#Happy Birthday Aurelius
auvorelius · 1 year
dies CXXVI — poenitens
Laughable. Pitiful.
Seated at an exquisitely ornate table of marble and glass sits the man, full fisting the fountain ink pen in his hand. Deep within those lines on his face sing a tale of the most disheartening of turbulations; above him, his jailer hisses threats and withholds the plate of, yet again, peasant fodder above his head. How could God have allowed such a beautiful and angelic boy twist into evil incarnate?
Without the propensity for self-reflection from a parental standpoint, how did his son grow to be so cruel?
The man sniffles, his lip quivering, as he gives into the demands of his caretaker to write out his pentanance in a bound journal. The fallen Roman General's penmanship is gaudy, blocky—worse than a preschooler's dictation in crayon.
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mattyambrose · 3 months
Matty Ambrose - Character Sheet
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MC Introduction: Name: Matty Loraine Ambrose Name meaning: Matty was named after her grandfather, Matthew Ambrose. Pronouns: She/her Age: 15-18 (during her school lore) Gender: Female Birthday: April 26th, 1875 Zodiac Sign: Taurus Birthplace: Dublin, Ireland House: Gryffindor Patronus: Graphorn Animagus: N/A Wand: Alder Wood, Phoenix feather core, 13”, Slightly yielding Blood Status: Muggleborn Languages: English, Irish (Gaeilge) Ethnicity: Irish ... Appearance: Race: Caucasian Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Blonde Hair Type: 2c-3a curls (ignore the mod, I couldn’t find a good one for her type of curls) Height: 5’4” (Teen height) 5’8” (Adult height) (162 cm + 172 cm) ... Personality traits: Positive Traits: Loyal, Brave, Quick Thinker, Optimistic, Empathetic, Good Chaotic Energy, Joyful, Supportive. Negative Traits: Very Impulsive, Extremely Self-Sacrificing, Takes Others Problems Upon Herself, Sometimes A Bit Overbearing Strengths: Her Overall Positive Attitude About Most Things Weaknesses: Sometimes Cares Too Much And Can’t Let Go. More Info: Boggart: The Sluagh Mirror of Erised: Her being happy with her family Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Dancing, Dueling, Going on Adventures, Rock Climbing. Amortentia: pressed flowers, parchment, and rain. Future Occupation: Auror (Hit Witch division) Favorite Spell: Confringo Least Favorite Spell: The Babbling Curse .. Skills: Best subject: Defense Against the Dark Arts Favorite subject: Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions Favorite Professor: Professor Fig and Professor Hecate Worst subject: Astronomy Least favorite subject: Divination Least favorite professor: Professor Binns Quidditch Position: Seeker ... Family Father's Name: Howard Ambrose Age: 35 (When Matty was 15) Status: Alive Blood Status: Muggle House: (Would be in Gryffindor if he wasn’t a Muggle) Personality: Very fun, out-going, funny, witty, sarcastic, a good dad. Notes: Howard always said he’d name his firstborn child after his father, Matthew, and so when Matty was born (and ended up being the only child), even though she was a girl, she still got her grandfather's name. They just gave it more of a feminine twist... Mother's Name: Ada Ambrose Age: 34 (When Matty was 15) Status: Alive Blood Status: Muggle House: (Would be in Hufflepuff if she wasn’t a muggle) Personality: Very kind and sweet, welcoming, understanding, a good listener, good comforter, a very caring mother. ... Future Family Children: Eleazar, Caroline, Marcellus, Adonis, and Anne Sallow. Relationships: Love Interest: Sebastian Sallow (Matty x Sebastian) Age: 15/16 + 15/16 House: Gryffindor and Slytherin First met each other in: Defense Against the Dark Arts class ... Best friends: Hope McGowan, Esme Greenwood, Garreth Weasley, Ominis Gaunt. Rivals/Frienemies: Imelda Reyes, Eric Northcott, Apollo Morgan. .. Enemies: Victor Rookwood, Theophilus Harlow, Ranrok, Leona Oswald, Charles Willoughby, Apollo Morgan (eventually), Aurelius Gaunt, Lyssa Gaunt, Marvolo Gaunt. ..
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itcanbegoodagain · 11 months
how about peeta comforts katniss after a birthday call from her mother or gale
holy shit, i totally forgot i had this in my drafts. i am so sorry!!! enjoy <3
1195 words. mild, mild sexy times. more fade to black than anything.
The phone that rests in our study, used more frequently now with the calls to Dr. Aurelius and Peeta's conversations with Annie, chirps out its bright tone. I take one last sip of tea, standing as I do.
Peeta grins at me, saying, "It must be for you."
I roll my eyes at him. "You think?"
"No need to be a smartass," he calls, leaning into my touch as I gently run my hand over his hair as I pass.
"You were first!" I shoot back as I reach the doorway. My pace quickens a bit, fearing the phone will stop ringing before I can pick it up.
When I reach the desk, I lean over and grab the receiver. "Hello?" I ask, sliding around to sit and angling myself to see out the window. Haymitch's geese are flocking around him as he doles out their food, and I bite back a grin as he curses at one for nipping at him.
"Hi Katniss," my mother's voice floats through the receiver, and the smile I was holding back fades away. "How are you?"
"Mom," I start, "Hey. I'm doing well. Just enjoying the day with Peeta. We'll probably have Haymitch over for dinner." I don't tell her that we've just returned from the lake, where we trekked last night to watch the sunrise this morning. We spent the morning in companionable silence; Peeta painted as I swam.
I can hear the soft, sad smile in her voice as she replies, "That sounds wonderful." There's a brief pause, and I know I'm not going to be the one who breaks it. I gnaw on my thumb nail. "I wanted to - well, say happy birthday, honey. It's not everyday your daughter turns twenty-five."
A small pang hits my chest, but not as severely as it might have in the past. Her daughter. Not the eldest of the two, but only one. "Yeah," I manage. "Who'd have thought I'd make it here?"
Ouch. I wince as it comes out, knowing that it's better for me not to say or think those things. "Mom, I didn't mean that. I'm sorry."
"Don't be," she says softly. "You've been through more than anyone should at your age. I'm glad to hear you're healing."
A lump forms in my throat, and it takes me a moment to speak around it. "Me too."
"I'm proud of you," she continues. "For finding a life for yourself and surrounding it with people who love you. Who you love. Prim would be... she would be beyond happy for you. Proud, too. So would your father."
The last sentence comes out so quietly that I almost miss it. Now, I'm truly in danger of crying, so I don't say anything.
"Katniss?" my mom asks. "Are you still there?"
"Yeah," I get out. "Yes." My chest feels like it's going to implode. They should both be here -- all three of them should be here with me. Instead, it's me, Peeta, and Haymitch, this little family I've carved out for myself.
"You don't have to say anything to that, okay? I just wanted you to hear it." She pauses again. "I don't want to keep you too long, but I wanted to call and say happy birthday, and that I love you. Enjoy your day."
"I will," I whisper. "Thank you. I love you too."
"Tell Peeta and Haymitch I say hello."
"I will," I say again, but the line has already clicked dead.
My hand shakes as I return the phone to its place, and I let my eyes fall shut. I take a deep breath in, hold it, then release it. I repeat this a couple more times, and slowly, my composure begins to return.
When tears no longer threaten to make an appearance, I return to the living room. Peeta isn't here anymore, so I grab my thick strand of yarn, fiddling with it as I walk to the slight sounds coming from the kitchen. Peeta is pulling things from the pantry, beginning lunch preparations.
"My mother called," I say quietly. "She says hello."
He stops, setting down what he's holding. Then he takes a few slow steps over and wraps his arms around my waist, stooping just a bit to do so. He holds me so tight, so fiercely, and lifts me off my feet as he straightens back up.
The steadiness of his heartbeat against my own is reassuring. I can feel the tension seeping out of my bones.
My arms are wound tight around his neck, my face buried within them, so it's hard to hear myself when I tell him that I'm okay.
He presses a kiss to the closest part of me he can reach, which happens to be my shoulder, and whispers, "I know."
We stay like that for a minute or two, then Peeta puts me down. He rests his hand on the side of my face, and his thumb runs one swipe along my cheekbone before he returns to lunch preparations.
"Would you like to make the salad or ready the rabbit?"
"The salad," I reply. This will keep my hands busy. I wash them as Peeta measures out the ingredients for my favorite: cheese buns.
We fall into the comfortable routine of making a meal together, and this, too, helps calm me. This is familiar.
"My mother talked about Prim and my father. Said they'd be proud of me," I tell the carrot I'm chopping.
"They would be," Peeta replies. "Absolutely."
"I hope so," I murmur. I don't like admitting it, but these days, I sometimes am proud, too. Life threw everything horrible at me it could, and then some, and here I am, alive, still able to make a peaceful meal with my husband.
A rush of gratitude for what I have hits me, and I pull Peeta into another hug. "Thank you for being here with me. My life is best with you in it."
"You are my life," he whispers. "And everything good about it."
I pull back to look at him, and the love radiating from his eyes is obvious. I kiss him, watching as those beautiful eyes fall shut just before mine do. It's a good thing neither of us had started on the stovetop, seeing as lunch preparations are forgotten for the time being.
He takes me to the couch, touching and whispering love onto every part of my body. It's slow, and gentle, and reminds me that I'm alive. Reminds me that I have a life to live that's no longer clouded with fear and danger. That I can cook with my husband and have sex on our couch and enjoy every moment of it without guilt.
"I love you. I'm grateful for you," I tell him, moving my hips slowly against his. Kiss his mouth, then repeat my love into it until words no longer form on my tongue.
Later, as we are pulling our clothes back on, we get another call. This time, it's Haymitch.
"Are we still doing dinner tonight?" He asks without greeting.
I smile. "Yes, be here at six."
"Alright. Happy birthday, sweetheart."
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 6 months
Active Authors Masterlist (5)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 /
***Active (on this blog) is defined as a blog/writer who has updated within the past year. Inactive (on this blog) is defined as a blog/writer that has not been updated at all in the past year+. On THG Writing Hiatus (on this blog) is a blog/writer who has updated within the past year but has not posted a fanfic in the fandom in the past year BUT they may return to writing in the future. Lists will be updated as needed based on activity. ***
Created: November 17th, 2023
Last Checked:----
RoseFyre :: ao3, ff.net, co-writing tumblr, tumblr
Popular Fic: Let Me Fly: When a plague hits District Twelve, Katniss is forced to make some very hard decisions. Together with Gale and what’s left of their families, they decide to escape District Twelve, taking a reluctant Peeta Mellark with them. (@rosefyrefyre, @christinaroseandrews)
shesasurvivor :: ao3, other ao3, tumblr, ff.net
Popular Fic: Getting There: Katniss has started being intimate with Peeta, but there are still a few barriers she needs to break through to fully enjoy herself. A suggestion from Dr. Aurelius may be just what she needs. Post-Mockingjay, masturbation/mutual masturbation. Written for Everlarkrecs Dirty December Week 3. (@shesasurvivor)
songbirdheart :: ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: Snownstorm: “Spring is for courting, so mother will say; summer for wedding, rosy as May; autumn for keeping you warm from the cold; winter for babies to care when we’re old.” Written for the prompt: "No games, canon. Just a good, all time favorite “it would have happened anyway” story. Maybe throw in snowstorm trope to make it seasonal?" You got it. :D (@rosegardeninwinter)
sparebitofparchment :: ao3
Popular Fic: She's a Survivor: The Hunger Games from Peeta's POV: the angsty cut -- "The flames have set Katniss's whole cape in motion. The way it drapes fluidly from her slim shoulders, every shift of her lithe body seems to set the air alight. The crown of fire paints golden shimmers along her high cheekbones and kisses the glossed pink cupid’s bow of her mouth, turning the keen angles of her face into something divinely sculpted. Firelight limns the sparkle of surprised delight in her eyes, and as she turns to inspect her costume, red and gold highlights glow like embers in her hair. She's transformed into something otherworldly. It's not that you can't see she’s from the Seam. It's just, Cinna has brought to life how powerful she is for it."
teetorini :: ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: Our Story: Katniss finds herself falling in love with her best friend after graduation. The problem? He's leaving, and...it's complicated.
thinkinthankin :: ao3
Popular Fic: The First Year: The first year back in Twelve, an extension of the last chapter of Mockingjay. Picks up from "Peeta, bearing a warm loaf of bread, shows up with Greasy Sae. She makes us breakfast and I feed all my bacon to Buttercup." A year of Katniss and Peeta making do, breaking down, and "growing back together." Working on the book. Baking. Hunting. "Real." Sitting around the fire with Haymitch. A birthday, a toasting. "Strange bits of happiness."
thismustbeagoodidea :: ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: The Hunger Games from Peeta's POV: “I don’t think it’s going to work out. Winning...won’t help in my case.” I want to go back to the charming lies. I planned for this, so why does it feel like something in my gut is rotting? “Why ever not?” Caesar asks. I drag in a deep breath. All that strategizing over how to win the most sympathy, and now I feel like I’ve lost control of my face. My mask is slipping, my cheeks growing hot. There are so many eyes on me, all of them hungry. I meet Haymitch’s gaze in the crowd. His hard expression isn’t exactly comforting, but at least he isn’t enjoying this the way everyone else is. I feel my mouth open as though pulled with a string. “Because...because...she came here with me.”
whenthewallfell :: ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: Cracks and Sparks and a Stop-Start Heart: It's not the same as before. He can sort of remember it now, a childish fantasy borne of a broken home and a desperate loneliness, but there's no emotion attached to it beyond a vague sort of pity. It's a bit like reading a report. (@whenthewallfell)
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mega-aulover · 1 year
3.14 Pie Day - Hope Day
So today is 🥧3.14 day. And in my head it's Peeta's birthday. Here's a little Cannon Compliant after the last chapter but before the epilog...during the growing back together phase.
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Peeta looked across the street toward the primroses he'd planted at Katniss's home. He was whistful today. His mind and heart were at war. Partially because today was his birthday and no one would remember him. He had no one left.
His eyes sought her home. The plants weren't just for Prim, but for him as well he had lost his family too.
The war, although victorious for the rebels, was senseless. So many lives were taken from them. The living paid for the sins of the war. War meant death and destruction. The words crept up on him and he could feel the resurgence of an episode. Peeta quickly grabbed something solid as the metal taste filled his mouth, a condition of the residual tracker-jacker venom in his system.
His hands gripped the door handle. Sweat poured down his face as he followed the steps Dr. Aurelius taught him. He began taking deep breaths and exhaling, to slow down his heart. Next, he began telling himself things he knew were true.
"I'm Peeta Mellark. I'm 18. I'm a baker. I'm a painter. I never drink sugar in my tea. I sleep with an open window. I double-knot my shoelaces. I don't like vanilla. I like chocolate. I love the sunsets. My favorite color is soft orange."
His forearms shook. As he started the next step.
"I live in District Twelve. I survived two Hunger Games. I survived the war. My family is gone..." Fat tears ran down his face. "I'm alone."
A set of warm arms wrapped around his middle. The scent of wildflowers and honeysuckle wrapped around him like a warm blanket fresh out of the dryer, and filled his nose. She was here.
"You're not alone," she said in that husky tone when she was emotional.
"Katniss is not the enemy..." he whispered to himself. His eyes closed tight as he fought against the destructive conditioning the Capitol drilled into him. Slimy shiny bubbles of lies threatened to fill his mind.
She began singing. "Deep in the Meadow, under the willow..."
Her voice penetrated his head like a small beam of light penetrating the darkness. The melody filled him with light and he began to breathe easier. The episode began to fade away. Katniss's voice always had the ability to make him feel happy. He slowly released the door handle and rested his hand on top of her dainty ones.
"Katniss," he whispered her name.
He gently turned around and held her. Her head came to rest under his chin. "Thank you."
"It's what we do, we take care of each other."
After a moment he looked into her face her grey eyes were wide and earnest. She looked vulnerable and she bit the side of her lip. "What are you doing here?"
She stepped away and picked up the flowers on his side table. "Happy Birthday!"
"You remembered!"
"I would never forget your birthday." There was a lovely rosy shade on her cheeks.
His eyes then took the box of things next to the table. A box of her things. He raised an eyebrow at her.
"I thought..." her blush became deeper. "I'd move here. I'm here most days and I never sleep over there." She looked down and frowned. "Dang it Peeta this is my home..."
Hope bloomed in his chest. Katniss Everdeen had brought him flowers for his birthday and was moving in, it was the best birthday ever. "Well alright."
"Really, you don't mind."
Peeta shook his head. He would never deny the person who made him happy and brought him hope.
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4uru · 3 months
For one of my favourite people in the world. Happy Birthday, Apu and Eid Mubarak.
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iryomitto · 5 months
Happy birthday to my bestest boy Aurelius, may your flowers always grow and never wither 🥹❤️
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homomenhommes · 6 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … December 31
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HAPPY HOGMANAY! What's is Hogmanay you say? Why the roots of Hogmanay reach back to the celebration of the winter solstice among the Norse, as well as incorporating customs from the Gaelic New Year's celebration of Samhain.
In Europe, winter solstice evolved into the ancient celebration of Saturnalia, a great Roman winter festival, where people celebrated completely free of restraint and inhibition. The Vikings celebrated Yule, which later contributed to the Twelve Days of Christmas, or the "Daft Days" (really) as they were sometimes called in Scotland. The winter festival went underground with the Protestant Reformation and ensuing years, but re-emerged near the end of the 17th century. A very Scottish thing Hogmanay. Wear a kilt to this evening's festivities to set the mood right!
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192 – The Roman emperor Commodus died on this date (b.161). It's New Year's Eve and, after a long year's journey, we are finally at the end of this year. To be on the safe side, why not stay home and watch old reruns of Guy Lombardo and spend a quiet evening in memory of the emperor Commodus, who called his exceptionally well-endowed cup-bearer "my donkey," and was strangled by an over- enthusiastic wrestler named Narcissus on this day.
In 2000's neo-blood and sandals epic Gladiator, Commodus was portrayed by Joaquin Phoenix in an Academy-Award-nominated performance. The historical character of Commodus is fictionalized in the movie as a deranged megalomaniac who murders Marcus Aurelius to usurp the throne. There is no historical evidence suggesting Marcus Aurelius was murdered, much less by his own son. However the movie removes some of the most bizarre eccentricities of Commodus. The film's protagonist, Maximus Decimus Meridius (played by Russell Crowe) is loosely inspired by Narcissus, and was named so in a previous draft of the screenplay, but as in The Fall of the Roman Empire Commodus is killed in hand-to-hand combat. Commodus's death 
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Dressing Tony Curtis for "Some Like It Hot"
1897 – Orry-Kelly was the professional name of Orry George Kelly (d.1964), a prolific Hollywood costume designer.
He was born in Kiama, New South Wales, Australia, and was known as Jack Kelly. His father William Kelly, was born on the Isle of Man and was a gentleman tailor in Kiama. Orry was a name of an ancient King of Man. Jack Kelly studied art in Sydney, and worked as a tailor's apprentice and window dresser.
He journeyed to New York to pursue an acting career. He shared an apartment there with Charlie Spangles and Cary Grant. Director Gillian Armstrong writes of this time:
''The big secret is that when Orry first got to New York and was trying to get his start, painting murals on walls and selling hand-painted ties, he ended up rooming with a young British actor called Archie Leach. They definitely became lovers and were living together for about five years.''
The job painting murals in a nightclub led to his employment by Fox East Coast studios illustrating titles. He designed costumes and sets for Broadway's Shubert Revues and George White's Scandals. His lover, Archie Leach, went on to become Cary Grant.
Orry-Kelly went to Hollywood in 1932, working for all the major studios (Warner Brothers, Universal, RKO, 20th Century Fox, and MGM), and designed for all the great actresses of the day, including Bette Davis, Kay Francis, Olivia de Havilland, Katharine Hepburn, Dolores del Río, Ava Gardner, Ann Sheridan, Barbara Stanwyck, and Merle Oberon.
He worked on many films now deemed classics, including 42nd Street, The Maltese Falcon, Casablanca, Arsenic and Old Lace, Harvey, Oklahoma!, Auntie Mame, and Some Like It Hot.He won three Academy Awards for Best Costume Design (for An American in Paris, Cole Porter's Les Girls, and Some Like It Hot) and was nominated for a fourth (for Gypsy). A longtime alcoholic, he died of liver cancer in Hollywood. His pallbearers included Cary Grant, Tony Curtis, Billy Wilder and George Cukor and his eulogy was read by Jack Warner. His Academy Awards went to Jack Warner's wife, Ann.
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1948 – Joe Dallesandro, is an American actor and Warhol superstar. Although he never became a mainstream film star, Dallesandro is generally considered to be the most famous male sex symbol of American underground films of the 20th century, as well as a sex symbol of gay subculture
Born into a dysfunctional family, Joe was placed in foster homes. Dallesandro began acting out and became aggressive. He repeatedly ran away from his foster home until his father finally relented and allowed him to live with him. At the age of 14, Dallesandro and his brother moved to Queens to live with their paternal grandparents and their father.
At 15, he was expelled from school for punching the principal, who had insulted his father. After his expulsion, Dallesandro began hanging out with gangs and started stealing cars. In once such instance, Dallesandro panicked and smashed the stolen car he was driving through the gate of the Holland Tunnel. He was stopped by a police roadblock and shot once in the leg by police who mistakenly thought he was armed. Dallesandro managed to escape being caught by police, but was later arrested when his father took him to the hospital for his gunshot wound. He was sentenced to Camp Cass Rehabilitation Center for Boys in the Catskills in 1964
The following year, Dallesandro ran away from Camp Cass. He supported himself by prostitution and later nude modeling, appearing most notably in short films and magazine photos for Bob Mizer's Athletic Model Guild.
Dallesandro met Andy Warhol and Paul Morrissey in 1967 while they were shooting Four Stars, and they cast him in the film on the spot. Warhol would later comment "In my movies, everyone's in love with Joe Dallesandro."
Dallesandro played a hustler in his third Warhol film, Flesh (1968), where he had several nude scenes. Flesh became a crossover hit with mainstream audiences, and Dallesandro became the most popular of the Warhol stars. New York Times film critic Vincent Canby wrote of him: "His physique is so magnificently shaped that men as well as women become disconnected at the sight of him."
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A Warhol photograph of the crotch bulge of Dallesandro's tight blue jeans graces the famous cover of the Rolling Stones album Sticky Fingers. Dallesandro explained to biographer Michael Ferguson, "It was just out of a collection of junk photos that Andy pulled from. He didn't pull it out for the design or anything, it was just the first one he got that he felt was the right shape to fit what he wanted to use for the fly."
As Dallesandro's underground fame began to cross over into the popular culture, he graced the cover of Rolling Stone in April 1971. He was also photographed by some of the top celebrity photographers of the time.
He continued to star in films made mainly in France and Italy for the rest of the decade, returning to America in the 1980s. He made several mainstream films during the 1980s and 1990s. One of his first notable roles was that of 1920s gangster Lucky Luciano in Francis Coppola's The Cotton Club. He also had roles in Critical Condition (1987), Sunset (1988) , Guncrazy (1992), Cry-Baby (1990), and The Limey.
In addition to films, Dallesandro has also worked in television. In 1986, he co-starred in the ABC drama series Fortune Dane. The series lasted only five episodes. Dallesandro has also made guest appearances on Wiseguy, Miami Vice, and Matlock.
In 2009, Dallesandro wrote and produced the documentary film Little Joe. The film chronicles Dallesandro's life and career.
Dallesandro, who identifies himself as bisexual, has been married three times and has two children. He is semi-retired from acting, and currently manages an apartment building in Los Angeles.
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1948 – The American singer Donna Summer, was born on this date (d.2012). She was an American singer, songwriter and artist, best known for a string of disco hits in the late 1970s that earned her the title "Queen Of Disco" and as one of the few disco-based artists to have longevity on the charts through the late 1980s and beyond.
The question with Donna Summer is, "is she or isn't she?" Homophobic that is!
In the mid 1980s, rumors began circulating that Summer had allegedly made anti-gay comments regarding the AIDS epidemic as being a punishment from God for homosexuality. The fallout from the alleged quote had a significantly negative impact on Summer's career, which saw thousands of her records being returned to her record company by angered fans. However, Summer denied making any such remarks and many years later she filed a lawsuit against New York magazine when it reprinted the rumors as fact, just as Summer was about to release her latest album Mistaken Identity in 1991. According to an A&E Biography program in which Summer participated in 1995, the lawsuit was settled out of court with neither side discussing details of the settlement.
D.L. Groover of Houston's OutSmart magazine wrote that after a 1983 concert in Atlantic City, Summer was talking to the fans, as she liked to do at this first- comeback point in her career. A man with AIDS asked her to pray for him, because he knew of her born-again Christian beliefs, and she said she would be delighted. Someone else piped up that she was being hypocritical. At that point, all accounts get fuzzy and overblown, but every witness says that the heated situation deteriorated, with many outraged patrons shouting as they left the auditorium. In more than one account, Summer said that AIDS appeared in the gay community because of its reckless lifestyle... but did not say that AIDS was God's punishment. She and the gay fan prayed together, she asked him to turn his life to Christ, and she embraced him - a courageous act at a time when most people would have run screaming from the room to get away from someone with the deadly disease.
For her part Summer told The Advocate in 1989 that "A couple of the people I write with are gay, and they have been ever since I met them. What people want to do with their bodies is their personal preference. I'm not going to stand in judgment about what the Bible says about someone else's life. I've got things in my life I've got to clean up. What's in your life is your business." Make of that what you will.
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Rick Sandford as Ben Barker
1950 – Rick Sandford (d.1995) was a documentary research assistant, editor and actor of gay erotic movies and author.
Rick Steven Sandford was born in Denver, Colorado, and grew up in the Lake Tahoe area. His early difficulties learning to read led his parents to enroll him in a private school.
After his graduation in 1969, he first went to Los Angeles on vacation, to see the musical, Hair and the Russian motion picture version of War and Peace, and after 1972, Sandford remained in Los Angeles employed in various positions, from an usher at Grauman's Chinese Theatre to a television show stand-in.
In 1977 he met Josh Becker, American writer and director, of films and television, who would become his long-time friend, according to Becker, Sandford only heterosexual friend.
Initially living in a bungalow behind a house in West Hollywood, Sandford was evicted and with his best friend, Stacey, with whom he had grown up in Reno, he moved into a one-bedroom apartment at 666 N. Van Ness.
Sandford received credit as research assistant on 50 Golden Years of Oscar: the Official History of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences and Ronald Haver's David O. Selznick's Hollywood. Sandford served as assistant on the 1990 documentary Hollywood Mavericks.
Sandford appeared on television shows and in motion pictures as an extra and in a few bit parts: in episodes of Police Woman in 1974 and Step by Step in 1991. During the late 1970s and early 1980s he worked as an editor on 3 gay erotic films and appeared as Benjamin Barker or Ben Barker in 13 gay erotic motion pictures including Kip Noll and the Westside Boys, Rear Deliveries, Skin Deep, The Class of '84 Part 2 Jocks, Gold Rush Boys, The Boys of San Francisco, A Night at Halsted's, and Games.In the mid 1980s, Don Bachardy sketched Sandford for his book, Drawing of the Male Nude; both Bachardy and his partner Christopher Isherwood were friends with Sandford. During this time, Sandford introduced Bachardy and Isherwood to Yale-trained actor Peter Evans and his then lover Craig Lucas. Sandford and Lucas had a fling, and Lucas remembered
"He came to New York with a strip show. To [the song] 'Another Hundred People' from 'Company', he arrived onstage with a suitcase, and met invisible New Yorkers, stripping for them, looking for love. Afterward, we had to wait while older men went into his dressing room to make appointments. Or something."
In 1991, his short story Forster & Rosenthal Reevaluated: An Investigative Report was published. In 1994, another of his short stories, Purim was published. Two more of Sandford's short stories were published posthumously, The Gospel Of Bartholemew Legate: Three Fragments and Manifest White. In 2000, his novel, Boys Across the Street was published, also posthumously.
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Boys Across the Street is a candidly hilarious look at the gay life of Rick, an exporn star, who lives near a boy's Hasidic school, as he becomes obsessed with building relationships with the boys, leading to a fascination with Hasidism, which reviles his sexual orientation.
Sandford died of AIDS during the evening of September 28, 1995.
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1958 – David Pevsner is an American actor, singer, dancer, porn star, and writer. Pevsner appeared in the 1990 revival of Fiddler on the Roof, 1991 revival of Rags, and some other theatrical productions. He also wrote three songs for the 1999 musical Naked Boys Singing!, including "Perky Little Porn Star." He wrote and produced two one-person shows, To Bitter and Back (2003) and Musical Comedy Whore (2013). Pevsner portrayed mostly minor roles in films and television. His major screen roles are Ebenezer Scrooge in Scrooge & Marley, the 2012 film adaptation of A Christmas Carol, and Ross Stein in a 2011 web series Old Dogs & New Tricks. He recorded the 2016 album Most Versatile, whose album cover pays homage to Bruce Springsteen's album Born in the U.S.A.
David Pevsner was raised in Skokie, Illinois. He attended Niles East High School in the same Chicago suburb and participated in its theater program. He graduated from Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree.
He appeared in the 1991 revival of the 1986 musical Rags, set in 1910, portraying the dual roles of Saul and Nathan. He appeared in the 1995 theatrical play Party, portraying the role of Kevin. In the play, Kevin, a college teacher who lives with his partner, hosts a party at his apartment, where the males characters play the naked truth-or-dare game. Pevsner appeared in the two-act gay revue musical When Pigs Fly from 1996 to 1998. Pevsner appeared in F*cking Men, the 2009 explicit play written by Joe DiPietro about the lives of gay urban men, portraying Jack, who commits adultery with another man, while his husband does the same.
Pevsner co-wrote the 1999 musical Naked Boys Singing! with the writing team. He wrote three songs for the musical, including "Perky Little Porn Star" and "The Naked Maid."
Pevsner appeared in films, mostly portraying minor roles in such films as The Fluffer (2001) and Adam & Steve (2006). He also portrayed a major role of Ebenezer Scrooge in Scrooge & Marley, the 2012 film adaptation that tells the gay interpretation of the 19th-century novel A Christmas Carol.
Pevsner also portrayed minor roles in television series, particularly a bartender of a gay bar in an episode of NYPD Blue.
Pevsner recorded the 2016 album Most Versatile, whose title was inspired by his being voted "Most Versatile" in a survey back in high school. The album's working title was Shameless, named after his Tumblr blog and "for [being] something with a little skin." The songs of the album explores "a whirlwind of one man's gay experiences" and feature Jim J. Bullock, Maxwell Caulfield, and some others as guest artists. He wrote the lyrics of all thirteen songs.
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In his 60s Pevsner is today earning money doing erotic performances on OnlyFans.
Pevsner is Jewish. He is also openly gay.
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1969 – The first performance of The Cockettes took place on New Years Eve 1969, at the Palace Theatre in San Francisco's North Beach neighborhood and soon became a "must-see" for San Francisco's hip gay community, combining LSD-influenced dancing, set design, costumes and their own versions of show tunes (or original tunes in the same vein). Initially, shows were performed every six weeks, performing on stage prior to the Saturday midnight "Nocturnal Dream Show" of underground films at the Palace Theatre. Show titles included Gone With the Showboat to Oklahoma, Tinsel Tarts In A Hot Coma, Journey to the Center of Uranus, Smacky & Our Gang, Hollywood Babylon and Pearls Over Shanghai.
Word quickly got out that nothing like these shows had ever been seen before, and within a few months the Cockettes were getting enormous attention from the media. Not only hippie magazines, such as Earth and Rolling Stone, wanted stories on the Cockettes, but also mainstream magazines such as Look, Life and Esquire were anxious to do features as well. The Cockettes were the subject of a documentary called, of course, The Cockettes. If you haven't seen it, do. Torrent users can find it on isoHunt.com
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1990 – Ian McKellen, English actor, is knighted by the Queen of England. He is the first openly gay man to be knighted.
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2014 – Russian large gay club called Central Station was forced to close after countless attacks of sprays of bullets and being gassed. It later reopened with the use of bulletproof glass.
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puppetoffthehook · 3 months
Aurie barely gave his blue eyed boyfriend time to react outside of Aurie saying: "we're going on a trip",
And next thing Billy will see is his room gone and replaced by the sight of the beach from his childhood.
The smell of the sea, the warm sand, the cool wind. There was a tent for them but the main focus was two surf boards, one that was identical to his board as a kid, another decorated beautifully with designs Aurelius had thought/hoped Billy would love. They had a cute little bow attached around each of them.
"Happy Birthday, Billy."
One second he was about to greet his boyfriend, the next he’s standing on a small strip of deserted beach. It looks exactly the same as it did when he was a little boy surfing with his mom standing watch.
Blue eyes take in the sight of the beach, the tent, and the surfboards. Tears welling up as he turns back to face his boyfriend. Within seconds Aurie’s back had hit the ground and Billy was kissing the daylights out of him.
“Thank you. I love it.”
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Happy 35th Birthday To Our Dear Friend Aurelius. He has been through a lot in his lifetime, but he knows that his friends and family are always going to be there for him. @aureliusdumbledoreblog
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fr4ndszk · 2 months
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happy birthday marcus aurelius. have my favorite quotes from the letters between him and fronto to celebrate
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amor-immortalem · 10 months
The Price of a Soul
Summary: Solaris wishes he could bring back his mother from the afterlife- that he could right the wrong that he has done. He would give anything to make it happen but what could be worth the price of a soul?  
Word count: 5.1k 
Content warning for: natural disaster, and graphic descriptions of wounds. 
A/N: I wasn’t quite sure how I wanted to format this as I wanted to try to write it like how a debriefing (is that even the right word? Ehh, I don’t know…) would be written detailing the events leading up to and after a natural disaster but I don’t know if I did such a good job at it…. 
This was supposed to be a one shot for Solaris' Birthday but somehow I lost myself in the writing and ended up with this part being 12 pages... oops.
Anyway, as you read, you’ll see the abbreviation btq. It stands for before the quake. Okay bye!  
(24 August, 13:59, one week btq) 
“So, you want me to skip the whole back-to-school open house thing and just spend the day with Solaris?” 
“Do you have anything better to do?” The demon quirks a brow, “Aside from sporting events, you’re not allowed at school functions due to your tendency to get yourself into… trouble. I figured this would be a good way to keep you occupied.” 
Azalea thought for a moment. “What’s in it for me? I had plans to try out for the volleyball team this year- maybe branch out from just track and field… tryouts start that day, y’know.” 
“Nothing specifically other than having an opportunity to break your cousin out of his depressive state for the day. It is his birthday, after all,” Lucifer shrugs, “but if you’re so busy I can ask Melissa, Cyrus, Aurelius, or even Zulima to do it instead.” 
“Wait, no, don’t. I’ll do it.” She’s quick to shoot the idea down. “The only time Solaris ever wants to hang out is if he needs to study and doesn’t understand the material. It’ll be a nice change.” 
“You have my gratitude. I tried talking with him myself, but he seemed… disinterested in the conversation.” 
“Yeah, that tracks.” the half-demon sighs as she rubs the back of her neck. “Yer his dad. Some things are just uncomfortable to talk about with your parents. I got a whole bunch of thing I won’t tell mine…” 
“Such as?” Lucifer quirks a brow. 
“N-nothing.” The teen is quick to divert the conversation before it can get her into trouble, “Don’t worry about it. If it were a big deal, I’d have already come to you about it. Anyway, I gotta get going- I’m s’pposed to meet the boys for lunch ‘n I don’t wanna be late. Bye!” 
Azalea’s out the door before Lucifer can even get a word in edgewise. 
(31 August, 09:00, 11 hours btq) 
The week passes quickly, and the day is finally upon them. Azalea found herself just waiting around in her uncle’s living room for Solaris to show his face for the day. Lucifer had given her his credit card and one sole instruction: Use the card to give his son the best day ever. 
After an hour of waiting, the half-demon is getting irritated and frustrated with just sitting around. She marches her way up to her cousin’s room and kicks open the door. 
“Rise ‘n shine, fucker! We got shit ta do ‘n daylight’s a-wastin’!”  
The sudden commotion frightens the black-and-orange-haired half-demon as he falls from the top of his loft bed, letting out a shriek on the way down. 
The pendant around his neck is now sparking with suppressed demonic magic as Solaris glares up at his older cousin. 
“Azalea, what- and I cannot stress this enough- the fuck?” His glasses are askew on his face. “I was sleeping before you decided to break down my door.” 
“I call bullshit on that. It’s ten in the morning now- you never sleep past seven. Anyway, c’mon, quit yer mopin’ and let’s get moving. Get dressed in something suited for walking. We’re goin’ out. Happy Birthday, by the way.” 
With a few grumbles, Solaris is on his feet. He dusts himself off as Azalea heads back downstairs to give him a little privacy. 
About thirty minutes later, Solaris makes his way downstairs dressed in the most comfortable clothes he owns. 
“Alright, I’m ready. Where are we even going?” There’s a tired irritation in the 16-year-old’s voice. “Wait, did Dad already leave for RAD?” 
“Hmm? Yeah, your old man already took off. Maybe if ya hadn’t been putzin’ around in your room all morning, ya coulda seen ‘im off.” 
“Oh…” Solaris frowns, casting his grey and red eyes downward, “I thought I was supposed to go with him today. It’s the back-to-school event, after all. I was going to get a feel for the campus before classes officially started back…” 
“Ehhh, it ain’t all that special- plus you’ve been to RAD loads of times when you were little.” Azalea sighs. “But if yer that hard pressed to explore the campus, I’ll take ya up there later once the event is over myself.” 
“Don’t worry about it. There’s always another day, I suppose.” Solaris is quick to hide how disappointed he is- how he feels like his father seems to be almost embarrassed to be seen in public with him. 
“Aight,” she slings an arm around the younger teen’s shoulder as she herds him out the door. “Next stop: lunch and then Devil’s Coast!” 
31 August, 11:00, 9 hours btq) 
Lunch wasn’t too bad, Solaris thought to himself. He really would have rather stayed in his room feeling sorry for himself all day, however. It didn’t take him long to figure out that his father had asked Azalea to spend the day with him. That she hadn’t done this of her own free will. 
Out of all of his cousins that Lucifer could have chosen, why Azalea specifically? Solaris loves his troublemaking cousin, there’s no doubt about that- in fact, there’s never a dull moment when she’s around- but at the same time he envies her. 
She’s everything he wants to be: Studious, self-assured, confident, strong. She may not see or feel it, but she is highly respected by most of her peers. And most important of all, she’s the pride of the family. And Solaris is… not any of that. The only thing he is a murderer- an embarrassment. 
14 short years ago to this very day, he took the life of his mother and unborn sister with his own claws, rending them to shreds in his father’s absence. Ever since that day, Solaris’ demonic powers have been sealed away by an enchantment his aunt cast on the pendant hanging around neck.  
Why did it have to be her? 
“Solaaaaaris, heeeeyyy,” the boy’s attention is drawn out of his thoughts by Azalea. 
“Sorry- I must’ve zoned out…” is all he weakly mumbles. 
“Man, yer too in your head, y’know that?” Is all the white-and-black haired girl sighs. “This is s’pposed to be a fun day. Don’t spend it stuck in a prison.” 
“You’d know all about that, wouldn’t you?” Solaris still doesn’t smile although he appreciates his cousin’s advice all the same. 
“Yeah, I would. I know our situations ain’t the same and it would be wrong to equate them, but I still know what yer feelin’.” 
She really doesn’t 
“Anyway, I already paid for our lunch so let’s move on before Devil’s Coast gets too packed.” 
With a nod from Solaris, the pair make their way to the amusement park. 
(31 August, 19:30, 1 hour btq) 
The pair of half-demons, with the help of Lucifer’s credit card, had a total blast at Devil’s Coast. There was only one attraction left to hit: The Hall of Mirrors. 
“They say it just reopened after being closed to prep it for Halloween.” Azalea smiles as she and Solaris stand at the entrance. The cousins were both avid fans of horror. “Wonder what kinda theming the park went with this year.” 
A cacophony of blood-curdling screams followed by the sound of howling laughter could be heard coming from inside the building. 
“We’ll just have to check it out for ourselves.” Solaris has the brightest, most genuine smile he’s had on his face all day as his grey-and-red eyes sparkle. “I bet they won’t get us with their tricks, right?” 
“Only one way to find out! And if we get separated, just meet me at the exit” And with that, Azalea is charging into the Hall followed close behind by Solaris. 
It doesn’t take the pair long to get separated, wandering around to dead end after dead end. The mirrors had been enchanted with a spell that mimicked the abilities of a bogeyman.  
Things started off small, each of them facing minor fears as they wandered but it wasn’t until Solaris had nearly gotten to the end of the maze-like structure that he came face to face with his worst nightmare. 
There, standing in the mirror in front of him, was an exact copy of his toddler self on the day his demonic powers fully manifested for the first time, a feral, unthinking look in his grey-and-red eyes, glasses hanging around his neck with the lenses broken out. He’s caked in blood and viscera- horns and wings a disgusting mix of red, black, and brown. 
Behind that was his mother’s lifeless body, deep gashes lined her chest as bone and flesh rose up out of the wounds. Her stomach absolutely eviscerated as blood hemorrhages from all the wounds.  
The way her lifeless grey eyes stare deep into Solaris’ soul makes his stomach turn but what finally breaks him are the remnants of what would have eventually been his baby sister in a few months' time. Pieces of cartilage and horn, an arm, a leg here and there- a barely developed wing or two even- scattered on the ground at his reflection’s feet like a broken toy. 
The half-demon falls to his knees huddled over as he gags and wretches, the lunch he’d eaten earlier this afternoon emptied from his stomach as it gushes past his fingers while tears stream down his face.  
“Look at what you’ve caused.” The boy’s head snaps up at the sound of his father’s voice. 
“Dad, I’m-” 
“I left you alone for 20 minutes and you couldn’t even control yourself for that long.” 
“I didn’t- I’m sor- it was an accident! Please!” 
“How embarrassing. I’m ashamed to even call you my son.” 
Those very words shatter the half-demon’s world. Sparks fly from the pendant around his neck as demonic energy starts to seep from it. 
Without any thought, Solaris takes off- runs faster than he’s ever moved in his life- to wherever his feet will carry him. 
Azalea is waiting outside the Hall of Mirrors for her cousin to emerge. It had been a half-hour already since she’d come out on the other side and now, she was starting to worry. 
“It shouldn’t be taking him this long. The maze wasn’t even all that hard…” she murmurs to herself. “Maybe he already went around to the front to wait for me?” 
Jogging around to the front of the attraction, the 19-year-old is confused when she doesn’t see her cousin. The park was closing soon so, seeing no other option, Azalea finds herself heading back to the entrance of the Hall.  
She’s stopped by an employee who’d told her the attraction was now closed for cleaning- apparently some poor sap’s stomach wasn’t able to handle the horrors of the mirrors’ enchantments. 
The news gives Azalea pause. These mirrors had similar abilities to bogeymen and what exactly was Solaris’ greatest fear? She wracks her head for the answer. He’d told her not that long ago so it should be a simple answer. 
In seconds, a massive earthquake rocks the park. Cracks appear in the ground as various demons shriek in horror. Solaris is missing and a giant earthquake nearly levels Devil’s Coast? Azalea doesn’t have a good feeling about this. 
(31 August, 20:20, 10 minutes btq) 
The back-to-school event is finally winding down to a close. This wasn’t what Lucifer wanted to be doing on his only child’s birthday, but he can only hope that Azalea had made up for it tenfold with whatever plans she had made for Solaris. 
The demon does feel bad. He’s always hated having to choose between his responsibilities as RAD’s vice-headmaster and his responsibilities as a father especially on a day like today, but sometimes, in the end, it couldn’t be helped. He would just have to make up the time tomorrow. 
What a horrible father I am… Leaving my son to celebrate his birthday practically on his own… 
Perhaps, if he left right now, Lucifer would be able to make it in time to take Solaris out for a birthday dinner and then they could open presents together. 
“Thank you again for your help, Lucifer.” Diavolo smiles as he gives his dear friend a pat on the shoulder. “I appreciate it more than you’ll ever know.” 
“I’m only doing my job. Nothing more, nothing less.” The demon remains distracted still beating himself up over this. 
“Still, Barbatos and I couldn’t pull an event like this off on our own.” The demon lord’s smile never wavers as he speaks, “We’re done with most of the work. It’s alright if you take your leave. The day may be over but that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate what’s left of the night. Also, I have something for your son as well.” 
“Thank you, Diavolo,” Lucifer takes the gift, “I’m sure Solaris will appreciate it greatly.” 
As the Avatar of Pride turns to leave, a massive earthquake rocks the grounds of RAD, knocking out the power, collapsing several of the older buildings on the campus and knocking over entire shelving units and anatomical dioramas in the classrooms not as badly affected. 
Lucifer’s phone rings almost immediately after the earthquake subsides. His heart leaps into his throat when he sees just who exactly is calling. 
“Azalea, what’s wrong?” He tries to hide the worry in his voice as she hurriedly tries to explain what’s happening on her end. “What do you mean you can find Solaris?” 
(31 August, 20:10, 20 minutes btq) 
He doesn’t know why he’s here, standing in the mausoleum Lucifer had constructed for Solaris’ mother fourteen years ago. Maybe it was the fact of knowing her body was entombed here underneath the statue of her likeness that gave the 16-year-old a small comfort. 
It was always like that for Solaris. Being so young when it all happened, the half-demon never got to fully grieve the loss of his mother. For the longest time, Solaris didn’t even know what had happened to her- the emergence of his demonic powers had not only caused him to run out of control, but the overwhelming pressure of it had broken all the bones in his tiny body. 
Lucifer had only told him a couple years later after Solaris, 5 at the time, asked if his mother would ever be coming home from the human world or if she was too sick from the Devildom’s everlasting darkness to stay with them anymore. Ever since, the teen always comes here when he’s sad or hurting emotionally. 
In the still quiet of this mausoleum, he can cry here and no one but the dead will know of it. 
“I’m sorry!” Solaris sobs, air catching in his throat as he presses his head against the stone at the statue’s feet. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m so-” 
The black-and-orange-haired half-demon’s words are cut off in a fit of coughs induced by how harshly he’d been crying and the dust in the environment. His lungs ache from the lack of air as he gasps in between sobs. 
“I wish you were here.” His voice sounds so small, so fragile, as he speaks to his mother’s grave, “I miss you. I wish it was me that died that day- it should have been me! You guys could have just had another kid but you… you were irreplaceable! Nobody else will ever take your place in Dad’s life…” 
The 16-year-old’s body shudders as he takes a breath to compose himself a little more. Crying so harshly as he’s been doing is giving him one hell of a headache. 
“I hate myself… for what I did to you and the baby… all due to abilities that I can’t even use!” His hand comes up to grip the charm on his necklace, the once cool metal now searing hot as the impression of it is branded into the skin of his fingers and palm. “I would give them all up if it meant you could come back to life. My abilities, my life- even my soul! I’d give anything to take your place and pay for my crimes! Just please… come back…” 
Silence falls in the mausoleum once again until Solaris feels a shock to his hand. He recoils as the piece of jewelry breaks apart and the charm hits the ground with a ‘clink-clink’ and rolls away. 
Slowly, the ground begins to rumble and vibrate beneath him. The 16-year-old can only look around and he feels as though he’s being watched by something unseen. Energy is building up in the air around him that makes the hair on the back of his neck stand up as his demon form manifests for the first time in fourteen years. 
And then he feels it: the violent thrashing of an earthquake. Amidst the quaking of the ground, the entrance to the mausoleum had collapsed, leaving Solaris trapped inside while fissures opened up around him as the entire structure tilts onto its side, the statue of his mother topples over leaving her grave uncovered as the teenager is sent flying. 
He can feel the way the back of his skull cracks as he smacks his head on the stone wall. Black spots invade his line of sight as he starts to lose consciousness as the earthquake ceases and he can hear a woman’s voice calling to him frantically. 
(31 August, 20:40, 10 minutes post-quake.) 
In the wake of what was undoubtedly one of the worst earthquakes the Devildom had ever seen, the Avatar of Pride is out searching for his only child. Lucifer just hoped Solaris was safe and he hadn’t managed to fall into one of the many large chasms in the ground that had opened up during the disaster. 
Azalea had volunteered to search with him, but Lucifer decided she’d serve a better purpose at Devil’s Coast acting as a direct proxy for Diavolo to guide first responders in any search and rescue efforts and evacuation efforts. 
In the back of his mind, Lucifer can’t help but worry that Solaris might have been the cause of the earthquake. Before, when Solaris had first manifested his powers 14 years ago, he’d managed to collapse the foundation of their house. Now that those abilities have had time to grow in strength and stockpile within him, Solaris could easily cause widespread disaster due to his lack of ability to control himself. The very idea of it makes the Avatar of Pride uneasy- sick even. He doesn’t even know where to start looking for his son. What could have even happened for Solaris to ditch Azalea at the theme park to begin with? Something doesn’t feel right- like he’s missing something important. 
There are too many demons on the street- too many that might impede his progress in looking for his precious son so, manifesting his demon form, Lucifer takes to the sky. With a bird’s eye view of the city and extraordinary farsighted vision, the demon can see that the fissures that opened up in the wake of the quake all originate from one central location: the graveyard where his wife was buried. Something was nagging him to take a closer look there, so the graveyard is where he goes. 
Touching ground right in front of Aubrie’s mausoleum, the demon is shocked to see the front of the structure collapsed and caved in. Not only that but the air still crackles with pure demonic energy that’s not too dissimilar from his own. It feels like his worst fear is about to be confirmed. 
Removing the rubble from the entrance is an easy feat for the Devildom’s third most powerful demon, but what awaits him inside the mausoleum, Lucifer could never prepare for. His expectation was that Solaris- his pride and joy- would be shaken up from the earthquake but alive, nonetheless. What he finds is not only his beloved child unresponsive but his dead wife trying desperately to wake the half-demon, begging the boy to respond to her. 
How was this possible? 
The audible gasp he lets out is enough to draw the human’s attention to him. Her face is red from crying as more tears gather in her stormy-grey eyes. 
“Lucifer... He’s not waking up... I-I don’t know what to do.” 
When Solaris wakes up, he can’t recall what he’d been doing or where he’d been. All he knows is that he’s surrounded by a deep pitch blackness. 
“Hello?” His voice echoes off non-existent walls. “Is anyone there?” 
“So, you’re awake, are you?” Something (or was it multiple things) in the dark calls out to him. It sounded like there were three voices, maybe more, all garbled and spliced together. It immediately puts the 16-year-old on edge. 
“Who’s there? Where am I?” The back of his head really hurts. 
All at once, the darkness gives way to a shining, golden light as it forms into some kind of creature in front of him. It was bird-like in appearance not too dissimilar to one of his uncle’s crows, but it felt ancient, threatening in a way Solaris had never felt before. 
“I...” the creature pauses, voice raspy and gravely like it hadn’t spoken to another soul in a millennia or five, “answered your pleas. You offered up a bargain and I gave you what you wanted in exchange for a price of my choosing.” 
“Pleas? What pleas? I don’t plea for anything.” Suddenly he can hear his own voice in his head. 
I would give them all up if it meant you could come back to life. My abilities, my life- even my soul! I’d give anything to take your place and pay for my crimes! 
“You offered up your soul if I would return your mother to the world of the living, did you not?” the avian entity tilts its head to the side. “So, I gave you just what you asked for.” 
And Solaris wants to say he wasn’t serious- he didn’t mean it. But he can’t. Those words said in the tomb came from the deepest part of his aching heart.  
“How can I know you’re not lying?” The half-demon asks, “You could tell me anything- lie to me as not to make me an unwilling captive. What are you even going to do with my soul now that you’ve got it? Eat me?” 
“It’s lonely here.” The being’s voice sounds pitiful and child-like now as its body also shrinks to the size of a child. “I’ve been here in the dark for so long- ever since I woke up, maybe even longer perhaps. All I want… All I want is a friend.” 
(31 August, 22:40, 2 hours, 10 minutes post-quake) 
How did this happen? How does a dead person just come back to life? 
Lucifer and Aubrie stand face to face in Solaris’ room, their child had been carted off for another battery of tests to see how badly he’d been injured in the earthquake. He was breathing on his own, miraculously, and his body was mostly unscathed but the pool of blood beneath his head in the mausoleum was worrying. A head injury would be more than devastating. 
“Just tell me he’ll be alright, Lucifer.” Aubrie’s voice is hoarse from all the shed tears, “I just want him to be okay.” 
“The doctors are doing everything they can. He will be alright- I'll make sure of it.” It’s a promise the demon’s not sure he can keep. “It’s all going to be okay.” 
It’s quiet between them as he pulls her into a tight, protective hug, burying his face in her hair. She smells of graveyard soil and dust, reminding Lucifer that not too long ago her body had been buried beneath the earth. 
“I missed you...” his voice comes out quieter than it’s meant to be, in fact he’s not even sure if she’d heard him or not. 
“How long has it been?” Aubrie returns the hug. 
“Fourteen years to the day. Depending on the doctor’s findings, once they bring Solaris back, we should go home. We’ll come back tomorrow after we’ve had time to rest.” 
And Aubrie can only nod at that. There most likely won’t be anything more that either of them can do for their son so it’s only logical that they leave and wait for more information when it’s available. 
“Man, disaster management ain’t really my strong suit,” Azalea sighs as she sits outside the gates. She was feeling absolutely drained from all the running around she’d done. As the half-demon pulls out her phone, she notices the 30 missed calls from the entirety of her parental unit. “fuuuuuck they’re gonna kill me when I get home... I should call at least one of ‘em and let ‘em know I’m safe.” 
Azalea tries Thirteen first, praying to whatever unholy god is listening that she doesn’t get chewed out by the reaper for not answering her phone. 
“Where are you?” The line picks up immediately and Thirteen sounds absolutely pissed. “Do you know how worried we all were when you didn’t pick up the phone? You’re lucky your mother and father are out having to work disaster relief, or they would be-” 
“I know, I’m sorry!” She knows Thirteen can’t see it but the nineteen-year-old has her head bowed as if she was giving a deep heartfelt apology. “I was at Devil’s Coast with Solaris when this all went down and then Solaris went missing and then Uncle Lucifer put me in charge of managing search-’n-rescue and general disaster management right after. Look, I’ll come home right now, I promise.” 
“You had better.” Is all the pink-and-blue-haired woman can huff out. “I’ll let your parents know you’re safe, but I have to go. I’m getting a call from your uncle for some reason.” 
The line clicks off and Azalea starts to head back home. 
“This can’t be good...” Mammon whispers to his older brother as Aubrie and Arella stare each other down. The latter looks like she’s seen a ghost. 
“You’re telling me,” The Avatar of Pride grumbles, “I’m still trying to figure out what the hell even happened at her grave. It has to be some kind of magic...” 
“Maybe it was a trade- a soul for a soul?” 
“Given Solaris’ current condition, I’m not above that being a possibility.” 
“How is he doin’? Ya said he cracked the back of his head pretty badly- any chance that’s gonna have lastin’ consequences?” 
Lucifer doesn’t answer right away, rather he heaves a heavy sigh through his nose. Solaris was breathing on his own and scans of his brain showed that there was no loss of function that might indicate brain death- on the contrary, his brain was incredibly active, and the scans also showed movement in his eyes akin to that of rem sleep. Lucifer doesn’t really know what to make of that. 
“The doctors think he’s just sleeping- that he’ll wake up in the next few days, but Solaris has never been this deep of a sleeper. I’ve always been able to wake him easily and, in the mausoleum, - Mammon he’s not sleeping. That much I can tell you with certainty.” 
“Wouldn’t hurt to have Belphie pay him a visit though. I know ya think you’re never wrong when it comes to your kid, but they could always surprise you.” 
Turning their attention back to Arella and Aubrie is just awkward now. Arella still has that disbelieving look in her eyes. 
“It can’t be...” The black-haired human says softly, “Who are you really?” 
“Rells, it’s really me. I don’t know how or why but I’m-” 
“No.” Tears are forming in her emerald-green eyes. “If it really is you, then show me the scars that formed when I failed to save you that day. I can’t accept any other proof.” 
Aubrie vaguely remembers the time just shortly before her death. How the last thing she remembered seeing and feeling before it all went dark was Arella’s tearful expression and her hands that were placed on her chest and stomach.  
Slowly the orange-haired human begins to unbutton the high collar of her dress shirt to reveal the deep scarring on her chest where Solaris had sunk his tiny claws into her. 
“Oh my god...” Arella brings her hand to her mouth as a gasp escapes her before she tackles her childhood friend in a tight bear hug, sobbing uncontrollably. “You’re alive! I’m so sorry.” 
“I know, it’s okay.” Aubrie’s voice is quiet and calming. “You did your best- that’s all that matters.” 
(5 September, 5 days post-quake) 
The Devildom had slowly started to heal from the chasms that had formed in that disastrous earthquake only five days prior. Led by Beelzebub, demons with all kinds of magic based in the element of earth had come together to repair the disrupted ground and damage to housing units and shops. After that came the slow process of rebuilding those areas that had been most highly affected by the forming of the cracks. 
R.A.D. starts back later from its summer holiday break this year and for once, Lucifer is not there working himself to death. He’s with his wife and incapacitated child. 
Solaris still hadn’t woken up from what the doctors thought would only equate to a couple hours’ nap.  
They keep running tests on the half-demon all in an in-vain attempt at rooting out the cause of this mysterious coma. 
“They’re obviously missing something,” Aubrie mumbles to her husband after yet another meeting with the doctors. “I don’t buy this whole ‘just sleeping’ nonsense. 
“Agreed.” The Avatar of Pride nods. “I’ll revisit your grave later today with Barbatos. Perhaps that will give me more clues as to what went on just before the earthquake hit. For now, we’ll head home for lunch and then I’ll be off to pick up Solaris’ new glasses.” 
The grey-eyed woman nods as she takes her child’s hand and give it a gentle squeeze. She brushes some of his orange and black hair off of his face. 
“Dad and I are going now but we’ll be back again to check on you.” She says softly as she presses a kiss to his forehead, “We love you so much.” 
“Come back to us soon, Son. We’ll be waiting.” Are his father’s encouraging words. 
The pair wait just a few moments longer to see if there was any sign that Solaris could hear them- any sign at all that he was still in there but when nothing happens, they just frown to each other before gathering up their belongings and taking their leave. 
To be continued
A/N: I always regretted killing Aubrie off for some reason, so I brought her back. Now let's see if I can make a plausible work around to keeping her alive while also letting Solaris stay around.
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galgenwerk · 5 months
𝙙𝙧𝙖𝙗𝙗𝙡𝙚 — 𝙗𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙝𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙘𝙡𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣
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it takes more than one walk up the stairs within house 115 to get all of the presents into her bedroom.
   it's not until after she's walked oliver to the train station near the housing area that garry gets a moment of respite. it's not a bad kind of exhaustion that settles on her, once she's shut the bedroom door behind her. there's a tiredness in her bones, begging her to remain stationary for a little bit, to freeze, to lay down. it's been a longer day than she thought, with more attention than she ever anticipated.
   what were her birthdays like, back home?
   what did it feel like, not being this tired?
   walking up to her desk, she slides into the chair. her eyes go to the vase that aurelius had made for her, in a moment of panic. the wounds had disappeared as they did in the gallery. yet, when garry got home that day and plucked another petal from her rose, nothing had happened. have you been cursed, he'd asked her.
   the blue rose sits in the vase, still filled with water. for a second, her hand reaches out to trace its stem, careful to avoid its thorns.
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   she sighs with deep exhaustion, hand now reaching up to rub the space between her eyebrows. a headache is starting to sport in the corner of her eyes. she doesn't remember her birthdays before this one, but she knows they were joyful. she knows she had a home, before the gallery claimed her.
   she knows the feeling of happiness warming her bones, when she turns to look at the boxes of presents.
   with another short glance to the rose, stationary, frozen, garry gets up from her chair to go take a shower.
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intothewickedwood · 6 months
End of Year Quezzies
Happy New Year! I think it would be fun to reflect on highlights from last year, especially in regards to fandom. This is a compilation of questions inspired by various ask games x x
Top 5 songs you listened to for the first time last year?
1.Out of the Dark (Monster High)
2.Playing His Game (Death Note: The Musical)
3.Stalemate (Death Note: The Musical)
4.Where Can I Run? (Adamandi)
5.Me, Myself and I (Adamandi)
Top 5 Songs released last year?
1.Reason We've Got Magic from (Monster High 2)
2.Not How Our Story Goes (Monster High 2)
3.You Don't Know (Monster High 2)
4.Dirty Girl (Nerdy Prudes Must Die)
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5.Nerdy Prudes Must Die (Nerdy Prudes Must Die)
Album released last year?
Nerdy Prudes Must Die (Original StarKid Cast Recording) by Team Starkid
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Musical artist / group of the year?
Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year?
Melliot's musicals!
Movie watched for the first time last year?
Stay (2017)
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Movie released last year?
Monster High 2!
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TV show of the year?
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TV Show released last year?
Wolf Pack
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Most memorable episode of a show last year?
3x08 Long Time, No See from Legacies was one I rewatched a few times as I loved it so much
Top 5 musicals watched this year?
1.We Are The Tigers
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2.VHS Christmas Carols
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3.Nerdy Prudes Must Die
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4. Adamandi
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5. Death Note: The Musical
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Game of the year?
Sims 4: Horse Ranch
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Character of the year?
Lizzie Saltzman! (Legacies)
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Top 5 new favorite characters last year?
1.Draculaura (Monster High)
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2.Vincent Aurelius Lin (Adamandi)
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3.Quincy Cynthius Martin (Adamandi)
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4.Claire (Stay 2017)
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5.Tabby Haworthe (Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin)
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Ship of the year?
Cairo x Riley (We Are The Tigers) and Mizzie (Legacies). I can't choose! Also I was this year years old when I found out my long-time otp Mizzie were canon endgame! Still screaming over that!!
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Top 5 new ships last year?
1.Dracudeen (Monster High)
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2.Quincent (Adamandi)
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3.Claire x William (Stay 2017)
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4.Holy Ghost (Nerdy Prudes Must Die)
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5.Finsie (Legacies)
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Best month for you this year?
Probably December. I love the holiday season!
Something you want to do again next year?
Go to the cinema more! I think I went only once this year. Would love to go to the theatre too! It's been a while!
How was your birthday last year?
It went pretty well. I just chilled at home and watched my favourite musicals.
Favorite book you read last year?
Fraternity by Andy Mientus was amazing! A real page turner! One of the best, most engaging books I've read.
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What was the most delicious meal you enjoyed last year?
I really wanna get into reading Ella Enchanted. I've heard good things!
What’s something you learned this year?
All the advantages of foot massages! And that keeping an 'Affirmation Board' on notion is an extreme help. I use gallery view and I put gifs and positive quotes from my favourite media and characters to look at when I'm having a bad day. I also put techniques for coping that include pressure points, breathing techniques and tips for dealing with my sensory issues, sometimes paired with a gif of a scene that reminds me of it. Wish I'd started on it years ago but it's better late!
Favorite place you visited this year?
Just the town nearest mine. It's my favourite town!
What was the most impactful life lesson you learned?
Copy & Pasted from my Affirmation Board: "There will never not be something wrong that upsets you. Perfection is a myth. Happiness is focussing on the good despite the sadness, guilt & shame that always bubble beneath. Concentrating on, replaying or having negative feelings about what hurts won’t solve the problem or make it go away. It’s ok to let it go & not punish yourself." - Quote By Me xD. I like to give myself the illusion of control over thoughts lol but looking at this has been the most helpful thing on my affirmation board for me.
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 9 months
Teen and Up Rated Fics Masterlist (7)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 /
Created: September 13th, 2023
Last Checked:----
Squeaky Clean-SoThere (AO3)
Summary: Katniss experiences confusing new feelings when she helps her injured best friend. Modern AU inspired by the Everlark Drabble Challenge prompt from anais117: Katniss or Peeta recovering from surgery and the other helping them bathe.
Taste of the Toasting Cake-ally147writes (Tumblr)
Summary: In-Panem, no-games AU. Gadge toasting with a supportive Katniss in attendance who talks with Peeta about his previous misunderstandings about her relationship with Gale.
The Ashes-papofglencoe (AO3)
Summary: Peeta returns to Katniss in District 12 following his release from the Capitol. Canon-compliant. Pre-epilogue. Contains book dialogue.
The Awkward In-Between-LilyMaid (AO3)
Summary: Days after winning the 74th Hunger Games Katniss recognized her life was changing, not just her home. She was already mourning for that old life, when things were difficult, yet so simple. With a tightening in her chest and a fear she didn't understand, she wondered what would be left. Cannon Divergent AU- pre Catching Fire
The Ballad of Snares and Arrows-monabus (AO3)
Summary: "At the end of the day, it’s no different. Hunting is hunting, regardless of what’s at the receiving end of Katniss’ arrow. All that matters is surviving, staying alive. No matter the cost. If I were in the Hunger Games, I would stop at nothing to make it out alive." What was going on in Gale’s mind during the 74th Hunger Games? What exactly did the audience back in District Twelve see on their screens? A chance to explore the moments of the Games that Katniss never saw — all through Gale’s eyes.
The First Year-thinkinthankin (AO3)
Summary: The first year back in Twelve, an extension of the last chapter of Mockingjay. Picks up from "Peeta, bearing a warm loaf of bread, shows up with Greasy Sae. She makes us breakfast and I feed all my bacon to Buttercup." A year of Katniss and Peeta making do, breaking down, and "growing back together." Working on the book. Baking. Hunting. "Real." Sitting around the fire with Haymitch. A birthday, a toasting. "Strange bits of happiness."
The Fruit Stand-Mollywog (AO3)
Summary: The stand was unremarkable in itself, except for the woman behind the antique register. She had been singing when they approached the tent but had stopped upon noticing them. It was a song Peeta couldn’t identify but left him feeling nostalgic for things he’d never experienced; at least not in this lifetime.
The Hunger Games from Peeta's POV-thismustbeagoodidea (AO3)
Summary: “I don’t think it’s going to work out. Winning…won’t help in my case.” I want to go back to the charming lies. I planned for this, so why does it feel like something in my gut is rotting? “Why ever not?” Caesar asks. I drag in a deep breath. All that strategizing over how to win the most sympathy, and now I feel like I’ve lost control of my face. My mask is slipping, my cheeks growing hot. There are so many eyes on me, all of them hungry. I meet Haymitch’s gaze in the crowd. His hard expression isn’t exactly comforting, but at least he isn’t enjoying this the way everyone else is. I feel my mouth open as though pulled with a string. “Because…because…she came here with me.”
The List-orphan_account (AO3)
Summary: "The list that Dr. Aurelius and I had made together was burning a hole in my pocket. A list of triggers. A list of things I should avoid." Peeta comes home after the war.
The Lost Girl-Mollywog (AO3)
Summary: Finnick had received a letter from Lord Abernathy before the start of the season alerting him of his niece's debut. He had more accurately instructed him to “watch out” for her. Finnick still wasn’t sure whether it was meant as a request or a caution. At present it felt more like a warning. How Finnick and Katniss became unlikely allies.
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