#Happy anniversary freak (affectionate)
fountainpenguin · 10 months
Happy 2-year anniversary of Mumbo posting the video of him eating Grian's soul <3
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minniiaa · 6 months
(long ass post just me rambling about a new lawlu fic idea. t/w for discussion of addiction and sui attempt. feel free to keep on scrolling.)
Writing a new modern au about Law becoming an addict after Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo died in an accident coming to pick him up. It's inevitably going to be a healing LuLaw story, Luffy finding him in his apartment by sheer luck after he decided to end his life on the one-year anniversary of their deaths. Luffy is in his hospital room when he wakes up, a cute stranger who he discovers is his neighbor and also a firefighter. Luffy declares that he's going to be his friend which makes no sense to Law, why would a guy like him with such a good life want to be friends with a pathetic junkie freak who just tried to off himself? What he doesn't know is that Luffy knows what it's like to lose the most important people to you, to feel so alone and not know how you're going to go on. Only Luffy did go on. He built a new family for himself, a home, and a life where he could be happy and he wants Law to do the same.
The first chapter was one of the darker, more emotional things I've written, detailing Law's relationship with death and how he is convinced everyone he ever cares for will die because they all have died. He falls into despair and tries to die once but can't go through with it. He turns to alcohol, finding that it numbed the voices in his head that screamed at him every waking moment. So the decline begins, Law becoming a street rat alcoholic who goes to grimy bars, going home with any guy whose willing to fuck him until it hurts, the pain overwhelming everything in his head. Alcohol turns to club drugs which turn to opiates and he's just a shell of a human at this point.
I think there's beauty in the rise from your lowest low to your highest high (not a drug high, just happiness). Law needs a reason to stay. Luffy becomes that reason, someone who understands him, who he almost hates in a way because he was able to pull himself out of the trenches when Law couldn't. Law decides to get clean once he wakes up in the hospital, deciding to give life one last try before he calls it quits for good. Luffy declares he's going to be there for him every step of the way and after some thought, Law lets him only because he knows can't be alone anymore. He'll use Luffy as a crutch he clearly needs until he's fulfilled his purpose, and then he'll just dispose of him.
He's shocked to find that Luffy is just a good person, unlike anyone he's ever encountered. Sure, he's pretty brutally honest, almost chastising Law for not even trying to move on but he's totally right, Law never did try, he just gave up. He has this way of somehow just knowing how Law is feeling even without him saying a word. He brings him gifts in few days he's in the hospital, cleans his apartment that had fallen into an absolute shit hole while Law was an addict, and when Law comes home he basically just moves in even though he only lives down the hall. He doesn't want Law to be alone, to fall back into his addiction. He introduces him to his friends and is active in his treatment even going to his first NA meeting with him so he doesn't have to go by himself.
He's exactly Law's type and he's maddeningly charming, openly affectionate and flirtatious right off the bat which just confuses Law. He convinces himself that it's just the kind of person Luffy is, some people are just like that but there's no way he's actually attracted to him... right? He's still down horrendous for him from the very start though, and Luffy doesn't make this any better, sending him shirtless pictures of him and little flirty messages like 'wish you were here ;)'. (Law's a degen and Luffy is totally aware of what he's doing but he just likes Law and wants him to know it).
Their strange friendship grows and evolves while Law deals with the harsh reality of what it means for him to be sober. One day Luffy kisses him, things get intense and Law is fucking TERRIFIED. He can't care about someone again, can't watch them die like everyone else and know it's all his fault. He pushes Luffy away but he won't go. He loves Law and he's going to do anything it takes to make sure Law accepts that fucking love. He does, of course. He's wanted this from the beginning but he was just too scared of what it would mean to love someone for the first time, to admit it aloud. Law overcomes his addiction, begins to process his losses, and Luffy becomes his Reason to Stay.
(If you don't care about my personal shit feel free to stop here and enjoy this random summary headcanon thing I unintentionally wrote. This is just this week's episode of me oversharing but maybe it'll help someone who has been in similar situations idk.) I decided to write this story for purely personal reasons. About 7 years ago the person I was dating was an addict and although I did everything I could to try and get them the help they desperately needed after I saved them from overdosing the first time, but it wasn't enough and they ended up dying a few months later. I was also doing various drugs at the time, though only recreationally, and was thankfully able to stop after seeing what it did to the people around me. However, this death fucked me up and I blamed myself to the point it drove me to become an alcoholic just to help cope with the pain. Things are much better now and it took many years but I've finally been able to process everything. Writing is therapeutic for me and I always wanted to write a story about addiction and loss but I wasn't sure how it would do it. I guess I found it now?
At the end of the day, I wasn't enough of a reason for that person to stay but what if there was a world where someone was? I wanted to explore that concept with my favorite ship and somehow this beast was created in my fucked up little head. I'm looking forward to the very fulfilling and heart-warming journey of Law healing and falling in love with our favorite loyal puppy dog Luffy :)
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giantchasm · 9 months
Some Taransusie Headcanons
Their relationship is atypical and they know it. This is something they were more or less aware would be the case going into it. Susie is not a replacement for Sectonia, nor would Taranza want her to be. He holds the two of them in different parts of his heart, loved separate but equally. Sometimes he needs to take things slow, and Susie understands. She fell in love with him scars and all.
They were best friends before they were lovers. I’m not going to beat this dead horse too much because ya’ll already know how I interpret it, but they initially bonded shortly after Robobot and clicked together because of their grief. While that’s why they originally bonded, though, that’s not the only reason they were close. In general they’ve served as pillars of support and comfort for each other for a long time. They’re some of the only people the other can fully ‘trust.’ They’re legitimately open with each other, and that’s rare. Especially for Susie.
Susie was the first one to fall, but Taranza realized she was in love with him before she did. Initially, it scared him. He was like “Oh gosh, please don’t. I can’t return those feelings. I’m going to break your heart, aren’t I?” and when she eventually confessed, he freaked out. But eventually he realized he did return her feelings and that he couldn’t let the albatross around his neck control him for the rest of his life. Sectonia would (hopefully) want him to move on and be happy. So he told Susie he’d like to at least give it a try, even if (again) he needed to take things slow.
‘Firsts’ (I.E. first kiss, first date, first anniversary) are very different for the two of them. Susie never got to be a dumb teen with a crush so she’s experiencing puppy love now for the first time as an adult. It’s kind of scary, but also kind of a warm, exciting feeling. She doesn’t always show she’s excited or emotional during moments like that, but she is. Taranza, meanwhile… has done this before? This isn’t his first date or kiss or anniversary ever. This makes it different, though not in a bad way. He’s not giddy or nervous, but he’s sentimental and appreciative. During those sorts of shared experiences he’s, more than anything, acutely aware of how special they are. Always aware they’ll never get this exact moment back, and that they should treasure it as much as they can. It’s… nice getting to have new firsts, both in the ways it allows him to reflect on them and as a reminder that, with how different they can be, Susie is her own unique, wonderful person he should be grateful for.
More under the cut!
Susie generally takes on a pretty different demeanor in private vs public. When it’s just her and Taranza, she’s very affectionate, mushy, and playful. When there are others there, she’s much more professional. Not in an unloving way, of course, but in a factual sort of “This is my wonderful partner.” way. Once in a blue moon she slips up though and catches herself gushing in front of others, especially if they’re also people she considers herself relatively close to. Magolor jokes that she seems like a different person entirely during these moments— like some sort of lovey dovey stranger locked up and replaced the real Susie.
They’re pretty silly with each other, although, again: mostly only in private. Taranza especially loves to playfully mess with Susie, saying she’s cute when she’s embarrassed. Sometimes he’ll ‘sneak up behind her’ and hug her. This is, of course, all for show, both because he’s exceptionally dramatic and because she’s so high-strung. She grew up in a nightmare dimension. She’s always alert and on guard. If he actually startled her she’d suplex him on instinct, and neither of them want that. So instead, he makes it exceedingly obvious, all the while she pretends to be surprised. He also loves to leave heart shaped webs in place she’ll find them and call her goofy pet names.
Susie generally does not like to be touched and does not have much sense of touch. The only parts of her body that aren’t cybernetic are her face, parts of her chest/torso, and one heavily scarred hand. Taranza is the one exception to the ‘no touching,’ rule, though. He’s the one person she feels comfortable letting do that. She loves stroking his fuzzy little spider paws or playing with his hair. His touch is very grounding, especially when she’s feeling out of it.
They love to do each others’ hair. It’s a favorite low-energy bonding activity. Taranza will braid Susie’s hair or she’ll brush his, all the while he’s staring at her with the eyes on the back of his head looking lovestruck. She thinks it’s very, very cute, and it’s not rare she leans in to give him a kiss between them.
They also like getting dressed up. They’re both very fashion-oriented people. The sort of duo who’s in different outfits every time you see them. They love going shopping together and trying on different things. Sometimes they even pick out things specifically so they match.
Taranza is the sole person allowed to call Susie Susanna, and even then he only does it in private. Anyone else who tries gets glared at. Initially, even he wasn’t able to call her it, as she has baggage associated with the name, but one day he called her it by accident while messing around, and although he quickly backpedaled, she realized she actually didn’t mind it coming from him. She thinks it’s because… well, the reason she switched to Susie was because she felt like Susanna was dead. She’d been through so much trauma— so much terror and heartbreak that she was changed irreversibly. But when she’s around Taranza, she doesn’t always feel that way. She feels… safe and comfortable enough to let that more vulnerable side of her show. And in that, maybe ‘Susanna’ isn’t entirely gone.
This probably goes without saying, but Taranza has some self-esteem issues. What happened with Sectonia messed him up. She took a lot of her anger regarding her own insecurities out on him once she went off the deep end, and that’s something that’s stuck with him. He does not like how he looks and is afraid he’s ugly, gross and off-putting. Susie doesn’t see it this way, though, and is doing as much as she can to build him back up. She thinks he’s very cute. She especially likes his fuzzy little face and his laugh.
Similarly, while Susie isn’t necessarily as insecure, Taranza is sure to build her up as well. He knows the consequences of not letting someone know how wonderful they are all too well. He’ll take her cybernetic hand and give it kisses and stare into her LED eyes and tell her they’re beautiful… but also stroke her cheek and hold her organic hand tight. Susie sees herself as both mortal and machine, and demonstrating that he loves both of these sides of her is key.
Susie’s employees really, really like Taranza. They think he’s a good influence on her, and he’s helpful in getting her to listen to them because he’s also been the little guy before. So whenever they have a request for Susie they attempt to do it through him, making ASCII puppy dog eyes the entire time.
In contrast, Susie is… not liked amongst the Floralians. Mostly because neither is Taranza. When she first started dating him they were slightly worried, thinking she maybe didn’t know what sort of person he was, but as soon as it became clear she was not only fully aware, but maybe even worse, their attitude towards her soured. She and Taranza have been harassed by angry citizens more than once. They’ve flung insults about Susie’s personhood and morality, saying it seems like Taranza only dates soulless monsters. Susie is not particularly wounded by this, but it makes Taranza seethe. If it weren’t for Kirby keeping him on good behavior, he’d start throwing people in the dungeon again over this. He’s always sure to refute these accusations, saying they’re wrong about Susie, even if: again, Susie doesn’t really need it. She doesn’t expect most flesh and blood beings to understand her… although she is touched by just how much Taranza seems to care.
Taranza is not particularly good with techie things, but insisted Susie teach him how to repair all of her parts anyways, just in case, Void forbid, something were to happen. If she were to get hurt, he’d never want to be in a spot where he couldn’t help. Susie typically does maintenance on herself at least once a week, so when she does he’ll sit beside her and they’ll talk and she’ll show him how everything works. He makes sure to pay very close attention.
Taranza loves to be pampered and showered with expensive gifts. It’s coincidental, but not entirely irrelevant he seems to have only dated rich, famous women. That’s not why he loves Susie or why he loved Sectonia, of course— he’s no gold digger, but he won’t deny it’s a bonus! Thankfully, Susie has a practically infinite supply of money and is very much a gift giver, so he gets showered in expensive, lavish things practically all of the time. It makes him feel very, very special.
The most important gift Taranza ever got from Susie was a lot more mundane, though. She realized he was always making grand gestures, and wanted to make one of her own. So she spent countless hours researching flower meanings and painstakingly grew him a bouquet. This is something that was very, very difficult for her. She’s not used to things that require lots of time and care. She stuck it out for Taranza, though, and was eventually able to present him with the surprise gift. The flowers weren’t perfect— in fact, they were a little scrawny, but Taranza was so, so touched. He keeps them on his bedstand to this day, using his magic to ensure they don’t wilt.
The two of them have a set of matching necklaces. Taranza wanted to get something for them to keep as a momento— a counterpart of sorts to his scarf. You see: said scarf was originally a symbol of his love for Sectonia. They bought a matching set and made a promise to always be by each others’ sides. Obviously, that’s not something they were able to do, but he keeps the scarf on his person at all times in honor of the memories they shared. He didn’t want this to make Susie feel inadequate, though, and suggested they get something to celebrate their love as well. The necklaces are a reminder that Susie is more than enough, loved as she is, and that they’re a team, too. It’s no mistake that both it and the scarf rest right beside Taranza’s heart.
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missr3n3 · 5 months
i love peter from cabin tales, he's very. punchable /affectionate
i hope that happy anniversary pt 2 involves putting that lil freak in a meat grinder <3
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keefechambers · 1 year
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Happy 6th anniversary to me and the guy one of you horny freaks (affectionate) once thought was my brother
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falseapostle · 1 year
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{This disgusting rat survived a whole year, y'all. Happy anniversary you freak of nature (affectionate).}
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Ship Meme
@noetic-noesis-noein Look, I know you never sent me this, but I have ENTIRELY too many thoughts and feelings about these two. So here you go. Enjoy! Harvey is more dominant. This should need no explanation, really. Harvey is dominant and assertive both in and out of the bedroom. He’s very protective of Arden, but never in a creepy or uncomfortable way. He just doesn’t want to see her get hurt, even though he knows she has powers and is perfectly capable of protecting herself. I think they’re both cuddly, but Harvey more so. He’s extremely touch-starved and doesn’t get to show physical affection often. He will cuddle the shit out of his partner until they get annoyed and ask him to stop. He usually falls asleep holding her. Harvey is the big spoon. Duh.
Arden uses all the hot water. Harvey doesn’t mind cold showers. He won’t complain too much if she hogs the hot water. They shower together a lot and share the hot water. The most trivial thing they fight over: They rarely fight, and the things they DO fight over are not trivial. Arden will always tell Harvey when he’s pushing himself too hard, not getting enough sleep, etc. It’s very hard for him to just relax and take it easy, even when his mental health is at stake. The man is a chronic overachiever and perfectionist. While they both want to make Gotham a better place, they have differing ideas about how to do it. Arden does most of the cleaning. Harvey isn’t the domestic type, but he’s happy to help and make the workload easier. Who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working? Harvey, for sure. He grew up in a crappy apartment with bad heating, so he’s intimately familiar with that situation. Who leaves their stuff around? Arden. Harvey is a very organized person, he's not one to leave his stuff lying around. He’s a bit of a neat freak, I think it stems from growing up in a bad neighborhood and being surrounded with filth, grime, and trash. I can definitely see Arden just leaving her stuff everywhere and cluttering up Harvey’s nice, meticulously-organized, townhouse. But he doesn’t mind because he loves her. Arden remembers all their anniversaries. She won’t let Harvey forget. Harvey doesn’t keep track of anniversaries as much as he probably should, but he loves celebrating them with her. Arden remembers to buy milk. Harvey is so stressed and over-worked he doesn’t always remember. I think Arden handles most of their grocery shopping. Harvey will happily accept whole milk, but he loves chocolate milk the best and makes no secret about it.  Arden does most of the cooking. Harvey can cook, but the food he makes is very basic and practical. There’s nothing fancy or exotic in his repertoire. As a child, it was learn to cook or starve. His parents weren’t always around to feed him and his sister. Arden picks what they watch. Harvey doesn’t watch much TV outside of Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, and classic movies on TCM, so he’s happy to let her choose. He’ll even tolerate vapid reality shows for her. Nicknames for each other: Arden calls Harvey Harv affectionately, (sometimes exasperatedly) and full names him whenever she scolds him. Harvey calls her sweetheart, sometimes baby. Harvey always pays for dinners. Because he’s a gentleman.  Arden steals the covers on cold nights, and Harvey lets her.  Harvey kissed Arden first. It was an impulsive move, and he was probably a little drunk. Harvey’s more confident and uninhibited when he’s drunk. At first he’d be super flustered and apologize, but once he realized how much Arden liked it, he would kiss her again. This time longer and harder. Arden remembers everything. Harvey is stressed, overworked, and doesn’t have the best sleep schedule, so he sometimes forgets things. Writing important names/dates in his journal or a notebook helps. After becoming a martyr, he has  memory loss about his time in Arkham that takes a while to heal. But Arden is patient with him. Most of the time. If Arden were hurt, Harvey would try his best to treat her at home with a first aid kit. If it’s really serious, they’d go to the ER. Harvey is both very stubborn and desensitized to pain. It’s extremely difficult to get him to go to the hospital unless he’s actively bleeding to death. He’d rather have Arden take care of him unless there’s absolutely no choice. Harvey is the dirty talker. This man has a filthy mouth both in and out of the bedroom. Random headcanon: Arden is one of the few people who ever gets to see Harvey’s vulnerable side. He always feels safe and comfortable with her, even comfortable enough to show her his moments of weakness.
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7thcirclebaker · 3 years
Lex Luthor trying to be like a not terrible dad and be supportive but is definitely off the mark;
Tim and Kon get married, he is there like unsure how affectionate to be but is like, here's the original Luthor farm because idk he doesn't use it and they clearly have a place in Gotham but Connor loves Smallville so maybe they want a place there and mercy and several parenting books are like sentimental things are good though, this is a good idea. And it is tbf. Connor can still do farm chores at the Kent's and stuff but they have their own space and can like add to it. It becomes like less haunted by the terrible childhoods had there over a few years.
Timeskip, slightly
They've been married like over 3 1/2 years and Lex while getting better is still lacking some like emotional intelligence and awareness, genius doesn't mean smart in all ways. So he's always given gifts on theme to the classic wedding anniversary themes which at 4 years is fruit or flowers which is stumping him to plan. Because like sure he could gift them like enough trees to plant a sizeable orchard but that doesn't seem like it's hitting the mark and Bruce can definitely gift them that with like extra oomph from Dr.Isley (because obviously, the gift giving is still in a way a competition between inlaws) So he's looking over the files he has on both of them, and a parenting book, and as he flicks through the files there's like the closest thing to a baby photo Conor has, which is a small tube with a blob. But this sparks a train of thought that goes through several stations and none of them are common sense ville in Lex's head right. Fruit > Fruitful Loins > Children > Expertise in Kryptonian human blended clones > A gift only I could easily do for them > Average time in a marriage before having kids > current public opinion of the couple > increase in public standing for them and me by having kids > ?? > Wins all round tbh!
It's not necessarily hard for lex to get both their DNA, but it takes some time and then getting viable clones is another little bit so he's delayed on getting it to them. So they get an anniversary card ( hand delivered by mercy who's so happy to not be around "Soon to be a grandfather" Lex Luthor) and it says something along the lines of sorry your gift this year is slightly late, my plans were going perfectly so I blame their tardiness on the Kryptonian" So they call Clark to be like Hey, did you bust any of lexs more morally dubious plots recently because looking at this card it seems like you did, not mad though, just let us know. He's like no, I didn't, I'll like scope it out though, btw here's a weird Kryptonian house plant for the apartment that I got Ivys help to grow, happy anniversary. Tim is slightly worried because Clark comes back being like nope, it's all a-ok, totally fine. But like he can't do much because him and Connor have a Hawaiian holiday booked to just relax and be themselves, nice anniversary present from Bruce (While he brings several hundred trees to the farm and Ivy to plant them so a surprise orchard appears when they get back - let's see lex top this) they come back after a week and the next day...
Meanwhile Clark went to go talk to Lex to be like I hope you're not doing anything too weird because like co-parenting is weird but don't scar our son anymore right. Only Lex is like at yet another secret lab checking final development on the fraternal twins so when Clark finally tracks him down (mercy ignored him for a solid 5 hours because she had too much cover work to do and also no patience for this) he's standing in a classic evil pose watching a pair of growth chambers with babies in them. (He says it's just a power pose and it's kind of a default for him after years in board meetings) Clark is immediately like dude what the actual fuck! Why did you try and make more clones when your parenting at the moment is freaking out the son we do have?? "Aah, but these aren't our children, they are our grandchildren." Pauses for dramatic effect "Do you think Kon-El and Timothy will appreciate the gift of children the way their parents have not?" Clark bluescreens. Reboots. Thinks really hard at super speed. And then starts politely asking Lex questions to find out why, how, have you talked to anyone else about this plan at all, why again, etc. Lex's train of thought finally gets diverted for an emergency service in common sense ville. Communication is a thing, that he has not done. But at this point it will ruin the surprise and this way you can say you knew about the grandchildren before batman "The worlds greatest Dective" so please don't tell them.
A definitely not misty eyed Batman steps out of the shadows of this lab "We won't tell them, that's for you. Though I will make sure Alfred prepares the nursery" He will say he found it through detective work and careful following - he tracker tagged Clark and once it took more than three hours for him to find and talk to Lex, Bruce was prepped to Zeta wherever he found Lex and provide backup because he was also sus of the in-law. Clark goes home and tells Lois and she's like, normally parents just complain and guilt you into having kids like yours did, not decide it was taking too long so I'll make them for you and hand them over wrapped in a nice blanket. But this is Lex so she isn't as surprised and also excited because babies.
Batman and Superman have totally been acting weird this whole week which only like a dozen people noticed but one of them was the Flash so there's a JL betting pool on why. The only thing they can for sure tell is that it's good news. Tim and Conor get called for a Titans mission as soon as they get back from holiday and even though it's short it's tiring but like Bart fills them in afterwards about the Goss while they wash up before heading back to the Gotham penthouse and neither of them have any idea about why their dads are acting weird, it disturbs them.
Next morning they're having a slight lie in, or that was the plan if not for them hearing the intercom buzz and the faint sounds of crying babies while Lex asks politely to be let up. Tim doesn't actually hear this, being an insomniac who needs sleep and cuddles, but Connor does and him getting up to let Lex+ in disturbs Tim. They get dressed and make coffee while Luthor is in the elevator. Tim is drinking gods nectar when Connor moves to let Lex in who comes in with a pair of the fanciest nappy bags slung over his shoulder and a file folder. Mercy (the ever tired absolute boss in need of a payrise) is behind him pushing a double buggy which she pushes into the apartment and then leaves to let them have privacy while she gets the rest of the stuff. Tim starts drinking the coffee faster when he sees the buggy because he's not awake enough yet. Connor asks whos are the kids. Lex is like "Yours, I informed you that your gift for your anniversary would be slightly late. You'll need to pick names for them in the next three days and fill out the forms located in this file to register the birth. Don't worry we've got paper work to show they were created as part of an experimental surrogacy program for LexCorp so no one will know they're created with cloning technology" He's said this barefaced to try and not give away that he's nervous about their reactions. Tim does a spit take and Connor Bluescreens.
--- more to follow maybe at some point. Free to a good home if someone wants to actually write it out and make English good because accidental baby aquisition and TimKon parenting is a fic we all need more of ---
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izukult · 3 years
little things with denki kaminari
happy birthday to my love. latest in this series here
—whenever one of you is listening to music, you always share earbuds (or at least offer). you have a shit ton of playlists for situations (bus rides with loser, people in class won’t stfu and we have to act like we care¿?, bored asf) etc. it’s also customary for you to have at least one song rec for each other a day.
—bro this motherfucker has bit you before? how odd.
—he really, really loves to talk. so no matter how talkative or how quiet you are, you two are constantly interrupting each other and it always makes him laugh.
—denki has no idea what to do when it comes to relationships. not one thought is running through that mans head and it shows. when you two first get together, he has genuinely no idea what to say. he’s smooth and casual when he’s not thinking about it, but the second he processes the fact he’s your boyfriend and he’s supposed to be boy friendly, he’s clueless.
—he literally quotes romance movies to try to sound cool. it’s so bad. he sounds awful. it’s horrible. it’s ugly. please, kaminari, i’m begging you. be quiet. it’s kinda cute tho tbfh
—also! he gets so flustered. he would never show you but like when you send a text that’s even remotely romantic he’s done for. that one video of the girl holding her phone to her chest and kicking the bed? that’s him tbh
—after every fight, near miss, or villain encounter all he ever wants to do is spend time with you. even if you’re both just sitting there silently, it calms him down so much.
—speaking of, he freaks out really easily. and he finds so much comfort in you. and he wants to do the same for you. he has a list of things he knows make you feel better. be like that for him or ur a fucking loser
—you’re a big motivator in his training. after all the shit he’s seen, he’s got a lot of valid fear and trauma. so he doesn’t want you to ever have to go through that type of thing, even if you were training to be a hero. he wants to be able to protect you, so he pushes himself super hard to learn how to channel his electricity.
—did you know kaminari skateboards? well, he does! and he is itching to teach you. you two love to go to this little park at night, only lit by street lights and the city. his hands are on your waist as you wobble on the board and he’s laughing at you. teaches you about footing and all the terms (“i’m not gonna be dating anyone who stands goofy, you hear me?” clearly he doesn’t actually give a shit.). once you’re pretty good, he buys you a board as a gift.
—denki is a pretty chill dude. he doesn’t get offended much and when he does he’s never really angry about it. but if someone even looks at you wrong he’s laughing almost politely and flicking his wrist back and commenting some snarky insult about that person not really to them but definitely loud enough for them to hear.
—he sneaks into your room every night to fall asleep with you. you fake being annoyed when he comes in and runs his mouth for fifteen minutes, but you don’t actually care. kaminari sleeps with his head covered in pillows, so i imagine he shoves his head into your neck or back, and wraps his arm completely around you once he actually falls asleep. very cuddly dude. once you complained about how it was too hot at night because of him, and instead of letting up he bought you a 75 dollar desk top power fan and told you problem solved.
—movie nights every thursday. you tried to argue it should be saturday for months, talking about sleep schedules and responsibilities the next morning but he does not care. it’s thursday’s, you will enjoy it. srz
—he unironically wants you guys to get one of those big shirts you can both wear. every time a birthday or holiday or anniversary comes up and you ask what he wants, he tells you that shirt. he begs for you to wear one with him. one time he was sobbing over something completely irrelevant and you asked him if there was anything that would make him feel better and through tears he said “big couple shirt” and cried harder when you said no.
—he wakes you up with a shitty pickup line every single morning. sometimes he looks them up, sometimes he makes up shitty ones specific to you.
—you two have matching bracelets. you made them together one night, he bought a bunch of beads and shit and insisted that you make them. he made yours, you made his. so yea basically you walk around with a shitty yellow and black bracelet that says denki (self projecting as i literally wear that bracelet right now)
—no matter where he is, he always makes sure a spot next to him is available for you, just incase you show up. he wants you to feel included and even if he’s silent about it, he makes sure you’re always comfortable.
—he makes you recreate funny couples photos all the time. like the reaction meme looking ones. his favorite (which is also his lock screen and his profile picture) is the one with that couple making out on the fence and the girls holding the guy up lol. also loves to take really uncomfortable ones that look like posed white people family photos and you’re both just doing thumbs up and standing too far away from each other.
—y’all are so funny for real. like constantly laughing, always having fun, just so comfortable?? such a good relationship i’m ngl would die for it
—he gets a star projector and makes you stare at it with him for hours. for the first thirty minutes he aggressively shushes you if you try to say anything. loves it.
—he’s really good at balancing being a good friend / conversationalist / person to be around and being affectionate. he’s pretty good at gauging what you need when you need it. he’s such a good boyfriend yea <33
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amajikilvr · 4 years
ugh i love your fluffy alphabet on tamaki 🥺 so if it's okay, can you do one for bakugou, too?
headcanon corner - katsuki bakugou sfw alphabet
word count 1.8k
reader type gender-neutral
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
In the beginning, Katsuki’s affection will come out quite stubbornly and will be harder to see at times. Later on, it’s obvious how much he cares for you. His heart is full of love despite his aggressive attitude. He’s not afraid to show PDA, no matter who’s watching, and you’re often the recipient of his rare compliments. Katsuki is always ready to say “I love you”.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
That’s a tricky one. Befriending people isn’t exactly on Katuski’s radar, but he’d prefer someone who could “keep up with him” if so to speak. Reliable helps too. This friendship might start with him genuinely, although reluctantly, praising your quirk or skills.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
“This is fuckin’ stupid,” He’ll mumble as he wraps his strong arms around you, but he’s loving every minute of it. Katsuki’s down to snuggle in front of everyone, but if you’re the one initiating, he’ll be a tad bit embarrassed and no one dares point it out. When you two are completely alone you’ll get to see his softer side and you might even be the big spoon for once.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He’ll want to settle down in a sense that he needs to be sure that they’re his and he’s theirs. The method of doing so will depend on what’s best for both of you, but moving in together is probably in the cards. Katsuki makes a fantastic roommate because, among his many talents, cooking is one of them. He’s also a bit of a clean fanatic and you might wake up to him vacuuming or doing the dishes at 7 AM or something.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Firstly, he would fight tooth-and-nail against whatever was threatening the relationship because he’s not letting you go easily. If it absolutely came down to ending things, Katsuki would make it straight to the point and as quick as possible. He wouldn’t be able to remain ‘just friends’ with you and would never truly move on in his heart.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quickly would they want to get married?)
Katsuki is beyond committed and he firmly believes there are several ways to show it besides putting a ring on it. If you two were to eventually get married it would be later on so your careers could be focused on. He just wants you both to succeed and achieve your dreams more than anything, but if the marriage was something you really wanted, he might consider tying the knot earlier than previously planned.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Although I think Katsuki is actually a sensitive person, he can definitely be on the rough side of things. He can read and interpret others’ emotions, but relating to them can be a challenge. I don’t believe he’d ever act maliciously towards you or anyone else he cares for. He’s got a soft touch and even the occasional kind words during the most surprising times.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Katsuki���s a bigger fan of kisses, but he does love hugs! He’s always, well, touching you. Huge bear hugs. Squeezy. Warm. The type to literally lift you off of your feet. He’ll leave little tickling kisses on your neck and shoulders while whispering words against your skin.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He’ll say the words in every possible way… besides actually saying the words. It’s like a mental block of Katsuki’s because he’s admittedly scared of proclaiming his love in such a straight-forward way. Once he gets over that first hump, it’s no problem for him. He won’t be throwing the words around like candy, but he’ll always say what’s on his mind.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Katsuki is emotional and jealousy is a familiar feeling for him. Being a bit of a hothead definitely doesn’t help either. This jealousy stems from his insecurities and can be overbearing. At the beginning of the relationship, it will probably be the cause of some arguments between you two. Later on, jealous Katsuki will just include him being extra pissy and extra cuddly.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Passionate. Always. If he’s kissing you, he’s going all the way. Even during your first kiss, he gave it his all. Sure, it was an awkward mess of spit and teeth, but he was eager and didn’t hesitate! Katsuki’s skills have improved by now and he never fails to showcase them. It doesn’t matter where, if he’s kissing you, then he’s happy. It depends on your preferences. And as for him… his neck is especially sensitive and he’ll never admit it.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Well, after the remedial lessons episode, we know he’s not very good. At all. Despite that, I can imagine him still wanting kids eventually. An “I can’t stand any kid except my own” type.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Katsuki is your typical morning person. He’s up at the same time every day and it amazes you. Well, unless you’re a morning person yourself, that is. If you’re a heavy sleeper then waking you up on time will be his new personal mission. He’ll probably make you a nice breakfast and get as many kisses as he can in before work.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Haha! This guy goes to bed at like 9-pm. He’s got a strict schedule and if you somehow manage to get him to stay up later to watch a movie with you or something, he’s gonna fall asleep on your lap and it’s adorable. It’s the perfect opportunity to play with his soft hair without having to hear him grumble about it the entire time.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It’s going to take a while to break through his outer shell, but he’s not exactly secretive about his feelings and his past. Katsuki trusts you enough to be open with his mistakes and he won’t hide anything if you just ask.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
I think this one is a bit self-explanatory, but it’s not very often that he gets angry at you.He’s getting better at controlling his anger and you tend to bring out his gentler side too.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget everything?)
In the moment, it may seem like simply he brushes it off or doesn’t really acknowledge it, but that’s actually not the case. Katsuki always remembers and takes everything into consideration. The number of little things he keeps notes of might surprise.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
One Saturday afternoon, Katsuki decided he was going to try out a new chocolate cake recipe and you decided you’d try your hand at baking for once! He was absolutely willing to teach you and it was going well… until you somehow managed to drop an egg yolk right on Katsuki’s sock covered foot. His favorite pair of socks at that. The kitchen was quiet until he swifty flicked flour at your forehead and it was game-on from there. The next thirty minutes were filled with lots of flour and kisses.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Katsuki couldn’t be more protective of you and he’s more than willing to use his quirk if needed. He’s prepared to fight for you in the blink of an eye, no question about it. His job as a pro-hero means so much when you’re someone he has to protect, but he also knows it’s a mutual feeling. He completely believes in your own physical abilities to keep him safe and your reassuring words make him truly feel like the greatest.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He’s certainly not lazy when it comes to your relationship, but at the same time, Katsuki finds things like fancy dates and lavish gifts kinda pointless. He couldn’t care less about eating at an expensive restaurant, all that matters is that he’s with you. That’s not to say that he won’t give you nice things because he will be spoiling you, especially on anniversaries and holidays.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
His inferiority complex has always been his biggest enemy. There are times when he just can’t shut off his competitive side and it can turn things ugly when he lets his insecurities get the best of him. His temper is also something he’s struggled with and is still learning how to manage.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Katsuki really doesn’t care about that kind of thing. Of course, it does fuel his ego and boost his confidence when you compliment his looks. He considers himself to be an attractive person, but nothing too special. (You think differently)
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He likes to believe otherwise, but yeah, he really would. He couldn’t imagine a day without you. It’s just a scary thing for Katsuki to accept that he relies on someone other than himself for once.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He’ll never admit it, but spiders really freak him out. Let’s just say he won’t argue if you offer to take one outside.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Someone who gives up easily would just kinda irritate him. Katsuki knows people struggle, hell, he’s definitely one of them, but seeing someone simply not try and throw in the towel when things don’t go their way is something that would get on his nerves.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
He’s somehow got a cute snore. Yup. It’s not even really a snore, more like some kind of soft breathing noise, but it’s noticeable and something you’ve grown to love. It’s also difficult for Katsuki to fall asleep in places other than his own bed.
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
Dating Seo Changbin
Tumblr media
A/n: I am so sorry this took so long!!! i hope you like it <3 oof its been a while since I've done this style so here we go
Requested: @mrsunshine999
Tag List: @distrikt9 @mini-meanhoee @poeticallyspaghetti @hanstagrams @desertofdessert @hoes4hoseok @yangomangos @jeonqqin @geminirules @crscendoforsung @mrsunshine999 @jisungsjheekies @hannie-squirrel00 @cotccotc @multi-net​
Warnings: cussing, changbin being best boi, 
First of all....reader you are one lucky bitch.
Dating THE changbin
Changbin is definitely one of the more domestic boys
He thriiiives with being a cuddly soft boyfriend
You probably met his parents on like your fourth date
But it was like a surprise thing 
He was like “Stop by my place because I’ve got to take care of somethings before we go out”
and you were like sure whatever so you get there like twenty minutes early and knock on the door
changbin opens and says you can wait in the living room while he is grabbing some things
first of all you notice his house is super fuckin nice
you’re like “mental note to ask who his decorated is” 
so he goes off and you walk in the living room and there are his parents just looking at you with kind expectant smiles
and you’re like “ummmm.........hello........changbin’s parents....”
changbin is like walking in and out of the room completely unaware that you are lowkey shitting your pants because omg his parents are right there and you were not prepared for this you were just promised food
its then you realize this is his parents house and he freaking tricked you into meeting them
by the time he sits down next to you on the couch you’ve practically sweated through your nice outfit and answered a billion questions
“I told you, I pick good ones mom- OW!” 
you pinched him really hard and made a nervous look towards the door. 
He laugh and got the message
the two of you said goodbye and you proceeded to whack him very hard the second the door closed behind you
loves to spoil you
anytime you're mad at him the next day you find a very expensive flower arrangement as well as a nice piece of jewelry on your desk or doorstep
he never lets you pay for anything
in fact the most common argument you have is about him spending too much money on you or not letting you pay
one time after a really big fight he secretly paid your rent for the month (which led to you yelling at him again)
“I thought I was doing a nice thing!”
“Yes it was very nice but I want to do things for myself!”
“But you’re so....baby....my baby....I wanna take care of you.”
he thinks you look really cute when you’re mad so you never really end up getting anywhere with arguments like that
changbin is definitely a huge cuddler
likes being both little and big spoon
his favorite sleeping position is probably you sleeping on top of his chest so he can hug you like a teddy bear (you have replaced Munchlax haha)
probably takes you on the most aesthetic dates
he loves being your personal photographer
he can’t show you off on the skz insta so he probably has like a separate private account just to post really cute pictures of the you and him
changbin is a huge fan of couple clothes 
like any kind
his favorite is finding couple shoes like sneakers. 
he likes knowing that he could wear them onstage and bring a piece of you into the public view but its like his lil secret
changbin is like super no no about scandals so after a few months he probably announces the relationship before the press even think he is in one
changbin is like the pinterest boyfriend 
like he strives to be pinterest worthy
the boys give him so much shit about it but like lowkey he doesn’t care he just steals their coffee or something in revenge
he probably keeps like special products for you in his apartment
he always has the coffee or tea you like stocked in his kitchen
changbin is definitely the type to love hard and love fast so once this boy has you locked down in a relationship he just goes all in
you two probably move in together pretty quickly because this boy is just so anxious to be around you all the time
lowkey whiny once you move in 
“changbin you've said my name like 18 times what the hell do you want”
“i wanna hug.”
tries to use aegyo to get out of chores and housework
“I love dark my ass.” you say shoving a laundry basket in his arms and watching him pout 
late night gym dates at like two in the morning
the boys lowkey getting jealous of how much time he spends with you
Felix and Hyunjin basically live at your apartment
you don’t know how they got keys but somehow they are always there 
you’ll wake up one morning and felix will be randomly asleep on your couch for no reason
your dates are often crash by one of the boys but you honestly don’t mind because they are so much fun
changbin is actually the most caring and empathetic boyfriend
he always seems to know when you have a bad day or are just feeling bad about yourself
sometimes you don't even understand how he knows 
you’ll just be laying in bed on your phone after a really rough day and wanting to cry and changbin will just come up and give you the warmest gentlest bear hug 
he won’t say anything but he’ll just hold you until you want to talk or just cry it out
lets be honest changbin hugs would be the best tho
like he hugs with his whole being
in a relationship i feel like he is super affectionate so hugs are pretty common but he probably hugs differently for different circumstances
like he gives really gentle hugs when your sad and strokes your hair, kissing the top of your head
probably a big fan of quick side hugs when you're in public or with the boys
big cuddly hugs when you’re alone where he can rock you side to side or flop onto the couch with you
so ‘i love you’
again changbin falls fast and hard so he would for sure be the first one to fall in love
but he wants you to say it first because he knows sometimes he can move too quickly and he doesn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable
the first time you say it changbin is just so happy 
before you can even finish the sentence he’s already saying it back
“I love you-”
“I love you more.”
he never forgets an anniversary even if he is on tour
during one of their breaks he flew you out so you could celebrate together 
he loves traveling with you
even if its just a road trip or the two of you randomly decide to spend the weekend at a hotel that's thirty minutes from your house
changbin definitely knows what he wants in life so the second he decides you are the one for him he starts planning how he wants to spend his life with you
he loves having serious conversations with you about the future
changbin loves when the two of you invite all the boys over for dinner and it turns into a fancy dinner party and he cant help but picture you doing this five or six years from now and you have kids and are throwing dinner parties like this on the weekends
you too throw a HUGE Christmas party every year
like inviting lots of staff from the company and a bunch of family and friends 
so like one second you are talking to changbin’s sister and your mom then the next thing you know you are accidently bumping shoulders with fuckin BamBam from Got7 or Tzuyu from Twice and Jae is singing with Jisung in your living room
its like a huge fancy event that you and changbin throw at your place that you spend like a month planning for
everyone is dressed very nice and your house is spotless and flawlessly decorated with a brightly lit tree that you and changbin spent four hours decorating
by 9pm everyone is drunk on egg nog and opening presents from secret Santa 
changbin also never lets a Christmas go by without kissing you under the mistletoe 
the boys stay the night mostly because no one is sober enough to drag Jisung out of your house. 
So Christmas morning is always spent with the boys 
changbin always puts you first 
he is really considerate and always considers how his decisions will affect you (unless he’s trying to pay for something)
all in all changbin would just be the best boyfriend
congrat reader you landed an angel
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thebadgerclan · 3 years
SFW Alphabet: Sirius Black
Requested by @emmaloo21 
A/N: Era isn’t specified, can be read as either Marauders or Golden Era
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Sirius is a very snuggle cuddly guy, so he always wants to be touching you in some way.  If there’s ever a day that Sirius doesn’t hold you for at least an hour, something’s up.  Sirius also isn’t afraid of PDA, he’ll hug you, kiss you, sit you on his lap in front of others, he doesn’t give a damn who sees (but if you’re not comfortable with it, he’ll keep your affection private)
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He’s the mischievous friend, always causing trouble and making you laugh.  Your friendship starts when you become friends with the rest of the marauders.  You connect with Sirius right off the bat and your friendship only grows from there C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Sirius loves holding you in his lap, either with you sitting sideways on his lap or facing him, legs around his waist, head on his shoulder.  In bed, he liked to spoon, and he’s always the big spoon, with you facing him or away from him.  Cuddles are an everyday thing, so don’t think that you’re getting out of it
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Yes, Sirius wants to settle down with you.  He wants a home with you, he wants to wake up next to you, he wants that more than anything.  Sirius is shit at cooking and cleaning,  but he’s willing to learn if it makes you happy
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
God, I hate to say it, but he’d be an asshole about it.  I feel like he’d blame stuff on you, even if he doesn’t feel that way.  Luckily, Sirius is faithful, and he has no plans of breaking things off with you
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Sirius wants to marry you more than anything in the world, you’re the love of his life, and all he wants is to spend the rest of his life with you.  He’ll propose after a year or so after dating, he wants to really know and love you before he marries you.  Bear in mind, he knows he’s in love after a few months, but he doesn’t want to rush
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
VERY.  Sirius is super gentle with you, emotionally and physically.  He’s never rough with you (except in bed;D), and he never takes anger out on you.  He might get mad at you, but he never takes it out on you.  He’ll brood or scream at a wall, but he’ll never shout at you
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Sirius adores hugs, they’re the highlight of his day.  He hugs you at least 10 times a day, and if he doesn’t, he gets sad.  He holds you tight against him, swaying back and forth gently, chin resting on your head.  “I love you,” he whispers as he holds you.  “I love you so much.”
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
After about 3ish months, and when he says it, he really means it.  Sirius treats you to a romantic dinner atop the Astronomy tower, vases of roses and lilacs and irises.  “I love you, Y/N.  I love you so much, and I will always love you
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He’s more possessive than jealous.  He knows you’re faithful, he knows that you won’t leave him, but what he can’t stand is people looking at his girl, or worse, hitting on her.  He comes to your side and kisses your cheek, making eye contact with whoever had the nerve.  “Hi puppy,” he greets.  “What’s up?”  He’s chill about it, but the person hitting on/looking at you knows not to fuck with him
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Sirius’ kisses show you just how much he loves you, whether they’re quick pecks on your forehead or cheek or long, deep kisses on your lips.  SIrius loves kissing your forehead and nose, while he loves being kissed on his neck or collarbones
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
If they’re his kids, he adores them, but other people’s kids, he’s not the biggest fan.  If you have kids, Sirius will love and dote on them like nothing else, spoiling them rotten, but other people’s kids sort of annoy him
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Good luck getting out of his arms without him whining “Y/N, nooooooo!”  Sleepy kisses and cuddles until you can’t put off getting up any more, then usually a small breakfast before you get ready
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Again, sleepy cuddles while you talk about your day, before one of you falls asleep in the other’s arms
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Sirius is a little hesitant to tell you about his family drama, but once he does, and you don’t want to leave him or aren’t freaked out, he feels more secure in the relationship and won’t hold anything back
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Sirius is very chill, it takes a lot to get him mad, and even then, he keeps a cool head.  It’s a little creepy, how someone can be deliberately trying to piss him off and he’s just like “Mhmm, you were saying?”
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Anything and everything.  If you tell Sirius something, big or small, he remembers.  Your favorite color to the name of your childhood pet, Sirius remembers it all
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
The first gift you ever got him: a single red rose, on your third date.  It’s under a preservation charm on his bedside table, and he will never get rid of it.  That was also the day he realized he loved you
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Sirius is very protective, especially given the state of the world.  He’s very protective over you, your safety is his first priority, the thought of you getting hurt is one that he can’t bear.  If you’re protective over him, Sirius finds it so endearing.  “Thank you, puppy, I love you so much.  I’ll keep you safe if you keep me safe, yeah?”
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Sirius doesn’t mess around with gifts and dates, he goes all in.  Fancy dinners, lavish gifts, he wants to spoil you rotten.  He’s got the Black family vault, why not drain it to spoil his girl?
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Sirius can be a little narcissistic, a little self centered, and he always feels guilty about it one he realized he’s been neglecting you
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s a little more vain than other guys, he loves his hair, but he’s not overly obsessed with appearance.  He wants to look nice for you, but other than that, he’s not too worried
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Absolutely.  Sirius has had so few people who truly love him in his life, that without you, he’d be missing a piece of his heart
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
You once bought a collar for hi (Padfoot) as a joke, but Sirius actually kept it.  He’ll have you put it on Padfoot sometimes, just to see you smile
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Sirius doesn’t want to be with someone who can’t commit.  He needs someone who can love him, someone who will stand by him through thick and thin
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Sometimes when he can’t sleep, he’ll shift into Padfoot and run laps around the house to tire himself out
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fadedflame · 2 years
The Deep Dark Blue Day 23
Detroit: Become Human Prompt Challenge from @connor-sent-by-cyberlife
Summery:  Lieutenant Hank Anderson had been a naval officer for years. It was his life, his passion, everything he cared about now. And yet, all it took was one look from the tiny Mer child to make him willing to risk it all.  
Day Twenty Three - Sailor
Chapter Summery: A surprise for Connor.
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Ao3 or read below
Tina was trying to distract him and he couldn’t figure out why.
Connor’s concern only intensified the longer she kept him there. They were below deck and any time he even mentioned going up above, she came up with increasingly bazaar reasons why they couldn’t.
Even more suspicious, was that he had barely seen Hank all day.
His dad had spent the past couple of months after he had gotten back from his little solo excursion more overprotective than normal. Not that he was complaining, near Dad was his favorite place to be, but it was now strange to be away from him for more than a couple hours at most.
It was thoroughly freaking him out.
“What’s going on, Tina?” he asked, finally addressing the situation head on. “Why don’t you want me to go on deck?”
The look on her face betrayed everything. “I don’t! I mean, I’m not stopping you. I just need help with this is all.”
Connor stared down at the mess of rigging he was helping untangle. The knots looked like they had been put there intentionally, but he didn’t comment on it. Honestly, he was afraid to. “Is something wrong?” he asked instead.
“No, of course not,” Tina insisted, sounding the most sincere she had all day. “Why would you think that?”
Why wouldn’t he at this point. “You’re acting strange,” he deduced. “Everyone has been, really. Did I do something? Am I in trouble?”
“Oh, sweetie. No,” She put her section of the rope down to squeeze his arm affectionately. “There’s nothing wrong, I promise.”
He looked at her skeptically, but before he could say anything in contrast to her words, her phone chirped. Tina’s face lit up and she scrambled to read whatever message she had received.
“Finally!” she exclaimed before smiling at him again. “You want proof everything is alright? Come on.”
She didn’t wait for him to respond, instead abandoning their mundane task and leading him, finally, onto the deck.
What greeted him in the bright afternoon sun defied explanation.
Every single member of the crew was standing there, waiting for them. They were all dressed in brightly colored hats and paper streamers were woven into the rigging.
“Surprise!” they shouted in unison.
Yes, Connor certainly was. He blinked, startled and unsure, unable to process what exactly was going on.
“Dad?” he asked, confused as the man walked over to him with a self-satisfied smirk. The red and blue striped hat clashed with his gray hair.
Hank plopped an equally ridiculous hat onto Connor’s head, the strap snapping against his chin as it was placed. “Happy birthday, kiddo,” he said.
Connor blinked, the bewilderment not fading despite Hank’s answer. “What?”
Tina laughed, putting on a hat of her own. “It’s a surprise party, Connor. To celebrate your birthday.”
“My… birthday?” He’d heard about that concept before, but never experienced one. “It’s my birthday?”
“Well no, probably not.”
The new voice had Connor turning in an instant, already smiling as he recognized the sound. “Markus!”
The older Mer already had his arms open in anticipation of Connor’s incoming hug. “We don’t know when exactly you were born,” he went on, now holding him. “But this is the anniversary of when the Lieutenant found you.”
“You couldn’t have been more than a few days old anyway,” Hank chimed in. “Close enough.”
“You are officially a year old!” Tina announced. She pulled the string on a confetti popper that she’d pulled from somewhere. Bright colored paper spreading everywhere and sticking to her hair.
Despite his confusion over the whole thing, Connor was soon swept into the festivities. There was cake and decorations, music, and more people than he had ever seen on the Cutlass before. Markus had brought over the whole crew. North loudly exclaimed that there was no way they were going to miss his first birthday. The rest seemed to agree.
A few of his crewmates seemed uneasy having that many Mer aboard, but their tension soon faded away as the party went on. Even Gavin seemed to be having fun.
After playing a few games and eating way too much cake, many of them came forward with gifts for Connor.
No one had ever really given him presents before. Besides Hank that is, but as his father, he didn’t count. Chris gave him a couple new books, Tina got him a plush shark. There were lots of odds and ends, several cards, and well wishes from all involved.
Connor was, in a word, overwhelmed.
Even Captain Fowler gave him a gift. It was an antique sailor’s hat. He told him he was officially a sailor now, part of the crew even if it was in a civilian sense. He also promised a glowing recommendation, and some fudged legal documents, if he wanted to go to the academy to become part of the DPD.
It felt amazing.
As much as Hank had lamented him growing up, saying how he wished he could stay little forever, being an adult, or close to it at least, was proving to be pretty great. If not surprising and confusing.
The biggest surprise of the day, however, came from Gavin.
The party was over, everyone winding down and getting back to work. Markus and his crew had retired to the Jericho. Connor was on his own way back to his cabin when Reed stopped him. “Hey, got a minute?” he asked.
Connor tensed, but turned towards the man. “I… guess.”
Gavin shoved his hands in his pockets, attempting and failing to look casual. “Look I just… I’m sorry I was a jerk to you, ok?”
“You are?” It wasn’t something he expected. Gavin never apologized to anyone.
“Yeah, well…” he shrugged, but still looked tense. “I’ve always had a problem with Mer,” he admitted. “My dad ditched my mom for one. Abandoned us just to chase after some tail. But… that’s not your fault.”
“No, it’s not,” he agreed. It really wasn’t but from what he understood of human psychology, it wasn’t abnormal for him to have reacted that way.
“I guess…” Gavin sighed. “I guess I just wanted you to know I’m gonna try not to be as big of a jerk to you anymore, alright?”
“Ok, it’s not like I’m gonna turn that down,” he reasoned.
Reed bobbed his head in a nod, then looked away. “Right, well. Happy birthday, I guess.”
Connor smiled after him before resuming his previous path to his cabin. Gavin being nice to him. He’d believe it when he saw it, but the thought was nice. Probably the best birthday gift he could ask for.
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dweetwise · 4 years
Any Chance Felix richter x reader hcs?... 👀
a request from the depths of my inbox that i’d completely forgotten about! sorry for the wait <3
Felix Richter relationship headcanons
As confident as Felix acts, he’s very shy when it comes to personal relationships. He’s slow to fall in love and won’t make a move until he knows his feelings are returned, so he’d prefer his crush to take the initiative.
Once in a relationship, the awkwardness doesn’t stop there. Verbal affection isn't Felix’s forte and he often ends up tongue-tied or cringing at his own attempts at sweet-talking. He's most comfortable saying affectionate things in his native tongue, especially if his s/o doesn't know German.
Similarly, he can go days or even weeks without saying “I love you”, to the point where his partner might wonder if he's upset with them. When confronted, he’ll be utterly confused but also incredibly apologetic; he never meant to neglect them, he just assumed his feelings were obvious.
Felix is incredibly touch-starved but is ashamed of asking for attention. It's only once he's extremely comfortable that he'll become downright clingy, sometimes following his s/o around like a lost puppy until they give him a hug or smooch.
On that note, man's 100 % a little spoon. Because of his tall frame, he usually defaults to holding his partner, but will positively melt if he gets to be the one to be held in their arms.
He’s a neat freak and kind of squeamish, to the point where his partner will definitely have to be the one to kill any spiders.
Is extremely private and doesn't want to worry his s/o, so he's known to bottle things up in an unhealthy manner. Getting him to open up about his struggles requires persistence, but with time it gets easier as he learns to trust his partner and realizes he's not a burden.
He’s awkward about PDA. While he doesn't mind a quick kiss, showing any kind of vulnerability in front of others is a no-no. Will act very nonchalant with his partner in public, but as soon as he’s behind closed doors, will immediately drop his act and be open to any kind of affection.
Very, very weak to praise. After only being recognized for his professional accomplishments for so long, Felix flusters easily when given small compliments by his s/o. He might try to brush them off or flounder out a compliment in return, but it’s obvious how much he craves the reassurance.
Will be more than happy to let his partner take charge in the relationship. After years of running his own company and needing to keep up appearances, he loves being given an opportunity to sit back and relax. Even planning a simple dinner or organizing a date night will be met with incredible appreciation.
Felix takes gifts very seriously. His partner will not go a single birthday, anniversary, Valentine's, Christmas or even name day without receiving a thoughtful gift. He'll spend weeks picking something out, and even though money isn't an issue for him, he'll try to find something modest as not to overwhelm them. He never expects anything in return, but will treasure anything he does receive; handmade gifts especially make him speechless from gratitude.
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Dating, Sabo, Zoro, and Ace
Anon asked:  Hii, hope you two have been well! I'd love to request some dating headcanons for Zoro, Ace & Sabo from One Piece! Please feel free to take your time :) Tysm <3
Hello and thank you for requesting with us! I hope you enjoy these headcanons! And I also hope that you take care of yourself! Have a great day/night!
>Admin 𝕋
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Okay, Sabo is the gentleman out of all three of the boys.
He will carry your things when you guys go out shopping
He will give you his coat is he sees that you are too cold
He will quickly get you a bottle of water or something chilly when he sees that you are too hot
And the best part is
When you want cuddles, or want to hold hands, or want to kiss, just anything that involves touching, he will be there to do it
No problem, Sabo will do anything to makes sure you are happy with him
It's a good thing that Sabo would be such a lovable boyfriend
He would want to do a lot of the romantic stuff, from getting you flowers to getting you your favorite foods when you are having a bad day
He will also be incredibly protective of you
He wouldn't want you out of sight, if he knew danger was lurking around, he would want to make sure that you are protected by any means necessary, and sometimes that could be frustrating for you, but you know he does it out of love.
What’s  more frustrating is the fact the fact that he can take it too fare, such as not caring if he is hurt, of not caring about the possibly that he might die, to which you would have to make sure that doesn’t happen to him.
Another thing about dating Sabo would be the fact that he would support you in all your endeavors
say you want to be a writer, or something
he will buy you all the supplies you need
say you want to be a fashion designer, he will buy all the fabric you need 
like no matter what, Sabo will be there for you, and will give you advice or maybe a pick me up so you make sure you don’t lose your motivation.
god, I need a Sabo in my life
He would be just so attentive and kind and warmhearted to you
he will do anything to make sure that you are h a p p y
This guy wouldn’t about how much he himself is feeling be it sad or grumpy or mad, as long as you are satisfied and happy, it’s fine with him, so just make sure when you see him all grumbling and broody, you help him feel better!
All in all, dating Sabo would include being in a very cute, fluffy, kind and cuddly, relationship with a literal puppy, that just wants to protect you and make sure that you are loved, and make sure that you know he loves you from the very bottom of his big bleeding heart
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This stoic, dudebro of a man
dating him would be like dating a tree
but better
idk if that makes sense, but here’s the thing, he would not be so showy about his feelings like Sabo would
Dating Zoro would need patience, and a lot of understanding of Zoro’s body language
He is the type of person that needs someone the know what he is thinking before he knows what he is thinking
He is one to hide his feelings, and not be so outright with them 
but this is only in public
in private 
this man will turn into a whole ass love bug
now, he won’t be as enthusiastic as Sabo would be about cuddling and being all touchy feely, but Zoro, behind closed doors, would definitely be one to stick close to you, and then whisper into your ear about the day he had
and then he will sleep on your chest, mumbling about how comfy you are
just a soft boi, for you only though
as I said though. when other people are around, he will be really stoic, and not be really affectionate
the way he will show his love is by his giving you some of his food
or by showing you his new sword techniques, when he is practicing
or he will just stay close to you, make sure that nobody(Sanji) else sits next to you or puts their little grubby hands on you
Like Sabo, he would also be pretty protective, but at the same time, Zoro will recognize when you can take care of yourself
Say if there is an enemy, and everyone is finding their own battles, Zoro will immediately want to help you, but once he sees that you are doing fine without, he will smile proudly and get back to focusing on his fight.
But all in all, Zoro would be a lowkey lover, that will whisper sweet nothings in your ear when you both are getting ready for bed, and just an overall lovebug when he wants to be
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This man, he’s like
so freaking LOVING
like, the instant you are in his line of sight, he will just yell out your name and pull you into a big hug
dating Ace, is like dating your best friend, someone you can joke with, laugh with, cry with
he is someone that wouldn’t judge you for anything, but will sometimes poke fun at you 
he will be your right hand man, your partner in crime
if you tell him you have a crazy idea for something that could potentially get you hurt, he will not only encourage you to do it, he will help you execute it too
then if you were to get caught doing said bad, crazy thing, he would totally blame everything on you, then run away 
but would totally get you out of the punishment though
On a more romantic note he would be VERY touchy feely
even more than Sabo, because with Sabo it’s more of a if you tell him he will do it, but with Ace, he will just glue to you
he will hold your hand tightly, kiss you on the cheek when you do something cute, hug you from behind when you are cooking food
he would be such a happy, loving man with you
He’d be the type to go above and beyond for like anniversary or birthday
he would get you a freaking dog or something, because you said you liked dogs in passing
he would be the light of your life, as you would be his! You would be his friend, lover, and everything else under the sun!
All in all, Ace would be the fun one of the three, someone you can rely on to make you laugh constantly, and yet be serious when he needs to be! 
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pudding-head-kenma · 4 years
OMG hcs getting Kenma a cat for your anniversary????
↪ would absolutely, positively, 100% freak out and just be really really happy
↪ if he could pick, he would pick adoption over buying the cat, so if his s/o knows that and gets one from a shelter he’ll be 20 times happier 
↪ he’s immediately clinging to the cat and holding it in his arms, probably doesn’t put it down for the rest of the night. and the cat probably just stays asleep anyway so it doesn’t matter
↪ he actually feels bad because now his gift for their anniversary doesn’t feel as important or as nice, like what can possibly be better than a little baby for them to take care of together?
↪ insists on passing the napping cat to his s/o so he can RUSH to get everything the cat needs. it’s gonna be so fucking spoiled too it will have absolutely everything
↪ lots of thank yous and kisses for the rest of the night. he’s just so thankful and so filled with happiness that he doesn’t even know how to get rid of so much energy, especially with a sleepy kitten on his lap, so he just becomes overly affectionate even if he’s not usually like that at all
↪ naming the cat together! they talk about it like they’re choosing baby names, like it’s very important to him that the cat has a proper name
↪ would slip a ‘this is our first child’ and then just not reply to ANYTHING his s/o asks regarding what he just said
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