#Happy Aroha Day
metal-bubble · 6 months
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Little Sanha on this early morning 🌄
Reference image from that cooking drama he was in or something.
Hes so put out 😂 its amazing.
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cheolbinsart · 2 years
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Happy Hearts's Day everyone, to ASTRO and AROHA 💜 Whatever status you're in - single (like me 😊), in a relationship, married or complicated, I hope and pray you find happiness, peace and love this day 😍
Love yourself, the people who love you, ASTRO (who loves AROHA oh so dear) and most of all, GOD who loves us all 💘
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lqrocky · 2 years
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Happy Birthday to this gorgeous man 🥰
We wish you great health and a great year!!
Love you, Rocky!! 💕🪨🐺
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lordstumpy · 5 months
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Happy Mothers Day!
A quick sketch I did today for the occasion.
Thanks for all the aroha on my previous post - it’s much appreciated!
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A moment of silence please.
It's a really sad day for all of us Kpop fans. We lost another kind and talented soul today. Astro Moonbin passed away at just the age of 25. I’m not an Aroha, but I’m moved to tears while writing this.. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of Moonbin’s family and friends right now. My heart is truly breaking. Sua, Sanha, Jinjin, MJ, Rocky, Eunwoo, Seungkwan, SinB, Chanwoo, his family, we’re all thinking of you. I hope people will give them privacy in order to grieve on the loss of such a beautiful and smiling soul.
Kpop idols are humans. They have emotions just like us. Please be kind to them. Please don't post hate under the name of personal opinion, you don't know what they are going through behind their smiles. It doesn't harm you in being a little bit kinder. Please be kinder and respect them and their privacy.
I don't know what situations he had to go through until it finally came on this point. Even today, i just saw one of his videos where he was smiling with such a beautiful smile.
My condolences to his family members, his friends and to Aroha's. I can't even imagine the pain they are going through. I'm not an Aroha, but he and his songs really did comfort me. I was shocked when I read in Google that he passed away. And I'm still in shock that we lost such a gem.
Please be kinder.
May his soul rest in Peace 🕊️ i hope he is happy wherever he is 🙏🏽
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paapi · 2 months
Happy Friendship Day 💖
i have no energy to make big posts so this is an acknowledgement of all the positive influences you've had on me and appreciation for tolerating me. <3
@alhad-maharani @ik-kudi-da-khwab @embersariya @idkwhoisshe @taurusmoon2008 @rahuvianprincess666 @the-summer-that-went-wrong @premikaunderthemoon @basekpagalsiladki @pretentious-hana @hectorfrombritain @tamanna-and-her-struggles @indigo-pdf @shadowseductress @sahirabvld @bipdf @main-hun-hi-nahin-iss-duniya-ki @manincaffeine @bandarrrrr @aroha-scape @smiwako @perpetualwhimsy @siya-sayani @vondutchmp3 @wizardcherryblossom @viswa-sakhi @meetmylivingghosts @nainasfuneral
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islandtarochips · 3 months
Arthur’s Note: After watching that AWESOME trailer! I just wanted to do a small story or maybe a one shot about my Black Ops OC! I’m feeling so hyped up on how this one goes! Summary: Koa who was just spending time with his family. Who he had gotten back with again. Enjoying his off-time with his girlfriend (not being the wife YET for they were still divorced) and his two sons again. Until he got a call from his General wanting to talk about something. What is it that they’re going to talk about? Is it another mission threatening their home or is it someone else’s problem that he has to help out with? Let’s find out shall we?
Words: 3802
Clouds had darkened the blue sky during the day. As the rain poured onto the city of New Zealand. Where Koa had lived all of his life. Living in the house with his loving girlfriend who he had gotten back together after from the last mission he went to.
He was happy to see her and his two sons gathering in the living room. Watching the news on TV.
He was making some tea and some snacks for them as he took the tray. And walked over to them. 
As he set it on the table and gave the cup of tea to Aroha, his girlfriend. He saw the news on the TV saying about the riot that is going on in America.
“It’s CHAOS over there…” Aroha said worryingly seeing how messy it was. She took a sip from her cup as she looked at her boyfriend. “Doesn’t this worry you?”
Koa sighed as he gave the snacks to his younger son, who was laying on the floor while drawing, and gave the other one to his eldest son. “Kind of but don’t actually care. And that’s the thing about these Americans. Always causing chaos with NO reason.”
He grabbed his tea as he took a sip from his cup and pulled Aroha closer to him. He smiled at her. “But I’m not worried right now since I’m safe here with you and our boys.” Then he leaned closer and kissed softly on her cheek. “Mostly with you.”
Aroha giggles, feeling his lips against her cheek and then her head. “Oh stop it you.”
Their eldest son, named Kai, gagged playfully at the sight of his parents giving each other affection. “Gross! Get a ROOM, you two!”
The youngest son, named Ari, giggled a bit and also gagged. “Yeah! Get a ROOM!”
The couple chuckled to see the boy's reaction of them showing their love. Koa smirked at the two playfully before continuing to kiss Aroha on the lips.
The boys gagged even more before Kai covered his little brother’s eyes.
Aroha giggled at her lover’s playfulness before she joined in.
“Can you give us a BREAK?! We’re young over here!” Kai complained as he tried to look away from this sick love scene.
Koa leaned back and grinned at him. “You might act like this as well once you get a girlfriend.”
His eldest son rolled his eyes before they all heard the house phone rang. Kai went to get it as he walked to where the phone was hanging on the wall.
It kept ringing before he picked it up.
Koa let his lover lean onto him as he glanced at his older son talking on the phone.
“...um…ok. Hold on.” Kai looked towards the living room before calling out. “Hey dad! Someone is on the phone for you!”
Koa turned his head to where Kai was at. And then looked at Aroha before kissing her head as he said to her that he’ll be back. She nodded and removed herself for him to get up. And let her youngest son come up on the couch with her.
Koa slowly walked over as Kai handed him the phone. He told him to go sit with his mother before answering the phone.
“Captain Nakiu? It’s General Akahata.”
Koa felt surprised to hear his General’s voice through the line. “General? Why are you calling and how did you know my number?”
“I have my ways, Nakiu. But I need to tell you something. It’s important.”
“Oh um…of course, sir. Say it away.”
“An old comrade of yours is coming in around midnight. To give you a message about the mission that I…hope that you’ll accept and understand.”
Koa was confused at the General’s words. “Sir, I don’t understand. I thought the mission that I took two weeks ago is my LAST one. And I just started my leaves.”
“I know. But this is important, Colonel. And it’s not my choice to tell them that you don’t want to.”
“Then who am I going to speak with?”
“…it’s best for you to talk to them once your comrade comes.”
“Just talk to them, Nakiu. And if you choose to deny it. Then say so to THEM. Is that clear?”
“…yes, sir.”
Then he heard the General sigh softly on the other line of the phone. As he’s feeling old already. “And please…don’t make heated arguments with them. I’ll be going now. Have a nice day, Captain.”
“You too, sir.”
Soon he heard the General hung up before Koa slowly placed the phone back on the wall. He took a deep sigh before looking towards where his girlfriend and their sons were at.
He slowly walked over and leaned over the couch from behind as he smiled at them. “I’m back.”
Aroha looked up at him and smiled softly. “Hey.”
He saw Ari was already asleep in her arms and felt his own heart being touched. Then saw Kai was also asleep while sitting on the floor, laying his back against the couch in front of her.
“I guessed my snacks had put them to sleep.” Koa said with a light chuckle. As he gently traced his fingers on Ari’s little head.
Aroha giggles a bit. “Seems like I have taught you well on cooking huh?” She gently held Koa’s hand after he withdrew it from Ari. “Who was that on the phone?”
She noticed his expression when she mentioned it. She knows something is wrong. “Honey?”
Koa turned his head to look at her. “Oh um…that was…” He was trying to avoid telling her about his work. For he did promise that the last mission he went to would be the LAST time for him to go.
But he also knows that he can’t lie to her either. So he took a deep breath as he held onto her hand tightly. “That was my General. He said that one of my old comrades will be coming here at midnight to discuss with someone about…the mission.”
Aroha raised her eyebrow as she felt a bit surprised at this news. “But…I thought you’re not going back until in two months...”
“I know, pepi (baby). And he said that I can deny it if I want to. Depending on whatever dangerous mission they’ll put me in.”
“Then DENY it. You’ve worked so much.” Aroha pleaded. She gave him a concerned look as she gently tightened her grip onto his hand.
Koa sighs softly. “I need to see if this IS important. If not then I’ll deny it right away.” He leaned down over the couch and gave her a soft kiss on the head. “I promise.”
Aroha sighs through her nose as she calms down a bit. She understands her husband’s work but…she JUST got him back. Even their past relationship wasn’t so good. She saw how much he changed after joining the army.
And now he came back to her. Being a different man that she never knew he could. She softly removed her hand from his and placed it onto his cheek. As her thumb gently stroked against it. She looked into her lover’s eyes. As if she hopes that he’ll understand how SHE feels.
She doesn’t need to say it. For Koa could read well from her. He knows that she’ll ache if he leaves. But he also knows whatever missions that his General will send. It must be important.
Queenstown, New Zealand
Aroha was in the room, checking on their sons in each of their rooms. Smiling softly before walking back to Koa, who was sitting at the dining table. She saw him staring at the clock that was on the wall. Seeing the second hand was moving inch by inch in seconds.
She could tell that he’s feeling a bit anxious. Before she started to walk over. The two turned their heads towards the door, hearing the doorbell ringing.
Koa looked at Aroha. “Wait inside the room, pepi.” He told her with his soft voice.
Before she watched him stood up from his seat and walked over to the door. She slowly turned around and walked to the room as she glanced back. Before seeing Koa opening the door.
She quickly went inside the room but left the door crack open. She took a peek through it as she was curious of who was at the door.
“Sergeant Eruera? The General sent YOU?”
A young man, who looked to be in his 20s, showed a respectful smile towards the captain. He saluted in front of him. “Yes, sir! I am your old comrade, sir!”
The two were just staring at each other before laughing a bit. The two shared a hug while Koa patted his back.
“My god, it’s been a while!” Koa said with such relief in his tone. To see an old familiar face.
The Sergeant leaned back as he gave the old Captain a big old smile. “It HAS been, sir! And I’m so happy to see you!”
“Please, no need to be formal. I’m out of work.” Koa stepped aside for him to come inside. While Aroha was still watching. Being quiet so they won’t hear her.
As soon the Sergeant walked inside, Koa closed the door and locked it before getting a good look at him. “Look at you, Haimona! Getting taller! Almost to my height actually.” He smiled as he used his hand to measure between him and the Sergeant.
Haimona, who is the Sergeant, laughed a bit as he pushed Koa’s hand down. To stop him from teasing him about his height. “Yeah, I am.” He smiled softly at his Captain, after a long time from his long lasting mission. “Really miss you, Koa. Thought you will never come back from that mission in America.”
Koa chuckled a bit as he nodded. “Yeah…me too.”
There was a moment of silence between them before Haimona breaked the atmosphere between them. “Sir, General Akahata gave me this cell phone for you to call them.”
He gave him the phone as Koa took it. Aroha saw the phone as well and felt a bit confused as to why he would give him the phone.
The Captain looked at this phone before looking back at his Sergeant. “What’s the number?”
Haimona brought out the paper and gave it to him. Aroha could see the paper being handed to her boyfriend as she kept quiet.
And saw Koa looking at the piece of paper before dialing it. She could hear the phone ringing as she saw him laying it on the table and putting it on speaker.
Koa lay both of his hands on the table while leaning forward a bit. The two were waiting for the call to be answered before they heard a voice coming through after the fourth ring.
“Hello?” It was a female voice with a British accent.
Koa paused for a bit after hearing that familiar voice. “...Hello?”
“Captain Nakiu? Is that you?”
“Yes. This is him. Who is this?”
There was silence on the phone. After a few seconds, she answered.
“It’s Park. Helen Park.”
Koa raised his eyebrows in surprise before standing up as his expression changed from being surprised into annoyance. “What the fuck do you want, Park?”
The Sergeant felt a bit awkward to see his Captain looking so pissed already. Even Aroha felt surprised to see him like this.
“I thought I told you and the others to NEVER contact me.”
“I know! I know! But this is important! And we need-”
“Please! Just listen to me! It’s-”
“I said NO, Park. You and the others had done enough damage with ME around. So I’m not taking PARTS of it. Goodbye.”
“Wait! Nakiu!”
Koa was about to hang up before someone else called through the line.
“Not even for ONE minute to hear the reason, NAKIU?” A male voice had asked.
He paused. His hand stopped from reaching for the phone.
Haimona looked at Koa. Seeing him freeze like that. “Sir?”
Koa slowly put his hand down onto the table after hearing that voice. The voice he thought that he’ll never hear again. “Charles…?”
“Yes, Nakiu. It’s me. I’m with Park right now. And…she told me about this mission.”
“...why ARE you with her? Thought you don’t want NOTHING from them.”
“And you’re right, but…she has my attention when she mentions someone.”
Koa looked at Haimona, seeing his confused expression. Before looking back at the phone. “Who?”
“It’s Aleks.”
Koa’s eyes widened after hearing that name. “What? What happened? Is she okay? Is she hurt? Why is she INVOLVED with this?!”
Charles sighs to hear the Captain’s worried reaction. “CALM down, Nakiu. She’s alright. It’s just…Park had a feeling that Aleks was trying to find Adler. You saw the news didn’t you?”
Koa nodded. “Yes. Which was CHAOS. But what Adler?”
That’s when Park jumped in to answer. “He hadn’t responded to ANY of our calls or messages. And Aleks is being paranoid at the moment. So the first person that I could think of is…you.”
The Captain stood there silently as he processed what she said. Before sighing in annoyance. “Was he being kidnapped again? Because if he is then I’ll-”
“It’s not that, Koa. He’s gone rogue. Even Woods.”
Koa felt a bit surprised at this. Not for Adler but for Woods. “What? How? Why is Woods part of this?”
“I…I don’t know. Not even Charles could find out.”
“Ok. But where’s Mason, Hudson and the others? Why aren’t THEY helping the two?”
Koa was silenced from the phone. As if the two were trying to say something before answering that question. “Park? Moore?”
“Koa…Mason and Hudson…were KIA. From one of the missions.”
Haimona could see Koa’s reaction. With widened eyes.
Park sighed. “The two of them had died by the hands of that man named Menendez. But that would be another time. For OUR time is ticking. We just need your assistant, Nakiu. To help Charles and Aleks on this mission. To help us locate Adler.”
Koa was silenced after hearing all of that. He had never felt so shocked to hear the news of his dearest friend, not HUDSON though, had…died. The thought of Woods losing his friend from that mission. Made him feel sad for him.
But the thought of Adler. The man of whom he DESPISED ever since that day of finding out of him UNALIVING someone. UNALIVNG someone who he promised to help and protect. UNALIVING someone who he called them his own blood. But yet…he was too late to save them. All because of that man with a scar on his face and wearing sunglasses.
Charles heard no response from Koa. Which he knows that the Captain is still deciding. He sighed before speaking up. “Koa…I understand that you and Adler have…a DIFFICULT relationship. And so have I. With you as well.”
Koa rolled his eyes at that last sentence but continued to listen.
“But Aleks TRULY needed our help. Don’t you want to help her?”
Koa thought about it but then thought about his family. As he looked at the family photo of his girlfriend, his two sons and him. The photo which they took after being accepted again into the family. And then saw the photo of his daughter next to it. He thought about it so deeply. He sighed.
Aroha, who was still in the room and was listening, could see Koa’s expression. She could tell that he was going to deny it. They may not know how Koa reacted but she USED to marry him. And she knows him LONG enough. And also, remembering him talking about his old friends. She had never seen him change SO much because of them. Even seeing him looking so happy when he talks about them.
Knowing that he was the only child in his family and never had any other siblings. And dealing with his father after his mother had passed.
Imagining him being broken because of his father before marrying to her. And she knows that it’ll break him even more if he doesn’t decide to help his old friends. So she quickly got out of the room and walked towards him.
“I’m sorry, Charles…but I-”
Koa and Haimona turned their heads to see Aroha standing there. 
His eyes widened to see her before walking up to her.
“Aro? Pepi (Baby), what are you doing still up?”
Aroha looked up at him into his eyes before gently touching his hand. “Can we…talk?”
Koa saw how serious she looked but in a worried way. He looked at his Sergeant asking him to let them know that he’ll be back.
Haimona nodded and started to talk with them while Koa took Aroha into the hallway. 
He turned to look at her. “Something wrong?”
She slowly shook her head before she looked back to see Haimona was still talking on the phone with those people. And then looked back to look into her lover’s eyes. As much as she doesn’t want him to go but she doesn’t want him to live with the regret of not helping his friends who are so close to him.
“You should go.”
Koa’s eyebrows rose after hearing that. He was surprised. “What? Why?”
“Koa…don’t you care for your friends?”
“And do you wish for them to suffer all because of that ONE person who you will not forgive?”
“What? No!”
“Then GO.” 
Aroha took both of his hands. “Koa…you can’t just stop helping people all because of that ONE person that you can’t forgive.”
“Yeah, but he-”
“I’m not done.” Then she moved her hands up slowly from his hand and up to his face to cup his cheeks. “Koa, do you remember when you asked for MY forgiveness?”
He was silenced for a bit as he looked into his lover’s eyes. Those sweet brown eyes. As he slowly nodded.
“And I forgive, haven't I? I forgave you for I saw how much you’ve changed. And proven to me that you REALLY want to get back together not only for my sake but for the boys as well. And look how much you’ve gotten so close with them again.”
Koa was silenced after hearing all of that as he glanced away. Feeling uncertain.
“Hey, look at me.”
He slowly looked back at his lover and saw her soft smile.
“You don’t have to forgive him right away. But…can you TRY? For me and your friend?” Aroha pleaded with him as she rubbed his rough goatees.
Koa leaned into her soft touch as he sighed calmly. And looked back down to her soft gaze. Seeing that reminded him of those wedding nights that they used to have. Oh how much he missed those nights.
So he touched one of her hands and kissed her palm before looking at her. “If you’re sure, pepi.”
“I’m certainly sure, taku aroha (my love).” She said with a sweetest smile that he missed seeing.
Koa smiled back before kissing her lips as she did it back. Before leaning back and lay his forehead against hers. “I promise this time. That I’ll be back and I’m all yours.”
“Better keep that promise or I’ll have to rethink our relationship.”
Koa chuckled as he kissed her nose before walking back to where his Sergeant was at. And seeing him still talking with Park and Charles on the phone.
“Haihana, maku e whakahaere. (Sergeant, I’ll take over)” Koa told Haimono before seeing him nodded and stepped back before he got to the phone that was on the table.
“Captain?” Park started to call out for Koa through the line.
The Captain started to sigh as he looked back to see Aroha was standing nearby in the hallway. Seeing her soft smile before nodding.
He took a deep breath. “When do you need me?”
He heard the silence again from the phone. Knowing that they’re surprised by his answer.
“ASAP.” Park said before he heard Charles talking through the line.
“And you BETTER not be late or I’ll kick your ass for it.”
Koa chuckled deeply. “If you can even REACH, hoa (friend).”
“Shut up. Anyway, there will be a private plane at your base in New Zealand. They are on their way. So might as well get packing.” Charles said while Koa nodded.
“Sure. See you soon. And Charles?” He heard Charles humming in response. “Glad to hear from you again.”
“......same here, Koa. We’ll see you soon.”
Soon he hung up the phone before Koa leaned back from the table and sighs. And looked at Haimona. “Tēnā koe, Haihana. (Thank you, Sergeant).”
The Sergeant nodded with a small smile. “Of course, sir. And…do you need any assistance with this mission?” He gave the Captain a smile as if he was pleading to come along.
“Negative, Sergeant.”
“But sir-”
“Ko taku tikanga, Haihana. (I mean it, Sergeant)” Koa said with seriousness in his tone. Haimona caught that and understood before nodding.
“Sorry, sir…”
Koa sighed before looking at Aroha. Nodding her to come.
She walked over before feeling his arm wrapped on her waist. “Koa?”
He smiled softly at her before looking at Haimona. “Don’t take this the wrong way, Sergeant. But…”
Haimona saw his Captain looking saddened as he continued to listen to his words.
“I have lost too many people that I’ve known and cared for. Too many who were still alive who moved away from me and too many who already died under MY watch.” Koa looked at him with his pleading eyes to his Sergeant and begged him to understand. “So please…toku hoa (my friend). Understand that I’m saying this to you NOT because you’re not ready. But because this mission is too hard for me to handle if I lose another one who is so close to me.”
Haimona looked at his eyes, seeing the truth through it. And he clearly understands how his Captain has been going through. “Understood, sir. And I’ll be waiting for you when you come back.” He smiled at Koa before standing firm and saluting to him.
Koa smiled back at him before sighing as he looked at Aroha. “I’ll be seeing you when I get back.”
She nodded and quickly gave him a peck on his lips before smiling softly. “I believe you.”
After that night, Koa had already packed his things and went to kiss his boy's head, who are still asleep, without waking them up. As much as it pains him to leave them without explanation and hopefully they’ll understand.
But thanks to Aroha reassuring him that she’ll explain to them. And gave each other one last kiss before he walked with the Sergeant to head to the base of where his mission begins.
Characters (Left -> Right)
Charles "Charlie" Moore -> @deeptrashwitch
Aleksandra Clarke R. -> @alypink
Tagging these peeps for I promise them to finish these! (Already tagged Witch and Aly onto this as you can see up there!)
@welldonekhushi @imagoddamnonionmason
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lxvemaze · 3 months
i swear i've seen your blog around like months ago when i was in a piwon drought and brainrot and looked through the tags for fics but i didn't know you stanned astro too 🥹🥹 <//3
yesss!!!! ive been an aroha for years!!!
ive been thinking about writing for astro for a while, but i feel like no one would read them! especially since i posted a little eunwoo smau a few days ago, and it only got like, five notes 😭
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trashexplorer · 1 year
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Title: Minori no Mori
Status: Complete
Author/Artist: Maripaka
“Liars who lose their way in the forest can never come back out.”
Masanori receives the news of the sudden death of his best friend, Shintarou, who had gone to live in Tokyo. The night of the funeral, while he’s helping out, a man who says he was a friend of Shintarou’s, Minoru, appears before him. As Minoru plans to stay the whole forty-nine days of mourning there, Masanori offers to let Minoru stay at his place after finding him camping in the mountains… But at that same night, Minoru also offers Masanori his company in bed.
The truth behind his best friend’s death, the whys and the hows, and Masanori’s secret love… The mysteries and lies overlap, but what’ll become of them when the truth comes out?
I’m open to re-translation, but please use your own scans. Please refer to my re-translations post to see if there already is a scan team re-translating this work in the same language you will be proposing.
Please don’t upload/post this on reading sites and don’t forget to support the author by buying the original goods if you can!
Thank you for waiting. We’re finally done with the whole thing. I say we, but I’m the reason for the delay. 
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Okay, so I might have bitten more than I could chew. First, I would like to thank and sincerely apologize to everyone who’s helped Minori see the light of day. To be completely honest, I didn’t think too much of Minori as I was translating it. I was just in it ‘cause “ooh cool toners and serious theme”, but then I started to relate... At some point, it became too much for me that I decided to step away from Minori and the internet altogether for my own sake. 
Traveling was nice, yes. I wouldn’t say it healed anything, but different scenery is always a welcome change at least... which is why this’ll be one of my very last real time posts until uhh, August, I think.
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So we do have a few pre-scanned things we plan to put out soon, and I’ll be handing over some duties to another team member so they can release them on the instructed time. I also already have the tumblr posts for them all in my drafts, so the non-discord people should be able to be notified as well. 
And lastly, to my dear Arohas and to everyone out there, I just want to say that it’s okay. Allow yourself to get hurt, lonely, angry, or sad. That’s human. Life isn’t a song only the most mentally stable can sing. You don’t have to force yourself to feel a certain way, and you can take as much time as you need, but please allow yourself to get help, to heal, and to be happy. You deserve it. No matter what other people say, you deserve it. And even if there’s nobody else to remind you, you deserve it.
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fangirlingsimp · 8 months
We miss him. It's his first birthday without him. The thought makes me sad. But today is no day to be sad.
It's the day of celebration. The day when Moon first shined on the earth.
Today, I will remember him for what he was. Kind, lovely, sweet, full of light. He was an inspiration. I will be what he made out of me, cheerful and happy. I remember him the way he would want to be remembered. With smile on my face, not tears in my eyes.
We miss you, Bin. But I will not be sad today.
I can be sad on 19th April.
But today, I will celebrate him the way he deserved to be.
With love and joy.
- Aroha💜
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nobodieshero-main · 6 months
finally reposting the 2K of sibling fluff i wrote for @tbos-main like. 2 years ago. <3
Toa has two children, blessed with the dark hair and dark eyes of her people, skin kissed with the same olive brown of the mountains that keep them safe. Too young to lift their heads on their own, down-feather-soft and sleepy, they wrap their small hands around her fingers and she feels something deep and ancient shift in her ribs.
She hoots softly, a sound like drifting feathers, and smiles when they blink up at her curiously. One day, they will understand.
You are the shards of me.
In everything but blood, they are hers. Gifts, she will call them, left at the feet of Maurua for her to find and cherish. She does not allow herself to think of who would have left behind children so young to fend for themselves, does not entertain the thought that perhaps they were not meant to survive.
She grits her teeth against the hot flush of protective rage and exhales the anger through her nose. Hoots again, a promise this time, the strongest one a mother knows.
You are the shards of me.
Keika, she found wailing in the muddied shores of Mahina river, eyes glowing a bright purple as the nymph attempted to sooth the child with wandering dreams. She evaded Toa's questioning about the hatchlings wet hair, but it was not hard to piece the story together.
The river was cold in everything but her heart, the boys parents would not have made it far before meeting the fate they meant for him.
She had her son for only two blinks of Vietua, before she met her daughter.
Ahuru, she found nestled in the roots of a tree, chirping the same lonely cry that Makai chicks call when they cannot find their parents, wings filthy and still mostly bald- an age where she should still have been tucked away in her nest, safe from the dangers that lurked in Maurua's shadows.
And so, Toa had tucked the shivering hatchling in beside the first and ran hardened knuckles down the soft skin of their cheeks. Keika had scrunched his face at the cool and scratchy weight of Ahuru's hatchling wings, but had quickly settled against his new sister and Toa loved them so fiercely she ached with it.
Their eyes drooped, features so strikingly similar that it was as though they were meant to find each other, perhaps two halves of the same soul was split between them.
She hooted a third time, deeper in her chest and ending on a shaky croon meant to promise them safety in their dreams and the knowledge that she will be there to greet them when they open their eyes.
You may rest safely knowing that I will face the world with you tomorrow. If you cannot stand, I will lay with you and we will try again the next day.
Only Vietua could keep them from her now.
Kei-Kei was sitting on the steps of the meeting house, kicking his legs eventhough he always said that he didn't do that. Māmā told her not to ruin her brothers fun though, so she made sure not to point out that he was doing it. It made him frowny, which made Ahuru frowny because she didn't like it when her brother was frowny.
Māmā says it's because she loves him. Ahuru likes that word, it's her favourite.
It was so much her favourite that she decided to share it with Kei-Kei, so she leaned forward to peek over his shoulder. "Aroha ahau ki a koe!"
Kei-Kei grinned, another of her favourite things, and turned to place a loud and messy kiss against her cheek, the way their māmā did. "Aroha ano ahau ki a koe." He returned, before turning around with a happy sounding hum.
It felt happy too, warm and soft around her toes as she wove more feathers into his hair with gentle claws. Their māmā had taught them how to twist hair into braided ropes and Ahuru loved to braid her brothers hair.
This time she wasn't doing it for practice though. She was doing it so that Kei-Kei wouldn't feel left out just because he didn't have feathers like everyone else. He said that he didn't care, but sometimes he lied about silly things like that so Ahuru decided she'd take matters into her own talons and had spent all morning preening her wings and digging through their nest for any feathers she didn't need.
She'd even grabbed some of their māmā's, and the star-white stood out very nicely against Kei-Kei's dark hair and Ahuru's downy green-ish feathers.
"Kua oti koe?" He asked after a little bit, careful not to turn his head while her claws were still in his hair. Ahuru's feathers ruffled at his impatience, even though she knew it wasn't real. Kei-Kei could sit still forever, if he really wanted to.
"Awe." She promised in a mutter, tongue sticking out of the corner of her mouth as she gently twisted another feather into his hair.
Now Kei-Kei would have his own feathers to show off, the way everyone else did, and then he wouldn't have to feel left out anymore.
She paused for a moment, tilting her head to the side before looking down at her own wings that were keeping her sitting up so she could use her feet without falling over. Even though she wasn't a fledgling yet, they were very big wings, bigger even than māmā's when māmā became a bird.
One day, she would take Kei-Kei with her when she flew, and then he would never be left out.
Keika sneezed, pressing a forearm to his face to give his eyes a break from the painful brightness of Rawetua's rays. He missed the cool darkness of the woods they'd left behind, and felt a new bitterness wash through him.
Ahuru was handling it a little better, though she kept her eyes squinted in between weird dramatic blinks like she was trying to force her pupils to hurry up and adapt. She'd been using her wings as a sort of shade, holding them up above their heads, but it was tiresome and her shoulders had begun to hurt so Keika had suggested they take a break and just deal with Rawatua for a bit.
He was regretting it, but not enough to ask his sister to put herself through any more pain.
They'd climbed over an odd, random, wooden structure that resembled a half-built wall and had been walking across an open stretch of grassy hills since then.
His eyes were still covered when Ahuru suddenly stilled beside him, a wary chirp shuttering against the back of the teeth as her ruffled feathers brushed his arm.
Cautious, Keika lowered his arm and blinked against the brightness before his vision cleared and he froze.
There was a creature a few arm-lengths away, staring at them with wide, strange, yellow eyes while it chewed on something. Its body was big and round and covered in a layer of short grey-white fur, with thick clumps of fluffier looking fur hanging off of it in a seemingly random pattern.
It stared at them, still chewing, and they stared back, still frozen.
Ahuru tilted her head, and looked at him with wide eyes before blinking once.
What is it?
Keika widened his eyes in response and shook his head, strands of hair falling into his face at the movement.
I don't know.
Together they both turned back to the creature, to discover it had finally stopped chewing and appeared to have turned to face them properly, alert in a way it hadn't been before.
Keika almost felt... threatened. He could tell by the way Ahuru's wings fluffed up and lifted slightly that she was feeling a similar way.
And then the creature made a sound, a sort of gravelly bellow and they both jumped in fright, Ahuru's wings shooting up to curve over both of them protectively.
The animal flinched back and ran away until it was at a safer distance, before turning to look back again, seemingly wanting something from them.
And then suddenly there were more, bulky white creatures ambling up the hill towards them, all watching them with the same yellow eyes.
Slowly, the pair took a few testing steps back, watching the creatures warily for any reaction. There didn't seem to be one, so they continued in the same backwards fashion until suddenly, simultaneously, the creatures started following at a curious pace.
Iekua help them, were they telepathic?
The thought sent a bolt of ice down Keika's spine. There were plenty of tani in the Mahina Woods that could communicate in all sorts of strange ways, it's wasn't at all unbelievable that these creatures could as well. Mā- Toa had always told them that the outside world was very different to the woods they lived in, but maybe she'd been wrong.
And then all of the creatures were making that strange noise, loud and terrifying and they were ambling closer and Keika and Ahuru were stepping back and then they were running so Keika and Ahuru did too.
Keika's bag swung wildly and smacked him on the backs of his thighs as they sprinted away, Ahuru flapping her wings every few steps to carry her further faster much to Keika's betrayal.
"Tāria ki ahau!" He demanded, tempted to throw his bag at her just to get her to slow down and not leave him behind with those things.
Some sister she was.
From the sounds of it the animals were in pursuit, jostling one another and trampling the grass in their efforts to catch them.
Curse this strange land, Keika thought a little hysterically as he watched Ahuru flap her way over another of those half-built walls and onto the wide path beyond it. Her long hair streamed behind her, strands getting caught in the feathers of her wings, and Keika was just glad he'd left his braided behind him as he threw his bag and then himself over the wall after her.
Lungs burning, his boots slipped a bit on the rocks as he scrambled back onto his feet before following his sister until they found a bridge to scramble underneath.
Keika had feathers in his mouth and a foot in his stomach as they shoved at each other to move faster, before pressing together to take up less space. Keika had his bag pulled to his chest, heart pounding against his ribs while Ahuru curled her wings around them both in an instinctive need to hide.
It was hard to hear anything through their panting and the sound of blood rushing in his ears but he was hopeful that they'd outrun their pursuers.
It was awhile before either of them felt safe enough to venture back out into the open, peering around the edge of the stone bridge back the way they came to reveal an empty road.
They looked at each other, hair now a mess and littered with leaves and cobwebs, and Keika felt the hysteria from before come bubbling back up as laughter. Ahuru stared at him for a moment, like maybe he'd finally lost it, before she cracked a grin and then they were both laughing.
It loosened something inside of him, a warm and vibrant joy rushing through his veins as his fear gave way to relief and he decided that maybe they could survive this.
He had Ahuru, despite everything, and as long as she was by his side he knew everything was going to be okay.
They fixed each others hair, frequently breaking out into giggles that petered off into amused grins as they picked out leaves and combed their fingers through it. Ahuru re-braided Keika's hair and he tied hers into a knot, up and away from her neck, before they made their way across the bridge and continued on their journey.
Niskaiua would lead them somewhere they could be safe, all they needed to get there was each other.
The man who had lead them to the room seemed kind, with his smile and the way his face had softened in surprise at Ahuru's nervous rambling.
Apparently, neither of the languages they knew were common here.
They weren't used to being unable to talk their way into or out of things, but it seemed unnecessary in the face of the mans open hands as he'd gestured for them to step into the room.
It was bigger than was expected, likely meant for an adult rather than two fledglings, and the nest was shaped oddly but... it was dry, and it was warm and it was dark and Keika suddenly felt the now familiar urge to cry creep up his throat.
"Tēnā-" Keika hesitated, but it was the only language he had, and he could only hope the man would understand the sentiment. "Tēnā rawa atu koe."
The man's face scrunched a bit, one eye narrowing more than the other as he, presumably, attempted to figure out what Keika was trying to say before his face cleared and he nodded. The words he spoke in return were weird, the sounds familiar but put together in a way that didn't make sense. Still, Keika thought he understood.
He was accepting their thank you.
He left them shortly after a long and strange conversation in which they each tried to communicate in a way the other could understand.
There was a lot of gesturing and speaking slowly, littered with bouts of laughter and excited clapping whenever they had a break through.
It was ridiculous. And a little frustrating.
In the end they figured out that the man was telling them they could stay for as long as they needed to, and he would find them some food later, much to their shared relief.
The food he brought was odd. It lacked the smoky flavours of what they were used to, and the plants that had been served with it were strange and new. But it was warm, and tasty.
They were given a bath - a warm one - and Ahuru had used her wings to "innocently" splash him as he'd been getting dressed so he quietly vowed to steal all of the strings she used to tie her hair.
The nest was large, and a strange shape, but it was comfortable and the blankets were warm. Ahuru flopped onto Keika as soon as he'd laid down, and even though she was half his weight the air was punched out of his lungs through sheer force. She cackled at him and the tugged at her hair until she stuck a finger up his nose and he was distracted by trying to bite it.
It was a rare moment of immaturity that they hadn't been granted since before they had touched sunlight, and Keika reveled in it as Ahuru dropped her weight back onto his chest and tucked her head under his chin.
She draped her wing over him like a blanket, one soft and warm and familiar, and they quietly hooted their night wishes, the sound shaking through each others ribs in a comforting echo.
"I can't believe you actually hit him." Ahuru scolded, mouth twisted as she ran a dampened cloth over her brothers knuckles, gently rubbing her thumb over each of them to check for damage. The water had cost her one of her under feathers, the ones that were steadily turning orange.
He hissed and tried to pull his hand away and she chirped angrily, a sharp sound that reverberated through her skull.
Be still. Behave.
A warning and a threat rolled into one, as she glared at him until he rolled his eyes and relaxed his arm so she could pull it back towards her.
They were sitting on the bridge over the Rue river, sky pleasantly overcast in the way she knew Keika enjoyed, legs crossed beneath them, knees pressed to the curve of her wings she bent over his hand and wrapped it in the clean linen she kept in his bag.
Some kid, a harvest or two older than them, had heard Ahuru introduce Keika as her brother to a girl she'd met in the markets and had decided to say something about the legitimacy of their relationship. Asked how it was possible, claimed they were lying for attention.
Like either of them, with their odd accents and the way they still stumbled over the common tongue, needed any more attention.
"You're my sister."
Ahuru looked up in surprise at the steel in his voice, the sheer icy confidence of it as though he were willing to dare even the gods deny him that simple truth.
Her heart ached, though not in pain.
She remembered a five year old boy - still just a chick - letting her braid feathers into his hair because she thought he felt left out, when really all he'd needed was her to play with him to be content.
The smile that broke out across her lips cracked Keika's expression like the sun as it broke through the clouds to bathe them in a golden warmth that, once, they would have shied away from.
She leaned up into his space to press her forehead against his, crooning and pushing the sound up into her nose to make it wobble. To make it mean more than she could put into real words.
You are all the pieces of me I could not live without.
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cheolbinsart · 1 year
thank you MOON BIN.
i honestly don't know how I'd start.
let me share of how happy i was knwing about astro .
i thank God that he gave us fans to have a pure, warm, loving individual like you.
astro has been my safe place since early 2018 - you caught my eye and i've grown into learning to love and support you with my whole heart the same way that i adore my younger brother.
when i'm happy, or sad, thrilled with excitement or feeling down and out - i run to astro, to you to feel comforted and consoled.
on those moments, what i loved the most were your crescent moon looking eye smile and your actual smile - that would always lift me up after one exhausting day, your comforting and re-assuring speaking and singing voice along with your words of encouragement.
it was always fun seeing you with your members goofing around together happily - your brotherhood was similar to the sisterhood i was able to have from the other girls who were also your fans whom i luckily clicked with. through loving astro and you, i was able to have sisters i never thought i would ever have.
i will be forever grateful for the five years i've loved you and everyone in astro. i will always be thankful and all those memories of you with AROHA, i'll keep them close to my heart as how i wish to have you forever in my heart.
THANK YOU MOON BIN. thank you for..
bringing happiness on my happiest, saddest and darkest of days
sharing your God-given talents
sharing with us your innermost thoughts.
always thinking of, caring for us, ASTRO's AROHA.
sharing a part of your life with us all.
consoling us. for being my safe place, my sanctuary.
being my happy pill who's inspired me in this life.
letting us know how TRUE and REAL LOVE feels like.
it's still hard to believe that you're no longer here.
you'll forever be in my heart, Bin-ah 💜🖤 i hope you're now in a much better place filled only with happiness, with love. rest now bringing all of the love & care AROHA, ASTRO, colleagues, your friends and FAMILY have solely for you because you truly deserve it. so many people love you sincerely, BIN. you know that right? i love you and i will always be here for you. I might have not been the best fan, but i've loved you in the way i know how. i am truly sorry, Bin-ah.
Will keep on loving you,
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gayashawol · 3 months
cw // grief, dec 18th, apr 19th
this may sound so dang weird, but the day arohas finally feel comfortable chatting dirty about moonbin, i’d be so proud of them. as a shawol, i know how it feels to never have any sexual attraction upon hearing the “news” and once i start to feel it, i would push it away and force myself to never feel the way i felt unless it was strictly platonic. other people treating me like shit made it even worse, having to mirror their voices whenever i tell myself that i’m a disgusting shawol because i feel the way i feel due to the way i grieve. to be real, grief is weirder than you think. you’re feeling all the emotions at the same time, sometimes you understand them and sometimes you don’t. once you take the time to process and listen to how you’re feeling, you could finally take the steps to healing. however, due to the fact that most of the emotions we’re feeling are considered “taboo” (aka being horny, excited, depressed, etc), we tend to keep those things to ourselves. once we finally do let them out from the darkness, we could finally understand what we need to do so we could get our feelings straight, and if that means we need to start normalising letting moonbin stans be horny whenever they’re ready, then so be it.
i know how scary it is. the day i made this blog that was intended to showcase my dumb jonghyun fanfics, i was terrified. i had dreams that shawols would jump me or even kill me. however, i knew this was what i needed to do. this account was made for blingers in mind that may be going through the same thing where they felt like they can’t be themselves or don’t have the willpower to say those things. i am their voice, and i’m telling them that it’s ok to feel like that.
arohas expressing how hot moonbin is makes me so happy. even seeing them thirst over him. i love seeing that sort of energy from them, knowing possibly the amount of things they’ve went through. i’d be such a proud father to them, and grateful that there are people that had been educated on how to treat grieving kpop stans from us shawols.
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oddinary4bts · 1 year
Today has been… quite a day, hasn’t it? A very sad day, and I’ve been struggling with the emotions of it all since I got the news
TW/S under the cut
I cannot even begin to imagine how every aroha out there must be feeling like. As someone that barely knew Moonbin, I am still devastated with the news. I’m sending all the love to every aroha that might follow me, and to all those that don’t. I’m sending my sympathy to the family and friends, and I hope with all of my heart that wherever he went, Moonbin finds happiness.
As someone that has struggled with suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts a lot (recent), today has been a very rough day. Some of my fav idols saved my life, bts saved my life, and I just wish we, as fans, could be that for our favourite idols too. I just wish there was a way to take all of their pain away
To all of my followers, I hope you know that you are loved. You are loved, time and time again, always and forever. I cherish every single one of you. I want you all to know that my inbox is a safe space. If you need to talk to someone, I’m here for you. If I can help you bear the weight, I’ll do it in a heartbeat. I don’t want anything bad to happen to any of you, ever. Know that the world is a brighter place bc you are part of it. If one day, you think that’s it, you wanna disappear, then stop by. I’ll be here for you. And remember that, whatever happens, the sun will always rise. The stars will always shine at night. Birds will sing, waves will hit the shore. I promise you, it will be okay❤️
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blackberryjambaby · 5 months
RĀ WHĀNAU E HOA!!!! happy birfday!!!! I hope ti was a good one full of joy and aroha and love and good vibes! Here's to many more!
NGĀ MIHI <3333 it was a BEAUTIFUL day
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misfitmin · 5 months
I Saw You In The Stars: A Tribute to Moonbin
A/N: This is so hard for me to write a year later and I still don't think I’ve fully processed him being gone. This is my way of grieving and honoring bin. Remember everyone grieves differently DO NOT invalidate Arohra’s who are still grieving. Also DO NOT speak ill on moonbin it’s very disrespectful to speak ill on the dead. 
POV: April 19, 2023 
“WHAT NO WAY THIS CAN'T BE TRUE!”  Aroha stares at their phone in distress and disbelief. They had just gotten out of history class completing a fairly easy test. They leave the classroom rushing to the bathroom to fully process. “My eyes are deceiving me there’s no way he’s gone he can’t be”
Aroha stares at their phone in disbelief. Tears flow down your face, frozen in shock. “No no no please God no!.”  It was true that Aroha's beloved Moonbin was gone. In the wake of this nightmare, the rumors started suddenly, the man known for his skills in both dance and vocals now has become a poster boy for idol’s deaths. Many sites post fake news, others speaking ill of his name. It was rough everyone. His family, friends in and outside the industry, bandmates, and fans alike. For some, it was their first time losing someone they admired, and for others, it wasn’t. For Aroha, It felt like a nightmare that would never end. A perpetual cycle of sadness and grief. 
3 months later…….
After a long day at uni, Aroha comes home completely exasperated.  Throwing their body flat on the bed of relief and comfort. Sprawled across it completely drained of energy. Quickly falling a slumber. Sleeping so hard that not even a lion's loud roar could wake them. As they slept they dreamed of an experience they could never forget.
Aroha wakes up from a bed of clouds, confused and slightly frightened; they are greeted with a familiar warm face. “Hello Aroha, how are you feeling? Bin said with his glowing smile that could light the Heavens and earth. Aroha stared in shock as tears welled and flowed down their face like a waterfall. Bin pulls Aroha into a hug, tightly and caring, comforting their aching heart.  Aroha is completely unraveling in his arms trying to form words that won’t come out. “Don’t worry about trying to speak Aroha, just let it out. I know this is a shock for you.” Bin says kissing them platonically on their head. 
Once Aroha could gather themself calming down a bit they pulled from Bin’s embraces, tracing his face in utter disbelief still. “You have no idea how much I missed you. '' They managed to get out their voice wavering. Bin wipes their tears, smiling warmly as tears form in his eyes. Looking into Aroha’s eyes thoughtfully. “I’m sorry I left so soon I know it was hard on you. I wasn't ready to let you go so quickly.” Bin let his head fall as he couldn’t stand to see Aroha in so much heartache and pain. He searched for the words to say how he could comfort beautiful Aroha. Barely able to utter even a syllable, Bin speaks softly “You have to be strong okay, don’t mourn me too long. I want you to be happy. Promise me Aroha you’ll be strong, eat well, and take care of the members.’’ with a trembling smile Aroha says with their hand over their heart as if they were pledging  ‘’ I promise Binnie I'll try to smile again and stop weeping. Only thinking happy thoughts and the happy moments we shared. I promise to never stop supporting Astro. I’ll be there to cheer them on. I’ll look into the stars and pray your soul is resting in the hand of God, and thank him for your presence gracing the earth. I’ll never forget you bin bin. I promise!’’ Aroha finishes with a bright smile. Feeling somewhat better, getting it all out was healing in a way Aroha never expected but they were grateful. Bin puts his hand out sticking his pinky finger out and Aroha does the same; they lock their pinkies and touch thumbs, sealing the promise they made. They hugged one more time before Bin had to leave. Aroha saw bin off hugging him tightly saying their last goodbyes and I love yous. As Bin walked away he vanished slowly into thin air.
Aroha wakes from their slumber, slowly raising their head with tears still falling from their eyes. Their pillow was soaked slightly embarrassed by how much they sobbed. There was a sense of relief and ease. The feeling was hard to explain, everything just felt light. It was comforting in a way that made them feel like they were on cloud nine, it was blissful in a sense. Now every time Aroha looks in the stars for Bin they know he's at peace. 
Bin Bin I see you in the stars, I love you so much thank you for everything.
                                                 The End
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