#Harrison Tam
behindthewalkin · 2 years
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letmehave · 2 years
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Once click this blog, You will have Korean name
I'm the ENTJ type on the MBTI test. My personality type is a Commander. MBTI test says Commanders You May Know, Steve Jobs, Gordon Ramsay, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jim Carrey, Whoopi Goldberg, Harrison Ford, Malcolm X, Doctor Strange, Tony Soprano, David Palmer, Malcolm Merlyn, Mary Talbot, Francis J. Underwood, Jacqueline A. Sharp, River Tam, Milady Winter, Miranda Priestly, Raymond Reddington.
My name is Chang Hwa Letter shape of my name is 창 화 It means harmony with each other
Does MBTI look good on My name?
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Sexualities & Gender Identites Of My OCs
Benjamin Williams (Straight, Male)
Night Edwards (Straight, Male)
Yang Blossoms (Panromantic, Female)
Hallow Crane (Asexual, Genderfluid)
Taylor Heather (Polysexual, Non-binary)
Marcus Todd (Straight, Male)
Spook (Asexual, Non-binary)
Emerald Stewart (Straight, Demigirl)
Shade Miranda (Aroace, Female)
Meredith Miranda (Aromantic, Female)
Jamie Quinzel (Bisexual, Female)
Blade Quinzel (Pansexual, Trans FTM)
Tootsie Jingles (Pansexual, Agender)
Coona Walker (Aroace, Agender)
Craven Crane (Bisexual, Male)
Lauren Crane (Aroace, Female)
Laurent Crane (Aroace, Male)
Bowie Tetch (Straight, Male)
Harrison (Straight, Male)
Carrie (Straight, Female)
Misty (Straight, Female)
Leader Scorch (Straight, Male)
Blossom Isley (Lesbian, Female)
Scorch (Pansexual, Male)
Metro (Straight, Trans MTF)
Cloudy (Aroace, Pangender)
Evelyn Wesker (Aromantic, Female)
Colleen (Pansexual, Female)
Topsy (Aromantic, Agender)
Callum (Straight, Male)
August (Straight, Male)
Maple (Straight, Female)
(Crash Bandicoot)
Charlie (Pansexual, Female)
Tango (Straight, Female)
Sage (Asexual, Male)
Ember (Straight, Female)
Craig (Straight, Male)
Hannah (Straight, Female)
Frost (Panromantic, Demiboy)
Quills (Bisexual, Male)
Crimson (Straight, Male)
Dandelion (Panromantic, Female)
Hinto/Sage & Mandy's Father (Straight, Male)
Berī/Sage & Mandy's Mother (Straight, Female)
(Friday Night Funkin)
Sapphire Dearest (Straight, Female)
Tango Dearest (Bisexual, Female)
Annello (Pansexual, Bigender)
Vivian (Biromantic, Female)
(Welcome Home)
Mitten (Biromantic, Female)
Mina (Straight, Pangender)
Sunshine (Bisexual, Female)
Beryl (Panromantic, Female)
(The Owl House)
Opal (Pansexual, Female)
(Pizza Tower)
Jellina (Asexual, Female)
Rotelle (Bisexual, Trigender)
(Sonic The Hedgehog)
Helena the Deer (Biromantic, Female)
Justin the Goat (Straight, Male)
(South Park)
Tori (Bisexual, Demigender)
Teddy the Cloud Bear (Panromantic, Agender)
Rainbow the Candy Lizard (Lesbian, Female)
(Ratchet & Clank)
Virus (Aroace, Agender)
Roid (Asexual, Agender)
Lady Iris (Straight, Female)
Spark (Pansexual, Male)
Tam (Asexual, Non-binary)
Chex (Straight, Genderfluid)
Pumpkin (Pansexual, Female)
Reese (Pansexual, Demiboy)
Dove (Biromantic, Female)
Fawn (Lesbian, Pangender)
Polka (Biromantic, Trigender)
Venom (Aroace, Male)
Heart & Vorce (Gay, Male)
Paw (Panromantic, Demigender)
Scythe (Aroace, Male)
Freeze (Asexual, Female)
Lady Clover (Straight, Female)
Opal (Straight, Female)
Noon (Pansexual, Non-binary)
Swirly (Biromantic, Genderfluid)
(Criminal Case)
Evan (Straight, Male)
June (Straight, Female)
July Williams (Asexual, Female)
Taylor Williams (Panromantic, Female)
(Hazbin Hotel)
Darling (Bisexual, Female)
(Helluva Boss)
Noon (Aroace, Trans MTF)
Astro (Aroace, Agender)
Pix (Asexual, Demigender)
Caramel (Aromantic, Female)
Vanilla (Pansexual, Uses Neopronouns)
Cristina Mays (Biromantic, Female)
Eddie Greens (Straight, Male)
Cosmo Miles (Aromantic, Non-binary)
Isaac Miles (Straight, Male)
Nate Miles (Bisexual, Male)
Patty Miles (Straight, Female)
Daniel (Aroace, Male)
Danni (Aroace, Female)
Diana (Aroace, Female)
(Camp Barkswood)
Star (Aromantic, Non-binary)
Spice (Pansexual, Male)
Mallow (Straight, Female)
Oswald (Aromantic, Male)
Oliver (Straight, Male)
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flurryheaven · 1 year
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2023 Leo Awards Nominations - Best Costume Design for a Short Drama
Aaron Harrison, Shannon Bradley - Bucketheads: Chapter 2
Madeline Lee - Cafe Racer
Sheila Ford - Hellmouth
Tina Tam - Never Broken
Update: Madeline Lee is the winner for Cafe Racer. Congratulations.
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tolgaulusoy · 1 month
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Uygulamalı İlişkisel Sosyoloji, Aytül Kasapoğlu'nun derlediği kitap. Kitap Aytül Kasapoğlu'nun öğrencilerinin yaptıkları araştırmaları ilişkisel sosyolojik yaklaşımla yorumlamalarına dayanıyor. Bu araştırmalar içerisinde sosyal medya, annelik, azınlık olma, göç ve göçmenlik gibi farklı konular yer almakta. Kitapta ilişkisel sosyolojinin ise özellikle Norbert Elias, Harrison White, Fushe gibi yaklaşımları önemsenmiş. Bourdieu ve eleştirel realist ilişkisel yaklaşımlar gibi teoriler neredeyse hiç kullanılmamış. Kitabın içindeki veriler alanında yetkin ve önemli veriler olsa da kitap teorik olarak oldukça yetersiz. Teorik zemin tam oturmamış o yüzden de veriler ile teorik kısımlar arasında metinler içerisinde büyük kopukluklar var.
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ao3feed-clydephelia · 4 months
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organikkedikumu · 8 months
British Shorthair Kedi Cinsi ve Özellikleri
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Kediler de birbirinden farklı ırklar ile incelenebilir hayvanlardır. Bunlar arasında en fazla bilinenlerden biri de British Shorthair olarak bilinen İngiliz kökenli kedi cinsidir. Sahiplerine sadık ve oldukça sevecen, sakin tavırlarıyla bilinirler. Ev içerisindeki bireylerle ve diğer evcil hayvanlarla da çok uysal bir şekilde anlaşabilirler. Her ne kadar dışarıdan çok uysal veya tembel gibi görünseler de oyun oynamayı da severler. 
British Shorthair Irkı
Daha çok british kedi olarak bilinen British Shorthair, ilk olarak 19.yüzyılda popüler olmuştur. Kedi üreticisi olan Harrison Weir kedi yarışmasına British cinsi kedisiyle katılmış ve burada dikkat çekmiştir. Kısa sürede dünyada da popüler olan bu ırk yuvarlak kafa yapısı, göz yapısı ile dikkatlerini üstüne toplamaktadır. Özellikle tüy renkleri ve yumuşaklığı ile kehribar ve bakır göz rengiyle herkesi kendine hayran bırakan bir güzelliğe de sahiptir. Tüyleri kısadır. Bu yönüyle de tüy dökme gibi dönemlerde çok fazla rahatsızlık vermezler. Kaslı ve iri bir vücut yapıları vardır. 
British Shorthair Özellikleri
British kedi özellikleri ile dünya çapında en fazla bilinen kedi cinslerindendir. Bu kadar bilinmesine neden olan özellikleri de genel maddeleriyle şu şekilde sıralanabilir;
1-Tüylerinin yumuşaklığı dışında British Shorthair kedisi, tüy renkleriyle de bilinirler. Mavi ve gri tonlarında tüyleri vardır.
2-Kafa yapıları büyük ve yuvarlaktır. Kulakları da büyük ebatlarda olup düşük durmaktadır.
3-Kaslı, iri ve güçlü vücut yapıları vardır. Bacak ve pati yapısı da diğer cinslere göre daha büyüktür.
4-Ortalama 14-20 yıl yaşarlar. Erkekleri 6-10 kg, dişileri ise 5-7 kg ortalamasında kiloya sahip olmaktadır.
5-Göz renklerinde kehribar, bakır ile birlikte yeşil ve mavi de görülebilmektedir.
6-Göz akması gibi rahatsızlıkları sıklıkla yaşayabilmektedirler.
7-Genelde ilk ve sonbahar dönemlerin tüy dökümü gerçekleştirirler. Ancak bu da diğerlerine göre daha azdır.
8-Tüy renklerinde gri, siyah, beyaz, benekli mavi ve saf krem rengi görülebilir.
British Shorthair Karakter Özellikleri
Dışarıdan bakıldığından hareketsiz tavırlarından dolayı tembel olarak algılanmaktadırlar. Ancak uysal oldukları kadar oyun sever kediler arasından gösterilirler.
- Diğer kedilere göre aşırı bir hareket ve ortalığı dağıtma, karıştırma gibi eğilimleri yoktur. Sakin, uysal ve yeri geldiğinde de sahipleriyle oyun oynamayı severler.
- Sahiplerine alışma süreci 1 haftadır. Yeterli zaman geçirdikten sonra sahiplerinin yanında ve yaşam alanında daha güvenli hissedebilirler.
- Diğer kedi cinslerine göre daha az gürültücüdürler. Akşam saatlerinde gürültülü bir şekilde miyavlama hareketleri çok azdır. 
- Sevilme gibi durumlarda öpülmekten çok hoşlanmazlar.
- Evdeki diğer evcil hayvanlarla iyi anlaşabilirler. Ancak diğerlerinin de eğitilmiş olması gerekir. Aksi halde eğitilmeyen farklı kedi veya evcil hayvanlar varsa bu durum British kediler için tehlikeli bir durumdur.
- Tam bir ev kedisidirler. Dışarıya çıkmaya çok meraklı değillerdir.
- Normalde yaramazlık yapmazlar. Ancak bir diğer özellikleri de evde yalnız olsalar bile sakin kalmaları ve yaramazlık yapmamalarıdır.
Organik kedi kumu satın al
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kurtlukiraz · 1 year
Weymouth yakın zamanda Pitchfork'a tam bir grup toplantısının mümkün olup olmayacağından bahsederken şunları söyledi: “Sadece anın tadını çıkarıyoruz. 40 yıl süren bu harika şeyin ortaya çıkmasından dolayı çok mutluyuz. Ve geleceğe çok da uzak bakmıyoruz."Şöyle ekledi: "Köşede duruyor olabiliriz ve bir otobüs bizi devirebilir. Hayatta olduğumuz için çok mutluyuz. Dördümüz de bu anın tadını çıkarmak için buradayız."Harrison şunu ekledi: “Ancak birlikte yaşadığımız mutluluğu yeniden canlandırdığına şüphe yok. Sanırım filmi izlerken her birimiz sevinç duyuyoruz; sadece dördümüz değil, sahnedeki herkes ve ekip. Bu kesinlikle herkesi ne kadar çok sevdiğimin kalp atışlarını etkiliyor.”Bilgilerinizi girerek şunları kabul etmiş olursunuz: Şartlar ve koşullar Ve Gizlilik Politikası. Aboneliğinizi istediğiniz zaman iptal edebilirsiniz.Grubun yeniden bir araya gelmesi fikrinden bahseden Byrne, 2022'de WIRED'e şunları söyledi: "Sanırım, kısaca, inanılmaz müzisyenlerden çok arkadaş olarak bir araya geldiğimizi söyleyebilirim. Gerçekten bir tür ortak müzik zevkiydi. Ve sonra yavaş yavaş, yaşlandıkça, büyüdükçe ve keşfettikçe müzik zevkleriniz değişmeye başlıyor."Şöyle devam etti: "Yaptığımız iş daha da arttı, artık her zaman birlikte takılmıyoruz, bu yüzden sonunda bu şekilde birbirinizden ayrılıyorsunuz."Devamını oku:Bu arada geçen yıl NME'ye olası bir yeniden birleşme hakkında konuşan Frantz şunları söyledi: "Bunu birkaç kez denedim ve en son yaklaşık 20 yıl önceydi ve ondan sonra David şöyle dedi: 'Bana sormanı asla istemiyorum yine o soru. Bu konuya değinmeyeceğim.' Bu utanç verici ve olan da bu.”Talking Heads daha önce 1999'da Stop Making Sense'in 15. yıldönümünde yeniden basımının tanıtımını yapmak için yeniden bir araya gelmişti ve ayrıca 2002'de Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame'in giriş töreninde dört şarkı seslendirmek için birlikte görünmüştü.Daha fazlasına göz atın Radyo kapsama alanımızı ziyaret edin veya TV Rehberi Ve Yayın Kılavuzu Neler olduğunu öğrenmek için.Radio Times dergisini bugün deneyin ve yalnızca 10 £ karşılığında 10 sayıya sahip olun, AYRICA evinize teslim edilen 10 £ John Lewis and Partners kuponu da alın - hemen abone olun. TV'nin en büyük yıldızlarından daha fazlası için The Radio Times Podcast'ini dinleyin.
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gundemburadadedim · 1 year
Weymouth yakın zamanda Pitchfork'a tam bir grup toplantısının mümkün olup olmayacağından bahsederken şunları söyledi: “Sadece anın tadını çıkarıyoruz. 40 yıl süren bu harika şeyin ortaya çıkmasından dolayı çok mutluyuz. Ve geleceğe çok da uzak bakmıyoruz."Şöyle ekledi: "Köşede duruyor olabiliriz ve bir otobüs bizi devirebilir. Hayatta olduğumuz için çok mutluyuz. Dördümüz de bu anın tadını çıkarmak için buradayız."Harrison şunu ekledi: “Ancak birlikte yaşadığımız mutluluğu yeniden canlandırdığına şüphe yok. Sanırım filmi izlerken her birimiz sevinç duyuyoruz; sadece dördümüz değil, sahnedeki herkes ve ekip. Bu kesinlikle herkesi ne kadar çok sevdiğimin kalp atışlarını etkiliyor.”Bilgilerinizi girerek şunları kabul etmiş olursunuz: Şartlar ve koşullar Ve Gizlilik Politikası. Aboneliğinizi istediğiniz zaman iptal edebilirsiniz.Grubun yeniden bir araya gelmesi fikrinden bahseden Byrne, 2022'de WIRED'e şunları söyledi: "Sanırım, kısaca, inanılmaz müzisyenlerden çok arkadaş olarak bir araya geldiğimizi söyleyebilirim. Gerçekten bir tür ortak müzik zevkiydi. Ve sonra yavaş yavaş, yaşlandıkça, büyüdükçe ve keşfettikçe müzik zevkleriniz değişmeye başlıyor."Şöyle devam etti: "Yaptığımız iş daha da arttı, artık her zaman birlikte takılmıyoruz, bu yüzden sonunda bu şekilde birbirinizden ayrılıyorsunuz."Devamını oku:Bu arada geçen yıl NME'ye olası bir yeniden birleşme hakkında konuşan Frantz şunları söyledi: "Bunu birkaç kez denedim ve en son yaklaşık 20 yıl önceydi ve ondan sonra David şöyle dedi: 'Bana sormanı asla istemiyorum yine o soru. Bu konuya değinmeyeceğim.' Bu utanç verici ve olan da bu.”Talking Heads daha önce 1999'da Stop Making Sense'in 15. yıldönümünde yeniden basımının tanıtımını yapmak için yeniden bir araya gelmişti ve ayrıca 2002'de Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame'in giriş töreninde dört şarkı seslendirmek için birlikte görünmüştü.Daha fazlasına göz atın Radyo kapsama alanımızı ziyaret edin veya TV Rehberi Ve Yayın Kılavuzu Neler olduğunu öğrenmek için.Radio Times dergisini bugün deneyin ve yalnızca 10 £ karşılığında 10 sayıya sahip olun, AYRICA evinize teslim edilen 10 £ John Lewis and Partners kuponu da alın - hemen abone olun. TV'nin en büyük yıldızlarından daha fazlası için The Radio Times Podcast'ini dinleyin.
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terasmagazin · 2 years
'1923' Fragmanı: Helen Mirren, Harrison Ford'un 'Yellowstone' Öncesi Filmi
‘1923’ Fragmanı: Helen Mirren, Harrison Ford’un ‘Yellowstone’ Öncesi Filmi
Paramount+, geri dönen yaratıcı ve yönetici yapımcı Taylor Sheridan’ın “Yellowstone” serisinin yeni yan dizisi “1923”ün ilk tam fragmanını yayınladı. Sınırlı dizi, şiddetten daha az rahatsız olmayan yeni nesil Dutton ailesini konu alıyor. Helen Mirren ve Harrison Ford, sırasıyla karı koca Jacob ve Cara Dutton olarak rol alıyor. Dutton ailesinin reisi Cara, karavanda “Erkekler bir kurşunla veya…
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teknogoodcom · 2 years
Google'dan Phil Harrison, Stadia'nın halka kapanmadan dakikalar önce çalışanlarına söyledi
Google’dan Phil Harrison, Stadia’nın halka kapanmadan dakikalar önce çalışanlarına söyledi
Bugün Google, oyun akış hizmeti olan Stadia’yı 2019’dan itibaren kapatacağını duyurdu. Ancak Stadia’dan Phil Harrison, çalışanlara kapanış dakikalarını yalnızca halk öğrenmeden önce anlattı. Saat 9:15’te 29 Eylül, Google, Stadia’nın hizmetlerini sona erdirme sürecini başlattığını ve Ocak ayında tam bir kapatma ayarladığını kamuoyuna duyurdu. Birkaç saat önce yeni bir oyunun piyasaya sürüldüğü ve…
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neverheardnothing · 2 years
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1. Album by Joe Iconis, Joe Iconis & Family 2. The Answer by Aaron Tveit 3. Ammonia by Heidi Blickenstaff 4. Archie's All-American by Andrew Barth Feldman 5. Lydia's Song by Lauren Marcus 6. The Protector by Jason SweetTooth Williams 7. Kevin by Andrew Rannells 8. Jeff by Jeremy Morse 9. 64 by Alan H. Green, George Salazar, José Restrepo 10. Play the Princess by Destinee Rea, L. Morgan Lee 11. The Actress by Katrina Rose Dideriksen 12. The Song by Joe Iconis 13. All the Mistakes That He Made About the Girl by Joe Iconis 14. Yesterdays / I Can't Relate by Jason Tam, Jason Veasey 15. Building a Fort by Harrison Chad 16. Haddonfield, 15 Years Later (For Judith) by Jared Weiss, Joe Iconis & Family 17. Sympathy for the Killer by Liz Lark Brown 18. Helen Sharp by Lorinda Lisitza 19. The Nurse and the Addict by Taylor Trensch, Joe Iconis & Family 20. Out Of Sight / Out Of Mind by Krysta Rodriguez 21. The Saddest Girl in the World by Kerry Butler 22. Norman by Lance Rubin 23. (Run Away from You) by Jason SweetTooth Williams 24. The Prisoner's Christmas Song by Grace McLean 25. Right Place / Wrong Time by Eric William Morris, Katrina Rose Dideriksen 26. 52 by Danny Burstein, Joe Iconis & Family 27. A Guy That I'd Kinda Be Into by Seth Eliser 28. Joey Is a Punk Rocker by Annie Golden 29. Social Worker by Nick Blaemire 30. I Was a Teenage Delinquent! by Lauren Marcus, Molly Hager, Joe Iconis & Family 31. (Do) the Slide Whistle! by Jordan Stanley, Lance Rubin, Joe Iconis & Family 32. Muthers R Speshel (Wen Yer Sad) by Lin-Manuel Miranda, Joe Iconis & Family 33. My Best Friend's a Skeleton by George Salazar, Jeremy Morse 34. Velociraptor by Liz Lark Brown 35. Him Today, Gone Tomorrow by Shakina Nayfack 36. Starting to Forget by Badia Farha 37. Tightrope Walker / Mountain Climber / Me by Molly Hager 38. Flesh and Bone (The Robot's Song) by Jason SweetTooth Williams, Joe Iconis & Family 39. Party Hat by Lauren Marcus, Eric William Morris, Joe Iconis & Family 40. Amphibian by Will Roland, Joe Iconis & Family 41. It's All Good by Jason Tam, Nick Blaemire, Lance Rubin, Jason SweetTooth Williams 42. Find the Bastard by Eric William Morris, Joe Iconis & Family 43. Last on Land by Jason SweetTooth Williams, Katrina Rose Dideriksen, MK Lawson, Eric William Morris, Jeremy Morse, Lance Rubin, Joe Iconis & Family 44. Try Again by Joe Iconis
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Anonymous asked: Much appreciate your homage posts to the late Sean Connery. Made us proud for all us Scots. Sorry to put you on the spot but in your opinion who was the best James Bond and why? What’s your favourite Bond line?
I feel terribly sad too at Big Tam’s passing. But Sean Connery had - and I hope he forgives me as a half Anglo-Scot for using a very English idiom - a very good innings to go out at 90. He left us with a huge legacy of a surprisingly good body of film works but he also left his mark on how we talk about modern masculinity.
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So who was the best James Bond?
It is a question that has been asked time and again, and we can be certain it will get a whole new airing when Daniel Craig’s tenure eventually comes to an end. Answers generally come in three categories. The first are the traditionalists. Sean Connery was Bond, he will always be Bond and anyone else is a poor imitation. The second camp - the majority of whom seem to be Generation X-ers in my millennial experience - who think Bond is about driving a Lotus underwater, wrestling in space with Jaws and – ahem – attempting re-entry with Lois Chiles, and so Roger Moore is their man. Finally, there are those who are not afraid to move with the times, and think the modern day production values mean the films of the Craig era are on a superior level than all that has come before.
These are all reasonable enough views, but they leave out one important consideration: which Bond are we talking about? Because there were only two kinds when we look across the range of actors who portrayed the iconic British spy. There is the cinematic Bond and there is the literary Bond.
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Let me explain.
Because there’s nothing like Ancient Greek Philosophy to look at this vexed question of who was the best Bond. So let’s first consider Plato, Forms, and the Allegory of the Cave. Way back when in the long, long ago, Plato, and by extension Socrates, postulated the idea of Forms in which a second, ethereal world contained the eternal, perfect “Forms” from which all physical manifestations derive. To explain this, Plato proposed the concept of prisoners chained in a cave since birth and forced to gaze at a wall in front of them, lit from behind by a raging fire. In front of this fire, and behind the prisoners, puppeteers would hold up puppets that cast shadows. In time, these shadows became reality for the prisoners, for they would have no concept of the physical items themselves. Thus I, very much a modern day Plato, propose that were the puppeteers to hold a tattooed toupee-wearing former coffin polisher in front of the fire, the prisoners would rub their eyes and see… James Bond.
In other words, Sean Connery was the best cinematic James Bond. He is the Bond of cinematic imagination and hence more popularly known in our wider culture.
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What Connery offered in his seven-film tenure is a near-perfect balance between all subsequent imperfections and a command of the role that prompted either below par impressions or a significantly different approach so as not to overlap with Connery’s sizeable footprints – footprints too deep enough for the other Bonds that followed to fill. Some people might suggest it was simply because Sean Connery has the luxury of being the first actor to play Bond. However, being the first actor in a role doesn’t always guarantee audiences will consider you the best.
It’s telling that Connery never fancied himself as Ian Fleming’s James Bond. Nothing in his training (largely classical theatre and romantic melodrama)€“ let alone his working class Edinburgh background had prepared him for playing a part that Michael Caine remembers everyone thinking would go to the smoothly cultured Rex Harrison.
Nor did Connery help matters when he turned up to audition for the part of Ian Fleming’s gentleman spy wearing a lumber jacket and torn jeans. “You take me as I am or not at all”€ he told the producers Harry Saltzman and Cubby Broccoli, but though they were eventually won over by what Broccoli called “€œthe most arrogant son of a gun you’ve ever seen”.
As the creator of Bond, Ian Fleming remained unconvinced. Indeed Connery’s casting was much to the chagrin of Bond creator Ian Fleming, who had envisioned Bond in his own image of an upper-class Eton educated Englishman and an officer and a (rogue) gentleman - Fleming himself was a lieutenant-commander in Naval Intelligence, Connery was also in the navy but as an able seaman on HMS Formidable. Fleming remarked, “I’m looking for Commander Bond and not an overgrown stuntman.” Fleming wanted Cary Grant, David Niven or Roger Moore to play his character. Not until the Bond movies were earning him far more money than his books ever had would he stop referring to Connery as, “that fucking truck driver”.
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Indeed Fleming changed his mind. Fleming even wrote a half-Scottish ancestry for Bond in his later books as a tribute to Connery's portrayal. Bond’s Scottish father was a Royal Navy captain and later an arms dealer, Andrew Bond from Glencoe; and his mother, Monique Delacroix, was Swiss from an industrial family. Bond himself was born in Zurich.
Connery made the part, too, of course. Had Rex Harrison actually been cast as James Bond in Dr No (or Dirk Bogarde or David Niven or Richard Todd (all of whom were on Saltzman and Broccoli’s wish-list) there would have been no From Russia With Love, let alone any Daniel Craig. ‘Sean Connery IS James Bond’€ screamed the posters for Thunderball and You Only Live Twice, and more than four decades later 007 aficionados are agreed that no-one else has ever held a candle to the original.
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How did the low-born Connery come to be the living embodiment of the cinematic James Bond?
Firstly, it was the director Terence Young who turned him into a gentleman to play Bond. Connery himself - as always bluntly honest as a cold blast of chilled air - credited his performance as 007 to Terence Young, who directed the first 007 film, Doctor No (1962) and would go on to direct From Russia with Love (1963) and Thunderball (1965). Terence Young took Connery under his wing to teach him the ways of the upper-class English gentry. When Connery arrived, far before filming began, Young saw his best opportunity to mould the actor in his own image. 
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Terence Young was born and raised in Shanghai before being sent to an English public school (private boarding school) before going to read Oriental Studies at St Catherine’s College, Cambridge. During the war he worked as intelligence officer attached to the Field Security Section of the Guards Armoured Division which saw heavy fighting at Normandy and Arnhem. Young had a reputation as a sophisticated gentleman with a taste for fine wine, expensive clothes and beautiful women. As Lois Maxwell (Miss Moneypenny) related in one of Connery’s many biographies, “Terence took Sean under his wing. He took him to dinner, showed him how to walk, how to talk, even how to eat.” 
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Some cast members remarked that Connery was simply doing a Terence Young impression, but Young and Connery knew they were on the right track.  Then, late in pre-production, when Connery was almost ready to make his debut, Young took Connery on a lunchtime trip into downtown London, to his own tailor on Saville Row.  It was time for Connery to “put on the suit’ as it were.  It was time for Connery to become James Bond.
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By the time Connery showed up for his first days filming, Young had changed everything about him.  Connery no longer talked with his hands, one of Young’s most infamous pet peeves.  He still moved perfectly, but Young had coached him on WHEN to move.  Connery was already far from being a hack actor when he came to the series, but Young knew how to make Connery shine, and he did. Young had taken elements of his own personality and passed them on to Connery.  He had turned Connery into a gentleman, and then Connery turned that gentleman into James Bond.
Secondly, Connery played the Bond role for laughs. Bond’s cynical wisecracks were Connery’s idea with Young’s collaboration. The wry humour perfectly emblematising the meritocratic spirit of sixties Britain as some critics pointed out at the time.
Thirdly, Connery’s Bond had the better villains and henchmen. It is said a protagonist is only as good as the antagonist he is set up against. Connery’s Bond had the most memorable super villains and their henchmen to match his Bond’s gravitas and charisma. Dr No, Ernst Stavro Blofeld, and Auric Goldfinger more than held their own against Connery’s Bond. Equally the henchmen were memorable and a match for Bond: Oddjob, Pussy Galore, Fiona Volpe, Red Grant, Rosa Kleb, and Mr Wint & Mr Kidd.
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Subsequent Bonds never quite managed to find worthy antagonists that came close to the villains Connery’s Bond faced. Of course the exceptions being Roger Moore who had Scaramanga and Nick Nack, and Jaws. The campier the Bond the more outsized the villains had to be and hence more memorable. By contrast the more realistic Bonds as played by Dalton and Craig had more realistic villains set up against them and they were not stand out as the earlier villains in the Bond films (and honourable exception being Mads Mikkelsen’s Le Chiffre).
Fourthly, Connery is and will always be the voice of Bond. That rich Edinburgh brogueish lisp. Connery was insistent on keeping his natural Scottish voice to play Bond. Young agreed. The voice Connery found for Bond was as east-coast American as it was Edinburgh. It’s not even typical of Edinburgh as his accent isn’t that common there - indeed people, forget just how many accents there are from village to village let alone across cities and regions. In any case that unique voice has become a famous brand in itself. Connery was careful to retain his now trademark Scottish accent and all that was unique to him. And it made all the difference. Really, when it comes down to James Bond it comes down to martinis, gambling, casual sexism, racial caricatures, and a figure who can pour himself into a tuxedo as easily as he can a martini. To hear “Bond, James Bond” is to hear it in the same voice as “do you expect me to die?” and as “Martini. Shaken, not stirred.” That voice is Sean Connery’s - the perfect Form, the first, the essential, the best.
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Finally, it was the way Connery moved on screen. It was Connery’s sheer animal grace that wowed audiences. If we are really being honest with ourselves, Dr No (1962) has pretty run of the mill plot or is little more than “€œthe grade-B Charlie Chan mystery”€ as Joseph Wiseman (who played the titular villain, Dr No) labelled it. All that really counts about this otherwise rather dull film is the silky mobility of its leading man. Witness Connery’€™s Bond padding around his hotel room – stretching upwards from the balls of his feet to peer out of a window like a dancer at full height, dipping swan’s neck style down to his knees to booby-trap a door.
The men who had worshipped Fleming’€™s Bond hadn’€™t really wanted much more than to know their way round a wine list. Connery’s Bond mocked such social-climbing antics while appealing to the instinct for elegance that men had hitherto been able to allow themselves - and even then only surreptitiously -€“ at fights and football matches. The tipping point for Cubby Broccoli to choose Connery over Fleming’s objections was his wife’s views. Broccoli’s wife Dana thought that Connery had the sexual charisma that made him ideal for the love scenes and he “moved like a panther”. She secretly spoke for many women.
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So it is that for almost 50 years, men around the world have been measuring themselves against a masculinity Connery’s Bond defined. Indeed, over recent years he has made movies about that very subject. Since the mid eighties, when he returned to Scotland for Highlander, Connery has played variants on what we might call his mentor figure. The Name Of The Rose, The Untouchables, Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade, The Hunt For Red October - in all these and more Connery plays a man younger men look up to and want to be. What better definition of movie stardom is there?
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Indeed one of the main reasons why many men - they may unconvincingly deny it or admit it coyly - is that they have at one time or another fantasised about being a jet-setting secret agent. But not just any jet-setting secret agent. If part of wanting to be Connery is wanting to be James Bond, the whole of wanting to be Bond is wanting to be Connery. Nobody ever fancied themselves the new Roger Moore (with all due respect to him).
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So if there’s such thing as a cinematic Bond then it should be obvious by now that what I mean by the best literary Bond is that actor who best personified Bond in the books of Ian Fleming.
Realistically only two actors come closest to being the Bond of the books: Timothy Dalton and Daniel Craig.
I do want to make the case that Timothy Dalton was the best literary James Bond.
Craig, as well as being the incumbent Bond, is also the longest serving actor to play Bond: now clocking 14 years’ service, partly because of the lengthy gaps between his five films. Compared to Craig, Dalton’s Bond tenure was short, with only two films to his name. However arguably he made a considerable impact, and in many people’s eyes he has come the closest to getting James Bond just right as he is in Fleming’s books. And with all due respect to Daniel Craig whom I do admire enormously, I like Dalton better and can only lament what he could have done with the Bond role had the franchise not hit a box office low before being revived under the immensely likeable, Pierce Brosnan.
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What made Timothy Dalton the definitive literary James Bond?
Firstly, Dalton played the character the way Ian Fleming intended. The only way to move on from Moore’s Bond, Dalton believed, was to go back to the source material: the Bond novels of Ian Fleming. On being offered the role in 1986, Dalton studied Fleming’s work extensively, explaining at the time, “I’d read a couple of the books years ago, and I thought I’d find them trivial now, but I thoroughly enjoyed every one. On those pages I discovered a Bond I’d never seen on the screen, a quite extraordinary man, a man I really wanted to play, a man of contradictions and opposites.” Dalton made a point of drawing his take on the character directly from Fleming, so much so that many devotees of Fleming’s writing believe Dalton’s performance is the closest to the character as originally written.
Dalton also had some life experience to draw upon to identify with both Ian Fleming (ex-Naval Intelligence officer during the Second World War) and the character James Bond. Although Welsh by birth, Dalton’s own father was English who was a decorated captain in the Special Operations Executive (SOE) and his mother was American (of Italian and Irish descent) and raised in a middle class home with a love for literature and the arts. He understood Fleming because of his father’s own work in intelligence and special operations behind enemy lines during the war. Dalton was a keen member of of the Air Training Corps before he decided his calling was to be actor and headed off to drama school.
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Secondly, he was the closest physical match for Fleming’s Bond. Dalton didn’t just bring a Fleming-esque quality to his Bond personality-wise – in his two Bond outings, the actor also looks the most like the 007 that the author described in the books. According to Fleming, James Bond is 6 foot and has a slim build, grey-blue eyes, a “cruel mouth” and short black hair that leads to a point at the hairline. Fleming had singer-songwriter Hoagy Carmichael in mind when he wrote Bond, only with “something a bit cruel in the mouth, and the eyes were cold”. At 6′ 2″ with black hair, grey-blue eyes and slim build, Dalton is surely the closest physical match to Bond as described by Fleming.
Thirdly, His Bond questions authority and acts on his own judgement. Generations of fans have been drawn to Bond because of the sense of personal freedom the character seems to enjoy, living as he does outside the law and often doing as he pleases.
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However, on closer inspection, the 007 of the movies is rarely acting of his own free will. Rather, he is duty-bound to follow his orders from M, and while Bond often bends those rules, he rarely breaks them outright. Dalton’s Bond is different from the outset; in The Living Daylights, he refuses to carry out his government orders to take out Maryam D’Abo’s would-be sniper on the grounds that he will only kill professionals. Those early Living Daylights scenes see Dalton deliver some of Bond’s best, most unorthodox lines ever: “Stuff my orders! … Tell M what you want. If he fires me, I’ll thank him for it.” Later, in Licence to Kill (1989), Dalton’s Bond is indeed fired by M, and goes rogue. At this point we should mention that George Lazenby’s Bond did this first in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, but then again no single Bond actor has been as rebellious as Dalton.
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Fourthly, His Bond was a more realistic spy who in theory was supposed to have a forgettable name. Fleming wanted in his own words, “a flat, quiet" name, aiming to make him an "extremely dull, uninteresting" man to whom interesting things happened. Fleming spotted an ornithology book, 'Birds Of The West Indies' by James Bond, and thought: "By God… it's the dullest name I ever heard." It’s a far cry from the Bond movies where every concierge in every swankiest hotel in the world knows the name, ‘Bond, James Bond’.
Indeed the Bond movies have always presented a glamorous, exciting world of exotic locations, casinos, fast cars, gadgets, guns and beautiful women. Great entertainment, certainly, but we might well question just how accurate a representation it is of real-life espionage.
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By contrast, Dalton’s 007 debut, The Living Daylights (1987), is one of the few Bond movies which feels for the most part like a bona fide Cold War spy thriller. The labyrinthine plot, centred on a supposed KGB defection to the West, pours on the political intrigue and subterfuge. We see Dalton’s Bond doing all the classic spy stuff – surveillance, intelligence gathering, tailing and monitoring – which Dalton’s predecessors didn’t do so much of in their time as Bond.
More realistically, decades of films and TV shows depicting spies as glamorous, ultra-handsome womanisers in sharp suits has obscured the truth – that spies aren’t all that interesting to look at in real life. In reality, secret agents are often regular-looking, all the better for them to change character, and to prevent them from standing out and potentially blowing cover. Out of the gallery of actors who have played James Bond to date, Timothy Dalton looks the least like a movie star. Clearly handsome but he has a well lived in face. In short, Dalton looks like the Bond most likely to blend into a crowd – and therefore the most likely to make a half-decent spy in real life. With the exception of the craggy looking Daniel Craig, Sean Connery, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, and Pierce Brosnan would easily stand out in public places.  
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Finally, Dalton’s Bond wasn’t afraid to get emotional like the Bond in the books. Perhaps this is a contentious point but Bond in the books is not ice cold but a man of varying passions and I think Dalton comes closest to portraying the range of emotions that Bond shows in the books. Connery’s Bond generally seemed carved out of granite stone, whilst Moore’s Bond greeted everything with a raised eyebrow and slight smirk. As such, we barely ever get the sense from these two that the character is emotionally invested in all the bombastic goings-on around him. By contrast, Dalton’s Bond – while not without his steely reserve, or sense of humour – displays anger, fear, tenderness, even remorse.
All of this serves to make him that bit more human, and not so much of an invulnerable superhero as he often seemed in earlier films. As Dalton argued at the time, “I don’t believe Bond is Superman… He’s got to be a human being. He’s got to be identifiable, and that’s what I’m trying to be.”
The only contentious point I would say that Dalton departed from the Fleming books was how Dalton’s cinematic Bond differed in treating women.
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Cinematically, Dalton’s Bond doesn’t treat women like the previous Bond incarnations. Unlike the book and the screen incarnations of Bond, Dalton’s 007 treats women with far greater respect, and doesn’t seem quite so ready to leap straight into bed with anything in a skirt. Fleming purists might argue this goes a bit against Dalton’s mandate of being true to the character as written – but for the late 80s audience, it was a refreshing change in tune with the times.
Let’s not forget also because it gets overlooked that these movies came out when the AIDS epidemic was at its height, so there had to be less of the bed-hopping. Despite this Bond’s relationship with Kara (Maryam D’Abo) in The Living Daylights sees him almost schoolboyish in his puppy-dog romantic affection for her; it’s a far cry from the leering ways of old.
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Meanwhile, the interplay between Bond and Pam Bouvier (Carey Lowell) in Licence to Kill is more Moonlighting than Moonraker, with Bond slowly accepting her as an equal, and ultimately finding a connection which, again, feels more romantic than carnal.
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This is not to say Dalton’s Bond is without his ruthless, sexist moments – witness him tearing the blouse off a KGB general’s mistress in The Living Daylights (although this is done specifically to distract an incoming enemy soldier).
Critics complain about his muting of Bond’s womanising nature, which ironically I think ages his films better: The Living Daylights shows Bond as a monogamous protector, while Licence to Kill has him maintain a professional partnership with his Bond girl to the very end. No empty misogyny here - just a professional going about his job, with his walls occasionally broken by the right woman.
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Cinematically there is a lot to commend Dalton’s interpretation of Bond for which he doesn’t get the credit he deserves.
Firstly, he wasn’t Roger Moore. That might sound cruel, but the fact is that the Moore era took Bond in a direction that was ever further from Ian Fleming’s original vision. Taken at face value, there’s nothing wrong with that, but Dalton snapped Bond back into place. He was every inch the ruthless assassin, and what little backstory was glimpsed revealed a troubled and tormented soul. No “eyebrow acting” or pithy one liners here – just the gritty reality of what the life of a secret agent really does to a man. As Steven Jay Rubin, an authority on the literary James Bond, put it, “Unlike Moore, who always seems to be in command, Dalton's Bond sometimes looks like a candidate for the psychiatrist's couch - a burned-out killer who may have just enough energy left for one final mission. That was Fleming's Bond - a man who drank to diminish the poison in his system, the poison of a violent world with impossible demands.... his is the suffering Bond.
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Secondly, in the words of Dalton’s Bond director, Jon Glen, “you believe he really could kill someone”. As well as ramping up the sense of emotional realism, Dalton also brought some menace and brutality back to Bond. 1989’s Licence To Kill was the first Bond movie to get a PG-13 rating (and a 15 in the UK) thanks to its harder-edged action and increased sense of threat. The update may have been to keep Bond relevant in the age of Indiana Jones films, Die Hard and Lethal Weapon, but it was also part of Dalton’s mandate of being true to Fleming’s creation, who “lives in a world that is violent and dangerous.” John Glen, who directed both Dalton’s 007 movies, praised the actor as “a very convincing James Bond. “When he has a gun in his hand, you believe he really could kill someone. I don’t think that was ever the case with Roger Moore.”
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Thirdly, Dalton’s Bond brought a father-son dynamic to Bond’s relationship with Q. In the books Q is a background character and in the Connery and Moore films he was there for a miscreant gag line. The late Q actor Desmond Llewellyn was the single longest-serving actor in the Bond series. However, it wasn’t until the Dalton films that Q become a far more integral character than he had ever been before. Indeed in the Dalton Bond films there is great innovation rather than invention in the character and his relationship with Bond.
This is particularly true of Licence to Kill, which finds Q not only serving as Bond’s armourer, but as a field agent in his own right. Where Llewellyn’s Q had been a peer to previous Bonds, the age gap between Dalton and Llewelyn himself lent a touching father-son quality to their interplay. This would be developed further in Llewellyn’s final three films alongside Pierce Brosnan who also did a great job in furthering this warm dynamic, but it was the Dalton movies that really cemented the fuddy-duddyish, paternal Q persona we know and love today.
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Fourthly, Dalton’s Bond brought back the Aston Martin. The Bond car is as integral as the vodka martini and the license to kill to the James Bond persona. But what is a Bond Car? Does it need to be a featured star like the Aston Martin DB5 or Lotus Esprit (the gold standard)? Does it simply mean that James Bond at some point had to drive it? Or is just being in a Bond film enough? Personally I think the Bond car has to be British but that’s clearly silly given that Aston Martin is owned by a consortium of companies in different countries from Germany to Canada. But at minimum it has to suit the character of Bond ie it mustn’t make him look like a prat.
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In this Dalton rescued Bond from the more questionable choices of Moore’s reign (outside of the Lotus Esprit of course). Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson driving Yugo GV in 1995 Die Hard with a Vengeance was funny. Roger Moore driving a Ford LTD in 1985 A View to a Kill – not so much. Mostly because the first two ridiculed the crappy rust bucket they were driving, while the good Sir Roger Moore didn’t do the same with the LTD. This was probably one of the worst James Bond cars had ever driven by 007.
In choosing the Aston Martin Dalton’s 007 wasn’t all about breaking with cinematic conventions established about Bond by Connery and ignoring previous Moore era Bond films completely. The Living Daylights (1987) actually marked the first time Bond had driven an Aston Martin since On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1969), 18 years earlier. Still, things were a bit more modern; rather than the classic DB5, Dalton drove an Aston Martin V8 Vantage Volante, tricked out with all the usual Q branch refinements.
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As an aside, I think other post-Dalton Bonds have not been immune from blowing it from film to film. Pierce Brosnan gets a demerit for using the questionable choice of the sturdy German BMW Z3 roadster that looked like a shiny blue aluminium vibrating dildo.
Daniel Craig definitely earns the biggest disappointing shake of the head for driving a Ford Mondeo in Casino Royale (2006). In England, the term "Mondeo man" refers to a stereotypical, middle-class working man who drives his stereotypical, middle-class family sedan to work and back (in America, I suspect the term would be Joe Sixpack? I could be wrong). I don't think it's a stretch to say there is nothing stereotypical or middle-class about Commander James Bond. As such, this juxtaposition of car and character is utterly naff.
However, there was a reason 007 was driving the Ford Mondeo in Casino Royale and it only makes things worse. In a series that practically invented product placement, this otherwise classic Bond film manages to pull off two simultaneously in one unnecessary scene. Daniel Craig's Bond uses the then-novel navigation functionality of his Sony Ericsson phone to guide him around the Bahamas in a brand-spanking-new Mondeo shot as if it were in a Ford commercial.
It's not the placement that's the problem; it's the overt nature of it. The entire sequence, though short, shouldn't even be good enough for the DVD's deleted scenes section, yet is obviously included because of that damned corporate partnership. Bond has become such a corporate whore.
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Why then does Dalton get short thrift for the one who most strictly resembles Fleming’s Bond?
In short, Daniel Craig happened.
After the series blew up into self-parody in the Brosnan era, Daniel Craig magnificently rejuvenated Bond in 2006 by portraying the character like never before – at least if critics are to be believed. With Casino Royale (2006), his 007 debut, Daniel Craig was credited with bringing a gritty realness to Bond that some argued no actor had previously brought to the role.
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Once everyone eventually got passed Craig’s blonde hair and his height (6 inch shorter height than previous Bonds), his films have revitalised the Bond films through the confluence of excellent acting all round, good (and more plausible) story design, smart directing, and stunning stunt work and visuals. All of this led the critics to have short memories. Much of what Craig’s Bond films are is owed to Timothy Dalton’s tenure as Bond.
Ironically I also think the fault partly lies with Dalton himself. In many ways Dalton pioneered the understated Bond. After Connery, Lazenby and Moore had played the character with an arched eyebrow for 25 years, it was Timothy Dalton who pioneered a more subtle approach to 007. Being arguably the better and most experienced actor to have ever played Bond helps. Known through the 60s and 70s for his work on the stage, typically in Shakespeare plays, Dalton brought a gravitas and understatement to 007 that James Bond had never known.
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Unlike the others, Dalton played Bond small. Saying so much with a mere glance or snarled lip, Dalton’s was the first understated Bond. Daniel Craig’s Bond, great and grizzled though his interpretation has been, is only the second.
Dalton’s Bond, or “pre-Craig” as some have unfairly called him, brooded and glowered long before Daniel Craig spiced up 007’s pathos with a sexy speedo in Casino Royale. With piercing eyes, clenched teeth and a square jaw, Dalton’s Bond was brawny and efficient, taking a much more no-nonsense approach to espionage.
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I suspect another reason why Dalton’s incarnation of Bond hasn’t merited proper appreciation is because his Bond was not funny in the way cinematic audiences expected Bond to be. Of course that’s another common criticism that Timothy Dalton shares with Daniel Craig as Bond: the almost total lack of a sense of humour.
People unfairly accuse Dalton (and Craig, if we’re honest) of taking the fun out of James Bond, to which I heartily disagree. While he doesn’t have the winking-at-the-screen cheekiness of Moore, Dalton’s sense of humour as Bond is a bit more enigmatic, using his signature grumpiness to his advantage. The Living Daylights makes great use of this, turning the womanising Bond into a hen-pecked boyfriend to hilarious effect — such as when he’s forced by Kara to turn back to grab her cello from her apartment, despite being on the lam (“Why couldn’t you have learned the violin?”). Dalton’s Bond quips grimly to amuse himself, which ironically makes his terrible puns more palatable. Moore quips to desperately show off to the audience.
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The thing I’ve noticed with both Craig and Dalton is that they do indeed quip like any cinematic Bond but their quips sound like threats rather than indulge fan service. This isn’t an insult to Dalton (nor to Craig) – the actor has proved he’s more than capable of doing comedy in the likes of Hot Fuzz and two Toy Story movies (Craig can do comedy too - just look at Knives Out and Lucky Logan).
The fact remains that Dalton didn’t choose to make his Bond funny; rather, 007 one-liners in Dalton’s interpretation come out sounding positively threatening because he wanted to be faithful to the Fleming books. Take, as just one example, the way Dalton reads the line “He got the boot” after dropping a goon out of a high-flying plane – by cutting the laces on his shoes – in The Living Daylights. Where Connery or Moore would have made “He got the boot” into a throwaway laugh-line to the audience, Dalton’s Bond rather smirks and spits the dialogue with a coldly amused stare. Often, Dalton’s Bond seems less playboy, more sadist, and it’s nowhere more obvious than when he’s quipping.
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So given all these considerations I would still rate Timothy Dalton above Daniel Craig as the best literary James Bond.
It seems I’m not alone in that opinion either. In a recent reader survey done by the  The Radio Times (Aug 2020) - a British publication institution all by itself - Connery naturally came out top as the best Bond ever. But surprising many, Timothy Dalton was voted the second best ever Bond. Sean Connery took 44% of the vote and Timothy Dalton took 32% of those several thousands surveyed. Pierce Brosnan was third on 23% and trailing behind were respectively Roger Moore, Daniel Craig, and George Lazenby.
I haven’t said anything about the other Bonds.
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All I can say is the George Lazenby was the worst Bond in perhaps the best Bond film (On Her Majesty’s Secret Service). True, Lazenby showed us a vulnerable, more emotional and Dalton-like Bond well before its time, but was George Lazenby the right man to bring that vision to life? He was not.
Lazenby may have looked the part, but he was more of a brawler than a refined gentleman spy. Albert Broccoli famously had to ‘My Fair Lady’ him before they stuffed him into his dinner jacket, and he strangely only snagged the part because producers spotted him in an advert for Fry’s Chocolate Creams. And I know many can never, never forgive the moment Lazenby turns to the camera and breaks the fourth wall by saying, “This never happened to the other fella”. Sacrilege.
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And Pierce Brosnan? I adore him as a person (he’s known terrible tragedy in his life) and also as a seasoned actor (The Thomas Crown Affair, The Tailor of Panama etc). To me, the charming Irishman holds an interesting place as he marks the perfect mid-point between everything that makes Bond great as an iconic cinema spectacle.
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His films seem to have a blend of Timothy Dalton’s grittiness and Roger Moore’s campiness. His gadgets, too, are sometimes as silly as Connery’s gyrocopter (Little Nelly), but always more welcome than no gadgets at all, like early-Craig Bond. And, on top of that, the man doesn’t half look the part - he wore his Brioni suits better than any of the other Bonds. So by default he unfortunately falls between the two stools of Connery and Dalton.
I don’t know which of my friends said this to me upon reflecting on the death of Connery but I remember it gave me a giggle and a perfect answer to explaining what made Connery the definitive James Bond above all the other great Bonds, “When great actors like Daniel Craig, Timothy Dalton, or even Pierce Brosnan, walked across the screen you knew they had balls. When Sean Connery walked across the screen, you could hear them clank.” Perfect.
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Sean Connery is the best Bond. No ifs, no buts, and certainly no further “Timothy Dalton brought a much needed edge the franchise had long needed following the relative latter-period malaise of the Moore era, and it was simply unfortunate that his tenure coincided with the ’80s AIDs crisis and a re-evaluation of Bond’s nocturnal habits and blah blah blah” from me. No. None of that.
Portrayed by Connery, James Bond was selected as the third-greatest hero in cinema history by the American Film Institute - behind Indiana Jones second and Atticus Finch in first. And one can see why.
For all the talk of today’s cinematic spies with a conscience and Timothy Dalton’s (and later Daniel Craig’s) success in humanising James Bond, it’s important to remember that 007 is not meant to be a real person but the ultimate alpha male fantasy.
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In the Bond books - at least until his 12th book - Ian Fleming never gave James Bond a backstory; he dines in fine restaurants, lives in luxurious hotels, sleeps with whatever beautiful woman he wants, and kills nasty people. Connery masterfully embodied this fantasy figure with his suave, aloof and untroubled portrayal of James Bond. Connery brought unflappable calm to the role, whether he was killing bad people or charming women into bed. In so doing, he perfectly embodied the fantasy and escapism that is James Bond. Drenched in glamour and gambling, Connery is the only actor who could say ‘Bond. James Bond’ while lighting a cigarette. Insouciance personified. Sean Connery is the only actor who brought out these cultured alpha male fantasies magnificently.
Ironically the best line spoken in the Bond cinematic canon - in my humble opinion - doesn’t even come from Bond. It comes from the brilliant supervillain Auric Goldfinger in Goldfinger (1964). You know the one. You’re thinking of it right now.
James Bond: Do you expect me to talk? Auric Goldfinger: No, Mr. Bond. I expect you to die.
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Steering clear of Bond’s kill lines (which are, let’s be honest, cheesy and glib), Bond’s most suavest line in the cinematic canon is also Connery’s most memorable line, and for personal reasons my favourite. For sheer class and cool, I would have to go with Goldfinger: “My dear girl, there are some things that just aren’t done; such as drinking Dom Perignon ’53 above the temperature of 38 degrees Fahrenheit.” That line cracks me up every time I drink a glass of bubbly.
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Thanks for your question.
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lilydalexf · 4 years
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I'm going to assume you mean "abduction" as in "kidnapping," since that's sort of like a hostage situation and since including canon abductions would make this list absolutely massive and hard to ever finish. So here are some good fics with Mulder and/or Scully involved in a kidnapping or hostage situation. Enjoy! 34 Hours by Leyla Harrison It's Mulder's worst nightmare when Scully is kidnapped – and it's the greatest terror Scully has ever faced. Can Mulder get to her before time runs out? Access Denied by Pam Gamble Mulder and Scully have been dating for some time, but secretly. Scully is missing (and I *swear* she wasn't abducted by aliens this time) and Mulder's search brings back haunting memories for both of them. (Sequel to Enough and Indiscreet) All the Way Home by Syntax6 (@syntax6) A tale of shoes and death. (Sequels: Head Over Heels and Every Evil) Basketball Therapy by Kel Set shortly before Tithonus, this story explores life in the bullpen, where tedium and background checks are the order of the day. When Scully gets drawn into an investigation at a Maryland hospital, Mulder gets trapped in a deadly hostage situation. The Best Lies by Julie Fortune When Scully is caught in a bad situation, it's going to cost Mulder everything he holds dear to get her free. (Refresh the page or copy/paste the link if it doesn’t work, or use this alt link) The Bitter Taste of Revenge by Jill Selby As Mulder leads a desperate search, Scully learns the price she must pay for deliverance from the hands of a madman. Butterflies All Tied Up by bugs (@it-is-bugs) M/S are back to work at the X-files, but a madman in their midst finally sends their relationship in a new direction, and someone is watching. Certitude by Kevin Glasser Mulder and Scully are taken off the ice, but they wouldn’t call it being rescued. City of Light by Bonetree On the run through the American Southwest, Scully and Mulder flee the shadowy forces of Owen Curran and Padden's government agents, who threaten their freedom and their lives. On the way, they must also struggle with their own demons, which threaten to tear them apart. (3rd story in the Goshen Universe) Dark Beyond the Stars by Mesa The bonds that tie us to one another are complex and tangled. Mulder and Scully and Skinner must face the possible severing and reforming of alliances; Krycek and Marita make an unexpected gamble. A Dark Slide of Ecstasy by Shalimar What if you had nothing left but a dream? Where does the dream stop and reality begin? The Darkest Hour by Prufrock's Love The Consortium intends to destroy Mulder by traumatizing Scully, but instead, Mulder learns two lessons: his capacity to love, and her ability live. Desideratum by Rachel Anton and Laura Blaurosen How far is too far to go in the name of love? Falling Stars by Julie Fortune He can't remember how he came to be here, on this chair, in this cold room. He is afraid, but the fear is formless and weak, like a newborn. Nothing seems to matter very much. First Stone part 1, part 2 by Pellinor Three agents working on the same murder case have apparently committed suicide. While investigating, Mulder makes a painful discovery that puts him in real danger of becoming the fourth. / Three agents have killed themselves after suffering far less than Mulder has already suffered. As the danger grows, can Scully confront her own guilt in time to save Mulder from his? Folly by RivkaT (@rivkat) Scully gives Pendrell a chance. Heuvelmans' On the Track by @mashnotesofthemythopoeic In which Scully becomes a Consortium doctor, and Mulder moves heaven and earth. Lesser Evils by Hannah Mason Mulder thought that no one could ever want Scully as much as he did. He was dead wrong. Letting Go by Joann Humby Mulder goes solo on a case in San Francisco. But when the killer isn't what he was expecting, he needs the SF PD and the FBI's finest to help him out. Lock and Key by Amy Vincent A deranged FBI agent holds Scully and Skinner hostage. Nowhere to Hide by Thalia DMuse Someone from Scully's past resurfaces. Queen's Gambit by Suzanne Schramm Queen's Gambit: A chess strategy in which a player sacrifices key pieces in order to win. Snow by LuvTheBeez Mulder and a very pregnant Scully are caught in a hostage situation. Tam Lin by Pequod When your local young men disappear, only to turn up dead a year later, sometimes it helps to have friends in high places. Myth and murder combine in a remote Scottish village, and Mulder and Scully investigate. The Fairy Queen is out to revenge the loss of her most prized knight, Tam Lin. Mulder believes but Scully’s not so sure, until Mulder takes a walk in the woods. Tangible by Blueswirl and Meredith Sometimes, to have anything, one must be willing to risk everything. Three Little Words by Karen Rasch Mulder and Scully get drawn into a trap by a murderer who well aware of Mulder's greatest weakness, and is more than willing to use it against him. (1st story in the Words series) Truncated by Lysandra Scully and Mulder find themselves in a tight spot. Spooning ensues. Unnatural Disaster by Michaela It's hard enough when your mistakes come back to haunt you. Harder still when you're a federal agent. Hardest yet when your partner's help is the first thing you need, but the last thing you want ... Walking the Cage by Deborah L. Wells A strange sequence of events are put into play after a heated argument between Mulder and Scully.
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ao3feed-clydephelia · 4 months
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sistervee · 3 years
KING PHILIP (val kilmer) canon;king of macedonia. drunk. asshole. father of a bastard.
THE AGENT (ALT FC JENSEN ACKLES); canon divergent. he did not stay in heaven, but was sentenced to a life in hell with the porcelain doll. he sings about fidelity and lust.
BRANDON MURPHY (dylan o'brien) canon/oc hybrid; based on taylor swift’s short film ‘all too well’
ABEL MORALES; (oscar isaac) canon; oil tycoon and the guy who always takes the morally high road no matter what because he has something to prove tm.
BATMAN / BRUCE WAYNE (val kilmer) canon;
TWO-FACE / HARVEY DENT (tommy lee jones) canon;
ELWOOD BLUES (dan aykroyd) canon;
TY WEBB (chevy chase) canon; lackadaisical golfer with too much money
JOHNNY COLOGNE (val kilmer) canon; thief extraordinare
WILLIAM ‘SPOOKY’ MCPHERSON (val kilmer) canon; marine with horrific ptsd that he tries to chase away with drugs and alcohol to no avail. shell of who he used to be.
PAUL PRYZWARRA (val kilmer) canon; tired TM fbi agent. divorced. works WAY too much.
HANNAH McKAY; (yvonne strahovski) canon; dexter’s serial killer girlfriend and step mom to harrison morgan
DEBRA MORGAN; (jennifer carpenter) canon; cop, dexter’s sister, mouth of a sailor.
DEXTER MORGAN; (michael c. hall) canon; serial killer, former or present blood splatter analyst depending on verse. current on dexter: new blood.
HARRISON MORGAN; (jack alcott) canon; dexter’s son w/rita, step son to hannah mckay
BRIAN MOSER; (fc tbd) canon; dexter’s older brother, also a serial killer, posing most recently as a prosthetic doctor
CAPTAIN HAMMER (nathan fillion) canon; superhero with super strength, super good looks, and super… uh… hammer.
JIM MORRISON (jim morrison / val kilmer used interchangeably because they are twin souls fight me)
DR. NICHOLAS PINTER (val kilmer) canon; doctor without borders physician, framed, blackmailed, untrusting.
DRAGNET (1987)
SGT. JOE FRIDAY (dan aykroyd) canon;
DUKE LETO ATRIEDES (oscar isaac); canon; duke of the house of atriedes from the planet of caladan. father of paul. loves his family and his people and cares for them in a way most dukes do not.
EDEN (angelina jolie) oc; former black ops, was sentenced to life on the island for murdering a man who tried to sexually assault her. 
LINDA (SMITH) (AMY GUMENICK) evil dead canon;
EVIL EYES (2009)
NATHAN HAMLET BATEMAN (oscar isaac); creator of bluebook (think google), nathan spends his time at his reclusive estate in alaska working on creating the perfect AI.
LUKE MCKENNA (val kilmer) oc; after beatty burns montag alive bc he mad af, beatty gets removed from his post and mckenna comes in to replace him as captain. (i utilize val kilmer in spartan as the fc).
JOHN SMITH (val kilmer) canon; after his wife and daughter were rxped and murdered, he found their bodies and a reckoning happened. approx. 17 people were murdered which included the two men that did it and their entire families. he has no regrets about it. 
FERRIS BUELLER (matthew broderick) canon;
MAL REYNOLDS (nathan fillion); captain of the ship called serenity, smuggler, sarcastic little shit
JAYNE COBB (adam baldwin); “public relations” on serenity, mercenary
INARA SERRA (morena baccarin); companion, considers serenity her home
SIMON TAM (sean maher); doctor who broke his sister out of an alliance facility that was performing brain experiments on her
RIVER TAM (summer glau); simon’s sister, genius, psychic, trained in ballet and martial arts, will kick your ass if the right code phrase is uttered.
JAMES T. DAVIS AKA JOKER (alt fc val kilmer) canon; recast of joker to kilmer bc i do what i want
ESTELLE ADAMS (MILLIE BOBBY BROWN) oc; simple girl, average childhood, loves to work on cars with her dad.
ALEXANDER ‘ALEX’ RAYMOND HATHAWAY (DARREN CRISS) oc; Alice’s (@quiietpatience) son from her second marriage. video game designer. lives in california. visits NY frequently to see his mama. Hates his father (see below).
ADELMO GEOVANNI BARRIOS HERNANDEZ (OSCAR ISAAC) oc; second ex husband of Alice (@quiietpatience). he’s a real asshole, manipulative, controlling, etc. etc.
SERESA KRAUSE (MEG RYAN) oc; (originally based in stranger things); waitress, and verse dependent, aspiring broadway star
MISSY MILLER (YVONNE STRAHOVSKI) oc; went to columbia with the boys tm. broke peter (doctorvenko)’s heart in public in front of everyone and went on about her pumpkin spice latte
TRISTAN ‘MASS’ OWENS (ZACHARY LEVI) oc; navy seal who was stationed in the Right Place at the Right Time and married a pretty woman (@quiietpatience) because it was ‘normal’. They divorced when he finally came out that he was gay.
OSCAR (aka OZZIE) BARRETT VENKMAN (paul wesley) canon/oc hybrid;
having grown up as a “ghostbuster legacy” oscar, or as he likes to call himself, ozzie found himself intrigued by the occult. he spends a lot of time in ray’s store and he’s a leader of the new york ghost corps which are ghostbuster fans that are keeping the ghostbusters alive by attending conventions and parties and of course, he leads a paranormal investigation group as well. he is a local expert on all things occult and he loves it. leather jacket, motorcycle, and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth are his aesthetic.
in the script for ghostbusters III, the ghostbusters created a machine that would transport them to an alternate version of new york so they could save it. my oc is based on this premise.
ghostbusters became so popular, they formed the ghostbusters corporation. one of the new members, william linden, worked with egon spengler to create this machine to save an alternate version of new york they had been alerted to.
in other canon, william is transported to [ insert your fandom here ] when the machine malfunctions. it zaps about 24 hours of his memory and he can’t figure out exactly how to replicate the conditions to return home.
JAMES VERNE (TIMOTHEE CHALAMET) oc; james was raised in summerville by his grandmother as his parents were in and out of drug rehab and jail. he started driving his grandma to doctor’s appointments at 14 and the cops look the other way because they know his circumstances and he obeys all the laws aside from the age. His grandmother is very well known and liked in the town. She is now bed ridden and taking a turn for the worst and he’s in constant fear of what happens to his 16 year old self when she passes? He doesn’t show it, though, on the outside he’s very happy and optimistic and well liked by the kids in town and their parents alike.
ROMAN CRAIG (dan aykroyd) canon; smooth talking investor (formerly)
MARK CORNELL (val kilmer) canon; corrupt fbi agent working to launder money with the local mob.
CHRIS SHIHERLIS (val kilmer) canon; caught up in the mob life. now on the run.
GALE HAWTHORNE; (liam hemsworth) canon; i have been writing gale since 2012 and no longer know where book, film, and my headcanons end and the other begins *shrug*
SENECA CRANE; (wes bently) canon;  gamemaker just trying to survive under snow’s thumb by being as brutal as possible. tortured soul. 
LLEWYN DAVIS; (oscar isaac; darren criss - younger) canon; struggling folk musician in the 60s just trying to make it big.
MONTGOMERY KNIGHT (val kilmer) canon;  former neurosurgeon, has become more of a vet these days on the island of dr. moreau where there are genetic experiments on animals. twin brother of chris knight (real genius)
JOE MANDITSKI (val kilmer) canon; cleveland pd detective who is Tired™ and desperate to bring the mob down in his city
KRAMPUS (adam baldwin for human form); canon/lore hybrid
BILL JOHANSSON (val kilmer, 1996); canon/oc hybrid; bill is the heir to the standard oil name and money. he’s 37 and unmarried, driving his parents crazy. the problem is all the women in his parent’s circle are too stuffy and status-obsessed. his life changes when rebekah harkness shows up and turns the town upside down. heavily affiliated with brokenegoed.
MIKE SLATTERY (adam baldwin) canon;  commander (XO or captain) of the ddg-151 uss nathan james. trying to save the world from a pandemic.
TOM CHANDLER (eric dane); canon; captain of the ddg-151 uss nathan james. trying to save the world from a pandemic and also his family.
KARA FOSTER; (marissa neitling) canon;  lieutenant aboard the uss nathan james ddg-151 destroyer, tactical action officer, expert marksman, has a thing for a charming smile
HANNAH SLATTERY (millie bobby brown) canon/oc hybrid;  oldest daughter of high ranking naval commander mike slattery. girly girl, mama’s girl, loves fashion and social media. heterosexual. (age range 16-21)
AJ SLATTERY (madison mclaughlin) canon/oc hybrid;  middle daughter of high ranking naval commander mike slattery. tomboy, loves sports, daddy’s girl, lesbian. (age range 15-21)
LUCAS SLATTERY (colin ford) canon divergent;  youngest child of high ranking naval commander mike slattery. loves dinosaurs, alligators, and science! prefers not to be labled as anything, he just digs cool people. (age range: ~9-21)
PRINCE ERIC (zac efron) canon;
JAKE HARRIS (VAL KILMER) canon; fbi instructor at quantico. thinks outside the box. loves cake.
MOSES (val kilmer) canon; yes, the actual moses. i do not rp with animated fcs or use one and i will be using val kilmer as the fc and not accepting discourse on this matter. he did an amazing portrayal. my decision is final. ope
CHRIS KNIGHT (val kilmer) canon; actual genius, party god, avid slipper collector. college senior or college professor (verse dependent), twin brother of montgomery knight (the island of dr. moreau 1996)
ROBBY GALLAGHER (val kilmer) canon; with three ex-wives and an elvis obsession, robby was chosen to be the first group of astronauts to colonize mars after the introduction of algae to mars in 2025.
JOHNSON (david dastmalchian) ETHAN HART (mena massoud) JOEL KELLY (rodrigo santoro)
CECIL (oscar isaac); canon. constantly drunk and/or high, cecil is the cousin of harry, embarks on a journey to find and destroy the man who killed jolly, harry’s beloved dog.
SIMON TEMPLAR (val kilmer) canon; orphan, thief for hire, master of disguises, he has no idea who he really is
TOM VAN ALLEN / DANNY PARKER / JIMMY FINN (val kilmer) canon; after tom’s wife was murdered, he became danny and seemed to be spiraling into drugs and alcohol, but it was all a well-thought-out ruse to bring down the two corrupt law enforcement officers who were responsible for his wife’s death. after he got his revenge ten-fold, he became jimmy and moved away from the salton sea. you can find him anywhere but california.
MASTER GUNNERY SGT BOBBY SCOTT (val kilmer) canon; he is a no nonsense, unquestioning his orders marine to his very own death. once he has a mission, literally nothing will stop him from completing it. he suffers from PTSD and is covered in scars from head to toe. he has night terrors from the PTSD and as such, does not allow himself to sleep often. he runs on caffeine and spite.
KYLO REN / BEN SOLO, or as i like to call him KYLO BEN (adam driver) canon;
POE DAMERON (oscar isaac); canon
WAYFINDER (john krasinski) oc; personified wayfinder because ~magic~ and i do what i want.
CASTIEL (val kilmer) canon; emphasis on endverse, selectively will write other versions of cas
WAR (val kilmer) canon; one of four horsemen of the apocalypse. he’s on a red motorcycle… he’s comin for you!!!
DEAN WINCHESTER (jensen ackles) canon;
MARY WINCHESTER (amy gumenick) canon divergent;
SAM WINCHESTER (jared padalecki/tbd) canon; SUPER SELECTIVE
SANTIAGO ‘POPE’ GARCIA (oscar isaac) canon; former delta force special ops, santi currently owns a security firm that has a contract in colombia working closely with law enforcement.
RAY LEVOI (val kilmer) canon; former fbi agent, part cherokee who is just trying to discover his ancestor’s roots and spirit
JOHN HENRY ‘DOC’ HOLLIDAY (val kilmer) canon; former dentist, has tuberculosis, currently a gambling man who moves from town to town making money and sometimes, when the need arises, murderer, *shrugs*
JOHNNY RINGO (michael biehn); canon; cowboy. gunslinger. multilingual. general asshole. rowdy drunk.
WYATT EARP (kurt russell); canon; THE wyatt earp. guilty former law dog. looking for the rest of his life, having trouble finding it.
JACK RYAN (john krasinski) canon;
RAY ZALINKSY (dan aykroyd) canon; the auto parts king, based in chicago, owns a wildly successful chain of auto parts stores.
TOM ‘ICEMAN’ KAZANSKY (VAL KILMER) canon; perfectionist navy pilot, winner of top gun 1986, will write him from teen to present day as admiral and chief naval officer of the entire us navy
NICK RIVERS (val kilmer) canon; international heartthrob / edgy rock ‘n’ roller. think elvis but spoofed.
JACOB BLACK (taylor lautner)
NEAL CAFFREY (MATT BOMER) CANON; criminal informant. trying his Best. or not.
LIAM ANDERSON (val kilmer in the ghost and the darkness era) canon/oc hybrid; hot headed actor in his prime filming a movie in africa and ready for an intensely passionate affair with his co-star oOP
CASSANDRA: (natalie dormer) oc; con artist.
MADMARTIGAN (val kilmer) canon; expert swordsman who lost a random, very important baby to a hawk. it’s a long story.
JOHN HOLMES, AKA JOHNNY WADD, PORNSTAR; (val kilmer) canon; addicted to drugs and an adult film legend w/a 14 inch… you know…
DIANA PRINCE / WONDER WOMAN (gal gadot); canon; i ship wonderbat and superwonder so much wow
KNOWLE ROHRER (adam baldwin) canon; alien hybrid, long time friend of john dogget.
MARCO ARCELIO; (oscar isaac) oc; fandomless; very popular actor just wanting a sense of normalcy
BEKAH ROSSELLINI; (gracie gillam) oc; fandomless; medic, photographer, lover of fun
CHRISTIAN DANTE FLORES MEDINA (darren criss) oc; based on taylor swift’s ‘august’. aspiring broadway performer!
BEN AINSLEY; his family is from old, old money and he uses that to book up time on hunter reserves in africa so actual hunters can’t hunt. he hates hunting and has never killed an animal. instead, on his trips, he explores the reserves.
LUCAS MATSSON; lucas is a history professor at a large university. his favorite things are egyptian and nordic lore. he has originals and replicas of armor, royal garbs, and weaponry for every period of world history. SINGLE SHIP WITH THXWXLF.
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