot doesn't make you a great astronaut, which feels like it should a little bit. More importantly, I learned that life is all about the journey and the connections you make. So let the ones you're close to know how much they mean to you as often as possible. I'm sending you so much love and I can't wait to see you back on Earth.”
I appreciate that Adam opened and closed this series talking about his hotness. Never change, Adam.
“You have won,” Shatner says, as Adam and Tinashe high five and celebrate. “Adam, my darling. You are wonderful.” He hands Adam his grand prize, which is literally just . . . a patch in a little plaque. I need you to understand that on first viewing I did not stop laughing for basically the last ten minutes of this episode because it is, forever and always, just. So. Dumb.
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Tinashe says, “Honestly, I’m so happy that Adam won. He’s had so much growth over this competition - I’m really happy for him.”
Adam spins in a celebratory circle, and gets the final word of the series: “I’m Adam Rippon, and I’m the brightest star in the galaxy.”
But the final shot belongs to one of the robot dogs, who has wandered to a billboard welcoming us to Coober Pedy, Australia. Banjo music swells as we pan back to see a highway. GASP. You’re telling me we’ve been on Earth this entire time?!
And so that’s it. We have reached the end of our Mars adventure! Adam shared some behind the scenes pictures on his instagram that made me laugh, below, and he also gave this great interview to Entertainment Weekly that I’d encourage you to read if you haven’t.
The funniest thing about this entire stupid show? I’m actually going to miss it. Who saw THAT coming??
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Thanks for coming along with me on this dumb ride, all two of you who read these. 😂 I can promise that if there is a season two of this show, you will not find any recaps here.
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