tyrian-sexual · 1 year
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me: i should finish up erins obey me reference since she's my main character-
whoops hagenti got his first
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Jeretik and Hagenti, how have you two been since you joined the team? Was there any mistrust amongst the demons since you used to work for Luzbel? Also, how's Aku? (I can only imagine how overjoyed he is with you two since you're his dads)
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It's time to introduce some new characters and au lore!
Jeretik (the green one) and Hagenti (the blue one) were the ones who practically raised Black Hat and his siblings as a kid. Hagenti is a scientist & Jeretik is a scroll keeper who (used to) work for Black Hat's actual creator, Luzbel, the most evil demon in the underworld and the original devil before Lucifer who rules Tartaurus, the place evil demons go when they die. Luzbel was a terrible father to black hat and is the reason why he's so messed up and has to wear a monocle. Jeretik and Hagenti were the closest thing Black Hat had to an actual family from all the torture Luzbel put him through.
Just recently, Jeretik and Hagenti quit their jobs of working for Luzbel, and let's just say that Luzbel didn't take it well, but now, they live at Black Hat Organizations with their son and are now happily married
(Another thing about this au: I have a headcanon that Black Hat and Aku are half brothers. Aku is also a creation of Luzbel)
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ivorys-back · 7 months
The Birth of Aku
Quick disclaimer, this is based off of a mini-comic by @demonangelgirl134 who came up with the story, I just decided to write it out. Luzbel belongs to me, Jeretik and Hagenti belong to her (although I did helped out with the names).
Timeline-wise, this takes place before Lucifer's fall in Roxy's AU. Luzbel tried to make a mindless demon to wreak havoc upon Heaven and the mortal realm, but miscommunicated the conjuring spell and thus came out Aku...as a baby. So then he goes to Jeretik, the Scroll-Keeper, and demands that he gets rid of it somehow. But even though Jeretik works for Luzbel, he still has a heart and refused to kill an helpless baby who was less than a day old, and by some miracle he managed to convince Luzbel that the baby wasn't a complete failure and that they could still teach him their ways, and that's how Jeretik and Hagenti became dads.
Hope you all like it!
It was a typical day in Hell. Demons moved about their tasks; hunting and gathering, torturing sinners, the usual. And in the center of it all was Kokytos, the darkest and deepest part of Hell. Built skillfully into the giant frozen lake was a tall, dark, menacing castle. A deep moat of lava circled it, with hellhounds and guards positioned at every gate to keep people out, and its residents in.
But every day was never the same in this realm of chaos and fire.
Deep within the bowels of the Devil's palace, all was quiet in the Great Library. Through winding stretches of shelves littered with tomes, some dating back millions of years, a serene silence; a sense of calm flowed like a lazy river. The labyrinthian maze twisted and turned and looped; it was easy to get lost in if you didn't remember your steps.
Despite it’s design, the library was by far the only welcoming part of the castle: well-lit for easy reading with large plush chairs tucked into nearly every available corner. The shelves had long ago grown overcrowded with a nearly uncountable number of books, scrolls, and journals leading the newer additions to be stacked on the ground in haphazard patterns—leaning towers, piles, and even pyramids. The air was dusty, but warm.
Jeretik, the Scroll-Keeper, had already caught himself dozing off a few times before a set of hurried footsteps snatched his attention.
He jumped in his seat and swiftly turned around to see his master, Luzbel, looming in front of him, his hands behind his back and his sulfurous breath coming out in what seemed like heavy pants. Had he ran all the way through the library to find him? And for what reason?
"Y-yes, my Lord?" Jeretik asked, standing up as straight as he could.
"I have a task for you. Do you have a minute?" Luzbel asked.
Jeretik cast a glance at his littered desk. "Y-yes, sire. How may I be of help?"
"Good." Suddenly, Luzbel pulled out a wriggling black bundle and shoved it into Jeretik's arms. The Scroll-Keeper was so surprised that he stumbled back and nearly fell on top of his desk.
Once he got his bearings, Jeretik looked down to see that peeking out of the bundle was a little green face with a white nose. Getting a better look at it, he saw that it was a baby, less than a month old, from the looks of it. It had black skin, tiny spikes all over its arms, and flames that flickered from its eyelids.
Jeretik was so stunned that for a minute, he couldn't move. "…Wha—?" He looked at Luzbel, who was standing with his arms folded, waiting patiently for a response. "Where did this little thing come from?"
"I made it," Luzbel said matter-of-factly, though not without a hint of resentment in his tone. "By accident."
(Earlier that day…)
"Arise, my new minion! Bring darkness and despair across the land and Heavens!" Luzbel roared, the room around him alight with flames as he slammed his trident down into the center of the pentagram, and suddenly a wave of black inky matter spashed up and out from it, slowly forming as the flames died down.
Luzbel watched and waited in anticipation. He had done the ritual perfectly; soon, he would have a brand-new servant to do his dirty work and destroy the Heavens once and for all—
A childish giggle caught him off-guard. Looking down, his eyes widened and his wing-ears drooped in disappointment as a little black demon sitting on its bottom looked up at him, reaching for him with its tiny claws.
"What the—?! This is impossible! I recited the chant perfectly! Why is it a baby?!" he growled, stomping around while the little thing babbled to himself and patted the ground.
Luzbel looked over his shoulder at the baby. It just laughed at him and got on its hands and knees, crawling steadily towards him. He hissed under his breath; now he'd have to erase this whining inconvenience and start all over again. He turned around just as the baby was less than three feet in front of him and raised his trident high above him, ready to strike a fatal blow.
The baby stopped crawling and its green face fell, sitting down as it looked up at the weapon and the one who held it—the one who made him. It looked at his face, the fury and resentment in his eyes, and its lip started to tremble. Its eyes became misty and a whine started to build up in its throat.
Luzbel heard the start of its cries, and his angry expression faltered. There was no way he could kill a baby that he made and get away with it—not without Jehova finding out. He'd have to find someone who could get rid of it. Someone who hadn't killed before and could use a few body counts.
'Make Jeretik do it,' a voice in his head prompted. 'That weakling couldn't even kill a fly. Tell him to make it suffer for its miserable existence.'
'Tell him to get rid of your mistake.'
(Present time)
Jeretik stood in stunned silence after he processed everything he'd been told.
"So…what do you want me to do with it now?" he asked.
Luzbel looked at him over his shoulder. "Get rid of it," he instructed, pulling out a dagger from his cloak and tossing it to Jeretik.
The Scroll-Keeper looked down at the blade in his hand, which had started to tremble. He swallowed hard, then put on a polite smile.
"I…s-sire, forgive me for voicing my opinion…but…I cannot possibly do this! After all, it's just a baby! The poor thing's less than a day old—"
"JUST DO IT!" Luzbel yelled, his back alight with flames. His sharp tone and loud voice made the baby in Jeretik's arms start to cry. It gripped the Scroll-Keeper's shirt tightly and tucked its face into his chest in an attempt to hide from Luzbel.
Luzbel looked at the baby, then grabbed Jeretik by the collar and tugged him close. "I don't care how you do it. Just. Get it. Done." Then he disappeared in a puff of smoke without another word, causing Jeretik to be dropped, the child still clinging to him.
Jeretik was frozen as the child squirmed in his arms. He could hardly believe what his master was telling him to do. He knew he didn't have the guts to kill anyone. But he also knew that Luzbel wasn't a very understanding being, that was for sure, so they all had to do whatever it took to please him.
Even if it meant killing an innocent baby.
Steeling his nerves, Jeretik let the baby sit on the ground in front of him while he was on his knees and held the dagger above his head, closing his eyes tight. He'd make it quick; it wouldn't even be painful.
So why couldn't he stop his hands from shaking?
A whine made him open one to see the poor thing sniffling in fear, on the brink of tears. It made his heart melt.
He couldn't do it.
The Scroll-Keeper lowered his hand and tossed the dagger away, a clattering sound echoing throughout the library. His eyes became teary with shame and guilt as he buried his face into his hands, his wings curled around him and his tail limp.
"I can't," he sobbed quietly. "I can't do it."
A tiny tug at his sleeve made him look up with damp cheeks to see that the baby had crawled next to him and was pawing at him. It made little cooing sounds that made him feel a bit better.
Smiling gently, Jeretik wiped away his tears and picked up the baby. It weighed no more than a stone, staring up at him with those big, adorable eyes. Innocent and unburdened by any knowledge beyond that of its soft blankets and the arms that cradled it. He had never held such a young creature in all his years, and in that moment, he believed this child was the only being in all of Hell who did not fear him.
The little thing was not dissuaded by Jeretik's claws and horns as it reached a tiny hand up to pull his spectacles off of his face. This child was indeed a bold one. Jeretik experimentally poked it with a claw; the baby shrieked and giggled.
"Now then…" Jeretik mused as he stood back up, taking a seat in his chair once again. "What shall I name you, little one?"
"Aba wa!" the baby cooed, pawing at his ears.
Jeretik chuckled, smiling warmly. He figured he should at least know the child's gender before deciding on a name. So just to be safe, he pulled the waistband of its diaper away to peek down at the fork of its legs. It was a boy.
'You don't know the first thing about taking care of a child,' a voice in Jeretik's head whispered. 'You need help. Big help.'
He'd be lying if he said the voice was wrong. While he was good with youngsters, he didn't know how to raise a child, especially if he had to do it alone. He needed someone to assist him, to help him take care of this little creature.
Thankfully, Jeretik knew just the one.
"Hey, Jere," Hagenti greeted as he entered his and his mate's private chambers. "Sorry I took so long, I came as soon as I cou—" He stopped dead in his tracks once he laid eyes on Jeretik sitting next to a basket, and something sleeping in the blankets lining it.
"Jeretik…" he said, his tail flicking gently. "What is that…?"
Jeretik looked up at him, then at the bundle in the basket. "Luzbel…gave me a child that he made by accident…and he wanted me to get rid of him," he explained.
The Scientist's mechanical eye clicked and whirred as he walked up next to his mate to peer into the basket and saw the baby; he was curled up snugly into the blankets, sleeping soundly.
Hagenti was so surprised, he didn't move for a long moment. "Why… why did Luzbel want you to get rid of a baby?" he asked, sitting beside his mate.
Jeretik's hands clenched, and he looked at Hagenti . "I-I don't know…but when I tried to convince him that he wasn't a complete failure and that we could still teach him our ways, he…" He took in a shaky breath before continuing. "To say the least, he…wasn't too happy. He demanded that somehow I kill him." His voice trembled. "But I couldn't. It didn't feel right to me. So I decided to raise him…as my own."
Hagenti's face softened and he reached out to hold his hand. His expression was enough to tell Jeretik that he understood. He shifted himself closer so that they looked like they were joined at the hip. "Well…you have always said you'd like one," he mused.
"Yes…I have," Jeretik said, leaning his head on his mate's shoulder. "I just wish it was under better circumstances."
The Scientist smiled at him and wrapped an arm around his waist, holding him close. "Me too. But I promise that no matter what, we'll take care of him." He tilted Jeretik's head up so that he could look at him. "And I'll be right there with you."
Hagenti leaned in and kissed him tenderly. Jeretik melted into it, and a few moments later they broke away, pressing their foreheads together affectionately as the Scroll-Keeper purred.
The sound of cloth rustling and little cooing sounds made the two look down at the baby, who had woken up from his nap. He squealed and reached for Jeretik, who picked him up and set him on his knee. The infant looked at Hagenti, babbling at him and pawing his coat. The Scientist gently took him from his mate and held him, sticking his tongue out at the little demon. The baby cooed at his mechanical eye and tried to grab it.
"N-no, no! That's not for playing with!" Hagenti said, leaning away from the baby's hands. He just giggled and leaned his head on his chest. Hagenti smiled and held the tiny creature. "So…have you decided on a name for him yet?" he asked.
Jeretik thought about it for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, I have."
"Well, let's hear it then."
Jeretik looked down at the baby in his and his mate's arms with a tender smile. "His name is Aku."
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sacrifesse · 7 months
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╰┈┈➤ REQUESTED BY @l1ttles3am0th 。
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— NAMES : abaddon , allocen , amducias , amon , amy , andras , apollyon , armaros , asmoday , asmodeus , astaroth , azael , azazel , azza , baal , balam , balberith , barbatos , bathin , beelzebub , behemoth , beleth , belial , berith , bernael , bifrons , botis , buer , caim , dantanian , eligor , enepsigos , flauros , focalor , forcas , forneus , furcas , gadreel , gomory , hagenti , halpas , kimaris , kokabiel , kunopegos , leviathan , lucifer , malpas , marbas , mastema , morax , ornias , orobas , paimon , phoenix , procel , purah , purson , rahab , raum , remiel , ronobe , ruax , sabnack , saleos , samael , satan , seere , semyaza , shax , solas , sorath , uzza , valac , vapula , vepar , vine , vual , wormwood , zagan , zepar , lilith
— PRONOUNS : angel/angels/angelself , fall/falls/fallself , fallen/fallens/fallenself , wing/wings/wingself , broken/brokens/brokenself , halo/halos/haloself , smite/smites/smiteself , unholy/unholys/unholyself , sin/sins/sinself , disgrace/disgraces/disgraceself , hell/hells/hellself
— TiTLES : (pronoun) who fell from grace , (pronoun) who was once holy , (pronoun) who is no longer holy , (pronoun) who sits on a crooked throne , the one with the cracked halo , (pronoun) who wishes to spite the angels that made (pronoun) fall , (pronoun) who fell into the depths of hell , (pronoun) who has been corrupted , the corrupt one , (pronoun) who fell from the clouds of heaven , (pronoun) who is a disgrace , (pronoun) who disgraced (pronoun) angelic peers
— GENDERS : fallenangelgender , inpurifut , holfangelian , genderfangel , fallenpupgender , fallenlovic , caninelenel , voidfallangellic , fallenpridic , darkanglipupic , fallendollvessel , déchudressé , guardilenel , angelideath , fallenangelfangic , froyalangess , scp042gender , darkangelcoric , moirvengelic
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pt: fallen angel id pack
requested by l1ttles3am0th /end pt.
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loki104-uwu · 10 months
How my Black Hat got the need to wear an eyepatch/monocle is that he wasn't born with his powers and Luzbel made the palace scientist, Dr. Hagenti inject him with all sorts of different corrosive serums that would kickstart his magic development. Hagenti injected a serum that would give him laser vision into his eye, but he only did one because Black Hat's body didn't take it right, and it caused severe damage, causing only 5% vision in only that eye and if he didn't cover it up or wear a correction lens of some kind, it would completely throw off his vision and give him a migraine.
poor blackhat🥺
Jack wasn't born with a lot of power's but he did have some, Akrinok figured that after some time he would get his powers considering Jack had God, Dragon, and Shadow titan powers, Akrinok experimented on himself though which caused him to grow quite a temper it also caused pain for him later on whenever he tried to use his powers. So he just waited for Jack to get his powers.
Jack was born with God powers, when he was 10 he got his Dragon powers, then when he was 20-27 he started developing his Shadow titan powers.
Their just late bloomer's thats all.
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demonangelgirl134 · 1 year
Alrighty, I've drawn Hagenti, Jeretik, Bogart, and Vex!
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(Sorry that I made Bogart's tail and feet look big and Vex's hand so tiny.) But anyways, whaddya think?
I love it ❤️ ♥️ ❤️
And I don't mind. Every time I draw Cuphead, I always make his straw too big if that makes you feel any better
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bookishnerdlove · 9 months
Episodio 5.9   “Es problemático enviarlos lejos uno por uno cada vez que te encuentras con un demonio y tratas de obtener información de él.” (Dios) Estiré mi mano izquierda y tomé la mejilla del hombre. Él no evitó mi toque, pero podía sentir la tensión invisible del hombre. “Si logró invocar a Hagenti, sé mi seguidor.” “Es una apuesta con un resultado evidente. No quiero recomendarlo porque al…
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moonmarquise · 7 years
⚠ ☃ ☂☼ 🏨 ❤ for anyone u want!
I’m going to do Hagenti for this, since I am trying to develop her more!!
⚠ : How does your muse react to possibly dangerous situations? Do they face them head-on, or do they plan out their actions first?
Hagenti is definitely more of a planner when it comes to these things. She plans out her response or her actions first before then tackling them head on with a plan, as well as probably some back up plans!
☃  : What is your muse’s favorite season? What about their least favorite season, if they have one? 
Hagenti probably doesn't really have a least favourite season? Though she doesn't enjoy the chill of late fall and the cold of winter. She's probably fondest of summer and spring!
☂  : Does your muse like rain?
Shes pretty neutral about rain. She doesn't hate it at all, she doesn't love it, but its nice!
☼ : Does your muse like daytime or nighttime more?
Shes pretty even with both, she doesn't prefer one over the other
🏨  : How well does your muse sleep?
Since I am trying to develop her and figure stuff out, this is one of those ones I haven't thought about. She probably sleeps very well, shes probably fond of naps, calls them her 'cat naps'. But she gets good sleep!
❤ : What are your muse’s thoughts on love? If they are not in a relationship, do they believe that they will ever find a perfect someone for them?
AS OF THIS MOMENT, Hagenti is not in a relationship, I haven't developed her enough to start thinking about that, though THERES SOME POSSIBILITIES WE LIKE. Hagenti has positive thoughts on love, she thinks its nice, its good, so long as its a good and healthy relationship. She thinks love is great, so long as you find someone you love and loves you, that you're good to one another, work together, and are on equal footing and have a good understanding with one another. She probably believes she'll find someone for her, but she isn't rushing, she's rather calm about it, and feels if it comes, it will come in time!
ty ty sammy!!
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Oc Voice claims and bios
This took forever, so I hope you guys like it 🥲
@ivorys-back @hey-imma-fangirl @bubblegumlover99 @loki104-uwu
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ivorys-back · 4 months
So I wrote another song parody for @demonangelgirl134's AU
This one is a parody of "We Don't Talk About Bruno" (oh gosh, the meme potential that came from that song was just nuts), but it's about Luzbel.
Jeretik (Hagenti): We don't talk about Luzbel, no no no We don't talk about Luzbel, but
It was the day we fell (It was the day we fell) We headed to Kokytos and there wasn't a soul in our sight (Not a single soul in our sign) Luzbel walked in with a malicious grin (We're doomed) You telling this story or am I? (I'm sorry, Jeretik, go on) Luzbel said "Welcome to Hell" (Why did he hurt us?) He promised he would treat us well (What did he tell them?) Then we fell into a prison cell (It was such a hell, but anyway) Jeretik/Hagenti: We don't talk about Luzbel, no no no We don't talk about Luzbel
Gray Hat: Hey Grew to live in fear of Luzbel's tyranny and meddling I remember hearing him always roaring and demanding I associate him with the sound of clopping hooves He's a demon god with a gaze so deadly Always left my brothers abused and unworthy Grappling with commands that we couldn't understand Do you understand?
Aku: A thirteen foot frame, spikes along his back If you call his name, your world fades to black Yeah, he sees your dreams and feasts on your soul and screams (Hey) Jeretik/Hagenti/Gray Hat/Aku: We don't talk about Luzbel, no no no We don't talk about Luzbel
Demons: He told my friend "You'll be a king", the next day, dead (No, no) He told me I'd lose it all, and just like he said (No, no) He said that every woman would be mine, if I do what he says (No, no) Your fate is sealed once he gets inside your head
Nergal: He told me that the life of my dreams would be promised and someday be mine He told my that my powers would grow, all that grew was this hole deep inside (Hurry up, Luzbel is on his way) Black Hat (Luzbel): He told me that the love of my dreams would be just out of reach, the son of another It's like I hear him now (You brat) I can still hear him now (I want not a word out of you) I can hear him now
Rovil: Um, Luzbel Yeah, about that Luzbel Doxy: We really need to know about Luzbel Give us the truth and the whole truth, Luzbel Demons: Everybody, the boss is here! (Hide and scatter!)
All: A thirteen-foot frame (It was the day we fell, it was the day we fell) Spikes along his back (We headed to Kokytos) If you call his name (And there wasn't a soul in our sight) Your world fades to black () Yeah, he sees your dreams (Luzbel walks in with a mischievous grin-) And feasts on your soul and screams (We're doomed!) You telling this story, or am I? I'm sorry, Jeretik, go on (óye, Mariano's on his way) Luzbel said, "Welcome to Hell" (a thirteen-foot frame, spikes along his back) He promised he would treat us well (What did he tell them?) Then we fell into a prison cell (It was such a hell, but anyway) He's here!
(Don't talk about Luzbel) Rovil and Doxy: Why did we talk about Luzbel? (Not a word about Luzbel) We never should have brought up Luzbel!
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jarwoski · 2 years
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happyspuma · 7 years
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Hagenti by lmimi ❤ liked on Polyvore
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goeticdaemons · 8 years
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President Haagenti (Egyptian Goddess Bastet)
Tarot: 7 cups Incense: storax Candle: red Enn: Haagenti on ca lirach
Alchemist and cat lover! Office is to make Men wise; Transmute all Metals into Gold; and to change Wine into Water, and Water into Wine.
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bookishnerdlove · 9 months
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Episodio 4.15   “Cumplí mi promesa. Ahora es tu turno.” Mirando a la luz dorada que flotaba como polvo, murmuré con impaciencia. Cuando toqué el cuerno del monstruo, no solo eché un vistazo a su pasado. “Puedo pagar cualquier precio si puedo romper los lazos.” “Si hubiera tenido miedo, no te habría matado en primer lugar.” Me reí con autodesprecio. No importa cuánto conociera sus debilidades, luchar contra un monstruo tan fuerte equivalía al suicidio. La razón por la que asumí todos los riesgos y luché contra el monstruo fue porque no podía retroceder. Nada en el mundo era fácil de lograr. Así que tenía que luchar al menos. Un halo de luz cubrió mi mano derecha. Y un patrón desconocido flotó lentamente en el dorso de mi mano derecha. “Shriel.” Apreté los dientes y escupí mi nombre como masticándolo. Simplemente no sonaba como mi voz. Me picaba el dorso de la mano. Al mismo tiempo, un patrón brillaba claramente. Podía sentir una indescriptible energía impregnando todo mi cuerpo. “¿Estás...” Estaba pensando en preguntarle a Hagenti si conocía la Piedra Filosofal. Sin embargo, antes de que pudiera terminar mis palabras, la punta de un zapato familiar me llamó la atención. “Hannah.” Hannah me miró. No podía hablar de la Piedra Filosofal o de Elyxia frente a los ojos de Hannah, así que dejé de lado la conversación con Hagenti por un momento y fingí inocencia. “Dado que maté al monstruo, ¿pasé la prueba? Vamos, tira de mí. Me es imposible subir sola.” Hice mi mejor esfuerzo para hablar en tono brillante, pero no hubo respuesta. Sólo un profundo silencio vagaba entre nosotras. Hannah, que no había dicho nada hasta el momento, me preguntó en voz baja. “Realmente no perdiste la memoria, ¿verdad?” (Hannah) No es que tuviera dudas. Hannah estaba segura ahora de que me acerqué a ellos armada de mentiras. “¿Y recordaste quiénes somos?” (Hannah) Me parecía que las mentiras ya no funcionarían. Como era una mentira para evitar esta situación desde el principio, lo admití fácilmente. “Sí, lo sé.” “Es así.” (Hannah) Cuando lo acepté, Hannah continuó con un tono alegre, como si estuviera tarareando. “¿Puedo decirte algo gracioso?” (Hannah) Ella me miro… “Hace aproximadamente medio año, una de las familias ducales dijo que buscaban a una mujer de ojos amarillos. Está bien cortarle las extremidades o dejarla a medias, simplemente el objetivo era capturarla viva. Entonces lo supe intuitivamente.” (Hannah) Su voz era dulce, como un sueño. Pero no tanto como el contenido. “Oh, eres tú.” (Hannah) Murmuró sus últimas palabras como un suspiro. “¿No tienes curiosidad de cómo lo supe?” (Hannah) “No, en absoluto.” “Nada en absoluto. ¿Por qué hablas con tanta dureza?” - Hannah, que elevó el tono de su voz pretenciosamente, pisó mis dedos. Tuve que resistir el impulso de dejarme caer. “...Puaj.” “Deberías tener curiosidad.” (Hannah) Pisando lentamente mi mano, Hannah siguió presionándome.  Reprimí mis gemidos tanto como pude y traté de no hablar. “¿Te duele?” (Hannah) ‘Duele.’ - Como pisaba la mano con la que me sostenía, varios impulsos me hicieron pedazos. Pero no puedo hacer nada. Si llegara a quitar esa mano, caería por el acantilado. Miré hacia abajo. Una vista que había visto varias veces antes de venir aquí se desarrolló. “Ojalá sintieras más dolor. Tan pronto como nos volvimos a encontrar, le infligiste un rasguño a mi pobre hermanito que no siente dolor. Si lo piensas bien, esto es suficiente.” (Hannah) Había mal humor en su voz. Tal vez está molesta por las órdenes que le di a Hans. Que hiciera participar a Hans en la lucha contra el monstruos no estaba en el plan de Hannah en absoluto. Era fácil adivinar que todo lo que hacía que Hans resultara herido iba en contra del corazón de Hannah. “Debería haber molestado un poco más al gatito. El tiempo no lo permitió, así que solo le saqué las uñas. Realmente lo lamento ahora.” (Hannah) “Fuiste tú, también esta vez.” “Ah, ¿te diste cuenta? Supongo que me recordaste correctamente.” (Hannah) ‘No fue sorprendente que hubiera sido Hannah quien mato al gato. Si lo pienso bien, antes era así… Gemelos que vivían en su propio mundo en un espacio cerrado llamado orfanato.’ Entre ellos, el chico era muy violento y carente de emociones, probablemente porque no sentía el dolor de manera innata. Cada vez que lo veía, estaba sosteniendo un pequeño animal que no sabía de dónde venía, pero el animal que estaba sosteniendo siempre cambiaba. Coincidentemente, todos los animales que pasaron por las manos del niño fueron encontrados como cadáveres fríos. Debido a eso, todos dijeron que era siniestro y trataron de no acercarse a él. En primer lugar, no tenía intención de involucrarme con nadie en el orfanato, así que solo escuché los susurros de que el chico debió haberlo matado. Incluso entonces, nadie sospechaba de la hermana gemela que siempre estaba al lado del niño. “Oh, de hecho. Prometí no tocarte. Se me olvidó.” (Hannah) Hannah quitó los pies de mi mano. “Bueno, no es tu cuerpo, así que no debería importar.” (Hannah) (N/T: Cuando dice que no es su cuerpo, quiere decir que la puede lastimar, pero no en el torso.) Aunque ya no me pisaba más, me hormigueaban las yemas de los dedos. “La vida es muy divertida. Pensé que tendrías la mejor vida de todos los niños del orfanato, pero eres un desastre bajo mis pies. ¿Quién lo hubiera imaginado?” - Hannah murmuró con una voz mezclada con risa. Pude verla en cuclillas, admirando mi rostro. “Ahora que lo pienso, me dijiste que no sabías cómo hacerlo, pero sabes cómo usar la magia.” (Hannah) Era como si me hubiera visto imbuyendo la espada con magia. El cambio de color de la espada no podía explicarse por otra cosa que no fuera magia. No tenía sentido negarlo ahora, así que guardé silencio. “¿Pero sabes qué?” (Hannah) Se oyó el sonido de Hannah rebuscando en sus bolsillos. Poco después, se puso el monóculo y bajó la cabeza para acercarse a mi rostro. “No eres la único que sabe cómo mentir.” (Hannah) Los ojos oscuros brillaban como la noche. “Por supuesto, mi talento es ambiguo, así que tendré que vivir como un cazador de monstruos por el resto de mi vida, no hay forma de que sea como un mago, pero estoy satisfecha porque disfruté viéndolo gracias a esto.” (Hannah) Ella me miró. Su mirada tenaz era aterradora. “¿Ya no eres un ser humano?” (Hannah) “... ¿Qué?” “Un ser humano que se convirtió en monstruo y posee un núcleo. A veces escuché que hay personas que se convierten en monstruos después de ser mordidas por ellos, pero no sabía que tú eras ese caso.” (Hannah) Miré a Hannah fijamente. No podía entender de qué estaba hablando ahora. “Haces una cara tan inocente otra vez. ¿Realmente no lo sabes o estás fingiendo no saberlo?” (Hannah) Me miraba con un rosto lo suficientemente serio como para decir que ahora estaba diciendo tonterías para molestarme. “Bueno, incluso cuando el capitán comprobó abiertamente la existencia del núcleo que posees frente a mí, parecías completamente ignorante.” (Hannah) Cuando cazaba monstruos con ellos, Marissa me miraba con el monóculo puesto. Pensé que era natural usar el monóculo ya que había monstruos alrededor, pero mirando hacia atrás, ella solo me miraba a los ojos con frecuencia, y parecía que estaba visiblemente crispada. ‘Pero pensar que tengo el núcleo de un monstruo.’ La cantidad de veces que entré en contacto con monstruos antes de conocer a los cazadores fue escasa. “¿Eres consciente de las tonterías que estás diciendo?” “¿Eso es una mierda? Ah, lo niegas porque no quieres aceptarlo por ti misma.” (Hannah) Hannah se rió y susurró con voz clara. “Experimentos de gente noble. Eres la persona que escapó mientras investigaba monstruos en la familia Ducal.” Mi cabeza giró. La mayor parte del tiempo habría pensado que Hannah creía que esas mentiras eran la verdad, pero no podía dejar de lado el hecho de que podía ver el núcleo de un monstruo sobre mí. “Todavía te estoy agradecida. Gracias a eso, nos convencimos de que no solo fuimos abandonados por nuestros padres.” (Hannah) Hannah gimió. “¿Cómo puedes vivir bien si eres adoptado? Es todo una mierda. No hay forma de que nosotros, que estamos destinados a ser abandonados tan pronto como nazcamos, podamos vivir como los demás.” (Hannah) “...” “Desde el principio, nacimos para morir abandonados y usados.” (Hannah) Tan pronto como terminó de hablar, Hannah volvió a pisarme los dedos. Apenas podía tragar mis gemidos, pero no pude evitar mirar su rostro terriblemente distorsionado. “Tienes mi rostro favorito. Es una expresión tan encantadora.” (Hannah) “Estás realmente loca.” “Escucho eso mucho.” (Hannah) - Hannah se encogió de hombros ligeramente. “Oh, sí, preguntaste. ¿Todavía no recuerdas lo que eras en mi vida?” (Hannah) Fue una pregunta que hice cuando no podía recordarla. La respuesta a la pregunta llegó tarde. “Era un juguete perdido.” (Hannah) Gemí con una voz sin risa. “Un juguete con el que no podía jugar y con el que estaba constantemente impaciente, y molesta.” (Hannah) “...” “Así que traté de jugar con moderación y devolverlo, pero pensándolo bien, fue injusto. ¿Por qué debería darle a alguien lo que no tengo?” (Hannah) Ahora era sincera. Me hablaba como si realmente lo sintiera. “Si fueras un monstruo real, serías capaz de sobrevivir incluso si te cayeras así, pero a juzgar por tu apariencia, ese no parece ser el caso.” (Hannah) Era natural. Yo era un ser humano ordinario. Si caigo desde aquí, moriré instantáneamente. “Pensar que puedo deshacerme de viejos sentimientos persistentes destruyéndote con mis propias manos. Estoy tan feliz.” (Hannah) Hannah dejó escapar un suspiro. “Riel, pasé la prueba. Gracias a eso, soy una exitosa cazadora de monstruos.” ‘El verdadero monstruo que estaba cazando era yo… Vinimos aquí para diferentes propósitos.’ “¿Puedes manejarlo? Lo dijiste con tu propia boca. La familia Ducal de Lynne me está buscando. No olvides ese hecho.” “No te preocupes por mí. Si te come un monstruo, ni siquiera sabrán que estuviste aquí. Esta área está repleta de monstruos, por lo que no sería extraño que al menos una persona desapareciera.” (Hannah) ‘Me preguntaba si tal excusa funcionaría. Porque lo que buscan no es exactamente a mí, es el corazón del dragón. Si escuchan que morí al ser comida por un monstruo, primero diseccionarían a ese monstruo.’ No tenía que decirle a Hannah que estaba destinada a no morir con gracia, así que mientras mantuviera la boca cerrada…, pero de repente se acercó a mí. “En realidad, todo es una broma.” (Hannah) “¿Estás bromeando?” “Soy muy juguetona. Hice algunas bromas que no podría hacer de otra manera.” (Hannah) Era una tontería. Me quedé quieta sin sostener la mano extendida. “No puedes creer que hayas tomado todo lo que he dicho hasta ahora tan a pecho, ¿verdad? Es solo una actuación, actuación.”  - Hannah dijo a la ligera con una voz mezclada con risa. “¿Fui traviesa?” (Hannah) “¿De verdad estabas bromeando?” “Bueno, por supuesto que sí. ¿Realmente lo creíste? Era una broma, así que olvida todo lo que dije antes y sube sosteniendo mi mano. Es difícil.” (Hannah) “...” “Sé que no puedes subir si no tomas mi mano de todos modos. No seas terca, vamos.” (Hannah) Mis manos iban perdiendo fuerza poco a poco. No podía soportarlo más. Desde el principio, no tenía otra opción. Levanté una mano y traté de agarrar su mano extendida. No pude sostenerla, la retiró como si estuviera jugando conmigo. Sólo las yemas de sus dedos rozaron mi piel. Y justo cuando pensé que finalmente podría agarrarla, rápidamente retiró su mano. Algo se enganchó en mi mano, pero no me sostuvo. “¿Lo creíste? Esto es una broma.” (Hannah) Hannah dio un paso al otro lado. Junto con el intenso dolor, la fuerza en mi mano se liberó por reflejo. Sin nada que me sostuviera, la gravedad me empujó hacia abajo. “Adiós, amiga.” - Hannah hizo un gesto con la mano. A medida que me alejaba más y más, ella parecía estar sonriendo. “...Maldición.” Solo malas palabras resonaron vacías. Estaba cayendo sin cesar. Nameless: ¡Ay Shriel! ... Acaso no sabes que no debes confiar en nadie… Espero que la muerte de Hannah sea muy muy cruel. Atrás Novelas Menú Siguiente Read the full article
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moonmarquise · 7 years
1 through 12? :o
Sorry for the late reply, but thank you for asking!
1. Light sleeper
Casey is a light sleeper from when they were homeless, Crow is a light sleeper if he is sleeping anywhere that isn’t home!
2. Has non stop puns
NIKO. NIKO IS A MENACE. HE IS POWERFUL AND MUST BE STOPPED. Also Žydrūnas, Krasimir, Vera, some others but those are the first that come to mind!
3. Will cut you if you hurt their loved ones
tbh thats pretty much everyone, yes there are some who wouldn’t based on strength or personality, but, still everyone really.
4. Has a dysfunctional family
I’m side eyeing the Kirițescu-Grigoresi family really hard right now. I love that family, they’re great, and they all SUPER love one another, but man, they can be a mess.
5. Likes rock music
Most to all.
6. Will give you the middle finger
Like... a solid half of them, but the first one that comes to mind is Salvityr.
7. Is a sweet angel
Oh Sora, Ruca, Caeda, Orias, Kyriel, Zerachiel, Armasariph, Hagenti, honestly so many.
8. Can kill you with a pencil.
Again, a solid half or more
9. Looks sweet but will murder you in cold blood
There are a lot, honestly. Many of my ocs are really sweet and lovely, but there reaches a certain point, as with most things.
10. Looks like they will murder you but is actually a sweetheart.
There are a lot of ocs I could put here, but the trouble is, the ocs who look like they could kill you you’d never think that because they often have such sweet and kind and lovely expressions and personalities! 
11. Will eat everything is they could
Crow. Niko. Vera.
12. Wants to run away from everything.
When it comes to problems, and wanting to just run away and escape them, I gotta give it to Kalel, Lerajie, the unnamed human oc, Ciro, Salvityr.
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satansside · 9 years
Losing a Friend, but Making a Relationship
Recently, a dear friend of mine named Jade (or Thalia, her birth name) committed suicide. I was torn. This girl meant so much to me and had so much to live for, and she gave it away. First and foremost, let me say if you are having thoughts like this and are considering suicide please don't. Life is a bitch but you can't just give up. Please. But back to the story. She left us all so soon and I was hurting so bad, I needed a relief from the pain. When night fell, I sat in bed, lit a candle, drew the sigil for Hagenti (aka Haagenti or Bastet) and meditated. Trying to gain focus, clear my mind and such, my chest started hurting. Physically. My chest felt so compact, and the pain quickly spread throughout my torso and it became more difficult to breathe. The pain soon spread to my head, it was then that I called her name. "Hagenti..." The pain in my head faded away. "Hagenti." The pain faded away from the majority of my torso. "Hagenti!" And the pain left my chest. I believe this was a break through. Either I had broken through a personal barrier, or that was Jehovah's last attempt to scare me into his arms. But Hagenti fought it away. Soon, I felt a warm sensation press against my back, something wrapping around me. By then, all my senses were dulled as I was ready to fall into a trance. I realized what it was. This was a hug. Someone holding me in their arms, wrapping me in their embrace from behind. I felt the emotional paid subside. My mind cleared completely of all worries. And I was at peace. As the feeling of the touch faded away, I opened my eyes, coming to reality. Looking right at me, sitting at the foot of my bed was my cat. He mewled and walked up to me, starting to cuddle me as I laid down. Knowing whom it was that comforted me, I readied myself to sleep for the night. I now have one thing to say. Thank you, Hagenti. Ave Hagenti! Ave Satanas! ...rest in peace Jade.
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