#Haritha Haram
lifeofresulullah · 2 years
The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH):   Calling the Tribes to Islam, the Allegiances of Aqaba and Migration to Madinah  
Ghazwas and Sariyyas
Ghazwa: (Military expeditions in which the prophet took part)
Sariyya: (Military expeditions in which the prophet did not take part)
Ghazwa of Buwat(Month of Rabiulawwal, 2nd Year of Hijrah)
The Prophet left Madinah with two hundred Muhajirs. His aim was to walk against and intimidate the big caravan of Quraysh consisting of 2500 camels controlled by one hundred guards, among whom was Umayya b. Khalaf, the ferocious polytheist.
The Prophet proceeded up to the Buwat Mount but did not see anyone; so he returned to Madinah.
Ghazwa of Safawan(Month of Rabiulawwal, 2nd Year of Hijrah)
Kurz bin Jabir al-Fihri, one of the Makkan polytheists, attacked the meadows of Madinah with his friends and stole many animals belonging to the people of Madinah and Muslims.
Upon this attack, the Prophet appointed Zayd b. Haritha as his deputy in Madinah and set out to follow the plunderer. He proceeded to the Safawan valley of Badr region. However, Kurz was informed that he was being followed; so, he fled through a far away road.
Thereupon the Prophet returned to Madinah.
This ghazwa is also called “Badr al-Ula”; that is, “the first Ghazwa of Badr”.
Ghazwa of Ushayra(Month of Jumada al-awwal, 2nd Year of Hijrah)
Three months after the Ghazwah of Safawan, the Messenger of Allah left Madinah with a military unit consisting of 150-200 muhajirs. They had thirty camels with them. The soldiers rode the camels in turns.
The aim was to follow the caravan of trade sent by Quraysh to Damascus.
However, when they reached the plain of Ushayra, belonging to Banu Mudlij and which was nine halting places away from Madinah, they found out that the caravan of Quraysh had passed two or three days earlier.
The Prophet who gave great importance to securing the surroundings of Madinah signed a treaty of friendship with Banu Mudlij, who were the allies of Banu Damra, with whom the Prophet had agreed on a similar agreement before, there. Then, he returned to Madinah.
Sariyya Led by Abdullah b. Jahsh(Month of Rajab, 2nd Year of Hijrah)
The Prophet called Abdullah b. Jahsh to his presence and ordered him to go to the Valley of Nahla with a team of eight Muslims. He addressed that team as follows: “I will appoint someone as your leader; he is not the best of you but he can put with hunger and thirst the most.”
The Messenger of Allah gave a letter to Abdullah b. Jahsh, whom he appointed as their leader. He told him to open the letter after proceeding for two days and to act accordingly.
After a journey of two days, Abdullah b. Jahsh opened the letter and read it as he was commanded. He saw that the following was written in the letter:
“When you read the letter, go down to the Valley of Nahla, which is between Makka and Taif. Watch the Qurayshis there and inform me about them.” (5)
Then, the aim of the sariyya was to watch the Qurayshis and find out about their preparations.
Abdullah b. Jahsh, the heroic Companion, said, “Sa¬mi’na wa ata’na [We have listened to it and obeyed it]”. Then, he turned toward his soldiers and said, “If you want to be a martyr and desire martyrdom, come with me; if you do not want to be a martyr, return. I will fulfill the order of the Messenger of Allah.” (6)
The self-sacrificing warriors stated without hesitation that they were ready for the orders of their leader.
The warriors reached the Valley of Nahla by riding the camels in turns. They stopped there for the night.
Meanwhile, they saw a Quraysh caravan that was carrying raisins and some other kinds of food. They stopped over at a place near them.
The warriors discussed what to do. They could not decide whether to attack or not at first. They were hesitant whether the month of Rajab, in which it is haram to shed blood, had started or not. Then, they decided that it was one day before the month of Rajab; thereupon, they agreed unanimously to capture the caravan. Meanwhile, Waqid bin Abdullah killed Amr bin Khadrami, the leader of the caravan, with an arrow. The Muslim warriors attacked the others. They took two people captives and captured the caravan.
Those who were not killed or captured ran away toward Makkah to inform the Qurayshis about the incident. The Muslim warriors returned to Madinah with two captives and the caravan.
When Abdullah b. Jahsh, the leader of the Sariyya, informed the Messenger of Allah what had happened, the Prophet got angry and said, “I did not order you to fight in a haram month!”; he did not take anything from the booty.
The warriors who were on the expedition were astonished by the act of the Prophet. When the other Companions did not approve of what they had done, they were in great distress and trouble.
They explained the situation to the Messenger of Allah. They said, “O Messenger of Allah! We killed him on the last day and night of the month of Jumada al-akhir! We sheathed our swords when the month of Rajab started!”
However, the Messenger of Allah did not take the booty allocated to him because there was a doubt about the situation.
As a matter of fact, the Makkan polytheists kept harping about the incident. They said, “Muhammad and his Companions rendered what was haram as halal and shed blood in a haram month, captured bounties and took our men captives.”
Those rumors were heard in Madinah, too.
Besides, the Jews in Madinah started to talk about it, too.
The warriors that were on the expedition were very sorry; on the other hand, Makkan polytheists and Jews in Madinah were talking against them. The Prophet did not accept the booty allocated for him.
After a while, a verse was sent down regarding the issue and the issue was settled down. The following is stated in the verse:
“They ask thee concerning fighting in the Prohibited Month. Say: “Fighting therein is a grave (offense); but graver is it in the sight of Allah to prevent access to the path of Allah, to deny Him, to prevent access to the Sacred Mosque, and drive out its members. Tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter. Nor will they cease fighting you until they turn you back from your faith if they can.”
The warriors who joined the sariyya were relieved of the troubles and spiritual agonies. The Prophet accepted his share of beauty. The polytheists paid the ransom for the captives. One of the captives, Uthman b. Abdullah went to Makkah but the other one, Ha¬kam b. Kaysan became a Muslim and stayed in Madinah.
How did Hakam b. Kaysan become a Muslim?
We would like to state how Hakam b. Kaysan, one of the captives, became a Muslim to draw lessons here.
When he was taken captive by the warriors, Abdullah b. Jahsh, the commander, wanted to kill him; however, the other Companions prevented it by saying, “No. Let us take him to the Messenger of Allah.” Thus, Hakam was saved from being killed.
When they returned to Madinah, they took him to the Prophet. The Messenger of Allah asked Hakam to become a Muslim. However, he did not accept it and started to say bad things.
Having got furious due to Hakam’s talk, Hazrat Umar said, “He will not become a Muslim, O Messenger of Allah! Let me kill him!”
The Messenger of Allah did not let him do it and asked Hakam to become a Muslim again. Hakam asked, “What is Islam?”
The Messenger of Allah said, “Islam is a belief in the existence of one Allah, who has no partners and worshipping Him, and witnessing that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.” Thereupon, Hakam said, “I have become a Muslim.” and uttered kalima ash-shahadah.
The Messenger of Allah turned toward the Companions and said, “If we had killed him as you wanted, he would have gone to Hell!” (9), teaching us all a lesson.
The desire, patience, and steadfastness about calling people to Islam saved a person from Hell and elevated him to the honorable rank of Companionship.
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silpainfratech · 8 months
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Day - 20
The manufacturing zone has 33% green belt around it Telangana Haritha Haram mission goal for the next 30 years
#FactsMatter #Pharmacity #HappeningHyderabad #villaplots #integratedclusters
#SilpaInfratech #silpabotanica #employment #investmentplan #lifesciences #EnvironmentallyFriendly #greenbeltliving #GreenArea #greenaryallaround
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anjani1223 · 10 months
TDP's Environmental Conservation Efforts: Protecting Andhra Pradesh's Natura
The Telugu Desam Party (TDP) has been at the forefront of championing environmental conservation in Andhra Pradesh, recognizing the vital importance of safeguarding the state's natural heritage for future generations. Led by visionary leader N Chandrababu Naidu, the TDP has taken significant strides in implementing policies and initiatives aimed at preserving the environment, promoting sustainable development, and mitigating the impact of climate change. In this article, we will explore the TDP's Achievements and contributions of the TDP in protecting Andhra Pradesh's natural heritage through its environmental conservation efforts. Under the guidance of N. Chandrababu Naidu, the TDP has nurtured a team of dedicated TDP MLAs who have been actively involved in advocating and implementing environmental conservation initiatives across the state. These elected representatives have been instrumental in understanding the unique environmental challenges faced by different regions and communities and have worked tirelessly to address them through innovative solutions and policy implementations.
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The TDP government launched the "Haritha Haram" initiative, a massive tree-planting campaign aimed at increasing the state's green cover and combating deforestation. Under this program, millions of trees were planted across Andhra Pradesh, contributing significantly to carbon sequestration and enhancing biodiversity. The TDP government promoted the development of smart cities with a strong emphasis on green initiatives.  N Chandrababu Naidu's emphasis on balancing economic growth with environmental protection ensured that developmental projects were carried out with due consideration for their ecological impact. By incorporating sustainable practices such as energy-efficient infrastructure, waste management, and green spaces, the TDP demonstrated its commitment to balancing urbanization with environmental protection. The TDP government actively encouraged the adoption of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, to reduce the state's dependence on fossil fuels and combat climate change. Through incentives and policy support, the TDP facilitated the establishment of renewable energy projects, contributing to a cleaner and greener energy landscape. Recognizing the importance of waste management and pollution control, the TDP government implemented various measures to address these issues. Waste segregation and recycling programs, as well as stringent pollution control norms for industries, were introduced to safeguard the environment and public health. To keep the public informed and engaged in environmental conservation efforts, the TDP effectively utilized digital platforms to provide Live TDP Updates on the progress of various initiatives. Through social media, dedicated websites, and online portals, the government disseminated real-time information about tree-planting drives, renewable energy projects, and other environmental activities, fostering a sense of collective responsibility among citizens. Under the visionary leadership of N. Chandrababu Naidu, the TDP government adopted a holistic approach to sustainable development. His commitment to environmental conservation earned Andhra Pradesh a place as one of the pioneering states in India, leading the charge on green initiatives.
The Telugu Desam Party, under the leadership of N Chandrababu Naidu, has demonstrated a deep commitment to environmental conservation and protection in Andhra Pradesh. The TDP's Achievements, such as the "Haritha Haram" initiative and the promotion of smart cities with green initiatives, have played a significant role in preserving the state's natural heritage. Through its TDP's Contributions to renewable energy promotion, waste management, and pollution control, the TDP has further solidified its commitment to sustainable development. By utilizing digital platforms to provide Live TDP Updates on environmental initiatives, the TDP has engaged citizens in the collective effort to protect Andhra Pradesh's environment. N Chandrababu Naidu's visionary leadership has been instrumental in driving the state towards a greener and more sustainable future, setting a remarkable example for other regions to follow. As the TDP continues to prioritize environmental conservation, Andhra Pradesh stands poised to safeguard its natural heritage for the benefit of generations to come, ensuring a greener, healthier, and more prosperous state for all.
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yuvataram · 2 years
తెలంగాణ ప్రభుత్వం హరిత హారానికి మరో ముందడుగు
తెలంగాణ ప్రభుత్వం హరిత హారానికి మరో ముందడుగు
జోగుళాంబ గద్వాల్ జిల్లా కె.టి దొడ్డి మండలం నుండి ప్లాస్టిక్ రహిత నర్సరీలను మొదలు పెట్టాలని, పర్యావరణాన్ని కాపాడుతూ నర్సరీలలో ప్లాస్టిక్ కవర్ల���ు బదులుగా బయో తొట్టిలను వాడి తెలంగాణ ప్రభుత్వం హరిత హారానికి మరో ముందడుగు వేయాలని ముఖ్యమంత్రి కార్యాలయ ఓఎస్డి ప్రియాంక వర్గీస్ అన్నారు.బుధవారం కల్లెక్టరేట్ సమావేశం హాలు నందు బయో తొట్టి తయారీ పై రాష్ట్ర ముఖ్యమంత్రి కల్వకుంట్ల చంద్రశేఖర రావు సూచనల మేరకు…
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vijethacolleges · 4 years
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Haritha Haram program at Vijetha Junior and Degree College
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newsoutbursts · 4 years
Palamuru SHG women eye Guinness Record
Palamuru SHG women eye Guinness Record
After the preparation of over 1.03 crore seed balls in a ‘record’ time of nine days by 69,200 women of the self-help groups (SHGs), the District Rural Development Agency (DRDA) of Mahabubnagar has set its sight on Guinness World Record as the authorities launched the broadcasting of these seed balls on Thursday.
As part of the sixth phase of Haritha Haram programme, the Mahabubnagar district…
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news24fresh · 4 years
Palamuru SHG women eye Guinness Record
Palamuru SHG women eye Guinness Record
After the preparation of over 1.03 crore seed balls in a ‘record’ time of nine days by 69,200 women of the self-help groups (SHGs), the District Rural Development Agency (DRDA) of Mahabubnagar has set its sight on Guinness World Record as the authorities launched the broadcasting of these seed balls on Thursday.
As part of the sixth phase of Haritha Haram programme, the Mahabubnagar…
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quickyblog · 4 years
तेलंगाना मंत्री ने COVID-19 के लिए सकारात्मक परीक्षण किया
तेलंगाना मंत्री ने COVID-19 के लिए सकारात्मक परीक्षण किया
हैदराबाद: में एक वरिष्ठ मंत्री तेलंगाना मुख्यमंत्री के चंद्रशेखर आधिकारिक सूत्रों ने सोमवार को कहा कि राव की कैबिनेट ने COVID-19 के लिए सकारात्मक परीक्षण किया है और वर्तमान में एक निजी अस्पताल में उनका इलाज चल रहा है। कुछ दिनों पहले उनके बंदूकधारी ने संक्रमण के लिए सकारात्मक परीक्षण किया था।
रविवार को खांसी और सर्दी से पीड़ित होने के बाद मंत्री को अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया था।
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vvrnewschannel · 5 years
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హరితహారం కోసం పనిచేసే శాఖలు కమీట్ మెంట్ తో పని చేయాలి : చీఫ్ సెక్రటరీ ఎస్.కే. జోషి హరితహారం పేరుతో నాటుతున్న మొక్కలు, అభివృద్ది చేస్తున్న అర్బన్ ఫారెస్ట్ పార్కులు ప్రకృతి పునరుజ్జీవనం కిందకు వస్తాయని, ఇందులో పాల్గొనే శాఖలు, సిబ్బంది వందశాతం కమిట్ మెంట్ తో పనిచేయాలని చీఫ్ సెక్రటరీ ఎస్.కే. జోషి పిలుపునిచ్చారు. ఈయేడాది వర్షాకాలంలో మొదలు పెట్టాల్సిన ఐదవవిడత హరితహారం రాష్ట్ర స్థాయి స్టీరింగ్ కమిటీ సమావేశం సచివాలయంలో చీఫ్ సెక్రటరీ అధ్యక్షతన జరిగింది. ప్రస్తుత తరంలో పాటు, రానున్న తరాలు కూడా ఆరోగ్యకరమైన వాతావరణంలో పెరగాలన్న మంచి ఆశయంతో ముఖ్యమంత్రి తెలంగాణకు హరితహారం మొదలుపెట్టారని, దానిని విజయవంతం చేయాల్సిన బాధ్యత సమాజంలో ప్రతీ ఒక్కరిపైనా ఉందన్నారు చీఫ్ సెక్రటరీ. అందుకే ఈయేడాది వంద కోట్ల మొక్కలు నాటే భారీ లక్ష్యాన్ని సీ.ఎం పెట్టారని అందుకనుగుణంగా శాఖలు, ఉద్యోగులు పనిచేయాలన్నారు. అటవీ శాఖతో పాటు హరితహారం సంబంధిత శాఖల ఉన్నతాధికారులతో కూడిన స్టీరింగ్ కమిటీలో అర్బన్ ఫారెస్ట్ పార్కుల పురోగతి, కొత్తగా పంచాయితీకి ఒకటి చొప్పున నర్సరీల ఏర్పాటు, పెంచాల్సిన మొక్కలపై సమావేశంలో సుదీర్ఘ చర్చ జరిగింది. అటవీ, పంచాయితీ రాజ్, మున్సిపల్, జీహెచ్ఎంసీ, హెచ్ఎండీఏ పరిధిలో నర్సరీల సంఖ్య పెంచటం, వంద కోట్ల మొక్కల పెంపకంపై శాఖల వారీగా చీప్ సెక్రటరీ ఆరాతీశారు. తెలంగాణ వాతావరణం, భూములకు అనుకూలమైన మొక్కలు నాటితేనే ఫలితాలు మెరుగ్గా ఉంటాయని, ఇండ్లలో పెంచే మొక్కలకు ఈ సారి అధిక ప్రాధాన్యతను ఇస్తూనే, నీడ, పండ్లనిచ్చే జాతి మొక్కలపై దృష్టి పెట్టాలన్నారు. రహదారుల వెంట నాటే పెద్ద మొక్కలను అటవీ శాఖ ప్రత్యేకంగా పెంచాలని సూచించారు. 12, 751 గ్రామ పంచాయితీలకు గాను, ఇప్పటికే 2,206 గ్రామాల్లో అటవీ శాఖ నర్సరీలు ఉన్నాయని, మిగతా 10,545 పంచాయి���ీల్లో 9,868 పరిధిల్లో నర్సీరీల ఏర్పాటు వేగవంతం అయిందని పంచాయితీ రాజ్ ముఖ్య కార్యదర్శి వికాస్ రాజ్ వెల్లడించారు. అలాగే ప్రతీ పట్టణ ప్రాంతంలో కూడా వార్డులు, డివిజన్ కు ఒకటి చొప్పున నర్సరీల ఏర్పాటు పూర్తికావాలని, పెరిగిన కాలుష్య కారకాలను తట్టుకునేందుకు,పట్టణ ప్రాంతాల్లో పచ్చదనం పెంపుకు ఐదో విడతలో అత్యధిక ప్రాధాన్యతను ఇవ్వాలని చీఫ్ సెక్రటరీ చెప్పారు. అర్బన్ ఫారెస్ట్ పార్కుల పురోగతిపై సమీక్షరాజధాని చుట్టుపక్కల తొలివిడతలో ఏర్పాటు చేస్తున్న 59 అర్బన్ ఫారెస్ట్ పార్కులపై సమావేశంలో ప్రత్యేకంగా చర్చ జరిగింది. పనుల పురోగతిపై ఏజెన్సీల వారీగా చీఫ్ సెక్రటరీ ఆరా తీశారు. ముఖ్యమంత్రి జూలైలో అర్బన్ పార్కులను ప్రారంభించాలన్న డెడ్ లైన్ పెట్టారని, అందుకు అనుగుణంగా పనులను వేగవంతం చేయాలని ఆదేశించారు. టెండర్లు, అనుమతుల పేరుతో పనుల్లో జాప్యం వద్దన్నారు. అటవీ ప్రాంతాల్లో తగిన పౌర వసతులతో పార్కులకు ఎంత ప్రాధాన్యత ఇస్తున్నామో, అంతే విధంగా మిగతా అటవీ ప్రాంతాల్లో పునరుజ్జీవన చర్యలను అటవీ శాఖ నేతృత్వంలో చేపట్టాలన్నారు. హెచ్ఎండీఏ, జీహెచ్ఎంసీ, టూరిజం శాఖల పరిధిలో అభివృద్ది చేయాల్సిన అర్బన్ పార్కుల పనులను వేగవంతం చేయాలని, వచ్చే సమావేశం కల్లా పూర్తి వివరాలతో రావాలని చీఫ్ సెక్రటరీ ఆదేశించారు. సమావేశంలో విద్యుత్ శాఖ ప్రత్యేక ప్రధాన కార్యదర్శి అజయ్ మిశ్రా, రోడ్లు భవనాల ముఖ్య కార్యదర్శి సునీల్ శర్మ, పరిశ్రమల శాఖ ముఖ్య కార్యదర్శి జయేష్ రంజన్, పట్టణాభివృద్ది శాఖ కమిషనర్ శ్రీదేవి, టూరిజం సెక్రటరీ దినకర్ బాబు, జీహెచ్ఎంసీ అదనపు కమిషనర్ ఆమ్రపాలి, ఈపీటీఆర్ఐ డీ.జీ కళ్యాణ్ చక్రవర్తి, ముఖ్యమంత్రి ఓఎస్డీ ప్రియాంక వర్గీస్, పీసీసీఎఫ్ పీ.కే.ఝా, అటవీ అభివృద్ది సంస్థ ఎండీ ఏకేజైన్, అదనపు పీసీసీఎఫ్ డోబ్రియాల్, మెట్రో ఎండీ ఎన్వీఎస్ రెడ్డి, టీఎస్ఐఐసీ ఎం.డీ నర్సింహారెడ్డి, ఇతర అధికారులు పాల్గొన్నారు. Tags: haritha haram,commitment,k s joshi,tress
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lifeofresulullah · 10 months
The Life of The Prophet Muhammad(pbuh): Calling the Tribes to Islam, the Allegiances of Aqaba and Migration to Madinah
Ghazwas and Sariyyas
Ghazwa : (Military expeditions in which the prophet took part)
Sariyya : (Military expeditions in which the prophet did not take part)
Ghazwah of Buwat
(Month of Rabiulawwal, 2nd Year of Hijrah)
The Prophet left Madinah with two hundred Muhajirs. His aim was to walk against and intimidate the big caravan of Quraysh consisting of 2500 camels controlled by one hundred guards, among whom was Umayya b. Khalaf, the ferocious polytheist.
The Prophet proceeded up to the Buwat Mount but did not see anyone; so he returned to Madinah. 
Ghazwah of Safawan
(Month of Rabiulawwal, 2nd Year of Hijrah)
Kurz bin Jabir al-Fihri, one of the Makkan polytheists, attacked the meadows of Madinah with his friends and stole many animals belonging to the people of Madinah and Muslims.
Upon this attack, the Prophet appointed Zayd b. Haritha as his deputy in Madinah and set out to follow the plunderer. He proceeded to the Safawan valley of Badr region. However, Kurz was informed that he was being followed; so, he fled through a far away road.
Thereupon the Prophet returned to Madinah.
This ghazwa is also called “Badr al-Ula”; that is, “the first Ghazwa of Badr”. 
Ghazwah of Ushayra
(Month of Jumada al-awwal, 2nd Year of Hijrah)
Three months after the Ghazwah of Safawan, the Messenger of Allah left Madinah with a military unit consisting of 150-200 muhajirs. They had thirty camels with them. The soldiers rode the camels in turns.
The aim was to follow the caravan of trade sent by Quraysh to Damascus.
However, when they reached the plain of Ushayra, belonging to Banu Mudlij and which was nine halting places away from Madinah, they found out that the caravan of Quraysh had passed two or three days earlier.
The Prophet who gave great importance to securing the surroundings of Madinah signed a treaty of friendship with Banu Mudlij, who were the allies of Banu Damra, with whom the Prophet had agreed a similar agreement before, there. Then, he returned to Madinah. 
Sariyya Led by Abdullah b. Jahsh
(Month of Rajab, 2nd Year of Hijrah)
The Prophet called Abdullah b. Jahsh to his presence and ordered him to go to the Valley of Nahla with a team of eight Muslims. He addressed that team as follows: “I will appoint someone as your leader; he is not the best of you but he can put with hunger and thirst the most.” 
The Messenger of Allah gave a letter to Abdullah b. Jahsh, whom he appointed as their leader. He told him to open the letter after proceeding for two days and to act accordingly.
After a journey of two days, Abdullah b. Jahsh opened the letter and read it as he was commanded. He saw that the following was written in the letter:
“When you read the letter, go down to the Valley of Nahla, which is between Makka and Taif. Watch the Qurayshis there and inform me about them.” 
Then, the aim of the sariyya was to watch the Qurayshis and find out about their preparations.
Abdullah b. Jahsh, the heroic Companion, said, “Sa¬mi’na wa ata’na [We have listened to it and obeyed it]”. Then, he turned toward his soldiers and said, “If you want to be a martyr and desire martyrdom, come with me; if you do not want to be a martyr, return. I will fulfill the order of the Messenger of Allah.” 
The self-sacrificing warriors stated without hesitation that they were ready for the orders of their leader.
The warriors reached the Valley of Nahla by riding the camels in turns. They stopped there for the night.
Meanwhile, they saw a Quraysh caravan that was carrying raisins and some other kinds of food. They stopped over at a place near them.
The warriors discussed about what to do. They could not decide whether to attack or not at first. They were hesitant whether the month of Rajab, in which it is haram to shed blood, had started or not. Then, they decided that it was one day before the month of Rajab; thereupon, they agreed unanimously to capture the caravan. Meanwhile, Waqid bin Abdullah killed Amr bin Khadrami, the leader of the caravan, with an arrow. The Muslim warriors attacked the others. They took two people captives and captured the caravan.
Those who were not killed or captured ran away toward Makkah to inform the Qurayshis about the incident. The Muslim warriors returned to Madinah with two captives and the caravan.
When Abdullah b. Jahsh, the leader of the Sariyya, informed the Messenger of Allah what had happened, the Prophet got angry and said, “I did not order you to fight in a haram month!”; he did not take anything from the booty.
The warriors who were on the expedition were astonished by the act of the Prophet. When the other Companions did not approve of what they had done, they were in great distress and trouble.
They explained the situation to the Messenger of Allah. They said, “O Messenger of Allah! We killed him on the last day and night of the month of Jumada al-akhir! We sheathed our swords when the month of Rajab started!”
However, the Messenger of Allah did not take the booty allocated to him because there was a doubt about the situation.
As a matter of fact, the Makkan polytheists kept harping about the incident. They said, “Muhammad and his Companions rendered what was haram as halal and shed blood in a haram month, captured bounties and took our men captives.”
Those rumors were heard in Madinah, too.
Besides, the Jews in Madinah started to talk about it, too.
The warriors that were on the expedition were very sorry; on the other hand, Makkan polytheists and Jews in Madinah were talking against them. The Prophet did not accept the booty allocated for him.
After a while, a verse was sent down regarding the issue and the issue was settled down. The following is stated in the verse:
“They ask thee concerning fighting in the Prohibited Month. Say: “Fighting therein is a grave (offence); but graver is it in the sight of Allah to prevent access to the path of Allah, to deny Him, to prevent access to the Sacred Mosque, and drive out its members. Tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter. Nor will they cease fighting you until they turn you back from your faith if they can.” 
The warriors who joined the sariyya were relieved of the troubles and spiritual agonies. The Prophet accepted his share of the beauty. The polytheists paid ransom for the captives. One of the captives, Uthman b. Abdullah went to Makkah but the other one, Ha¬kam b. Kaysan became a Muslim and stayed in Madinah. 
How did Hakam b. Kaysan become a Muslim?
We would like to state how Hakam b. Kaysan, one of the captives, became a Muslim to draw lessons here.
When he was taken captive by the warriors, Abdullah b. Jahsh, the commander, wanted to kill him; however, the other Companions prevented it by saying, “No. Let us take him to the Messenger of Allah.” Thus, Hakam was saved from being killed.
When they returned to Madinah, they took him to the Prophet. The Messenger of Allah asked Hakam to become a Muslim. However, he did not accept it and started to say bad things.
Having got furious due to Hakam’s talk, Hazrat Umar said, “He will not become a Muslim, O Messenger of Allah! Let me kill him!”
The Messenger of Allah did not let him do it and asked Hakam to become a Muslim again. Hakam asked, “What is Islam?”
The Messenger of Allah said, “Islam is belief in the existence of one Allah, who has no partners and worshipping Him, and witnessing that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.” Thereupon, Hakam said, “I have become a Muslim.” and uttered kalima ash-shahadah.
The Messenger of Allah turned toward the Companions and said, “If we had killed him as you wanted, he would have gone to Hell!”, teaching us all a lesson.
The desire, patience and steadfastness about calling people to Islam saved a person from Hell and elevated him to the honorable rank of Companionship.
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Nine goats grazing on Haritha Haram plants seized
Nine goats grazing on Haritha Haram plants seized
As many as 9 goats landed within the custody of the civic authorities in Yellandu city after being caught whereas grazing on the saplings just lately planted underneath the median plantation element of the State authorities’s flagship inexperienced initiative – Haritha Haram within the coal city.
After issuing a sequence of warnings to the errant cattle house owners and sheep rearers to…
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yuvataram · 2 years
హరితహారం నిర్వహణలో నిర్లక్ష్యం పై కలెక్టర్ సీరియస్
హరితహారం నిర్వహణలో నిర్లక్ష్యం పై కలెక్టర్ సీరియస్
నిజామాబాద్ జిల్లాలో హరితహారం మొక్కల నిర్వహణ లో నిర్లక్ష్యం వహించడం పట్ల కలెక్టర్ సి.నారాయణ రెడ్డి సీరియస్ అయ్యారు. విధుల్లో అలసత్వం ప్రదర్శించిన అధికారులు, సిబ్బందిపై చర్యలకు ఉపక్రమించారు. మల్కాపూర్, అబ్బాపూర్(ఎం) గ్రామ శివార్లలో హరితహారం మొక్కలు అస్తవ్యస్తంగా ఉండడాన్ని గమనించిన కలెక్టర్ అధికారులపై ఆగ్రహం వ్యక్తం చేశారు. సంబంధిత ఎంపీడీఓ, ఉపాధి హామీ ఎపీవో, పంచాయతీ కార్యదర్శులు, ఇజిఎస్ సిబ్బంది…
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vijethacolleges · 4 years
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Haritha Haram program implemented by the Vijetha Junior and Degree College
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questionsonislam · 3 years
How should our style (method) be in (conveying the message of Islam, propagation of Islam)? How should I convey the message of Islam to people who despise Islam?
Apparent Properties in the tabligh of Hazrat Prophet (pbuh)
Since the Messenger of Allah is ‘a beautiful pattern (of conduct)’ for believers, with the expression of God Almighty, his methods and forms of tabligh is the only reference for us, the believers. The Messenger of Allah acted in accordance with the general principles that happened in the general course of the universe, called the laws of creation and he set an example for his umma (community) for all kinds of situations. If he had wanted, he would have begged his Lord and could have obtained all kinds of worldly belongings; if he had wanted and if it had been appropriate for the divine wisdom, all of the polytheists would have been destroyed or they would have adopted Islam. However, since they would have happened as miracles, he would not have been a model to be followed.
Since the Messenger of Allah was an example in every issue, soldiers of heart who were determined to exceed seas of blood for the cause that they believed in and who were so mature and respectful towards the Exalted Creator as to attribute everything to Him when they attained their destination emerged.
When we examine the mission of calling people to Islam of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh), we see that the following principles, among many other characteristics, are essential:
1. Patience,
2. Treating people softly and Tolerance,
3. Gradualism,
4. Attributing the results to Allah,
5. Inner depth,
6. Modesty,
7. Reckoning.
1. Patience
The prophets were always subject to the greatest troubles and misfortunes. However, they showed the greatest patience against troubles and misfortunes. Almost all believers know what Hazrat Nooh (Noah), Hazrat Lut (Lot), Hazrat Musa (Moses) and Hazrat Eesa (Jesus) were subject to. However, all those troubles and misfortunes did not prevent them from propagating their causes; on the contrary, they continued to convey the message of Allah and His orders to people with patience and perseverance.
That general aim and duty of the prophets are expressed as follows in the Quran: "(It is the practice of those) who preach the Messages of Allah, and fear Him, and fear none but Allah: and enough is Allah to call (men) to account." (al-Ahzab, 33/39)
God Almighty says the following to our Prophet regarding tabligh:
"O Messenger! proclaim the (Message) which hath been sent to thee from thy Lord. If thou didst not thou wouldst not have fulfilled and proclaimed His Mission: and Allah will defend thee from men (who mean mischief). For Allah guideth not those who reject Faith." (al-Maeda, 5/67)"
The Messenger of Allah spent all his life proclaiming Islam after undertaking that lofty duty. He visited one house after another and looked for people whom he could convey the message of Islam to.
The reaction of the opposite front was in the form of indifference and boycotting at first. Then, it continued with mockery and ridiculing. In the last phase, it continued with all kinds of torture. They placed thorns on the ways he was going to pass; they placed tripe over his head while he was praying and they insulted him. However, the Messenger of Allah did not give up his struggle despite all of those difficulties. It was the reason why he came to this world. He visited everybody including his most severe enemies repeatedly and conveyed them the divine message. He went to the enemies of Islam like Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab so many times; he told them about the religion and the truth..! He went to the fairs. He went from one tent to another in order to be able to guide even one person; they closed the doors on his face; however, he went to the same door again and told them the same things.
When the people of Makkah gave him no more hope, he went to Taif. Taif is a place suitable for an outing. Taif people, whom slackness spoiled, outdid Makkans. All of the flotsam and jetsam of Taif people came together and threw stones at the Messenger of Allah, who was the sun of the suns that even the angels could not look at so as not harm him, and chased him away. Zayd bin Haritha, whom the Messenger of Allah accepted as his son and loved, was together with him. Zayd used his body as a shield to protect our Prophet but some stones hit the body of the Prophet and caused a lot of bleeding on his body.
When they managed to run away from that intolerant atmosphere and took refuge under a tree, Jibril (Gabriel) appeared suddenly. He said that he could pull down the mountain over those people if the Prophet wanted. The Messenger of Allah said no to that offer even at a time when he was suffering. He said no to that offer because he hoped that even in the future some people from their descendants would believe in Allah…
Then, he opened his hands and begged his Lord:
O Allah! I complain to you about my weakness and being despised by people. Oh the most Merciful of the Merciful ones! You are the Lord of the despised and the helpless. You are my Lord. To whom are you leaving me? To the people of bad words and bad faces or to the enemy that interferes in my duty? If you have no wrath against me, I will not care the difficulties and troubles I suffer. However, your welfare is vaster and better. O my God! I take refuge in your luminous face that brightens the darkness and that is the means of salvation from being caught by wrath or from your displeasure. O my Lord! I expect your forgiveness until you are pleased with me. Oh my Lord! All power and strength is in your hand.
While he was praying like that, somebody approached him silently; he gave a bunch of grapes in a plate to the Messenger of Allah and said, “Please help yourself.” When the Messenger of Allah reached out his hand to the plate, he said “Bismillah” (in the name of Allah). It was an unexpected happening for the slave named Addas, who treated him the grapes. He asked astonishingly: “Who are you?” The Messenger of Allah answered: "I am the last prophet and messenger!" Then, Addas leaned over him and started to kiss him. He found what he had been looking for for years suddenly and he believed in Islam. (Ibn Hisham, Sirah, 2:60-63; Ibn Kathir, al-Bidaya, 3:166; repr: S. Nur 1997, 1: 70-73).
Our first shelter to take against the difficulties that we will face while conveying the message of Islam today must be patience.
Patience is mentioned in more than eighty places in the Quran and believers are ordered to follow patience. The verse: "O ye who believe! Seek help with patient perseverance and prayer: for Allah is with those who patiently persevere." (al-Baqara, 2/153) is only one of them. As believers, we can apply patience in three categories in our life: Patience against troubles and misfortunes. It puts man among those who show patience and tawakkul (trust in Allah. b) Patience for avoiding sins. It makes man attain taqwa (fearing Allah) and become a muttaqi. c) Patience in worshipping and obeying Allah. That patience makes man enter among the people that Allah loves. (Badiuzzaman, (Words), 353)
a) To show patience against troubles and misfortunes means to abandon fury and not to complain when one faces unwanted and painful situations.
b) Patience for avoiding sins can be achieved by abandoning bad things, avoiding disobedience and persevering. It necessitates a permanent belief and a strong determination because sins weaken and blur belief and eliminate its light and brightness.
c) Patience in worshipping and obeying Allah means to continue worshipping, to be sincere and to act in accordance with Islamic criteria.
The scholar, Abdullah Qadir, adds this to the kinds of patience: Patience for keeping to the Quranic line without changing ways and directions when faced by the attractive beauties of the world.
Patience against the frenzy of the time in the tasks that need time.
Patience for the desire to meet Allah until the command of “return” comes from Allah by realizing the fineness in obedience to orders.
A Muslim shows patience in order to attain the pleasure of Allah by obeying Him. That kind of patience is a means for the love and pleasure of Allah. Sincerity is essential in such patience. Sincerity means to do everything only for the sake or pleasure of Allah. (Badiuzzaman, (Flashes), 21.Lem'a).
Man should show the same patience against haram too. When man is exposed to haram first, the resistance shown against it will eliminate the bad sparks coming from it and thus will overcome it. Therefore, our Prophet said the Hazrat Ali "The first glance is for you but the rest are against you." That is, harams can catch a man’s eyes. However, if he closes his eyes and turns his face away, it will not be recorded as a sin for him. Even a reward can be recorded for him because he has not looked at haram. Similarly, man is always face to face with committing sins. As he shows resistance against committing sins, he will reach taqwa (fearing of Allah) and higher ranks in taqwa.
Testing is the sunnah of Allah for his slaves in their lives. Allah tests His slaves in order to disclose their talents and abilities. With such a testing, it becomes clear how a person uses the ability of will and choice that has been granted to him. Allah tests any one of His slaves that he wishes at any time and however He wills. A person can be tested through his closest relatives. Therefore, man should think that he can be tested both through his enemies and friends; he should do favors to his friends, whom can be used as a means of testing against him by God Almighty.
2. Treating People Nicely and Tolerance
Tolerance and gentleness are the most important cornerstones in the tabligh of Islam by our Prophet. God Almighty says the following to the Prophet, who approaches people with gentleness, by congratulating him on the honesty and perfection of his acts: "It is part of the Mercy of Allah that thou dost deal gently with them. Wert thou severe or harsh-hearted they would have broken away from about thee; so pass over (their faults), and ask for (Allah's) forgiveness for them; and consult them in affairs (of moment). Then when thou hast taken a decision, put thy trust in Allah. For Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him). " (Aal-e-Imran, 3/159)
Gentleness is like a different golden key given to the Messenger of Allah. He opened many hearts with that key and affected their hearts. But for his gentleness, many intolerant hearts would have faced some harsh acts and some would have opposed to Islam unlike now, and some would have moved away from him. Only thanks to the gentleness of the Messenger of Allah were they prevented and many people embraced Islam in groups.
As it is understood from the verse, gentleness originates from mercy. If the Messenger of Allah had become rude and harsh, everybody around him would have abandoned him. The vast mercy of God Almighty made him gentle. That is, God made his nature so perfect and gentle that the hands that touched him were never injured, and they found a rose when they expected thorns. (Abdullah 1997, 1:398).
I find it useful to mention some hadiths related to mercy here. The Messenger of Allah says:
Allah will not show mercy to someone who does not show mercy to people. (Bukhari, "Tawhid", 2; Muslim, "Fadail," 66)
Show mercy to those on the earth, those in the sky will show mercy to you. (Hakim, al-Mustadrak, 4:277)
He who does not show mercy to people will not be shown mercy. (Bukhari, "Adab," 18; Muslim, "Fadail, 65)
Hazrat Prophet (pbuh) acted tolerantly towards even those who broke his teeth and injured his head. After the conquest of Makkah, he said to the Makkans, who were wondering what would happen to them, “You may go; all of you are free” although they had expelled him from his hometown when he was sorry and in tears. He forgave Abu Sufyan and softened his heart so that he would embrace Islam. He also forgave Wahshi, who had killed his beloved uncle, and Ikrima, the son of Abu Jahl. He forgave many others like them and did not call them to account for what they had done.
He did not reproach people; he did not blame them in front of others due to their mistakes; instead of despising them, he acted nicely and honestly by setting an example to them.
Sometimes, there were some people who came to him, acted rudely and even insulted him. If he had raised a finger, a hundred swords would have cut off his head. However, he reacted gently towards those rude and harsh behaviors. (Abdullah, 1997, 1:403).
Bukhari and Muslim narrate from Abu Said al-Khudri: A man called Dhu'l-Huwaysira came to the Messenger of Allah (pbuh). Meanwhile, the Messenger of Allah were dividing the war booty. He addressed our Prophet insolently: "O Muhammad, be just!" (If that word were said to one of us, we would have a shock. As a matter of fact, we can be unfair. However, the person to whom that sentence was said was a prophet who was appointed to bring justice to the world.)
Hazrat Umar, who was there at that time, roared when he heard that disrespectful remark and said, “Let me cut off that munafiq’s head, O Messenger of Allah!”
After soothing Hazrat Umar and those who thought like him, the Messenger of Allah turned to that man said to him only the following: "Woe on you! If I am not just, who else can be just? (Bukhari, "Adab", 95; Muslim, "Zakat", 142) In other narrations, the reply of our Prophet is in a different form that can mean as follows: "Woe on me if I am not just; it means I am destroyed. Woe on you because of my injustice because you follow me as a prophet!" (Abdullah, 1997, 1:405-406)
The following are guiding principles related to tolerance:
Open your heart to everybody, let it be like oceans! Be filled with belief and feel love for people; let there be no dejected heart that you have not been interested in and you have not helped..! Appraise the good people due to their good deeds; be generous towards believing hearts; approach the faithless people softly so that their animosity and hatred will melt away; be like Messiah with your breaths...! Drive away the bad deeds with good deeds; do not heed rude attitudes! Everybody reflects his own character through their behavior. Prefer the way of tolerance and be noble-hearted towards those who do not have good manners..! It is the most distinguished quality of a heart that is full of love to love the love and to turn against hostility. To hate everybody is either an indication of having been directed by the devil or a sign of insanity. Love human beings; admire humanity..!
3. Gradualism
When we look at the events happening in the universe, we see a gradualism. That gradualism is one of the most important points in conveying the message of Islam.
We know that our Prophet (pbuh) conveyed the message of Islam gradually and step by step, and the Quran was sent down in 23 years. The 23-year period was divided into two; the first period is called the Period of Makkah, and the second period as the Period of Madinah.
Although it is possible to mention several periods in the Period of Makkah, it is possible to deal with it as two periods: one when the message of Islam was conveyed secretly, the other when it was conveyed openly. The following verse is quite meaningful about the call in Makkah: " Invite (all) to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth, best who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance." (Nahl, 16/125)
The verses that were sent down during the Period of Makkah generally contained the fundamentals of belief, ethical principles, behavioral criteria and advice.
The Period of Madinah was a period when, on the on hand, Islamic legal system was enacted and settled and on the other hand, the barriers between the slave and Allah were tried to be eliminated. (Buti, S. Ramazan, Fiqhu's-Sira p. 95).
The Master of the universe (pbuh) conveyed the message of Islam in accordance with the conditions of each period; he did not burden a load of 40 kg on someone who had the capacity of 10 kg, thus, he did not cause that person to be injured. He treated people in accordance with their states and paved the way for people to warm to Islam and have belief in their hearts.
That principle of the Messenger of Allah is a main principle that will serve as an example till Doomsday. Abdurrashid Ibrahim, the famous traveler who visited Japan in the 1900’s, narrates the following: "I told a Japanese person, who became a Muslim as a result of my tabligh, only about the fard prayers. He started to pray as I taught him. Once, he saw me performing sunnah prayer and asked me what it was. I said it was the sunnah of the Prophet. He asked me, “Why did you not tell me about it before?” I said, “If I had told you about it when you first became a Muslim, it could have been difficult for your soul.” He said, “You are right”, and started to perform sunnah prayers from then on.
4. Attributing the Results to Allah
Our Prophet (pbuh) did whatever necessary for something and left the rest to Allah. He never boasted about the success and achievement that Allah granted, on the contrary, he often said that all good results came from Allah and that nothing would have happened but for His help.
The faithful people loving the Prophet (pbuh) and following his path always attributed the achievements to Him, and they did not have euphoria of victory. A believer should fulfill his duty and should not interfere with the duty of Allah. A very outstanding example regarding the issue is as follows:
It is very well known that Jalaluddin Harzamshah, a hero of Islam who defeated the army of Jenghiz Khan several times, was addressed by his viziers and commanders as follows while he was setting out for a battle:
"You shall be victorious, God Almighty will make you the winner."
He answered them as follows:
"My duty is to fight in the way of Allah. I cannot interfere in his duty. To make someone victorious or a loser is his duty. (Nursî, Lem’alar (Flashes), 17. Lema)
Naturally, when one has such mentality, he will not be conceited and will not boast about anything; he will not show egocentrism, either.
5. Inner depth
Hazrat Prophet (pbuh) has been on the summit in terms of inner depth. He was the best devotee among the devotees and the best worshipper among the worshippers. He feared Allah so much that his heart almost stopped. He was so sensitive that there were very few times when he did not have tears or he did not shiver; when he was active, he was like a sea; when he was not active, he was like an ocean.
Inner depth takes place through devotion and worshipping. The one who practiced them best was our Prophet (pbuh). The state of devotion means not to be delighted even if the whole world is given to you and not to feel sorry even if you lose the whole world. That state was at the highest point with the Messenger of Allah. He would not be delighted even as much as someone who found a grain of barley if he were given the whole world. He would not feel sorry even as much as someone who lost a grain of barley if he lost the whole world. He abandoned the world and the worldly things in his heart. However, that abandoning does not mean to abandon the world really because he showed us the most logical and best ways of making a profit.
Our Prophet did not give any importance to the world. Once Hazrat Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) came to the presence of the Messenger of Allah. Our Prophet was on the mat that he had slept, and there was the impression of the math on his face. There was a piece of processed leather in one part of the room and a small bag with a few handfuls of barley in another part. They were all the things that were available in his room. Hazrat Umar was moved by what he saw and started to weep. When the Messenger of Allah asked him why he was crying, Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said: "O Messenger of Allah! While the rulers and kings lie in their beds of feather, you (for whom the universe was created) are lying on a dry mat and the mat makes an impression on your face. What I have seen has made me cry.” Thereupon, the Messenger of Allah said to Umar: "O Umar! Do you not want it that the world will belong to them but the hereafter will belong to us?" (Bukhari, "Tafsir", 21) In another narration, our Prophet says: "What relation have I got with the world? I am like a traveler, a traveler who sits in the shade of a tree for a while and then goes on his journey." (Tirmidhi, "Zuhd", 44; İbn Majah, "Zuhd", 3)
He came to this world with a duty. He brought breaths of revival to people in terms of feelings and thoughts. When his duty ended, he left the world. It is impossible to think that a person who was so disinterested in the world would tend to have some things in the world. He never showed a tendency towards the world and he never deviated from his path.... (Abdullah 1997, 2:473-474)
First, he practiced the things himself that he was going to tell his umma to do and served as an example to his umma in all of his attitudes. As a matter of fact, nobody could lead a life like he did. He was so disciplined and serious in his individual worship. His whole life seemed to be programmed based on worshipping. We should not think of worshipping as only prayers, fasting, etc. He fulfilled everything that he did with a consciousness of worshipping. (ibid, 2:478)
The world wanted to push itself through his heart many times but he always rejected the world. (Ibn Hanbal, Musnad, 2:231) The servants of our century should take the Prophet as an example and reach inner depth, without forgetting the outer conquest along with the inner conquest.
If the soul and the desires of man are left uncontrolled, his tendency to and interest in the world will increase. The world even becomes his ultimate aim and the purpose of his life. However, the following is stated in the Quran: "Short is the enjoyment of this world: the Hereafter is the best for those who do right: never will ye be dealt with unjustly in the very least!" (Nisa, 4/77) Then, a believer should try to reach inner depth and he should not ignore preparing for the hereafter. The happy people who are at spirit’s service will always head towards the pleasure of the Creator, humanity and virtue.
6. Modesty
The modesty and humility of the Messenger of Allah shine like a star as a different dimension of his fatanah (wisdom) on the one hand and tabligh on the other hand. His modesty increased as he was known and accepted by everybody. It seemed as if modesty and humility were born again together with him. They continued by developing till he died. Once, the angel came and asked him: "Would you like to be a slave prophet or a king prophet?" Jibril (Gabriel) whispered to him: "Be humble towards your Lord!" The Messenger of Allah answered: "I would like to be a slave prophet who goes to bed hungry one day and begs his Lords and who goes to bed full another day and thanks his Lord..." (Haythami, Majmau'z-Zawaid, 9:19-20.) He always regarded himself as person like other people; he never made a distinction between himself and others. Once, he looked at the man who was shivering before him and said to him: "Brother! Do not shiver! I am the son of a woman who ate onions like you..." (Ibn Majah, "At'ima", 30)
As Muslims, we should take our Prophet as an example. Worldly ranks and positions, goods and properties should not spoil man and should not make him forget himself. The quality of a responsibility given to a person does not transform him into another being. Therefore, man should always regard himself as a person like the other people.
The modesty and humility of the Master of the Universe continued both when he entered Makkah as a victorious commander and when he was forced to leave Makkah. He bowed his head so much that the head that touched the sky was bowed as low as to touch the saddle...
A hadith reported by our mother, Hazrat Aisha, tells us the following: "The Messenger of Allah acted like an ordinary person at home. He mended his own clothes, repaired his own shoes and helped her wives in their housework." (Tirmidhi, "Shamail", 78) When he did those things, his name was mentioned in many places in the world; everybody talked about him and the religion he brought. He used time so efficiently that he could find time for chores despite his important responsibilities. He had the best form of all of the nice characters.
Humility is not humiliation, and conceit is not dignity. The Master of the Universe (pbuh) states the following about humility and conceit: "Allah elevates the person who acts modestly for him one degree. Allah takes that person to the highest place of Firdaws Paradise. Allah lowers a person who shows conceit one degree. Allah lowers that person to the lowest degree of Hell." (Mundhiri, at-Targhib, 4:339)
7. Reckoning
The highest person among those who always lead their lives in a constant feeling of reckoning and responsibility is the Master of the Universe. He knew what a heavy burden was slavery and with that consciousness, he always tried to make himself ready for the day of reckoning. He called his umma’s attention to the issue as follows:
"Bring yourself to account before you are taken to account." The great reckoning will definitely be very tough. We must prepare for that day. I want to present you a talk between our Prophet and Hazrat Aisha regarding the issue.
Once, the Master of the Universe (pbuh) went to Hazrat Aisha and saw her weeping; he asked her, “What makes you weep, O Aisha?” Hazrat Aisha says: "O Messenger of Allah! I thought about the Day of Judgment and the fear of that day made me weep. Will you remember your family on that day? The Messenger of Allah answered: "Oh Aisha! There are three places where nobody can remember others. They are when the Books of Deeds are delivered, when the deeds are weighed and when passing the Sirat Bridge." Then, everybody will wonder whether their books of deeds will be given from their right, left or back. When the deeds are weighed, they will wonder if their rewards or sins will outweigh and whether they will be able to pass the Sirat and attain Paradise and Jamalullah (the face of Allah); they will wonder if their feet will slip and they will fall down to the depths of Hell.
Our Prophet (pbuh) calls the attention of his umma by addressing his own relatives about preparing for that fearful day as follows:
O sons of Abdimanaf! Try to save your souls that are in the hand of Allah because I cannot do anything for you.
The Messenger of Allah narrows the circle and continues to address his own tribe as follows:
O sons of Hashim! Try to save your souls that are in the hand of Allah because I cannot do anything for you, either.
The Messenger of Allah narrows the circle some more and says the same things for his uncle Abbas, aunt Safiyya and daughter Fatima.
We understand from those remarks that it is necessary to prepare for the hereafter before going there. Paradise and Jamalullah are gained in the world not in the hereafter. The following is a hadith of our Prophet "The world is the field of the hereafter." (Aliyyulkari, al-Masnu' 1:135; al-Ajluni, Kashful-khafa 1:1320) We will reap in the harvest of the hereafter whatever we sow in this world.
The Master of the two worlds, who had great difficulty under the burden of slavery said: "The Chapters Hud, al-Waqia and al-Mursalat made me old. He was ordered: " Therefore, stand firm (in the straight path) as thou art commanded." (Hud, 11/112). That firmness in the straight path was what God Almighty had prescribed for His messenger. He was asked to maintain that straight path...
In the chapter al-Mursalat, it is stated that people are divided into groups for Paradise and Hell and that they bent double due to fear. ln chapter al-Waqia, those groups were displayed. What was narrated in those chapters terrified the Messenger of Allah and made him old... (Abdullah 1997, 2:475)
The companions of the prophet, who had so much difficulty due to the feelings of responsibility and reckoning, led a very meticulous life and serve as examples to us. Hazrat Abu Bakr continued to milk the sheep of his neighbor to earn his living even after he was elected as caliph. However, as a result of the insistence of Hazrat Umar and other companions, he decided to give up milking the sheep in order not to delay the work of the state and agreed to get a small salary. He left a small earthenware jar and a letter to be given to the caliph after his death. When they opened the jar, they found small coins and a note. The note read as follows: "The money you allocated for me remained on some days. I felt ashamed of Allah to spend it because it was the money of the people.” Hazrat Umar started to weep when he saw it and said, "You left us a life which is impossible to lead.
Hazrat Umar led a life to be taken as an example too. His life was accepted as a model even by non-Muslims. Mahatma Gandhi, the founder of India who lived centuries after him, addressed his nations as follows: "O my people. I promise you a just administration like the administration of Umar of Muslims."
They led their lives with that consciousness and comprehension, enlightening our way. What we need to do is to follow that enlightened path as Muslims and to take over their inheritance.
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news24fresh · 4 years
Telangana’s Haritha Haram heralds Yadadri method of the green revolution
Telangana’s Haritha Haram heralds Yadadri method of the green revolution
It is July and the monsoon season ushers in Haritha Haram, the annual afforestation drive promoted by the Telangana state government. Presently in its sixth year, Haritha Haram heralds the Yadadri method of planting begun on an experimental basis two years ago. This Yadadri pattern follows the Japanese Miyawaki technique (invented by botanist Akira Miyawaki) of growing urban forests, in…
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basicsofislam · 4 years
Apparent Properties in the tabligh (conveying) of Hazrat Prophet (pbuh)
Since the Messenger of Allah is ‘a beautiful pattern (of conduct)’ for believers, with the expression of God Almighty, his methods and forms of tabligh are the only references for us, the believers. The Messenger of Allah acted in accordance with the general principles that happened in the general course of the universe, called the laws of creation and he set an example for his umma (community) for all kinds of situations. If he had wanted, he would have begged his Lord and could have obtained all kinds of worldly belongings; if he had wanted and if it had been appropriate for the divine wisdom, all of the polytheists would have been destroyed or they would have adopted Islam. However, since they would have happened as miracles, he would not have been a model to be followed. 
Since the Messenger of Allah was an example in every issue, soldiers of heart who were determined to exceed seas of blood for the cause that they believed in and who were so mature and respectful towards the Exalted Creator as to attribute everything to Him when they attained their destination emerged. When we examine the mission of calling people to Islam of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh), we see that the following principles, among many other characteristics, are essential:  
1. Patience, 2. Treating people softly and Tolerance, 3. Gradualism, 4. Attributing the results to Allah, 5. Inner depth, 6. Modesty, 7. Reckoning.
1. Patience
The prophets were always subject to the greatest troubles and misfortunes. However, they showed the greatest patience against troubles and misfortunes. Almost all believers know what Hazrat Nooh (Noah), Hazrat Lut (Lot), Hazrat Musa (Moses) and Hazrat Eesa (Jesus) were subject to. However, all those troubles and misfortunes did not prevent them from propagating their causes; on the contrary, they continued to convey the message of Allah and His orders to people with patience and perseverance. That general aim and duty of the prophets are expressed as follows in the Quran: "(It is the practice of those) who preach the Messages of Allah, and fear Him, and fear none but Allah: and enough is Allah to call (men) to account." (al-Ahzab, 33/39)
God Almighty says the following to our Prophet regarding tabligh: "O, Messenger! proclaim the (Message) which hath been sent to thee from thy Lord. If thou didst, not thou wouldst not have fulfilled and proclaimed His Mission: and Allah will defend thee from men (who mean mischief). For Allah guideth, not those who reject Faith." (al-Maeda, 5/67)"
The Messenger of Allah spent all his life proclaiming Islam after undertaking that lofty duty. He visited one house after another and looked for people whom he could convey the message of Islam to.
The reaction of the opposite front was in the form of indifference and boycotting at first. Then, it continued with mockery and ridicule. In the last phase, it continued with all kinds of torture. They placed thorns on the ways he was going to pass; they placed tripe over his head while he was praying and they insulted him. However, the Messenger of Allah did not give up his struggle despite all of those difficulties. It was the reason why he came to this world. He visited everybody including his most severe enemies repeatedly and conveyed them the divine message. He went to the enemies of Islam like Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab so many times; he told them about the religion and the truth..! He went to the fairs. He went from one tent to another in order to be able to guide even one person; they closed the doors on his face; however, he went to the same door again and told them the same things.
When the people of Makkah gave him no more hope, he went to Taif. Taif is a place suitable for an outing. Taif people, whom slackness spoiled, outdid Makkans. All of the flotsam and jetsam of Taif people came together and threw stones at the Messenger of Allah, who was the son of the suns that even the angels could not look at so as not to harm him, and chased him away. Zayd bin Haritha, whom the Messenger of Allah accepted as his son and loved, was together with him. Zayd used his body as a shield to protect our Prophet but some stones hit the body of the Prophet and caused a lot of bleeding on his body.  
When they managed to run away from that intolerant atmosphere and took refuge under a tree, Jibril (Gabriel) appeared suddenly. He said that he could pull down the mountain over those people if the Prophet wanted. The Messenger of Allah said no to that offer even at a time when he was suffering. He said no to that offer because he hoped that even in the future some people from their descendants would believe in Allah…
Then, he opened his hands and begged his Lord:
O, Allah! I complain to you about my weakness and being despised by people. Oh, the Most Merciful of the Merciful ones! You are the Lord of the despised and the helpless. You are my Lord. To whom are you leaving me? To the people of bad words and bad faces or to the enemy that interferes with my duty? If you have no wrath against me, I will not care about the difficulties and troubles I suffer. However, your welfare is vaster and better. O my God! I take refuge in your luminous face that brightens the darkness and that is the means of salvation from being caught by wrath or from your displeasure. O, my Lord! I expect your forgiveness until you are pleased with me. Oh my Lord! All power and strength are in your hands.
While he was praying like that, somebody approached him silently; he gave a bunch of grapes in a plate to the Messenger of Allah and said, “Please help yourself.” When the Messenger of Allah reached out his hand to the plate, he said “Bismillah” (in the name of Allah). It was an unexpected happening for the slave named Addas, who treated him the grapes. He asked astonishingly: “Who are you?” The Messenger of Allah answered: "I am the last prophet and messenger!" Then, Addas leaned over him and started to kiss him. He found what he had been looking for for years suddenly and he believed in Islam. (Ibn Hisham, Sirah, 2:60-63; Ibn Kathir, al-Bidaya, 3:166; repr: S. Nur 1997, 1: 70-73). Our first shelter to take against the difficulties that we will face while conveying the message of Islam today must be patience.
Patience is mentioned in more than eighty places in the Quran and believers are ordered to follow patience. The verse: "O ye who believe! Seek help with patient perseverance and prayer: for Allah is with those who patiently persevere." (al-Baqara, 2/153) is only one of them. As believers, we can apply patience in three categories in our life: Patience against troubles and misfortunes. It puts man among those who show patience and tawakkul (trust in Allah.
Patience for avoiding sins. It makes man attain taqwa (fearing Allah) and become a muttaqi. 
Patience in worshipping and obeying Allah. That patience makes man enter among the people that Allah loves. 
To show patience against troubles and misfortunes means to abandon fury and not to complain when one faces unwanted and painful situations.
Patience for avoiding sins can be achieved by abandoning bad things, avoiding disobedience and persevering. It necessitates a permanent belief and a strong determination because sins weaken and blur belief and eliminate its light and brightness.
Patience in worshipping and obeying Allah means to continue worshipping, to be sincere and to act in accordance with Islamic criteria.
The scholar, Abdullah Qadir, adds this to the kinds of patience: Patience for keeping to the Quranic line without changing ways and directions when faced by the attractive beauties of the world.
Patience against the frenzy of the time in the tasks that need time.
Patience for the desire to meet Allah until the command of “return” comes from Allah by realizing the fineness in obedience to orders.
A Muslim shows patience in order to attain the pleasure of Allah by obeying Him. That kind of patience is a means for the love and pleasure of Allah. Sincerity is essential in such patients. Sincerity means to do everything only for the sake of the pleasure of Allah. 
Man should show the same patience against haram too. When a man is exposed to haram first, the resistance shown against it will eliminate the bad sparks coming from it and thus will overcome it. Therefore, our Prophet said the Hazrat Ali "The first glance is for you but the rest are against you."  That is, harams can catch a man’s eyes. However, if he closes his eyes and turns his face away, it will not be recorded as a sin for him. Even a reward can be recorded for him because he has not looked at haram. Similarly, man is always face to face with committing sins. As he shows resistance against committing sins, he will reach taqwa (fearing of Allah) and higher ranks in taqwa.
Testing is the sunnah of Allah for his slaves in their lives. Allah tests His slaves in order to disclose their talents and abilities. With such testing, it becomes clear how a person uses the ability of will and choice that has been granted to him. Allah tests any one of His slaves that he wishes at any time and however He wills. A person can be tested through his closest relatives. Therefore, a man should think that he can be tested both through his enemies and friends; he should do favors to his friends, who can be used as a means of testing against him by God Almighty.
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