harmonisehati · 7 months
Ya Tuhan terima kasih untuk segala kebaikan Mu dalam segala apa pun yang terjadi. Terimakasih telah menghadirkan dia untukku, jaga hubungan kami seharmoni sehati dalam cinta kasih sayang yang tulus. Haleluya!
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prasetyopeuru · 7 months
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altairring · 2 months
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milfygerard · 14 days
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almost completely forgot it was bandcamp friday bc black sails distracted me BUT i remembered w 5 minutes left and grabbed some stuff thats been in my wishlist!
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standing-wave-mag · 7 months
Let’s Hear It 2024 Showcases Vancouver’s Most Promising Musicians
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On a cold March evening in Vancouver, 4 beloved venues heated up for a night of local talent. From the prestigious Fox Cabaret to the intimate winery La Fabrique St-George, people gathered from all corners of the city to taste a flight of 18 talented local bands in 30-minute increments.
While I wish I could’ve cloned myself and attended all 18 often overlapping shows, I was still able to discover a handful of music I didn’t know existed until that very night, which is something uniquely special. Every artist brought something new to the table that had locals hook line and sinker. Here’s a rundown of each show I was able to attend.
FOX CABARET – Parlour Panther, Haleluya Hailu
The night all started at the historic Fox Cabaret in Mount Pleasant, the former porn theater-turned-venue. Known as the hottest venue in the city (according to the MC, in temperature not vibes!) the space was surprisingly chilly. But the spirits were high as guests piled in ready for the first band to hit the stage.
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Four-piece Parlour Panther opened the night, engaging the crowd with dreamy indie pop tunes. Lead vocalists and instrumentalists Frankie and Lee have been making music for a decade now, and this was evident as their chemistry filled the entire room. They promoted their new single “BLOOM,” a bass-heavy but light indie pop tune about self-change. Just observing from the floor, you could feel the intense love reverberating amongst the band members; this is what they enjoyed the most. They were the best choice to kick off the night on a positive note.
Following this was the quick-witted and feisty singer/songwriter Haleluya Hailu. Hailu, her drummer and guitarist all walked on stage wearing brightly coloured construction vests, with the singer waiving a light saber-esque red wand around the stage.
“We're here to construct sounds for you!” she joked.
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The singer has a distinct R&B flavor with a trilly powerful voice that launches her music into new dimensions.
Hailu showcased singles such as the floaty “pinball,” and crowd favourite “MANIC PIXIE PACIFIST.” Using the infamous trope, the singer wants you to know she is a force to be reckoned with.
Boldly, she quips at the crowd to boo her. She gave out her next song “Useless” to all Vancouverites, defining her relationship with the crowd as one of love-hate (but mostly love, we can only hope).
Next to open its doors was Vancouver’s beloved DIY music and arts hall Red Gate Arts Society. Upon arrival, the venue felt like a closed down fire hall. But once inside, it opens a dimension where all music and art is free to thrive–it’s like a breath of fresh air from the larger shinier venues that have been popping up lately. From the holes in the ceiling, to the cartoon eye stickers placed on the speakers, this venue is brimming with charm.
We were just in time to hear Posh Coat's final song. The trio, hailing from nearby Victoria, has so much potential to be a superstar band, describing themselves as “a cold front of Arctic Monkeys from the north.” It is astounding they currently only have 3 singles out at the moment, but their standout talent and energy is evident. I can’t wait to see what’s next for them.
Following Posh Coat, powerhouse singer/songwriter Leo D.E. Johnson took to the stage, absolutely blowing everything out of the water. Simply accompanied by an electric guitar and a drummer, Johnson’s voice evoked such a primal appreciation for how transcendent music can be. Blending soul with rock n’ roll, the non-binary artist expresses intense lyricism involving identity and belonging, allowing his voice to be all-encompassing. 
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He performed my personal favourite track “Beneficiary,” a 7-minute ballad featuring growling rock vocals in the chorus combined with softer soulful verses; this perfectly showcases Johnson’s versatility as a vocalist and lyricist. To me, Johnson is the most promising and talented new Vancouver singer and songwriter we have.
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To complete my personal Red Gate sandwich of performances, 4-piece band Slightest Clue was up next. What piqued my interest was the background of each band member, and how they shouldn’t work: “a stage actor, a hook-obsessed recovering choir girl, an electrical engineer, and a guitarist who played for (and left) ten other bands before deciding this was the one for him.” Their biggest draw is how they really shouldn’t work as a band but somehow do, in a post-punk garage kind of way.
The Vancouver misfits were eager to play songs off their latest EP Carousel, chock full of drippy post-punk hooks and word-vomit ramblings between verses. Lively bassist and vocalist Hannah Kruse asks the crowd “have you ever had a crush like, really really bad? ‘Cause I have,” before launching into the heavy garage guitar obsessive single “Why Can’t I Call You.” 
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Another highlight was the “Carousel” single, featuring a back and forth vocal war between Kruse and lead vocalist Malcom McLaren accompanied by screaming guitar solos. Despite their mismatched union, the band is quick to show that they work in such a unique way that draws any post-punk indie rock fan in (seriously, I can’t stop listening to their music, even days after their show!).
La Fabrique St-George - JADE LE MAC, CARA BATEMAN
The final venue to open its doors for the evening shows was the smallest and most intimate of all the venues: winery La Fabrique St-George. A small queue of people formed a line outside, as the venue was at full capacity for a short burst of time, showing just how much Vancouverites were flocking for the local talent. Eventually, as people trickled in and out, we were let into the narrow hall. Unlike the grandeur of the Fox Cabaret, or the boldly artsy halls of Red Gate, La Fabrique held a more sacred and somber tone. Concert-goers sat cross-legged on large colourful pillows  in front of a small stage, or around long tables drinking wine.
Jade Le Mac was next, perhaps the most popular and youngest of all the artists in the festival. Armed simply with her powerful steady voice and an accompanying guitarist, it’s easy to see why Le Mac is so renowned among teenagers and young adults; she is the voice of youthful angst. Her lyricism and bubbly personality leads me to believe she is Vancouver’s own Olivia Rodrigo.
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It’s clear she’s passionate about everything she writes, sharing stories and background about each song before launching into it. For the short set, the singer jumped between albums “Constellations” and “Confessions,” showcasing just how versatile she can be in sound: from the starry-eyed softness of single “Constellations” to the pounding anthemic “You’re Not A God.” Le Mac has the spark to launch further into superstardom.
To round out the night, the final artist to hit the winery stage was the charismatic and compelling Cara Bateman. Described by her friend as a “35-year-old teenager,” the artist walked out in pink sunglasses, cowboy earrings, and a silver glitter top. What makes Bateman stand out the most is her ability to genre-jump: using a primarily singer/songwriter base she can flawlessly transition from country to punk.
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The risk-taking singer launched into her latest single “Time To Be A Bitch,” an electric-guitar heavy anthem about setting boundaries and self-defining. But later, she seamlessly transitioned to the moody and jazzy “I Wrote This for You.” Each song was stripped down with piano and guitar accompaniment to match the low-key tone of La Fabrique.
To me, these two artists with their stripped down sets were the perfect way to end the night. Of course, many were headed to the late-night bonus shows at the Cobalt featuring more local artists such as NIKKAELA and PEAK. While I ended my night at the winery, I’m sure the aftershow was just as much fun as the entire evening.
MusicBC’s Let’s Hear It Festival is only in its second year of operation, but judging on how fast tickets sold out, it’s clear the people crave a glimpse into Vancouver’s newest and best local music. This is the festival to fill in the gaps, the perfect palette of music that allows local audiences to connect with emerging artists.
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dreg-heap · 1 month
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Posting this one alone because it's SO good oh my god
📷Vision3 50D + Olympus OM-1
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zebratoys · 5 months
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I wish to give and serve by strengthening affiliation with Am Yisrael’s tribalhood and to elevate faith, hope and Oneness among our communities. I believe in gatherings that incorporate Judaica hands-on arts & crafts enrichment activities that promote communal bonding and ease uncertainty, fear, confused feelings and loss of meaning. Through engaging actively, participants will find a heavenly solace that whispers to the innermost depths of the Jewish soul.
Art gathering events are a delightful opportunity for community members to immerse in a sense of enduring peace that envelopes the spirit with purity, grace and providence rooted in holiness, symbolism and Biblical prayers scripted in the Torah. Step into a cozy bubble that brings us closer by dissolving distortions through the power of roots & culture, creativity, art and crafts.
I’m devoted to sharing good deeds, goodness and goodwill among our tribe by working with communities to strengthen our legacy and bring forth the light in us. ♡ I want to contribute to our tribal alliance worldwide, restore harmony and ease suffering by shining sparks of a unifying glow of love into our lives and throughout the world. Tap into a flow of divine energy and experience the melody of Am Yisrael’s sacred covenant with likewise joyful giving loving souls. Wishing us all this golden feeling Amen.
I am seeking welcoming Jewish communities where I may serve to inspire ideas for creative educational value-based enrichment tools with activities grounded in the Jewish heritage, providing meaningful themes referencing to Hebrew and Israel and disseminating Jewish values.
Visit www.zebratoys.etsy.com to choose from the HALELUYA Sacred Soul Art collection that includes more than 1000 Judaica art designs and Sacred Geometry Art.
Here are some ideas that you can instantly downloaded:  ► Coloring Pages for Shabbat, Rosh Hashanah, Sukkot, Passover and Hanukkah. ► Amazon Coloring Books of Jewish Art and Sacred Geometry. ► Star of David & Dreidels DIY Papercrafts Decorations for Parties and Home Décor. ► Learning the Hebrew Alphabet Worksheet Art Activities. ► Kabbalah Art Wall Décor Prints and Geometric Patterns Pages. ► Meditative Jewish Mandalas with Biblical Prayers and Holy Symbols. ► Judaica Arts & Crafts Supplies for Judaic, Israel and Hebrew classes.
I would love to hear what possibilities of collaborations this inspires in you. If you have a question or need my advice on your art activities, I’m offering a FREE 30 MINUTE ONLINE VIDEO CALL tailored to meet the needs of your university, school, camp, group, and/or Synagogue. Let me know how may I help your community. To Schedule our online meeting, send me a message at [email protected] or WhatsApp at +972 50 4393944
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shootmelikeadog · 5 months
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“but none of these signs of malnourishment or illness or grief detracted from Lux’s overwhelming impression of being a carnal angel.”
photos i took of haleluya last year
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vickeinc · 1 year
Kristus Sebagai “Mempelai Pria”
Dijelaskan dalam kitab Wahyu dan diperjelas dalam Kidung Agung melalui pernikahan Salomo. Kristus memainkan peran sebagai “Mempelai Pria” sehingga sebagai permaisuriNya ada 3 hal yang wajib diperhatikan:
1. Menjaga nama baik “Mempelai Pria”!
2. Kristus adalah pelindung dan pemelihara kita, the great protector!
3. Loyal hingga hari kedatanganNya, minimal hingga akhir hidupmu!
Haleluya, Amen.
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globalworship · 12 days
Fiji Hymns Popular at Rugby Matches
“Oqo Noqu Masu” (“This Is My Prayer”) is sung in Fiji churches and sometimes at rugby training camps and matches.
This short video includes English subtitles.
Here the sing the hymn before a match:
Oqo na noqu masu meu masu ka niu sa gadreva Meu seretaka sara Na yacai Jiova
Chorus I Jiova Ni vukei au mada kau vaaqara na gagadre ni yaloqu au qai tagica ga
Ni rogoci au ka niu sa gadreva meu seretaka rawa na yacai Jiova
uuu uuu uuu
Haleluya haleluya mai vakahaleluya mai vakahaleluya Haleluya vua
A different song they often sing is 'E Da Sa Qaqa' translated as 'We Are Winners Because Of This World.'
The lyrics include:
We have overcome We have overcome By the blood of the lamb And the word of the Lord We have overcome
The most in-depth reporting on Fiji rugby teams and hymns is in the article "Yes, Fiji Olympians Are Singing Hymns" by Kelsey Kramer McGinnis. https://www.christianitytoday.com/2024/08/fiji-hymns-singing-team-rugby-hymn-viral-olympics/
Here are some excerpts:
... “There is an understanding that singing, harmony, is a way of expressing our connection to the world and to each other,” said Tui Nuku Smith, a Fijian Methodist minister. “And in Fiji, community singing is related both to indigenous culture and to the Methodist tradition.” ...
For many Fijians, especially Fijian Christians, community singing is built into the rhythm of everyday life. In videos taken during the Paris Olympics, the Fijian delegation sings in the Fijian language (also called iTaukei), sometimes a cappella and sometimes accompanied by a guitar...
Many of the athletes in the Fijian coalition have likely been singing in four-part harmony since they were very young, said Smith. Starting with family devotions in the home, Fijian children in Christian families grow up hearing harmony and learn to participate.
“When I would walk through the village in the mornings or evenings, I would hear singing coming from the homes,” recalled Jerusha Matsen Neal, who spent three years at Davuilevu Theological College on the island of Viti Levu with the United Methodist Church’s Global Ministries. “You’d hear singing in four-part harmony, with children.”
This tradition, said Neal, is one that Fijian Christians carefully cultivate and preserve. The four-part harmony we hear in those viral videos is the result of generations of teaching and practice....
In addition to practicing singing during family devotions and in church services each week, congregations periodically host visiting choir directors for a week of workshops and rehearsals with different vocal groupings: children, women, men, youth. In this way, even small, remote churches take seriously the task of learning to sing as a community. The country’s annual hymn-singing competition draws thousands of Fijian Methodists each year, a gathering that occasionally heightens political tension in the country....
When missionaries William Cross and David Cargill, sent by the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society, arrived in Fiji in 1835, they realized that the region’s hundreds of islands (Fiji has over 100 permanently inhabited islands) would make a centralized approach to evangelism impossible. As ethnomusicologist Helen Black has observed, early missionaries recognized that they needed to enlist Fijian converts in spreading the gospel from island to island, and that embracing the fusion of indigenous musical practices with Methodist hymnody would allow the gospel to spread more organically.
“Indigenous Fijian music, with its central role in Fijian culture, was a perfect vehicle for communication,” Black wrote. “Christians utilizing music of their secular meke [the generic term for Fijian music with poetic text] inserted Christian text in their particular poetic style, creating their own repertoire of religious music. Thus, this music became not only part of the liturgy of the Fijian Methodist Church, but also a vehicle for evangelization.”...
Fijian Christians adapted their traditional call-and-response chants to teach and recite the catechism. A leader would call out a question, and the congregation would chant the answer. They also adapted chants to recite the Psalms communally. These practices are still widespread in Fiji’s Methodist churches. Western missionaries brought Methodist hymnals with them, but the hymnals in many Fijian churches today don’t include musical notation, only words. The music is an oral tradition.
The infusion of meke with Christian content and the local adaptation and alteration of Methodist hymns formed a uniquely Fijian body of sung music, tailored to the singing style and cultural practices of the region. In some cases, missionaries found that the hymnody they brought became almost unrecognizable as Fijian Christians took charge of the music and reshaped its rhythms and harmonies.,,,
 The Fijian Olympic team’s singing in Paris demonstrates the centrality of singing to Fijian cultural identity. Smith said that the Fijian rugby team often sings before or after a match, not because they want to make an evangelistic demonstration but because it’s just part of who they are.
“When there is singing in rugby, for example, whether for a loss or a win,” he stated, “they sing because it involves their whole life, their whole community, their whole being.”
Read the full article at https://www.christianitytoday.com/2024/08/fiji-hymns-singing-team-rugby-hymn-viral-olympics/
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sehnis · 19 days
top songs - august 2024
Raindrops Cleansing It All // Zen Life Relax
Siarad // Parisa Fouladi
Lobanja // Kobrica
Aratan n Azawad // Terakaft
Golden Brown // The Stranglers
Верю я // Браво
Sinaran // Sheila Majid
Maahi Ve // A.R. Rahman
Toornat Akornanni - DEMO // Uummat
Shinunoga E-Wa // Fujii Kaze
Wide Eyes // Platon Karataev
Melody // Kids Return
Until I Found You (with Em Beihold) - Em Beihold Version // Stephen Sanchez, Em Beihold
Mebaliyti Aykonan // Elham Mohammed
Happy and Well // Thee Sacred Souls
Obchodník s deštěm // Kryštof
PrettyGirlz // WILLOW
לעשות טוב // J.Lamotta, Roy Reemy
Дежавю // kizaru
Anunciaçã // Alceu Valença
Anyone Who Knows What Love Is (Will Understand) // Irma Thomas
Şanıma İnanma // Sezen Aksu
Ne Isteisiń? // Yenlik
My Baby, She Is As Down As I Am // Rogér Fakhr
Mardigi Yerke // Element Band
Tetefafan // Haleluya Tekletsadik
IVAN // Subcarpaţi, Rusalka
Woñi // Blick Bassy
Lejos de Mi // Utopia
Pueblo // makko
Super Star // AP$ENT
Bebo, pazi // Fantom
La Belle De Jour // Alceu Valença
Ayes Sachen // Bombino
undankbar // makko
Eden // Sevdaliza
Erojaisryyppy // mammantytöt!
Босиком по мостовой // J:MOPC
Hollywood // Dlina Volny
Clint Eastwood // Gorillaz
Кукушка // Кино
My Love Is Your Love // Whitney Houston
Just the Two of Us (feat. Bill Withers) // Grover Washington, Jr., Bill Withers
Пыяла / AIGEL
Bac Kapuyt Achqerd // Brunette
The Trick Is to Keep Breathing (2018 - Remaster) // Garbage
Позови меня с собой / Palina
BAD BOY // Yseult
MEEKU // Olivia Komahcheet
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harmonisehati · 10 months
Ku hirup udara pagi. Terjaga disaat jam sekitar pukul tiga pagi, aku merelaksasikan tubuhku. Terima kasih Tuhan buat nafas kehidupan dan kesempatan baru yang Kau berikan bagiku. Masih terasa kantuk tapi coba ku tuliskan ini di pagi yang penuh dengan suara adzan subuh berkumandang. Haleluya!
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prasetyopeuru · 7 months
Sekuat tenaga mengekah, ini bukan tentang otot ini tentang menjadi seorang pria tuk menghidupi keluarganya kelak. Bukan soal roti tapi mengenai setiap firman embun pagi bak firman Tuhan disiramkan untuk kesegaran jasmani rohani keluarganya. HALELUYA!
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lahirbaru · 24 days
Aku Anak Raja
Aku anak rajaEngkau anak rajaKita semua anak raja Aku anak rajaEngkau anak rajaKita semua anak raja Haleluya, Puji TuhanHaleluya, Puji TuhanHaleluya, Puji TuhanHaleluya Cerita Alkitab untuk Balita Bilingual (English & Bahasa Indonesia)
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Aku menerima nasihatmu dan datang untuk menghancurkan Tinggalkan aku untuk diriku sendiri, tinggalkan aku untuk diriku sendiri Aku menerima nasihatmu dan datang untuk menghancurkan Tinggalkan aku untuk diriku sendiri, tinggalkan aku untuk diriku sendiri Oh, aku diciptakan untuk hidup tanpamu Tapi saya tidak akan pernah mengerti, tidak pernah mengerti Oh, aku dilahirkan untuk hidup tanpamu Tapi saya tidak akan pernah mengerti, tidak pernah mengerti Pelukan aku dalam pelukanmu yang abadi Mendongak, penuh ketakutan, terjebak di bawah lampu gantung yang akan turun Saya memikirkannya dan menarik tirai Tinggalkan aku untuk diriku sendiri, tinggalkan aku untuk diriku sendiri Saya menyenandungkan "Dies Irae" saat Anda memainkan Haleluya Serahkan aku ke selku, aku ke selku Jika Anda dipaksa untuk melayani seorang majikan Anda akan ketakutan dengan tangan yang terbuka, takut dengan tangan Bisakah saya dijadikan untuk melayani seorang tuan? Yah, saya tidak akan pernah mengerti, tidak pernah mengerti Pelukan aku dalam pelukanmu yang abadi Mendongak, penuh ketakutan, terjebak di bawah lampu gantung yang akan turun Pelukan aku dalam pelukanmu yang abadi Mendongak, penuh ketakutan, terjebak di bawah lampu gantung yang akan turun Pegang aku di
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artction · 27 days
Saturn (Kesekian)
Hai Nus,
Banyak suratsurat yang telah aku tulis tapi tidak sampai kepadamu. Kantor pos macet, semua suratsurat itu hanya mendekam di kepalanya. Berharihari suratsurat itu melewatkan banyak peristiwa. Baik perihal keriuhan di bumi atau pun peristiwa di kepalanya sendiri. Aku tidak tahu nasib surat yang kutulis saat ini akan sampai pada perjalanan yang mana, apakah sama dengan suratsurat sebelumnya, ataukah akan sampai kepadamu. Yang jelas aku ingin terus menulis suratsuratku.
Beberapa peristiwa sudah sempat aku kabarkan, tapi aku akan menulis ulang---karena aku masih berharap, surat ini akan bernasib baik di tengah huruhara Wakanda.
Selama perjalanan menuju, banyak peristiwa yang terjadi. Semua yang mulanya berjalan baik sering timbul tenggelam kaya ikan, semua keidealan hanya tamu di kepala, segala kepedihann berteman dengan ketidaktahuan, ketidakberdayaan, dan ketidakpahaman. Perjalanan menuju ini tidak pernah selesai. Kertas terakhir pada kotak pandora saja yang tersisa, itu pun aku tidak tahu, apakah akan mewujud bara api atau sekedar pereda keresahan sebentar.
Kini semuanya tampak abuabu, segala hal seperti sedang ada diantara.
Perjalanan dari Merkurius kembali ke Saturnus kali ini aku juga menjumpai lubang hitam. Melodinya menggema keluar . Suaranya pedih. Gelap. Tidak terbatas. Sangat indah, namun menakutkan jika menyangkut ketidakmampuan kita untuk memahaminya.
Suratku sebelumnya mungkin banyak bercerita perihal halhal baik, tapi semua nyatanya dinamis. Segala bisa berubah wujud, kapan pun. Mungkin Nad masih jago terbang sambil sekarang bisa nyanyi lagu rohani dan meneriakan haleluya,  pohon mangga itu masih jago bernyanyi, dan kambing itu masih jago baca pusisi, Tapi halhal disekitarannya mengalami perubahan. Dan itu adanyaa..
Sekarang ini, kecepatan berubah bentuk, Cahaya menjadi sesuatu yang bias. Hingar bingar menyusup di ruangruang sepi dan terpencil. Mereka menjelma beragam bentuk pada kekosongan dan kesepian yang lain.
Kini aku masih dalam poros perjalanan yang sama, Menuju.
Dan sepertinya akan selalu seperti itu.
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