#Hakuryuu inazuma eleven
deeponedagon · 16 days
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The Strongest Player Of Today
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Inazuma eleven fanfic idea!
So basically this begins in Inazuma eleven Go. As we know, Kidou and Fudou are both part of the resistance against the fifth sector.
The basis of this AU is that at some point something goes very very wrong, like the people-die kind of wrong.
Kidou and Fudou, as two of the only people left standing and also certainly the most equipped to fight against the fifth sector, decide to go back in time (I would have said that it was weird for a soccer Anime, but time travel is literally canon). They find a way to transfer their consciousness into their younger bodies (because transporting themselves across time would be very inconvenient).
They end up wildly overshooting it, and instead of ending up a few years before the fifth sector appears, they end up as children, a few hours away from meeting each other.
The main issue with that is that at this moment, Fudou is still working with Kageyama and Kidou's friends are still being manipulated by this asshole.
They don't really mind, better too early than too late. Managing to travel back in time and still being too late to stop the fifth sector, that would have been awful.
Fudou is also a bit happy that he will be able to correct his atrocious first impression on the team. After all, it's harder for people to hate you if they've never seen you in your demented power-hungry phase.
They decide to deal with the problem at hand first (namely the "aliens") and decide what to do about the fifth sector after that.
Snippets, because I am unable to write a coherent plot.
Obviously, Fudou and Kidou are dating, because this is me, and I ship them. Also the incident with the fifth sector that made them go back in time may have left a few scars, in the sense that they are vaguely paranoid, a bit codependent, and will go apeshit on anyone who hurts the other.
Fudou is trans and does not fucking appreciates being back to his pre-surgery body. This is not good and he hates it, but hey, better alive and dysphoric than dead.
They call each other by their first name and are sort of... Very intimate with each other so it was weird when they "met" the first time. Like they're both private people who aren't very into pda but the way they exist around each other gives off very married couple vibes, so it's weird for the inazuma team whne they meet Fudou and realize that Kidou is Super Familiar with this stranger.
After they get rid of the fifth sector (or stop it from existing altogether), Fudou plans to find the kids from his old team (resistance Japan) to be sure they're alright, because they were all disasters of the highest order (himself included) but he came to love those little shits and wants to be sure they have a good life. One of the most interesting consequences of this decision is Fudou finding out that even without the fifth sector, Hakuryuu has a crappy life, and deciding on the spot that he's going to adopt him.
(Hakuryuu growing up with Fudou and Kidou as his dads gives some interesting results, especially given that he came as a package deal with Shuu, who was also adopted by Fudou and Kidou, because who the fuck cares if this kid is a ghost he deserves a loving family)
Fighting the aliea (how is it written??) academy is an interesting experience because. On one hand, they both already went through this. On the other hand, their adult selves are friends with some of those "aliens". Fudou was pretty close to Nagumo and Suzuno in particular (this is a personal headcanon of mine). Given that in this time-line, he joins the team right after meeting them, he gets to witness Nagumo's whole infiltration attempt, and it's incredible. He records everything just so he can show it to Nagumo ten years later and mock him over how dramatic he was (Fudou actually films quite a bit of the whole adventure, and showing the ex-aliea videos of them acting as if they were legit aliens becomes the inazuma equivalent of embarrassing your friends with videos of their emo phase).
When I say that the team is surprised by their closeness, I mean that they do the whole holding hands and calling each other by their first names the very istant they "meet". Pretending to not know each other because they have no way to have met before didn't even cross their minds (they make up a hasty story about being internet friends).
When Fudou comes back, he has the aliea stone on him. Trying to get rid of it is surprisingly difficult, as its effects are addictive and while his mind is clear, his body of this time is hooked. Kidou helps :)
They manage fairly easily to stop the birth of the fifth sector, given the amount of foreknowledge they have (and Kidou's connections). It's in fact surprisingly easy, and that makes them twice as paranoid for a while.
They force everyone on the team to go to therapy, themselves included, because fucking everyone needs it.
They sort of become the team mom and dad, mostly because they're much older than the others and decided a long time ago that their team had suffered enough and deserved to just play soccer for fun.
Obviously I'm still a sucker for outsider pov so I'd just really love a rewriting of the scene where Fudou appears, except this time instead of antagonizing the team he just plops down next to Kidou, laces their fingers together, and goes "hi yuuto, did you miss me?" and the team is reeling from the shock of Kidou allowing a stranger to call him by his first name and touch him like that, and then they get a second shock when Kidou answers "of course not Akio, we talked a mere few hours ago". Because I live for confused outsider pov.
They would be twice as horrified as they were before about the experiments on the sun garden kids. Like yeah it was very disturbing to learn about the first time but now they're adults and this has been done to children by adults who they trusted and they cannot even fathom the idea of being responsible for so many children and using them for experiments. What the fuck.
At some point during s2 they more or less take the role of coaches, much to the displeasure of the actual coach. Well, sucks to be her, but they both have been coaches several times in the future and they know what they they're doing. Also, they're severely not intimidated by her so there's that.
The team's and Fudou's relationship is very different this time around, both because there wasn't a catastrophic first impression on Fudou's part and because Fudou from the future is much more gentler than his teenage self. Sure, he's still a snarky asshole but he's way more well-adjusted and way less power-hungry. This heals something in Fudou that he wasn't aware was broken.
I am not kidding about the amount of shenanigans a Hakuryuu raised by Fudou and Kidou could get into. Somehow, those shenanigans involve finding one very depressed (and riddled with survivor's guilt) Tsurugi Kyousuke, and just about kidnapping him. Fudou and Kidou are, at first, a bit confused about the unknown child in their home. Then they recognize the kid, remember what happened to his brother, and decide to unofficially adopt him and his brother too. (we don't really know about the Tsurugi parents in canon so I'm gonna assume they're not great).
The adoption is unofficial because it would be awkward to adopt the kid their son has a crush on (Hakuryuu vehemently denies having a crush. His parents don't care). Tsurugi Yuuichi is very confused about being basically adopted by two soccer legends, but he's not complaining (it is relieving to be able to lean on someone)
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carbon8tion · 9 months
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Found my fav key art in a magazine in my collection so I decided to take a few close up shots. Tried to get everyone's faces that I could!
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agents20 · 2 months
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coffee hakuryuu☕🤍
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miyabinopenguin · 8 months
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🐉🐺 HakuKyouHaku Week 2023 🐺🐉
🪻For the prompt "Zero Won AU" I went for a personal theory/headcanon mixed with an "What If" scenary.
Looking at the chronology of the game events and some dialogues, Tsurugi was mean to be the captain of "Ancient Dark" (and later part of the team Zero…maybe even the Captain again) but when Ishido intervented his place was filled by Shuu.
There are dialogues that implies that Hakuryuu still wanted Tsurugi to be part of the team or would has accepted him if he changed sides.
And considering the Five Sector wanted to re-educate the Raimon at the start of the movie…they will be too stupid if they don't want Tsurugi (the Raimon Kids) as part of the SEEDS, even if it's take until they follow their orders. So…that is the idea under the pic. Kinda angst? yes, it is. But I love angst.
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eky11 · 10 months
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A knight of light 🌩️
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zakuryoishi · 2 months
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back with rarepair calendar (i'm about to die) i wanted to do other months too but i've been unmotivated and kinda busy and from tomorrow on too victoryroad-brained to even attempt
enroco requested by @enkidudu and hakutaiyou by meru's bf
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kapane-luyeshu · 10 months
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ended up doing some more and forgot to post here XD
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lc-sama · 2 months
Compilation of my memes I've posted on Twitter xD everything goes wrong :>
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starline-art · 5 months
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I finally finish my hair references for my fic The Secret Language of Flowers!
They're 3 years older than in InaGo so they have a few changes in the main hairstyle (front), while I tried another hairstyle in the perfil drawing. I order them by the ships that appear and that I like (but Alpha&Gamma, I don't ship them but they were alone so, I put them together) I know that some of them are very crack, but I love them anyways :,) You can find the story >>HERE<<
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c7arisse · 1 year
since you like both ina11 and blue lock! if you don't mind!! hakuryuu in blue lock jersey or training suit?
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here you go!
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nawemichi · 5 months
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otame · 6 months
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taiyou-hibiscus · 5 months
Senguuji : Nothing in life is free.
Taiyou : Love is free!
Kurosaki : Knowledge is free.
Kita : Friendship is free.
Yukimura : Self-respect is free.
Hakuryuu : Everything's free if you don't pay for it.
The team : ...
Kishibe : Hakuryuu, that's illegal-
Fudou : No, let him finish!
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y3lise · 1 year
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shuu and hakuryuu beta designs !!
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miyabinopenguin · 8 months
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🐉🐺 HakuKyouHaku Week 2023 🐺🐉
Happy HakuKyouHaku (10/10) Day!
🪻For the prompt "Aconite" since the flower can be used as medicine or poison, I thought the flower can represent their relationship in that period since both characters were in their worst moment when their met.
Hakuryuu helped Tsurugi to keep improving and have fun (survive) in the God Eden while Tsurugi accidentally hurted him and make his obsession of become the "ultimate player" worse.
At the same time, Tsurugi is the one that saved Hakuryuu of this toxic search for the absolute power, while Hakuryuu only wanted to prove wrong Tsurugi, even if that means hurt and use him, for prefer a bunch of "nobody" over "The Ultimate Player".
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